HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 Correspondence WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE' COMMITTEE REPORT July 10 , .'1978 The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for second and final reading: Fay C. Hill Rezone The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following ordinance for first reading: SCS Holdings Limited Rezone The Ways and Means .Committee recommends the following resolutions for. adoption: A... -g1".;--Year Street and Arterial Plan Street Vacation Portion of South 7th St. setting public hearing for August 7 , 1978 t Ric tredicke, C airman e64.0‘...b4S.x.(4.) VLL.n.podiv Barbara Shinpoch George Petry Renton City Council Page 4 - 6/20/77 NEW BUSINESS - Continued EDA Funding New Main Fire Station $862,100; Talbot Hill Pump Station $371 ,000; Cedar River Trail $1 ,943,900; Subtotal $3,177,000; Balance available for new project: $826,000. Public Works Director Gonnason reported meeting with Renton School District Asst. Supt. Belmondo, that they would be interested in participating in some of balance of funding available and are pursuing various projects. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND STREDICKE, COUNCIL RECOMMEND SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER BE LISTED AS FOURTH PRIORITY FOR FUNDING. CARRIED. Mayor Delaurenti noted he shall also submit report of priority recommendations. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means The Ways and Means Committee report submitted by Chairman Clymer Committee Report recommended first reading of an ordinance changing zoning classifica- tion of certain properties known as the Wolf rezone, from residence First Reading district R-2 to residence district R-3. Following reading of rezone Stanley Wolf ordinance for property located on 1500 Index Ave NE between Index NE Rezone R-015-77 and Jefferson NE, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Resolution #2115 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution Fund Transfer authorizing Director of Finance to transfer $4,400 within the Current Judicial Fund for Judicial Department (Municipal Court) additional personnel , Public Defender, Judge pro tem and Intern. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2116 The committee report recommended reading and adoption of a resolution 6-Yr Street & adopting the Six-Year Street Construction Program as amended earlier Arterial during public hearing. Following reading, it was MOVED BY CLYMER, Construction SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AND EXHIBITS THERETO AS MODIFIED Program DURING PUBLIC HEARING. Councilwoman Thorpe noted for record she would vote for resolution because of need for funding which is provided by passage of the resolution, however, disagrees with basic policy of emphasis on construction of new streets and arterials and changing of residential to major arterials rather than maintenance or maintaining certain standards. MOTION CARRIED. (See attached street plan) ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND, STREDICKE, COUNCIL MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. 10:00 P.M. 46-tt-4 a. /1-)y. Delores A. Mead, City Clerk f cm Renton City Council Page 3 6/20/77 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Center Funding Mayor Delaurenti noted additional funds received for Senior Citizen Center for total of $94,150, representing $35,000 addition. Community Community Services Committee Chairwoman Thorpe submitted committee Services report re 8/5/74 referral for sewer service for all plats, reported Committee subdivision ordinance requires sewers if they are within 1000 ft. and Sewers for Plats no further review needed. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Animals in The committee report recommended no further review for 10/21/74 refer- Annexed Areas ral , animals in newly annexed areas; reporting at the present time, ownership of "farm-type" animals allowed to continue as non-conforming use if not found to be public nuisance or health hazard. MOVED SHINPOCH SECOND BRUCE COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, Downtown COUNCIL REFER TO PLANNING COMMISSION THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW ZONE FOR Improvement FARM AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. CARRIED. The report recommended referral to Administration to report to Downtown Merchant's Association (1 ) Parking in the core area has been eliminated inthe zoning ordi- nance; (2) The building code has been revised concerning fire zone requirements in core area; (3) The Planning Department met with and presented proposed parking plan to Downtown Merchant's Assoc. last year. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Group Home/Girls The committee report recommended the matter of a group home for girls, referral of 10/27/75 that the City sponsor an application for Refer- endum 29 monies, be referred to the Administration to determine need and if none exists, then no report back is necessary. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REPORT. CARRIED. Apartments The report recommended no further review of federally funded apart- for Low Income ments for low income families, referred 11/17/75, matter being Families addressed in City's current Community Development Plan. Moved by Clymer, Second Thorpe, concur in recommendation. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Councilman Stredicke noted need for higher than minimal standards for construction in federally funded apartments. CARRIED. Use Permit The committee report recomended referral to the Board of Public Works re referral of 6/14/76, LaValley use permit for City property. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Community Council The committee report re Kennydale Community Council referral of 6/21/76, advised that community councils are allowed under state law only in newly annexed areas according to the City Attorney. The report recom- mended the Council establish a policy of encouraging participation of community/neighborhood associations in the planning process by includ- ing them on lists of parties to be informed of public meetings; and that the City direct the Administration to urge the State Legislature to change existing laws. MOVED STREDICKE, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR I.N REPORT. CARRIED. Garbage Contract Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reported meeting with representatives of Awarded to General Disposal and the Public Works Dept. re the garbage disposal General Disposal contract and made the following recommendations which were agreed to by both Contractor and Staff: (1 ) Right of City to terminate contract after 3-year period if Consumer Price Index increased more than 30%, also right to renegotiate by either party. (2) Escalation clause would not apply to eligible senior citizens who are qualified under City ordinance. (3) Escalation clause based on C.P.I . could not take downturn below base bid price. (4) Curbside and alleyside pick-up includes up to 25 ft unobstructed setback; 60 ft. pick-up unchanged. The Mayor's letter recommended Council approve award of contract to General Disposal as of 6/20/77 meeting. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND AWARD CONTRACT. MOTION CARRIED, Councilman Stredicke requested his NO vote be recorded. NEW BUSINESS Funding Upon request of Councilwoman Thorpe, Mayor Delaurenti reported funds available from Round II "Planning Target" allocation of $4,003,000 for Local Public Works projects as reported by the Economic Development Administration, listing up-dated costs of resubmittal projects: RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 20, 1977 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President Pro tem; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE; COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEN GEORGE J. PERRY AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; LARRY WARREN, Assistant City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; CAPT. PHELAN, Police Rep. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO, Renton Tribune MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 1977 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. Councilwoman Thorpe noted addition Page 1 , Senior Citizens Center, fifth line from end of paragraph, moving of storage facilities will be completed by July 1 . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Six-Year Street posted, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider adoption and Arterial of the City' s Six-Year Street and Arterial Construction Plan. Public' Construction - Works Director Gonnason with the aid of Deputy Public Works Director Program Bennett used wall maps and explained the major arterials, secondary (minor) arterials and collector arterials, as well as spot improve- ments and local access streets. Gonnason explained the state law dir- ecting the adoption of the plan by the first Monday in July; program See Attached ; presented covered 1978 - 1983, having been reviewed by the Public Program Services Committee, Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Public Works, ' Gonnason also explained funding - UAB, FAM, ED Funds or 1/2¢ gas tax, IL. I.D. ' s and also the projects with no funding available. I ' Persons present: Jim McClellan, 1922 Jones Court SE, representing ' Rolling Hills Homeowners Association, made inquiry of Item 9, Second- lary Arterials, Puget Dr. , and noted Planning Commission hearing for Parkwood Homes requiring signal . Public Works Director Gonnason noted left-hand turn lane planned at Parkwood Homes turn from Puget Drive; however, noted signal may be planned in second phase, but noted no pres- lent plans for signal . Kay Johnson, Renton Chamber of Commerce, 300 ; Rainier, Ave. N. , suggested north portion of Longacres Parkway be placed Ion FAM system in order to facilitate construction at one time, then becoming eligible for other funding. Public Works Director concurring. Jim Phelan, 2401 NE 24th, called attention to Item 9, Collector Arteri- als, Aberdeen NE from Sunset Blvd NE to NE 27th St. , noting street ; dangerous and had been top priority 10 years ago .with no improvements ; having been made. Gonnason noted some improvements slated, plan to cut down the hill and fill the swale at new stop sign area; that project ' basically unfunded. