HomeMy WebLinkAboutCulvert ReplacementAs-Built Record Southport Access Road Improvements Renton, Washington for Southport, LLC April 14, 2017 As-Built Record Southport Access Road Improvements Renton, Washington for Southport, LLC April 14, 2017 1101 South Fawcett Avenue, Suite 200 Tacoma, Washington 98402 253.383.4940 As-Built Record Southport Access Road Improvements Renton, Washington File No. 021854-001-02 April 14, 2017 Prepared for: Southport LLC 1083 Lake Washington Blvd Renton, Washington 98056 Attention: Scott Rosenstock Prepared by: GeoEngineers, Inc. 1101 South Fawcett Avenue, Suite 200 Tacoma, Washington 98402 253.383.4940 David B. Conlin, MA, PWS Project Biologist Joseph O. Callaghan, MS, PWS Associate DBC:JOC:cam Disclaimer: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. April 14, 2017 | Page i File No. 21854-001-02 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 1 MITIGATION RECORD ................................................................................................................................. 1 Site Topography and Channel Conditions ............................................................................................ 2 Invasive Species .................................................................................................................................... 2 Plant Condition and Layout ................................................................................................................... 2 BASELINE MONITORING ............................................................................................................................ 3 Monitoring Stations ............................................................................................................................... 3 Monitoring Data ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Mitigation Performance Standards ....................................................................................................... 3 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................. 4 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. As-Built Record APPENDICES Appendix A. Field Reports Appendix B. Photographic Record Appendix C. Final Landscape Plan April 14, 2017 | Page 1 File No. 21854-001-02 INTRODUCTION GeoEngineers, Inc. (GeoEngineers) has prepared this as-built report for Southport, LLC (Southport) to document completion of the mitigation for the Southport Access Road Improvements project in Renton, Washington. The project involved road widening, which necessitated replacement of the existing pipe culverts with a pre-cast concrete box culvert. The three side-by-side corrugated metal culverts were replaced with a single pre-cast concrete box culvert 25 feet in width. Habitat mitigation included restoration of the existing and newly created stream habitat affected by the work as well as riparian vegetation enhancement and re-establishment in areas disturbed during construction. A complete project description, as well as the approved permit drawings, are provided in the Stream Assessment and Final Mitigation Plan 1. The project was authorized by the following regulatory agencies: ■ Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW): Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) #2016-4-173+02. ■ United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE): Clean Water Act Nationwide Permit (NWP) #14 for Linear Transportation Projects (USACE Reference No. NWS-2016-258. ■ City of Renton Land Use Authorization: Approval of Final Mitigation Plan/Proposed Maintenance & Monitoring, LUA00-156. Permits obtained for the project included specific requirements for stream channel restoration (primarily as conditions of the HPA permit) and restoration of riparian vegetation. The purpose of this as-built record is to document post-construction conditions at the site and establish a baseline for long-term monitoring as required by the project permits. As part of the vegetation requirements, long-term monitoring of plantings is