HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project Narrative_191216_v1.pdfPROJECT NARRATIVE PROJECT NARRATIVE FOR LUA 18-000405 EXTENSION REQUEST Project Description Verizon Wireless has installed a temporary Cell on Wheels (COW) located at 1300 Bronson Way N. The COW is a height of 35’ and equipped with three (3) panel antennas and one (1) microwave antenna. The COW is a self-contained unit with a mast for the antennas and the electronic equipment cabinets on a trailer that is caged for security. The COW trailer measures 6’x14’ and is confined to a 40'X34' lease area, which includes the landscaping. The COW is protected by a 6’ high chain link fence with access gate with a locking mechanism. It was necessary to guy the COW using 3 ecology blocks as shown in the attached plans. Verizon also installed a temporary fence around the proposed COW compound for security and obtained power overhead using a drop line from an adjacent pole to the COW. As built photographs taken November 15, 2019 are attached. The COW project is on property located in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. The adjacent zoning is CA to the East, North, and West, with R10 zoning to the North. There are currently a row of Arborvitaes that separate the subject CA property and the adjacent R10 property that serve as a visual buffer to the base of the COW. There are several taller power poles with equipment and transformers and taller trees in the area, and ballfield light standards at the City ballfield across Bronson which are the approximate height or taller than the COW mast. Decision Criteria: Temporary Use Permit Criteria-RMC 4-9-240(J) The Administrator may approve, deny, modify, or condition an application for a temporary use permit, based on consideration of the following factors: (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012) 1. The temporary use will not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, nor injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the temporary use; and VERIZON RESPONSE: The site is zoned Commercial Arterial zoned property with mixed uses in an area, with high traffic that include; businesses, retail stores, restaurants and housing. There are some residential areas to North and NE of site. Verizon has provided landscape screening of the base of the COW. The COW is compatible with the use of the property and surrounding properties, which includes commercial property uses and several utility poles with multiple transformers and other visible equipment. COW does not negatively impact the building quality or surrounding area visually because it is similar in form factor to other utility infrastructure in the adjacent right of way. The site does not include any use or activity incompatible with the use of an airport or airfield since the proposed structure is at a lower height than other existing structures in the area. 2. Adequate parking facilities and vehicle ingress and egress are provided to serve the temporary use and any existing uses on the site; and VERIZON RESPONSE: Proposal will not negatively impact parking, as the COW is located in an unused part of the vacant lot. 3. Hours of operation of the temporary use are specified, and would not adversely impact surrounding uses; and VERIZON RESPONSE: The site passively operates 24 hours per day, 7 days a week with no onsite personnel or traffic, other than occasional maintenance. There is no additional traffic generated and the site has no adverse impact on the surrounding uses. 4. The temporary use will not cause nuisance factors such as noise, light, or glare which adversely impact surrounding uses; and VERIZON RESPONSE: The facility is not lit and complies with the city's noise ordinance. There is no generator. Please see attached noise report. 5. If applicable, the applicant has obtained the required right-of-way use permit. VERIZON RESPONSE: The COW is not in the right of way so no permit is required. Conclusion Verizon has met all of the criteria for a temporary use and has justified its request for an extension of up to two years, subject to reporting measurable progress on a permanent solution. The site is in compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Installing a Temporary Cell on Wheels at this location has allowed Verizon to maintain adequate wireless services to the community on a temporary basis while Verizon completes negotiations on a permanent site solution to improve the Verizon Network performance long term within the City of Renton. The demand on the network has only increased as Renton continues to grow and the regulations and franchise agreement needed to deploy small wireless facilities was just approved on November 4, 2019, much later than Verizon originally anticipated. The COW is adding vitally needed capacity to the existing Verizon service area which previously suffered enormous congestion problems, especially in the peak periods. Denial of the requested extension would result in this facility being taken off air in January 2020, which will result in a diminished level of service for residents, businesses and first responders. Verizon respectfully requests that the Administrator grant an extension of up to two years, with a check in at one year to report progress on a permanent solution.