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers S. , inquired of Shattuck St. , Park and Ride lot and noted need for improved transit system if President Carter is accurate and oil depleted in 30 years. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Shinpoch, Public Works Director Gonnason explained plans for Shattuck Ave. S. underpass at S.4th extending to S. 7th, 44 ft. width, 161/2' cut (now 7' present height) explaining access ; to businesses; explaining need for alternate route as Rainier Ave. ' operating at maximum capacity. Councilman Stredicke requested curb and walkway for NE 3rd from Sunset Blvd N. to Monroe Ave NE be included lin local improvements. Mayor Delaurenti noted two CETA employees are : assigned to sidewalks. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired re Longacres Park- way crossing of wetlands and P-1 channel , objecting to 40 ft. wide fill of 20 acre wetlands for street purposes; being advised by Gonnason of no impact for P-1 crossing, that arterial could be shifted to north of wetland property but would need to jog around tank farm. Funding of. Valley arterials discussed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Renton City Council Page 2 - 6/20/77 PUBLIC HEARING -• Continued Six-Year Street MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND_ RUeE, -THAT_ PORTION OF LONGACRES PARKWAY, and Arterial NOT ON THE FAM SYSTEM,BE INCLUDED AS EQUESTED BY KAY JOHNSON. CARRIED. Construction Upon motion by Stredicke to refer lierdeen Ave NE problems to the Program Administration, Mayor Delaurenti oted matter was being handled with (Continued) the Public Works Director-- MO -,i BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, ITEM #8 SECONDARY ARTERIALS, SW--:' ,J, AY AND BRIDGE (LIND AVE SW TO W VALLEY HY) BE CHANGED FROM #8 TO •' , AND ITEM ,5,#6, AND #7 BE DROPPED ONE CATE- GORY. CARRIED. MOV,' BY STREDICK , SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THE MONITORING OF THE , X-YEAR STREJ CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE i MOVED BYJ ; SECOND CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO REQUEST SPECIFIC REQ i--0F ��,�_,;S�_#.3 , SECOND ARTERIALS, AS REGARDS WIDENING SHATTUCK A 'AK1L.VOAD UNDER OSSING TO 44 FOOT WIDTH. Roll call reque . ROLL CALL ON pMENDMENT: 3-AYES: THORPE SHINPOCH, CLYMER; 2-NO: STREDICKE,, =' CE. AMENDMENT CARRIED, MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. MOTION B .� REDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER AMENDED SIX-YEAR STREE iCONSTRUCTION PROGRAM TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. MOTIONLA RIED, CounL-i-hi5in n Thorpe requested her NO vote be recorded. l .ter—lutio /#2116 adopted) Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, S OND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED, Council recessed at 9:05 and--weGonvened.__ai:29 iJ _pm. Roll Call ; All Council Members present as previously sh_own. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Wm. McLaughlin Letter from City Clerk Mead reported ped% ion for street vacation Proposed Street filed by William L. McLaughlin, Jr. for portion of N. 33rd P1 . , 50 ft. Vacation, Portion width, located at Lake Washington B-Yvd. N. in the Kennydale area; N. 33rd P1 . $100 filing fee received. The Zter reported petition certified by the Public Works Departme 1 ghat the signatures on the petition • are valid and represent 10,9%/of the j certY-)abutting the proposed vacation. The letter recdthmended--that the vyacation request be refer- red to the Board of Public Works and the j blic Services Committee for determination regarding appraisal a d payment of fees by abutting property owners and:•as concerns rete ion of utility easements. Refer- ral to the Ways and Means Commitie recommended for resolution setting August 1 , 1977 aslthe date of,pdblic hearing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR INN/ RECOMMENDATIONCARRIED. .._.. .._____----- ----- ------7 , Proposed Letter from City Clerk Mead reported-le-t-te)2 of intent to annex Annexation properties to the City was filed; that std to'l`aw requires a minimum J&F Investment of 10% of the assessed valuation be rep•�esented. The Planning Dept. Heather Downs has certified the document has signatures representing 100% of the Area assessed valuation and is valid.,,Mi t the annexation is contiguous to the Heather Downs area on Un von Ave. NE. /The letter further states that the Planning Dept. reports purpose of!annexation is to obtain basic services, especially anitary sewers in order to develop a subdivision, that the prop qty owner-shays-ex pressed interest in parti- cipating arti-cipating in the Heather Downs sewers.: The letter recommended 6/27/77 meeting with property owners to determine } tether to accept the letter of intent, require adoption of Comprehen ve Plan, zoning, pre-existing bonded indebtedness and authorize cirgu1ation of the 75% petition. Moved by Stredicke, second;Bruce, C ancil accept letter of intent, re- quire adoption of zoning,.'�Compreh.ensive Plan, pre-existing bonded indebtedness and authorize 75% petitio., circulation. City Clerk Mead noted need for meeting with groper. wners germs tate law. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE—CO. CTL CONCUR j_N CITY CLERK'S RECOM- MENDATION AND SET MEETING DATE OF ./27/77. C9RRIED. King County Mayor Delaurenti in r duced Milo• Lowry, C ./•'.n King County Council Councilman and Chairman of the Joint._.,Polic e••.. ee whi h determines funding for Senior Citizens , trails,`etc;,, nd-extend .d welcome. OLD BUSINESS _-, Federal Grant Councilman Clymer submitted -et-ter-from tate Representative Speaker . Utility Rate John A. Bagnariol urging the City co •.ct,Go ernor Ray's office Relief encouraging expeditous action to = nds into this area from a direct grant program for utili_t % e relief targeted for senior citizens and low-income dis-;a;.2 to ed August deadline. MOVED CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, REFER TO AYI' ASSISTANT AND ATTORNEY FOR PESOLU T IO': TO BE FORWARDED TO THE GOVERNIR. 'RR I. Renton City Council Page 2 - 6/20/77 PUBLIC HEARING Continued Six-Year Street MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, THAT PORTION OF LONGACRES PARKWAY, and Arterial NOT ON THE FAM SYSTEM,BE INCLUDED AS REQUESTED BY KAY JOHNSON. CARRIED. Construction Upon motion by Stredicke to refer Aberdeen Ave NE problems to the Program Administration, Mayor Delaurenti noted matter was being handled with (Continued) the Public Works Director. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, ITEM #8 SECONDARY ARTERIALS, SW GRADY WAY AND BRIDGE (LIND AVE SW TO W VALLEY HY) BE CHANGED FROM #8 TO #5, AND ITEMS #5,#6, AND #7 BE DROPPED ONE CATE- GORY. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER THE MONITORING OF THE SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND CLYMER, AMEND MOTION TO REQUEST SPECIFIC REVIEW OF ITEMS #3 AND 4, SECOND ARTERIALS, AS REGARDS WIDENING SHATTUCK AVE. S. RAILROAD UNDERCROSSING TO 44 FOOT WIDTH. Roll call requested. ROLL CALL ON AMENDMENT: 3-AYES: THORPE SHINPOCH, CLYMER; 2-NO: STREDICKE, BRUCE. AMENDMENT CARRIED, MOTION AS AMENDED, CARRIED. MOTION BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER AMENDED SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. MOTION CARRIED, Councilwoman Thorpe requested her NO vote be recorded. (See later Resolution #2116 adopted) Recess MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL RECESS. CARRIED, Council recessed at 9:05 and reconvened at 9:14 p.m. Roll Call ; All Council Members present as previously shown. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Wm. McLaughlin Letter from City Clerk Mead reported petition for street vacation Proposed Street filed by William L. McLaughlin, Jr. for portion of N. 33rd P1 . , 50 ft. Vacation, Portion width, located at Lake Washington Blvd. N. in the Kennydale area; N. 33rd P1 . $100 filing fee received. The letter reported petition certified by the Public Works Department that the signatures on the petition are valid and represent 100% of the property abutting the proposed vacation. The letter recommended that the vacation request be refer- red to the Board of Public Works and the Public Services Committee for determination regarding appraisal and payment of fees by abutting property owners and as concerns retention of utility easements. Refer- ral to the Ways and Means Committee recommended for resolution setting August 1 , 1977 as the date of public hearing. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION.. CARRIED. Proposed Letter from City Clerk Mead reported letter of intent to annex Annexation properties to the City was filed; that state law requires a minimum J&F Investment of 10% of the assessed valuation be represented, The Planning Dept. Heather Downs has certified the document has signatures representing 100% of the Area assessed valuation and is valid; that the annexation is contiguous to the Heather Downs area on Union Ave. NE. The letter further states that the Planning Dept. reports purpose of annexation is to obtain basic services, especially sanitary sewers in order to develop a subdivision, that the property owners have expressed interest in parti- cipating in the Heather Downs sewers. The letter recommended 6/27/77 meeting with property owners to determine whether to accept the letter of intent, require adoption of Comprehensive Plan, zoning, pre-existing bonded indebtedness and authorize circulation of the 75% petition. Moved by Stredicke, second Bruce, Council accept letter of intent, re- quire adoption of zoning, Comprehensive Plan, pre-existing bonded indebtedness and authorize 75% petition circulation. City Clerk Mead noted need for meeting with property owners per state law. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN CITY CLERK'S RECOM- MENDATION AND SET MEETING DATE OF 6/27/77. CARRIED. King County Mayor Delaurenti introduced Mike Lowry, Chairman King County Council Councilman and Chairman of the Joint Policy Committee which determines funding for Senior Citizens , trails, etc. , and extended welcome. OLD BUSINESS Federal Grant Councilman Clymer submitted letter from State Representative Speaker Utility Rate John A. Bagnariol urging the City contact Governor Ray's office Relief encouraging expeditous action to move funds into this area from a direct grant program for utility rate relief targeted for senior citizens and low-income disadvantageAugust deadline. MOVED CLYMER, SECOND THORPE, REFER TO MAYOR/ASSISTANT AN ATTORNEY FOR RESOLUTI0" TO BE FORWARDED TO THE GOVERNOR. CARRIES RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 20, 1977 Municipal Building Monday 8: 00 P . M . Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor C. J. Delaurenti led the Pledge of Allegiance and called the regular meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF EARL CLYMER, Council President Pro tem; PATRICIA M. SEYMOUR-THORPE; COUNCIL RICHARD M. STREDICKE, BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, KENNETH D. BRUCE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEN GEORGE J. PERRY AND WILLIAM J. GRANT. CARRIED. CITY OFFICIALS CHARLES DELAURENTI , Mayor; GWEN MARSHALL, Finance Director; DEL MEAD, City Clerk; GORDON ERICKSEN, Planning Director; LARRY WARREN, Assistant City Attorney; WARREN GONNASON, Public Works Director; DEL BENNETT, Deputy Public Works Director; DONALD CUSTER, Administrative Assistant; CAPT. PHELAN, Police Rep. PRESS DON SMITH, Renton Record Chronicle; MARK PELLEGRINO Renton Tribune MINUTE APPROVAL MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL ADOPT MINUTES OF JUNE 13, 1977 AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. Councilwoman Thorpe noted addition Page 1 , Senior Citizens Center, fifth line from end of paragraph, moving of storage facilities will be completed by July 1 . PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been published and Six-Year Street posted, Mayor Delaurenti opened the public hearing to consider adoption and Arterial of the City's Six-Year Street and Arterial Construction Plan. Public' . Construction Works Director Gonnason with the aid of Deputy Public Works Director Program Bennett used wall maps and explained the major arterials, secondary (minor) arterials and collector arterials, as well as spot improve- ments and local access streets. Gonnason explained the state law dir- ecting the adoption of the plan by the first Monday in July; program See Attached presented covered 1978 - 1983, having been reviewed by the Public Program Services Committee, Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Public Works, Gonnason also explained funding - UAB, FAM, ED Funds or 1/2 gas tax, L. I.D. ' s and also the projects with no funding available. Persons present: Jim McClellan, 1922 Jones Court SE, representing Rolling Hills Homeowners Association, made inquiry of Item 9, Second- ary Arterials, Puget Dr. , and noted Planning Commission hearing for Parkwood Homes requiring signal . Public Works Director Gonnason noted left-hand turn lane planned at Parkwood Homes turn from Puget Drive; however, noted signal may be planned in second phase, but noted no pres- ent plans for signal . Kay Johnson, Renton Chamber of Commerce, 300 Rainier Ave. N. , suggested north portion of Longacres Parkway be placed on FAM system in order to facilitate construction at one time, then becoming eligible for other funding. Public Works Director concurring. Jim Phelan, 2401 NE 24th, called attention to Item 9, Collector Arteri- als, Aberdeen NE from Sunset Blvd NE to NE 27th St. , noting street dangerous and had been top priority 10 years ago .with no improvements having been made. Gonnason noted some improvements slated, plan to cut down the hill and fill the swale at new stop sign area; that project basically unfunded. Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers S. , inquired of Shattuck St. , Park and Ride lot and noted need for improved transit system if President Carter is accurate and oil depleted in 30 years. Upon inquiry by Councilwoman Shinpoch, Public Works Director Gonnason explained plans for Shattuck Ave. S. underpass at S.4th extending to S.7th, 44 ft. width, 162' cut (now 7' present height) explaining access to businesses; explaining need for alternate route as Rainier Ave. operating at maximum capacity. Councilman Stredicke requested curb and walkway for NE 3rd from Sunset Blvd N. to Monroe Ave NE be included in local improvements. Mayor Delaurenti noted two CETA employees are assigned to sidewalks. Councilwoman Thorpe inquired re Longacres Park- way crossing of wetlands and P-1 channel , objecting to 40 ft. wide fill of 20 acre wetlands for street purposes; being advised by Gonnason of no impact for P-1 crossing, that arterial could be shifted to north of wetland property but would need to jog around tank farm. Funding of Valley arterials discussed. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTI ON PROGRAM . 'MAJOR . (PRINCIPAL) ARTERIALS , • 1 .. S.W. 43rd Street, from. E". . Valley 'Rd. to W. Valley Rd. • 2'. . Bronson Way •_N. & S; ,. from Main Ave. S- to Houser Way N. ' • • • . 3. ' Sunset 'Blvd. N. , from Bronson. Way N. to F.A. I . 405 ' ' • • 4. Longacres Pkwy. S.W. ., .from ..S .W. 43rd St. to' S.W. Grady Way 5. Longacres Pkwy. S.W. , from S'.W. Grady Way -to S. 140th St.• 6'. , Longacres Pkway. S.W.',' 'from'S.,W.. 140th St. to S.W. Sunset Blvd: ' . • • . SECONDARY ,(MINOR)- ARTERIALS • 1 . Mis. Street Repairs' and Improvements , 2. Li nd. Ave. S.W. , from S.W. 16th St. to• S.W. 43rd St. ' 3. Shattuck Ave. S. , from S. 4th Pl . to S . 7th, St, 4. Shattuck Ave. S. , from S. 7th S . .to, S. Grady Way'. 5. S. Puget Dr. & Benson Rd: 'S. ,' In,tersect'ion Improvements ' , 6. , S:W. 27th St. , from W. ' Valley Rd. to E. Valley Rd. . 7. Wells, Ave. Bridge & Wells 'Ave: N. , from S. Riverside Dr: to. N. 6th St. 8. S.W. Grady Way, from Lind Ave: .S.W.' to.W. Valley Rd.' ' 9. S. Puget Dr. & .Puget Dr.' S.E. , from Benson . Rd. S. to Edmonds Ave. S.E, 10. Lake Wash. Blvd. N. , from. N. .Park Dr. to N. 44th St.. - 11 . Union' Ave. N.E. , from N.E. Sunset Blvd:. to N'.E,. , 24th St. 12. Garden Ave. N'.', from N.'14th St.. to N. 8th St. 13. ,N•. 30th, St. , from Burnett Ave. N. . to 14. Lind Ave. S.W. , 'from S.W.. 16th 'St. •to S.W. Grady .Wey . • " 15. Sunset Blvd. N.E. , .from F.A. I . 405 to 'N.E. Park Dr. 16. Benson Rd. S. , from S . .Grady .Way to S.E. 31st St.. 17. S.. 7th St. , from Rainier Ave. S. to Smithers Ave. . S. COLLECTOR ARTERIALS ' , . 1 . Misc. Street Repairs & Improvements 2. Talbot Rd. S. , from S. 15th St. to S. 43rd St. ' ' 3. S.W. 16th St. , from E. Valley' Rd. to Monster Rd. S.W. ' 4. E. Valley Rd. , from S.W. '16th St. to SR 167 Ramps 5. N. E. 12th St. , from Edmonds Ave. N.E. to Union Ave.N.E. 6. Taylor Ave. N.W. .& Taylor Pl . N.E. , from Renton Ave. Ext.. to Stevens Ave.NW 7. Monroe Ave. N.E. , from N.E. 2nd St. to N.E. 12th St. . 8. Burnett Ave. N. ,' from Lk. Wash. Blvd. (S. Term.) to Lk. Wash. Blvd. (N. Term. ) • 9. Aberdeen Ave. N.E. ,."from'Sunset Blvd. N. E. to N.E: 27th St. 10. Park Ave. N. & N. 40th .St. ,. from N. 30th St'. to Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. • SPOT IMPROVEMENTS ' 1 . N.E. 4th St. & Union Ave. N.E. , Intersection Improvements 2. Monster Rd. W.S. , Railroad Crossing Signal Imprvmt. 3. Monster Rd. S.W. Bridge . ' . , 4. S.W. Sunset. Blvd. , S .W. Langston Rd: & Hardie 'Ave. S.W. 5. N. 3rd St. ' LO'CAL'. ACESS STREETS • ' 1 . .Misc. Street Repairs :& Improvements 2. N. 1st St. , from Park Ave. N. to Burnett Ave. N. ." 3. Renton, Ave. - S.. , from S. 3rd St. to S. 10th St. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING CALENDAR Office of the City Clerk COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULED AT CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June. 20, 1977 COMMITTEE DATE TIME CHAIRMAN LOCATION REMARKS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE PERRY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT No Meeting PERRY COMMUNITY SERVICES Regular Mtg. SEYMOUR-THORPE Cancelled WAYS AND MEANS Mon. , 6/27 7:00 p.m. CLYMER 6th Fir. Conference Rm. PUBLIC SERVICES (AIRPORT) Tues. , 6/21 7:30 p.m. BRUCE 4th Flr. Conference Rm. Tues. , 6/21 8:30 p.m. 4th Flr. Conference Rm. OTHER MEETINGS AND EVENTS Page 1 of 8 CITY OR COUNTY • SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM "EXHIBIT A" • CITY OF RENTON • HEARING DATE . (1978-1983) \ ADOPTION DATE • URBAN ARTERIAL RESOLUTION NO. CONTROL BOARD ' SUPPLEMENTAL z - • 3 6 10 14 SECTION TOTAL m y y PROJECT TOTAL FUNDS BY TIME PERIOD • w O ' Vz y URBAN ie. FEDERAL a LOCAL COST MAJOR (PRINCIPAL) ARTERIALS ¢ CO. CITY ROUTE HD Ci zQ F1- ARTERIAL Q} HIGHWAY Q} FUNDS LOCAL 1977-79 BIENNIUM • Q r f. FUNDS F-H cri NO. NO. NO. yz - LL Qa y FUNDS< TRUST D y y UFED.F 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982.83 Local Name of Arterial 1 . S .W. 43rd 'Street • I /7 /,0,7,®¢,/,ex0,0,1lop,/ P aro,00uPS ,I,2,6',#_ PH ,I$2,S,o0 .5.