HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974 Correspondence ,,4 .- 6 .7-_)zre, , -iiofe_. , )„ , _ 7 -, - Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4 10/15/73 NEW BUSINESS Community Services Committee member Stredicke submitted Community Services Committee Report - Senior report bearing Chairman Grant's signature only, which recommended Citizens Assoc. the Mayor appoint a Senior Citizens Association for the City, having met with senior citizen groups, administrative personnel and Human Rights and Affairs Commission. The report further recommended that the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) be represented by two members, the United Mine Workers by two representatives and Renton Retired Teachers Association and other interested groups be allowed to represent, submitting a list of persons willing to serve on Senior Citizens, Association. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COMMITTEE REPORT BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. CARRIED. Meeting Schedule City Clerk Mead read report from Councilman Grant regarding schedul- ing of future Community Services Committee meetings that consideration would be given as requested by Councilman Stredicke in recent letter. The subject of application for funds under Referendum 29 for senior citizens facility was discussed. Transportation Committee Chairman Perry reported progress on the SR-515 and FAI 405 assignments from the 6-Yr Street Plan, noting problems through industrial area. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. ..2•L'Zette 4,' a Delores A. Mead, City Clerk • Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3 10/15/73 Correspondence and Current Business Bid Opening: City Clerk Mead reported October 3, 1973 Bid Opening for sprinkler Sprinkler System system materials for Liberty Park, reporting three bidders (see Liberty Park attached tabulation) . Letter from Park Director Coulon reported Park Board recommendation that the low bid of Papsco, Inc. in the amount of $8,106.61 be accepted. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE PARK BOARD AND LOW BID OF PAPSCO, INC. BE ACCEPTED. CARRIED. Claims for Damages City Clerk reported Claims for alleged damages reported by Mrs.. Beverly Mrs. B.J. Jones Joan Jones, 1407 Ethier Rd. , for automobile damage because of poor Mr. G.T. Hall visibility due to brush. Second claim filed by Mr. George Thomas Mrs. F. McWilliams Hall, 4258 S. 166th, Seattle, for automobile damage due to construc- tion on Sunset Blvd. N.E. Third claim filed by Mrs. Florence McWilliams, 1314 N. 26th, for personal fall due to crosswalk condi- tion. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE THREE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES BE REFERRED TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND INSURANCE CARRIER. CARRIED. Sign Ordinance Letter from the Renton Municipal Arts Commission reported having gone on record supporting enforcement of the City's Sign Ordinance, being concerned about the status of the ordinance asking for a clarification of the City's position, i .e. , funding for enforcement also whether "grandfather" clause proposed and ramifications of same. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, COMMUNICATION BE REFER- RED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. F. Cenkovich Mr. Frank Cenkovich, 2625 Benson Rd. , inquired re progress on Senior Citizens facility plans. PROCLAMATIONS Proclamation of Mayor Garrett was read proclaiming the week of National Flower October 21 to 27, 1973 as National Flower Week in tribute to the Week beauty and happiness brought by flowers and plants. MOVED BY 10/21-27/73 DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, CITY COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLA- MATION OF THE MAYOR. CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Appointment to the Aviation Board by Mayor Garrett was read, reappoint- Aviation Board ing Mr. Gary Dime to a three-year term to expire November 6, 1976, having been a member of the Aviation Board since 1966. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY CLYMER, APPOINTMENT OF THE MAYOR BE REFER- RED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Committee of Whole Committee of the Whole report submitted by Council President Clymer Report - Water recommended that the water and sewer rate study be referred to the & Sewer Study Public Works Committee. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Public Works Report Public Works Committee report submitted by Committee Member Perry CBD - Phase III recommended that the low bid of Westerra, Inc. in the amount of Bid Award $86,734.55 be accepted and the contract be awarded for the Phase III Westerra, Inc. Downtown Improvement Project Landscaping, this being in concurrence Landscaping with the October 11, recommendation of the Public Works Department. Councilman Perry noted Downtown Merchants Committee had approved the plans for planter boxes for South 3rd St. Perry further asked that the Downtown Renton Action Committee Minutes of August 6, 1973 be read into record wherein the committee approved the planter box design eliminating 20 of the 42 parking stalls on S. 3rd St. and adding 95 stalls with new lot on Burnett Ave.S. and several additional stalls by elimination of mid-block crosswalks and relocation of loading and taxi zones. Councilman Delaurenti asked number in attend- ance at 8/6/73 meeting, being told 22 including 9 City employees. Councilman Stredicke noted Downtown Action Committee meeting this date confirmed approval of downtown beautification design including planter boxes. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CON- CUR IN PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT ACCEPTING LOW BID OF WESTERRA, INC. AND AWARDING CONTRACT. CARRIED. MP-L&H Ordinance Legislation Committee report submitted by Chairman Perry recommended PUD Ordinance that the proposed MP-L and MP-H zone ordinance and Planned Unit Develop- ment ordinance be held for furtner review in conjunction with the Community Services Committee and the Planning staff. MOVED BY CLYMER SECOND BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. . .. - - , .. .., July 10, 1973 To: Gerard :She11an, City Attorney From: Dave !aml in, Traffic Engi neer Subject Six Year Construction Profiram The attached Resolution and exhibits are forwarded in accordance wi,tn: your request. DIFH:sn Attach. cc: City Clerk (4Z-e,e1-6—c / nentoya cbor reqz ®4 COMMGRCG 300 RAINIER AVENUE NORTH - RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 = PHONE: BA6-4560 July 2, 1973 My name is Kay F. Johnson, and I am manager of the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, 300 Rainier Avenue North, Renton, Washington. We appreciate the opportunity to give our input on the 6 year Road Program of the City of Renton. We further appreciate the opportun- ity provided by Mr. Perry of the Council 's Transportation Committee, to attend the committee meetings for the past two weeks. We would also like to express our appreciation to Mr. Warren Gonnason, Dir- ector of Public Works and his staff for meeting with our committee to present the proposed 6 year program. We are aware that because of budget limitations there will be lim- its on what the City of Renton will be able to accomplish in one year. While we would like to recommend that additional roads appear on the program we understand they may not receive monies for some years to come. Most of our recommended additions would be financed by State High- way funds. Under the category of "Major", we would appreciate the addition of - The widening of Interstate Highway 405. This particular highway especially in the Renton area is above capacity and needs some attention. We would urge that the extension of State Highway 515 from Grady Way to South 2nd Street be included on the six year program. We would further recommend that a study be conducted by the in- terested parties of a proposed extension of State Highway 515 to a connection with the North Renton Interchange. We would again remind the council that most of the progress of road construction of State Highways has come about by the united efforts of the City of Renton, the Chamber of Commerce, and our Legislators working with the State Highway Department. __ __?I t is never too early to start working together on major projects that might be 10 to 12 years in the future. E ° I ! , 'Thank you for your attention and consideration of our request. ACCREDITED CHAMBER OF COMMeERCE Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 3, July 2, 1973 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS - Continued Resolution 1864 Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented the 6-Year Urban Six-Year Street Arterial Construction Program Resolution reflecting amendments approved and Arterial at Public Hearing this date and attached hereto, recommending adoption. Construction MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN RECOMMENDATION Program OF COMMITTEE AND PRESENT RESOLUTION. CARRIED. Following reading by the Clerk, it was MOVED- BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, Funding to MATTER OF FINANCING SIX-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN BE FORWARDED TO THE Committee FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mayor Garrett recommended the City Council surplus the two AND CURRENT structures on the recently purchased Mill Ave. S. property, having them BUSINESS removed due to failure of the structures to meet City Code, the City "Williams and to use the lots temporarily as a parking area and for future develop- Allen" Property ment. MOVED BY SCHELLERT, SECONDED BY BRUCE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN MAYOR'S Mill Ave. S. RECOMMENDATION, DECLARING THE FACILITIES SURPLUS AND REFER TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE FOR NECESSARY RESOLUTION. In order to determine whether or not one of the buildings could be used by non-profit organi- zation such as the Y.M.C.A. trying to locate in area, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS ITEM BE TABLED FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Frontage Road Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason recommended the City grant Highlands permission to the property owners on frontage road, southeasterly and adja- cent to N.E. Sunset Blvd. between N.E. 10th and N.E. 12th Streets, 2-iighlands) to utilize the area for parking until requited for street, design changes eliminating need of frontage road for street at present. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. • Appropriation Letter from Public Works Director Gonnason requested excess revenue in of Excess the amount of $11,286 from Container Corporation be appropriated into Revenue the Water Utility account $401/534/32/63.80 for watermain construction on Monster Road tie line and that the matter be referred to the Legislation Committee. MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, COUNCIL CONCUR IN REQUEST. CARRIED. Additional Council President Clymer perused additional items submitted for the Agenda Items Agenda and submitted the following items to the City Clerk for reading: Bid Opening City Clerk Mead presented July 2, bid opening for two '73 1/2 ton 7/2/73 trucks pickup trucks for. the Park Department with one bid received as shown on attached bid tabulation. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, BID BE REFERRED TO THE PARK BOARD FOR RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MATTER OF POLICY ON NUMBER OF BIDS BE REFERRED TO THE LEGISLATION COMMITTEE. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI TO AMEND MOTION TO REFER MATTER OF POLICY ON NUMBER OF BIDS REQUIRED TO VALIDATE BID CALL TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. City Hall Letter from Holm Legal Services representing Mr. Alvina Popke requested Lunchroom settlement by the City with the present operator of the City Hall Contract Lunchroom in order that Mrs. Popke can proceed with the operation of the lunchroom as per agreement. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER THE MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE MAYOR AND CITY ATTORNEY FOR FURTHER ACTION. CARRIED. Renton Air Fair Letter from Mr. Arnold Hubner and Mr. Bob Anderson requested waiver of July 28 - 29 permit fee for street banner for the Renton Kiwanis first Renton Air Fair on July 28 and 29, 1973 at the Renton Air Port, any monies derived to be used for support of community programs. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY DELAURENTI, THE FEE BE WAIVED AND REQUEST GRANTED UNDER , THE SUPERVISION OF THE STREET AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS MOTION CARRIED. APPOINTMENTS Letter from Mayor Garrett appointed Mrs. Jean Musselwhite, 812 Jefferson Mrs. Musselwhite Ave. N.E. , to the Municipal Arts Commission for a three-year term, • expiring January 1, 1976, replacing Mrs. Hazel O'Harra, and requested Council concurrence. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE FINANCE AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Renton City Council Meeting Minutes Page 4, July 2, 1973 OLD BUSINESS Report on Legislation Committee Chairman Perry presented report on .use of Plastic Pipe plastic pipe within the City from Acting Building Director Crews, 6/18 referral, recommending no changes in present Plumbing Code and report- ing the use bf plastic piping and fittings has given excellent service when properly installed per Code. Opinion Councilman Stredicke requested a City Attorney opinion report on Attor- Requested on ney General opinion of Optional Municipal Code Cities relative to the O.M.C. Cities new gambling legislation, particularly opportunities available to OMC Cities as opposed to those that are not. Port of Seattle MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY PERRY, THAT THE SUBJECT OF THE PORT