HomeMy WebLinkAboutR0-05 - Narrative for Preliminary Short PlatCtrS. N\)rINCORPORÀTEDCIVL ENGINEERING & SURVEYINGJune25,2019City of RentonPlanning Division1055 South Grady WayRenton, V/A 98057RE: 7th Street Short Plat - Narrative for Preliminary Short Plat (CES #17234)Dear Sir or Madam:On behalf of Crowdceed, LLC, we are submitting this request for a Preliminary Short Plat. Thedevelopment involves one (1) parcel (0.64-acre), addressed 3605 NE 7th Street, Renton, WA98056, in the jurisdictional boundary of the City of Renton (King County Tax Parcel,8011100135). The Preliminary Short Plat is for three (3) single-family lots, one (l) tract, and thenecessary site development improvements, i.e. grading, utilities and roadway improvements. Theshort plat will create a net density of 6 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) with a minimum lot size of6,032 square feet and a maximum lot size of 9,280 square feet. Access to the proposed lots willbe via a 28-foot wide private access tract that will connect to NE 7th Street. Within the privateaccess tract will be a 20-foot private access drive complete with an emergency vehicleturnaround. Each of the 3 proposed lots will be accessed directly from the private access drive.The Preliminary Short Plat will require a Short Plat application and associated documents. Thefollowing documents were not included as they were signed off on the City of Renton's Vy'aiverForm: Biological Assessment, Colored Maps for Display, Environmental Checklist, FloodHazard Data, Habitat Data Report, Letter of Understanding Geological Risk, Steam or LakeStudy, and Wetlands Report/Delineation. The site is categorically exempt from Environmental(SEPA) Review, is not located within one hundred (100) feet from a stream or wetland, is notlocated inside of a floodplain or critical habitat, and no modifications are being requested.The site and surrounding parcels are zoned Residential-8 (R-8), with minimum densities of 4.0du/ac and maximum densities of 8.0 du/ac. The proposed net density for the project is 6.0 du/ac.Currently, the property is developed with an existing single-family residence and detachedgarage. Both of which will be removed as necessary to construct the proposed 3 lot short plat.As previously indicated, the site does not contain or is adjacent to any special features such as astream, wetland, floodplain, or critical habitat. However, per the City of Renton RegulatedSlopes map there are approximately 1,600 sq.ft.of sensitive slopes onsite that fall between therange of l5%o to 25%o. During site construction these slopes will be filled and eliminated duringfinal site grading.A Geotechnical Engineering Study was prepared by Earth Solutions NW (ESNW) LLC onSeptember 28,2018 to address the geotechnical issues associated with the proposed project.Paraphrasing, the "study,indicates the site is underlain primarily by glacial till. During our42e 2e'Ít' t' "tþlîå!?orÏä1["n' wÀ e8372s-s.rv.cesnrvinc.corrt subsurface exploration completed on August 20, 2018, groundwater seepage was notencountered at the test pit locations." And "Based on the results of our infiltration testing andobserved variability in soil conditions, it is our opinion that neither full or limited infiltration bepursued for the subject project."Frontage improvements along NE 7th Street will consist of a half street improvement completewith new cement concrete curb and gutter, 8-foot wide planter strip, 5-foot wide cement concretesidewalk, and necessary below ground storm structures and storm pipes. The proposed curbalignment will match existing curb to the west at l6-feet south of the centerline of right of way.The frontage improvements will be constructed within the limits of the existing right of waywidth thus not requiring the need for right of way dedication. A new storm drainage extensionwill be required from the existing storm drainage system located within NE 7th Pl. in order toprovide the proposed onsite storm drainage system with a discharge location. The stormdrainage extension will extend through the existing parcel to the south of the proposed sitewithin a proposed 15-foot wide private storm drainage easement.Along with the previously mention private access drive and hammerhead turnaround, the onsiteimprovements will consist of a proposed storm drainage system that will collect and conveydeveloped stormwater runoff from the NE 7th St. half street improvements, private access drive,roof surfaces, individual driveways, sidewalks, patios, decks, landscape areas, etc. to a proposedbelow ground detention vault located within a storm drainage easement on Lot 3. The detentionvault will provide flow control for the sites proposed developed stormwater runoff. A mediafilter cartridge manhole will be provided to provide water quality treatment for the sitesdeveloped stormwater runoff. A new water main extension will extend into the site from theexisting water main located within NE 7th St. The new water main extension will consist ofapproximately 50-feet of 8-inch diameter water main with the remaining 185-feet of water mainconsisting of a 6-inch diameter water main. A new fire hydrant will be installed on the east sideof the private access drive at the north end. Each lot will be served by its own water service andmeter. In addition, each lot will be served by its own gravity side sewer that will be connected tothe existing 8-inch diameter sewer main located within NE Pierce Ct. The site will be finishedgraded to provide level pad ready lots that will require a retaining wall to be constructed alongmost of thc south and west boundary lines.We estimate the total site development construction cost at approximately $275,000. Weestimate the fair market value of the proposed 3 lot short plat at approximately $600,000. Weanticipate that proposed finish grading will require approximately 100 cubic feet of cut andapproximately 1,700 cubic feet of fill. Fill material shall be clean fill material from a nearbysource.There are 3 (20" Maple, 2'7" Fir, and 18" Fir) existing trees within public right of way along thenorth boundary of the site and I (25" Fir) existing onsite tree that will be removed as necessaryto construct the proposed offsite and onsite improvements.The proposed 3 lot short plat does not require right of way dedication in order to construct theproposed ofßite frontage improvements.P:\17234\SUBMITTALS & REVIEWS\O2 Short Plat\R0-05 - Nanative for Preliminary Short Plat.docx A job shack may be installed onsite during site development construction and/or home buildingconstruction. In addition, a sales trailer andlor model home may be constructed as soon asbuilding permits have been issued.It is not anticipated that the proposed 3 lot short plat will require a modification request of anykind.The proposed development will have similar styling and a mix of home characters. The homeswill be of a similar size, height, mass and separation as within the existing surroundingneighborhoods. The municipal services provided to the area include, but are not limited to,water, sewer, roads, fire and police protection.Please review this request at your earliest convenience.by SHP:\17234\SUBMITTALS & REVIEWS\02 Short Plat\R0-05 - Narrative for Preliminary Short Plat.docx