HomeMy WebLinkAboutComprehensive Water System Plan 1992 CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN MARCH 1990 FINAL DRAFT PREPARED BY: RH2 ENGINEERING Review Copy of CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN MARCH 1990 FINAL DRAFT PREPARED BY: RH2 ENGINEERING Review Copy of I ' • Chapter One EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of the Renton Comprehensive Water System Plan is to present a list of recommended facility improvements and policy criteria to be used to construct and maintain a potable municipal water supply system that is "Adequate, Safe and Reliable". This plan is an update of the plan adopted in 1984, and complies with WAC 248-54-580. The plan is based on current policy, regulations and law adopted by Federal and State government and the Renton City Council. This executive summary is divided into 4 sections: 1. Planning 2. Existing System 3. Future System 4. Improvements PLANNING The City's service area population and land use trends are major elements affecting water system planning. The service area has been established through agreements with adjacent purveyors using the Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan and East King County Coordinated Water System Plan as the planning vehicles. Service area boundaries will not change without annexation. Most of Renton's neighbors are supplied by the City of Seattle,and are experiencing reductions in water resource allocations. • Renton's service area has been included in the East King County Regional Water Supply Plan, and Renton has been asked to participate in developing regional water supply sources. These sources may not benefit Renton's water supply system. Population projections have a large impact on water supply planning; however, planned land use changes within the service area have a small impact. Water quality and supply reliability standards and policies have the largest impact in facility planning and phasing. In fact, water resource planning and water quality (aquifer) protection should be the highest priorities of the Water Department. EXISTING SYSTEM The existing system is well maintained and provides a high level of service. The system is deficient,however,in booster station capacity to the Highlands 435 and 565 pressure zones, and the West Hill pressure zones, and is deficient in storage in all of the pressure zones except the West Hill Zone. Water quality is high; however, the system is vulnerable to groundwater contaminations. The distribution system has been designed to provide maximum day demands and adequate fire flow to all customers. 1 - 1 CHAPTER ONE i FUTURE SYSTEM The City has an adequate source of potable groundwater resources located within the existing service area. Development of additional groundwater supplies should be pursued as soon as possible, since it is assumed that political and/or economic events will make future development impossible. The City should not compromise their quality or quantity standards because of regional supply inadequacies, and therefore should not rely on the development of regional sources for the future needs of the City. The City should supply all customers located within the service area boundaries. Additional wells, pump stations, reservoirs and pipelines will need to be constructed. IMPROVEMENTS The City should prepare for and authorize a 30-year CIP budget of $65,000,000.00. Improvements include: 12,750 gallons per minute (gpm) of additional well capacity 27,000 gpm of additional booster station capacity - 26 million gallons of additional storage capacity • Additional improvements include construction of watermains to serve new customers and provide adequate fire protection to existing customers, replacement of asbestos cement and steel , watermains, and engineering investigations to meet water quality standards and use the _ available water resources most effectively. The improvement plan will raise Renton's water rates by 12%, 12%, 4%, 6%, and 8% over the next 5-year period. 1 2 CERTIFICATION This Comprehensive Water System Plan for the City of Renton, 1990,has been prepared under the direction of the following Registered Professional Engineers: Richard H. Harbert, P.E. Daniel R. Ervin, P.E. CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN MARCH 1990 City Council Bob Edwards Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Nancy L. Matthews Toni Nelson Jesse Tanner Richard M. Stredicke Theresa Zimmerman Mayor Earl Clymer Public Works Director Lynn Guttmann Attorney Warren and Kellogg, P.S. DSHS Regional Engineer Moe Batra, P.E. Prepared By RH2 Engineering, P.S. Chapter Two INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The 1990 Comprehensive Water Plan is the comprehensive water supply plan for the City of Renton and contains policies and criteria that affect decisions regarding water service for Renton's water customers. This plan is the result of a study which evaluated the existing water system and developed alternatives for operation and accommodating growth. The improvements identified in this plan are based on the requirements of the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) and City of Renton Policy. The City of Renton adopted its last comprehensive water system plan in 1984. That plan anticipated growth in the system and proposed improvements but did not foresee all issues which have arisen since that time: changes in water resource allocation, changes in water quality standards, significant increases in construction cost, land use densities, and population projections. These issues and others are examined in detail in this Comprehensive Plan. The Renton water system is large and, because of the topography, it is difficult to understand and operate. The condition of the current system, as well as the need for improvements in a level of detail that will satisfy most readers, has been documented. However, due to the magnitude of this system and the number of issues that must be addressed, this report is organized so that a reader may review a summary of the plan in Chapter 1,without reading the background or detailed information which led to those results. Readers interested in more details should examine the remainder of the report. The plan provides a recognized framework for making decisions about potable water supply in the City of Renton. It is intended to aid users including the Water Utility, City Council members, the Mayor and staff, builders, developers, community groups, and other government agencies. The plan helps these users in several ways. First, the plan is the framework for improvements and operations that govern water system developments in the City's service area. The plan provides a basis for allocating improvements and costs to new, additional water users in the system, such as home and apartment builders and commercial developers. It thus provides City officials with partial direction for approving building permits and upgrading the system. Second, the plan provides a guideline for improving the existing system to supply each customer with adequate supply and acceptable quality water. It is intended that City officials will be able to use these guidelines as supply and quality standards change, to maintain the highest quality service at the least cost. Finally,the plan provides a basis for accommodating changes that occur butthat cannot be forecast in the plan. To this end, the plan lists policy issues and operational criteria that can be used to develop alternatives and direction for development, improvements, and operations. 2 . 1 CHAPTER TWO Several members of the City staff possess an exceptionally detailed understanding of the City's water system, and have provided valuable input for this plan. Mr. Ron Olsen, Mrs. Arlene Haight, Mr. Ray Sled and Mr. Jack Crumley are thanked for their assistance. HOW TO USE THIS PLAN This plan is arranged in eight major sections. Chapter 3 identifies the existing facilities,and documents the history of the water utility. Chapter 4 documents the condition of the existing facilities, discusses land use and adjacent systems. Chapter 5 examines demands for existing conditions as well as anticipated future conditions. Chapter 6 documents current and planned water supplies to meet the demands listed in Chapter 5. Chapter 7 identifies the policies and design criteria for the water utility. Chapter 8 examines the condition and performance of the existing system in accordance with the accepted policies and criteria through system analysis. Chapter 9 identifies improvements necessary to comply with policy requirements, law, and anticipated future conditions. Chapters 10 and 11 examine the operations, maintenance and financial characteristics of the utility. 2 - 2 Chapter Three EXISTING SYSTEM 1. SYSTEM OVERVIEW The City of Renton's Water System provides service to an area of approximately 16 square miles and more than 11,000 customers. In addition, the City supplies water on a wholesale basis to Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water District through a single metered connection. The water service area is shown in FIGURE 1. Water supply sources include six wells and one artesian spring that are used for normal supply, and five metered connections to Seattle's Cedar River and Bow Lake supply pipelines that are used for emergency back-up supply only. All of the wells are located in the area of Cedar River Park and Liberty Park, and pump from a relatively shallow aquifer. These wells provide 96% of the City's supply capacity. The water distribution system serves the valley floors and parts of five surrounding hills: the West Hill, the Highlands, Scenic Hill, Talbot Hill and Rolling Hills. All of the water from the wells and the artesian spring is first pumped into the lowest pressure zone in the valley floor, and then pumped up these four hills for consumption. As a result of this topography, the City has 12 hydraulically-distinct pressure zones. Pumping is accomplished by seven booster pump stations that are located throughout the City. Two additional pump stations supply water to the Rolling Hills service area from the Seattle Cedar River transmission pipeline. All water consumed in Renton's service area must pass through at least one and potentially several pump stations. Because of this, the City's system is maintenance-intensive, with facilities for pumping, water quality control, and emergency power generation. Currently there are six reservoirs in the system, and a seventh reservoir under construction. The reservoirs are strategically located throughout the system to provide adequate equalizing and fireflow reserves. Pressure-reducing valves are used to supply lower pressure zones from higher pressure zones that contain water storage reservoirs. The water system is complicated, and is difficult to understand and operate efficiently. The key in this understanding is appreciating the need for the different pressure zones. The zones are necessary to provide reasonable pressures in the distribution system. The City currently serves customers within an elevation range of 30 feet to 500 feet. This range alone results in at least four separate pressure zones. Physical barriers such as hills and valleys often prevent the extension of a pressure zone from one location to another. As an example, the pressure zones in the Highlands area have not been extended across Maple Valley into the Renton Scenic Hill or Talbot Hill areas, even though the elevations served on these two hills are similar. Thus, Maple Valley has provided a physical barrier which has precluded joining of hydraulically-similar pressure zones. As a result of these physical barriers and the elevation range served, the pressure zones are necessary. All of the pressure zones are hydraulically interrelated with the lowest zone in the Valley floor, the 196 Zone. All supply to the system,if not consumed in the downtown 196 zone, is pumped 3 - 1 CHAPTER THREE to a higher zone where it is used primarily to supply residential and commercial demands. In the City's system, water moves up through the pump stations and down through the pressure reducing valves. FIGURE 2 shows a hydraulic profile of the existing system and demonstrates how water moves vertically through the water system. FIGURE 1 shows how water moves horizontally through the system. It is desirable to have two or more connections (or supply points) that will allow water to move upward to a higher pressure zone or downward to a lower pressure zone. This maximizes system reliability by providing multiple paths or routes that the water can take when moving between pressure zones. At first glance,it appears that the Renton system is ideally constructed,since each pressure zone has at least two sources of supply. This is not the case, however. Renton has several problems that are unique because of its geographical characteristics: 1) Some facilities are in poor hydraulic locations, which require the addition of a third or even fourth source of supply, 2) Renton is wholly dependent on supply from a single, shallow aquifer that is vulnerable to contamination, and 3)water which recharges Renton's aquifer may be diverted for use by other water users. The remainder of this chapter is devoted to an examination of the existing water facilities, and the improvements which have been made since the 1983 Comprehensive Plan. 2. IMPROVEMENTS SINCE 1983 The history of the City's System is well documented in the previous Comprehensive Water System Plans prepared for the City by CH2M Hill in 1965 and RH2 Engineering in 1983. That particular information is not repeated in this document. For those interested,the 1965 and 1983 Comprehensive Water System Plans are available from the City. Numerous changes to the water system have occurred since the completion of the 1983 Comprehensive Water System Plan. The major changes are summarized below. Source of Supply Development and construction of Well No. 9. Development and construction of Replacement Wells 1, 2, and 3. Placement of Well No. 3 in a standby status. Redevelopment of Well No. 5. Development of Well Nos. 11 and 17. All of the West Hill and a majority of the Rolling Hills and Talbot Hill areas were converted from Seattle supply to City supply. Performed exploratory drilling in Maplewood area. 3 - 2 • i-_ Existing System Storage Construction of the 1.4 million gallon (MG)West Hill Reservoir. Construction of the 1.5 MG South Talbot Hill Reservoir. Booster Pump Stations Construction of the West Hill Booster Pump Station. Replacement of the motor control center and motor starters for the Mount Olivet and Highlands Booster Pump Stations. Rehabilitation of the Tiffany Park Booster Pump Station. Pressure-Reducing Stations (PRV) Construction of one PRV Station(No.20)to the Renton Scenic Hill 490 Pressure Zone and one PRV Station (No. 22) to the Renton Scenic Hill 370 Pressure Zone. Construction of four PRV stations to the North Rolling Hills 490 Pressure Zone, one PRV station to the Talbot Hill 350 Pressure Zone,and one PRV station to the West Talbot Hill 300 Pressure Zone. Construction for the Marina Landing Apartment Project of one PRV station to the Kennydale-Marina Landing 320 Pressure Zone and one PRV station to the Downtown 196 Pressure Zone. Interties Construction of an intertie with the City of Tukwila. Construction of a new emergency intertie with Seattle near Longacres. Construction of an intertie with the City of Kent. Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Additions Construction of the West Hill Transmission Pipeline from the West Hill Pump Station to the former KCWD No. 63, now Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water District. Construction of the Longacres Transmission Pipeline. Construction of the Maple Valley Transmission Pipeline to the Maplewood Golf Course. Construction of the Oaksdale Transmission Pipeline. Construction of the 24" Transmission Pipeline from Wells 1, 2 and 3 to South 4th Street. 3 . 3 CHAPTER THREE Development of a stronger pipeline grid in the southwest industrial area of the Downtown ' 196 Pressure Zone. Developer extensions throughout the system which have improved the grid capacity. Looping of deadend pipelines in order to improve grid capacity and system reliability. Source Treatment New or rebuilt chlorination treatment facilities have been installed at all sources of supply for the City. Fluoridation treatment has been provided for each of the City's supply sources. Telemetry and Supervisory Control A new telemetry and supervisory control system has been installed for the water system. The system uses hard wire and radio transmission for communication between the various components within the water system. Telemetry conduit and wiring was installed which connected City Hall, Well Nos. 1,2, 3, 8, and 9, Mount Olivet and Monroe Street Booster Pump Stations, and the City's Maintenance Shop. 3. PRESSURE ZONES The System is divided into 12 different pressure zones for the purpose of providing reasonable pressures in the distribution system. The City currently serves customers within an elevation range of 30 feet to 500 feet. This range alone results in at least three pressure zone divisions and, therefore, four separate pressure zones. Physical barriers such as hills and valleys often prevent the extension of a pressure zone from one location to another. As an example, the pressure zones in the Highlands area have not been extended across Maple Valley into the Renton Scenic Hill or Talbot Hill areas,even though the elevations served on these two hills are similar. Thus, Maple Valley has provided a physical barrier which has precluded joining of hydraulically similar pressure zones. As a result of these physical barriers and the elevation range served, there are 12 pressure zones in the City's System. TABLE 3-1 lists each pressure zone, as it is commonly named, and the nominal hydraulic elevation that each ressureprovides.p zone p ovides. The nominal hydraulic elevation is the overflow elevation of the highest reservoir in the pressure zone or the elevation that a reservoir would have if there was a reservoir in a zone which currently does not have one. Also included in TABLE 3-1 are the lowest and highest ground elevations served in each pressure zone and the corresponding pressure at.those locations. 3 - 4 • Existing System TABLE 3-1 PRESSURE ZONES Maximum Minimum Minimum Maximum Elevation Service Elevation Service Served Pressure Served Pressure Pressure Zone (feet) (psi) (feet) (psi) Kennydale 320 210 48 15 132 Highlands 435 320 50 100 145 Highlands Elevated Tank 565 415 65 300 115 • Downtown 196 100 42 15 78 West Hill 495 350 63 150 149 West Hill 270 190 35 50 95 Scenic Hill 370 200 75 100 117 Scenic Hill 490 380 48 200 126 Talbot Hill 590 455 58 300 126 Talbot Hill 490 400 39 200 126 Talbot Hill 350 250 43 125 97 Talbot Hill 300 175 54 50 108 NOTE: Pressures stated above are static values. FIGURE 2, The System Hydraulic Profile, shows the vertical relationship of the System's pressure zones and demonstrates how water can move up or down through the System. In the Renton System, water moves up through booster pump stations and down through pressure reducing stations. The hydraulic profile illustrates how water can move vertically through the System, while FIGURE 1 illustrates how water can move horizontally through the System. All pressure zones are served directly or indirectly from the City's active wells and Springbrook Springs. All of this supply, if not consumed in the Downtown 196 zone, is pumped to a higher zone where the water is primarily used to supply residential and commercial demands. As an example, water consumed in the Highlands Elevated Tank 565 zone is first pumped from the aquifer at the wells into the Downtown 196 zone,then pumped into the Highlands 435 zone,and then pumped again to the Highlands Elevated Tank 565 zone. Another example is the route that water follows to supply the Kennydale 320 zone. This supply comes from the Downtown 196 zone,is pumped up to the Highlands 435 zone,and pressure-reduced to the Kennydale 320 zone. The remaining routes for supply to each zone can be traced by following the connections shown on FIGURE 2. It is necessary to have two or more connections (or supply points)that will allow water to move to a higher pressure zone, or downward to a lower pressure zone. This procedure maximizes system reliability by providing multiple paths or routes that the water can take when moving between pressure zones. 3 - 5 CHAPTER THREE In the Renton water system, some supply facilities are located in areas that are poor hydraulic locations, and others are located so that a single failure mechanism can take all of the supply sources out of service. In these instances, more than two sources may be necessary. These issues will be addressed in subsequent chapters. Although the system has 12 distinct pressure zones, not all of the zones have separate storage or supply facilities. Some zones are supplied exclusively by pressure-reducing stations from an upper zone that contains storage and pump stations. It is impractical to plan facilities and improvements for all of these zones; therefore, the water system has been divided into five operating areas. Each operating area is a single zone or combination of zones with similar operating characteristics. For example, a lower zone that is supplied exclusively by PRVs from an upper zone would be combined with that upper zone to form an operating area. For the majority of this plan, the following zones are included in each operating area: Operating Area Included Pressure Zones 196 Downtown 196 Zone 435/320 Highlands 435 Zone Kennydale 320 Zone 565 Highlands 565 Zone West Hill West Hill 495 Zone West Hill 270 Zone - - Rolling Hills/Talbot Hill Rolling Hills 590 Zone Rolling Hills 490 Zone Talbot Hill 350 Zone Talbot Hill 300 Zone Renton Hill 370 Zone Renton Hill 490 Zone At saturation it is anticipated that the Kennydale 320, Rolling Hill 490, and Talbot Hill 350 zones will have separate storage and supply facilities, and they will therefore form their own operating areas. In an attempt to minimize confusion, however, they are consistently referred to in the above listed operating areas for this plan. 4. SUPPLY FACILITIES Water supply within the service area is from wells and one artesian spring. This section provides a description of the function of each supply facility. The recommended sizing and location of additional facilities are presented in Chapter 9. 3 - 6 Existing System Well Facility Nos. 1-2-3 (RW1, RW2, RW3) The well facility, constructed in 1988, is an above-grade structure constructed from tilt-up concrete walls and a steel structured roof. The well facility is located in Liberty Park adjacent to Houser Way and the Cedar River. The well building is divided into seven rooms. The main pump room contains the three well pumps,the motor control center,and the flow meters. Other rooms include fluoride feed,fluoride storage, chlorine feed, and chlorine storage. Two rooms are currently vacant. The well facility is in excellent condition. The well provides direct service to the Downtown 196 pressure zone and is automatically controlled by the level in the Talbot Hill reservoir. The well facility has three deep well pumps with electric-powered motors. The capacity of each pump and motor is 2,400 gallons per minute(gpm);however,the wells are throttled to 2,200 gpm by the use of a control valve. Each well has an independent flow meter which is located in the pipe gallery within the pump room. Each well pumps to a common header which connects to the 24" diameter transmission pipeline located south of the well building. Well Facility No. 3 (PW3) The well facility,constructed is 1959,is an underground concrete vault which encloses the pump and motor, flow meter and motor control center. The well is located in Liberty Park on the southwest cornerof the intersection of Houser Way and Bronson Way. Adjacent to the buried vault is an above-grade concrete block (CMU) building which houses the chlorination and fluoridation equipment for the well. The well facility is on standby status and is only used under emergency conditions. The water rights for this well are in the process of being transferred to the City's replacement Well No. 3, located with Well Nos. 1 and 2. If the well was to be used on a regular basis, some modifications and improvements would be necessary. Access to the well is difficult, and the vault can fill with water rapidly if the pump were to fail. The well provides direct service to the Downtown 196 pressure zone and is automatically controlled by the level of the Talbot Hill reservoir. The well facility has one deep well pump with an electric-powered motor. The capacity of the pump and motor is 1,500 gpm. The discharge pipe from the well extends east and connects to the transmission pipeline in Houser Way. Well Facility No. 8 (PW8) The Well facility,constructed in 1967,is an above-grade structure constructed from architectural brick. The well is located in Cedar River Park adjacent to Interstate 405. The well building is divided into two rooms. The chlorination room is located in the north side of the building and the well pump and motor room is located in the south side of the building. The well facility is in good condition and is reliable; however, consideration should be given to replacing the motor control center since this does not comply with current codes. 3 - 7 CHAPTER THREE 1 The Well provides supply to the Downtown 196 Pressure Zone, and is automatically controlled by the level in the Talbot Hill reservoir. The Well facility has one deep well pump with an electric-powered motor. The capacity of the pump and motor is 3,500 gpm. The 12" diameter discharge pipe for the well extends east and connects into the 24" diameter transmission pipeline. The flow meter is located outside the pump facility in a buried, rectangular concrete vault. Well Facility No. 9 (PW9) The well facility,constructed in 1986,is an above-grade structure constructed from architectural brick and a pre-formed metal roof. The well is located in Cedar River Park adjacent to Interstate 405. The well building is divided into three rooms. The chlorination room is located in the north - side, the well pump and motor control center room is located in the middle, and the well field telemetry room is located on the south side of the building. The well facility is in good condition and is reliable; however, during peak summer demands the draw down in the well casing can reach the pump intake, requiring the pump to be throttled to a lower flow rate. The well provides direct service to the Downtown 196 pressure zone and is automatically controlled by the level in the Talbot Hill reservoir. The well facility has one deep well pump with an electric motor. The capacity of the pump and motor is 1,250 gpm. The 12" diameter discharge pipe for the well extends south and connects to a 24" diameter transmission pipeline. The flow meter is located outside the pump facility in a buried concrete vault. Springbrook Springs (Springs) The Springs facility was originally constructed in 1909 and the latest rehabilitation was completed in 1976. The Springs has two infiltration galleries which collect water and channel it into the transmission pipeline. Several drainage bulkheads prevent surface water from entering the infiltration galleries. The City has acquired ownership of a significant amount of property to form a watershed directly surrounding the Springs. A chain-link fence has been erected around the property to restrict access to and activities within the watershed. A chlorination and fluoridation building, constructed in 1987, is located approximately 300 yards from the infiltration galleries adjacent to the transmission pipeline. The Springs provides direct service to the Downtown 196 pressure zone by flowing directly to the Talbot Hill reservoir. The level in the Talbot Hill reservoir provides the only control of the discharge from the Springs. The Springs facility is a free-flowing facility with no control of its discharge rate. In its past,the Springs has had a capacity of near 1,200 gpm; however, the supply rate has recently been reduced to between 300 and 500 gpm. The flow meter is located inside the chemical treatment building. This treatment building also contains the equipment for the fluoridation and chlorination of the water. It is possible that a rehabilitation of the springs will increase the production to the water right capacity. 3 - 8 • Existing System Well Facility No. 4 (Inactive) Well No. 4, formerly Highlands Well No. 1, was originally constructed for the Northwest Water Company before the Highlands area was annexed to the City. The Well has a capacity of 100 gpm,and was used until the early 1960s to introduce chlorine into the then uncovered Highlands Reservoir. When the reservoirs were covered, the need for chlorination was eliminated and the well was abandoned. The building was razed and the well capped. The City has an active water right of 170 gpm at Well No. 4. Well Facility No. 5 (Inactive) Well No. 5 was drilled in 1953, and operated satisfactorily until 1959, at which time the well. developed a sand production problem. In addition, many water quality complaints due to taste and odor were received. The use of this well was discontinued in 1965. The well was redrilled in 1988, and design of a new well pumping and treatment facility is currently under way. The City currently has active water rights of 1,500 gpm at Well No. 5. When this well is completed, it will be referred to as "Well 5A". Well Facility Nos. 11 & 17 Well Nos. 11 and 17 are new wells that were drilled in 1988 and 1989. The City is currently seeking water rights of 2,500 gpm for Well No. 11, and 1,500 gpm for Well No. 17. Design of the well pumping and treatment facilities is currently underway. TABLE 3.2 is a summary of existing supply from the wells and Springbrook Springs. 1.- 3 - 9 I CHAPTER THREE • i TABLE 3-2 EXISTING ON-LINE SUPPLY FACILITY SUPPLY CAPACITY WATER • (GPM) (GPM) RIGHT (GPM) i i . Well 1R 2,200 2,600 2,200 Well 2R 2,200 2,600 2,200 Well 3R 2,200 2,600 2,200 ' Well8 3,500 3,500 3,500 � Well 9 1,200 1,200 1,200 Well 5A 1,400 1,400 1,400 Springbrook 600 600 1,000 ' ITOTAL 13,300 14,500 13,700 I i 4,000 3,500i tlN:i 3,000 tILi4 ,a ''' • 10„L t' 2,500 •::f:.3. :'tt::. a. { 11111;:ftt:•.:'• Iry'' I I Il:in i I Ild '1. 'i, .� 20 t 00 I „� I { 1 I I� y. �IS:r': :t>'• I �0 . : < 1'IR` iggiiii ! 1 I! I r I� i L• ��x . w 9 1' y 1.' °r p ' I ;YS�i: I �, I,. iii I' — dlil I,, 1 0 PoI 00 !li,g I. N, I u V 1 � iiii I' `u 43 1 I d m VI I i� I1� �'.:1� II. III ��h: t �'�' lel I d <:�'_: h� ill 'ti �! t I u-� Oh'I• k ,I;, I+ 1 I r '1 un! h '�' I :3. ;II �ry iti ,s ::yf�f:: :h3:v:•r 500 Itl iiiiii ' I I II3 1 t I i 1' t!.!��'' n IIII >::y>: € 8 I: 14 1. 1 I�: I f• I �Iir. 4 ii.I J' yiiiiii ';r a �I d' I�. .1.11... I h I� • SII' ...... 0 I I I I I: iii .....:... C4 CM ao vs o va I I Supply El Capacity D Water Right • -1 3 - 10 Existing System 5. WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES Renton chlorinates and fluoridates all of the well and spring water supplied to the water system. Vacuum-type gas chlorinators are installed at each active well and at Springbrook Springs. The gaseous chlorine is combined with the well water on the discharge of each pump based on the actual pump flowrate to maintain 0.8 parts per million (ppm) chlorine residual in the water. Each chlorination facility is contained in a separate room from the well mechanical and electrical equipment to minimize corrosive effects. In addition, at Springbrook Springs and Well Nos. R1, R2, and R3, the chlorine cylinders are stored separately from the gas chlorination injection equipment. This provides a safer and longer lasting installation. Each chlorine facility is equipped with an emergency cylinder repair kit and self-contained breathing apparatus in accordance with Washington State Department of Health (DOH) standards. The chlorine storage and feed rooms at Well Nos. R1, R2 and R3 are also equipped with chlorine gas scrubbing facilities to contain a gas leak and prevent chlorine gas from escaping from the rooms during a chlorine leak. The scrubbing facility complies with the latest NFPA standards for chlorine leak containment. In the event of a leak at any location, the Renton Fire Department is responsible for emergency evacuation and containment. Water Department personnel do not participate in emergency leak repair operations. All sites are equipped with remote gas leak alarms. A chlorine feed station is also located at the Highlands reservoir site and can be used to inject chlorinated water directly into the 435 Zone reservoir when chlorine residuals in this area of the City are low. It is currently difficult to maintain acceptable chlorine residual levels in the West Hill Reservoir and in the distribution system surrounding Valley General Hospital. The Hospital is sensitive to water quality because of the ultra-fine filters used in some of their lab processes. On August 26, 1985, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 3932 requiring the addition of fluoride to the City's well and spring water. Three facilities are currently in use to provide a 1 ppm fluoride level in the system. A storage and chemical feed building in Cedar River Park supplies both Well No. PW8 and PW9, and is located halfway between the two well buildings. This facility also serves as the terminal storage location for fluoride supplies and chemicals,and can house enough sodium fluoride to supply the water system for six months. A separate building at Springbrook Springs houses both fluoridation and chlorination equipment and is equipped with enough storage space to store sodium fluoride for one month of supply. A storage and separate feed room are located in the well building at Well Nos.R1,R2, and R3 and supplies all three wells at this location. The fluoride injection process uses sodium fluoride crystals that are dissolved in softened water in a small tank called a saturator to produce a 4% fluoride/water solution. The saturated solution is piped to a storage tank(day tank) of sufficient capacity to supply each site with 24 hours of fluoride supply. The fluoride solution is pumped out of the day tanks into an injector in the discharge of each well pump (or spring) based on the pump flowrate to maintain appropriate residuals in the water system. This system is cost-effective, reliable and relatively safe. Each site is equipped with a bag feeding device which allows the operator adding sodium fluoride crystals to the saturator tanks minimal exposure to sodium fluoride dust, a corrosive chemical. 3 - 11 CHAPTER THREE Each site is also equipped with an emergency eyewash and shower in the event of a worker contamination. Spent bags are washed with water to stabilize the remaining sodium fluoride dust and disposed of in a regulated hazardous material disposal site. The fluoride day tanks are alarmed for low level conditions, and a spare chemical metering pump is provided at each site. 6. STORAGE FACILITIES Water storage within the distribution system provides for equalizing storage and standby storage for fire-fighting and emergency reserves. Storage is provided by reservoirs and elevated tanks located within the distribution system. The City currently operates seven storage facilities. This section provides a description of the function and conditions of each of these facilities. The recommended sizing and location of future storage facilities are presented in Chapter 9. Downtown 196 Zone Storage The Downtown 196 Zone has two reservoirs, the Talbot Hill Reservoir and the Mount Olivet Reservoir. Constructed in 1976,the Talbot Hill Reservoir is a cast-in-place concrete,ground-level reservoir with a capacity of five million gallons and an overflow elevation of 196 feet. The Mount Olivet reservoir, constructed in 1967, is an above-grade steel reservoir with a capacity of 3 million gallons and an overflow elevation of 186 feet. Since the overflow elevation is 10 feet lower, the Mount Olivet Reservoir is equipped with an altitude valve to allow the Talbot Hill Reservoir to be filled without overflowing the Mount Olivet tank. Both reservoirs are supplied by water from Wells RW1, RW2, RW3, 3, 8, and 9, and Springbrook Springs. These reservoirs are in good condition, although the interior of Mt. Olivet needs to be recoated. Highlands 435 Zone Storage The Highlands 435 Zone has two cast-in-place concrete,ground-level reservoirs which are located adjacent to each other and act as a single reservoir with a total capacity of 3.5 million gallons (2.0 and 1.5 MG, respectively), and an overflow elevation of 435 feet. These reservoirs provide storage for the Highlands 435 and Kennydale 320 Zones. They are supplied with water from the Mount Olivet and the Windsor Hills Booster Pump Stations. Highlands 565 Zone Storage The Highlands 565 Zone has one reservoir,which is an elevated steel tank and is located on the same site as the Highlands 435 reservoirs. The tank,which has an overflow elevation of 565 feet and a capacity of 0.75 million gallons, provides storage for the Highlands 565 Zone and is supplied water from the Highlands and the Monroe Avenue booster stations. This reservoir was last repainted in 1978 with a graphic design. Rolling Hills 590 Zone Storage The Rolling Hills 590 Zone has one reservoir, an elevated steel tank with an overflow elevation of 590 feet and a capacity of 0.3 million gallons. The reservoir provides storage for the following zones: Rolling Hills 590, Rolling Hills 490, Talbot Hill 350, and Talbot Hill 300. The reservoir is supplied by the North Talbot Hill Pump Station. The tank has inadequate capacity to serve this much area and, in effect, operates only as a hydraulic control surface for the pumps that 3 - 12 Existing System supply the 590 Zone. The tank is supplied by the North Talbot Hill pump station, and also by the Tiffany Park and Fred Nelsen Pump Stations from the Seattle transmission mains. West Hill 495 Zone Storage The West Hill 495 Pressure Zone has one reservoir, a steel standpipe with an overflow elevation of 495 feet and a capacity of 1.4 million gallons. The reservoir was completed in 1985, and provides storage for the West Hill 495 and 270 pressure zones and the Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water District. The reservoir is supplied by the West Hill Booster Pump Station, and can be supplied by a 6" metered connection on the Seattle transmission main (with an estimated maximum static head of 460 feet). South Talbot Hill 350 Zone Storage The South Talbot Hill 350 Pressure Zone has one reservoir, which is scheduled to be completed and on-line by March of 1990. The reservoir has a capacity of 1.5 million gallons and is supplied water by the South Talbot Hill Pump Station and various PRVs from the upper 490 and 590 pressure zones. 7. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The City's water pipelines are shown in plan view in FIGURE 1. Transmission capability for the System is primarily provided by 12", 16" and 24" diameter pipelines from the well field located in Liberty Park.and Cedar River Park to various points within the service area. Since approximately 95% of the System's supply is provided from this well field, major transmission facilities are required in the 196 Pressure Zone to ensure adequate water distribution throughout the service area. As can be observed in FIGURE 1, the transmission pipelines are located primarily along the major transportation corridors. Some transmission capability is also provided by the looped 8" diameter pipelines in the well developed residential areas of the system. Transmission pipelines in the 196 pressure zone predominantly run north to south, supplying the downtown business zone,the Green River Valley industrial complexes,and the booster pump stations which serve the other areas of the system. Additional transmission capacity is also provided by east-west pipelines that connect to the north-south transmission mains. The pipe loops or grids formed by these connections help to increase System reliability and capacity throughout the system. For areas on the eastern side of the valley, the topography of the terrain dictates that the transmission corridors run in a north/south orientation within each pressure zone and in a west/east orientation between the different pressure zones. The transmission corridor in the West Hill area runs east and west from the West Hill Pump Station to the reservoir. A separate transmission route connects the reservoir with Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water District. A large percentage of the transmission capacity in the West Hill area is provided by looped 8" and 6" distribution mains. The distribution system for the City as shown in FIGURE 1 consists of all the smaller pipelines below 12" in diameter that convey water from the transmission grid to the individual service 3 - 13 CHAPTER THREE connections. A distribution system functions by meeting individual demands in the immediate vicinity via branching and looping pipelines through the service area. TABLE 3-3 summarizes pipe lengths by size in the water system. i TABLE 3-3 PIPE INVENTORY BY PRESSURE ZONE WEST ROLLING/ 435/320 HILL TALBOT PIPE 196 ZONE ZONE 565 ZONE ZONE HILL ZONE TOTAL SIZE (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) SIZE (feet) 4" 7,225 27,630 14,130 7,900 19,090 75,975 6" 24,980 54,939 73,099 12,010 42,181 207,209 8" 26,000 44,753 83,846 23,875 62,172 240,646 10" 12,015 8,335 18,635 3,925 6,165 49,075 � 12" 83,884 38,021 30,236 9,335 51,946 213,422 16" 21,470 19,120 2,645 -- 8,585 51,820 20" -- 710 -- -- -- 710 24" 11,615 -- -- -- -- 11,615 TOTAL 187,189 193,508 222,591 57,045 190,139 850,472 Transmission mains generally convey water between the supply sources (reservoirs or wells) to the local distribution grid where it is conveyed to the source of the demand. Ideally, minimal head losses should occur in transmission pipelines during normal demand periods,allowing these mains to also convey fire demands to the distribution system and to meet other emergencies without experiencing adverse head losses. Under normal condition the velocity of water in either transmission and distribution mains should be less than five feet per second(fps) during peak demand periods, and less than 8 feet per second during fire demands periods. Velocities in excess of 8 feet per second may produce unacceptable thrust forces in underground fittings and cause excessive pipe wear or failure; therefore, 8 FPS should be used as a design criteria. The transmission and distribution system is comprised of watermains manufactured of four different materials: Asbestos Cement (AC), Steel, Ductile iron, and cast iron. Current City policy is to replace all AC and steel watermains in the system as the budget permits,since these materials are prone to leak and fail. FIGURE 7 shows the AC and steel pipe in the system. 8. BOOSTER PUMP FACILITIES The City currently owns and operates nine booster pump stations which boost water from the City's lower pressure zones to the upper ones. All supply to the upper pressure zones is provided 3 - 14 Existing System by booster pump stations. Fireflow requirements are met using a combination of supply from booster stations and storage in upper zones, ratherthan providing oversized capacity in the booster pump stations to meet this unusual condition. The Kennydale 320 and Talbot Hill 300 and 490 zones are the only zones in the System that currently have supply which has been pumped to an upper zone and then pressure-reduced from that upper zone. Major improvements since the 1983 Comprehensive Plan include the addition of the West Hill Pump Station, extensive rehabilitation of the Tiffany Park Pump Station, and new telemetry equipment for each of the City's pump stations. In addition, two pump stations, Mt. Olivet and Highlands, have been equipped with new electrical equipment. The functions and conditions of the booster pump stations in the City are described in the following paragraphs. Appendix A provides a functional summary for each pump station. Recommended improvements can be found in the appropriate section of Chapter 9. Mount Olivet Pump Station (250 Bronson Way NE) The Mount Olivet Pump Station is the lead (first operated) supply for the Highlands 435 pressure zone and normally pumps directly from the Mt. Olivet reservoir. (Downtown 196 pressure zone). The pump station is controlled by the levels in the Highlands 435 reservoirs and operates in conjunction with the Windsor Hills Pump Station. In 1988, new motor starters, a new pump and motor, and a new motor control center were installed, as well as new heating and ventilation equipment. The pump station does not have emergency power generation capabilities. At present, the site is not fenced. Windsor Hills Pump Station (581 Sunset Boulevard NE) The Windsor Hills Pump Station is the lag (second operated) supply for the Highlands 435 pressure zone. The station pumps from the Downtown 196 pressure zone and is also controlled by the levels in the Highlands 435 reservoirs. All water which is consumed in the Highlands or Kennydale area must pass through the Windsor Hills or the Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Stations. This station is in poor condition. The ventilation system is inadequate. The pump station does not have a main breaker inside the building. The electrical equipment, including the motor starters and motor control system, need to be replaced. The pump station does not have emergency power generation capabilities. The location of the station on this unfenced site renders it vulnerable to automobile traffic. Monroe Avenue Pump Station (401 Monroe Avenue NE) The Monroe Avenue Pump Station is the lead supply to the Highlands elevated tank in the Highlands 565 zone and operates in conjunction with the Highlands Pump Station. The station pumps from the Highlands 435 zone and is controlled by the level in the Highlands 565 elevated tank. Pump No. 2 was rebuilt in 1989; however, the station also needs a complete electrical system upgrade. This station is in fair condition. The pump station does not have emergency power generation capabilities. 3 -.15 CHAPTER THREE Although the site is not fenced, no vandalism has been noted at this station. Highlands Pump Station (3410 NE 12th Street) The Highlands Pump Station is the lag supply to the Highlands 565 Zone and pumps from the Highlands 435 zone. The pump station is controlled by the level in the Highlands 565 elevated tank and operates in conjunction with the Monroe Avenue Pump Station. All water which is consumed in the Highlands 565 pressure zone must pass through the Highlands or Monroe Avenue Pump Stations. Emergency backup power for the pump station is provided by a portable generator which is garaged at the site. Operation and control of the backup generator is automatic with the loss of power to the site. Recent improvements include the installation of new electrical equipment, new motor starters, and a new motor control center in 1988. Two of the three pumps and motors were replaced in 1988 to increase capacity and the third pump rebuilt. The station is in fair condition. The suction side of the pumps does not have a valve to isolate the pump station from the system for maintenance and repairs. North Talbot Hill Pump Station (730 South 19th Street) The North Talbot Hill Pump Station has three constant-speed pumps which pump from the Downtown 196 pressure zone to the Rolling Hills 590 pressure zone and are controlled by the levels in the Rolling Hills 590 elevated tank. The pump station also has one variable speed pump which pumps from the Downtown 196 pressure zone to the Talbot Hill 350 pressure zone. This pump is controlled by pressure in the 350 zone. This station is the lead pump station to the 350 zone since it has a variable speed pump, while the South Talbot Hill pump station can provide additional supply when needed. The Tiffany Park and Fred Nelsen Pump Stations operate as backup to the North Talbot Hill Pump Station by providing supply from Seattle. This pump station, which was constructed in 1978, is located adjacent to the Talbot Hill Reservoir and is in good condition. The pump station does not have emergency power generation capabilities. The site is fenced, which provides adequate vandalism protection. South Talbot Hill Pump Station (50 South 43rd Street) The South Talbot Hill Booster Pump Station has two domestic and two fireflow pumps. This station pumps to the Talbot Hill 350 zone from the Downtown 196 pressure zone. Until the 350 zone reservoir is complete, the pumps are controlled by the pressure in the zone. The pump station operates in conjunction with the variable speed pump in the North Talbot Hill Pump Station. The South Talbot Hill Booster Pump Station was constructed in 1982, and is in good condition. The pump station does not have emergency power generation capabilities. The site is not fenced and is, therefore, subject to vandalism. Tiffany Park Pump Station (2000 Kirkland Avenue SE) The Tiffany Park Pump Station pumps from the Seattle Cedar River supply pipeline to the Rolling Hills 590 zone and is operated as a backup to the North Talbot Hill Pump Station. It 3 - 16 • Existing System can be manually or automatically controlled. The pump is controlled by the level in the Rolling Hills elevated tank. The Tiffany Park Pump Station was last rehabilitated in 1984 and is in good condition. The pumps were replaced in 1972 and the building and electrical service were rehabilitated in 1984. The building rehabilitation included a new roof, door, flooring and paint. The site was also landscaped but is not fenced,and vandalism problems have occurred. The pump station does not have emergency power generation capabilities. Fred Nelsen Pump Station (2200 Bensen Road South) The Fred Nelsen Pump Station pumps from the Seattle Cedar River supply lines to the Rolling Hills 590 zone and is operated only in emergencies as a backup to the North Talbot Hill Pump Station. The pump station can be manually or automatically controlled. All supply to the Rolling Hills 590 zone must pass through the North Talbot Hill, Tiffany Park, or Fred Nelsen Pump Station. The Fred Nelsen Pump Station is in poor condition and in need of repair. The lack of access and parking facilities poses a potential safety hazard. The pump station does not have emergency power generation capabilities. West Hill Pump Station (615 Perimeter Road, Renton Municipal Airport) The West Hill Pump Station pumps from the Downtown 196 pressure zone to the West Hill 495 pressure zone. The facility has two domestic pumps and one diesel-powered fireflow pump and is controlled by the level in the West Hill 495 reservoir. The fenced pump station was constructed in 1985 and is in good condition. Kent Intertie The Kent Intertie includes a pump station that pumps from the Renton System to the Kent Water System. It can also pressure-reduce from the Kent system to the Renton system,thereby allowing flow in either direction. The station is entirely underground and is located near the intersection of Southwest 43rd and Lind Avenue. The station is owned by the Kent Water Department and operated within the terms and conditions of an agreement with the City of Renton. 