HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 7612090049 • THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE Time Filed for Record at Req sflv. 1� After recording, return to: wk.'i =�1m n0 3C� NAME City of RentonR CORC CPR. ToR Department of Public Works KING C s&'6.V E C 7OF.+. ADDRESS 200 Mill Avenue South . , ,, : + CITY AND STATE Renton, WA 98055 Quit Claim Deed 0 CD l4/ 0 N THE GRANTOR, PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington corporation, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars . ($10. 00) conveys and quit claims to the CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation the following described real estate, situated in the County of King State of Washington: • As per the attached Exhibit "A" . Z IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its proper officer this ,74,sr day of Doce„r73F,e 19 77 A c TAX (� n,. ^ `�CISE M(T '.ri'1t riED PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY bana. -r-Real state Division STATE ,OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTY OF KING • ) ,,.On this ..c74,0,1 day of .7)4ccEs»QEk2, /97'6 , before me, the -undersigned, LESLIE A. DONNER , to me known to be . the Manager, Real Estate Division, of PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corpora ion, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath st&teAr'that he is authorized to execute the said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at h'/r''s'i1Nn EXHIBIT "A" All that portion of the Talbot Road Extension described as "Tract A" lying within the following described subject property: All the Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way and the abandoned Burlington Northern right of way over the Northeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. ; Together with Lots 19, 20 and 21, Block 2, Walsworth' s First Addition, as recorded in Volume 6 of Plats, page 23, records of ting County, Washington; Less any portion in South Grady Way. CD Also together with that portion of Dora Street vacated Oby Ordinance No. 1067 adjacent to Block 2 in said plat. CD N Tract A N- Beginning at the existing monument which marks the inter- section of Talbot Road South with the centerline of South Grady Way; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of South Grady Way, said centerline being on a curve to the right having a radius of 3819. 71 feet, through a central angle of 0°04 ' 36" an arc distance of 4 feet; Thence N 32°37' 00" W a distance of 40 feet to an inter- section with the northwesterly right of way margin of South Grady Way, said northwesterly right of way margin being 40 feet northerly of and parallel to the centerline thereof, and the true point of beginning; Thence northeasterly along said northwesterly right of way margin of South Grady ;'?ay nlrmg a nt7Yi7p to the right having a radius of 3779. 71 feet through a central angle of 0°40 ' 54" an arc distance of 44 . 97 feet; Thence N 32°37' 00" W a distance of 169. 26 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right with a radius of 150 feet; thence along said curve through a central angle of 34°07' 37" an arc distance of 89. 34 feet to a point of tangency; Thence N-1°30' 37" E a distance of 20. 10 feet; thence N 45°44 ' 47" E a distance of 14.19 feet to an intersection with the southerly right of way margin of South 7th Street; Thence N 89°27 ' 55" W along said southerly right of way margin a distance of 121. 03 feet; Thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 30 feet, through a central angle of 90°58' 32" an arc distance of 47. 63 feet to a point of tangency; Thence S 1°30' 37" W a distance of 18. 17 feet to the begin- ning of a curve to the left; thence along said curve to the left having a radius of 250 feet through a central angle of 34°07' 37" an arc distance of 148. 91 feet; Thence N 57°23' 00" E a distance of 5 feet; thence S 32°37 ' 00" E a distance of. 123. 76 feet; thence S 12°23' 00" W a distance of 31 . 11 feet to a point of intersection with the northwesterly right of way margin of South Grady Way, said northwesterly right of way margin being 40 feet north- ,: erly of and parallel to the centerline thereof; Thence northeasterly along said northwesterly right of way margin of South Grady Way along a curve to the right having a radius of 3779. 