HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Correspondence October 20,2003 Renton City Council Minutes Page 374 The Committee further recommended Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the partial release of easement document, and that the City Clerk record the document with King County if the applicant meets the 90-day condition. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation) Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation for the reallocation of Transportation: SR-169 funds in the amount of$25,000 from the Grady Way Approach at Rainier Ave. HOV/140th Way SE to SR- Project budget(2003-2008 TIP#53) to the SR-169 HOV/140th Way SE to SR- 900 Project,Fund Transfer 900 (CAG-01-071)Project budget(2003-2008 TIP#9)for the purpose of -RP ,VA- providing the necessary funds to complete the required right-of-way plans needed for approval by Washington State Department of Transportation. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Airport: Runway/Taxiway Councilman Persson reported that soil contamination was discovered on the Lighting Signage&Paving eastside of the Renton Airport along taxiway B, adjacent to Apron A,during Project the construction of the Airport 2003 Taxiway Paving,Lighting and Signage Project,and he warned that the project cost may increase as a result. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 219987-220342 and two wire transfers totaling $3,472,414.03; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 47022-47241, one wire transfer and 575 direct deposits totaling$1,742,231.53. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Business License Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending concurrence Requirement Exemptions in the staff recommendation to approve exemptions to Renton Municipal Code Business License Requirement Exemptions Section 5-5-3.D for translators, expert witnesses,court reporters, and certain attorneys, who have a business license in another jurisdiction and who have a business located outside the City. This exemption is justified due to the possible negative impact on the judicial process if the City does not pass these exemptions. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 375 for ordinance.) Community Event: Valley Councilman Parker announced that he attended the grand opening of the Medical Center Healing Healing Garden at Valley Medical Center, and he expressed appreciation for all Garden that the hospital does for the community. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3662 A resolution was read approving the Maureen Highlands Division I Final Plat Plat: Maureen Highlands consisting of approximately 36.6 acres located in the vicinity of 6118 NE 4th Division I,NE 4th St,FP-03- St. (FP-03-060). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PERSSON, 060 COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: APPROVED BY 1 CITY COUNCIL 1 Date id-a0-a 003 TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT October 20,2003 SR 169 HOV/140th Way SE to SR 900 (CAC 01-414)69-§-0/-071 Reallocation of Funds (Referred October 6,2003) The Transportation/Aviation Committee- recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation for the reallocation.of.:funds"in the:_amount of$25,000-from the Grady Way Approach.at Rainier Avenue'(2003-2:008 TIP-#53) to the SR 169 HOV/140th Way SE to SR 900:(2003-2008 TIP #9) for the purpose of:providing the,necessary funds to complete the required right-of-way plans' needed ::for`approval_eby Washington State Department of Transportation. /1-Z\ , • Don Persson, Chair • ?� — Toni Nelson,Vice Chair • -1 oa- i,iN �vv�clavi�e.- Terri Briere,Member cc: Rob Lochmiller Connie Brundage �ljC�ria -Runkle, H:1Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\DESIGN.ENG\Rob\SR 169-Maple Valley Improvements\Supplement\Committee Report-ROW.doc June 9,2003 Renton City Council Minutes Page 204 Services Needs Assessment,and for disseminating 2000 Census data. MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Utility: City Code Amends re concurrence in the recommendation of staff to approve changes to City Code Utility Rates Remission& sections 4-1-180.D, 8-2-1.D, 8-4-10, 8-4-11, 8-4-12, 8-4-18, 8-4-26, 8-4-33.B, Water Meter Service Charges 8-4-34, 8-5-15.H, and 8-5-16.B to clarify remission of rates,increase charges to shut off and turn on water meters, and add an after-hours charge to turn on meters. The Committee further recommended that an ordinance making said amendments be prepared and submitted to Council for first reading.* Councilman Corman stated that these City Code amendments recover the City's costs for shutting off and turning on water meters. Regarding the remission of rates,he explained that the basic water meter fee will now be applied even when the water meter is shut off since the City is still incurring expenses to check and maintain it. *MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. • Technical Services: Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Maplewood Golf Course concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve the access Parcel Access Easement, easement request from Mike Eisenman across the northeast corner of the Michael Eisenman Maplewood Golf Course and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the access easement upon receipt of$3,850 from Mike Eisenman. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding the reallocation of funds for the Logan Ave.Bridge Seismic Retrofit Transportation: Logan Ave Project. As part of the City's effort to upgrade all of its existing structures to Bridge Seismic Retrofit better withstand seismic events, it has identified the Logan Ave.Bridge over Project,Transfer of Funds the Cedar River as a candidate for a seismic retrofit. This work includes the 1-4) installation of longitudinal and transverse restrainers along with expansion joint modifications with rapid cure silicon sealant and polyester concrete headers. The restrainer work will include coring through the existing girders and caps, installing the needed restrainers, and fastening the restrainers. Since December 2002, additional costs have accrued in preliminary engineering,constructing engineering, and the construction contract. The cost increase began with the under-estimation of construction costs that did not include traffic control,debris control'devices, and contingencies. The cost increase continued with additional work to complete the biological assessment, hydraulic project approval, shoreline exemption,noise variance, and the environmental classification summary. The Committee recommended that Council authorize the reallocation of funds in the amount of$121,000 from the Rainier Ave./SR-167 to S.2nd St. Corridor Study(TIP#39)to the Logan Ave.Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project(TIP#15). This brings the total appropriations for the project to$200,000. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. _ APPROVED BY 1 COUNCIL TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT Date -9-gOV S June 9,2003 Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit-Reallocation of Funds • (Referred June 2, 2003) As part of the City's.effort to upgrade all of its existing structures to betterwithstand seismic events, it has identified the Logan Avenue Bridge over the Cedar River as a candidate for a seismic retrofit. This work includes the installation of longitudinal and transverse restrainers along with expansion joint modification with rapid cure silicon sealant and polyester concrete headers. The restrainer work will include coring through the existing girders and caps, installing the needed restrainers, and fastening the restrainers. Since December 2002, additional costs have accrued in Preliminary Engineering, Construction Engineering, and the Construction Contract The cost increase began with the under-estimation of construction costs that did not 'include.;`traffic control, debris control devices, and contingencies. The cost increase";continued,With.additional':work to complete the Biological Assessment (BA), Hydraulic-Projects,Approval (HPA),'Shoreline Exemption, Noise Variance and the Environmental Classification,summary. yS: � ��, .ill►• Orl The Transportation Committee recommends>that:Council authorize ,4 _ _•• - raLT+• ) approve-the.reallocation of funds in theamount'of$121,000 from the;Rainer Avenue/SR 167 to South 2nd Street Corridor Study (TIP #39) to,athe`Logan Avenue'Seismic Retrofit Project (TIP (jF #15). This would bring the total appropriations'for the project to$200,000. Toni ► - _. Vice Chair King Parker, Substitute Member • er cc: Connie Brundage Leslie Lahndt Jason Fritzler File • I:\COMIvIITTE\Reports\Transportation\2003\LoganRetrofit.rpt.doc June 2,2003 Renton City Council Minutes Page 192 Court Case: Jessy Court Case(Summons and Complaint for Damages)filed by John R.Muenster, Frederickson,CRT-03-003 Muenster&Koenig, 1111 3rd Ave., Suite 2220, Seattle,98104,on behalf of Jessy Frederickson,who seeks compensatory and punitive damages allegedly due to the use of unreasonable force by Renton police officers when he was seized,wounded, and arrested on May 21,2000. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Development Services: Boeing Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of Longacres Office Park,ROW dedication for additional right-of-way from the Boeing Longacres Office Park Dedication for SW 27th St property to complete the extension of SW 27th St. (aka Strander Blvd.)as a requirement of the Strander Agreement(CAG-02-211)between Boeing and the City. Council concur. !I Transportation:Logan Ave Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to reallocate funds in - ( Bridge Seismic Retrofit the amount of$121,000 from the Rainier Ave./SR-167 to S.2nd St. Corridor 1/0 7 Project,Transfer of Funds Study to the Logan Ave.Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project. Refer to ,. tt Transportation(Aviation)Committee. Transportation: Oakesdale Ave Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract with SW Ph II Wetland Monitoring, Osborn Pacific Group,Inc. in the amount of$109,657 to conduct environmental Osborn Pacific Group monitoring services for the Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase II wetland. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. Transportation:Advanced Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to accept the proposal Traffic Management System, submitted by Siemens Energy&Automation,Inc. for a new Advanced Traffic Siemens Energy&Automation Management System in the amount of$280,000(plus tax). Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. Utility: City Code Amends re Utility Systems Division recommended approval of City Code amendments that Utility Rates Remission& clarify remission of utility rates,increase water meter shutoff and turn on Water Meter Service Charges charges,and add an after-hours charge to turn on meters. Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG: 00-098,WA City& Water Utility Division recommended approval of Amendment#2 to CAG-00- County Pipeline Safety 098,Washington City and County Pipeline Safety Consortium interlocal Consortium agreement,to extend it through 12/31/2004. Council concur. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEMS 8.c.AND 8.h.FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Administrative,Judicial and Legal Services Department recommended adoption Item 8.c. of a resolution supporting the Suburban Cities Association,City of Bellevue, King County: Budget Advisory and City of Seattle's recommendations to the King County Budget Advisory Task Force,King County Task Force(KCBATF). Cities Recommendations Councilman Clawson stated that some recommendations discussed in the King County cities'position paper and supported by the City of Renton as noted in Mayor Tanner's letter of May 21,2003,to KCBATF,concerns the flow of money from incorporated areas to unincorporated areas. He noted that King County is being urged to take steps to extinguish the urban subsidy(regional tax revenues that are supporting local unincorporated services)and re-direct the funds to regional services that benefit city residents as well as residents of unincorporated King County. Although he agrees that King County should be asked to use taxpayer's money more efficiently,Mr. Clawson questioned whether it is realistic to expect that the unincorporated areas will be self- June 2,2003 Renton City Council Minutes Page 191 * The Association of Washington Cities has awarded first place to the Renton Community IKEA Performing Arts Center project for a 2003 Municipal Achievement Award in the Creating Community Partnerships for over 40,000 populations category. * An official grand opening celebration will take place on June 5 for the new downtown parking garage, City Center Parking. * The Renton Farmers Market opens at the Piazza on June 10,and will be held every Tuesday from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.through September 9. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave.NE,Renton,98056,expressed her Citizen Comment: DeMastus— concern regarding the running of stop signs on NE 12th St.,and described an NE 12th St Stop Sign Running incident that occurred earlier in the day at the intersection of NE 12th St.and Edmonds Ave.NE. Stressing that someone is going to be seriously injured or killed,Ms.DeMastus asked that the City look into the matter. Mayor Tanner stated that traffic emphasis will be conducted in that area. Citizen Comment:Lebel— 1st Lieutenant Stephen Lebel,Renton Composite Squadron Administrative Renton Composite Squadron Officer,PO Box 2333,Renton,98056,thanked Council for its past support of the Renton Composite Squadron,and pledged the squadron's service at Renton Rivers Day this year. He provided an update of the members of the color guard,whose performance at the national color guard competition last year resulted in second place in two of the four events. Additionally,Lieutenant Lebel detailed the squadron's upcoming plans,which includes participating in the Arlington Air Show. Reporting that the squadron lacks a permanent meeting place,Lieutenant Lebel requested a meeting with Council to discuss the needs of the squadron,and he also offered its services to the City. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL REFER THE NEEDS OF THE RENTON COMPOSITE SQUADRON TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing.- At the request of Councilmembers,items 8.c and 8.h were removed for separate consideration. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of May 19, 2003. Council concur. May 19, 2003 Appointment: Planning Mayor Tanner reappointed Eric Cameron,55 Williams Ave. S.,#308,Renton, Commission 98055,to the Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring June 30, 2006. Council concur. Community Event: Renton Administrative,Judicial and Legal Services Department requested waiver of River Days Fee Waivers & permit fees for 2003 Renton River Days activities endorsed by Renton River Banner Installation Days Board of Directors. Staff additionally sought authorization to install River Days banners on City light poles from June 23 through August 8. Council concur. Community Services: Gene Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with Coulon Park Concession Ivar's Inc.to manage and operate the food and beverage concession facilities at Services,Ivar's Inc Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. Financial implications to the City will include$110,000 annual rent,$20,000 for special events,and 12%of net sales above$1.1 million. Council concur. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA tjILL d AIN: ®p d I O Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Transportation Systems Division June 2, 2003 Staff Contact Jason Fritzler, x-7243 Agenda Status Consent Subject: Public Hearing.. Reallocation of Funds Correspondence.. Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit Ordinance Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper Study Sessions TIP Documents #15 and#39 Information Vicinity Map 2003 Reallocation Summary Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept X Refer to Transportation Committee Finance Dept X Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $200,000 Transfer/Amendment $121,000 (Reallocation) Amount Budgeted $ 79,000 Revenue Generated $130,560 (BRAC Grant) Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Since the February 2003 reallocations for the Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit (TIP #15) were unveiled in the amount of $79,700, additional costs have accrued in Preliminary Engineering, Construction Engineering, and the Construction Contract. The cost increase began with the under- estimation of construction costs that did not include traffic control, debris control devices, and contingencies. The cost increase continued with additional work to complete the Biological Assessment (BA), Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA), Shoreline Exemption, Noise Variance, and the Environmental Classification Summary. Recently, a Supplemental Local Agency Agreement was submitted to WSDOT in the amount of $163,200 that is 80% reimbursable through a BRAC grant. When approved by WSDOT Local Programs, this will obligate the grant funding to the City in the amount of $130,560, leaving a balance of$32,640 to be paid by the City. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Transportation Division staff recommends that Council approve the reallocation of funds in the amount of $121,000 from the Rainer Avenue-SR167to S 2nd St Corridor Study (TIP #39) to the Logan Avenue Seismic Retrofit Project. This would bring the total appropriations for the project to the sum of$200,000. H:Transp/admin/agendabill/2003/Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit CITY OF RENTON 1 PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 15,2003 TO Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Member of the Renton City Council G VIA: -. Jesse Tanner,Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, dministrator STAFF CONTACT: Jason Fritzler,x 7243 SUBJECT: Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit—Construction ISSUE: The Transportation Systems Division desires to increase the 2003 appropriation for the Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project (TIP #15) from $79,700 to $200,000 (current engineer's estimate). With Council approval, this will be accomplished by taking $121,000 from the Rainier Avenue-SR 167 to S. 211d Street Corridor Study (TIP #39) 2003 appropriation and adding this to the Logan Avenue Bridge Project. The overall 317 account 2003 appropriated budget of $6,661,200 will remain unchanged. Please see the table below to better understand how the $200,000 is separated into each element of the projects costs. Requested Amount $200,000 Project Amount(1)+(2) $163,200 (1) PE Costs $38,700 (2) Construction Costs $132,200 Contingency $37,000 As the table shows, $37,000 is left for issues that may arise during and after construction. The $163,000 is the amount of the WSDOT Local Agency Agreement, which is awaiting WSDOT approval. Once we receive approval of the grant agreement the City can solicit bids for the project. RECOMMENDATION: Council approve the reallocation of funds and the increase in the projects costs in the amount of $121,000. BACKGROUND: As part of the City's effort to upgrade all of its existing structures to better withstand seismic events, it has identified the Logan Avenue Bridge over the Cedar River as a candidate for a phase 1 seismic retrofit. This project will construct longitudinal and transverse restrainers to be fitted to the bridge to limit the movement of the bridge span in the event of an earthquake. The original agreement dated April 23, 2001 included a grant amount of $113,600 for construction and preliminary engineering costs. Since then, PE costs have risen due to extra time put forth to complete the Biological Assessment (BA), Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA), Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Rete May 15,2003 Page 2 of 2 Shoreline Exemption, Noise Variance, and the Environmental Classification Summary. Additionally, the construction contract estimate has increased due to the findings in the BA, the requirements set forth by the HPA,and the re-evaluation of construction costs. Funding: Based upon the current schedule it is now estimated that an appropriation of$90,000 is required for the Rainier Avenue Corridor Study in 2003, making it possible to shift enough funding to fully design and construct the Logan Avenue Project. An additional $120,000 will be requested for the Rainier Avenue Corridor Project as part of the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and budget process for 2004. H:\Division.s\TRANSPOR.TAT\DESIGN.ENGUASON\Logan Ave Seismic\Logan Avenue Issue Paper2.DOC CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12201 RANK: 15 CONTACT: Mark Longridge 425-430-7243 DESCRIPTION: Add lateral and longitudinal restrainers to the existing structure. Replace worn and failin STATUS: deck joints to protect new restrainers. g This project was split away from the Bridge Inspection&Repair Program because it received BRAC grant funding in 2000 for$80,000. The award was increased to$90,900 at obligation of funds. JUSTIFICATION: This is a three-span pre-stressed concrete girder bridge built in 1973. The bridge carries TheCHANGES: 95% seven lanes of heavy arterial traffic and barrier-separated sidewalks on each side. additional projectrequirement is at of a B. l Constructionical Assessment has been(B delayed to 2003 due to an of a Biological Assessment(BA). Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Funded: 1113,600 IUnFunded: 1 ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Six Year Program EXPENSES: Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 31,000 16,242 14,758 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 72,600 62,600 10,000 10,000 Construction Eng/Admin 10'000 7,500 2,500 2,500 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 113,600 16,242 84,858 12,500 12,500 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 22,700 3,248 16,952 2,500 2,500 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand(BRAC) 90,900 12,994 67,906 10,000 10,000 Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 113,600 16,242 84,858 12,500 12,500 Low As,Or 5-15 FINAL 07/11/200219 PM • 1 [ [ f I 1 mom memsm.... ._ CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION. 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Rainier Ave-SR 167 to S 2nd St Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 • Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12193 RANK: 39 CONTACT: NickAfzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Pre-engineering study to evaluate short-term and long-term traffic flow and safety Sound Transit and the City will be evaluating potential improvements to increase improvements in this corridor. Included will be access control/consolidation of driveways, speed,reliability and ridership of transit services and HOV movements. potential for adding HOV lanes,and signing and intersection improvements. •• JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This is a critical corridor serving the central Renton area with existing operational problems Add$40,000 in 2004: Sound Transit has agreed on a contingency plan to evaluate and it is projected to experience severe congestion in the future. additional alternatives in the event that the WSDOT 1-405 study is unfunded pending the November 2002 vote. (Funded: 1120,836 1UnFunded: i Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 120,836 1,273 29,563 90,000 50,000 40,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 120,836 1,273 29,563 90,000 50,000 40,000 • SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax • Business License Fee 100,836 1,273 9,563 90,000 50,000 40,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 20,000 20,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand • Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 120,836 1,273 29,663 90,000 50,000 40,000 Rutin- 07/11/2D72 I•22 PM 5.39FINAL • U_ -_F �"-- �_, .i C ---I 1 -I i-_._ 1 oft 1 ±19 mu 1-- 0 1 - a — lt1i T 4` :73 J: \Ren-95\1-Cover.dwg Fri Feb 22 14: 43: 16 2002 By: D.T. SUMO: —WIZ 1011MAO,,asOGAN AVENUE BRIDGE ��JAN. 2002 aC N.T.S. A CITY OF CES,Inc.I ,u,JAN oror+e J.J.L RENTON .I_ ConsultlngEngineeringServices SEISMIC RETROFIT .., D.T. , DATUM 1211FouMAnnusEsd a1°"'a"R mmik R.K.B. •r rua SOU Plonning/Building/Public Works Dept. Olympia,Washington 90508-4211 NO. REVISION BY DATE APPR T.H.W. sc�T OK e�W NI Gregg Zimmerman P.E.. Administrator CES Tat(300)705�2105FOX(3m)705-2107 TITLE SHEET ,a„1 '7 1l , 0 Dc ./ -- 0 \\()'-----.84\-- o" - TAYLOR AV Nw ��zn �++ _ ARD/F HARDIE n n TAYLOR AV x i \i"Th .. .\ . JI N Pi cl C-Z 1R.e CZIrp A ,. Icy I -,1441 AY MAIft_❑ z Z y o 70 \ oZ y SHATTUCK r" AV x �" o O © ® WORTH AV 5 z o � MORRIS AVS y i `...\ C.) -' Ell 5MRHER5 5 AY NYOOI Z1111 \ �— �� MIllift BURNETT AV 5 ` LOGAN AV iirp„ L. CD —I I al WIWAMS AY e „ _-3/� IWAMg AV N CI (I \� WELLS AV Y7/ II I WELLS AV z U} I FEU AV N PELLY AV PARK AVN PARK AV CEDAR AVS \It IRENfON AV 5 c 'ti Ti GARDENIL' AVN GARDEN AV N RENTON AV 5 GRANT AV S j MEADOW -°'+ AVN HIGH AV 5 a FACTORY AVN tn JONES AV 5 _ // ` \U 0 . • Transportation Division ., 2/14/03 2003 Reallocation Summary ../3.4e/o_S • 2003 TIP New TIP Project Title Budget Change Allocation Comment 1 Street Overlay Program $ 410,000 51,200 $ 461,200 Not expended in 2002. 2 Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase 2 $ 424,703 -324,703 $ 100,000 Project closeout. 3 Transit Program $ 80,000 -60,000 $ 20,000 Consultant deemed unncecessary 4 Walkway Program $ 250,000 -200,000'$ 50,000 Program study. $$will be available if needed. 5 Transit Center $ 10,000 10,000 $ 20,000 Not expended in 2002. Cost estimate for video has increased. 6 Transit Priority Signal System $ 370,295 500,205 •$ 870,500 Not expended in 2002. 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander Bv $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Strander Design $ 600,000 $ 600,000 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 $ 200,000 50,000 $ 250,000 Not expended in 2002. Coordination with Parks and pool project needed. 10 Duvall Ave NE $ 630, 178 -59,978 $ 570,900 Reduced need due to schedule. 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) $ 60,000 $ 60,000 12 Arterial HOV Program $ 10,000 $ 10,000 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. $ 10,000 $ 10,000 14 rid e Ins ection&Re air $ 40,000 $ 40,000 ,._ 15 .Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit $ 12,500 67,200 $ 79 700 lncrease In contract cost estimate. ---m---TDIV Programi .,200 . _ U .•, Is 17 Loop Replacement Program $ 20,000 15,000 $ 35,000 Not expended in 2002. 18 Sign Replacement Program $ 7,500 $ 7Q 19 Pole Program $ 25,000 $ 25,000 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE $ 31,660 -4,160 $ 27,500 Project closeout. 21 Lake Wash. By-Park to Coulon Pk •$ 10,000 $ 10,000 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th $ 20,000 $ 20,000 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project $ 21,637 181,663 $ 203,300 Not expended in 2002. S.2nd mast arms project billing to occur in Feb.,2003. 24 Arterial Circulation Program $ 200,000 $ 200,000 25 Project Development/Predesign $ 175,000 $ 175,000 26 WSDOT Coordination Program $ 20,000 -10,000 $ 10,000 Fewer1-405 meetings than expected. 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access $ 30,000 $ 30,000 28 City Gateways $ 50,000 -25,000 $ 25,000 1%for the Arts contribution lower due to lower construction program. 29 Traffic Safety Program $ 40,000 75,000 $ 115,000 Not expended in 2002. 