9. PRESSURE-REDUCING STATIONS Pressure-reducing stations are installed between pressure zones and allow water from a higher level pressure zone to flow into a lower level pressure zone at reduced pressures. The pressure- reducing valves(PRV)in the pressure-reducing station hydraulically vary the flow rate through the valve to maintain a constant and preset discharge pressure up to the limit, of the flow capacity of the valve. The effect of a PRV on the lower pressure zone is the same as that as a reservoir whose overflow elevation is the same as the pressure setting on the valve (hydraulic grade line). Lead PRVs should be located hydraulically-remote from both upperand lower zone reservoirs to promote good circulation in both zones and maintain water quality. Lag PRVs may be located 3 - 17 CHAPTER THREE •hydraulically closer to storage to minimize System head losses during high flow rate conditions when the lag valves need to operate. The primary purposes of the PRVs in the Renton System are as follows: 1. To maintain pressures in the lower zone during high demand periods; 2. To increase pressure and flow which would otherwise be required during an emergency such as a fire or pipeline failure; 3. To achieve optimum circulation in each zone, thereby maintaining water quality. When a PRV malfunctions in an open position and allows downstream pressures to rise above the PRV setpoint, failures can occur due to overpressuring the zone. The probability of overpressuring the lower zone can be greatly reduced by placing a pressure relief valve on the discharge (pressure-reduced)side of the PRV,a procedure recently implemented by the City for pressure-reducing stations. If a pressure sensor is also installed on the PRV discharge and the pressure reading telemetered and alarmed at the central control center, the City will know quickly when the failure is occurring and be able to minimize damages as a result of the PRV failure. • Appendix A details the characteristics of the pressure reducing stations in the Renton Water System. 10. INTERTIES The City maintains several standby interties that function as facilities which are automatically operated. These standby supply facilities consist of Pump Stations and Pressure-Reducing Stations that are supplied by the City of Seattle, and that can be operated automatically. They include the Tiffany Park Pump Station, Fred Nelsen Pump Station, West Hill Supply Stations, Scenic Hill Supply Station/PRV, and the South Talbot Hill PRV. The Tiffany Park and Fred Nelsen Pump stations are located in the Rolling Hills area in Southeast Renton and pump directly to the Rolling Hills 590 pressure zone. They are rated for 1,050 and 925 gallons per minute,respectively. Both stations are normally operated as lag standby supplies;however,they are equipped with automatic control equipment and are automatically started and operated if demands are larger than the remaining supply to the 590 zone. The West Hill supply station is a 6" metered and valved connection to the Cedar River Transmission mains and is normally in the off position. The Station must be manually opened and can supply as much as 1,100 gallons per minute to the West Hill area at a 460 hydraulic elevation. The Scenic Hill supply station consists of one 4" pressure-reducing station and one 6" intertie. The PRV operates automatically; however, the intertie must be manually operated. Together these stations can supply 1,800 gallons per minute. The South Talbot Hill PRV automatically opens to supply the 350 pressure zone in the Talbot Hill area and is rated at 1,500 gallons per minute. TABLE 34 lists supply rates available from the standby facilities. 3 - 18 • Existing System stem TABLE 3-4 EXISTING STANDBY SUPPLY SUPPLY RATE SUPPLY RATE FACILITY (GPM) (MGD) Tiffany Park 1,050 1.51 Fred Nelson 925 1.33 West Hill PRV 1,100 1.58 So. Talbot Hill PRV 1,500 2.16 • PRV 6 110 0.16 Well 3 1,600 2.30 ITOTAL 6,285 9.05 I • 2,000 • 1,800 1,6(X) 110111111111 i d;nl1� � �iI" illi'i�I, i� li lill�illIhli1,400 ;N I Ii lINIlII1�11itilia i .I!Iil1jillj li 111 NI1ggdI�N!11. I allNN�I IHI 1111,I i�yilI IJrliiiiI'ii( �,IaIIIjN II h i I(I!!�� ^ 1,200 r la Ilii! Ill iljij fir! IIf H N I 1 a itIpIIi.111.1,,nl� VIII11,110:1piR!1 "!,, ,,. . 1011,,1. s�l.PiIill IIIIpl,.l Va VI , t,„ as , I i Il ,.. 1000 �' gl1'I � ,�I �„„,„„ Ii ill m 11111 1 1 qh. w 1 1111111 III .1.,,,,,„,,,,,;.,1„„,,„,1,,,,:„ a 1 _IIII IIII I la • I,1 'IINH�$ I i Till Iii I Guul 1j (I'll r � I I�, JrI 1 I I {IlII I. � I rG�II�I(� . '' I 1 G I �hjl1 "p�ll'..i IN III' 1111111111'111 IlId11111i��'llllllll I IiI 800 , l IC illi I I -.Ili Il1ii t 1 ' ,i' 11111�i 1141 1 j1111 1111111 Al ii;rldl iltq — n� x ih b ,�1lI, 1JikIJr h141ll ,i IIIV I600 r .111 1 p:. I11lig 1' I � Milli gmllll�l .1 'P all t11G1 itI 1; l 11. II'1UI Illi I,!I i ,I'pll ! N I I I Vl d I 14111011 Il �rJ�IElriuul'IIIIII — 400 �' I 1 II. l lur;l I'4,11 s'1l ill ,,;1I1llllp1111I� 100111:01 � f 0 SII I.I ( i ! 1 i��u 17 1I ll Vllh 111 l'I Ifr'411u�I M I" ;a.(,�) ! i k N)Iiii4111!_ ';0,4004 !,,.1111 I 1 I i 911 ` iiii! I f 200 r W1 �,I�inb IU� I�'� ,11gr'i! l 19 h4y l�lNh �,flllllll�lI II4gl�.Ili�I�lil��l— I l al i181I I 4.4:11911151 4s;' d�. ��` '1 ..,111 ,hill,ll I u 1, Ilui hi'l tl�p ll�i . h111� I illy �I.it11 ! �! Nh��IhI}'>7,oih !i I'111111iiilii!lllllj Il, I6,, •l r, Ililitil!�r P'�111'l 0 191 W li dl Ili.di•1111 i 1 I , d;M1t;1'1'I 111{ I 1 II fl 11111111111 1 Il6t IIdIIlAili$IIiiiillildlph I I II 1 'YAI too I 1 U.d nIi i Tiffany Fred West So. PRV 6 Well 3 Park Nelson Hill Talbot PRV Hill PRV • 3 - 19 CHAPTER THREE The City has several emergency intertie facilities as backup to the standby intertie supply system. Emergency facilities include in-service interties and zone valves from an adjacent water system. Some of these facilities have formal agreements and conditions for operation; others do _ not. In-service interties with agreements are maintained with the Cities of Kent and Tukwila. The Kent intertie is located at the intersection of SW 43rd and Lind Avenue South and is connected to Kent's 220 pressure zone. Flowrates from this intertie are approximately 1,000 gallons per minute. The Tukwila intertie is located at SW 37th and the West Valley Highway and is connected to Tukwila's 360 pressure zone. Because of the large differential in pressure, this intertie has a nominal capacity of 5,000 gallons per minute. Tukwila has recently adopted policies that require intertie users to pay Tukwila's demand metering charge if it is incurred while using an intertie. The Tukwila intertie is indirectly supplied by the City of Seattle. Four additional emergency facilities do not currently have operating agreements,but can be used during extreme emergencies for supply. It is presumed that every attempt will be made to negotiate an operating agreement prior to the use of these facilities. An emergency fireflow PRV is located at the Longacres Race Track adjacent to the new stable building, and connects Renton's 196 zone with the Bow Lake supply lines. This PRV is normally used to supplement fireflow in the paddock area, but can be used to supply the 196 zone with as much as 2,000 gallons per minute. A zone valve between the 196 zone and Boeing's fire system in the Northeast corner of Renton Air Field could be used to supply 1,200 gallons per minute to the 196 zone. The fireflow system is supplied by Seattle. A zone valve between Lakeridge and Bryn Mawr in the West Hill area, adjacent to the West Hill Reservoir, will supply 800 gallons per minute. In addition, portable and temporary interties can be constructed between any of Renton's adjacent water systems by connecting adjacent fire hydrants. Because of the large number of possible connection locations and configurations, specific flow rates for these are not listed. TABLE 3-5 lists supply rates available from emergency facilities. TABLE 3-6 and TABLE 3-7 are summaries of on-line supply, standby supply, and emergency supply for the water system. 3 - 20 1 • Existing System TABLE 3-5 EXISTING EMERGENCY SUPPLY FACILITY SUPPLY RATE SUPPLY RATE (GPM) (MGD) Kent Intertie 1,000 1.44 Tukwila Intertie 5,000 7.20 Longacres Intertie 2,000 2.88 Boeing Interde 1,200 1.73 Lakeridge Interde 800 1.15 TOTAL 10,000 14.40 6,000 5,000 �Nh ud IJ��IINIII ll) lydl OW rN 111,411111111 I'I11,1 1m1111!4H,li',4C!MI'!IIIP i'eg i' "IgeR 4 000 Ih I Ij [,;; lir111114'11,"�Gl hYlydk a. II u IwIU0,,11 11; co W°111111111Nr 3,000 aN 4'4I ! �1 XiuI i I Cie 41;In,1,1 Iii 4 I4 allpllllnl t:4 , 2,000 10101' ; t pl111 ,,,, nluull 1,w) t, omit f,IIPN�I ! .40#1111,0,A b ui 6n IL m� i1 w� �a , ISI; Ilal> NldI' �IhJ1 1,000 Jd : 111011HRd11! 11,!NI, 1t'ul1laNcII, 1al 7N4b 1�1 '� '� t �i„, e , al�vrlwq !IN 1tI�tahltaNl 1 aiVitgide idJ 81111'e0!!l'IIViiiiit, A J2Ltta!llt1 0 Kent Tukwila Longacres Boeing Lakeridge Interne Interne Interne Interde Interne , 3 - 21 CHAPTER THREE ' TABLE 3-6 TOTAL SUPPLY CAPACITY FACILITY SUPPLY RATE SUPPLY RATE (GPM) (MGD) Well 1R 2,200 3.168 Well 2R 2,200 3.168 Well 3R 2,200 3.168 Well 8 3,500 5.04 Well 9 1,200 1.728 Well 5A 1,400 2.016 - Springbrook 600 0.864 Tiffany Park 1,050 1.512 ; Fred Nelson 925 1.332 West Hill PRV 1,100 1.584 So.Talbot PRV 1,500 2.16 PRV 6 110 0.1584 '--' Well 3 1,600 2.304 Kent Intertie 1,000 1.44 Tukwila Intertie 5,000 7.2 Longacres Intertie 2,000 2.88 Boeing Intertie 1,200 1.728 Lakeridge Intertie 800 1.152 (TOTAL 29,585 42.60 I 6,000 5,000 l Jr1l 4,000 ; ,�Ci .. 111111V1 Idi 2, 3,000 1,41 1 i iiI o Iiirq III I a 2,000 I�j1 �I=,1!.: io i,,,g X11 111 ,ial , , Pd di 411 ,,„, ii,,, 1 b1` I'�m ui INu, it,„„„ 1, 1141;1 I� . l lo II�ISI 1 000 [I C 1 1 II''i 4 I I r t I �� ���� ��� �'11� � �it i�l� Ids IPNII� � , 1� i i q� Ilg I'I 1 E�. I ,IfI1I N�,. iiNE 11[111'," p i' Oil; MO 11 G�'! I .k r ',Iii �1 I I�p ,I O 't. �10, iii .11110 1, pts >111 Olt Ohm!! Mt „�..�,, I ;P I frI 1,ii' H If ' ' 0 . I I �` I I I I I I I I I I 'I "" 'I ' I I i per'. M M 13 �+ a .wo as I P P ro ca m as w d d 3 - 22 TABLE 3-7 TOTAL SUPPLY CAPACITY .,. ,1. Iii i II II 11 g' I I ===.". '..,.�....■ t I X11 ; e�l�1 r II', 1, . rC it a \���� ..,,.... (!. : Ifs � Ni ri°gill ���iIIv��! �� .�� liIII ill 1l,.l.ill Ia;i1.il'' ;ii..p.!Iijllilll;jiil;'Le::.;;.�. 1111111 1 41 i ■iii ■ IW ■ i . ♦ II 14 %I • Cia / I Ir/ II II.rI _ i iiiii is } :r: 111111 ❑Well 1R U Well 2R Well 3R ❑Well 8 0 Well 9 ID Well SA Springbrook ®Tiffany Park : Fred Nelson ®West Hill PRV m So.Talbot PRV ®PRV 6 M. ®Well 3 ®Kent Intenie m Tukwila Intertie ®Longacres Intertie B Boeing Intertie ::% Lakcridge Intertie °q M 'C m g. CHAPTER THREE 11. AUTO CONTROL The City currently owns and operates a digital signal based telemetry and supervisory control system manufactured by Uniface, Inc. The system includes a master control center that is located in the City shops and controls the operation of every well and booster pump in the distribution system. The master console interrogates each well, booster station, and reservoir in the system in a timed polling sequence. Each poll takes approximately 1 second. Data is gathered from the reservoirs in the system, and this information is used with operator-selected setpoints to automatically start and stop the appropriate supply pumps. The operator can override the automatic setpoints at the master console, and manually start or stop each pump from the shop location. In addition to this supervisory control function, each remote site is equipped with distributed automatic control equipment called a remote telemetry unit (RTU) that provides local control capability. Each RTU is programmed to stop a pump under conditions that will damage the pump equipment or create a hazard for personnel. This configuration provides the convenience of central control with the reliability of local control. This control system was installed in 1986, as the first phase of a 5-phase improvement plan for automatic control of the system. The master control console uses a combination of radio telemetry and buried cable to communicate with each remote location in the system. • The radio-controlled sites use the 173.2875 mHz radio band for utility data transmission. Each remote site is equipped with a low-power radio transceiver and uni-directional antenna. The master console uses the same low-power radio with a pole-mounted omni-directional antenna located to the west of the maintenance shop building. Communication with the radio-controlled sites has been reliable, although several startup problems were encountered in the first six months after installation. The radio sites include: Highlands Pump Station, Highlands reservoir,Windsor Hills pump station,North Talbot Hill pump station, South Talbot Hill pump station, West Hill reservoir, Rolling Hills reservoir,Talbot Hill reservoir, Springbrook Springs, Tiffany Park pump station, and the Fred Nelson pump'station. The remaining sites in the system use a City-owned 'and installed buried telemetry cable for communication. The cable is installed in an underground conduit system. Communication with the cable-connected sites has been very reliable. Although a cost comparison between the radio and cable sites has not been performed, the City prefers to use the cable where possible. This approach provides the City with complete and single source control over the automatic control system, since the radio system could be taken out of service by a radio user on the wrong frequency. The City currently is in the process of converting radio sites to cable sites at those locations where they can use existing City-owned traffic conduit,or where conduit extensions are economically feasible. In addition, the City requires the installation of empty conduit along i selected pipeline routes during pipeline construction. These routes can be used in the future to connect, or partially connect, radio telemetry sites. The existing cable connected sites are: Monroe Avenue pump station,Mount Olivet pump station,Well Nos. RW1,RW2,RW3, 3, 8 and 9, Mount Olivet reservoir, and City. Hall. The West Hill pump station is connected to the West Hill reservoir by buried cable;however,both sites use the radio to communicate with the master console. 3 - 24 Existing System Each well in the system is automatically controlled by the master console based on levels in the Talbot Hill reservoir. In addition, each well is locally controlled by discharge pressure, and well level is locally shut down if the pressure or level is outside of the normal operating limits. Well flowrate is displayed and recorded on the master console. Each booster station in the system is automatically controlled by the reservoir which it supplies, through the master console. In addition, each well is locally controlled by suction and discharge pressure. If the pressure is outside the normal operating limits, the booster is shut down. Flowrate is displayed and recorded on the master console. Each reservoir in the system is connected to the master console, and its level is used to control one or more booster pumps or wells. One exception to this is the Mount Olivet reservoir in the 196 pressure zone. This reservoir is not normally used to control the well pumps,but rather the level in the Talbot Hill reservoir. Both reservoirs are in the same pressure zone. Reservoir level is displayed and recorded at the master console. Pressure-reducing valves are not currently equipped with automatic control equipment or telemetry capability. Automatic chlorination and fluoridation equipment located at each well and Springbrook Springs is controlled by equipment located at each remote site based on flowrate. No central or supervisory control exists for this equipment; however, the distributed control layout has provided a high degree of reliability and flexibility. The master control console currently records reservoir level, well flowrate, and booster station flowrate on strip chart recorders. Well levels are recorded on a strip chart recorder in Well No. 9. The City has found it inconvenient to collect the recordings from Well No. 9, and maintenance on this part of the system is not consistent. In addition to the strip chart recordings,the City's maintenance staff manually records the time and type of each alarm at the master console, and the daily flow total at each well and booster station. The total flow readings are taken from the mechanical registers on the flow meters, and are used to double-check the flow totals on the telemetry electronics. Improvements Since 1983 All of the control equipment in the system has been replaced since the 1983 comprehensive plan. The installed equipment represents Phases 1, 2 and 3 of a 5-phase automatic control system addition. As a result of the recommendations in the 1983 Comprehensive Plan, the City authorized a complete replacement of the automatic control system. The complexity of the water system necessitated the use of a comprehensive and extensive control system to maximize efficiency and reliability. The cost of the proposed system necessitated the use of a phased approach for construction. This has the additional advantage of allowing the system operators to become proficient with new technology on a step-by-step basis. The phased plan is as follows: Phase 1 - Install digital automatic control equipment at all critical sites in the system. 3 - 25 CHAPTER THREE Phase 2 - Install digital automatic control equipment at all remaining sites in the system. Phase 3 - Install data logging equipment. Phase 4 - Install computer-based control equipment. Phase 5 - Provide advanced control algorithms for the computer control equipment. Phase 2 and Phase 3 have been completed. Phases 4 and 5 will commence when the City budget permits. * The construction of the new telemetry and supervisory control system has been successful. The system is both reliable and accurate, and enjoys a high degree of confidence by the system operators. Some improvements can be made, however, in the following issues: a. The control equipment is available from a single source. This source has shown poor response to requests for service and system upgrades. b. The City has the need to accumulate additional data in a more efficient format. c. The existing control,although reliable,is rudimentary. Additional,more sophisticated control algorithms are necessary to maximize efficiency and - reliability of the system. i 3 - 26 Chapter Four LAND USE AND ADJACENT SYSTEMS 1. STUDY AND SERVICE AREA The study area for this Comprehensive Water Plan Update is the area currently served by the Renton Water System and the additional area shown in the Skyway and East King County Coordinated Water System Plans. The water service area is shown on FIGURE 32 and includes the Maple and Green River Valley north of the City of Kent, portions of West Hill, Talbot Hill, Rolling Hills, and the Renton Highlands, and the Lakeridge-Bryn Mawr Water and Sewer District. Lakeridge-Bryn Mawr Water and Sewer District is served as a wholesale water customer,and operates a separate distribution system to deliver water to its customers. For this plan, this District is treated as a single demand on the water system and no attempt has been made to study the District system. The future service area of the water system has been established through agreements with all of the adjacent water systems, in conjunction with the East King County Coordinated Water System Plan and the Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan. In most areas, the existing service area and future service area coincide. Some boundary adjustments will be made, however, in the northeast and West Hill areas of the City, and both the existing and future boundaries are shown in FIGURE 3. For all planning purposes, the future service area boundary was used. The term "study area" used in this plan refers to those areas identified as the City's future service area through agreements with adjacent water systems and the members of the East King County Coordinated Water System Plan. The term "service area" used in this plan refers to the area served by the existing water system within the corporate City limits and established franchise areas. It should be noted that the study area included in the 1983 Comprehensive Plan was much larger than the study area in this plan. Several factors have occurred since the adoption of the 1983 Plan to reduce the expected saturation limits of the Renton Water System and service area. The most significant of these is the conclusion of the Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan and the East King County Coordinated Water System Plan, both of which identified ultimate service area boundaries for the utilities involved. Renton has agreed to the water system boundaries presented in each plan,although the existing boundaries will need to be adjusted to accomplish the revised boundaries. Location The City is located at the southern terminus of Lake Washington,which is southeast of the City of Seattle. The location has many unique characteristics such as: • Four hills located approximately at the periphery of the service area. • Three valleys within the service area, each of which has a river flowing through g it. 4 - 1 CHAPTER FOUR • Virtually all of the different types of geological deposits and stratas as a result of glacialrecession and advance, ranging from hard rock outcroppings on the West - Hill to very deep sand deposits below in the Cedar River near City Hall. • A natural location for major transportation corridors such as highways, railways, airports, etc., and regional utilities such as power transmission pipelines, natural gas pipelines, and others. The City of Renton represents a commercial nucleus as well as a corridor through which regional utilities pass. These factors have a significant impact on the existing Water System as well as planning for future conditions. Topography The topography of the study area presents variations,which include the extremes of a flat valley floor in the Green River Valley areas south of downtown to the gradual slopes going up to the Highlands and Talbot Hill areas, as well as the extreme of the steep cliffs along the Maple Valley. Elevations range from 20 feet to 540 feet above sea level (USGS datum). The effect of this topography upon the Water System has been discussed in Chapter 3 under the heading "Pressure Zones." Economy • Business and manufacturing, mining, and recreation all influence portions of the study area. The business and manufacturing community, located primarily in the valley floor, has a large transient population which commutes through the service area from the north and south. The business and manufacturing areas are large enough to influence water demand. Several industrial users have the capability to make large impacts on Renton's water demand patterns. Boeing Commercial Airplane Company and PACCAR are both currently served by the City of Seattle and Renton, although Renton has planned and constructed facilities to accommodate all supply to these users. In addition, several large tracts of undeveloped land in the Valley could be occupied in the future by large water users. The area has a mild climate, excellent transportation access, an airport, and many recreational opportunities including miles of lakefront and river access. All of these factors will contribute to the growth of the area. The area economy has experienced steady growth. Water use projections developed for this report assume that commercial and industrial water use will keep pace with population growth forecasts for the area. Restated,we have assumed that commercial and industrial growth will be proportional to population increases. 2. LAND USE Development in the service area is in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and policies which represents a long-range plan for growth and physical development of the City. The current character of the City is reflective of the original Comprehensive Land Use Plan, which was adopted in 1965 and revised in 1968. Under this plan, industrial and commercial development was directed toward the Central and Green River Valley Areas to allow for further expansion of the City's business center. Residential growth under the plan was primarily ; • directed toward the eastern areas such as the Highlands and Talbot Hill areas of the City, since 4 - 2 Land Use and Adjacent Systems the West Hill was already developed primarily with residences. A summary of the land use that resulted from this plan is presented in FIGURE 4. Review and updating,of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan was initiated in 1975 to effect changes made in the economic,legislative,and land use philosophy of the City since the adoption of the original plan. To accomplish this updating, the original plan was divided into four planning areas: The Northeast Planning Area, the Southeast Planning Area, the Central Planning Area, and the Green River Valley Planning Area. Existing and proposed land use for each area was examined, revisions were proposed and hearings were held, with final revisions incorporated into the Revised Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Since 1975, all four Planning Areas have been examined and revised, and Land Use Plans adopted for each Planning Area. Planned land use in the service area is based on current City policy. Section 3A of the adopted policies element of the 1968 Land Use Plan recommends maximizing the use of available utility and service resources in existing areas prior to allowing developmentof outlying areas. This policy section provides the framework for current land use development and is stated below. SECTION 3A of the 1968 LAND USE PLAN LAND DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE: Growth and development should occur in a timely and logical progression of the existing urban area to maximize the use of existing services. POLICIES: 1. To minimize the necessity for redevelopment,premature development should only be allowed where it can be shown to be compatible with future use in the vicinity. 2. Development beyond the urban fringe should only be allowed where it is a consistent extension of urban services. 3. Vacant land surrounded by developed land should be given priority for development. 4. Land where adequate public utilities are available should be given priority for development. 5. A balance of residential,commercial, and industrial areas should be encouraged. 6. The upgrading and/or redevelopment of marginal areas should be encouraged. 7. The City should identify its sphere of influence. 8. Annexations should have logical boundaries. 9. To reduce processing time and effort and provide for efficient use of existing public facilities, large annexations should be encouraged. 10. Annexations that are economically advantageous should be encouraged. 11. Development requirements should be definite and reasonable. Based on these policy statements, the objectives of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan updates are as follows: 4 - 3 CHAPTER FOUR 1. To manage growth and physical development in the City and surrounding unincorporated areas. 2. To encourage growth in existing areas where the patterns of development are already largely set. 3. To direct expansion of residential,commercial,and industrial developments into areas where land,utilities, access, and community facilities are available with the capacity to accommodate the projected growth. 4. Allow higher dwelling densities in areas capable of supporting a higher level of development and lowering densities in areas where facilities are limited. The City is currently bounded in the south and west by Kent and Tukwila, and to the north by Lake Washington. The Water Utility has adopted service area boundaries to the north,east, and southeast, in conjunction with the East King County Coordinated Water System Plan. As a result,there is limited potential for expansion of the existing water system service area without annexation. Future land use is primarily a function of the location of existing vacant land within the City and the rezoning of existing designations. Water demand in the service area is dependent on the population of water users within the service area. The Renton Comprehensive Plan identifies twelve separate land use categories. For water supply planning purposes,only four categories are necessary. Although two different land use designations may have different community impacts,they also could have similar water use patterns. We have used the following designations: Land Use Category Water Planning Category Single Family Residential Single Family Low Density Multi-Family Residential Multi-Family Medium Density Multi-Family Residential High Density Multi-Family Residential Public/Quasi Public Extractive Industrial Commercial Light Industrial Heavy Industrial Parks and Recreation Public Right-of-Way Greenbelt Saturation land use populations were determined by calculating the areas of each designated land use category. This was accomplished by assigning land use designations to all parcels within a land use boundary on the computer base maps used for producing the figures for this plan. The area was calculated by the computer, using allowances for right-of-way and undeveloped areas because of terrain. 4 - 4 Land Use and Adjacent Systems Existing land use populations were determined by identifying neighborhoods and marking the developed areas on the computer base map. A summary of saturation area development is shown in TABLE 4-1. Unusable acres include areas too steep to develop or areas that are occupied by rivers or wetlands. TABLE 4-1 SATURATION LAND USE PROJECTIONS TOTAL EXIST UN- UN- AREA AREA DEVEL USABLE DEVEL. AVAIL (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) (acres) DOWNTOWN 196 ZONE Single-family 280 266 5 14 9 Multi-family 696 226 12 470 458 Commercial 1,947 1,579 0 368 368 Public 799 684 0 115 115 SUBTOTAL 3,722 2,755 17 967 950 HIGHLANDS 435/NENNYDALE 320 Single-family 813 424 183 389 206 Multi-family 304 35 4 269 265 Commercial 255 26 0 229 229 _ Public 361 221 25 140 115 SUBTOTAL 1,733 706 212 1,027 815 HIGHLANDS 565 ZONE Single-family 1,480 482 371 998 627 Multi-family 215 21 4 194 190 Commercial 229 49 0 180 180 Public 857 387 12 470 458 SUBTOTAL 2,781 939 387 1,842 1,455 ROLLING/TALBOT HILL ZONES Single-family 983 264 329 719 390 Multi-family 202 36 20 166 146 Commercial 3 1 0 2 2 Public 428 250 4 178 174 SUBTOTAL 1;616 551 353 1,065 712 WEST HILL ZONES Single-family 336 336 0 0 0 Multi-family 33 15 0 18 18 Commercial 31 23 0 8 8 Public 57 34 0 23 23 - SUBTOTAL 457 408 0 49 49 TOTAL 10.309 5,359 969 4,950 3,981 4 - 5 CHAPTER FOUR 3. ADJACENT SYSTEMS The Renton Water System is surrounded by ten Public Water Systems as shown in FIGURE 3. The following is a brief description of each adjacent water system. Water District No. 107 Water District 107 borders the City in the northeast area adjacent to the Kennydale 320, Highlands 435, and Highlands 565 pressure zones. This District's comprehensive plan was prepared in 1980 by Yoshida, Inc. A 5-million-gallon reservoir was recently constructed near Hazelwood Elementary School, which is east of 116th Avenue and an eastward extension of Southeast 72nd Street. The overflow elevation is 440 feet above sea level, which is close to Renton's 435 overflow elevation in the Highlands reservoirs. An intertie between the two systems could be used to supply the 435 zone and the 320 zone during an emergency. Recent service area discussions with the District have resulted in the re-alignment of some of the future service area boundaries in the May Creek area. The May Creek area has steep topography, and the historical boundaries were not well suited for efficient water service. The future boundaries are shown in FIGURE 3. Water District 107 is supplied by the City of Seattle through the East Side Supply Line (ESSL). Water District 90 The comprehensive plan for this District was prepared in 1984 by Williams and Roth. District No. 90 serves areas east of the Highlands Elevated Tank, north of Maple Valley and south of District No. 107. District No. 90's primary pressure zone east of the City's Highlands elevated — tank pressure zone is served by a 645 pressure zone and also a lower pressure zone near Maple Valley. Neither of these zones is directly compatible with the City's Highlands Elevated Tank pressure zone. There is an abandoned intertie between Water District 90 and Renton, which was located at Southeast 128th Street at Union Avenue(132nd Avenue Southeast). The intertie was abandoned because of incompatibilities between pressure zones in the two systems. This area is experiencing high growth, and it is reasonable to establish negotiations for emergency water service between the two systems. Because of the rapid growth and the need to provide sewer service to this area,it is reasonable to expect some adjustments in the future service area in this section of the City, because Renton has a policy of not providing sewer service without annexation. Cedar River Water and Sewer District The Cedar River Water and Sewer District updated its Comprehensive Water System Plan in August, 1982. The Plan was developed by Mr.Richard C.T. Li,the District's Engineer, who had met with representatives .of the City to discuss system compatibility. The area under consideration for compatibility between the two systems lies within the District's west area, which includes the Maplewood Golf Course and areas east in the Maple Valley. Currently, the District does not provide service in this area at lower elevations in the Valley. However, its Comprehensive Plan does show service to this area by pressure reducing from the upper pressure 4 - 6 • Land Use and Adjacent Systems zones or by a connection to the existing Seattle East Side Supply Line along Maple Valley Highway. Soos Creek Water and Sewer District The Comprehensive Plan for Soos Creek Water District was developed in 1989 by Williams,Roth, and Associates. The District is located south and east of the City's Rolling Hills/Tiffany Park and Talbot Hill service areas. The District currently has an adjacent 598 pressure zone which borders the City's 590 pressure zone in the Rolling Hills area. The District has planned pressure zones at the 440 and 290 level to serve the areas east of the City limits in the Talbot Hill area, although no facilities in these pressure zones have yet been constructed. The City and District have been communicating regarding the transfer of service from the District to the City for the area known as Ponderosa Estates. There are also other areas between these two systems where negotiation of reasonable service limits for each entity should be developed. As an example, it is in the City's interests to serve the areas east of Talbot Road (96th Avenue South)up to the 250 foot elevation,approximately where the property line nearest this elevation occurs. This would establish a service area boundary based on hydraulic and topography considerations. Because the area in the Soos Creek area is largely undeveloped,it is suggested that Soos Creek Water District consider development of future pressure zones in the area adjacent to the City at the same hydraulic elevation as the City's pressure zones, namely 490 instead of 440, and 350 instead of 290. This would provide the opportunity for development of joint use facilities, which would allow each system to take advantage of economies of scale and minimize redundancy at the service area limits. The District is supplied by the City of Seattle from the Cedar River Supply Pipelines. City of Kent The most recent City of Kent Comprehensive Water System Plan is dated October 19, 1979, and was prepared by URS Company. A subsequent Water System Plan Amendment,prepared by the City of Kent, Department of Public Works, was completed in June, 1982. The 1979 Plan identified a shortage of supply in comparison with existing and projected demands within the Kent service area. Numerous recommendations were made in the 1979 Plan, including the recommendation to construct an intertie with the City of Renton. This intertie required pumping from the Renton 196 pressure zone into the Kent 240 pressure zone, and pressure reduction when flow was directed from Kent to Renton. This intertie has been constructed and, to date, Kent has used this pump station during peak use days of the summer for each of the past three years in order to meet its maximum day demands. Currently, a contract exists between the cities of Kent and Renton for Kent to be able to purchase supplies from the City of Renton so long as a surplus exists in the City of Renton. This contract has a clause-which allows the supply to be interrupted by the City of Renton at any time. The 1982 Plan Amendment presented a significantly reduced maximum day demand of 22 million gallons per day (mgd) rather than the 30 mgd presented in the 1979 Plan. A re- evaluation of the sources of supply resulted in the conclusion that groundwater sources or contractual service (from Renton, as an example) were not readily available. The conclusion 4 - 7 CHAPTER FOUR presented in the 1982 Amendment was that the City would have to develop surface water storage in an impoundment. This impoundment would have the capacity of approximately 2,265 acre feet and, in addition to other planned source of supply developments, would have a supply equivalent approaching 29 million gallons per day by the year 2000. It is emphasized that none of this supply capacity is predicated upon use of the Renton/Kent intertie pump station as a supply. In discussions with City of Kent's staff, they indicated that they are not intending to continue to use surplus Renton supply capability based on development of the sources of supply and storage identified in the Plan Amendment. The service area limits in the Green River Valley between Renton and Kent are southeast of 43rd Street(South 180th), west of the East Valley Freeway. The 1979 Comprehensive Plan and the 1982 Plan Amendment show the Kent service area east of the East Valley Freeway at Southeast 200th Street, which is the extension of the City of Renton's Springbrook Springs source of supply. Wasmeta Park Water System Currently, no comprehensive water system plan is available for the Wasmeta Park Water System. This system is operated as a private water user's association and serves an area immediately east of the City limits in the Maple Valley area, south of the existing Golf Course and north of the Cedar River. This system is supplied by two wells located within the development which pump from the Cedar River aquifer underlying the Wasmeta Park Development. It is highly probable that this area could request service from the City should their existing wells fail due to water quality problems,mechanical failures,or any other reason. The City has stubbed a 12-inch transmission line at the City limits which is adjacent to Wasmeta Park, and the pipeline has the capability to meet the system's requirements. City of Tukwila Tukwila's comprehensive plan was developed by Horton Dennis and Associates and was approved in 1985. Tukwila is served by the City of Seattle from the Bow Lake Transmission Pipelines (CRPL #4) and the Cedar River Pipe Lines. They are currently involved in the construction of numerous water system improvements,including a water storage reservoir and pump station in the North Hill area,and a Supervisory Control System. These improvements are physically and hydraulically remote from Renton's Water System. Tukwila operates its valley floor zone at 360 hydraulic elevation, which is significantly higher than Renton's 196 zone. An intertie could therefore be used to provide substantial emergency fire flows. Two interties have been constructed, one at Southwest 37th and the West Valley Highway, and the second at the Longacres Race Track, which is actually supplied directly by Seattle. Because of the large differential in pressure, these interties can produce as much as 5,000 gallons per minute (gpm). Tukwila has recently adopted policies that require Renton to pay Tukwila's demand metering charge if it is incurred while using an intertie. Recent negotiations with Tukwila have resulted in some service area transfers and an agreement for the alignment of future service area boundaries. These are shown in FIGURE 3. 4 - 8 Land Use and Adjacent Systems City of Seattle The City of Seattle serves a number of customers directly from the Cedar River and Bow Lake transmission pipelines. Examples of these include direct service customers in the West Hill, Earlington, and Black River area, as well as individual companies such as Boeing. The City of Renton's staff is currently negotiating with the City of Seattle's staff for transfer of some of these services as part of the Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan. Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water District The Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water and Sewer District (formerly Water Districts 63 and 14) is supplied in part by Renton on a wholesale rate basis through a single metered connection in the West Hill area. The West Hill reservoir and pump station are joint use facilities constructed under a cooperative agreement between the two systems. Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr also maintains an emergency connection with the City of Seattle in the event of a failure of the Renton transmission main. A copy of the joint use agreement is included in Appendix D. Skyway Water and Sewer District The Skyway Water and Sewer District represents a combination of former Water District Nos. 69, 77, and 88. They were combined in 1982 and are supplied by the City of Seattle from the Cedar River Transmission Pipelines. Water Supply in this area is governed by the Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan prepared in 1989 by Horton Dennis and Associates. 4. EAST KING COUNTY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN (EKCCWSP) The East King County Coordinated Water System Plan (EKCCWSP) is the result of a study performed by Economic and Engineering Services (EES) under direction of the King County Council and the East King County Regional Water Association (EKCRWA). The EKCRWA is a group of water purveyors providing service within the Critical Water Supply Service Area (CWSSA)that was designated by the King County Council on December 15, 1985. The purpose of the study and plan is to develop recommendations for supplying water to the study area. Most of the water systems in the study area are supplied by the City of Seattle. Seattle has indicated they do not have sufficient capacity to supply purveyors'demands past the year 1994. The purveyors must therefore.decide whether to allow Seattle to develop the supply facilities necessary,or whether they should,as a group,construct their own regional supply facilities. The EKCCWSP examined these alternatives and concluded that the EKCRWA should develop independent, coordinated water supply facilities separate from the City of Seattle. Further, the plan suggests that the purveyors purchase the existing regional supply facilities from Seattle, and operate them with the proposed facilities. The plan is currently in the review and approval phase, a process which is expected to be completed in 1990. The plan includes several recommendations for constructing water supply 4 - 9 CHAPTER FOUR system improvements, and for the administration of the utilities in the CWSSA. The plan does not present detailed cost estimates of the cost of the proposed facilities and policies, and does not present a procedure for distributing the costs to the participants. It must be remembered that the primary purpose of the plan is to coordinate water supply for those utilities either served by the City of Seattle or experiencingsupply inadequacies. Renton is in a unique position in regard to the development and implementation of this program in that: 1. Renton's water service area has been included in the CWSSA boundary. 2. Renton has its own source of water supply, and does not rely on Seattle or regional transmission facilities for primary supply. 3. Renton is a member of the EKCRWA. Because of these unique characteristics, Renton may or may not decide to participate in implementation of the plan, if the plan is approved by the County and State. The decision on whether or not to participate should be based upon the benefits provided to the City by a regional supply system and the cost of those benefits. The EKCCWSP recommends the following improvements: • Prior to 1997 - Develop well field located near Issaquah as a regional source of water. • Prior to 1997-Construct a filtration plant for the South Fork of the Tolt River to develop additional supply from existing reservoir. • Prior to 2010 - Develop North Fork Tolt system with water filtration. • Prior to 2030 - In cooperation with Puget Sound area utilities, local governments, tribes, and others further study the development of the North Fork Snoqualmie, Skagit, and Cedar Rivers projects to identify the preferred method of meeting the Puget Sound area's municipal and industrial water supply needs. • Support the Seattle Water Department(SWD) in negotiations and plan to fully develop the Cedar River Watershed as a major component of the Puget Sound Regional Supply System. Planning activities for the Cedar River should include a joint federal/state/local study of the Lake Washington drainage basin to evaluate options for improved efficiency for water use at the Chittenden Locks,regulation of the outflow of Lake Sammamish, and other potential basin water management projects. • Support projects that will maximize the use of surface and groundwater development in a conjunctive mode and utilize interbasin transfer to make full utilization of existing systems. • Formally request Ecology to withdraw waters of the North Fork Snoqualmie and the Skagit Rivers from additional appropriations to 5.0 cubic feet per second(cfs)/3.2 mgd or , more in accordance with RCW 90.54.050(2)until July 1, 1994,or until the State reserves 4 - 10 • Land Use and Adjacent Systems municipal water supply, in accordance with RCW 54.54.050(1), for the future municipal needs of the Puget Sound area, whichever occurs first. • Assist the water utilities in immediately evaluating the potential for development of the aquifer located near Issaquah as a regional supply source. • Assist the water utilities in further evaluating the potential developable yields of the aquifers located in the rural area for use as subregional supplies. • Continue to work in cooperation with SKCRWA to maintain a Data Management Center for primary benefit to water utilities. • Support the inclusion of Phase III of Tolt Pipeline No.2 in the SWD capital improvement program for completion by June, 1992. The cost basis for distributing these costs to the individual water utilities has not been identified. It is our understanding that the cost basis will not be developed until after the plan is adopted by the County and the State. None of the projects identified results in increased water supplies to the Renton service area. The emphasis has been to augment supply to those utilities that currently experience supply problems, particularly in the East Lake Sammamish and Issaquah areas. It can be said, however,that increasing supplies to the utilities surrounding Renton has some favorable impacts on supply rate planning for the City. It should also be noted that the plan implies that all of the supplies available within the CWSSA(which includes Renton) will be used for the public good. It is possible, therefore, that supplies developed by the City, within the City, will be used in areas outside the City if those areas are deficient in water supply. We cannot make a recommendation regarding City participation in the Regional Supply Activities proposed by the Plan until the City's costs have been identified. We are, however, suggesting the following criteria be used after the costs are known: 1. The cost basis for allocating participation responsibilities should be based on direct benefit to the City. If the improvements provide no primary supply capability to Renton,the cost to participate should be zero. Renton rate payers should not subsidize other water utilities. 2. Renton must maintain control of the distribution of supply sources developed within the City,to the extent that they are needed to meet Renton's own water demands. Excess capacity may be used by the EKCRWA, but Renton must maintain control of the policies that determine the excess amount. 3. Renton must not compromise quality or reliability standards, even if a reduction in"regional"standards is necessary because of a shortage of regional supply. Renton should maintain a posture of cooperation for meeting the area's long-term water supply needs. However,the Renton rate payers have invested heavily in self-contained 4 - 11 CHAPTER FOUR reliable water supplies that should not be compromised for meeting regional water supply requirements. We recommend that the City maintain a representative on the regional planning committee. 5. SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN A coordinated water system plan was completed in November 1988 for the Skyway area using approximately the same procedures used for the East King County Coordinated Water System Plan. Renton serves only a small part of the area included in the planning boundaries, and therefore the impacts of implementing the Skyway plan are minimal to Renton. They include: li • Revised service area boundaries. These have been adopted by Renton as the boundaries of the future service area and are shown in FIGURE 3. These adjusted boundaries were used for all planning purposes. • The merger of Water District 14 and Water District 63 into the Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water and Sewer District. As a result,Renton now supplies the area occupied by former Water District 14 from the West Hill joint use facilities. This has resulted in the West Hill reservoir being marginally undersized, a condition which can be eliminated with a back-up supply to the West Hill area. • Construction of an emergency intertie with former Water District 14. J In addition,the planners for the Skyway plan have recommended that the Black River reservoir be constructed as a joint use facility at a higher elevation(above the 196 zone)to provide storage for the undeveloped Black River Quarry area. The purpose of this arrangement is to reduce loading on the West Hill reservoir, which may be undersized because of increased demands as a result of supplying Water District 14. Although this alternative should be examined in detail during the pre-design phase of reservoir construction, the West Hill reservoir deficiency can be eliminated by constructing additional supply to the West Hill reservoir. This will allow the Black River Reservoir to be constructed in the 196 zone, where it will operate most efficiently. 6. GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT The Growth Management Act (GMA) of 1990 and 1991 (RCW 36.70A) establishes extensive requirements for the Water Department to plan under the requirements of the Act. Specifically, the Act requires that the Water Department perform the following: • Coordinate with the City Planning Department to identify Urban Growth Areas. Water service must be provided to the Urban Growth Areas in a quantity and quality to meet the zoning designation of the area. • Provide water supply to the Urban Growth Areas without decreasing the current level of service. 