HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project_Narrative_FFCC_190905_v1 September 5, 2019 Family First Community Center CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Project Narrative Project Overview The proposed Family First Community Center will be approximately 21,000 square feet. The proposed facility will be constructed on the existing vacant southern portion of Renton School District’s Cascade Elementary School, located at 16022 116th Ave. SE, in the City of Renton and identified by King County Assessor Department as parcel #282305-9034. A concurrent Short Plat process is underway to subdivide the school property to create a separate parcel for the community center. The proposed new parcel would also be owned by Renton School District. The following land use permits will be required for the project: Conditional Use Permit Site Plan Review Short Plat Height Variance Modification of Street Frontage Improvements Waiver of Street Improvements Site Conditions The zoning for the site and all adjacent properties is R-6. The site is currently occupied by Cascade Elementary School, supplemental portable classrooms, and related play areas, parking, and mechanical equipment. All improvements related to the school will remain. There are no special features on the site such as wetlands, water bodies or steep slopes. Per the Geotechnical Engineering Report prepared by The Riley Group, dated June 8, 2018, the site is underlain by up to 11 feet of fill comprised of loose to medium dense silty sand with varying amounts of gravel, and localized silty sand, sandy gravel, and sand with some silt and gravel. For surface drainage it is recommended that a minimum drainage gradient of 3% for a minimum distance of 10 feet from the building perimeter be provided in non-paved areas and a minimum gradient of 1% on paved areas be provided unless provisions are made for collection and disposal of surface water adjacent to the structure. For subsurface drainage the Riley Group recommends installing perimeter foundation drains, tight-lined separately to an approved discharge facility. Family First Community Center September 5, 2019 Page 2 of 2 Development Proposal The community center will offer a variety of functions and services including: · Recreational gymnasium with courts, stationary exercise room, dance/yoga studio, and fitness programs; · After-school programs and activities, drop-in childcare and teen room; · Maker-Space studios for students for the study of materials and crafting of STEM models; · Health care offices, clinical offices, counseling services, dental care and other health care services; · A shared meeting room and community gathering space, demonstration kitchen, and a community garden. The development will also include all parking, landscaping, utilities and improvements necessary for the project. Access to the site will be via an existing driveway at the south end of the property off 116th AVE SE south of SE 162nd ST. The southern portion of the existing fire lane will be relocated south of the new community center and will complete a full loop encompassing the whole site while maintaining required access distances. Off-site improvements will be limited to those required by the City of Renton. Frontage improvements are not anticipated under this permit. Sidewalks currently existing along 116th AVE SE and will be retained. Utilities improvements will be provided only as needed to service the new development. There are no off-site utility improvements proposed. The total estimated construction cost for the project is approximately $10.8 million. Proposed Site Improvements The estimated cut and fill for the project will include 4,200 CY of earthwork export. Eight trees in the development area will be removed as part of the construction of this project. There are no land dedications proposed as part of this development. We anticipate there will be a construction job shack. The job shack will be located on the property and as approved by the Renton School District. Land Use Variance and Modification Requests Building Height Variance The R-6 zone has a 24’ maximum wall plate height measured from grade plane. We are requesting a modification to the maximum building height to accommodate the Community Center’s programmed uses. The proposed building height is driven by the gymnasium use with sport courts that recommend a standard inside clear height from floor to ceiling of 24 feet. The proposed design height accommodates the recommended court clearance plus the building structure and roof assembly for a maximum proposed height of 31’-3” above grade plane at the gym. An architectural feature that connects the building entry to the gymnasium is the Gallery. The proposed maximum height for that feature is 25’. Family First Community Center September 5, 2019 Page 2 of 3 The propose design is sensitive to the land use code with a shallow shed roof that springs from the 24’ clearance above the sport court. The overall scale of the community center would be compatible with the existing Cascade Elementary School that is approximately 24’ high. Modification of Street Frontage Improvements Per the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Transportation Engineering Northwest (TENW), dated February 13, 2019, it is recommended that the existing student load/unload zone be maintained at its current location, but contained to avoid conflict with the primary access for the proposed Family First Community Center. The load/unload procedure results in over capacity queuing on 116th Ave SE so modifications to the existing parking layout is proposed to allow queuing on-site. Additionally, the school bus access and the student load/unload access is currently through the same driveway resulting in further traffic concerns by the School. The recommended mitigation is to provide access to the Family First Community Center through the south driveway, use the north driveway for student load/unload queuing and create a new access for School Bus Only. The result of this configuration for the north driveway is a 24’ wide driveway for two-way load/unload traffic, a 14’ wide driveway for Bus Only access, and an approximately 11’ wide island that separates these two access points. The maximum curb cut width per the land use code is 30’. The requested modification is to allow the overall curb cut width at approximately 49’. Waiver of Street Improvements The proposed development fronts on 116th Ave SE, a Minor Arterial Road. The existing right-of-way width is approximately 60 feet. To meet the City’s complete street standards for minor arterial streets, minimum right of way width is 91 feet. Dedication of 15.5 feet of right-of-way would be required. Street improvements are required which shall include a pavement width of 54 feet (27 feet from centerline, 2-11-ft travel lanes, plus a 5-ft bike lane), a 0.5-ft curb, an 8-ft planting strip, an 8-ft sidewalk, street trees and storm drainage improvements. The City’s Transportation Department has established a corridor plan for this section of 116th Ave SE. The corridor determined by the City’s Transportation Department requires a right-of-way width of 71-ft. The paved roadway section 44-ft, consisting of two 11-ft travel lanes, one 12-ft center turn lane, and two 5-ft bike lanes. A 0.5-ft vertical curb, 8-ft planter and 5-ft sidewalk are required along each side of the roadway. Dedication of 5.5-ft of right-of-way would be required for the subject site. The existing frontage improvements along the redevelopment site include approximately 6-ft planter strip and 5-ft sidewalk. The existing pavement width is approximately 44-ft allowing the required travel and bike lanes per the City’s established corridor plan. We are requesting the street improvements be waived due to there being no similar improvements in the vicinity and it is not anticipated that the improvements will be needed in the next ten years.