HomeMy WebLinkAbout24_Arborist Report.pdfAppraisal and Appraisal Review Services Forest Practices Consulting, Forest Management Timber Cruising & Marketing Services, Arboricultural Services S. A. NEWMAN FIRM (incorporated as S.A. Newman, Forest Engineers, Inc.) Established 1946 Offices: 3216 Wetmore Avenue, Suite 205, Everett, WA 98201-4368 Mail: P. O. Box 156, Everett WA 98206-0156 Phone 425-259-4411; Facsimile 425-2584435 Web: www.sanforest.com January 16, 2017 SUMMi4RY TREE INVENTORY REPORT Meadowvue Project in a Portion of the NE �/ SW �/ of Section 14, Township 23 North Range 5 East, W.M., City of Renton, King County, Washington Overview: This report serves to provide an inventory and summary analysis of trees proposed for retention or removal on the Meadowvue project site and to comply with standards established under RMC 44-130. Our client D. R. Horton provided to the undersigned a copy of a Boundary & Topographic Survey map dated December 1, 2016 prepared by Axis Surveying & Mapping. This map depicted various on-site trees and was a supporting reference for this inventory. The undersigned inspected the subject property on November 16, 2016 and again on January 13, 2017. The inventory includes all on-site trees considered to be potential "significant trees" as defined under RMC 4-11-200 (Definitions T) — and includes any tree with a caliper of at least six inches (6"), or an alder or cottonwood tree with a caliper of at least eight inches (8"); except that trees qualified as dangerous shall not be considered significant. Summary qualitative and quantitative data were collected for the inventoried trees to provide a basis for determining suitability for retention. Trees determined to be unsuitable for retention on-site were identified based on a visual assessment only, and this type of analysis is referred to as a level I assessment as defined in the Tree Risk Assessment Manual°, (International Society of Arboriculture, Martin Press, 2013). A level 1 assessment is typically used as an expeditious method to identify trees with high likelihood or imminent threat of near-term partial or whole tree failure. Upon inspection the undersigned found that most on-site trees had been previously marked on-site with a numbered aluminum tag, and these numbers were adopted for reporting purposes. Two trees with numbered tags were below the size threshold to be considered significant, but were included in this inventory for disclosure. A few other trees mapped on the survey which were not tagged and were also below the size threshold were excluded from this inventory. Also a few significant - sized trees which were not DR Hortn.Meadowvue.1701 1 S. A. Newman Firm Meadowvue January 16, 2017 mapped were included in this inventory. An annotated version of the Axis survey map with revisions by the undersigned arborist and tag numbers assigned by tree appears as Exhibit 3 of this report. Site Conditions: The project site is level very slightly sloping, with moderately well drained Alderwood gravelly sandy loam soil. Water permeability is rated moderately rapid above hardpan, with a seasonally perched water table at between 18" to 36" generally between January and March. The available water capacity is rated as low, with an effective tree rooting depth of 20" to 40" for, and tree windthrow hazard is rated as moderate. (source: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service — Web Soil Survey: https://websoilsurveV.nres.usda.gov/appNVebSoilSurvey.aspx) Tree Summary: All trees tallied as part of Meadowvue inventory are summarized as follows: Significant Trees Potentially Suitable for Retention: 27 Trees Unsuitable for Retention Due to Decay or Structural Defects: 7 Two Undersized & One Dead -- Trees Tagged & Mapped and Included in Tally for Disclosure Purposes Only: 3 Total Inventoried Trees: 37 The inventoried trees are more fully detailed in Exhibit 1 & 2 attached hereto. One of the trees considered unsuitable for retention is bigleaf maple no. 7358 which has extensive decay in the basal portion of the bole stem. Many of the larger on-site bigleaf maple also have limited decay and exhibit obvious mechanical damage in basal portions of the bole presumably from equestrian use of the site for many decades, but were considered sound enough for potential retention on-site and thus considered significant trees despite horse damage. Six of the trees considered unsuitable for retention are Lombardy poplar nos. 9001 through 9006. A seventh Lombardy poplar no. 9007 is dead. All the on-site Lombardy poplar were severely "topped" many years ago and now only 12 to 14 foot high "stumps" remain, but with varying amounts of regenerated branch sprouts. Even when in relatively good condition Lombardy poplar are a non-native species generally rated as a "high failure risk" in some literature, are notorious for rapid advance of any internal decay, exhibit frequent limb loss in high wind, and