HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim Deed 9-14-2019 Washington State Northwest Region i Department of Transportation 15700 Dayton Avenue N rth P.O.Box 330310 Seattle,WA 98133-97V • 206-440-4000 TrY:1-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov December 30, 2019 City of Renton Attn: Amanda Askren 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 RE: SR 405,N.E. 3rd St. Vic. to S.E. 64th St. Vic. Parcel No. 1-24345 Dear Ms. Askren: This is to inform you the State of Washington has electronically sent for deposit the amount of$20,000.00 into the bank account provided by the City of Renton when the Statewide Payee Registration Washington State form was completed. Said amount is for the payment and final settlement of their property rights in connection with the above referenced project, as more fully set forth in the Washington State Voucher No. 15948. Please confirm said deposit with your bank. Thank you for your cooperation in this transaction. Sincerely, Patti L. Matso Title Examiner Northwest Region Real Estate Services • Instrument Number:20191219000844 Document:QCD Rec:$108.50 Page-1 of 6 Excise Docs:3026290 Selling Price: $0.00 Tax Amount:$10.00 Record Date:12/19/2019 12:58 PM Electronically Recorded King County,WA After recording return document to: State of Washington Department of Transportation Real Estate Services Office P O Box 47338 Olympia WA 98504-7338 Document Title: Quitclaim Deed Reference Number of Related Document: NM • Grantor: City of Renton Grantee: State of Washington,Department of Transportation Legal Description: Ptn of Gov't Lot 1 in Section 32, T24N, RSE, WM,King County Additional Legal Description is on Pages 4, 5 and 6 of Document Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: Ptn 3224059010 Dated:9-14-19 QUITCLAIM DEED RECORDED BY RAINIER TITLE T State Route 405,N.E.3rd St.Vic.to S.E.64th St.Vic. ORDER# 'QQ71c�1 The Grantor,CITY OF RENTON,a Washington municipal corporation,for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00), and other valuable consideration,conveys and quitclaims to the State of Washington,acting by and through its Department of Transportation, Grantee, the following described real property, and any after acquired interest therein, situated in King County, in the State of Washington, under the imminent threat of the Grantee's exercise of its right of Eminent Domain: For legal description and additional conditions, see Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Also,the Grantor requests the Assessor and Treasurer of said County to set over to the remainder of the hereinafter described TRACT"X",the lien of all unpaid taxes,if any, affecting the real estate herein conveyed, as provided for by RCW 84.60.070. FA No. F-405 ( ) RES-306 Project No. A40504N 10/2014 Page 1 of 6 pages Parcel No. 1-24345 • Instrument Number:20191219000844 Document:QCD Rcc: 5108.50 Page-2 of 6 Record Date:12/19/2019 12:58 PM King County,WA QUITCLAIM DEED It is understood and agreed that delivery of this deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the State of Washington unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the State of Washington, by and through its Department of Transportation,by its authorized agent. Dated C /1 ,2019 CITY OF RENTON, a Washingt unicipal cjoration By: Denis Law, Mayor ATTES : \ Accepted and Approved 9 / 1 Jaso A. a City le k STATE OF WASHINGTON, o ttt� Department of Transportation ��4�`n,,11 ' rNAO By: * = SEAL = * Hal Wol e,Northwest Region '1r = _ Real Estate Services Manager, i��i,,,,,.,,�' Authorized Agent "ii'i '‘,„,,°RArEo sty e %��`�� l�,oUp1111111U%%%% • Date: RES-306 Page 2 of 6 pages Parcel No. 1-24345 Instrument Number:20191219000844 Document:QCD Rev $108.50 Page-3 of 6 Record Date:12/19/2019 12:58 PM King County,WA QUITCLAIM DEED STATE OF WASHINGTON ) : § County of King ) On this )lay of �, , 2019, before me personally appeared DENIS LAW, to me known to be the duly elected and qualified Mayor of the City of Renton, Washington who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said City, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,and each on oath stated that he was authorized to execute said instrument by resolution of the Mayor of said City,and that the seal affixed is the official seal of said City. In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. $Ik '\ Notary(Z1rint p792 s 'Notary Pub d for e State of Washingto , gel ue. ,= ! residing at � ' m4a"`ti�`+�= My commission expires -'/\"‘")%;-----). 