OF Expansion in SEATTLE DUWAMISH EXPANSION BE REFERRED TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES Renton and COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL. CARRIED. Tukwila MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHELLERT, MATTER OF CITY COUNCIL LET- Olympic Pipe Line TER SIGNED BY WILLIAM J. GRANT RELATIVE TO OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY BE REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Watermain, etc. MOVED BY BRUCE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, THAT THE SUBJECT OF PROPOSED LID FOR L.I.D. Aberdeen ABERDEEN AVE. N.E. BETWEEN N.E. 27TH AND N.E. 28TH, BE REFERRED TO Ave. N.E. THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION. CARRIED. Open Space Upon inquiry of provisions of 'g'u stitute House Bill 53 relating to Open Legislation Space Act, City Attorney Shellan advised governing authority consisted of three members of County legislative body and three members of the City legislative body. MOVED BY PERRY, SECONDED BY BRUCE, THAT THE PRESIDENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPOINT THE THREE MEMBERS REPRESENTING THE CITY OF RENTON IN REGARD TO THE OPEN SPACE LEGISLATION. Motion by Stredicke, seconded by Bruce that the matter be referred to the Commit- tee of the Whole for discussion, FAILED. Motion to authorize Council President to chose members, CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mr. Wayne Goddard, 3707 Lake Washington Blvd. N. , inquired regarding Shoreline Management Act and was advised Public Hearing schedule for July 9, 1973. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY DELAURENTI, SECONDED BY BRUCE, MEETING ADJOURN. CARRIED. The Renton City Council Meeting adjourned at 12:05 A.M. 146-teAf-/ Delores A. Mead, City C erk m _,`.,:_ .' = _ EXHIBIT "A" Page 1 of 5 • - - : CON G . - - - -' . - - SIX •YEAR STRUCT I ON PRO RAM - , HEARING DATE 7-2-73 ADOPTION DAT -1- Z-73 RES LUTI ON NO. 1864 (CITY) OF Renton, Wash: (TOWN) ROAD F C U R 'fir . - LOCAL NAME OR U L R U - LENGTH COST ESTIMATE ITEM OFSTREET N A B R IN NO ROAD OR STREET _ -. NO. C S A A TYPE OF WORK : : MILES 1974 - 1975 1976 1977-79 TOTAL TSNLL .TATE ADMINISTERED PRO I CTS .. 1.: SR 515 Relocation, . Puget Dr. toS. 196th M X Construct roadway with c rb, .3,0 No Estimate Available drainage, sidewalk, ilium - ation, landscaping. (----- ,, - 2. SR 515 Extension, Gra.► - • Wy' S -to S.- 2nd St.. • : M -X Construct/reconstruct roa 0.( ,'_: Estimate Available way with curb, drainage, sidewalk, illumination, , landscaping. ' 3 . R 515\S : 2nd • N. M X Construct/reconstruct roa ` ) o Estimate Available = Pa Dr--;---( �� , . Renton way with curb, drainage, . Interchange) si_., :clewalk, illumination,' ntl-s-c---a-piTrg.) wiPe4J)K.Caj. , ..: , 4.. FAI 405 _ _ M X ' (Revision on & off ramps • & elimination of "S" curve No Estimate Avail,ble 5. Maple Valley Highway 6003 M X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 8 •'$100, 000 $100,000 Bronson Way N. to curb, , drainage , _sidewalk, ._ (City share only , -. . Half Bridge illumination, landscaping:. f' ,-. - SAF 7.02 - 6/73 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 5 • - Ad.-- • SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ,..„---.---197-14----- 979 HEARING DATE 7-2-73 ADOPT!ONl DATE 1- 2 - 73 RESOLUTION NO. 1864 (CITY) OF Renton, Wash. � -._. . _. . ....._.. --(TOWN) - - ROAD F C U R LOCAL NAME OR ULRU LENGTH COST ESTIMATE ITEM OF • STREET N A B R IN NO. ROAD OR STREET NO. CS A A TYPE OF WORK MILES 1974 1975 1976 1977-79 TOTAL TSNL ' ) SECONDARY ARTERIALS I ',a .\ 1. S .W. 43rd St. E. Valley Reconstruct roadway with 1.2 771, 000 771, 000 1, 542, 000 Road to W. Valley Road 4102 S X curb, drainage, sidewalk, (Joint Project with illumination, railroad City of Kent) crossing structure . • _\-- 2. Lake Washington Blvd: , 2501 S X Reconstruct roadway as - - -2..-5• -- - 263,500- - 891,000 .9.7.1, 500f.. ..... ____ _ _ __2_ 12.6A100: . N. Park Dr. to N. 44th scenic route with curb, St . (Parkway Section) drainage, sidewalk, illumin- ation, landscaping. 3 . . Sunset Blvd. N. & N.E. 3203 S X ' Reconstruct roadway with 1.7 817 , 500 817 , 500 1 635 . 000 • Bronson Wy N. to N.E. curb, drainage, sidewalk, . Park Dr. illumination, landscaping. . ' , 4. S. W. Grady Way, Lind 4202 S X ' - Reconstruct roadway with 1. 2 635, 500 2., 967 , 500 3 , 603 , 000 • . Ave. S .W. to West curb, drainage, sidewalk, . - City Limits illumination, new bridge, . landscaping. 