HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 Correspondence 4 CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing. 6.a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of February 27, 2017.Council Concur. 6.b) AB-1856 Community Services Department recommended waiving greens fees at the Maplewood Golf Course for the Senior Pro-Am Tournament participants in the estimated amount of$2,980. Refer to Finance Committee. 6.c) AB-1865 Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with Schreiber Starling Whitehead Architects, in the amount Of$763,486 for design services for Fire Station#15. Refer to Finance Committee. 6.d) AB-1866 Executive Department recommended adoption of the 2018-2023 City of Renton Business Plan. (See item 8.0 for Resolution)Council Concur. 6.e) AB-1862 Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-15-118,Central Renton Interceptor Reline& Upsize project;contractor Road Construction Northwest, Inc.,and requested acceptance of the project, and release of retainage in the amount of$25,332.32 after 60 days,subject to receipt of all required authorizations. Council Concur. 6.f) AB-1863 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with RH2 Engineering, Inc., in the amount of$176,379,for the Lift Station and Force Main Rehabilitation Group 1 Facilities-Predesign project. Refer to Utilities Committee. 6.g) AB-1864 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with RH2 Engineering, Inc., in the amount of$134,880,for design engineering services for the Falcon Ridge Lift Station Replacement and Force Main Improvements project. Refer to Utilities Committee MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE CONSENT AGENDA,AS PRESENTED.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7.a) Committee of the Whole Chair Pavone presented a report consistent with the strategies identified in the City Center Community Plan and incorporated into Transportation Improvement Project(TIP) No.8—Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project (incorporated into the 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, adopted on •9/12/16),the Committee of the Whole recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve proceeding with the conversion of Williams Ave.S.,Wells Ave.S.,S.3rd St.,and evaluating the conversion of S.2nd St.,to a two-way operation, in phases as available funding allows. The coriversion of the one-way couplets Williams Ave.S. and Wells Ave.S.;and S.2nd St.and S. 3rd St to two-way streets is consistent with the presentation on this topic provided to the City Council during the February 25,2016 City Council Workshop. The Public Works Department's 2017-2018 budget presentation to Council included the completion of a Turnback Agreement with WSDOT for a portion of SR 900 between 1-405 and Rainier Ave.S.(the S.2nd St.and S.3rd St.couplet)that would allow conversion of the couplet to two-way streets. March 6, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 5 Previous actions the City Council has taken in support of conversion of these downtown streets to two-way streets include: • Approval of the obligation of the TIB grant for the Main Ave. project(1/5/15). • Approval of the engineering services agreement with KPG for final design of the Main Ave. project(8/10/15). • Acceptance of the low bid for the construction of the Main Ave. project(1/9/17). MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. 7.a) Committee of the Whole Chair Pavone presented the Committee of the Whole report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to amend the 2017 Calendar of Regular City Council Meetings as follows: CANCELED MEETINGS: April 10, 2017 July 3,2017 November 27,2017 ADDED MEETINGS: July 17, 2017 August 21,2O17 Additionally,although the December 18,2017 meetings have been canceled,they may be added back to the calendar if necessary to complete any City business prior to the end of the year. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. 7.a) Committee of the Whole Chair Pavone presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the 2017 Regional Policy Agenda. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. 7.b) Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment 11-16 to lease LAG-005-91 with Northwest Seaplanes, Inc.for a periodic ground lease rate adjustment that will increase the ground lease rate from$0.62 per square foot per year to$0.7252 per square foot per year for the 91,545.57 square feet of leased ground space effective January 1,2017. MOVED BY PEREZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. March 6,2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SPP V BY COMMITTEE REPORT CITY COUNCIL Data 3 6 March 6, 2017 Converting Specified Downtown Streets to a Two-way Operation (February 27, 2017) Consistent with the strategies identified in the City Center Community Plan and incorporated into Transportation Improvement Project (TIP) No. 8 — Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project (incorporated into the 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, adopted on 9/12/16), the Committee of the Whole recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve proceeding with the conversion of Williams Ave. S., Wells Ave. S., S. 3rd St., and evaluating the conversion of S. 2nd St., to a two- way operation, in phases as available funding allows. The conversion of the one-way couplets Williams Ave. S. and Wells Ave. S.; and S. 2nd St. and S. 3rd St to two-way streets is consistent with the presentation on this topic provided to the City Council during the February 25, 2016 City Council Workshop. The Public Works Department's 2017-2018 budget presentation to Council included the completion of a Turnback Agreement with WSDOT for a portion of SR 900 between 1-405 and Rainier Ave. S. (the S. 2nd St. and S. 3rd St. couplet) that would allow conversion of the couplet to two-way streets. Previous actions the City Council has taken in support of conversion of these downtown streets to two-way streets include: • Approval of the obligation of the TIB grant for the Main Ave. project (1/5/15). • Approval of the engineering services agreement with KPG for final design of the Main Ave. project (8/10/15). • Acceptance of the low bid for the construction of the Main Ave. project (1/9/17). Armo . • Pavone, Council President \ZY , *i Tate. 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • rentonwa.gov (t I Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the annual updates to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 2017-2022.The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY PEREZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. (See below for Resolution.) c) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on September 12, 2016 claims vouchers 349248—349257,349259—349260, 349262—349687, 349715-349717, 349726—349745,349769—350134, 350136—350139, 5036,5039—5042, 5051—5056, 5062— 5066,5071-5076, and 50388-50389, 11 wire transfers and two payroll runs with benefit . withholding payments totaling$18,183,877.67 and payroll vouchers including 1,478 direct V deposits and 144 payroll vouchers totaling$2,724,940.22. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE Pr?? COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. ,./ :(5/ LEGISLATION Resolution,, ! 9 Resolution o.4293:A resolution was read updating and extending Renton's Six-Year lTransportationNImprovement Program (TIP)for 2017-2022. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ.CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL REFER THE LETTER FROM THE WASHINGTON FEDERATION OF ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL AGENCIES TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADJOURN.CARRIED.TIME: 8:19 P.M. Jason A.Seth, CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor, CMC, Recorder Monday,September 12, 2016 September 12, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES • TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE APPROVED BY COMMITTEE REPORT. CITY COUNCIL • September 12, 2016 -date 47 h- f 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program: (August 1, 2016) The Transportation (Aviation) Committee reviewed the 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation • Improvement Program and recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the annual updates to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 2017-2022. The Committee further recommends that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for , reading and adoption. • Ruth Perez, Chair Carol Ann Witschi;Vice Chair Don Persson, Member • • cc: Jim Seitz,Transportation Systems Director Vicki Grover,Transportation Planning and Programming Manager Juliana Fries;Program Development Coordinator Heather Ulit,Administrative Secretary I - -«,c:.. ii:...,•I.+:-.,.,....,... i yt i~ P $ s r Q:\COUNCIL\Council Committee Report Drafts\Transp Comm Pending\six yearTIP.docx AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) RESOLUTION NO. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, UPDATING AND EXTENDING RENTON'S SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR 2017—2022. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has adopted a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") pursuant to RCW 35.77.010 (Perpetual advanced six-year plans for coordinated transportation program expenditures), and the TIP has been updated, amended and modified from time to time as authorized and required by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council, held a duly noticed public hearing on September 12, 2016, for the purpose of considering updates to the TIP; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the work accomplished under the TIP, considered any public testimony given at the public hearing held on September 12, 2016, considered proposed updates to the TIP, and determined current City transportation needs; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The City of Renton's 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, attached as Exhibit A and fully incorporated herein by this reference, is adopted as the City's updated and extended TIP. SECTION III. The updated and extended TIP, as attached, shall be and constitute Renton's 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for purposes of compliance 1 AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) RESOLUTION NO. with RCW 35.77.010, and shall remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. SECTION IV. The Administrator of the Public Works Department and the City Clerk are authorized and directed to file this resolution, together with Exhibit A, with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation within 30 days of its adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2016. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2016. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1709:7/25/16:jlc 2 AGENDA ITEM # 10. a) RESOLUTION NO. EXHIBIT A 2017 - 2022 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 3 PROCLAMATION a) Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry-September 17,2016:A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring September 17,2016 to be "Mayor's Day of Concern for the Hungry" in the City of Renton, and strongly urged all citizens to join the Emergency Feeding Program and the Salvation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank in their efforts to nourish those who are hungry. James Kelly, Fund Development Manager,accepted the proclamation with thanks and reported on services provided by the Emergency Feeding Program with the Salvation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. b) Renton Housing Authority Month-September 2016:A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring September 2016 to be "Renton Housing Authority Month" in the City of Renton, encouraging all citizens to join in this special observance. Mark Gropper from the Renton Housing Authority introduced the Board Commissioner Chair Merna Wheeler and accepted the proclamation with thanks. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE PROCLAMATION AS READ.CARRIED. SPECIAL PRESENTATION a) Return to Renton Car Show Recap: Ryan Runge, committee chair of the Return to Renton Benefit Car Show Steering Committee, reported that the 26th Annual Return to Renton Benefit Car Show held on 7/10/2016, with 350 participants, and approximately 3,500 spectators attended. Mr. Runge thanked the City for its support and announced some changes made to the way the show was run this year, including the support they received from the Renton Chamber of Commerce and further plans on how to aid the growth of future shows thanks to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC)funding. Mr. Runge announced that the date of the next event is yet to be determined. He presented Police Chief Milosevich a check in the amount of$13,000, and a Sponsor Plaque for the City's continued support of the program. Chief Milosevich accepted the check and thanked all those involved for their efforts in supporting the City's youth programs,explaining how the Renton Police Department has utilized the funds. PU/ IC HEARING ( a e 20Six-Year Transportation mband proper17-2022 notices having been posted and publishedImprovement inPrograaccordance: This with localeingthe and date se laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to consider the annual update to the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP),2017-2022. Transportation Director Jim Seitz and Transportation Planning Manager Vicki Grover reported that transportation programs and projects are required to be incorporated into the TIP in order to receive State and/or Federal funding. He explained that the TIP is a financially unconstrained document and its purpose is to develop a multi-year plan for the development of transportation facilities and to develop funding plans for each project or program. He also stated that the TIP is coordinated with public and private stakeholders in an effort to coordinate their facility improvements. September 12, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Mr.Seitz and Ms. Grover highlighted the following projects completed in 2016: • Logan Ave. N • Connecting Downtown Renton- Main Avenue Conversion Phase 1 • South 7th.St. at Shattuck Ave.S Intersection • Multiple Kennydale Traffic Safety Measures • Intersection of Lake Washington Blvd. N and Burnett Ave. N to prevent speeding • Hawk Signal installed at Duvall Ave. NE& NE 10th St. • Flashing Yellow Arrow at Lake Ave.S and S. Grady Way Mr.Seitz further reported and described that there are 38 programs and projects within the TIP which is comprised of 19 corridor projects, nine system preservation programs,four non- motorized programs,two safety programs,and four other programs such as the 1%for Arts and project development and pre-design. Concluding, Mr.Seitz reviewed current projects that are in the development and design phases, and projects that will be initiated over the next year.Additionally, he provided the funding summary,expenditures,and revenues sources for the 2017-2022 TIP. He stated that staff is recommending that Council approve the Six-Year 2017-2022 TIP and present the resolution regarding this matter for reading and adoption. There was no audience comment. Following discussion, it was MOVED BY PEREZ,SECONDED BY WITSCHI, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See below for resolution.) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Deputy Public Affairs Administrator Preeti Shridhar reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2016 and beyond. Items noted were: • The Renton History Museum has completed the renovation of its lobby and offices, with the help of the City of Renton,4Culture, and First Financial Northwest Foundation, and the Museum has re-opened to visitors. The Museum welcomes the public to a Grand Opening on Wednesday,September 14th,from 5:30 p.m.to 7:00 p.m. Museum hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m. • Three weeks remain this season at the Renton Farmers Market on Tuesdays,from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the Piazza Park in downtown Renton. Also, at the Farmers Market, a 10 week"Kids Passport Program "that promoted food preparation,storage &conservation, and teaching youth about healthy eating. 323 children participated, and those who completed the challenges received certificates from the Mayor. • The new, 135-foot,single span Riverview Bridge will be dedicated with a ribbon cutting and short program on September 23rd at 11:00 a.m.The event takes place at Riverview Park at 3201 Maple Valley Highway. • The first ever Mayor's Century Awards were presented to Boeing and Brotherton Cadillac Buick GMC for 100 years of excellence at the Business Excellence Awards on September 8th, hosted by Renton Chamber of Commerce. September 12,2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Lifiur7 A- 44s O Details multi-year work plan and funding plan for the development of transportation facilities • Reflects involvement with citizens and elected officials e Mandated by State Law O Required for State and Federal funding programs O Used to coordinate transportation projects and programs with other jurisdictions and agencies o • TIP is financially unconstrained T 110 1 21. 2 4 (Transportation Improvement Program) Public Works Department Transportation Systems Division Staff Presentation for Public Hearing Z September 12, 2016 rn en on CITY OFtY ���: Proposed Traffic Calming Measures for Kennydale Neighborhood th q s 'S'�O.0 y py vN GOTH ST $ I "�:::.,•,,,,,,,,.*:,, :.,„,,.. .,;.7,..;:.1", "-i Lake Washington �, ' - , 4�x ®e `''�'- I K •• x� 2 1 ' '' i , I ,,, ? .Y^k-- - a-,,,X. .. t.F - �'1 ,' ,, 11 r , . li &r � twr,x 3ar1 H 5T d{ stay t4. , „ ...0 i J. 4,,,,.....vt _....,,,..- -::fa ,......, ...i.,,,,t,..:1,,,t,-4411/4: 11.i i'z---• • IS , � '' 0'3 HST ••6 -A-1', ,•7-#: #• ' E"- x � �,ix p � 1s � k 405 s i - 38TH ST 3 � '"i �y ^4 A t ,r,� �€,�z.� 0 � ^" 5 c �., i : e-6,*„,.. 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Grady Way tril ..:_i.). 2017 - 2022 'TOP r — 2016 Highlights Jaw So . i AFTER Z rn BEFORE Joh Logan Ave N — Cedar River Bridge to N 6th St m 2017 - 2022TIP "' ..,. , , - F.- , , . . . . . . _ — . _ ... . nu '1j MO 1,11 C CriiC ,..,.. ,------------ --- - i .- . . , !,:_ - ,.,,, ,-_ . , ... . „ .., . ., . . . 7.- . . . .. • ^:r. -m' ' 41 •H .' . _ ---, . ,, , -- - . . - - I . .?ii 1.1"_I,-',7.21,-..',.•',..., -4,t. i • --.:;--. 1- . - ,- _ - 1 -- . ' - - -^-x—`..-!--i. 7 77-- ::-111 ,:2------ , — — - — _ • ,„ _ - — - • .,... — V* 4....: ••:. , . , , ...... lee ;."22 .0... BEFORE AFTER . . G) Z IfT1 C:1 lb. S 7th St at Shattuck Ave S Intersection ...., LI 5 It CA 20t 7 - 2w22 707, ..... i9 72..; ' Fl Gy ED%ifit-iCz _ _• i 7\ i. 1,0,..._,,,,,,:l., ., A _,,,,, 441111411111.10--,:f==----- iii, dcT� ,� a / l;L• ` `. �r ,,,,::'...4,. . lk ,,,, . ,tom _"`-. ,,�ti . ``— %''^� � . . �,g• gip, z .� *, I [NI-*:. lk ,‘;':,---, ,,, .'-. 1, ----4.--te..----,-_-,----- ,..„... .„- _ --„,, ., '.1. - _, .,..t., ' - rl, \' z. tx ' - ,,,---_, 'INN. \\r --'';'err- - Ki.... 1 -� , _tr _ f N k \ \� = 1< I i :.;.,...„ „ , A x3 �_ ia. ia' „ g 8' • Parkin ! Travel Lane Travel Lane Parking • Sidewalk I Planter i _ g: _ _ "Side'waik Box G) Connecting Downtown Renton — Main Avenue Conversion Phase 1 m 3 City Uff: ,j1 r' It 2017 ® :� ; re-t-64) • *".fl'a`ts . p, t t t. � s ' max:' 38 Projects/Programs ® 19 Corridor Projects ® 9 Preservation Programs • 4 Non-Motorized Projects/Programs ® 2 Safety Programs ® 4 Others 10/0 for Arts Project Development and Pre-Design z 2017 — 2022 TIP tb rn - -- -- . 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City of Renton-2017-2022 TIP City-of Renton 2017—2022 Amended Transportation Improvement Program Map Index TIP No. Project Title 1 Street Overlay=Program 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program ti 3 Logan Ave N Improvements �� 1- I 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection , 4 _j I .. j 11 5 NE 3t/NE4d'Corridor 6 Duvall Ave NE—NE''7''to Sunset Blvd NE 7 Rainier Ave S Phase4-S 3rd Street to NW-31:d Place ex1 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvements Project 9 Park Ave-North Extension . l 0 116th Ave SE/Edmonds Ave SE Improvements 11 Carr.Road Improvements '12 NE-Sunset-Blvd.(SR 900)Corridor Improvements 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Road SW/68'5 Ave S 15 South 7t°Street—Rainier Ave S to Talbot Road S 16 S Grady Way—Talbot Rd S to Rainier Aye.S, 17 Houser Way N—N 8th St to S Lake Washington Blvd "18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 19 Lake to Sound(L2S)Trail 20 Walkway Program 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacement 22 Maple-Valley Highway—Half-Bridge Attenuator 23. Bridge Inspection and Repair 24 Roadway'Safety and Guardrail Program 25 Intersection Safety and Mobility Y 26 Traffic'Safety Program 27 Preservation of Traffic Operation Devices Program 28 Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS)Program 29 Barrier'Free Transition Plan Implementation 4 30 Project Development/Predesign 31 Arterial Circulation Program XII 32 1%for the Arts Program '_ 33' Lake Washington Boulevard—Park Avenue N to Coulon Park 34 Lind Avenue—SW 16`h to SW 43rd ,111-1 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St-Roadway Improvements • 36 NE-3e St Bridge Replacement . 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38` Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements—Phase 5 I* 2017 ® 2022 Tip . -39 South-Lake Washington Transit Stop (ill 2-2 �, rojec s C rr-sntly ConstructIon • Duvall Avenue NE Overlay • Sunset Lane • 116th Avenue SE Sidewalk • Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project— Main Avenue Conversion Phase 2017 - 2022 TIP rn r • ts esi • NE Sunset Blvd Corridor ® lake Washington Blvd loop Trail • NE 31st St Bridge Replacement ® NE 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair • Rainier Ave N/S Phase 4 — S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI c� z 2017 ® 2022 TIP ©© nLIL9© 3 © H © L U© - 5.6ipp imkgAi\,2mK" p. 2 (c) ,),_.. , (: 1---:---1 (,, pri.....„[_6„.\,) _ Do ,„,,,,:. ,- - .., ,--,„ ., , ,:. ,,,,-,,,,,,•, _,,.-.... , guir .. • .t .• , ..-_,....:_,k . :'-. ....,:-.; -..;: • �`� y y •+ •,�,fi. ,•�r.=: .t Existing ., , , . ......44 — ......,-,',111, �. - -vim.z ,,,,..., 1 - _.i. ..,,,,...„...,..„.....,,.. - it + .._. ,J.- �:1 _..diol.; :.'-.,�.ra +.--41;..;;:-.. ,,, ',.. -`). 