also required for a minimum of 3 years by WDFW and 5 years by the City of Renton. MITIGATION RECORD A GeoEngineers biologist completed site visits to provide support and documentation during construction of the culvert on September 9 and 10, 2016. The purposes of these site visits were to provide assistance to the construction contractor when interpreting habitat design requirements identified in project permits and to observe and document the culvert installation, final channel grading, and placement of habitat boulders. Field reports documenting GeoEngineers’ observations are included as Appendix A. GeoEngineers biologists conducted additional site visits on March 2 and 16, 2017, during and immediately following installation of riparian plantings. The purpose of the March 2, 2017, site visit was to provide construction support to the landscape contractor with regard to plant layout on the stream bank and riparian buffer. The March 16, 2017, site visit was completed to provide final as-built documentation for the completed restoration, as well as to establish long-term monitoring locations and baseline data collection. 1 GeoEngineers, Inc. 2016. Stream Assessment and Final Mitigation Plan, Southport Access Road Improvements, Renton, Washington. Prepared for Southport, LLC, on July 18, 2016. April 14, 2017 | Page 2 File No. 21854-001-02 The record drawing for mitigation completed for the project is included as Figure 1. A photographic record is included as Appendix B. Site Topography and Channel Conditions By the conclusion of our September 10, 2016, site visit, the channel construction and grading was complete and the habitat boulders placed within the channel throughout the restored stream crossing area. GeoEngineers was onsite during removal of the dewatering system and observed water as it was first allowed to flow through the new channel. The water followed the new thalweg through the approximate mid-point of the channel. Refer to Appendix A for additional details regarding our observations. Invasive Species Invasive species, primarily Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), were completely removed from the construction area by mechanized equipment during clearing and grading associated with the culvert work. Adjacent areas, not affected by construction, remain dominated by invasive species and are anticipated to present long-term problems within the restoration area by providing a seed source for invasive species expansion if not proactively controlled. Plant Condition and Layout On March 2, 2017, GeoEngineers met with the landscape contractor (Lopez Valley Nursery), prior to the installation of riparian plantings. At the time of this site visit, the entire planting area had been covered in mulch. GeoEngineers observed the plant stock delivered to the site and had no exceptions. On March 16, 2017, after plant installation had been completed, we re-visited the site to observe the general condition, installation, and locations of newly installed plants. It appeared that the species used, quantity, and spacing of installed plantings were generally consistent with the approved mitigation plan 2 and final landscape drawing developed by Hewitt (included as Appendix C), as documented on Figure 1. Plant species appeared generally healthy and in good condition. Some sword fern (Polystichum munitum) appeared slightly stressed; however, none were obviously deceased. Newly installed salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) were quite small and difficult to see, with occasional new buds noted on several plants. Both Oregon grape species (Mahonia spp.), as well as the red-flowering currant (Ribes sanguineum) were robust and most plants had multiple new blooms. Plant density appeared to match or exceed requirements of the mitigation plan. During construction, clearing upstream of the culvert exceeded the plan, which required expansion of the restoration planting area to the south. This zone is indicated on Figure 1 as “extra” riparian and upland plantings. Since additional area was planted, spacing of extra upland plants on the east side of the creek was greater than planned in some places, particularly near the southern limit of plantings. This area should be monitored for invasive species encroachment and could require additional maintenance during plant establishment. 