HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 Correspondence OF R�� kv O THE CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING 200 MILL AVE. SO. RENTON, WASH. 98055 o BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH. MAYOR • MAXINE E.MOTOR, -1)O (t. CLERK • (206) 235-2500 9�TED SEP -MOS June 29., 1983 Washington State Highway Commission Department of Highways Highway Administration Building Olympia, WA 98594 Attention:. Mr. G. H. Andrews, Director of Highways Subject: City of Renton - Resolution No. 2516 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1984-1989 Dear Mr. Andrews, Pursuant to requirements of Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, we file herewith two certified copies of City of Renton Resolution No. 2516 as above-referenced. Yours very truly, . CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor City Clerk . MEM:db Enclosures cc: Traffic Engineer July 22, 1983 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1984 - 1989) Copies sent to: (78) State Dept. of Transportation (2 copies) (w/Adj . Agency Cert.) City of Kent City of Tukwila King County King County Planning (B'Young Ahn) City of Bellevue City of Seattle (2 copies) City of Issaquah Puget Power (2 copies) Pacific Northwest Bell Washington Natural Gas Group W Cable, Inc. Burlington Northern Chamber of Commerce METRO PSCOG Mayor and Countil Members (.9 copies) City Clerk (25 copies + 2 copies to send to Wash. Hwy. Comm.) Engineering Design & Utility (5 copies) Street Division (1) Water Shop (1) Public Works Director (1) Policy Development Dept. (1) Vince Lee (1) City Attorney (1) Traffic Engineering (Gary, Paul , Clint + 8) Building & Zoning Dept. (1) 6 r, , ., . , Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. • Cindy Strupp being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that she is the chief clerk of . THE DAILY RECORD CHRONICLE,a newspaper published six(6)times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, . - - printed and published in the English language continually as a newspaper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington,and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Daily Record cP REar , Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior If OTICE OF Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON Council Hearing { CITY COUNCIL l Washington.That the annexed is a f NOTICE IS HEREBY GI- VEN•that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of June, 1983, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chamb- ' prspal as it was published in regular issues(and Building,ofthe Renton Mill venue g � 200 Avenue not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period South,Renton,Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider of one consecutive issues,commencing on the the following: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Up- 6th day of &Tune ,19 83 ,and ending the date 1984-1989—Consider the City's Street and Arterial , System•within the City limits • concerning construction,- day of ,19 ,both dates i maintenance and general ', inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- improvement. scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee Any and all interested per- sons are invited to be pre- sent to voice approval, dis • - charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $.14.'1.4.Pwhich approval or opinions on has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the I same. first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent ( • City of Renton insertion. Maxine E.Motor City Clerk -.,J-`^ L- Published in the Daily Re- cord. Chronicle June ,10,. 1983.R8597 •- • it . `- - - Chief Clerk ' : � :..°,g 1 _ . • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of June ,19..8.3. tie / rid .•-• 7 Notary Public in a /or the State of Washington, residing at 1#'gv King County. Federal Way —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. VN#87 Revised 5/82 Renton City Council June 27, 1983 Page Five CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Shinpoch announced a request that both of the above items continued be referred to Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, ITEMS 7.a. and 7.b. UNDER CORRESPONDENCE BE REFERRED TO COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chairman Reed presented a report Community Services recommending referral of the franchise transfer between Group W Committee Cable and Clearview Cable TV to the City Attorney and Ways and Group W and Means Committee to incorporate into Resolution No. 2497 the Clearview TV appropriate language to assure the consolidation of Group W and Cable Transfer Clearview Cable TV. MOVEDBY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Budget Workshops Councilman Stredicke congratulated Mayor Shinpoch, Finance Director Michael Mulcahy, and Administrative Assistant Michael Parness for beneficial budget workshops held recently at the Renton Sheraton Inn. Councilman Stredicke indicated it was the first time in 14 years Council has been so thoroughly informed and involved in the budget process at such an early date. Mayor Shinpoch expressed sincere appreciation for the commendation and gave credit to Policy Development Director David Clemens for his. graphics contribution. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final readings: Ordinance #3733 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Section 4-2204 of Fire Lanes Title IV (Building Regulations) relating to fire lanes. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Reimbursement Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report for Publication recommending the following ordinance for first reading, Costs preceded by a motion: MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, THE CITY SEEK REIMBURSEMENT BY THE BONDING COUNSEL FOR ADDITIONAL PUBLICATION COSTS OF THE LIMITED AND UNLIMITED G.O. REFUNDING BONDS. CARRIED. Unlimited Tax An ordinance was read relating to $7,140,000 principal amount G.O. Refunding of "Unlimited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1983" Bonds, 1983 and amending Ordinance No. 3729 passed by the City Council on June 13, 1983. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Ordinance #3734 An ordinance was read relating to $7, 140,000 principal amount Unlimited Tax of "Unlimited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1983" G.O. Refunding and amending Ordinance No. 3729 passed by the City Council on Bonds, 1983 June 13, 1983. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Limited Tax An ordinance was read relating to $2,655,000 principal amount G.O. Refunding of "Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1983" and Bonds, 1983 amending Ordinance No. 3728 passed by the City Council on June 13, 1983. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Ordinance #3735 An ordinance was read relating to $2,655,000 principal amount Limited Tax of "Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds, 1983" and G.O. Refunding amending Ordinance No. 3728 passed by the City Council on Bods, 1983 June 13, 1983. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report recommending the following resolution for reading and adoption: . Resolution .#251E A resolution was read updating the city's Six Year Transportation Six Year Trans- Improvement Program, 1984-1989. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY portat-on Program HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 1984-19 9 WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 27, 1983 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for second and final reading: Amending a Portion of Building Regulations Relating to Fire Lanes The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinances for first reading and further requests suspension of the rules advancing them to second and final reading: Unlimited Tax G. 0. Refunding Bonds Limited Tax G. 0. Refunding Bonds The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolution for reading and adoption: Six Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1984-1989 APPOINTMENT The Ways and Means Committee recommends concurrence ip the Mayor's appointment of Ms. Kathleen Crow to the Planning Commission for a three-year term effective to June 30, 1986. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS The Ways and Means Committee recommends approval of Vouchers No. 51606 through - No. 51850 in the amount of $659,676.73. 14 oil Ear C - Chairman, Agirr Richard StFe. icke Rof;%er u9hes • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 20, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. PRESS - Deeann Glamser, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Shinpoch presented an award to Ben J. Richardson, in grateful PRESENTATION recognition of his service to the community as a member and Ben J. Chairman of the Police Civil- Service Commission from October, 1976 Richardson - to May, 1983; and former City Council member. Mr. Richardson Civil Service expressed his sincere appreciation for the award. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six-Year, ,published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing rT—ns tation_ 'to consider the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1984- Improvement, 1989; copies of the current program and last year ' s program for ro rgrg am purposes of comparison were distributed in advance of the hearing. 