HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Street_Modification_Justification_190916_v1 1 MEMORANDUM TO: CLARK CLOSE, CITY OF RENTON FROM: PATRICK HANSEN-LUND, HL ENGINEERING SUBJECT: CITC HEADQUARTERS, RENTON LAND USE PERMIT APPLICATION STREET MODIFICATION REQUEST JUSTIFICATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 CC: N/A This memorandum is intended to provide written justification for the referenced project’s Land Use Permit Application section related to the Street Modifications and non-standard improvements proposed on Garden Avenue North and Bronson Way North. The non-standard improvements include: 1. A reduction in the width of the landscape strip on Garden Avenue North from the standard 8’ to 7.5’, and 2. A revised width of right of way dedication along Bronson Way North from 6.5’ to a variable dimension. The proposed street design conforms to the maximum extent feasible to City Ordinance No. 5517 and Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element, and to specific guidance provided to the project through a Pre-Application review summarized in a April 19, 2018 City memorandum. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE MODIFICATION REQUEST No. 1: GARDEN AVENUE NORTH REDUCED LANDSCAPE STRIP WIDTH a. The Garden Avenue North Modification Request for a reduced landscape strip substantially implements the applicable city policies by improving the street half-width to the greatest extent feasible: • The existing Garden Avenue North half-street cross section consists of approximately 13’ from face of curb to property line: 6” for curb width, and a 12.5’ paved area (some of which is concrete and some of which is asphalt). There is currently no 2 landscaping on Garden Avenue North for most of the project frontage. The existing building (to remain) exists with westerly face directly positioned on the right of way line. • The proposed cross section consists of the same 13’ dimension from face of curb to property line: 6” for curb width, 7.5 for a new landscape strip, and a 5’ wide sidewalk. Given that the existing building is proposed to remain, there is no opportunity to provide right-of-way dedication to the City that would allow for a standard landscape strip width on Garden Avenue North. b. The proposed cross section will meet the City’s objectives by providing a visually pleasing landscape buffer, increases pedestrian safety by shifting pedestrians away from the curb, and provides the same level of on-street parking and drainage as exists in the current condition. c. The proposed cross section will not be injurious to other properties, as it has no impact on neighboring parcels. d. Code intent and purpose is reflected in the proposed design to the maximum extent feasible. e. The proposed cross section greatly improves the block from the existing condition and brings the block much closer to a “standard” cross section design than the existing condition, and therefore is a justified Modification. f. No adverse impacts will be realized by other properties in the vicinity. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE MODIFICATION REQUEST No. 2: BRONSON WAY NORTH REVISED RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS a. The Bronson Way North Modification Request for a revised right-of-way dedication results from continued analysis and communication with the City following the City’s issuance of the Pre-Application memorandum findings in April 2018. The Pre-Application guidance noted a requirement for a minimum total right-of-way width of 103’. Documentation provided by the project to the City at that time was based on an ALTA survey, and subsequent field survey that included location of property monuments and additional record / plat research discovered that the existing Bronson Way North street centerline and right-of-way lines between Meadow Avenue North on the east and Garden Avenue North on the west are not concentric and vary in width of total right of way. As a result, 3 additional communication was had (specifically at a meeting at the City on July 16, 2019) wherein the City concluded that proper application of Code for this unique circumstance results in a revised right of way dedication requirement: • From the existing face of curb on Bronson Way, the project is to provide 6” width for curb, an 8’ wide landscape strip, an 8’ wide sidewalk, and a 1.5’ wide “maintenance” landscape strip. Since the existing face of curb and existing property lines are not concentric, application of this revised guidance results in a variable width dedication along Bronson Way North that is shown on the Land Use Permit application drawings. b. The proposed cross section will meet the City’s objectives by providing standard widths of landscape strip, sidewalk and back-of-sidewalk maintenance strip. c. The proposed cross section will not be injurious to other properties, as it has no impact on neighboring parcels. d. Code intent and purpose (as interpreted by the City on July 16, 2019) is reflected in the proposed design. e. The proposed cross section greatly improves the block from the existing condition, and therefore is a justified Modification. f. No adverse impacts will be realized by other properties in the vicinity. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments related to this Street Modification Justification explanation. Sincerely, HL Engineering Patrick Hansen-Lund, P.E. Patrick@hl.engineering (858) 581-0754 PAH/pah 2019 09 13_CITC Land Use Permit_Street Modification Justification.docx