5. Benson Road S . , S. 5303 S X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 8 733 ,000 733, 000 Grady Way to S . E. curb, drainage, sidewalk, • 31st Street .. illuminations, landscaping. . SAIL, - 7.02 - 6/73 • EXHIBIT "A". . Page 3 of 5 SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM X1-97 - 1979 HEARING DATE 7-2-73 ADOPTION DATE 7- Z-73 ESOLUTION NO. 186.4 (CITY) OF Renton, Washington (TOWN) ..;_ , wilqu ROAD F C U R LOCAL NAME OR ULRU LENGTH COST ESTIMATE - . ITEM OF STREET N A B R - IN NO. ROAD OR STREET NO. CSAA TYPE OF WORK MILES 1974 1975 1976 1977-79 16(AI TSNL , COLLECTOR ARTERIALS • • N 1. Grant Ave. S . ,S . 7th 5405 C X Construct new roadway with 0.5 $325 , 000 $325,,000 St. to S . Puget Dr. curb, drainage, sidewalk, illumination. - N. = 2 .- S .7th St . ;Rainier Ave . -4802 -C X Reconstruct roadway with 0.5 192,000 ' -'" - - - 192, 000 S . to S. Grady Way curb, drainage, sidewalk, illumination, landscaping. 3. N. E. 12th St. ,Edmonds 3552 C X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 0 425, 000 • 425, 000 Ave. N.E. to Union Ave curb, drainage, sidewalk, N.E. illumination, landscaping. • 4. Taylor Ave. N.W. & 1003 , C X Reconstruct Roadway with 0. 6 300, 000 300, 000., Taylor P1. N.W. from curb, drainage, sidewalk, Renton Ave. Ext. to illumination, landscaping. Stevens Ave. N.W. - - \, . 5. Union Ave. N.E. , N.E. 3801 . C X Reconstruct roadway with 0 .7 355, 000 355 , 000 Sunset Blvd. to N.E. curb, drainage, sidewalk, 24th St. illumination, landscaping. 6. N. 30th St . ,Burnett 2352 C X ' Reconstruct roadway with -0.4 ' ''' ' ' 150, 000 ' 1501-0"00‘" Ave. to FAI 405 curb, drainage., sidewalk,--, . . : , . - . , . illumination, landscaping. • ,7 .. Monroe Ave.N.E. , N.E. 3401 C X Reconstruct roadway with 1.0 507 , 0. 00 .507 , 000 4th St.. to N.E. 12th curb, drainage, sidewalk St.- illumination, landscaping. SAF - 7.02 - 1;/73 EXHIBIT "A" . Page 4 of 5 , SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ' _ . ==-4974.---1979 . • HEARING DATE T..- 7-2-`73 ADOPTION" ATE` �`- " 7� ft SOLUTION N0: 1864 (CITY) OFRenton. Washington _ (TOWN) I ROAD F C U R - - LOCAL NAME OR ULRU LENGTH COST ESTIMATE ITEM- OF STREET N A B R IN NO. - ROAD OR STREET NO. C S A A TYPE OF WORK • . MILES 1974 1975 1976 1977-79 TOTAL TSN L E COLLECTOR ARTERIALS (OONT) \,-. : 8. Burnett Ave. N.from 2451 C • X Reconstruct roadway with 0. 6 300 , 000 300, 000 . Lk Wash. Blvd. N. (S. ' curb,drainage , sidewalk, term) to Lk. Wash. illumination, landscaping. Blvd.. N. (N.. term) . N . 9. Garden Ave. N. , N. 4t1i 2551 C X Reconstruct roadway -with 0 .5 - 280, 000 . 280, 000 St.. to N. 8th St, curb, drainage, .sidewalk, - j...._ ..__. ..._. . . .... - . . . . .. - . .... .. .. .. ...... ... .. . . ... illumination, landscaping... . . . - .. . . _ ..: - \' •10. S.W. 16th St. ,-Lind Ave 4902 C X Reconstruct roadway with 0. 9 725, 000 725, 000 S.W. to Monster Rd. curb, drainage, sidewalk, . S.W. illumination, landsc.aping,new . - . • bridge. . 11. Aberdeen Ave. N.E. , 3251 - C X Reconstruct roadway with - 1.3 1, 340, 000 1, 340, 000 Sunset Blvd. N.E. to curb, drainage,- sidewalk, - ' N.E. 27th St . . illumination, landscaping_ \. 12 . Talbot Rd. S. ,S•. 19th 5701 C X Reconstruct roadway with 1. 5 1, 141, 00C 1, 141, 000 - • St. to S. 43rd St. • curb, drainage, sidewalk, illumination, landscaping. • 3 . Park Ave: N. & N. 40th 2491 C X • Reconstruct roadway with 0.4 195 , 00C . 195, 000 _ _St.. , N.E.. 30th- St. to - - _ . .curb, drainage, sidewalk, . Lk. Wash. Blvd. N. illumination, landscaping. L , . . , 9 r - r . p... SAF - 7.02 - b/73 EXHIBIT "A" Page_ 5 of 5 • SIX YEAR- COUSTRUCT I-ON PROGRAM -- ��1-9�4--- ,4 (i E Z- a iii. 1 , HEARING DATE July 2, 197RD0PT 10N DATE 1 Z -7 3 RESOLUTION NO. 1864 (CITY) OF Renton,_Washington (TOWN} ROAD F CU R - LOCAL NAME OR ULRU LENGTH COST ESTIMATE ITEM OF STREET N A BR IN .NO. ROAD OR STREET NO. CSAA TYPE OF WORK MILES 1974 1975 - 1976 1977-79' TOTAL TSNL - SPOT IMPROVEMENTS 1. Wells Ave. Bridge, X Construct new bridge. 420, 000 420, 000 Cedar River - 2. ' Shattuck Ave. Railroad X Construct new railroad 293, 000 - 293, 000 Undercrossing unercrossing. TRANSPORTATION STUDY 1. "Renton Area Transpor- Type of Work 90, 000 90,000 tation Study" (RATS) - 1. Review arterial classification 2. Review public transportation systems.. 