1984-1989 Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton indicated items may not necessarily be listed in order or priority as projects are scheduled as funding becomes available or in coordination with other projects in a general area. Items one through four were described: 1) Grady Way Bridge replacement, anticipated for bid in August, 1983; 2) Renton Area Transportation Study, $30,000 allotted for Phase I in 1983; 3) Wells Avenue Bridge replacement, public hearing scheduled on June 27, 1983; 4) Garden Avenue N. , N. 4th to N. 8th Street, scheduled for public hearing on July 11 , 1983. Attention was drawn to Items 18 and 19, Oaksdale Avenue projects, in ' accordance with approved grid systems although several name changes have occurred in the past. Continued Responding to Councilman Reed' s inquiries, Mr. Houghton explained approval process for Wells Street Bridge project, noting state funds 'are earmarked but reapplication to the state will be required; advised gas tax project priorities 2, 3 and 4 are located in the Maplewood homes plat and number of paving miles and residences served by the roadway would require research; and indicated large ; projects may use up all available funds from one year to the next and delay improvement of smaller neighborhood roads. As funding becomes available for specific projects, City Council approval of revisions to the plan may be necessary during the current year. Continued ' Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Avenue N.E. , inquired regarding overlay project on Aberdeen and NE 16th scheduled in 1983 program. Mr. : Houghton advised the project will be accomplished this year although bids have not yet been advertised. Responding to Councilman Reed' s inquiry regarding phasing and funding of the Renton Area Transportation Study, priority 2, Houghton indicated availability of Phase I funding, but specifics of Phase II , to be coordinated with City of Kent, are yet unknown. Councilman P Stredicke noted improvement of Monroe Avenue N.E. , one of only two major cross streets in. the Renton Highlands, has been moved back to item 15 this year, and it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, MONROE AVENUE N.E. BE INSERTED AS NUMBER 10 IN THE PROGRAM, WITH OTHER ITEMS MOVED BACK ACCORDINGLY. CARRIED. (See revised program attached.) Renton City Council June 20, 1983 Page Two PUBLIC HEARING Discussion was held regarding revision to Lind Avenue S.W. required Six-Year to accommodate state highway project for installation of High Transportation Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane and correction of safety problem Improvement caused by cross-weaving of vehicles exiting and entering 1-405. Program 1984- Funding for the proposal , which proposes four lanes with sidewalks 1989 (cont. ) on both sides, is currently being sought through EDA fund applications, and it appears the project ranks high in priority. Councilman Stredicke indicated his opinion that due to timing of state project, priority item 25, Sunset Boulevard NE, 1-405 to NE Park Drive, will be one of the first to be accomplished. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM AS AMENDED AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. Councilman Reed asked if improvements required by priority 5 would be funded by property owners who have signed restrictive covenants agreeing to participate in an LID. (SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. ). Mr. Houghton indicated formation of an LID in the near future with application for UAB funds also planned for the project. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Planning Executive Department appointed Ms. Kathleen B. Crow, 408 Chelan Commission Avenue SE, Renton, to the Planning Commission for three-year Appointment term effective to June 30, 1986. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for Resolution. Fund Transfer Finance Department requested resolution to transfer monies from for Police Contingency Fund to Police Department budget to provide for Arbitration adjustments necessary as result of Police arbitration award. (See later action.) Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 1983 Population City Clerk provided 1983 population estimate from Washington Estimate State Office of• Financial Management for cities, towns and counties in Washington; Renton - 32,700 (formerly 33, 100) . Info. Springbrook/ Policy Development Department proposed Springbrook/Alberthal Alberthal Annexation for 2.7 acre site located along the east side of Annexation Talbot Road South adjacent to Springbrook Watershed to ensure protection of city water supply and key transmission main. Set public hearing for July 11 , 1983. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Paul A. Friedrich, Assistant Administrator of Valley General Long Range Hospital , provided the hospital 's updated progress report on Planning its long range planning process. Numerous meetings with various Process Update - hospital representatives, elected officials and consumers were Valley General held from March through June, this year, and a 60 member Consumer Hospital Advisory Council formed. The following alternatives for hospital service to the community are currently being reviewed: 1 ) traditional hospital ; 2) community medical center; 3) regional referral hospital such as Harborview; or 4) combination of alternatives. First draft of the committee's recommendation will be publicly reviewed on July 7, 1983. Councilman Rockhill requested fiscal responsibility by hospital administrators in view of escalating medical costs and suggested referral to other facilities within limited distance for certain services. Councilman Hughes concurred, noting concern with charges being imposed following treatment and limited coverage to Medicare patients. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 5 Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final readings:, Ordinance #3732 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Minietta Rezone Anderson-Minietta property, located at 1123 Maple Avenue SW, from R-013-83 Residence District (R-1) to Business District (B-1) , File No. i Renton City Council June 20, 1983 Page Two PUBLIC HEARING Discussion was held regarding revision to Lind Avenue S.W. required Six-Year to accommodate state highway project for installation of High Transportation Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane and correction of safety problem Improvement caused by cross-weaving of vehicles exiting and entering 1-405. Program 1984- Funding for the proposal , which proposes four lanes with sidewalks 1989 (cont. ) on both sides, is_ currently being sought through EDA fund applications, and it appears the project ranks high in priority. Councilman Stredicke indicated his opinion that due to timing of state project, priority item 25, Sunset Boulevard NE, 1-405 to NE Park Drive, will be one of the first to be accomplished. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ROCKHILL, CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM AS AMENDED AND REFER THE MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR RESOLUTION. Councilman Reed asked if improvements required by priority 5 would be funded by property owners who have signed restrictive covenants agreeing to participate in an LID. (SW Grady Way, Lind • Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. ) . Mr. Houghton indicated formation of an LID in the near future with application for UAB funds also planned for the project. MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Planning Executive Department appointed Ms. Kathleen B. Crow, 408 Chelan Commission Avenue SE, Renton, to the Planning Commission for three-year Appointment term effective to June 30, 1986. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for Resolution. Fund Transfer Finance Department requested resolution to transfer monies from for Police Contingency Fund to Police Department budget to provide for Arbitration adjustments necessary as result of Police arbitration award. (See later action. ) Refer to Ways and Means Committee. 1983 Population City Clerk provided 1983 population estimate from Washington Estimate State Office of Financial Management for cities, towns and counties in Washington; Renton - 32,700 (formerly 33, 100) . Info. Springbrook/ Policy Development Department proposed Springbrook/Alberthal Alberthal Annexation for 2.7 acre site located along the east side of Annexation Talbot Road South adjacent to Springbrook Watershed to ensure protection of city water supply and key transmission main. Set public hearing for July 11 , 1983. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Paul A. Friedrich, Assistant Administrator of Valley General Long Range Hospital , provided the hospital 's updated progress report on Planning its long range planning process. Numerous meetings with various Process Update - hospital representatives, elected officials and consumers were Valley General . held from March through June, this year, and a 60 member Consumer Hospital Advisory Council formed. The following alternatives for hospital service to the community are currently being reviewed: 1) traditional hospital ; 2) community medical center; 3) regional referral hospital such as Harborview; 'or 4) combination of alternatives. First draft of the committee's recommendation will be publicly reviewed on. July 7, 1983. Councilman Rockhill requested fiscal responsibility byhospital administrators in view of escalating medical costs and suggested referral to other facilities within limited distance for certain services. Councilman Hughes concurred, noting concern with charges being imposed following treatment and limited coverage to Medicare patients. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final readings: Ordinance #3732 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Minietta Rezone Anderson-Minietta property, located at 1123 Maple Avenue SW, from R-013-83 Residence District (R-1) to Business District (B-1) , File No. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 20, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; LT. CLAUDE EVANS, Police Department. • PRESS Deeann Glamser, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Shinpoch presented an award to Ben J. Richardson, in grateful PRESENTATION recognition of his service to the community as a member and Ben J. Chairman of the Police Civil- Service Commission from October, 1976 Richardson - to May, 1983; and former City Council member. Mr. Richardson Civil Service expressed his sincere appreciation for the award. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and Six-Year published according to law, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public hearing Transportation to consider the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, 1984- Improvement 1989; copies of the current program and last year ' s program for Program purposes of comparison were distributed in advance of the hearing. 1984-1989 Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton indicated items may not necessarily be listed in order or priority as projects are scheduled as funding becomes available or in coordination with other projects in a general area. Items one through four were described: 1 ) Grady Way Bridge replacement, anticipated for bid in August, 1983; 2) Renton Area Transportation Study, $30,000 allotted for Phase I in 1983; 3) Wells Avenue Bridge replacement, public hearing scheduled on June 27, 1983; 4) Garden Avenue N. , N. 4th to N. 8th Street, scheduled for public hearing on July 11 , 1983. Attention was drawn to Items 18 and 19, Oaksdale Avenue projects, in accordance with approved grid systems although several name changes have occurred in the past. Continued Responding to Councilman Reed' s inquiries, Mr. Houghton explained approval process for Wells Street Bridge project, noting state funds are earmarked but reapplication to the state will be required; advised gas tax project priorities 2, 3 and 4 are located in the Maplewood homes plat and number of paving miles and residences served by the roadway would require research; and indicated large projects may use up all available funds from one year to the next and delay improvement of smaller neighborhood roads. As funding becomes available for specific projects, City Council approval of revisions to the plan may be necessary during the current year. Continued Joan Walker, 1433 Monterey Avenue N.E. , inquired regarding overlay project on Aberdeen and NE 16th scheduled in 1983 program. Mr. Houghton advised the project will be accomplished this year although bids have not yet been advertised. Responding to Councilman Reed' s inquiry regarding phasing and funding of the Renton Area Transportation Study, priority 2, Houghton indicated availability of Phase I funding, but specifics of Phase II , to be coordinated with City of Kent, are yet unknown. Councilman Stredicke noted improvement of Monroe Avenue N.E. , one of only two major cross streets in. the Renton Highlands, has been moved back to item 15 this year, and it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, MONROE AVENUE N.E. BE INSERTED AS NUMBER 10 IN THE PROGRAM, WITH OTHER ITEMS MOVED BACK ACCORDINGLY. CARRIED. (See revised program attached.) SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1984 - 1989 CITY PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Renton Area Transportation Study 3 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 4 Garden Ave. N, N 4th St. to N 8th St. 5 SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. 6 NE 3rd St./NE 4th St., Sunset Blvd. N to Union Ave. NE 7 Talbot Road S, S 16th St. to S 41st St. 8 N 1st St. , Park Ave. N to Burnett Ave. N 9 S 2nd St. & Burnett Ave. S Intersection 10 Rainier Ave. S, S Grady Way to Airport Way 11 SW Sunset Blvd., Rainier Ave. S to Stevens Ave. SW 12 Miscellaneous Street Improvements 13 Lind Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 14 Rainier Ave. S & S Grady Way Intersection 15 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 6th St. to NE 12th St. 16 SW 16th St., Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW THIRDYEAR PROJECTS 17 S 7th St., Rainier Ave. S to Smithers Ave. S 18 Oaksdale Ave. SW, SW Grady Way to I-405 19 Oaksdale Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW 34th St. FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 20 Oaksdale Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 21 Lake Washington Blvd. N, N Park Dr. to City Limits 22 SW 27th St., Oaksdale Ave. SW to West Valley Road 23 SE Puget Dr. , Jones Pl. SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 24 Monster Road SW - Alternate Access 25 Sunset Blvd. NE, I-405 to NE Park Dr. 26 Taylor Ave. NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 27 NE 12th St., Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 28 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 29 Edmonds Ave. Extension 30 N/NE 3rd St. - I-405 Undercrossing 31 Union Ave. SE, NE 4th St. to SE 4th St. 32 Miscellaneous Railroad Xing Improvement /MIMI) IT Rev. 6/16/83 I5lA(1_z .S_X --YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 8 4 .TO .19 89 Page 1 of 5 • — OBLIGATION PROGRAM -- igeoring pate 6/20/B3 . EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date __City/County .Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must .. . Re8o1utianNumber _.City.No. 13 o El o 3.G.. be on all cards punched from I • _ • County No. ©E1 z-a this dorm. a •;,, . -FIRi:E.CT=CO5T5'.11\ THOUSAND5- OF 'DOL .ARS -i a " • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .0ci,c s c OBLIGATION:I.-:S'CH'EDULE • FUNDING SOURCE o Tit Ie Route, Road 1:o No., Section No. o�. Tota( d a __Y_E.__ A R Z g ‘Z.3o Work FEDERAL -_ _T_OTAL Location Termini Deecri tion of Work, Length \ o -� > P o Code 1st . 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. -LOCAL . FUNDS y Beginning Milepost 6rid9e No. 'a o �M`1e51 -c '41'(Arintat et.G th AMOUNT PROGRAM . ate !3•Element) A. - ---3.:_ 4 .. .-. 5 0.7 8 .. - 5 -- - _: 10. . .. Ii: 12 i5 -: . 14.. 15 . . 16. I7.- . 35 36 . 87. 40 41 44 45 46 47 46 .. .- St 52=-_ 35 54 S9 GO 63 44 -._ .-61 C8 . . .11 12 75 76 '7980 IW_ G,R,A,D,YI IW,A,Y1 ,B, R, IID,G,E, ,R1E,PILIAIC,EIMIE,N 4P, A,B,D1H ,011,0 M1.1 X • 1913. 9.4, 2, 21744, 21217. 1 t i , 8121119, i I I ♦ '1 1 t 411111714, 1 1913k91 1 1. LForward Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Construction. Bridge' Thr. & Repl. Tukwila R,EINITI0INL ,A1 R, E,A, 1T, RI A,N, S,P10, R,T1 , S`T,U1D,Y 8 -U, , , , 4 , U 1 13, 0 , ,.3� 0 1 I I I I I Ili 't I I I I I I 16,0 1 , I 1610 . Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city.. (Phase II) , 3 . WIEILIL, SI ,AIV,EI 1-31RII, DIGIEI ,RIEIPILIAICIEIMIE,N 4�%/,A,B1F,G , £0,4 S U X 1101010 , 6_1810 I I I 1 I . 1 1131414 I I 1 1 1 1 131316 I 11161810_ H J L Bridge Replacement. G,A,R,D,E,N, 1A,V,E, 1-1 IN, , 4,T1H, ,TSO, ,N, , 8,T,H 2 WB1D1F1G 1 12,5 S U �• 3, 0, 0 I I , , I i , i I 1 , 1 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 131010, 1 1 13, 010. 4 . H J U.A.B. L.I.D. Drainage, paving, curb, sidewalks, illumination and possible channelization. SIW, ,GIR,A,DIY, , LII,N1D, ,T,01 IL,0,N1GIAIC,RIE,S1 2 AB,D,F,G , 47,0 _S U 1, 5, 0, 0 III III 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I •I 1,5,0,0 1 111510, - 5• Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L FAUS U.A.B. L.I.D. • channelization, P-1 BR. 56' roadway taper w/half to possible possible . 44' - design Honey NE 3RD NE 4 T H - SUN S E T - U N I O N 2 / BDFG 1 2 3 M U 2 8 0 2 5 2 2 8 2 8 0 6 . . Drainage, reconstruct eastbound traffic lanes, install H U.A.B. UAB w/ telemetry for water and sewer to City Shops. z Gas match help frbm King Co. T,A,L,B, O,T, , RID, ,S, ,1,6,T,H, 1T10, ,SI 1411,S,T, 2B,D,F,G 18,0 C U ; 1, 010 I I I I I 'I I I •I I I I I I i I 1910 I 1110 I I , 11010-. 7• Drainage, paving, shoulders, pre-level, channeliza- H J . Forward 50% • tion (joint with King County) . Thrust King YY//��ii possible Ni 1lLS, T1 , -, , P1 A,R,K, 1T,Oj ,B1UIR,NIE,TIT! I , 1 4MB,D,F,H 104312 C U , 1110i5 1 I I 11 1 11 I I I I I I I i I I 11LO15 11 11, 0, 5 8 . Reconstruction - new curbs, gutters, A.C. pavement, i Gas storm drainage, coordinate w/12" watermain and new U.A.B. sanitary sewer. ` .015TRIBUTI ON I COPY PIS,'RICT STATE AID ENGINEER DOT 140-049 . rnov wsi A R nn,1f.171VA MII'A I 5 A 1-2 -X._-YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 8 .4 .TO - 19 89 Page 2 of 5 - OBLIGATION PROGRAM - },Rearing pate EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date -_City/-County • .-xeypu.nching Note: Da+a entered in cols I-8 must . Resolution Number ...City..No. l 0 7 0 s-6. be on all cards punched from I, ..County N.o. l 7 7-8 -phis form. O k FR-o-aecT_CO5T5•.1 N -THOUSANDS-.OF 'DOL.LA R5 =1 C, rte, o PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Q� OBLfGAT1ON:_::S'CH'EDUL FUNDING SOURCE Z Tit Ie,Route, Road.Log No., Section No., o Work T°tat a Y E.___A� R a >rength •I \ •o ..-..- --- -- FEDERAL . TOTAL 1 ocation Terminl,Descrtpiion of Work, �� Code (Miles) -.0 a m Sat : 2nd 3rd 4,5 — U.A.B. -LOCAL. FUNDS y Beginning Milepost Bridge No. • a o • ,?5 ,ti (Arnrluiil . ... it.6+h AMOUNT PROGRAM ;--1 . ke a 0 Element) -._z-..- - ---s--,, 8 .. -. 8 .._ . : .1.O. -. . . 11 . la •. . 15 -:'- 14 - 15 16. 1?: .f-1 . : 4 .. ... 5 6: 7 .._ . 55 36 37 40 41 44 45 46\47"48 •' .1 51 5Z_---1- 35 SO . • S9 Go 63 64 '-' .-67 Q8 , . 71 12 75 76 79 so 9. IIIS S , ,21N,D, I&, ,BIUIRINIEIT,T, IIINIT,EIRISIEICITII IO R I, 1 i ,01018 M U i .12'.10, 1 • 1 I k 1 II ti 1 , I l l ,, l l i 1 I M 121 O, i 1 1 211 Traffic signal installation with surplus equipment.. 10. RAI N I E R - G R A D Y TO AIRPORT W Y 6 IS 1 0 0 M U 1 3 0 1 0 8 2 2 1 3 0 Installation traffic detection system, update FAUS controllers, new loops for traffic flow monitoring, time of day signing. 11. S W SUNSET - -RAINIER TO S T E V E N IBDFGG 0 4 2 M U 2 5 0 2 3 0 2 0 2 5 0 Add two-way left turn lane, traffic signal improvement, H I J. FAUS Forward underground power, new street lights. Coordinate • ^hrust w/12" watermain and sanitary sewer. yy������ possible M,I,S,CLE,L,L,A,N,E,O,UISI ISIT,RIE,E,T1 II,MAPIRIO,V 4F'/1D1• 1- 1 L I 1 r 1714 11 _1 I II III ILI I I I It I 1 1 71 4 1 1 1 1714. 12. Street Division Overlays. See attached sheet with listings. 13. LIIINIDI IAIVIE, ISIW1116,T1H1 1TIOL 1SIW, IGIRIAIDIY 2MBID,FIG 1042,0 S U 2141010 III III 11 , I I .I III 1 1. 