HomeMy WebLinkAboutCommittee of the Whole - 16 Sep 2019 - Agenda - Pdf CITY OF RENTON AGENDA Committee of the Whole Meeting 5:00 PM - Monday, September 16, 2019 Conferencing Center, 7th Floor, City Hall – 1055 S. Grady Way 1. Council Vacancy a) RCW 42.12.070 - Filling Non-partisan Vacancies b) Policy 800-10, Filling Council Vacancies 2. CRM Project Briefing 3. ZenCity Project Briefing 4. Affordable Housing Options 5. Emerging Issues RCW RCW 42.12.07042.12.070 Filling nonpartisan vacancies.Filling nonpartisan vacancies. A vacancy on an elected nonpartisan governing body of a special purpose district where propertyA vacancy on an elected nonpartisan governing body of a special purpose district where property ownership is not a qualification to vote, a town, or a city other than a first-class city or a charter code city,ownership is not a qualification to vote, a town, or a city other than a first-class city or a charter code city, shall be filled as follows unless the provisions of law relating to the special district, town, or city provideshall be filled as follows unless the provisions of law relating to the special district, town, or city provide otherwise:otherwise: (1) Where one position is vacant, the remaining members of the governing body shall appoint a(1) Where one position is vacant, the remaining members of the governing body shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacant position.qualified person to fill the vacant position. (2) Where two or more positions are vacant and two or more members of the governing body(2) Where two or more positions are vacant and two or more members of the governing body remain in office, the remaining members of the governing body shall appoint a qualified person to fill oneremain in office, the remaining members of the governing body shall appoint a qualified person to fill one of the vacant positions, the remaining members of the governing body and the newly appointed personof the vacant positions, the remaining members of the governing body and the newly appointed person shall appoint another qualified person to fill another vacant position, and so on until each of the vacantshall appoint another qualified person to fill another vacant position, and so on until each of the vacant positions is filled with each of the new appointees participating in each appointment that is made after hispositions is filled with each of the new appointees participating in each appointment that is made after his or her appointment.or her appointment. (3) If less than two members of a governing body remain in office, the county legislative authority(3) If less than two members of a governing body remain in office, the county legislative authority of the county in which all or the largest geographic portion of the city, town, or special district is locatedof the county in which all or the largest geographic portion of the city, town, or special district is located shall appoint a qualified person or persons to the governing body until the governing body has twoshall appoint a qualified person or persons to the governing body until the governing body has two members.members. (4) If a governing body fails to appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy within ninety days of the(4) If a governing body fails to appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy within ninety days of the occurrence of the vacancy, the authority of the governing body to fill the vacancy shall cease and theoccurrence of the vacancy, the authority of the governing body to fill the vacancy shall cease and the county legislative authority of the county in which all or the largest geographic portion of the city, town, orcounty legislative authority of the county in which all or the largest geographic portion of the city, town, or special district is located shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy.special district is located shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy. (5) If the county legislative authority of the county fails to appoint a qualified person within one(5) If the county legislative authority of the county fails to appoint a qualified person within one hundred eighty days of the occurrence of the vacancy, the county legislative authority or the remaininghundred eighty days of the occurrence of the vacancy, the county legislative authority or the remaining members of the governing body of the city, town, or special district may petition the governor to appoint amembers of the governing body of the city, town, or special district may petition the governor to appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy. The governor may appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy afterqualified person to fill the vacancy. The governor may appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy after being petitioned if at the time the governor fills the vacancy the county legislative authority has notbeing petitioned if at the time the governor fills the vacancy the county legislative authority has not appointed a qualified person to fill the vacancy.appointed a qualified person to fill the vacancy. (6) As provided in chapter (6) As provided in chapter 29A.2429A.24 RCW, each person who is appointed shall serve until a RCW, each person who is appointed shall serve until a qualified person is elected at the next election at which a member of the governing body normally wouldqualified person is elected at the next election at which a member of the governing body normally would be elected. The person elected shall take office immediately and serve the remainder of the unexpiredbe elected. The person elected shall take office immediately and serve the remainder of the unexpired term.term. [ [ 2013 c 11 § 89;2013 c 11 § 89; 2011 c 349 § 28;2011 c 349 § 28; 1994 c 223 § 1.1994 c 223 § 1.]] NOTES:NOTES: Effective dateEffective date——2011 c 349 §§ 10-12, 27, 28, and 30:2011 c 349 §§ 10-12, 27, 28, and 30: See note following RCW See note following RCW 29A.24.17129A.24.171.. AGENDA ITEM #1. a)   POLICY & PROCEDURE    Subject:  FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES    Index: LEGISLATIVE  Number: 800‐10  Effective Date:    12/10/2018  Supersedes:    11/16/2015  Page:   1 of 5  Staff Contact:   CAO  Approved By:   Resolution #4363 on  12/10/2018   1.0 PURPOSE:    To establish policy and procedures for filling a Council vacancy that is consistent with  State law.    2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED:    City Councilmembers    3.0 REFERENCES:    RCW 42.12  RCW 42.30  RCW 35A.12    4.0 POLICY:    4.1 A Council position shall be officially declared vacant upon resignation, recall,  forfeiture, or death of a Councilmember, or for any other reason provided in  RCW 42.12.    4.2 The Council, by majority vote, shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy  in the Council.    4.2.1 The appointee shall serve on the Council until such time as a person is  elected and certified to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the  unexpired term at the next regular municipal election.    