3. Develop priority rating system for transportaticn - improvements . • TOTAL $16, 617,7„000 June 26, 1973 • George Perry, Chairman Members of the Transportation Committee Subject: Funding Availability for Six-Year Street Program Gentlemen: Attached hereto are the estimates of funding available for the Six- Year period - 1974 to 1979 - for our Six-Year Street Program from 1/2t Gas Tax funds and Forward Thrust bond funds. The total funds available from these sources are as follows: Forward Thrust Funds $2,530,282 l/2c Gas Tax Funds 986,352 Total from these sources $3,516,634 The Urban Arterial program is essentially committed and we cannot look forward to additional funding from this source in the absence of legis- ,lative,action to expand the program. As you are aware, this has been the najor source of funding for the recent expanded arterial con- struction activity in the City. :'Other potential sources of funding are discussed as follow: (1) Federal Topics Program - This program is likewise essentially committed and projects already approved under this program have been funded. Additional projects under the Topics program can not be anticipated at this time. (2) Federal Revenue Sharing - $90,000 was earmarked for Renton Hill streets in the 1973 budget. It appears that no funding will be available from this source for 1974, however, approximately $50,000 is projected for 1975. Subsequent availability of funds from this source-Os dependent upon the City's budget require- , ments and priorities for Capital Improvement Program funding. (3); Property Taxes - Property taxes as a source of funds for Capital Improvement Programs likewise depend upon budget requirements andother competing Capital Improvement Program projects. ti (4) Federal Aid Urban Funds, - There is a strong indication that a , ' substantial Federal Aid program for urban arterials will be forthcoming. This is related to the change in the Federal `. .. Highway Program after completion of the interstate system.:- '' Funds previously allocated to the interstate program will-:be';.. ' available and it is anticipated they will be utilized to expand To: George Perry, Chairman June 26, 1973 Members of the Transportation Committee Page 2 From: Warren C. Gonnason the improvement of, other highways on the Federal Aid system with special emphasis in urban areas. It is anticipated that this pro- gram will be on a 75% Federal and 25% local matching basis. (5) Local G.O. Bonds - In the event the City desired to utilize General Obligation bonds for a program of this type, this would be a possible revenue source. The Forward Thrust funding is a one-time program financed by County-wide General Obligation bonds. This source, along with the 1/2 Gas Tax, has been utilized by the City for matching fund requirements in connection with Urban Arterial Board and Topics funded programs. It is suggested that these funds be kept intact for matching purposes insofar as is practicable in anticipation of future matching programs. As you can see, the revenue picture is not too bright for the immediate future and that the $3.5 million available falls far short of meeting the financial requirements for the Six-Year Street Program estimated to cost in excess of $16 million. Very truly yours, Warren C. Gonnason, P.L. Public Works Director WCG:sn Attach. cc: Mayor Garrett Gwen Marshall Council Members a Li ',,, - :- • ''.-:,-.-7.--•-f-•-'''' •"t•-.•-•:.,••=4-:- " -7- •••. ----.-7----.•..•• ..•.----;77----:---r. ."- -..,.. . ,,.....,„. rrz,...,,,,v,,,.6-.:.,&;:. ,-;,,.,:,.:,,r,-,4„.----:., . . ,•- _•_. _. - ''', : " ''''" ''-.•---•'''''''.,'%',Z,‘1.9 "iV4`,t-410 5:01,4i*4,:4,0;4.wirekt,',v,F,t?,Ae...1rutor4s".41-0.,:,:-,...... .?.-,'..,• ...•, v.,..04, ..,,,•, -1 .-0-k,.....,...;;x4.2‘.4.,. -;-:,+4,,,..,...,..,..... .,I.,.-,.$, 1,44,:i,..tii .i4i%;::11"-ry..4•4,4, . 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E.),..,11.,p3 her.3,, c.,... t.ify , t.T.i.a.t.-. .• three. ( 3) coi31.e.1; of 'the above notice tvere peocl by no iz). ,., . • Z• • ''.'th'.2e(,-.! consPicuouu .Places on the prolperty deee4,ribc411.6 one • , • ... .. , . ,c, y ,-7(.1,3 pootedi at.„,the City Municipal Bui1dinc:, ,,- 134bnL-en , . rdzauilingtoz1 ..on date 'of :lane 2 0 , 19 v3-..•'. • .. . . • . . . , .. . . , • . , . • „. . • . . . . . . .. , , • . ' '/) , . .. -., . . - . . ,,,.. . • . • -signoc.-+ •,.g...d,„4::. _ _ _ . .,2_,. .., .. . . . , . . . . . • , .. . . . „ . . . . ., • . . . . , . . _ , . . .. , • -,..:- , --,2-.2 .2,,),,.;s,,, , • . . • .k" • . ..., ,,. . • t -. '. -- . . • 4*-•'• , • * - - * •. I11.11....- -' --/ ./.7 ''-.... , * 1. . ;0010000019°°':----- -•-- - •---,•----"----7"----.--- . • ' - - •,'F- , '' ''------.• • , - • 11 C.: :1•1•11 i-40.:1-1 :co x the t.-3 r.Li'cc.; . .- •, . . . ,_ ., „,:' ,-.....i.L,,.,..-,/ -,.., .. ', -.. . . c.. ..-1.1odhLigtoy,t , L'uLlit..1111g . at RentoLi. . :.? . ; . . . ,. ''.,' .. • ' • f. - . • ' , , . • 11. . • .. ' ' ' ' • . • . . . . . 