4 - 12 • Land Use and Adjacent Systems • Identify and protect aquifer recharge areas. • Develop a Water Capital Improvement Plan that is consistent with the City's overall Capital Improvement Plan. • Monitor building permit requests, and identify if there is sufficient water supply available to meet the needs of the proposed project without reducing the current level of service. • Coordinate with the City Planning Department to identify potential utility corridors. • Involve the Public in the implementation and adoption of this Comprehensive Water System Plan. • Impose impact fees on new developments to cover the cost of providing fire flows. To date, the Utility has complied with all the GMA requirements except those detailing the adoption of the Water Comprehensive Plan. The public participation requirements will be followed during the plan review phase. Renton has been a leader in the adoption of policies and ordinances to protect its aquifers, and has coordinated closely with the Planning department on the interaction of this plan with the City Comprehensive Plan. Renton will continue to actively participate in regional planning coordination, and will comply with all requirements of the GMA. The GMA compliance requirements are part of an on-going process of City-wide coordination. The Water Department will budget for and participate in future GMA coordination requirements. 4 - 13 Chapter Five DEMANDS 1. WATER USE CLASSIFICATION The City of Renton's waterusers are divided into five customer classifications: 1. Single-Family Residential 2. Multi-family 3. Commercial 4. Public 5. Wholesale Single-family residential customers and multi-family customers are the largest water using group in the City, and will account for approximately 69% of all water use at saturation. Water delivered to these customers is used for domestic purposes and irrigation. The irrigation component during the summer months increases, and is responsible for a majority of the equalizing storage volume necessary in the reservoirs. Each single-family residential meter is equal to one equivalent residential unit (ERU). For saturation planning purposes, each undeveloped acre is assumed to equal 6 ERUs. Multi-family customers consist of low-and high-density apartment and condominium complexes. These customers typically use(per unit)approximately 60%of the water used by a single-family residence, primarily because of reduced irrigation requirements. Each multi-family apartment or condo unit is equal to 0.6 ERUs. For saturation planning, each undeveloped acre is assumed to equal 13 ERUs. Commercial customers consist of retail and wholesale businesses,light and heavy manufacturing and warehouse operations, schools and businesses. The water demand from these customers is more uniform throughout the year, and does not exhibit significant demand peaks during the summer. These users were identified as one ERU, unless their metersize was larger than 1". The larger metered customers were individually evaluated, and their specific water use habits were assigned an appropriate number of ERUs, corresponding to an equal number of single- family residences that would have been required to produce the same demand. For saturation planning, each undeveloped acre was assigned 5.3 ERUs. Public customers include parks and recreation areas and were assigned a demand equivalent of one ERU per acre. This value was identified by evaluating the irrigation requirements of Cedar River and Liberty Park during the summer of 1987. For saturation planning, greenbelt areas were also assigned demands of 1 ERU/acre. i A summary of equivalent development by Planning area is shown in TABLE 5-1. , 'j 5 - 1 CHAPTER FIVE TABLE 5-1 EQUIVALENT DEVELOPMENT BY PLANNING AREA ERU 1987 SATUR- SATUR- PER AREA 1987 ATION ATION ZONE ACRE (acres) ERU's ACRES* ERU's , DOWNTOWN 196 ZONE Single-family 6 266 1,596 275 1,650 Multi-family 13 226 2,938 684 8,892 Commercial 5.3 1,579 8,369 1,947 10,319 Public 1 684 684 799 799 SUBTOTAL 2,755 13,587 3,705 21,660 HIGHLANDS 435/KENNYDALE 320 1 Single-family 6 424 2,544 630 3,780 Multi-family 13 35 455 300 3,900 , Commercial 5.3 26 138 225 1,352 Public 1 221 221 336 336 SUBTOTAL 706 3,358 1,521 9,368 ! HIGHLANDS 565 ZONE Single-family 6 482 2,892 1,109 6,654 Multi-family 13 21 273 211 2,743 Commercial 5.3 49 260 229 1,214 Public 1 387 387 845 845 SUBTOTAL 939 3,812 2,394 11,456 ROLLING/TALBOT HILL ZONES Single-family 6 264 1,584 654 3,924 Multi-family 13 36 468 182 2,366 Commercial 5.3 1 5 3 16 Public 1 250 250 424 424 SUBTOTAL 551 2,307 1,263 6,730 WEST HILL ZONES Single-family 6 336 2,016 336 2,016 Multi-family 13 15 195 33 429 Commercial 5.3 23 122 31 164 Public 1 34 34 57 57 SUBTOTAL 408 2,367 457 2,666 TOTAL 5,359 25,430 9,340 51,880 * From TABLE 4-1 (TOTAL AREA- UNUSABLE AREA) b 2 Demands Currently,Renton sells water to Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water and Sewer District on a wholesale- rate basis. This District is composed entirely of single-family residences and is considered to be at saturation development. Demand in this District is included in the West Hill operating area. 2. WATER USE HISTORY For demand development and planning purposes,the water system is divided into five operating areas. The areas are shown in FIGURE 1 and listed below: 1. Downtown 196 pressure zone 2. Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 pressure zone (435/320) 3. Highlands 565 pressure zone 4. Rolling Hills 590, 490, Talbot Hill 350, 300 and Scenic Hill pressure zones (490/350) 5. West Hill 495 and 270 pressure zones (West Hill) For planning purposes, each operating area functions as an independent water use area with its own unique supply and storage facilities. Each operating area has a unique customer class distribution and, therefore, exhibits demand patterns that are not the same as the aggregate demand for the entire service area. Each operating area was examined independently. Accurate water use data was used for planning purposes, since supply and reservoir levels in each operating area are accurately measured and recorded. Reservoir level records were differentiated on an hourly basis to synthesize flow rate values both into and out of each reservoir. These flow rates were appropriately added to or subtracted from the supply flowrates in each operating area to develop true water demand on an hourly basis. In order to develop maximum day demands and demand peaking factors, the five highest water use days in 1987 were used. These days were chosen by evaluating supply pumping records for each summer day of 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988. The days of June 28,June 29,July 13,August 3, and August 4 of 1987 were the highest use days of this period. Demand was greater in 1987 than in 1988 because of Seattle's water conservation program. Well flow rate charts, booster station flow rate charts, and reservoir level charts were then obtained. The data was reduced to flow rate into and out of each operating area on an hourly basis. Peaking factors and diurnal demand curves were developed on an operating area basis,not a system-wide basis. TABLE 5-2 shows a summary of system demand for the past five year period. 5 - 3 . I CHAPTER FIVE I. TABLE 5-2 FIVE-YEAR CONSUMPTION SUMMARY • YEAR AVE DAY DEMAND NO. ACCOUNTS (mgd) • 1984 6.28 10,708 1985 6.70 10,927 1986 7.03 11,182 , 1987 7.53 11,441 - 1988 7.29 11,531 1989 6.97 11,707 i 8.00 — • — 12,000 7.00 _ :<::yjj:<%:<:}}}::.n., ::>>;>.>::v:: 11 — f k. 6.00 .:.:. ::.j: — { } { > r : : 10,000 f 000i h.. 5.00 ti}ff}r. {.:v: : •:�::}�j '•:%j:ij•tiiatiti%jj 9 000 0................ � Ejr: fir %i':tivF'nyLSi:' .44 '.."'•illd :::::•::•:::•%:::::::::::•:•:•:•:h — r.f O 8 000 yJ Q 7 j; :}}.4• 3.00 {— rry�% r� ..}r.tfi;}}} tik: M1ti;n;:;:;:;:;: j::titi:jjj' .lvYv. nv J!+:?Li:jjji::C .: 7 000 ';6 N:> f 2.00 :}'•}ifi%:;• {•}y:•.'•:•}:+;t•::.} :rw:,:��•:3::<y::..�r: ii _ ..JP:± rv}vnri,,,,::ki N;:•r:::i fik%}}:; ::4.jj:?%>s'.•?j' •::•'/,. v,:j;:.:i.-4 : _ :t;v. • k..r.,rr • jj:Gjj?j:i'v i:%tii .r}f: A.ti........ ':%:ti%f: : ::jf 6,000 1.00 ..............: Y �..{,.n... fi;v}., `%•%y:E:Ej:;: ji}j ?i��>.:i:Si:L:::t%j%::{ :j}�}.•. krk:. .?'tiff%y: Demands 3. POPULATION ESTIMATES AND DEMANDS The basis for water demand in the City's service area is the population of single-family homes, multi-family homes, businesses, industries, schools, and parks within the service area. The necessary capacity of the water system facilities is determined by the water demand that will be encountered from those uses. Facility sizes are, therefore, dependent on the number and distribution of homes,businesses, industries, schools, and parks. Maximum demand will occur when saturation development is served, and saturation development is dependent on land use policy adopted by the City Council. Saturation demand is determined in this report by evaluating the maximum historical demands which occurred in 1987,normalizing these demands with respect to the existing population, and expressing them in terms of demand per equivalent residential unit(ERU). This factor is then applied to the projected population to arrive at a projected demand. An EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL UNIT (ERU) is defined as a service connection which consumes the same amount of water as the average single-family residence within the service area. A single-family residence by definition equals 1 ERU. Multi-family dwellings equal 0.6 ERUs per unit. Large and industrial users are converted to ERUs by individually examining water use history. The number of ERUs attributed to large or non-residential demand within the service area is calculated by the ratio of actual or assumed demand to the demand per ERU. Future population and demand projections are based on the same criteria just described, using saturation population and land use densities within the service area shown in FIGURE 3. The population within the service area was evaluated in quarter-quarter(sixteenth) sections to determine the distribution of demand when saturation development within the service area occurs. In comparison, existing development was evaluated. The existing population and land development was determined by using meter records, field counts, and maps to identify the current number and type of water services. The current land use policies were then applied to the undeveloped land to project the saturation levels of development. It should be noted that the existing land use plan does not extend past the year 1995. We have used this as a basis for saturation planning, however, since an alternative and more accurate basis is not available. It is anticipated that this plan will be updated several times before saturation development occurs, and subsequent studies can use more accurate information, when available. After the existing and saturation population projections were developed, a detailed demand analysis was performed. An evaluation of historical demand in the Rolling Hills and Talbot Hill area was used and extrapolated on a City-wide basis for determining typical water use habits. Historical demand was then expressed in demand per ERU and used to predict future demand. The demand per ERU calculated is actually the water supplied to the service area by the supply sources. Actual customer demand is less than supply due to unaccounted-for water, such as leakage and hydrant flushing. This is acceptable since it introduces some conservatism into the demand estimates. Using this procedure, demand per ERU on an average water use day is 300 gallons per ERU per day, and demand per ERU on the peak day in 1987 is 800 gallons per ERU per day. Winter demand is used to maximize turnover in the reservoirs. Maximum day demand is used for 5 - 5 CHAPTER FIVE determining the required capacity of the booster pump stations and the reservoirs in the service area. Future demand is calculated by combining historical demand per ERU in 1987 with population projections. Future demand is calculated at saturation development, although no attempt has been made to identify the year in which saturation development occurs. For planning purposes, it is sufficient to interpolate between present and saturation demand and use the percent growth in the demands to identify necessary facilities and improvements. Using this approach, system facilities are sized by determining the system demand and using TABLE 5-3 to identify recommended facility sizes. For budgeting purposes, it is important to estimate a growth rate so that Capital Improvement planning can be coordinated with utility revenues. TABLE 5-3 is an estimate of system growth using a combination of Gomportz and logistic curve and,observed growth data for the Renton area. The growth rate matches favorably with the annual growth rate of 1.8%identified in the King County Annual Growth Report for the Renton area. The maximum growth rate shown reflects the results of a weak leak-reduction program, no conservation, and hot weather. Theminimum growth rate shown reflects an aggressive leak- reduction program, maximum anticipated conservation impacts, and normal summer weather patterns. - 5 - 6 MGD P !Ji o v, o !-^ o ,VI o !." o 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .. . .... ... .. ... . . . . 1990 -: v - -=� - �� 1 111 1 1111 1,11 1111 1111 ... :;.;{ �ii:;ii:•i$�:$•i:;i;it;:.;i:;�:;:: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1.1II1.0 11,1: 111 III I 1111 1111 1111 N N N N N N N N t.) N ::i:.�.....>.....�.:.::.,.ig :i w.: I 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 'O .o :,:•i:':••...:•?:•i:'.i:.'i:•i:k......,;•:•.•.::• I 1 11 1 111 1 1111 1111 111 1 ::i:;s::<>;;:;:>:;::»::;::><;::::.z:>::><;::>:<^>:: .p w w �Nw N ►-' ��w .�_ .'1111"11111111111111 j1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 U © LA 0 Ui 0 0 Ui 0 '1., '"—�'. :=:Cs `,C.. .'''v:;:: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 2000 -7-.-:-----.. 7 g-:=,.—..____..-_£ —�:� 111 1111 1111 1111 `�it { j{ j�4 S q. ..1 .... 1 1.. 1 1 1 1 1..1 :• 11, 1111 1.11 1111 1111 L. ::; —.=: ::a'•+• 1111 111 I 1 11 I Z 2005 =-:i*i:'•;•:::ilii : ;::;:;:j:}i:{i'::: •i-— 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 + .. .......... ,.., .\j.;•1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1.1 1111 1111 1111 1111 =v C 2010 :-7=77.-7.7:7-- ---7:--.7:-.7:777.--7:.s - ---..I 11 1111 1111 3 :^:::i.k .}i\:::in :' '::1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P 1� 1. I: 1= •:::.):•iif i::•is m.��•••i:•:tii•,>•{:;$\{+ �?Vii:1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 .. .. . . . . 'fes w W W W W N N '''''s at G) �---• • •• O O• k•O 00 O• N P• '•-' -•4 w hP • • I• OQ - S-- I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Y W 1� 1- W HI 'I3. /off /off W /off Cft4Y ' c 1 1 1 1 111 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O V 0 o 0 `/ .41 .•.. :.;}.:::.{{:is•i:.::::::x::.i'.i'::.:::..�:::.::.}•........::.y:r.. 1 1-1 111 11 1 I 1 11 1 �' :}i{::i{::::Y:iisi:':i:}:::}i::::i:i^::::::::::iv:i::;::}i ::::::::4:vY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 2020 = s ,a ...u_. 1111 1111 - if;.{{i(:::a (:;:}::-u- Y[iv � ::i::-. {T :•__��11 11.. 1 1 1 1 H _ ... .�i � 1111 1111 1 1 1 1 __ '�' :I?. n(Y I•... •.•1•. v11•.•..4 •.1-1•. .. 1111 1 I 1 1 n a - -=-3 1111 1 C. 2025 :if: s'.: 1� 11 11 1 11 1 od :ijY.....:`.......ii i. .......... :......,.ii.......ii:ii::iiiL:ii I.... ,1.. ...1 0-3 _ _ –. - O - ..----- -_ __ __ -y-.-11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ _— w W W W W w W W N N N N ^ 2030 =---------------- 11 11 11 1 11 1 <::<:r<::::::: ><`::> s:i:«is.......::.: ..... A A W W N O Po a\ N O d "J ..$.':}'y.ti�}iv{j{ 'til��:•:.:.::[.i:•ii:CL•::.i:.i.:{•':viii:•i:.i:.i:ii:i:•i::.: 11 11 1 x 11 1 11 1 /.� I� � ` . . � � . /� -l /�..,I �/� '.•• f�/11 R�11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 W V\ lam/ 00 I—. I—. V\ V � 0 �I f1 CA 2035 := -t-- =s==== CHAPTER FIVE TABLE 5.4 shows the ratio of maximum day and peak hour demands to average day demand. On a system-wide basis, the ratio of demand to average annual daily demand is as follows: TABLE 5-4 DEMAND RATIOS Average daily demand 1.0 1.0 Maximum day demand 1.0 2.54 Peak hour demand 1.0 3.63 TABLE 5-5 is a summary of minimum and maximum day demand both at existing and saturation conditions, by pressure zone. TABLE 5-5 DEMAND SUMMARY 1987 Min 1987 Max Sat. Min Day Sat. Max Day Demand Day Demand Demand Day demand Pressure Zone (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) (gpm) Downtown 196 2,793 7,548 4,453 12,036 Kennydale 320 286 772 712 1,924 Highlands 435 406 1,096 1,212 3,276 Highlands 565 784 2,118 2,357 6,370 West Hill 488 1,318 516 1,376 Talbot Hill 97 I 262 541 1,462 Rolling Hills 490 129 , 348 297 803 Rolling Hills 590 248 671 545 1,473 TOTAL 5,231 14,133 10,633 28,720 1987 Min 1987 Max 2040 Min 2040 Max Day Demand Day Demand Day Demand Day Demand 1 Pressure Zone (gals) (gals) (gals) (gals) Downtown 196 4,021,920 10,869,120 6,412,320 17,331,840 Kennydale 320 411,840 1,111,680 1,025,280 2,770,560 Highlands 435 584,640 1,678,240 1,745,280 4,717,440 Highlands 565 1,128,960 3,049,920 3,394,080 9,172,800 West Hill 702,720 1,897,920 743,040 1,981,440 , Talbot Hill 350 139,680 377,280 779,040 2,105,280 Rolling Hills 490 185,760 501,120 427,680 1,156,320 Rolling Hills 590 357,120 966,240 784,800 2,121,120 TOTAL (gals) 7,532,640 20,351,520 15,311,520 41,356,800 TOTAL (mgd) 7.5 20.4 15.3 41.4 SAT. = Saturation I i • i 5 - 8 • Demands TABLE 5-6 shows the distribution of demand between the various customer classes within each pressure zone. TABLE 5-6 DEMANDS BY PLANNING AREA 1987 Max Day Saturation Max Demand (gpm) Day Demand (gpm) Downtown 196 Zone Single-family 886 917 Multi-family 1,634 4,942 Commercial 4,648 5,733 Public 380 444 SUBTOTAL 7,548 12,036 Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 Single-family 1,412 2,099 Multi-family 257 2,164 Commercial 76 750 Public 123 187 SUBTOTAL 1,868 5,200 Highlands 565 Zone Single-family 1,605 3,698 Multi-family 155 1,527 Commercial 143 675 Public 215 470 SUBTOTAL 2,118 6,370 Rolling Hills/Talbot Hill Zones Single-family • 880 , 2,180 Multi-family 260 1,314 Commercial 2 8 Public 139 236 SUBTOTAL .1,281 3,738 West Hill Zones Single-family 1,121 1,012 Multi-family 111 241 Commercial 67 91 Public 19 31 SUBTOTAL 1,318 _ 1,376 TOTAL 14,133 28,720 TABLE 5-7 shows the distribution of developable area in the water system by Equivalent Residential Unit for current and saturation demand conditions. The distribution by pressure zone is shown as a percentage of the total system demand. TABLE 5-8 shows the same information, but uses developable acreage instead of ERU. 5 . 9 I I CHAPTER FIVE TABLES 5-9 through 5-13 shows the distribution of water demand by customer classification for each operating area both at current demand and saturation demand condition. The demand is distributed as a percentage of the demand for each operating area. TABLE 5-14 shows the relationship between average day, maximum day, and maximum hour demands by operating area, at current demand conditions. TABLE 5-15 shows the same information at saturation development. TABLE 5.16 shows average day demand for the past 5 years. • 5 - 10 Demands TABLE 5-7 . SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT DISTRIBUTION • By Equivalent Residental Unit • 1987 Highlands 435/Kennydale pl, 320(3,358) r ha I ddrelit� �i Downtown196(13,587) V,I I el.. IN I�, r I I •Highlands 565(3,812) tl'::.M ,": Rolling HiUs/Talbot '.41414 1111:.•:14 j (2,307) Westhill(2,367) • Saturation Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 0.368) I>J! I 1111111V1. I. IlNllll I� I� ! N1.:I I N ill 1r. : �,. Downtown 196(21,660) • is � II IIB•:, r �">> Highlands 565(11,456) jl;'�lul!IIu { I 111111i1::1:111.161"11! •. Rolling Hills/Talbot 1tlK6,irylN;;;uuil!iiilllhllIIIII1 • (6,730) Westhill(2,666) • 5 - 11 CHAPTER FIVE • TABLE 5-8 1 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT DISTRIBUTION : By Acreage • 1987 Highlands 435/Kennydale 320(706) .d1 Mil Ia 4; I hid l I Highlands 565(939) �I'r :»k�>>. P,iN , ihi xi1 iI:tl , 1 } _E � ' i V' II :II 1gin 11 € ti,ll 11, Downtown 196(2,755) Rollin8Hills Hills/Talbot Hill. (551) West Hill(408) • Saturation Highlands 435/Kennydale l :,p, 320(1.521) Highlands 565(2,394) u" 11I 'I",:; ::;}. ' I :i 4iri'••> ;•;:s..,.... �j .ihw::T:;.....+..}•fir %,•.'t�$i': ' I�III,,, I. ',S•nii:ti>}j'S.^•.tii:ii:i��^'iiiiiii:ij}:iiin•S`.t: • �� V III N II1uli4 ::. .. �' d 'I: a,' <><`::<:rir:' y���x.II �: 4 (., III 1x if ,t N Rolling fng Hills/Talbot Hill 44.11$ Ii II: . • M Y } } Downtown wn 1 6(3�70IIr(1,263) € ' ?? % :>:.; . i West Hill(457) 1 I 1 5 - 12 i, • Demands TABLE 5-9 . DEMAND DISTRIBUTION Downtown 196 Zone 1987 Public(5.0%) 1111 h� N1 111 00.111,11 I1VIU t I Single-Family(11.7%) �' tit^'iI I,1,�I uhl 4 '12111,''1,i it •:.:lif. )Ilk 00111h, �dIS u 11 q 1,„,i 1 6"I , .1u 'i' X 01111 . ell(i''R • 4"ul' *�ll,f✓t�11,}I 1 l���'� r' SII �I�I��iN�N' ' ^ ri 711, ll'liiiNi1,i lll� ,� t� 1i, 1, [ 011 1 1,V 1r10 ' °t�1Il •..0...1.10...i..' Ilh;Commercial(61.6%) r40 ,1 ,INll ! ' , t , 1, , 11. ,ow '- Multi-Family(21.6%) Saturation Public(3.7%) i IiG Ili I:lifliI�INhtllirir SinglaFamily Q.6%) ��� 1 I l.,µlli11 it hlliwr 3r I � ui�, I(I�I( � t1,.,::... •Commercial 47.64'o I1 „ l 1� Id 1 1 INTI I I 111,11 ( ) '4 ;1'4 h�� ii' ��I`, 1117!1,1,1, iiiliu �p;�jtltii9�1 1 V'1t X111. 141 {01pilUil , �.,,, I I 11101'111°..,. 1,1 00 11[ill;; • CHAPTER FIVE I TABLE 5-10 • DEMAND DISTRIBUTION Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 Zones • 1987 Public(6.6%) Commercial(4.1%) -11111F I I IU . I ,1111---''''' I 1 PIiINGh;@s ]y;, II ;d -; „ , .h.Mind-Family(13.89) , I: i yill;il��� n II� I Ilk -.: '- ;..I' ! I 1:, qa.. hL1114(41011111"" I. : �lj I Illljllilh ' Ij "�'; I f l ��u'� h' '1 •'.q ' I de��ll�l�h •ill!fl Vii! I�11; IIr71 i • 18 !hd I, ; I ��i, � ..� j *f h 11 . :.I , n , ill 1 111 : , ' ''' I'1 Hll 1404 : Cr: '''' ,I' IY II ir ! B Single-Family(75.690) ti smJr:A: . 1 � '''.- 0001: ; i , I Saturation Public(3.6%) • `' ' liI11111Nu:: iqI , e.. Sin le-Family (4049)Commercial(1449) ..:;. IJ�IIi0hp;', �; I ' r 4• � pl IIIii�jIII1hNlib:liiI / ! �I"",'N�'' lIIIIIII: ; I I 3 Multi-Family(41.6%) I 5 - 14 Demands TABLE 5-11 DEMAND DISTRIBUTION • • Highlands 565 Zone • 1987 Public(10.2%) '111,4,1 • -1,1 y I III III14, Commercial(6.8%) t,ti< ....I ._ lillll 4)''• i aiI •: Ilia!;'i I 100iiiN ,Multi-Family(7.2%) 'II1IIII I r.� • • lifIl �I hFNIIIGI1IIg . Il I �4011,1 04, 111, 1 Plic4.1iiii11114411q1 1 11 I Rn ! ' I. lw I 1 I • Single-Family(15.890) ,....,rt. Kau' r:• • Saturation Public(7.4%) � tt h�iIINIJII1aI.II0� • Commercial(10.69) 4,1111 nii ! i1dir � Io,i., .IIIyNlliuuliW, , � .I NIII I, i I ( I'yl -I, 11 119.. � I! • Single-Family 5719) • h '�' !I" Multi-Family(23.9%) 401101011/101140t-111' '. 11 • • 5 - 15 CHAPTER FIVE • J TABLE 5-12 DEMAND DISTRIBUTION Rolling Hills 590/490,Talbot Hill 350 1987 , Commercial(0.2%) Public • HI 9 nn 'I'I,,L.q�ll'���IIMulti-Family(20.390) ,ill' 1i li 1,1ll�l ll111111°i11,:111I rl 11:.1 ,1f111111111111t1l1111,1011111, mro�a�,mm1 , 10111 i� 1��' 111 1„11111111 1 1411111 1 11 11 I,I, 1,� 4111 111 1 '111 , 11 ����p. ��hulll t In,.b,�llllll,i6 'i Il ��'ill'-1 II LI� .I� 1w:,�1 �rylrlil�i�,Nil 1:1 JI I 1, 11 1 �� ,1 1.1,1��I�' . �(l,yippi 44:14 �I 1 I 't'i g I:I; 1 1!� 1` ! 1 I i Single-Family(68.7%) I _I Saturation i Commercial(0.2%) •,blic . , t '11101111111111111.110, liffi iing I1I 111010100111;r illi Iif,�1�H1:1oviiiimi l�i111 iiliHi'!'11 Multi-Family(35.2%) :;I1 'Clllli{!I11'aili'lll!IUP!;ilfN I!I II i��ilil ,. 1G,,,i. I�I,h Vi�iiipIllCNl�i1i 1;iiI,N�l ll I'l it pl I mu 1 �'iu ullrl plli 44�� 11,,1 11 I !'1p! 1! ,111 111 11 N 111 lli, pII Ii�� ' �, 1111 II Single-Family(58.3%) ' I N . I 11741 I r 1, 11 ,, .,�I I� �,�?����u����nll'�II I II II, 11I i , 5 - 16 Demands TABLE 5-13 DEMAND DISTRIBUTION West Hill 490/270 Zones 1987 Public 1.4%) a,:I'' �l!j!!;•• 'III. !�I. {!83 1lift* 01, j, 4 ". I h. _ . , , - 1. }Multi-Family(8.4%)ercial(5.1% ,:,r,ai!: .l1 ,.. II_II. i'iI i.:i11:....:•'1:1'1,1"H.11.°...!...I'l j y ' yOPi � • 11001110 i1 1 1 .rj:111-...'7 e.Il I I lI G �p n . itopII lIl4irili.' I.p.:phi!� i. for..::,i � mi 1� , uaudl �l1IuI i.:01gllIIIIU' -1110111114- ll � , ±4I - ! i •Ail q111 l1 1 ' IIN �� i f lid/ 1 ls ,;iII,IQljlliIjill"'d'i 1u�!(u.lIIIIhINliIil..Ii1!i,11i171' fiiH 11, :g�P:,u:I!�{j.iqI! ,�jyiIiN^NHrlii:!�lliil1l!..Ilif! ilii ;iIhiiI!'III.NII.Ii1i!Iil".!f uuy1I�IPiIj: ,� lli hlll,:iIII; ::,..L. . single-Family(85.10)I Ij "atiI, ',I ;I .I!! , !! y • • • Saturation • Public(2.3%) Commercial(6.690) ,: ..:�,�II!.!!i.: lilt II' ! i�1�l�lilj�l I! I iil�ll11llll!ININ I I i;lj`. i lilll jl i II�,1 1111,1 ll. .1.1*110!11,1!,! :k Ill!III 'ii!I jl 1'1 ri,rl I fl! Mule-Family(17.sgo) �i'u!N,Illlti,: ''II, i i! ! i;j ij' i;i!i !I1�p kiiii !I -11111.1111a-,11li .II- III l 119`1 II 1LLf ,lji f li! �I ijlli illi ijl �l, �!i IIII1'p � ,Ii�jl�u ! !I 11011 i I� �' !� ��-p 'III II • ili d i� p l cls, I -li i. 1N .: ail � I ,U �I-,III G, , 1..•._K. 4 trl'„,I,� Il!,11'1 III I ., 11 � 1! !. • JI , u 4 ., �"N"I GI o I . ,.r.. Single-Family(75.690) i-- 5 - 17 CHAPTER FIVE i TABLE 5-14 1987 DEMAND SUMMARY PRESSURE ZONE MAX HOUR AVE DAY MAX DAY DEMAND (mgd) DEMAND (mgd) DEMAND (mgd) Downtown 196 14.52 4.02 10.86 Highlands 435/320 3.60 1.00 2.69 Highlands 565 4.08 1.13 3.05 Talbot 490/350 2.46 0.68 1.84 West Hill 2.54 0.70 1.90 TOTAL 27.19 7.53 20.34 14.00 Nl i l4 iiatii 12.00 —' ��' 1ilpilill;; i 10.00 —��i rrPR, N101it i AIiithtliip '; ;'' �- 8.00 - !h""ftif'•— iiiiii iii `` ogi ' iiiiiiiiiii jr 6.00 - Mili4.00 -u'i;1... .... �:: .. 01 IIPit`i. N?I k' �,i ISI, i.i Ali 11 I� I idiI i P i ,i 2. li q 00 is IS a i i i 4< .h i i t ; 77777 -i, i , u, a f. u 1r A ti o: rA _�i i, 0.00 I 1- iiiiliiii I *.ii I ..`..... Downtown Highlands Highlands Talbot West Hill 196 435/320 565 490/350 MI Peak Hour ID Ave Day 0 Max Day i i 5 - 18 • • Demands TABLE 5-15 SATURATION DEMAND SUMMARY (Projected) PRESSURE ZONE .MAX HOUR AVE DAY MAX DAY DEMAND (mgd) DEMAND (mgd) DEMAND (mgd) Downtown 196 23.15 6.41 17.31 Highlands 435/320 10.00 2.77 . 7.48 ' Highlands 565 12.25 3.39 9.16 Talbot 490/350 7.19 1.99 5.38 West Hill 2.68 0.74 2.01 • TOTAL 55.27 I . 15.31 41.34 25.00 I;I, i�iiiiNi X11�U (41111 20.00 —111111.1111!1111 . '1,111i! iiiiiiiiii i - . 15.00 j11:11—iiiiiiiiiilt,iiii ^o g 1,h: liil�l�l my irij:�i;I 1. ' iii �a4 o , nra 10.00 —1,;;..1 . iiiiiiii I 'i1,if !. • u ,, ,, q,, Hi ,II1I ' u. 1 • 1 IIi rs 4") r l ii!I' 11!: (1 . 1 PI1t` a: iI II 5.00 � IIIi: ' , wd' r ' II 1I ! I€ ' . i uI� : ::•:.:.•::.... .... ';r il vI II` 9 " 'I4w"f iI. II .iW rN: I I . :\: i WJO,i I II q w ! :> -1 1Mb I ! iip:Iiiiii i 1 .A. :; f I. .r . . 0.00 • I .:...• I ,......A„„....... I : .. :•:::• �:�:�:�: I f: ..,...,... I Downtown Highlands Highlands Talbot West Hill • 196 435/320 565 490/350 "' Peak Hour Ave Day 0 Max Day 5 - 19 CHAPTER FIVE • • TABLE 5-16 FIVE-YEAR CONSUMPTION SUMMARY (vs. temp) _..., YEAR AVE DAY DEMAND SUMMER TEMP , ! (mgd) (aye) • , 1984 6.28 72.40 1985 ' 6.70 72.30 . 1986 7.03 74.30 , 1987 7.53 75.20 • 1988 7.29 72.10 1989 6.97 68.90 . . ---' . , 8.00 • . . - "rAnz,777•777.., — 80.00 - ....,.....................„.• . . ..........Weee.V.W.• ..,......,...W.,........, ." -, 7.00 mi---s------r171701.1iiiiiiii:1 _ - ..............••:::.::::::::::::: ---- 70 00 _, .. 600 —,.0 Agimi:zii.i,:iii:i—imi§k:NE::iiiii-- ,— —igiiiMom—,.3.iii:ii.:gaim::::..ii.::!::.1-- : ipilligg: .................................:....: FEIM.::::::1 Mill':iiiiiiiiigE :.3.E:i*ioim::. •••••••••::.*::::::::::::::::.:1 — 6000 . ..................................., :::::Km:zi:::::::::::::::::: ::•,,..:::•:•:•:•:•:•:•,:•:•:::::, ..M.A.miiiii:•:: co 500 —:•::R4SigiNg—::ii]fi:::;Miii!-:::q--MARE14---EMEN—ZW:Miliiig— ,,, , , ,,-z ,... a) .—.. _ •:::gi:::::K?:i:.iiiiiiiiiii:ii *:::::::::. : :.*i:i:i: ii:.:iiiiiiiiiiigi:iiii:§:i -cs - OREM EMEM SENO Iniiiiiiiini litiMaii.:Aiiil iliMPRi!4 — 50.00 El g ,:*::::::.::::::K:::::i:33:::si. :::i*:::::::::Kg:K:is .:::*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::K:K:::i:K:::.i..i:i:::::::::: :*::::::ixemi•i• ::i...1•:,•,•••.;:•-•:•:;;;;•,, - : a%•.1?.::0:iipa ii.:::imigin rj§iiimmiiiiiiim •iii.:?.iiiiiiiii:•iiii:iiigi ili:•ii.m•:imigiii :imiq::::::i.iin::iii:::::iii - a> E-• ,_ .cs 4.00 —it•Titame----1"*;:mig--e.R.M1:::: --1•:::::Miget—::::::2:MIN L., a, --.00 1 ....••.,.•--•-• C/2 ; 3.00 —Ninag—lam•—o•i;:iiimigg--ENNE—ViitinEi\ miiiiioRm-- CI, .. :.y...fiagli:,ii:Iii::gii angiOM g;iir.iiiii;i§j•Miii inniiiiiN ORME MiiiMii;?:0 - 3000 623 . iiiilimmima lig.ii,ii;iiiiiiiiiiii•s ,...1.!•;.:..!.,:::.:,:E.::......:...:::5:.:..,:::,:!.:.:ii.ii :I.1..!..!::•::::::,..$.?„:::•::::.2:::$1,i :,:i?....:!:i.:::i,:.!..].!::.:!::!...,:i.:i::::::::::!:::,.:::::. i::::::,:,::::::!..i.!..i::;::.i.,:::1:§1.:::! .. 14 0.) • -', ::::::K*A.:•:•:::•:•:•:. :•:•,,,:•:,,,•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:. ::•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:*:•A 1:f• 1 • 2.00 —sivpiiAiii1,—, —RaiggiiiMiiii\ iiiiiiigi;i:MiNi — 2000 • - 1:,:iaiiiM ;Anii:iii:::rinif. :iii:i:i:KiMie iiiii:iiiiiiii:'::iiiiM :•‘•:iiiiiiiiiaiiii*iiii§is:i ";;:iiiiftiiiiiKii.:Kiii*i:A - - ......,,,,........:. :.:...::::•::mi:i:i.:::;i2 ,:ti:i:KM:i:if:W;i: i:i:K:iiti:i:Iiiiiii:.§:i:i*K 'iti'ia:Kii:i:i:K;•::i:i;K:: ;":Kg:::::M::*::::i:i'i: - - 4:*%fii::1A:Kii:i*:. *i:›'$.:*:':Yai#d*i i;i;:;i:i:iiiii§:i:::;N:'i*i :::§::::::::::::::::::::::::: K:i:ik,M,::::K*K:k ••:•:•:::•::::*•:•:•:::::•:,..xl - ; ' - i:•:::iO3•4:::i:A•::i? . W4;iii:i:i: 1.00 ___1::,:§iivezz :•,:.____.m.:$.20,igii\___onmEL__Emiimii.iii.___.co:::•iiiMini:::§._ iiiiiiiii4:?::M•i.—: VU ,A fv% 1 U. . ri. I iiiNin PERNI MOMiiiiil agiiiiigAii:::: ME:iii.giiir:i§i '•::i.ii:K::0:::Min .. ' .v„......:,............., „..:.:::.:v...,...:4 %::::::x;:gai:M:i: :.:Wi:::§:iii:iiiKin:i :K:i::::$if:*i:i::.::::;K:iii:i 1:gi:i0:*i$:•::•::;i:i* - :::::44:::::::2. x::::•:::::•,:::::::.::::::::2: .:::::::::::::i::::::i:K:M*; :!*:. :::.. :.:....:KAM:::K*. ':::WM*:::i:k,' ' 0.00 4.74.:•:4,4•:•:•:•:,,,,x.x.: I ,,,,:•7•;,;•:,,,E....x.:.x.x.: I ,••:.:.:.:•:,.:.:.:.:.;,:,;.:.:., I :••,:,x.:,:•:,F.:.:•:.:. I :::•:•:•:::•:•:,..:•:::::::::::::::::. 1 ..:•:.:•:•:•:•:•:•:.:.:•:•:•:•:•:•:::•:. _t 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 , • --, WM:M. Ave Day Demand(mgd) —0— Summer Temp .- . I 5 - 20 Demands 4. FACTORS AFFECTING DEMAND Two items have the biggest impact on water system demands: population and weather. Population growth has a tendency to increase the average daily demand on any particular day, whereas high temperatures have a tendency to increase the peak hour demand above the average rate for the day. Water conservation efforts will also impact demands and can be used in some circumstances to accommodate system growth without increasing the City's supply capacity. These issues and impacts are addressed in the City's Water Conservation Plan. 5. DEMAND COMPONENTS Total System demand can be divided into three major components which consist of: • Residential Demands (Single-Family and Multiple-Family Services) • Commercial-Industrial, Public Facilities and Other Use Demands • System Losses (unaccounted-for water) These three components(growth,weather,conservation)are comprised of both peaking and non- peaking demand elements. Peaking demands are those demands that vary with time(seasonally, weekly, daily, or hourly), such as irrigation demands. Peaking demands are the major contributors to the difference between average annual and maximum day demand, and they are also the most difficult and costly to meet. Non-peaking demands are those demands which do not vary seasonally, such as normal household(inside the house) or commercial demands. Residential demand is a major component of the City's total System demand. This can be concluded from the large areas of predominantly residential neighborhoods served by the System and from actual demand records. In 1987,the ratio between maximum to average day demands was 2.56:1. A conclusion reached here is that a major portion of this difference between maximum day demand and average daily demand represents the water used for irrigation and other hot weather-related uses. Commercial and industrial demand also represents a major component of the total System demand. Major industrial users such as the Boeing Company and Pacific Car and Foundry (PACCAR) use significant volumes of water, although their variations in daily demands are minimal. Commercial and other industrial users such as retail stores, businesses, and manufacturing parks typically have steady flow,non-peaking demands,which are fairly constant in aggregate. The remaining demand component, System loss or unaccountable water, is predominantly leakage. Comparison of the 1987 supply data with demand data from actual customer billing records indicates that a significant percent of the water supplied to the System was unaccountable. Older areas of the System generally exhibit greater perservice demands due to increased losses from broken pipes, bad joints, and other exfiltration loss. Losses between 10- 15%of total System supply are generally considered acceptable for a System the size of the City of Renton. The percentage of unaccountable water during 1987 varied from a high of 33% for the period of January through June, 1987, to a low of 12% during the peak two month period of July and August, 1987. Explanations for the wide variation in these values can be attributed 5 - 21 CHAPTER FIVE to either actual System losses (leaks, under registration of meters, etc.)or pump station meter errors. It is recommended that inoperable or suspect meters be replaced or repaired as soon as possible in order to determine accurate water supply values, and that the City continue to evaluate unaccounted for water so that reductions may be made where necessary. In simulating the City System, 800 gallons per service connection per day were used for maximum day demand, plus fireflow conditions. With better metering of the System facilities and leak detection program for the distribution system and service connections, changes may result in water consumption which could influence future demand projections. Therefore,future System demand should be closely monitored to identify change which could alter the design criteria of this Report. 6. FIRE CONDITIONS The capability and reliability of a water system is critical during fireflow periods. During these periods, an adequate combination of supply, storage, and system pipeline capacity must be available to meet the fire fighting requirements. To determine the behavioral characteristics of the City's Water System during a fire, a comprehensive evaluation of the fireflow capability of every fourth hydrant in the City's Water System was performed and a map showing the results of the evaluation is available at City Hall. The Insurance Services Office (ISO) guideline, "Guide for Determination of Required Fireflow," is used to estimate the fireflow demands of buildings located within the City's service area. Averages were developed for multi-family residences, commercial buildings, and industrial complexes within the City for specific fireflow requirements based on experience in the past five years. For this report, fireflows were established by the Fire Marshall and were used for establishing the City's Water System performance criteria. For specific buildings or complexes, the City's Fire Marshall should be consulted to determine actual fireflow requirements. Under the ISO criteria, the primary goal of a water system is to provide water to a fire at a sufficient rate and duration to extinguish -the fire. Adequate storage and supply is useless if the transmission or distribution system cannot deliver water at the required rate necessary to extinguish the fire. To achieve this goal, the ISO recommends that the following standards be met in conjunction with the recommended fireflow demand: 1. It is assumed fireflow demand will be required during a period of maximum day demand. 2. A major component of the water system will be out of service either due to repairs or maintenance. This can either be a major transmission pipeline, storage reservoir, or source of supply for the water system. 3. Maximum transmission main velocities are 8 feet per second (fps). Computer simulations for the comprehensive fireflow capability evaluation were based on ISO criteria, with either the largest source of supply, a reservoir, or a booster pump station out of service or a maximum pipe velocity of 8 fps. Information on a specific fireflow capability for a specific area or a summary of this evaluation can be obtained from the City Fire Marshal's Office or the Public Works Department. 5 - 22 Demands 7. CERTIFICATES OF WATER AVAILABILITY In accordance with the requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA), the City must identify that water is available prior to approving each building permit. A"Certificate of Water Availability" is issued if there is sufficient water supply to meet maximum day demand conditions and provide supply to the applicant at the same level of service as the remaining customers. In 1987, the City supplied the equivalent of 25,425 equivalent residential units (20.34 mgd). The City has the capability to supply 23.2 mgd with all of its on-line and standby supply sources operating and a failure of Well 8, the largestsupply source. The water system, therefore, has the capability to provide water supply to 29,000 equivalent residential units. The City can therefore add approximately 3,575 equivalent residential units. • 5 - 23 Chapter Six WATER RESOURCES 1. EXISTING SUPPLY Renton is currently using water pumped from six wells and one artesian spring for supply to the water service area. The wells and spring operate as the primary water supply sources. In addition,the City maintains supply interties with the City of Seattle in the Rolling Hills and the West Hill areas as emergency sources if the City's wells are out of service. The Seattle supplies are used for emergencies only. As a third level of supply, Renton has interties with the City's of Kent and Tukwila. It should be noted that most of the water systems adjacent to the Renton Service area are supplied by the City of Seattle on a wholesale-rate basis. Renton is unique in that they have pursued and accomplished development of a City-owned, independent water supply. The Puget Sound Council of Governments has identified water supply as one of the most important regional issues in the Puget Sound area. Recent events have indicated that water is a limited commodity, and the potential for civic development exceeds the capability to supply clean water. Renton's water supply needs alone will increase two times before saturation development is reached using existing zoning. Renton's response to the following key issues may dictate the City's capability to supply a growing population in the years to come: 1. The City must protect the quality of its existing water wells from adverse development impacts in the well recharge area. 2. The capability to obtain water rights and additional supply capacity may be restricted or prohibited. 3. The City of Seattle may not have excess supply capacity to supply water to Renton through interties. 4. The formulation of a regional supply organization may improve or may hinder supply to the Renton service area. 5. Raw water treatment may be required. Water resource policy,and the development of additional supply sources should be the Water Utility's highest municipal priority. These issues will be discussed in this Chapter. 2. AQUIFER PROTECTION The City of Renton relies primarily on groundwater as a supply source for the water system. Ninety-five percent of the City's water supply is pumped from a shallow aquifer in the Cedar River Valley near Liberty and Cedar River parks (downtown aquifer). Development of supply in the downtown aquifer has been successful in that it has provided substantial volumes of very high quality water. It is assumed that the potential for increased withdrawal rates is possible and that the aquifer is, in fact, the City's best source of long-term water supply. 6 - 1 CHAPTER SIX The aquifer is shallow and is covered by permeable material; therefore, several potential contamination problems exist from industry, commercial, and retail development in the aquifer recharge area and from the transportation of contaminants through the aquifer area. j Groundwater contamination would directly and immediately affect all Renton water customers. The Renton City Council has ranked aquifer protection as its number one priority, and it is the single most important issue in providing a reliable water supply to the service area. Aquifer protection can be classified into four areas: 1. Forced reduction or elimination of uses or users of possible contaminants within the aquifer area which have a moderate to high potential for contaminating the groundwater. 2. Physical protection of the groundwater area from surface contaminations (if they exist). 3. Early detection and remedial removal of groundwater contaminants to prevent them from reaching potable water withdrawal points. 4. Public awareness program. The City has adopted policies in all four areas to provide a maximum reasonable level of water quality security. In January of 1984, a study was authorized to investigate alternatives for protecting the aquifer area. In August of the same year, a second study was authorized specifically dealing with the well field area. The results of these studies were adopted by the - City Council in Resolution No.2553,which contained specific recommendations for limiting uses in the aquifer area and for proceeding with additional analytical work. During 1986 and 1987, a groundwater movement study was performed to identify recharge areas and the extent of ground water protection boundaries. This study involved the construction of several monitoring wells. As a result, the Maplewood Golf Course was acquired for use as an alternative well field. In November of 1986, the City applied for sole source aquifer protection from the Federal Government. During the summer of 1987, a high-stress aquifer pumping test was conducted as the first step in developing a groundwater computer model and determining the amount of aquifer recharge from the Cedar River. In the spring of 1988, following a tetrachloroethylene (PCE)contamination and a gasoline station leak,the City adopted an underground storage tank ordinance, Resolution No. 4147. The resolution requires that all tanks in Zone 1 of the aquifer protection area be either removed or provided with secondary containment within a five-year period. In April of 1988, the Council adopted Resolution No. 2715, which adopted the Aquifer Protection Area and set the limits of the recharge area for groundwater supplies. The sole source aquifer designation was received on June 8, 1988. In November, Resolution No. 4186 was passed,which identified zoning requirements for hazardous waste and storage within the aquifer protection area. In the spring of 1989, the City applied for grant funding from the Centennial - Clean Water Fund for sampling and analytical equipment and development of a well head protection program. The results of this funding request are still pending. Due to the extensive amount of analytical work performed and as a result of the development of the groundwater computer model, a great deal is known about the characteristics of the Downtown aquifer. The aquifer is recharged primarily within the area outlined in FIGURE 3. Some recharge is present from the Cedar River,although current data suggests that this amount is less than five percent of the City's well withdrawal rate. Flow rates and flow directions within 6 - 2 Water Resources the aquifer,however,are not yet completely understood,although it is assumed that additional testing and modelling can provide an accurate contaminant transport model. Protective Legislation Groundwater protection must be pursued through the legislative process. The regulations directed at protecting groundwater and the guidelines for responding to groundwater contaminations are established through Federal, State and City legislation. There are several Federal Statutes which effect groundwater contamination. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has primary responsibility, although some other Federal agencies are indirectly involved. In response to the increasing concern regarding the contamination of groundwater, the EPA has established the office of Groundwater Protection within the office of Water Resource Technology. Current Federal Statutes provide substantial protection for groundwater. TABLE 6-1 provides a brief description of the Federal Statutes and the agencies which are associated with groundwater protection. TABLE 6-1 SUMMARY OF FEDERAL LEGISLATION PERTAINING TO GROUNDWATER Regulatory Agency ACT Applicability to Groundwater and Surface Water EPA Resource Conservation and Monitoring and cleanup requirements at disposal facilities. Recovery Act(RCRA) Protects against leaching of waste into surface and ground waters. Response to contamination at RCRA permitted sites. EPA Comprehensive Environmental Response to contamination at sites not permitted under Response, Compensation,and RCRA. Liability Act(CERCLA) [Superfund] EPA Safe Drinking Water Act Regulates use of injection wells. Protection of sole source aquifers, sets drinking water standards. EPA Clean Water Act Notification requirements for spills,any discharge of hazardous waste or waste constituents in reportable quantities. Establishes reportable quantities for hazardous materials. Established permit system under Section 402- National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Program administered by WDOE. EPA Toxic Substances Control Act Give EPA regulatory authority over hazardous materials which may affect the environment. EPA Federal Insecticide,Fungicide, Give EPA responsibility to control pesticides. &Rodenticide Act(FIFRA) Dept.of Surfacing Mining Control Hydrologic studies required. Provides for alternative water Interior supply when mining disrupts groundwater supply of an adjacent landowner. 6 - 3 CHAPTER SIX In recent years, the State of Washington has enacted several statutes which were directed toward the protection of groundwater. The Washington Department of Ecology(Ecology)has the primary responsibility for coordinating groundwater protection efforts and overseeing the development of groundwater management plans. Ecology has prepared a groundwater quality management strategy to provide a comprehensive approach to protecting groundwater resources. The State defines the strategy "to maintain high quality for all waters of the State allowing no reduction of water quality except in overriding considerations of public interest". No reduction in quality would be allowed to adversely affect the ability to use water for its intended beneficial use. Similar to EPA groundwater protection strategy, Ecology attempts to bring together numerous statutes which protect groundwater and develop a comprehensive framework for groundwater protection. The strategy outlines several recommendations for improving groundwater protection. The strategies include: . 