HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 7305180522 ' QUIT CLAIM DEED ` • :( . pHs INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That we, l' G,//7 `, L__—__\ 64-4" -0-4�%LZa-,--t- S` --,--.1:--4.----" , of King County, State of Washington, for and in / consideration of : e sum of One ('•-----Au:- Dollar to us in hand paid and in further consideration o; a general publi ' Tare and the special benefits accuring to us therefrom, do, by these presents grant, convey and quit-claim to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, for street, alley and any other `V public uses and purposes, the following lots, pieces and parcels of land lying and CQ t being in said King County, State of Washington, and described as follows: C) All that portion of Lot 7, Block 15, Town of Renton, according to the plat recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, page 135, records of King County, Washington described as follows: 01 I-- BEGINNING at,the Southeast corner of said Lot 7; thence North along the East line of said Lot 7 <a d,istapce of-I2 feet; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right, radius1`2 feet, through.a central angle of 90° 03' 01", a distance of 18.86 feet to a point on the South line thereof, 12 feet West of the Southeast corner; thence Easterly along said gouth line a Ai-stance of 12 feet to said Southeast corner and the point of. .begi,nning. t TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said described premises unto the said City of Renton, its successor or successors for the use of the public forever. i WITNESSETH our hands and seals this ;:', day ofd-u. , 19, 7 . 1 qt 6-q 6 .t,�-J 4SFAL) . J -\`�) :ter n�Z+--.-e.LL-c .'� L'Z ^ (SEAL) WITNESSES: STATE OF WASHINGTON) as COUNTY OF KING I, A0C . -,n-t,.tit, iiA/�, a Notary Public in and for the said State, do hereby certifythat on this // tt ..y of , 19;731 personally appeared before me ` � ; 4 4 ' ' #, % p y l�X �iK to me known to be the dividul describe. in -' d who execu d t within instrument, and acknowledge that, signed and sealed the same as free and voluntary act d deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WIT OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and ye ►N rtificate first above written. •.,, 7. f c ; .'"'f'l -• 1 ` Notary Publ c and for,the State of Washington ! .'• iti= s Residing at A2, , in said County. . 4- . 0o .lP.•(° •......• 1ruygtA ,.....•....:„...". - /0,011 1:... -•. ••• ' '7* :..,*(• A )..0, ,.) I • - f_P,t.; :::• _.-•" 1.- i . _ r . - - : • .. ' • " •. .-',., t„ •t,, , , .: . .• - i. i LE D for Rotor d at ReOtleSt al J2,e120' Ct. ..** OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 04 ...a.4 ..4410...* .2„E,N.10,,,„&i.443=4).L...BLepro.....•...........p. kr./ 200 MILL AVE. SOUTH .......................E.E.V.I.M.y..A.§26.ML.,...., C) , 0 IN3 CD C.., . ---.2 I....1 CD V c) \ft t..) • Z"-•J , 2 . 2 ' ','l':•".('-'031i . ci.. , .. . . . . . . . .C.-)