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Grady nil Project South between 1.3 miles ve. iam South andimproves cri of WilliamsI Wells Ave. Way and N 1st Street. ,..... • • • . . _... . .._ . _ [Ara afo. -Q0C)Cfa ... . . .. _ _ _ .. , ... __ ..,.., tp , , 7 pi-t z , AW --r-n] C""'' , . Traffic studies lizol �` � conducted in this area s have shown that at ' .. _ g� = z p 4T// . 4• 4 final build out of the . • ,A Southport site, the € � Jy ,. s � r. intersection of Gene '�—.i, ..,.T� r�:i /iJ�IX.J �Y�h.Yt �` " k4 _ .,,s'`3 - t. x r`,,, ,�... —a "`. iF'. ' �� if°^q,;.is i i,� �. �t`:.51: R.��A��. „ � � .7k� ',y � �2.-----,-:-.-.-,� � ��.s" �{ riii �. � � r�. �_ Coulon Park & Lake Uw yy� ;, u J-�n�,j rrl. ,.., Wa s h i n gto n Blvd w i ` ,�f �...„-_-_-••....,..,..„.#_______„..,_.,......,. , • :. Y,.-.4co- tr,---.---;:17.:,-.. ..::;.•„•..'•� rlil'�, 'u,� be at LOS F. A second xr 47 x � - ��or� _ � � ,�. . �.� ® ��� to the it willim — .-- _ tr r �:� access o s e is w y.. � �- - presented here as the tri y „. „...„.. a c _ �: Y: Q�- = �. -. _F � '.� �� -��- � �.f . �f� Park Avenue Extensionm , _ _ _ _ _ (, F-1/7,- arit., ,z-pii- i-\ 0E.g]C?©El CDUAr'l h [-L ,,,,,,,..„-, ..... .:, 0 South Lake Washington Transit Stop vErEi[iij ..,„.,LIL, ` 0" ' ` . 920 • ::T. e/70, � q ri ei.ti 4 �. 3ffifr/til},.'1 /... ' � r1- , 'r' g, ."f. •f, --, ,,,r,:k ` #`. . >' ;. 1 - � + ,hz- ; This project is proposedosed0. r, �'13. , ,, ,*'� � 4e >t, �, to meet the recent • 7 N..• .c.,.."; �y,r _ ,.- k ` . Y 1 i . ._ :e-� travel demand growth in #' � F � ., the area . The Southport , . 4,' , .-` , , . , f-<---,.. .49i,' Development includes `� F t ht` , .� , 4. ''+ 1`f. ,,,. 730,000 sq . ft. of office k, , .c .k ms +' ~t �„el .' r \• .�}, 1=204 space, 43,000 sq . ft. of 9,6 , A, r 1205 - meeting space, 30,000rn -�-- ate✓ Z -- = - ,29sA. , .' sq . ft. of retail & 383 IN ° Notes LBgend NOMity C: cit,„,.....B County Boundary apartment units & 347 m Addresses O 0 Parcels room hotel . 128 0 64 1213 Netcli WGS_1861 1Neb_1AORYtaf_Mubsy Sphes 13) CII�'Qf, Oii�aS hdmma8on 7•ehnolopy•GH Ttbs moo beusotpmmam]au:cuegA trmn en 4Xnrrtl nbCta+p ubpa] `. RenbeP.IePSuDVer161lkNarvA Co`/ khre erome GNI 0,..P... 94,..oONu usuev.ameY 072,....„.= Finance&IT Division 8282018 THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION . , „,...,„ 1 , 6, .. lip , r4-% ; 0.--.. „ t ,---7 Et- f ,ci r -,,,c. t: Lt Pre c., , u - .i. CITY OF RENTON - PUBLIC WORKS - TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS DIVISION - 2017-2022 TIP Six-Year Total Project _ Type TIP Priority Project Titie 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Period Total Funded Unfunded _ • NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 1,019,757 1,019,757 1419,757 37 • N 27th Pi Culvert Scour Repair 38,254 38,254 38,254 • 1 1 Street Overlay 995,000 1,790.000 1,880,000 1,970,000 2470,000 2,170,000 10,875,000 6,950,000 3,925,000 2 2 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 530,200 1.273,500 882.000 930.000 980,000 1,030.000 5,825,700 3.729,700 1.896.000 00 27 3 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 62,000 62.000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 372,000 372,000 i 23 4 Bridge inspection&Repair Program 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 100.000 100.000 500.000 220,000 280,000 g 21 5 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 100,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 130,000 100,000 660,000 680,000 ..s 22 6 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 181,000 999,200 1,180,200 1,180,200 i 24 7 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 16,000 15,000 15,000 20.000 25,000 25,000 115,000 115,000 4 . SW 27th SUStrander Blvd Connection . 15 ' S 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 200,000 1.400,000 1.300.000 5,800.000 8,700,000 8.700.000 11 ' Carr Road Improvements 200,000 200,000 200,000 3 • Logan Ave N Improvements 1,240,000 10,000,000 6.000,000 7,440,000 24,680,000__ _ 24,680,000 35 ' Sunset LaneJNE 10th St Roadway Improvement: 8 1 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Pr 600,000 1,690,000 3,880,000 130,000 1,700,000 7,400.000 15,400,000 6,300,000 9,100,000 6 2 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 4,003.000 2.500,000 6,500.000 13.003.000 4,003,000 9.000.000 i 9 3 Park Ave N Extension 250,000 10.000,000 10,250,000 250,000 10,000,000 -,7; 12 4 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 1.000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 7,550,000 10,600,000 9,375.000 31,525.000 1,000,000 30,526,000 a. 7 5 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 1,500,000 500,000 3,958,000 8;320,000 5,730,000 1,950,000 21,958,000 2,458,000 19,500,000 .6 .39 6 South Lake Washington Transit Stop 4,850,000 5,900,000 10,750,000 10,750,000 t 17 7 Houser Way N-N 8th SIlo Lake Washington ID 815,000 1,330,000 2,030,000 4,175.000 61,000 4,114,000 o 5 8 NE 3rdINE 4th Corridor 700,000 3,540,000 4,680,000 2,700,000 11,620,000 11,620,000 a 13 5 Sunset Area Green Connections 3,600,000 10,700.000 7,900.000 22,200,000 22,200.000 16 10 S Grady Way•Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 500,000 1.275,000 1,500.000 3,275,000 3,275,000 10 11 116th Ave SE Improvements 600,000 1,600,000 4,140,000 .3,160,000 9,500,000 9,500,000 / 33 12 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene C 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000.000 2,000,000 38 13 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 100.000 4,400.000 4,500,000 4,500,000 G) 34 14 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 400,000 1,650,000 2,350,000 4,400,000 4,400,000 ni,.... 14 15 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SWI68th Ave St 50,000 8,000,000 8,050,000 8,050,000 2 25 1 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 IC cc 3' co 26 2 Traffic Safety Program 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 360,000 ti 13. 19 1 Lake to Sound(US)Trail 1,250,000 1,550,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 Itik e 4 15 2 Lake Washington Loop Trail 952,500 1;140,000 688.406 1,200,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 11,478,906 2,778,908 8,700,000 Z§ 29 3 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 41,000 211,000 211,000 Weft X TO 4 Walkway Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 .4 31 1 Arterial Circulation Program 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 885,000 885,000 r..... II I I ti 30 2 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 115,000 115,000 115,000 120,000 120,000 125,000 710,000 710,000 5 O 28 3 ITS Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 180,000 32 4 1%for the Arts Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15.000 90.000 90,000 Total Sources 16,860,711 27,661,500 25,277,606 51,672,000 58,182,000" 68,633,000 246,286,617 50.941,617 195,345,200 4:k •Project under development Pi 00.0. 3.5 DRAFT 'o AM tb ,11•••• [77 ' - - - _. . 2 of) i all _. ? c . . Tv F 1 1 _11 , - Su iirri . .,, , - ,4 ilsi ,, 80,000,000 70,000,000 60,000,000 50,000,000 y. . Unfunded 40,000,000 _. Grants/Other 30,000,000 — . . ... IN City Funds 20,000,000 - .=.-4, #...-=- 10,000,000 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Ill City of .. n"�- . TI: 2017 ® 2 _ J„..\.1,_ �" roo-m, zr: -' cn ` t r Wit. !:\rim` . ,, . _ , , ,... _ , . .- ._1 7 L., „ cal • .. _ _ Vie , i . , 71, , 1 _ 1 11) ...-' '''a 111 i s Reve 1 , es • in Ex•; 5,000,000 4,500,000 Fund Balance + Non-Motorized 4,000,000 Other - ,- ®ther.- 3,500,000 Impact Fees , -_ 3,000,000 Corridor Projects 2,500,000Gas Fuel Tax 2,000,000 _ 1,500,000 Business License 1,000,000 B & 0 Tax Maintenance and Z 500,000 Preservation rn Z Revenues Expenses m City of�. 2017 .cy , i* ® 2022 TIP ,........e....1a, _ . -{ r), i r`''te>w °s • • ■ r; t fj ;, obi•' Pl r�� -------------- -- - • . . , ,. _ ,. J„,reb . .. ...: .0,... 1 7 L _.......4: r., 1 f C:.-.e'' venu _.,1 _4 itocatt _i - s 1. Fundinigj f i 14,000,000 12,000,000 - 10,000,000 - Grant 8,000,000 - . ....S..................•.-...-.-- . . . . . . . 6,000,000 4,000,000 - 2,000,000 - City.Funds , .. rn o � • o IN. m City of It 2017 - 2022 'r1 _ , . . f. 4 ;�� �I. r 4 e 4 ction: Approve the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP 2017-2022). Present Resolution regarding this matter for reading and adoption . C) z rn 20'17 - 2022 TIP , 44 - 0 - , • • .'..: .. Y/ m 1 `�, • North . .... _ . _ . ., .. _.. . . . . Houser Way . ,,..A.„,:.:7___„___,....7:77.2:27,7,./7„.:?,..„.,..._. . 1,,,, .,.'te aAl i. :ss aatsa »ar;,�x*�/tr 1 i r J^ i'''', ., ,,,,,- ..7..i..,..„ , ,,, ,s...,..v.,..4...-.„:.. ..i..,,.,,,..:., . T_. "it ,14-1-- ',.,..„-e..'i' - . , 7&-iiil:roor-r-.----11.,-- -/ ''' --- .--.),,,, .._.--- ,,. .... -i-,-...t.,,i 4.-.....--i.;.4.-7,p,,,,..,-,9.4;1,-. .4-1.-,-..........ii..-,,44.,,,i-44,-F;::.-. ...,,,,..,61 ,i.--, , -,,,,dt...-_,-,,,,-..,4-_,,,, fo:p1-."t . .,. . .. -....„;_,„...--,4,...„..,1,1 * ? .� 7 1. -> n. . !-..(..1 !. to +r 4 ���**''"��" ,--A-7-.446,;;--4,-, it.,,,,,Ili:4-ilAire --,-....-41fL!...4k- „;,--:°' S, _ ': -fl''.' '' ''';',k;n1:;W-..r;,,,-,Z;;„''-?;'1,,.,„,', lid;ri,-1.0„,.4',•7'W,-. ;4ai..,.:4;•.. .--. 1 17., ;:;:4,--- .-:---. '..„-- E 5 fji� ��� 4141 q �y�y ,:',..,,,,,,,,, ,,i,,,,,*:,-4 � y� )0 4 ; J t-*r1 1 t ' 74',..-.' ^_„---,--",:•-- .*'. p 4� f T. . ',-;-i- AST f 8 - T .,rte••' ` try,c �? _A,'-:,!. �.- y v', -.et!`-,,�t �.. t{ � '•' 'f,-.' ''' d ° '� ' - �' f, • tit �4Lt rS' •'� W • CI ni z Iti y 111 tt ` 3 it to PJ CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the Consent Agenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing.At the request of Councilmember Prince, Consent Agenda item 8.c. was pulled for separate consideration. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of July 11,2016.Council Concur. b) AB-1727 Mayor Law appointed the following individuals to the Airport Advisory Committee: Marie Campbell to the Airport-at-Large,alternate position for a term expiring on 5/7/2019 and Mandi Feddersen to the Boeing Company Representative position for a term expiring on 5/7/2017.Refer to Community Services Committee. d) AB -1729 City Clerk submitted a court case filed by Yadav&Gill, LLC,CRT-16-005,vs.the City of Renton. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. e) AB-1725 Community& Economic Development Department recommended reviewing the Unit-Lot Subdivisions with the Planning Commission. Following this review,the Planning Commission will present code revision recommendations to Council. Refer to Planning Commission and Planning&Development Committee. f) AB-1726 Community& Economic Development Department recommended waiving development and mitigation fees in the amount of$343,532.34 for the Colpitts Sunset, Terrace Redevelopment- Phase I of the Sunset Terrace Redevelopment project. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. g) AB-1728 Community Services Department recommended approval of Amendment No. 1 to CAG-16-129 with The City of Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment to accept additional FINI Grant Funding for 2016(increasing the amount by$1,295.83),to fund an incentive program for shoppers using their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Refer to Finance Committee. \ AB-1731 Community Services Department requested approval to waive the shelter and boat launch fee in the amount of$500 for the 2016 C.A.S.T.for Kids Fishing Event on 9/10/2016 defer to Finance Committee. i) AB-1724 Human Resources/Risk Management Department recommended approval of the 2016-2018 Renton Police Guild Non-Commissioned Employees'contract. Council Concur. - ortaSin mmel a rpt the AB annual1723Transpupdates Tot 2017-2022ystemsDivisSix-Year orecoTransportationenddapprovaImprovementofesolution Program.to Refer to Transportation (Aviation)Committee;Set public hearing for 9/12/2016. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA MINUS ITEM 8.C.CARRIED. ITEM 8.C. -SEPERATE CONSIDERATION c) AB-1730 Mayor Law appointed Alexis Madison-Birmingham and Pamela Nugent to the Benson Hill Community Plan Advisory Board with terms expiring on 8/1/2017. Refer CommunityServices Committee MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO REFER ITEM 8.C.TO THE PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. August 1, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AGENDA ITEM #8.j) AB- 1723 CITY OF 4*YYo� City Council Regular Meeting-01 Aug 2016 SUBJECT/TITLE: 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee DEPARTMENT: Transportation Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Juliana Fries, Program Development Coordinator EXT.: 7232 FISCAL IMPACT SUMMARY: N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The City is required by law to annually review the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and adopt the update by Resolution. Changes from the 2016-2021 TIP include the following: 1. Additional grant in the amount of$3,850,000 from the Surface Transportation Program (STP)to the Connecting Downtown Renton Improvements Project(TIP#8). 2. Additional WSDOT contribution in the amount of$500,000 to the Connecting Downtown Renton Improvements Project(TIP#8). 3. Additional grant in the amount of$1,694,278 from the non-motorized STP Program to the Lake Washington Loop Trail Project for the construction of Phase 3 (TIP#18). 4. Additional grant in the amount of$1,020,700 from the Preservation STP Program to the Arterial Rehabilitation Program for the overlay of Renton Avenue South (TIP#2). 5. Updated prioritization of projects(page 3-6). 6. Budgeted$250,000 for the planning and design of the Park Avenue North Extension Project(TIP#9). 7. Updated cost estimates for capital projects and programs. Possible revisions to the draft TIP are anticipated pending review by the City Council, Mayor, City Administration and public comments made during the public hearing, which will be set for September 12, 2016. EXHIBITS: A. Draft 2017-2022 TIP B. Draft Resolution STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the annual updates to the 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. 2. Set September 12, 2016 as the public hearing date for the 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. 3. Present the Resolution for reading and adoption. I �`• - _,xs:.• ;�'� ' Y "' V>,U' " y'� �: 4'i ; . r.<'n:.,N'�, �e . n ,' l f +.+ ww1,¢.e{.,,, ;xs, �,. ;i�aa y7 * a ,/ u.0c •4t+we° yi.rr' E' ta ,^ • "1" , '"`,t' m1 , y A� BAt ^ 4riN 4b „,,t,.., t,..,: '',• ; :r, w g N. -Vett, ' ,2 it' ki4 ,, 901?,, k � ` '-,4 44,- ADOPTED a' t , y i, g5 „ r4F',''"0 � tSIX—YEAR : T -- IINSERTDATE ]i•� � „'+' '" 4T " + ! kgil k< qci. r,aoy0i }h4y" it4 M' a 4, Y 4>' .'r & xi ,�kwaxa ,� ;� paa4t�,•ifitt,,' , �x h„•t ! „T4?, n`+fz aax� ` , ;,,•raNa :.k §+ � i ., ..,� oyj,. "t�� =��r;tf,:,,k, t ,y "g,!^,5..0 • 1,0ws : , ; t .itr�t�:r,�.".c`+i" PRa-�O, VELENTgPROGRAMNPRTAIO^ „N -- My � ,°Y fAWqw $' H) 'TRASTrI$A ' � t '{? i;' 1x4 . n - i• .ti ?. i!. • ''',M.4.—=:L.'; Y ' v Ft.. t ,.Z a. �� 1 _ • "^ f As South 7th Street Improvements Project at Shattuck Avenue-South , , ^ s it .. ,� r r .' �. fir. ' - — ..'• •0 ,,. ...c yr __ - F Logan Avenue North improvements Project c• r ject�^^e"1M` ..Y,,.. -.....t R. ' Ar 4,:1,!:°DE'PARME•NT OF'PUBLIC WOKS Ad �$ t° 411--,0:4',7M,';','.°1.. ;°�,,`yy P.,•', i .ai i,i. - ,,, ,.., ,xF ? •,, i:,, y d a,�i ":,Say, ,xe:g yi„,,,,,,..,,,,;•, `'•"-,�+FF >f ' '�'^`'k "y`,14,6'4;i��'., i day p ro+ y`i4s...-.0 , ,s�„;:i 5 ' 174-iTRANSPORTATIONSYS�TEMS DIVISioN ;: ,..:,,,,i--ra FFYr,�L;dc'".:'j t y"r " 'f} i ,aN4 (° .`1.7,444 d ,, '»'k > x,r t ,�* „.., i T�° ,1, p t4 r., ,V,*_,r fi- ,- , a d'kfP" '''#W'..' "z v?,' iJ" ` , a ° t' i ,fr�'t ,, ',;,.,,,--''''34.:'-, $d ay a ,! `a ' , egg , -- 4,,#,-,:;',A1,,,,--.:.,-, z rx ® • •ii. >qy ®%it .' • € • 'i d 4^�-' va r ' a '� t �` '•''r'�r- .',1:. t 4 B u • �,' L Ort $• + ;. Ari ;1; ts.. a 1, p•... ,�,a,+,y'y'h S 'S ' . . _. '...,4i4;;;,•.'"-.i4.1)4'.'-;':;''',..sra:. :4'''''''''4i::-.1%,'``C:4,-;:'''''':ti:';3 .n, iYd ov, , � `i: AGENDA ITEM #8.j) CP RENTON I} KEY=2022 ANSPORTA- ION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMy,0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS MAYOR Denis Law CITY COUNCIL Randy Corman, Council President Armondo Pavone Ryan Mclrvin Ruth Perez Don Persson Ed Prince Carol Ann Witschi CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Jay Covington CITY ATTORNEY Larry Warren, City Attorney Shane Moloney, Senior Assistant City Attorney Stephanie Rary, Paralegal COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Chip Vincent,Administrator COMMUNITY SERVICES Kelly Beymer, Administrator PUBLIC WORKS Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator Jim Seitz,Transportation Systems Director Vicki Grover,Transportation Planning& Programming Manager Bob Hanson,Transportation Design Manager Chris Barnes,Transportation Operations Manager Juliana Fries, Program Development Coordinator —000 CITY OF Renton ?. ,hmq" Public Works AGENDA ITEM #8.j) I 'CCSRENTON 2017-202®2 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRA 1Q;) TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION ONE—INTRODUCTION PAGE 1 Purpose of the Transportation Improvement Program 1-1 Renton Business Plan 1-2 SECTION Two-MAP AND LOCATION PAGE 2 Transportation Improvement Program Map 2-1 Map Index 2-2 SECTION THREE—DEVELOPMENT AND PRIORITIZATION PAGE 3 General Programming Criteria 3-1 Specific TIP Development Activities 3-4 Summary of Projects and Programs 3-6 SECTION FOUR—EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES PAGE 4 Summary of Project Expenditures 4-1 City of Renton Funds 4-2 Summary of Funding Sources 4-3 Funding Sources—Itemized Vehicle Fuel Tax 4-4 Business License and Business &Occupation 4-5 Proposed Fund Balance 4-6 Grants In-Hand 4-7 Mitigation In-Hand 4-8 Other In-Hand 4-9 Underdetermined 4-10 SECTION FIVE—PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS PAGE 5 Summary of Projects and Costs 5-1 Detailed Project Descriptions 5-2—5-39 SECTION SIX—APPENDIX PAGE 6 Abbreviations and Acronyms 6-1 Resolution to Adopt Six-Year 2017-2022 TIP 6-3 AGENDA ITEM #8.j) 46ITX OF;RENTON 20172022 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT�P•OGRAM ' Sk r u Q r , ! '. a1. 4 ra a a.�zY rt,,„*• ,..i ,xt�?a,�.....�,.. _.,. r i, , ..,�xiw.�sa `-�h'"'.rt` w.r„ix ,� ..,�U:�''�'5., , .,i.. . .. .� .. „ _ —• SECTION ONE— INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) PAGE 1-1 RENTON BUSINESS PLAN PAGE 1-2 • Vision Statement • Mission Statement • SECTION ONE-•INTRODUCTION PAGE AGENDA ITEM #8.1) igIOCIP RENTON 2017 itn 2022 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM t, PURPOSE OF THE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM • The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) reflects the involvement of City Citizens and Elected Officials. • The TIP implements the City of Renton Mission Statement. • The TIP is used to coordinate Transportation Systems Division projects and programs with other jurisdictions and agencies. • The TIP is a multi-year planning tool for the development of the transportation facilities within the City. • The TIP is required for State and Federal funding programs. • The TIP is a vital part of planning under the Growth Management Act. • The TIP is mandated by Washington State Law. SECTION ONE—PURPOSE OF THE TIP P 1 GEsda n rt U 1 : .,] � n on usiness an VISION MISSION The City of Renton, in partnership and communication,with residents,businesses,and schools, is dedicated to: Renton:The center of opportunity in • Providing a safe,healthy,welcoming atmosphere where people choose to live. the Puget Sound • Promoting economic vitality and strategically positioning Renton Region where for the future families and • Supporting planned growth and influencing decisions that impact the city businesses thrive • Building an inclusive informed city with opportunities for all ■ Meeting service demands through high quality customer service, innovation, a positive work environment,and a commitment to excellence Mc —2022 6.1(0)AL2 S, , -.,. d+ ".. � � t ,,, "', '.``.,'a • • d tto" �`-i t• ry r Y _ ' a ft: ,. ,.�,, r `•C 'Al tf 4 _ $ + 41--,'""';' t, 1, tV • G 1, +,,_ti .1, t., a �y. .l is 7"w.� ,e�a ,';�, 4 y t+�. i. k I� -,', ,,,*-- - t ...,„ • ■ yt j s Provide a safe, Promote economic Support planned Building an inclusive Meet service demands healthy,vibrant vitality and strategically growth and influence informed city with and provide high community position Renton for decisions that impact opportunities for all quality customer the future the city service o Promote safety,health, ❑ Improve access to city and security through o Promote Renton as the 0 Foster development services and programs 0 Plan,develop,and effective communication progressive,opportunity- of vibrant,sustainable, and make residents maintain quality services, and service delivery rich city in the Puget attractive,mixed-use and businesses aware infrastructure,and o Facilitate successful Sound region neighborhoods in urban of opportunities to amenities neighborhoods through 0 Capitalize on centers be involved with their ❑ Prioritize services community involvement opportunities through 0 Uphold a high standard at levels that can be ❑ Encourage and partner bold and creative of design and property 0 Build connections with sustained by revenue in the development of economic development maintenance ALL communities that 0 Retain a skilled quality housing choices strategies 0 Advocate Renton's reflect the breadth and workforce by making for people of all ages and richness of the diversity P P 9 e. Recruit and retain interests through state and in our city Renton the municipal income levels businesses to ensure federal lobbying efforts, employer of choice O Promote a walkable, a dynamic,diversified regional partnerships and 0 Promote understanding employment base other organizations and appreciation of 0 Develop and maintain pedestrian and bicycle- g collaborative partnerships friendlycitywith complete our diversity through p o Nurture 0 Pursue transportation celebrations and festivals and investment strategies streets,trails,and entrepreneurship and other regional that improve services connections between and foster successful improvements and services 0 Provide critical and neighborhoods and relevant information on a ® Respond to growing 9 partnerships with that improve quality of life service demands through community focal points businesses and timely basis and facilitate communityleaders 0 Balance development two-way dialogue between partnerships,innovation, O Provide opportunities with environmental and outcome management for communities to be E7 Leverage public/ protection city government and the community better prepared for private resources to emergencies focus development 0 Encourage volunteerism, on economic centers participation and civic engagement __________,--Renton n CITY n 4 ?