30 Traffic Efficiency Program $ 347,000 -208,500 $ 138,500 Delay purchase of controllers. 31- Arterial Rehab. Prog. $ 234,200 $ 234,200 0. - -..o••••••••••• . •• • • Transportation Division 2/14/03 2003 Reallocation Summary 2003 TIP New TIP Project Title Budget Change Allocation Comment 32 Trans Concurrency $ 40,000 _ -3,700 $ 36,300 Cost estimate lower. 33 Missing Links Program $ 30,000 $ 30,000 34 Park-Sunset Corridor $ 5,000 $ 5,000 - 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. $ 10,000 170,000 $ 180,000 Not expended in 2002. Railroad determined 2003 schedule. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. $ 8,000 $ 8,000 37 Environmental Monitoring $ 105,000 45,000 $ 150,000 Not expended in 2002. 38 Bicycle Route Dev. Program $ 20,000 $ 20,000 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to Sn 0,000 210,000 $ 260,000 )or comprehensive corridor stud contract award. 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor $ 75,000 $- 75,000 41 CBD Bike&Ped. Connections $ 105,000 -80,000 $ 25,000 Smaller work program anticipated in 2003. 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd $ 5,000 -5,000 No work expected. 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW "$ 26,000 243,700 $ 269,700 Not expended in 2002. 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St $ 140,000 10,000 $ 150,000 Not expended in 2002. King County is lead. 45 Valley Connections to West $ 305,000 -305,000 $ ' - Money spent in 2002. 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension $ - $ - 47 South Renton Project $ 175,000 $ 175,000 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall $ 7,500 $ 7,500_ 49 GIS Needs Assessment $ 10,000 $ 10,000 so NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE $ 400,000 -362,800 $ 37,200 Design•only in 2003. 51 Sunset/I-405 Interchange $ 40,000 20,000 $ 60,000 Not expended In 2002. Modeling work needed for North Renton land use scenarios. 52 Trans Valley ITS $ 50,000 $ 50,000 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av $ 620,000 $ 620,000 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett $ - $ - Adjust to budget rounding $ 127 -127 ;•.>> : > :;>::6:,� :,2 ,: 1'..al....::.;F..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.............:.:::. .:::.:. .:.:.. 5. 6,6�'1�,�D.1k:>�:':>>�: :>!:'>.:.:,..:.: �•:. 6.,Sr;�.i�.00. Total Project Costs • • Division 2003 spending plan.xls 0.1 CIT,: OF RENTON Office of the City Attorney Jesse Tanner,Mayor Lawrence J.Warren / CEP(OF RENTON MEMORANDUM A JUL 2 4 ZOOZ To: Connie Brundage, PBPW/Transportation Dept. / `� %kn., C ERK'V�`, From: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney a''y % i s�c� Date: May 22, 2002 �'cpv,L Subject: Resolution adopting"Six-year Transportation Improvement' Program (TIP) I have enclosed a copy of the above-mentioned resolution. The original has been sent to the City Clerk. Please send thenecessary attachments directly to the 'ty Clerk. Lawrence J. en LJW:ma. Enc. cc: ' Jay Covington Bonnie I. Walton Sharon Griffm ' Post Office Box 626-Renton,Washington 98057-(425)255-8678/FAX(425)255-5474 R E N T O N AHEAD OF THE CURVE CO This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes - Page 263 • • If construction must be interrupted due to spawning requirements, construction equipment will not be left on the site for longs periods, such as from one year to the next. Praising Ms.Fluter and Ms.Whitley for accurately capturing the agreement reached by staff and Council and adding the additional considerations,it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS At the request of Councilman Clawson,his letter to Mayor Tanner was read Citizen Comment: Clawson— regarding his request that members of the Renton Police Officers'Guild not be Renton Police Officers'Guild, subject to retaliation for coming forward to state their positions on adding staff Retaliation Against Members to the Police Department. In his letter he clarified his reasons for this request, discussed grievances and complaints filed by members of the Guild, and expressed concern about retaliation towards Guild members for expressing opinions than may be different than that of the Police Chief. Citizen Comment: Tanner— At the request of Mayor,Tanner,his response to Councilman Clawson's letter Renton Police Officers'Guild, was read stating that the City has policies and procedures in place that prohibit Retaliation Against Members retaliation and harassment,and retaliation for differing opinions will not be tolerated by him or the Police Chief. In his letter,Mayor Tanner discussed the grievances and complaints filed by members of the Rento t Police Officers' Guild,and expressed concern that Mr. Clawson's insinuations are an attempt to drive a wedge between the Guild members and the Police Chief. Councilman Clawson thanked Mayor Tanner for his strong response to his letter. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 205300-205689 and two wire transfers totaling $1,462;767.84; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 38505-38796,one wire transfer and 557 direct deposits totaling$1,701,012.87. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding the annual update of the'Six-Year Transportation Improvement Transportation: Six-Year TIP Program(TIP). The Committee has reviewed the proposed 2003—2008 Six- (2003-2008) Year TIP and Arterial Street Plan and recommended adoption of the resolution, Arterial Street Plan and the TIP upon completion of the public hearing on July 1,2002. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 264 for resolution.) Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report concurring Committee with the recommendation of the Municipal Arts Commission to purchase hand- Community Services: 1%for painted mosaic tiles depicting themes from Renton for display at the new Art Program,Mosaic Tiles & Downtown Parking Garage. The tiles will be purchased with funds from the Two Statues 1% for Art Fund(Fund 125)and the total price will not exceed$3,000 plus tax. The Committee further concurred with the recommendation of the Municipal Arts Commission,the Board of Park Commissioners and the Library Board to purchase two statues entitled "Summer Breeze" and "Homework Comes First" to be placed in appropriate City parks. The statues will be purchased with funds from the 1% for Art Fund(Fund 125)and the total price of the two statues will not exceed$29,000 plus tax. MOVED BY CORMAN, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Christina Meyers,first duly sworn on oath states that he/she is the Legal Clerk of the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL 600 S.Washington Avenue,Kent,Washington 98032 a daily newspaper published seven(7)times a week. Said newspaper is a legal newspaper of CITY OF RENTON general publication and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING publication,referred to,printed and published in the English language continually as a daily I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that newspaper in Kent, King County,Washington. The South County Journal has been approved as a ,, the Renton City Council has fixed the legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. . 1st day of July,2002:at 7:30 p.m.as The notice in the exact form attached,was published in the South County Journal(and .the date. and time for a public not in supplemental form)which was regularly distributed to the subscribers during the below ,. lhearingCouncil Chad in the seventhto floor Chambers of Renton stated period. The annexed notice,a City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the I 2003-2008 SIX YEAR(TIP) 1 following: _. , 2003-2008 Six-Year Transportation ' as published on: 6/21/02 Improvement Program(TIP) All interested parties are invited to The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$49.88,charged to i attend the hearing and present I I. written or oral comments regarding Acct. No.8050640. : the prop.osal. Renton City Hall is in • compliance • with the American The cost above includes a$6.00 fee for the printingof the affidavits. I Disabilities Act, and interpretive r 1 services for the hearing impaired will Legal Number 10504 • / / I be provided upon prior notice. For 1 r7+ information,call 425-430-6510. J ` `��a Bonnie I.Walton City Clerk egal Clerk, South C.linty Jo real Published in the South County Journal June 21,2002:10504 Subscribed and sworn before me on this c4 day o� • ,2002 ,� ,;, rV..1'44, Notary Public of the State of ashingt•n Zr V ic'' of�RY ; , residing in Renton S ® King County,Washington o -0- a . C. ':e0 puat.�c t..: ° V00000 ®a .�s °° ®A o 1 7-/ P r;( - • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 5 7 R A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY'S SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2003-2008. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time, and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of its Planning/Building/Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing thereon on July 1, 2002, and after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of said plan and program; and WHEREAS, at such public hearing held on July 1, 2002, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A," "B" and "C" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II. The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's 1 - RESOLUTION NO. 3 5 7 8 "Arterial Street Plan," and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. SECTION III. The Administrator of the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1st day of July , 2002. J. Ida-667A- Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of July _ , 2002. fes.. Je anner, Mayor Approved as to form: CZartA.0-"ay..e..P Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.918:5/22/02:ma 2 July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 264 SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler requested that pictures of the art be displayed at the July 8th Council meeting. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3577 A resolution was read approving the McTighe(also known as Honeybrooke) Plat: McTighe(Honeybrooke), Final Plat consisting of approximately 4.67 acres located in the vicinity of NE NE 4th P1 &Ilwaco Ave NE 4th Pl. and Ilwaco Ave. NE(FP-02-016). MOVED BY KEOLKER- (FP-02-016) WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3578 A resolution was read updating the City's Six-Year Transportation Transportation: Six-Year TIP Improvement Program(TIP), 2003—2008. MOVED BY PERSSON, (2003-2008) SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3579 •A resolution was read rescinding a development agreement dated January 4, Development Services: Boeing 2001, between The Boeing Company and the City of Renton, and authorizing Longacres Office Park the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an updated development agreement with Development Agreement The Boeing Company for future development of Longacres Office Park. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4975 An ordinance was read amending Chapters 4-8 and 4-9 of Title IV Planning: Title IV (Development Regulations)of City Code to implement RCW(Revised Code of Development Regulation Washington) 36.70A.470 governing development regulation amendment cycles. Revision Process MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4976 An ordinance was read relating to the waterworks utility of the City, including Finance: Bond Issuance,Water the sewerage system as a part thereof;providing for the issuance of &Sewer Projects $11,980,000 aggregate principal amount of Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds, 2002, of the City for the purpose of obtaining the funds with which to pay the costs of carrying out certain capital improvements of the waterworks utility; fixing the date, form, denominations, maturities, interest rates, terms and covenants of the bonds;providing for bond insurance; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to D.A. Davidson &Co., Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CLAWSON,SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Budget: 2002 Amendment, COUNCIL INSTRUCT ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE AN Additional Police&Fire ORDINANCE FOR FIRST READING AT THE JULY 8, 2002, COUNCIL Department Positions MEETING ADDING TWO STAFF POSITIONS: AN EVIDENCE TECHNICIAN TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND A SECRETARY 1 TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT.* Councilman Parker expressed his preference for adding the evidence technician and crime analyst positions as those positions are part of the long-range forecast July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 263 • If construction must be interrupted due to spawning requirements, construction equipment will not be left on the site for longs periods, such as from one year to the next. Praising Ms.Fluter and Ms.Whitley for accurately capturing the agreement reached by staff and Council and adding the additional considerations, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS At the request of Councilman Clawson, his letter to Mayor Tanner was read Citizen Comment: Clawson— regarding his request that members of the Renton Police Officers'Guild not be Renton Police Officers'Guild, subject to retaliation for coming forward to state their positions on adding staff Retaliation Against Members to the Police Department. In his letter he clarified his reasons for this request, discussed grievances and complaints filed by members of the Guild, and expressed concern about retaliation towards Guild members for expressing opinions than may be different than that of the Police Chief. Citizen Comment: Tanner— At the request of Mayor Tanner,his response to Councilman Clawson's letter Renton Police Officers'Guild, was read stating that the City has policies and procedures in place that prohibit Retaliation Against Members retaliation and harassment,and retaliation for differing opinions will not be tolerated by him or the Police Chief. In his letter,Mayor Tanner discussed the grievances and complaints filed by members of the Renton Police Officers' Guild, and expressed concern that Mr. Clawson's insinuations are an attempt to drive a wedge between the Guild members and the Police Chief. Councilman Clawson thanked Mayor Tanner for his strong response to his letter. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 205300-205689 and two wire transfers totaling $1,462,767.84; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 38505 -38796, one wire 1 transfer and 557 direct deposits totaling$1,701,012.87. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Persson presented a report Committee regarding the annual update of the'Six-Year Transportation Improvement Transportation: Six-Year TIP. Program(TIP). The Committee has reviewed the proposed 2003—2008 Six- (2003-2008) ' .�f Year TIP and Arterial Street Plan and recommended adoption of the resolution, j Arterial Street Plan and the TIP upon completion of the public hearing on July 1,2002. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See age 264 for resolution.) Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Corman presented a report concurring Committee with the recommendation of the Municipal Arts Commission to purchase hand- Community Services: 1% for painted mosaic tiles depicting themes from Renton for display at the new Art Program,Mosaic Tiles & Downtown Parking Garage. The tiles will be purchased with funds from the Two Statues 1%for Art Fund(Fund 125)and the total price will not exceed$3,000 plus tax. The Committee further concurred with the recommendation of the Municipal Arts Commission,the Board of Park Commissioners and the Library Board to purchase two statues entitled "Summer Breeze" and "Homework Comes First" to be placed in appropriate City parks. The statues will be purchased with funds from the 1% for Art Fund(Fund 125) and the total price of the two statues will not exceed$29,000 plus tax. MOVED BY CORMAN, TRANSPORTATION/AVIATION COMMITTEE APPROVED DY l CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORT Date 7-/---le" July 1,2002 SUBJECT: Annual Update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) (June 17,2002) The Transportation/Aviation Committee has reviewed the proposed 2003-2008 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program and Arterial Street Plan and recommends adoption of the resolution, Arterial Street Plan and the TIP upon completion of the Public Hearing set for July 1, 2002. Don Persson, Chair • R ndy Corman, Vice-Chair cd,-e�► Kathy eolker-Wheeler, Member c: Connie Brundage Sharon Griffin Ji1441-elAct- )9144, 4a: 4-P116 H:Trans/Admin/Committee/2002/Six-Year TIP 2003-2008 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 1, 2002 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President;DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; TERRI BRIERE;KING PARKER;DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; SANDRA MEYER, Transportation Systems Director;NICK AFZALI, Transportation Planning& Programming Supervisor; VICTORIA RUNKLE,Finance&Information Services Administrator; JILL MASUNAGA,Finance Analyst; DAWNA TRUMAN, Accounting Assistant;DEREK TODD, Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF GARRY ANDERSON, COMMANDER ROBERT SEELYE, COMMANDER KATHLEEN MCCLINCY and OFFICER ALAN EZFKIEL, Police Department. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Transportation: Six-Year TIP accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing (2003-2008) to consider the annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP), 2003 -2008. Transportation Systems Director Sandra Meyer stated that one of the City's biggest successes has been to serve on the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT)I-405 Corridor Program Steering Committee, and she announced that the Preferred Alternative has been identified for the project. She reported that the Final Environmental Impact Statement was released today, and that the majority of the funding for the project proposed under Referendum 51 is for the I-405/SR-167 interchange. Nick Afzali,Transportation Planning&Programming Supervisor,explained the purpose of the TIP and reviewed the City's transportation goals which include developing a balanced multi-modal transportation system, maximizing the use of transit, improving freight mobility, obtaining project and program funding, and protecting the environment. He stated that transportation projects are placed in five categories within the TIP, and he detailed the transportation challenges and opportunities the City faces which include: SW 27th St./Strander Blvd. Extension,NE 3rd and 4th Streets Corridor Study, SR-169 (Maple Valley Hwy.)HOV and Queue Jump Improvements, and Duvall Ave. NE Improvements. Continuing,Mr. Afzali described the various funding sources for the transportation projects, saying that the total expenditure plan over the next six years is$102,104,799 of which$76,104,439 is unfunded and$26,000,360 is funded. He detailed the six new projects added to the TIP which are as follows: Sunset Blvd./I-405 Interchange, Grady Way Approach at Rainier Ave.,Houser Way S.—Main Ave. S. to Burnett Ave. S., Trans Valley ITS (Intelligent Transportation System),NE 4th St./Hoquiam Ave., and Transit Center Public Safety (install video surveillance). In conclusion, Mr.Afzali reviewed the July 1,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 258 projects that were or will be completed this year, which are: Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase II, Strander Blvd.Project Definition,Transit Center,Benson Rd. S. Improvements,Transit Needs Assessment,East Valley Rd. &SW 43rd St., Walkway&Curb Ramps, and NE 44th St. Interchange 30%Design. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 263 for Transportation Committee report.) ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: * Picnic Pizzazz, a creative kids entertainment series,provides free entertainment at local parks. First in the series is Rhinestone Roper, which will be held in Liberty Park at noon on Thursday,July 11th. * Seattle Public Utilities has informed the City that they are moving forward with the pre-design of electrically-operated water isolation valves to be installed at the west end of Renton(such valves could be closed in case of a pipeline failure and help prevent water damage in Renton). The project will take two years, and the valves are scheduled to be installed by December 2004. However, this assumes that Seattle City Council will pass the proposed water rate increase—if not, all Seattle Capital Improvement projects will be re-evaluated, including this one. AUDIENCE COMMENT The following people spoke in support of the Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation Citizen Comment: Various— request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00-003): Mike Borte, 11254 SE 190th Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. Ct.,Renton, 98055;Nick Frisch, 15749 142nd P1. SE,Renton, 98058;Lee Anthony Church(VAC-00- Kranz, 10367 SE 187th Pl.,Renton,98055;Dwight Newell, 18816 SE 174th 003) Way,Renton,98058;Richard Buyce,274 Thomas Ave. SW,Renton, 98055; and Arlen "Buzz" Johnson, 334 Wells Ave. S.,#221,Renton,98055. Speakers comments included: the street vacation and parish improvements is a good plan and compliments the downtown Renton improvements; the parish draws people to Renton and they patronize local businesses; and the vacation will create a safe environment for children and others who use St. Anthony's facilities. Additional comments indicated that the vacation will create a unified campus in downtown Renton which is beneficial to the City,will improve the neighborhood parking problems by removing cars from the streets,would not impact the entry and exit from the neighborhood, and would increase children's safety. Speakers also requested that Council make a decision on the matter as soon as possible. Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the project status, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler explained that the Planning&Development Committee is waiting for a report from staff and then will determine if the issue will remain in Planning&Development Committee or be referred to Committee of the Whole. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of June 24,2002. Council concur. June 24, 2002 City of Renton 2003-2008 Transportation Improvement Program(TIP):143 ha I- zioy E � Purpose •Mandated by State Law • Multi-Year Work/Funding Plan for the Development of the Transportation Facilities Within the City • Required for State&Federal Funding Programs • Used to Coordinate Transportation Projects& Programs with Other Jurisdictions and Agencies • Implements the City of Renton Mission Statement • Reflects Involvement by Citizens and Elected Officials •Vital Part of Planning Under the Growth Management Act 0 TIP Supports •Comprehensive Plan •Growth Management Act •City's Business Plan •Transportation Element Goals 21031CIP 1 0 Transportation Goals • Develop a Balanced Multi-modal Transportation System • Maximize the Use of Transit • Increase the Person-Carrying Capacity of the Arterial System • Increase Non-motorized Travel • Improve Freight Mobility • Obtain Project&Program Funding • Protect the Environment 11IP 0 Development of Six-Year TIP •Planning •Financing •Scheduling •Past Commitment Ream Project Categories • Preservation of Existing Infrastructure • Multi-Modal and Transportation Demand Management(TDM) • Community Livability and Enhancement • Economic Development • Operation and Safety 116.2 11P 2 Opportunities and 0 challenges Boulevard Strander Extension t/ Street 7th • SW 2 St ...,,,wp,1....01,....i., „. ....„,„ ......:„„..„....7,, 4._,w,.4,4„...0 ,,:i.m.„h1,4,4,044.4.„ .:„,..„."1.*„... ;:77:1t;1 V 7!.*441;47 c''17.ir",:triv‘,9 ft-4V4';e; 1 ' .4.inp . 'Eakk„,, ,,,t. t.Nt--- . ' .,.r."-z), •'^-1k_.4;:b14.- - ^i l*1 .--1,* . ---77 ,, . 1.;•,‘• (". ..tt4, Its;„4.i,. ;f,,•••'7;1•V.''" 0 nities and Opportunities () challenges ...1 Corridor Study v ,ri 54.*-,-; ...th .., ...,..:,*cte.r. •z:akst-.4 NE 3ral 4 ,•;,,t44rtg' - ;170;Ii • ---' ,,,Vi4....rl'''';',;..4 ,-,,, 4,-,IX,. .1v.11,s,qi,t %-.•',. .en-f iillt,,,,.....14-1-,-,-...nit.•-,..t.:p',7_, 4 V'''''.''',:;,--'E.1,-;k•,.-k-Ftrtzz-n p„..1,i-',14176,....41z7v,„ ,„,,z.„‘7—,..,;,,„7 - e... ,,,,,,-:,:,,,,,,..,,:44.v-41-41tAr— L ..... ,, „ ,,,?„,,- -,,,,4„-„,,,, -ril ,47,---Ark,;,L*.-,.::,v,12•i:-..,,3i.4.1,4.ft,, ,A. <,,,....1,z1,-,..;„4.-..:t t-*, NloT%-,2:: ;4114f : ..,-., -,.,4,..-r . -vv ri_c-- - ,i,,: „., r,.1•...„.s,„, .44„-....,.•. .----.1/4,,,,,,,„--..,,_ .,....), ,),,,,,.44e.„‘,,•,,,,,,,- • * 1- ...4-t.,,, ;;.,y-. N.,' •,-,•.,"',17'; :",:". .•- Ict:*'• ''''''' .,>'1:.''` /1 Opportunities d qes anJump ,.. 0 C n halls Queue 11177::::,%:r: and wow -169 HOV V't,:44•„ '“4"2,"14'..":.1&.S • SR-- ,- ,,„,./•;:„..g.,...-:'14,t4 ....,,, ,,„ ,,,,,,,;e2..;€ '.10. PI'-1004.i'ALE:7•4 ..al-•`'.#4!" -.'afat'ld-1: 1 '°:r4.414,4ttiltt-' 3IA ;:g4;•;',.,,,<;,,,/**:-:.''' ••.••..- 0 Challenges and Opportunities • Duvall Avenue , t _ .1 I : .".; `-w Funding Sources •112 Cent Gas Tax •Business License Fee •Vehicle License Fee •Grants •Mitigation •Others Period Costs by Project Type Total Expenditure Plan=$102,104,799 $6,083,592 $9,635,276 ❑Infrastructure $14,447,134 0 Multi-modal •Livability $3,193,500 n' — 0 Econ.Devel. ■Operations $68,745,297 V 4 Project Funding $80,000,000 $70,000,000 ? ;' $60,000,000 _n1 4:a �:.: $50,000,000 w' 'r 540,000,000 �4: E � f $30,000,000 _ „.. ::, $20,000,000 _,. .; y ?„ ; � $10,000,000 _Rir: 7;7,pt c o Unfunded $76,104,439 •Funded $26,000,360 Total:102,104,799 mew 0 Unfunded Projects ns.ma..2 7 'Etk i 'I'm." �' + a awes: ''''''',.:.:' 4".%.-.i",fr ku.. rry !3 �w l ou�.mw 1 .7 Oh6,.it llr 0 Projects & Programs 54 Projects&Programs New Projects added: a Trans Valley ITS e•' .. . Transit Center Public Safety C� .'j�iy NE 4th Street/Hoquiam Avenue a. +�Jz:B r,4,;=;q.;rs s■ Sunset Boulevard/I40.SInterchange �^„ JAO”:„s: Grady Way Approach at Rainier Avenue t 'q. 1 Houser Way S.-Main Ave.S.to Burnett Ave.S. �=,:) 5 0 Partnerships WSDOT • SR 169 HOV&Queue Jumps King County •Traffic Signal Coordination • Monster Road • Transit Signal Priority • Oakesdale Avenue SW Phase II anallP 0 2001-2002 Projects • Oakesdale Avenue Phase II .- .7.,..1.,,7:... 70.7 C) 2001-2002 Projects • Strander Blvd.Project Definition i {1 l e , i 1 e. E1 , ' t;.777741:5-,:,,,„„ 4 , `�' X t 1.'---m."-::;:":"::''':-'2412`4.-------- .,'i,..-'')1,&t2...:14. ar' ` �ix i7 )) r u 4 �1 33,ii � ;F7'--•0- iii i': zi .. %;..L;.:,....•... ,4•=11-:, cLfc fia..2eG,t.�,Ldi 6 2001- 2002 Projects • Transit Center N ,.-ii-SZ. A' -14;',74.4r-', rt",: r-44 si % .aft 41,4" 3'0. 1 , 3 r ''., ,u>r s; �, � 3',11911MIA .1„ r i'µ5.” .' ! r:F 3 fyxrrv.--rrr, Maw ,.....,.."...a.z. o....z. ",;...„.„,k 0 2001-2002 Projects • Benson Rd South Improvements ltd it -,..„.....—;,7n .' 'xx:�''` ii w ut 0 2001- 2002 Projects • Transit Needs Assessment i .,4° w` 4..- �t�}5d4 x 4 rm ' Y �• xn ,,t , �. � ,.vwnca� ,, 6;1;11144;;.1r .�,= *iiit it "•"' M 3� j ' a _.L.V 7 . , . . . 0 2001- 2002 Projects • East Valley Rd. &SW 43rd i e .. 1;:ii¢\gk •wa,W l u ,�# , f , p Mart0 2001- 2002 Projects • Walkway&Curb Ramp a I• 0 2001-2002 Projects NE 44th Interchange 30% Design 'WFC 1Y` 8 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 1st day of July, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton,WA 98055, to consider the following: 2003-2008 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published South County Journal June 21, 2002 Account No. 50640 J;,ne 17,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 231 • Community Services: Community Services Department recommended approval of a contract with Downtown Parking Garage Cascade Testing Laboratory,Inc. for inspection and testing services for the Inspection&Testing Services, Downtown Parking Garage project in an amount not to exceed $51,232.20. Cascade Testing Laboratory Council concur. • Finance: Bond Issuance,Fire Finance and Information Services Department requested approval of an Station#12 Construction ordinance authorizing the issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds in the amount of$3,800,000 for the design and construction of Fire Station#12. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Bond Issuance,Water Finance and Information Services Department requested approval of an &Sewer Projects ordinance authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds in the amount of $12,150,000 for construction of various water, sewer, and storm water utility projects; and to refinance existing debt. Refer to Finance Committee. City Clerk: AT&T Broadband Legal Division recommended approving the merger of the existing cable &Comcast Corporation Cable television franchise between AT&T Broadband and Comcast Corporation. TV Franchise Merger Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation: Citywide Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract with Walkway Study, Transportation Planning&Engineering, Inc. in the amount of$60,000 to Transportation Planning& conduct a Citywide Comprehensive Walkway Study. Refer to Transportation Engineering (Aviation) Committee. Airport: Security Gate Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to use$200,000 from Replacement,Fund the Airside/Landside Separation Improvement Program for the Renton Appropriation Municipal Airport Gate and Security Fencing Project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Streets: Temporary Closures Transportation Systems Division requested authorization for the temporary for Railroad Grade Crossing closure of SW 7th St.,Lind Ave. SW, and Mill Ave. S. for a period of seven Reconstruction days (consecutive or non-consecutive)between July 10 and September 30, 2002,for Burlington Northern Santa Fe to replace six existing railroad crossings. Refer to Transportation(Aviation) Committee. Transportation: Six-Year TIP Transportation Systems Division submitted the annual update of the Six-Year (2003-2008) Transportation Improvement Program(TIP). Refer the TIP to the T\A Transportation (Aviation) Committee; set a public hearing on 7/1/2002 to consider the TIP. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Added The following correspondence was read into the record in support of the CORRESPONDENCE Whitworth Ave. S. street vacation request by St. Anthony Parish(VAC-00- Citizen Comment: Various— 003): John &Annette Hightower, 3903 NE 11th Ct.,Renton, 98056;Eric & Whitworth Ave S Vacation, St. Tracy Hajek, 10405 SE 187th Pl., Renton, 98055; George&Sylvia Miller, Anthony Church(VAC-00- 3901 Meadow Ave. N.,Renton, 98056; Wema Fairhart Slyter, 23424 134th 003) Lane SE,Kent, 98042; four form letters received from parents of students at St. Anthony School; and 348 form letters received from parishioners of St. Anthony Parish. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE CORRESPONDENCE TO PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. • CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL • AI#: J Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: June 17,2002 DeptiDiviBoard.. Transportation Systems Staff Contact Sharon Griffin,ext. 7232 Agenda Status: Consent Subject: Public Hearing Annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Correspondence Program (TIP) Ordinance Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: New Business Draft TIP(2003-2008) Study Sessions Information Resolution (Forthcoming) Other Interlocal Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Transportation Committee Legal Dept X (June 20,2002) Finance Dept. Set July 1,2002 Public Hearing on the TIP Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Summary of Action: The City is required by law to annually review and adopt by resolution the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP). The draft TIP will be presented to the Transportation Committee and distributed to the rest of the Council Members for review well in advance of the public hearing. Staff Recommendations: The Transportation Division staff recommends that: 1)the Council refer the annual review of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program to the Transportation Committee on June 20,2002,and 2)set July 1,2002,public hearing on the TIP. H:Trans/planning/sgriffin/ IPs/2003_TIP_agendabill ..-, CITY 7F RENTON Office of the City Attorney Jesse Tanner,Mayor / / Lawrence J.Warren MEMORANDUM f 'l To: Connie Brundage, PBPW/Transportation Dept. pd�s�0a � From: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney 660CDO0�, Date: May 22, 2002 6.� Subject: Resolution adopting Six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) I have enclosed a copy of the above-mentioned resolution. The original has been sent to the City Clerk. Please send the necessary attachments directly to the 'ty Clerk. Lawrence J. en LJW:ma. Enc. cc: Jay Covington Bonnie I. Walton Sharon Griffin • Post Office Box 626-Renton,Washington 98057-(425)255-8678/FAX(425)255-5474 R E N T O N AHEAD OF THE CURVE j This paper contains 50%recycled material,30%post consumer CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING THE CITY'S SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2003-2008. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has heretofore adopted a "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" pursuant to Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, and as same has heretofore been amended from time to time, and such plan and program having heretofore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after recommendation of its Planning/Building/Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing thereon on July 1, 2002, and after notice to the public as provided by law for the purpose of considering adoption, modification, and amendments of said plan and program;and WHEREAS, at such public hearing held on July 1, 2002, due consideration was given to the proposed changes and amendments for the purpose of updating such plan and program; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, . WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's "Arterial Street Plan" are hereby further amended and modified, all as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits "A," "B" and "C" incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION II. The aforestated plan and program, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City's "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program" and the City's 1 " RESOLUTION NO. "Arterial Street Plan," and same to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. SECTION III. The Administrator of the Department of Planning/Building/Public Works and the City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this Resolution, together with the Exhibits, with the Director of Highways for the State of Washington and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2002. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2002. Jesse Tanner, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.918:5/22/02:ma 2 2003 -2008 SIX-YEAR TIP CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS TIP Old New Project Project Title Chany..:=rom Previous TIP I TIP TIP No. Comments 1 1 12108 Street Overlay Program Completing 2001 program,as well as 2002 program. 2 2 12182 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 Construction complete 2002(delayed by permits);billing complete early 2003. 3 Out 12179 I-405/NE 44th Interchange Added Access report complete. WSDOT taking lead. 4 3 12109 Transit Program Partner with Metro for bus shelters. 5 4 9 Walkway Program Hired comprehensive plan consultant. 6 Out 12202 Benson Rd Pedestrian Project complete in January 2002. 7 Out 12170 Downtown Transit Access Project complete. All billing complete by 12/31/02. New 5 Downtown Transit Center Install video surveillance equipment. 8 6 12174 Transit Priority Signal System Controllers,video installation and room construction 2002. 9 7 12138 SR167 I/C/SW 27th St/Strander By Project definition report complete. Begin design up to 30%. 10 8 12127 Rainier/SR-167 Changed project name. 11 9 12175 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 Design complete in 2002. Schedule construction. 12 10 12123 Duvall Ave NE Separated TIB grant from King County lead. Started design in-house. 13 11 12163 Shuttle(RUSH) May become joint again with Metro in 2002. 14 12 12160 Arterial HOV Program 15 13 12191 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corridor Phase I complete. 16 14 106 Bridge Inspection&Repair 17 15 12201 Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit 18 16 12135 TDM Program State funding level continues to decrease. 19 17 16 Loop Replacement Program 20 18 12113 Sign Replacement Program Decrease funding by transferring$7,500 per year to"Pole"program. 21 19 91 Pole Program Change title from"Light Pole". Increase program funding. 22 20 12133 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE Construction complete summer 2002. Billing complete early 2003. 23 21 12121 Lake Wash. By-Park to Coulon Pk. Road improvements to start 2002. 24 22 12205 Lake Wash. Bv-Coulon Pk.to 44th 25 23 58 S.2nd Street Safety Project Construction complete summer 2002. Billing complete early 2003. 26 24 29 Arterial Circulation Program 27 25 12150 Project Development/Predesign 28 26 12146 WSDOT Coordination Program 1-405 preferred altemative was selected. 29 27 12171 1-405 HOV Direct Access 30 28 12112 City Gateways Transferred$14,192 to 1%Ms Fund 125;Kennydale Slope project complete. 31 29 12115 Traffic Safety Program Pre-empt upgrades complete in 2003. Added to signal monitoring program. 32 30 12162 Traffic Efficiency Program Rec'd new Signal Synchronization grant from Metro King County for$50,000. 33 31 12186 Arterial Rehab. Program Added funding for SW 7th St and Lind Av rehabilitation. 34 Out 12184 East Valley Rd&SW 43rd Rehab. Construction complete 2001. 35 32 12107 Trans Concurrency Travel time runs were completed. 36 33 12106 Missing Links Program 37 34 12177 Park-Sunset Corridor 38 35 12166 RR Crossing Safety Program Concrete RR crossing construction summer 2002. 39 36 12140 Interagency Signal Coord. 40 37 12187 Environmental Monitoring Additional mitigation requirements;additional planting replacements. 41 38 12173 Bicycle Route Dev. Program 42 39 12193 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 43 40 12176 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 44 41 12185 CBD Bike&Ped. Connections 45 42 24 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 46 43 12153 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW Consultant selected. 47 44 12129 Benson Rd S/S 31st St King County is project lead;analyzing type of intersection improvement. 48 Out 12203 Monster Rd Guardrail Construction complete 2002. Billing complete 12/31/02. 49 45 12149 Valley Connections to West Includes S 180th grade separation project contribution. 50 46 12116 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 51 47 12205 S Renton Project Construction 2002. 52 48 12204 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 53 49 12206 GIS Needs Assessment New 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE Traffic signal proposed. Potential HES project. New 51 NE Sunset By/1-405 Interchange Hire consultant for planning study. New 52 Trans Valley ITS Carr Road. New 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av Construct westbound approach in concrete. New 54 Houser Wy S-Main Av to Burnett Av Upgrade railroad crossing to concrete;partner with BNSF. 3/11N1 03-2008 Six-Year TIP Schedule 5/23/02 Description Staff Duration Date Actual Assigned Date 1 Year-end closeout Sharon 1.1 Review and reconcile year-end Financial Statements Sharon 1.2 Determine 2001 Carryover Sharon Jan. 2002 ..'7{,'er22299,1 .2,4.,..4,,, 4..+10.2,121..2...,,'M^.n.45',.....72. ..2..0.01-29 z..4-.2.1.22,4Ct t.Y.- ..yea'P'.+n±th...,....3,?...,...r:244....4 ...,...J'......42. :4 G-X.:"p .12,,..,5 t '."....t•a...',...1 2 Draft 2002-2007 TIP Sharon 2.1 Coordinate with Section Mgrs. for new projects Nick mtg. April 18 April 18 2.2 Prepare draft TIP with cost estimates Sharon 1 weekApril 8-19 May 15 2.3 Prepare source of funds allocation Sharon 1 week April 22-29 May 21 2.4 Prepare draft project location map John April 26 May 16 2.5 Prepare Map Index Connie 2 days April 25-26 May 8 2.6 Prepare Street Arterial Map Jun/Donna 2.7 Review with Nick Nick mtg. April 23 May 22 2.8 Review draft TIP by Section and Project Managers Sharon 2 days April 29-30 May 17 2.9 Review with Sandra/Gregg Sharon mtg. May 1 May 22 2.10 Revise draft TIP based on comments Sharon 2 days May 6 SZCZZOSIMRSP 3 Administration Review Sharon 3.1 Schedule meeting with City Administrator Connie 1 day April 3.2 Make presentation to City Administrator Sandra/Nick mtg. May 3.3 Receive and review comments Sandra/Sharon/Nick 3.4 Complete revisions as required Sharon 2 days May • :t2o+T-Y h't4.`^•sti.. < N:.rkWtiw64 ni'm`.W..C.,,eefi 14. .Sw w.-3.w icl' h.x vn.A:Y2....r H9..v.'ti n i„...,e..e?e . ,V, .w.xv2 h N.4,, a twis,+� 2.2 Kx!..,. 4 Transportation Advisory Committee Review Sandra 4.1 Schedule meeting (2 to 3 week notice) Connie May 22 4.2 Prepare TAC information package Nick June 4 4.3 TAC presentation Sandra/Nick June 6 S._4I'i=3iL'EF+.2., ...*rs.-.7..•41:: ,-:.C. ...!r 'z e�.=r-5,N..., ,.....<1.. .....,, v , nY+s:xt,rr'ri.a "'+=..:t!Exa-:ve.,. (._x, sr..K;wsswr.yi> •. itie+'rs ':+»Avrt:,ca ;-.Y, 5 City Council Agenda Bill Sharon 5.1 Prepare Agenda Bill Sharon 1 day May 13 May 21 5.2 Review/concurrence Agenda Bill by staff Connie 2 days May 15 May 21-Jun 6 5.3 Prepare final Agenda Bill w/TIP Connie 1 day May 16 5.4 Route to City Clerk Connie 1 day May 17 5.5 - 5.5 Agenda Bill meeting with City Administrator - June 11 5.6 Attend City Council meeting Nick, Sandra mtg. June 3 June 17 5.7 City Council referral to Council Transp. Comm. City Council mtg. June 3 June 17 .' 4 u......,',0.i^.4 •as•::a-,1,,.nn4tf),a-44,y ka•`.,4,.iY'---.,44 H,..,44,t'!r<^ .Yt%.-•. 6 City Ordinance to adopt TIP Sharon 6.1 Prepare memo request to City Attorney Sharon 1 day May 21 6.2 City Attorney prepares Ordinance City Attorney w`G-s±avCCW[Gw'saer+v+.:'•n•..wrs arx:xw.M':.r-.�S rAu.++t'FAM:-vsa:.s..-ksuawA»]..cy-:yc:-1_-'i..rv:S'. Y%`2wW:r.u'i'=:a+..sSe:S.>:.w.z.4r :H:v -...Yat+..-=xf'SrNa. »ti r.- ✓t a.:c.r9.-[a+H.:Y+..4rs'.erz" 7 City Council Committee meetings 7.1 Meet with Transportation Committee Sandra/Nick mtg. June 6 June 20 7.2 Prepare Financial Authorization list «., , . ...:2, " .22.i., ,,. . e.> x. '.:.:2..v.: "2„ -- e„,a::•t ,,.(en.,M...... .. IEZIEV4,:.:N . 8 TIP adoption by City Council 8.1 Schedule required Public Hearing Connie 2 wks. June 3 8.2 Prepare Power Point presentation Nick 2 wks. June 3-14 8.3 Attend City Council meeting Sandra, Nick, Sharonmtg. June 17 July 1 8:4 Make presentation Nick mtg. June 17 July 1 8.5 Answer questions at public hearing • - mtg. June 17 July 1 8.6 City Council adopts ordinance City Councilmtg. June 17 July 1 ..a'"444.n=r15+'o"`n,._ .::v4sruo..-swt-.-h ,.....4,4,:- •,.ecr,,:::-.:.. ,,,e,“..,•22 re. _ _e-.2.,.,'".4-2, x= ;.'e.,004, .., w c,,aa. 9 Final TIP document Sharon 9.1 Prepare final TIP document Sharon 3 weeks July 11 9.2 Finalize adoption ordinance with City Clerk Sharon July 12 9.3 Order copies of TIP Connie July 15 ' 9.4 Distribute TIP to required agencies Connie July 18 9.5 Prepare State TIP; coordinate PSRC&WSDOT Sharon July 31 u:\sgriffin\tip\2003 TIP\schedule ., ... DRAFT CY, + ' ) + ''.1 • 4 Six - Year bill .., s'e°P .. Nrc(5 I Transportation Planning/Building/ '"; Improvement Public Works P Department I ,--...,..:-..' -- .. - . ..'"-"...:....'.,::: -- •- -:,..-.. .:-.:..........,..:.:f.::::,,::. ..... TransportatiOff 1: ,:..,... 2003„ ....•••• .. ...•.:....,. •.„..• ....... Systern..P:''' .:-:-........,...•:-..,,i. ........::.through ••:..• .20. 8 ....0 ,, . ......s. .., :...... .....„:„... . .... DivisjOn. •....... ....:„::,... t...:-:::::''...:::-:-.::::' .... t 1 t :::::.:....., .... :.. , :,.......... ................•:„....;..... .. ....::..... ... ... ... .. .: ..... . ,...:,..... ,:,..!..• -: 2..-..,... .::::::.:.: ....: ::::::::•:. .;: „..:....:. :.......: . :::;:.:: .'-::::::'....•:::..:1:,:';:.1.::.....::-.....:.:..'•::;.....•:.."::'''.1..:::11:*:::'.:::::':.!:1'.:::.:..:......:..:.:::::.:,...•:..:.':.1::::':''''::...','::::1-...:::::.::::.:';.::'.;:i:'"'':1:::::!:::':.'....1:::!....11,::'.1!..:.:::;: pp:i, ........ ...::::: ......„ :,..... ....:. .:....:.:..,1... -, :t ,.,.--.."•:".i.,:,•••••••••••••:::: ::.....:::.::.....,.:;:.:...... .... ... .: ..,.....::::.::•.... ........• ..:•••:,.. .. :,..:.. ....:.' ... :,... ..::::::.• ..„.i..,...:: ...„ .:..: :..:::::.::. •,.. ..:. ....:.............„,.. ...,... :....: ...,....:.• ., ..... .. . ......„.......,... .:...„. ..........,...• • .. ,,, ••• ....... • ....:.. • ....... • •. ,.... • ...... r.+1:::::.•-• ..-:::::-.:::-: i :•:: ::.•;::H08:•ring .......... ........„. •• ..... ''':::.::-.:::.:::.• •••••••••1 "sAdopted: .•:::... .....:: -. .......::.i. • ....,...:::. ...• .•:...:.. . • ••::••• . . .... .: -.:•••••• .: .....: .. .: •:.: „........ ..... .. . ......„. Resolution ...:,..:. .••.... ..„.. :••••...,..-.:., .....::.•:•.•:. - 11.......-.... .:•:•:.:::::.: ii •i ::.:...:•••.... . . .„ .......,:. .: x, . ..•••••::::•:•..s... .• ..: . . :. .2. ....:: . • ••••• •••.•• SECTION ONE PURPOSE OF SIX-YEAR TIP PROGRAM • Purpose of Six-Year TIP 1-1 • Vision Statement 1-2 • Mission Statement 1-2 • City Business Plan 1-2 f ` CITY OF RENTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2003-2008 PURPOSE • Mandated by State Law. • Multi-year work/finding plan for the development of the transportation facilities within the City. • Required for State and Federal funding programs. • Used to coordinate transportation projects and programs with other jurisdictions and agencies. • Implements the City of Renton Mission Statement. • Reflects involvement by citizens and elected officials. • Vital part of planning under the Growth Management Act. 1-1 • CITY 0 F .- „ AI 0 All - i ' Ell 14 1 I . . ' •1 i , s VISION_ : •. Renton: A world-class city where .• -.r -� -..`= -• people choose to live, work, and play _,_ ..,.,..:....., ,..4.4ihrsa ,,___. T . *-: MISSION - ^---` >::- ' The City of Renton, in partnership with residents, _ •: �, � businesses, and schools is dedicated to: ,,,,. a d f �1--- F' • Providing a healthy atmosphere to live and raise families r. -17-77c-z 47 4..._....r_-• ';� • Encouraging responsible growth and promoting economic vitality it_ p _ _ . •"---14, r . '_ • Creating a positive community work environment " . • Meeting service demands through innovation and commitment to -:) :)1•;.i 08 excellence 11 • BUSINESS PLAN GOALS Promote citywide economic development Fl -- — • Continue aggressive redevelopment efforts downtown ,.`' 7-7_-i • Facilitate quality development of waterfront land • a ..1. _A.] 1 • Recruit new businesses to diversify employment base x °! 7, 1J1.- TrAdai : , 1 Promote neighborhood revitalization , a.:11, D ill i)I I -. �' • Create a more viable business district in the Highlands • ,�_�,, r—t 'L -r. • Support the vitality of neighborhoods through community involvement and -__ improved infrastructure '. _ - ----- - • Ensure quality development in South Renton Promote the City's image in the community and region ,, � �ia.,I�,i ir 4 • Broaden the City's marketing efforts through expanded partnerships • Encourage all City employees to promote Renton's image through service delivery _� -; i• � • Build physical amenities that enhance quality of life !11:1.4,,,,14-l�l:...� r'' %;. fcontribute to the livability of the community t! ' Meet the service demands that ty pi �` ` ;€'.� • Maintain quality City infrastructure, amenities, and services - _ • Provide services more efficiently through partnering, innovation, and ..._ .,__. _._%. - outcome management . • Support productivity through training, tools, and technology Influence regional decisions that impact the City • Aggressively pursue transportation improvements -04• :`,-<-j< :',-..:.."'-',,•,,,:,,' that benefit Renton and the region -- elrcik. Respond to transfer of service responsibilities, �` . i. li annexation requests, and other agreements in a RENTON �,; ' ' '!, way that benefits Renton - • Actively oppose unfunded mandates from County, I I; ,,, I I+ i . , '`' - • State, and Federal Government Page 1-2 SECTION TWO SIX-YEAR TIP MAP • TIP Map 2-1 • Map Index 2-2 .0 CITY OF RENTON A1 m n .J r„ . SIX YEAR T.I.P. 2003=2008 " • �\-\ Y O� larNIAXAMI :I EXHIBIT 'A' Ak 4. rife + i r, "..i_Trirm la I A117 1 '‘1,1 I M. _ N T O Lt.: r, (,-r_ii•t,f--t-r--i•. ::: ...i. „.'t__e_..__.- ` ��' ' ' .G., :rrsa.„ri! y n.n N:.._,. .„. ,,T, __J. .: gilli. _j _ . - � _ 1 . - S :T-r� - -- ir'' 1 itt 0. i :,, • .,_. avp., .. . .i:: i . - : -- i , ,,B , .. ., I I .4 ..I'' Sr.J.IM \ • ' . 4%.„,..., q -iplitt., Ra [ 1 . _ti,i,. 20 ® n bi:..:� • 1 - _1._i P — IF‘.', a `� ® v c�r n �� _ r� ilit _ A � f er �1�. .•-ill AilY. 40 .+1 iimr— sfi . . - 48 111• :!I%1 QM . IZ ED �. 11.7 . 1 ... Ili . / . ' - V,, WIN1 . Eill11 a. ail dij. MAHE . .. 46 43 cri % - ,-,,,,,./. Krt,111.)-) %0:14-5,,,---1175.i.. .� grErE' _ 50 , �n4./..1. , ______ sr f-f ‘..11Thfr,J .,! MEN; imp --N. •• �I 1 J CSI , .� , . 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''''I'''..•:. f • --- '41' iwril . . _A Ilr ..._ _. .__i__ ■ PIM * 44 * 3,I 42 ■ i -- -1:1 7111 IR -, pi,. • , A., ■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■M■■■ XX, o/J'7 �4„�R % 0 • " 45 • • " Q i . 1 • �/i------1 ,1 ._.._ _. r puna 7-1 '`-- ----- -, _ _ EXHIBIT 'B' City of Renton 2003-2008 Transportation Improvement Program Map Index TIP No. Project Title DME7 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Avenue SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Downtown Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR-167/SW 27th Street/Strander Blvd. Connection 8 Rainier/SR-167 9 SR-169 HOV-- 140th to SR-900 10 Duvall Avenue NE 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans-Valley and Soos Creek Corridor Program 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 15 Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 Transportation Demand Management(TDM)Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program • 19 Light Pole Replacement Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Avenue NE 21 Lake Washington Blvd.—Park Avenue North to Coulon Park 22 Lake Washington Blvd–Coulon Park to NE 44th 23 South 2°d Street Safety Project 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign Program 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 I-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways Program 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 32 Transportation Concurrency Program 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 35 Railroad Crossing Safety Program 36 Interagency Signal Coordination Program 37 Environmental Monitoring Program 2 - 2 38 Bicycle Route Development Program 39 Rainier Avenue-SR-167 to South 2nd Street 40 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor Improvements 41 CBD Bike&Pedestrian Connections 42 Lind Avenue SW 16th to SW 43rd 43 SW 7th Street/Lind Avenue SW 44 Benson Road South/South 31St Street 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Avenue SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th Street—Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th Street/Hoquiam Avenue NE 51 Sunset Boulevard/I-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Way Approach at Rainier Avenue 54 Houser Way S —Main Avenue S to Burnett Avenue S H:Trans/Planning/Sharon/TlP/2002ffIP No_2002_index.doc SECTION THREE DEVELOPMENT & PRIORITIZATION OF THE SIX- YEAR TIP • General Programming Criteria 3-1 • Specific TIP Development Activities 3-3 • Summary Table of Projects and Programs: 3-5 DEVELOPMENT AND PRIORITIZATION OF THE SIX-YEAR TIP I. General Programming Criteria The yearly update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is part of an on- going process intrinsically linked with the development of the City's Capital Improvement Program. The Six-Year TIP is also linked with various state and federal funding programs, regional/inter- jurisdictional planning and coordination processes and the City's Growth Management Act Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Projects are developed and prioritized based on both specific goals to be achieved by the program and on general programming considerations. Those general programming considerations are: Planning. How, on both a local and regional level, a project fits with or addresses identified future transportation goals, demands and planning processes must be evaluated. This is strongly influenced by ongoing land use decisions and by regional highway and transit system plans. Financing. Many projects are dependent on acquisition of outside grants, formation of LID's or the receipt of mitigation funds. Prioritization has to take into account the peculiarities of each of the various fund sources and the probabilities of when, and how much,money will be available. Scheduling. If a project is interconnected with, or interdependent on, other projects taking place, • this is reflected in their relative priorities. Past Commitment. The level of previous commitment made by the City in terms of resources, legislative actions or inter-local agreements also must be taken into consideration in prioritizing TIP projects: In addition to the general considerations discussed above, there are five specific project categories through which the TIP is evaluated and analyzed. They are: • Preservation of Existing Infrastructure • Multi-Modal and Transportation Demand Management • Community Livability and Enhancement • Economic Development • Operations and Safety These categories provide a useful analysis tool and represent goals developed through an evaluation of the City's transportation program in response to input from citizens and local officials and to State and Federal legislation. Taken as a whole, the five categories provide a framework for evaluating projects both individually and as part of a strategy that seeks to meet and balance the transportation needs of Renton during a 3-1 time of increasing transportation demand, decreasing revenues and growing environmental concerns. Although each project can be identified with an important concern that allows it to be classified into one of the five categories, most projects are intended to address, and are developed to be compatible with, multiple goals. Preservation of the Existing Infrastructure is a basic need that must be met by the program. The Mayor, City Council and Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee have all addressed the importance of sustaining strong programs in this project category. The state Growth Management Act also requires jurisdictions to assess and address the funding required to maintain their existing transportation system. Multi-modal and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) projects and programs are oriented toward "moving people" through a balanced transportation system that involves multiple modes of transportation and provides alternatives to the existing heavy reliance on the single occupant vehicle (SOV). Included are facilities that facilitate the movement of transit and carpools, and programs that promote the use of high occupancy vehicles (HOV's) and reduce the number of SOV's. The Federal Transportation Efficiency Act (TEA-21), the State and Federal Clean Air legislation and the State Commute Trip Reduction Act (CTR) have added momentum to regional efforts and placed requirements on local . jurisdictions