HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 7304200596 44* DEED OF RELEASE 1 This instrument, a Deed of Release, made by the UNITED STATES OF 2 AMERICA, acting by and through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation 3 Administration, under and pursuant to the powers and authority contained 4 in the provisions of Public Law 81-311 (63 Stat. 700) , as amended, to 5 the City of Renton, a body politic under the laws of the State of Washington. 6 Witnesseth: i 7 WHEREAS, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting by and through the War 8 Assets Administrator, under and pursuant to Executive Order 9689, dated t''') 9 31 January 1946, and the powers and authority contained in the provisions 10 of the Surplus Property Act of 191 1)1 (Public Law 457, 78th Congress; 58 11 Stat. 765) as amended, and regulations and orders promulgated thereunder, 12 did, by instrument entitled Quitclaim Deed, dated 25 September 1947, and 13 recorded in Volume 2668, Pages 386 through 395, Deed Records of the County 14 of King, State of Washington, remise, release and forever quitclaim to 15 the City of Renton (Grantee) , its successors and assigns, all right, 16 title and interest of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in and to certain 17 property known as Renton Municipal Airport, subject to certain conditions, 18 reservations, exceptions and restrictions; and 19 WHEREAS, the City of Renton, Washington, has requested the release 20 from one of said conditions contained in the said Quitclaim Deed, dated 21 25 September 1947, commonly known as the National Emergency Use Provision, 22 which reads as follows: 23 "That during the existence of any emergency declared by the President of the United States of America or the 24 Congress thereof, the Government shall have the right without charge, except as indicated below, to the full, 25 unrestricted possession, control and use of the landing area, building areas, and airport facilities, or any 26 part thereof, including any additions or improvements thereto made subsequent to the declaration of any 27 part of the airport as surplus; provided, however, that the Government shall be responsible during the 28 period of such use for the entire cost of maintaining all such areas, facilities and improvements, or the 29 portions used, and shall pay a fair rental for the use of any installations or structures which have been 30 added thereto without Federal aid;" and 31 WHEREAS, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration 32 has determined that the requested release will not prevent accomplishment Page 2 1 of the purpose for which the property was conveyed subject to such condi- 2 tions, reservations, covenants and restrictions and is necessary to protect 3 and advance the interests of the United States in civil aviation. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the 5 United States and civil aviation, the United States of America, acting 6 by and through the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration C? 7 under and pursuant to the powers and authority contained in Public Law 311 , 8 81st Congress, as amended, and applicable rules, regulations and orders, 9 hereby releases all of the property described in and conveyed by the 10 said Quitclaim Deed, dated 25 September 1947, from the above recited 11 National Emergency Use Provision contained in said Quitclaim Deed, but 12 from no other condition, reservation, covenant, or restriction contained 13 therein. 14 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has caused this 15 instrument to be executed as of the 141, day tof jole1040W4( 1973. 16 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION + . 17 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION 18 19 'I • C. B. WALK, JR. 20 I ; Director, Northwe Region STATE OF WAJiINGTON 21 COUNTY OF ,-- 22 On this 4 1. ;,as *a .. L , 1973, before me, LalacsaggililAticsfet. 23 a Notary Public in and for the County of ()Zs.Xc.t- , State of Washington, 24 personally appeared C. B. WALK, JR. , known to me to be the Director, North- 25 west Region, Federal Aviation Administration, and known to me to be the 26 person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged 27 that he executed the same on behalf of the Administrator of the Federal 28 Aviation Administration and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 29 WITDT y hand and official seal 30 �. 32 ;� .,.i 1 ._ Nn Public in and for the County of = - s; �`.�` �s.x•Q.+� , State of Washington Y - - E t • - e c " • -0 �� - RECORDEO • ... OF 3API 2i 19PM 4 it OMTOR r.,..:- I -Et TiDNS -KING GCUNTY. AWA 14: f-D ca • ::r c . i�1 - t--- r . IA a a - - • 1401 c N I _ I. for Record at ReQu - . 5.:2 OFFICE.OF x'H `:CI'1'YERIc „ . . 200 MILL;AVE. SOUTH: -... .► �...