+ �,<ra� RENTON.AHEAD OF THE CURVE. 1\�i1�O11 � AGENDA ITEM #8.j) 3 `"i CITY OF RENTON201'i7r2022,TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTPROGRAM ' ;�°� - t' '7 "aY3n_ `S"'r`�w y ,: r. a�, �`. � {t *.1' „ ,". °� S ai'a r *,,. � w'e-u.lx`�.��,a,�"t a 'r, ,., r .�a.r,� �� �.u.at,"'i�,f��>?«...Uro�,rtw.,.2�',rrt�'�:..,+�.� t^S sit..�'M4�, .i'r� .$..,a: SECTION Two- MAP AND LOCATION TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MAP PAGE 2-1 MAP INDEX PAGE 2-2 SECTION TWO--LOCATION AND MAP • PAGE 2' AGENDA ITEM #8,j) ' CITY OF RENTON. 12017'-2022 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ''; ':'':: , N 4.... J `- i yrs `''n - - .. v„,+I: , = . ::", -• : : . S 4K + . 3` 35 1.1K:_ �r. r - . e. , , „.. , . . . . ...,...• , ,. a . ,.8 .\. (.;... .,, . .... . . . ..., _ , __ . , . . . ir,,.., ,,,r4-:, ., _ _ . . . .. ., . . . .. . .. . . ... . . . . i, _ ..., , . _ _1, ,, .,. ...„ .. . . ,... .. . , . „:..........,, . ,,,,,,.. , . . _ ., .._ . ...,... .. . _ . . _ , , .. 1 ,_,..._e,,,, ,...,- ______ ,. C, ,' !_ '7,g';1 i i10 . L.,/.-.r r- - !, • .. 4l _ ; 1i i� it . r , SECTION TWO-TIP MAP PAGE 2-1 AGENDA ITEM #&j) .igiiivoLP RENTON TJ 2017 c=12022:TRANSPORTATION IMPROVENIENT PROGRAM. •.::: '..-#:1:',,,.'.,,, ' (.0) MAP INDEX TIP No. PROJECT TITLE Li -7..7 —— ---` , ----- 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 1 Loga 8 n AvenueNorth Ime mproverits - _ 4 SW 27th Street/Strander Blvd Connection Li . 5 NE 3rd Street/I‘1E 4th Street Corridor Improverrients. L___. ,... 6 Duvall Avenue NE (NE 4th Street to Sunset Blvd NE) r :7' ° Rainier Avenue South/N0rth (Phase4—South 3dSt StreettoNW 3rd Place) 7: 7-- : . j 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 1 : ,9 ParkAvenue North Extenigh,- 10 116th Avenue SE Improvements f7-7'1117' 'Carr Road Improvements 12 NE Sunset Blvd (SR 900) Corridor Improvements L._ 1 13 - : Sunset'Area Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Avenue SW/Monster Road SW/68th Avenue South to SR 900 — - t aCI , ° 15 SouthStreet(Rainier Avenue South to Talbo Ro South) 16 South Grady Way(Talbot Road South to Rainier Avenue South) L'if------i-TouiseWay NOrtiii-NO141-1 8th Street to Lake Washington Blvd) 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 19 Lake-to Sound (L2S)Trai 20 Walkway Program f— 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacement Program : ° 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator , L 23 Bridge Inspection and Repair Program 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program ----i 25Intersection Safety and Mobility Program 26 Traffic Safety Program r -,-- — L _ 27 :, Preservation of Traffic Operation Devices Devices Program - i 28 Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) Program I-- 29--- Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation . ' ''' — ---- .. 30 Project Development and Pre-Design Program 31 Arterial Cir0ulation Program - _,,.. 32 1%for the Arts Program Lake W i I 33 asb ngton Blvd North (Park Avenue North to Gene Coulon Memorial Park) 34 Lind Avenue SE(SW 16th Street to SW 43rd Street) Li — -3 35 - Sunset Lane/NE 10th Street Roadway Improvements 36 NE 315tStreet Bridge Replacement _ L 37 ' North 279'Place Culvert Scour Repair _:____,:_ 38 Rainier Avenue North Corridor Improvements(Phase 5) SECTION TWO—MAP INDEX . : PAGE 1:,N AGENDA ITEM #8.j) fia Cs��c,ffi�,��} '� ��'�,�,. �'R.6.4::,31.4 � c��t� ���f���, '��a���"�f�a�«.."�"' �'i a ��'`: ' :..•� CITY OF RENTON';$ 2x17 2022 TRANSPORTATION IMRROVEMENT1PROGRAM a p N , 2;t1fi t �?3 3 .`•,4 ,.a*. �"u.n:: �mN d: �...-,s.�r. ._ ���'�^`''�". .��.,t�^"` �, �- �'�z €� �',wa..x.��'r�i�._�x:_:r" "7..,r"�,c ... SECTION THREE- DEVELOPMENT AND PRIORITIZATION GENERAL PROGRAMMING CRITERIA PAGE 3-1 SPECIFIC TIP DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES PAGE 3-4 SUMMARY OF PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS PAGE 3-6 SECTION THREE DEVELOPMENT AND PRIORITIZATION PAGE43' AGENDA ITEM #8.1) �.. 1,. I°„ , i. cn �1J1 �RENTCIN�� `] ORAN PORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM GENERAL PROGRAMMING CRITERIA The yearly update of the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is part of an ongoing process intrinsically linked with the development of the City's Capital Improvement Program.The Six-Year TIP is also linked with various state and federal funding programs, regional/inter-jurisdictional planning and coordination processes and the City's Growth Management Act Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Projects are developed and prioritized based on community needs, specific goals to be achieved and on general programming considerations.The general programming considerations include the following: • PRIORITY—As shown on page 3-6 the projects and programs are prioritized by type prepared by City staff with final approval by the City Council during the annual update of the TIP.The prioritization assists staff in assigning the limited resources to projects and programs and reducing resources during funding shortfalls. In general, staff expends more resources on higher priority projects in the first three years of the TIP, and when applying for grants staff will consider these projects first unless other lower priority projects better meet the particular criteria of a grant program. • PLANNING—How, at a local and regional level, a project fits with or addresses identified future transportation goals, demands and planning processes must be evaluated.This is strongly influenced by ongoing land use decisions and by regional highway and transit system plans. • FINANCING—Many projects are dependent upon external grants,formation of LID's or the receipt of impact fees. Prioritization has to take into account the peculiarities of each of the various fund sources and the probabilities of when and how much money will be available. • SCHEDULING—If a project is interconnected with, or interdependent on, other projects taking place, this is reflected in their relative priorities. • PAST COMMITMENT—The level of previous commitment made by the City in terms of resources, legislative actions or inter-local agreements must be taken into consideration in prioritizing TIP projects. SECTION THREE--GENERAL PROGRAMMING CRITERIA PAGE , AGENDA ITEM #8,j) @loop RE TON 11 KM,=:,202-02 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM `.0:' In addition to the general considerations discussed above, there are five specific project categories through which the TIP is evaluated and analyzed.The categories include the following: 1. Maintenance and Preservation of Existing Infrastructure 2. Corridor Projects 3. Operations and Safety 4. Non-Motorized Projects 5. Others These categories provide a useful analysis tool and represent goals developed through an evaluation of the City's transportation program in response to input from citizens and local officials and to state and federal legislation. Taken as a whole,the five categories provide a framework for evaluating projects both individually and as part of a strategy that seeks to meet and balance the transportation needs of Renton during a time of increasing transportation demand, decreasing revenues and growing environmental concerns. Although each project can be identified with an important concern that allows it to be classified into one of the five categories, most projects are intended to address and are developed to be compatible with multiple goals. MAINTENANCE AND PRESERVATION OF THE EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE is a basic need that must be met by the program. The Mayor and City Council have emphasized the importance of sustaining strong programs in this project category and maintaining our current infrastructure.Therefore, more than half of the Transportation's City Funds have historically been allocated under this category.The State Growth Management Act also requires jurisdictions to assess and address the funding required to maintain their existing transportation systems. The City of Renton owns and maintains 250 centerline miles of streets. CORRIDOR PROJECTS are oriented toward moving people through a balanced transportation system that involves multiple modes of transportation. Included are facilities that facilitate the movement of transit and carpools. The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21),the State and Federal Clean Air legislation and the State Commute Trip Reduction Act (CTR) have added momentum to regional efforts and placed requirements on local jurisdictions such as Renton to promote these transportation elements. OPERATIONS AND SAFETY projects and programs are developed through ongoing analyses of the transportation system and are directed mainly toward traffic engineering concerns such as safety and congestion. Projects are identified not only by analysis of traffic counts, accident records and geometric data, but also through review and investigation of citizen complaints and requests. SECTION THREE-GENERAL PROGRAMMING CRITERIA AGENDA ITEM #8.j) s 1ITX+OF; ENTON#2017 202,2 TRANSPO•TATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM,s F , NON-MOTORIZED PROJECTS have been developed with major emphasis on addressing community quality of life issues by improving and/or protecting residential livability while providing necessary transportation system improvements. Bicycle and pedestrian projects are included in this category. OTHER PROGRAMS involve planning of transportation improvements necessitated by new development and new transportation capital improvements. SECTION THREE--GENERAL.PROGRAMMING CRITERIA PAGE AGENDA ITEM #8.j) CICO RENTONl`J-202,2 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SPECIFIC TIP DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES TIP project and financial development activities are intricately intertwined and involve interactions with many groups and agencies at the local, regional, state and federal levels. Within the Transportation Systems Division of the City of Renton, project development involves year-round coordination between the Transportation Operations and Transportation Maintenance Section, the Transportation Planning and Programming Section and the Transportation Design Section. The Transportation Operations and Maintenance Section compiles accident and traffic count data, performs level-of-service calculations needed to identify operational/congestion problems and tracks all transportation- related complaints, suggestions and requests that come into the City. The Transportation Design Section, through the TIP's Overlay Program and Bridge Inspection and Repair Program, work closely with the Maintenance Services Division to establish structural ratings for the City's roads and bridges. These and other data are being used by the Planning and Programming Section to develop transportation improvement projects, prepare grant applications, interface with ongoing state and federal transportation programs and develop a TIP that supports the goals of the City's long-range Comprehensive Plan and current business plan. The Transportation Planning and Programming Section works with King County Metro Transit, Puget Sound Regional Council, Sound Transit and other groups and agencies to assure consistency between Renton's transportation policies and programs and those of the region. Such consistency is required by the Growth Management Act and related legislation and by federal and state grant programs. Ongoing transportation planning activities, such as updating the Transportation Element in the Comprehensive Plan and the development of sub-area plans, play an important part in identifying and prioritizing transportation improvement projects. Within the City of Renton, there are actions and interactions involving other departments and divisions, the private sector, the City Council and Administration, which strongly influence the direction of the transportation program. For example, the transportation system is significantly impacted by land use decisions, private development proposals and by public water and sewer extensions which increase transportation demand by making possible higher density and/or intensity of land uses. Such proposals need SECTION THREE—SPECIFIC TIP DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES PAGE AGENDA ITEM #8.j) @Mg CP RENTON Q KEW' D� TRANSPORTATION IMPROVE ENT PROGRAM '' ., >. ,_ .� /b s' •n.. .. '.: X. Bay.. -.... o .} "J"."a �. ,.°s •:. �.s.cvtlt� to be monitored and analyzed in regard to how they individually and collectively create the need for transportation improvements. All City of Renton departments and City Council are solicited each year to provide input, discuss and comment on the Six-Year TIP. Additional input is also gathered through interactions with other public and private organizations and through public meetings held in the community concerning specific transportation projects and programs. At the City, State and Federal levels there are new laws and regulations that create the need for new or different kinds of transportation projects and programs. Examples include the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21St Century Act (MAP-21), the Growth Management Act,the Clean Air Act, the Commute Trip Reduction law, the Endangered Species Act and the Surface Water Management Ordinance. All have tremendous impacts on the development and costs of transportation projects. Interconnection and/or interdependence among TIP projects and with projects by other City departments and by other jurisdictions is another element that affect the development, the prioritization and the timing of transportation projects. Equally important is the likelihood,the time frame and the amount of outside funding that will be obtainable to finance transportation projects. In summary, with its heavy dependence on many different and unpredictable sources of external funding and with the significant impacts created by ongoing local and regional land use decisions, transportation project development is a continuous activity comprised of a multitude of diverse elements. SECTION THREE-SPECIFIC TIP DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES SUMMARY OF PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS Six-Year Total Project Type TIP Priority Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Period Total Funded Unfunded 36 • NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 1,019,757 1,019,757 1,019,757 q 37 • N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38,254 38,254 38,254 E 1 1 Street Overlay 995,000 1,790,000 1,880,000 1,970,000 2,070,000 2,170,000 10,875,000 6,950,000 3,925,000 II 2 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 530,200 1,273,500 882,000 930,000 980,000 1,030,000 5,625,700 3,729,700 1,896,000 d 27 3 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 372,000 372,000 o 23 4 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 220,000 280,000 • 21 5 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 100,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 130,000 100,000 660,000 6.60,000 • 22 6 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 181,000 999,200 1,180,200 1,180,200 24 7 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 115,000 115,000 4 • SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 15 • S 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 200,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 5,800,000 8,700,000 8,700,000 ;, 11 • Carr Road Improvements 200,000 200,000 200,000 3 • Logan Ave N Improvements 1,240,000 10,000,000 6,000,000 7,440,000 24,680,000 24,680,000 35 • Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements 8 1 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 600,000 1,690,000 3,880,000 130,000 1,700,000 7,400,000 15,400,000 6,300,000 9,100,000 v, 6 2 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 4,003,000 2,500,000 6,500,000 13,003,000 4,003,000 9,000,000 IV," 9 3 Park Ave N Extension 250,000 3,000,000 3,250,000 250,000 3,000,000 'Q 12 4 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor _ 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 7,550,000 10,600,000 9,375,000 31,525,000 1,000,000 _ 30,525,000 a ` 7 5 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 1,500,000 500,000 3,958,000 8,320,000 5,730,000 1,950,000 21,958,000 2,458,000 19,500,000 o - :9 17 6 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 815,000 1,330,000 2,030,000 4,175,000 61,000 4,114,000 U 5 7 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor - - 700,000 3,540,000 4,680,000 2,700,000 11,620,000 11,620,000 13 8 Sunset Area Green Connections 3,600,000 10,700,000 7,900,000 22,200,000 22,200,000 16 9 5 Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave 5 500,000 1,275,000 1,500,000 3,275,000 3,275,000 10 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 600,000 1,600,000 4,140,000 3,160,000 9,500,000 9,500,000 _ 33 11 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 38 12 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 100,000 4,400,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 34 13 Lind Ave SW-5W 16th St to SW 43rd St 400,000 1,650,000 2,350,000 4,400,000 4,400,000 14 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 50,000 8,000,000 8,050,000 8,050,000 d 25 1 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 250,000 250,0001 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 0, 26 2 Traffic Safety Program 60,000 60,000, 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 360,000 a 19 1 Lake to Sound(L2S)Trail 1,250,000 1,550,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 C _18 2 Lake Washington Loop Trail 952,500 1,140,000 686,406 1,200,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 11,478,906 2,778,906 8,700,000 z c 29 3 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 41,000 211,000 211,000 2 20 3 Walkway Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 31 3 Arterial Circulation Program 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 885,000 885,000 n r 30 3 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 115,000 115,000 115,000 120,000 120,000 125,000 710,000 710,000 V/ p 28 3 ITS Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 180,000 !7, 32 3 1%for the Arts Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000 90,000 ,�j,1 Total Sources 12,010,711 11,761,500 25,277,606 51,672,000 56,182,000 71,633,000 228,536,817 40,191,617 188,345,200 `O 'Project under development m 00 City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 3-6 `; AGENDA ITEM #8.j) RENTON 2017 92022 TRANS ORTATION IMPRCIVEME 7PROGRAM }� t SECTION FOUR- EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES SUMMARY OF PROJECT EXPENDITURES PAGE 4-1 CITY OF RENTON FUNDS PAGE 4-2 SUMMARY OF FUNDING SOURCES PAGE 4-3 FUNDING SOURCES—ITEMIZED • Vehicle Fuel Tax PAGE 4-4 • Business License and Business& Occupation PAGE 4-5 • Proposed Fund Balance PAGE 4-6 • Grants In-Hand PAGE 4-7 • Mitigation In-Hand PAGE 4-8 • Other In-Hand PAGE 4-9 • Undetermined PAGE 4-10 ' SECTION FOUR—EXPENDITURES AND REVENUES • PAGE. SUMMARY OF PROJECT EXPENDITURES Period TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Community Planning Area 1 Street Overlay 995,000 1,790,000 1,880,000 1,970,000_ 2,070,000 2,170,000 10,875,000 Citywide 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 530,200 1,273,500 882,000 930,000 980,000 1,030,000 5,625,700 Citywide 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 1,240,000 10,000,000 6,000,000 7,440,000 24,680,000 City Center 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection Valley 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 700,000 3,540,000 4,680,000 2,700,000 11,620,000 Highlands&East Plateau 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 4,003,000 2,500,000 6,500,000 13,003,000 Highlands&East Plateau 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(5 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 1,500,000 500,000 3,958,000 8,320,000 5,730,000 1,950,000 21,958,000 City Center 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 600,000 1,690,000 3,880,000 130,000 1,700,000 7,400,000 15,400,000 City Center 9 Park Ave N Extension 250,0003,000,000 3,250,000 City Center 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 600,000 1,600,000 4,140,000 3,160,000 9,500,000 Benson 11 Carr Road Improvements 200,000 200,000 Talbot&Benson 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 7,550,000 10,600,000 9,375,000 31,525,000 City Center,Highlands&East Plateau 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 3,600,000 10,700,000 7,900,000 22,200,000 Highlands 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 50,000 8,000,000 8,050,000 West Hill 15 S 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd 5 200,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 5,800,000 8,700,000 City Center 16 S Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 500,000 1,275,000 1,500,000 3,275,000 City Center 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 815,000 1,330,000 2,030,000 4,175,000 City Center 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 952,500 1,140,000 686,406 1,200,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 11,478,906 City Center 19 Lake to Sound(US)Trail 1,250,000 1,550,000 2,800,000 City Center&Valley 20 Walkway Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Citywide 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 100,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 130,000 100,000 660,000 Citywide 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 181,000 999,200 1,180,200 Cedar River 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Citywide 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 115,000 Citywide 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 Citywide 26 Traffic Safety Program 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 Citywide 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 372,000 Citywide 28 ITS Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000_ 30,000 30,000 180,000 Citywide 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 41,000 211,000 Citywide 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 115,000 115,000 115,000 120,000', 120,000 125,000 710,000 N/A 31 Arterial Circulation Program 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 