$00,0P 5;0,0P13 $ , , . $ , , • $ , , • $ i • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS E . Valley Rd . to W. Valley Rd. 1.05 GR., DR. , PAVE. , CURB, SWK. , .ILL: , SIG. , BK. RT. , LANDSCAPING, BRIDGE , WIDEN D 56 ' OF WORK S Joint project with City of Kent Local Name of Arterial ' L S .W. 43rd St . o oZagI 10011 uIPS 400oo1PM_ 100001 'PP:VW 6 000 Detailed Location of Project Termini Length i tililes Type of Work MAJOR CLASS E . Valley Rd. to W. Valley Rd. 1 .05 GR. ,DR. ,PAVE . ,CURB ;SWK. , ILL. ,SIG. ,BK.RT. ,LANDSCAPING ,BRIDGE,WIDEN TO 56 ' • OFWORK Joint project with City of Kent Local Name of Arterial . 2 , Bronson Way N. & S . ./ /7 /o oo2 ulP/ 6,5 PH I? 81 6/,6. Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS Main Ave . S . to Houser Way N. 0 . 34 DR. ,PAVE..,CURB,SWK. ,SIG. ,CHAN•NEL. OFWORK CD • Local Name of Arterial ' z Sunset Blvd. N. - / /11,01031Z103 OA/ / 0,0,317 , . uIP/ , 4,�o.II 8 �7® 1 I 5� 6 , , . 5819.4 , , • _ , I ® , iled Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work , 9 Bronson Way N. to- F.A. I . 405 0 . 5.0 DR. ,CURB.,SI.G. , ILL. ,CHANNEL. MAJOR CLASS • Local Name of Arterial 4 . Longacres Pkwy. S.W. 7.0112° 10o / / 004Iulr/ /920,oppIPH /,goof �9ao ., , , . , 70,0.4 t . _i , , . r - . Detailed Location of Project Termini :. Length in Miles Type of Work S .W. 43rd• St . to S .W. Grady Wy. 1 . 8 • GR. ,DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL. ,SIG. ,BK. RT. ,CHANNEL. ,LANDSCAPING,BRIDGE, 56 ' - RDWY. MAOF WORKJORCLAss • Local Name of Arterial 5 . Lcngacres Pkwy. S .W. - I - P i I • / ,7 /,0,7,01 ,2,0,! 0,03/0001, , ' 7 , . �Ir 5 ,h.Z,a,o o1PM ,i,B,BA ,31,o,o,oPI 9 , , O. 9 7 7 . 300®,og_i , • 9,1 , . Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS S .W . Grady Way to S . 140th St . 1 . 0 GR. ,DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL. ,SIG. BK.RT. CHAN i ► i i ' I. . 14 ? . _ r S OFWORK• / SA-1 & UAB-1 Rev.1/77 - (All Money Entered to 1,000's) Page 2 of 8 CITY OR COUNTY "EXHIBIT A" HEARING DATE SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM CITY OF RENTON ' ' (1978-1983) ADOPTION DATE URBAN ARTERIAL CONTROL BOARD RESOLUTION NO. SUPPLEMENTAL Z- • SECTION a TOTAL FUNDS BY TIME PERIOD 3 6 10 14 m TOTAL PROJECT 6 z J )-6to > >w FEDERAL p w LOCAL COST w p V VZ p URBAN H a a LOCAL CC CO. CITY ROUTE HO ci Z¢ 1_ ARTERIAL - <> HIGHWAY Q} FUNDS C CC NO. NO. NO. wZ 7 �O < TRUST FUNDS ¢ ,~ FUNDS y,F U.A.T.F. 1977-79 BIENNIUM y LL Qa y n FED. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982-83 Local Name of Arterial - •- T-on ,acres. P cw S W / l,7 I t®t?t0'�'t�t®r/ of®4i ot0f L , i t • u PS }&40.0 CPN i t0A♦o Oi�P�•0 t t t_• t t t- •- t. t t • _ t t t • • 1� alsi Detailed Loc ton of-Project er tni Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS S .W. 140th St . to S .W. Sunset 0 . 6 GR. ,DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL. ,CHANNEL . ,BK:RT. ,LANDSCAPING ,56 ' ROADWAY OFWORK Blvd. Local Name of Arterial i III t it II t t t 9 t t • I III t•• I t , t t • t ' t t • lila 4 t t • t t t a -t t t • ' t • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS OF WORK SECONDARY (MINOR) .ARTERIALS . Local Name of Arterial 1 . Misc. Street Repairs Re airs Improvements O / 7 1 tot t0 I t t t j Joo/I , t t t . Ut e t t . IPH t e t!t t ' 11120 t tIt2.O t t I . t t t • _ ' t t . i t ` . Detailet e'ncilepme ild on prospectus Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS I F7 in StrPPt nett S-Yr Plan OF WORK 'Local Name of Arterial 2 . Lind Ave . S .W. 1 17 107® o/oo42vo2l vI IPH / 9ooA /9oou /gotpo t ttt tt tt tt tttt • t ? tt • tttt • t ' tt • ti ♦ tit • ttt • , ttt • vt • fled Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS S .W . 16th St . to S .W. 43rd St. . 1 . 7 GR. ,DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB,SWK. , ILL. ,SIG. ,BK.RT. 1CHANNEL. ,.LANDSCAPING,BRIDGE,44 'ROADWAY OFWORK / L . I . D. Project • ILocal Name of Arterial 3. Shattuck Ave . S. / / 7 /1ot70I5t601! oto224ot3t e t t • U11151 t 321o•cIP0 t y ®t®A t 010,00 4t 0t0•0 t t t ♦ t t t ♦ ,_, t t • fi t ( s- Detailed Location of Project Termini . Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR ORKCLASS I S . 4th Pl . to S . 7th St . 0 . 23 DR. ,PAVE . ,CURB ,SWK. ,ILL. ,CHANNEL. ,BRIDGE ,WIDEN TO 44 ' OFW6. ocal me of Artert'al lw �S attllCK Ave . S . / 17 / o7oSS /O03Z®a4l �PI 7541P11 It8►9 943 943 t t t t t SAO, t t t ► t t t t • t t t ♦ t $ t t ' t t • , t t • t t t . t I t • _, t . a _ I. t • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS S . 7th St . to S . Grady Way . 0 . 06 ' GR. ,DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB,SWK. , ILL. ,SIG. ,CHANNEL. , 44 ' ROADWAY OF WORK � / SA-1 & UAB-i. Rev.1/77 (All Money Entered to 1,000's) Page 3of S :ITY OR COUNTY SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM "EXHIBITA" HEARING DATE CITY OF RENTON (1978- 1983) ADOPTION DATE URBAN ARTERIAL RESOLUTION ND. CONTROL BOARD SUPPLEMENTAL Z SECTION 3 6 10 14 m TOTAL . o. �, y PROJECT TOTAL FUNDS BY TIME PERIOD O Z J } y w FEDERAL w LOCAL COST w 0 V C. O URBAN H a HIGHWAY a FUNDS LOCAL cC CO. CITY ROUTE h0 Ci ZOC H ARTERIAL Q} Q} & 1977-79 BIENNIUM ix NO. NO. NO. ,, z u. Q¢ H FUNDS TRUST ? y~ FUNDS y U.A.T.F. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982-83 cc Local Name of Arterial 5 . S . Puget. Dr. & Benson Rd. S . / / 7 /07062.0300/ r_00 V P� 1.21•3014 PH y , , 9 13 , 9 ,61/S 9L6,1, '_, , • t , , • _' , , • y , • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work JOR CRKLASS Tntersection Improvements DR. ,PAVE . ,CURB ,SWK. ,SIG. ,CHANNEL. MAOFWO6 Local Name of Arterial 6 . S .W. 2i/th St. D 1 i i7 0 O i' 2 Z 001 ' 00 , , • _V r , ,2,10®w0I PK i f,o,p•� ,'3,®,oIap0 s , , • 45,0,0.e /1610,0•43_, , , • , 9 , • Detaile oc on Projec T rmin' Length in Miles T e of Work �1i: aJ°�ley tRd. �o E . Valley Rd. 1 . 2� R. ,DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. ,ILL. ,SIG. ,BK. RT. , CHANNEL . ,LANDSCAPING,BRIDGE,44 ' RDWY. MAJOR CLASS j OF WORK Local Name of Arterial t 7 . Wells Ave . Bridge & Wells Ave . N. 1 1,7 /,0,7,05/,0,1 0,®13' 0,0,7 ._ ,j 7,8.auIP1 , , ,71414 , * ,7,/A ,442,00 t , , • 02,40 Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work B • • • MAJOR CLASS S . Riverside Dr. to N. 6th St. 0 . 61 DR. ,PAVE . ,CURB ,SWK. ,ILL. ,CHANNEL. ,LANDSCAPING,BRIDGE ,WIDEN TO 44 ' OF WORK 2 Local Name of Arterial 7 'ells Ave . Bridge & Wells Ave . N. 1 / 7 / i°671 o1 0o32' 07I 1p I 9,7_,1OlPN 426o1 /412o0 • / Zoo Del Location of Project Termini . Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS S. Riverside Dr. to N. 6th St. 0 . 61 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL. ,CHANNEL. ,LANDSCAPING,BRIDGE,WIDEN TO 44 ' OFWORK Local N me of Arterial 8. S.W. Grady Way I- I 1 1,7 110,7,®k,2,0,,�,1I 0_0,,�I WZ 0,0�P ,3,2,4,00 U1 �ps. 1 9I,8,0,PIP Pi , ,I,8,01:1 ,346,0,0P f I , • 3•O,®s4) 9 , , ♦ , 9 , , • ti • Detaitedl_ocation fProjeci�Tetrpini to W. Valley Rd Lengt1hi11Vjjles TDRoPATkE . , CURB ,SWK. , ILL. ,CHANNEL . ,BRIDGE ,WIDEN TO 44 ' MAJOR CLASS . L1n 1�ve . OF WORK Joint Project with City of Tukwila Local Name of Arterial 8 . S.W. Grady WayQ 1 1,7 /,Oio 412•°.2.0,012-2 0,®iel , $ , , • IPS ,��,2,°•431pH ,1,02310• 3,40,0•0 , , , • 3'4110,0.0 $ , , • _ ; 1 , • , , • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS 6- Lind Ave. S .W. to W. Valley Rd. . 1. 10 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL. ,CHANNEL. .BRIDGE ,WIDEN TO 44 , OF WORK sA-1.&sI,®a:nFl v.11?aject with City of Tukwila (All Money Entered to 1,000's) CITY OR COUNTY "EXHIBIT A" Page o f S CITY OF RENTON SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM HEARING DATE (1978-1983) • ADOPTION DATE URBAN ARTERIAL RESOLUTION NO, CONTROL BOARD SUPPLEMENTAL z SECTION Q 3 6 10 14 ca TOTAL O H rn PROJECT TOTAL FUNDS BY TIr,IE PERIOD z } y P. w FEDERAL O w LOCAL COST Ili O c� vz ° URBAN i-a HIGHWAY �'a FUNDS LOCAL CO. CITY ROUTE I-0 V zei 1— ARTERIAL .2>. Q} & 1977-79 BIENNIUM 07 NO. NO. NO. Uz z w0 < TRUST 2 1,7,1- FUNDS IT,H U.A.T.F. ti D . Qa y FUNDS D FED. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982-83 Local Name of Arterial . 9 . S. Puget Dr. & Puget Dr. S .E . 117 ,ole 2x30022.®oq 1 ' u PI , ,2600 PH Gso Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS Benson Rd. S . to Edmonds Ave . S.E. 1 . 00 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL . ,CHANNEL . ,WIDEN TO 44 ' OFORK D Local Name of Arterial , • 10 . Lake Wash. Blvd. N. 1 1,7 1,0,7,0 Zs,0,10,0,44Z0,/Pt _ , , , , . 011)I ,1,7,0,0131P H , 42,s.1 .291112pa I ! . 2 35 ,3,1,0_ 9,7/.S Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work ' s N. Park Dr. to N. 44th St. 2 . 5 DR. >PAVE. >CURB > >SWK. ILL. > OF WORRASSK l ...CHANNEL. MAJOR C ` • L11gc�l Narn i on ri 11 eve . N.E . 1 /17 l 0,710 318,011 0,012.20,1,11 , , , , •_UIP 1 I ,Z8,�.oIP H I , 711.01 I ,30.01 „ .. , ,. I •c. , ,3ss0_, • , I .Detail' d. ° ati onf � t T � . to N.E. 24th Stnhi M.i s TDee o A . CURB , SWK. ,CHANNEL. ,WIDEN TO 44 ' MAJOR CLASS AFWORK � � Local Name of Arterial 1? Garden Ave . N. i /1 10702s5 1 0022.0 1 A , , . I 4 u1Pl v 106g1PH i26,4 Gs30 /313 Det Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work. N. 4th St . to N. 8th St. 0 . 5 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. ,CHANNEL. ,WIDEN TO 44 ' MOFOWORK" 5" • Local Name of Arterial • 13. N. 30th St. 1 1,•7 IIO,7,o12,3,$20,0,120,1,31 , , I I . ulP 1 , ,1,Z,®• H I , 13A , ,/,50J , , • , I I • , I I 4 4115040 r I • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work Burnett. Ave . N. to F.A. I . 405 0 . 4 DR. >PAVE. >CURB >SWK. >CHANNEL> OF WORK WIDEN TO 44 ' MAJOR CLASS15. - Local Name of Arterial 14. Lind Ave . S.W. 1 / 71„O70410 1 0 03 7.011 41 UIP1 Ir, 21 ® N , ,2fie I itAaPo , I , . I 1 . , I I . ,4000.0 , I • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work , MAJOR CLASS S.W. 16th St . to S .W. Grady Wy . 0 . 2 DR. ,PAVE . ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL. ,SIG. ,CHANNEL. .BK. RT. LANDSCAPT • T(1 OF WORK 0 NG�RRIDGE WIDEAI 44 ' SA-1 &UAB-1 Rev.ii" (All Money Entered to 1,000's) , CITY OR COUNTY Page 5 of 8 SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM "EXHIBIT A" HEARING DATE CITY OF RENTON (1978-1983) ADOPTION DATE URBAN ARTERIAL. RESOLUTION NO. CONTROL BOARD .. SUPPLEMENTAL i SECTION Q 3 6 10 14 op TOTAL c� z. }� °C Iii.' W PROJECT OTOTAL FUNDS BY TIME PERIOD w p ; U Vz 5 URBAN D 1_ 'FEDERAL a LOCAL LOCAL ¢ CO. CITY ROUTE 1=0, v zci H ARTERIAL —1 Q} HIGHWAY C} FUNDS & 1977-79 BIENNIUM OO NO. NO. NO. wz z �O <: TRUST ¢ cal—i— FUNDS ce F- U.A.T.F. ti 7 QEa. rn FUNDS ¢ FED. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982-83 Local Name of Arterial . 15 . Sunset Blvd. N.E. 1171 ®203,2,0,3 ootzoil u Pt' 8371 PN o93 /0,�1 q�b 1 '-„ . 94717.1 , . , 921 , � , 91 "— $ ii • ' ,- , . JO 91 � . Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work F.A. I . 405 to. N.E . Park Dr. 0 . 9 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB. ,SWK. ,CHANNEL. MAJOR WORK� OF 2. Local Name of Arterial - 16 . Benson Road S. Q Q 1 ,7 1,0,7,o 5,3,0,3 0,®,A20,11�" , , i t • UIP 1 ,cs,b.JPII , 'I.� fi�� i ,,3i3P i • 1733• III * ' i e Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work AJOR CLAS . Grady Way to S. E. 31st St . 1. 8 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB. ,SWK. ,CHANNEL. ,WIDEN TO 44 ' MOFFWORK� 5 Local Name of Arterial 17,. S . 7th St. 111 1,0,7P418,o,aaal Zo,1,7I 1 4. UIP I, s?M1, PH , , ,14.411172.® 1,•qQ , , . I di Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work ! • _' t A it:. s Ave . S. to Smithers n 5 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL . ,CHANNEL. ,WIDEN TO 44 '. MOFFWORK � 'AJOR CLASS Si° Local Name of"Arterial i i i 1 i i i , „ I , 91 , • I 9 , , • I , 9 , 1 • I ,_ 911 • 91 , • 911 . 9 „ • 9i I • 9 , . . s Dei Location of Project Termini Length in Miles - Type of Work MAJOR CLASS OF WORK COLLECTOR ARTERIALS Local Name of Arterial 1 ::. Misc. Street Repairs & Improvements 1 / 17 110,70 t , I I . 301®,1I , ,. , , • u1 1 , , 1 • IPII , s !VAAL 13101 * I 4$ 9 1 I s 1 12,13_ ' I I . >: , • D fled Locatio of Pr jec Ter ini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS o be i$en�i ie"� on prospectus inStreetDept. 5-Year Plan OF WORK Local Name of Arterial 1 r 2.. Talbot Rd. S . 1 1i� 11®,71® 3�7,0,1OIOA 3®,01'1 , b I i .0 0IP6 ,3,9,6o]PH , *. ,719•x! , 44,9,0 4104 1 I • ► I , . _1 1 , • ii • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles TypeofWork MAJOR CLASS S . 15th St. to S . 43rd St. 1 . 8 - DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. ,ILL . ,CHANNEL. OFWORK sA-1 &UAB-1 Rev.1/77 (All Money Entered to 1,000's) CITY OR COUNTY • SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM " Page 6 Of 8 CITY OF RENTON (1978-1983) EXHIBIT A" HEARING DATE ADOPTION DATE URBAN ARTERIAL RESOLUTION NO. ' CONTROL BOARD SUPPLEMENTAL Z - 3 6 10 14 SECTION cr TOTAL y co PROJECT TOTAL FUNDS BY TIME PERIOD O Z }O to >tr >u+ FEDERAL w LOCAL COST p 0 VZ ] URBAN I-a H a LOCAL Cr CO. CITY ROUTE F-O tj ZCC . ARTERIAL Q> HIGHWAY Q FUNDS & 1977-79 BIENNIUM • mcc NO. NO. NO: 02 2 Qa < FUNDS D y~ FUNDS y I• U.A.T.F. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982-83 Local Name of Arterial 3 . S . W. 16th. St . 1 17 /0704- 07.0o . 3o03 u P5 58 . 0 PH / • _0 7300 2450 - 85'o ' Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work CLASS 5. E . Valley Rd. to Monster Rd. S.W. 0 .9 DR. ,PAVE. , CURB ,SWK. ILL. ,CHANNEL . ,BRIDGE,WIDEN .TO 44 ' MOFFWORK • • • Local Name of Arterial • 4 . E . Valley Rd . 1117.IL0L7,0 5,0,(_O0,A30,041 , , , l . u1P5 ,7,Z,O.OIPH_ , ,1,$,0.01 ,q,o,vp , , , . ,quo,®.® , , , . _, , , . s l Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS ( S .W. 16th St . to SR 167 Ramps 1 . 6 DR. ,PAVE . ,CURB , SWK. , ILL. ,CHANNEL . ,WIDEN TO 44 ' OF WORK Z Local Name of Arterial -I I 5 . N .E . 12th S t . • 1 1,7 I o 7,O 315,5,2 0,O Rl3 O0o51 , , .• tile l , ,3,4�o .AIP H , , ,S,s,l 42#P , . , . $ , I . 94�Z0: ' 1 1 . Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work Edmonds Ave . N. E . . to Union Ave . N.E . 1 . 0 DR. ,PAVE.' ,CURB ,SWK. ,ILL. ,CHANNEL.. ,WIDEN TO 44 ' JMAJoRcLASsI OWORK . • (Local Name of Arterial • ,_,II_�6 . Taylor Ave . N.W. "& Taylor P1 . N.W. 1 1,71,x7,0 /10,0,30,0,4130,001 , , . LIP , 44.0•01P , , AocJ , ,3o0op t , , ._ g , , • $310,0.°_ ' , I * 9 , • ,lied Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS ' Kenton Ave . Ext . to Stevens Ave . N .W. 0. 6 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL.. ,CHANNEL . ,WIDEN TO 44 ' . OF WORK 5' •Local Name of Arterial 7 . Monroe Ave . N.E . 1 1,7 Le.7,0314,0,110,0,E13 0,0,71 ,t , , . il1P 5 , ?4,o,S,�PH , ,1,00 , ,67o,7•0 t , , . •s 1 . ' 1 , < ;Pi'ZIP ii , . Detailed Location.of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of-Work N . E . 2nd St . to N.E. 12th St . 1 . 0 DR. ,PAV.E. ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL. ,CHANNEL. ,WIDEN TO 44 ' °"OF°WORKc • Local Name of Arterial 8 . Burnett Ave . N. I i 7 10702 45'1 0oA3 0081 e11PS 4go1PH 60, A - v , 1 1 , , 111 . , ,2, . 03,42,0.0 ,_ , . • , , . 1 , . 0, P 40 , . e ailed cat' n of r jec TerminiLengt n ryes Type of Work l�°a [NTerm. ) to Lk. •� DR. PAVE. CURB SWK. ILL . CHANNEL. WIDEN TO 44 ' ""AOFWORK� 3 Wash . Blvd . (N. _erm. ) SA-1 & UAB-1 Rev.1/77 (All Money Entered to 1,000's) Page 7 of S :ITV OR COUNTY SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM - "EXHIBIT A" HEARING DATE CITY OF RENTON (1978-1983) ADOPTION DATE URBAN ARTERIAL RESOLUTION NO, CONTROL BOARD SUPPLEMENTAL z - SECTION .m TOTAL TOTAL FUNDS BY TIME PERIOD mw to 3 6 10 14 PROJECT V' Z J �� w. 2 w COST w O V Uz _ j URBAN f.a FEDERAL F a LOCAL LOCAL CO. CITY ROUTE F-O v Z¢ I— ARTERIAL -1 Q} HIGHWAY Q FUNDS & 1977-79 BIENNIUM 0o NO. NO. NO. VZ Z moo. a TRUST y�' FUNDS to H U.A.T.F. cc y D Qa N FUNDS D - FED. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982-83 J Local itme of Arterial • 9 . Aberdeen -Ave . N.E. 1 1,7 1,0,7,03,2,c,I o,o,A3Oo 1 , , u P3 .1,o,7Z.o PN ,2,68.0 J 3.4,017 i* , 1 • 1 , • i _I I • 1931400.0 11 I do Detailed Location of Project Termini • Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS Su :t Blvd. N.E. to N. E. 27th St. _1 . 3 DR. ,PAVE . ,CURB ,SWK. , ILL. ,CHANNEL. ,WIDEN TO 44 ' OF WORK • Local Name of Arterial 10.. Park Ave. N. & N. 40th S t. 1117 I,0L7,O 1,4,9,I 431PLA3 0.1,01 I , 1 1 . LIP'S , 9/1S1PPIP H_ , 9 39•0I 19191 •® , I I . i, 1 1 • 9 I I • _y I I • , ,1,95•,0 Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS N. 30th St. to Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. 0 . 4 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB,SWK. ,ILL. ,CHANNEL. ,WIDEN TO 44 ' OF WORK 11 Local Name of Arterial I l I I I I , , ill , L L , , , • I , I lei , g , , • ■ , 9 r , • 9 1 I e ' , , . Ill I • , , , I • s I • Detailed Location of Project Termini - Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS I OF WORK SPOT IMPROVEMENTS (Local Name of Arterial J I 9 I� N .E. 4th St.. F Union Ave . N.E . I17l07o3 a2oeR10o1I MPI ?sjjPiI 61'1 3Z0 13,ZP I 1 1 1 11, 1 , I 1 1 1 ' 1 1 • , , , 1 _ „ • 1 1 1 • 9 9 , , • „ , . • ,„ , • 9 1 • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS Intersection Improvements DR, ',PAVE. ,CURB ,SWK. , SIG. ,CHANNEL . OF WORK 6 • Local Name of Arterial 2 . Monster Rd. S .W. * 9 O7O4 O3o0A3op2.I (IPS 13®51 PH 14 14 141` I 1, 1 11 1 1 I 1 I , ' 1 I • 1 9 1 I • I , , , 1 9 , 50 ' 1 sP ' 1 , • 9 I , • _ •, , 1 • y , • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work Railroad Crossing Signal Imprvmt. INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATIC FLASHING SIGNALS MOFWORKss ' **Preliminary Engineering Started 19 / / Local Name of Arterial 3. - Monster Rd. S .W. Bridge i 7 , 07046o3o0A3o03I U I . IPH 1471 47 47 - y ` $ o I 11 J L 1 1 1 11 1 ' 1 1 • I , 1 I ♦ 1 ' , • 1 ' 1 , • 9 1 1 • 9 1 1 • 0110 .. al I I , • Detailed Location of Project Termini• Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS REPAIR OF STRUCTURE OF WORK SA-1 &UAB-1 Rev.1%77 (All Money Entered to 1,000's) Page 8 of 8 CITY OR COUNTY SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM "EXHIBIT A" HEARING DATE CITY OF RENTON (1978-1983) ADOPTION DATE URBAN ARTERIAL RESOLUTION NO. CONTROL BOARD SUPPLEMENTAL Z • 3 6 10 14 SECTION ct TOTAL 6 z -I >z m > >W FEDERAL LOCAL PROJECT cosi T TOTAL FUNDS BY TIME PERIOD W p tJ t URBAN 2 F-a F-a cc CO. CITY ROUTE l O Ci Zti H ARTERIAL . Q>. HIGHWAY Q>. FUNDS LOCAL 1977.79 BIENNIUM CC NO. NO. NO. yZ O Qm FUNDS w~ FUNDS N�• U'FE>F 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982-83 D - a a 2_ Local Name of Arterial 4. S.W. Sunset Blvd. ,S .W. Langston Rd. E I 1,74 Joao 40,o,tao 1 10,0,4_ I , , i . 41_PI . 4 1I,0J_ PH , , , 21 t , dila? , i 1.7 , , , ._ , I , ♦ __, I ♦ , I l ♦ Detailed Location of Project Termini Hardie Ave . S .W.Length in Miles Type of Work I rsecti•on INSTALLATION OF SIGNAL CONTROLLER ""O°WORKc� • Local Name of Arterial .I' 5 . N. 3rd St . S,ZQOB 100 1 DIPS 58gI PH lIaI5 6,5S Jd_,71�0�7,®2.0, i , , , • � , � , . , , i , , , , � , , , , • , , , • _ , I , ♦ , . • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS Railroad Crossing Signal Imprvmt. INSTALLATION OF AUTOMATIC FLASHING SIGNALS. AFWORK an Local Name of Arterial I I _l I I i I __ I , I. _I . L_ - , , , , • I , , , , . 1 , , , 1 , , , , , • , I I • , I I , _' I I ♦ 1I • Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS OF WORK LOCAL ACCESS STREETS Fcal Name of Arterial 4isc. Street Repairs & Improvements o o 1 oo/' U� '. 'PN 114,11 I %I t � 8 , 3,63 , Aria , Ors 1l,7 /, IT, I „ II . , , . 113 , ,3, , . ,.,��ocainof PrSjStTrinbProspectus. Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR• CLASSn Street Dept. 5-Year Plan OFWORK Local Name of Arterial 2 . N. 1st St . I ! 71 o 7 O 2 2,2 3 0 0 AI 0,021 ! i 76l N 414 a,z.ol 2 Z® I , I , , i i I , I I , i i • , , , i • , , , , t ♦ , I I • , I i s _ 4 , , ♦ 7I e Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS Park Ave . N. to Burnett Ave . N. 0 . 