1 2141010 I 1214101 Drainage, paving, curbs; gutter, sidewalk,• illumina- HIJL UAB Devel- . tion, signal, channelization, bike route, landscaping, M 0 possible, oper . FAI-405 Bridge, roadway. Jobs No'! possible RAINIER & • S GRADY WY I N T E R•S 2 ' ABFH 2 5 M U 1 5 0 1 5 0 1 5 0 14. Add new eastbound right turn lane to freeway on-ramp. I J ' LID MON ROE • A V NE 6TH TO NE T H 2 V B D F G 3 8 C U 1 5 8 0 1 5 8 00 1 5 8 0 15. Drainage, paving; curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J . UAB 25% LID channelization. possible Fwd.Th. yy���� possible S,W, 1116 ,TIH, ,LII,NID, IA,VIE, IT101 IMIOINISIT,EIR 2MBIDIFIG , 1910 C U 1 , i 2, 01010, 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 2101010 1 12101010 16. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters,_sidewalks, ilium- H J L. UAB LID 100% ination, channelization, bridge and roadway. possible Fwd.Th. possible_ .O 5TRtBUTION I COPY P15TRICT STATE AID .ENGINEER DOT 140-049 . ........ .... . n ./n.,u,Y1rc Pall%/) 51A ,-z" : X"--YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . 19 84 .TO . .19 89 Page 3 of 5 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM — }fe"oring Dote EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date _I-City/County _Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must . Resolution Number City..No. 1 0 7 0 3=6" be on all cards punched from I • • County N.o. '1 7 7-13 this form', • a3 xPROJEcT_COSTS•.111 •THOUSANDS-.OF 'DOLLARS e • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ." 1 O"BLIGAT1ON.-_::SCH'EDULB - -FUNDING SOURCE . II Tota I v z 'Title,Route,Road Log No., Section No., 2 o Work 1 — Y--E.. .A R FEDERAL - . _TOTAL Location Termini Deecri Pion of Work ..3 -.L.ength \ ,o —, P o Code +- - l at = 2 rid 3 rd 4,5 U.A.B. -LOCAL FUND5 y Beginning Milepost bridge No. . •d o (Miles1 . s -S 'b•(Arirludi - r$6th AMOUNT PROGRAM H • i a 0 Element) .4 . 2 - --3-_. 4 ... ... 5 6.7 8 . 9 ._ . �:10_ T:' 14. 15 16. . 17`; . 33 34 ,.• ay. ao •r 44 • as • 48 St 5Z-__"I- 55 , 59 60 63 4 .67 •.• , : 71 • 75 76 78 AO 8$ S i171TIH1 1RIAII1N1I1E1RI 1T101 "ISIMIIITIHIEIRISI 1 2 /A1B1DIF , 1510 S U 1 1. 1 t - 1 1 121210 I t I ill ill 't I t 12 12 10 I t 12121(. 17. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- -FAUS & Devel- ination, channelization. Fwd.Th. oper & • , possible LID O AK S DALE AV S W "; G R A D Y - 2 4 0 5 1 A A B D F 1 .0 0 M U 5 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 18• Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk; gutter, G H I J U.A.B. Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 possible oper landscaping, bridge, roadway. O AK S DALE A V - S W 1 6 T H TO SW 3 4 igOABDF 1 7 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 " 6 0 0 0 19. Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, G H I J Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 oper • landscaping, bridge. • OAKS DALE A V - S W 1 6TH TO GRADY A A B D G 0 1 0 5 0 00 5 0 0 0 5 '0 0 0 20. Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, HIJL UAB 20% LID illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, M 0 possible landscaping, bridge, roadway. LIK1 IWIAISIHI IBILIVIDI 1N, IPIKI IT101 ICIIITIY1 IL rBIDIFIG ,31013 4181010 I I 1 4 18 10 10 I 1418101rs 21. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, gutter, illumin- UAB 25% LID • ation, channelization, bikeway. • possible S W • 2 7 T H - O A• K S DALE TO W V A L L•E A A B D F 0 5 3 2 5 0 0 • 2 5 0 0 2 5 0 0 22. Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalks, GHIJ Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 oper landscaping, roadway. • S E P U G E T - J O N E S TO E D M O N DS - 4 B D F G 0 7 8 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 9 6 0 .M.111.11 9 6 0 9 6 0 23. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, illumines- Forward tion, channelization, roadway. Thrust Ill • •os 'MONSTERE R RD - ALTERNATE AC ESS i4B , 0 2 2 0©u Imiggi 2 1 01111.11101111111111111111111111 2 1 0 2 1 0 24. Realignment of roadway. H J UAB Forward . •ossible Thrust 1y_ -1 • - .D15TRIBUT I ON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGIPICER " ooT 140-049 I rnpY rR.A.B.(CouALTIES QAdLY) IsIA! :51-X YEAR. TRAN6PORTAT1.ON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 8 4 .TO 19 89 Page 4 of 5 — OBLIGATION PROGRAM EXHIBIT TT "A" }tearing pate • Adopfion Date _:City/County. • keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must __City No. 0 0 kg 0 3 _G. _ be on all cards punched from I Resol:at ianNunner b • ,,bounty No. ® u 7_8 this form. - e X ' pRp0_ECT_CO5T5".1N THOUSANDS- OF 'DOLLARS O PROJECT IDENTIFICATION . •i 1 O•BLUGAT1ON.::SCH'EDULE _FUNDING SOURCE z Title,Route, Road Log No., Section No., P,o Work Total k a i ._._.....___�__E.-..A� P • FEDERAL . . ._ _TOTAL Location Termini,Deecription of Work, 03 Code .length • \ & 1st - £ (Miles .0 tl 2nd 3rd 4,5 V.A.B. -LOCAL.. FUNDS y Beginning Milepost bridge No, d o , "c •; ,� (Annual 4.Gth AMOUNT PROGRAM -p-E u a rJ Element) • -.3; :Z. - —6---- 4 .. ... 5 6.TB .. .. 9 ..__: 10. _ . .. 11: .. 12 •. . 13 -:' 14.. 15 t6. 17' .-9:.:._ ..35 3,3 : ..37. 4041 44 4Sa!4G\47•46 .' .. sr 52--__ : 55 3G 59 Go 63 64 - .61 Ca. . . 91 12 75 76 79 AO DF,. S,U,N,S,EITI ,BILIVIDI 1214,0, 51 IT10, IPIAIRIKI IDIR 2Y// B,D,FIG ,OL910 S U i .1 •I * I "-1 i 4 , 1 1 .1181 010, I i I • 1 i I 4, 't1 1 .1181010• i •,118,010 25. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, channel- H J Forward ization, illumination and bikeway. Thrust possible T,AIYjL10,R, ,NIW, ,R,ELNITIO.,N1 ,T101 [ SIT!EI,V,EIN1S 2Y//i.B,D,FG ,016, 0 C U _ , 11 I I I 1 1 1 1712, 0 I I I li 1 , 1 I I 171,2 ,0 1 1 17,2,0 26. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J U.A.B. 25% LID ination, channelization. possible Fwd•Thr- • . possible N1E, ,1, 2,T,H1 , LIYIN,N,W10I0,D1 1T,0, ,UIN, IIOINI I 2MB,D,F,G ,046,0 C U Iii Ili I I I LB01 010 I I I III III 1101010 111101010_ 27. Drainage, paving, curbs, .gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J U.A.B.UAB• 50% LID ination, channelization. . possible Fwd.Thr. • possible U,N,L,O,NI IV, ,N,EI IS1U,N,S,EIT, ,T,O, ,NJE,214,T 2 r/BIDDF,G ,01710 S U I I I I I I I I I 161 010 I I I III I I I _ ,6 ,010 , , ,6,0,0 28• Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, channel- H 50% LID ization. Fwd•Thr. • ,possible EID,MIOINIDIS, IA,V,EI IE,X,TLE,NISII101NI I , I I I 1F//AIB1D1F 1047,9 U ill I I I ill Ili 1111 11 I I I , I I 1 I i 1 I 1 29. NE 3rd to Maple Valley Highway GHIL K N,/,N,E,. 13,R,D, :, S ,T, III-,4,0,5 , ,U1N1DIE,R,C,111.91S 2Y AIBIDIF I j019 _S U ill III 1 11 1101 010 I I I III 1 , 910 1 , l,0 , 11, 01 01 0 30:Widening - add two more travel lanes. GHIJ U.A.B. U1N, I101N1 ISIE, -1N,E,4,TIH1 ITIOI ISiE1 14,T1H1 ,SIT 2MB,D,FIG , +712 S U I' 1 I I I I I I I 1 7, 210 L I I I I I I I I 171210 1 1 171210 31. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks; H LID illumination, channelization. Fwd.Th. �j� possible M1I,S,C, " ,R,A, 11L, R,OIA,D, ,XJIIN,G, , 11M, P1R,OIV, , `4[i//.,CID1HIJ , 42, 5 S U ill I I I 2 1 1 1 1 3, 0 I 1 2, 7 1 1 1 ill 1 113 I- 2 I 1310 32• Miscellaneous surfacing, channelization, lighting K FASP and signing. D‘5TRIBUT1Ot4 1 COPY 015TRICT STATE.AID ES1G%N£ER DOT 140-049 . ,nov •r o A 0 7rrilokrrtrA mil Nel �sIAI1.a -X --YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . 19 8 4 . .TO . 19 89 Page 5 of 5 , — OBLIGATION PROGRAM -- Wearing pate EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date __City/County .X_eypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must ADDENDUM #1 - STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS .. ReeolutianNumber _ _.C.itij.No. 1 0 7 0 3=8. be en all cards punched from - i1 • r County h1o. . 1 7 7-8 fhi5 form. 1 x 'PR-O-JECT.COST5" 1N THOU5AND5 OF'DOLLARS • d v•� • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .per c OBLIGATION-::S'CH'EDULE _FUNDING SOURCE • z ' Title,Route, Road Lo No., Section No., 1 Total d a Ii -- Y__E_- A� Log �3 Work •Len th \ ..... _....----- FEDERAL _ _T_OTAL E I„oca.tion Termini,Deacription of Work, o Code (Mi es) - 'm 1 at = 2 nd• 3 rd 415 ' LLA-B- LOCAL FUNDS i Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. -,a s " :h (Ann"udl .6th AMOUNT PROGRAM N 4- CC !� Element) • . SI1.. - ---3-- . 4 ._ ... 5 9. 7 8 - S --: AO _ II. . I2 13 -:... 14.. 15 i6. .. I7' 115 54 37 4Q,41 44 4s-46 47'1e •. St,52._'._ : 35 6 ' 39 GO 63 64 --- .-6148. . 71 72 75 76 79 tla 5 - F,A,I, ,41015, 1N1_ 1C1IIT1YI ,T101 IS, ICII1TIYI I I 2R 1 1 1 161414 M_U 1 •I • il ♦ 1 . 1 14 I I I . I I I I I I I . I I I ., •1 1 1 . 1 I I . 1 1 1 1 •1 State DOT 'Project - capacity improvements. HOV lanes. S ,R1 J11619L 1QIU1E1E1NL ISI E, 17101 , 11419lT`H, ,S1E 1Y//W- , 1 , , 114,4 M U lIII 1 1 I 1 I 1 III ILI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 State Project - construct five lane roadway. SIR' 191010, IRI EINI'TIOINI ITIOI , ,IISISIAIOIUTAtHI 1 2n 1 , t 1,10,0 M U III 1 _1 I ill III 111 III ill III 1 1 1 1 1 , State Project - widen to four lanes with five lanes at intersections. .• I I 1 1 1 1 1 t l 1 1 I l L I I 1 t- 1 1 1 I J 1 l 1 C./M .1• 1 1 III _ , 1 1 I 1 1 i I I AI ] I I 1 l_ I , 1 1 1 . 1 1 L ', _l t_ I_ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F%/ 1 1 1 1 4 1 III III ill Ili ill III I I L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill I J 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 i .t Li , 14i • Ill Ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit I I I . 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 I I 4 I 1 I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I j I 1 1 1 I ' I VHII 14 1 LII III III I 1 1 III Ili 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 . I 1 i_ I - I 1 I I I IIIIIIILIIIIIIIII V/� 11 I 1 1 I III 1 1 1 I I L ill III III 1 1 1 11 _1 11 I 1 1 • .Dt5TRl BUTT ON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID .ENGINEER DOT 140-049 I rnpv r v A. (COIUA171E9 nAILY) • 1984 OVERLAYS l/U GAS TAX PROJECTS Williams Ave. South from S 4th St. to Grady Way $23,800.00 SE 5th Street from Maple Valley to Dead End $24,500.00 SE 6th Street from Newport Ave. SE to Dead End $11 ,375.00 SE 6th Street from SE 5th St . to Newport Ave. SE $14,000.00 $73,675.00 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1984 — 1989 CITY . PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Renton Area Transportation Study • 3 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 4 Garden Ave. N, N 4th St. to N 4th St. 5 SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. 