HomeMy WebLinkAbout1-PRE_Pre-Application_Summary_VEK_on_Aberdeen_191106_v1DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 18, 2018 Pre-Application File No. PRE18-000643 Angelea Weihs, Associate Planner Aberdeen Ave NE Town homes 957 Aberdeen Ave NE General: We have completed a preliminary review of the pre-application for the above­ referenced development proposal. The following comments on development and permitting issues are based on the pre-application submittals made to the City of Renton by the applicant and the codes in effect on the date of review. The applicant is cautioned that information contained in this summary may be subject to modification and/or concurrence by official decision-makers (e.g., Hearing Examiner, Community & Economic Development Administrator, Public Works Administrator, Planning Director, Development Services Director, and City Council). Review comments may also need to be revised based on site planning and other design changes required by City staff or made by the applicant. The applicant is encouraged to review all applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code. The Development Regulations are available online at www.rentonwa.gov Project Proposal: The subject property is located on the west side of Aberdeen Ave NE north of the Sunset Blvd NE intersection at 957 Aberdeen Ave NE (APN 311990-0066). The property is 1.24 acres and is currently developed with a single-family residence. The applicant proposes to remove the single-family residence and redevelop the site with 13 (3-story) townhome units, with private garages, surface parking, and residential amenities. The applicant submitted two different project layout proposals, one with a proposed structure within the sensitive slope area, and another with the proposed structure within the stream buffer. High landslide hazards, high erosion hazards, protected and sensitive slopes, and a type Ns steam (John's Creek) are mapped on the project site. Current Use: The site is currently contains a single-family residence. Zoning: The property is located within the Residential High Density (RHO) land use designation, the Residential Multi-Family (RMF) zoning designation, and Urban Design District B. Attached dwellings are a permitted use within the RMF zone. Development Standards: The project would be subject to RMC 4-2-llOA, "Development Standards for Residential Zoning Designations" and RMC 4-3-100 "Urban Design Regulations" District 'B' overlay effective at the time of complete application. Density-There are no minimum net density requirements for townhouse development in the RMF zone. The maximum net density is 20 dwelling units per net acre. Density bonuses are possible for applicants requesting additional market-rate dwelling units in exchange for the construction of affordable dwelling units (see RMC 4-9-065 for additional information). Net Aberdeen Ave NE Townhomes Preapplication Meeting October 18, 2018 density is calculated after the deduction of areas required for public right-of-way dedication, private access easements, and critical areas from the gross site area. Using the gross area of 1.24 acres, a 13 dwelling proposal arrives at a gross density of roughly 10.47 du/ac (13 dwelling units / 1.24 acres = 10.47 du/ac). Calculations for minimum or maximum density which result in a fraction that is one-half (0.50) or greater shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. Those density calculations resulting in a fraction that is less than one-half (0.50) shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number. A Density Worksheet would be required at the time of formal land use application. The applicant would be required to demonstrate compliance with the net density requirements of the zone at the time of formal application. Minimum Lot Size, Width and Depth -There is no minimum lot size required in the RMF zone. For townhouse development, the minimum lot width is 25 feet and the minimum lot depth is 50 feet. The existing site meets these dimensional standards. The applicant has not indicated in the pre-application submittal if subdivision is proposed. Setbacks -Setbacks are the distance between the building and the property line or any private access easement. Setback requirements for townhouses are as follows: 10-foot minimum front yard setback; a 10-foot minimum rear yard setback; and 5-foot minimum side yard. Proposal appears to meet setback requirements. Lot Coverage -The maximum building coverage for townhouse development is 70-percent. The maximum impervious surface coverage is 75-percent of total lot area. The application must provide coverage calculations with the land use application to verify conformance. Building Height -The maximum wall plate height is 32 feet and three (3) maximum stories. An additional ten feet (10') height and an additional story for a residential dwelling structure may be obtained through the provision of additional amenities such as additional recreation facilities, underground parking, and additional landscaped open space areas; as determined through the site development plan review process and depending on the compatibility of the proposed buildings with adjacent or abutting existing residential development. Roofs with a pitch equal to or greater than 4:12 may project an additional six (6) vertical feet from the maximum wall plate height. Building height is measured from the vertical distance from grade plane