2 DR. ,PAVE. ,CHANNEL. OF WORK 3 Local Name of Arterial 3. Renton Ave . S. 1 13 L01714: 6672,' 0,0,31 , , I , @ UIP I , ,J72.1PH , , 413•01 , ,Z/5.° , , , • ,Z /,5 c , I i • _ tile , 1_ ♦ Detailed Location of Project Termini Length in Miles Type of Work MAJOR CLASS S. 3rd St. to S . 10th St. 0 . 5 DR. ,PAVE. ,CURB,SWK. ,CHANNEL. _ OF WORK 4. SA-1 e.UAB.1 Rei.>n7 (All Money Entered to 1,000's) SIX-YEAR STREET PROGRAM DEFINITIONS A. MAJOR ARTERIAL is . . . 1. 4 or more through lanes .existing (2 lanes if one-way) . 2. Equipped with exclusive left-turn lanes at major intersections. 3. Equipped with two-way left-turn lanes at appropriate places for access to adjacent properties. 4. Signalized at all intersections with other major or secondary intersections. 5. Possibly signalized at intersections with collector arterials and other streets. B. SECONDARY ARTERIAL is . . . 1. Wide enough. for 4 through lanes (may be presently using less) . 2. Possibly equipped with left-turn lanes at major intersections. 3. Possibly equipped with two-way left-turn lanes for access to adjacent properties. 4. Signalized at intersections with major arterials. 5. Possibly signalized at intersections with secondary arterials and collector arterials. 6. Always protected with stop signs at all non-signalized intersections. C. COLLECTOR,ARTERIAL is . . . 1. Not wide enough for more than 2 through lanes (max. width 40') . 2. Is of adequate width to provide parking on both sides. 3. Always protected with stop signs at all non-signalized intersections. NOTE: These rules apply to streets which either are fully improved or to those unimproved streets which when improved will have these characteristics. SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM MAJOR (PRINCIPAL) ARTERIALS 1 . S.W. 43rd Street, from E. Valley Rd. to W. Valley Rd. 2. Bronson Way N. & S. , from Main Ave. S. to Houser Way N. 3. Sunset Blvd. N. , from Bronson Way N. to F.A. I . 405 4. Longacres Pkwy.. S.W. , from S.W. 43rd St. to S.W. Grady Way 5. Longacres Pkwy. S.W. , from S.W. Grady Way to S. 140th St. 6. Longacres Pkway. S.W. , from S.W. 140th St. to S.W. Sunset Blvd. SECONDARY (MINOR) ARTERIALS 1 . Mis. Street Repairs and Improvements 2. Lind. Ave. S.W. , from S.W. 16th St. to S.W. 43rd St. 3. Shattuck Ave. S. , from S. 4th Pl . to S. 7th St. 4. Shattuck Ave. S. , from S. 7th St. to S. Grady Way. 5. S. Puget Dr. & Benson Rd. S. , Intersection Improvements 6. S.W. 27th St. , from W. Valley Rd. to E. Valley Rd. 7. Wells Ave. Bridge & Wells Ave. N. , from S. Riverside Dr. to N. 6th St. 8. S.W. Grady Way, from Lind Ave. S.W. to W. Valley Rd. 9. S. Puget.Dr. & Puget Dr. S.E. ; from Benson Rd. S. to Edmonds Ave. S.E. 10. Lake Wash. Blvd. N. , from N. Park Dr. to N. 44th St. 11 . Union Ave. N.E. , from N.E. Sunset Blvd. to N.E. 24th St. 12. Garden Ave. N. , from N. 4th St. to N. 8th St. 13. N. 30th St. , from Burnett Ave. N. to F.A. I . 405 14. Lind Ave. S.W. , from S.W. 16th St. to S.W. Grady Way 15. Sunset Blvd. N.E. , from F.A. I . 405 to N.E. Park Dr. 16. Benson Rd. S. , from S. Grady Way to S.E. 31st St. 17. S. 7th St. , from Rainier Ave. S. to Smithers Ave. S. COLLECTOR ARTERIALS 1 . Misc. Street Repairs & Improvements 2. Talbot Rd. S. , from S. 15th St. to S. 43rd St. 3. S.W. 16th St. , from E. Valley Rd. to Monster Rd. S.W. 4. E. Valley Rd. , from S.W. 16th St. to SR 167 Ramps 5. N.E. 12th St. , from Edmonds Ave. N.E. to Union Ave.N.E. `6. Taylor Ave. N.W. & Taylor Pl . N.E. , from Renton Ave. Ext. to Stevens Ave.NW 7. Monroe Ave. N.E. , from N.E. 2nd St. to N.E. 12th St. 8. Burnett Ave. N. , from Lk. Wash. Blvd. (S. Term.) to Lk. Wash. Blvd. (N. Term.) 9. 'Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , from Sunset Blvd. N.E. to N.E. 27th St. 10. Park Ave. N. & N. 40th St. , from N. 30th St. to Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. SPOT IMPROVEMENTS 1 . N.E. 4th St. & Union Ave. N.E'. , Intersection Improvements 2. Monster Rd. W.S. , Railroad Crossing Signal Imprvmt. 3. Monster Rd. S.W. Bridge 4. S.W. Sunset Blvd. , S.W. Langston Rd. & Hardie Ave. S.W. 5. N. 3rd St. LOCAL ACESS STREETS 1 . Misc. Street Repairs & Improvements 2. N. 1st St. , from Park Ave. N. to Burnett Ave. N. ' 3. Renton Ave. S. , from S. 3rd St. to S. 10th St. Renton City Council 6/13/77 Page 3 correspondence and Current Business - Continued Communications duplication of telephone industry facilities in existence. The letter Continued explained costs of providing residential telephone service are "rate averaged" from profitable optional services and long distrance revenues; noting that if profits are eroded by large businesses who could sub- scribe to "Specialized Common Carrier" services, the cost of basic tele- phone service will be increased and hit hard at low and fixed income families. The letter noted 90 bills introduced to Congress entitled the Consumer Communication Reform Act and encouraged full hearing by Congress to determine National Telecommunications policy. The letter enclosed bill by Lloyd feeds and copy of resolution of Aberdeen City Council forwarded to their Congressman. The Pacific Northwest Bell letter encouraged similar action by the City. Councilman Stredicke asked the ,Mayor urge added assist by Pacific Northwest Bell for area wide emergency system. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR DRAFTING OF RESOLUTION, CARRIED. Glencoe Park Letter from Mayor Delaurenti informed Council that, by law, the Park Fund must acquire the two lots from the Waterworks Utility Fund if the two city-owned lots in the Glencoe area are to be used as a neighbor- hood park. The letter recommended that Council authorize the City to purchase the lots from the Waterworks Utility Fund at the total appraised value of $13,000 on a lease-option basis and recommended $100 a month payment for a period of two years with total paid as a down payment in amount of $2,400, the balance of $10,600 then to be • paid in lump sum (if funds available) or pay balance on 5-yr. contract at 5% interest. Councilman Perry inquired whether Utility Department could sell property to the Park Department for $1 .00. Councilwoman Thorpe requested lease only; both being advised by City Attorney Shellan of the requirement for transaction reflecting fair market value. Upon further discussion, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REMOVE THE MATTER OF THE Refuse Disposal GARBAGE CONTRACT FROM THE TABLE. (TABLED 6/6/77) CARRIED. Council President Perry submitted letter from Mayor Delaurenti re 6/10/77 meet- ing with General Disposal reviewing proposed garbage contract and recommended that the contract be awarded to General Disposal with following revisions : (1 ) The Contractor agreed to definition of curbside pick-up to be those cans within 25 ft. not behind fence, etc. ; 60 ft. pick-up would remain unchanged. (2) The escalation clause providing for adjustment to collection charge related to Consumer Price Index would be modified to provide for a reduction in cost should the CPI take a downturn but not below the base rate which was bid. (3) Stan- dardization of containers would involve freedom of manufacturers and be considered restraint of trade. (4) Comparable prices for two can curbside pick-up: Renton $3. 55; Eastside Disposal , Bellevue $4`25; Jim's Disposal, Fairwood $4. 05; Auburn $2.95; Kent (2 yr old contract) $2.60; Mid-Cities Disposal , Midway $3:90; Mercer Island $3.35. The letter further explained reasons the seven companies picking up specifi- cations did not respond to call for bids. Discussion ensued regarding possibility of raising customer prices several times during the year, raising of County dump fee rates and consequences thereof. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mayor and City Attorney were invited. MOTION CARRIED. Council went into executive session at 9:25 and reconvened at 9:35 p.m. Roll Call : All Council members present as previously shown. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL CONTINUE GARBAGE CONTRACT MATTER UNTIL NEXT WEEK. CARRIED. Six-Year Street Council President Perry noted 25 organizations had been notified by Plan letter from himself as directed by Council 6/6/77 of the 6-Year Street Construction Plan public hearing June 20, 1977, City Clerk having pro- vided addresses. Buckingham Appeal Council President Perry asked City Clerk Mead to again notify all of Hearing parties of record in the Buckingham appeal of Hearing Examiner decision Examiner Decision regarding rezone of Lake Washington property, that date the matter will be reported to Council from the Planning Development Committee has been changed from June 20, to June 27, 1977. Renton City Council 6/13/77 Page 4 Old Business - Continued Committee of the Committee of the Whole report presented by Council President Perry made Whole Report the following recommendations: (1 ) Council concur in the Staff report Renton District dated 6/8/77 (from Del Bennett) re proposed lease agreement with the & Municipal Court Renton District Court authorizing additional 535 sq,ft. requested. Locations (2) Council authorize relocation of the Renton Municipal Court opera- tions to the Second Floor Lunchroom area. (3) The lunchroom kitchen be converted for use as a lunchroom area. (4) The kitchen equipment be retained for future use in the Renton Senior Citizens ' Center. (5) The City retain the present Municipal , District Court Judicial system. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT WITH FOLLOWING ADDITIONS: ADMINISTRATION REPORT TO COUNCIL OF COST INVOLVED IN CHANGE OF LOCATION FOR MUNICIPAL COURT AND COST ESTI- MATES FOR SECOND FLOOR RESTROOM WITH PUBLIC ACCESS, MOTION CARRIED, Wetlands The Committee of the Whole report noted for information only that the committee heard a brief report from Mayor Delaurenti in regards to funding for Wetland acquisition. Mayor Delaurenti reported drafting of letter to each organization where there is possibility of funding, noting letter from Washington State Representative Shinpoch, Open Space Council President Perry noted meeting with Liaison Committee of the Planning Commission with discussion of open space or land available for parks within new developments, recommendation as to guidelines antici- pated from August meeting of Liaison Committee, Community Services Community Services Committee Chairwoman Seymour-Thorpe submitted cm:- Committee Report mittee report recommending the Administration survey and obtain an appraisal of the Burlington Northern right-of-way in area of proposed BN R/W - In House Senior Center adjacent to the City Shops, preliminary to the city's Appraisal acquisition of the property for the Senior Citizen Center and Cedar Center Park. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Wetlands The Community Services Committee recommended that Council request the Appraisal Administration to survey and stake the area the City wishes to acquire and thanan appraisal be obtained prior to the City's acquisition, Councilman Stredicke noted request was for outside appraisal , Mayor Delaurenti noted Public Works Director Gonnason has been instructed to survey wetlands property. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED, Earlington Park The Community Services Committee report recommended that the matter of the Earlington Park be referred to the Park Board for the purpose of meeting with citizens of Earlington Hill and preparing plan for develop- , ment of the park for Council approval . MOVED BY BRUCE, SECOND SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Smoking in Recalling the history of banning smoking in the Council Chambers, Coun- Council Chambers cilman Stredicke moved, Seconded by Councilman Bruce, that Resolution No. 1985 be repealed and the matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. City Attorney Shellan noted Resolution No, 1985 adopted the State Health Department Directive banning smoking in certain public places, noting lack of penalty in the State Regulation, Roll Call : 2-Aye: Stredicke, Bruce; 3-No: Perry, Thorpe and Shinpoch, FAILED, ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Member Shinpoch submitted committee report Committee Report recommending first, second and final readings of an ordinance providing Ordinance #3141 for the issuance of 1977 Water and Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds for $3,095,000 the purpose of obtaining a part of the funds to retire the outstanding Water & Sewer "City of Renton Water and Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1976;" Revenue confirming sale and providing delivery of refunding bonds to Seattle- Refunding Bonds Northwest Securities Corp. of Seattle. The report also noted attached agreement with Peoples National Bank and requested authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute same. Following first reading, it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL SUSPEND RULES AND ADVANCE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED, Following readings it was MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ, ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND THORPE, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT, CARRIED. j9: t r 0 —0 freriviP"-' Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON ss. COUNTY OF KING Betty M.0.rr1.5 being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that.51).e..is the chie.f..c.1ark of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the CITY OF RENTON Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, NOTICE'OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of Public Hearing Washington.That the annexed is a BY • - ' RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of June, 1977, at 8:00 as it was published in regular issues(and p.m. in the Council Cham- not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period bers of the Renton Municipal ;• .Building, Renton, Washing- ' ton,as the time and place for! one of consecutive issues,commencing on the a public hearing to consider the following: . loth Junc 77 Proposed Six Year Com- day of ,19 ,and ending the i prehensive Street and Arterial Construction Program, 1978-_1983. Any and all interested per- day of ,19 ,both dates ! sons are invited to be pre- inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- sent to voice approval, dis- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee approval or opinions on! ' same. • 1? ) • CITY OF RENTONti charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ , which • Delores A:Mead has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the City Clerk first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent Published in The Renton insertion. Record-Chronicle June 10, • 1977. R4400 veL Chie•. Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th 1tfl day of June 77 / // r Notary Public • d for the State of Wash' _ on, residing at Kent,King 'o a nty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. ?.e}•.t/.. 1 or..ri S being first duly sworn on oath,deposes and says that is the Chi:?.f..C.1rw,& of THE RENTON RECORD-CHRONICLE, a newspaper published four(4) times a week.That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a news- paper published four(4)times a week in Kent,King County,Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the Renton Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the - Superior Court of the County in which it is published,to-wit,King County, OF Washington.That the annexed is a oti Cr, of Pub i c He at"71i CITY NOTICE OFON PUBLIC HEARING BY • • RENTON CITY COUNCIL t NOTICE IS HEREBY as it was published in regular issues(and GIVEN that the Renton City not in supplement form of said newspaper) once each issue for a period Council has fixed the 20th day of June, 1977, at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Cham- bersbers of the Renton Municipal of consecutive issues,commencing on the .Building, Renton, Washing- ;ton,as the time and place for 10th da of June 77 a public hearing to consider y ,19 ,and ending the ' the following: Proposed Six Year Com- , prehensive Street and dj Arterial Construction ay of ,19 ,both dates Program, 1978-1983. inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- Any and all interested per- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee sons are invited to be pre- sent to voice approval, dis- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $12°r'1 , which approval or opinions 'on• s has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words for the same. • TO first insertion and per folio of one hundred words for each subsequent CITY OF A. Mead; insertion. Delores ' Mead' . City Clerk (.4 Published in The Renton' .;. Record-Chronicle June 10, 1977. R4400 Chir' Clerk - Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of June 19 77 Notary Public . d for the State of Was ton, residing at Kent, King ounty. —Passed by the Legislature,1955,known as Senate Bill 281,effective June 9th, 1955. —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. V.P.C.Form No.87 CITY OF RENTON • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of June , 19____77 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Proposed Six Year Comprehensive 'Stet':"and Arterial Construction:Program, 19781983 . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON ciatedAct Delores A. Mead, , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION June 10, 1977 C :ERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) sS. COUNTY OF. KING I , / I e pm) 'tips hereby sect-.41k that S yen, ( 7) copies of the: above notice were posted by me in or more conspicuous places on the property described and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal. Building, 200 Mill Ave. South, Renton, WA on date ofjiine 9 , 44° / • Sign Ji ! • ATTEST: , Notary Pub. in Jrnd fo.i7 the, State of Washington,' residfng—i Renton 6/76 . . , • .._ , . • . . ._ . • ... 1 V LI 1 b I Ar zi • 0 ' X 0 NI 1 3 _:," r7 0 ri (,) ,1 ....) i . ‘ , t i. • / / „-- .7;2/4 f)7 / -7- c ------L-- ,/://7. .-J1/1, 'N (-----) i- 1 r‘ 1 . ,-.7) i I ‘,1 /(.:-7 7 .. ..... X/ i ' ,,,....:,,, d-A ! ,.-/ .:y YD[ (( x ie i•f,'• z•:,--/ ;...7 / 'rv) c. ---, ; ! ,' ',---- I -) l- / /-4-- , e., a A' (,----/ 5-7,44'2/1/ "" ,/, / /.(--) ,--„,,,---- . /7 / \! -- ?4/ ' ' . r ,.-- •i ., • 1 I A, _ ..i Z.-/-( 6)I' ( ( ‘ i V) j z:• //7 '-'-' ."--.7\ 1 cc ) / . 1/2/ ( L- ,....„, 1" , . __... . ..._,, f\i ;) 2(k- ,,,,,,,..?/)/ it/i ( u -r - - t ..,--1 / izf 7/ -- , _______ 7, - :::,-,- ,i\f ..._ . , , . ,722- (........, - . .. . .-. 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After careful consideration and review of :ail matters pertaining to the garbage ..contract , It is our recommei`datio`ri ;that the garbage disposal contract be awarded to General Disp;osal,> as, ._the: lowest. responsible bidder; as we feel that the '�basZ'c`--.bi,d.?o.f' General Disposal is not unreasonable and we have no viable:::altern'atiVe :at` this ,time. It is further recommended that this matterbe' referred' to the Ways and Means Committee for the preparation.. of,"the ;appropriate ordinance and that the Mayor -and the City Clerk be authori'sed`:tosign the contract. 2) Six-Year Street Construction Program..: :'_: :;; The Public Works Department has presented_ to '.:the.> Publi.c_ Services Committee a draft of the proposed Si'x-Year`Street ;,Construction Program. It is the recommendation of this; Comm lttee , that ,.a public hearing on the Six-Year Street Program be s;et ::for^ ehme° 20. Arc Ken Bruce ;` 'Gila"rman -,..