2 GeoEngineers, Inc. 2016. Stream Assessment and Final Mitigation Plan, Southport Access Road Improvements, Renton, Washington. Prepared for Southport, LLC, on July 18, 2016. April 14, 2017 | Page 3 File No. 21854-001-02 BASELINE MONITORING Permits obtained for the project require up to 5 years of monitoring of the project mitigation. To comply with these requirements, GeoEngineers established two semi-permanent vegetation monitoring stations within the riparian planting areas described above. Plot locations are indicated on Figure 1 and a photographic record of each plot is included in Appendix B. The following sections provide additional detail regarding the vegetation monitoring plots, including data results from the Year 0 baseline monitoring event. Monitoring Stations Two permanent monitoring stations were established at the site, one on each side of the crossing. Each station consists of a belt-transect, 7 feet in width and 20 feet in length (140 square feet), marked at each end with a labelled wooden post. The monitoring stations were identified and labeled as MS-1 (upstream) and MS-2 (downstream), as shown on Figure 1. Monitoring stations were located with the intent of capturing the planting gradient from the upland riparian buffer to the OHWM. These monitoring stations will serve as the basis for long-term monitoring in accordance with the approved permits. Monitoring Data We identified and counted planted individuals within each monitoring station and recorded two photographs at each station, one taken from each end of the transect facing inward. These data are summarized in the following table and photographs are included in Appendix B. TABLE 1. MONITORING DATA RESULTS Species Counts of Planted Individuals MS-1 MS-2 Willows (Salix spp.) 4 4 Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) 2 2 Creeping Oregon Grape (Mahonia nervosa) 21 Tall Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) 2 Redosier Dogwood (Cornus sericea) 1 Sword Fern (Polystichum munitum) 16 Red Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum) 2 Total 30 24 Mitigation Performance Standards Per the approved mitigation plan3, the site shall be monitored for a minimum of 5 years to ensure the following performance standards are achieved: ■ Minimum 90 percent survival of installed species throughout the monitoring period. 3 GeoEngineers, Inc. 2016. Stream Assessment and Final Mitigation Plan, Southport Access Road Improvements, Renton, Washington. Prepared for Southport, LLC, on July 18, 2016. April 14, 2017 | Page 4 File No. 21854-001-02 ■ Maximum 20 percent cover by invasive weed species identified as Regulated Class A, B or C Noxious Weeds by the King County Weed Board. To measure these objectives, the two monitoring stations will be visited during Years 1, 2, 3 and 5 (four monitoring events) and plant species compared to the data in Table 1 above. Invasive species will be noted and percent cover estimated within each monitoring station and over the entire site. Each annual monitoring report will include maintenance recommendations as needed. SUMMARY This document provides a record of compliance on behalf of the permittee (Southport) with mitigation requirements as specified in environmental permits. GeoEngineers has provided this documentation in accordance with the permits and as specified in the approved Mitigation Plan. As of the completion of our services associated with this as-built documentation, Southport has implemented the construction phase of the mitigation plan as designed. We recommend the installation surety provided to the City as a condition of the Land Use Authorization be released to the owner. As part of this as-built documentation, GeoEngineers biologists established monitoring stations and collected monitoring data to use as a baseline for required long-term monitoring over the next 5 years. These data are presented above and on the figures and appendices included with this report. Continued project success will be dependent on compliance with the monitoring, maintenance, and contingency measures outlined in the Mitigation Plan. LIMITATIONS GeoEngineers, Inc. has prepared this as-built report in general accordance with the scope and limitations of our proposal. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with the generally accepted practices for wetland mitigation in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, express or implied, should be understood. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Southport LLC, authorized agents, and regulatory agencies, following the described methods and information available at the time of the work. No other party may rely on the product of our services unless we agree in advance to such reliance in writing. The information contained herein should not be applied for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. FIGURES TURF WF SIGN EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN, TYP. 198+00 PSE BUFFER29 3031 32 WOOD GUARD RAIL 6"CON 6"CON 6"CON TRANSMISSION TOWER 6"CON 14"DEC EASEMENT FOR PUBL I C S T R E E T P E R REC. NO.6201855 2"CON 6"CON 2"CON 2"CON 31 (3)4"DEC UNKNOWN UTILITY VAULT 2"CON 2"CON 3 0 PROTECT VAULT AND CB ADJUST SHORING AS NEEDED FOR CB AND PIPING REMOVE ALL BRUSH, TREES AND VEGETATION WITHIN CONSTRUCTION LIMITS COORDINATE WITH PROPERTY MANAGER AND CITY INSPECTOR TO INTERRUPT ACCESS TO PARKING LOT REMOVE EX CB REMOVE EX CULVERTS TREE PROTECTION FENCE SEE DETAIL 6/C2-210 PROTECT TREE, FENCE, TOWER AND ALL ASSOCIATED EQIOPMENT PROTECT VAULT, SIGNS AND LIGHT POLE SEQUENCE DEMOLITION AND DRIVE CLOSURE TO MAINTAIN 22' ACCESS AT ALL TIMES REMOVE EX STORM LINE MAINTAIN PARK ACCESS COORDINATE CLOSURE WITH CITY INSPECTOR AND CITY PARKS SAW CUT AND REMOVE EX ASPHALT REMOVE SIDEWALK, RAMP, CURB AND GUTTER SAW CUT SIDEWALK AT NEAREST JOINT BEHIND CURB, PROTECT REMAINING SIDEWALK SAW CUT AND REMOVE EX ASPHALT REMOVE EX CONC CURB AND GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND RAMP PROPERTY LINE PROTECT EX STRUCTURE EASEMENT (TYP) 197+0 0 197+50 198+5 0 19 9 + 0 0 S CREEKCURB LINE 10"CON RET. WALL CURB L INECURB L IN E SIDE W A L K MS-2 MS-1 Figure 1 Southport Access Road Improvements Renton, Washington As-Built Record W E N S P:\21\21854001\CAD\02\As-Built Record\2185400102_F01_As-Built Record.dwg TAB:F01 Date Exported: 04/03/17 - 15:26 by syiFeet 020 20 Notes: 1.The locations of all features shown are approximate. 2.This drawing is for information purposes. It is intended to assist in showing features discussed in an attached document. GeoEngineers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy and content of electronic files. The master file is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official record of this communication. Data Source: PDF into CAD provided by Hewitt, dated 04/25/16. Vertical Datum: MLLW (NAVD 88). Projection: NAD83 Washington State Planes, North Zone, US Foot. Legend Riparian Plantings Extra Riparian Plantings Upland Plantings Extra Upland Plantings Turf APPENDICES APPENDIX A Field Reports  THIS FIELD REPORT IS PRELIMINARY A preliminary report is provided solely as evidence that field observation was performed. Observations and/or conclusions and/or recommendations conveyed in the final report may vary from and shall take precedence over those indicated in a preliminary report. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DATE Thomas Bannister September 9, 2016  THIS FIELD REPORT IS FINAL A final report is an instrument of professional service. Any conclusions drawn from this report should be discussed with and evaluated by the professional involved. REVIEWED BY DATE David Conlin September 16, 2016 Joe Callaghan September 19, 2016 This report presents opinions formed as a result of our observation of activities relating to our services only. We rely on the contractor to comply with the plans and specification throughout the duration of the project irrespective of the presence of our representative. Our work does not include supervision or direction of the work of others. Our firm will not be responsible for job or site safety of others on this project. DISCLAIMER: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. Attachments: Distribution: Field Report File Number: 21854-001-02 Plaza 600 Building 600 Stewart Street, Suite 1700 Seattle, Washington 98101 206.728.2674 Project: Southport Development – Johns Creek Culvert Date: September 9, 2016 Owner: Southport LLC Time of Arrival: 1:00 pm Report Number: 1 Prepared by: Thomas Bannister Location: Renton, Washington Time of Departure: 2:00 pm Page: 1 of 1 Purpose of visit: Construction Observation Weather: Sunny Travel Time: 1 hour Permit Number: Upon arrival to the site I assessed personal safety hazards: Yes or Referred to Site Safety Plan and Safety Tailgate if applicable Safety Hazards Were Addressed by : Staying Alert to Construction and Equipment Hazards Other (describe) GeoEngineers biologist, Thomas Bannister, traveled to the site to observe construction activities related to the restoration of the stream channel of the new Johns Creek culvert. The biologist met with James Philips, supervisor with KLB Construction (contractor). At the time of arrival, the contractor had installed 8 of 12 precast culvert bases and was welding them together. See photo facing downstream, below. While on site, the contractor informed GeoEngineers that the streambed gravel and boulders inside the culvert would be installed in conjunction with the culvert lids and stream bed material outside of the culvert would follow. The installation of the culvert lids and streambed material was scheduled to be installed in the early morning hours of the following day, September 10. It was agreed that the biologist would return to the site upon receiving a call from the contractor. GeoEngineers discussed the design intent of the stream restoration and provided the contractor with a sketch of representative cross sections of the streambed in the culvert and of the restored channel downstream of the culvert. Discussion items include the establishment of a low-flow channel and channel sinuosity, as illustrated in the design plan. The contractor indicated that they had adequate information to complete the channel restoration. The biologist left the site at approximately 2:00 pm.  THIS FIELD REPORT IS PRELIMINARY A preliminary report is provided solely as evidence that field observation was performed. Observations and/or conclusions and/or recommendations conveyed in the final report may vary from and shall take precedence over those indicated in a preliminary report. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE DATE Thomas Bannister September 10, 2016  THIS FIELD REPORT IS FINAL A final report is an instrument of professional service. Any conclusions drawn from this report should be discussed with and evaluated by the professional involved. REVIEWED BY DATE David Conlin September 16, 2016 Joe Callaghan September 19, 2016 This report presents opinions formed as a result of our observation of activities relating to our services only. We rely on the contractor to comply with the plans and specification throughout the duration of the project irrespective of the presence of our representative. Our work does not include supervision or direction of the work of others. Our firm will not be responsible for job or site safety of others on this project. DISCLAIMER: Any electronic form, facsimile or hard copy of the original document (email, text, table, and/or figure), if provided, and any attachments are only a copy of the original document. The original document is stored by GeoEngineers, Inc. and will serve as the official document of record. Attachments: Distribution: Field Report File Number: 21854-001-02 Plaza 600 Building 600 Stewart