HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 7801120791 transamorica Title Insurance Co THIS SPACE PROVIDED FOR RECORDER'S USE: 1 r A Service of Transamerica Corporation Li- 9 Filed for Record at Request of SAN 12 I 32 PH ,' � Name r-- "aRECORDED KC RECORDS LD OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .',.2 Address RENTON G. 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH .D City and State RENTON, WASH, 9805. c3 O- - I vi » 0 Quit Claim Deed 0 TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California Corporation, F.12 THE GRANTOR as Trustee, which acquired title as TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE (Zi COMPANY OF WASHINGTON, a Corporation , with full power of sale and conveyance 74 for and in consideration of DEDICATION FOR STREET 2 conveys and quit claims to CITY OF RENTON the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING State of Washington, together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: -AS HERETO ATTACHED- 1% EXCISE TAX NOT REQUIRED King Co. Recc.,;i..; Division By_9,12;4 , Deputy Dated December. 070.4\1SZ , 19 77 (Individual) ' TRANSAMERICA TITLESURANCE COMPANY, By Ca.�l/`.1V•-,/ ,� Q Truster- (Individual) (Pres tieftff .,Q,, By (Secretary) STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. ss. COUNTY OF COUNTY OF bng On this day personally appeared before me On this .cdzi day of December , 19 77 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Wash- ington, du y commissioned and�worn, e sonally appeared to me known to be the individual described in and e i7'`'1t Il• who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and - , 1. and acknowledged that signed the same to me known to be the President and....Xa--4 Secretary, as free and voluntary act and deed, respectively%;o1' 'fl ameriCa Title Insurance Company for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. the arporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the id instrumept to be fhe free and voluntary act and deed of said corpor- ate , for the uses ad purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that �` auttorized-;to execute the said instrument and that the seal GIVEN under my hand and official seal thisaffixed fs.the coj•porate-seal of•said corporation. day of , 19 ,.' ' s m,ry.4'. a officia.here , :41 •- ..y and year first above • en. ^ '.../011' ..i / ii' .... Notary Public in and for the State of Wash- ., otpry 'ublic i(n�an�o the S s ington, ington, residing at v•,nesidingg at C.� r/�'� �� Form No. W-748 Legal description of parcel of land to be deeded to the City of Kenton for Eagle Ridge Drive So That portion of the ' o of Section 20 , T. 23 N. , R. 5 E. ,".1,T. described as follows : Beginning at the west quarter corner of said section; thence N00°44 '05"E0 329.50 ' to the southerly margin- of the City of Seattle ' s 200' Diablo Transmission Fight of ;ay as contained ON h, in instrunent under. Auditor' s File No, 3560496 , Records of King O County , ''ashington; thence along said southerly margin. N 87°23 '49"iso 13.;6OC8' to a point noted as the True Feint of .ne?innirlg of Parcel 25 as contained in instrument under Auditor 's a File No. 6150354 , "ecords of King County , Yashington; thence h, So2°36 'll"leo along the easterly line of the 7enton :'iks Site as contained in instrursent recorded under Auditor 's File IjJo, 5837189 , Records of King County , Washington , 490.00 ' to the northerly lino of the Puget . Sound Fewer and Light Company 's :tight of Thy as contained under iluditor' s File No. 5687370 , Records of King County, Fashington ; thence I': 07'�.°32' l7" along t �� ] o al�.��, said 1�� . ,85 to the northwesterly line of Eagle Ridge Drive S. in the City of Renton , King County ' ashin-,,gton and the Prue 'Point of 3egirnin T1 ! IGE N.46 a ' 50 ' . along the northeasterly r nin ticn of said nortbwesterly line 7r/ :44' to the Point of Curvatuto of a curve to the left havinga radius of 17O' ! thence north.- e ' to rlv . v-i 2,thee1 ` along the arc of said carve , through a central angle of 50°15 '45" , ren arc distance c a' :i.'i2 , t ; thence I\To78°11'07"E 60.00 ' ; thence southwesterly along; the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 230 ' , the radial center of which bears S.7011' 07"—. 230 ' from the last mentioned point , through a central angle of 50°50 '27" , an arc distance of 202,75' to the northerly line of said Fuc of Sound Power and Light Company ' s eight of '.ray; thence 5,74°32 '17"v'o along said line 122 .96 ' to the True Point of Beginning°