1) developing and adopting state-wide standards for groundwater quality,2)establishing a means of treatment for potentially polluting activities, 3) establishing rigorous waste discharge requirements, 4) increasing emphasis on groundwater protection hydrology and aquifer hydrology, 5) developing a comprehensive data management and monitoring program, and 6) providing technical training affect groundwater and public education. TABLE 6-2 is a brief description of the most significant State statutes. TABLE 6-2 SUMMARY OF STATE LEGISLATION PERTAINING TO GROUNDWATER Regulatory Agency RCW Title Response WSDOE 18.104 Water Well Regulates the construction of water wells and establishes Construction Act licensing for drilling contractors. WSDOE 90.44 Regulation of Determines groundwater rights, establishes a procedure Public for appropriating groundwater rights,issues permits for Groundwaters well construction, and issues certificates for groundwater withdrawal. WSDOE 90.44.400 Groundwater Establishes Groundwater Management Areas for the Management Act protection of water quality,assurance of quantity, and efficient management of water resources to meet future needs. WSDOE 90:48 Water Pollution Maintains highest possible standards for all waters. Control Act Issues waste discharge and disposal permits. Renton has adopted ordinances directed at protecting the Downtown aquifer. The primary means of controlling use within the aquifer recharge area is through the comprehensive land use planning process and land zoning. The groundwater can be protected through implementation of zoning designations,which restrict or prohibit uses that can cause groundwater contamination. In order to apply this approach, existing zoning designations need to be evaluated and their effect on groundwater contamination assessed. Many of the zoning activities are addressed in a pending ordinance regarding development and use within the aquifer protection area. If a change in the existing zoning is considered, the effects of the new zoning on existing activities must be examined to determine if violations will occur. - 6 4 Water Resources Contamination Sources It is important to recognize that groundwater contamination can occur from several sources, many of which already exist within the aquifer area. They include septic systems,underground petroleum storage tanks, sanitary sewer leachate, and contamination of the river and surface sources. The aquifer protection ordinance deals with specific methods for wastewater treatment and disposal, stormwater management, open space requirements, septic system permits and underground storage facility permits. The following is a description of potential causes and possible prevention methods for the existing sources of groundwater contamination within the City. Septic systems pose a high threat to groundwater contamination. This contamination source is difficult to control because it is made up of a large number of small sources. Because of the possibility of volatile organic compounds in household waste, the leachate from septic systems may cause contamination to occur. Groundwater contamination from septic systems can be prevented with varying success by implementing one or more prevention programs,including 1) prohibiting the discharge of hazardous chemicals into the septic system, 2) implementing an aquifer area-wide review and replacement of damaged or failing septic systems,and 3)restricting new septic system construction. State and County standards for septic systems are intended to protect both human health and groundwater; however, in some areas this may not be enough. Construction of new septic systems should be restricted unless it can be shown that the area does not have a high risk of groundwater contamination. In addition, all residents should be required to connect to sanitary sewers if a line is nearby. Leakage of petroleum products from underground storage tanks can be a major source of groundwater contamination. The most significant threat within the aquifer area comes from automobile service stations and other facilities which store either gasoline and diesel fuel in buried tanks. A small scale threat,but more widespread,is the numerous tanks used for storing heating oil for individual home owners. Petroleum products contain aromatic hydrocarbons and lead which can be hazardous to humans if consumed. Contamination of groundwater from underground petroleum storage tanks can be prevented through several techniques: 1) incorporating monitoring devices around underground storage tanks, 2) using state-of-the-art engineering materials and installation techniques, 3) pressure-testing of petroleum pipes and storage tanks,and 4)removal of leaking storage tanks. Monitoring for petroleum products will not protect the groundwater from contamination but will provide early detection of leakage. This will help initiate the necessary mitigating measures to avoid contamination of the groundwater. A secondary containment structure or double-walled storage tank is considered to provide the best protection against groundwater contamination. Leakage of petroleum products from the primary containment tank can be detected through monitoring systems while still contained within the secondary containment structure. These issues are addressed in detail in the City's underground storage tank removal ordinance. Surface source contaminants which originate from the land are primarily associated with surface water contamination;however, these same contaminants can migrate within an aquifer recharge area to the groundwater. Several contaminant sources are common fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, motor fuel and oil, and heavy metals. Fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are used for both residential and agricultural applications within the aquifer recharge area. These chemicals provide a variety of both organic and inorganic compounds, and contamination can occur through both application and improper storage. The reaction of 6 - 5 CHAPTER SIX different chemical compounds with the soil varies considerably. Phosphorous and potassium,the primary constituents of fertilizers, are readily absorbed by soil particles. However, nitrate compounds, also found in fertilizers, migrate through the soil quite easily. The organic compounds used in manufacturing the various pesticides and herbicides varies considerably. As can be expected, the absorption, volatilization, biodegradation and solubility of each of these organic compounds also varies. The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency and U.S.Department of Agriculture regulate the testing, manufacturing, marketing and use of most fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides; therefore, proper use of these chemicals is not believed to be a major source of groundwater contamination. The greatest threat will come from the improper storage of large quantities of these chemicals. Most of the roads within the aquifer recharge area are equipped with storm drainage systems. These storm drains provide concentrated aquifer recharge points if they leak. Precipitation run-off from the road to the storm pipelines contains roadway contaminants such as motor fuel and oil. The hydrocarbon contaminants can then migrate along with the precipitation run-off down to the groundwater through leaking pipes. A monitoring program to identify leaking storm sewer pipes and corrective action will reduce groundwater contamination from these sources. Heavy metals such as barium, cadmium,lead and mercury originate from a variety of sources and can find their way to the groundwater. Barium salts are used in the manufacturing of paints and paper, cadmium is used in the manufacturing of batteries, paint and plastics, and lead is found in lead-based paint and leaded gasoline. Mercury can be found in batteries, insecticides and fungicides. Informing customers and users of the proper disposal of these household products is the most effective way to prevent this type of groundwater contamination. Groundwater Monitoring If a contamination occurs, the water supply can be protected by restricting the transport of the contaminant through the zone to the water table or by containing the spread of the contaminants and removing the contaminant within the contained area. Because of the diversity of groundwater contaminants, no one method of prevention can be applied to all situations. Each situation must be examined independently to determine the best method for the prevention of groundwater contamination. Monitoring is an essential activity for a groundwater protection program. A monitoring program can provide information for planning and decision making,evaluate the effectiveness of pollution control programs, and indicate areas of groundwater contamination. Knowing the benefits of groundwater monitoring, the United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Groundwater Protection has developed groundwater monitoring strategies. The objective of this strategy is to provide a framework for systematically addressing the most critical needs, which include monitoring, data collection, data analysis, and response. The data collection objective of the monitoring program includes three phases. The first phase is ambient monitoring, which will help define background information, baseline groundwater quality,the current status of the groundwater resource and groundwater hydrology. Most of this information has already been developed by CH2M Hill in the groundwater protection monitoring study. The second phase is point of contamination monitoring, which is designed to indicate potential groundwater problems at locations where hazardous products are used or stored. Monitoring of this type should be designed such that the hazardous contaminant is discovered -, 6 - 6 '_i Water Resources before it comes in contact with the groundwater source. This would allow cleanup of the contaminant without groundwater contamination. Much of this work is included in the proposed aquifer protection ordinance. The third phase is point of use monitoring, which includes sampling the water after it is pumped from the aquifer to indicate if groundwater contamination exists. Since many sources of contamination are from non-point sources, it is impossible to monitor all potential groundwater contamination sources. Therefore, point of use monitoring is necessary to protect the water consumer. The City currently samples all of its wells for analysis by independent laboratories. However,the interval between sample analysis and sample results is too long to provide sufficient safety or to establish baseline chemical levels. The data analysis objective is used for two purposes. First, it is used to establish a baseline for existing contamination levels. If contamination levels exceed the baseline levels, then they may indicate a contamination potential and appropriate action can be taken. Second is the use of monitoring data to compare a contamination concentration with drinking water standards. If a specific contaminant concentration exceeds the maximum concentration level set in the standards,then it can be assumed that the public health is at risk and appropriate action taken. The objective of a response plan is to prevent a contaminant from reaching the water user. If a groundwater contamination occurs or the threat of contamination is present, specific steps must be taken to minimize customer impacts. The process for selecting an appropriate response to a groundwater problem involves four steps: 1) preliminary assessment and data gathering, 2)development of response alternatives, 3) analysis of response alternatives, and 4) selection of an appropriate response. The initial response to a contamination is an assessment of the situation and the collection of available data to determine the nature and the extent of the problem. The assessment is based on available information; however, if the information is insufficient, a conservative estimate must be made. If the contamination has created a hazard to public health, all necessary action must be taken to protect the water supply. Determining the best response to a contamination threat involves developing a list of response alternatives. The response alternatives may include source control or point of use remedial actions. Once a comprehensive list of response alternatives has been compiled,each alternative must be analyzed in order to select the most appropriate response. The analysis begins with an initial screening, which is used to eliminate inappropriate alternatives, followed by a detailed analysis of the remaining alternatives. The selection of the appropriate alternative is performed such that it minimizes the threat to short-term and long-term public health effects. The City has adopted a policy of aggressive action to protect its aquifer,and this approach should continue. The following chronological list identifies the efforts in the 1980 decade to protect the City's aquifer: ACTION DATE • Standard DOH required quality information available Prior to 1980 • Comp Plan Recommends Aquifer Protection Program April 1983 • Tanker overturns on I-405 August 1983 • Aquifer Protection Study Authorized January 25, 1984 • Well Field Protection Study Prepared by CH2M Hill August 1984 • Amendment to Well Field Protection Study Adopted May 1985 (In above Prepared by CH2M Hill document) • Aquifer Protection Study Adopted Resolution No. 2553 July 23, 1985 6 7 li CHAPTER SIX • Groundwater Monitoring Movement Study - Data August 8, 1985 gathered 1986-1987 • Golf Course Acquired for Aquifer Protection and Emergency 1985 • Olympic Pipeline Spill in Maple Valley 1986 • Sole Source Aquifer Protection Application November 24, 1986 • PACCAR Monitoring Wells/Contamination January 1987 • Wells 1-2-3 Relocated/Redeveloped Spring 1987 • Aquifer Test June 24-26, 1987 • Data Report for the City of Renton Cedar River Valley June 1987 Aquifer Test - RH2 Engineering/Hydrogroup, Inc. • Analysis Report for the City of Renton June 1987 • Cedar River Valley Aquifer Test RH2 Engineering/Hydrogroup, Inc. June 1987 • Texaco Spill December 1987 • Computer Model Development Spring 1988 • PCE Contamination in Monitoring Wells 1988 • Additional Monitoring Wells Spring 1988 • PCE Containment Spring 1988 • Ordinance No. 4147, City of Renton April 4, 1988 Secondary Tank Containment • Resolution No. 2715, Adoption of Well Field April 1988 Monitoring Study as a Factual Document • Resolution No. 2715, Adoption of April 4, 1988 Aquifer Protection Area • Aquifer Protection Ordinance, Draft 15 Sole Source Designation Received June 8, 1988 (In registry - October 3 1988) • Well Field Monitoring Study June 1988 prepared by CH2M Hill • Additional Monitoring Wells Fall 1988 South of Cedar River • Final Sole Source Aquifer Petition November 1988 prepared by CH2M Hill • Ordinance No. 4186, Zoning for November 14, 1988 Hazardous Waste and Storage • Resolution No. 2748, Adoption of January 8, 1989 Amended Aquifer Protection Area • Results of 3 Additional Monitoring February 1989 Wells South of Cedar River Installation and Pump Test by CH2M Hill • Summary of Groundwater Modeling Efforts January 1989 in Support of Renton Aquifer Management Although the City has been progressive and responsible regarding Aquifer Protection, the following additional items should be pursued: 1. Perform a second high-stress aquifer pumping test and use the second data set to recelebrate and refine the water computer model. 6 - 8 Water Resources 2. Use the information gathered in #1 above to develop a contaminate transport model. 3. Obtain groundwater sampling equipment and perform an on-going groundwater sampling program. 4. Pursue adoption of the aquifer protection area ordinance. 5. Limit development in the aquifer protection area to users that do not have a contamination potential. 6. Restrict the discharge of hazardous materials and pollutants to groundwater, the stormwater system, and the Cedar River upstream of the recharge area. 7. Pursue the repair and/or replacement of all storm and sanitary sewer pipelines in the well field protection area. 8. Continue to install monitoring wells in Zone 1 and 2 of the Aquifer Protection area. 9. Continue an active Aquifer Awareness Program. - 3. WATER RIGHTS The State Water Code,as outlined under Title 90 of the Revised Code of Washington,states that all surface and ground waters of the State are the property of the public. Furthermore,it is the policy of the State to promote the use of the public waters in a fashion which provides for obtaining maximum benefit arising from both diversionary uses of the State's public water and the retention of waters within the streams and lakes in sufficient quantity and quality to protect instream and natural values and rights (90.03.005 RCW). The right to use public water for a beneficial use must be acquired through the appropriation of water rights through Ecology. Appropriation of such rights is provided in that first in time shall be first in right, subject to the rights of the riparian property owner. When application to obtain water rights is submitted to Ecology, the date of receipt of this application establishes the priority of the water right. Prior to the development of a source of supply,a temporary permit is issued by Ecology to construct,develop,and test the supply source. A water right may then be issued following a thorough review process and a determination of the amount of supply which is put to beneficial use. This water right establishes priority use of the water, and becomes an appurtenance to the property. A summary of the existing water rights for the City of Renton's municipal water supply is presented in TABLE 6-3. The City is currently utilizing its full water right for its production wells RW1,RW2,and RW3,and PW8 and PW9. Production well PW3 currently has an operating capacity of 1,600 GPM. PW3 is currently maintained only as an emergency source of supply. The City's Well Nos. 4 and 5 have active water rights but are not currently operational. 6 - 9 CHAPTER SIX - t TABLE 6-3 SUMMARY OF WATER RIGHTS FOR THE CITY OF RENTON WATER SUPPLY SOURCES Ecology Amount of Current Capacity of Source of Supply Water Right Status File No. Water Right (gpm) Source (gpm) Springbrook Springs Certificate 463 1,032 600 Certificate G1-02605 1,050 Well No. 1 Certificate 886-D 1,040 Certificate 5838-A 960 Well No. 2 Certificate 887-D 1,040 Certificate 5836-A 1,960 Well No. 3 Certificate 5835-A 1,600 1,600 Replacement Well No. 1 Temporary Permit 2,200 Replacement Well No. 2 Temporary Permit 2,200 Replacement Well No. 3 Temporary Permit 2,200 Well No. 4 Certificate 844-D 170 Well No. 5 Certificate 3591-A 1,300 Certificate 5834-A 200 Replacement Well No. 5 Temporary Permit 1,250 Well No. 8 Certificate 6775-A 3,000 3,500 Certificate 6776-A 500 Well No. 9 Certificate G1-24191 1,300 1,300 Well No. 10* Temporary Permit G1-24783 1,600 1,600 I Well No. 11 Temporary Permit G1-24781 1,600 2,500 i Application G1-25396 1,400 Well No. 12* . Temporary Permit G1-24782 1,600 1,600 Well No. 14* Temporary Permit G1-25069 1,600 1,600 ' Well No. 15* Temporary Permit G1-25070 1,600 1,600 - Well No. 16* Temporary Permit G1-25071 1,600 1,600 Well No. 17 Application G1-25397 3,000 - 1,500 * Proposed wells currently in the planning phase Two significant changes have occurred with the status of the City's water rights since the publication of the 1983 Water Comprehensive Plan: 1. Production Well PW-9 was drilled and developed and was granted a water right for 1300 GPM; 2. The water rights of the City's production wells PW1, PW2, and PW3 are in the process of being transferred to the replacement wells RW1, RW2, and RW3. 6 - 10 Water Resources Production wells PW1 and PW2 have been abandoned. However, production well PW3 still remains operational. The City has submitted applications for water rights in the Maplewood area of the Cedar River Valley for Well nos. 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16. These applications were submitted in order to establish the City's priority under the "first in time, first in right" premise. At this time, action has been taken regarding several of these applications. In a letter dated March 14, 1988, Ecology granted temporary permits to drill, develop and test water production wells 10, 11, and 12. After Well No. 10 was unsuccessfully drilled (in its present location), Ecology granted a temporary permit to drill, develop, and test Production Well 17. At this time, the drilling, developing and testing of wells 11 and 17 have been completed, and the City is proceeding with perfecting the water rights for these two wells. It is possible under some situations to reserve water rights for the future. The Water Resource Act of 1971 set forth the procedures relating to the reservation of water for future public water supply. This regulation is covered under Chapter 173-590 WAC, which establishes and sets forth a procedure whereby any person within the State of Washington may petition Ecology to reserve water for future public water supply. The City is working closely with Ecology regarding its present and future water resource needs. Continuation of this relationship is essential to ensure future supply sources for the Renton water system. Several items may impact Ecology's ability to grant water rights or process water right reservations. First, it must be shown that new water wells do not impact stream flows in the Cedar River. The river valley is restricted to groundwater development under the guidelines and procedures identified in the Instream Resources Protection Program. The City has successfully shown that hydraulic continuity between the Cedar River Aquifer and the Cedar River is less than the maximum allowable standard set in the program for several of its wells currently under development. This was accomplished by developing a detailed computer model of the aquifer flow and recharge characteristics. The computer modelling program should continue, to allow future wells to be located in areas that do not impact the surface water flows in the river. Second is the potential passage of legislation which will reauire all water users to coordinate on a regional basis for water supply resources. If this legislation passes, the East King County Water Utility Coordinating Committee (EKC WUCC) could be the organizing body. This association is still in the formulation stage and has not developed specific policies or recommendations for regional water supply. Renton should continue to participate in regional organizations to ensure that Renton's water needs are preserved. Of particular concern is the preservation of Renton's high standards for water quality and reliability. Water Budget The City is preparing to develop a water budget for the Cedar River Basin in order to better manage all of its water resources and to evaluate the impacts that Well Nos. 10 and 12 and the Golf Course Irrigation Wells have on the Cedar River instream flow. The water budget will document the quantity of water entering the basin, including precipitation, snow melt, transfer of water from other basins via either the surface or subsurface, etc.; and the quantity of water leaving the basin,including per capita consumption,irrigation, fisheries enhancement, releases to Puget Sound, and transfers out of the basin via either direct release or subsurface flow. 6 - 11 CHAPTER SIX Consequently,the water budget will determine what flows are available to meet permitted water uses in various parts of the Cedar River Basin during different times of the year, thus creating a real-time management system. The water budget will supplement the lower Cedar River Basin Plan as well as the Cedar River Action Plan, which are intended to document surface water quantity and quality, respectively. The proposed water budget will be accomplished in a series of phases, which will provide increasing levels of accuracy, identification of levels of inaccuracy, and the significance of that inaccuracy on the overall water budget for the Cedar River Basin. 4. CHELAN AGREEMENT The Chelan Agreement is the result of bringing competing interest groups to the same table. In 1990, representatives from local government, tribes, state agencies, business, environmental, fisheries, recreation, and agriculture hammered out an agreement on how to cooperatively plan water resources on a regional level. As part of the agreement,the Water Resources Forum was created. It consists of representatives from the same eight interest groups. The Forum recommended the selection of two pilot projects to Ecology. The pilot projects will test how well the Chelan Agreement's regional planning process works. They are in the Methow Valley on the east side of the mountains and in the Dungeness/Quilcene area on the Olympic Peninsula. The Forum and Ecology will be watching how well the planning process works. After the two plans are developed,they will be implemented through local ordinances and Ecology regulations. Ecology and the Forum will then assess whether the planning process and its subsequent ordinances and regulations can be applied to other regions. The Chelan Agreement does not tell Ecology how to allocate water rights. Instead, it recommends a planning process in which all interest groups within a region have their say. Three groups can initiate the process: local governments, federally-recognized Indian tribes, or state agencies. Those three groups, along with representatives from the five remaining caucuses (and any other interest groups granted caucus status within the region),must reach a consensus about the plan. The plan will go through a SEPA process, including active public involvement and comment, prior to Ecology review. Once approved by Ecology, the plan becomes the new basis for allocating water rights in that region. Ecology may postpone some decisions about future water needs while the Chelan planning process evolves. In fact, many major water suppliers are deferring major basin plans until the regional planning process is in place. Ecology does,however,recognize that some decisions about pressing water needs must be made. If approval of a water right would create significant conflict among the seven interest groups, then a separate conflict resolution process could be initiated by either local governments, tribes, or a stat agency. It is called a Critical Situations Process and is spelled out in the Chelan Agreement, and has now been made an Ecology regulation. Ecology will expedite water rights applications when a local government demonstrates it needs the resources now, and no issues are raised by local governments, tribes, or state agencies. Before the water right is approved, however, the water system must prove that it is meeting conservation criteria, as mandated in the 1989 Water Conservation Act. Ecology believes, and 6 - 12 Water Resources local governments have concurred, that conservation in many areas will provide enough additional supply until the regional planning process works. It is too early to tell if the Chelan Agreement will be used as the vehicle for allocating all future water rights. It is clear that the procedures used in the past will be changed and new procedures adopted. One of the procedures that will be studied is the 'banking"of water rights. Ecology believes that in some areas, the available water has been over-allocated, and in some areas there are water rights that are not being used. Some regional water resource problems may be solved by retrieving the unused rights and distributing them to the over-allocated areas. Ecology is offering payment for the unused rights as an incentive to return them to the "water bank." Renton will actively pursue a cooperative role in the Chelan Agreement process,and will examine all of the water rights that have been allocated and are under City control. Unused and un-needed rights will be returned to the State for regional use. 5. WATER QUALITY The City's existing supply sources have been and are currently of high quality. Recent chemical analyses show that all supply sources are within the standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA), the Department of Health(DOH), and the American Water Works Association (AWWA). All of the City's existing supply sources are currently using chlorination for disinfection. Bacteriological Characteristics TABLE 6-4 summarizes the bacteriological data for several of the most recent samples collected from the City's supply sources. The bacteriological data shows that several samples collected during March of 1988 through November 1988 exceeded the maximum contaminant levels(MCL) as set forth under the DOH rules and regulations. The source of bacteriological contamination was identified as a broken sanitary sewer main located upstream of the City's well field. The broken main was located and repaired. The most recent samples show that the bacteriological results are within the MCL standards. TABLE 6-4 SUMMARY OF RAW GROUNDWATER BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSES - RENTON GROUNDWATER WELLS DATE Mar. 16, Sept. 7& Sept. 28, Nov. 5, Nov. 11 & Location 1988 14, 1988 1988 1988 12, 1988 REN-RW-1 10/100m1 0/5 tubes REN-RW-2 4/100m1 19/100m1 REN-RW-3 3/100m1 REN-PW-3 8/100m1 2/100m1 0/5 tubes REN-PW-8 4/100m1 2/100m1 0/5 tubes 6 - 13 CHAPTER SIX TABLE 6-4 SUMMARY OF RAW GROUNDWATER BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYSES - RENTON GROUNDWATER WELLS DATE Mar. 16, Sept. 7& Sept. 28, Nov. 5, Nov. 11 & U Location 1988 14, 1988 1988 1988 12, 1988 REN-PW-9 2/100m1 0/5 tubes REN-MW-1 0/5 tubes REN-MW-7 0/5 tubes REN-MW-8 0/5 tubes REN-MW-19 0/5 tubes REN-MW-20 0/5 tubes REN-MW-22 0/5 tubes NOTE: Bacteriological measurements were made using either the membrane filter test (number of coliform/100 ml) or the five-tube MPN method (number of positive tubes/5 tubes). Inorganic Chemicals and Physical Characteristics TABLE 6-5 summarizes the inorganic chemical and physical characteristics of the City's supply - } sources. At the present time, the USEPA has proposed maximum contaminant levels for eight inorganic chemicals. In addition, the maximum contamination levels have been set for copper, lead and fluoride. These proposed levels sometimes differ from those recognized by the DOH rules and regulations. However, a list of current and proposed inorganic chemicals is presented here. A noted addition under the physical characteristics is the measurement of asbestos fibers -and the measurement of Giardia Lamblia in the supply sources. Both of these physical characteristics are proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulations. TABLE 6-5 SUMMARY OF INORGANIC AND PHYSICAL CHEMICAL ANALYSES RENTON WATER SUPPLY SOURCES Renton Well Supplies Proposed Level RW-1, Springbrook City Water Quality (MCL) 2 & 3 PW-3 PW-8 PW-9 Springs Hall Parameter (mg 11) (mg'1) (mg/i) (mg IV (mg I1) (mg/i) (mg/i) INORGANIC CHEMICALS Barium 5.000 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 Cadmium 0.005 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 Chromium 0.100 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Copper 1.300 0.018 - Fluoride 2.000 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 6 . 14 Water Resources TABLE 6-5 SUMMARY OF INORGANIC AND PHYSICAL CHEMICAL ANALYSES RENTON WATER.SUPPLY SOURCES Renton Well Supplies Proposed Level RW-1, Springbrook City Water Quality (MCL) 2 & 3 PW-3 PW-8 PW-9 Springs Hall Parameter (mg/l) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/i) (mg 11) Lead 0.005 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Mercury 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Nitrate(as N) 10.000 0.52 0.76 0.42 0.43 2.7 Nitrate(as N) 1.000 Selenium 0.050 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 UNREGULATED INORGANICS Arsenic 0.050 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Chloride 250.000 . <10 13 <10 <10 <10 Iron 0.300 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.03 Manganese 0.050 <0.01 <0.01 , <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Sodium <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 Silver 0.050 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Sulfate 250.000 Zinc 5.000 0.077 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Asbestos(mil fibers/1) 7.000 0 Color(color units) 15 . <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Conductivity(mhos/cm) 700 86 220 81 160 210 Giardia Lamblia 0 Hardness 48 110 38 72 94 Total Dissolved Solids 500 98 Turbidity 0.1 NTU 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.08 pH 5.5 Lang@45°Fex -3.5 @ 55° F- 9 3 Pesticides, Trihalomethanes,Volatile and Synthetic Organic Chemicals TABLE 6-6 summarizes the organic chemical data for the City's supply sources. The USEPA has established National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for volatile organic chemicals (VOC). Under these standards,maximum contamination levels have been set for eight regulated 6 - 15 CHAPTER SIX i VOCs. In addition, 51 other VOCs have been recommended for monitoring, which include the four organic chemicals known as the Trihalomethanes. Chemical analyses of the City's supply - • sources show no contamination from volatile organic chemical or pesticides. TABLE 6-6 SUMMARY OF ORGANIC AND PHYSICAL CHEMICAL ANALYSES - RENTON WATER SUPPLY SOURCES Renton Well Supplies " Maximum -- Level RW-1, Springbrook Water Quality (MCL) 2 & 3 PW-3 PW-8 PW-9 Springs City Parameter (pg/1) (pg/1) (pg/l) (pg/1) (pg/1) (pg/l) Hall (pg/0 SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMICALS Endrin 0.2 <0.2 , <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 Lindane 4.0 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 Methoxychlor _ 100.0 <0.1 . <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Toxaphene 45.0 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 2,4-D 100.0 <2 , <2 <2 <2 <2 2,4,5-TP(Silvex) 10.0 <1 i <1 <1 <1 <1. VOLATILE ORGANIC CHEMICALS Benzene 5.0 0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Vinyl Chloride 2.0 <5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Carbon Tetrachloride 5.0 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 , i 1,2-Dichloroethane 5.0 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Trichloroethylene 5.0 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 1,1-Dichloroethane " 7.0 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 1,1,1-Trichloroethylene 200.0 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 P-Dichlorobenzene 75.0 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Tetrachloroethylene <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES Total Trihalomethanes 100.0 30.5 21.8 28.4 26.1 Chloroform 25.0 19.2 18.3 14.5 Bromodichloromethane 2.7 2.1 8.9 8.2 Bromoform <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 Chlorodibromomethane 2.8 0.5 1.2 3.4 Renton should continue to promote production.of the highest quality water possible. Recent regulation changes, and the potential for stricter Federal quality standards, may require that __ Renton install additional water treatment equipment. This is particularly true with the new standards proposed for lead removal. The City should participate to the extent possible 6 - 16 Water Resources in the development of reasonable standards, and should respond promptly to treatment requirements. The operating staff currently samples production well water every 3 months for VOCs, or more frequently if quality complaints are.received. The samples are sent to local laboratories for analysis and typical turn-around time for sample results is 6 weeks or more. A comprehensive sampling program will require that sample results be obtained within a one or two day period, to protect the public health from undetected contaminations; therefore, the City should obtain their own water quality laboratory. The sampling locations are shown in FIGURE 1. Lead The presence of lead in drinking water is currently being reviewed by the Environmental Protection Agency, and preliminary indications are that all Municipalities will be required to meet zero tolerance lead standards (undetectable levels). Lead is introduced into the water system through lead joint pipe, lead solder fittings, and galvanized iron pipe. The City has a small amount of lead joint pipe which may need to be removed in the near future. Current city construction standards do not allow the use of galvanized pipe or lead solder in the distribution system; however, many homes are still constructed using these materials. It is unclear where the City's responsibility for removing lead contaminants will end. We recommend that the City pursue the following actions for lead related water quality problems: 1. Begin a program to remove all lead joint pipe and other distribution system items which are potential contributors of lead in the drinking water. 2. Maintain communications with State and Federal regulatory agencies regarding new and pending lead related legislation. Comply with all requirements. 3. Discourage the use of g galvanized pipe and lead solder fittings in residential and commercial plumbing systems. Corrosivity Renton's water is extremely corrosive, having a Langlier Index of-3.3 to -3.5. Corrosive water reduces the service life of plumbing, distribution system mains,pumps, treatment systems, and reservoirs. Several methods exist for controlling the corrosive properties of water, including raising the pH and adding sequestering chemicals to the supply sources to form a protective coating on the interior of pipes, pumps and reservoirs. Corrosion control measures should be examined to determine the most effective way to mitigate Renton's corrosive water. 6. Water Quality Laws The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was enacted in 1974 as a result of public concern about water quality. However,it did not address all of the public's concern about unregulated organic contaminants. Their concern,along with frequent contamination of groundwater from industrial solvents and pesticides, created the momentum to substantially revise the original act, which 6 . 17 CHAPTER SIX resulted in the SDWA amendments of 1986. Subsequently,many new regulations based on these amendments have been developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). Regulations which will be discussed here include the Surface Water Treatment Rule(SWTR),the Total Coliforms Rule, the Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs) and Unregulated Contaminants Rule, the Public Notification Rule, the Lead and Copper Rule, the Radionuclides Rule, and the Wellhead Protection Program. It should be noted that the State is responsible for adopting and implementing the SDWA amendments; hence, the finalized rules may be stricter. The Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) The Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), finalized on June 29, 1989 and made effective on December 30, 1990, covers all public water systems using surface water, which includes groundwater under the direct influence of surface water. Its purpose is to protect the public from waterborne diseases. It stipulates two general rules: First, all surface waters must be disinfected;and second,all surface waters must be filtered unless certain stringent water quality source requirements, disinfection, and site-specific conditions are met. Treatment is required because it is difficult to monitor for particular microorganisms. The State must review groundwater systems to ensure they are not under the influence of surface water. States have until June 29, 1994 to determine which groundwater systems are subject to the SWTR. If a system is designated not under the influence, then it only needs to comply with current State requirements. If a system is designated as under the influence and is unfiltered, then the system has six months to begin fulfilling the SWTR's monitoring and reporting requirements, and if Maximum Contaminant Level(MCL)violations occur, the utility has to install filtration within 18 months. The City will be exempt from the rule if they can prove that their groundwater source is not directly connected to surface water or, as worded in the rule, is not under the direct influence of surface water. The State will develop criteria for determining a direct influence. Groundwater systems likely to be under the influence include springs,infiltration galleries,Ranney wells,and wells less than 50 feet deep. The SWTR went into effect on August 1, 1991, but the State DOH requested an 18-month extension to promulgate its own rules. Basically, to avoid filtration, surface systems must: 1. Comply with turbidity MCLs 2. Comply with coliform MCLs 3. Meet the disinfection requirements for systems that do not filter 4. Maintain a watershed control program 5. Comply with trihalomethane (THAI) requirements For complete details on the regulatory requirements, please see the Surface Water Rule, A Working Explanation of the Surface Water Treatment Rule, published by the American Water Works Association. 6 - 18 Water Resources Total Coliforms Rule Coliforms are one group of microbiological contaminants regulated as part of the SDWA amendments. Total coliforms, which include the fecal coliforms, are usually not pathogenic. However, their presence in drinking water indicates the potential presence of pathogens associated with waterborne disease outbreaks. Presence of fecal coliforms in drinking water indicates the possibility of an urgent public health problem. The Total Coliform Rule may impact the City because it mandates two major changes in current procedures for total coliform testing: 1. The testing must be based on the presence or absence of total coliforms in a given sample, not on an estimate on the specific density of coliforms. 2. All samples testing positive for total coliforms must be followed by repeat sampling to further test whether fecal coliforms are present. The Total Coliform Rule requires considerably more monitoring than under the original law, especially by small systems. In addition, every public water system must develop a monitoring plan, with sampling locations, subject to approval by the State. Sanitary surveys are intended to serve as another line of defense against contamination by alerting water systems and state governments of possible health risks that may not be apparent from routine coliform sampling. The sanitary survey is conducted by the State or an agent of the State. The Total Coliform Rule calls for initial and subsequent sanitary surveys of systems serving 4,100 or fewer persons within a specified number of years. For community water systems,the survey must be completed by June 1994, and a subsequent survey completed in the next five years. The sanitary survey consists of three parts: planning,surveying, and reporting. The SWTR and the Total Coliform Rule are closely related. If the concentration of coliform exceeds the standards in the SWTR, mandatory source water disinfection would be required. If the coliform presence does not exceed the standard in the SWTR, available technologies, other than disinfection, can be used to correct the problem. Examples include: protection of wells by appropriate placement and construction; proper maintenance of the distribution system, including main-flushing programs; revised operation andmaintenance of storage tanks and reservoirs; and continual maintenance of positive water pressure in all parts of the distribution system. Public water systems must develop a monitoring plan and begin monitoring for total coliforms by August 1, 1991. AWWA has published a document entitled Total Coliforms: A Working Explanation of the Total Coliform Rule, which contains a detailed explanation of compliance and violation requirements for the Total Coliform Rule. VOCs and Unregulated Contaminants Rule Volatile (synthetic) organic chemicals (VOCs) are chemicals that evaporate or vaporize easily. Millions of pounds of VOCs are manufactured each year and used as solvents, degreasing compounds, and raw materials for production of other compounds. The VOC Rule,published on July 8,1987 and effective on January 9,1989,includes maximum contaminant levels(MCLs)and monitoring requirementsfor eight VOCs in drinking water. It also establishes monitoring requirements for 51 other unregulated contaminants. 6 - 19 CHAPTER SIX Trihalomethanes (THMs)were the first VOCs regulated by the EPA in 1979. At that time, the EPA was primarily concerned about VOCs in surface water. However,it became apparent that a considerable amount of groundwater is contaminated by organic compounds other than THMs, most of which are VOCs. The VOC monitoring standard requires taking one sample per quarter for each groundwater source. Composite samples of up to five sources are allowed. Implementation of the initial monitoring requirements are phased, based on the size of the population served, with small systems allowed to have the longest time period for implementing them. For example, public water systems with less than 3,300 people must begin monitoring on January 1, 1991 and finish by December 31, 1991. The sampling site and monitoring frequency depend on the source water type. Systems with groundwater sources must sample at points of entry into the system. Repeat monitoring has to take place every five years for systems where no VOCs were detected in the initial sample and the source was not designated as vulnerable. A system is considered vulnerable for a period of three years after any positive sample of one or more VOCs. At this time, the State is informing utilities when to monitor on an individual basis. Violations of VOC levels requires treatment. The utility has 90 days to comply once notified by the State to monitor for VOCs and unregulated contaminants. The VOCs and Unregulated Contaminants: A Working Explanation of the VOC in Unregulated Contaminants Rule, as published by the American Water Works Association, describes the best available technologies for treatment of VOCs, possible variances, and exemptions to the VOCs f rule, and lists the VOCs and unregulated contaminants. Public Notification Rule The American Water Works Association has published a document on public notification, A Working Explanation of the Public Notification Regulation Rule, which describes the procedures for notifying the public when the water system violates any of the standards for contaminants regulated. The revised public notification requirements took effect on April 1989; therefore, utilities should begin outlining a procedure for compliance with this rule. Lead and Copper Rule The EPA has developed a universal corrosion control program for medium- and large-size utilities. Systems with more than 50,000 customers must begin corrosion control treatment. The State will be required to develop acceptable treatment alternatives. The EPA will publish a corrosion control guidance manual to aid states and water utilities in implementing this rule. For both lead and copper, the EPA has defined "action levels." The action level for lead is greater than 0.015 mg/1 in more than 10% of high-risk homes (undefined). The action level for copper is greater than 1.3 mg/1. When these action levels are exceeded, the EPA requires the following steps to be undertaken: extensive additional sampling,treatment systems to minimize concentrations of lead and copper attributable to source water, and public education programs to reduce exposure. Water systems that continue to exceed lead action levels would be required to replace all lead source connections that contribute in excess of 0.015 mg/1 to tap water lead levels. 6 - 20 Water Resources The City will be required to begin monitoring in July of 1992 at approximately 40 sampling sites every 6 months. Radionuclides Rule The EPA is currently developing new regulations for monitoring of radium 226 and 228, uranium, and radon (radionuclides). Proposed MCLs are 300p CO for radon and 20p CO for uranium and radium 226 and 228. The final rule is due March 1992. Monitoring for radionuclides is to be scheduled on a nine-year compliance cycle divided into three-year compliance periods, with the first period beginning January 1, 1993. During each three-year compliance period, systems will monitor radionuclides at the time specified by the State or other primary agency. The number of samples will vary depending on how the distribution system is supplied;i.e.,by several groundwater and/or surface water sources. Water systems should analyze for the radionuclides covered by the rule and determine whether changes in treatment practices will be necessary, and if so, estimate the cost of treatment. An article describing the new radionuclide regulation was published in the AWWA Journal, April 1991. The Wellhead Protection Program The amendments to the SDWA require states to develop a Wellhead Protection Program and submit it to the EPA for review and approval by June 19, 1989. The underlying purpose of the program is to protect public water supply wells from sources of contamination. To date, only six of thirty states that have submitted their Wellhead Protection Programs have had their submittals approved by the EPA. Washington has not submitted a Wellhead Protection Program. SWDA's Impact on the City Since groundwater supplies City customers,Renton will primarily be concerned with compliance with the Total Coliform Rule, the Lead and Copper Rule, and Radionuclides Rule (radon removal). Exotic organic and inorganic contaminants,which require significantly more expensive treatment technologies, rarely occur in public water supplies at levels above proposed MCLs. The City has already developed an aquifer protection plan in an effort to avoid disinfection. A study is currently underway by EES To identify the specific impacts of the new water quality laws. The water quality study should continue as needed until all standards and requirements have been satisfied. It is widely accepted that all municipal water supply systems will eventually need to filter and treat all potable water supplied to the public. If this is true, Renton will eventually need to construct a water treatment plant near the existing Cedar River well field. The Utility Department should pursue the acquisition of a treatment plant site for future use. 6 . 21 Chapter Seven POLICIES AND DESIGN CRITERIA 1. INTRODUCTION The policies,design criteria and standards used in the water system are based on laws and policy which originate from six sources as follows: Federal Regulations 'Jr State Regulations 1 Renton City Council 1 Renton Mayor 1 Public Works Administration 1 Water Utility Staff The laws and policies adopted by these sources are used to operate the water system on a day-to- day basis and to plan for growth and improvements to the system. The objective is to provide high-quality water service at a minimum customer cost. 7 - 1 CHAPTER SEVEN I The highest three levels of establishing policies and laws - 1) Federal Regulations, 2) State Regulations, and 3) Renton City Council - dictate requirements that are set by law. An entity lower on the list may not adopt laws or policies that are less stringent or in conflict with laws or policies adopted by an agency higher on the list. Law is set by the Federal government through Federal regulations, by the State of Washington in the form of Statutes, and by City Council in the form of ordinances. The last three entities - 1) Mayor, 2)Public Works Administration, and 3)Water Utility Staff- dictate requirements that are set as policy. In general,lower entities do not conflict with policy set by a higher entity. The policies are set in the form of Memorandums and Job Descriptions, and are summarized in this Comprehensive Plan. The laws, policies and standards established are used to determine if the existing water system is deficient under various existing and future water demand conditions. The system's ability to meet these demands are detailed in Chapter 8, and recommended improvements are identified in Chapter 9. It is important to understand that if standards are set too low,customers will not be satisfied, and if standards are too high, the cost of installing and operating facilities to meet such standards is too high. All of the policies and standards have the general purpose of providing an acceptable level of service to the water rate payers. "Service" is therefore the single most important aspect of the construction, operation, maintenance and administration of the water system. The following categories combine to meet this service goal: 1. Supply 2. Customer Service 3. Finance 4. Facilities 5. Organization A policy outline is shown in TABLE 7-1. The policies associated with each category are identified in this Chapter. - 7 - 2 TABLE 7-1 WATER POLICY OUTLINE SERVICE V V V V V SUPPLY I I CUSTOMER I FINANCIAL FACILITIES I ORGANIZATIONAL I SERVICE CO POLICYSTATEMFNT POIJCYSTATEMFNF POLICY STATEMEVT POLICY STATEMENT POIJCYSTATEMEIYT Provide the highest quality Provide the customer with Provide water supply at a Maintain all facilities to Provide sufficient staff to water in sufficient quantity adequate or better service reasonable cost to all achieve maximum use achieve all other policy to meet the needs of the customers go 'r.1 City 0 r 2 Aquifer Praion Annexations Cost of Service Design Criteria Structure w tat inseam Resources Service Inside City Zero Based Financing Level of Maintenance Level of Staffing Quality Goals Regional Participation Inside City Rates Level of Reliability Responsibilities Regional Supply Service w/U Annexation Outside City Rates Vulnerability Criteria Other Department, Conservation Temporary Service LID's Joint Use b Water Rights Emegeey Service Latecomer's Czi Chelan Agreement Planning Boundaries Systee Development Charges ' 4 Treatment (r] Corrodon Control 7i O 4 V CHAPTER SEVEN 2. SUPPLY POLICIES Quality Protection (Source: City Policy) • Renton will pursue Aquifer Protection and other methods to meet or exceed all water quality laws and standards. • Renton will take all reasonable measures to protect its supply aquifers. • Aquifer Protection is the Water Utility's highest priority. • The quality goal of the Water Utility is to maintain water quality at a level that meets or exceeds the water quality in its natural state. • Renton will pursue and maintain an active role in protecting the regional environment. • The Water Utility will pursue maximum supply rates without impacting the regional environment. Quantity (Source: City Policy, State Law) • The Water Utility will meet or exceed all laws and regulations. • The Water Utility will observe water rights seniority. • Renton will pursue the acquisition of water rights to meet or exceed saturation development conditions. Conservation (Source: City Policy) • Renton will promote the efficient and responsible use of water and will conserve during a water shortage. Regional Participation (Source: City Policy) • Renton will participate on Regional Supply activities to reduce cost of service and improve reliability, quantity and water quality. • Renton will supply all customers within the City limits. 3. CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICIES Annexations (Source: City Policy, State Law) • Areas annexed without existing municipal supply will be served by Renton. • Areas annexed with existing municipal supply must meet Renton Water Standards. 7 - 4 POLICIES AND DESIGN CRITERIA • Renton will follow state guidelines in the assumption of facilities in annexation I areas. • Service to areas outside of the City limits without annexation will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the City Council. • Renton Water will not be mixed with water supplied by other systems. • Areas annexed with existing municipal supply will not be supplied with Renton water. Temporary Services (Source: City Policy) • Compliance with standards may be deferred for temporary water service. Emergency Service (Source: City Policy) • Compliance with standards may be deferred for emergency water service. • Policy criteria may be waived for emergency service. -' Planning Boundaries (Source: City Policy) • For planning purposes, the City will use water service boundaries established by 100 agreement as a result of the regional coordinated water system plans, and agreements with Kent. • Renton will follow state guidelines in assuming portions of adjacent water systems as a result of annexation. 