1 Tzar/tonTzar/ton cacim is:ems ® commei ce 300 RAINIER AVENUE NORTH • RENTON,WASHINGTON 98055 • PHONE: BA6-4560 July 2, 1973 My name is Kay F. Johnson, and I am manager of the Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce, 300 Rainier Avenue North, Renton, Washington. We appreciate the opportunity to give our input on the 6 year Road Program of the City of Renton. We further appreciate the opportun- ity provided by Mr. Perry of the Zouncil 's Transportation Committee, to attend the committee meetings for the past two weeks. We would also like to express our appreciation to Mr. Warren Gonnason, Dir- ector of Public Works and his staff for meeting with our committee to present the proposed 6 year program. We are aware that because of budget limitations there will be lim- its on what the City of Renton will be able to accomplish in one year. While we would like to recommend that additional roads appear on the program we understand they may not receive monies for some years to come. Most of our recommended additions would be financed by State High- way funds. Under the category of "Major", we would appreciate the addition of - The widening of Interstate Highway 405. This particular highway especially in the Renton area is above capacity and needs some attention. We would urge that the extension of State Highway 515 from Grady Way to South 2nd Street be included on the six year program. We would further recommend that a study be conducted by the in- terested parties of a proposed extension of State Highway 515 to a connection with the North Renton Interchange. We would again remind the council that most of the progress of road construction of State Highways has come about by the united efforts of the City of Renton, the Chamber of Commerce, and our Legislators working with the State Highway Department. is never too early to start working together on major projects that might be 10 to 12 years in the future. I Thank you for your attention and consideration of our request. ACCREDITED CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS the City of Renton has heretofore adopted an Arterial Street Program together with a certain Six Year Urban Arterial Construction Program, all pursuant to Chapter 7, Extraordinary Session Laws of 1961 of the State of Washington, and Chapter 195 of the 1961 Session Laws of the State of Washington, as amended, and such plans and programs having hereto- fore been duly amended and modified from time to time as authorized by law and WHEREAS the City Council , after recommendation of its Public Works Department, caused to be held a public hearing on July 2, 1973 to consider the adoption, modification and amendments of said plans and program, and WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable, as recommended by the Public Works Department, to update such plans and programs by the designation of Arterial Streets and highways, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I : The City's Six Year Urban Arterial Construction Program and the City's Arterial Street Program are hereby further amended and modified as more particularly shown on the attached Exhibits entitled Exhibit "A" , Exhibit "B" , and Exhibit "C" , respectively which are hereby incorporated herein as if fully set forth. The aforesaid plans and programs, as evidenced by said Exhibits, shall be and constitute the City's "Arterial Street Program" and the City's "Six Year Urban Arterial Construction Program" and to remain in full force and effect until further revised, amended, and modified as provided by law. SECTION II : The Public Works. Director and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to file this amendment with the Director of Highways -1- for the State of Washington, together with a certified copy of this Resolution, and as otherwise provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of July, 1973. Delores Mead, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of July, 1973. Avery Garrett, Mayor Approved as to Form: Gerard M. Shellan, City Attorney CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2nd day of Jule , 19 73 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: SIX-YEAR COMPREHF.NSTVF STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION •7ntne 22, 1973 CERTIFICATIO N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING ) I , hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2pd day of Jain , 19 73 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: SIX-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON /2 Gf'0a"ZtiC • Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION J"' 92 , 1973 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2,pd day of Ju11.7 , 19 73 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : SIX-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM • Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION .Tune 22, 1973 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the ?.nd day of JuI,M , 19 73 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : SIX-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Any and all interestedpersons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON A4?