� atricia Seymp r=Thorpe Richard Stredicke tit'C G : c ah Ft /f; G Renton City Council 6/6/77 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL Glencoe Park Councilwoman Thorpe noted clearing on the Glencoe neighborhood park was beginning this week and thanked the Staff and Administration • for support. Aviation Committee Aviation Committee report (Public Services) submitted proposed lease Fancher Flyways agreement providing for continued occupancy by Fancher Flyways of Lease Agreement property located on the east side of Renton Municipal Airport for (Short Term) a period of 90 days for use of aircraft tiedown with no construction; rate of $.08 per sq.ft.per yr. (46.272.33 sq.ft. ) , The report recom- mended Council authorize execution of lease agreement as an interim • measure pending final acceptance of long-range development proposal . MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT UPON APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. Public Services Public Services Committee Chairman Bruce submitted committee report Committee Report recommending the garbage disposal contract be awarded to General Dis- posal as the lowest responsible bidder, expressing belief the basic Garbage Contract bid not unreasonable, and noting the City has no viable alternative at this time. The report further recommended that this matter be referred to the Ways and Means Committee for the preparation of ordinance and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreement. The report explained investigation of the matter by the committee. Moved by Bruce, Second Shinpoch, Council concur in committee report and award contract. Councilman Stredicke noted for the record that committee report did not carry his signature and expressed disapproval of contract for five-year period which includes automatic increases, noting rates high and opposed can placement. Councilwoman Seymour- Thorpe asked the record show her disagreement with statement "basic bid not unreasonable," believing same to be excessive, opposing five- year contract with built-in escalators and no consumer protection; however, in agreement with basic report. Councilman Clymer suggested uniform containers for valley cities to increase competition. Public Works Director Gonnason explained refuse disposal contract expired 5/1 with four month extension to 9/1/77; that pick up could be arranged to 60 ft. from curb. Michael Torre, 13904 SE 231st, Kent, owner of General Disposal Co. , noted specifications of the contract prepared by City, that his rates are lower than others, that built in escalators were better than increasing bid indiscriminately to cover unknown increases for later years of contract; objected that city had not joined him in opposing King County dump fees which increased 400%; further noting his employee's union contract settled for three years. Discussion ensued re 20% administrating fee for city. Councilman Perry suggested one year contract in order to investigate city operated service. Upon Council inquiry, Public Works Director noted matter of Matter Tabled one bid being received had been investigated with no solid reasons why, for One Week MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED PERRY, COUNCIL TABLE MATTER FOR ONE WEEK ALLOWING ADMINISTRATION TO BRING FURTHER INFORMATION TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke noted for record, appreciation of effort in preparation of specifications which bidder did address,, Six-Year Street The Public Services Committee report recommended a public hearing be Construction set for June 20, 1977 on the Six-Year Street Construction Program, Program draft having been presented by the Public Works Department, MOVED Public Hearing BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL SET PUBLIC HEARING 6/20/77, 6/20/77 CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE TO PREPARE PROPER RESOLUTION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY THORPE, COUNCIL PRESIDENT ADDRESS LETTER TO THOSE SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS SPECIFICALLY AFFECTED BY THE SIX-YEAR STREET CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM, CARRIED. Speed Limit Councilman Bruce asked that speed limit be posted and speed checks Cedar Ave. S. be made for Cedar Ave. S. , Renton Hill ; Public Works Director noted 25 m.p.h. limit, that policy was not to place numerous signs as speed limit uniform unless posted. Mayor Delaurenti asked Police Departments to check. 4011 Renton City Council 6/6/77 Page 3 Consent Agenda - Continued Energy Director. Other members: Rick Beeler, Land Use Hearing Examiner, Conservation and Clark Petersen, Library Director. Committee will coordinate Committee the City's energy conservation measures. Information. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti reappointed Mrs. Joan A. Walker, 1433 Planning Monterey Ave. NE, to three-year term on the Planning Commission Commission effective 7/1/77 through 6/30/80, having served on the Commission since 1975 and presently Vice Chairman. Refer to the Ways and Means Committee. Appointment Letter from Mayor Delaurenti appointted Peter Banks additional Judge Pro tem Municipal Court Judge Pro tem. The letter explained. Mr. Banks is with law firm of Hardwick and Conrad, Evergreen Building; appointment effective through 12/31/77. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Consent Agenda MOVED BY PERRY, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA AS Approval PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE AND CURRENT BUSINESS Senior Citizen Letter from Leland Pumel , Chairman, Senior Citizens Planning Committee Center informed Council of motion passed unanimously at their 5/16/77 meeting recommending that the Mayor and City Council pass a $600,000 limited general obligation bond to complete the senior center. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER COMMUNICATION TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. District Court Letter from Mayor Delaurenti requested Committee of the Whole agenda Lease of 6/9/77 include presentation by Del Bennett on lease negotiations with the County for District Court space; lease agreement must be executed by 6/30/77. Presentation to include proposed allocation of space for Municipal Court. Moved by Perry, Second Clymer, Council refer communication to the Public Services Committee for review and recommendation. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY THORPE, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST OF MAYOR'S OFFICE AND REFER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. ROLL CALL: 3-AYE: THORPE, SHINPOCH, BRUCE; 3-NO: PERRY, STREDICKE, CLYMER. MAYOR DELAURENTI VOTED AYE AND BROKE TIE VOTE, MOTION CARRIED Latecomer's Letter from William L. McLaughlin, Jr. , 10630 SE 176th, Renton, Agreement requested a latecomer' s agreement for a water line he is installing Water line in the Kennydale area, noting the plan filed with Water Department, No. W-463. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST TO THE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton Hill A petition bearing 63 signatures of residents of Renton Hill , mainly Cedar Ave S. Cedar Ave. S. requested rezone of Cedar Ave. S. in its entirety for Requests single family dwellings, except those multi-family units currently Single Family in existence, based on reasons: (1 ) Traffic pattern accessibility, Zoning street width and parking not adequate; (2) Do not wish to forfeit views by allowing apartments to locate in neighborhood; all residents taking pride in homes and having gone to considerable expense in both time and money to improve older homes. The letter noted the neighbor- hood is a quiet place to live and intent to keep it that way. Moved by Perry, Second Stredicke, Council refer communication to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY SHINPOCH, SECOND BRUCE, COUNCIL REFER REQUEST FOR SINGLE FAMILY ZONING ON RENTON HILL TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND HEARING EXAMINER. CARRIED. Advance Refunding Letter from Mayor Delaurenti attached letter from City's investment Water & Sewer consultants, Seattle-Northwest Securities Corp. signed by Richard T. Bonds Kennedy, Vice President, concerning recommendations for advance refund- ing of $2,950,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Refunding Bonds, 1976. The Mayor's letter concurred with Mr. Kennedy's recommendations and noted Kennedy would meet with the Ways and Means Committee 6/6/77 at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Kennedy's letter attached schedule of existing debt service and proposed refunding issue and savings, noting meeting with Public Works Gonnason and Deputy Finance Director Bennett and the Finance Director, Gwen Marshall . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY SHINPOCH, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION AND REFER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Mr. Kennedy, City's investment consultant, was introduced. INTEROFFICE MEMO Date June 7 , 1977 TO: Les Phillips Public Works FROM: Del Mead City Clerk SUBJECT: Notice of Public Hearing -Proposed Six Year Comprehensive Street and Arterial Construction Program, 1978-83 Please post and return certified copy per usual procedure. Thanks . Del • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 20th day of June , 19 77 , at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building,, Renton, Washington, as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: Proposed Six Year ComprehensiveAStteet :and Arterial Construction Program, 1978--1983 . Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION June 10, 1977 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I , hereby certify that ( ) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three or more conspicuous places on the property descrjbed_ and two copies were posted at the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Ave, South, Renton, WA on date of 19 Signed ATTEST: Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton 6/76