4. FINANCIAL POLICIES • The utilities will use a rate setting process which complies with standards established by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). • Rates and additional charges established for the Water Utility should be: Cost-based rates which recover current, historical, and future costs associated with Renton's water system and services. - Equitable charges to recover costs from utility customers commensurate with the benefits they receive. Adequate and stable source of funds to cover the current and future annual cash needs of the Water Utility; and - Easy for the customer to understand and easy for the customer to administer. • The existing customers of the Water Utility will pay the direct and indirect costs of operating and maintaining the facilities through user rates. In addition, the 7 - 5 CHAPTER SEVEN user rates will include debt service incurred to finance the capital assets of the Utility. • • New customers seeldng to connect to the water system will be required to pay a special utility connection fee for an equitable share of the historical cost of the system's capital improvement plan. Connection fee revenue will be used to finance the Capital Improvement Program. • New and existing customers will be charged for extra services through a separate ancillary charge based on the cost to provide the service. Ancillary charges can increase equitability and increase operating efficiency by discouraging unnecessary demand for services by the customers. Revenue from ancillary charges will be used to finance annual operations and maintenance. • The utilities will maintain information systems which provide sufficient financial and statistical information to ensure conformance with rate-setting policies and objectives. • There are two widely-used, generally-accepted methods for determining the total revenue requirements of a water utility-the cash basis and the utility basis. The water rates will be developed using the cash basis, which is a method commonly used by publicly owned utilities. • The user charges must be sufficient g to provide cash for the expenses of operating 11111 and maintaining the utility. To ensure the fiscal and physical integrity of the utility, an amount should be set aside each year for capital expenditures from retained earnings. That is, an amount should be set aside to cover some portion of the depreciation of the physical plant. The amount may be transferred from the Water Fund to the Construction Fund for general purposes or for specific purposes such as to create a reserve for main replacement. • A Working Capital Reserve will be maintained to cover unanticipated emergencies, bad debts, and fluctuations in cash flow. The cash reserve will be equal to $500,000 for both the Operating and the Construction Fund based on the amount used by the Finance Department. • Customers should be classified as single-family, multi-family, commercial, industrial, governmental, senior citizen, hydrant, and fire protection. These are the existing customer classes for the utility. • The criteria used to project demand and size facilities will be based on the "worst case" comparison of: 1) historical or 2) comprehensive planning statistics. This will result in conservative financial planning. • The growth rate and the inflation rate will be based on rates used by the Finance Department. • The large industrial users will be charged for services on the same basis as all other users. - - 7 - 6 • POLICIES AND DESIGN CRITERIA • For customers residing outside the City limits, water rates are 1.5 times the residential City rates. • The utility will use generally accepted cost allocation principles for all cost allocation purposes. • The water rates will be based on either the Base-extra capacity method or the Commodity-demand method. Both methods strive to equitably charge customers with different service requirements based on the cost of providing the water service. Service requirements relate to the total volume of water used,peak rates of use, and other factors. • The water utility provides fire protection services in addition to water services. A separate cost allocation for fire protection services should be established. • The utility's fees and charges should be calculated for the service area as a whole. Rates will be the same regardless of service location (except for the inside city/outside city distinction discussed earlier). •. The utility will charge customers for extra service through a separate ancillary charge based on the cost to provide the service. The charges should be reviewed regularly and updated annually based on increases in the Consumer Price Index for the Renton area. 11110 • Following are the additional charges currently adopted for the utility. Fee ($) Year Adopted Water Meter Installation (3/4") 400 1982 Water Meter Installation (1" and up) Cost + 15% 1982 • Turn off/on 20 1987 Delinquent Charge 10 1974 Violation Charge 20 1982 Meter Testing(for 3/4" increase with size) 5 1974 • The term "connection fees" refers to the one-time fee paid by a property owner when connecting to the water system. The utility will charge,for the actual cost of services and equipment required to make a new connection(hookup fee or meter charge) and will charge a reasonable fee so that new customers will bear an equitable share of the historical cost of the system. • According to Ordinance #4205, the owner of properties which have not been assessed or charged or borne an equitable share of the cost of the water 7 - 7 CHAPTER SEVEN distribution and water plant facilities shall pay prior to connection to a water Ilp main one or more of four special connection charges: • 1. Latecomer Fees. Per Ordinance#4189,latecomers'agreements are granted to developers, owners, and the City for the reimbursement of a pro rata portion of the original costs of water systems. 2. Special Assessment Charge. The special assessment is a charge for the historical costs for the water distribution system, which shall include the water distribution mains that lie adjacent to or near properties that would benefit directly therefrom that were not installed by LIDs or by a private developer under a Latecomers Agreement. The charge will be based on: A. The number of units of property frontage to be serviced by the water system determined in the manner prescribed in RCWs for determining "assessable units of frontage" multiplied by the actual local improvement assessment per unit of frontage for such facility in Renton for the year in which the main was completed. B. In addition,there shall be a charge of 10%per annum added to such cost but not larger than 150% of the original assessment cost. 3. Special Utility Connection Charge. The Special Utility Connection Charge shall be assessed against any property that has not participated in the � development of the water system, induding the wells, pump stations, �, reservoirs, and transmission mains. The charge shall be: A. $300 per single family residence and mobile home; B. $175 per living unit of an apartment,condominium,motel or similar multi-family occupancy residential structure; C. 4¢ per square foot of property connected for all other properties. 4. Inspection and Approval Fees. Inspection and approval fees will be charged flat rate of 2% of the cost of construction. 5. FACILITY POLICIES This section details the planning criteria to be used to establish an optimum behavior level and a standard of quality for the Water system. Pressure (Source: City Policy) • A minimum of 30 pounds per square inch (psi) at customer meters shall be provided during normal demand conditions, not including a fire or emergency. 7 - 8 POLICIES AND DESIGN CRITERIA 111) • A maximum of 130 psi at system meters shall be provided during normal demand conditions, not including pressure surges. Pressure over 80 psi will be reduced with individual PRVs. • Maximum allowable pressure suppression during normal demands is 30 psi. • During fire conditions, the minimum pressure at any major risk and in the remainder of the system is 20 psi in the water main (also ISO criteria). • During a failure of any part of the system,the maximum pressure shall not exceed the normal pressure rating of the pipe, generally 150 psi. Velocities (Source: City Policy) • Under normal conditions, the velocity of water in a transmission main should be less than 4 feet per second (fps) during demand periods. • Under emergency conditions,such as a fire,the velocity of water in a transmission main shall be less than 8 fps. Source of Supply • It is the City's policy to pursue the elimination of all supply from the Seattle Cedar River Transmission Pipelines and to supply all customers within the Water System's service area from the City's supply sources. However,the Seattle supply meters will remain operational to provide emergency supply if it is necessary. • The City is actively pursuing saturation planning for supply sources so that future water resource limitations can be handled effectively and the impacts of limitations can be minimized. • The capacity of the source of supply, wells,springs,booster stations,and transmission mains, shall be sufficient to meet maximum day demand(including industrial demand) and to replenish storage used during a fire within 72 hours after a fire. The supply system should be capable of meeting this criteria with the largest supply source out of service, or any other combination of failure that is considered reasonably possible which has an effect on supply sizing, locating or , planning. Storage (Source: Washington State Department of Health [DOH], City Policy, Engineering Practice) • Storage within the Distribution System must be of sufficient capacity to supplement transmission supply when peaking demands are greater than the maximum day demand rate (equalizing storage) and still maintain sufficient storage for a fire or other emergency condition. • Equalizing storage must be stored above the elevation which yields a 30 psi service pressure to the highest service in the zone. 7 - 9 CHAPTER SEVEN • Fireflow storage must be stored above the elevation which yields a 20 psi service pressure to the highest service in the zone. • The emergency storage criteria available from the ISO were considered in the study. The quantity of emergency storage provided will approach these requirements as closely as possible,considering economic factors and other design criteria. • Sufficient emergency storage must be provided so that should a fire occur, the supply capacity from the reservoirs would be sufficient to fight the fire while meeting the average rate of the maximum day demand. • Sufficient storage for a fire condition is the product of the fire protection water demand and the required duration. • Location of storage facilities should be in areas where they will satisfy the following requirements: 1. Minimize fluctuations in system pressure during normal demands. 2. Maximize use of the storage facilities during fires and peak demands. 3. Improve the reliability of the supply for the Water System. Transmission and Distribution (Source: American Water Works Association [AWWA], City Policy) • Where practical, transmission and distribution mains shall be looped to increase reliability and decrease head losses. • All mains shall comply with the generally recognized design criteria from the AWWA as follows: 1. In residential areas,the grid of distribution mains should consist of mains at least 6" in diameter arranged so that the lengths on the long sides of block between intersecting mains do not exceed 600'. Where longer lengths of pipe are necessary, 8" or larger mains are required. Where the layout of the streets and the topography are not well adapted to the above arrangements, or where dead ends and poor looping are unavoidable, 8" should be the minimum main size. 2. In high-value districts, the minimum size should be 8", with intersecting mains in each street; 12" or larger mains should be used on the principal streets and for all lines that are not connected to other mains at intervals close enough for proper mutual support. • All new construction shall be in accordance with the Renton Standards for additions to the Water System. 7 - 10 POLICIES AND DESIGN CRITERIA ‘10 • Distribution System design assumes that only adequately-sized service line will be used. All residential service lines will be 3/4"or larger copper,according to City ordinance. Service lines will be the same size as the meter. • Valve installations shall satisfy the following criteria: 1. Zone valves shall be located at all pressure zone interfaces to allow future pressure zone re-alignment without the need for additional pipe construction. 2. Isolation valves shall be located wherever necessary to allow individual pipelines to be shut down for repair or installing services. A minimum of three valves shall be provided per cross, and two valves per tee. 3. Air/vacuum release valves shall be placed at all high points or "crowns" in all pipelines. 4. Individual service pressure reducing or check valves are recommended for all new customer service lines in the City. The pressure reducing valves protect customers from high pressures in case of failure of a pressure reducing station. Check valves prevent hot water tanks from emptying into the transmission main when the main is empty and prevent contamination of the system mains due to possible cross-connections in the customer's service. • Cross Connection Control shall conform to WAC 248-54-235 and accepted procedure and practice in Cross Connection Control by Pacific Northwest AWWA. Booster Pump Stations (Source: DOH Policy, City Policy) • All existing and future booster stations should be modified/constructed to comply with the following minimum standards: 1. All structures should be non-combustible, where practical. 2. All buildings should have adequate heating,cooling,ventilation,insulation, lighting, and work spaces necessary for on-site operation and repair. 3. Underground vaults should be avoided where possible due to the increased potential of flooding, electrocution, and other hazards. 4. Sites should be fenced to reduce vandalism and City liability where appropriate. 5. Each station shall be equipped with a flow meter, and all necessary instrumentation to assist personnel in operating and troubleshooting the facility. 7 - 11 CHAPTER SEVEN 6. Emergency power capability shall be provided to at least one booster pump station supplying each booster zone. • Booster stations should be placed wherever necessary to fulfill the following criteria: 1. Provide supply redundancy to a pressure zone. 2. Improve the hydraulic characteristics of a pressure zone. 3. Reduce the cost of water supply. 4. Improve water quality (i.e., increase circulation). Pressure Reducing Stations (Source: City Policy) • The City has a standard design for pressure reducing stations. The standard design reduces design costs and minimizes confusion. • All pressure reducing valves should be placed in vaults that are large enough to provide ample work space for field inspection and repair of the valves. Vaults should be tall enough to allow operating personnel to stand erect. • Vaults should drain to daylight or be equipped with sump pumps to prevent vault flooding. • Pressure relief valves should be provided on the low pressure side of the PRV to prevent System overpressuring in case of a valve failure. • High pressure alarms should be transmitted to the central control cabinet to alert operating personnel of the PRV failure. Control (Source: City Policy) • Control must be capable of optimizing the operation of the Water System's components in response to reservoir levels, System pressures, abnormal System conditions, electrical power rate structure, and water costs. Maintenance (Source: City Policy) • Equipment breakdown is given highest maintenance priority, and repairs should be made even if overtime labor is involved. • Equipment should be replaced when it becomes obsolete. • Worn parts should be repaired, replaced, or rebuilt before they represent a high failure probability. • Equipment that is out-of-service should be returned to service as soon as possible. • A preventive maintenance schedule shall be established for all facilities, equipment and processes. 7 - 12 POLICIES AND DESIGN CRITERIA • Spare parts shall be stocked for all equipment items whose failure will impact the ability to meet other policy standards. • Tools shall be obtained and maintained to repair all items whose failure will impact the ability to meet other policy standards. • Dry,heated shop space shall be available to all maintenance personnel to maintain facilities. • All maintenance personnel shall be trained in the procedures and techniques necessary to efficiently perform their job descriptions. • Maintenance shall be performed by the water maintenance staff and supervised by the Field Superintendent. • Written records and reports will be maintained on each facility and item of equipment showing operation and maintenance history. Reliability (Source: DOH Criteria, City Policy) • Supply to the service area will be pursued to meet maximum day demand during a reasonable "worst case" supply system failure. • Supply to each pressure zone will be provided to meet maximum day demand _ - during a reasonable "worst case" supply system failure. • At saturation development,interties with adjacent systems may not be reliable or available. • System demand planning will use historical demand data and assume all available land will be developed at saturation. ' Vulnerability (Source: City Policy) • Supply vulnerability analysis will be performed to determine a reasonable "worst case" failure for each pressure zone. The analysis will consider the following condition: 1. Failure of the largest source of supply. 2. Failure of the largest mechanical component. 3. Power failure to a single power grid. 4. Reservoir out of service. • Storage vulnerability analysis will be performed to determine a "worst case" failure for each pressure zone. The analysis will consider the following conditions: 1. Maximum day demand with simultaneous fire. 2. Maximum day demand with largest supply service out-of-service. 7 - 13 CHAPTER SEVEN 111 Joint Use (Source: City Policy) • All joint use facilities must comply with Renton Policy and design standards. • Joint use facilities which supply a portion of the city that cannot be supplied from other sources in the event the joint use facility is out-of-service will be maintained by the City of Renton. • Joint use facilities will be pursued only in those areas that improve reliability or '. operating costs. 6. ORGANIZATIONAL POLICIES Structure (Source: City Policy) • The Water Utility shall be operated as an Enterprise Utility (financially self- supporting). • The Water Utility shall consist of the following divisions: Planning and Design Operations and Maintenance • Water Utility management is accomplished by the Public Works Department , managers. • The Water Utility shall operate to administer only the municipal water system. Stormwater, Wastewater, and other utilities are not administered in the Water Utility. • Water Utility Customer Service is performed by the Public Works Customer Service Division. Staffing (Source: City Policy, State Requirements) • The Utility staff level is established by the City Council based on the financial resources of the City. • Personnel certification will comply with State standards. The Water Utility _ Supervisor and Maintenance Supervisor shall be certified W.D.M. III. Responsibilities (Source: City Policy) • The Water Utility has the responsibility for potable water system operation. • Planning, Design, Operations and Maintenance, and Construction will be accomplished by the Water Utility. 7 - 14 POLICIES AND DESIGN CRITERIA p • Financing, customer billing, records management, and customer service are not performed by the Water Utility. Relationship with Other Departments (Source: City Policy) • The Finance Department is responsible for customer billing, payment collection, project cost accounting, and fund activity reporting. • The Personnel Department is responsible for employee records, union labor negotiations, and salary schedules. • The Fire Department uses water utility facilities for fire protection and establishes fireflow requirements. • The Fire Department is responsible for emergency responses to chlorine leaks or other hazardous events at water system facilities. • The Police Department is responsible for enforcing violations of City water ordinances. • The Fire Department is responsible for hydrant fireflow testing. • Fire hydrant testing is performed jointly by the Fire Department and the Water Department. 7 - 15 Chapter Eight SYSTEM ANALYSIS 1. INTRODUCTION This chapter compares the existing facilities in the water system, with those needed to comply with policies and design standards identified in Chapter 7. It is divided into four sections: 1) Supply, 2) Storage, 3) Distribution System, and 4) Water Quality. 2. SUPPLY ANALYSIS The purpose of this section is to determine the number and capacity of supply sources required in the water system during current demand conditions and at saturation development. This information will then be used to identify deficiencies in the existing system, and to direct development of new supply sources so that they are compatible with future developments in each operating area. The supply requirements identified in this section are for the existing service area, including Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water and Sewer District, using the best available information in land use classification,both existing and saturation. Calculations are based on existing demand data and saturation demand projections listed in Chapter 5. This chapter will not address supply water quality, water supply options, or regional supply impacts. These issues are discussed in Chapter 6. This section will identify supply rates and volumes only, regardless of the origin of the source. Each operating area was analyzed based on the policy criteria listed in Chapter 7,using the five peak demand days in 1987. A saturation supply requirement was calculated by increasing peak demands for the five peak days by anticipated growth in each area. Four separate analyses were performed for each operating area to determine which demand situation requires the largest supply: 1)maximum day demand alone,2) maximum day demand with fire, 3) maximum day demand plus supply failure, and 4) maximum day demand plus replenish standby storage in 72 hours. In each operating area, Situation 2, maximum day demand with a fire, produced the largest supply requirements. A summary of the supply requirements by operating area is listed in TABLE 8-1. TABLE 8-1 SUPPLY CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS 1987 gallons per minute (gpm) Saturation (gpm) 196 Zone Max Day Demand 14,133 28,720 Fireflow Required 6,000 6,000 Supply Required 20,133 34,720 Existing Supply 22,585 22,585 Supply Deficit 0 12,135 8 - 1 II CHAPTER EIGHT TABLE 8-1 SUPPLY CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS 1987 gallons per minute (gpm) Saturation (gpm) Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 Zone Max Day Demand 3,986 11,570 Fireflow Required 6,000 6,000 Supply Required 9,986 17,570 Existing Supply 6,400 11,400 Supply Deficit 3,586 6,170 Highlands 565 Zone Max Day Demand 2,118 6,370 Fireflow Required 6,000 6,000 Supply Required 8,118 12,370 Existing Supply 6,400 6,400 Supply Deficit 1,718 5,970 West Hill 495/270 Zone Max Day Demand 1,318 1,376 Fireflow Required 3,000 3,000 Supply Required 4,318 4,376 Existing Supply 3,500 2,400 Supply Deficit 818 1,976 Rolling Hill 590 Zone Max Day Demand 671 1,473 Fireflow Required 6,000 6,000 Supply Required 6,671 7,473 Existing Supply 6,215 6,215 Supply Deficit 456 1,258 Rolling Hill 490 Zone Max Day Demand 348 803 Fireflow Required 6,000 6,000 Supply Required 6,348 6,803 Existing Supply lY 0 0 Supply Deficit 6,348 6,803 Talbot Hill 350 Zone Max Day Demand 262 1,462 Fireflow Required 6,000 6,000 Supply Required 6,262 7,462 Existing Supply 8,300 8,300 Supply Deficit 0 0 As can be seen,only the 196 Zone and Talbot Hill 350 Zone have adequate supply to comply with the policy and design standards. At saturation, all areas will require additional supply capacity PPY ca P Y i except the Talbot Hill 300 Zone. The following improvements are necessary,and are summarized in TABLE 8-2 (Note: All values have been rounded). 8 - 2 System Analysis 1. 196 ZONE: Increase saturation supply by 12,500 gpm. 2. HIGHLANDS 435/ Increase existing supply by 3,750 gpm. KENNYDALE 320: Increase saturation supply by 6,500 gpm. 3. HIGHLANDS 565 Increase existing supply by 2,000 gpm. ZONE: Increase saturation supply by 6,000 gpm. 4. WEST HILL ZONES: Increase existing supply by 1,000 gpm. Increase saturation supply by 2,000 gpm. 5. ROLLING HILL Increase existing supply by 500 gpm. 590 ZONE: Increase saturation supply by 1,500 gpm. 6. ROLLING HILL Increase existing supply by 6,500 gpm. 490 ZONE: Increase saturation supply by 7,000 gpm. 7. TALBOT HILL No supply increase necessary. 350 ZONE: TABLE 8-3 summarizes system growth and supply projections. • 8 - 3 CHAPTER EIGHT • TABLE 8-2 ZONE SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS PRESSURE ZONE 1987 SATURATION EXIST. SUPPLY • DEMAND (mgd) DEMAND (mgd) (mgd) Downtown 196 28.99 50.00 32.52 Highlands 435/320 14.38 25.30 9.22 Highlands 565 11.69 17.81 9.22 Rolling Hills 590 9.61 10.76 8.95 Rolling Hills 490 9.14 6.30 0.00 Talbot Hill 350 9.02 • 10.75 11.95 West Hill 6.22 6.30 5.04 50.00 40.00 im ca idEdiNi a 30.00 : ii 7...,<:.. 1111111 3 iii I <:;. .. 0 20.00 —HIM U. I'I,Il ORIiii!ii I'III'[ %7f R ''I .::r �::" an 1 wi;'�{ 'SII._. iii 0.00 ,IIS, I %:c:?:atz:i f �+; I.,I iiiiiii idg6- TIT ' EEE iljh i .;I 1 �6I EE f� .II ! i> aJ }L._ 1 i SiWiiiiiii i l'I 1 'I i 1 s I I� � 1. N> I is 'I • II. �. .. ...iiiiiii �I.:Oka... ii iii• ... i^'I ram limo SIH 0< 0.00 I I I I I I g I 4 13 rz H fx '''I 1987 Demand 0 Saturation 0 Exists supply Y • 8 -4 TABLE 8-3 ANTICIPATED SYSTEM GROWTH BY YEAR 50 INliPP Erlill Pill il ••••••u•• ••• _ _II Amitum • ■. 43 ■■■■ • • 11111:1111.111_ _ _1, _.3,6e.,- ■ _ - - - - -- - _TAI _Ammo 11 . 40 mom im a nem as - A I 144- - - ' lie i„.., 1 ::•:.:-:•::...i.i.:::.:.. ...•:::::...:..:'..:::'.:..1.::..!..:..:::,.k.-....::::":i. put ,.:.11.; 35 0111 . it illiii_ _ iiii-itt,t,11 .+4'T 30 ���� : .. . ..:5 _ -M-�- Cir'momii 111 . M ilittf -- : 111111 1j-111- Ill I I 20 EL-1.:4-- 101 LEGEND 0:! SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT pli 15 i ' IINffluiHIIlluI pirepoppipul HISTORIC GROWTH,ITHOUT CONSERVATION, Ifill 10 .11111 ■ii NOLEAK REDUCTION on ........ . ■■ ; ul ilii �i ii�■ ;;;; —..— LOW GROWTH, i 5. ■■I■■■ii■I■■■■ h AGGRESSIVEWITH ONSERVATION m LEAK REDUCTION H. -iii'u"ii;i-s ■;- - -$ ■ . ■; _ ■i:: ■ I■ di-1-414-4-4-4--_== _f----r - - • um w 0 tn o in oin oin oin 0 i 0 0 in 00 0) •rn O O - N N rO In d- d- 0) 0) 0) N O NNO NO 0 N 0 0 NN N N ' a . m YEAR CHAPTER EIGHT 3. STORAGE ANALYSIS The purpose of this section is to determine the volume of storage required in the water system during current demand conditions and at saturation development. This information will then be used to identify deficiencies in the existing system, and to direct development of new storage so that it is compatible with future developments in each operating area. The calculation of storage quantities is based on policy criteria adopted for this purpose. The storage requirements identified in this section are for the existing service area, including Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water District, using the best available information on land use classification,both existing and saturation. Calculations are based on existing demand data and saturation demand projections listed in Chapter 5. There are three storage components evaluated in this section: 1. Standby storage available during a supply failure. 2. Equalizing storage available to meet non fire demands that exceed supply capacity. 3. Fire storage available to meet fire flow requirements. The State Department of Health recommends procedures to be used for determining the volume of each storage component as follows: standby storage shall be 800 gallons per ERU less the supply rate with the largest source out-of-service, or 200 gallons per ERU, whichever is greater. Equalizing storage shall be that volume necessary to meet instantaneous demands at peak hour above the average rate of the maximum day. Fire flows shall be determined by the Fire Marshall, but shall not be less than 1,000 gpm for two hours. For large water systems like Renton's, standby storage volumes are calculated based on policy decisions, rather than on industry standard requirements. The purpose of standby storage is to provide supply from the reservoirs when the supply system, or parts of the supply system, are out of service. For large systems with many sources of supply,it may be unreasonable to assume that significant portions of the supply system will fail simultaneously. We have therefore performed an analysis of the standby storage volumes needed under four failure possibilities: 1. A failure of the largest supply source to the operating area. 2. A mechanical failure of the largest supply source to the operating area. 3. A power failure in the operating area which may impact supply sources. 4. A reservoir in the zone being out of service for cleaning or inspection. The storage volumes needed for each of these failure possibilities at saturation and existing demand conditions are listed in TABLE 8-4. The storage volume necessary using standard Department of Health (DOH) criteria is also listed for comparison purposes. The worst-case analysis for each zone is used for the standby storage requirement using the following policy: 8 - 6 System Analysis • Standby storage will be provided to supply the water system at the average rate of the maximum day during a "worst case failure" of the supply system. • Standby storage volumes for an isolated service area may be contained in another service area as long as the necessary flow rates can be provided to the necessary zone during a "worst case failure". • Standby storage volumes will be contained in reservoirs at an elevation necessary to provide the highest elevation service in the zone with a pressure of 30 psi at maximum day. • Equalizing storage will be provided to supply peak demands that exceed the average daily demand. • Equalizing storage volumes will be contained in reservoirs atan elevation necessary to provide the highest elevation service in the zone with a pressure of 40 psi at maximum day. • Fire flow storage volumes will be determined by the City Fire Marshal in accordance with flow rates and duration requirements. • Fire flow storage volumes will be calculated using a "worst case" supply system failure. TABLE 8-4 Standby Storage Requirements Based on Failure Probability Analysis Largest Source MDD* Largest Mecham- Reservoir No Source cal Power Out of DOH Failure Failure Failure Failure Service Failure (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) 1987 Operating Area Downtown 196 Zone 0.00 , 0.00 0.00 10.20 0.00 , 1.50 Highland 435/Kennydale 320 0.00 8.60 0.00 8.60 N/A , 0.40 Highlands 565 0.00 ; 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A , 0.43 West Hill 490/270 0.00 ' 0.94 0.00 0.00 N/A 0.27 Rolling Hills 590/490/350/300 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 N/A 0.26 Saturation Operating Area Downtown 196 Zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 0.00 7.40 0.00 0.00 N/A 1.00 Highlands 565 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 1.30 West Hill 490/270 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N/A 0.28 Rolling Hills 590/490/350/300 0.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 N/A 0.75 *MDD -Maximum Day Demand Each operating area was analyzed based on the policy criteria listed above, using the 5 peak demand days in 1987. A saturation storage requirement was calculated by increasing the hourly 8 - 7 CHAPTER EIGHT demands for the 5 peak days by the anticipated growth in each operating area. This procedure assumes that the "shape" of the diurnal demand curve will be the same at saturation as it was for the 5 peak days in 1987. This is a reasonable assumption if the land use in the zone does not significantly change, and if a single large user(such as a bottling plant) does not constitute more than 5%of the supply to the zone. If either of these occur,the storage requirements should be re-evaluated. It should be noted that two different operating areas with the same number of ERUs may not have the same storage requirements. An operating area with a sharply peaking diurnal demand (which is typical of a residential area) will require a larger equalizing storage component than an area with a relatively flat curve (which is typical of a business area). This is evident in Renton where the 565 Zone has an equalizing storage component that is larger than the 196 Zone when compared on an equal ERU basis. For this reason,storage calculations are analyzed by operating area, not combined on a system-wide basis. The criteria for calculating storage in each operating area is listed below. 196 Zone i Equalizing storage is computed by using a mass curve analysis of the 5 peak days in 1987(6/28, 6/29, 7/13, 8/3, 8/4). 290,000 gallons (1987) 2,250,000 gallons (saturation) Standby storage is computed by assuming that the worst case failure is an extended power failure to the well field area for a duration of 3 days. In addition, it is assumed that at saturation Seattle does not have excess capacity and is unable to supply the City through interties. Springbrook Springs is operating with a capacity of 1,000 gpm (after rehab.). 1987 Saturation Demand Requirement 7,548 gpm Demand Requirement 12,036 gpm Supply to Zone 5,185 gpm Supply to Zone 20,135 gpm Supply Deficit 2,363 gpm Supply Deficit 0 gpm Duration of Failure 3 days . Duration of Failure 3 days Standby Volume 10,200,000 gallons Standby Volume 0 gallons Fire flow is calculated by assuming a fire at the Boeing Plant requiring 6,000 gpm for 6 hours. 1987 Saturation Fire flow 6,000 gpm Fire flow 6,000 gpm Duration 6 hours Duration 6 hours Volume 2,160,000 gallons Volume 2,160,000 gallons 8 - 8 System Analysis Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 Zone Equalizing storage is computed by using a mass curve analysis of the 5 peak days in 1987(6/28, 6/29, 7/13, 8/3, 8/4). 110,000 gallons (1987) 1,420,000 gallons (saturation) 1987 standby storage is calculated by assuming that the Mount Olivet Pump Station is out of service due to a discharge main failure for a period of 3 days. The remaining supply to the zone is from the Windsor Hills Pump Station with a capacity of 2,000 gpm. At saturation, standby storage is calculated by assuming the future booster pump station is out of service due to a transmission main failure for a period of 3 days. The remaining supply to the zone is from the Mount Olivet Pump Station(4,400 gpm),Windsor Hills Pump Station(2,000 gpm)and the future Maplewood Booster Pump Station (5,000 gpm). Due to the high cost of providing standby storage in an elevated tank, the standby storage for the 565 Zone will be provided in the 435 service Zone. This is calculated by combining the demands for both the 435 and 565 Zones. 1987 Saturation Demand Requirement 1,868 gpm Demand Requirement 5,200 gpm (435 Zone) (435 Zone) Demand Requirement 2,188 gpm Demand Requirement 6,370 gpm (565 Zone) (565 Zone) Supply to Zone 2,000 gpm Supply to Zone 11,400 gpm Supply Deficit 1,986 gpm Supply Deficit 170 gpm Duration of Failure 3 days Duration of Failure 3 days Standby Volume 8,600,000 gallons Standby Volume 750,000 gallons Fire flow volume is calculated by assuming a fire at the Baxter plant requiring 6,000 gpm for 6 hours. 1987 Saturation Fire flow 6,000 gpm Fire flow 6,000 gpm Duration 6 hours Duration 6 hours Volume 2,160,000 gallons Volume 2,160,000 gallons Highlands 565 Zone Equalizing storage is computed by using a mass curve analysis of the 5 peak days in 1987(6/28, 6/29, 7/13, 8/3, 8/4). 570,000 gallons (1987) 1,710,000 gallons (saturation) Standby storage will be provided in the 435 Zone reservoir,using existing booster pump facilities to supply the standby storage rate of 6,400 gpm. 8 - 9 CHAPTER EIGHT Fire flow volume is calculated by assuming a fire at the Sunset Safeway requiring 5,000 gpm for 5 hours. 1987 Saturation Fire flow 5,000 gpm Fire flow 5,000 gpm Duration 5 hours Duration 5 hours Volume 1,500,000 gallons Volume 1,500,000 gallons Rolling Hills, Talbot Hill Zones Equalizing storage is computed by using a mass curve analysis of the 5 peak days in 1987(6/28, 6/29, 7/13, 8/3, 8/4). 230,000 gallons (1987) 1,000,000 gallons (saturation) Standby storage is calculated by assuming that the transmission main on the Benson Highway is out of service for 5 days. The remaining supply to the zone is from the Fred Nelson Pump Station (925 gpm), Tiffany Park Pump Station (1,050 gpm), PRV No. 28 (1,365 gpm), and the Scenic Hill PRVs (110 gpm). At saturation, an additional 5,000 gpm will be available from the Maplewood pump station. 1987 Saturation Demand Requirement 1,281 gpm Demand Requirement 3,738 gpm Supply to Zone 1,975 gpm Supply to Zone 3,250 gpm —' (exist) Supply Deficit 0 gpm Supply to Zone 488 gpm (future) Duration of Failure 5 days Duration of Failure 5 days Standby Volume 0 gallons Standby Volume . 3,500,000 gallons Fire flow volume is calculated by assuming a fire at Eagle Ridge Apartments requiring 6,000 gpm for 6 hours. 1987 Saturation Fire flow 6,000 gpm Fire flow 6,000 gpm Duration 6 hours Duration 6 hours Volume 2,160,000 gallons Volume 2,160,000 gallons West Hill Zones Equalizing storage is computed by using a mass curve analysis of the 5 peak days in 1987(6/28, 6/29, 7/13, 8/3, 8/4). 130,000.gallons (1987) 340,000 gallons (saturation) 8 . 10 System Analysis Standby storage is calculated by assuming that the West Hill Pump Station is out of service for 3 days due to a discharge main failure. At saturation, an additional 1,400 gpm of supply will be available from the Black River pump station. 1987 Saturation Demand Requirement 1,318 gpm Demand Requirement 1,376 gpm Supply to Zone 1,100 gpm Supply to Zone 2,500 gpm Supply Deficit 218 gpm Supply Deficit 0 gpm Duration of Failure 3 days Duration of Failure 3 days Standby Volume 940,000 gallons Standby Volume 0 gallons Fire flow volume is calculated by assuming a fire at the Dimmitt Junior High School requiring 2,000 gpm for 5 hours. 1987 Saturation Fire flow 2,000 gpm Fire flow 2,000 gpm Duration 5 hours Duration 5 hours Volume 600,000 gallons Volume 600,000 gallons TABLE 8-5 summarizes the storage requirements for the City's service area. • TABLE 8-5 Storage Summary 1987 Saturation Existing EQUALIZING STORAGE Downtown 196 290,000 2,250,000 Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 110,000 1,420,000 Highlands 565 570,000 1,170,000 Rolling Hills/Talbot Hill 230,000 1,000,000 West Hill 130,000 340,000 FIRE FLOW STORAGE Downtown 196 2,160,000 2,160,000 Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 2,160,000 2,160,000 Highlands 565 1,500,000 1,500,000 Rolling Hills/Talbot Hill 2,160,000 2,160,000 West Hill 600,000 600,000 STANDBY STORAGE Downtown 196 10,200,000 0 Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 8,600,000 . 800,000 Highlands 565 0 0 Rolling Hills/Talbot Hill 0 3,500,000 West Hill 940,000 0 8 - 11 CHAPTER EIGHT TABLE 8-5 Storage Summary 1987 Saturation Existing TOTAL Downtown 196 12,650,000 4,410,000 8,000,000 Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 10,870,000 4,380,000 3,500,000 Highlands 565 2,070,000 2,670,000 750,000 Rolling Hills/Talbot Hill 2,390,000 6,660,000 1,800,000 West Hill 1,670,000 940,000 1,400,000 DEFICIT Downtown 196 4,650,000 0 Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 7,370,000 880,000 Highlands 565 1,320,000 1,920,000 Rolling Hills/Talbot Hill 590,000 4,860,000 West Hill 270,000 0 As can be seen, each operating area is deficient in storage for current,demand conditions. At saturation demand conditions, the existing reservoirs in the 196 Zone and the West Hill area provide sufficient capacity to meet equalizing and fire flow volumes. Less standby storage is - needed at saturation because of the assumption of the number and location of supply sources to these zones. During a reasonable worst-case"failure,"the remaining supply is sufficient to meet —' saturation demands. It is important to note two points. First,the three storage components(equalizing,standby,fire) analyzed here are not the only bases for providing storage in the system. Storage may need to be constructed in the hydraulically remote areas of the City to maintain acceptable pressures during fire demand or peak hour conditions. Second,it is unreasonable to construct"temporary" __ storage and use it only for a short period of time until saturation supply facilities are in service. We recommend the storage volumes necessary for existing demand conditions be used for saturation requirements also, even if the saturation standby storage component is less then existing requirements. In addition to the storage identified in TABLE 8-5, the distribution system analysis has indicated that additional fire storage is necessary in the Springbrook Springs area and the Black River area to stabilize system pressures during a fire or peak hour conditions. Using this approach, the following improvements are necessary for existing and saturation storage requirements. They are also shown in Table 8-6. 1. 196 Zone: Increase zone storage by 7.0 million gallons. Provide fire flow storage in Springbrook area (2.0 mg). Provide fire flow storage in Black River area (2.0 mg). Provide fire flow storage in Maplewood area (3.0 mg). 8 - 12 System Analysis 2. Highlands 435/ Kennydale 320: Increase zone storage by 7.4 million gallons. 3. Highlands 565: Increase zone storage by 2.0 million gallons. 4. Rolling Hills 590/590/350: Increase zone storage by 5.0 million gallons. 5. West Hill: Increase zone storage by 0.3 million gallons. 8 . 13 I CHAPTER EIGHT • I i TABLE 8-6 ZONE STORAGE REQUIREMENTS - __I ZONE Available Storage Required Storage 1987 (mg) Saturation (mg) Downtown 196 8.00 12.65 Highlands 435/320 3.50 10.87 Highlands 565 0.75 2.67 Talbot 590/490/350 1.80 6.66 West Hill 1.40 1.67 (TOTAL 15.45 I 34.52 1 14.00 12.00 ''`• I 10.00 '`'"' > : O 0.00 y:z:'ti;::;: 1 di LI .h p �l .. III :�. •t::•:;::a:•::.: ............................... - ill I', : !'�!NOW i�'i}iit •^ :ir::n:;., ,) Ili t I!I€> :,>::<::•: <i<:f r> •. ::t..:.:. .•t::tv:•:: legI11 ,III ,:':`:..; ;>: >;E::::•::::•.:. Iunaii ,. IIIDn,I ,•"' v.3}:t•:. •';,•.':,�,.:r;;:+:: �q1,�' 111,11 `',•'::..:%'''?ii` :f;:'':.:::' r:y h,:iiigi] - TI I :ow 4.00 'r Ip I! :: E<::>:::>::,:: 'i;I r� II a�,J1!1111,11115:111.1111 IL I:hcs�•> :'.:. 11, 't�'�' 't `t.'? : +::t .::W:.4::. �I,'`' I I,Illxt<ti '^''> 001f :i':; : ' , 1 t :::::::„......:„.:',..:1.•••„:1.1„::''..::::;'';:::,,:v.):: 2.00 i'1 9I��11 :•:»<:,• ::: I`I ill' !> • ':::; I U _- 011111q.N'��yll'11:•::;;::•:..;..,.:,i I',1%1 iI N;I r t*t; 410,61 imili �''F :.•:,,.,C,,•: x,;'jr•�+.:: I .�i:;C:}y,:'':'::' q� < o,;::,rte � � 1;4:0,g ,.;,;. 'I III�Al IIp16f �°:;.• Illllmegiklii t:;;: ;6:1111111 t .:,,...;rt:�. ti •�? ' II I 1 II •"'r,>'� ilf:::,':**.:8:; s :::*:%*::: :w ,, I1 p?IlljF,IIIA I� t.:• xll(III I IINIt .., .'t ::, I Mllil'Ii ry''',I ! ty.;:,t p rt Nal; 1 I I I;p 1 r£::„"' j h , 1 :' _ f� +I'.�•' -:.'�,::fr::t.:::.� ��� (� :-r:G:'. �����.t'I'`�,;� t�{;,.,:: ..,3,;? '+'t:� illi. r �I r•,,•A:..•... P A'11�� '...... 1:5. llma'iild flNA ........... .: I' 1�1 "I' ... I' :i:::1M•.v.:..: �,INi�f I .:...::::::.�.: ;.:;>:.:a.:.:: �, ::.;;:.:.:.::::�' d�IV II�Nr�,.11-:.�:.;>>t.;;: ��N I u�il � >::. 0.00 ..::_::: :<.: .::.::,.::.:.. :..::.:.::.::::. Downtown Highlands Highlands Talbot West Hill 'i 196 435/320 565 590/490/350 l Available Storage : Saturation Requirement . I 8 - 14 II System Analysis 4. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS Transmission mains generally convey water between the supply sources (reservoirs or wells)to the local distribution grid, where it is conveyed to the source of the demand. Ideally, under normal demand conditions,minimal head losses should occur in transmission pipelines,allowing these mains to also convey fire demands to the distribution system and to meet other emergencies without experiencing excessive head losses. Under normal conditions, the velocity of water in either transmission and distribution mains should be less than 4 feet per second(fps) during peak demand periods, and less than 8 fps during fire demand periods, so that frictional losses in the pipe are minimal. Computer simulations of the City's System were performed to determine areas with insufficient transmission or inadequate distribution grids. The following criteria were used for these analyses. An area was considered to be deficient if: • Velocities exceeded 4 fps during normal demand and 8 fps during a fire: • Fireflow capacity was insufficient to meet the fire fighting requirements at a particular location; • Pressure criteria listed in the preceding chapter were not met. As a result of the computer analyses of the system, it was determined that the transmission capacity and distribution grid under normal demand conditions is adequate. However, during fire demands,there is inadequate transmission and distribution capacity in certain areas. These areas are described by operating area below: 1. 196 Zone A. Improve reliability of east-west transmission through north end of zone to a 12" hydraulic equivalent with redundancy. B. Increase capacity of north-south transmission through north City area (north of well field) to a 16" hydraulic equivalent with redundancy. C. Improve reliability of existing 24" hydraulic capacity through north-south central corridor via a parallel 24" transmission pipeline. D. Improve fireflow to Renton Shopping Center, 12" hydraulic equivalent. E. Increase capacity to Earlington area, with the hydraulic equivalent of two 16" pipelines. F. Increase hydraulic capacity to Windsor Hills pump station to 24"hydraulic equivalent. G. Improve fire flows to south-west grid. H. Improve reliability of north-south transmission capacity across Grady Way and Interstate 405, 12" hydraulic capacity at two locations. 2. Kennydale 320/Industrial 320 Zone A. Improve fire flows to Boeing and PACCAR areas(industrial 320 Zone)with hydraulic capacity of 24" main. 8 - 15 CHAPTER EIGHT B. Improve north-south transmission capacity along lakefront, 12" hydraulic capacity. C. Improve north-south transmission capacity in north end of zone, east of Interstate 405, 12" hydraulic capacity. D. Increase east-west hydraulic capacity near PRVs, 12"hydraulic equivalent. 3. Highlands 435 Zone A. Improve east-west transmission reliability in north end of zone. B. Improve north-south transmission reliability to City Shop site. C. Improve east-west transmission capacity for reservoir site, 24" hydraulic equivalent. 4. Highlands 565 Zone A. Improve fireflow capacity to east-central area of zone, 12" hydraulic equivalent. 5. Rolling Hills 590 Zone A. Improve transmission reliability to area east of Tiffany Park Pump Station, 8" hydraulic equivalent. i ! B. Improve fireflow to area east of Eagle Ridge, 12" hydraulic equivalent. 6. Talbot Hill 350 Zone A. Improve reliability of north-south transmission capacity, east of Talbot Road, 12" hydraulic equivalent. 7. West Hill Zone A. Improve east-west transmission reliability between Stevens Avenue and 84th Avenue South, 8" hydraulic equivalent. B. Improve fireflow to undeveloped area, 8" hydraulic equivalent. 5. QUALITY ANALYSIS The following improvements are necessary to comply with accepted policies, to eliminate system and water quality deficiencies. 1. Eliminate all dead-end water mains. 2. Utilize Seattle Supply sources for backup only. 3. Improve water quality sampling turn-around time. 4. Prepare a map of Downtown and Golf Course aquifer flow rates and directions under various demand conditions. 5. Eliminate steel pipe. 6. Eliminate asbestos cement pipe. 7. Eliminate lead joint pipe. 8 - 16 System Analysis 6. CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM The City has completed a comprehensive Cross-Connection Control Program and the Cross- Connection Control Plan is included in the Comprehensive Water System Plan as a separate document. The purpose of the Cross-Connection Control Program is threefold: 1. Identify potential cross connections 2. Administer the installation of control devices 3. Verify the reliability of control devices. The costs to administer the program are based on the addition of staff in the Plan Review and Utility Engineering divisions and are approximately $38,000 per year. If funded from the operating fund, this represents a per customer cost of$0.14 per month. Readers are referred to the Cross-Connection Control Plan for additional details. 7. WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM The city has completed a Water Conservation Plan, and it is included in the Water System Plan as a separate document. The purpose of the Conservation Plan is: 1. Comply with Department of Health regulations 2. Meet a 6.5% reduction target by 1995 3. Develop program evaluation data 4. Identify effective and efficient conservation tasks. The costs to administer the plan are difficult to predict, since the effectiveness of the program is unknown at this point; therefore, the revenue impacts are unknown. The average monthly customer cost to implement and administer the plan is as follows: 1991 - $0.00 1992 - $0.33 1993 - $0.27 1994 - $0.26 1995 - $0.22 In addition,each 1%of conservation savings has a rate impact of$0.13 per customer per month. 6. SUMMARY 8 - 17 CHAPTER EIGHT • TABLE 8-3 is a comparison of projected system growth and existing and projected system supply. It is shown in two formats, one showing growth as a function of time (years), and the second showing growth as a function of Equivalent Residential Units(ERU). The ERU chart can be used to plan system supplies sources, even if the actual growth rates are substantially different than actual growth rates. The ERU designation can be used as the triggering criteria • for new source development. Table 8-7 shows the anticipated ERU development as a function of time. _ 1 I h I l 4 I 1 4 8 - 18 System Analysis TABLE 8-7 ANTICIPATED GROWTH (YEAR vs ERU) YEAR ERU MGD 1990 28,750 23.00 1995 34,125 27.30 2000 38,750 31.00 2005 42,500 34.00 2010 45,500 36.40 2015 47,625 38.10 2020 49,125 39.30 2025 50,125 40.10 2030 50,875 40.70 2035 51,375 41.10 2040 51,625 41.30 2045 51,875 41.50 60,000 50,000 lPftl IIJdI�II r' 11ho 1, u�I Hd I� II III1l�Nga1 �1lIn1,hl1l 1� il l1.11 11:I1 II 111N1f I � f 111lP11,1, aIi 11I° I�ID 1,I,11 1,!I o u I'lI 111 if 1I40,000 4IIul1 11a , I4� ail " 1;; 1m 'I14111jhN of I1h,11 IIIn IlYlII 1NI1 11 ;��1h � I ' Ili 30h h � 1i ll � I � n 4rr3* �� � I I� ;!Iltlll�� �'il 11 I i � z I 6 ,4,44114141,,', N 141!11911 III IM1111iI; I wa,041,b1,1 ilf it; $llu1r n II � I1�411hM 20,000 4111611 18hV 1010, 11C;11/1 I� IIII ��11� I1S 'P 010„1 ill! dldlllugrhi II1 1: I 111h1 � n1i11iPI1�11'I 4116' kNN41n1 0M y11 IIl 111uryh 011111,1 FFI Lti4d1h lia � Oh IVjI ,dl Rd F!,11 ' 111 0,11111 ;40 I N 4, ,rl,h r 1 11� t .441, 111 � 0011 IL,�' 101111n11 '110 1,414II 10,000 'Tr inlm 91€ I{ II 11hbgll ?