HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 7402250405 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED The Grantor, EXXON CORPORATION, a New Jersey corporation, for and in consideration of Two Thousand Four Hundred Eighty and No/100 Dollars in hand paid, conveys and warrants to City of Renton, Wash- ington, the following described real estate, situated in the County of King, State of Washington: Sa } A strip of land 3 .50 feet in width, lying adjacent to and parallel with the Southeasterly margin of the East Valley Highway, being the most Northwesterly 3 .50 feet of the following described property; That portion of the Southeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 31, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M. , in King County, Washington, described as fol- lows : BEGINNING at the intersection of the Easterly margin of S .H. #167 , also known as E. Valley Hwy, and the Southerly margin of Carr Road, also known as South 180th Street, as conveyed to King County by deed recorded in Auditor 's File No. 5807908, records of King County, said point being the true point of beginning; thence South 89°06 '29" East along the Southerly margin of Carr Road, a distance of 62 .03 feet; thence North 37°10 '31" East along said margin a distance of 9. 92 feet; thence South 89°06 '29" East a distance of 99. 97 feet; thence South 37°10 ' 31 " West a distance of 241.00 feet; thence North 52°49 '29" West a distance of 110.44; thence North 89°06 '29" West, a distance of 25 .00 feet to the Easterly margin of said S .H. #167; thence North 37°10 '31 " East along said Easterly margin a distance of 150. 00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; THIS DEED is subject to the terms and conditions of Exhibit A, which is attached hereto, and by this reference made a part hereof. EXXON CORPORATION .�.. By )2.e....,da&Z 071/46e- Its a i":).:31-1c; L-4et EXHIBIT A 1. The property interests herein are q;onveyedltogether with a common use easement for ingress and egress over a tract of land described as follows : BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of the above described tract of land and running; thence Southerly along the Easterly margin of S .H. #167 (E. Valley Hwy) , a distance :D of 25 .00 feet; thence Northeasterly in a straight line to ori a point on the Southerly line of the above described tract of land which is 25 .00 feet measured along said Southerly margin from the point of beginning; thence Westerly along said Southerly line to the point of beginning. TOGETHER with an easement for ingress and egress over the following tract : Commencing at the intersection of the Easterly margin of S .H. #167 , also known as E. Valley Highway and the Southerly line of Carr Road right-of-way margin as conveyed to King County by deed recorded in Auditor 's File No. 5807908, records of King County; thence South 37°10 ' 31 " West, along said Easterly right-of-way margin, a distance of 135 .21 feet; thence South 52°49 '29" East, a distance of 130.59 feet and the true point of beginning; Thence continuing South 52°49 '29" East a distance of 40. 30 feet; thence North 37°10 ' 31" East a distance of 110.66 feet; thence North 89°06 '29" West a distance of 18.00 feet; thence North 37°10 '31" East a distance of 159. 92 feet to the Southerly right-of-way margin of Carr Road; Thence North 89°06 '29" West along said Northerly right-of- way margin, a distance of 32 . 00 feet; Thence South 37°10 '31 " West, a distance of 241.00 feet to the true point of beginning; Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ON THIS ? / day of 19 before me, the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for said State personally appeared .f known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, as the Attorney in Fact of EXXON CORPORATION, a corporation, and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of EXXON CORPORATION thereto as principal and his own name as Attorney in Fact. WITNESS my hand and official seal. :24 REGNA NC',;+ � .e.�c - cairr.knrr i l'iotary Public in and for said State - M1 t . • 71S vim 41,1141/130 °NIX 'N0110313 V SOU SOloavia o33a r ij° 33.1 pia (130d00311 e. •t TILED for Record at Request of eit 4. 7twat 11 ."A. 'OFFICE OF THE (1 C*.ERK g00 MILL AVE. SOUTH tt