Street, Suite 1700 Seattle, Washington 98101 206.728.2674 Project: Southport Development – Johns Creek Culvert Date: September 10, 2016 Owner: Southport LLC. Time of Arrival: 11:15 am Report Number: 2 Prepared by: Thomas Bannister Location: Renton, Washington Time of Departure: 3:00 pm Page: 1 of 3 Purpose of visit: Construction Observation Weather: Sunny Travel Time: 1.25 hours Permit Number: Upon arrival to the site I assessed personal safety hazards: Yes or Referred to Site Safety Plan and Safety Tailgate if applicable Safety Hazards Were Addressed by : Staying Alert to Construction and Equipment Hazards Other (describe) At approximately 9:30 am, GeoEngineers biologist, Thomas Bannister, received a phone call from KLB supervisor, James Philips (contractor), requesting that GeoEngineers review the as-built conditions of the restored Johns Creek channel. At the time of our arrival, the contractor had installed the culvert bases, lids, wing walls, streambed material and habitats boulders. The contractor was actively backfilling around the culvert. It appeared that the contractor graded the streambed through the restored reach as a flat riffle and it lacked a defined low-flow channel and meandering planform. According to the contractor, 30 tons of rounded 1- to 3-man boulders were delivered to the site and placed as habitat boulders. These boulders were individually placed on top of the installed streambed in a loose grid pattern, approximately 4 to 5 feet on center. We observed approximately 5.0 feet of freeboard between the streambed material and the underside of the culvert lid. See photos below. Streambed conditions observed downstream of culvert upon our arrival. File No. 21854-001-02 Field Report No. 2 Page 2 GeoEngineers observed deviations from the approved plans and discussed the channel grading plan with the contactor. The contractor performed additional grading to establish channel conditions that more closely reflect the design plans. The prior installation of the culvert lids and downstream wing walls precluded machinery from entering the culvert and channel downstream of the culvert. The contractor used shovels to re-grade and establish a low-flow channel within the culvert and channel downstream of the culvert. The habitat boulders were moved such that they would interact with the wetted channel during normal and low-flow conditions to the extent practicable. Large boulders unable to be moved to the low-flow channel were embedded to emulate more natural conditions and to provide high flow refugia. Using a small excavator, the contractor re-graded the channel upstream of the culvert. Because the finish elevation of the channel at the upstream end of the culvert was higher than the undisturbed channel upstream of the site, the contractor established a pool immediately upstream of the culvert. The contractor placed the majority of habitat boulders such that they were within the wetted pool area during normal and low-flow conditions. At approximately 2:00 pm, the contractor completed re-grading of the channel through the site. The contractor installed a small sump pump to draw water from upstream of the steel sheet diversion and discharge at the upstream end of the restored channel through the site. A pool approximately 2 feet deep at the upstream end of the restored channel filled with water from the pump. Installed streambed material at the inlet of the new culvert provides grade control for this pool upstream of the culvert. Because the steel sheet pile diversion prevented inundation of the undisturbed channel upstream of the site, we did not observe how far this pool will backwater upstream of the site. We observed water from the pool flowing into the culvert at the location of the low flow channel that was shovel-graded at mid- span of the culvert inlet. Water was flowing through the culvert in the low-flow channel at an approximate gradient of 1 percent. The low-flow channel still lacked the sinuous plan form shown in the design plan; however, readjusted boulder