� IrinwLAi athwin, .11 j Le3 O O O it3O ►[> O O O I0 O3 03 O O .-r .-r Cs2 Cr3 003 0-� CCs2 N N C0•2 pCCs2 C�2 C%2COST N 8 - 19 Chapter Nine SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 1. INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the improvements that are necessary in the Renton System to resolve existing deficiencies and accommodate growth. The costs of the improvements and a schedule for improvements implementation are also included. Chapter 7 presented the policies, and performance and design criteria, to be used in identifying existing deficiencies and in planning for system growth. Chapter 8 compared these policies with the existing system and the anticipated saturation demands,then compared the existing facilities with those needed to comply with policy and design standards. System improvements are presented in this chapter in this order: 1. A list of each proposed improvement by pressure zone, with a brief description of the criteria used, the estimated current cost of the improvement, and the recommended year of!construction based on priority. 2. A summary of improvements by CIP project number. 3. A cost summary of the improvements by project number, and a schedule for implementation (TABLE 9-1, found in the back of this chapter). In addition, the recommended improvements are shown in plan view in FIGURE 5, and in hydraulic profile in FIGURE 6. In FIGURE 5,the 5-year CIP projects are identified with a blue legend, and saturation projects are identified with a black legend. While this chapter identifies specific capital improvements necessary to meet policy requirements and accommodate growth,the City does not currently have a sinking fund to replace the existing water system facilities as they reachthe end of their service life. Beginning in 1994, a sinking fund will be established with a contribution of$250,000 per year. 2. DOWNTOWN 196 ZONE Mount Olivet Reservoir No. 2 Construct a second reservoir on the'Mount Olivet Reservoir site with a capacity of 2.0 million gallons, and an overflow elevation of 196 to match the overflow of the Talbot Hill reservoir. This reservoir will provide 2.0 million gallons of the 4.7 million gallons additional capacity necessary in the 196 Zone. CIP Project No: 14 Cost: $1,970,000 Completion: 2000 • 9 - 1 CHAPTER NINE • Maplewood Golf Course 196 Zone Reservoir Construct a water storage reservoir in the Maplewood Golf Course area with a capacity of 3.0 million gallons. This reservoir will provide 3.0 million gallons of the 4.7 million gallons additional capacity necessary in the 196 Zone. The reservoir will also stabilize pressures in the Maple Valley area during fire flows and peak demand conditions. CIP Project No. 19 Cost: $3,715,000 Completion: 2000 196 Zone Reservoir at the Springbrook Springs site Construct a water storage reservoir in the Springbrook Springs area,with a capacity of 2.0 million gallons and an overflow elevation of 196. This reservoir will be used to provide fire flow storage and to stabilize pressures in the south Renton area during a fire or peak demand conditions. Storage in this area is not hydraulically useable in the downtown area and therefore cannot be used to satisfy the additional 4.7,million gallons of additional saturation storage necessary. The reservoir sizing is based on fire flow requirements in this area. CIP Project No: 32 Cost: $3,500,000 Completion: 2020 Black River 196 Zone Reservoir Construct a water storage reservoir in the Black River area with a capacity of 2.0 million gallons and an overflow elevation of 196. This reservoir will be used to provide fire flow storage and to stabilize pressures in the west section of the 196 Zone during a fire or peak demand conditions. Storage in this area is not hydraulically useable in the downtown area and therefore cannot be used to satisfy the additional 4.7 million gallons of saturation storage necessary. This reservoir will also provide a hydraulic control surface for the suction of the Black River Pump Station, and is sized based on fire flow requirements in this area of the City. CIP Project No: 55 Cost: $2,750,000 Completion: 2005 Maplewood Golf Course Well Numbers 10, 11, 12, 14, and 17 Construct wells (and booster station facilities) in the Maplewood Golf course area to supply 10,400 gallons per minute(gpm)to the 196 Zone(1,600 gpm of the 12,000 gpm saturation supply deficit in the 196 zone will be supplied by Well Number 5 into the 435 pressure zone,which will reduce the loading on the supply to the 196 zone). Well numbers 11 and 17 are expected to be operational by 1992 and supply 4,000 gpm(1,500 gpm and 2,500 gpm respectively). Well number 14 must be operational by 1996 and is expected to provide 2,500 gpm. Well number 12 must be operational by 2005 and is also expected to produce 2,500 gpm. Well number 10, which is expected to produce 1,400 gpm, must be operational by 2015. If the anticipated yields of these 9 - 2 System Improvements wells is incorrect, additional wells will need to be constructed to match the system growth shown in TABLE 8-6. CIP Project No: I 20 Cost: I $3,527,000 (11 & 17 only) Completion: 1992 (11 & 17 only) Cost: 4,198,000 (10, 11 & 12) Completion: 2000 Springbrook Springs Reclamation Engineering investigation of reclamation alternatives and construction of facilities to restore the output from Springbrook Springs. CIP Project No: 33 Cost: $825,000 Completion: 2000 Repaint Mount Olivet Reservoir Sand-blast and recoat interior and!exterior of the existing Mount Olivet Reservoir. CIP Project No: 15 Cost: $200,000 Completion: 1990 Well 8 Electrical Upgrade Rebuild the electrical and motor control system on existing Well No. 8. CIP Project No: 67 Cost: $120,000 Completion: 1990 16" Main Replacement II Park Avenue North from Bronson Way North to North 5th Street and 12" main replacement Wells Avenue North from the Wells Avenue Bridge to North 3rd Street. CIP Project No: 8 ' Cost: $701,000 Completion: 2005 12" Main Extension Between South 192nd Street and SW 43rd Street,and the West Valley Highway and Talbot Road South. Construct new pressure zone as area develops. 9 3 CHAPTER NINE CIP Project No: 31 Cost: $460,000 Completion: 2010 12" Transmission Main Extension From the Cedar River Park trail and North 6th Street to Williams Avenue North, and from Garden Avenue North to Houser Way N. CIP Project No: 45 Cost: $550,000 Completion: 2000 12" Transmission Main Extension Airport area, Logan Avenue North to the Renton Stadium. CIP Project No: 46 Cost: $180,000 Completion: 2010 196 Zone 12" Transmission Main Extension From the west side of the Renton Airport to Park Avenue North along the Lake Washington waterfront. CIP Project No: 47 Cost: $1,400,000 Completion: 2020 12" Transmission Main Extension Perimeter Road South from the airport control tower to 117th Place. CIP Project No: 48 Cost: $460,000 Completion: 2015 12" Transmission Main Extension Earlington Park area. CIP Project No: 53 Cost: $1,500,000 Completion: 2015 9 . 4 System Improvements Black River Pump Station 16" Transmission Main Construct as area develops. CIP Project No: 56 Cost: $900,000 Completion: 2005 Renton Shopping Center 12" Transmission Main Extension Hardy Avenue North. CIP Project No: 57 Cost: $100,000 Completion: 1995 Grady Way 12" Pipeline Extension Smithers to SW 7th Street. CIP Project No: 58 Cost: $350,000 Completion: 2005 Valley Parkway 12" Pipeline Extension (Completed) Construct as area develops. ' CIP Project No: 59 Cost: $300,000 Completion: 2020 12" Transmission Main Extension (Under Construction) Valley Floor. CIP Project No: - 60 Cost: $180,000 Completion: 2015 Downtown Industrial Area 12" Transmission Line Extension Construct as area develops. Ili CIP Project No: I 61 Cost: . $2,500,000 Completion: 2000 9 CHAPTER NINE Re-align 320 Pressure Zone in North Industrial Area CIP Project No: 69 Cost: $1,000 Completion: 1993 Cedar River Valley Monitoring Wells CIP Project No: 71 Cost: $435,265 Completion: 1990 Springbrook Monitoring Wells CIP Project No: 76 . Cost: $115,000 Completion: 1992 3. KENNYDALE 320 ZONE Kennydale 320 Zone Reservoir Construct a water storage reservoir in the northern-most area of the 320 Zone with a capacity of 3.0 million gallons. This reservoir will provide 3.0 million gallons of the 7.3 million gallons storage deficit in the Highlands 435 and Kennydale 320 zones. Construction in this zone will —� improve operating efficiency, since water used in the 320 Zone would not need to be pumped.to the 435 Zone first. It will also improve supply reliability in the northern area of the City by providing an additional supply source during a transmission main failure. Perform site study and acquisition in 1991. CIP Project No: 1 Cost: $3,150,000 Completion: 2015 Coulon Park Pump Station Construct a booster pump station in the Coulon Park area to pump from the Downtown 196 Zone to the Kennydale 320-Zone with a capacity of 5,000 gpm. The 5,000 gpm will reduce the additional saturation supply requirement of 11,200 gpm to the Highlands 435 Zone by reducing the loading on the existing pump stations that supply the 435 Zone (the current supply to the 320 Zone). -- CIP Project No: 68 Cost: $750,000 Completion: 1994 9 . 6 System Improvements 12" Pipeline Extension SE 76th Street to SE 79th Street on the Freeway Ramp Right-of-Way. CIP Project No: 34 Cost: $180,000 Completion: j 2015 12" Transmission Line Extension . SE 79th Street to SE 84th Street on Lincoln Avenue NE. CIP Project No: 35 Cost: $300,000 Completion: 2015 16" Transmission Line Extension SE 84th Street to SE 88th Street from Jones Avenue NE to 112th Avenue SE from 112th SE to the 320 reservoir site. CIP Project No: 36 Cost: $600,000 Completion: 2015 12" Transmission Main Extension Lake Washington Boulevard from May Creek to North 40th Street. CIP Project No: 37 Cost: $500,000 Completion: 2000 PRV No. 13 Rehabilitation CIP Project No: 39 Cost: $35,000 Completion: 1995 12" Transmission Extension Meadow Avenue North to Lake Washington Boulevard. CIP Project No: 40 Cost: $300,000 Completion: 2015 • 9 - 7 CHAPTER NINE I 12" Transmission Extension Meadow Avenue North to Lake Washington Boulevard. CIP Project No: 42 Cost: $200,000 Completion: 2000 12" Transmission Main Extension (Industrial 320 Zone Connection) Lake Washington Boulevard from Gene Coulon Park to Houser Way NE. CIP Project No: 44 Cost: $300,000 Completion: 2000 4. HIGHLANDS 435 ZONE Highlands 435 Reservoir Site Construct a.second reservoir on the existing Highlands 435 Zone Reservoir site, with a capacity of 4.0 million gallons and an overflow elevation of 435. This reservoir will supply 4.0 million gallons of the 7.3 million gallons storage deficiency in the 435/320 zones at saturation. The remainder of the storage necessary in this zone will be in the Kennydale 320 Zone Reservoir(the actual remaining capacity of 3.3 million gallons has been rounded up to 4.0 mg). This reservoir also contains the standby storage necessary in the Highlands 565 Zone, since construction of a ground-level reservoir is less expensive than an elevated tank in the 565 Zone. CIP Project No: 5 Cost: $3,875,000 Completion: 2020 South Highlands 435 Zone Reservoir (Reservoir Site No. 2) This reservoir site is a preferred alternative to a reservoir at the existing reservoir site and should be constructed in lieu of that reservoir (Project No. 5)if property can be acquired. This location will help to stabilize pressures in the southern portions of the 435 Zone. Although pressures in this area are adequate, the pressure stabilization is still beneficial. Sizing considerations are the same. This cost would be in lieu of Project No. 5. . CIP Project No: 13 Cost: $4,875,000 Completion: 2020 Windsor Hills Pump Station Rehabilitation Rehabilitate the existing Windsor Hills Pump Station to increase pumping capacity by 1,200 gpm. This will provide 1,200 gpm of the 11,200 gpm supply deficiency in the 435 Zone. The remaining 10,000 gpm will be provided by the South Highlands Pump Station and the 9 - 8 System Improvements I Maplewood Pump Station(which will supply the 565 Zone and therefore reduce the loading on the 435 Zone). As an alternative, construct a new pump station at the intersection of the 196/435/320 zones and replace the Windsor Hills and proposed Coulon Park pump stations with a single structure. CIP Project No: 10 Cost: $364,000 Completion: 1990 ' I South Highlands Pump Station Construct,a booster pump station in the Maple Valley area to pump from the Downtown 196 Zone to the Highlands 435 Zone with a capacity of 5,000 gpm: This will provide 5,000 gpm of the 11,200 gpm deficiency in the 435 Zone (the remaining 6,200 gpm will be provided by the Windsor Hill Pump Station rehabilitation [1,200 gpm] and the Maplewood Pump Station [5,000 gpm]). CIP Project: 17 Cost: $1,800,000 Completion: 2010 Well No. 5 Construct Well No. 5 in the northern area of the 435 Zone to supply 1,250 gpm to the 435 Zone. This will provide 1,250 gpm of the(saturation supply deficit of 12,000 gpm to the 196 Zone (by reducing the 435 Zone loading on the 196 Zone). It should be noted that the project cost shown here has been developed by CH2M Hill. CIP Project No: 41 Cost: $880,000 Completion: j 1990 12" Pipeline Extension • Union Avenue SE to 126th Avenue SE on SE 98th Street. CIP Project No: 2 Cost: ' ' $300,000 Completion: 2000 8" Pipeline Extension 120th Place SE to 124th Avenue SE Sierra Heights Zone intertie CIP Project No: 3 10 Cost: $400,000 Completion: 2000 9 - 9 CHAPTER NINE I Highlands 435 Zone Reservoir 16" Transmission Pipeline Extension Highlands 435 reservoir to NE 12th Street CIP Project No: 4 Cost: $580,000 Completion: 2020 12" Main Extension King County Shops and North 2nd Street to North 3rd Street. CIP No: 12 Cost: $330,000 Completion: 2015 16" Transmission Main Replacement Aberdeen Avenue NE from Sunset Boulevard to NE 28th Street. CIP Project No: 43 Coit: $874,000 Completion: 2015 Monroe Pump Station Electrical Upgrade CIP Project No: 80 Cost: $45,000 Completion: 1993 5. HIGHLANDS 565 ZONE Highlands Elevated Tank Number 2 Construct a water storage reservoir in the northeast section of the 565 Zone with a capacity of -'� 2.0 million gallons. This reservoir will provide all of the 2.0 million gallon deficit necessary for saturation development. The reservoir should be located on the Hunter property,which has been acquired by the City for this project. CIP Project No: 6 Cost: $3,362,000 Completion: 2000 Maplewood Booster Construct a booster pump station in the Maplewood Golf Course to pump from the 196 Zone to the Highlands 565 Zone with a capacity of 6,000 gpm. The pump station will provide all of the 6,000 gpm supply deficit needed for saturation development. Initially, the pump station should be constructed with a capacity of 5,000 gpm, with the capability to upgrade to 6,000 gpm in the 9 - 10 System Improvements future. The upgrade in booster capacity should coincide with the development of wells in the Golf Course area. The booster pumps must be constructed in conjunction with the well facilities, since they are the only method of pumping water from the wells to the distribution system. CIP Project No: 20 Cost: I Included in Well 11 & 17 costs Completion: 1992 16" Transmission Main Extension Highlands Reservoir Site No..3 Elevated Tank to NE 4th Street.. CIP Project No: 7 Cost: $350,000 Completion: 2000 8" Main Replacement (complete) Shelton Avenue North from NE 6th Street to NE 7th Street. CIP Project No: I 9 Cost: $0 Completion: 1990 12" Main Extension Construct as area dev:laps between NE 4th Street and NE 6th Street, and Monroe Avenue NE and Union Avenue SE; between NE 4th Street and SE 116th between Union Avenue SE and 138th Avenue SE. CIP Project No: 11 Cost: I $2,375,000 Completion: 2010 12" Main Extension - I City Shop to County Shop site. CIP Project No: 16 Cost: $125,000 Completion: 2010 Maplewood Booster Station Transmission Pipeline From new Maplewood Booster Station to Union Avenue SE. 1_ CIP Project No: 18 Cost: $635,000 Completion: 1993 9 - 11 CHAPTER NINE 6. ROLLING HILLS 590 ZONE Maplewood Booster Construct a booster pump station in the Maplewood Golf Course area to pump from the 196 Zone to the Rolling Hills 590 Zone with a capacity of 5,000 gpm. The pump station will provide 5,000 gpm of the 7,300 gpm supply deficit needed for saturation development. The booster must be constructed in conjunction with the well facilities, since they are the only method of pumping water from the wells. The majority of the supply will be used in the 490 Zone, andcan be transferred to the 490 Zone from the 590 zone reservoir by installing a control valve in the proposed 490 Zone Booster Station to route water from the 590 Zone Reservoir to the 490 Zone Reservoir. The details of this procedure can be found in the pre-design report for the Rolling Hill Reservoir(the 490 Zone distribution system is not accessible to the Maplewood Booster without unnecessary transmission main expense). CIP Project No: ' 20 Cost: Included in Wells 11 & 17 costs Completion: 1992 490 Zone Pump Station Construct a booster pump station on the 590 Zone Reservoir site to pump from the 490 Zone to the 590 Zone with a capacity of 6,100 gpm. .The booster station will be used to supply maximum day demands of 1,100 gpm in the 590 Zone, and also provide 5,000 gpm of fire protection to the 590 Zone when the Maplewood Booster Station is out of service. This booster is a redundant supply to the Maplewood Booster Station. The station will also be equipped with a valve to transfer water from the 590 Zone to the 490 Zone Reservoir. CIP Project No: 26 Cost: Included in 490 zone Reservoir costs Completion: 1995 Maplewood Booster Pump Station Transmission Main Maplewood Golf Course site to Royal Hills Drive SE. CIP Project No: 21. Cost: $600,000 Completion: 1993 12" Transmission Main Extension and New Pressure Zone North of Royal Hills Drive, construct as area develops. CIP Project No: 22 Cost: $400,000 Completion; 2005 9 . 12 • System Improvements 8" Transmission Main Extension! SE 18th Street to 129th Place SE, Tiffany Park. CIP Project No: 25 Cost: $240,000 Completion: . 2015 I 7. ROLLING HILLS 490 ZONE 490 Zone Reservoir Construct a second reservoir on the existing Rolling Hills Reservoir site with a capacity of 5.0 million gallons and an overflow elevation of 490. This reservoir will provide all of the storage deficit necessary in the 490 Zone for saturation. This reservoir also contains the standby storage necessary in the Rolling Hills 590 Zone, since constructing a ground level reservoir is less expensive than an elevated tank lin the 590 Zone. (It should be noted that this reservoir is smaller than the reservoir recommended in the Rolling Hills Reservoir pre-design report. In the pre-design report,it was assumed that the reservoir construction would precede the construction of the Maplewood Facilities and the additional reservoir capacity was necessary to provide service when one reservoir was out of service for cleaning. We recommend that an amendment be prepared for the Rolling Hills Reservoir pre-design report which determines if this 5.0 million gallons should be constructed in one or more phases.) This project also includes installing a111) fourth pump in the No. Talbot Hill pump Station to raise pumping capacity into the zone by 2,300 gpm to meet saturation demand conditions. The remaining 5,000 gpm deficit will be providedby either the,Maplewood iPump Station or the Scenic Hill Pump Station. CIP Project No: 26 Cost: $3,200,000 Completion: 1995 Scenic Hill Pump Station (located near City Hall) Construct a booster pump station in the Scenic Hill area to pump from the Downtown 196 Zone to the Rolling Hills 490 Zone with a capacity of 5,000 gpm. The station will provide 5,000 gpm of the deficit supply requirement of 7,300 gpm for the 490 Zone. The remaining 2,300 gpm will be provided with the pump addition at the North Talbot Hill Pump Station. This Pump Station is necessary as a backup supply to!the zone in the event that the Maplewood Booster is out of service. This project also includes water transmission lines from the Pump Station to the 490 Zone. CIP Project: 23 Cost: $2,991,000 Completion: 2010 12" Pipeline Extension From Scenic Hill 490 Pump Station to Mill Avenue South, and from Pump station along railroad right-of-way. 9 - 13 CHAPTER NINE CIP Project No: 24 Cost: $524,000 Completion: 2010 12" Transmission Main Extension Grant Avenue South to Eagle Point Development, construct as area develops. CIP Project No: 27 Cost: $175,000 Completion: 2000 16" Pipeline Extension South 31st Street to SE 179th Street (potential intertie with Soos Creek). CIP Project No: 29 Cost: $450,000 Completion: 2005 8. WEST HILL 495/270 ZONES Black River Pump Station Construct a booster pump.station in the Black River area to pump from the Downtown 196 Zone ill to the West Hill 495 Zone with a capacity of 2,400 gpm. The 2,400 gpm will provide more than the 900 gpm deficit at saturation development; however, the Pump Station is necessary as a. backup supply to the zone in the event that the West Hill Booster Station is out of service. This station should therefore duplicate the capacity of the West Hill Station,which is 2,400 gpm. The construction of this station will provide supply redundancy for the West Hill area to reduce the. -- standby storage necessary in the West Hill Reservoir. CIP Project: 54 Cost: $1,605,000 Completion: 2005 - - 12" Transmission Main and PRV Stevens Avenue and South 121st Street to Rainier Avenue South. CIP Project No: 49 . Cost: $300,000 Completion: . 2015 9 . 14 System Improvements 8" Transmission Main Development West of the West Hill Reservoir as area develops. CIP Project No: 51 Cost: $300,000 Completion: 2020 8" Transmission Main 130th Avenue South from Renton Avenue to 78th Avenue NE and to 132nd Street. CIP Project No: 52 Cost: $200,000 Completion: 2020 9. TALBOT HILL 350 ZONE 16" Watermain Extension South 31st Street to SE 179th Street. CIP Project No: 28 Cost: $400,000 • Completion: 2000 12" Transmission Main Extension From South 179th Street to 192nd Street, and 12"transmission main extension from Talbot Road and South 192nd to the Maple Valley Freeway. CIP Project No: 30 Cost: $650,000 Completion: 2005 10. SYSTEM WIDE IMPROVEMENTS Regional Water Supply Plan Assistance Maintain a representative on the regional water supply committees, and review and participate in regional water supply planning. CIP Project No: 62 Cost: $570,000 Completion: 1994 • 9 . 15 CHAPTER NINE Groundwater Resource Investigation Perform an Engineering Study to identify alternatives and additional water supply options. Perform an engineering investigation of groundwater transport to optimize groundwater resources and minimize the potential for contamination. CIP Project: 63 Cost: $164,000 Completion: 1994 Water Quality Investigation Investigate the need for new water treatment facilities for the City water supply to comply with regulations on water quality delivered at the customer's tap, and begin installation of necessary treatment equipment to minimize lead contaminants. CIP Project: 64 Cost: $290,000 Completion: ]995 Replace Steel Pipe Implement a yearly program to remove leaking steel pipe from the water system. CIP Project: 66 Cost: $1,285,500 Completion: 1995 Laboratory Equipment Purchase, operate and maintain a water quality laboratory to improve the turn-around time for water quality samples. CIP Project: 70 Cost: $60,000 Completion: 1990 Upgrade Fire Flow Analyses Engineering work to perform fire flow analyses in the distribution system and update the fire flow maps used by the Fire Department. CIP Project: 72 Cost: $35,000 Completion: 1992 9 - 16 ' 1 System Improvements Update Emergency Response Plan Engineering work to update the existing Emergency Response plan as required by Department of Health regulations. CIP Project: 73 Cost: $35,000 Completion: 1991 Aquifer Awareness Program Setup and administer an on-going Aquifer Awareness Program for the general public. CIP Project: 74 Cost: $137,500 Completion: 1995 Groundwater Modelling Continuation of an on-going project to study, monitor and evaluate the existing aquifer, and prepare and refine a computer model for predicting events and contaminate transport in the Aquifer. Prepare a Management Plan for the Maplewood and Kennydale Aquifer. CIP Project: 75 Cost: $55,000 Completion: 1991 City Hall Data Logger Install computer equipment at City Hall to monitor the existing Telemetry and Supervisory Control System. CIP Project: 77 Cost: $37,500 Completion: 1991 Well Level Monitoring Equipment Install Telemetry equipment to transmit well level data from the well field to the Shop Site. CIP Project: 78 Cost: $35,000 Completion: 1991 Telemetry Phase Four Prepare computer programs for use by the Telemetry System to control facilities based on Utility and Commodity costs. 9 - 17 CHAPTER NINE CIP Project: 79 Cost: $125,000 Completion: 1991 Reservoir Recoating Continuation of an on-going program to provide touch-up and recoating of the existing water storage reservoirs. CIP Project: 81 Cost: $90,000 Completion: 1995 Update Comprehensive Plan Engineering work to update the Comprehensive Water System Plan as required by Department of Health (DOH) regulations, and prepare a system-wide operation and maintenance manual. CIP Project: 82 Cost: $85,000 Completion: 1995 Asbestos Cement (AC) Pipe Replacement Implement an on-going program to replace AC pipe in the distribution system. CIP Project: 83 Cost: $180,000/Year Completion: 1996 Sinking Fund Establish a sinking fund for the replacement of water system facilities as they reach the end of their service life. Facilities include pipelines, pump stations, PRVs, reservoirs, and the control t and treatment systems. CIP Project: 84 Cost: • $250,000/year Completion: on-going Water Balance Study Perform an engineering investigation of the inflow and outflow in the Cedar River Basin. The results will be used by the Department of Ecology(Ecology)to allocate water rights in the Cedar River. CIP Project: 85 Cost: $260,000 Completion: 1994 9 - 18 System Improvements GMA Planning Coordinate with the Planning Department and other city and county agencies to meet the concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act. CIP Project: 86 Cost: $150,000 Completion: 1995 Conservation Compliance Implement and monitor a water'conservation program to meet Department of Health (DOH) criteria. CIP Project: 87 Cost: $366,601 Completion: 1995 CI Pipe Replacement Establish a sinking fund to be used to replace leaking cast iron water mains and establish a priority and replacement program. CIP Project: 88 Cost: $1,080,000 Completion: 1995 Cross Connection Control Plan Prepare a Cross Connection Control Plan to comply with DOH requirements. CIP Project: 89 Cost: $9,000 Completion: 1990 Water Conservation Plan Prepare a Water Conservation Plan to comply with Department of Health requirements and reduce demand 6.5% by 1995. CIP Project: 90 Cost: $9,000 Completion: 1990 9 . 19 • TABLE 9-1(page 1) • n CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NON-PIPELINE PROJECTS-COST BY YEAR •-continued expenditure al a rate to match Inflation tli NO IDESCRIPTION 1 19901 19911 19921 19931 19941 1995[ 20001 FUTURE' TOTAL' W 1 Kennydale Reservoir 6150.000` $3,000,0000 $3,150,000 5 435 Reservoir $75,000 $3,800.000 $3,875,000 tzj 6 565 Reservoir $48,000 $54.000 $260.000 $3.000.000 63.382,000 10 Windsor Hits PS 6184.000 $180.000 $364,000 13 So Highlands 435 Res $4.875,000 $4.875,000 14 MI Olivet Reservoir $210,000 $260,000 $1.500,000 51.970,003 15 MI 011vel Res Recoat $200.000 - --- -- $200,000 17 So HlBhlands PS -- $1,800,000 $1,800,000 18 yaaplewood Trans Main $50,000 $285,000 $200,000 $100,000 _ _ $635,000 19 M ilewood Reservoir $55,000 $653,000 $1,680,000 61,327,000 $3,715.000 - - --------------- .__..55..5.5 .- --- -- - - 20 Maplewood Supply $798.000 $2,104,000 $1,269,000 $1.654,000 $300,000 $1,000,000 $600.000 $7,725,000 ._..._ 21 Maplewood Trans Main $40,000 $260,000 $200,000 $100,000 $60_0,000 23 Renton Hit PS $201,000 $160,000 $2315,000 $2,400,000 $2 991,000 26 Roiling Hills Reservoir $418,000 $1,700,000 $1,082000 $3,200,000 32 Springbrock Reservoir $3,500,000 $3,500,000 33 Rehab Spdngbrook $825.000 $825,000 39 PRV 13 Rehabitation ( $355000 $35,000 54 Black River PS $148,000 $607,000 I $850,0000 $1,605,000 55 Black River Reservoir $2,750,000 $2,750,000 CO 62 Water Supply nl 9 $20.000 $50,000, $250,000 - . 1 $570,000 r 63 Groundwater Planning $54,000 $55,000 $27,500 $200 $164,000 [, 64 Water Quality Planning $140.000 $50,000 $50,000 $50.000_ • • $290,000 0 66 Replace Steel Pipe $200.000 $260.000 $325,500 $300,000 $200,000 • I • $1,285,500 67 Well 8 Electrical $95,000 $25,000 r $120,000 68 Coulon Park PS $35,000 $300,000 $415,000 $750,000 69 Re-align 320 Zone $1.000 -- $1,000 70 Lab Equipment $60,000 $60.000 71 Monitoring Wets , $435,265 $435,265 72 Update RenewAnalysis $35.000 $35.000 73 Update Ernerg Resp Plan $35,000 _ $35,000 74 Aquifer Awareness $27,500 $27,500 $27,500 $27,500 $27,500 $137,500 75 Groundwater Modelling $27,500 $27,500 $55.000 76 Sprtngbroolc Monitoring $115,000 $115,000 77 City Hal Logger $37,500 $37,500 78 Well Level Equip $35,000 $35,000 79 Telemetry Phase 4 $125,000 $125,000 80 Monroe PS Eledr $45,000 $45,000 81 Reservoir Recoat $30,000 $30.000 1 $30,000 • • $90,000 82 Update Comp Plan $85,000 $85,000 84 Sinking Fund 5250,000 $250,000 $500.1X10 85 Water Balance Study $150,000 $55,000 555.000 6260.000 86 GMA Planning 650,000 550,000 $50,000 • $150,000 87 ConservationConptance $80,800 $82,175 $98,659 $104,967 • $368,601 89 Cross Connection Plan $9,000 $9,000 90 Water Conservation Plan $9,000 $9,000 SUBTOTALnon-pipeline projects) $2,377,765 53.646.500 52.308.300 53,687.675 54.470,659 65.387,467_ 58,089.000 $22.975.000 $52,942,366 TOTAL(all projects) $3,756,765 $3,841,500 ' $2,488,300 $4,047,675 $4,830,659 $5,847,467 $13,764,000 $37,800,000 $76,376,366 - TABLE 9-1(page 2) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PIPELINE PROJECTS-COST BY YEAR I NO 1DESCRIPTION 1 19901 19914 19921 19931 19941 19951 2000) FUTURE' TOTAL' 2 Pipeline $300.000 $300,000 3 Pipeline 5400.000 $400,000 4 Pipeline --- $580,000 $580,000 7 Pipeline _ $350,000 $350,000 81 Pipeline $151,000 $550,000 $701,000_ 9 Noting $0 _ SO 11 Pipeline $75,000 $2,300,000 $2,375,000 12 Pipeline -- -- - $330.000 $330.000_ 16 Pipeline - - $125,000 $125,000 22 Pipeline 5400.000 5400.000 24 Pipeline 554.000 $470.000_ $524,000 25 Pipeline -- --..- - - $240,000 $240,000 - - 27 Pipeline --$175-0-- $175,000 - - -- - --- - - -2-8-Pipeline $400.000 $400,000 29 Pipeline $450,000 5450,000 30 Pipeline $650.000 . $650.000 31 Pipeline _ $460,000 $460,000 34 Pipeline - $180.000 $180,000 35 Pipeline $300,000 $300,000 CO 36 Pipeline - - $600,000 $600,000 • 37 Pipeline 5500.000 00, 55000 N 38 Pipeline - -- -- SO- I" 40 Pipeline - $300,000 $300.000 _41 Wel 5A Rehab $880,000 $880,000 42 Pipeline -- $200,000 $200.000 43 Pipeline $39,000 $15,000 _ $820,000 $874,000 44_Pipeline $300.000 $300.000 45 Pipeline $550,000 $550,000 46ine I $180,000 $180,000 47 Pipeline - • ' S1,400.000 $1,400,000 48 Pipeline • ' $160.000 $460.000 49• Pipeline SON, t-1 $300,000 50 Pipeline _ $0 51 Pipeline $300,000 - $300,000 52 Pipeline - $200.000 $200,000 53 Pipeline $1,500,000_ $1,500,000 -56 Neill* __ $900,000 $900,000 57 Pipeline 5100,000 $100,000 n 58 Pipeline $350,000 $350,000 �tot 59 Pipeline -- --- $300,000 $300.000 (e 60 Pipeline $180,000 $180,000 5 61 Pipeline _ $2,500,000 $2,500,000 N 83 AC Pipe Replacement _ $180,000 $180_000 $18_0,000 $540,000 'd 88 Cl Pipe Rept $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 $180.000 $180.000 $1,080,000 y O SUBTOTAL(pipeline pro s) $1,379.000 $195.000 $180,000 8360.000 8360.000 $460,000 $5,675,000 $14,825,000 823,434.000 co TOTAL(all projecisl $3,756,765 $3,841,500 $2,488,300 $4,047,675 $4,830,659 $5,847,467 $13,764,000 $37,800,000 $76,376,366 c5o J En li Chapter Ten OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The current operation and maintenance program for the Water Utility is discussed in this Chapter. The operation and maintenance program consists of four elements: 1. Normal Operationsrl 2. Emergency Operations 3. Preventive Maintenance 4. Staffing 1. NORMAL OPERATIONS Organizational Structure The Water Utility operates under the direction of the Public Works Director,Ms.Lynn Guttman. TABLE 10-1 shows the organizational structure of the Water Utility Operation and Maintenance Section (abbreviated as Maintenance Section). The water utility maintenance section is supervised by Mr. Ray Sled, who reports to the Field Maintenance Supervisor Mr. Jack Crumley, who in turn reports to the Public Works Director. Mr. Sled supervises the day-to-qday activities of three divisions. The Technical Division maintains and operates the automatic control system, the water quality and treatment system, and the pump stations and reservoirs. The Maintenance Division installs improvements,meters, main extensions, and other construction-related activities. The Inventory Division maintains tools, consumables and rolling stock. The Mandatory Water Works Operator Certification Law specifies that certain responsible positions be staffed by individuals who hold the appropriate operator certificate. In the case of Renton,the Water Maintenance Supervisor must be certified as a"Water Distribution Manager IIT". Mr. Sled holds a WDM IV certification and therefore exceeds state requirements for certification. The certifications held by the remaining staff are listed in TABLE 10-2. All personnel are also certified as Cross Connection Control specialists and Mr. George Stahl, who is responsible for the automatic control system, is also an electrician. In-service training consists of special courses and seminars specifically designed for the requirements of an employee group. The training is offered through such organizations as the American Water Works Association (AWWA), local section; various trade organizations, local colleges and universities; Seattle-King County health departments by some of the larger water utilities; and by industrial training specialists. Renton's policy of supporting and promoting operator training should be continued. 10 - 1 TABLE 10-1 WATER MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION 1J PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Lynn Guttmann FIELD MAINT. SUPERINTENDENT Jack Crumley 111 (WATER MAINT.SUPERVISOR) I\ Ray Sled 4 Water Maim Worker Eddie Gross O T FOREMAN Bernard Hiatt V Senior Utility Technician Lead Water Maim.Worker Lead Water Maim.Worker Meters and Leaks Valves George Stall John Jury Mark Weatherbee V • Utility Technician Water Maint Worker Water Maint Worker Water Maint.Worker Water Maint Worker Clifford Nelson Dan Phillips Rod Blake Jim Roshak Charlie Ruffin T Water Quality Technician Water Maint Worker Water Maim Worker Water Maint.Worker Water Maint Worker Ron Duce PatLaFranchi Doug Allen Gary Smith Gregg Seegmiller Operation and Maintenance TABLE 10-2 OPERATOR CERTIFICATION Ray Sled WDM IV Bernie Hiatt WDM II Greg Seegmiller WDM I George Stahl WDM III Gary Smith WDM II Cliff Nelson WDM I Rod Blake WDM II Doug Allen WDM II Eddie Gross WDM I Ron Druce WDM II John Jury WDM I Charlie Ruffin WDM I As the complexity of the system increases and as the service area expands,the need for trained, efficient staff to keep pace with public demand and advances in technology will become imperative. New employees need orientation and basic information while more experienced employees can improve by continued training for update and review. The importance of training opportunities and their impact is such that training should be linked in with the overall personnel evaluation program. Of equal importance to the personnel evaluation program and to the goal of maintaining an effective staff is a promotional plan. A definite promotional policy closely linked with an employee training program is of primary importance in developing improved competence and proficiency. An important point regarding training is that mandatory certification is required by the State. Qualifications and training requirements for obtaining and maintaining certification are stipulated by the State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). The City Council and Administration have approved expenditures for increased training, with the result that improved proficiency levels have occurred in the last five years. Communication Efficient and economical functioning of a team requires adequate provision for regular, effective communication among its members. The normal channels and equipment available to maintain effective inter-staff communication are: 1. Vehicular two-way radios 2. Regularly-kept work logs 3. Regular inspection reports 4. Daily work assignment meetings 5. Inventory and other recordkeeping practices 6. Emergency phone numbers for "on-call" employees 7. Direct, City-owned telephone connection to City Hall The water utility does not have a comprehensive system operation manual; however, facility operation and maintenance(0 &M)manuals are available for staff reference. The City intends to maintain its policies of requiring complete operation and maintenance manuals for all new equipment. In addition,we recommend that a system-wide 0&M manual be prepared and updated on a regular basis. 10 - 3 CHAPTER TEN Equipment Availability Water Maintenance is equipped primarily with rented equipment. The equipment available-for daily use includes rolling stock, and inventory of shop tools and equipment, as well as other portable equipment for field use. The vehicles and other rolling stock are listed in TABLE 10-3 with a description of their primary use in the department. Subsequently, the other field equipment and the shop equipment are listed in summary form. TABLE 10-3 WATER DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT (1989) Vehicle # Year Vehicle Description Prime Operator ROLLING STOCK 1989 1-ton utility truck with 2-1/2 ton boom Cliff Nelson 1989 1-ton utility van Jim Koshak B 44 1988 Chevy Astor van Ron Druce C 142 1987 1/2-ton Toyota pickup ' Ray Sled B 36 1987 Chevy step van Charlie Ruffin C 134 1986 Chevy 5-10 van George Stahl D 49 1986 1-ton Chevy utility truck John Jury C 122 1985 Chevy S-10 pickup Bernie Hiatt C 113 1983 1-ton Chevy utility truck C 107 1982 3/4-ton Dodge pickup C 106 1982 3/4-ton Dodge utility truck C 010 1981 1/2-ton Dodge utility truck C 100 1981 1-ton Dodge utility truck C 95 1980 1-ton Dodge utility truck HEAVY EQUIPMENT 1989 Backhoe John Jury S 121 1985 Sullivan air compressor E 63 1982 Ford Backhoe D 43 1981 Ford 5-ton flatbed truck D 42 1980 GMC 5-yard dump truck D 35 1977 Ford 5-yard dump truck S 84 1965 Trailer with welder E 68 1981 Hyster fork lift 10 - 4 Operation and Maintenance TABLE 10-3 WATER DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT (1989) Vehicle # Year j Vehicle Description Prime Operator Other Equipment Amount Vehicle Description 4 Wacker compactors 1 3" trash pump 4 Trash diaphragm pumps 1 4" to 10" tap machine 2 1-1/2"to 2" tap machine 2 3/4"to 1"tap machine 1 Chainsaw 6 Air pack i 4 CL2 repair kits 1 Set of emergency lighting 1 Emergency generator Maintenance Equipment The existing inventory appears adequate at current staffing levels, but should increase in proportion to customer increases. The City should examine the backup capabilities of the inventory based on critical equipment failure and make provisions for additional equipment procurement on a short-notice basis where necessary. Routine Operations Routine operations involve the analysis,formulation,and implementation of procedures to ensure that the facilities are functioning efficiently and meeting pressure requirements and other demands of the system. The utility's maintenance procedures are good,with repairs being made promptly so customers receive high quality water service. A detailed description of the existing control capabilities and the proposed control improvements is contained in Chapter 3 of this Plan. The City has adopted an aggressive policy of providing and relying on automatic controls for the routine operation and recordkeeping needs of the Water System. This will allow the existing operations staff to concentrate on preventive maintenance, equipment repair, and the other;specialized needs of the Department, while eliminating the "human factor" from routine tasks and increasing System efficiency and reliability. _ State law and good management require an ongoing water quality monitoring program. The City of Renton follows the testing procedures and recordkeeping requirements of the Washington 10 - 5 CHAPTER TEN State DSHS,WAC 248-54-165. The Department of Health(DOH)has adopted regulations that specify sampling frequencies for physical, bacteriological, and chemical (organic and inorganic) constituents and radionuclides. The sampling requirements depend on the number of customers, source, type, and treatment provided. The specific requirements are contained in WAC 248-54- 740 and are summarized in Table 3(pages 25 and 26)of the "Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health Regarding Public Water Systems." Renton has developed a water quality sampling and recordkeeping program that ensures compliance with the regulations. Samples are collected from the Distribution System and submitted to a state-certified laboratory for bacteriological analysis in compliance with Table 2 in the above-referenced rules. With the current population served of approximately 37,000, 60 samples per month of finished water and 20 samples per month of raw water are collected. The City uses the following sampling schedule: Inorganic Analysis Every 3 years Volatile Organic Compounds Every 3 months Bacteriological Samples Every week In addition,the State samples for Trihalomethanes once per year. The City uses a combination of State and local laboratories for water quality analysis results. The State lab requires 8-10 weeks to return results, and the local labs return results in 3-5 weeks. This is an unacceptably long time if the public's health is to be protected from groundwater contaminations in the aquifer recharge area. We recommend that the City acquire equipment and maintain a self-contained water quality laboratory at the shop site. Distribution system sampling points are shown in FIGURE 1. Records Providing time for keeping and maintaining accurate records should be an integral consideration in determining the time to be allotted to any departmental task. Adequate records are an essential tool in utility management and operation, and providing the supporting data for operations assessment and long-term planning, while saving time and reducing difficulty when trouble arises. The Water Utility has need for several types of records: operational records (flow and level recordings), chlorination station records,main disinfection records, personnel records, customer • contact records,meter records,inventory records,and mandatory water quality sampling records. These and other appropriate documents should be legible,clear in format,permanent, accurate, and accessible. Their importance to the efficient functioning of the Utility is effectively addressed in the context of the in-service staff training sessions. Up-to-date maps of the water system are important for operation and maintenance. Changes or additions to the water system should be added as they occur. The City maintains an updated 1"= 400' scale map of the water system that is useful to the operations and maintenance staff, and a set of 1"= 100' utility maps. The 1"= 100' utility maps show the water line sizes, the location of valves, the status of the valve(whether open or closed)during normal operation, and an indication of the locations of service connections. This information is useful in helping the 10 - 6 Operation and Maintenance operation and maintenance staff to locate water lines,valves, and service connections from these maps. Plat maps or construction drawings for new water mains or transmission lines within the distribution system should also be filed as backup information for the water system. The City is currently in the process of installing a data-logger recording system on the Telemetry and Supervisory Control System,'which will assist in recordkeeping management. Cross Connection Control The Renton Water Utility has an ongoing cross connection control program and the Utility ensures the program conforms to WAC 248-54-285. The Utility has adopted the "Accepted Procedure and Practice in Cross Connection Control"published by the Pacific Northwest Section of AWWA as its standard of practice. A backflow prevention device or other approved device is required on all cross connections or possible cross connections. Each device is required to be inspected and tested each year. Installation of backflow prevention devices is in conformance with the Uniform Plumbing Code, and is enforced by Renton's Building Inspection Division. Mr Ron Druce is the designated cross connection control specialist for the City's backflow preventors. The City has implemented a Cross Connection Control Program and prepared a Cross Connection Control Plan. The Plan is included in this Comprehensive Water Plan as a separate document. • 2. EMERGENCY OPERATIONS The City of Renton has prepared an Emergency Response Plan that identifies how Renton should react to an emergency, including the functions and responsibilities of personnel, procedures to be followed,maps of each facility, contact lists, and communication procedures. The emergency response procedures are available both in report form and through a computer program prepared specifically for this purpose. The Emergency Response Plan should be updated every two years. The reader is referred to the Emergency Response Plan document for additional details. In addition, the City has prepared a Water Shortage Response Plan that identifies procedures to be used for reacting to a reduction in water supply or a large demand that exceeds the supply system's capacity. The plan lists various conservation and supply augmentation options. It should be updated every two years. 3. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Maintenance schedules that meet or exceed manufacturer's recommendations should be established for all critical components in the Water System. The following schedule should be used as a minimum for preventive j maintenance: Supply Sources Daily: Observe and record motor current draw (three phases); check packing; log and record volume delivered and pump motor hours; check motor pumping water level; check motor noise, temperature, vibration. 10 - 7 CHAPTER TEN Weekly: Check security. Semiannually: Change motor oil. As Needed: Paint structures and piping; maintain electrical and hydraulic controls. Storage Facilities Weekly: Check security. Annually: Check interior condition, vents, hatches, etc. on tanks. As Needed: Repaint interior and exterior as needed on tanks (estimated 10 to 15 year frequency). Distribution System Booster Pump Station - Same as Supply Sources Pressure Reducing Stations Annually: Check all valves; check screens, and pressure settings; rebuild, as necessary. Pipelines Annually: Flush dead-end lines Valves Annually: Operate full open/closed; uncover where buried; clean out valve boxes, etc., repair as necessary. Leak Survey and Isolation Hydrants Semiannually: Operate;check drain rate;lubricate as necessary;measure pressure; paint as necessary. Meters 10 Year Intervals: Replace 3/4" to 2" meters, and inspect all parts, replace worn or defective parts; retest meter for accuracy. Annually: Inspect all 3" and larger meters and test. 10 . 8 Operation and Maintenance Control Equipment Semiannually: Check calibration of transducers and primary sensing units; adjust as necessary. As Needed: Replal a light bulbs. Replace failing equipment. Tools & Equipment Rolling Stock Daily: Check all fluid levels and brakes. As Needed: Replace fluids and filters in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations (or more frequently depending on type of use). Tools As Needed: Clean after each use; lubricate and maintain as necessary. Meter Testing The City currently has a program to periodically test the accuracy of the reading obtained from individual water meters. 4. STAFFING The preventive maintenance procedures, and normal as well as emergency operations of the utility, are described in the previous sections. The hours of labor and supervisory activity required to effectively carry out they work of these on-going maintenance and operations schedules form the basis for determining adequate staffing levels. Current Staff The current staff organization is illustrated in TABLE 10-1. There are at present 18 employees, including supervisory personnel, technicians, maintenance workers and office staff, engaged in operating and maintaining the Water System. The tasks which are performed by water utility staffinclude inspection,testing,installation and repair of system facilities and routine preventive maintenance, recordkeeping, administrative tasks, general clerical work, and corrective or breakdown maintenance required in response to routine emergencies. The hours of work required to adequately maintain the Water System (excluding supervisory time, time associated with the work needed to accommodate expansion or growth [i.e., pipe laying,new service connections,etc.], and time required for clerical tasks)are shown in TABLE 104. For the preventive maintenance alone, the annual hours total 16,920, or 325 crew hours per week. This requires a minimum of 8-plus crew members working full time;i.e.,40 hours per week, excluding vacation, sick leave, and all other tasks not related to preventive maintenance. As indicated in TABLE 10-1, there is presently a total of nine water department maintenance crew members employed by the City. 10 - 9 CHAPTER TEN TABLE 10-4 STAFFING TIME FOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Minimum Quantity in Time per Time Required Facility or Equipment Frequency of System Unit per Year Maintenance (# of units) (Hours) (Hours) Hydrants Semi-annually 2,000 .25 500 • Large Valves (16" or larger) Annually 215 4 860 Distribution Valves Every 10 years 4,100 1.3 5,330 Meters Every 10 years 11,300 2 2,260 Mains Leak Survey Annually 210 miles 10 2,100 Poly Pigging 10 miles/year 210 miles 100/mile 1,000 Booster Pump Station * 10 120 1,200 Pressure Reducing Station * 33 32 960 Wells/Springs CLz + Fluoride * 5 350 1,750 Reservoirs * 6 120 720 Control System Semi-annually 1 240 - TOTAL 16,920/year * Daily,Weekly, or as needed;varies with component and task. If, in addition, due consideration is given to the hours involved in vacation, holiday, illness, meetings, training, on-the-job travel and startup time, then the total number of hours actually available for performing the work of operation and maintenance diminishes to a level of approximately 1,662 hours per year per crew member. At this rate, a staff of 11 full-time maintenance crew members is adequate to accomplish minimal preventive maintenance with no time available for normal operations activities, emergencies, or new connections. TABLE 10-1 indicates the current size of the maintenance crew. TABLE 10-5 lists the staffing time necessary for work not associated with preventive maintenance (operation). TABLE 10-5 STAFFING TIME FOR OPERATION TASKS Activity Frequency Per Activity Total Time Monitoring System Operation Each Station Daily 1/3 hour 1,806 Hrs/Year Checking on Facilities (false alarm 100 per year 1 hour 100 Hrs/Year response) Meter Reading(Finance Department) 4 per year 1/6 hour 6,933 Hrs/Year , 10 - 10 Operation and Maintenance TABLE 10-5 STAFFING TIME FOR OPERATION TASKS Activity j Frequency Per Activity Total Time Groundskeeping 1 per year per 2 per day 2,000 Hrs/Year Facility (May to October) • Inventory (Shop) 2,076 Hrs/Year Repair & Replacement(of meters) 1 1,300 per year 2 hours 2,600 Hrs/Year Main Breaks 3 per month 40 hours 1,440 Hrs/Year System Failures 4 per year 24 hours 96 Hrs/Year Hydrant Repairs 100 Annually 24 hours 2,400 Hrs/Year New Service Connections 10 per month 16 hours 1,600 Hrs/Year New Main Connections 2 per month 4 hours 96 Hrs/Year Reservoir Sanitary Checks 40 per month 1/3 hour 960 Hrs/Year Water Quality/Water Testing 100 tests/week 6 hours 312 Hrs/Year Administration 3,324 Hrs/Year TOTAL 27,743 Hrs/Year The total operation and preventive maintenance time required is 44,663 hours per year,or more than 27 persons working full-time (40 hours per week). These figures indicate that the Department is not adequately staffed to regularly perform the basic tasks required to provide even minimum recommended maintenance to the system. An expansion of the system necessitating new service connections and/or additional facilities, without enlargement of the staff, will result in increased neglect of necessary maintenance. In view of predicted population growth in the service area over the next several decades and the concomitant growing demand for water supplied by an increasingly complex system, the unavoidable conclusion is an immediate and continuing need for additional staffing. There are many arguments to support the wisdom of adequate staffing in any workplace. One of the most persuasive arguments relevant to a complex Water System concerns the neglect of preventive maintenance schedules which tends to accompany short-staffing. Routine, regular preventive maintenance tasks are,often the first to be dropped from the schedule when the time available is inadequate to do the job properly. The resulting misfortune is usually increased breakdown maintenance and excessive reliance on an expensive abundance of standby equipment required to circumvent service outages during emergency repair. The preventive maintenance tasks listed in TABLE 10-4 account for approximately 40% of the total number of hours required. 