HomeMy WebLinkAboutD 7401170345 QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That we, John H. Swanson, Margaret L. Swanson, Hayden R. Williams & Ruth Williapsof King County, State of Washington, for and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar to us in hand paid and in further consideration of the general public welfare and the special benefits accuring to us therefrom, do, by these presents grant, convey and quit-claim to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, for street, alley and any other public uses and purposes, the following lots, pieces and parcels of land lying and being in said King County, State of Washington, and described as follows: ALL that portion of Lot 16, Block 33, Smither's First Addition, according to the plat recorded in Volume 9 of plats, page 76, records of King County, Washington, lying Southerly of the following described line: c BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of said lot 16; thence Northerly along the CDWesterly line thereof a distance of 16.5 feet to the true point of beginning of said line; thence North 78°20'47" East a distance of 24 feet to the beginning of a curve — to the right, radius 488 feet; thence Easterly along the arc of a curve to the right, radius 488 feet, through a central angle of 8°58'55", an arc distance of 76.5 feet to the Easterly line of said lot, the termination of said line. TOHAVEAND TO HOLD the said described premises unto the said City of Renton, its successor or successors for the use of the public forever. WITNESSETH our hands and seals this /01-4 day of ____ , 19 23 . _ "/v:-, . '_ z. ,,. , - _�� SEAL) 4-714-7 ` ,itevg-lc-4-n-,-- (SEAL) WITNESSES: ;✓/% e ety ),..4aa-cefr{r-2 J STATE OF WASHINGTON)ss �� �� —} i. � c_ti��� COUNTY OF KING • .10,..t. ....L_.4,..,s E . O -' , a Notary Public in and for the said State, do hdiaby'c g th. • t'on this - . .y of 1,6_<- , 19 7.3 personally , appeared;<be qi34..� Atie- K,a.eri 9' 6-2 c..�` arts-rLn.a-e.. yetf/.c.l Q,c.«, to .me- 1cio n b b ': individual S described in d who executed the th instrument, p and acknow4s' ,2kaj --f-Aftl signed and sealed the same as —A_ ert,/.1-1.14 free aindn, yct and seed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. '.k�,�, EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and 'yeaiv in this certificate first above written. 4..-- -rs Z.-Le_Al Notary blic d for the State of Washington Residing at , in said County. • ^ t.rt HSVM `),INrys-s.,otn SNO11031:1 SClei0).B8 - — _ . 277 -. FILED for Record at Request 01 at FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RENTON "ibriCirLt*AVE. SOL1TH INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Date December 20, 1973 L ; To: Del Mead, City Clerk FROM: Lyman Houk, Office Engineer SUBJECT: South Fourth Project - Quit Claim Deed of Williams & Swanson Please record the attached Quit Claim Deed obtained from John H. Swanson, Margaret L. Swanson, Hayden R. Williams & Ruth Williams and charge the recording fee to account no. 301/541/33/63(41 ) . MH:sn Attach. 'AP\Oc�.a DEC 1973 4 RECEIVED CITY of RENTOlt F 4Y