71 feet, through a central angle of 0°56 ' 25" an arc distance of 62. 03 feet to the true point of beginning. Fi lie : .50 1 w4),,,, i , _, -,- -) .Transamerica Transamerica Title Insurance Company THIS SPACE PROVIDED FOR RECORDER'S USE: I° Title Insurance Services FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF //// , . WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO , Nar?re -. Puget Sound Power & Light Real-Estate--Division, Attn: Bill Arthur Address -- -- P. O. Box 868 City,State,Zip Bellevue, Washington 98009 Statutory Warranty Deed THE GRANTOR CITY OF RENTON, a Municipal corporation, for and in consideration of Ten and NO/100 DOLLARS AND OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, in hand paid,conveys and warrants to PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY, a Washington corporation, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King ,State of Washington ALL that portion of "Tract B", more particularly described as follows: Beginning 528.64 feet West and 30 feet South of the Northeast corner of Section 19, Town- ship 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , which point of beginning is on the Easterly right-of- way margin of the Talbot Road Extension; thence South 45044'47" West, along said Easterly right-of-way margin of Talbot Road Extension, a distance of 14.19 feet; thence South 1°30'37" West a distance of 20.10 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; thence Southeasterly along said curve to the left having a radius of 150 feet to an intersection with the Northwesterly margin of the abandoned N.P. (Burlington Northern) railroad right- of-way; thence Northeasterly along said Northwesterly abandoned railroad margin to a point 30 feet South of the North line of said Section 19; thence Westerly along a line 30 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Section 19, to the point of beginning. Tract B Beginning 775.23 feet West and 30 feet South of Northeast corner of Section 19, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. ; thence West 238 feet; thence South 435.65 feet, more or less, to Northwesterly margin of the abandoned N.P. right-of—way; thence Northeasterly along said Northwesterly margin of the abandoned railroad right-of-way to a point 30 feet South of the North line of said Section; thence West 275.4 feet more or less to beginning. EXCEPT the North 90 feet of the East 200 feet of the West 345.13 feet thereof. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. Dated December 2 .19 76 ,,, : , f 4.4A CC:1.--t----.- ) YOR . .eZZ-4-Ziolo....40tity-4 riiic - STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON King g ss COUNTY OF ss COUNTY OF King On this day personally appeared before me On this .�;:d day of December , 197.E - . - • -•- - • Delores Ti. before me, the undersigned, a Notary_Rublic-in and for the State of.Wash- C• J, Delaurenti and Mead ington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared to me known to be the individual alescribed in and C . J, pelaurenti Xibmisi mx*Y $Read who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and Delores A. Mead and acknowledged that they signed the same to me known to be the Mayor 1 andCity Clerkgarmapix as their free and voluntary act and deed, respectively,of the---C-ity-.af--Benton for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corpor- ation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal GIVEN under my hand and official seal this affixed is the corporate seal of'said corper;,ption. December19 76 Witness my hand and 6f1icial seal bereto affixed the day and year first 3r-ddr, of above written. Ittom` -.a1� 't'' t\ t\I ti,t r 1'a'q* '';'`q \1; - \'t- !' •' Notary Pubiic in and for the State of Wash. Notary Publicin and for the,estate of Washington, ington,residing at Renton residing at Renton•,•••- t2(et‘f • 4.4444 eiti"gia5141 Renton City Council 2/6/78 Page 2 OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Trimm presented a committee Committee Report report recommending acceptance of the low bid of Maples