885,000 N/A ):11^^ 32 1%for the Arts Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000 N/A C) 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon 1,000,000_ 1,000,000 2,000,000 City Center m 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 400,000 1,650,000 2,350,000 4,400,000 Valley Z 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements • Highlands Q 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 1,019,757 1,019,757 Kennydale At 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38,254 38,254 Kennydale y 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 100,000 4,400,000 4,500,000 City Center I II Total Expenditures 12,010,711 11,761,500 25,277,606 51,672,000 56,182,000 71,633,000 228,536,817 'Including unfunded amounts. It City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program QO Page 4-1 `. CITY OF RENTON FUNDS (Fund Balance+Vehicle Fuel Tax+Business License+B&O+Impact Fee+Other) Period TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 1 Street Overlay 995,000 1,070,000 1,130,000 1,190,000 1,250,000 1,315,000 6,950,000 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 365,000 418,000 441,000 465,000 490,000 530,000 2,709,000 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 801,503 801,503 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 202,500 67,500 61,830 331,830 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 210,000 650,000 1,540,000 50,000 2,950,000 9 Park Ave N Extension 250,000 250,000 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 11 Carr Road Improvements 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 501,559 501,559 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 15 S 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 16 S Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 16,000 45,000 61,000 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 37,190 187,000 416,818 19 Lake to Sound(L2S)Trail 20 Walkway Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 100,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 130,000 100,000 660,000 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 220,000 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 115,000 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 26 Traffic Safety Program 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 372,000 28 ITS Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 41,000 211,000 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 115,000 115,000 115,000 120,000 120,000 125,000 710,000 )11 31 Arterial Circulation Program 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 885,000 A 32 1%for the Arts Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000 0 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St O 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements t) 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 142,487 142,487 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 Total Sources 4,627,239 3,514,500 4,290,830 2,907,000 2,902,000 2,983,000 21,917,197LI i 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 4-2 `. SUMMARY OF FUNDING SOURCES ` Period ITEM 2017 2018 2019 - 2020 2021 2022 Period Total SIX-YEAR PROJECT COSTS: Planning 3,601,000 255,000 4,953,000 9,765,000 415,000 270,000 19,259,000 Design _4,267,750 4,345,500 4,138,000 22,876,000 19,376,000 23,376,000 78,379,250 R-O-W(includes Admin) 443,950 1,246,000 2,116,000 6,816,000 5,866,000 7,446,000 23,933,950 Construction Contract 1,573,757 4,359,000 8,211,825 8,682,000 25,437,000 33,408,000 81,671,582 Construction Management 7,343,454 4,590,500 13,081,781 33,054,000 24,509,000 22,384,000 104,962,735 Other/Post Const.Services 25,000 25,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 _ 35,000 190,000 Sub-TOTAL SIX-YEAR COST 5,642,511 8,868,000 14,797,606 21,102,000 37,422,000 57,053,000 308,396,517 , SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 202,500 202,500 Business License Fee and B&O Share 6,027,154 2,559,249 1,643,224 1,278,882 1,248,760 1,199,535 13,956,803 Fund Balance+Held reserve 501,559 501,559 Grants In-Hand 3,398,965 1,993,000 2,914,088 80,000 8,386,053 Mitigation In-Hand 255,000_ 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 280,000 WSDOT charges(deducted from grants) -10,000 -10,000 Other In-Hand 290,310_ 3,087,000_ 4,202,318 50,000 7,629,628 Sub-TOTAL SIX-YEAR FUNDED 10,665,488 7,644,249 8,764,630 1,413,882 1,253,760 1,204,535 30,946,543 Undetermined 1,996,000 5,883,200 19,080,000 35,560,000 55,205,000 117,724,200 Sub-TOTAL SIX-YEAR UNFUNDED 1,996,000 15,014,200 48,685,000 53,280,000 68,650,000 117,724,200 Not allocated Business License 66,280_ 154,249 134,054 81,882 91,760 66,535 594,759 TOTAL SOURCES-FUNDED&UNFUNDED 4,982,511 8,198,000 14,117,606 20,412,000 36,722,000 56,343,000 140,775,117 1 Not included in the programmed above P1 Z LI It City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 4-3 `. VEHICLE FUEL TAX Period TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 1 Street Overlay 660,000 670,000 680,000 690,000 700,000 710,000 4,110,000 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 9 Park Ave N Extension 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 11 Carr Road Improvements 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR'. 15 S 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 16 5 Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 19 Lake to Sound(L2S)Trail 20 Walkway Program 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 28 ITS Program 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 31 Arterial Circulation Program 32 1%for the Arts Program 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon I 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 Total Sources 660,000 670,000 680,000 690,000 700,000 710,000 4,110,000 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 4-4 `, BUSINESS LICENSE AND BUSINESS & OCCUPATION Period TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 1 Street Overlay 335,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 605,000 2,840,000 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 365,000 418,000 441,000 465,000 490,000 530,000 2,709,000 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 51,503 51,503 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 67,500 61,830 129,330 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project _ 9 Park Ave N Extension 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 11 Carr Road Improvements 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 13 Sunset Area-Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 9( _15 S 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 16 S Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 16,000 45,000 61,000 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 37,190 37,190 19 Lake to Sound(L2S)Trail 20 Walkway Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 100,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 130,000 100,000 660,000 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 220,000 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 115,000 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 26 Traffic Safety Program 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 330,000 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 372,000 28 ITS Program 30,000 30,000_ 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 41,000 211,000 , 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 115,000 115,000 115,000 120,000 120,000 125,000 710,000 31 Arterial Circulation Program 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 885,000 32 1%for the Arts Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon N 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St YJ 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements m 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 142,487, 142,487 IC 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair O 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 Itk Not Allocated-To Fund Balance 66,280 154,249 134,054 81,882 91,760 66,535 594,759 _ Total Sources 2,114,460 2,156,749 2,199,884 2,243,882 2,288,760 2,334,535 13,338,269 m it City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 00 Page 4-5 .. PROPOSED FUND BALANCE Period TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 1 Street Overlay 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program _ 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(5 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 202,500 202,500 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 9 Park Ave N Extension 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 11 Carr Road Improvements 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 501,559 501,559 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 15 S 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 16 S Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 19 Lake to Sound(L2S)Trail 20 Walkway Program 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 28 ITS Program 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 31 Arterial Circulation Program 32 1%for the Arts Program 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair j y 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 Total Sources 704,059 704,059 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 4-6 `. GRANTS IN-HAND Period TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 1 Street Overlay 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 165,200 855,500 1,020,700 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 3,201,497 3,201,497 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 1,297,500 432,500 396,170 2,126,170 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 390,000 1,040,000 2,340,000 80,000 3,850,000 9 Park Ave N Extension 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 11 Carr Road Improvements 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 503,441 503,441 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 15 S 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 16 S Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 840,000 953,000 574,088 2,367,088 19 Lake to Sound(L2S)Trail 20 Walkway Program 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator _ 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 28 ITS Program 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 31 Arterial Circulation Program 32 1%for the Arts Program 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 877,270 877,270 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38,254 38,254 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 Total Sources 7,313,162 3,281,000 3,310,258 80,000 13,984,420 it City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 4-7 MITIGATION IN-HAND (IMPACT FEES) Period TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 1 Street Overlay 2. Arterial Rehabilitation Program 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 750,000 750,000 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(5 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 500,000 9 Park Ave N Extension 250,000 250,000 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 11 Carr Road Improvements 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 15 S 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 16 5 Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 19 Lake to Sound(L25)Trail 20 Walkway Program 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program • 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program. 26 Traffic Safety Program - 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 . 5,000 5,000 30,000 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 28 ITS Program 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 31 Arterial Circulation Program 32 1%for the Arts Program 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements 0 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement - 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 Not Allocated-To Mitigation Balance 352,000 627,400 640,048 652,949 666,108 679,530 3,618,035 Total Sources 1,357,000 632,400 645,048 657,949 671,108 684,530 5,148,035 �1 Projects non-eligible for use of mitigation fees City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 4-8 OTHER IN-HAND (Includes:General Fund,WSDOT and Developer Contributions) Period TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 1 Street Overlay 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 210,000 650,000 1,540,000 50,000 2,450,000 9 Park Ave N Extension 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 11 Carr Road Improvements 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 15 5 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd 5 16 5 Grady Way-Talbot Rd 5 to Rainier Ave S 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 80,310 187,000 112,318 379,628 19 Lake to Sound(L2S)Trail 1,250,000 1,550,000 2,800,000 20 Walkway Program 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 28 ITS Program 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 31 Arterial Circulation Program 32 1%for the Arts Program 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 511 11± Total Sources 290,310 3,087,000 4,202,318 50,000 7,629,628 1 City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 4-9 `. UNDETERMINED Period TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 1 Street Overlay 720,000 750,000 780,000 820,000 855,000 3,925,000 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 441,000 465,000 490,000 500,000 1,896,000 3 Logan Ave N Improvements _ 1,240,000 10,000,000 6,000,000 7,440,000 24,680,000 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 700,000 3,540,000 4,680,000 2,700,000 11,620,000 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 2,500,000 6,500,000 9,000,000 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 3,500,000 8,320,000 5,730,000 1,950,000 19,500,000 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 1,700,000 7,400,000 9,100,000 9 Park Ave N Extension 3,000,000 3,000,000 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 600,000 1,600,000 4,140,000 3,160,000 9,500,000 11 Carr Road Improvements 200,000 200,000 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 1,000,000 2,000,000 7,550,000 10,600,000 9,375,000 30,525,000 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 3,600,000 10,700,000 7,900,000 22,200,000 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 50,000 8,000,000 8,050,000 15 5 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 200,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 5,800,000 8,700,000 16 S Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 500,000 1,275,000 1,500,000 3,275,000 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 815,000 1,314,000 1,985,000 4,114,000 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 1,200,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 8,700,000 19 Lake to Sound(L25)Trail 20 Walkway Program 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 181,000 999,200 1,180,200 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 280,000 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 26 Traffic Safety Program 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 28 ITS Program 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 31 Arterial Circulation Program 32 1%for the Arts Program 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 400,000 1,650,000 2,350,000 4,400,000 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 100,000 4,400,000 4,500,000 Total Undetermined 2,716,000 15,014,200 48,685,000 53,280,000 68,650,000 188,345,200 p City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 4-10 `. AGENDA ITEM #8.j) • ,i .R,ENTON 1c 202,2 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . „ Q Vtom SECTION FIVE- PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS SUMMARY OF PROJECTS AND COSTS PAGE 5-1 DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS PAGE 5-2-5-39 TIP No. Project Title PAoe 5=2 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program _ PAGE 5-3 3 r Logan Avenue North Improvements ' �H�.. 4 SW 27th Street/Strander Blvd Connection __ PAGE 5-5 5 ' _NE 3rd Street/.NE 4th Street Corridor Improvements rn �LW PAGE 5-6; 6 Duvall Avenue NE(NE 4th Street to Sunset Blvd NE) PAGE 5-7 L___7 ____Rainier Avenue South/North Phase 4—South 3rd Street to.NW 3`d Place) PAGE 5-8J 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project PAGE 5-9 Park Avenue North Extension '. PAGE 5-10 10 116th Avenue SE Improvements PAGE 5-11 (_ 11__. •_Carr Road Improvements • �..,, __ 12 NE Sunset Blvd(SR 900);Corridor ImprovementsPAGE 5-13 r- 13 Sunset Area Green.Connections - , PAGE 5-111j 14 Oakesdale Avenue SW/Monster Road SW/68th Avenue South to SR 900 PAGE 5-15_ i- 15 South 7th Street(Rainier Avenue South'to Talbot Road South) ' M✓ � p � �y ;PAGE 5-16j 16 South Grady Way(Talbot Road South to Rainier Avenue South) _ _ PAGE 5-17 r 17 Houser Way North(North 8th Street to,Lake Washington Blvd) v r a PAGE 5'-18] 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail PAGE 5-19 _ 19._ . Lake Sound(L25)Trail . _ _ �•_ PAGE 5-20] _ 20 _W_alkway_Program _ __ _ __ _ • _ _ _ PAGE 5-21 1_ 21 Sidewalk.Rehabilitationand'Replacement Program _,^ _._ _PAGE 5-221 _ 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator PAGE 5-23 L 23;�w` ._ Bridge Inspection and Repair Program ._ _ -. �r �.� PAGE 5-24 11,1 24___Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program __ PAGE 5-25 25 Intersection Safety and Mobility Program A _ a— n_ µ A _ PAGE 5-26J 26 Traffic Safety Program PAGE 5-27 r 27 Preservation of Traffic Operation Devices Program PAGE 5-281 28 Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS)Program PAGE 5-29 1r- 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation — PAGE 5-30 30 Project Development and Pre-Design Program PAGE 5-31 31 Arterial Circulation Programme _� PAGE 5-32 32 _ 1%for the Arts Program PAGE 5-33 1-3-3---��. Lake_Washington Blvd North(Park�AvenueNorth to Gene Coulon Memorial Park) PAGE 5-34- _34 Lind Avenue SE(SW 16th Street to SW 43rd Street) PAGE 5-35 1_ 35. _ a Sunset Lane/NE 10th Street Roadway improvements � _ . �., PAGE 5-361 36 NE 31stStreet Bridge Replacement _ PAGE 5-37 ;- _ 37 North 27th Place Culvert Scour Repair, _ , mPAGE 5-38 ° 38 Rainier Avenue North Corridor Improvements(Phase 5) PAGE 5-39 SECTION FIVE--PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS . PWRO SUMMARY OF PROJECTS AND COSTS Six-Year Total Total TIP Project Title 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Period Total Funded Unfunded 1 Street Overlay 995,000 1,790,000 1,880,000 1,970,000 2,070,000 2,170,000 10,875,000 6,950,000 3,925,000 2 Arterial Rehabilitation Program 530,200 1,273,500 882,000 930,000 980,000 1,030,000 5,625,700 3,729,700 1,896,000 3 Logan Ave N Improvements 1,240,000 10,000,000 6,000,000 7,440,000 24,680,000 24,680,000 4 SW 27th St/Strander Blvd Connection 5 NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor 700,000 3,540,000 4,680,000 2,700,000 11,620,000 11,620,000 6 Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE 4,003,000 2,500,000 6,500,000 13,003,000 4,003,000 9,000,000 7 Rainier Ave S Phase 4(S 3rd St to NW 3rd PI) 1,500,000 500,000 3,958,000 8,320,000 5,730,000 1,950,000 21,958,000 2,458,000 19,500,000 8 Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project 600,000 1,690,000 3,880,000 130,000 1,700,000 7,400,000 15,400,000 6,300,000 9,100,000 9 Park Ave N Extension 250,000 3,000,000 3,250,000 250,000 3,000,000 10 116th Ave SE Improvements 600,000 1,600,000 4,140,000 3,160,000 9,500,000 9,500,000 11 Carr Road Improvements 200,000 200,000 200,000 12 NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 7,550,000 10,600,000 9,375,000 31,525,000 1,000,000 30,525,000 13 Sunset Area Green Connections 3,600,000 10,700,000 7,900,000 22,200,000 22,200,000 14 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Rd SW/68th Ave S to SR 50,000 8,000,000 8,050,000 8,050,000 15 5 7th St-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S 200,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 5,800,000 8,700,000 8,700,000 16 S Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S 500,000 1,275,000 1,500,000 3,275,000 3,275,000 17 Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd 815,000 1,330,000 2,030,000 4,175,000 61,000 4,114,000 18 Lake Washington Loop Trail 952,500 1,140,000 686,406 1,200,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 11,478,906 2,446,778 8,700,000 19 Lake to Sound(L2S)Trail 1,250,000 1,550,000 2,800,000 2,800,000 zo Walkway Program 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 21 Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacem Prog 100,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 130,000 100,000 660,000 660,000 22 Maple Valley Highway Attenuator 181,000 999,200 1,180,200 1,180,200 23 Bridge Inspection&Repair Program 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 220,000 280,000 24 Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 115,000 115,000 25 Intersection Safety&Mobility Program 250,000 250,000 250,000_ 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 26 Traffic Safety Program 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 360,000 27 Preservation of Traffic Oper Device Program 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 372,000 372,000 28 ITS Program 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 180,000 180,000 29 Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 41,000 211,000 211,000 30 Project Development&Pre-Design Program 115,000 115,000 115,000 120,000 120,000 125,000 710,000 710,000 31 Arterial Circulation Program 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 885,000 885,000 32 1%for the Arts Program 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 90,000 90,000 33 Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 G) 34 Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St 400,000 1,650,000 2,350,000 4,400,000 4,400,000 m 35 Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements Z 36 NE 31st St Bridge Replacement 1,019,757 1,019,757 1,019,757 O 37 N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair 38,254 38,254 38,254 n 38 Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 100,000 4,400,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 Total Sources 12,010,711 11,761,500 25,277,606 51,672,000 56,182,000 71,633,000 228,536,817 39,859,489 188,345,200 y Ln5 It City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Pa Page 5-1 `. TIP NO. 1 - STREET OVERLAY Street Overlay Functional Classification:N/A Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 122108 Community Planning Area: N/A TIP No. 1 CONTACT: Pat Zellner 425.430.2280 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Annual program for repairing and resurfacing existing roadways,maintaining the City's Pavement Management The 2014"Pavement Management Program State of the Streets Report"rated the average System and providing data for deficiency ratings.Installation of ADA compliant curb ramps has been incorporated Pavement Condition Index(PCI)as 72.A review of the report to assess the needed funding will be into the annual Street Overlay Program in accordance with federal requirements. This program funds overlays on conducted in 2016.A new source of funding will need to be identified to accommodate any neighborhood streets and collector streets. The Arterial Rehabilitation Program funds principal and minor increase in expenditures. arterials. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: , Asphalt concrete pavement(ACP)overlay and slurry seal of streets provide for improved driving surface and are This program allocates$100K/yr for the overlay of alley ways.The alley ways funding for 2015 waL highly cost-effective ways of avoiding expensive repairs and reconstruction. The Pavement Management System reserved to complete the alley way on the SW quadrant of S 2nd St and Main Ave S in 2016. and biennial survey of roadway conditions greatly improve the efficiency of the Overlay Program. (Funded: 18,591,375 (Unfunded: I 3,925,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 28,000 4,000 24,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 12,041,124 839,124 687,000 10,515,000 935,000 1,730,000 1,820,000 1,910,000 2,010,000 2,110,000 Construction Services 447,251 58,251 53,000 336,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 56,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 12,516,375 897,375 744,000 10,875,000 995,000 1,790,000 1,880,000 1,970,000 2,070,000 2,170,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 5,400,000 640,000 650,000 4,110,000 660,000 670,000 680,000 690,000 700,000 710,000 Business&Occupation Share 3,134,000 200,000 94,000 2,840,000 335,000 400,000 450,000 500,000 550,000 605,000 Proposed Fund Balance 57,375 57,375 Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand ^�^ V, • Other In-Hand(1) . n Other In-Hand(2) 2 Undetermined 3,925,000 3,925,000 720,000 750,000 780,000 820,000 855,0 TOTAL SOURCES 12,516,375 897,375 744,000 10,875,000 995,000 1,790,000 1,880,000 1,970,000 2,070,000 2,170,0_ m • 5 City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program • Page 5-2 �: TIP NO. 2 - ARTERIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM Arterial Rehabilitation Program Functional Classification:Various Proj.Length:N/A Proj: 122186 Community Planning Area: N/A TIP No. 2 ) CONTACT: Pat Zellner 425.430.2280 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program provides for the rehabilitation of principal and minor arterial streets. Installation of ADA-compliant Paving schedule:2016 used as match on Duvall Ave NE;2017 and 2018:Renton Ave Ext(S 130th curb ramps has been incorporated into the annual Arterial Rehabilitation and Overlay programs according to new St to Taylor Ave NW).A STP grant of$1,020,700 is under recommendation(2016)for Renton Ave federal requirements. Ext. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The Overlay Program(TIP#1)concentrates to a great degree on maintaining residential streets,where relatively Funds for 2015 and 2016 are being used as match for the Duvall Ave NE (NE 4th to NE 10th St) small traffic volumes and less truck and bus traffic make standard asphalt overlays a long term means of preservation grant.Funds in 2017 and 2018 are reserved as match for Renton Ave Ext maintenance. Arterial streets can often deteriorate rather quickly and often require more costly rehabilitation preservation grant. measures and/or costly temporary repairs to avoid more extensive deterioration. (Funded: 15,885,763 'Unfunded: 11,896,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 521,000 56,063 184,937 280,000 280,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 6,734,813 1,442,063 5,292,750 197,250 1,273,500 882,000 930,000 980,000 1,030,000 Construction Services 525,950 473,000 52,950 52,950 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 7,781,763 56,063 2,100,000 5,625,700 530,200 1,273,500 882,000 930,000 980,000 1,030,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax . Business&Occupation Share 3,242,413 22,413 511,000 2,709,000 365,000 418,000 441,000 465,000 490,000 530,001' Proposed Fund Balance 390,650 390,650 Grants In-Hand(STP-Preservation) 2,257,700 33,650 1,203,350 1,020,700 165,200 855,500 Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand n WSDOT State(deducted from grant at -5,000 -5,000 Other In-Hand(1) V) Other In-Hand(2) Undetermined 1,896,000 1,896,000 441,000 465,000 490,000 500,0 TOTAL SOURCES 7,781,763 56,063 2,100,000 5,625,700 530,200 1,273,500 882,000 930,000 980,000 1,030,0 Lill City of Renton I 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 00 Page 5-3 `. TIP NO. 3 - LOGAN AVENUE NORTH IMPROVEMENTS 1 Logan Ave N Improvements Functional Classification:Principal Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length:0.76 mi Proj: 122303 Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 3 CONTACT: James Wilhoit 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Phase 1(from Cedar River Bridge to N 6th st)includes reconstruction of the roadway pavement,new traffic signal The City was awarded a STP grant in the amount of$951,000 for design in 2012.A TIB grant in the and new curb,gutter,sidewalks,landscaped buffer,streetlights on the east side of Logan Ave N.Phase 2 (N 6th St amount of$3,912,242 was awarded in 2013.A STP grant in the amount of$2,490,000 was to Park Ave N)will add a northbound lane,new curb,gutter,sidewalks(on the east side),landscaped buffer, and awarded in 2014 for construction of Phase 1.Phase 2 is pending future grant funding availability. a pedestrian/bicycle trail(west side),streetlights,pedestrian scale illumination,crosswalks,pedestrians ramps, channelization. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The condition of the roadway pavement has deteriorated(due to increase in commuter and freight volume)to The design work for the bicycle crossing on Cedar River bridge has been moved to TIP 18-Loop the extend that total replacement may be needed.The increase in traffic and the new RapidRide transit have Trail.Transit Signal Priority(TSP)at Logan Ave with Airport Way has been completed as part of the warranted widening to add a northbound lane.Included with the improvements are urban roadway amenities to RapidRide implementation.Funding'in 2016 is for construction of Phase 1. Future phases are implement"Complete Streets"practice per City code. under project development and design. 'Funded: 17,675,384 'Unfunded: 124,680,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 39,760 39,760 Preliminary Engineering 3,245,544 1,005,544 2,240,000 1,240,000 1,000,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 9,033,266 33,266 9,000,000 9,000,000 Construction 16,250,926 525,166 4,525,760 11,200,000 5,000,000 6,200,000 Construction Services 3,785,889 221,649 1,324,240 2,240,000 1,000,000 1,240,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 32,355,384 1,825,384 5,850,000 24,680,000 1,240,000 10,000,000 6,000,000 7,440,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 27,065 27,065 Fund Balance 23,355 20,111 3,244 Grants In-Hand(STP) 3,441,000 1,069,731_ 2,371,269 Grants In-Hand(TIB) 3,912,242 508,477 3,403,765 Mitigation In-Hand 200,000 200,000 _ l WSDOT State(grant deduction) -10,000 -10,000 Other In-Hand(Integra Phone) 54,722 54,722 ^� Other In-Hand(Boeing Parking Lot) 27,000 27,000 G Undetermined 24,680,000 24,680,000 1,240,000 10,000,000 6,000,000 7,440,000 TOTAL SOURCES 32,355,384 1,825,384 5,850,000 24,680,000 1,240,000 10,000,000 6,000,000 7,440,0 m R City of Renton I 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program CO. Page 5-4 `. TIP NO. 4 - SW 27th STREET/STRANDER BLVD CONNECTION SW 27th Street/Strander Boulevard Connection Functional Classification: Minor Arterial Proj.Length:1.27 miles Proj: 122239,122240 Community Planning Area: Valley TIP No. 4 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project provides a critical four/five-lane arterial that will serve as a connector to West Valley Highway(SR Ph.1 Seg.1 is complete. Grants include:TEA-21 funds of$745,563(2003);various discretionary 181)and East Valley Road,as well as an arterial connector to SR 167 from the south. The project will provide a totaling$1,677,185(2005-2009);a$4.6M STP Regional;$7.75M from FMSIB;$4M(plus$123,766 grade-separated crossing at the Union Pacific Railroad(UPRR)and Burlington Northern Santa Fe(BNSF)railroad for wetland acqusition)from Sound Transit,a$2.75M from TIB and a City interfund loan of$700K tracks. Bicycle and pedestrian connections will be provided to the Tukwila Station and the Interurban Trail. (loan repayment in a separate TIP No.4-A).Mitigation funds have been allocated to this phase. I JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: A new east-west arterial roadway will connect the cities of Renton and Tukwila and provide significant congestion Phase 1-Seg 2a-2 lane roadway from Naches Ave SW to the Sounder Station,including a BNSF relief to existing arterials. The new road will provide access to the new Tukwila Station,a multi-modal center bridge is completed.Project in close out.City of Tukwila has taken the lead for future phases. being developed by Sound Transit immediately north of the new alignment. By undercrossing the UPRR and BNSF • railroads,the new arterial will provide significant benefits to both freight mobility and general motorists. • I Funded:) 31,116,8571 Unfunded:1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 5,030,912 5,030,912 R-O-W(includes Admin) 3,842,563 3,842,563 Construction 16,788,111 16,748,111 40,000 Construction Services 2,445,829 2,435,829 10,000 Phase 1,Seg 1 design/constr. 3,009,442 3,009,442 TOTAL EXPENSES 31,116,857 31,066,857 50,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Interfund Loan 700,000 700,000 Gen Fund&Prop.Fund Balance 2,638,698 2,588,698 50,000 Grants In-Hand(State&Fed) 2,408,422 2,408,422 Grants In-Hand(FMSIB) 7,697,425 7,697,425 Mitigation In-Hand 1,413,835 1,413,835 Bonds 2,799,500 2,799,500 Other:Sound Transit+FRB 4,687,421 4,687,421 21 1 Grants In-Hand(STP Grant+TIB) 7,346,536 7,346,536 City of Tukwila Reimb. 1,000,000 1,000,000 O PW Utilites(Water&Surf Water) 425,020 425,020 Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 31,116,857 31,066,857 50,000 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-5 `. TIP NO. 5 - NE 3rd STREET/NE 4th STREET CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS NE 3rd/NE 4th Corridor Improvements Functional Classification:Principal Proj.Length:2.2 mi Proj: 122176 Community Planning Area: Highlands&East Plateau TIP No. 5 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project involves a series of improvements in this corridor to improve traffic operations such as The estimated cost for all corridor improvements(from Sunset Blvd N to the east City limits)is rechannelization and traffic signal modifications,possible transit priority signal treatments and queue jumps. This $46M.Phase 1 constructed a new signal and other improvements at NE 4th St and Whitman Ave project will seek to meet pedestrian,transit and bicycle needs. NE.The project received a grant from TIB for Phase 1.Programmed expenses(2019-2022)are placeholders for future phases. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This corridor has a strong potential for transit usage and is experiencing rapid residential and retail growth.The Future phases are dependent on the receipt of grants. NE 3rd/4th Corridor Study was adopted in May 2005. The study refined the corridor transportation needs and costs,including pedestrian,transit,bicycle improvements,as well as streetscape enhancement. 'Funded: 13,719,085 jUnfunded: 111,620,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 _ Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: _ Planning 218,420 218,420 Preliminary Engineering 2,176,917 776,917 _ 1,400,000 700,000 700,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 584,024 84,024 _ 500,000 500,000 Construction 9,316,803 2,316,803_ 7,000,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 1,000,000 Construction Services 3,042,921 322,921 _ 2,720,000 340,000 680,000 1,700,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 15,339,085 3,719,085 _ 11,620,000 700,000 3,540,000 4,680,000 2,700,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 422,831 422,831 Proposed Fund Balance 1,024,433 1,024,433 _ Grants In-Hand(TIB) 1,495,542 1,495,542 Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand 373,700 373,700 _ Other In-Hand(KC WD#90) 352,541 352,541 A� Other In-Hand(Franchise Reimb.) 50,038 50,038 _ Undetermined 11,620,000 11,620,000 700,000 3,540,000 4,680,000 2,700,0c TOTAL SOURCES 15,339,085 3,719,085 11,620,000 700,000 3,540,000 4,680,000 2,700,0 ah1 m 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program �0 Page 5-6 �: TIP NO. 6 - DUVALL AVENUE NE (NE 4th STREET to SUNSET BLVD NE) Duvall Ave NE-NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd NE Functional Classification:Minor Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length:0.67 mi Proj: 122702 Community Planning Area: Highlands&East Plateau TIP No. 6 CONTACT: Flora Lee 425.430.7303 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Widening roadway,including new pavement,curb,gutter,sidewalk,street lights,storm drainage,channelization The City was awarded a TIB grant in the amount of$3,468,289 in 2015 for the roadway and bike lanes from NE 7th St to the intersection with Sunset Blvd NE. reconstruction between NE 10th St and NE 12th St,curb,gutter,sidewalk and streetlights on the west side and channelization from NE 12th St to south of the intersection with NE Sunset Blvd. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Complete roadway improvements,bicycle lanes and sidewalks on Duvall Ave NE,from NE 4th St to Sunset Blvd A future phase will install non-motorized improvements along the east side of Duvall Ave NE,from , NE.Condition of the existing roadway pavement requires road reconstruction.Project will enhance safety for NE 7th St to NE 12th St. Roadway improvements from NE 4th St to NE 10th St are reflected under pedestrians,bicyclists and vehicular along this corridor. the Arterial Rehabilitation Program(TIP#2). Funded:1 4,670,0001 Unfunded:1 9,000,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 2,167,000 667,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 4,336,000 4,336,000 3,336,000 1,000,000 Construction 5,667,000 5,667,000 667,000 5,000,000 Construction Services 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 13,670,000 667,000 13,003,000 4,003,000 2,500,000 6,500,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 451,711 400,208 51,503 51,503 Fund Balance+Held reserve Grants In-Hand(TIB) 3,468,289 266,792 3,201,497 3,201,497 Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand 750,000 750,000 750,000 b ^ Other In-Hand(1) n, Other In-Hand(2) , 1 Undetermined 9,000,000 9,000,000 2,500,000 6,500,000 Uol TOTAL SOURCES 13,670,000 667,000 13,003,000 4,003,000 2,500,000 6,500,000 l m City of Renton 1 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Pa Page 5-7 `. TIP NO. 7 - RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH/NORTH (PHASE 4 - SOUTH 3rd STREET to NW 3rd PLACE) Rainier Ave S/N Phase 4-S 3rd Street to NW 3rd PI Functional Classification:Principal Proj.Length:0.51.mi Proj: 122195 Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 7 CONTACT: DerekAkesson 425.430.7337 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This is Phase 4 of the Rainier Ave Corridor Improvements,and will extend the improvements from 5 3rd St to NW A STP grant in the amount of$2,600,000 was awarded in 2014 for design of Phase 4.Design is 3rd Pl.Project elements include sidewalks widening with streetscaping, adding pedestrian-scale illumination, underway. adding a pedestrian actuated traffic signal,upgrading existing traffic signals,transit facility improvements,planted buffer strips and landscaped medians. • JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Rainier Ave is a critical corridor in central Renton with existing operational problems and in need of infrastructure enhancements to provide greater ease of non-motorized and transit-based travel. It also provides improved access to Renton Airporty and Boeing's Renton Plant.Improvements will enhance traffic flow and reduce accidents. 1 Funded:1 3,006,0841 Unfunded:1 19,500,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 3,006,084 48,084 500,000 2,458,000 1,500,000 500,000 458,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 Construction 12,300,000 12,300,000 6,400,000 4,400,000 1,500,000 Construction Services 3,700,000 3,700,000 1,920,000 1,330,000 450,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 22,506,084 48,084 500,000 21,958,0001 1,500,000 500,000 3,958,000 8,320,000 5,730,000 1,950,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 213,321 6,491 77,500 129,330 _ 67,500 61,830 Proposed Fund Balance 202,500 202,500 202,500 Grants In-Hand(STP) 2,600,263 41,593 432,500 2,126,170 1,297,500 432,500 396,170 Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand WSDOT State(grant deduction) -10,000 -10,000 �'1 Other In-Hand(General Fund transfer: V^/ Other In-Hand(2) Undetermined 19,500,000 19,500,000 3,500,000 8,320,000 5,730,000 1,950,0 TOTAL SOURCES 22,506,084 48,084 500,000 21,958,000 1,500,000 500,000 3,958,000 8,320,000 5,730,000 1,950,00 m It City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-8 `. TIP NO. 8 - CONNECTING DOWNTOWN RENTON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Connecting Downtown Renton Improvement Project Functional Classification: Principal Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 122907 Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 8 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: The project provides pedestrian and bicyclists facilities and enhancements,traffic operation and circulation Phase 1-conversion of Main Ave S and Bronson Way S received a$1,024,750 TIB grant(2014). improvements in Downtown.The improvements include adding raised intersections with bulb outs,parklets, Phase 2(est.$6.3M)provides pedestrians enhancements,amenities for bicyclists,converts pedestrian plaza,lighting,street furniture,streetscape,bicycle blvd,bike racks,signange,wayfinding, Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S to a two-way operations.Phase 3(est.$9.1M)will continue the converting streets to two-way operations,reconfigure intersections of S 2nd St and Main Ave S,and add on- downtown improvements,further enhancing the pedestrian and bicyclists environment and street parking. converting S 3rd St and S 2nd St. A STP grant of$3,850,000 is under recommendation(2016)for JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This project is one of the strategies identified in the City Center Community Plan.The project enhances Phase 1 completion is anticipated in 2016. downtown Renton as a destination area,while improving circulation,reducing traffic speeds and enhancing pedestrian safety. A feasibility study,including a Downtown Circulation Traffic Analysis for the conversion to two-way operations was completed. 'Funded: 16,199,989 )Unfunded: )9,100,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 49,090 49,090 Preliminary Engineering 2,948,499 196,899 51,600 2,700,000 600,000 400,000 1,700,000 - R-O-W(includes Admin) 650 650 Construction 11,345,000 1,545,000 9,800,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 100,000 5,700,000 Construction Services 3,131,750 231,750 2,900,000 290,000 880,000 30,000 1,700,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 17,474,989 245,989 1,829,000 15,400,000 600,000 1,690,000 3,880,000 130,000 1,700,000 7,400,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 49,588 49,588 Fund Balance- 651 651 . Grants In-Hand(TIB) 1,024,750 1,024,750 Grants In-Hand(STP) 3,850,000 3,850,000 390,000 1,040,000 2,340,000 80,000 Mitigation In-Hand IN Other:Metro Mitig+WSDOT 1,000,000 500,000 500,000 122,000 367,000 11,000 Other In-Hand-S Renton Reserve 275,000 275,000 Other-General Fund Transfer 2,175,000 196,401 28,599 1,950,000 210,000 528,000 1,173,000 39,000 Undetermined 9,100,000 9,100,000 1,700,000 7,400,000P TOTAL SOURCES 17,474,989 245,989 1,829,000 15,400,000 600,000 1,690,000 3,880,000 130,000 1,700,000 7,400,0000 m 5 It City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-9 `. TIP NO. 9 - PARK AVENUE NORTH EXTENSION • Park Avenue North Extension Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:0.23 mi Proj: Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 9 CONTACT: Jim Seitz 425.430.7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: The project will extend Park Ave N to the north of Logan Ave N,to provide access to Southport,PSE property and This is an economic development project that will likely be on hold until there is some proposal by The Boeing Company.Improvements include bicycle and pedestrian facilities,illumination,landscaping. the property owners to develop the area north of Logan Ave N. • JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: With the additional development growth in the North Renton area,which includes The Landing and the The project is estimated at$10M.Cost beyond 2022 not shown. Southport residential/hotel/office development,this project will construct improvements to extend Park Ave N. Funded 250,0001_ Unfunded:1 3,000,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 2,250,000 2,250,000 250,000 2,000,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Construction Construction Services Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 3,250,000 3,250,000 250,000 3,000,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand 250,000 250,000 250,000 Other In-Hand(1) Other In-Hand(2) Undetermined 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,00 TOTAL SOURCES 3,250,000 3,250,000 250,000 3,000,0 oo City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-10 �: TIP NO. 10 - 116th AVENUE SE IMPROVEMENTS 116th Ave SE Improvements Functional Classification:Minor arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length:2.5 mi Proj: 122117 Community Planning Area: Benson TIP No. 10 CONTACT: Flora Lee 425.430.7303 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Widen roadway to provide a 3-lane roadway with bike lanes along 116th Ave SE and Edmonds Ave SE,including Benson Hill Community Plan recommended improvements for a first phase,based on the new pavement,curb,gutter,sidewalk,street lights,traffic signals,storm drainage,channelization and landscaping neighborhood needs.The priority,cost and schedule for the phased improvements will be from Puget Drive SE to south City limits. determined based on available funding.The corridor improvements is estimated at$33M(plus $14M for right-of-way to meet the City's Complete Street standard). JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: I' __ 116th Ave SE is classified as a minor arterial. It has generally two lanes of traffic with left-turn lanes at signalized Phase 1 Improvements are from SE Petrovitsky Rd to SE 168th St.Programmed funding shown intersections and intermittent two-way-left-turn-lane south of SE 168th. Non-continuous segments of sidewalk (2019-2022)is for Phase 1 only.The project was awarded a$707,000 CMAQ grant in 2014 and a exist along the roadway. Improvements will enhance vehicular,bicycle and pedestrian safety along this $111,000 Safe Route to Schools grant for the construction of the missing link sidewalks from SE important north-south transportation corridor. Petrovitsky Rd to the Post Office. 