HomeMy WebLinkAboutPavilion Market Pavilion RFP Update August 19, 2019 1 2 Pavilion Background - Site City-owned property updated in 2004 14,770 square foot event center space Located in the heart of the Downtown Core 2 3 Pavilion Background - COW COW met to discuss a Pavilion Market Concept on April 15th, 2019 Points of Discussion: History of the site Original Building 2M Rehab Uses on the site Incorporation of the Big 5 site and Transit Area COW requested staff gather additional information for a future COW discussion 3 4 Pavilion Background - COW Staff provided a Downtown Update on June 10th, 2019 Points of Discussion: Downtown Projects Public Art Pavilion RFP Updated COW on submittals Notified COW we would return once the Selection Committee made their recommendation 4 5 Pavilion RFP Review Process RFP issued May 1st, 2019 To renovate and provide full service management The RFP was closed on May 31, 2019 and received two proposals. The Logan Market Pavilion 2.0 Selection Committee: Facilities Staff Economic Development Staff The Farmers Market Staff Evaluation Based upon responsiveness to the City’s stated objectives; the qualifications and capacity of team members; and the proposed concept. Selection Committee Meetings Kickoff Meeting – June 10, 2019 Scoring Meeting – June 21, 2019 5 6 Pavilion City Objectives High quality mixed-use development that enhances the character and economic viability of the City Achieve substantial financial benefit to the City of Renton; both in the short term, through compensation received from a lease of the site, and longer term, whether through various tax revenues or community-building opportunities Develop positive working relationships with existing organizations and businesses within the downtown core Qualifications and experience of the developer and their team Financial ability to complete the project in a timely manner 6 7 Summary of Process Pavilion Both respondents delivered very high quality and thoughtful proposals for a development that would intensify and energize this important location. Both clearly demonstrated the capacity to carry out the redevelopment. The two proposals offer a vision of a permanent market space, coupled with some level of quality amenities to enhance the overall experience. 7 8 Summary of Process Pavilion The proposals primarily differ in their approach to utilizing the site Logan Market Pavilion 2.0 8 The Logan Market Proposal Submitted May 31, 2019 9 10 Pavilion Logan Market Team Team: Dave Brethauer – Developer, Entrepreneur Owner of Cortona Building Experience in Retail, Art Curriculum and Commercial Development Keli Sim – Creative Director Cook, Artist, Teacher, Tour Guide and Entrepreneur 18 years of retail experience Claudine Rode – Tenant Relations 20 years experience in the food and hospitality industry Previous 4 years spent working in airport restaurant development David Tilton – Business Development, Entrepreneur Born and raised in Renton Entrepreneur, Consultant, Business Development, Program Management and Small Business Owner 10 11 Pavilion LM - Market Layout 11 12 Pavilion LM - Event Layout 12 13 Pavilion LM – Culinary Arts Classroom 13 14 Pavilion LM – Creative Learning 14 15 Pavilion Logan Market Terms Terms: 25-year lease with options to renew in 5-year increments 5-years of $1 annual lease terms followed by rate of $10 per square foot per year Master Lease Authority to enter into and negotiate sub-leases City’s continued maintenance of the exterior (less tenant seating areas) and piazza Commitment to coordinate and host public City sponsored events Free event rental for internal City needs such as seminars or committee meetings and/or community events First-right-of-refusal on purchase of the building and/or land including the Transit street and vacant gravel lot 15 16 Pavilion Logan Market Concept 16 The Pavilion 2.0 Proposal Submitted May 31, 2019 17 18 Pavilion Pavilion 2.0 Team Team: Kenneth Rogers Owner of Rain City Catering Years of experience operating the current Pavilion 18 19 Pavilion 2.0 - Market Layout 19 20 Pavilion 2.0 - Event Layout 20 21 Pavilion 2.0 – Arts, Music & Food Layout 21 22 Pavilion 2.0 – Pop-up Business 22 23 Pavilion Pavilion 2.0 Terms Terms: 15 to 20 year lease Revenue share percentage with the City 23 24 Pavilion Pavilion 2.0 Concept 24 25 Pavilion Review Committee Summary Both concepts address city objectives with a mixed use plan that brings a variety of different uses to the site and creates a more urban center feel. The Logan Market proposal included a more extensive redevelopment of the site and a higher mix of uses. The Pavilion 2.0 proposal included a larger event space and open public restrooms. 25 26 Pavilion Selection Criteria 26 Review Committee Conclusions 27 28 The Review Committee was impressed with caliber of both teams and proposals and believe either would bring greater activity and energize downtown Both development teams have a demonstrated track record and capacity to deliver The Pavilion 2.0 proposal shows an evolution of the existing event space that would be a valuable asset to Downtown Renton. The Logan Market Team proposed a more diverse array of uses that would serve to activate the site and create a sense of place and destination. The Review Committee ultimate determined that the Logan Market Concept better fit the desired result per the Downtown Civic Core Plan Pavilion Conclusions 28 29 Pavilion Questions? 29