HomeMy WebLinkAboutM_Proof_of_Signing_Authority2_Halene_Sigmund_CITC_190916_v1CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING COUNCIL OF WASHINGTON BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING December 6, 2018 1930116 1h Ave Northeast Bellevue, WA 98004 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: Dave Cunningham called the meeting to order at 2:30pm. Trustee Attendance: Chair: Dave Cunningham Vice Chair: Shawn Rhode Treasurer: Adam Pinsky Secretary: Keith Stewart Past Chair: Mike Price Dave McFerran Jason Preuit Kathleen Garrity Staff; Halene Sigmund, President Adriana Gamboa, VP of Apprenticeship Stacie Meyer, VP of Finance Jack Chapel, VP of Education Guests: Tom Jordan, SeaTac Electric Matt Camrud, Brighton Jones APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes as presented from the October 11, 2018 board meeting. Motion carried. Tom Jordan was introduced as a potential board member. Bryant Motors Offer: Halene reported to the board that CITC rescinded its offer to the Bryant brothers. The brothers rejected CITC's counter offer of 3.7 million and requirement that the brothers clean up the site and obtain an NFA from the ecology department. The Bryant brother's countered CITC's offer with a choice for CITC (1) CITC pays a full price and the brothers would clean the site up or (2) The Bryant brothers agree to the price reduction and CITC cleans the site up. The general feeling of the board was that the Bryant brothers would rethink CITC's offer and accept. With that in mind, Mike Price presented the updated ROM of the Bryant Motors facility should CITC and the brothers come to terms on the sale of the property. The property would be built in two phases. The first phase would encompass the lower level labs, classrooms and reception area. The upper level would only include administration offices. The second phase would be completed at a later date with additional classrooms and labs added to the second level. Discussion ensued. A motion was made and seconded to "approve the purchase of the Bryant Motors property, not to exceed 3.7 million dollars, including the two other items on Addendum #7 (see attached), with the understanding that the construction budget for the building renovation will not exceed 8 million". Motion carried. The board authorized Halene to sign all documents relating to the purchase of the Bryant Motors building and Renton site. Brighton Jones Presentation: (see attached report) Matt Camrud presented the annual review for the School portfolio with Brighton Jones. Year-to-date performance was positive through