HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 7103180384 O i ` TransamerlcaTitle Insurance Co . THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECOR[7ER'S USE: .4 Service of Tra.7i.america Corporation %FORDED c:� I ,` .\\--- r r. OF 6 c 191. i,,. 18 P 2 5I. Filed for Record at Request of Name _ SULLAN, PC-• •,, ` ri.E ,, SW NSON C;i ECT(: s «j c° Address AT.ZAiv�E1 A L Ad 1,3 s,2nd St.Bldg. + ECO RDS & ELr0 -„ .::'...:a • CO Cil P. G. Bo,. 626 Renton, Vin. nO5-5 KING COUNTY, O �.) City and State {0 -_ o co c- V ul O Form 467- 1-REV Statutory Warranty Deed r',7 THE GRANTOR HOWARD RALF MYERS , as his separate estate 03 I—i for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, conveys and warrants to THE CITY OF RENTON, a municipal corporation of The State of Washington the following described real estate, situated in the County of KING , State of Washington: That portion of the following described Parcel "A” beginning at the Southwest corner of said Tract 281; thence North 27°43 ' 18" West along the Westerly line of said Tract 281 a distance of 52 .19 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the left; radius 200 feet; a distance of 76 . 05 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said Tract South 79°51' 27" East 31 . 34 feet from the point of beginning; - theme North 79°51' 27" West along the Southerly line of said Tract a distance of 31. 34 feet to the Southwest corner of Tract 281 and the point of beginning. PARCEL "A" Tract 281, C. D. Hillman' s Lake Washington Garden of Eden Division No. 4, according to the plat recorded in Volume II of Plats , page 82, records of King County, Washington; EXCEPT the East 140 feet thereof. Dated this /v day of March , 1971 /146Cite-4-Cif Howard Ralf Myers SEAL (SEAL) STATE OF WASHINGTON, ss. Coun ,, '..',,,_. KING a` 40` •his day petally appeared before me Howard Ralf Myers I .16;:file,known to bt 'the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and wa cnowledged that- & lie signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the sc and putposee filetein mentioned. `.* AVE , * �y hand and official seal this , da'y of, > Yar / 1971 r t F1�' ! �'w ) / ,..rotary Pu is in a for the State'of Washington, residing at l�-,,, p,,,s, OF R� v GI 0 OFFICE IC'I. ()I"F`IFI. C'I'I`1' ATTORNEY • REN'1`O\, WASHINGTON POST OFFICE BOX 626, 100 2ND STREET BUILDING, RENTON, WASHINGTON 98055 ALPINE 5-8678 � � o P 3 GERARD M. SHELLAN, CITY ATTORNEY �• ,1‘ JOHN K. PAIN, JR., ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY SRT CAPITA\-(3E March 25 , 1971 Mr. Jack Wilson City Engineer City Hall Renton, Washington 98055 Re : City of Renton - N. E. 27th Street - King County Cause No. 733396 (Myers) Dear Mr. Wilson: Enclosed you will find original of deed in favor of the City executed by Howard Ralf Myers dated March 16 , 1971. You will note that the deed was filed with th), King County Office of Records on March 18 , 1971 under, F-ile NO. 71030384 . k: Very truly yo, rs , . Johi,. n , Jr. , As s;?sta�rit City Atto ney,. JKP: ld Enclosure e.'l