eventually are prone to whole tree failure when over -mature. In addition Lombardy poplar are especially susceptible to certain cankers and fungal infections. Moreover, the on-site Lombardy poplar are already at an advanced age and have been mutilated via extreme topping. DR Hortn.Meadowvue.1701 2 S. A. Newman Firm Meadomue January 16, 2017 In the opinion of the undersigned the Lombardy poplar are not salvageable via restorative pruning, and any branch sprouts allowed to attain significant size will be poorly attached to the main bole stem, and will have a high likelihood of failure. *I O x`01 •r4 044 tt01 #11 rr.u� NJ fA Look at east side of 30" DBH bigleaf maple no. 7358 decayed to the extent that you can see through the basal area and forest litter on west side of tree is visible behind tree in this photo. 43' DBH Western red cedar no. 7357 visible at left in background. This report is an inventory only and trees considered suitable for retention onsite are subject to appropriate protection during construction. Another project party is reportedly calculating applicable tree retention and/or replacement. The undersigned reserves the right to review the tree protection plans (if any) developed for on-site construction and saved trees. Any deviation from the conditions of approval for site activities by City of Renton or any failure to comply with the minimal ISA standards for the preservation of trees during construction could result in a revised recommendation DR Hortn.Meadowvue.1701 3 S. A. Newman Firm Meadomue January 16, 2017 46" DBH bigleaf maple no. 7386 with mechanical damage at base presumably from horses -- considered potentially suitable for retention despite damage. for retention or removal. The risk of tree failure is relative, and such a risk therefore exists even for the least hazardous trees recommended to be retained and/or monitored. Changes in circumstances, condition and tree size can also lead to a change in tree status, tree deterioration and potentially result in instability. In the opinion of the undersigned, low to moderate risk of failure only exists for the near-term for on-site trees considered potentially suitable for retention. Monitoring is always warranted during and to some extent after construction. The undersigned assumes that little if any soil disturbance will occur within prescribed critical root protection zones surrounding the trees proposed for retention. The undersigned reserves the right to revise recommendations for retention trees if significant soil disturbances or other tree impacts occur are required as part of plat construction which materially affect trees. DR Hortn.Meadowvue.1701 4 S. A. Newman Firm Meadowvue January 16, 2017 Dead 34" DBH Lombardy poplar no. 9007 appears in foreground a right of photo. 36" DBH Lombardy poplar no. 9006 appears in left -center of photo behind turkey pen. No. 9006 ssignificant poorly attached branch sprouts regenerating from the remaining high stump. Certification. I certify that: I inspected the trees and property that are the subjects of this report on various dates indicated herein in 2016 and 2017; the statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; have no present or prospective interest in the trees or property that is the subject of this report; my services are not contingent on an action or event resulting from the analyses, opinions, or conclusions in, or the use of, this report; and that the conclusions set forth in this report are my independent conclusions, and that such conclusions were reached without collaboration of others except for the professional assistance as detailed herein. All conclusions were reached without direction as to recommended action. I have not revealed the findings and results of this report to anyone other than the client named herein, and our firm will not do so until authorized in writing by said party or until required to do so by due process of law. DR Hortn.Meadowvue.1701 5 S. A. Newman Firm Meadomue January 16, 2017 The undersigned arborist remains available for additional site review and to prepare plans for tree protection during construction, for consultation during construction, and for follow-up steps for monitoring in years following construction if requested or otherwise engaged. Please feel free to phone me at 425-2594411 (fax 425-25&4435) if you have any questions. Thank you. Respectfully Submitted, S. A. NEWMAN FIRM Peter C. Blansett, Principal Forester/ ISA Certified Arborist No. PN0659A ISA Qualified Tree Risk Assessor Email: pblansett@sanforest.com DR Hortn.Meadowvue.1701 6 S. A. Newman Firm Exhibit 1 Numeric Meadowvue Project in a Portion of Sec. 14 - T23N - R5E, W.M., in City of Renton, King County, WA Page 1 of 1 Tree No. Species" DBHb Comments Suitable? inches Size?' 7134 Flowering cherry 7 multi -stemmed Y 7135 Flowering cherry 8 multi -stemmed Y 7136 Flowering cherry 9 multi -stemmed Y 7141 Leyland cypress 18 Y 7142 