to the highest wall plate combined with the height of any portion of the structure that extends above the wall plate (e.g., roof, deck, etc.), excluding chimneys, ventilation stacks, and similar elements. Elevations were not included with the pre-application materials; therefore staff was unable to verify compliance with this requirement. Landscaping: Except for critical areas, all portions of the development area not covered by structures, required parking, access, circulation or service areas, must be landscaped with native, drought-resistant vegetative cover. The minimum on-site landscape width required along street frontages is 10 feet. Street trees and ground cover shall be provided within ROW planter strips. Please refer to landscape regulations (RMC 4-4-070) for further general and specific landscape requirements. A conceptual landscape plan prepared by a qualified professional shall be submitted at the time of formal land use application. Significant Tree Retention: If significant trees (greater than 6-inch caliper or 8-caliper inches for alders and cottonwoods) are proposed to be removed, a tree inventory, tree retention plan, arborist report, and tree retention worksheet shall be provided with the formal land use application as defined in RMC 4-8-120. The tree retention plan must show preservation of at least 20% of significant trees, and indicate how proposed building footprints would be sited to accommodate preservation of significant trees that would be retained (RMC 4-4-130H1.a). Aberdeen Ave NE Townhomes Preapplication Meeting October 18, 2018 When the required number of protected trees cannot be retained, replacement trees, with at least a two-inch (2") caliper or an evergreen at least six feet {6') tall, shall be planted at a rate of twelve {12) caliper inches of new trees to replace each protected tree removed. The Administrator may authorize the planting of replacement trees on the site if it can be demonstrated to the Administrator's satisfaction that an insufficient number of trees can be retained. Significant trees shall be retained in the following priority order: Priority One: Landmark trees; significant trees that form a continuous canopy; significant trees on slopes greater than 20%; significant trees adjacent to critical areas and their associated buffers; and significant trees over 60' in height or greater than 18" caliper. Priority Two: Healthy tree groupings whose associated undergrowth can be preserved; other significant native evergreen or deciduous trees; and other significant non-native trees. Priority Three: Alders and cottonwoods shall be retained when all other trees have been evaluated for retention and are not able to be retained, unless the alders and/ or cottonwoods are used as part of an approved enhancement project within a critical area or its buffer. The Administrator may require independent review of any land use application that involves tree removal and land clearing at the City's discretion. A formal tree retention plan would be reviewed at the time of land use application. Fences/Retaining Walls: Any proposed fences must be designated on the landscape plan. Retaining walls shall be composed of brick, rock, textured or patterned concrete, or other masonry product that complements the proposed building and site development. There shall be a minimum three-foot (3') landscaped setback at the base of retaining walls abutting public rights-of-way. Please refer to retaining wall standards {RMC 4-4-040) for additional information. Parking: The proposed 3 bedroom and larger townhomes require a minimum and maximum of 1.6 parking spaces per dwelling unit. Parking spaces within the garages shall be a minimum of 9'x20'. Bicycle parking based on 0.5 spaces per one dwelling unit would be required for the project. The bicycle parking shall be provided for secure extended use and shall protect the entire bicycle and its components and accessories from theft and weather. Acceptable examples include bike lockers, bike check-in systems, in-building parking, and limited access fenced areas with weather protection. Designated bicycle parking spaces within individual garages can count toward the minimum requirement. Refuse and Recyclables: A minimum of one and one-half (1-1/2) square feet per dwelling unit in multi-family residences shall be provided for recyclables deposit areas, except where the development is participating in a City-sponsored program in which individual recycling bins are used for curbside collection. A minimum of three {3} square feet per dwelling unit shall be provided for refuse deposit areas. A total minimum area of eighty {80) square feet shall be provided for refuse and recyclables deposit areas. In addition to standard enclosure requirements, the Urban Design District B requires garbage, recycling collection, and utility areas be enclosed on all sides, include a roof and be screened around their perimeter by a wall or fence and have self-closing doors. Multi-family residences using thirty-five {35} gallon garbage carts or smaller, when allowed, must meet all of the following requirements: Storage space for carts must be provided either within the garage or outside. Storage within a garage must be appropriately sized to Aberdeen Ave NE Townhomes Preapplication Meeting October 18, 2018 accommodate both vehicles and refuse and recycling carts. Storage space for carts must measure at least two feet by six feet {2' x 