placement provided hydraulic roughness, habitat complexity, small pools, eddies and islands within the channel. We observed water flowing from the culvert into the undisturbed channel downstream of the site. It appears that there is an existing pool downstream of the site and this pool may backwater into the restored channel on the downstream side of the new culvert. According to the contractor, they will be placing additional streambank material downstream of the culvert. However, no additional channel grading is expected to occur. Upstream channel conditions observed upon our arrival. Restored channel upstream of culvert. File No. 21854-001-02 Field Report No. 2 Page 3 Restored channel downstream of the culvert. APPENDIX B Photographic Record Figure B-1Site PhotographsSouthport Access Road ImprovementsRenton, WashingtonPhoto 1. MS-1 viewed downslope to the southwest.Photo 2. MS-1 viewed upslope to the northeast. Figure B-2Site PhotographsSouthport Access Road ImprovementsRenton, WashingtonPhoto 3. MS-2 viewed downslope to the northwest.Photo 4. MS-2 viewed upslope to the southeast. Figure B-3Site PhotographsSouthport Access Road ImprovementsRenton, WashingtonPhoto 4. Upstream east bank planting area.Photo 5. Downstream east bank planting area. Figure B-4Site PhotographsSouthport Access Road Improvements Renton, WashingtonPhoto 6. Upstream west bank planting area.Photo 7. Downstream west bank planting area. APPENDIX C Final Landscape Plan DATUMSTATE OFWASHINGTONREGISTEREDLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTKRIS R. SNIDERCERTIFICATE NO.4631 PERMIT RE-SUBMITTAL10/13/15PPP−SS−TTTTPLANTING PLAN..L1 101..KSA-NNNNAAXXXDATE:FIELDBOOK:DRAWING NO:PAGE:SHEET: OF:SCALE:DESIGNED:DRAWN:CHECKED:APPROVED:NO. REVISION BY DATE APPRSURVEYED:VERTICAL: NAVD 1988IF NOT ONE INCHONE INCHAT FULL SCALEHORIZONTAL: NAD 1983/1991SCALE ACCORDINGLYPlanning/Building/Public Works Dept.CITY OFRENTON4/25/2016SOUTHPORT OFFICERENTON WASHINGTONJWMHJWAS NOTEDSOUTHPORT LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS − PHASE IIApproved By: Date:Approved By: Date:Approved By: Date:Approved By: Date:U14000947101 STEWART STREET, SUITE 200 | SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98101SECTIONCONCRETE CURB ANDGUTTER PER CITY STDSSEE DETAIL 12/C2-311THICKENED ASPHALT EDGESEE DETAIL 2/C2-311TAPERED CURB ENDSEE DETAIL 12/C2-311RIM=±25.0030.8031.1331.65TC 31.96BC 31.46TC 32.48BC 31.9832.6030.6430.4330.5030.9331.47TC 30.89BC 30.3930.1529.6629.1628.6828.6528.9628.3229.9530.44TC 30.32BC 29.82TC 29.83BC 29.33TC 29.33BC 28.83TC 29.25BC 28.75TC 29.48BC 28.98TC 29.51BC 29.01TC 29.99BC 29.49TC 31.12BC 30.62 2 5 29303132212223242 1 2 2 2 3 2 0 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 303 1 30 ADA RAMPPER WSDOT STDSSEE DETAIL 6/C2-311CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PER CITY STDSSEE DETAIL 12/C2-311PLATE CULVERT BRIDGE ANDHEADWALL WITH INTEGRAL WALKWAYAND BARRIER PER BRIDGE PLANSPRECAST CULVERT ANDHEADWALL WITH INTEGRALBARRIER PER BRIDGE PLANSADA RAMPPER WSDOT STDSSEE DETAIL 6/C2-311CONCRETE CURB ANDGUTTER PER CITY STDSSEE DETAIL 12/C2-311CONCRETE SIDEWALK PER CITY STDSSEE DETAIL 11/C2-311CONCRETE CURB ANDGUTTER PER CITY STDSSEE DETAIL 12/C2-311ASPHALT PAVINGSEE DETAIL 3/C2-311THICKENED ASPHALT EDGESEE DETAIL 2/C2-311MATCH SMOOTHAND FLUSH WITHEXISTING CURB ANDGUTTERPLATE CULVERT BRIDGE ANDHEADWALL WITH INTEGRALWALKWAY AND BARRIER PERBRIDGE PLANSMATCH PAVEMENT EDGEFLUSH AND SMOOTH TOEXISTING WITH TACK COATAND SEALANTSIGNAL EQUIPMENT PERTRAFFIC SIGNAL PLANSTHICKENED ASPHALT EDGESEE DETAIL 2/C2-311STORMFILTER MHW/4 ZPG CARTRIDGESRIM=28.36±IE=23.0CONNECT TO EXCB CORE DRILL &GROUT AS NEEDED21 LF 12" SD @ 1.0% MIN26 LF 12" SD @ 1.0% MINTYPE 1 CBRIM=25.0IE=22.0STORMFILTER MHW/4 ZPG CARTRIDGESRIM=30.39±IE=26.512" SD OUTFALL TO NEWCHANNEL WITH ROCK ARMORSEE DETAILCONCRETE SIDEWALK PER CITY STDSSEE DETAIL 11/C2-311CONCRETE SIDEWALK PER CITY STDSSEE DETAIL 11/C2-311CONCRETE SIDEWALK PER CITY STDSSEE DETAIL 11/C2-31110C2-310RAISE CBRIM TO GRADEsec:lbj:11141867PIPE OUTFALL AND INLET HEADWALL PROTECTIONCB(R)CB(R)SDMHRIM=26.11'12" RCP (NE) IE=20.51'8" PVC (S) IE=20.56'12" PVC WITH GATE (NW) IE=20.61'BTM. STRUCT.