Leyland cypress 10 Y 7143 Leyland cypress 12 Y 7144 Leyland cypress 10 Y 7145 Leyland cypress 7 Y 7146 Leyland cypress 8 Y 7147 Leyland cypress 10 Y 7148 Leyland cypress 6 Y 7152 Fruit cherry 8 multi -stemmed Y 7153 Fruit apple 3 multi -stemmed N 7154 Fruit cherry 5 multi -stemmed N 7178 Hawthorne 9 multi -stemmed Y 7281 Bigleaf maple 60 multi -stemmed Y 7310 Bigleaf maple 43 Y 7356 Bigleaf maple 10 multi -stemmed Y 7357 Western red cedar 43 Y 7358 Bigleaf maple 30 multi -stemmed; major decay; unsuitable for retention N 7386 Bigleaf maple 46 Y 7389 Bigleaf maple 34 multi -stemmed Y 7417 Bigleaf maple 21 Y 7420 Bigleaf maple 12 multi -stemmed Y 7427 Western red cedar 46 Y 7428 Bigleaf maple 45 Y 9001 Lombardy poplar 22 Topped-- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9002 Lombardy poplar 26 Topped-- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9003 Lombardy poplar 24 Topped -- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9004 Lombardy poplar 24 Topped-- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9005 Lombardy poplar 30 Topped-- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9006 Lombardy poplar 36 Topped-- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9007 Lombardy poplar 34 Topped-- 12 to 14' high dead stump; unsuitable for retention N 9996 Unknown deciduou 12 multi -stemmed Y 9997 Unknown deciduou 10 multi -stemmed Y 9998 Bigleaf maple 6 multi -stemmed Y 9999 Bigleaf maple 10 multi -stemmed Y Prepared by Peter C. Blansett, ISA Certified Arborist No. PN0659A a Western red cedar =Thuja plicata; Leyland cypress = X Cuppressocyparis leylandii; Bigleaf maple =Acer macrophyllum; hawthorne = Crataegus laevigata; Cherries =Prunus spp.; Apple = Malus spp. b DBH means diameter at breast height - a standard point of measurement 4.5 feet above grounf level as measurE on uphill side of tree. Trees denpoted "N" are either unsuitable for retention due to serious decay or strutural defects; or were marked on-site with a numbered aluimnium tag and shown on Boundary & Topographic Survey but are too small to be a significant tree as defined under RMC 4-11-200. DR Horton.Meadowvue.1701 S. A. NEWMAN FIRM Exhibit 2 Sorted Meadowvue Project in a Portion of Sec. 14 - T23N - R5E, W.M., in City of Renton, King County, WA Page 1 of 1 Tree No. Species DBH Comments Suitable? inches Size? 7358 Bigleaf maple 30 multi -stemmed; major decay; unsuitable for retention N 7153 Fruit apple 3 multi -stemmed N 7154 Fruit cherry 5 multi -stemmed N 9001 Lombardy poplar 22 Topped-- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9002 Lombardy poplar 26 Topped -- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9003 Lombardy poplar 24 Topped -- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9004 Lombardy poplar 24 Topped -- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9005 Lombardy poplar 30 Topped-- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9006 Lombardy poplar 36 Topped-- 12 to 14' high resprouting stump; unsuitable for retention N 9007 Lombardy poplar 34 Topped -- 12 to 14' high dead stump; unsuitable for retention N 7281 Bigleaf maple 60 multi -stemmed Y 7310 Bigleaf maple 43 Y 7356 Bigleaf maple 10 multi -stemmed Y 7386 Bigleaf maple 46 Y 7389 Bigleaf maple 34 multi -stemmed Y 7417 Bigleaf maple 21 Y 7420 Bigleaf maple 12 multi -stemmed Y 7428 Bigleaf maple 45 Y 9998 Bigleaf maple 6 multi -stemmed Y 9999 Bigleaf maple 10 multi -stemmed Y 7134 Flowering cherry 7 multi -stemmed Y 7135 Flowering cherry 8 multi -stemmed Y 7136 Flowering cherry 9 multi -stemmed Y 7152 Fruit cherry 8 multi -stemmed Y 7178 Hawthorne 9 multi -stemmed Y 7141 Leyland cypress 18 Y 7142 Leyland cypress 10 Y 7143 Leyland cypress 12 Y 7144 Leyland cypress 10 Y 7145 Leyland cypress 7 Y 7146 Leyland cypress 8 Y 7147 Leyland cypress 10 Y 7148 Leyland cypress 6 Y 9996 Unknown deciduou 12 multi -stemmed Y 9997 Unknown deciduou 10 multi -stemmed Y 7357 Western red cedar 43 Y 7427 Western red cedar 46 Y Prepared by Peter C. Blansett, IS Certified Arborist No. PN0659A a Western red cedar =Thuja plicata; Leyland cypress = X Cuppressocyparis leylandii; Bigleaf maple =Acer macrophyllum; hawthorne = Crataegus laevigata; Cherries =Prunus spp.; Apple = Malus spp. b DBH means diameter at breast height - a standard point of measurement 4.5 feet above grounf level as measurE on uphill side of tree. Trees denpoted "N" are either unsuitable for retention due to serious decay or strutural defects; or were marked on-site with a numbered aluimnium tag and shown on Boundary & Topographic Survey but are too small to be a significant tree as defined under RMC 4-11-200. DR Horton.Meadowvue.1701 S. A. NEWMAN FIRM 'Nit eg d bo P+ 3�a e3 I nW ��a �m 3cF.7 It:�IN YWW I^��' c so W ll -r ��moo �m�m �g Nit •�$ u^. re R Call ^190'"-x._ RR n u till '�583�W;:�'m '3588'�g<� 3W 3W HS >^ \ Bym-'�Ya, "mow �a�•IL fl,':`w- s:��� kson� _--�• 3w -�� a. 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