Construction Fire Station Company with Alternatives Nos. 1 , 5, 6, 7 and 9; total bid $715,774 Bid Award plus State sales tax, basic construction sub-total . MOVED BY TRIMM, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND ACCEPT THE LOW BID. Architect Cichanski explained the alternates accepted - No. 1 through 6 being additions and No. 7 through No. 9 deletions, as follows: (1 ) Air conditioning for crew's quarters and Administrative wings; (5) Apparatus Bay work pit; (6) Rough in plumbing for future restrooms in basement; (7) Delete skylight; (9) Delete truss joist corporation bidder-design roof structure. Mr. Cichanski explained that alternates chosen determine the low bidder. MOTION CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairwoman Shinpoch presented committee Committee Report report regarding the Talbot Road Extension (S Grady Way to S 7th) Talbot Road Cost Overrun. The committee report recommended acceptance of the Extension Overrun explanation made to the Mayor on 4/17/77; copies being available to Council members. The report further recommended that henceforth the Council be advised in a timely fashion of engineering estimates, bid responses, actual costs and anticipated overruns, with full report to the Transportation Committee prior to continuation of the project in the event of overrun. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Curb Cut Specs The Transportation Committee report explained that the Public Works Department has been requested to review the pertinent ordinances and submit a policy statement to the Transportation Committee re- garding curb cut angles, driveway widths and access by the public to private property. MOVED BY SHINPOCH, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented committee Committee Report report concurring in the Mayor' s appointment of Michael Hanis to the Planning Commission, effective through 1/31/81 (replacing Brian Appointments Gains). MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Planning The Committee report recommended concurrence in the Mayor's Commission reappointment of Anthone Mola to the Planning Commission, term and expiring 6/30/80. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CON- Board of CUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Ethics The Ways and Means Committee report concurred in the Mayor' s appoint- ment of Sanford Webb to the Planning Commission, term expiring 6/30/80 (replacing Logan Garrison) . The report also concurred in the Mayor's reappointment of James Medzegian to the Board of Ethics, term expiring 12/31/81 . MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN THE RECOMMENDATIONS. CARRIED. CETA Position The Ways and Means Committee report noted review of CETA funding and Recommendation extensions and recommends that any extension of*CETA positions be granted only after concurrence by the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED.*(Comprehensive Employment Training Act - Federal program) Community Services Community Services Committee Chairwoman Thorpe submitted committee Committee Report report recommending that the Council concur in the recommendation #312 Housing of the Planning Department for participation in the Housing and Com- Rehabilitation munity Development Act, Section #312 Housing Rehabilitation Loan Loan Program Program. The report recommended the Mayor and City Clerk be author- ized to sign the interlocal agreement and that the matter be refer- red to the Ways and Means Committee for the necessary resolution. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Earlington Park The Community Services Committee report noted review of plans for development of Earlington Park and recommended that the Council approve the concept of the proposed plan. The report further recom- mended that the Park Department and Park Board be directed to pre- pare a proposed plan of phasing for construction of the park. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. RENTON CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting February 6 , 1978 Municipal Building Monday , 8: 00 P . M. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Charles Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. RGE J. ROLL CALL OF EARL SEYMOUR-THORPE, RICHARDMER, Council esident;M. STREDICOKE, BARBARA Y. M. Y. SHINPOCH, CHARLES COUNCIL SHANE AND THOMAS W. TRIMM. ROLL CALL OF C. J. DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, STAFF City Clerk; LAWRENCE WARREN, Acting City Attorney; GORDON Y. ERICKSEN, Planning Director; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; RICHARD GEISSLER, Fire Chief; CAPT. BUFF, Police Rep. ; RON HEIRET, Acting Park Director. PRESS GREG ANDERSON, Renton Record Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL Upon inquiry of Council President Clymer for corrections or additions to the Council Minutes of 1/16 and 1/23/78, Councilwoman Thorpe requested clarification by addition to last sentence, paragraph 1 , Page 3, Minutes of 1/23, Add:"of the Park Board." MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL APPROVE MINUTES OF 1/16/78 AS PRESENTED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CHANGE REFERRAL TO THE SANITATION COMMITTEE TO REFERRAL TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE, Page 3, paragraph 5. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHINPOCH, DELETE APPROVAL OF PARAGRAPH 3, PAGE 5. CARRIED. MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES OF 1 /16/78 CARRIED (AS AMENDED) . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL SUSPEND APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 1/23/78 UNTIL THE NEXT MEET- ING 2/27/76. CARRIED. (Clerk to Check content of Paragraph 5. ) AUDIENCE COMMENT Save Lake Washington, Group Representative,Jean Ford, 801 Sand Point Way N. , Seattle, explained the non-pciitical organization of concerned Save Lake citizens attempt to prevent the proposed NOAA development at Sand Washington from Point from including the dredging of a portion of Lake Washington NOAA Ocean-Going and construction of seven commercial-size, concrete piers for the Vessels moorage, storage and servicing of its ocean-going vessels. Mrs. Ford distributed letters of explanation and copy of Civil Action Suit filed in U.S. District Court, and noted the group not opposed to office use. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY , COUNCIL REFER MATERIAL AND REQUEST TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR STUDY AND REPORT BACK. Councilman Perry requested the committee investigate the effect of any action on the hydrofoil development in Lake Washington. Council- man Shane noted this project would provide work for over 5,000 people. MOTION CARRIED. Port Quendall Don Norman of Quendall Terminals, Renton, requested reading of letter Lake Washington listed on the agenda. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REMOVE THE LETTER FROM AGENDA FOR READING AS REQUESTED. CARRIED. Letter from Donald 0. Norman was read requesting a petition from the City for vacation of special areas designated "Slip" and "Wharf" on Plat No. 29 of the State Land Commissioners plat of Lake Washington Shore- lands dated 9/19/1921 . The letter explained preparation of data needed for a master plan proposal under the City' s Planned Unit Devel- opment ordinance and specified uses contemplated for Port Quendall prop- erties compared to those allowed by present zoning and land use ordi- nances; further explaining desire to coordinate uses permitted by the various agencies. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND PERRY, COUNCIL REFER ENTIRE SUBJECT MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. Introductions Upon the request of Mayor Delaurenti , Public Works Director Gonnason Consultants introduced SUA Inc. members Kathy Rosenow and Robert Hall , consul- tants providing utilities shop site analysis and program study. Mayor Delaurenti also introduced King County Councilman Mike Lowry. Following discussion of City shop facilities, Councilwoman Thorpe noted the subject was referred to the Community Services Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, THAT THE MATTER OF SELECTION AND PROCESS OF REPORTING RELATIVE TO THE SHOPS BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE AND ENTIRE SUBJECT OF CONSULTANTS TO COMMITTEE QE WHOLE. CARRILU. • ter... Box ;4 c Berlevke. Wrs>+iington ;0: ;c: ' war; a � ,i ,}t. 106¢:. ti Eat Etghth Street (£05, 618.4661 i1 ,�i; ji TranasrnsriCa Tutls InsursnCo CO D te: September 29 , 1976 City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton, WA. 98055 property : ''Tract B" mer: Puget Sound Power & Light Our :screw No. 466007 -7 Seller: City of Renton Dear Sirs: We have opened an escrow in this office in connection with the sale of the above property. Enclosed is a copy of our Preliminary Title Report for your reference. You will be notified when the necessary papers are ready to be signed. .f you have any questions, please call us at 628-4661 between 3:l5 AM and 5:00 PM and refer to the above escrow number. Thank you. Very truly yours, Claudia L. Johnlon Escrow Secretary • -Transimemeasitle Insurance COA Servisamece era Corporation . Please address correspondence to the office checked below: I MAIN BALLARD WEDGEWOOD NORTH AURORA WEST SEATTLE ISSAQUAH BELLEVUE AUBURN RENTON ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Park Place 6700 15th Ave.N.W. 8038 35th Ave.N.E. 1208 N.155th St. 4450 Calif.Ave.S.W. 1595 N.W.Gilman Blvd. 10635 N.E.8th St. 310 Auburn Way No. 222 Williams Ave.S. 6th Ave.at University St. Seattle,WA 98117 Seattle,WA 98115 Seattle,WA 98133 Seattle,WA 98116 Issaquah,WA 98027 Box 1493 Auburn,WA 98002 Renton,WA 98055 Seattle,WA 98101 (206)628-4610 (206)628-4620 (206)628-4600 (206)628-4615 (206)392-5391 Bellevue,WA 98009 (206)839-2566 (206)628.4625 (206)628-4676 (206)628-4661 r Transamerica Title Insurance Co. Your Order No. 10635 N.E. 8th Street City of Renton - Puget Sound Bellevue, WA. 98009 Power & Light Co. Our Order No. 466007 L J PRELIMINARY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Washington Land Title Association Form Amount Premium Sales Tax Total ( X) Owner's standard coverage $1,953. 00 $33. 50 $1. 81 $35. 31 ( ) Purchaser's standard coverage ( ) Mortgagee's standard coverage ( ) Mortgagee's ALTA coverage ( ) Tax Registration ( ) Total Date: September 14 , 1976 at 8 :30 A.M. $35. 31 TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY agrees to issue on request and on recording of any appropriate documents, its policy or policies as applied for, with coverage as indicated, based on this pre- liminary commitment that title to the property described herein is vested on the date shown above in THELMA SNOOK, as her separate estate; subject only to the exceptions shown herein and the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. This report and commitment shall have no force or effect e e t as a basis for the coverage, .ecified herein. i7 By Title Offi Description: -as hereto attached- -continued- NOTE: ttached--continued- NOTE:1.Investigation should be made to determine if there are any service, installation, maintenance, or construction charges for sewer,water or electricity. 2.In the event this transaction fails to close, a cancellation fee will be charged for services Form No.W-K-734 rendered in accordance with our rate schedule. • `'s"` Page 2 Order No. 466007 EXCEPTIONS : 1. CONTRACT OF SALE AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: Seller: Paul Snook and Thelma Snook, his wife; Purchaser: Castagno Brother, Inc. , a corporation; Dated: October 25 , 1956 Recorded: November 9, 1956 Recording No. : 4746907 E# 240868 (Covers property herein described and other property) 2. Deed recorded April 30, 1976 under Recording No. 760430-0800, wherein Castagno Brothers, Inc. , conveyed property herein described and other property to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, We find no deed in fulfillment of the contract noted in paragraph 1 above. NOTE 1 : The 1976 taxes on the portion of the property covered by the Deed noted in Paragraph 2 above, have been canceled. . ck/CWO September 14 , 19761`r"e Noe Order No. 466007 DESCRIPTION: ALL that portion of "Tract B" , more particularly described as follows: Beginning 528 .64 feet West and 30 feet South of the Northeast corner ' of Section 19 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , which point of beginning is on the Easterly right-of-way margin of the Talbot Road Extension; thence South 45°44 ' 47" West, along said Easterly right-of-way margin of Talbot Road Extension, a distance of 14 . 