=18.96'EXTENDED TO LOTS 1,2, AND 4 UPONRECORDING OF CITYOF RENTON SHORTPLAT NO.LUA-99-134-SHPL,REC. NO.20000131900006. ALSOEASEMENT FOR GAS &ELECTRIC LINES ANDACCESS &MAINTENANCE ROADPER REC. NO.9902264178.EASEMENT FOR PUBLICSTREET PER REC.NO.6201855EASEMENT 1PUBLIC SIDEWALK ANDUTILITY EASEMENTREC. N0.20140213000050EASEMENT 2PUBLIC SIDEWALK ANDUTILITY EASEMENTREC. N0.20140213000050 ANDACCESS, LANDSCAPEAND UTILITIESEASEMENT REC. NO.20130207001327EASEMENT 5PUBLIC SIDEWALK ANDUTILITY EASEMENTREC. N0.20140213000050EASEMENTFOR PUBLIC STREETPURPOSES REC. NO.20130312000756T OP T O P TOE TOE OHWM-40 GEOOHWM-32 GEOOHWM-34 GEOOHWM-33 GEOOHWM-42 GEOOHWM-30 GEOOHWM-31 GEOOHWM-24AOHWM-25BOHWM-27BOHWM-28BOHWM-28AOHWM-27AOHWM-25AOHWM-29 GEOOHWM-41 GEOWATER LEVEL=21.5'(NOVEMBER 24, 2015)(3)4"DEC(3)4"DEC14"DEC14"DEC6"CON2"CON6"CON6"CON6"CONUNKNOWNUTILITYVAULTTRANSMISSIONTOWERWOODGUARDRAILDOUBLE YELLOW STRIPELANE STRIPEFO G LIN E"STOP"DIRECTORYSIGN"RR X-INGSIGN"CUTOFFSIGNPOSTRR X-INGSIGN"STOP""2-HR PKG 24/7""2-HR PKG""LEASINGOFFICE""5 MPHSPEEDLIMIT"CONC. BLOCKRET. WALLWFC C CCCCASPHROCKROCKOHPOHPOHPOHPOHPEcd(P)Ecd(P)EVE cd (P )EVEcd(P)EVEVEVELEC.OUTLETON POSTECd(P)ECd(P)ECd(P)ECd(P)ECd(P)UPICB(2)W(P)W ICBONPOST12"W(P)12"W(R)IE 60"CMP=18.12'IE 60"CMP=18.59'IE 60"CMP=18.62'IE 60"CMP=18.20'IE 60"CMP=18.78'IE 60"CMP=18.57'SEASONAL COLOR BEDBY OTHERSTURFSIDEWALK08'-0"16'-0"SIGNPSE BUFFEREXISTING TREESTO REMAIN, TYP.45%Salix hookerianaDune WillowLive stake36" O.C.36" O.C.Live stakePacific WillowSalix lucida ssp.lasiandra45%10%Rubus spectabilisSalmonberryLive stake72" O.C.1.ALL PLANTING LAYOUT TO BE DONE IN COORDINATION WITH PROJECT BIOLOGIST.2.ALL PLANTERS TO BE FLUSH WITH GRADE.3.PROVIDE MULCH THROUGHOUT ENTIRE PLANTED AREA TO A DEPTH OF 2". SEESPECIFICATION, THIS SHEET. (EXCLUDES TURF AND CHANNEL RESTORATION AREAS).4.PROVIDE DRIP IRRIGATION ALL PLANTED AREAS.5.PROVIDE HIGH EFFICIENCY POP-UP SPRAY IRRIGATION TURF AREA.6.REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL FIELDCONDITIONS TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION/INSTALLATION.PLANTING NOTESA."PACIFIC GARDEN MULCH" AS PROVIDED BY PACIFIC TOPSOILS, INC., OR APPROVED EQUAL.1.ORGANIC MULCH FOR GROUND COVER BEDS AND TREE AND SHRUB SAUCERS AND/OR BEDS.2. INSTALL TO A DEPTH OF 2" MIN.MULCH SPECIFICATIONS1.DRIP LINE SPACING +/- 14"-18", EVENLY SPACED. (18" MAX.)2.EMITTER SPACING OF 12"3.EMITTER DISCHARGE OF 0.6 GPH4.ADJUST DRIP LINE SPACING FOR INDIVIDUAL PLANTING REQUIREMENTS.DRIP IRRIGATION INFORMATION1PLANTING PLANPLANTING SCHEDULE - BRIDGEQTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACINGDECIDUOUS SHRUBS3 Oemleria cerasiformis Indian Plum #7 POT Per Plan13 Physocarpus capitatus Pacific Ninebark #5 POT Per Plan35 Ribes sanguineum 'King Edward VII' King Edward VII Flowering Currant #5 POT Per PlanEVERGREEN SHRUBS9 Mahonia × media ‘Winter Sun’ 'Winter Sun' Oregon Grape #5 POT Per PlanPERENNIALS AND GRASSES40 Hemerocallis 'Red Hot Returns' Red Hot Returns Daylily #1 POT Per Plan27 Hemerocallis 'Stella de oro' Stella de Oro Dwarf Daylily #1 POTPer Plan6 Pennisetum orientale 'Karley Rose' 'Karley Rose' Oriental FountainGrass#3 POT Per PlanPLANTING SCHEDULE - BRIDGE - TREESQTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACINGTREE6 Acer circinatum 'Pacific Fire' Pacific Fire vine maple 10' HT Per Plan8 Betula nigra River Birch 3.5" CAL. Per Plan19 Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid' Vanderwolf Pine 10' HT Per PlanPLANTING SCHEDULE - GROUNDCOVER AT BRIDGEHATCH QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING..1211 Liriope spicata Creeping lilyturf #1 POT 15" O.C...354 Mahonia nervosa Low Oregon grape #3 POT 24" O.C...285 Polystichum munitum Sword fern #3 POT 24" O.C...162 Polystichum setiferum Soft Shield Fern #3 POT 24" O.C. PLANTING PLAN Have we delivered World Class Client Service? Please let us know by visiting www.geoengineers.com/feedback.