'Funded: 1818,539 Unfunded: X9,500,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 1,318,539 38,539 80,000 1,200,000 600,000 600,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 2,800,000 2,800,000 1,000,000 1,800,000 Construction 5,282,000 582,000 4,700,000 2,000,000 2,700,000 Construction Services 918,000 118,000 800,000 340,000 460,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 10,318,539 38,539 780,000 9,500,000 600,000 1,600,000 4,140,000 3,160,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 10,539 5,203 5,336 , Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand(CMAQ) 707,000 33,336 673,664 Grants In-Hand(Safe Route to School) 111,000 111,000 Mitigation In-Hand WSDOT State(grant deduction) -10,000 -10,000 Other In-Hand(1) Other In-Hand(2) , 1 IC Undetermined 9,500,000 9,500,000 600,000 1,600,000 4,140,000 3,160,0 TOTAL SOURCES 10,318,539 38,539 780,000 9,500,000 600,000 1,600,000 4,140,000 3,160,0 m CO City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-11 `. TIP NO. 11 - CARR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Carr Road Improvements Functional Classification:Major Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length: Proj: 122920 Community Planning Area: Talbot&Benson TIP No. 11 CONTACT: Flora Lee 425.430.7303 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: A corridor design report prepared by King County in 2003 identified the need for roadway improvements from The City was awarded a$660,000 grant for signal timing along SW 43rd St/SE Carr Rd/SE 176th Benson Dr SE(108th Ave SE)to Talbot Rd S.Potential improvements vary from roadway realignment/widening at St/SE Petrovitsky Rd Corridor.Future roadway improvement options include spot safety several locations to address geometric deficiencies,widening to 5-lane roadway(2 lanes westbound,3 lanes improvements,bicycle and pedestrian improvements,roadway widening and roadway on new eastbound),to a new 4-5 lane roadway,including bicycle lanes on new alignment. The total project cost is alignment. estimated as$80M. JUSTIFICATION: Carr Road is classified as a principal arterial. It has four lanes of traffic with left-turn lanes at intersections. CHANGES: Improvements are necessary to enhance vehicle traffic capacity and safety for vehicles,bicycles,and pedestrians Funding shown in 2016 is for implementation of the Adaptive Sigranl Control System(ASCS). on this major east-west transportation corridor. Funding shown in 2019 is for finalizing scope,cost and schedule for futures phases. 'Funded: 1707,369 'Unfunded: 1200,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 200,000 200,000 200,000 Preliminary Engineering 707,369 77,369 630,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Construction Services Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 907,369 77,369 630,000 200,000 200,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share Proposed Fund Balance 27,369 27,369 Grants In-Hand(Federal Safety) 660,000 73,242 586,758 Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand 30,000 4,127 25,873 WSDOT State(deducted from grant above) -10,000 -10,000 V, Other In-Hand(1) Other In-Hand(2) ,SI Undetermined 200,000 200,000 200,000 TOTAL SOURCES 907,369 77,369 630,000 200,000 200,000 m It City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program CO Page 5-12 `. TIP NO. 12 - NE SUNSET BLVD (SR 900) CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS NE Sunset Boulevard(SR 900)Corridor Improvements Functional Classification:Principal Fund: 317 Proj.Length:3.0 mi Proj: 122902 Community Planning Area: City Center,Highlands&East Plateau TIP No. 12 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project will seek to address pedestrian,transit and bicycle needs.This corridor needs a series of key The Sunset Area Planned Action EIS prepared in 2011 delineated transportation needs along improvements in this corridor to improve traffic operations such as channelization,traffic signal modifications, Sunset Blvd from N Park Dr to Monroe Ave NE(cost estimated at$30M).The project has received signal treatments,possible queue jumps,access management through installation of medians.The corridor limits a STP/CMAQ grant in the amount of$1,313,935 for design.The project has been phased.Phase 1 are from 1-405 on the west to the east City limits. is from Harrington Ave NE to NE 12th St. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: - This corridor has strong potential for non-motorized and transit usage.The Sunset area is experiencing residential 30%Design of the corridor improvements is completed. and retail growth. I Funded:1 2,600,7961 Unfunded:1 30,525,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 200,000 200,000 Preliminary Engineering 4,000,796 371,796 1,029,000 2,600,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 600,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 3,300,000 3,300,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 300,000 Construction 20,500,000 20,500,000 5,000,000 8,000,000 7,500,000 Construction Services 5,125,000 5,125,000 1,250,000 2,000,000 1,875,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 33,125,796 571,796 1,029,000 31,525,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 7,550,000 10,600,000 9,375,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: . Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 93,062 1,062 92,000 Fund Balance+REET+Held reserve 1,003,799 78,281 423,959 501,559 501,559 Grants In-Hand(STP/CMAQ) 1,313,935 292,453 518,041 503,441 503,441 Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand D WSDOT State(deducted from grant at -10,000 -5,000 -5,000 -5,000 Other In-Hand(CEO) 200,000 200,000 Other In-Hand-Held in reserve Undetermined 30,525,000 30,525,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 7,550,000 10,600,000 9,375,06s TOTAL SOURCES 33,125,796 571,796 1,029,000 31,525,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 7,550,000 10,600,000 9,375,0k m It City of Renton 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Co Page 5-13 `. TIP NO. 13 - SUNSET AREA GREEN CONNECTIONS Sunset Area Green Connections Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: Community Planning Area: Highlands TIP No. 13 CONTACT: Jim Seitz 425.430.7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project will construct multi-modal improvements identified in the Sunset Area Community Planned Action The total cost of project is estimated at$22.2M.Schedule,estimates and selection of streets to be Study.Roadways will be widened/extended/realigned to provide for future traffic flows.Several residential improved to be determined.Significant cost participation will be required from development streets will be developed as"green connections"improving pedestrian mobility and enhance the neighborhood. interests. Roadways included are NE 10th St,NE Sunset Lane,Harrington Ave NE,NE 12th St,Edmonds Ave NE,Jefferson Ave NE,Kirkland Ave NE and Glennwood Ave NE. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Improvements to these streets are key to support the redevelopment of the Sunset Area Community in the Surface Water is leading a first phase for this project. Highlands area,bounded by NE 21st St on the north,Edmonds Ave NE on the west,NE 7th St on the south,and Monroe Ave NE on the east. The City in partnership with the Renton Housing Authority aspires to redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing community and encourage private redelopment in the Planned Action Study area over a 20-year period. Funded:1 I Unfunded:I 22,200,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 2,600,000 2,600,000 2,600,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Construction 16,000,000 16,000,000 9,200,000 6,800,000 Construction Services 2,600,000 2,600,000 1,500,000 1,100,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 22,200,000 22,200,000 3,600,000 10,700,000 7,900,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand Other In-Hand(CED) GI) Other In-Hand 2 Undetermined 22,200,000 22,200,000 3,600,000_ 10,700,000 7,900,0t TOTAL SOURCES 22,200,000 22,200,000 3,600,000 10,700,000 7,900,0 00 City of Renton 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-14 TIP NO. 14 - OAKESDALE AVENUE SW/MONSTER ROAD SW/68th AVENUE SOUTH to SR 900 Oakesdale Ave SW/Monster Road SW/68th Ave S to SR 900 Functional Classification: Fund: 317 Proj.Length:0.92 mi Proj: Community Planning Area: West Hill TIP No. 14 CONTACT: Bob Mahn 425.430.7322 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Widen existing roadway to four lanes plus two-way-left-turn-lane where needed and bike lanes. Realign Beacon A preliminary design study was completed in 1999. Scope,cost and implementation schedule to Coal Mine Road approach to intersection with the new Oakesdale Ave SW roadway. Includes new roadway, be determined. The project cost is estimated at$32M,with the City's share estimated at$13M curbs,sidewalk,drainage,street lighting,traffic signals,channelization,retaining walls and widening the existing and King Co.at$19M.City's share is programmed in future years.Phase 1 of improvements will bridge. address drainage problems between the Monster Rd Bridge and the City limits. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Will serve growing north-south traffic demand. Cost beyond 2022 not shown. 'Funded: I 'Unfunded: 18,050,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 50,000 50,000 50,000 Preliminary Engineering 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 Construction Construction Services Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 8,050,000 8,050,000 50,000 8,000,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax . Business&Occupation Share Proposed Fund Balance I Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(1) Mitigation In-Hand Other In-Hand(1) Other In-Hand(1) Undetermined 8,050,000 8,050,000 50,000 8,000,0 TOTAL SOURCES 8,050,000 8,050,000 50,000 8,000,0 Lin City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-15 `. TIP NO. 15 - SOUTH 7th STREET (RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH to TALBOT ROAD SOUTH) South 7th Street-Rainier Ave S to Talbot Road South - Functional Classification: Fund: 317 Proj.Length:0.38 mi Proj: 122151 Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 15 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Widening the existing roadway to 3 lanes(2 lanes EB and 1 lane WB)and a separated multi-use trail. Includes The 5 7th St Project-Traffic Analysis Report provided alternatives for corridor improvement new curb,gutter,wider sidewalks,streetlighting,landscaping,channelization and upgrades to traffic signals. options.The planning level cost estimate is$10M.Phase 1 is underway.Funding for Phase 1 is Phase 1 is the construction of a new eastbound right-turn lane at the intersection of 5 7th St and Shattuck Ave S provided through a$500,000 STP grant and a$552,636 TIB grant. and a traffic signal at this location. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This segment of the 5 7th St corridor connects Talbot Rd S(SR 515)with Rainier Ave S(SR 167). This segment of S Construction of the traffic signal at 5 7th St and Shattuck Ave S to be completed in 2016. All future 7th St is part of a designated east-west ped/bike route through the City's commercial core and an important link phases of the corridor improvements are unfunded. between regional trails. The South Renton Neighborhood Study has identified 5 7th St as needing streetscape improvements. Funded: 11,737,207 'Unfunded: 18,700,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 32,270 32,270 Preliminary Engineering 1,511,842 311,842 1,200,000 200,000 700,000 300,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 1,724,998 24,998 1,700,000 700,000 1,000,000 Construction 6,016,979 609,979 407,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 Construction Services 1,151,118 195,118 156,000 800,000 800,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 10,437,207 1,174,207 563,000 8,700,000 200,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 5,800,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 129,682 69,682 60,000 Proposed Fund Balance+Reserve 135,889 57,975 77,914 Grants In-Hand(STP) 500,000 254,753 245,247 Grants In-Hand(TIB) 552,636 417,798 134,839 Mitigation In-Hand 424,000 374,000 50,000 III WSDOT State(deducted from grant at -5,000 -5,000 C) Other(proposed KC Metro) !- Other In-Hand(1) Undetermined 8,700,000 8,700,000 200,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 5,800,00 TOTAL SOURCES 10,437,207 1,174,207 563,000 8,700,000 200,000 1,400,000 1,300,000 5,800,00 m 4t City of Renton 1 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 0 Page 5-16 `; TIP NO. 16 - SOUTH GRADY WAY (TALBOT ROAD SOUTH to RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH) S Grady Way-Talbot Rd S to Rainier Ave S Functional Classification: Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 16 CONTACT: Jim Seitz 425.430.7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project will perform a comprehensive analysis of multi-modal transportation improvements,including review The project will remove the islands at the intersections of S Grady Way with Lake Ave 5 and of potential transit improvements along Grady Way,such as BAT lanes and traffic signal priority(TSP). Shattuck Ave 5,to allow for a continuous eastbound lane from Rainier Ave S to Talbot Rd S. Included are modifications to the traffic signal,new pedestrian crossings and channelization.The project is unfunded. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Removal of the obstructions and reconfiguration of the right turn lanes to eastbound through lanes will add much needed capacity to the S Grady Way corridor. Funded: I Unfunded: 13,275,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: _ Planning Preliminary Engineering 500,000 500,000 500,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 2,400,000 2,400,000 1,100,000 1,300,000 Construction Services 375,000 375,000 175,000 200,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 3,275,000 3,275,000 500,000 1,275,000 1,500,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(1) Mitigation In-Hand ^b Other(proposed KC Metro) Other In-Hand(1) , 1 Undetermined 3,275,000 3,275,000 500,000 1,275,000 1,500,000 Y TOTAL SOURCES 3,275,000 3,275,000 500,000 1,275,000 1,500,000 J14- LI] City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-17 Ilft... TIP NO. 17 - HOUSER WAY NORTH (NORTH 8th STREET to LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD) Houser Way N-N 8th St to Lake Washington Blvd Functional Classification: N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 17 CONTACT: Bob Mahn 425.430.7322 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project will widen and realign the existing one lane roadway to a two-lane roadway and includes A conceptual layout of the two-way approach to the intersection of Houser Way and Lake WA intersection improvements to convert Houser Way N to a two-way operation. Includes new roadway,curbs, Blvd has been completed.This project will coordinate with the Southport Development pedestrian-bicycle path,drainage,signals,lighting,signing and channelization. improvements to the Southport entrance at the Lake WA Blvd/Coulon Park intersection. r JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The City of Renton travel demand model predicts traffic volumes increasing significantly in the North Renton Area in the near future.One of the recommendations to improve northbound access to Lake Washington Blvd is to convert Houser Way N to a two-way operations,between N 8th St and Lake Washington Blvd. (Funded: 161,000 jUnfunded: 14,114,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 1 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 650,000 650,000 650,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 165,000 165,000 165,000 Construction 2,900,000 2,900,000 1,150,000 1,750,000 Construction Services 460,000 460,000 180,000 280,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 4,175,000 4,175,000 815,000 1,330,000 2,030,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 61,000 61,000 16,000 45,000 Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand(1) :Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hanla d • Other In-Hand(1) r11 ;Other In-Hand(2) ,Undetermined 4,114,000 4,114,000 815,000 1,314,000 1,985,000 O TOTAL SOURCES 4,175,000 4,175,000 815,000 1,330,000 2,030,000 IN m 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-18 �: TIP NO. 18 - LAKE WASHINGTON LOOP TRAIL Lake Washington Loop Trail Functional Classification:varies Fund: 317 Proj.Length: Proj: 122802 Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 18 CONTACT: James Wilhoit 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: The project will construct approximately 1.3 miles of pedestrian and bicycle facilities to complete a gap in the A TAP grant of$346,000(2013).A STP Non-Motorized grant for Right-of-way of$575,000(2015).A Lake Washington trail system.Improvements include a 12-foot wide combined pedestrian/bicycle path,a Ped&Bike grant of$426,000(2015).A STP Non-mot grant of$1,694,278 is under landscaped buffer separating the path from the travelled roadway,pedestrian level lighting.For the segment recommendation(2016).Construction has been implemented in phases,with Phases 1 and 2 located along Airport Way,the facilities will include a bike track and sidewalk,which will involve removing one completed.Phase 3 is(Logan Ave N/Cedar River to Rainier Ave N)is estimated at$2M. westbound lane of traffic on Airport Way. , JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The project will separate pedestrians and bicyclists from the vehicular traffic,enhancing safety and encouraging Phase 4 is from Airport Way/Rainier Ave N intersection to north City limits,and is estimated at residents to use active transportation modes. $6M. I Funded:( 3,275,9731 Unfunded:I 8,700,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 2,111,695 76,695 417,500 1,617,500 417,500 1,200,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 670,000 335,000 335,000 335,000 Construction 7,621,125 7,621,125 160,000 912,000 549,125 3,000,000 3,000,000 Construction Services 1,905,281 1,905,281 40,000 228,000 137,281 750,000 750,000 Developer Reimbursement TOTAL EXPENSES 12,308,101 76,695 752,500 11,478,906 952,500 1,140,000 686,406 1,200,000 3,750,000 3,750,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: 1 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 122,441 48,061 37,190 37,190 37,190 Fund Balance+Held reserve 27,254 27,254 Grants In-Hand(TAP+STP) 2,615,278 1,380 459,810 2,154,088 627,000 953,000 574,088 Grants In-Hand(Ped/Bike Program) 426,000 213,000 213,000 213,000 Mitigation In-Hand lb^ WSDOT State(deducted from grant at -10,000 -5,000 -5,000 -5,000 Y) Other In-Hand-Airport Fund Transfer 95,000 47,500 47,500 47,500 '^1 Other In-Hand- IIC Other-General Fund Transfer 332,128 332,128 32,810 187,000 112,318 Undetermined 8,700,000 8,700,000 1,200,000 3,750,000 3,750,0 TOTAL SOURCES 12,308,101 76,695 752,500 11,478,906 952,500 1,140,000 686,406 1,200,000 3,750,000 3,750,0 m 5 4t Peo City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-19 `: TIP NO. 19 - LAKE to SOUND (L2S) TRAIL Lake to Sound (L2S)Trail Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: 122903 Community Planning Area: City Center&Valley TIP No. 19 CONTACT: Jim Seitz 425.430.7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: The Lake to Sound(L25)Trail is a joint partnership between the cities of Renton,SeaTac,Tukwila,Burien and Des This project received a CMAQ grant in the amount of$800,125 for design of Phases: A-Naches Moines,in coordination with King County. The 17-mile L2S Trail will provide an east-west connection between Ave SW(Renton)to Fort Dent Park(Tukwila),and B-Des Moines Memorial Drive S(SeaTac and the shoreline of Lake Washington(Renton)and the shoreline of Puget Sound(Des Moines). Burien). A CMAQ grant for construction of Phase A,in the amount of$950,000 was awarded in 2014.No City match is required.King County is leading the design. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Phase A will connect Fort Dent(Tukwila)to the larger system of regional trails in South King County,including the Design of the Fort Dent Park Connection is 90%complete.Negotiations are underway with BNSF Green River Trail,the Interurban Trail and the Cedar River Trail.Phase A goes from Naches Ave SW(Renton)to to traverse below their rail line.That,and designing a bridge to cross the Black River has set the Fort Dent Park(Tukwila).Phase A will provide a 12-foot wide asphalt paved multi-use trail,with 2-foot gravel schedule back a year.Completion of design for Phase A is anticipated in the early Spring of 2017. shoulders. Construction of Phase A estimated at$2.8M.Construction will begin in early 2018. (Funded: 13,710,000 'Unfunded: Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 800,000 800,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 110,000 110,000 Construction 2,240,000 2,240,000 1,000,000 1,240,000 Construction Services 560,000_ 560,000 250,000 310,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 3,710,000 910,000 2,800,000 1,250,000 1,550,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax _ Business&Occupation Share _ Proposed Fund Balance _ Grants In-Hand(1) _ Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand ^�^ Other(KC+CMAQ grant) 3,710,000 910,000 2,800,000 1,250,000 1,550,000 ' 1 Other In-Hand Undetermined o TOTAL SOURCES 3,710,000 910,000 2,800,000 1,250,000 1,550,000 LI It CO City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-20 TIP NO. 20 - WALKWAY PROGRAM Walkway Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: 120009 Community Planning Area: Citywide TIP No. 20 CONTACT: James Wilhoit 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program provides for the design and construction of non-motorized transportation facilities for pedestrians. The Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study was completed in 2009 and is being used to select Projects are identified and prioritized using criteria from the Comprehensive Citywide Walkway Study,Council projects that move into the design and construction phases. direction,and through coordination with the City's Neighborhood Program. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Providing safe and convenient non-motorized facilities is an integral part of a complete transportation network. Partial funding for 2016 has been transferred from this program to the 116th Ave SE(TIP#9) Specific improvements will respond to the needs of school children,the aged and persons with disabilities,and sidewalk project to match a federal grant.Missing link sidewalks are being installed with funds of support increased use of transit. this program. )Funded: 11,723,188 )Unfunded: Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 30,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Preliminary Engineering 181,114 1,114 30,000 150,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 1,362,074 12,074 150,000 1,200,000 4, 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 Construction Services 150,000 30,000 120,000 7 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 1,723,188 13,188 210,000 1,500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 1,613,188 13,188 100,000 1,500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,001 Proposed Fund Balance 110,000 110,000 Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation(sidewalk fee-in-lieu) i ^ n Other In-Hand(1) Other In-Hand(2) Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 1,723,188 13,188 210,000 1,500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,0 m City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-21 �: TIP NO. 21 - SIDEWALK REHABILITATION and REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacement Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 122801 Community Planning Area: Citywide TIP No. 21 CONTACT: Pat Zellner 425.430.2280 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program provides for the replacement of existing curb and gutter,sidewalks,and curb ramps where such The 2016 program will continue work in the Maplewood Glen Neighborhood. facilities have deteriorated or have been damaged. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This program will address deficiencies and provide safe and convenient non-motorized facilities for pedestrians in The program is scaleable to funding availability.Ideally$250K would be allocated for this neighborhoods with damaged or deteriorated curb and gutter,sidewalks,and curb ramps. There are some places program. where curb ramps do not exist or are not to current ADA standards and they will be upgraded through this , program. I Funded:1 1,137,543( Unfunded:1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program • ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 97,419 419 92,000 5,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) • Construction 990,000 340,000 650,000 90,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 130,000 100,000 Construction Services 50,124 124 45,000 5,000 5,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 1,137,543 543 477,000 660,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 130,000 100,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 760,000 100,000 660,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 130,000 130,000 100,000 Proposed Fund Balance 377,543 543 377,000 Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand Ylb ) Other In-Hand(1) 11 Other In-Hand(2) IC `�jl Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 1,137,543 543 477,000 660,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 130,000, 130,000 100,0 m 3 It City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-22 `. TIP NO. 22 - MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY ATTENUATOR Maple Valley Highway Attenuator Functional Classification:Princiapl Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: Community Planning Area: Cedar River TIP No. 22 CONTACT: lames Wilhoit 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project will remove an existing concrete barrier end treatment located eastbound(east of the Riviera The design report is complete and was funded by the Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program(TIP Apartments).A new concrete barrier will be extended westerly approximately 400 feet and a new impact #24).Final design and construction pending funding availability. attenuator will be installed at the end of the new concrete barrier.The project will also provide a 2-foot wide shoulder along SR-169 between the outside through lane and the face of the barrier. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Maple Valley Highway(SR 169)is a major arterial carrying 43,100 vehicles per day.This project will improve safety for eastbound traffic on Maple Valley Highway(SR 169)at this location,which has been the site to numerous collision impacts. (Funded: l Unfunded: (1,180,200 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 156,000 156,000 156,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 85,000 85,000 25,000 60,000 Construction 782,700 782,700 782,700 Construction Services 156,500 156,500 156,500 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 1,180,200 1,180,200 181,000 999,200 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax • Business&Occupation Share Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand ^)11^ V/ Other In-Hand(1) n Other In-Hand(2) Undetermined 1,180,200 1,180,200 181,000 999,200 TOTAL SOURCES 1,180,200 1,180,200 181,000 999,200 LI City of Renton I 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-23 `; TIP NO. 23 - BRIDGE INSPECTION and REPAIR PROGRAM Bridge Inspection&Repair Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: 120106 Community Planning Area: Citywide TIP No. 23 CONTACT: Derek Akesson 425.430.7337 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Inspect all roadway bridges owned by the City every two years to determine bridge sufficiency and load ratings, Biennial bridge inspections will occur in 2015.A few bridges have annual inspections. and identify any seismic retrofit needed. Undertake minor repairs and preventative maintenance as needed. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Inspection program must be done for safety and funding purposes and as part of WSBIS Program to determine Funds shown under construction are for minor repairs to bridge structures. structural deficiencies,physical deterioration,or functional obsolescence and to qualify for federal bridge replacement grant funding. Repair funding is provided to accomplish lower cost improvements,identified through the inspection program,that will increase the safety and extend the longevity of the structures. 'Funded: 1410,171 )Unfunded: 1280,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: _ Planning Preliminary Engineering 190,171 75,171 55,000 60,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 250,000 250,000 15,000 15,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 Construction Services Post Construction Services/Other 250,000 60,000 190,000 25,000 25,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 690,171 75,171 115,000 500,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 275,000 25,000 30,000 220,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 Proposed Fund Balance 135,171 50,171 85,000 Grants In-Hand(FEMA) Grants In-Hand(State Share) Ill Mitigation In-Hand - 1rY Other In-Hand I, Other In-Hand Undetermined 280,000 280,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,00 TOTAL SOURCES 690,171 75,171 115,000 500,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,0QL. rn , 5 It co City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-24 `. TIP NO. 24 - ROADWAY SAFETY and GUARDRAIL PROGRAM Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 120110 Community Planning Area: Citywide TIP No. 24 CONTACT: Derek Akesson 425.430.7337 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program will provide lower cost guardrail improvements each year and improve the safety of the roadside environment. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: 1 This program will implement roadside safety improvements including barrier systems and hazardous object removal. • (Funded: 1115,438 (Unfunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 18,438 438 18,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) '+ Construction 85,000 85,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 Construction Services 12,000 12,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Post Construction Services/Other TOTAL EXPENSES 115,438 438 115,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 115,000 115,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,001 Proposed Fund Balance 438 438 Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) 116 Mitigation In-Hand A Other In-Hand in Other In-Hand Z Undetermined O TOTAL SOURCES 115,438 438 115,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,00 Lill lit City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-25 .. TIP NO. 25 - INTERSECTION SAFETY and MOBILITY PROGRAM Intersection Safety&Mobility Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: 122601 Community Planning Area: N/A TIP No. 25 CONTACT: Chris Barnes 425.430.7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program will install new traffic signals or make improvements to existing signals identified by the The Transportation Systems'Traffic Signal Priority List is determined by citizen concerns, Transportation Systems'Traffic Signal Priority List. intersection safety,mobility needs,and intersections that meet MUTCD traffic signal warrants. Traffic signals high on the warrant priority list include SW 41st St&Oakesdale Ave SW,SE Carr Road&103rd Ave SE,and SW 34th St&Lind Ave SW. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Historically,one traffic signal is designed and constructed every two years to meet safety and mobility needs. $180,000 of the 2015 budget was reallocated for match to grants awarded in 2014.A traffic signal This program budgets for projects needed to meet increasing demand,and the need for signalized traffic control. at 156th Ave SE and SE 142nd PI will be installed,as an interum solution,and will be funded via Elements used to prioritize project intersections may include vehicular approach volumes,accident analysis, transportation general fund. signal-warrant analysis,and pedestrian volume. . (Funded: 11,822,882 Unfunded: 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program _ ITEM Programmed Spent In 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 358,000 94,000 264,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 1,282,882 22,882 180,000 1,080,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 Construction Services 182,000 26,000 156,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 26,000 Post Construction Services _ TOTAL EXPENSES 1,822,882 22,882 300,000 1,500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 1,772,882 22,882 250,000 1,500,000 _ 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,00C Proposed Fund Balance 50,000 50,000 Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand ^^n Other In-Hand Y J Other In-Hand , .. Undetermined ys TOTAL SOURCES 1,822,882 __ y22,882 300,000 1,500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,00V 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 0 Page 5-26 TIP NO. 26 - TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM Traffic Safety Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 122115 Community Planning Area: Citywide TIP No. 26 CONTACT: Eric Cutshall 425.430.7423 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This ongoing yearly program provides funding for special small-scale traffic safety improvements that are This program installs traffic signal uninterruptable power supply/battery backup systems identified and require materials,labor or equipment beyond the normal scope of City maintenance activities.This (UPS/BBS)at critical intersections,pending sufficient funding. program includes providing materials for railroad crossing upgrades and converting school zone signs to electronic operation. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Historically,this level of traffic safety improvements are required on an annual basis. This program budgets for safety projects to address these needs. Projects are typically identified through citizen concerns,analysis of accident records or observation by City Traffic Operations and Maintenance personnel. The Traffic Operations Section identifies and prioritizes locations. (Funded: 1772,801 (Unfunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 • 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 118,000 4,000 114,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 581,685 300,685 53,000 228,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 Construction Services 73,116 47,116 8,000 18,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 772,801 347,801 65,000 360,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 410,000 40,000 40,000 330,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,00 Proposed Fund Balance 67,801 42,801 25,000 Grants In-Hand(WSDOT/Safety) 265,000 265,000 Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand(fee-in-lieu) 30,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,01111 YJ Other In-Hand(1) ,^1 Other In-Hand(2) Undetermined 9 TOTAL SOURCES 772,801 347,801 65,000 360,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,00 Lill 4t CO City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-27 `; TIP NO. 27 - PRESERVATION OF TRAFFIC OPERATION DEVICES PROGRAM Preservation of Traffic Operation Devices Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: 122904 Community Planning Area: Citywide TIP No. 27 CONTACT: Eric Cutshall 425.430.7423 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Replace failed or failing traffic signal vehicle detection loops and video detection. This program also provides for Ongoing yearly program.Replacement of traffic signal detection loops,video detection camera, the replacement and/or relocation of signs that are obsolete,faded,poorly located or no longer appropriate,and traffic signs,traffic signal,street lighting poles and pavement markings is dependent upon yearly replacement of damaged luminaire and signal poles.These poles have been damaged in unknown incidents inspections. where reimbursement through normal channels is impossible. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Most of Renton's signals require extensive vehicle detection systems to provide traffic count data needed for the intersection controllers and TACTIS signal coordination system to operate effectively. Pavement deterioriation due to heavy traffic volumes,trucks,and adverse weather has increased the need for detection loop replacement. 'Funded: 1495,265 (Unfunded: 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 30,000 30,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 465,265 31,265 62,000 372,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 Construction Services Post Construction Services _ _ _ TOTAL EXPENSES 495,265 31,265 92,000 372,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax _ Business&Occupation Share 465,265 31,265 62,000 372,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,00( Proposed Fund Balance 30,000 30,000 Grants In-Hand(1) _ Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand Other In-Hand(1) _ Other In-Hand(2) Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 495,265 31,265 92,000 372,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,0 m it City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 0 Page 5-28 `. TIP NO. 28 - INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS (ITS) PROGRAM ,' Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITS) Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 122162 Community Planning Area: N/A TIP No. 28 CONTACT: Chris Barnes 425.430.7220 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Provides for improvements to the operational efficiency of the roadway system,including development and Upgrading of all signal controllers to be compatible with the new central system has been implementation of signal coordination programs,signing and channelization improvements,surveillance control completed.This program is updating fiber communications. and driver information system(SC&DI),transit signal priority,Intelligent Traffic Systems(ITS)Master Plan and signal improvements such as protective/permissive phasing. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Improving the capacity and efficiency of the existing roadway system is a very cost effective element of the transportation program. (Funded: 1240,924 'Unfunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 50,000 20,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 155,924 15,924 20,000 120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Construction Services 35,000 5,000 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Post Construction Services/Other TOTAL EXPENSES 240,924 15,924 45,000 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 225,924 15,924 30,000 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,001' Proposed Fund Balance 15,000 15,000 Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) , Mitigation In-Hand It Other In-Hand(1) 0 Other In-Hand(2) rel._ iic Undetermined O TOTAL SOURCES 240,924 15,924 45,000 180,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,00b m 4t 00 City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-29 `. TIP NO. 29 - BARRIER-FREE TRANSITION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Barrier-Free Transition Plan Implementation Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: 122705 Community Planning Area: Citywide TIP No. 29 CONTACT: Dan Hasty 425.430.7217 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program implements projects that support the City's effort to transition pedestrian facilities within the right- A project list will be developed based upon sites identified in the Transition Plan section of the of-way into conformity with provisions contained in the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)Guidelines. This City of Renton Comprehensive Citywide Sidewalk Study.The ADA Transition Plan has been program provides funding for designing and building features on an"as needed"basis in response to individual adopted on May 18 2015. requests to improve access for individuals with special needs. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: . A programatic approach is required to ensure compliance with federal law. I Funded:1 271,2351 Unfunded:1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: • Planning 33,000 5,000 28,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Preliminary Engineering 235 235 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 218,000 52,000 166,000 22,000 22,000 25,000 32,000 32,000 33,000 Construction Services 20,000 3,000 17,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 271,235 235 60,000 211,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 41,000 SOURCES OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 241,235 235 30,000 211,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 41,00C Proposed Fund Balance 30,000 30,000 Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(1) Mitigation In-Hand /l Other In-Hand(1) Other In-Hand(2) , 1 Undetermined Q TOTAL SOURCES 271,235 235 60,000 211,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 40,000 41,00 LI City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-30 �: TIP. NO 30 - PROJECT DEVELOPMENT and PRE-DESIGN PROGRAM Project Development&Pre-Design Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 122150 Community Planning Area: N/A TIP No. 30 CONTACT: Jim Seitz 425.430.7245 DESCRIPTION: I STATUS: Perform critical activities needed for the development of future CIP projects and for grant applications,including Ongoing yearly program.This program includes small studies funding and funds required to match scoping,cost estimates,pre-design,interlocal agreements and deficiency analysis. Also provides for the new grants. monitoring of active grant projects for compliance with State and Federal laws,regulations and specifications. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: . Analyses of existing and projected transportation operation problems,infrastructure maintenance needs,local Funding to this planning program has been reduced to cover its internal staff costs. and regional mobility goals and revenues/costs are vital to the development of transportation projects that will best serve the needs of Renton and compete well for grants. Also,to maintain eligibility for grant funding,the City must assure that project specifications and management comply with current State and Federal standards. (Funded: 1939,469 (Unfunded: 1 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 769,469 54,469 175,000 540,000 95,000 85,000 85,000 90,000 90,000 95,000 Preliminary Engineering 170,000 170,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,0.00 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Construction Services Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 939,469 54,469 175,000 710,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 120,000 120,000 125,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 879,469 54,469 115,000 710,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 120,000 120,000 125,001 Proposed Fund Balance 60,000 60,000 Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand )121 Other In-Hand 1 Other In-Hand(2) �j, ` # Undetermined #1:, TOTAL SOURCES, 939,469 54,469 175,000 710,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 120,000 120,000 125,00d114 m It City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program Page 5-31 `. TIP NO. 31 - ARTERIAL CIRCULATION PROGRAM Arterial Circulation Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: 120029 Community Planning Area: N/A TIP No. 31 CONTACT: Jim Seitz 425.430.7247 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This program provides for the short and long-range planning and traffic analyses required to evaluate and update This project will fund the ongoing planning work which will lead to refinement and/or adjustment proposed transportation improvements projects, to assess the impacts of new development proposals,and to of the of improvement projects on the arterial network identified in the Transportation Element. recommend local and regional transportation system improvements for all modes of travel. Funding for hardware,software and employee hours required to operate the computer model is also included under this program. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Combined State and Federal Clean Air legislation,the Growth Management Act,and the increasing importance of making sure that local and regional transportation plans are coordinated to the benefit of Renton make ongoing multi-modal planning a high priority need.This program will also provide coordination with the 1-405 project team,to assure it provides the maximum benefits and minimum problems for Renton's transportation system. (Funded: 11,188,788 'Unfunded: Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent In 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning . 1,188,788 148,788 155,000 885,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Preliminary Engineering R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Construction Services Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 1,188,788 148,788 155,000 885,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: _ Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 1,160,000 130,000 145,000 885,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,00C Proposed Fund Balance 28,788 18,788 10,000 Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand 3:11 ( Other In-Hand(1) 1' Other In-Hand(2) Undetermined 0 TOTAL SOURCES 1,188,788 148,788 155,000 885,000 145,000 145,000 145,000 150,000 150,000 150,0 m It City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 0 Page 5-32 `. TIP NO. 32 - 1% FOR THE ARTS PROGRAM 1%for the Arts Program Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:N/A Proj: 122112 Community Planning Area: N/A TIP No. 32 CONTACT: Juliana Fries 425.430.7232 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Funding is tied to the calculated share of eligible types of transportation projects and transportation funding Program is now based on actual design and construction costs.$11,151 was transferred in 2013 subject to the City's 1%for the Arts Program. All gateway project proposals under this program are subject to for 2012 capital expenditures.$10,454 was transferred in 2014 for 2013 capital expenditures. approval of the Arts Commission. $9,344 was transferred in 2015 for 2014 capital expenditures. • JUSTIFICATION: This program transfers funds to Fund 125,which is being managed by the Department of Community and CHANGES: Economic Development. (Funded: (114,344 'Unfunded: Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent in 2015 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 114,344 9,344 15,000 90,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Preliminary Engineering R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Construction Services Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 114,344 9,344 15,000 90,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax . Business&Occupation Share 114,344 9,344 15,000 90,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,001 , Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) 101 Mitigation In-Hand C) Other In-Hand(1) Other In-Hand(2) IC ID UndeterminedINI TOTAL SOURCES 114,344 9,344 15,000 90,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,00,11, m R 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 90 Page 5-33 TIP NO. 33 - LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD NORTH (PARK AVENUE NORTH to GENE COULON MEMORIAL PARK) Lake Washington Blvd N-Park Ave N to Gene Coulon Memorial Park Functional Classification:Collector Fund: 317 Proj.Length: N/A Proj: 122121 Community Planning Area: City Center TIP No. 33 __ CONTACT:_ James wilhoit_ 425.430.7319 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project includes road widening,traffic signals,railroad crossings,drainage,curb,gutter,sidewalks and Project received a Railroad Crossing Safety grant in 2001 for the signal and gates on Lake bicycle lanes. Developer to design and construct improvements,and get credit toward mitigation Washington Blvd. Railroad grade crossing construction complete except for signal start-up contribution. The developer is completing the project in 3 phases. requirements. Waiting for developer to continue their construction. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: This project will serve the development and access needs to Coulon Park and the Southport Development. The costs shown below are for the estimated mitigation credit,per agreement with the developer. Agreement with developer to credit traffic mitigation towards the costs of certain improvements. Project awaiting developer's schedule to continue construction.This project will be funded by the development of Southport. (Funded: 12,443,477_ (Unfunded: I _ Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 14,899 14,899 Preliminary Engineering 28,460 28,460 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 1,973,821 373,821 1,600,000 800,000 800,000 Construction Services 410,363 10,363 400,000 200,000 200,000 Post Construction Services 15,934 15,934 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,443,477 443,477 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax 2,807 2,807 Business&Occupation Share 2,734 2,734 Proposed Fund Balance 8,828 8,828 Grants In-Hand(1) 149,501 149,501 Grants In-Hand(2) ,Mitigation In-Hand 258,353 258,353 Other(Developer Expenditure) 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 l Other(Developer Reimb) 21,253 21,253 Undetermined O TOTAL SOURCES 2,443,477 443,477 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 m it City of Renton I 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program 00 Page 5-34 16.: TIP NO. 34 - LIND AVENUE SW (SW 16th STREET to SW 43rd STREET) Lind Ave SW-SW 16th St to SW 43rd St Functional Classification:Minor Arterial Fund: 317 Proj.Length:1.69 miles Proj: 120024 Community Planning Area: Valley TIP No. 34 CONTACT: Bob Mahn 425.430.7322 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: Widen existing roadway to five lanes where required. Includes new roadway,curbs,sidewalks,drainage,signals, The needs,priorities and schedules for improvements on Lind Ave SW will be determined through lighting,signing and channelization. Arterial Circulation studies. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Increasing traffic demands in the Valley due in part to development will create the need for increasing the capacity of this major north/south arterial. A potential project is a signal installation at the intersection at Lind Ave SW and SW 34th St(currently unsignalized). Additionally,improvements may result from future WSDOT I- 405 plans which include an interchange at Lind Ave SW(currently unfunded). • runded: I (Unfunded: (4,400,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 650,000 650,000 400,000 250,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction 3,200,000 3,200,000 1,200,000 2,000,000 Construction Services 550,000 550,000 200,000 350,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 4,400,000 4,400,000 400,000 1,650,000 2,350,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share Proposed Fund Balance _ Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand Other In-Hand(1) Other In-Hand(2) Undetermined 4,400,000 4,400,000 400,000 1,650,000 2,350,00 TOTAL SOURCES 4,400,000 4,400,000 400,000 1,650,000 2,350,00 City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program .90 Page 5-35 `. TIP NO. 35 - SUNSET LANE/NE 10th STREET ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Sunset Lane/NE 10th St Roadway Improvements Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: Proj: 122122 Community Planning Area: Highlands TIP No. 35 CONTACT: Keith Woolley 425.430.7318 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This project will reconstruct Sunset Lane to accomodate a 2 lane roadway with on-street parallel and angle This project was one of the multi-modal improvements identified in the Sunset Area Green parking.The project will also extend NE 10th St(Harrington Ave NE to Glenwood Ave NE).Includes roadway Connection(TIP#13).This project was separated from the Sunset Area Green Connection as pavement,curbs,sidewalks,landscape buffer,ADA improvements,drainage,lighting,signing and channelization. funding for design and construction has been indetified. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The improvements are key to support the redevelopment of the Sunset Area Community in the Highlands area. The City is in partnership with the Renton Housing Authority to redevelop the Sunset Terrace public housing community.The goal is to encourage private development and support the new public library and the Sunset Neighborhood Park as proposed in the Planned Action Study area. • (Funded: 14,710,000 'Unfunded: Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 523,355 406,307 117,048 R-O-W(includes Admin) 932 932 Construction 3,402,654 3,402,654 Construction Services 783,059 783,059 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 4,710,000 407,238 4,302,761 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share Proposed Fund Balance Grants In-Hand(1) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand ):11 Other In-Hand(General Fund transfer; 4,510,000 800,000 3,710,000 Other In-Hand(2) 200,000 200,000 ,+1 !' Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 4,710,000 800,000 3,910,000 m City of Renton I 2017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program .90 Page 5-36 `. TIP NO. 36 - NE 31st STREET BRIDGE REPLACEMENT NE 31st St Bridge Replacement Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: Proj: 122605 Community Planning Area: Kennydale TIP No. 36 CONTACT: Derek Akesson 425.430.7337 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: The NE 31st Street Bridge(aka May Creek Bridge)was built by King County in 1950.The area was annexed into A grant in the amount of$1,222,095 from the 2014 Bridge Federal Funding was awarded for this the City in 1960.This project will replace the existing bridge,whic is structurally deficient with a sufficiency rating project in 2014.A 20%match is required for preliminary engineering and right-of-way.Projects of 27.Per WSDOT standards,structurally deficient bridges with sufficiency rating below 40 are recommended that obtain construction authorization by September 2018 are eligible for a lower local match of replacement. 13.5%for the construction phase(otherwise,the local match is 20%for the construction phase). JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The NE 31st St serves as the only public access to several homes.The existing bridge is built on timber piles. Two Design is underway. of the piles have been red tagged due to advance rot near the groundline.Temporary shoring has been installed at the central pier to support the load capacity of the bridge(without the temporary supports the bridge may require closure).However the temporary supports are not scour resistant(with high creek flows they could wash out). (Funded: 11,509,408 (Unfunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 519,651 34,971 414,680 70,000 70,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) 40,000 40,000 Construction 749,757 749,757 749,757 Construction Services 200,000 200,000 200,000 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 1,509,408 34,971 454,680 1,019,757 1,019,757 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 149,481 6,994 142,487 142,487 Proposed Fund Balance 142,832 142,832 Grants In-Hand(Bridge) 1,222,095 27,977 316,848 877,270 877,270 Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand WSDOT State(deducted from gran -5,000 -5,000 C) Other In-Hand(1) - C) Other Other In-Hand(2) 1 Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 1,509,408 34,971 454,680 1,019,757 1,019,757 m 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program �0 Page 5-37 `. TIP NO. 37 - NORTH 27th PLACE CULVERT SCOUR REPAIR N 27th PI Culvert Scour Repair Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length: Proj: 122607 Community Planning Area: Kennydale TIP No. 37 CONTACT: DerekAkesson 425.430.7337 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: . As part of the Clover Creek development,a new street was constructed over Kennydale Creek.This project will A grant in the amount of$481,474 from the 2014 Bridge Federal Funding was awarded for this provide scour mitigation for the N 27th PI Culvert.This bridge is 20-foot long and is located on a residential street. project.A 10%match is required for preliminary engineering and right-of-way.No match is The mitigation consists of placement of concrete under the exposed footing,placement of streambed sediment required for construction if authorization is obtained by Sep 2018. and cobbles to armor the channel. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: The stream has scoured down to below one of the spread footings.A load rating and scour plan of action have Design underway. recently been done for this structure. (Funded: 1508,411 (Unfunded: I Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning Preliminary Engineering 100,937 4,1.57 96,780 _ R-O-W(includes Admin) 25,000 25,000 Construction 270,000 243,000 27,000 27,000 Construction Services 112,474 101,220 11,254 11,254 Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 508,411 4,157 466,000 38,254 38,254 SOURCE OF FUNDS: - 1 Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share 416 416 Proposed Fund Balance 31,521 31,521 Grants In-Hand(Bridge) 481,474 3,741 439,479 38,254 38,254 Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand WSDOT State(deducted from gran -5,000 -5,000 Other In Hand(1) ri Other In-Hand(2) 2 Undetermined TOTAL SOURCES 508,411 4,157 466,000 38,254 38,2541 m 3 City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program o0 Page 5-38 . TIP NO. 38 - RAINIER AVENUE NORTH CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTS (PHASE 5) Rainier Ave N Corridor Improvements-Phase 5 Functional Classification:N/A Fund: 317 Proj.Length:0.76 mi Proj: Community Planning Area: TIP No. 38 CONTACT: Jim Seitz 425.430.7245 DESCRIPTION: STATUS: This is Phase 5 of the Rainier Ave Corridor Improvements,and will extend the improvements from NW 3rd PI to Funds shown in 2020 are for planning to determine the roadway cross section.Project cost north City limits.Project elements include sidewalks widening with streetscaping, adding pedestrian-scale estimated at$31.5M and is unfunded.Costs beyond 2022 not shown. illumination and planted buffer strips.The street may be narrowed from 5 to 3 lanes where feasible.On the east side of Rainier Ave the new multi-use trail will be installed(Lake Washington Loop Trail),as shown on TIP 18. JUSTIFICATION: CHANGES: Rainier Ave is a critical corridor in Renton with existing operational problems and in need of infrastructure New project. enhancements to provide greater ease for non-motorized and transit-based travel. Funded: I )Unfunded: '4,500,000 Project Totals Programmed Pre-2017 Six-Year Program ITEM Programmed Spent Pre-2016 2016 Total 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 EXPENSES: Planning 100,000 100,000 100,000 Preliminary Engineering 4,400,000_ 4,400,000 4,400,000 R-O-W(includes Admin) Construction Construction Services Post Construction Services TOTAL EXPENSES 4,500,000_ 4,500,000 100,000 4,400,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Vehicle Fuel Tax Business&Occupation Share _ Proposed Fund Balance � Grants In-Hand(Bridge) Grants In-Hand(2) Mitigation In-Hand ^� Other In-Hand(City Funds) Other In-Hand(2) ,^�1 Undetermined - 4,500,000 4,500,000 100,000 4,400,008.► TOTAL SOURCES 4,500,000 4,500,000 100,000 4,400,00 4t City of Renton 12017-2022 Transportation Improvement Program c0 Page 5-39 `. AGENDA ITEM #8.j) , 'ti `r�wfi �k. � � ' 441 CI T„„Yqq�O, RgNTON 201 2022 TRANSPORTATION1MPROVVEMENTTPROGRANt �!rs�C'W[3'', b. "a^."�M„e'.£' "z .t�".e `�i".' '"q .M ,r .w-....> :c !.::ffi..,v..an,. �'a4c ';..: '�` 'as ;"<:`` Y .. Xc v..c" .: .#�ta''�+' .'�, • "°,v" SECTION SIX-APPENDIX ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS PAGE 6-1 RESOLUTION TO ADOPT SIX-YEAR 2017-2022 TIP PAGE 6-3 SECTION SIX-APPENDIX � PAG 6° AGENDA ITEM #8.j) . . , . @WCF RENTON g aio=2022 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The following list defines the abbreviated words and/or acronyms used in the City of Renton's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program. Ast Concte Pavrif phalreerrie _ . __. ADA American Disability Act LBAT '' Business Access Transit BNSF Burlington Northern Santa Fe BRAC . - ;Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee — , CBD — Central Business District , LCIP - --,,,LL Capital IMprovement Program - .- ", - 1 CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality 1 CTR [ - Commute Trip Reduction1State Act) '' - - ; ' - : - 1 DOE Department of Ecology FEB - ' ; Eastbound ECL East City Limits r7----• ' — ' ' ' --: ' I Impact" Study -.7 --7 c.IS Envirpnmenja ER Emergency Relief L , 1 FHWA Feder=al-Highway Admitfistratiort FMSIB Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board L1---- - „ c's ' : GpOgraphid Information System _ : ' :!, , - -, - : j GMA Growth Management Act [Hpv, L : - -.High Occupancy Vehicle§ ' ..„,- ,.„.: - 1 -1-_,,,,,- ITS Intelligent Transportation System LLF - L... .:°, LinearFeet -: ,`, _-, ' .: ;,'-: : '" - - ' ,.', •:- -. - , - -,- , -- - L.,,L,j LID Local Improvement District r ------- LLOS - : Level of SerVice, MAP-21 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 215t Century Act L_FMETRO , -. L __ Muiinpality of MetropolItan Seattle ______ - _ MOU Memorandum of Understanding 1 MUTCD --': , - Manual,on Uniform fiTaffiC Control Devices ' :_, ,'. - ' ' • '. -' r - -- " 1 f,..- --, , NCL North City Limits --, rNB ' ' -.-'-'-„'?'','Northbound , ,, -,.-: . , : ,L,L ., , :-,,- - - ', , . . . :, ,,,„- l': - - ,, ,Li PMS Pavement Management System ,.......- 1i. Precon _ reconstruction Engineering/Administration (design phase of project) ........_.- ............„. PS&E Plans, Specifications, and Estimates _OW Rigof-of-way , 1 SECTION SIX-ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS PAGE(54, AGENDA ITEM #8.j) @Iwo RENTON ,V=2O2r2 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RTA Regional Transit Authority SB Southbound_ SCATBd South County Area Transportation Board p SCL South City Limits SOV _Single Occupant Vehicle LST ___M_. Sound Transit�� STP Surface Transportation Program TDM Transportation Demand Mafiagement Program TIB Transportation Improvement Board f TIP Transportation Improvement Plan UPRR Union Pacific Railroad Uninterruptible Power Supple- WB Westbound WCL West City Limits ti WSBIS Washington State Bridge Inventory System WSDOT" Washington State Department of Transportation SECTION SIX—ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ° AGENDA ITEM #8.j) ftf1-_,RENTON 2017-2022,TRANSPO'TATIONiMPROVEMENTPROGRAM 0 . " RESOLUTION TO ADOPT SIX-YEAR 2017-2022 TIP (PLACE HOLDER) , •„ „r \ N I 6 • • „ • \ • • „ 1, 6 ‘A j \ SAA A \A SECTION SIX-RESOLUTION TO ADOPT SIX-YEAR 2017-2022 TIP PAGE(3=g1 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL DECITY OF RENTON Linda M Mills,being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal NOTICE OF Advertising Representative of the PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of September, Renton Reporter 2016,at 7:00 p.m.as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months 98057,to consider the following: g l Six-Year Transportation prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in Improvement Plan- the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King 2017-2022 TIP All interested parties are invited County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as to attend the public hearing and a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Written Washington for King County. comments submitted to the City The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on the day of of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was the hearing will be entered into the public hearing record. regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. Renton City Hall is in compli- The annexed notice, a: ance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive Public Notice services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call (425) 430-6510 for additional information. was published on August 26, 2016. DepntSeth City Clerk Published in the Renton Reporte- ron August 26,2016.#1679015. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of$82.63. '-/W- -"Mi‘? G W/6. Linda Mills ®® �-E �/ � �?.•yS��N 4.2.• ®a Legal Advertising Representative,Renton Reporter ° Subscribed and sworn to me this 26th day of August, 2016. ® SNC GARY s a Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington,Residing 22.,'". .° ....................... Puyallup,Washington '®0°°OF IW P ,�`, CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of September, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98057, to consider the following: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan - 2017-2022 TIP All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Written comments submitted to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the hearing will be entered into the public hearing record. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call (425) 430- 6510 for additional information. / Jason Seth Deputy City Clerk Published: Renton Reporter August 26, 2016 , Account No. 50640