such as Renton to promote these transportation elements. Community Livability and Enhancement consists of projects that have been developed with major emphasis on addressing community quality of life issues by improving and/or protecting residential livability while providing necessary transportation system improvements. Bicycle and pedestrian projects are included in this category. Economic Development projects and programs involve transportation improvements necessitated by new development that is taking place. Thus, a significant source of local funding for these projects is projected to come from mitigation payments and from specific access needs financed by new development. Operations and Safety projects and programs are developed through on-going analyses of the transportation system and are directed mainly toward traffic engineering concerns such as safety and congestion. Projects are identified not only by analysis of traffic counts, accident records and geometric data, but also through review and investigation of citizen complaints and requests. Following this text are tables that display and summarize the six-year funding plan broken out in accordance with the five program categories. TIP_FUND.doc 3-2 Below is a more specific discussion of the activities involved in TIP development. II. Specific TIP Development Activities TIP project and financial development activities are intricately intertwined and involve interactions with many groups and agencies at the local,regional, state and federal levels. Within the Transportation Systems Division of the City of Renton, project development involves year-around coordination among the Maintenance and Operations Section, the Planning and Program Section and the Design Section. The Transportation Maintenance and Operations Section compiles accident and traffic count data, performs level of service calculations needed to identify operational/congestion problems and tracks all transportation-related complaints, suggestions and requests that come into the City. The Transportation Design Section, through the TIP's "Overlay Program" and "Bridge Inspection and Repair Program",works closely with the Maintenance Services Division and with its Pavement Management System to establish structural ratings for the City's roads and bridges. These and other data are being used by the Planning and Program Section to develop transportation improvement projects, prepare grant applications, interface with ongoing state and federal transportation programs, and develop a TIP that supports the goals of the City's long range Comprehensive Plan and short range business plan. Two important examples of how this data is used are: 1. To complete Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Arterial Inventory Worksheet forms for each section of each arterial in the City and 2. To complete Washington State Bridge Inventory System (WSBIS) forms for each bridge. These forms provide a ranking of overall deficiency both within the City and in comparison with similar facilities elsewhere in the state. These rankings, in turn, become important elements in securing funding from the TIB's Transportation Partnership Program (TPP) and Arterial Improvement Program(AIP) and from the federal bridge program. The data are also used in making other grant applications for hazard elimination and safety projects and for railroad crossing upgrades and other federal programs under TEA-21. The Transportation Planning Section works with Metro Transit, the Puget Sound Regional Council, Sound Transit and other groups and agencies to assure consistency between Renton's transportation policies and programs and those of the region. Such consistency is required by the Growth Management Act and related legislation and by federal and state grant programs. TIP FUND.doc 3-3 On-going transportation planning activities, such as updating the Transportation Element and traffic model, coordinating with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the development of sub-area plans, such as the Central Business District, the Valley and the North Renton areas, play an important part in identifying and prioritizing transportation improvement projects. State and regional transportation projects also play an importantrole such as those involving Sound Transit, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the State Systems Plan. Within the City of Renton, there are actions:and interactions involving other departments and divisions, the private sector, the City Council and Administration, which strongly influence the direction of the transportation program. For example, the transportation system is significantly impacted by land use decisions, private development proposals and by public water and sewer extensions which increase transportation demand by making possible higher density and/or intensity of land uses. Such proposals need to be monitored and analyzed in regard to how they individually and collectively create the need for transportation improvements. All departments and divisions in the City, the City Council, the Administration and the Mayor's Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee are solicited each year to provide input, discuss and comment on the Six-Year TIP. Additional input is also gathered through interactions with other public and private organizations and through public meetings held in the community concerning specific transportation projects and programs. At the City, State and Federal level there are new laws and regulations that create the need for new or different kinds of transportation projects and.programs. Examples include the Transportation Efficiency Act (TEA-21), the Growth Management Act, the Clean Air Act, the Commute Trip Reduction law, the Endangered Species Act and the Surface Water Management Ordinance. All of these laws have tremendous impacts on the development and costs of transportation projects. Interconnection and/or interdependence among TIP projects and with projects by other City departments and by other jurisdictions is another important element that affects the development, the prioritization and the timing of transportation projects. Equally important is the likelihood, the time frame and the amount of outside funding that will be obtainable to finance transportation projects. In summary, with its heavy dependence on many different and unpredictable sources of outside funding and with the significant impacts created by on-going local and regional land use decisions, transportation project development is a continuous activity comprised of a multitude of diverse elements. TIP FUND.doc 3-4 , DI A & F Total Total Type TIP Project Title Funded Unfunded 1 Street Overlay Program 77,000 3,877,000 10 Duvall Ave NE 74,800 3,874,800 14 Bridge Inspection & Repai,19,702 363,702 556,000 E.) 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic 113,600 113,600 3 17 Loop Replacement Prograg0,000 160,000 F. 18 Sign Replacement Prograrr70,594 70,594 i19 Pole Program 25,000 225,000 g. 31 Arterial Rehab. Prog. 70,740 1,670,740 - 37 Environmental Monitoring17,374 817,374 47 South Renton Neighborhoc35,000 535,000 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall39,358 39,266 300,092 49 Geographic Information SY74,595 74,595 3 Transit Program 23,181 523,181 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strand30,000 4,186,384 42,813,616 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 20,000 20,000 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR9f09 000 1,139,000 6,870,000 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUE76,165 376,165 v 12 Arterial HOV Program 32,354 692,354 o 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek15,694 15,694 w 16 TDM Program 01,114 501,114 24 Arterial Circulation Prog rar9g,507 1,398,507 25 Project Development/Prede00,075 1,300,075 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 71,708 71,708 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 00,000 200,000 1,800,000 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd20,836 120,836 4o NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 35,000 911,200 7,673,800 4 Walkway Program 36,354 1,646,354 240,000 k 22 Lake Wash. Bv-Coulon Pk t25,000 25,000 28 City Gateways 39,120 289,120 38 Bicycle Route Dev. Prograr 2,206 242,206 90,000 41 CBD Bike&Ped. Connectio35,000 508,500 626,500 52 Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase 25,300 3,225,300 0 21 Lake Wash. By-Park to Cou25,000 25,000 32 Trans Concurrency 03,440 103,440 E 45 Valley Connections to Wes130,257 850,257 850,000 cg 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extensih2,000 630,569 11,681,431 w 51 Sunset/I-405 Interchange 70,000 70,000 5 Transit Center 30 ,000 60,000 6 Transit Priority Signal Systc19,104 1,219,104 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 94,945 394,945 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project18 875 318,875 26 WSDOT Coordination Progr36,455 96,455 29 Traffic Safety Program 76,860 476,860 N 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 33,600 783,600 co 33 Missing Links Program 37,283 187,283 2 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 52,700 382,700 .2 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 34,572 34,572 CD 42 Lind Av-SW 16th -SW 43rd 55,000 15,000 2,540,000 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 00,000 300,000 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 50,000 150,000 - 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 00,000 400,000 52 Trans Valley ITS 50,000 50,000 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rain20,000 620,000 54 Houser Wy S -Main to Burnl0,000 810,000 Total Sources 14,468 36,383,029 76,851,439 By Type ' 06/06/2002 7:48 AM SECTION FOUR EXPENDITURES & REVENUES • Total Project Expenditure Summary 4-1 • Summary of Funding Sources 4-2 • Itemized Funding Sources: • 1/2 Cent Gas Tax 4-3 • Business License Fee 4-4 • Vehicle License Fee 4-5 • Grants In-hand 0 4-6 • Mitigation In-Hand 4-7 • L.I.D.'s Formed 4-8 • Other In-Hand 4-9 • - Grants Proposed 4-10 • Mitigation Proposed 4-11 • L.I.D.'s Proposed. 4-12 • Other Proposed 4-13 • Undetermined 4-14 CITY OF RENTON • PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Six-Year Project Cost Summary* Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 410,000 410,000 410,000 410,000 410,000 410,000 2,460,000 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 424,703 424,703 3 Transit Program 80,000 40,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 444,000 4 Walkway Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 5 Transit Center 10,000 10,000 6 Transit Priority Signal System 370,295 370,295 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 610,000 1,410,000 510,000 3,500,000 20,822,097 19,700,000 46,552,097 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 20,000 20,000 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 200,000 3,809,000 3,400,000 7,409,000 10 Duvall Ave NE 630,878 2,789,200_ 115,600 3,535,678 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 12 Arterial HOV Program 10,000 180,000 15,000 150,000 150,000 55,000 560,000 13 Trans Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 10,000 10,000 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair " 40,000 19,000 19,000 735,000 40,000 19,000 872,000 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 12,500 12,500 16 TDM Program 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 385,200 17 Loop Replacement Program 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 18 Sign Replacement Program 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 45,000 19 Pole Program 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 31,660 31,660 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 10,000 10,000 20,000 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 20,000 20,000 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 21,637 21,637 24 Arterial Circulation Program 200,000 200,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 1,250,000 25 Project Development/Predesign 175,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,150,000 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 70,000 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 30,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 55,000 28 City Gateways 50,000 22,500 50,000 22,500 50,000 22,500 217,500 29 Traffic Safety Program 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 240,000 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 347,000 47,000 47,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 531,000 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 234,250 153,500 113,000 300,900 333,490 95,600 1,230,740 32 Trans Concurrency 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 90,000 33 Missing Links Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 5,000 50,000 100,000 1,190,000 650,000 1,995,000 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 10,000 10,000 20,000 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 8,000 8,000 37 Environmental Monitoring 105,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 280,000 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 20,000 18,000 18,000 110,000 80,000 80,000 326,000 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 50,000 40,000 90,000 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 75,000 214,000 290,000 1,886,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 8,465,000 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 105,000 10,000 10,000 590,000 410,000 5,000 1,130,000 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 5,000 10,000 1,914,000 626,000 2,555,000 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 26,000 26,000 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 140,000 140,000 45 Valley Connections to West 305,000 255,000 250,000 850,000 1,660,000 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 60,431 2,753,000 9,399,000 12,212,431 47 South Renton Project 175,000 360,000 535,000 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 7,500 26,766 300,092 334,358 49 GIS Needs Assessment 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 400,000 400,000 51 Sunset/1-405 Interchange 40,000 40,000 52 Trans Valley ITS 50,000 50,000 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 620,000 620,000 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 810,000 810,000 Total Expenditures 6,661,123 7,026,666 2,965,300 17,715,623 32,837,287 34,898,800 102,104,799 s..., F.,s� *Including unfunded amounts. 06/06a002 140 4-1 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS - TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003 - 2008 SIX-YEAR TIP SUMMARY OF FUNDING SOURCES Period I ITEM Period Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 SIX-YEAR PROJECT COSTS: Project Development 3,258,631 893,200 545,200 400,200 498,631 463,200 458,200 Precon Eng/Admin 10,031,203 1,351,437 1,854,766 872,000 4,044,000 1,672,000 237,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 10,173,897 440,000 10,000 1,628,800 8,095,097 Construction Contract Fee 71,233,843 3,156,123 3,866,000 1,157,600 10,260,030 21,628,990 31,165,100 Construction Eng/Admin 5,596,725 291,863 325,700 148,000 1,118,162 819,500 2,893,500 Other 1,810,500 528,500 425,000 387,500 166,000 158,500 145,000 Sub-TOTAL SIX-YEAR COST 102,104,799 6,661,123 7,026,666 2,965,300 17,715,623 32,837,287 34,898,800 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax 2,121,000 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 Business License Fee 12,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Vehicle License Fee 2,100,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 Grants In-Hand 3,288,902 721,536 2,475,002 92,364 _ Mitigation In-Hand 4,883,755 2,451,384 1,087,164 154,436 768,781 421,990 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand 859,703 784,703 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Sub-TOTAL SIX-YEAR FUNDED 25,253,360 6,661,123 6,280,666 2,965,300 3,487,281 3,140,490 2,718,500 Note:'04-TEA-21 AC/Strander Grants Proposed 5,023,000 746,000 2,365,000 1,912,000 Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed 2,330,000 1,707,000 623,000 Undetermined 69,498,439 10,156,342 27,161,797 32,180,300 TOTAL SOURCES -FUNDED &UNFUNDED 102,104,799 6,661,123 7,026,666 2,965,300 17,715,623 32,837,287 34,898,800 Summ_of_Source O6IOE/2002 7:46 4- 2 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003 -2008 SIX-YEAR TIP 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 2,121,000 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Transit Center _ 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR167/SW 27th SU Strander By 8 RainierAv/SR167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 10 Duvall Ave NE 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project • 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways '29 Traffic Safety Program • 30, Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program • 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 44 Benson RdS/S31stSt 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/1-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 2,121,000 Ges Im O,21/Q1)07 7.2 4-3 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Business License Fee Period , TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 56,500 56,500 56,500 56,500 56,500 56,500 339,000 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 80,000 40,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 444,000 4 Walkway Program 70,000 70,000 250,000 170,000 123,510 170,000 853,510 5 Transit Center 10,000 10,000 6 Transit Priority Signal System 61,346 61,346 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 46,300 40,000 468,000 228,800 421,300 280,000 1,484,400 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 20,000 20,000 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 50,000 50,000 100,000 10 Duvall Ave NE 3,141 358,045 23,236 384,422 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 12 Arterial HOV Program 10,000 80,000 15,000 150,000 255,000 13 Trans Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 10,000 10,000 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair 40,000 19,000 19,000 179,000 40,000 19,000 316,000 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 2,500 2,500 16 TDM Program 49,200 49,200 49,200 49,200 49,200 49,200 295,200 17 Loop Replacement Program 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 18 Sign Replacement Program 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 45,000 19 Pole Program 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 20,000 20,000 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 2,831 2,831 24 Arterial Circulation Program 200,000 200,000 - 150,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 1,250,000 25 Project Development/Predesign 175,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,150,000 26 WSDOT Coordination Program .20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 .10,000 70,000 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 30,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 55,000 28 City Gateways 50,000 22,500 50,000 _ 22,500 50,000 22,500 217,500 29 Traffic Safety Program 40,000 40,000 40,000 '40,000 40,000 40,000 240,000 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 47,000 47,000 47,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 231,000 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 85,000 100,489 55,000 50,000 143,490 95,600 529,579 32 Trans Concurrency 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 90,000 33 Missing Links Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 30,000 60,000 20,000 20,000 130,000 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 10,000 10,000 20,000 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 8,000 8,000 37 Environmental Monitoring 25,582 25,000 25,000 12,500 12,500 25,000 125,582 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 20,000 18,000 18,000 20,000 80,000 20,000 176,000 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 50,000 40,000 90,000 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 10,000 35,000 32,000 180,200 257,200 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 105,000 10,000 10,000 213,500 10,000 5,000 353,500 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 5,000 5,000 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 2,600 2,600 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 20,000 20,000 45 Valley Connections to West 5,000 5,000 165,564 175,564 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension - 7,500 220,000 303,500 531,000 47 South Renton Project 360,000 360,000 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 7,500 26,766 34,266 49 GIS Needs Assessment 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 100,000 100,000 51 Sunset/I-405 Interchange 40,000 40,000 52 Trans Valley ITS 25,000 25,000 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 200,000 200,000 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 12,000,000 a,P Lt.e 4-4 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON • PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003 -2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Vehicle License Fee Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 148,419 42,000 350,000 200,000 235,000 975,419 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 10 Duvall Ave NE 195,000 195,000 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 100,000 150,000 55,000 305,000 13 Trans Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 85,000 53,011 58,000 196,011 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 5,000 20,000 40,000 65,000 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 60,000 60,000 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 65,000 28,570 210,000 303,570 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/I-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 350,000 2,100,000 Vehicle License Fee 05/11,2002 755 4-5 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Grants In-Hand Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 138,949 138,949 7 SR167/SW 27th SU Strander By 170,876 75,581 246,457 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 10 Duvall Ave NE 344,505 2,399,421 92,364 2,836,290 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair - 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 10,000 10,000 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 15,000 15,000 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 18,806 18,806 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 23,400 23,400 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/I-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources 721,536 2,475,002 92,364 3,288,902 Gr,n..nivw 4-6 DRAFT e � CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003 -2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Mitigation In-Hand Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 180,000 180,000 46,490 406,490 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 392,824 400,000 239,381 1,032,205 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 150,000 116,000 173,000 439,000 10 Duvall Ave NE 88,232 31,734 119,966 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair - 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 16,660 16,660 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 10,000 10,000 20,000 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project DevelopmentlPredesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 300,000 300,000 31 Arterial.Rehab.Prog. 64,250 250,900 190,000 505,150 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 79,418 25,000 25,000 12,500 12,500 154,418 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 185,430 45,000 230,430 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 150,000 150,000 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 5,000 5,000 10,000 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 120,000 120,000 45 Valley Connections to West 300,000 250,000 84,436 634,436 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 300,000 300,000 51 Sunset/I-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 25,000 25,000 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 420,000 420,000 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources 2,451,384 1,087,164 154,436 768,781 421,990 4,883,755 Mmyaaan_iMarb 05,05Q002 Tae 4-7 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003 -2008 SIX-YEAR TIP L.I.D.'s Formed Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SRI69 HOV-140th to SR900 10 Duvall Ave NE 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program _ 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk _ 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 44 Benson RdS/S31stSt 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project . 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/1-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources LIda Famed O54I1/I0,32 l@ 4-8 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003 -2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Other-in-Hand Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 424,703 424,703 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 170,000 170,000 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 10 Duvall Ave NE 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 24 Arterial Circulation Program, 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 175,000 175,000 48 NE 8th St-Union toDuvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/1-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources 784,703 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 859,703 OPar in Wna 012120@ 7 R 4-9 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Grants Proposed Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 746,000 746,000 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 839,000 1,132,000 1,971,000 10 Duvall Ave NE 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair 556,000 556,000 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 220,000 180,000 400,000 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 120,000 400,000 520,000 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 630,000 200,000 830,000 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/1-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources 746,000 2,365,000 1,912,000 5,023,000 Wars Prccosed 097,2027 7 413 4-10 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003 -2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Mitigation Proposed Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 10 Duvall Ave NE 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project • 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program. 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 43 SW 7th St/Lind Ave SW 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/1-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources Mmpeuon Rccos.G ffJt1/t007 7Q 4-11 DRAFT ' CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP L.I.D.'s Proposed Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 10 Duvall Ave NE 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair - 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon•to NE 44th _. 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 .Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/1-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett Total Sources LIOa PropowC 0,J21R007 7<2 4-12 DRAFT . a CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Other Proposed Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 277,000 173,000 450,000 10 Duvall Ave NE 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair - 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 950,000 450,000 1,400,000 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 45 Valley Connections to West 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/1-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 480,000 480,000 Total Sources 1,707,000 623,000 2,330,000 O,oryr000zed 05/06/2002 7 46 4-13 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Undetermined Period TIP Project Title 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total 1 Street Overlay Program 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 3 Transit Program 4 Walkway Program 80,000 80,000 80,000 240,000 5 Transit Center 6 Transit Priority Signal System 7 SR167/SW 27th St/Strander By 2,681,819 20,200,797 19,185,000 42,067,616 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 2,527,000 1,922,000 4,449,000 10 Duvall Ave NE 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 12 Arterial HOV Program 13 Trans-Valley&Soos Creek Corr. 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 16 TDM Program 17 Loop Replacement Program 18 Sign Replacement Program 19 Pole Program 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE • 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 24 Arterial Circulation Program 25 Project Development/Predesign 26 WSDOT Coordination Program 27 1405 HOV Direct Access 28 City Gateways 29 Traffic Safety Program 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 32 Trans Concurrency 33 Missing Links Program 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 36 Interagency Signal Coord. 37 Environmental Monitoring 38 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 90,000 90,000 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 40 NE3rd/NE 4th Corridor 1,854,000 2,000,000 3,819,800 7,673,800 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 106,500 106,500 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 1,284,000 426,000 1,710,000 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 44 Benson Rd S/S 31st St 45 Valley Connections to West 850,000 850,000 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 52,931 2,533,000 9,095,500 11,681,431 47 South Renton Project 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 300,092 300,092 49 GIS Needs Assessment 50 NE 4th St/Hoquiam Av NE 51 Sunset/)-405 Interchange 52 Trans Valley ITS 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 330,000 330,000 Total Sources 10,156,342 27,161,797 32,180,300 69,498,439 LMMed_Sun 05/21/2002 7 2 4-14 DRAFT • } SECTION FIVE PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS • Summary of TIP Projects & Costs 5-la • Detailed Project Descriptions 5-1 to 5-54 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Total Project Costs Previous Period Total Total Total _TIP Project Title Costs 2003 2004 2006 2006 2007 2008 Total Cost Funded Unfunded 1 Street Overlay Program 1,417,000 416000 410,000 410,000 410,000 410,000 410,000 2,460,000 3,877,000 3,877,000 2 Oakesdale Ave.SW Phase 2 2,800,597 424,703 424,703 3,225,300 3,225,300 3 Transit Program 79,181 80,000 40,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 444,000 523,181 523,181 4 Walkway Program 386,354 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 1,886,354 1,646,354 240,000 5 Transit Center 50,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 60,000 6 Transit Priority Signal System 848,809 370,295 370,295 1,219,104 1,219,104 7 5R1671 SW 27th SH Strander By 447,903 610,000 1,410,000 510,000 3,500,000 20,822,097 19,700,000 46,552097 47,000,000 4,186,384 42813,616 8 Rainier Av/SR 167 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 9 SR169 HOV-140th to SR900 600,000 200,000 3,809,000 3,400,000 7,409,000 8,009,000 1,139,000 6,870,000 10 Duvall Ave NE 339,122 630,878 2,789,200 115,600 3,535,678 3,874,800 3,874,800 11 Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH) 16,165 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 376,165 376,165 12 Arterial HOV Program 132,354, 10,000 180,000 15,000 150,000 150,000 55,000 560,000 692,354 692,354 13 Trans-Valley 8 Soos Creek Corr. 5,694 10,000 10,000 15,694 15,694 14 Bridge Inspection&Repair 47,702 40,000 19,000 19,000 735,000 40,000 19,000 872,000 919,702 363,702 556,000 _ 15 Logan Av Bridge Seismic Retrofit 101,100 12,500 12,500 113,600 113,600 16 TDM Program 115,914 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 385,200 501,114 501,114 17 Loop Replacement Program 40,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 160,000 160,000 18 Sign Replacement Program 25,594 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 45,000 70,594 70,594 19 Pole Program 75,000 25,000 25,000 25,000_ 25,000 25,000 .25,000 150,000 225,000 225,000 20 Sunset/Anacortes Ave NE _ 363,285 31,660 31,660 394,945 394,945 21 Lake Wash.By-Park to Coulon Pk 5,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 22 Lake Wash.Bv-Coulon to NE 44th 5,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 23 S.2nd Street Safety Project 297,238 21,637 21,637 318,875 318,875 24 Arterial Circulation Program 148,507 200,000 200,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 1,250,000 1,398,507 1,398,507 25 Project Development/Predesign 150,075 175,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,150,000 1,300,075 1,300,075 28 WSDOT Coordination Program 26,455 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 70,000 96,455 96,455 27 1-405 HOV Direct Access 16,708 30,000 10,00010,000 5,000 55,000 71,708 71,708 26 City Gateways 71,620 50,000 22,500_ 50,000 22,500 50,000 22,500 217,500 289,120 289,120 29 Traffic Safety Program 236,860 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 240,000 476,860 476,860 30 Traffic Efficiency Program 252,600 347,000 47,000 47,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 531,000 783,600 783,600 31 Arterial Rehab.Prog. 440,000 234,250 153,500 113,000 300,900 333,490 95,600 1,230,740 1,670,740 1,670,740 32 Trans Concurrency 13,440 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 90,000 103,440 103,440 _ 33 Missing Links Program ' 7,283 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 187,283 187,283 34 Park-Sunset Corridor 5,000 5,000 50,000 100,000 1,190,000 650,000 1,995,000 2,000,000 200,000 1,800,000 35 RR Crossing Safety Prog. 362,700 10,000 10,000 20,000 382,700 382,700 36 Interagency Signal Coord: 26,572 8,000 8,000 34,572 34,572 37 Environmental Monitoring 537,374 105,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 280,000 817,374 817,374 39 Bicycle Route Dev.Program 6,206 20,000 18,000 18,000 110,000 80,000 80,000 326,000 332,206 242,206 90,000 39 Rainier Av-SR 167 to S 2nd St 30,836 50,000 40,000 90,000 120,836 120,836 40 NE3rd I NE 4th Corridor 120,000 75,000 214,000 290,000 1,886,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 8,465,000 8,585,000 911,200 7,673,800 41 CBD Bike&Ped.Connections 5,000 105,000 10,000 10,000 590,000 410,000 5,000 1,130,000 1,135,000 508,500 626,500 42 Lind Av-SW 16th-SW 43rd 5,000 10,000 1,914,000 626,000 2,555,000 2,555,000 15,000 2,540,000 43 SW 7th St./Lind Ave SW 274,000 26,000 26,000 300,000 300,000 44 Benson Rd S I S 31st St 10,000 140,000 140,000 150,000 150,000 45 Valley Connections to West 40,257 305,000 255,000 250,000 850,000 1,660,000 1,700,257 850,257 850,000 46 Oakesdale Ave SW Extension 99,569 60,431 2,753,000 9,399,000 12212,431 12,312,000 630,569 11,681,431 47 South Renton Project 175,000 360,000 535,000 535,000 535,000 48 NE 8th St-Union to Duvall 5,000 7,500 26,766 300,092 334,358 339,358 39,266 300,092 49 GIS Needs Assessment 14,595 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 74,595 74,595 50 NE 4th St/Hoqulam Av NE 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 51 Sunsetll-405 Interchange 30,000 40,000 40,000 70,000 70,000 52 Trans Valley ITS 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 53 Grady Wy Approach at Rainier Av 620,000 620,000 620,000 620,000 54 Houser Wy S-Main to Burnett 810,000 810,000 810,000 810,000 Total Sources 11,129,669 6,661,123 7,026,666 2,965,300_ 17,715,623 32,837 287_ 34,898,800 102,104,799_ 113 234,468 36,383,029 76,851,439 M1W Pq.ICwb WOW DU LIt AM 5-la DRAFT • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Street Overlay Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12108 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 1 CONTACT: Bill Wressell 425-430-7400 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Annual program for repairing and resurfacing existing roadways,operating the City's Pavement Ongoing yearly program. $200,000 in arterial rehabilitation program in 2001 used Management System and providing data for deficiency ratings. to support Overlay Program for improvements on Duvall Ave., SW 7th and Lind Ave. SW. • JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: ACP overlay, SMA, and slurry seal of streets provide for improved driving surface and are $325,000 Metro mitigation funds and$202,000 mitigation funds in 2001 highly cost effective ways of avoiding expensive repairs and reconstruction. The computerized (Total$527,000)for Lind Av Project moved to 2002 due to late receipt of funds for Pavement Management System and video inventory of existing roadway conditionsgreatly construction season. improve the efficiency of the Overlay Program. (Funded : 13,877,000 IUnFunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 • Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 73,595 3,595. 10,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 3,485,125 371,943 953,182 2,160,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 360,000 Construction Eng/Admin 318,280 38,280 40,000 240,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000, Other TOTAL EXPENSES 3,877,000 413,818 1,003,182 2,460,000 410,000 410,000 410,000 410,000 410,000 )00 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax 2,788,318 313,818 353,500 2,121,000 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 353,500 Business License Fee 461,682 122,682 339,000 56,500 56,500 56,500 56,500 56,500 56,500 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand _ Mitigation In-Hand 202,000 202,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(103 Trf/Metro) 425,000 100,000 325,000 _ Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed , L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 3,877,000 413,818_ 1,003,182 2,460,000410,000 410,000 410,000 41Q,000 410,000 '410,000 O.,,I,y 05/14(2003 10 51 PM 5-1 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON , ` PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Oakesdale Ave SW Phase 2-SW 27th St to SW 31st St Functional Classification: Principal Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length: 0.25 miles Proj: 12182 Type: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RANK: 2 CONTACT: Joe Armstrong 425-430-7303 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Construct new four-lane plus turn lanes roadway south of SW 27th Street to SW 31st Street, Received TIA grant in 1999 in the amount of$1,310,600. Project has been includes curbs,gutters,sidewalk,bike lanes,street lighting, drainage,and traffic signals and developed in conjunction with Oakesdale Avenue SW Phase 1B. The City requires construction of mitigation wetlands. Council authorized$1,000,000 in 1998. Mitigation funds: Seattle Times approx. $50,700;$58,000 for value of Boeing property;payment for SWU property=$24,050. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This is the last missing link in a major regional transportation corridor serving the Green River Delay in receiving environmental permits caused construction delay until 2002. Valley. The project will serve economic growth,including the Boeing Longacres site which is Road construction is now complete. Wetland construction will be completed in projected to provide 10,000 jobs at build-out,and will provide a much needed and long-planned 2002. Added$725,000 to project in 2002. additional regional north-south corridor in addition to the current over capacity routes of SR 167 and SR 181. 'Funded : 13,225,300 IUnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 509,947 430,703 79,244 R-O-W(includes Admin) 82,050 4,800 77,250 Construction Contract Fee 2,478,960 763,454 1,295,506 420,000 420,000 Construction Eng/Admin 56,323 13,620 38,000 4,703 4,703 Other(Contingency) 98,020 98,020 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,225,300 1,310,597 1,490,000 424,703 424,703 " ' SOURCES OF FUNDS: ` 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee 45,000 45,000 Grants In-Hand(TIA) 844,832 492,839 351,993 Mitigation In-Hand 1,026,768 455,896 570,872 L.I.D.'s Other In-Hand(GF,KC&Priv.) 1,308,700 361,862 522,135 424,703 424,703 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed _ Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 3,225,300 1,310,597' 1,490,000 424,703 424,703 06,8_2 . 05/15/2002 1010 PM 5-2 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Transit Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12109 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 3 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Determine and provide funding for short-range and long-range transit needs, routes and Transit Needs Assessment was completed. facilities, including park and ride lots, bus shelters and arterial system improvements required to facilitate transit access. Joint projects with King County Metro and Sound Transit will also be pursued to improve local and regional transit service in Renton. Work with Metro Transit, Downtown Renton Association, Boeing, etc.,for implementation. i JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Transit improvements are a vital component of the transportation system's ability to absorb future A consultant will be hired to assist City staff to determine location of bus shelters. traffic demand and meet Level-of-Service standards.Transit will be one key to meeting the goals of the downtown area as well as industrial and office park developments in other parts of the City. Coordination with Metro and Sound Transit projects and programs will help leverage these funds and increase the benefits to Renton. IFunded : 1523,181 IUnFunded : 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: _ Project Development 199,181 44,181 35,000 120,000 80,000 40,000 Precon Eng/Admin 164,000 164,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 41,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 120,000 120,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Construction Eng/Admin 40,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Other(Contingency) TOTAL EXPENSES 523,181 44,181 35,000 444,000 80,000 40,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 8 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 523,181 44,181 35,000 444,000 80,000 40,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed (FTA) Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed _ Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 523,181 44,181 _ 35,000_ 444,000 80,000 ,40,000 81,000 81,000 81,000 8.1,000` • 1r,,, 05/22!2002 12.41 PM 5-3 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Walkway Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 9 Type: 3-COMMUNITY LIVABILITY/ENHANCEMENT RANK: 4 CONTACT: Dan Hasty 425-430-7246 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program provides for the design and construction of high priority non-motorized Construction of Park/N30th sidewalks was completed in 2000. Highlands transportation facilities for pedestrians. Projects will be identified and prioritized in the upcoming Neighborhood Walkways and Curb Ramps construction was completed in 2001. Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study and through coordination with the City's Neighborhood Program. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Providing safe and convenient non-motorized facilities is an integral part of a complete A consultant has been hired to produce a Comprehensive Citywide Walkway transportation network. Specific improvements will respond to the needs of school children,the Study to identify sidewalks and curb ramps needing improvement. Specific sites aged and persons with disabilities,and will support increased use of transit. and projects will be identified when the study is complete in 2003. 'Funded : 11,646,354 IUnFunded : 1240,000 _ Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 91,248 21,248 50,000 20,000 20,000 Precon Eng/Admin 186,291 6,291 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 1,440,497 240,497 1,200,000 185,000 203,000 203,000 203,000 203,000 203,000 Construction Eng/Admin 168,318 68,318 100,000 15,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 1,886,354 336,354 50,000 1,500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250, SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 903,510 50,000 853,510 70,000 70,000 250,000 170,000 123,510 170,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand _ Mitigation In-Hand 406,490 406,490 180,000 180,000 46,490 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(GF tfr/Metro) 336,354 336,354 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 240,000 240,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 TOTAL SOURCES 1,886,354 336,354 50,000 1,500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Wekwe,' 05272002 7 42 PM 5-4 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003 -2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Transit Center Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 5 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425-430-7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Provide design and installation of video surveillance equipment for the Transit Center. Currently assessing needs and locations JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Required to enhance Transit Center area security and public safety. New project. (The design and construction of the Transit Center was funded within the Downtown Transit Access Project. This project is complete and all of the billing will be finalized in 2002.) (Funded : I 60,0001UnFunded : 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other 60,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 60,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 60,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(Storm Utility) Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 60,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 05/17/2002 • 1018 PM Tnmll Center 5-5 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Transit Priority Signal System Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12174,00032 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 6 CONTACT: Bob Cavanaugh 425-430-7222 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Purchase and install hardware and software needed to implement Intelligent,Transportation The project has grant funding from TIB in the amount of$383,600. King County System(ITS)traffic signal programming capable of providing advanced signal operations, is contributing$270,000 toward the project. The video surveillance equipment including priority programming for transit vehicles. Includes a new central management originally to be purchased in the Houser Way HOV Project will be procured from system,work stations,traffic signal controllers and real-time detection and the ISTEA grant in the amount of$74,104. • communication systems. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Improved traffic signal operations and coordination are highly cost effective means of improving Project has been split into 4 stages: 1)Advanced Traffic Management System, traffic flow and safety, and expanding capacity compared to the costs of building and widening 2)Traffic Management Center,3)Video Traffic Surveillance,and 4) King County/ roadways. Renton's current equipment is out of date and incapable of operating new systems' Metro Installation. $110,000 was added to the project due to an increase in management programs. consultant fees and higher construction costs. Stages 1 and 2 are progressing to construction. 'Funded : 11,219,104 lUnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program _ ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 286,268 103,209 139,000 44,059 44,059 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 885,836 588,500 297,336 297,336 Construction Eng/Admin 47,000 18,100 28,900 28,900 Other __- TOTAL EXPENSES 1,219,104 103,209 745,600 370,295 370,295 � SOURCES OF FUNDS: __ 1/2 Cent Gas Tax • Business License Fee 281,400 34,454 185,600 61,346 61,346 _ Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand(TIB&ISTEA) 457,704 18,755 300,000 138,949 138,949 Mitigation In-Hand 210,000 50,000 160,000 L.I.D.'s Proposed Other In-Hand(King Co.) 270,000 100,000 170,000 170,000 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 1,219,104 103,209 , 745,600 370,295 370,295 • genal Pri$V, 0/152002 a 20 PM 5-6 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP SR 167 I/C l SW 27th St/Strander By Corridor Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: 317 Proj. Length: 0.8 miles Proj: 12138 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 7 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Design and construct a new HOV exclusive interchange at SR 167 and SW 27th Street, Previous ISTEA grant of$344,000. Regional TEA-21 grant application for arterial HOV lanes on SW 27th Street and the extension of SW 27th Street to SR 181 at $746,000 for SW 27th St connection to Strander Blvd awarded,but not obligated. Strander Boulevard. Includes roadway,structures, curbs,sidewalks,drainage,traffic signals, May receive funding in'2003 or 2004. Working with Sound Transit and Tukwila lighting,signing and channelization and pedestrian/bicycle facilities. to include a private developer transit oriented development on west end. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Serves the Valley, including the Boeing Longacres site,where TDM will be an important element Pre-design(Project Definition Study)was completed in March 2002. A consultant in addressing increasing traffic volumes.Allows HOV's to bypass the other congested ramps, will be selected for 30%design or possibly full design depending on funding. arterials and intersections in the Valley. Completes a missing arterial link that will provide a direct connection to theTukwila Transit Center Longacres Commuter and Inter-city Rail Station. The design and construction costs shown reflect Segment 1 only(West Valley Highway to Oakesdale Av SW). The WSDOT 1-405 Corridor Study has programmed $40 M for the interchange. (Funded : 14,186,384 1UnFunded : [42,813,616 ._ Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 395,386 225,386 140,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin 5,082,517 11,220 71,297 5,000,000 600,000 1,400,000 • 500,000 2,500,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 7,822,097 7,822,097 1,000,000 6,822,097 Construction Contract Fee 32,000,000 32,000,000 14,000,000 18,000,000 Construction Eng/Admin 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 47,000,000 236,606 211,297 46,552,097 610,000 1,410,000 510,000 3,500,000 20,822,097 19,700,,- SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 1,517,496 2,662 30,434 1,484,400 46,300 40,000 468,000 228,800 421,300 280,000 Vehicle License Fee 975,419 975,419 148,419 42,000 350,000 200,000 235,000 Grants In-Hand 329,581 8,558 74,566 246,457 170,876 75,581 Mitigation In-Hand 1,363,888 225,386 106,297 1,032,205 392,824 400,000 239,381 _ L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed(TEA-21Ac) 746,000 746,000 746,000 Mitigation Proposed _ L.I.D.'s Proposed _ _ Other Proposed _ Undetermined 42,067,616 42,067,616 2,681,819 20,200,797 19,185,000 TOTAL SOURCES 47,000,000 236,606 211,297 46,552,097 610,000 1,410,000 510,000_ 3,500,000 20,822,097 19,7007000 • Wender 06/06!2002 146 PM 5-7 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Rainier Avenue I SR 167 Functional Classification: Principal Arterial Fund: 317 Proj. Length: 0.44 miles Proj: 12127 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 8 CONTACT: Nick Afzali (425)430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: In conjunction with WSDOT and Sound Transit,perform a comprehensive analysis of WSDOT has recognized in its Highway System Plan the need to assure that all short-range and long-range multi-modal transportation improvements in the critical area proposed short-term and long-term improvements on these corridors be bounded by Grady Way, 1-405,SR 167 and SR 515. compatible with one another and with long-range needs. The WSDOT 1-405 Major Investment Study is proposing major changes to the interchange of SR 167 and 1-405. Funding below shows only City share, not Sound Transit or WSDOT share. Total project cost approximately$30 million. JUSTIFICATION: The two freeway interchanges and freeways and the high volume surface level regional routes of SR 515, Rainier Avenue and Grady Way which converge in this area are of major importance to all travel modes,including transit,freight and SOV. With the Sound Transit ' direct access HOV planning underway along with WSDOT short term improvements and, CHANGES: under the 1-405 study, long term improvements being planned,it is important that impacts Changed project title from Grady Way/SR-167/SR-515. Transferred$20,000 in on Renton be evaluated at this time. 2002 to the Environmental Monitoring Program. Funded: 120,000 IUnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 20,000 20,000 • 20,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 20,000 20,000 20,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 20,000 20,000 20,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed(WSDOT) Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 20,000 20,000 20,000 Renin 161 04/30.2002 0 55 AM 5-8 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP SR.169 HOV-140th Way SE to SR-900 Functional Classification: Principal Fund: 317 Prof. Length: N/A ProJ: 12175 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 9 CONTACT: Joe Armstrong 425-430-7303 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Construct queue jumps and bypass lanes and provide transit priority traffic signal improvements WSDOT has committed$300,000 to design and an additional$450,000 to on the Maple Valley Highway(SR-169)at 140th Way SE,and at and between the 1-405 construction. King County committed approximately$275,000 to this project by southbound and northbound freeway ramps. Involves roadway widening at intersection constructing a holding'pond at 140th Way SE for our use. The project is at 30% approaches and modifications to channelization and to traffic signals. Also includes widening to design. improve the north-bound on ramp and south-bound off ramp movement at the I-405/SR169 interchange. Improve access to Cedar River Park and Stoneway site through traffic modifications. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This is a high volume, high congestion corridor where providing travel time benefits for transit Right-of-way.and construction costs have increased due to scope of work changes: and car/van pools can be achieved with high cost effectiveness. Also there are severe acceleration lane extension beyond Stoneway due to transition; right-of-way costs; congestion and safety problems that can be addressed by adding a right turn lane west-bound loss of parking mitigation to Parks Department; entrance road to park;signal cost on SR169 and a protected right turn lane from the 1-405 north-bound off ramp on to east-bound increase;building demolition at park for right-of-way. The retaining wall alternative SR 169. is$7 million in construction alone. Some of the City money funded in 2003 and 2004 is for match money for proposed grants. (Funded : 11,139,000 (UnFunded : (6,870,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 - Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 800,000 192,688 407,312 200,000 200,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 529,000 529,000 529,000 Construction Contract Fee 5,900,000 5,900,000 2,900,000 3,000,000 Construction Eng/Admin 780,000 780,000380,000 400,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 8,009,000 192,688 407,312 7,409,000 200,000 3,809,000 3,400,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 281,344 96,344 85,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 557,656 118,656 439,000 150,000 116,000 173,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(WSDOT) 300,000 96,344 203,656 - Grants Proposed 1,971,000 1,971,000 839,000 1,132,000 Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed(WSDOT) 450,000 450,000 277,000 173,000 - Undetermined 4,449,000 4,449,000 2,527,000 1,922,000 TOTAL SOURCES 8,009,000 192,688 407,312 7,409,000 200,000 3,809,000 3,400,000 SR169 MOV 06N6R002 135 PM 5-9 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON • PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Duvall Ave NE-SR-900 to North City Limits Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length: 1.67 miles Proj: 12123 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 10 CONTACT: James Wilhoit 425-430-7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Widening roadway to 5 lanes,includes:curbs,sidewalks,storm drainage,street lighting, Received a TIB grant in partnership with King County;the City of Newcastle also channelization,and bikeway from SR-900 to the North City Limits, received a TIB grant for their section of Coal Creek Parkway. The City of Renton's grant award is$3,095,640. • JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Growing residential areas use this route which is also becoming a major through route between Split away Renton's project from joint management of TIB project with King County Renton and Bellevue as well as freight traffic. and the City of Newcastle. Our project will be designed with in-house staff. [Funded: 13,874,800 lUnfunded: 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 355,000 14,122 225,000 115,878 115,878 R-O-W(includes Admin) 500,000 100,000 400,000 390,000 10,000 Construction Contract Fee 2,805,600 2,805,600 100,000 2,600,000 105,600 Construction Eng/Admin 214,200 214,200 25,000 179,200 10,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 3,874,800 14,122 325,000 3,535,678 630,878 2,789,200 115,600 SOURCE OF FUNDS: III 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 398,544 14,122 384,422 3,141 358,045 23,236 Vehicle License Fee 195,000 195,000 195,000 Grants In-Hand 3,095,965 259,675 2,836,290 344,505 2,399,421 92,364 Mitigation In-Hand 185,291 65,325 119,966 88,232 31,734 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 3,874,800 14,122 325,000 3,535,678 630,878 2,789,200 115,600 Duren 06/06/2002 70/NA 5-10 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP • Renton Urban Shuttle (RUSH) Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Pro). Length: N/A Pro): 12163 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 11 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: . . Contract for operation of the Renton Urban Shuttle(RUSH)and coordination with Metro to In 2001, Metro assumed full fiscal responsibility for the existing Shuttle service. provide ongoing shuttle bus service after the year 2001. Planning and development of additional For 2002,the City nay wish to re-initiate a financial partnership on this service to shuttle bus service within the City. Marketing shuttle service. increase service frequency, hours of operation and/or route and marketing (promotion of service). JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Congestion relief, increased travel options and economic development are outcomes dependent upon increasing transit patronage in Renton. The RUSH shuttle compliments existing transit service by providing additional local service. (Funded : 1376,165 lUnFunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: . Project Development 126,165 1,165 15,000 110,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10_,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) _ Construction Contract Fee _ Construction Eng/Admin Other(RUSH Contract 250,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 gn^00 TOTAL EXPENSES 376,165 1,165 15,000 360,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 00 SOURCES OF FUNDS: _ 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 376,165 1,165 15,000 360,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000_ Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed _ Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 376,165 1,165 15,000 360,000 60,000 ,60,000 60,000 60,000 • 60,000 60,000 ShAN 05'03/2002 7 78 PM 5-11 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Arterial HOV Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12160 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 12 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Perform a comprehensive analysis of short and long term HOV needs for the Renton area and HOV Arterial Study to identify specific improvements along three corridors using develop a prioritized list with cost estimates of recommended arterial improvements,such as $86,500 ISTEA grant, has been completed. Soos Creek Study and Sound Transit HOV lanes, HOV queue jumps, park and ride lots and other HOV facilities. Also provides Direct Access Program may both create a need to do pre-design work this year funding in future years for construction of high priority projects as they are identified. and construction in upcoming years. $10,000 in 2002 budget is provided for potential work associated with Sound Transit HOV contingency plan. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Development of arterial HOV improvements will be necessary to promote the use and efficiency of transit and other HOV mobility options. Funding from this program will be directed to individual projects with HOV facilities as those projects move forward. IFunded: 1692,354 lUnFunded : 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 171,474 121,474 19,000 40,000 10,000 30,000 Precon Eng/Admin 141,880 880 141,000 21,000 15,000 50,000 55,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 360,000 - 360,000 118,000 100,000 142,000 Construction Eng/Admin 19,000 19,000 11,000 8,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 692,354 122,354 10,000 560,000 10,000 180,000 15,000 150,000 150,000 55,000 ,;iOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 306,210 41,210 10,000 255,000 10,000 80,000 15,000 150,000 Vehicle License Fee 305,000305,000 100,000 150,000 55,000 Grants In-hand(ISTEA) 81,144 81,144 Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 692,354 122,354 10,000 560,000 10,000' 180,000 15,000 150,000 150,000 55,000 M HOV O4302002 10 31 AM 5-12 DRAFT A • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Trans-Valley and Soos Creek Corridor Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12191 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 13 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: A joint study with King County,Kent,Tukwila and SeaTac to evaluate long-term and short-term The Trans-Valley Study started in February 2001 and was completed in February multi-modal transportation improvements in the Soos Creek and Valley area. This program will 2002. Transit service,HOV facilities,and potential park and ride lots were included fund study and pre-design work plus matching funds for grant applications. in the study. Funding for projects that are developed may come from the Arterial HOV Program and the Arterial Circulation Program. The Strander Boulevard/SW 27th Street Corridor was ranked as the third highest project in the study and also"most effective". JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This is an area with limited transportation facilities while experiencing high growth rates. The second phase of the study could start in 2003 depending on available funding. (Funded: 115,694 lUnFunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 15,694 694 5,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 15,694 694 5,000 10,000 10,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 15,694 694 5,000 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 15,694 694 5,000 10,000 10,000 Wf3012002 11:34 AM 5-13 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON • PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Bridge Inspection & Repair Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 106 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 14 CONTACT: Mark Longridge 425-430-7243 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Inspect all roadway bridges owned by the City every two years to determine bridge sufficiency Biennial bridge inspections occur in 2001,2003,2005 and 2007. May Creek and load ratings,seismic retrofit needs, undertake minor repairs,and preventative maintenance bridge replacement is anticipated to be 2005/2006; BRAC funding will be applied as needed. for at the appropriate time. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Inspection program must be done for safety and funding purposes and as part of WSBIS Program to determine structural deficiencies, physical deterioration,or functional obsolescence and to qualify for Federal bridge replacement grant funding. Repair funding is provided to accomplish improvements, identified through the inspection program,that will increase the safety and extend the longevity of the structures. (Funded : 1363,702 1UnFunded : 1556,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 196,162 26,162 10,000 160,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 110,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 552,000 552,000 552,000 Construction Eng/Admin 43,000 43,000 43,000 Other 128,540 11,540 117,000 30,000 9,000 9,000 30,000 30,000 9,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 919,702 26,162 21,540 872,000 40,000 19,000 19,000 735,000 40,000 19.000„ SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 363,702 26,162 21,540 316,000 40,000 19,000 19,000 179,000 40,000 19,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed 556,000 556,000 556,000 Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 919,702 26,162 21,540 872,000 40,000 19,000 19,000 735,000 40,000 19,000 &i5p.jrue.d 05,20/2002 1137 PM 5-14 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Logan Avenue Bridge Seismic Retrofit Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12201 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 15 CONTACT: Mark Longridge 425-430-7243 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Add lateral and longitudinal restrainers to the existing structure. Replace worn and failing This project was split away from the Bridge Inspection&Repair Program deck joints to protect new restrainers. because it received BRAC grant funding in 2000 for$80,000. The award was increased to$90,900 at obligation of funds. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This is a three-span pre-stressed concrete girder bridge built in 1973. The bridge carries The project is at 95%design. Construction will begin in 2002. seven lanes of heavy arterial traffic and barrier-separated sidewalks on each side. (Funded: 1113,600 1UnFunded: 1 _ Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 31,000 16,242 14,758 R-O-W(includes Admin) _ Construction Contract Fee 72,600 62,600 10,000 10,000 Construction Eng/Admin 10,000 7,500 2,500 2,500 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 113,600 16,242 84,858 12,500 12,500 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 22,700 3,248 16,952 2,500 2,500 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand(BRAC) 90,900 12,994 67,906 10,000 10,000 Mitigation In-Hand _ L.I.D.'s Formed _ Other In-Hand _ Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed _ Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 113,600 16,242_ 84,858 12,500 12,500 _ Loyn Ar Br 0532f2002 413 PM 5-15 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON . PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Transportation Demand Management Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12135 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 16 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7318 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Renton's TDM program implements the state's Commute Trip Reduction(CTR)Act. This Act In 2001, increased marketing of the City Hall program has improved mode applies to areas of the state with continuing air quality problems and encourages a reduction split. Technical assistance to employers for the Citywide Program should in use of the single occupancy vehicles(SOV)through incentives to employees at businesses continue at current levels in 2002. with 100 or more employees arriving to work between 6 to 9 a.m. This program comprises two major sub-programs: the City Hall CTR Program and the Citywide CTR Program. Renton City Hall is an affected site and must implement it's own CTR program for City employees. The Citywide Program offers technical assistance to Renton businesses affected by the Act. ., JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The City is required by 1991 State Legislation to develop and implement a CTR program. Renton has received a state grant for$30,272 to help fund the Citywide Program TDM is an important element in achieving desired transportation,environmental and land from Oct.2000 to Sep.2002. Additional state grant funds will be coming,but use goals. actual amounts are currently unknown. Approx.$10,000 of revenue received in 2000 is applied to 2001. The state funding level continues to decrease. (Funded : 1501,114 1UnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: _ Project Development 153,990 54,790 20,000 79,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other(Tech.Assist. Contract) 347,124 41,124 306,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 501,114 54,790 61,124 385,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 SOURCES OF FUNDS: , 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 303,276 8,076 295,200 49,200 49,200 49,200 49,200 49,200 49,200 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(CTR allot.) 197,838 54,790 53,048 90,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Grants Proposed _ Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed . Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 501,114 54,790 61,124 385,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 64,200 TDM • 05/142002 326 PM 5-16 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Traffic Signal Loop Replacement Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 16 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 17 CONTACT: Dave Whitmarsh 425-430-7423 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Replace failed or failing traffic signal vehicle detection loops and repair pavement as required to On-going yearly program. achieve proper installation and assure reliability. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Most of Renton's signals require extensive vehicle detection systems to provide traffic count data needed for the intersection controllers and VMS signal coordination system to operate effectively.The detection loops in the pavement must be properly maintained; their failure results in highly inefficient operation. Pavement deterioration due to heavy traffic volumes, trucks,and adverse weather have increased the need for replacement. IFunded : 1160,000 IUnFunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 136,000 34,000 102,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 Construction Eng/Admin 4,000 1,000 3,000 500 500 500 500 500 500 Other(City Force) 20,000 5,000 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL EXPENSES 160,000 40,000 120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 21 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 160,000 40,000 120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed . Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed . Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 160,000 40,000 120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 • LOOP, 04/29/1002 1.15 PM 5-17 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON r PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Traffic Sign Replacement Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12113 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 18 CONTACT: Dave Whitmarsh 425-430-7423 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program provides for the replacement and/or relocation of signs that are obsolete,faded, On-going yearly program.Contract fee amount is for purchase of materials that poorly located or no longer appropriate. will be assembled and installed by City. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Poor signing can create safety problems and driver confusion. Purchase of these materials Move$7,500 per year for a total of$45,000 to the Pole Replacement Program. falls beyond normal maintenance budget. (Funded : 170,594 IUnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: _ Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 37,500 7,500 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,006 Construction Eng/Admin Other(City Forces) 33,094 10,594 7,500 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 TOTAL XPENSES 70,594 10,594 15,000 45,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7°^^ SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 70,594 10,594_ 15,000 45,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand . L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 70,594 10,594 15,000 45,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 S . • 04/30/2002 COB PM 5-18 • DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION , 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Pole Replacement Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 91 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 19 CONTACT: Dave Whitmarsh 425-430-7423 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program is for the replacement of damaged luminaire and signal poles.These poles have On-going yearly program. Contract fee amount is for purchase and repair of been damaged in unknown incidents where reimbursement through normal channels is poles. $15,000 of the 2001 budget was moved to 2002. impossible. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Pedestrian and vehicular safety is highly related to adequate signal displays and street lighting. Change title to"Pole Replacement Program"to reflect both signal and luminaire Purchase of these poles falls beyond normal maintenance budget. poles. Add$7,500 per year(total$45,000)from the"Sign"program and increase funding$2,500 per year for a total increase of$10,000 per year. Changing out a single pole(signal or luminaire)costs$10k to$14k. Damaged and rusting poles that loose galvanization degrade to the point of threatening their structural integrity. (Funded : (225,000 (UnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: . Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 12,000 3,000 9,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 190,000 64,000 126,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 Construction Eng/Admin Other 23,000 3,858 4,142 15,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,50d TOTAL EXPENSES 225,000 3,858 71,142 150,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 2 '1,'! SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 225,000 3,858 71,142 150,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed , L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed _ Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 225,000 3,858 _ . 71,142 150,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 • 04/30/2002 070 PM FaNe 5-19 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Sunset Blvd NE/Anacortes Ave NE Intersection Improvement Functional Classification: Principal Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length: 0.10 miles Proj: 12133 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 20 CONTACT: Mark Longridge 425-430-7243 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Construct a traffic signal at intersection of Sunset By NE and Anacortes Av NE and realign Project awarded a$200,000 Federal Safety Program grant. Design complete. the south approach in line with the north approach. Right-of-way acquired. Project to be constructed in 2002. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Safety and operational characteristics can be improved by eliminating the intersection offset and constructing a traffic signal. • IFLInded: 1394,945 lUnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 44,502 32,260 12,242 R-O-W(includes Admin) 21,843 21,593 250 Construction Contract Fee 291,000 263,100 27,900 27,900 Construction Eng/Admin 37,600 33,840 3,760 3,760 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 394,945 53,853 309,432 31,660 31,660 , SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 74,704 35,917 38,787 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand 200,000 185,000 15,000 15,000 Mitigation In-Hand 120,241 17,936 85,645 16,660. 16,660 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 394,945 53,853 309,432 31,660 31,660 sunset era 05107/2002 2.28 PM 5-20 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Lake Washington Blvd. - Park Ave N to Coulon Park Functional Classification: Collector Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12121 Type: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RANK: 21 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Road widening,traffic signals, railroad crossings,drainage,curb,gutter and sidewalks. Developer to design and construct. Southport's developer will get credit toward mitigation contribution to the City,which cover a portion of the costs,with the developer paying the remaining project costs. The developer is proposing to complete the project in three phases. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Project will serve development and access needs to Coulon Park and to the Southport Development. (Funded: 125,000 lUnFunded: Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development . Precon Eng/Admin _ R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 25,000 5,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 Construction Eng/Admin Other _ TOTAL EXPENSES 25,000 5,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand . Mitigation In-Hand 25,000 5,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed _ L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined . TOTAL SOURCES 25,000 5,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 - lk_WA 04/302002 1 00 PM 5-21 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON ` PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Lake Washington Blvd. -Coulon Park to NE 44th St Functional Classification: Collector Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12205 Type: 3-COMMUNITY LIVABILITY/ENHANCEMENT RANK: 22 CONTACT: NickAfzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: To improve and enhance this important collector. Non-motorized and streetscape improvements are the focus of this project,as well as access to the park. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: 'Funded : 125,000 jUnFunded: j Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 15,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin 10,000, 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 25,000 5,000 20,000 20,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 25,000 5,000 20,000 20,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(Storm Utility) Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 25,000 5,000 20,000 20,000 Lk WAN 04130(2002 1:51 PM 5-22 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP S. 2nd Street Traffic Signal Safety Functional Classification: Principal Arterial Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12188 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 23 CONTACT: Joe Armstrong 425-430-7303 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project will provide signal safety improvements on South 2nd Street from Wells Avenue to Project awarded a$225,000 TEA 21 Hazard Elimination Grant. Design complete. logan Aveneu.The improvement will be coordinated with and compatible with the Transit Signal Right-of-Way acquired. Construction in 2002. Priority System improvements. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: High accident rates. Increasing signal visibility will help. Added$60,000 to construction due to higher bids. !Funded : 1318,875 lUnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Slx Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: a Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 41,000 36,430 4,570 R-O-W(includes Admin) 3,309 3,309 Construction Contract Fee 251,375 232,238 19,137 19,137 , Construction Eng/Admin 23,191 20,691 2,500 2,500 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 318,875 39,739 257,499 21,637 21,637 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 93,875 39,739 51,305 2,831 2,831 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand 225,000 206,194 18,806 18,806 Mitigation In-Hand , L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 318,875 39,739 _ . 257,499 21,637 21,637 2na_loam 051101002 11:08 PM 5-23 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Arterial Circulation Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 29 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 24 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program provides for the long-range and short range planning and traffic analysis required This project will fund the on-going planning work which will lead to refinement to evaluate and update the Transportation Plan in relation to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and/or adjustment of the of improvement projects on the arterial network identified to assess the impacts of new development proposals and to recommend local and regional in the Transportation Plan. transportation system improvements for all modes of travel. Funding for hardware,software and employee hours required to operate the computer model is also included under this program. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Combined State and Federal Clean Air legislation,the Growth Management Act, passage of the Moved$25,000 to S 2nd Signal project in 2002. RTA plan and the increasing importance of making sure that local and regional transportation plans are coordinated to the benefit of Renton, make on-going,multi-modal planning a high priority need. !Funded : 11,398,507 lUnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 1,392,244 67,244 75,000 1,250,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 Precon Eng/Admin 6,263 6,263 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 1,398,507 73,507 75,000 1,250,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 250,^^^ SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 1,398,507 73,507 75,000 1,250,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand • L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 1,398,507 73,507 75,000 1,250,000 200,000 200,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 Meriel Lrc 05/16/2002 0.29 PM 5-24 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Project Development& Pre-Design Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12150 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 25 CONTACT: Sharon Griffin 425-430-7232 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Perform critical activities needed for the development of future CIP projects and for grant Ongoing yearly program. applications,including scoping,cost estimates,pre-design,interlocal agreements and deficiency analysis. Also provides for the monitoring of active grant projects for compliance with State and Federal laws,regulations and specifications. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Analysis of existing and projected transportation operation problems,infrastructure maintenance Moved$35,000 to S 2nd Signal project in 2002. needs,local and regional mobility goals and revenues/costs is vital to the development of transportation projects that will be buildable,financable, best serve the needs of Renton and compete well for grants. Also to maintain eligibility for grant funding,the City must assure that project specifications and management comply with current State and Federal standards. (Funded: 11,300,075 lUnFunded : 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 983,008 58,008 65,000 860,000 130,000 130,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Precon Eng/Admin 317,067 2,067 25,000 290,000 45,000 45,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) _ _ Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 1,300,075 60,075 90,000 1,150,000 175,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 20 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 1,300,075 60,075 90,000 1,150,000 175,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed (UATA) . Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed _ _ Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 1,300,075 60,075 , 90,000 1,150,000 175,000 175,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 PrB D 95/102992 9:29 PM 5-25 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP WSDOT Coordination Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12146 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 26 CONTACT: Sharon Griffin 425-430-7232 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Provide pre-design,design and construction coordination for WSDOT projects within or Ongoing yearly program. Staff coordinated on the 1-405 Corridor Study. adjacent to Renton to assure that those projects provide the maximum benefits and minimum problems for Renton's transportation system. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: WSDOT projects can have signficant impacts within the City. Funded : 196,455 IUnFunded: Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 85,000 15,000 70,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000_ Precon Eng/Admin 11,455 11,455_ R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 96,455 11,455 15,000 70,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,P," SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax ._, Business License Fee 96,455 11,455 15,000 70,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee _ Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed _ , Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 96,455 11,455 15,000 70,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 wsoor ' 85I03/2007 1.28 PM 5-26 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP 1-405 HOV Direct Access Functional Classification: Freeway Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12171 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 27 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program provides for coordination with and input into WSDOT and Sount Transit plan Funds are identified for coordination critical to ensuring Sound Transit(ST) for the HOV Direct Access interchange and South Renton transit improvements. improvements are consistent with City needs and desires. ST projects should be completed by 2006 in Renton. Coordination will continue to 2006. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Direct access to 1-405 HOV lanes is an important element in increasing transit speed and ridership in Renton. 1Funded : 171,708 1UnFunded: 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 71,708 6,708 10,000 55,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 71,708 6,708 10,000 55,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 71,708 6,708 10,000 55,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 71,708 6,708 _ 10,000 55,000_ 30,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 • X05 HOV 05/02/2007 7 59 AM 5-27 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP City Gateways Program Functional Classification: NIA Fund: 317 Proj.Length: NIA Proj: 12112 Type: 3-COMMUNITY LIVABILITY/ENHANCEMENT RANK: 28 CONTACT: Sharon Griffin 425-430-7232 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Beautify entrance locations to the City. Projects to include signing and landscaping. Funding is As projects are identified,design and construction is pursued. Transferred$13,085 tied to the calculated share of eligible types of transportation projects and transportation funding to the 1%for the Arts Program in 2001. Completing the Kennydale Slope Project subject to the City's1%for the Arts program. All gateway project proposals under this program funded through the Economic Development Neighborhood Grant Program. are subject to approval of the Arts Commission. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Displays a sense of civic pride. Transfer$25,000 to Environmental Monitoring Program for 2002. (Funded: 1289,120 IUnFunded : 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 21,032 9,224 2,808 9,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 96,000 6,000 90,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Construction Eng/Admin 32,311 24,311 2,000 6,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Other 139,777 13,085 14,192 112,500 15,000 22,500 15,000 22,500 15,000 22,500 TOTAL EXPENSES 289,120 46,620 25,000 217,500 50,000 22,500 50,000 22,500 50,000 22,'' SOURCES OF FUNDS: • 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 247,120 13,085 16,535 217,500 50,000 22,500 50,000 22,500 50,000 22,500_ Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(Econ. Dev.) 42,000 33,535 8,465 Grants Proposed _ Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 289,120 46,620 25,000 217,500 50,000 22,500 50,000 22,500 50,000 22,500 . Gelewey ' 05103/2002 2 20 PM 5-28 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Miscellaneous Traffic Safety Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12115 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 29 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425-430-7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program provides for special small-scale traffic safety improvements that are identified and Ongoing yearly program.Traffic Operations Section identify and prioritize locations. require materials, labor or equipment beyond the normal scope of City operations and Some funds may be used to match potential Hazard Elimination&Safety(HES) maintenance crews. grants. The traffic signal pre-empt system upgrade program replaced equipment at 22 intersections for a total of$53,200,which is under budget by$12,400. The traffic safety monitor system upgrade program is currently underway and will continue through 2004. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Historically,this level of traffic safety improvements are required on an annual basis. This Add Stage 2 to the successful signal pre-empt system upgrade program: program budgets for safety projects to address these needs. Projects are typically identified Replace equipment at 52 intersections over five years for a total of$124,800. through citizen concerns,analysis of accident records or observation by City Traffic Operations Replace the 200 series detectors with programmable 700 series detectors(cards, and Maintenance personnel. card cages,detector heads),as already installed in fire and medic vehicles. Programmable detectors enhance safety by validating pre-emption. The total Safety Program increase is less than$40,000. jFunded : 1476,860 1UnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 43,500_ 16,500 27,000 • 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 315,620 120,620 195,000. 32,500 32,500 32,500 32,500 32,500 32,500 Construction Eng/Admin 29,000 11,000 18,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Other 88,740 52,740 36,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 476,860 52,740 184,120 240,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 41, , SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 476,860 52,740 184,120 240,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 476,860 52,740 184,120 240,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 • Serer 04/X0(1002 8 3 AM 5-29 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Traffic Systems Efficiency Improvements Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12162 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 30 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425-430-7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Provides for improvements to the operational efficiency of the existing roadway system, Completed Signal Synchronization Grant for Grady Way-Oakesdale Avenue SW including such items as development and implementation of signal coordination programs, to Main Avenue S($40,000 in 2001 -$6,400 to City forces and$33,600 to King signing and channelization improvements,surveillance control and driver information system County forces). (SC&DI),transit signal priority, Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems(IVHS),signal improvements such as protective/permissive phasing,and matching funds for possible grants to upgrade the Central traffic control system. s ; JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Improving the capacity and efficiency of the existing roadway system is a very cost effective Awarded a Signal Synchronization Grant from King County for Sunset Boulevard- element of the transportation program. North Park Drive to Duvall Avenue NE in the amount of$50,000 in 2002: $8,000 to City forces;$42,000 to KC forces. Money to KC forces not shown in table. Upgrade all signal controllers to new in 2003,so that they are compatible with the new Central System. Add$17,000 in 2002-2005 for Transportation's contribution to the City's GPS Mapping Program. (Funded : 1783,600 (Unfunded : [ Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 68,000 17,000 51,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 Precon Eng/Admin 60,000 30,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 510,000 120,000 390,000 315,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Construction Eng/Admin 50,000 20,000 30,000 5,000 5,0005,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Other(Ci Forces) 95,600 26,318 39,282 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL XPENSES 783,600 26,318 226,282 531,000 347,000 47,000 47,000 30,000 30,000 30, P SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 471,600 19,918 220,682 231,000 47,000 47,000 47,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand 12,000 6,400 5,600 Mitigation In-Hand 300,000 300,000 300,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed - L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 783,600 26,318 226,282 531,000 '347,000 47,000 47,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 EOKrncy ' 05/16/2002 10.00 PM 5-30 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Arterial Rehabilitation Program Functional Classification: Various Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12186 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 31 CONTACT: James Wiihoit 425-430-7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: East Valley Road Project was split out in the 2001 TIP. 2001 funding was As funding is available,this program will provide for the rehabilitation of arterial streets where the committed to SW 7th Street project. restoration requirements are beyond that which can be accomplished through the annual Overlay Program. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The Overlay Program concentrates to a great degree on maintaining residential streets,where Added funds to program due to increased grinding required on arterials. Due to relatively small traffic volumes and less truck and bus traffic make standard asphalt overlays a the thickness of the overlay(3 inches),it is necessary to grind the entire outside long term means of maintenance. Arterial streets can often deteriorate rather quickly and often lanes in both directions to taper from a 3-inch depth at the gutter to 0 inches at the require more costly rehabilitation measures and/or costly temporary repairs to avoid more lane line. extensive deterioration. A number of arterials identified as needing major rehabilitaion are being addressed in this program and the Overlay Program. (Funded: 11,670,740 1UnFunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 54,000 5,000 49,000 9,000 6,000 5,000 12,000 12,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 1,562,740 200,000 230,000 1,132,740 216,250 141,500 103,000 276,900 309,490 85,600 Construction Eng/Admin 54,000 5,000 49,000 9,000 6,000 5,000 12,000 12,000 5,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 1,670,740 200,000 240,000 1,230,740 234,250 153,500 113,000 300,900 333,490 95,600 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 691,160 161,581 529,579 85,000 100,489 55,000 50,000 143,490 95,ouu Vehicle License Fee 274,430 78,419 196,011 85,000 53,011 58,000 Grants In-Hand(STP/NHS) Mitigation In-Hand 705,150 200,000 505,150 64,250 250,900 190,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 1,670,740 200,000 . , 240,000 1,230,740 234,250 153,500 113,000 300,900 333,490 95,600 Merbl Rents 05/21/2002 1 17 PM 5-31 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Transportation Concurrency/ LOS Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12107 Type: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RANK: 32 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: The City has created a city-wide Transportation Benefit Zone as part of the GMA On-going yearly program. Comprehensive Plan's Transportation Concurrency requirements to provide a source of funds for transportation improvements necessary to support new development.This project supports the necessary planning effort to determine appropriate fees to charge as part of the mitigation process,to adjust the fee due to transportation plan changes and other factors affecting the fees as a funding source and to monitor the funds collected. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Management of the Transportation concurrency and mitigation programs are an integral part of Transfer$28,000 to Environmental Monitoring Program for 2002. planning transportation improvements,ensuring that new development pays a fair share of the cost,and in maintaining the level of service required under GMA to allow new development to be approved and to take place. (Funded : 1103,440 LUnFunded : 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 103,440 1,440 12,000 90,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 103,440 1,440 12,000 90,000 40,000 10,000' 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,^^^,, SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax - Business License Fee 103,440 1,440 12,000 90,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand r Mitigation In-Hand _ L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed _ L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 103,440 1,440 12,000 90,000 40,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 IBZ 04/30/2002 3 22 PM 5-32 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Missing Links Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12106 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 33 CONTACT: Ryan Piut 425-430-7372 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This funding provides for the completion of transportation links that do not qualify for other With the high rate of development in the City,funding was added for potential sources of funding. An example would be a section of roadway between two LID's or between City/developer partnership opportunities. two developer mitigation improvement projects. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Making the necessary,and often small-scale, improvements needed to connect other projects can achieve significant benefits. (Funded: 1187,283 1UnFunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES:. Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 24,000 24,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 144,000 144,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 24,000 Construction Eng/Admin 12,000 12,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Other 7,283 2,283 5,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 187,283 2,283 5,000 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 3 - 1 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 187,283 2,283 5,000 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed - Other Proposed . Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 187,283 2,283 _ 5,000 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 M_Lnks 05/1/12002 11'35 AN 5-33 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Park-Sunset Corridor-Duvall Ave to Garden Ave Functional Classification: Principal Fund: 317 Pro).Length: N/A Proj: 12177 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL I TDM RANK: 34 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Identify and construct traffic operational improvements as needed throughout the corridor. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This important corridor is subject to high growth in travel demand. Increased total project cost. 'Funded: 1200,000 1UnFunded : 11,800,000 _ Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin 240,000 240,000 50,000 100,000 90,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 1,591,000 1,591,000 1,000,000 591,000 Construction Eng/Admin 159,000 159,000 100,000 59,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 2,000,000 5,000 1,995,000 5,000 50,000 100,000 1,190,000 650,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax . Business License Fee 135,000 5,000 130,000 30,000 60,000 20,000 20,000 Vehicle License Fee 65,000 65,000 5,000 20,000 40,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed 400,000 400,000 220,000 180,000 Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed 1,400,000 1,400,000 950,000 450,000 Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 2,000,000 5,000 1,995,000_ 5,000 50,000 100,000 1,190,000 650,000 Perk-Sunel 05,20(2002 12 04 PM 5-34 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Railroad Crossing Safety Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A ProJ: 12166 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 35 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425-430-7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Install railroad crossing upgrade improvements at locations determined to warrant safety Received$180,000 Railroad Crossing Safety Program grant for Lake Washington improvements. Depending on the needs of the location,work could include rubber crossing Boulevard at the entrance to Gene Coulon Park. Budget$170,700 match money pads,lighted or unlighted signing,motion detectors,gates and connections to traffic signals to for concrete crossing upgrades on Bronson/Houser mainline,SW 7th Street, provide signal pre-emption. Lind Avenue SW spurs,and Mill Avenue. , JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Railroad roadway crossings can present a serious safety concern that needs to be addressed Added$31,700 in 2002 to Concrete Railroad Crossings project as approved by when conditions warrant improvements. Council. $198,657 is expected in contribution from BNSF to the Concrete • Crossing Project,but is not shown because the total project cost reflects the City's portion only. (Funded: 1382,700 1UnFunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 28,000 3,6024,398 20,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 170,700 170,700 Construction Eng/Admin 4,000 4,000 Other(Lake Wash.Xing) 180,000 180,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 382,700 3,602 359,098 20,000 10,000 10,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 126,700 3,602 103,098- 20,000 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand 180,000 180,000 Mitigation In-Hand 76,000 76,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(BNSF) Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 382,700 3,602 _ 359,098 20,000 10,000 10,000 RR R,,9 05/20d2002 B 56 PM 5-35 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS - TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Interagency Signal Coordination Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Pro). Length: N/A Pro): 12140 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY • RANK: 36 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425-430-7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Provide means of signal coordination across jurisdictional boundaries of Renton, Kent,Tukwila, Tukwila is lead agency for an inter jurisdictional ISTEA grant approved for design King County &WSDOT. Implement signal sequences coordinated through broadcast world time of this project.Grant funds are being managed by Tukwila for the other agencies. with necessary hardware to interface with Renton's master signal computer. Develop regional Project could be expanded to include Intelligent Transportation System traffic flow parameters&signal timings. Improvements on Carr Rd/SW 43rd St/S 180th Street corridor if King County obtains grant funding. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Improve traffic flows, reduce congestion, reduce fuel consumption&air pollution. FHWA Project partners for the Green River Valley Signal Interconnect met April 24,2002. demonstration project. Design of signal interconnect system along SR 181 from Tukwila to Kent and along SR 181 from Tukwila to Renton. Construction funds will be used to purchase signal masters and contollers for current signals compatible for interconnect. (Funded : 134,572 'Unfunded : 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 7,266 7,266 Precon Eng/Admin 7,184 7,184 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other 20,122 122 12,000 8,000 8,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 34,572 14,572 12,000 8,000 8,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 34,572 14,572 12,000 8,000 8,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed - Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 34,572 14,572' 12,000 8,000 8,000 Sgnei coos 04/25/2002 1 46 PM 5-36 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS • TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Environmental Monitoring Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12187 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 37 CONTACT: Joe Armstrong 425-430-7303 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Monitoring of wetland mitigation installed as a project environmental requirement and to perform Wetland mitigation installed in conjuction with Oakesdale Ave. SW Phase 1 and biological assessments as required by the Endangered Species Act. Houser Way Relocation projects. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Monitoring ensures that the wetland vegetation installed is properly established. Creates an Houser Way wetlands monitoring is near completion; monitoring report No.3 is account to pay for unscheduled project environmental assessments. due in 2002. This wetland is a success. Oakesdale Phase 1A has a 7-year monitoring period that requires maintenance 3 times a year. The first monitoring report is complete and has been sent to the regulatory agencies. The report identifies additional plantings needed to meet the wetland requirements;these will be planted in Spring 2002 as well as performing regular maintenance. Oakesdale Phase 2 wetland is a new wetland that will be constructed in 2001. Funded : 1817,374 jUnfunded : I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 157,956 7,956 65,000 85,000 25,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 371,432 9,418 332,014 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Construction Eng/Admin 195,000 30,000 165,000 75,000 30,000 30,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Other 92,986 92,986 TOTAL EXPENSES 817,374 17,374 520,000 280,000 105,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 2 ,I SOURCE OF FUNDS: __ _ 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 180,956 17,374 38,000 125,582 25,582 25,000 25,000 12,500 12,500 25,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand • Mitigation In-Hand 636,418 482,000 154,418 79,418 25,000 25,000 12,500 12,500 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed _ _ Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 817,374 17,374. 520,000 280,000 105,000- .50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Envr 05/21/2042 1 42 PM 5-37 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Bicycle Route Development Program Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12173 Type: 3-COMMUNITY LIVABILITY/ENHANCEMENT - RANK: 38 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Further develop the City's non-motorized facilities. Sign Bicycle Routes along preferred Projects will be developed,prioritized and evaluated for potential grant funding. corridors. Construct missing links in the bicycle route system. Construct site-specific' Parks Dept is updating the Trails Master Plan. improvements. Upgrade routes as needed to safely accommodate bicycle traffic. Publicize Renton bicycle route network. Provides funding to match grant requests for bicycle construction improvements. . JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The City does not currently have a well-developed bicycle route system; this program will complete an integrated system of bicycle routes and trails and upgrade streets to better accommodate bicycles. Many locations along existing and potential routes have site-specific safety problems,which would be addressed in this program. Additionally,there is a strong demand for better-developed non-motorized facilities in Renton. (Funded : 1242,206 1UnFunded : 190,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program _ Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 15,454 454 5,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin 46,752 752 46,000 10,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 11,000 11,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 246,000 246,000 ' 14,000 14,000 90,000 64,000 64,000 Construction Eng/Admin 24,000 24,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 332,206 1,206 5,000 326,000 20,000 18,000 18,000 110,000 80,000 80,x`^" SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 182,206 1,206 5,000 176,000 20,000 18,000 18,000 20,000 80,000 20,000 Vehicle License Fee 60,000 60,000 60,000 Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 90,000 90,000 90,000 TOTAL SOURCES 332,206 1,206 5,000 326,000 20,000 18,000 18,000 110,000 80,000 80,000 Bka Rall 05/20/2002 It.02 PM 5-38 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Rainier Ave -SR 167 to S 2nd St Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12193 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 39 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Pre-engineering study to evaluate short-term and long-term traffic flow and safety Sound Transit and the City will be evaluating potential improvements to increase improvements in this corridor. Included will be access control/consolidation of driveways, speed,reliability and ridership of transit services and HOV movements. potential for adding HOV lanes,and signing and intersection improvements. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This is a critical corridor serving the central Renton area with existing operational problems Transfer$49,164 to Environmental Monitoring Program for 2002. Add$40,000 and it is projected to experience severe congestion in the future. in 2004: Sound Transit has agreed on a contingency plan to evaluate additional alternatives in the event that the WSDOT I-405 study is unfunded pending the the November 2002 vote. (Funded: 1120,836 1UnFunded: 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 120,836 1,273 29,563 90,000 50,000 40,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 120,836 1,273 29,563 90,000 50,000 40,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas.Tax Business License Fee 100,836 1,273 9,563 90,000 50,000 40,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 20,000 20,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand . Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 120,836 1,273 29,563 90,000 50,000 40,000 • 04,30/20020.55 PM Rairver 5-39 DRAFT o. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION . 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor Improvements Functional Classification: Principal Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12176 Type: 2-MULTI-MODAL/TDM RANK: 40 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project involves a series of key improvements in this corridor to improve traffic operations The NE 3rd/4th Corridor Study was initiated in 2001 and will refine transportation such as rechannelization and traffic signal modifications, possible construction of an eastbound needs in the corridor,as well as the costs of the improvements. hill-climbing lane from Monterey Ave to east of Edmonds Ave, possible transit priority signal Project scope increased in 2001 to address the needs of pedestrians,transit users treatments and possibly queue jumps. This project will seek to meet pedestrain,transit and bicyclists,as well as the enhancement of the existing streetscape. and bicycle needs. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This corridor has a strong potential for transit usage and is experiencing rapid residential and Additional construction dollars(unfunded)have been programmed for 2007 retail growth. and 2008. 'Funded : 1911,200 IUnFunded : 17,673,800 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 192,293 31,146 86,147 75,000 75,000 Precon Eng/Admin 292,707 2,707 290,000 214,000 76,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 7,300,000 7,300,000 192,500 1,707,500 1,800,000 3,600,000 Construction Eng/Admin 800,000 800,000 21,500 178,500 200,000 400,000_ Other TOTAL EXPENSES 8,585,000 33,853 86,147 8,465,000 75,000 214,000 290,000 1,886,000 2,000,000 4,000,^^^-' SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 291,053 23,853 10,000 257,200 10,000 35,000 32,000 180,200 Vehicle License Fee 348,570 45,000 303,570 65,000 28,570, 210,000 _ Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 271,577 10,000 31,147 230,430 185,430 45,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 7,673,800 7,673,800 • 1,854,000 2,000,000 3,819,800 TOTAL SOURCES 8,585,000 33,853 86,147 8,465,000 75,000 214,000 290,000 1,886,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 NE2rE NE4tn 0542142002 1:42 PM 5-40 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP CBD Bicycle and Pedestrian Connections Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12185 Type: 3-COMMUNITY LIVABILITY/ENHANCEMENT RANK: 41 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project will design and construct priority bike and pedestrian connections in the Central The Transportation Division is beginning a study to recommend facilities to Business District as determined by planning and pre-engineering studies. Connections to and complete the Lake Washington Loop Route through downtown. among the Lake Washington Loop Trail,the Cedar River Trail and the Transit Center are important elements. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The City has developed a number of significant non-auto transportation features in its central Programmed$100,000 in 2003 to reconstruct 12 curb ramps. area, including the Cedar River and Lake Washington Loop trails and the Transit Center. Making good connections among these transportation elements is both a challenging and necessary goal. (Funded : 1508,500 1UnFunded : 1626,500 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 55,000 5,000 50,000 ' 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin 303,000 303,000 25,000 278,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 628,600 628,600 67,000 161,600 400,000 Construction Eng/Admin 148,400 148,400 8,000 140,400 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 1,135,000 5,000 1,130,000 105,000 10,000 10,000 590,000 410,000 i0 SOURCES OF FUNDS: _ 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 508,500 5,000 503,500 105,000 10,000 10,000 363,500 10,000 5,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed 520,000 520,000 120,000 400,000 Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 106,500 106,500 106,500 TOTAL SOURCES 1,135,000 5,000 1,130,000 105,000 . 10,000 10,000 590,000 410,000 . 5,000 CD8_.k._P.d 05/14/2002 . 11,1 PM 5-41 DRAFT • • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Lind Avenue -SW 16th St to SW 43rd St Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length: 1.69 miles Proj: 24 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 42 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: • Widen existing roadway to 5 lanes where required. Includes new roadway,curbs,sidewalks, The needs,priorities and schedules for improvements on Lind Avenue will be drainage,signals,lighting,signing and channelization. determined through Arterial Circulation studies. Construction of a signal at the intersection of Lind Av and SW 27th St occurred in 1998 as an initial phase. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: • Increasing traffic demands in the Valley including the proposeddevelopment at the Boeing Longacres site,will create the need for increasing the capacity of this major north/south arterial. • 'Funded: 115,000 1UnFunded: 12,540,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 • Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 5,000 5,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin 88,000 88,000 10,000 78,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 2,280,000 2,280,000 1,700,000 580,000 Construction Eng/Admin 182,000 182,000 136,000 46,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 2,555,000 2,555,000 5,000 10,000 1,914,000 626,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 5,000 5,000 5,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed 830,000 830,000 630,000 200,000 Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 1,710,000 1,710,000 1,284,000 426,000 TOTAL SOURCES 2,555,000 2,555,000 5,000 10,000 1,914,000 626,000 Ind 05/20/2002 1 26 PM 5-42 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP SW 7th St 1 Lind Ave SW Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length: Intersection Proj: 12153 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 43 CONTACT: Bob Cavanaugh 425-430-7222 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Install new fully actuated traffic signal, including poles,signal and pedestrian displays, detection Project awarded a$270,000 Hazard Elimination Safety(HES)Grant. loops, emergency pre-emption,a new signal controller, interconnect to master computer and associated channelization. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Increasing vehicular and pedestrian traffic in this area is warranting a traffic signal based on Consultant hired;at 30%design. safety and delays. 'Funded : 1300,000 1UnFunded : Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 37,200 37,200 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 242,800 218,800 24,000 24,000 Construction Eng/Admin 20,000 18,000 2,000 2,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 300,000 274,000 26,000 26,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 30,000 27,400 2,600 2,600 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand 270,000 246,600 23,400 23,400 Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 300,000 274,000 26,000 26,000 SW_7111 05N3/2002 .1104 AM 5-43 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION • 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP' Benson Rd S/S 31st St Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length: Intersection Proj: 12129 Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 44 CONTACT: Bob Cavanaugh 425-430-7222 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Install a complete actuated traffic signal at Benson Rd S and S 31st St designed to provide for King County is lead agency for determining when this project will proceed. possible future Benson Rd widening. They are currently evaluating different intersection alternatives. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Location is approaching signal warrants and traffic volume is increasing. Signal will reduce side street delays and improve safety. 'Funded : L150,000 lUnFunded : Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 5,000 5,000 Precon Eng/Admin 15,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 120,000 120,000 120,000 Construction Eng/Admin 10,000 10,000 10,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 150,000 10,000 140,000 140,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 30,000 10,000 20,000 20,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 120,000 120,000 120,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 150,000 10,000 140,000 140,000 Bm+on_Re 05/17/2002 1 30 PM 5-44 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION • 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Valley Connections to West Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: 12149 Type: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RANK: 45 CONTACT: Leslie Lahndt 425-430-7223 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Provides for improvements connecting the Renton Valley area to the west. Approximately$34,000 was committed to the City of Tukwila for completion of a design report in 1998 for the grade separation at SW 43rd Street(S. 180th St.) and UPRR/BNSF railroad tracks. Funded$800,000 over 3 years for City's contribution toward the S 180th railroad grade separation project(reimbursement to Utilities in 2003, 2004,2005). JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Provides westerly access to and from Renton Valley area. Project(s)respond to existing Renton/Tukwila Interlocal Agreement entered into when City boundaries were adjusted. (Funded : 1850,257 IUnFunded : 1850,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: _ Project Development 68,114 38,114 30,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 Precon Eng/Admin 752,143 2,143750,000 750,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 80,000 80,000 80,000 Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other 800,000 800,000 300,000 250,000 250,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 1,700,257 40,257 1,660,000 305,000 255,000 250,000 850,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax _ Business License Fee 215,821 40,257 175,564 5,000 5,000 165,564 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 634,436 634,436 300,000 250,000 84,436 - L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 850,000 850,000 850,000 TOTAL SOURCES 1,700,257 40,257 1,660,000 305,000 255,000 250,000 850,000 veiay_Gmn 05/21/2002 - 7 42 PM 5-45 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Oakesdale Ave SW - Extension to SR 900 Functional Classification: Principal Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length: 0.80 miles Proj: 12116 Type: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RANK: 46 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Performed a design study for an ultimate 4-5 lane improvement. Includes curbs, The preliminary design study was completed in 1999. The study estimated a total sidewalk,drainage,street lighting,traffic signals,channelization and retaining walls. project cost at$12.0 million with King Co.and the City's share at$7.0 million and $5.0 million respectively. This amount is programmed for future years. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Will serve growing north-south traffic demand and reduce congestion on Rainier Avenue and None. Grady Way.This project will be mostly financed through off-site improvements and mitigation payments by adjacent development,with potential grants reflecting the regional benefits associated with development of this route. 'Funded : 1630,569 lUnFunded : 111,681,431 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 62,246 1,815 60,431 60,431 Precon Eng/Admin 1,577,754 97,754. 1,480,000 1,480,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,273,000 1,273,000 1,273,000 Construction Contract Fee 8,703,000 8,703,000 8,703,000 Construction Eng/Admin 696,000 696,000 696,000_ Other TOTAL EXPENSES 12,312,000 99,569 12,212,431 60,431 2,753,000 9,399'PI'',,: SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 585,312 54,312 531,000 7,500 220,000 303,500 Vehicle License Fee - Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand _ L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(King Co.) 45,257 45,257 Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 11,681,431 11,681,431 52,931 2,533,000 9,095,500 TOTAL SOURCES 12,312,000 99,569 12,212,431 60,431 2,753,000 9,399;000 OaksMaiste, 051142002 401PM 5-46 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX YEAR TIP South Renton Burnett Park Neighborhood Street Improvements Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12194 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 47 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425-430-7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Provide improvements and asphalt overlay in the South Renton Burnett Park Neighborhood to Improvements are funded through the mitigation payment from Metro King County include the S Burnett Av/S 4th intersection. Asphalt overlay Shattuck Av S from SW 7th St to to the City of Renton. $175,000*Metro Mitigation funding as follows: • Houser Wy S,South 6th St from Burnett Av S to Shattuck Av S,SW 7th St from Shattuck Av S to $75,000 South Renton street overlay projects. Rainier Av S,South 5th St from Burnett Av S to Smithers Av S. $40,000 Study and design of improvements for Burnett/S 4th intersection with $60,000 reserved for Burnett/S 4th intersection construction with Council concur. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Deteriorating streets. Added funding. $60,000 would not fully fund the scope of the improvements. 'Funded: 1535,000 jUnFunded: j Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 10,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin 30,000 30,000 30,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 370,000 370,000 70,000 300,000 Construction Eng/Admin 35,000 35,000 5,000 30,000 Other 90,000 90,000 60,000 30,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 535,000 535,000 175,000 360,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 360,000 360,000 360,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand(Metro Mitig.) 175,000 175,000 175,000 Grants Proposed _ Mitigation Proposed - L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 535,000 535,000 175,000 360,000 S Renton Proleq 05000002 7:01 AM 5-47 DRAFT ' v CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX YEAR TIP NE 8th Street- Union Avenue NE to Duvall Avenue NE Functional Classification: Local Residential Fund: 317 Proj.Length: 0.22 miles Proj: 12204 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 48 CONTACT: Leslie Lahndt 425-430-7223 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Complete missing half-street improvements to NE 8th Street,including curb,gutter,sidewalk, lighting,street trees and curb bulbs at Bremerton Av NE. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: NE 8th Street provides a second,critical east-west link between Union Avenue NE and Duvall Avenue NE and is a good candidate to become a collector street. However,half-street improvements adjacent to Honey Dew Elementary have yet to be completed. It is unlikely that future development will complete this half-street improvement. In addition,Metro transit service will begin serving this street in September 2001. Completion of the widening of the street must occur if transit service is to be extended to this area over the long term. jFunded : 139,266 1UnFunded : 1300,092 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 39,266 5,000 34,266 7,500 26,766 R-O-W(includes Admin) 19,800 19,800 19,800 Construction Contract Fee 259,530 259,530 259,530 Construction Eng/Admin 20,762 20,762 20,762 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 339,358 5,000 334,358 7,500 26,766 300,092 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 39,266 5,000 34,266 7,500 26,766 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined 300,092 300,092 300,092 TOTAL SOURCES 339,358 5,000 334,358 7,500 26,766 300,092 NEB,SI - Q520.002 147 PM 5-48 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX YEAR TIP Geographic Information System - Needs Assessment Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 12206 Type: 1 -INFRASTRUCTURE RANK: 49 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Develop a Needs Assessment and Action Plan for implementation of Geographic Information System(GIS)in the Transportation Systems Division. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The Transportation Systems Division is interested in expanding the development and use of Add$10,000 per year in years 2003 through 2008. Transportation staff will be GIS technology,data, and applications to support the Division's business needs. Effective use of working with Information Services staff and consultants to obtain the necessary GIS-related resources is dependent on careful planning and execution. The Needs Assessment data for the City GIS. allows the evaluation of Division needs and the development of an action plan for logical development of GIS capabilitiy within the Division. Funded : 174,595 lUnFunded: 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 74,595 4,595 10,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 74,595 4,595 10,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,( SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 74,595 4,595 10,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 74,595 4,595 10,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10400 GIS O6.G2l2002 7 G AM 5-49 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP NE 4th Street/Hoquiam Avenue NE Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 50 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425-430-7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Install new fully actuated traffic signal,including poles,signal and pedestrian displays, detection Will seek grant funding through federal Hazard Elimination Safety(HES)program. loops,emergency pre-emption,a new signal controller,interconnect to master computer and associated channelization. Right-of-way needs are unknown at this time. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Increasing vehicular and pedestrian traffic in this area is warranting a traffic signal based on New project safety and delays. Funded:1 400,0001 UnFunded :1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 42,000 42,000 42,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 50,000 50,000 50,000 Construction Contract Fee 280,000 280,000 280,000 Construction Eng/Admin 28,000 28,000 28,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 400,000 400,000 400,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 100,000 100,000 100,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 300,000 300,000 300,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 400,000 400,000 400,000 NE CI SI H4 4,n AV 04/25/2002 2 33 PM 5-50 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP NE Sunset By/ 1-405 Interchange Improvements Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: Type: 4-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RANK: 51 CONTACT: Nick Afzali 425-430-7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Conceptual planning process to evaluate performance of existing and future interchange Programmed funds for 2002 and 2003 will be utilized for staff time and potential facilities along 1-405 from Park Avenue N to Maple Valley Highway. consultant cost. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The intent of this planning study is to coordinate proposed improvements to 1-405 by WSDOT New project with the potential of large developments in the area. I Funded :I 70,000j UnFunded :1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development 70,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other TOTAL EXPENSES 70,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: • 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 70,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 70,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 05/172002 10.19.41,4Sunset/1405 4C 5-51 DRAFT CITY OF RENTON - PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS - TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Trans-Valley ITS Functional Classification: Arterial Fund: 317 Proj. Length: N/A Proj: Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 52 CONTACT: Karl Hamilton 425-430-7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Interconnect 22 signalized intersections along the Trans-Valley Corridor creating an Intelligent King County is the lead on this project. King County has a TIB Transportation Transportation System(ITS). The project limits are Southcenter Parkway and S 180th Street to Partnership Program(TPP)grant of$1,875,000. The matching local funds are SE Petrovisky and SE 184th Street. Project includes upgrading controllers and adding video $2,125,000 for a total project cost of$4,000,000. monitoring. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Increase the efficiency of movement of persons and goods; enhance the safety and security of New project. 1 travelers;enhance speed and reliability within the corridor;develop multi-agency ITS deployments,operations and maintenance;increase public awareness of ITS benefits within the corridor through coordinated ITS. I Funded :I 50,0001 Un Funded :1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2001 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee Construction Eng/Admin Other 50,000 50,000 50,000 ' TOTAL EXPENSES 50,000- 50,000 50,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 25,000 25,000 25,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 25,000 25,000 25,000 L.I.D.'s Formed _ . Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 50,000 50,000 50,000 Tren3Velley ITS 05/170002 10.19 PM 5-52 DRAFT • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Grady Way Approach at Rainier Avenue Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Pro,.Length: 0.1 mile ProJ: Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 53 CONTACT: Leslie Lahndt 425-430-7223 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Construct the westbound approach of Grady Way at Rainier Avenue in concrete. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This segment of roadway has a pavement management OCI rating(Year 2000)of 59 out of New project. a possible 100 points. It is severely rutted. • I Funded :1 620,0001 UnFunded :I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin 100,000 100,000 100,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 500,000 500,000 500,000 , Construction Eng/Admin 20,000 20,000 20,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 620,000 620,000 620,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Fee 200,000 200,000 200,000 Vehicle License Fee Grants In-Hand Mitigation In-Hand 420,000 420,000 420,000 L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed Other Proposed Undetermined _ TOTAL SOURCES 620,000 620,000 620,000 GedY MWoech 05/1712002 10 10 AM 5-53 DRAFT i CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION • 2003-2008 SIX-YEAR TIP Houser Way S - Main Av S to Burnett Av S Functional Classification: Non-arterial Fund: 317 Pro). Length: 0.2 miles ProJ: Type: 5-OPERATIONS AND SAFETY RANK: 54 CONTACT: Leslie Lahndt 425-430-7223 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Upgrade railroad tracks to concrete on Houser Way S between Main Avenue S and Burnette Initiate discussion with Burlington Northern Santa Fe(BNSF)railroad to share Avenue S. funding on this project. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This segment of roadway has a pavement management OCI rating(Year 2000)of between New project. 0 and 12 points(out of a possible 100 points). The quality of the roadway is very poor due to the flexing of the tracks. An overlay will only be effective if the tracks are placed in concrete. I Funded :I I UnFunded :I 810,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2003 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2002 2002 Total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 EXPENSES: Project Development Precon Eng/Admin R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Contract Fee 800,000 800,000 800,000 Construction Eng/Admin 10,000 10,000 10,000 Other TOTAL EXPENSES 810,000 810,000 810,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1/2 Cent Gas Tax Business License Feer' Vehicle License Fee - " Grants In-Hand _ Mitigation In-Hand L.I.D.'s Formed Other In-Hand Grants Proposed Mitigation Proposed L.I.D.'s Proposed _ Other Proposed 480,000 480,000 480,000 Undetermined 330,000 330,000 330,000 TOTAL SOURCES 810,000 810,000 810,000 Houser Wey os,1r/2oo2 10.19 PM 5-54 DRAFT • SECTION SIX APPENDIX • Abbreviations & Acronyms 6-1 • TIP Adopting Resolution 6-2 1BREVIATIONS AND ACRQ" .'MS The following list defines the abbreviated words or acronyms used in the City of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan. ACP Asphalt Concrete Pavement AIP Arterial Improvement Program(administered by TIB) BRAC Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee CBD Central Business District CIP Capital Improvement Program CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality CTR Commute Trip Reduction(State Act) EB East Bound ER Emergency Relief FAS Federal Aid Secondary Program FAUS Federal Aid Urban System FHWA Federal Highway Administration Federal Transit Administration HCT High Capacity Transit HES Federal Aid Hazard Elimination and Safety Program HOV High Occupancy Vehicles UC Interchange ITS Intelligent Transportation System ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act(Federal Highway Bill) LID Local Improvement District METRO Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle MUTCD Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices NCL North City Limits NB North Bound PMS Pavement Management System Precon Preconstruction Engineering/Administration(design phase of project) PS&E Plans, Specifications, and Estimates ROW Right-of-Way SB South Bound SC&DI Surveillance Control and Driver Information SCATBd South County Area Transportation Board SCL South City Limits SMA Structural Matrix Asphalt SOV Single Occupant Vehicle STP Surface Transportation Program TEA-21 Transportation Efficiency Act TDM Transportation Demand Management Program TIA Transportation Improvement Account(previous TIB program) TIB Transportation Improvement Board TIP Transportation Improvement Plan TPP Transportation Partnership Program (administered by TIB) UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account(previous TIB program) VMS Vehicle Master System WB West Bound WCL West City Limits WSBIS Washington State Bridge Inventory System WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation H.\TRANS\FORMS ACRONYMS.DOC Page 6-1