6') floor area and sixty inches {60") high. This space must be identified on floor plans. Storage located outside must measure at least two feet by six feet {2' x 6') in size and be located on the same lot as the dwelling in a side or rear yard. Outdoor storage must be adequately screened from public view, made of wood, masonry, or ornamental metal. See RMC 4-4-090 for refuse and recycling standards in their entirety. Compliance with these standards will be required with the land use application. Access: Driveways shall not be closer than five (5) feet from side property lines. The width of the driveway shall not exceed 30-feet or 40-percent of the street frontage. Driveway widths internal to the site shall be 24-feet in width. Urban Design Standards: Compliance with Urban Design Regulations, District 'B', is required. See Renton Municipal Code section 4-3-100. The following bullets are a few of the standards outlined in the regulations. No building elevations were submitted for review. Design review would be completed during the land use review process. The application shall include a written narrative of how the project meets each of the applicable urban design standards for District B. 1.Buildings shall be oriented to the street with clear connections to the sidewalk. 2.The front entry shall be oriented to the street or a landscaped pedestrian-only courtyard. 3.Buildings with residential uses located at the street level shall be: o Set back from the sidewalk a minimum of ten feet (10') and feature substantial landscaping between the sidewalk and the building, or o Have the ground floor residential uses raised above street level for residents' privacy. 4.A primary entrance of each building shall be located on the facade facing a street, shall be prominent, visible from the street, connected by a walkway to the public sidewalk, and include human-scale elements. 5.Building entries from a street shall be clearly marked with canopies, architectural elements, ornamental lighting, or landscaping and include weather protection at least four and one-half feet {4-1/2') wide. Buildings that are taller than thirty feet {30') in height shall also ensure that the weather protection is proportional to the distance above ground level. 6.Parking shall be located so that ·no surface parking is located between a building and the front property line. Parking shall be located so that it is screened from surrounding streets by buildings, landscaping, and/or gateway features as dictated by location. 7.The number of driveways and curb cuts shall be minimized for vehicular access purposes, so that pedestrian circulation along the sidewalk is minimally impeded. 8.Architectural elements that incorporate plants, particularly at building entrances, in publicly accessible spaces and at facades along streets, shall be provided. . ' } .. -- / Aberdeen Ave NE Townhomes Preapplication Meeting October 18, 2018 9.Amenities such as outdoor group seating, benches, transit shelters, fountains, and public art shall be provided. 10.Each unit shall provide at least one hundred fifty (150) square feet of private usable space. Private space may include porches, balconies, yards, and decks. 11.All building facades shall include modulation or articulation at intervals of no more than twenty feet (20'). 12.Modulations shall be a minimum of two feet (2') deep and four feet (4') in width. 13.Buildings shall employ material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, patterns, or textural changes. 14.All sides of buildings visible from a street, pathway, parking area, or open space shall be finished with the same building materials, detailing, and color scheme. A different treatment may be used if the materials are of the same quality. Critical Areas: The City's mapping system, COR Maps, has identified portions of the site may contain high landslide hazards, high erosion hazards, and protected and sensitive slopes. The applicant would be required to submit a geotechnical report with the land use application. The topographic survey and geotechnical report shall identify any sensitive and protected slopes on the site. Protected slopes contain a standard 15-foot structure setback. The geotechnical engineer may prescribe additional buffers and setbacks for the slopes and landslide hazard are if warranted. The geotechnical engineer and applicant is encouraged to review geologically hazardous areas regulations set forth in RMC 4-3-050. Per RMC 4-3-0S0G.2., critical area buffers are not required from sensitive slopes. However, based upon the results of a geotechnical report and/or independent review, conditions of approval for developments may include buffers and/or setbacks from buffers for sensitive slopes. John's Creek is also mapped on the western portion of the site. The watercourse is identified as an Ns (non-fish) stream. Ns streams require a standard SO-foot buffer and 15-foot structure setback. The applicant would be required to submit a stream study prepared by a qualified professional that includes items listed in RMC 4-8-120D.19 Stream or Lake Study, Standard. Per RMC 4-3-0501.1., the required critical area buffer may be reduced to no less than the minimums shown in the following table: Averaged Buffer: Minimum Widths Critical Area Category or Type Reduced Buffer: Minimum Widths Possible Possible Streams and Lakes Type F 90 feet' 75 feet1 Type Np 60 feet' 37.5 feet' Type Ns 40 feet" 25 feet' --