19 feet; thence South 1°30 ' 37" West a distance of 20.10 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; thence Southeasterly along said curve to the left, having a radius of 150 feet to an intersection with the Northwesterly margin of the abandoned N.P. (Burlington Northern) railroad right-of-way; thence Northeasterly along said Northwesterly abandoned railroad margin to a point 30 feet South of the North line of said Section 19; thence Westerly along a line 30 feet South of and parallel to the North line of said Section 19 , to the point of beginning. TRACT B Beginning 775.23 feet West and 30 feet South of Northeast corner of Section 19 , Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. ; thence West 238 feet; thence South 435 . 65 feet, more or less, to Northwesterly margin of the abandoned N.P. right-of-way; thence Northeasterly along said Northwesterly margin of the abandoned railroad right-of-way to a point 30 feet South of the North line of said Section; thence West 275. 4 feet more or less to beginning. EXCEPT the North 90 feet of the East 200 feet of the West 345.13 feet thereof. Situate in the City of Renton, County of King, State of Washington. ' "-,' .4 Vill • : .:..,,-::-`..,tr: Vi V . 4-7 . r • 7 , I. , . , i, . . • j • - . 4 Cont Nov 9-56. 4746907 * , - Oct 25-56 (Tx pd 240868) ,, • v. Paul thoox an Thelma Snoox, hw, ' to Castagno Brothers Inc ., corp . i' l IP 1 __ j , Thatptnof th�NS oftheN$ _ofseo.�1 23-5 ewm daf, Beg at , y s il , the NE cor of sd subdvn, andrunning thW aig the N line thrd, I - � # 775.23 ft; th S 30 ft to tpob of tthrindesc; thW aig a line ti`, 30 ft S of andpllt N lineof sd subdvn, a dist of k 238 ft to W lineof E 1013.23 ft of sd subvn; th S , aig sd W line435.65 ft,m/1, to the NWly mgnof Nof�hern Pacific i} - it; E . , - Railway Company r/w; th NEIy aig sdNWly mgn, tointersectn , ' 1! F with edline whichia 30 ft S of andpllt N lineof sd subvn ,A . It0 : ' . * 141 = th W, aig sdpll line, 275.4 ft,m/1 to tpob; except E 250 ,`� , ' fl ftofthe W 345.13 ft of N 100 ft throf; sitinCofS KCW I• c 4 FFI Except; ,,M4;} Fsmt grantd to puget Sound Power & Light Co of recd and '{ V 3474579 & rec in vol 2344 deedspg 578 KCW and esmt granted I; p� J .- . •It �� to Puget SoundPower& Light Co auds 3474580. I�, J PP is$40,000.00of vhic h$5,000.00has beenpd; ret acx }` i, bai ofppat $35 .000.00 pyble wi int at 3 pe annum antis �. ;` j py le at rateof$200.00 ormore per month plus ing but I ,. in no event ore than permonth, plusint, for perid , ':::: i :a 4 of 10 years fromdatehrof, frst pymts to bedueon Nov 30-56 ,, } 4 f — f rnnt.d_� i r ,{ i. 3 , r r - , z. • :,,n> ,--k,, Y ,c'1L'",'-Lc- 's�t.'-'' y''; - -' " - — 'r'-m i' ,4,-'''...=7:,.,j-4 a..` `t'r$x`l ';`� - ,4 5''. »:: , . ._ _ t. . $,:i .l.i _ ii ., :.111 .1 ., t..% '" ' 'I T its . T-1 ' t-t iW P ' ri +- - tilif 01 tiqiiii I'll '4. • :,1,) itt Iiilh-iglitt1111 -1441,11 lit''..: 2471.6907--2 i t3 t; •t to be due on 30th day of each andevery l ilk - zt1øtis - Pymtpxint is pd; 14.' ' and subsequent fteruntilentire sum of prin ands 6 ti 1 4 B .. t,. x- thr shall be $200. , ____j 1 11 x �L t , month years the pymtshrunder y , f 1T . ., �-t , -t--..4 t.,, -..:736,14i.-„_ after expirationof 10 til full bai wi int �;,;,00ormorepr month pluint nn11 lprof solong as - RSlieragrees at anytime after date b 1 tF. ik } ><� � _ ..' _;T pur isnot in default inperforn�of terms hrof tocy y "6 ' sty ; f£ ; 4 ofan acre tlY7 t not to exceed 3/ 1 .� �� - . -ItT ri '. WD tois or Ii t tl ` y� it ;t t pur ptnof abv deet pty ur w ithout anyadnt l pym :y,l d ; ` ,w ;_ ' insize, as is selcted byP l l f• .�rr , bit uirements * ;? t ,, other req ► IA it4i it t« F',_ ' }jltit _k;li ti,4. , I". 1 $alt 4�'' • rrittitIiit .pt FtA a c` t, -R� agrees" -suras 956 9' > fir= � ; �' � : Pur — a l qiq_t 4.1 91) Z si lit «E.- .. XCNOKK x , , - M1 to Johnson Dafoe & Jonson Central bl� a1�1il I Q7E #� �''; r _4 I' ;; i � � . FldbypSTIC l '' s � r 201651 .. .ii tf t his. ‘i I 14 liellittitiltittitilt4ILtw:i . '„ ,• 1 4 illillttt4Oitlif 'Oft:" IIthththhifItitIllIIitL, ) 1 _ 101 4f1h . ^-----��, - _ r,...fY .:.,,a 7,-::ii.x..L_-tee ..