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WHEREAS the Planning Ccimission of the City of Renton and the City Council
have heretofore adopted and filed a "Comprehensive Plan" as evidenced by Resolution
No. 1240 and City of Renton Ordinance No. 2142 and as further implemented and
amended by various plans, codes, reports and records, and
WHEREAS since such adoption the Planning Commission having heretofore duly
recommended to the City Council certain amendments to said City's "Comprehensive
Plan"; and said Planning Commission and City Council having duly hold public
meetings in relation to such amendments, and due notice thereof having been given
as provided by law, and said public meetings having been held on the follo-aing _
dates, to wit: 7/19 , 8/16 , 9/13 , 1967 and 4/29, 5/7 , 7/29, 9/9and 10/i24, i9(8
and such hearings having been duly continued, and all parties appearing in favor
or opposition to said amendments having bean duly heard at such public hearings,
WHEREAS as a result of such public hearings it is advisable and appropriate
to make amendments and modifications to said City's full "Comprehensive Plan";
SECTION I: The aforestated findings and recitals are hereby found to be true
and correct in all respects. The City of Renton's "Comprehensive Land Use Plan"
and maps in conjunction therewith are hereby modifiedand amended, pursuant to the
public hearings held in connection therewith as herein ahc;ve specified, before
the Planning Commission and the City Council, which amendments and modifications are
- which is likewise. incorporated herein and made a part of this Ordinance as if
fully set forth.
SECTION II: The City Engineer and Planning Director are hereby authorized
and directed to make the necessary changes of said City's "Comprehensive Land
Use Plan" and the maps in conjunction therewith to evidence the aforedescri ed
SECTION III: The City Clerk and Planning Director are further authorized
and directed to file this Ordinance, together with all exhibits end adenda
thereto, with the King County Auditor's office and as otherwise provided by law,
and a complete Copy of said documents likewise being on file with the office
of the City Clerk, City of Renton.
SECTION IV: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after
its passage, approval end legal publication.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this, `, . day of 1968.
Helmie Nelson, City Clerk
APPROVED BY TUE MAYOR this o/,d day of _ 1968.
• Donald W. Custer, Mayor
Approved as to Form:
Gerar P9.
She-1=4""".n. Cats Attorney
• - • • • ' • EXHIBIT A -
Ordinance 2)i39
SEPTEMBER 9 , 1968
1. KENNYDALE AREA: Bounded on 1. _Single family residential. _
the north by S .E. . 84th St. , - _
on the south by S.E. 100th
_St. , on the east by the
freeway, on the west by
Lake Washington Blvd. , now •
indicated as multi-family
residential (medium density) . •
2. KENNYDALE AREA: West of Lake 2. , Recreation.
Washington Blvd. between Lake
Washington Beach Park and S.E.
95th St. , now indicated as
multi-family residential (low
density) .
3. KENNYDALE AREA: Bounded on the 3. Single family residential. •
north by S .E. 97th St. , on the
. south by 12th Ave . N. , on the
. east by 116th Ave. S .E. , on the
west by the freeway, now indi •
cated as multi-family residen-
tial (low density) .
4. HIGHLANDS AREA: Bounded on 4. Low density multi-family north
the north by S .E. 104th St. of 14th Ave. N. and medium
extended, on the south by 12th density multi-family south
Ave. N. , on the east by Puget -of 14th Ave. N. __
Sound Power R/W, on the west by
"H" St. , is now indicated as -
multi-family residential (high - _, -
density) .
5. HONEYDEW AREA: Bounded on the 5. Medium density multi-family
north by 12th Ave. N. , on the residential use.
south by 11th Ave. N. , on the
east by 136th Ave. S.E. , on
the west by 132nd Ave. S .E.
now indicated as multi-family
residential (high density) .
6. HIGHLANDS AREA: Bounded on 6. Low density multi-family
the north by 9th Ave. N. , on residential use.
the south by 5th Ave. N. , on _ --- -_ - -- -
the east by "I" St. , on the -
west by "H" St. now indicated
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-2- •
8. EAST CEMETERY RD. AREA: The 8. Business to a depth of 600 '
four corners of 138th Ave S.E. surrounded by a 200 ' buffer
to a depth of 300 ' indicated strip of multi-family resi-
as business. dential (medium density) .
9 . . NORTH RENTON AREA: Bounded 9. Light industrial.
on the north by N. 4th St. ,
on the east by Houser Way,
on the west by Factory Ave.
N. indicated as multi-family
residential (high density)
and commercial. .
10. NORTH RENTON AREA: Bounded 10.. The area bounded on the north
- on the north by N. 6th St. , by N. 6th St. , on the south by
on the south by N. 3rd St. , N. 3rd St. , on the west by a
on the west by a line mid- line midway between Pelly and
way between Pelly and Park Park Aves. , and extending east
Ayes. , and on the east by to a one-lot depth on the east
Factory Ave. , shown as multi- side of Park Ave. N.--commercial.
family residential (high The property bounded on the nortr
density) . by N. 6th St. , on the south by
N. 4th St. , on the west by a
line approximately 100 ' east
of Park Ave. , and on the east
• by Garden Ave.--light industrial.
Property bounded on the north by
N. 6th St. , on the south by
N. 4th St. , on the east by
Factory Ave. , and on the west
by Garden Ave.--heavy industrial.
Property bounded on the north by
N. 4th St. , on the south by a
line 100 ' north of N. 3rd St. ,
on the west by the east boundary
of the lots fronting on the east
side of Park Ave. N. and on the
east by Garden Ave.--public use
(P-1) . Remainder of the
property described under
EXISTING column above--high
density multi-family residential.
11. EARLINGTON INDUSTRIAL AREA: 11. Light industrial or manufacturinc
Bounded on the north by Pacific park..