-} Delores A. Mead , ICity Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION .7""e 22, 1973 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2nd day of Jule, , 19 73 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following : SIX-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead, City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION T»„Q 22, 1973 CERTIFICATIO N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building , Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the ?.pd day of Juiq , 19 73 , at 8: 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: SIX-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same. CITY OF RENTON Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION • 771no 2' 7973 CERTIFICATIO N STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING hereby certify that three (3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 2nd day of July , 19 73 , at 8 : 00 P .M. in the Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, Renton , Washington as the time and place for a public hearing to consider the following: SIX-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE STREET AND ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Any and all interested persons are invited to be present to voice approval , disapproval or opinions on same . CITY OF RENTON /, , C� :/-23?Lea.4,„ Delores A. Mead , City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION .7nne 22, 1473 CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss . COUNTY OF KING I , hereby certify that three ( 3) copies of the above notice were posted by me in three conspicuous places on the property described and one copy was posted at the City Municipal Building, Renton , Washington on date of , 19 Signed ATTEST : Notary Public in and for the State of Washington , residing at Renton. .74\ -\N‘ N 4,( • -9Ne._\'''''' Affidavit of Publication STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING ss. r 1 çea:k ;.;�_1vPDP--le, being first duly sworn on • I oath, deposes and says that F.hi: is the ....C.l191..ef clerk of THE RENTON"RECORD-CHRONICLE, a tri-weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication referred to, printed and published in the English language continually as a tri- weekly newspaper in Renton, King County, Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper. That the Renton 1 Record-Chronicle has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of - the Superior Court of the County in which it is published, to-wit, King t County, Washington.That the annexed is a 6...Vi" CnmpXtt,...p I e 1 strcct :Ji a.r gF ial . as it was published in regular issues (and - - not in supplement form of said newspaper)once each issue for a period CITY OF RENTON I NOTICE OF PUBLIC_HEARING • of O'1,:. consecutive issues, commencing on the BY RENTON CITY COUNCIL 2NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ? day of � � , 19 7J , and ending the ..that the..Renton;City Council has fixed the 2hd day of;July, 1973, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Cham- day of , 19 , both dates 'bers of the" Renton Municipal inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its Buildine time and g, Renton, We as thplace for a lic. subscribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee hearing to consider the following:SIX-YEAR COMPREHENSIVE 1 I STREET AND ARTERIAL CON- charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ rho c--• , which I STRUCTION PROGRAM - has been paid in full at the rate of per folio of one hundred words I. Any and all interest persons for the first insertion ander folio of one hundred words for each are invited to be present to voice p ' approval, disapproval or opinions subsequent insertion. II on same. CITY bF RENTON s/Delores A.Mead 4-kg-7/Z-OC2-Crit‘C,.../ • Ii beds n Mead,Renton Clerk; -!` e l G1 Published in the 23 RR- Ci cord-Chronicle June 22, 1822. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of .,,) J1.1.11 19 (.) • OFi2�C.A..—c—C., ar..-t..%06- . Notary u is in and for the State of Washington, r iding at Renton,King County. —i'assed by the Legislature, 1955,known as Senate Bill 281, effective June 2th,1955. - - , —Western Union Telegraph Co. rules for counting words and figures, adopted by the newspapers of the State. • /' I