4/ op wAs-s.s Please stay within block. RES-306 Page 3 of 6 pages Parcel No. 1-24345 Instrument Number:20191219000844 Document:QCD Rec:$108.50 Page-4 of 6 Record Date:12/19/2019 12:58 PM King County,WA QUITCLAIM DEED EXHIBIT A All that portion of the hereinafter described TRACT"X"lying westerly of a line beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station(hereinafter referred to as HES)583+30.55 on the SR 405 line survey of SR 405, N.E. 3rd St. Vic. to S.E. 64th St. Vic. and 125 feet easterly therefrom;thence northerly parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES, 583+86 thereon;thence northerly to a point opposite HES 587+41 on said line survey and 164 feet easterly therefrom; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES 589+31.65 on said line survey and 193.95 feet easterly therefrom; thence northeasterly along a curve to the right having a radius of 1,168 feet,for an arc distance of 487.28 feet to a point opposite HES 594+37 on said line survey and 352.82 feet easterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES 596+63.97 on said line survey and the end of this line description. TRACT"X" Parcel A: That portion of the following described property lying east and southeast of State Highway No. 1 (SR 405): That portion of Government Lot 1 in Section 32,Township 24 North,Range 5 East, W.M., in King County, Washington,described as follows: Beginning on the east line of said Government Lot 1, South 01°42'13"West 30 feet from the northeast corner thereof; Thence South 01°42'13" West 963.80 feet; Thence North 88°48'55" West 644.44 feet; Thence South 01°11'02"West 329.55 feet to a point 11 feet north of the south line of said Government Lot 1; Thence North 88°48'58"West 20 feet; Thence North 01°11'02" East 151.58 feet; Thence North 53°55'45" West 416.57 feet; Thence North 77°10'30"West 408.2 feet to the easterly margin of Lake Washington ' Boulevard; Thence North 30°56'13" East along said easterly margin 907.39 feet; Thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 65.49 feet,distant 68.84 feet to a point 30 feet south of the north line of said Government Lot 1; RES-306 Page 4 of 6 pages Parcel No. 1-24345 Instrument Numbcr:`29000844 Documcnt:QCD Rec:$108.50 Page-5 of 6 Record Date:12/19/2019 12:58 PM King County,WA QUITCLAIM DEED EXHIBIT A (continued) Thence South 88°50'10" East 907.54 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPT that portion conveyed to King County for 108th Avenue Southeast by deed recorded under King County Recording No. 5700801. Parcel B: That portion of the following described property lying east of State Highway No. 1 (SR 405)as conveyed to the State of Washington by deed recorded under King County Recording No.4673375: That portion of Government Lot 1 in Section 32,Township 24 North, Range 5 East, W.M.,in King County, Washington,described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of said lot from which the northeast corner thereof bears North 01°42'13" East a distance of 993.80 feet; Thence South 01°42'13"West along the east line of said lot, 340.55 feet to the southeast corner thereof; Thence along the south line of said lot North 88°48'58"West 641.35 feet; Thence North 1°11'02" East 340.55 feet; Thence South 88°48'58" East 641.35 feet to the Point of Beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of the above described tract lying South of the following described lines: Beginning at a point 11 feet north of the southeast corner of the above described tract; Thence westerly 559 feet,more or less,to a point which is 13 feet north of the south line of the tract hereinabove described; Thence continuing westerly 82 feet,more or less,to a point on the westerly line of said tract distant 11 feet north of the south line of said Government Lot 1. ALSO EXCEPT that portion conveyed to King County for 108th Avenue Southeast by deed recorded under King County Recording No. 5700802. RES-306 Page 5 pf 6 pages Parcel No. 1-24345 Instrument Number:20191219000844 Document:QCD Rec:$108.50 Pagc-6 of 6 Record Date:12/19/2019 12:58 PM King County,WA QUITCLAIM DEED EXHIBIT A (continued) Also,the Grantor herein conveys and grants to the State of Washington all rights of ingress and egress (including all existing, future or potential easements of access, light, view and air) to, from and between State Route 405,N.E. 3rd St.Vic. to S.E. 64th St. Vic. and the remainder of said TRACT "X". It is expressly intended that these easements, covenants, burdens and restrictions shall run with the land and shall forever bind the Grantor, its successors and assigns. The lands herein described contain an area of 45,225 square feet,more or less,the specific details concerning all of which are to be found on sheets 21, 22,and 24 of that certain plan entitled SR 405, N.E. 3rd St. Vic. to S.E. 64th St. Vic., now of record and on file in the office of the Secretary of Transportation at Olympia, and bearing date of approval April 21,2006, sheets 21 and 22 revised March 23,2018 and sheet 24 revised January 12,2018. Grantor's Initials Ctr"---. RES-306 Page 6 of 6 pages Parcel No. 1-24345