6 NE 3rd St./NE 4th St., Sunset Blvd. N to Union Ave. NE 7 Talbot Road S, S 16th St. to S 41st St. 8 N 1st St., Park Ave. N to Burnett Ave. N 9 S 2nd St. & Burnett Ave. S Intersection 10 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 6th St. to SE 12th St. • 11 Rainier Ave. S, S Grady Way to Airport Way 12 SW Sunset Blvd. , Rainier Ave. S to Stevens Ave. SW 13 Miscellaneous Street Improvements 14 Lind Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 15 Rainier Ave. S & S Grady Way Intersection 16 SW 16th St., Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 17 S 7th St., Rainier Ave. S to Smithers Ave. S 18 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW Grady Way to Sunset Highway (SR 900) 19 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW 34th St. FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 20 Oakesdale Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 21 Lake Washington Blvd. N, N Park Dr. to City Limits 22 SW 27th St. , Oakesdale Ave. SW to West Valley Road 23 SE Puget Dr., Jones Place SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 24 Monster Road SW - Alternate Access 25 Sunset Blvd. NE, I-405 to NE Park Dr. 26 Taylor Ave. NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 27 NE 12th St., Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 28 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 29 Edmonds Ave. Extension 30 N/NE 3rd St. - I-405 Undercrossing 31 Union Ave. NE/SE, NE 4th St. to SE 4th St. 32 Miscellaneous Railroad Crossing Improvement • Rev. 6/20/83 151A1,E• 31-X - YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 8 4 .TO 19 89 Page 1 of 5 OBLIGATION PROGRAM -- `" Hetaring pate June 20, 1983 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date June 27, 1983 , __City/.County _Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-S must Resolution Number 2516 . City No. 1110 J 7 0_s=8 be on all cards punched from , . County No. 1 7 7-8 "this form. •. _RR OJECT_CO5T5•.1 N THOUSANDS- OF 'DOLLARS 0• PROJECT IDENTIFICATION •h o v OBLIGATION ='S1CH•EDU1�E _FUNDING SOURCE Z Title,Route,Road l.og No., Section No., sY _T o.tal d Loca.tion Termini Deecrl fion of Work `� r. A 0 a .3g. - -Y E R FEDERAL TOTAL £ � p � 3 Length � \ ;o H Beginning Milepost bridge No. .e2 o Code (Mile ).- t - t(Annual 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. 'LOCAL FUNDS ' • ie a S Element) 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM 1.2: -. - - 3 --- 4... 5 8 7 8 -. 3 ._�. IO " 11. 12 13 - . 14.. 15 16. 17` — 9" 1554 '" 87. 40 41 44 45 40)47 48 ' • 51 57-__•__ -• 55'SG ' 59 Go G3 94 -. -f:i as 71 '2 75 76 ie Ao E6 l. G,R,A,D,YI 1W►A1Y1 ►B, R, IID,G,E1 IRIEIPJLIA1CIE1MJEIN 4WA,B,D1H ,011,0 M U X i91319.4121217e4, 2, 2t7a 1 i I ,8121119, 1 1 1 L'I 1 t .1111714, 1 i91319. 1 Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Construction. L Bridge Forward Repl. Thr. & • Tukwila RENT O N AREA TRANSPORT S T U D Y 8 U U 3 0 3 0 • 6 0 . 0 .2. • Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city.. (Phase II) . 3 . W1E,L1L, S, ,A1V,E1 IB,R,I, DIG,E, IRIEIPILIAICIEIMIE,N 41�//A,B,F,G , £014 S U X 1101010 161810 , 1 1 1 t 1 1131414 I i I 1 1 1 131316 I Ili 6i8t0_ H J L' Bridge Replacement. • GARDEN AVE - N 4TH TO N 8 T H 2 " BDFG 2 5 S U . . 3 0 0 3 0 0 ' 3 0 0 4 . H J U.A.B. L.I.D. Drainage, paving, curb, sidewalks, illumination and • channelization. possible SW GRADY LIND TO LONGACRES 2 BDFG 7 0 S U 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 5. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L • FAUS U.A.B. L.I.D. channelization, P-1 BR. 56' roadway taper w/half to • possible possible • 44' • design money N,E, , 3, R,D,/, N,E, ,4,T,HI -IS,UINIS,E,T1 -,U,N,I,O,N, 2� B1D,F,G , 12, 3 M U 12, 8, 0 - 1 , , I I , , , I 1 , I I , , , 2,512 , ,2,8 , , , 2, 8, 0 6 . Drainage, reconstruct eastbound traffic lanes, install H . U.A.B. UAB w/ telemetry for water and sewer to City Shops. x.i Gas match help from King Co. T,A,L,B4O,T, , RID, -,S, ,1, 61T,H1 1T10, ,SI ,4,1, S,T1 2�%B,D,F,G ,1+8,0 C U 11, 0, 0 , , , , , , , 1 "1 I I � 1 I i 1 19,0 1 1110 I , , 1, 010 �• Drainage, paving, shoulders, pre-level, channeliza- H J Forward 50% tion (joint with King County).. Thrust King possible Ni ,1, S, T, ,-, , PIA,R,K, TO ,B,U,R,N,ETITI , , , 4 /BID,FIH ,013,2 C U All 0i5 , I , t 1 , , 1 I 1 , 1 1 1 , , , t ,11015 1 1 111015 8 • Reconstruction - new curbs, gutters, A.C. pavement, 3 24 Gas storm drainage, coordinate w/12" watermain and new U.A.B. sanitary sewer. D15TRl BUT I ON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER DOT 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(COUI+LTIES ONLY Jan. .19.B0. 5k ,.Z .51'X YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1984 TO 1989 Page 2 of 5 • — OBLIGATION PRO6RAM -- NEaring Date June 20, 1983 EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date June 27, 1983 __.Cify/.County • J eypu.nching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must 2516 City No. 1110 17 0 1 3-6 be an all cards punched from Resolution Number County No. 11 717-8 -this form. a v PR OJ:ECT-COSTS' IN THOUSANDS OF 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .� G ° �a OBLiGAT1ON `SCH'EDU1~E Z 1•it le,Route, Road Log No., Section No., s Total d '. c� FUNDING SOURCE o Work a .-- -. ... 1:Y_.E_. A E Location Termini,Deocription of Work, 03 Code .Length •— \ ;o FEDERAL FUNDL Beginning Milepost Bridge t�Io. •n c Niles) - �Annu4f End' 3rd 4,5 — U.A.B. LOCAL Fl1NDS �• a 0 Element) '1 .6th AMOUNT PROGRAM -� - '-.2 --3.- 4 .. 5 8. 7,8 9 -- ' : :10 . 11 12 13 14. 15 16 17'' . 1534 • 37 40 41 44 4�S 40 47k48 •' ai 52=_'. 55 SG • E9 60 was " -oat. . . 71 '►P 75 76 79 S0 10 9. S , ,2 ,N,DI I&, ,B►UIR,N,EIT,T, ,I ,NIT,E,RISIEICIT,I ,O 6 NI , , 1 1010 ,8 M U i .1* , - , 1 . , , I , l I I 1 l 1 . 1 I I 'I I 1 . I , 2,0. 1 , I 12. n Traffic signal installation with surplus equipment. • MON ROE AV NE 6THTO NE 1 2 T H 2 BDFG 3 8 C U 1 5 8 0 1 5 8 0 1 5 8 0 10. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J UAB 25% LID channelization. possible Fwd.Th. • � possible 11. R1AIN,I,E,RI- G,R1A,D,Y, IT,O, ,AiI,R,PIO1R,T, ,W ,Y 6V//, I ,S , , ,10 ,0 M U 11i3,0 , , I I 1 , 1 , 111018 I I I I I I , 2, 2 1 , , 11310 Installation traffic detection system, update FAUS controllers, new loops for traffic flow monitoring, time of day signing. S ,W, 1S,U ,N,SIE,T,- ,R,A,I,N,I,E,R, ,T,0, ,S,TJEIVIE ,N 2 /tiBIDIF ,G ,0.412 M U x•215,0 I , , , 1 1 , I , i2, 3,0 I , , , , 1 1 12, 0' 2, 5, 0 12. Add two-way left turn lane, traffic signal improve- H I J FAUS Forward ment, underground power, new street lights. Coordin- Thrust ate w/12" watermain and sanitary sewer possible MISCELLANEOUS STREET I M P R O V 4 D 7 4 7 A 7 4 13. Street Division Overlays. See attached sheet with . • listings. LIND • AVE S W 1 6TH TO SW G R A D•Y 2 ' B D F G 0 2 0 S.0 2 4 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 4 0 0 14. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, illumina- HIJL UAB Developer tion, signal, channelization, bike route, landscaping, M 0 possible, FAI-405 Bridge, roadway. • Jobs Now possib:e RAINIER & S GRADY WY I NTE R S 2 A B F H 2 5 M U 1 5 0 5 0 • I 15. Add new eastbound right turn lane to freeway on-ramp. I J LID jW, 11,6 ,T,H, ,L, I ,N ,D, ,A,VIE , ,TIO, ,M,OINIS,T ,E ,R 2 /,,BIDIFtG , 49.,0 C U i , i 2,0,0,0 , , , , I I I , I I , I , , , 2 ,010 ,0 ,210,010 16. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J L UAB LID 100% ination, channelization, bridge and roadway. possible Fwd.Th. - possible D15T RI BU?ION ' 1 COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENOIWEER DOT 140-049 1 COPY C.R.A.B,(COUN_TIE5 01JLY) ran._1980. 151A 1-z :51-X YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 8 4 .TO . 1989 Page 3 of 5 OBLIGATION PROGRAM — June 20, 1983, EXHIBIT "A" Hearing Date Adoption Date June 27, 1983 , _:City/.County • iteypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-S must Resolution Nur Number 2516 City No. Il �0 I7 0 ,3_e be an all cards punched from . County No. i1 7 I 7-8 this form, a v -pR-C-uecT-COBTS. 1 N THOUSANDS OF 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 0 �' a 1 OBLIGATION._:.5CH'EDU1,,.E _FUNDING SOURCE z Tit Ie,Route, Road Log No., Section No., 12.1e • Totat d L 1„ocation Termini,Deecripfion of Works `3 Work length \ 'o. - Y__E._ A� R FgDERAI.. TOTAL E Beginning Milepost Bride No. ° �, 13t ,- 9 5 9 .Q Q Code (Miles 6 - ' = 2nd 3rd 4,5 U.A.B. . LOCAL FUN D5 H -c z t (Arinudl d. 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM . �., -- e cc 0 Element) - -t - -;'-3 - 4 .. ... 5 6 7 8 - -. s -- t.0 . 11. 12 " 13 • 14 15. 76 16. ,s eo f T. es -9 -- 35 34 ".37 4o 41 44 45 46 47\48 . bi 52___ 55 50 ' 59 GO 3 G4 - -Chwas It 72 17. S1 ,71T,HI 1R,AJI1NII,E,R1 ,T,O1 •,SIM,IITIHIEIRISI 1 2F//dA,B1D1F , 15 ,0 S U i .1 . , I ,2,210 t 1 1 I I I 1 t I a I t t 1212tO, 1 , 1212.n Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- FAUS & Devel- ination, channelization. Fwd.Th. oper & 1 possible LID 18• O ,AK,E,S,D,A,L,E, ,S,W, ,,G,R,AD,Y,-,S,U,N,S,E,T, 111 ABDF ,1400 M U , t , , , 5, 5,0,0 , , , , 1 I 1 , , 1 , , 5 ,5 ,0 ,0 I ,5,51010 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter,. GHIJ U.A.B. Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 possible oper landscaping, bridge, roadway. . 19. O1A1K1E,S,D,AIL,E, t-A,V,-,SIW,1,6 ,T,H, i-I 1SW, ,3 ,4 1A,B,D�F ,117,0 M U I i , , , 3000 30100 t I I I I I I i 610 i0 ,0 I t6t010i0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, GHIJ Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 oper landscaping, .bridge. O A K E S DALE A V - S W 1 6 T H - G R A D Y 1 /ABDG 0 1 0 M U 20. 