4.3 Candidates for a Council vacancy must:    4.3.1 Be a registered voter of the City of Renton.    AGENDA ITEM #1. b) FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES  p. 2  4.3.2 Have residency within the corporate limits of Renton at least one year  immediately prior to consideration for the vacancy.    4.4 A person shall be considered for filling the vacancy by submitting a letter of  interest by the specified date and time. Additional materials outlining the  person’s interests and qualifications may also be submitted.     4.4.1 Candidates’ submitted materials shall be made available in the City Clerk  Division for inspection by the public.    4.4.2 Candidates may submit letter of support with the letters of interest.    4.5 The City Clerk shall arrange for all announcements, interviews, and meetings  pertaining to a Council vacancy to be made public by publishing a notice in a  local newspaper of general circulation. Notice shall also be provided to each local  radio and/or television station that has a request to be notified on file with the  City. Notice of any special meetings shall be publicized 24 hours prior to the  scheduled meeting and must specify the time, place, and purpose of the  meeting. The requirements above do not preclude the continuation of a  publicized meeting to a time certain.    4.6 Interviews of selected candidates desiring to fill the vacant Council position shall  be conducted in a meeting open to the public in Council Chambers during a  regularly scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting. Minutes of the meeting  must be kept in order to meet the requirements of the Open Public Meetings  Act.    5.0 DEFINITIONS:    N/A    6.0 PROCEDURES:    6.1 If, for any reason, a vacancy in the Council occurs, the Mayor shall officially  acknowledge the vacancy at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. If a  resignation, forfeiture or recall of a Council position occurs during a meeting,  official acknowledgment of the vacancy by the Mayor may take place in the  same meeting. Correspondence shall be logged into four categories:            AGENDA ITEM #1. b) FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES  p. 3  6.1.1 After officially acknowledging a vacancy on Council, the Mayor shall  request and encourage all qualified persons who desire to be appointed  to the vacant position to submit a letter of interest to the City Clerk. The  Mayor shall also indicate that additional materials outlining the person’s  interests and qualifications, and letters of support from individuals or  organizations, may also be submitted.    6.1.2 Within two weeks of the acknowledgment of the vacancy, the remaining  Councilmembers shall, at a Council meeting, 1) establish the date and  time by which letters and information must be submitted to the City  Clerk, and 2) establish a date and time for the Committee of the Whole to  review the submitted materials.    6.1.3 The day immediately following the Council meeting in which the Council  establishes a schedule for the submission of applications and review of  materials submitted, the City Clerk shall provide proper notice to local  media that:    a) Advertises the vacancy;  b) Requests qualified persons desiring to be appointed to the vacant  position submit letters of interest and supporting materials;  c) Lists the requirements and deadlines candidates must meet in  order to be considered for the vacancy; and  d) Provides notice of when the Committee of the Whole will review  the materials submitted.    6.1.4 The City Clerk shall prepare a packet for each Councilmember and the  Mayor consisting of candidates’ submitted materials.     6.1.5 After receiving the packets, the Committee of the Whole shall meet in a  meeting open to the public in order to review and debate the  qualifications of the candidates, with no public testimony to be taken.    6.1.6 At the next regular Council meeting following completion of review and  debate of candidate materials, Council shall select by majority vote either  a candidate as the new Councilmember, or a slate of candidates to be  interviewed at the next Committee of the Whole meeting. If a new  candidate is selected, the City Clerk shall notify the candidates that a  selection has been made and the interview process is canceled. If a new  Councilmember has been selected under the process described in this  subsection, then the rest of the policy is inapplicable.     6.1.7 If Council selects candidates to interview, the City Clerk shall personally  notify each candidate of the date, time, and place of the interviews.  AGENDA ITEM #1. b) FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES  p. 4  6.2 Each candidate will be interviewed at a Committee of the Whole meeting to be  held in the Council Chambers.  6.2.1 Each candidate will be asked one question per Councilmember in  attendance at the meeting.    6.2.2 A set of preselected questions, approved by Council, will be asked of each  candidate. Each candidate must respond to the same set of questions.    6.2.3 Candidates’ order of appearance at the interview shall be pre‐ determined by Council.    6.2.4 The Council President may limit the length of each candidate’s interview  to 30 minutes if the number of candidates exceeds six (6).     6.2.5 Upon completion of all interviews, Councilmembers may discuss the  qualifications of the candidates.    6.3 After completion of the interviews and discussion during the Committee of the  Whole meeting, the Council President shall, at the immediately following regular  Council meeting, call for nominations to fill the vacancy from the slate of  candidates interviewed.    6.3.1 Nominations shall be made beginning with the Council President and in  order of roll call for the month.    6.3.2 Balloting is done by roll call vote as outlined in Section 6.3.1. No secret  ballot is permitted.    a) Balloting will continue until a nominee receives a majority of four  votes.  b) At any time during the balloting process, Council may postpone  balloting until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting if a  majority vote is not reached.     6.3.3 All interviews, discussion, nominations, and votes taken by the Council  shall be conducted during a regular meeting.     6.3.4 The nominee receiving the majority vote is declared the new  Councilmember and shall be sworn in by the City Clerk or other  designated official at the next regularly scheduled Council meeting.       6.3.5 If Council does not elect a new Councilmember within 90 days of the  acknowledged vacancy an impasse shall be declared. In the case of an  AGENDA ITEM #1. b) FILLING COUNCIL VACANCIES  p. 5  impasse, the Council President shall submit a request, which shall include  the list of nominees, to the King County Council to fill the vacancy. The  King County Council shall have 180 days to fill the vacancy from the date  it was officially acknowledged.   AGENDA ITEM #1. b)