Coast Railroad, on the south
by Northern Pacific Railway,
on the east by 89th Ave. S .
extended, on the west by Great
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12 . RENTON HILL AREA: That area 12. Property bounded on the north by
bounded on the north by the the freeway, 7th St. , 8th St. ,
freeway and 8th St. , on the and 9th St. , on the south by the
south b the southern southern boundary of Puget Sound
y Power and Light Company Trans-
boundary of the Puget Sound mission Line Easement, en the
Power and Light Transmission west by the freeway, and on the
Line Easement, on the west east by a mid-point between Mill
by the freeway, and on the and Cedar Ayes. , Cedar Ave. ,
east by Grant Ave. and Jones Renton Ave. and Grant Ave.--
Ave, presently shown as medium densit multi-family
medium density multi-familyresidential. Property bounded
residential. on the north by the freeway,
on the south by 7th St. , on the
west by a mid-point between Mill
and Cedar Ayes. , and on the east
• by Cedar Ave.--low density multi-
family residential. Remainder
of area described under EXISTING
column above--single family
13 . MONTEREY TERRACE AREA: 13 . Commercial use.
Bounded on the north by
Bronson Way, the south by
Maple Valley Rd. , on the east
by Monterey Terrace, on the
west by the freeway, indicated
as multi-family residential
(medium density) .
14. GLADDING McBEAN, HADDAD AREA: 14. The area revised to low density
Bounded on the north by the multi-family is bounded on the
Cedar River, the south by north by the Cedar River, the
5th St. & 7th St. extended, south by the railroad, and the
west by Sec. 16-23-15 . The area
the east by Puget Sound Power revised to light industrial or
and Light Transmission Line, manufacturing park is bounded on
and on the west by Jones and the north by the railroad R/W,
Grant Ames . presently indicated on the south by a line 400 '
as Heavy industrial, low density south of the railroad, on the
multi-family and green belt west by the westerly R/W line
(limited development area) . of Grant St. extended north to
the- railroad R/W, and on the
• east by the Cedar River. The
remaining portion of the area--
green belt (limited development
area) .
-4- _ •
16. MAPLE VALLEY AREA: Bounded 16. Recreational use.
by the Cedar River on the west
and north, on the east by
148th Ave. S.E. extended, on
the south by Milwaukee Rail-
road mainline R/W indicated as
reen belt (limited development
area .
17. MAPLEWOOD HOMES -AREA: Bounded 17. Multi-family residential (low
on the north by Maple Valley density) .
Road thence south 1200 ' , on
the east by 140th Ave. S. E. ,
on the west by the Cedar River,
designated for recreational
18. ROLLING HILLS AREA: From the 18. Single family residential.
intersection of Rolling Hills
Ave. S. and Puget Drive to a
radius of 600 ' indicated as
multi-family residential
(medium density) .
19. TALBOT HILL AREA: Bounded on 19. Single family residential.
the north by the freeway, on
the south by 13th Ave. , on the
east by Talbot Rd, on the west
by Lake Ave. S . , indicated as
multi-family residential (low -
density) .
20. WEST TALBOT HILL AREA: Bounded 20. Green belt (limited development
on the north by 13th Ave. S . , area)
on the south by S . 176th St.
extended, on the west by East
Valley Freeway, east to a depth
of 300 ' from the freeway
indicated as multi-family
residential (medium density) .
21. CASCADE AREA: Bounded on the 21. Single family residential.
north by S.E. 160th St. ex-
tended, on the south by S .E.
176th St. , on the east by
116th Ave. S.E. , on the west
by 108th Ave. S.E. indicated
as multi-family residential
(medium density) .
22 . BENSON HILL AREA: Bounded by 22 . Single family residential:
-5- •
23 . BENSON HILL AREA: Starting 23. Reduce the area of commercial
at the intersection of 108th from 1000 ' to 600 ' banded by a
Ave. S.E. and S.E. 176th St. 400 ' strip of multi-family
to a radius of 1000 ' was residential (medium density) .
• designated commercial bounded
by a 500 ' band of multi-
family residential (medium
density) .
24. NORTH KENNYDALE LAKE FRONT 24. Heavy industrial use.
VICINITY: Bounded on the north
by S.E. 74th St. extended, on
•the south by S.E. 84th St. , on
the east by the railroad, and
the west by the Inner Harbor
Line, presently is medium
density multi-family.
25. AREA WEST OF ROLLING HILLS: 25. Low density multi-family
Bounded on the north by the residential use.
Bonneville Power Administration
line, on the south by Puget
Dr. , on the west by 106th Ave.
S.E. , and on the east by the
west line of Rolling Hills
Plat, presently single family
26. HIGHLANDS HOSPITAL PROPERTY: 26. Recreational use
Bounded on the west by "E" St. ,
on the east by "I" St. on the
north by S.E. 125th St. , and on
the south by 4th Ave. N. Formerly
shown as high and medium density
multi-family residential uses.
27. NEW VALLEY GENERAL HOSPITAL 27. Medium density multi-family
SITE VICINITY: Bounded on the bounded by 600 ' south of
north by S. 180th St. , on the S. 180th St. extending west
south by a line 800 feet south to the East Valley Freeway and
of S. 180th St. , on the west by east to a depth of 600 ' east
the East Valley Freeway, and of Springbrook Road. Remainder
--low density multi-family..
the east by a line about 800 feet
east of Springbrook Rd. , presently
single family residential use.
28. SOUTH HIGHLANDS AREA: That area 28 . The south 200 feet ± of the
bounded on the north by the south , property described under
boundary of the Plat of Monterey EXISTING column to be revised
Terrace and Mt. Olive Cemetery, to greenbelt (limited develop-
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