5 1 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, HIJL UAB 20% LID illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, M 0 possible landscaping, bridge, roadway. 21. LK WASH BLVD N PK TO CITY L2 BDFG 3 0 3 S U 4 8 0 0 4 8 0 0 4 8 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, gutter, illumin- UAB 25% LID ation, channelization, bikeway. possible . - 22. S ,W, ,2, 71T,11,-,O,A,K,E,S,D1A1L1E1 4-1 1W1 IVLA,L,LIE 1 AIB ,DIF ,045,3 S-U I 1 , 1 , , 1 , , 2, 51010 , Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalks, GHIJ Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 oper landscaping, roadway. 23. S E P U GET - J O N E S TO EDMONDS 2 BDFG 0 7 8 S U • 9 6 . 9 6 0 9 6 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, illumina- • Forward tion, channelization, roadway. Thrust , possible _ 24. MJO ,N,S,T,EIR, ,RID,- ,A,L,T,EJR,N ,A,T1E1 ,AICIC,E ,S ,S 1 [U/AIBIDIF 104212 C U i , i , 1 I 1 , 1 e, 11 t0 1 , 1 III , , , ,2 11 ,0 1 , ,2,110 Realignment of roadway. H J UAB Forward possible Thrust • _ - pQa5ib1P MST Rt BUT I ON - I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID EN&IWEER DOT 140-049 I COPY C.R.A.B.(COUNmES mix).lor1. .1980 IsIA ;_Z •51-X - YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 8 4 TO 19 89 Page 4 of 5 ' - OBLIGATION PROGRAM EXHIBIT "A11 Hering Date June 20, 1983 Adopfion Date June 27, 1983 __City/.County _Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Number 2516 Citi, No. I i I0 17 013_4 be an all cards punched from County No. 1 7[7-8 this form, o v PRO-JECT.CO5T5 11•1 THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS c PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ., .c 1 OBL[GATION 'SCH'EDULE FUNDING SOURCE 2 Title,Route, Road Log No., Section No., 2 o Work Total a __ �( E q F� FEDERAL . _ TOTAL E Location Termini,Deecripiion of Work, 03 Code Length \ 'o a Beginning Milepost 4r Brid a No. •a a (Miles) ,c _� 'tS st - 2nd 3 rd 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS 9 '� ? I o (Annu&i 6th AMOUNT PROGRAM . 5 • �• oc V Element) --3` 4 .. 5 6. 7 . " 9 JO . ll. 12 13 14. 15 IS 17 i -.1-9 -- . sem •. 37 40 8 41 44 45 4s 47 4B ' 61 52_-__ . 55 56 • 59 60 4-3 64 Ci 6d 91 le 75 76 7e SD se SIUINIS,E,T1 IB,LIVID, 1 '1410151 1T10, 1P1AIR1KI 1DIR 20B,D,FIG, , 019,0 S U 1 l j £ 1 • , t . , , 1 4,1181010„ 1 l I • 1 t 1 a '1 I t •118 ,010. 1 .111810 ., 25. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, channel- H J Forward ization, illumination and bikeway. Thrust possible 26, T A Y L O R NW RENTON TO S T E V E N S 2 ' B D F G 0 6 0 C U 7 2 0 7 2 0 7 2 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J . U.A.B. 25% LID ination, channelization. possible Fwd•Thr- possible 27. N1E1t112,T,Ht , L1Y1N,N1W, OiO,D, 1T1O, IUINII1O1N, i 2B,D,F,G , 016,0 CU 1 t i , , 1 I I 1101 010 I I I I I I , I t 11010 ,0 t 11i0100 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, illum- H J U.A.B. 50% LID ination, channelization. possible Fwd.Thr. possible ' UNION AV NE SUNSET TO N E 2 4 T 2 r B D F G 0 7 0 S U . 1 9 6 0 0 6 0 0 28. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, channel- H . 50% LID ization. Fwd.Thr. ,possible EDMONDS AVE EXTENSION 1 ABDF 0 7 9 U 29. NE 3rd to Maple Valley Highway GHIL - • K N,/,N,E, ,3,R,D, , S ,T, ,II-14,015 , ,ULNIDIEIR,C,R,O,S 2MAAIDI,F 1 j019 S.0 11 , t 1 i 1 1 1 1101010 Iii iii , 1910 1 , 110 1 , 110, 01 0 30.Widening - add two more travel lanes. GHIJ . U.A.B. UNION NE S E N E 4TH - SE 4 T 2 V B D F 7 2 S 2 . I 7 0 31. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, H LID illumination, channelization. Fwd.Th. • possible MIIIS,C1 ,R1 Al IIL, R,O,A,D, ,XII,N,G, ,I,M,P1RIO,V, , 4��.CID,HIJ , 42, 5 S U 1 , I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 310 1 121 7 1 1 1 , , , 1 , 13 1 1 1 1310 32. Miscellaneous surfacing, channelization, lighting K FASP and signing. D15TRl BUT I ON I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENSINEER DOT 140-049 1 COPY C.R.A.B.(counnes OMIX) clan. _19.80. 151A(,-Z 1•X YbAR 1RANSPORTATLON IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1984 , .TO 1989 Page 5 of 5 OBLIGATION PROGRAM - EXHIBIT "A" Hearing Date June 20, 1983 Adoption Date June 27. 1983 __City/Courity -Keypunching Note: Data entered in COLS I-8 must ADDENDUM #1 - STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS Resolution Number 2516 .. City No. 1 to 7 0 3.-6 be an all cards punched from County loo. 1 7 -8 • this form. av PRO ECT-COSTS .IN THOUSANDS OF 'DOLLARS • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .� a • OBLiGAT1ON.TSCH'EDULE FUNDING SOURCE Z Tit 1e,Route,Road Log No., Section No., 2 o Work -t"otai d t __Y_._E..- A F� £ Location Termini,Deacripfion of Work, e.3 Code Length 2 \ ;o FEDERAL T_.TAL (Miles u . Sat , U.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. . •a o ) .,r .� - 2nd 3rd 6 f AMOUNT PROGRAM 9 • 1a' t5` �emen) .1 .-2 - .. 4 . 5 B. 7 8 . 3 .. 10 - 11. 12 13 - 14 15 16. 17' . 3334 . 37 40 .1 44 44 •7 •: " ' 1N 5Z__"__ :' 55 • 59 Ge C3 G7 - 91 r 75 76 79 -• as F,A,II ,410151 1N1. 1CIIIT1Y1 ,T,0, IS,4 CI IITIYI 1 1 2 1 , 1 ,61414 M U • I .1 . 4 , •. , 1 „ 1 ill I. 1 I III A . 11 ill I i , 1 - State DOT Project - capacity improvements. HOV lanes. SR 1 6 9 QUEEN SE TO 149TH S E 1 %1,111111 1 4 4 comp • State Project - construct five lane roadway. SIR' 191010, IR,EINITIOINI IT101 IIISISIAIOIUTAIHI I 1,110,0 11111111111111111111111111 State Project - widen to four lanes with five lanes at intersections. • 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111111111111111' V I I I • 11.1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .Dt5TRI BUT I oro I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER DoT 140-049 1 COPY C.R.A.B. CoUtITIES OMLY) Jan._I9.80- 1984 OVERLAYS . 1/2G GAS TAX PROJECTS Williams Ave. South from S 4th St. to Grady Way $23,800.00 SE 5th Street from Maple Valley to Dead End $24,500.00 SE 6th Street from Newport Ave. SE to Dead End $11 ,375.00 SE 6th Street from SE 5th St. to Newport Ave. SE $14,000.00 $73,675.00 NO T IcE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 20, 1983 AT 8:00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH • SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UP-DATE 1984-1989 CONSIDER THE CITY'S STREET AND ARTERIAL SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DATE OF PUBLICATION: JUNE 10, 1983 • Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerh'a Office - 235-250 • The removal, mutilation, destruction ' or concealment of this notice is a miss Wa rning . demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. C f: ft T f F I� CA_�_LO V.*** JR 187253 • :I ) 187206 of 6•1 P y 0 gni/ gur 2Zctl 5% g 00; gss 7 of G% --a .c I RS' J 0 is-Oodvg--9 vg 1_0(51761I-v1 prs • /iv la /v.7 XbP7 (/QAiT o7fg • os 4211qtY 3 ig "TW- • og 1Pilff vi-pAryby 7c/ ra Og z f4/ '11 /1171 wyd oF aiv ri • "N f 9/ -/6w b7)rizi-Y 51 IV °S -4.7-w -a fri .9/(7A/6' r/14, pH ig,abAL 37V h N 3ribd 1.g 141.4-7Vm vti agAti X-troci /yr- 431-hi- E7- 9 1 /1/0..r '?N0 '1 ,cNALSoof d-s5; iv2ll.ovo7 g / - Pg41 r-kLba Ptitjgodc .4./1/ 1/11-?/10iiciki" NO/ljodSAItd db7A TO ? /V/7f LW .11 orn H _I-7c IV • I 3 . Sow. 1011,7574AI PoweLt 14de So 11 -S-ea-__ZoNs Rde Sop Imis 704/ Aj,€ SC 15Al_ AIN Ave 5 ,0 50 sT 14 . __5a___3_411 ST TALBOT_ RI, So _ _ 7: e 7-11z her _ R rh . s _Al4P/ewoord Ave StE AIE 3 79 movredtg._ y Dr, it f• TAylor Ave Nw ‘ 21. A/ W 4.71 ST , TAYLor /Vriels 2237 A 111.L_ Ave _ •______ 23. 14A/770A1 Aue,Sof $0, 7er- sr JoNes Ape ,50 1 So 7-z-4 sT 25 AIE iozbs5T thvialti_live NE 26. Ma 257 P'Aric Ave No • 27 Moult/7721N Vie,W A it kii-MellifSh bii/e/ No. WiAissor a NE i EDmodied,5 2. 4 lviAID5or idayNE e Btonisog woy 3e94 Grimidey Nif'Bildivsts-w--WaY 4/ • NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE 20, 1983 AT 8: 00 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UP-DATE 198.4-1989 CONSIDER THE CITY'S. STREET AND ARTERIAL SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DATE OF PUBLICATION: JUNE 10, 1983 • • (Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-250( - The removal, mutilation, destruction W ' or concealment of this notice is a mis- demeanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. _ -- CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I , k-)& c?nP ,y71 hereby certify that ( ) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three or more conspicuous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave.' South, Renton, WA on date of 5)„,„„ 19 �56 • Signed W{0/1/ /71 /i )tLlt.0 6N-e-e-A ry Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in King County RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 6, 1983 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, COUNCIL MEMBERS RICHARD M. STREDICKE, RANDALL ROCKHILL, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; MICHAEL PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director, CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Jan Hinman, Renton Record-Chronicle. MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 23, 1983 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mayor Shinpoch introduced Council Secretary Billie Dunphy's daughter, Introductions Lisa Thomas, who will be attending Girls State at Central Washington University in Ellensburg next week. Also introduced was Deputy Clerk Marilyn Petersen 's mother, Lucille Newton, visiting from Salt Lake City. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: Civil Service Mayor Shinpoch appointed Ms. Margaret Proctor, 4124 NE 10th Place, Commission to the Civil Service Commission to complete the term of B. J. Appointment Richardson, who has resigned. This appointment will be effective to 12/31/84. Ms. Proctor, former City Council member, has served on the Citizens Advisory Committee for HUD grants and on two assessment center exercises for the Civil Service Commission. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Municipal Arts Mayor Shinpoch appointed Ms. Lois Hoffman, 7633 South Mission Commission Drive, Seattle, to the Municipal Arts Commission to complete a Appointment vacant three-year term, effective to 12/31/84. Ms. Hoffman is a musician and teacher from the Lakeridge area and is a long-time supporter of cultural events in the Renton area. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Skyway Sewer Public Works Department requested review of King County proposal District for turnover of Skyway Sewer District to Renton or other agency. Refer to Utilities Committee. Coulon Beach Parks Department requested acceptance of contract completion, Park Contract authorization for final payment ($126,664) and release of retained CAG 025-81 amount upon receipt of required clearances for Gene Coulon Memorial . Beach Park, Contract #2 (CAG 025-81) ; Frank Coluccio Construction Co. Council concur. LID 325 Interim Finance Department requested resolution to provide interim Financing financing for LID 325 (street improvements for One Valley Place (One Valley Place) project) from Street Forward Thrust Fund pending reimbursements. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. _Si - S e Public Works/Traffic En9ineerin1_ epartmehts requested update for Improvement Six-Year-Street Improvement Program 1984-1989. Set public hearing Piro ram 84-89 for 6/20/83. Refer to Transportation Committee for review 6/14/83. Birke Claim for Claim for Damages filed by Lawrence E. Birke in undetermined amount Damages for damage to "E" Street Apartments, 955 Edmonds NE on 5/27/83, CL-18-83 alleging sewer damage. Refer to City Attorney & Insurance Carrier. Minietta Rezone Hearing Examiner recommends approval subject to conditions of R-013-83 Rezone No. R-013-83 from R-1 to B-1 for property located at 1123 Maple Avenue SW, Mary A. Minietta and Delbert B. Anderson, applicants. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. For.Use By City Clerk's Office Only A. I . # 3 AGENDA ITEM RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING xxsa ===== ==sas==s=== SUBMITTING Public Works Dept. Dept./Div./Bd./Comm. Traffic Engineering Division For Agenda Of June 6, 1983 (Meeting Date) Staff Contact Dick Houghton/Gary Norris (Name) Agenda Status: • SUBJECT: City of Renton Six-Year Trans- Consent Public Hearing portation Improvement Program Up-date Correspondence 1984 - 1989. Ordinance/Resolution Old Business Exhibits: (Legal Descr. , Maps, Etc.)Attach New Business Study Session A. List of Improvements for Six-Year Other T. I .P. 1984 Up-date B. C. Approval : Legal Dept. Yes_ No N/A COUNCIL ACTION RECOMMENDED: Request that Finance Dept. Yes No. N/A Other Clearance June 20, 1983. be set as the date for the public hearing for review and adoption of the 1984 - 1989 Up-dated Six-Year T. I .P. Refer to Transportation Committee. FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required $ Amount $ Appropriation- Expenditure Budgeted Transfer Required SUMMARY (Background information, prior action and effect of implementation) (Attach additional pages if necessary.) The Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1984 - 1989 review by the Council Transportation Committee will be scheduled for June 14, 1983. PARTIES OF RECORD/INTERESTED CITIZENS TO BE CONTACTED: SUBMIT THIS COPY TO CITY CLERK BY NOON ON THURSDAY WITH DOCUMENTATION. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY . RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of June , 1983 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Up-date 1984-1989 - Consider the City' s Street and Arterial System within the City limits concerning construction, maintenance and general improvement. • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Maxine E. Motor City<:'Clerk c DATE OF PUBLICATION: June 10 , 1983 SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1984 - 1989 CITY PRIORITY # ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS 1 Grady Way Bridge Replacement 2 Renton Area Transportation Study 3 Wells Avenue Bridge Replacement 4 Garden Ave. N, N 4th St. to N 8th St. 5 SW Grady Way, Lind Ave. SW to Longacres Dr. 6 NE 3rd St./NE 4th St., Sunset Blvd. N to Monroe Ave. NE 7 Talbot Road S, S 16th St. to S 41st St. 8 N 1st St. , Park Ave. N to Burnett Ave. N 9 S 2nd St. & Burnett Ave. S Intersection 10 Rainier Ave. S, S Grady Way to Airport Way 11 SW Sunset Blvd. , Rainier Ave. S to Stevens Ave. SW 12 Miscellaneous Street Improvements SECOND YEAR PROJECTS 13 Rainier Ave. S & S Grady Way Intersection 14 Monroe Ave. NE, NE 6th St. to NE 12th St. 15 SW 16th St., Lind Ave. SW to Monster Road SW THIRD YEAR PROJECTS 16 S 7th St. , Rainier Ave. S to Smithers Ave. S 17 Oaksdale Ave. SW, SW Grady Way to I-405 18 Lind Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 19 Oaksdale Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW 34th St. FOURTH - SIXTH YEAR PROJECTS 20 Oaksdale Ave. SW, SW 16th St. to SW Grady Way 21 Lake Washington Blvd. N, N Park Dr. to City Limits 22 SW 27th St. , Oaksdale Ave. SW to West Valley Road 23 SE Puget Dr. , Jones Pl. SE to Edmonds Ave. SE 24 Monster Road SW - Alternate Access 25 Sunset Blvd. NE, I-405 to NE Park Dr. 26 Taylor Ave. NW, Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave. NW 27 NE 12th St., Lynnwood Ave. NE to Union Ave. NE 28 Union Ave. NE, NE Sunset Blvd. to NE 24th St. 29 Edmonds Ave. Extension 30 N/NE 3rd St. - I-405 Undercrossing- siA :5TX._-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . 19 8 4 ...TO . .19 89 Page 1 of 5 I (t-z' OBLIGATION PROGRAM Hearing Date EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date :City/County • _Keypunching Note: Data entered in cols I-8 must Resolution Number CitJy_No. 1 0 7 0 3=43be an all cards punched from ;1 • County No. 1 7.7-8 #hie form. 1 X PR�:EGT=CO5T5.•-11rI THOUSANDS- OF 'DOLLARS • - PROJECT IDENTIFICATION p� G 1 O'BLEGATION��`:SCHEDULE _FUNDING SOURCE Z Title,Route,Road Log No., Section No., 2 o Work Thia 'b — -E--A R 3 Length FEDERAL, . _ _T_OTAI- £ 1 oca tion Termini,Description of Works o Code +- 1st _ z ncl 3 r� 4,5 U.A.B. -LOCAL FUND 5 41 Beginning Milepost Bridge No. --,4- 0 Miles) : Element)61 ._._ _ e 6th AMOUNT PRDGRAM -1 .-Z - --3-- . 4 -- -- 5 6.7.8 -. -. 3 - -. 10. - 11. t2 ..13 14.. 15 t6 17' 9 ._ - 35 34 --37 40 41 44 46",36147'48 .' 51 52--- - S5 SG: 99,90 63 04 -- ' -67 38 11'72 75 76 is So 86 G,R,A,D,YI ,W,A,Y, 1B1R, IID,G,E, ,R1E,P1LIA1CIEM)EjN 4A,B,DIH ,0 1,0 MUX ' , 91319 4, 2, 2i7�4, 2, 2i78121119` 1 1 I I I f .1111714. 1 ,9, 3, 913. 1. Bridge Replacement (joint with Tukwila) Construction. Ld BridgeTh�wa& Repl. Tukwila R,E N,T, O,N, ,Al R, E,Al 1 TRANSPORT1 1 S,T,U,D1 Y 8 ,-U, , , , l , U , , 31 0 X 3, 0 , , , , , , , 1 1 1 , , I , , , ,6,0 1 , 1 1 61 0 2. Develop a multi-modal transportation plan for the city. (Phase II) W ELLS AVE BRIDGE R E P L A C E M E N 4 _A B F G 0 4 S U X 1 0 0 0 6 8 0 1 3 4 4 3 3 . 1 6 8 • 3. H J L. Bridge Replacement. G ARDEN -AV E - N 4TH TO N 8 T H 2 // B D F G 2 5 S U . 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 4 . H J U.A.B. L.I.D. Drainage, paving, curb, sidewalks, illumination and channelization. possible SW G RAD Y LIND TO LONGACRES 2 #', B D F G 7 0 S U 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 5 0 0 5- Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J L FAUS U.A.B. L.I.D. channelization, P-1 BR. 56' roadway taper w/half to possible possible - 44t . Aigr.cin coney N,E, , 3, R,D,/, N, E, 14,T,HI -ISIUIN,S,EITI -IM,O,N, R,O•,E 2 MBLD,F,G , 142, 3 M U 1 21810 , , 1 , 1 , , I 1 1 , , 1 1 , 1 , 21512 , ,2,8 , , , 2, 810 6 - Drainage, reconstruct eastbound traffic lanes, install H U.A.B. UAB w/ telemetry for water and sewer to City Shops. z4 Gas match help fr)m King Co. TALBOT R D - S 1 6TH TO S 41ST 2 V B D F G 1 8 0 C U 1 0 0 9 0 1 0 1 0 0 7- Drainage, paving, shoulders, pre-level, channeliza- H J - Forward 50% tion (joint with King County) . Thrust King possible N 1ST - PARK TO BURNETT 4 / BDFH 032CU 10' 5 1 • _ 05 8 . Reconstruction - new curbs, gutters, A.C. pavement, ' Gas storm drainage, coordinate w/12" watermain and, new U.A.B. sanitary sewer. • Di5TRt BUT ION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENat NIEER SIA t-zsfi-X__ YEAR. TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . 19 8 4. .T.0 - .19 89 Page 2 of 5 OBLIGATION PROGRAM - Hearing Date -, • EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date .:City/County _Xeypu.nching Note: Data entered in cols I-S must . Reeolution Number- _ City_NO. 1 0 7 0 36.. be on'all cards punched from €i - County No. 1 7 7-8 this form. ' • I •x . pR O�J:ECT_CO5TS.'-1 N -THOU5AND5-.OF•DOLLA R5 - a PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .0Y Alc1 OBLIGATION- :SCH'EDULE _FUNDING SOURCE Z - Title,Route, Road Log No., Section Noo L Tota( _ _�_E__A R 9o Work g FEDERAL . _ _ _TOTAL £ 1,oceetion Termini,Deocripfion of Work) 03' Code length } ;,, 15t : 2nd. 3rd 4.,5 . V.A.B. LOCAL FUNDS u Beginning Milepost 4 Bridge No. •d a !Miles) - (Arirlual cc 5 Element) - G th AMOUNT PROGRAM 1 Z -- .7 4 .. ... 5 8.7.6 .. 3 � ..-:. J.O. _.. .. a .. 12 • ..13 l4.. l5 le 17- .-s- 7`. .-s ._ 39114 ;;i7. 40 41 44 45746 47'4e " ' SI,52=- S5 SQ ' ' S9 60 b3 04 " "67 C8 . '71 72 75 76 79 do as 9 . S 2 N D & BURNETT INTERSECTIO 0 0 8 M U • • . 2: 0 • 2 0 2 0 Traffic signal installation with surplus equipment. 10. R,A, I,N, I,E' R, -, G, R,Al D1 Y, ,T, O, 1 AIRPORT, ,WY-6 -I, S, , , 110, 0 M U , 1, 3 0 , ► , , i , , , , ,1 10 18 • 1 , 1 , I I ,2 ,2 , , ,11310 Installation traffic detection system, update FAUS controllers, new loops for traffic flow monitoring, time •of day signing. _ - 11• SW 1 SUNSET - "RAINIER ,T, O, IS,T,E,V,E,N 2B,D,F,G ,014, 2 M U 1215, 0 , , 1 1 I I I I 121310 I I I , I I I 12 ,0 11 ,215,0 Add two-way left turn lane, traffic signal improveme-lt, H I J' FAUS Forward underground power, new street lights. Coordinate . Thrust • w/12" watermain and sanitary sewer. • ,possible 12. M,IjS,C,E,LILIA,NIE,O,UIS, ,SIT, R,E,E,T, , I,M1P,RIO,V 4y/���/ D1 I I 11 I r` 1714, 1 1 , 1 i 1 , I 1 1 1 I _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ,7, 4 1 , 1 1 71 4 Street Division Overlays. See attached sheet with listings. RAINIER & S GRADY WY I NTE R S 2 ,A B F H 2 5 M U 1 5 0` 1 5 0 1 5 0 13. Add new eastbound right turn lane to freeway on-ramp. I J LID • 14•-JO,N, R,O,E1 ,A,V, ,N,E1 161T1H ., ' 1 ,T,O, IN1E, 11, 2,T1H 2 / BIDIF,G , 43, 8 C U i , 1 115, 8, 0_ i 1 , I I I I , I , 1 , , I I I 115 ,810 , ,1,518' Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, illumination, H J UAB 25% LID channelization. possible Fwd.Th. possible SW 16TH I . A • • , ; r : • • • 2 0 0 0 • • • • 2 0 0 0 15. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J L • UAB LID 100% ination, channelization, bridge and roadway. possible Fwd.Th. .. •• - 16. Si17,T, H, , R,A, IIN,I,E,R, ,TIO, ,S,M,I,T,HIEIR,S, , 2MAIBID,F , 4510 S U i , 1 1 i I , 2, 210 III - III III , , , , 2, 210 1 I 12 ,2 ,0 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, illum- FAUS & Devel- ination, channelization. Fwd.Th. oper & . _ _ _ ,jrlsaib1P LID O 5TRtBUT1ON 1 COPY DISTRICT STATE AID ENatt,I£ER Is1Ah,-Z �X._-YEAR_ TRAI15PORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 19 _. .TO . .19 . Page 3 of 5 OBLIGATION PROGRAM • }searing Date City/.County _Keypunching EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date .nch�ng Note: Data entered in cols 1- must Resolution Number City_.No. . 1110 17 0 s=_e.. be an all cards punched from . County No. 1 7 7-a this -form. 2 'X -TRZ�J:ECT=CO5T5".I N 'THOUSANDS- OF •DOLLA R5 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .0 `' t ct O8LiGAT1ON-TT.SCHEDULE . _FUNDING SOURCE Z title,Route,Road Log No,, Section No., o L To.a1 d ,n- .-_.____ E__A R �o Work , FEDERAL . _T_OTAL Location Termint,Deecrtption of Work, off. Code .Length N 1 i. 1 at = ncl 3rd 415 V.A.B. 'LOCAL FUNDS E Beginning Milepost 4 ®ridge No. 'd 4- • �Mcles� - ; (Arirtuai = .6th AMOUNTL. I4.. ROGRAM - 1 • . a di C`3 Element) 4 -_-3 .. 4 .-_ ... 5 8.7.8 .. -.. 3 -: :10. _... II. ., 12 . 13 15 18 17'; .i• ._ IS 3G�- C 44 41 44 4S 4&4748 ' 51 5Z-_':" 55 3G - • S9 60 63 - 6'i 9t 72 75 76 79 AD BS 17. 01A,K,S,DIAILIE, IAIV1 ISIW1 ; ,GIRIAID,YI-I11410151 1 1 F%�A,B ,DIF L1L0,0 M U 1 I 1 I , • , 1 �5,5i010. 11 1 I l L 1 1 1 . -1 I i .51510 '0. I 15151010 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, GHIJ U.A.B. Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 possible oper landscaping, bridge, roadway. 18. L ,IN,D, ,A,V,E, , S,W,1161T1H1 ,TIOI ,S,W, ,G1R,A,D,Y 2 �/,B,DIF ,G ,02,0 S U , , I , , 2, 41010 , , , , 1 , , , , 1 , , 214,0 ,0 1 ,2,41010 Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, illumina- HIJL UAB Devel- tion, signal, channelization, bike route, landscaping, M 0 possible, oper FAI-405 Bridge, roadway. _ Jobs Nov possib_e 19. lllllIllllllllllIlI :E1 6 41 ABDF 17 0MU 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 6000 6000 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalk, G H I .J Devel- illumination, signal, L M O oper 20. 1 ABDG 0 1 0 M U • 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, HIJL UAB 20% LID illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, M 0 possible landscaping, bridge, roadway. • 21. 'LK WASH BLVD N PK TO CITY L2 BDFG 3 0 3 S U 4 8 0 0 4 8 0 0 4 8 0 0 Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalks, gutter, illumin- UAB 25% LID ation, channelization, bikeway. possible . 22. S 1 W"217 IDIAIL1E, 1T,0, 1W1 IV,A,L,LIE 1 /A1B 1DIF ,0513S U ill 1 , 1 _ 1 1 1 2151 010 1 , 1 ill , , 1 215 ,0 ,0 , ,215, 010 Grading, drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalks, G H I J Devel- illumination, signal, bike route, channelization, L M 0 oper landscaping, roadway. 23. S E P U G E T - J O N E S TO EDMONDS 2 V.B D F G 0 7 8 S U 9 6 0 • . a 9 . i Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutter, illumina- Forward tion, channelization, roadway. Thrust ���� ,png si b1 e 24. M�O ,N,S,T,E,R, IRIDL- 1A,L,T,E,R,N�ALT,E1 iAICIC,ElSLS 1 �//A,BID1F ,Oj2 �2 C U t , i , , , , , , 121110 , , 1 1 , I , , ► ,211 ,0 1 i 121110 Realignment of roadway. H J UAB Forward • possible Thrust possible ot5TRtBUT101'1 I /-!,o., r,, --rQI(`T =T1YC &ir C.* •-.! cc'Z I5lA]1.2 -X --YEAR_ TRANuPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . 19 8 .4...TO . •.19 89 Page 4 of 5 OBLIGATION PRO(iRAM ETT „AII j-fearing pate Adoption Date City/.County keypunching Note: Data entered in cols 1-8 must . Resolution Number Citij_No. 1 O 7 0 s-6_ be on all cards punched from County t'io. 1 7 7-8 ibis form. g — . p-IWO:ECT_C05T5'_1IsI -THOUSANDS" OF•DOLLA RS e v PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .' a s i OBLIGATION :SCHEDULE . _FUN-DING SOURCE Z • m•it 1e,Route,Road.Log No., Section Noo L Tota( I a 1- - --__..y �_A R �c Work , FEDERAL . .. _TOTA L Location Terminl,,Deocripiion of Work,. 03. Code length ... \ ,°, 1st- a Beginning Milepost Grid a No. e4+- • e10 .(Miles) I-e ,�. _ 2 ncl. 3 rci 4.,5 U.A.B. 1..00AL FUNDS 9 5 9 (A�nudi _ -, .1'o th AMOUNT PROGRAM ,-+ oc C5 Element) .1 2 . T 4 .- .-- 5 8-7.a .. -. 9 __-L.- .10_ . _... . it .. 12 13 -_. 14.. 15 i6 17:: .-9- ._ 95 5C��"�37. 40 41 44 4d64T4B '• . Si 5Z 55 36 ' ' 33 60 63 64 -- -67 ea . 1L •2 7516 79 AO d6 S,U,NIS,EIT, ,B,LIVID, , 11410151 '1`1'101 IP' AIRIK1 IDIR 2VjaB,DITEG ,019,0 S U •• i 1 •'j . , • , 1 a 1 , ► 111 8► 01 0„, 1 i 1 1 1 1 . -1 • I i .1 '81010 t 1118,010 25. Drainage, paving, curbs, sidewalk, gutters, channel- H J Forward ization, illumination and bikeway. Thrust • possible TAYLOR ,N,W R,E1NIT,O,N, ,T,O, , S, T1E1V,E,N1S 2'.B,D,FG 101.6, OCU , , 1 , , , , , , 7 2, 0 1 I 1 . 1 , 1 , 1 17 ,2 ,0 , , ,7,2,0 26. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, ilium- H J U.A.B. 25% LID ination, channelization. possible Fwd.Thr. • possible , N1E1 11, 2,T,H, L, Y1N,N,WIOIO,D, ,T10, 1U N, I,O1N, , 2�%// BID,F,G ,016,0 C U 1 1 1 ! , I , I 1 110100 I I I I I I 1 1 1 11010 ,0 1 11101010 _ 27' Drainage, paving, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, illum- H J . U.A.B. 50% LID ,nation, channelization. possible Fwd.Thr. • ._ possible U,N, I,0,N, 1A,V, ,N,E1 1S,ULN,SIE,T, ,T,0, ,NJE, 214,T 2'B1D1F1G 1017, 0 S U L 1 I 1 1 1 Ili , io, o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 16,010 1 1 ,61010. 28. Drainage, paving, curbs, gutter, sidewalk, channel- H 50% LID ization. Fwd.Thr possible E1D,M101NiDiS, ,A1V1E1 tE,XtTiEiN►SII,OIN1 I M 11 AIB ,D,F ,0179 U 29. NE 3rd to Maple Valley Highway GHIL K - N,/,N,E, ,3,R,D, , S ,T, 1I1- 14(015 , IU,NID,EIR,C,RLO,S ,2 /„A4B1DIF I 40,9 ,S U 1 1 1 1 1 , I I I 1, 01010 I I I i 1 1 , 1910 , , 1,0 1 1 11 01 01 0 30:Widening - add two more travel lanes. GHIJ U.A.B. •I 1 1 1 I I I I I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • I 1 , I - , L I I I LIMA I 1 1 ti f///1 I I I , 4 L III III 1 1 I il I • I , 1 III ill 1 1 1 I I LI I DtSTRL BUT ION I COPY DISTRICT STATE AIDS LSINCER 151A ,_a .SIX---YEAR. TRAt 18PORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM . 19 84 ,..TO ..-19 89 Page 5 of 5 - OBLIGATION• PROGRAM - Hearing Do.te EXHIBIT "A" Adoption Date City/-County _Keypunching Note: Datn entered in cols I-8 must ADDENDUM #1 - STATE HIGHWAY PROJECTS .. Resolution Number City_.No. 1 0 7 0 3.4 be an all cards punched from County No. 1 717-8 this -form. e k . p-ITO—D rCT_CO5TS•_11\1 -THOUSANDS-.OF DOLLARS 0 r • PROJECT IDENTIFICATION .0 1111.1( _C ,l 1 OBLiGATIONTSCH'EDULE . _FUN-DING SOURCE - fit 1e Route,Road Lo No., Section No• ° T°ta( d a 'h- -__._.____�C.-1__A. R Log. � �o Work � _ - FEDERAL . � ?OT/�L Z3 Length • N ,o Location Termini,Deacription of Work, o E Beginning Milepost Bridge No. c Code Miles) -,s= at. Arinaai 2nd 3rd 4.,5 U.A.B. -LOCAL FUNDS *- 9 g 9ill o� rg Elemer7t) GM AMOUNT PROGRAM �+ • ,.._� - - - -- -- . 4 .- .-. 5 6.7 8 -.- S -_:..JO. . . . . ii. -. 12 . ..13 --.- 14.. 15 i6 17`: .-9 -_ . 35 36 -. 37. 4041 44 4�a 46\4T`48 • . - St 52__ - 55 S9 - . 5940 6364 --- -61 as . 11 12 7576 19 so S6 F,A,IL 141015, ,NL 1C111TIY1 IT101 IS, IC1I1T1Y1 I I 2F// 1 1 1 ,6,414 M U I .6 • I •. 1 I • L I I • a L I , 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 . .1 11 4LI I lett I II 4 State DOT Project - capacity improvements. HOV lanes. S ,R1 11,6191 ,QiU, E,EINL IS,E, LTI0, 11, 4191T1HL 181E 1Mj,_ , , , , 11414_ M U 1 1 1 , I r l 1 1 1 1 1 1 III All III III j 1 1 1 1 State Project - construct five lane roadway. SIR! 1910101 IR,EINI•TIOINI ITIOI III SISIAI01UTAtHI 12 % 1 1 1 1,110,0 M U I I I I I I , I I 111 III III IIL LII I I 1 I I . State Project - widen to four lanes with five lanes at intersections. ��//• I I I I I I I I I , I I 1 I I , I i I I , Y i- I 1 I I I r I I III III I I I _ ( I I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1_ 1 ( 1 I 1 I , I I I I I I 1 L I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 III 1 4 1 III III III IIIIII 1 1 1 III III I I I 1 1 • I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I - i Y//. I I I I A I f I I I I I I I I I I •I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I L I I I L Y//i I 1 1 I 4 1 , _l Ir lI I I III II I III III I 1 1 _ I 1 1 1 L L L I y • (ATTRIBUTION I COPY [DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER 1984 OVERLAYS 1/2C GAS TAX PROJECTS Williams Ave. South from S 4th St. to Grady Way $23,800.00 SE 5th Street from Maple Valley to Dead End $24,500.00 SE 6th Street from Newport Ave. SE to Dead End $11 ,375.00 SE 6th Street from SE 5th St. to Newport Ave. SE $14,000.00 $73,675.00 July 22, 1982 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1983 - 1988) Copies sent to: (75) State Dept. of Transportation (w/Adj . Agency Cert.) City of Kent City of Tukwila King County King County Planning (B'Young Ahn) City of Bellevue City of Seattle City of Issaquah Puget Power (2 copies) Pacific Northwest Bell Washington Natural Gas Group W Cable, Inc. Clearview Cable TV Burlington Northern Chamber of Commerce PSCOG (1 copy) (Dick Etherington) Mayor and Council Members (8 copies) City Clerk (25 copies + 2 copies to send to Wash. Hwy. Comm.) Engineering Design & Utility (5 copies) Street Division (1 ) Water Shop (1) Public Works Director (1) Policy Development Dept. (1) Vince Lee (1) City Attorney (1 ) Traffic Engineering (Gary, Paul , Clint + 8) Building & Zoning Dept. (1)