10 - 11 CHAPTER TEN Additions Necessary Regular performance of all necessary work in the Department, with the current number of service connections, will require additions to the present maintenance crew. The expected increase in the number of service connections should serve as further impetus to develop a staff of an adequate size to effectively operate and maintain the System. The size of the maintenance crew should be increased from 9 crew members to 11 personnel. The size of the operations crew should be increased to 16 personnel. These additions to the staff will be required before there are adequate crew hours available to carry the full work load of the Utility without neglecting preventive maintenance, emergency preparedness, or safety precautions. Maintenance and technical staff additions should be accompanied by additions to the clerical,secretarial and other support staff needed to assure that recordkeeping,billing, public relations, communications, and other general functions of support staff are performed with the accuracy, timing and regularity required. I 10 - 12 Chapter Eleven FINANCIAL 1. INTRODUCTION This chapter considers the financial impacts of constructing the improvements recommended in Chapter 9. In order to assess the impacts, the estimated current costs of the proposed improvements are compared with the anticipated operating and maintenance costs of the sewer utility to develop income requirements. The income requirements are then compared with anticipated revenues to determine the level of rate increase necessary to support the Capital Improvement Plan recommended. A utility rate study has recently been completed, and the results of the rate study were used for portions of this chapter. The reader is referred to the rate study for additional details. 2. IMPROVEMENT COSTS The estimated costs to construct the improvements identified over the five-year period from 1989 to 1994 are summarized in this section. Although the anticipated costs for all of the improvements have been estimated, it is difficult to develop good financial planning data for more than a five-year period. Changes in system flowrates system growth, financial policies, regulatory requirements, and rate structures all contribute to limit the benefits of long-range planning. It is our recommendation that financial goals be evaluated every five years and that detailed financial planning be limited to this time frame. The five-year Capital Improvement Costs are summarized below: Year Capital Improvement Costs* 1989 $355,000 1990 $1,976,000 1991 $2,060,000 1992 $3,362,000 1993 $3,112,000 1994 $2,410,000 *. These costs are slightly higher than the costs shown in Chapter 9 due to the inclusion of Debt Issuance Costs. 3. OPERATING COSTS The estimated costs to operate the Sewer Utility include salary and METRO costs for both the Operation and Maintenance and Engineering and Administration services,taxes,office supplies, debt service, and consulting fees. Forecasting for operating costs requires assumptions regarding level of service, growth, and inflation. The level of service is expected to increase yearly and approach the recommended staffing levels within a 10-year period. Growth is assumed to occur at 2%per year, as identified in Chapter 5. Inflation for labor is estimated to be 5% annually plus a 5% step increase 11 - 1 CHAPTER ELEVEN applicable to 50%of the work force. Other expenses are anticipated to increase at a rate of 5%. Metro treatment services are forecast to increase at an annual rate of 16%. The estimated operating costs are summarized below: Year Estimated Operating Cost Estimated Operating Costs (City Services) (METRO Treatment Services) 1989 $4,319,000 $2,687,000 1990 $5,195,000 $3,074,000 1991 $5,738,000 $3,655,000 1992 $6,100,000 $4,394,000 1993 $6,525,000 $5,226,000 1994 $7,155,000 $6,222,000 4. REVENUE The estimated revenue for the Sewer Utility includes service charges, connection fees, development fees, investment interest, contributed capital, grants, and revenue bond proceeds. The revenue was forecast using the 1990 budget as a base rather than using actual expenditures. During 1989, the Public Works Department underwent an extensive re-organization, and the 1990 budget reflects the new organization. The estimated revenue is summarized below: Year Estimated Revenue 1989 $ 4,783,000 1990 7,132,000 1991 8,072,000 1992 10,697,000 1993 9,794,000 1994 11,198,000 5. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS TABLE 11-1 summarizes anticipated revenues and expenses for the Sewer Utility. The budget deficit shown in TABLE 11-1 in 1989 and 1990 is funded with cash reserves that are replenished in subsequent years through the recommended rate increase. (Note:Although every attempt has been made to make this Comprehensive Plan compatible with the 1989 Rates Analysis, several Capital Improvement Projects that were identified after the publication of the Rates Analysis have changed the yearly C.I.P. expenditures.) 11 - 2 Financial TABLE 11-1 REVENUE AND OPERATION SUMMARY (1000s of Dollars) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Expenses Capital Improvement Costs 355 1,967 2,060 3,372 3,112 2,410 Operating Costs 4,428 5,165 6,012 7,211 8,492 9,892 SUBTOTAL 4,783 7,132 8,072 10,583 11,604 12,302 Revenue Capital Improvement Source 309 1,967 2,060 3,372 3,112 2,410 Operating Sources 4,050 6,166 6,012 7,211 8,492 9,892 SUBTOTAL 4,359 8,133 8,072 10,583 11,604 12,302 Surplus (or Deficit) (445) 1,001 0 0 0 0 Annual Rate Increase Required (%) 42.17 11.92 19.75 13.89 9.82 The rate increase shown is the amount necessary to support the expenses identified in the Capital Improvement Program and the anticipated operating costs of the sewer utility,using the following sewer rate schedule for 1989. Customer Classification Monthly Charge Single-Family Residential Base Charge $ 1.05 Volume Charge/750 CF of Water 5.80 METRO Pass Through 10.45 All Other Accounts Base Charge 1.05 Charge/750 CF of Water 5.30 METRO Pass Through 10.45 6. RATE COMPARISON TABLE 11.2 shows a comparison of sewer rates between the City of Renton and several adjacent sewer systems. The comparison uses the 3/4"residential meter rate,which is the primary source of system revenue. It can be seen that Renton compares favorably to rates charged by other municipalities in this - region. The competitive rates and high service quality are a result of the following: 11 - 3 CHAPTER ELEVEN 1. Efficient operation 2. A revenue basis wherein existing customers are not paying for improvements to accommodate growth. 3. Exhaustive efforts to reduce the sewer utility budget. 4. Successful pursuit of grant funding for eligible items. 11 - 4 Financial TABLE 11-2 1989 WATER RATE COMPARISON AGENCY • WATER SEWER COMBINED RATE RATE RATE Renton $15.00 $4.80 $19.80 Tukwila 17.30 4.50 21.80 Kent 16.80 6.20 23.00 Auburn 10.00 4.50 14.50 Seattle 10.50 .14.00 24.50 Bellevue 9.80 3.50 13.30 Redmond 15.90 5.70 21.60 Kirkland 14.00 5.00 19.00 WD 107 16.40 6.50 22.90 Soos Creek 12.00 6.60 18.60 • $25.00 777 • • • • $20.00 •• ill • ici iiii iiii ii "iii $15.001-iiii-iiii Ilii ii i i "" II' Iiii v 'IIR.4 I, ,iii n P h II��N ,r!I I i. i I !i iii t 0 41 :: pii t l r1 - 'g � J . iii ` ' 1 ih, :iii: iiii iiii- I.f_ ,I. I�- iiii $10.00a I iny� - � I lo � 1kiud: � I �i 1 .i{A ,y. I : N,{1 AiY I iI iii �I ' � � � III, If IIl. 5.00 ��IiIic _I IpI01111 PINI9 : MII1 A . I 11 II 11 INI;: Frr� Y ? iI' d II.Ili I4I I6 Mi qi: dlii :$0.00J,ILI1 I i 1 � Qa mb va A e .4 R o ai 0 a4 .E Q -1 o Y O rn Eli Water E3 Sewer ID Combined rate I - 11 - 5 Appendix A WELL, BOOSTER, AND PRV DATA SHEETS PRESSURE REDUCING STATION SUMMARY INFORMATION PRESSURE REDUCING WATER SECTION STATION MAP BOOKLET Detail Valve Highest Station No. Zone Location PRV Detail Page e Valve Elev. Eyed & Location Supply Pg. No. Size (ft) WEST HILL 270 PRESSURE ZONE 1 NW Stevens Street & West Hill 495 11 18 41 2" 151 Taylor Avenue NW 4" 151 8" 151 2 NW 4TH Street & Lind West Hill 495 11 7 38 2" 173 186 Avenue NW 8" 173 3 NW Langston Street& West Hill 495 16 23 42 4" 175 Bagley Avenue NW 8" 175 SCENIC HILL 490 PRESSURE ZONE 20 S 11th Street& Grant Rolling Hills 22 & 23 No Detail 3" 327 393 Avenue S 590 10" 327 SCENIC HILL 370 PRESSURE ZONE 22 S Renton Avenue & Scenic Hill 490 17 15 40 1.5" 219 Beacon Way S 6" 219 4 S 6th Street& Cedar Scenic Hill 490 17 9 39 4" 214 Avenue S 240 5 S 5th Street& Cedar Scenic Hill 490 17 10 39 4" 188 Avenue S 6 850 Renton Avenue S Seattle Supply 17 15 40 3" 264 3" 264 TALBOT HILL 350 PRESSURE ZONE 9 North Talbot Hill Rolling Hills 21 & 31 No Detail 3" 162 Booster Pump Station 590 8" 162 11 S 23rd Street & Rolling Hills 21 & 32 B 36 3" 219 240 Williams Avenue S 590 8" 219 28 Shattuck Avenue S & S Seattle 490 21 & 32 A 36 2" 185 23rd Street 8" 185 EAST TALBOT HILL 300 PRESSURE ZONE 7 S 15th Street& Benson Rolling Hills 22 & 34 No Detail 2" 123 Road S 490 8" _ 123 8 15th Street& Eagle • Rolling Hills 22 & 34 No Detail 3" 220 220 Ridge Drive 490 10" 220 Appendix A - 1 APPENDIX A WEST TALBOT HILL 300 PRESSURE ZONE 10 S 16th Street&Talbot Talbot Hill 350 21 & 31 No Detail 2" 98 Hill Road S 6" 98 29 Shattuck Avenue S & S Talbot Hill 350 21 & 32 A 36 2" 184 190 23rd Street 8" 184 SOUTH ROLLING HILLS 490 PRESSURE ZONE ,12 S 23rd Street& Rolling Hills 21 & 32 B 36 4" 219 365 1 Williams Avenue S 590 12" 219 NORTH ROLLING HILLS 490 PRESSURE ZONE 17 S Ethire Street & Rolling Hills 22 & 34 No Detail 2" 307 Grant Avenue S 590 8" 307 18 S 18th Street& Grant Rolling Hills 22 & 34 No Detail 2" 298 Avenue S 590 8" 298 317 19 S 14th Street& Grant Rolling Hills 22 & 34 No Detail 2" 318 Avenue S 590 8" 318 - 21 S Benson Road& Rolling Hills 22 & 31 No Detail 2" 201 Eagle Ridge Drive S 590 8" 201 KENNYDALE 320 PRESSURE ZONE 13 N 28th Street& Highlands 435 7 17 41 6" 202 Meridian Avenue N _ 220 14 N 32nd Street& Highlands 435 3 16 41 4" 205 Meadow Avenue N 12" 205 KENNYDALE - MARINA LANDING 325 PRESSURE ZONE 26 Marina Landing Apts. Highlands 435 7 28 43 2.5" 83 221 4800 Lk. Wash. Blvd 10" 83 DOWNTOWN 196 PRESSURE ZONE (3) 15 Gene L. Coulon Park Kennydale 320 7 24 42 2" 16 N Circle Drive 8" 16 16 Sunset Blvd & I-405 Highlands 435 17 19 42 4" 36 1 23 Tukwila Intertie Tukwila 360 25 20 42 1.5" 21 West Valley Highway 8" 21 & SW 34th Street ! 141 24 Longacres Intertie Seattle 490 20 21 42 1.5" 10 Longacres Grandstand 8" 10 25 Kent Intertie City of Kent 30 21 42 1.5" 10 SE 43rd Street& Lind 10" 14 Avenue 27 Gene Coulon Park Marina 7 29 43 8" 31 North Park Entrance Landing 325 Appendix A - 2 I Well, Booster, and PRV Data Sheets CURRENT STATION SETTINGS Min. Observed Press Hydraulic Elev. 0 rational Relative Zone Inlet Outlet Inlet Outlet Priority Set-Point Pressure Station No.&Location (psi) (psi) (ft) (ft) (psi) (psi) WEST HILL 270 PRESSURE ZONE 1 NW Stevens Street& 140 55 474 278 3rd Lag -10 Taylor Avenue NW 50• 267 5th Lag -15 45 6th Lag -20 2 NW 4TH Street & Lind 130 55 473 330 Lead 0 49 Avenue NW 45 277 3rd Lag -10 3 NW Langston Street& 130 50 475 291 1st Lag -4 Bagley Avenue NW 279 2nd Lag -9 SCENIC HILL 490 PRESSURE ZONE 20 S 11th Street& Grant 110 65 581 477 Lead 0 36 Avenue S 60 466 1st Lag -5 SCENIC HILL 370 PRESSURE ZONE 22 S Renton Avenue & 110 70 473 381 Lead -0 Beacon Way S 70 381 Lead -0 4 S 6th Street& Cedar 114 65 477 364 2nd Lag -7 61 Avenue S I 5 S 5th Street& Cedar 130 70 488 350 3rd Lag -14 Avenue S 6 850 Renton Avenue S Valved off --- --- --- Emerg. Valved off --- --- --- Only TALBOT HILL 350 PRESSURE ZONE 9 North Talbot Hill 180 85 578 358 Lead 0 Booster Pump Station 80 347 1st Lag -5 11 S 23rd Street& 160 45 589 323 2nd Lag -15 51 Williams Avenue S 40 _ 311 3rd Lag -20 28 Shattuck Avenue S & S 140 80 508 , 370 Emerg. 23rd Street 80 370 Only ' EAST TALBOT HILL 300 PRESSURE ZONE 7 S 15th Street& Benson 165 85 504 319 Lead 0 Road S 80 _ 308 2nd Lag -5 8 15th Street& Eagle 125 40 509 312 1st Lag -3 43 i Ridge Drive 35 301 3rd Lag -8 WEST TALBOT HILL 300 PRESSURE ZONE 10 S 16th Street&Talbot 110 80 352 283 3rd Lag -22 Hill Road S 75 271 4th Lag -27 62 — 29 Shattuck Avenue S & S 75 65 357 334 Lead 0 23rd Street 65334 Lead 0 Appendix A - 3 APPENDIX A SOUTH ROLLING HILLS 490 PRESSURE ZONE 12 S 23rd Street& 160 120 589 496 Lead 0 57 Williams Avenue S 115 485 1st Lag -5 NORTH ROLLING HILLS 490 PRESSURE ZONE 17 S Ethire Street& Grant 110 90 561 515 1st Lag -5 Avenue S 85 503 4th Lag -10 18 S 18th Street& Grant 110 90 552 506 3rd Lag -9 Avenue S 85 494 6th Lag -14 90 19 S 14th Street& Grant 110 90 572 526 Lead -0 Avenue S 85 514 1st Lag -5 21 S Benson Road & Eagle 160 130 571 501 5th Lag -11 Ridge Drive S 125 490 7th Lag -16 KENNYDALE 320 PRESSURE ZONE 13 N 28th Street & 100 50 433 318 1st Lag -2 Meridian Avenue 44 14 N 32nd Street & 100 50 435 321 Lead -0 Meadow Avenue N 45 309 2nd Lag -5 KENNYDALE - MARINA LANDING 325 PRESSURE ZONE 26 Marina Landing Apts. 150 105 430 326 Lead -0 45 4800 Lk. Wash. Blvd 100 314 1st Lag -5 DOWNTOWN 196 PRESSURE ZONE (3) 15 Gene L. Coulon Park 132 40 320 108 3rd Lag -39 N Circle Drive 35 97 4th Lag -44 16 Sunset Blvd & I-405 Valved off --- --- --- Closed -86 Valved off --- --- --- Closed -86 23 Tukwila Intertie 150 75 368 194 Emerg. -2 West Valley Highway & 70 183 Only -7 25 SW 34th Street 24 Longacres Intertie 207 45 488 114 Emerg. -37 j Longacres Grandstand 40 102 Only -42 25 Kent Intertie 95 80 233 199 Emerg. -0 SE 43rd Street & Lind 80 199 Only -0 Avenue 27 Gene Coulon Park 125 70 320 193 4th Lag -3 North Park Entrance I Appendix A - 4 Well, Booster, and PRV Data Sheets PROPOSED STATION SETTINGS Pressure Relative Hydraulic Valve Set- Min.Static Zone Operational Set-Point Elevation Lead Points Pressure Station No.& Location (ft) Priority (psi) (ft) (psi) Lag(psi) (psi) WEST HILL 270 PRESSURE ZONE 1 NW Stevens Street& 300 Lead 0 300.0 65 Taylor Avenue NW 300 3rd Lag -15 265.4 , 50 2 NW 4TH Street & Lind 300 4th Lag -20 253.8 45 Avenue NW 300 1st Lag -5 288.5 50 49 3 NW Langston Street& 300 4th Lag -20 253.8 35 Bagley Avenue NW 300 2nd Lag -10 276.9 44 300 4th Lag -20 253.8 34 SCENIC HILL 490 PRESSURE ZONE 1 20 S 11th Street& Grant 490 Lead 0 490.0 71 42 Avenue S 490 1st Lag -5 478.5 66 SCENIC HILL 370 PRESSURE ZONE 22 S Renton Avenue & 370 1st Lag -5 358.5 60 Beacon Way S 370 3rd Lag -15 335.4 50 4 S 6th Street & Cedar 370 Lead 0 370.0 68 51 Avenue S 5 S 5th Street & Cedar 370 2nd Lag -10 346.9 69 Avenue S 6 850 Renton Avenue S 370 Emerg. -15 335.4 Closed-When open set 0 31 psi 370 Only -20 323.8 Closed-When open set @ 26 psi TALBOT HILL 350 PRESSURE ZONE 9 North Talbot Hill Booster 350 1st Lag -5 338.5 76 Pump Station 350 3rd Lag -15 315.4 66 11 S 23rd Street&Williams 350 Lead 0 350.0 57 Avenue S 350 2nd Lag -10 326.9 47 43 28 Shattuck Avenue S & S 350 Emerg. -20 303.8 51 23rd Street 350 I Only -25 292.3 46 EAST TALBOT HILL 300 PRESSURE ZONE 7 S 15th Street & Benson 300 Lead 0 300.0 77 Road S 300 2nd Lag -10 276.9 67 8 15th Street& Eagle 300 1st Lag -5 288.5 30 35 Ridge Drive 300 3rd Lag -15 265.4 20 WEST TALBOT HILL 300 PRESSURE ZONE 10 S 16th Street&Talbot 300 Lead 0 300.0 87 Hill Road S 300 2nd Lag -10 276.9 77 48 29 Shattuck Avenue S & S 300 1st Lag -5 288.5 45 23rd Street 300 3rd Lag -15 265.4 35 Appendix A 5 APPENDIX A SOUTH ROLLING HILLS 490 PRESSURE ZONE 12 S 23rd Street&Williams 490 Lead 0 490.0 127 54 Avenue S 490 1st Lag -5 478.5 112 NORTH ROLLING HILLS 490 PRESSURE ZONE 17 S Ethire Street & Grant 490 Lead 0 490.0 79 Avenue S 490 4th Lag -20 443.8 59 18 S 18th Street& Grant 490 3rd Lag -15 455.4 68 Avenue S 490 4th Lag -20 443.8 63 75 19 5 14th Street& Grant 490 2nd Lag -10 466.9 64 Avenue S 490 4th Lag -20 443.8 54 21 S Benson Road& Eagle 490 1st Lag -5 478.5 120 Ridge Drive S 490 4th Lag -20 443.8 105 KENNYDALE 320 PRESSURE ZONE 13 N 28th Street &Meridian 320 1st Lag -5 308.5 46 Avenue N 38 14 N 32nd Street& Meadow 320 Lead 0 320.0 50 Avenue N 320_ 2nd Lag -10 296.9 40 KENNYDALE - MARINA LANDING 325 PRESSURE ZONE 26 Marina Landing Apts. 320 Lead 0 320.0 103 43 4800 Lk. Wash. Blvd 320 1st Lag -5 308.5 98 DOWNTOWN 196 PRESSURE ZONE (3) 15 Gene L. Coulon Park 196 3rd Lag -15 161.4 63 N Circle Drive 196 4th Lag -20 149.8 58 16 Sunset Blvd & I-405 196 Closed 196.0 196 Closed 196.0 23 Tukwila Intertie 196 Emerg. -25 138.3 51 West Valley Highway & 196 Only -30 126.7 46 SW 34th Street 9 24 Longacres Intertie 196 Emerg. -25 138.3 56 Longacres Grandstand. 196 Only -30 126.7 51 25 Kent Intertie 196 Emerg. -25 138.3 54 SE 43rd Street& Lind 196 Only -30 126.7 49 Avenue 27 Gene Coulon Park 196 4th Lag -20 149.8 51 North Park Entrance Appendix A -.6 - BOOSTER PUMP STATIONS DESCRIPTION SUMMARY Pressure Zone Booster Pump Station No. of Total From To Facility Comm. Controlled Emergency Name &Address Pumps Capacity Status Link By Power Mt. Olivet 3 4,350 gpm Downtown Highlands Lead Hardwired Highlands None 250 Bronson Way NE (196) (435) Reservoirs Windsor Hills 2 2,000 gpm Downtown Highlands Lag Radio Highlands None 581 Sunset Boulevard NE (196) (435) Reservoirs Monroe Avenue 2 2,500 gpm Highlands Highlands Lead Hardwired Highlands None - 401 Monroe Avenue NE (435) (565) Elev. Tank Highlands 3 3,900 gpm Highlands Highlands Lag Radio Highlands 75 KW a 3410 NE 12th Street (435) (565) V m North Talbot Hill 1 500 gpm Downtown Talbot Hill Lead Radio 350 Zone None 0 730 South 19th Street (max) (196) (350) Pressure 04 South Talbot Hill 4 4,300 gpm Downtown Talbot Hill Lag Radio So.Talbot None 50 South 43rd Street (196) (350) Reservoir North Talbot Hill 3 4,240 gpm Downtown Rolling Lead Radio Rolling None 730 South 19th Street (196) Hills (590) Hills Elev. Tank a , Tiffany Park 2 1,050 gpm Seattle Rolling Standby Radio Rolling None til 0 2000 Kirkland Avenue Supply Hills(590) Hills Elev. o (500) Tank ig Fred Nelsen 2 925 gpm Seattle Rolling -Standby Radio Rolling None 2300 Benson Road S Supply Hills(590) Hills Elev. p, (500) Tank ,.b West Hill 3 2,200 gpm Downtown West Hill Lead Radio West Hills None C 615 Perimeter Road (196) (495) Reservoir d Renton Municipal Airport rat, 0" m m m BOOSTER PUMP STATIONS CONDITION SUMMARY z ti Booster Pump Station Lighting Vandal- P Name&Address Structural Mechanical Electrical Heating Status Ventilation Aesthetic Safety Proof Mt. Olivet Fair Fair Good Good Fair Fair Poor Fair Poor 250 Bronson Way NE Windsor Hills Fair Good Poor Poor Good Fair Fair Fair Fair 581 Sunset Boulevard NE Monroe Avenue Good Good Poor Good Good Good Good Good Fair 401 Monroe Avenue NE Highlands Fair Fair Good Fair Good Poor Poor • Good Good Pd9 3410 NE 12th Street CD North Talbot Hill Good Good Good Good Good Fair Good Good Good 01 730 South 19th Street 51 South Talbot Hill Good Good Good Good Good Fair Good Good Fair 50 South 43rd Street oo Tiffany Park Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Fair 2000 Kirkland Avenue Fred Nelsen Fair Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor 2300 Benson Road S West Hill Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 615 Perimeter Road Renton Municipal Airport Well, Booster, and PRV Data Sheets MOUNT OLIVET BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: Mount Olivet Reservoir, 250 Bronson Way Northeast Constructed: 1967 Number of Pumps: 3 with provision for 1 additional PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Pump No. 3 Manufacturer Worthington Worthington Peerless Model Number 15L-82-3S 15M-15A-35 14 MO Flowrate 1,050 gpm 1,500 gpm 1,800 gpm T.D.H. 300 feet 320 feet 360 feet Type V.T. 3 Stage V.T. 3 Stage V.T. Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 Motor No. 3 Manufacturer G.E. G.E. G.E. _ Frame Number B404TP VHS B444TP VHS 6325P Horsepower 100 150 200 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Cast-in-place concrete - partially-buried Roof Cast-in-place concrete Heating Forced air electric Ventilating Gravity damper Appendix A - 9 APPENDIX A WINDSOR HILLS BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: Sunset Boulevard & NE 5th Street Constructed: 1961 Number of Pumps: 2 PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Pump No..2 Manufacturer Cornell Cornell Model Number 12-CC 12-CC Flowrate 1,000 gpm 1,000 gpm T.D.H. 335 feet 335 feet Type Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 Manufacturer G.E. G.E. Frame Number NG308Y 444 UP Horsepower 100 100 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Cast-in-place concrete - partially buried Roof Cast-in-place concrete Heating . Portable electric Ventilating Gravity damper Appendix A - 10 Well, Booster, and PRV Data Sheets HIGHLANDS BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: Highlands Reservoir Site, 3410 NE 12th Street Constructed: Remodeled in 1960 Number of Pumps: 3 PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Pump No. 3 Manufacturer Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Model Number 14 GM 10 GH 10 GH Flowrate 1,500 gpm 1,200 gpm 1,200 gpm T.D.H. 130 feet 124 feet 124 feet Type Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 • Motor No. 3 Manufacturer U.S. U.S. U.S. Frame Number 404 UP 365 TP 365 TP Horsepower 75 60 60 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls CMU block - partially buried Roof Cast-in-place concrete Heating Forced air Ventilating None Appendix A - 11 APPENDIX A TIFFANY PARK BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: Northeast corner of Tiffany Park, 2000 Kirkland Avenue SE Constructed: 1963, rehabilitated in 1984 Number of Pumps: 2 PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Manufacturer Johnston Johnston Model Number 12 AC 14 AC Flowrate 350 gpm 700 gpm T.D.H. 200 feet 165 feet Type Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 Manufacturer G.E. G.E. Frame Number A364UP A404UP Horsepower 25 40 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Concrete masonry block Roof Wood Heating Forced air electric Ventilating Forced air Appendix A - 12 Well, Booster, and PRV Data Sheets MONROE AVENUE BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: Renton Technical College, 401 Monroe Avenue NE Constructed: 1970 Number of Pumps: 2 with provision for 1 additional PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1, Pump No. 2 Manufacturer Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Model Number 12 GM 14 GM Flowrate 1,000 gpm 1,500 gpm T.D.H. 154 feet 154 feet Type V.T. 3 Stage V.T. 2 Stage Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 Manufacturer Westinghouse Westinghouse Frame Number 365 UP 404 UP Horsepower 50 75 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Architectural brick Roof Cast-in-place concrete Heating Forced air electric Ventilating Forced air Appendix A - 13 APPENDIX A WEST HILL BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: 615 West Perimeter Road Constructed: 1985 Number of Pumps: 3 with provisions for a 4th PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Pump No. 3 Manufacturer Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Model Number 10 GM 10 GH 12 GH Flowrate 600 gpm 600 gpm 1,000 gpm T.D.H. 300 feet 300 feet 300 feet Type Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 Motor No. 3 Manufacturer Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Frame Number VSS VSS 6D14-T Horsepower 60 60 125 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Cast-in-place concrete - partially buried Roof Cast-in-place concrete Heating Forced air electric Ventilating Forced air i I Appendix A - 14 Well, Booster, and PRV Data Sheets NORTH TALBOT HILL BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: South 18th Street and Talbot Hill Road Constructed: 1978 Number of Pumps: 4 with provisions for 2 additional PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Pump No. 3 Pump No. 5 Manufacturer Layne Layne Layne Layne Model Number 14TLC 445TP 405TP 1ORKCH Flowrate 1,750 gpm 1,500 gpm 990 gpm 500 gpm T.D.H. 418 feet 418 feet 418 feet 170 feet Type Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Variable Speed Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 Motor No. 3 Motor No. 5 Manufacturer U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Frame Number 445 VPA 445 VP 405 VP 286 VPHZ Horsepower 250 200 125 30-variable BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Architectural brick Roof Cast-in-place concrete Heating Forced air electric Ventilating Gravity dampers Appendix A - 15 APPENDIX A SOUTH TALBOT HILL (HOSPITAL) BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: Valley General Hospital, 50 SW 43rd Street Constructed: 1982 Number of Pumps: 4 - 2 domestic, 2 fire with provisions for 3rd domestic pump PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Pump No. 3 Pump No. 4 Manufacturer Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Model Number 8 GL 12 GL 18 KXH 18 KXH Flowrate 200 gpm 600 gpm 3,500 GPM 3,500 gpm T.D.H. 418 feet 200 feet 200 FEET 200 feet Type V.T. 10 Stage V.T. 5 Stage V.T. 2 Stage V.T. 2 Stage Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 Motor No. 3 Motor No. 4 Manufacturer U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Frame Number 254 TPA 324 TPA 445 VPA 445 VPA Horsepower 15 40 250 250 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Architectural brick Roof Cast-in-place concrete Heating Forced air electric Ventilating Gravity dampers Appendix A - 16 Well, Booster, and PRV Data Sheets FRED NELSEN BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: 2300 Benson Road South Constructed: 1962 Number of Pumps: 2 PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Manufacturer Cornell Cornell Model Number 10 AC 12 BC Flowrate 225 gpm 700 gpm T.D.H. 225 feet 245 feet Type Vert. Turbine Vert. Turbine Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 • Manufacturer G.E. G.E. Frame Number VSS VSS Horsepower 10 25 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Cast-in-place concrete - partially buried Roof Cast-in-place concrete Heating Electric Ventilating None Appendix A - 17 APPENDIX A WELL NO. PW3 BOOSTER PUMP STATION DATA SHEET Location: 1500 Houser Way South Constructed: 1959 Number of Pumps: 1 PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Manufacturer Cornell Model Number 12 DC Flowrate 1,600 gpm T.D.H. 220 feet Type V.T. 5 Stage Motor No. 1 Manufacturer G.E. Frame Number 2VJ 1229122 t Horsepower 100 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Cast-in-place concrete Roof Cast-in-place concrete Heating Electric Unit Ventilating Casing Size 12 inches Depth 106 feet Screen 50 to 56 feet Static Water Level 19 feet below grade (elevation 22.0) Appendix A - 18 Well, Booster, and PRV Data Sheets WELL NO. PW8 WELL DATA SHEET Location: 1703 Maple Valley Highway Constructed: 1967 Number of Pumps: 1 PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Manufacturer Byron Jackson Model Number 16 GH Flowrate 3,500 gpm T.D.H. 220 feet Type 2 Stage Motor No. 1 Manufacturer G.E. Frame Number 6286P24 Horsepower 250 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Architectural brick Roof Concrete Heating Electric Unit Ventilating Roof Blower Casing Size 24 inches Depth 102 feet Screen 66 to 92 feet Static Water Level 22 feet below grade (elevation 17.0) Appendix A - 19 APPENDIX A WELL NO. PW9 WELL DATA SHEET Location: 1707 Maple Valley Highway Constructed: 1986 Number of Pumps: 1 PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Manufacturer Byron Jackson Model Number 12MQH Flowrate 1,250 gpm T.D.H. 223 feet Type 3 Stage Motor No. 1 Manufacturer U.S. Frame Number 404TPA Horsepower 100 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Architectural brick Roof Pre-formed metal Heating Electric Unit Ventilating Roof Blower Appendix A - 20 Well, Booster, and PRV Data Sheets WELL NOS. RW1, RW2, AND RW3 WELL DATA SHEET Location: 1398 Houser Way South Constructed: 1988 Number of Pumps: 3 PUMPS AND MOTORS Pump No. 1 Pump No. 2 Pump No. 3 Manufacturer Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Byron Jackson Model Number 12HQRH 12HQRH 12HQRH Flowrate 2,200 gpm 2,200 gpm 2,200 gpm T.D.H. 225 feet 225 feet 225 feet Type 5 Stage 5 Stage 5 Stage Motor No. 1 Motor No. 2 Motor No. 3 Manufacturer U.S. U.S. U.S. Frame Number R03R0200142R-1 R03R0200142R-1 R03R0200142R-1 Horsepower 200 i 200 200 BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS Walls Pre-cast concrete Roof Pre-formed metal Heating Electric unit Ventilating Central blower Casing Size 24 inches 24 inches 24 inches Depth 96 feet 76 feet 74 feet Screen 57 to 91 feet 52 to 72 feet 50 to 70 feet Static Water Level 27 feet 27 feet 27 feet Appendix A - 21 APPENDIX B COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN BIBLIOGRAPHY OPERATIONAL TECHNIQUES FOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS, American Water Works Association, February, 1980 AWWA SEMINAR PROCEEDINGS DEVELOPING WATER RATES, American Water Works Association, May 13, 1989 A TRAINING COURSE IN WATER UTILITY MANAGEMENT, American Water Works Association, 1959 BELLEVUE WATER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CITY OF BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON, CH2M Hill, May, 1985 PORT OF QUENDALL PRELIMINARY PLAN, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, City of Renton, CH2M Hill, September, 1981 PORT QUENDALL PRELIMINARY PLAN, Final Environmental Impact Statement, City of Renton, February, 1982, CH2M Hill CITY OF TUKWILA, COMPREHENSIVE WATER PLAN, Horton Dennis & Associates, August, 1983 STATE BOARD OF HEALTH DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS, Department of Health, September, 1989 KING COUNTY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN, VOLUME I - REGIONAL SUPPLEMENT, Economic and Engineering Services, Inc., August, 1989 ENGINEERING REPORT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IMPROVEMENTS AND BETTERMENTS, REVISION NO. 2, WATER DISTRICT NO. 108, KING COUNTY, Hugh F. Goldsmith & Associates, Inc., December, 1974 AN ENGINEERING REPORT ON A WATER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 90, Hill, Ingman, Chase, and Company, March, 1971 SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN, King County Parks, Planning and Resources Department, November, 1988 KING COUNTY ZONING CODE, September, 1988 1982 WATER SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, KING COUNTY WATER DISTRICT NO. 108. Richard C.T. Li, Inc., September, 1982 MODEL PURVEYOR CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY OF SEATTLE AND WHOLESALE WATER CUSTOMERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF WATER, Kenneth Lowthian, July 1, 1980 SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER MODELING EFFORTS IN SUPPORT OF RENTON AQUIFER MANAGEMENT, RH2 Engineering, P.S., Pacific Groundwater Group, ADVANCE PLANNING STUDY REPORT REZONE, Valley Parkway SW, SW 27th St, City of Renton, URS, January, 1982 A REPORT ON AN ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM, City of Renton, Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfield, October, 1965 WATER SYSTEM EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF RENTON, City of Renton, September, 1987 COMPREHENSIVE PARK AND RECREATION PLAN 1984, City of Renton, April, 1984 MID-YEAR FINANCIAL & BUDGET ADJUSTMENT REPORT, FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1989 TO JUNE 30, 1989, City of Renton, finance Department, August 4, 1989 1990 PRELIMINARY GOALS & OBJECTIVES NEW PROGRAM REQUESTS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN, City of Renton, Finance Department, August 15, 1989 CITY OF RENTON 1989 ANNUAL BUDGET, Renton Municipal Budget, December, 1989 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1988, City of Renton CITY OF RENTON WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, July 1987 BOEING HIGH PRESSURE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSES, RH2 Engineering, P.S., August, 1989 DATA REPORT FOR THE CITY OF RENTON CEDAR RIVER VALLEY AQUIFER TEST, el (Conducted June 24, 25, and 26, 1987), RH2 Engineering CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN, RH2 Engineering, 1983 CITY OF RENTON WATER SHORTAGE RESPONSE PLAN, RH2 Engineering, P.S., September, 1989 CITY OF RENTON, ROLLING HILLS RESERVOIR AND PUMP STATION, RH2 Engineering, P.S., March, 1989 CITY OF RENTON, WATER AND WASTEWATER RATES MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS, RH2 Engineering, P.S., November, 1989 CEDAR RIVER WATERSHED SECONDARY USE ANALYSIS, Seattle Water Department, December, 1988 VOLUME IV OF THE 1985 COMPLAN, 1985 CONSERVATION PLAN, Seattle Water Department, October, 1985 SEATTLE COMPREHENSIVE REGIONAL WATER PLAN (COMPLAN), Seattle Water Department, March, 1980 CEDAR-SAMMAMISH BASIN INSTREAM RESOURCES PROTECTION PROGRAM, State of Washington Department of Ecology, August, 1979 ERADCO PLANNED UNITE DEVELOPMENT, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, January, 1981, City of Renton - R.W. Thorpe and Associates, Black River Office Park, Final Environmental Impact Statement, City of Renton, R.W. Thorpe and Associates, April, 1982 LAKE TERRACE MULTI-FAMILY REZONE, Expanded Environmental Checklist, City of Renton, R.W. Thorpe & Associates, July, 1980 ERLINGTON PARK - Draft Environmental Impact Statement, City of Renton, R.W. Thorpe & Associates, July, 1980 HIGHLAND VILLAGE, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, City of Renton, June, 1982, Triad Associates, Inc. WATER SYSTEM PLAN FOR THE CITY OF KENT, URS Company, October, 1979 APPENDIX C SEPA CHECKLIST A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: City of Renton, Comprehensive Water System Plan (1990) 2. Name of applicant: City of Renton 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Ron Olsen Utility Systems Division City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue Renton, WA 98055. 277-6207 4. Date checklist prepared: February 17, 1992 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Renton 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): The Comprehensive Water System Plan identifies improvements to the City's Water System for two planning periods. The primary focus of the plan is improvements that are needed over the next five years. These improvements are to be included in the City's five- year Capital Improvement Program. Other improvements are identified for the "saturation" condition, which is projected to be about the year 2040. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. The City has completed or is preparing a number of related plans. These include an Emergency Response Plan, which is currently being prepared, and a Water Shortage Response Plan. Copies of the Conservation Plan and a Cross Connection Control Program are attached. In addition, State regulations require that the City update its Comprehensive Water System Plan every five years. The City is also in the process of updating its Comprehensive Land Use Plan. When completed, implementation of the new land use plan will be incorporated into the Water System Comprehensive. Implementation of the Water System Plan will also be C - 1 APPENDIX C coordinated with. the City's .Park & Recreation and Trails Master Plans. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is being prepared for these Master Plans. 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared,or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Except for those projects that are categorically exempt, each project listed in the Comprehensive Water System Plan is subject to SEPA review and individual SEPA determinations. For example, the development of Wells 11 and 17, currently underway on the Maplewood Golf Course, were reviewed by the Renton Environmental Review Committee and given a Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance and a Determination of Nonsignificance, respectively. In 1989, the City issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the rezoning of 13 parcels owned by the City Utility. In 1987, a special study was done regarding the issue of hydraulic continuity between the City's aquifer and the Cedar River. The report documented that continuity existed. It is minimal(within measurable limits); and within the approved limits of the Washington State Instream Resources Protection Program. A copy of these reports is attached to this SEPA Checklist document. Additional information will be provided based on a final determination of changing requirements imposed by the State as part of the water right acquisition process. 9. - Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. The proposal is not site specific; therefore, this question does not apply. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for yourproposal, if known. Approval by both the City Council and the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is required. Approval by the King County Utilities Technical Review Committee and the King County Council is required for service-to the small-unincorporated areas served by Renton. In addition, implementation of the various physical and programmatic changes included in the Comprehensive Water System Plan may require approvals from one or more of the following agencies: • Washington State Department of Health (Plan approvals) • Washington State Department of Ecology (Water Rights) • Washington State Department of Transportation (Right of Way Franchises) • Washington State Department of Fisheries (Hydraulic Project Approval) • King County (Right of Way Construction Permits) 11. Give a brief,complete description of your proposal,including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not C - 2 • SEPA Checklist need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) �, The Comprehensive Water System Plan addresses water supply, transmission, and storage needs for the City's planning Area. The major purpose of the plan is to identify transmission, storage and distribution systems necessary to serve the estimated population at saturation. The plan addresses groundwater, aquifer protection, water quality, operation and maintenance, and financing issues. Future water supply is also discussed. The "No Action Project Alternative" would result in: 1) the inability of the City to obtain State and grant funding by virtue of not having an approved Water Comprehensive Plan, 2) not being in compliance with the State Department of Health regulations which mandate and updated and approved Comprehensive Plan every five years, and 3) the inability for the City to proceed with implementing of projects necessary to continue to provide a safe, adequate, and reliable water system. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposal, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit id applications related to this checklist. The area covered by the Comprehensive Water system Plan is basically the Renton City limits,with minor deviations for historical service outside the corporate limits(See Figure 3 of the plan). Service by the City beyond these areas is not currently contemplated for two reasons. First, areas outside the City's current service area are currently served by other purveyors. In most cases these purveyors receive their water from the City of Seattle. Seattle surface water is not compatible with Renton's groundwater. Therefore, integrating this water into the Renton system is not proposed. Second, two Coordinated Water System Plans have been prepared that specify the limits of Renton's Water service area. Expanding Renton's water service area would require amendments to those plans under RCW 70.116. If the City were to annex areas outside the current approved service area, in all likelihood water service would continue to be provided by the existing water district under the provisions of RCW 57.16. If the City were to annex a portion of a water district, that district would be required to have its comprehensive plan approved by the City. C - 3 APPENDIX C 1 TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other Topographically,Renton is composed of the relatively flat valleys of the Green and Cedar Rivers bounded by sharply rising hillsides rising to relatively flat plateaus on the west, east and southeast. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Within the planning area, there are numerous slopes of greater than 40%. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. According to the Soil Conservation Service, four main soil types predominate in the City of Renton. These include the Alderwood Association, the Beausite- Alderwood Association,the Everett Association,and the Oridia-Seattle-Woodinville Association. Of these associations, the Oridia-Seattle-Woodinville are generally desirable farming soils and are found in the Green River Valley portion of the city. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. Many portions of the hillsides bordering the valleys are steeply sloping, unconsolidated glacial deposits that are highly susceptible to sliding. These areas have been mapped by the City of Renton and are subject to regulation under Ordinance 4-31-35 (Green-Belt Regulations). e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. Implementation of portions of the Comprehensive Water System Plan may require importing of fill. Fill would be used for two primary purposes: structural fill or aesthetics. In certain areas, the native soils may not be adequate for foundations or loading. In such cases, a limited amount of structural backfill may be imported from local gravel pits. Fill may also be required in some cases to construct berms or visual buffers around certain facilities. This fill would also be locally obtained. As predesign is developed for each project, approximate quantities of filling and grading would be estimated and discussed in separate environmental documents. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. C - 4 SEPA Checklist The majority of the projects included in the comprehensive plan would be constructed in road corridors. However, erosion could occur whenever soils are exposed to rainfall. All construction projects would be supervised by the Utilities Division to assure compliance with City erosion control requirements. Erosion control for each project would be subject to stormwater utility review. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? Implementation of the plan would not change the amount of impervious surfaces in the City to a measurable degree. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Any construction would comply with the City's drainage and erosion control requirements. Individual projects would generate specific environmental documents to address earth impacts. 2. Air a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile odors,industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known. Implementation of the plan should not result in any significant emissions or dust. Minor amounts of dust may be produced during construction of some of the proposed facilities. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect. your proposal? If so, generally describe. None known c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: If necessary, watering exposed soils to control dust would occur. Individual - projects would generate specific environmental documents to address air impacts, if any. 3. Water a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, C - 5 APPENDIX C lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river into which it flows. Yes.- The northwest boundary of the City is the shoreline of Lake Washington. Other rivers and streams include the Cedar River, the Green River, May Creek and Springbrook Creek. The Cedar River is tributary to Lake.Washington. The Green River is tributary to Puget Sound. May Creek flows into Lake Washington and Springbrook Creek into the Green River. 2) Will the project require any work over, in or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. • As shown in Figure 5 of the Comprehensive Plan, some of the proposed improvements would cross or be constructed near waterbodies. Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permits would be obtained when required. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. No filling or dredging of waterbodies or wetlands is anticipated. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. No surface water withdrawals or diversions are planned. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. Some of the proposed improvements would occur within the limits of the 100-year floodplain. No change in floodplain capacity is expected. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No waste discharges are proposed in the plan. b. Ground 1) Will groundwater be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description,purpose,and approximate quantities, if known. C - 6 SEPA Checklist The City of Renton is totally dependant on groundwater for its water supply. As the city grows, additional groundwater sources would be developed as described in the plan. Renton currently has water rights for about 14,000 gallons per minute (gpm) of water. Additional rights for about 9,000 gpm are being pursued as part of implementation of the comprehensive plan. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals ....; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. No discharges are contemplated. c. Water Runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (including quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. In some cases, implementation of the plan would create additional impervious a surfaces that would create stormwater runoff. In those cases, the water would be retained and detained consistent with Renton stormwater control requirements. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. No. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface ground,and runoff water impacts, if any. Minimum amounts of new impervious surfaces would be created. Any stormwater would be controlled consistent with City code. 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other X evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other X shrubs X grass C - 7 APPENDIX C X pasture crop or grain X wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other X water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other X other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? The specific types and amounts of vegetation that may be disturbed cannot be predicted. Since most projects would be within right-of-ways and under streets, minimum amounts of disturbance are expected. c. Proposed landscaping,use of native plants,or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Above-ground structures or facilities would be landscaped to be compatible with the surrounding character. d. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other: woodpecker, wren, duck, Canadian goose, owl mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: raccoon, squirrel, weasel fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. Yes. The entire state of Washington is within the Pacific flyway. The Cedar and Green Rivers are also spawning routes for salmon and steelhead trout. C - 8 SEPA Checklist I d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any. No specific wildlife enhance measures are proposed, since the plan should not have any measurable impact on wildlife. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil,wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Significant amounts of electricity are used by the City to operate the pumps that move water around the water system. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally explain. Solar access would not be affected by the implementation of the plan. c. What kind of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List otherproposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: The Water Shortage Response Plan and the Conservation Plan are specifically designed to conserve water resources and reduce usage during an emergency. —' 7. Environmental Health a. Are there any environmental health hazards,including exposure to toxic chemicals,risk of fire and explosion, spill,or hazardous waste,that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. The City both chlorinates and fluoridates its water supply. Improper handling of these chemicals could create hazardous situations for utility employees (see b.7.a.2). 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. No special emergency services would be required as part of this plan. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: As part of the City's safety program and in compliance with OSHA regulations, elaborate procedures and controls are in place to prevent any exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals. C - 9 1 APPENDIX C b) Noise 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Operation of the water system is not affected by noise. 2) What types of levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. Operation of water pumps creates noise. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Well pump houses and system pump stations are sited and constructed to prevent noise from affecting people or activities. Individual projects would generate specific environmental documents to address noise impacts, if any. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? The predominant land use in the City of Renton is single-family residential, comprising about 24% of the land. About 22% of the City is vacant land. Streets and freeways take up another 20%. The remaining areas are split between commercial, industrial and public facilities. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. Historically, farming had been a small part of the economic base of the City. c. Describe any structures on the.site. Individual structures should not be affected by implementation of the water plan. The types and distribution of the types of structures are described in question B.8.a., above. d. Will any structure be demolished? If so, what? No. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? A variety of zones existthroughout the city. See question B.8.a. for an approximate distribution of the types of zoning in the City. C - 10 SEPA Checklist f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? 41/1 Please refer to the City's comprehensive land use plan. Pages 3-155 to 3-162 of the Draft EIS for the City of Renton Land Use Element are attached as Exhibit A. g. _ If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? No specific sites under shoreline jurisdiction are yet identified. h. Has any part of the site been classified as an"environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Portions of the city have been classified as environmentally sensitive steep slopes, stream corridors, or wetlands. A good summary map of these areas may be found in the City of Renton Community Profile. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? The proposal is not a project that would create jobs or housing. • j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reducedisplacement impacts, if any: None necessary. 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: The intent of the Comprehensive Water System Plan is.to implement the land use plans and policies of the City. As contemplated in SH 2929,the water system plan addresses water supply, storage, transmission and distribution improvements necessary to support the land use goals and policies of the city. 9. Housing a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None. - C - 11 Ii • APPENDIX C c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: None required. 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed: The plan includes several proposed reservoirs over the next 50 years. Some of them may be 30 to 110 feet high. Reservoirs would probably be constructed of either steel or concrete. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? Until specific designs are prepared, effects on views cannot be described. Subsequent environmental documents would address aesthetic impacts, if any. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: In the past, the City has worked with such groups as the Parks Board and Arts Commission to minimize visual affects. The Utility Division plans to continue this close coordination. 11. Light and Glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? Implementing the plan should not create any facility that generates light or glare. b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? Operation of the water utility should not be affected by off-site light or glare. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: None. Individual projects would generate specific environmental documents to address light and glare impacts, if any. 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? C - 12 SEPA Checklist I The City of Renton owns and operates numerous park and recreation facilities ' throughout the City. A good summary of these facilities can be found in the City of Renton Community Profile. b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation,including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant,if any: None proposed. Individual projects would generate specific environmental documents to address impacts on recreation, if any. 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for,national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. A partial listing of historic building and structures in the city includes: • Coal Mine Hoist Foundation • Renton Fire Station • Renton High School • Henry Ford School • The Melrose Tavern b. Generally, describe any landmarks or evidence of historic,archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. See B.13.a, above. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Implementation of the plan should not affect any historical or archeological resources. Individual projects would generate specific environmental documents to address impacts on historic resources, if any. 14. Transportation a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any: The primary highways through Renton are Interstate 405 and State Routes 167 and 169. Other principal streets are depicted in the Renton Community Profile. C - 13 APPENDIX C b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not,what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Numerous Metro bus routes serve the City of Renton. A map depicting this service can be found in the Renton Community Profile. c. How many spaces would the completed project have? How many would • the project eliminate? Creation or elimination of parking is not part of the proposal. d. Will the proposal require any new roadsor streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Many of the proposed improvements would be placed in City streets. Restoration of those streets would be an important part of the project. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally.describe. Some of the project may be constructed within the limits of the Renton airport and or cross railroad tracks within the city. Subsequent environmental assessment would be done for each project. , f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. None. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: Careful staging and flagging of projects would be required. Restricting construction hours to avoid peak hours would also be required on principal road corridors. Individual projects would generate specific environmental documents to address traffic impacts, if any. 15. Public Services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. No. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impact on public services, if any: C - 14 • } SEPA Checklist Implementing the plan would enhance the city's ability to meet the fire protection needs of its citizens. 16. Utilities a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other: storm water systems b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the services,and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. The Comprehensive Water System. Plan addresses Water supply, transmission, and storage needs for the City's planning area. The major purpose of the plan is to identify transmission, storage and distribution systems necessary to serve the estimated population at saturation. The plan addresses groundwater, aquifer protection,water quality,operation and maintenance and financing issues. Future water supply is also discussed. c. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: FWV-V `� Date Submitted: /i 7/' Z— d. . NON-PROJECT SUPPLEMENT 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to o water: emissions to air; production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances; or production of noise? The proposal is a 50-year plan to provide better water service to the City. Therefore, it would not directly result in any discharge to water, or in the production, storage, or release of toxic or hazardous substances or noise. a. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: Does not apply. I 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? C - 15 APPENDIX C 110 The Plan would not directly affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life. a. Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish or marine life are: Does not apply. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? The intent of the proposal is to provide better energy and natural resources use by rationally projecting the City's needs and how those needs will be met. a. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: See above. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection, such as: parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers,threatened or endangered species habitat,historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplain, or prime farmlands? The City's comprehensive plan and land use plan were each closely reviewed to ensure that this Comprehensive Water System Plan would be compatible with environmentally sensitive areas. See also questions A.7 and B.8.1. above. a. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: See above. 5. How would the proposed likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses, incompatible with existing plans? The plans identified in the response to Question #4 were also reviewed for compatibility with land and shoreline existing and proposed use. Please see Exhibit A (attached) which includes Pg. 3-155 to 3-162 of the Draft EIS for the City of Renton Land Use Element. a. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: Please see DEIS mitigation measures. • C - 16 SEPA Checklist 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? _. The Comprehensive Water System Plan would help accommodate the increased demand on water service that the City has been and is expecting to continue experiencing. a. Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) --. are: See above. 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflictwith local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment. This Plan is in accordance with all local, state, and Federal law and requirements for the protection of the environment. The "No Action Project Alternative" would result in: 1) the inability of the City to obtain State and grant funding by virtue of not having an approved Water Comprehensive Plan, 2) not being in compliance with the State Department of Health regulations which mandate and updated and approved Comprehensive Plan every five years, and 3) the inability for the City to proceed with implementing of projects necessary to continue to provide a safe, adequate, and reliable water system. II C - 17 Appendix D CITY ORDINANCES • 8.3.1 8.3.2 CHAPTER 3 ) PROTECTION OF WATER SUPPLY SECTION: Thence East along said North rightrof--way line of S.E. 194th St.•and its easterly production to a line 8.3-1.• Jurisdiction Over Property parallel with and 150 feet westerly, as measured at 8-3-2: Pollution of Water : right angles from, the West right of-way line of 8-3-3: Standards Required 108th Ave. S.E. (SR-515); 8-3-4Creating Nuisance Unlawful Thence South on said parallel line to the North right-of-way line of S.E. 196th St.; Thence East along said North right-of-way line of 8-3-L• JURISDICTION OVER PROPERTY: S.E. 196th St. to the West right-of-way line of For the purpose of protecting the water 108th Ave. S.E. (SR-515); furnished to the inhabitants of the City and others from pollution, and for the preservation and protea Thence South along said West right-of-way line of tion of the purity of the City's water supply, acting 108th Ave. S.E. (SR-515) to the South line of the N pursuant to chapter 227 of laws of 1907 and RCW 14 of the S. '4 of the S.W. '4 of said Section 5; • 35.88.010 to 35.88.090 inclusive, the City hereby declares jurisdiction over the real property here- Thence West along the South line of said inbelow described, and declares said property to the subdivision to the West line of Section 5, which restrictions imposed by aforesaid laws and by this said West line is also the East line of said Section Chapter, said property being occupied by or ad- 6; jacent and draining to the works, reservoirs, sys• tams, branches, pipes, springs, creeks, tributaries Thence North: along the east line of said Section 6 and streams above and below ground, from which to the South line of the N. '4 of the N.E. '4 of the or by means of which the City obtains, accumulates, S.E. '4 of said Section 6; stores and transports water furnished to the inhabi- tants of the City and adjacent areas supplied with Thence West along the South line of said water through the Municipal water system of the subdivision to the West line of the East 330 feet of City, said property being described as follows: the N.'/, of the N.E. 1/4 of the S.E. 1/4 of said Section 6; Springbrook Watershed Boundary (Revised December, 1983) Thence North along the•• West line of said subdivision to 'the South'rightaf-way line of South That portion of Sections 6 and 6, Township 22 200th St.; North, Range 5 East, W.M. in King County, Wash- ington described as follows: Thence West along said South right-of-way line of S. 200th St. to an intersection with the Beginning at the intersection of the west Southwesterly extension of the West right of way right-of-way line of Talbot Road So. (96th Ave. line of Talbot Road South(96th, Ave. So.); • South) and the north line of Township 22 North, Range 5 East, WM; Thence Northerly along said West rightrof-way line of Talbot Road'South (96th Ave. S.) to the North Thence east along the north line of said Township line of Township 22 North, Range 5 East., Witt, 22 North to a line parallel with and 99 feet being the point of beginning. easterly, as measured at right angles from the northerly production of the east right-of-way line of • 106th Ave.'•SE.; 8-3-2: POLLUTION OF WATERS: The estab- lishment or maintenance of any "laugh- Thence south on said parallel line to the North ter pens, stock feeding yards, hog pens, or the right.of-way line of S.E. 194th St.; deposit 'or maintenance of any unclean or 8-3-2 8-3-4 • unwholesome substance, or the conduct of any busi- nese or occupation, upon the property hereinabove • described, or the creating or allowing of any con- dition ondition upon said property or sufficiently near said property to cause the aforesaid City water supply to be polluted or the purity of the water or any part • thereof to be destroyed or endangered, is hereby prohibited and declared to be unlawful, and is hereby further declared to be and constitute a nuisance. Also prohibited are the following: Dry cleaners, gas and diesel service stations, any business that stores mom than fifty five (55) gallons of any toxic chem- ical, except for residential home fuel oil heating storage tanks. Businesses that store or use lees than fifty five (55) gallons of any toxic chemical shall provide the City with a toxic chemical man- agement anagement plan identifying the type of use and star- age of the chemical and an emergency spill control plan. Spraying and application of fertilizers, chemical brush and weed control along road and private ditches and along streams. Only mechanical brush and grass cutting will be allowed. • 8-3-3: STANDARDS REQUIRED: All sanitary sewers shall be PVC Schedule D-3034 ASTM. All storm outfalls to the receiving creeks and streams shall have oil separators in accordance with City standards. Any existing storm outlets not to those standards shall be brought to those standards within three (3) years. • 8-3-4: CREATING NUISANCE UNLAWFUL: Any person who shall dq • establish, maintain or create any of the things or conditions hereby prohibited, or shall do any of the things hereby declared unlawful, shall be deemed guilty of creating and maintaining a nuisance, and shall further be guilty.of a misdemeanor and any such person shall be subject to prosecution far creating and/or maintaining such nuisance and/or -for committing such misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in any sum up to five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprison ment in the City jail for any period up to one hundred eighty (180) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 3829; 8-6-84) ' i 8-4-1 8-4-8 CHAPTER 4 _ WATER 1 SECTION: 8-449: Connection Without Permission Prohibited 8-4- 1: Definition 8-4-40: Director of Public Works' Authority 8-4- 2: Application 8-4-41: Charges for Property Not Previously 8-4- 3: Contract of Individual Assessed 8-4- 4: Connection to Water Main 8-4-42: ,Supervision; Mains to Extend Full Width 8-4- 5: Private Pipe Requirements ofProperty - 8-4- 6: Water Meter Charges Original 8-4-43: Developer Extensions to the Utility Installations System 8-4- 7: Conforming Pipes 8-4-44: Appeal From Notice of Intention to Cut 8-4- 8: Notification of Connection; Inspection Off Water Service 8-4- 9: Enlarging or Removing Service Connections; New Taps 8-4-10: Discontinued Use Charge 8-4-11: No Remission of Rates - . 8-4-12: Delinquent Charges 8-4-1: DEFLNITION The word "Utilities 8-4-13: Accounts Charged Against Premises Engineer" whenever used in this Chap- 8-4-14: Report Building Alterations or ter shall be held and construed to mean the Constructions Utilities Engineer of Water and any act in this 8-4-15: Tampering Prohibited Chapter required or authorized to be done by him, 8-4-16: Emergency; Use of Water may be done on his behalf by any authorized em- 8-4-17: Water Prohibited on Streets or ployee of the Water Department. (Ord. 1754, Sidewalks 4-28.69; amd. Ord..2823, 1-21-74, ef£ 1-30-74) 8-4-18: Violation Charge 8-4-19: Designation of Hours . 8-4-20: Water Use During Fire 8-4-2: • APPLICATION: Any person desiring to 8-4-21: Certain Rights Reserved by the City have premises connected with the water 8-4-22: All Water Apparatus Kept in Good supply system of the City shall make application Repair therefor at the office of the Water Department. 8-4-23: Waste of Water Prohibited 8-4-24: Fire Protection Application therefor shall be made upon a printed 8-4-25: Inspection of Pipes and Fixtures form furnished -for that purpose, which application 8-4-26: Public Works Director to Discontinue shall contain a description of the premises where Service in Case of Violation such water supply is desired and shall fully state 8-4-27: Written Notice Served for Violation all of the purposes for which the water is to be 8-4-28: Connection and Meters Property of City used, the size of the service pipe and the number 8-4-29: Meter Accuracy Question and kind of fixtures to be connected thereto and 8-4-30: Change of Rates shall be signed by the owner of the premises to be 8-4-31: Charges for Metered Water Service served or by phis duly authorized agent. (Ord. 1754, Inside City 4-28-59) 8-4-32: Charges for Metered Water Service Outside City At the time of filing such application the applicant 8-4-33: When Due and Payable shall pay to the Finance Director or the person 8-4-34: Designation for Collection of Water appointed by him for the purpose of collecting Charges water rates, the fee for installation of water service 8-4-35: Interference with Fire Hydrants hereinafter provided. (Ord. 1754, 4-28-59; amd. Ord. .. Prohibited 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) 8-4-36: Interference with Water Mains and Other Appliances 8-4-37: Contaminating Reservoir 8-4-3: CONTRACT OF INDIVIDUAL: The 8-4-38: Obstructing Access to Fire Hydrant application provided for in the preceding Prohibited 8-4-3 8-4-6 Section shall contain a contract on the part of the services are not established within a -...\ person making the same to pay for the water reasonable time, not more than sixty (60) applied for at the rate and in the manner specified days after such initial notice, the Department in such contract and shall reserve to the City the reserves the right to shut off the water and right to charge and collect the rates and enforce refuse further service to all such consumers. the penalties provided, to change the rates at any Such joint service may, however, be continued time without notice to the consumer and shall at the option of the Department, providing, specify that said contract is subject to all the one owner has agreed in writing to assume provisions of this Chapter and of any laws of the and be responsible for and pay the total City relating to the subject hereafter passed, and water bill without any deductions for shall provide that the City shall not be held vacancies or other reasons. Computation of responsible for any damage by water or other cause the total bill will be based on multiplying the resulting from defective plumbing or appliances on quantity in each classification of the rate the premises supplied with water, installed by the schedule by the number of consumers hooked • owner or occupant of said premises and shall up to one . meter. The minimum monthly provide that in case the supply of water shall be charge shall be the regular minimum charge interrupted or fail by any mason, the City shall multiplied by the number of consumers not be held liable for damages for such interruption served. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-74) or failure, nor shall such interruptions or failures 1 for any reasonable period of time be held to C. Connection of Water Main: In the event that constitute a breach of contract on the part of the a water main is not available as hereinabove City or in any way relieve the consumer from set forth, but a customer is able to obtain performing the obligations of his contract. service by extending such line, by means of an easement or similar right, across adjacent All contracts shall take effect from the day they or neighboring property to a point where such are signed and rates shall be charged from the day main is located, then the Public Works Dime- the premises are connected with the City's water tor may sign a temporary service agreement supply. (Ord. 1754, 4-28-59) with such customer allowing service until such time as a main is available in front of such property. At such time the customer 8-4-4: CONNECTION TO WATER MAIN: shall then be required to connect to such —I main in front of his property and pay the A. Upon the presentation at the office of the then applicable fees therefor. (Ord. 3056, Utilities Engineer of the Director of Finance's 8-9-76) receipt for the installation fees, the Utilities Engineer shall cause the premises described in the application to be connected with the 8-4-5: PRIVATE PIPE REQUIREMENTS: City's water main by a service pipe extending at right angles from the main to the property A. All pipe to.be used for connection to the City line and including a stopcock placed within water system shall be new pipe, either the lines of the street curb, which connection galvanized iron, cast iron or copper tubing. shall thereafter be maintained and kept with- The Utilities Engineer may, at his discretion, in the exclusive control of the City. permit the use of nonmetallic pipe where soil conditions may cause a deterioration of metal- B. A separate service connection with the City lie pipe. water main must be installed by every resi- dence and commercial building supplied with B. Water supply lines other than metered service City water in front of which there is a main, connections shall be not less than six inch and the buildings so supplied will not be (6") diameter pipe. Pipes of smaller size may allowed to supply water to other buildings, be used when the Utilities Engineer except temporarily where there are no mains determines that maximum fire rating is located in the streets; provided, that when maintained or the line in question cannot be two,(2) or more houses, buildings or other extended. premises occupied by separate consumers are supplied from a single service connection, the C. If it has been determined that it would be to owner shall immediately, upon notice from the the best interests of the City and the general Water Department, separate each customer's locality to be benefited thereby to install a line and apply for and connect individually to larger size main than one then needed or meters at the property line; if separate 8-4-5 8-4-6 C) considered by the subdivider, owners or de- dollars ($100.00) will be billed to the applicant velopers immediately abutting upon the after the installation. ... } street, alley or easement in which such a main is to be placed, then the City may, at B. For a one inch (1") connection the fee there- its discretion, require the installation of such fore shall be determined by the actual cost of a larger sized main in which case the City labor, equipment and material plus fifteen shall pay the increased difference in cost percent (15%) thereof; and the applicant for between the installation cost of the similar such connection shall deposit with the City main and of the larger main. the minimum sum of four hundred dollars ($400.00) which payment shall be made to the D. All pipes shall be laid not less than two feet Director of Finance or her designated repre- six inches (2'6") below the surface of the sentative handling collection for the Water ground, except that in ungraded streets the Department. Such payment shall be made pipe shall be laid three feet (3') below the before the work of connecting the main line established street grade. with the property is initiated; provided, further, that whenever said deposit is insufFi- E. All pipe shall be designed to withstand dent to cover the total fee as herein specified, internal water pressure on one hundred fifty then the deficiency shall be charged to the (150) pounds per square inch, and shall con- property for which such installation was made form to the latest adopted standards of the and such charge shall constitute a lien there- American Waterworks Association. Pipe shall on; in case the cost of such installation is less be sterilized in accordance with the regula- than the amount of deposit, then any such tions of the State Health Department. All difference shall be promptly refunded to the water system design and pipe sizes and qual- owner who applied for such installation and ity to conform to the latest fire underwriters made the deposit. standards and requirements. C. In all cases where the service connection is F. The Utilities Engineer will maintain private larger than one inch (1"), the fee therefor services in streets which are being graded or shall be four hundred dollars ($400.00) per regraded and will have such access on private inch as provided for in subsection B herein- property as shall be necessary to maintain above and the applicant for such connection such pipes during the work, and shall as soon shall, at the time of application, pay unto the — as practicable upon completion of the work City the deposit computed at four hundred relay said pipes in the streets. (Ord. 2849, dollars ($400.00) per inch which shall be 5-13-74) applied as set forth in subsection B herein- above. 8-4-6: WATER METER CHARGES ORIGIN- D. All meters shall be the same'size as the tap AL INSTALLATIONS: and service connection. A. 1. For a three-fourths inch ('/,") connection E. Whenever it is desired to have a meter within the City limits, the fee for the original removed or reinstalled . the owner of the installation shall be four hundred dollars premises supplied, or to be supplied, by such - ($400.00). meter shall file an application at the office of the Utilities Engineer and shall pay the cost 2. For a three-fourths inch ('/4") connection in full for such removal or reinstallation. outside the City limits the fee for the original installation shall be four hundred dollars F. Whenever it is deemed prident, in case of a ($400.00) plus the cost for permits and inspec- new development or subdivision, to install the tion fees. To cover the cost of permits and service from the main to the property line, inspection fees, a one hundred dollar ($100.00) hereinafter referred to as "stub service" prior deposit shall be paid at the time of applica- to completion of street construction, the City tion- for the water meter. Any monies not ex- will provide such service for sixty percent pended for permit and inspection fees will be (60%) of the then current installation cost for returned to the applicant. Any charges for such service. At such time that meter installs- permits and inspection fees over one hundred tion is requested, the remaining balance of 8-4-6 8-4-12 F) the then current rate shall be collected and When new buildings are to be erected on the site paid for by such developer or subdivider. (Ord. of old ones and it is desired to increase the size of 3636, 6-14-82) or change the location of the old service connection or where a service connection to any premises is abandoned or no longer used, the Utilities Engineer 8-4-7: CONFORMING PIPES: Before water may cut out or remove such service connection, will be turned on to any premises after which, should a service connection be required connected with the City's mains, the service pipes to said premises, a new service shall be placed only upon such premises must be made to conform to upon the owner making an application and paying the following regulations: the service pipes must be for a new tap in the regular manner. so located that the supply for each separate house or premises shall be controlled by separate stop When a new main is laid in any street, owners of and waste cocks of the best standard make, premises on said street who are being supplied approved by the Director of Public Works, with with City water from a private main or a extension handles, properly protected from frost connection to a private service shall make and so placed within the premises that all service application for tap and shall connect up with pipes and fixtures may be thoroughly drained separate connection of the main in front of during freezing weather. Where sags or depression premises. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) occur in the pipe and the stop and waste cock is not sufficient to fully drain all the pipes and fixtures within the premises, additional stop and 8-4-10: DISCONTINUED USE CHARGE: waste cocks with extension handles must be so Whenever the owner or occupant of any placed as to fully drain them. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52; premises desires to discontinue the use of water for amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) a period of not less than one month he shall make written application to have the water turned off In cases where no fixtures are placed between the and pay all arrearages in full. The water will be property line and the basement, the stop and waste turned off and turned on again with a charge of cocks may be placed in the basement, provided said twenty dollars ($20.00) payable at the time of basement is not less than six feet (6') in height and turnoff, but no remission of rates will be made for is provided with stairways or other means of access a period of less than one month or without the thereto; provided further, that where basements are application prescribed in this Section. (Ord. 4079, enclosed in wooden walls the stop and waste cocks 8-3-87) shall be placed at least twelve inches (12") below the surface of the ground and shall be provided with an extension handle. The connection between 8-4-11: NO REMISSION OF RATES: When the City's pipes at the property line and the service water has been shut off for any cause pipes on the premises must be made with a union. and is turned on again or allowed or caused to be (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) turned on by the owner, no remission of rates will • be made on account of its having been shut off, and the Utilities Engineer may then shut off the 8-4-8: NOTIFICATION OF CONNECTION; water at the main or remove a portion of the INSPECTION: Whenever the owner or service connection in the street and shall charge occupant of any premises connected with the City's the actual cost of cutting out and reinstating the water supply shall desire to use the water he shall water supply to the owner of the property. (Ord. notify the Utilities Engineer and request that the 1437, 8-28-52; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) water be turned on to said premises. The owner shall leave his portion of the service exposed in the trench until it has been inspected and the water 8-4-12: DELINQUENT CHARGES: All charges turned on, then he shall immediately cover the for water ' service shall be charged pipe. It shall be unlawful for any person whose against the premises to which the services were • premises are supplied with water to furnish water furnished and the City shall have a lien against to additional premises. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52; amd. the premises to which said water services were Ord. 2823,•.1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) furnished for four (4) months' charges due or to become due, but not for any charges more than four (4) months past due. Such lien may be 8-4-9: ENLARGING OR REMOVING SER. enforced by cutting off the water service to the VICE CONNECTIONS; NEW TAPS: premises until such time as the delinquent unpaid 8-4-19 8-4-22 B. Civil Penalty: Any person violating the order Public Works Director shall have determined - described in the prior subsection shall be that the violation is a substantial and immin- - subject to a fine as determined by the Public ent danger to the existing water supply. In Works Director in an amount not exceeding such event, reasonable notice shall consist of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for residential the best, practical notice, if any, which can be. customers, and not exceeding five thousand delivered to the offending user under all of dollars ($5,000.00) for all other customer the circumstances. classes. Written notice of the violation and the - imposition of the civil penalty, together with a E. Appeal: Any person or legal entity aggrieved notice of the right of an appeal from the by the civil penalty or its amount, or the determination of the Public Works Director, proposed shut off of water service, may appeal - - shall be delivered to the violator and/or the . the propriety of the penalty or its amount, or customer by personal service, or by first class the proposed shut off of water service, to the mail addressed to the billing address of the City of Renton Finance Director within ten customer. In determining the amount of the (10) days of the date of the determination by - penalty, the Public Works Director shall take the Public Works Director. The consideration into consideration all of the facts and dr- of the Finance Director on the appeal shall be cumatances, including but not limited to the limited to a determination of the existence of following: the alleged violation, the amount of the civil penalty assessed, if any, and/or the 1. Whether it is a first or subsequent offense; determination, if any, to shut off water _ service. The decision of the Finance Director 2. The extent and nature of the violation; shall be final unless a writ of review is obtained from the King County Superior 3. Whether there was any loss of property or Court within twenty (20) days after the date life which was caused or contributed to by the of the Finance Director's decision. (Ord. 4079, violation; 8-3-87) 4. The cost to the City in discovery of the violation and the processing of the violation; 8-4-20: WATER USE DURING FIRE: It shall and be unlawful for any person to use water — for irrigation or sprinkling during the progress of 5. The likelihood of a further or later violation any fire in the City, unless for the protection of if no significant penalty is imposed. property and all irrigation and sprinkling shall stop when an alarm of fire is sounded, and shall not be C. Foreclosure: Such civil penalty shall be a lien begun again until the fire is extinguished. against the real estate if the real estate at the location of the violation is owned by the violator, or the violator is the agent, 8-4-21: CERTAIN RIGHTS RESERVED BY ' employee, officer or director of the real THE CITY: The City reserves the right property owner. Such lien may be foreclosed at any time, without notice, to shut off the water in the same manner as materialman's liens supply for repairs, extensions, nonpayment of rates under State law. In all instances the civil or any other reason and the City shall not be re- penalty shall also be enforceable as a fine sponsible for any damage, such as bursting of boil- against the person violating the restrictions ers supplied by direct pressure, the breaking of any on water usage. pipes or fixtures, stoppages or interruption of water supply or any other damage resulting from the D. Water Shut-Off: In addition to the foregoing shutting off of water. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) civil penalty, in the event of a violation of the restrictions imposed by this Section, the water service to the violating user may be shut off 8-4-22: ALL WATER APPARATUS KEPT IN after reasonable notice to the user and not GOOD REPAIR: The service pipes, con- turned on again until such penalty has been nections and other apparatus within any private paid. Reasonable notice, for the purpose of premises must be kept in good repair and protected this subsection, shall mean not less than ten from freezing at the expense of the owner or lessee, (10) days' notice delivered by first class mail who will be responsible for all damages resulting to the billing address of the user, unless the from leaks and breaks. In case of neglect, to 8-4-22 8-4-24 promptly repair and service any fixture or make hydrant or hydrants together with the neces- any changes or alterations required in this Chap- sary pipes, appurtenances and connections in ter, the Utilities Engineer shall 'have authority order to connect and hook on said hydrant or when deemed necessary to go on the premises and hydrants to the City's existing water supply. make or cause to be made such changes, alter- The number and location of such hydrants ations, or repairs and charge the same against the shall be in accordance with good fire engin- ' premises and the owner thereof. (Ord. 1437, eering practice and standards, the size, 8-28-52; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74) location, and construction to comply with the rules and regulations of the American Insur- The owner of any service connection shall be - ance Association formerly known as the Na- ' responsible for damage to meters serving said tional Board of Fire Underwriters and all of premises caused by hot water and shall be charged such installations to be duly approved by the for repairs to meters caused by such damage. Fire Department prior to its acceptance there- of by the City. The aforesaid requirements shall likewise apply to any such building or 8-4-23: WASTE OF WATER PROBIIBITEI3: It structure as hereinabove defined which is shall be unlawful ,for any person to hereafter annexed to the City. waste water or allow it to be wasted by imperfect or leaking stops, valves, pipes, closets, faucets, or C. Fire Hydrants in Other Areas: The owner or other fixtures, or to use water closets without party in control of any building hereafter self-closing valves or to allow any pipes or faucets constructed in or annexed to the City and to run open and to prevent the .service from which said structure or building is used for freezing or for any other reason or to use the water school, church, rest home, hospital or multiple • for purposes other than those named in application residential apartments (four (4] individual upon which the rates for water are based or for apartment units or more) or any other place any other purpose than that for which his contract of public assembly, and wheresoever located, provides or use it in violation of any provision of shall, at his expense install or cause to be this Chapter. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) installed fire hydrant or hydrants unless adequate and sufficient hydrants are located or accessible within one hundred sixty five 8-4-24: FIRE PROTECTION: feet (165') of any such building or structure. The number, location, size and type of such A. The following provisions and regulations are hydrant or hydrants to be installed shall be adopted as part of the City's fire prevention as specified in the above subsection B, further program to abate existing fire hazards, to reference hereby had thereto, and all of such investigate the cause, origin and installation to be approved by the City Fire circumstances of fires, to inspect potential fire Department. hazards, to control the means and adequacy of the construction and safety of buildings in D. Fire Hydrants; Special Locations: In addition case of fires, within commercial, business, to the foregoing requirements, additional industrial or manufacturing areas and all hydrant or hydrants may be required or i other places in which numbers of persons separately required in areas which are being work, meet, live or congregate, as hereinafter utilized for open storage of flammable more particularly set forth. products, including flammable liquids, or other areas of special fire hazards with spacing and B. Fire Hydrants in Commercial, Business, In- floor requirements based on the fire protection ' dustrial and Manufacturing Areas: The owner required in each instance; the number, size, of any building hereafter constructed or used type and location of hydrants for the aforesaid in the City which building or structure is not purpose shall be as specified in above located or accessible within one hundred sixty subsection B and all of such installations to five feet (165') of any fire hydrant and such be subject to the approval of the Fire building or structure being located or situated Department in any area zoned and to be used, or actually used for any commercial, business, industrial E. Multiple Uses; Contract: In the event that the . or manufacturing purpose shall, at his ex- installation of any such fire hydrant or hy- pense, install or cause to have installed fire dranta as above set forth, and the connecting • • . 8-4-24 8-4-26 E) system pertaining thereto, should benefit two of such fire. In no case will any tap be made (2) or more properties then the owners of upon any pipe used for fire service purposes such benefited properties shall share the cost or any tank connected therewith, nor shall of such installation in the proportion of the the use of any water be permitted through - benefits so derived. Whenever an owner is any fire service nor through any pipes, tanks - required to install such fire hydrant or fire or other fixtures therewith connected for any' . • hydrants under the provision of this Section purposes except the extinguishing of fire on and which installation will benefit outer such premises or testing flows for fire control properties not owned or controlled by such purposes. (Ord. 3531, 4-20-81, eff. 4-1-81) owner, then in any such case such owner may apply to the City for an agreement under the G. Whenever any change in the use, occupancy provisions of the Municipal Water and Sewer or construction of any premises or purposes as - Facilities Act known as chapter 261 of the hereinabove defined require any increased fire sessions laws of 1959 and any such agreement and hydrant protection, the owner, owners or . between such owner and the City shall run person in charge of such premises shall pro- for a period not to exceed five (5) years and ceed promptly toward securing adequate pro- _ thus permit such owner to recover a portion tection and all such installation or changes to of the cost of such initial installation from be completed providing for such increased fire - other parties in the event of any such future protection, prior to the use or occupancy of hook up or connection. Such contract shall such facilities. further provide that the owner of any building or structure subsequently erected shall not be H. Unlawful Conduct: It shall be unlawful for permitted, during the term of the aforesaid any person to own, occupy or use any building contract, to make any hook up or connection or structure as hereinabove defined in sub- to the City's water system or to any such sections B, C and D unless such building or hydrant until such owner has paid his structure is located within one hundred sixty proportionate fair share of the initial cost of five feet (165') of any fire hydrant. such installation as set forth in said contract. Any such agreement entered into between I. Violation; Penalties: Any person violating any such owner causing such installation and the provision or term of this Section shall, upon City shall be filed for record with the King conviction thereof; be punished by a fine of County Auditor's office and thereupon such not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) filing shall constitute due notice of the terms or by imprisonment for not more than ninety and requirements therein specified to all other (90) days, or by both such fine and imprison- parties. The City further reserves the right, ment. (Ord. 2434, 9-23-68) upon approval of the City Council, to participate in the installation of any oversized water line extensions or additional or extra 8-4-25: INSPECTION OF PIPES AND FIX- ' improvements relative to such installations. TURES: It shall be unlawful for any (Ord. 2434, 9-23-68) person to fail, neglect or refuse to give the Director of Public Works or his duly authorized represen- F. Private Water, Fire Service: Services for fire tatives free access at all reasonable hours to all protection must be metered or detector check- parts of premises supplied with water from the ed at the expense of the owner and fitted City's mains for the purpose of inspecting the con- with such fixtures only as are needed for fire dition of pipes and fixtures, noting the amount of protection and must be entirely disconnected water and the manner in which it is used. (Ord. from those used for other purposes. The 1437, 8-28-52; amd. Ord. 2823, 1-24-74, eff. 1-30-74) charges for such fire protection services are hereby established as follows: 8-4-26: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO • $3.00 per month per inch of fire meter DISCONTINUE SERVICE IN CASE size. -' OF VIOLATION: If any owner or occupant of any ' premises supplied with City water shall violate any • No charge will be made for water used in provision of the preceding Section, the Public extinguishing fire if the owner or occupant of Works Director may, after reasonable notice to the the premises where such fire occurs gives user, shut off such service; and such owner or written notice to the office of the Utilities occupant shall be required to pay any or all Engineer within ten (10) days from the date 8-4-26 8-4-31 delinquent and unpaid charges against such tested in the shop of the Water Department, by premises together with a charge of twenty dollars means of the apparatus there provided and a ($20.00) for shutting off and turning on such water ruport thereon duly made. Both parties to the test before the same shall be again turned on. must accept the findings so made. If the test "Reasonable notice" for the purpose of this Section disclosed an error against the consumer of more shall have the meaning set forth in Section than three percent (3%) on the meter's registry, the 8-4-19D. The determination to shut off water excess of the consumption on the three (3) previous service pursuant to this Section shall be appealable readings shall be credited to the consumer's meter to the City of Renton Finance Director pursuant to account and the Water Department will bear the Section 8-4-19E. (Ord. 4079, 8-3-87) entire expense of the test and the deposit required as hereinafter prescribed shall be returned. On the other hand, where no such error is found, the 8-4-27: WR1TFEN NOTICE SERVED FOR person who has requested the test shall pay the VIOLATION: In case of violation of any charge fixed for such test. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) of the preceding sections the Director of Public Works may cause written notice thereof to be Before making a test of any meter the person served on the owner or occupant of the premises requesting such a test shall, at the time of filing where such violation takes place, which notice shall his request with the Director of Public Works, require the payment of the charges hereinbefore make .a deposit with the Director of Finance of the provided and if such charges be not.paid within amount charged for such test, subject to the twenty four (24) hours from the time of the service conditions herein stated, which charges are as • of such notice, the water shall be turned off from follows: such premises and shall be in no case turned on • until the charges have been paid. For testing '6" or 1" meter $ 5.00 For testing 1Y," meters • 7.00 For testing 2" meters 10.00 8-4-28: CONNECTION AND METERS PROP- . For testing 3" meters 12.00 ERTY OF CITY: All service connections For testing 4" meters 14.00 and meters, unless otherwise authorized by the For testing 6" meters 20.00 Director of Public Works, shall be and remain the property of the City and will not be removed unless No meter shall be removed or in any way the use of water on the premises is to be entirely disturbed, nor the seal broken except in the —' stopped or the service connection discontinued or presence or under the direction of the Director of abandoned. In all cases where meters are lost, Public Works. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52; amd. Ord. 2823, injured or broken by carelessness or negligence of 1-21-74, eff. 1-30-74; Ord. 2845, 4-15-74) owners or occupants of premises, they shall be repaired or replaced by or under the direction of the Director of Public Works and the cost charged 8-4-30: CHANGE OF RATES: The City shall against the owner or occupant and in the case of have the right at any time it may desire nonpayment the water shall be shut off and will to change from a flat rateto meter rate on any not be turned on until such charge and the charge connection now or hereafter to be made to the City for turning on the water are paid. In the event of water system, and install a meter, and thereupon the meter getting out of order or failing to register the meter rates will be charged for such connection properly the consumer shall be charged on an and the flat rate will be discontinued. (Ord. 1437, • • estimate made by the Director of Public Works on 8-28-52) the average monthly consumption during the last three (3) months that the same was in good order or from what he may consider the most reliable 8-4-31: CHARGES FOR METERED WATER data at his command. (Ord. 1437, 8-28-52) SERVICE INSIDE CITY: • A. The minimum rates for metered water sup- 8-4-29: METER • ACCURACY' 'QUESTION: plied within the City in one month or frac- Where the accuracy of record of a water tional period thereof, are hereby fixed in the meter is questioned it shall be removed at the following schedule: consumer's request and shall in his presence be 8-4-31 8-4-31 • A) . . 1. The following persons are eligible to _ Size of Service .. Size of Service Charge receive their water and sewer services for one dollar ($1.00) per month, for the first nine '4" $ 4.55 hundred (900) cubic feet of water per month 1" 5.95 ($.75 per month for water/$.25 per month for 1'4" 9.40 sewer). Any excess shall be charged as 2" 15.50 provided in Section 8-4-31B of Chapter 4, 3" 31.30 Water, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) 4" 54.10 related to water services. 6" 116.95 . 8" 206.45 a. Every single person, sixty two (62) 10" 320.60 years of age or older, and every single person 12" . 459.55 totally and permanently disabled, residing in a single-family dwelling, that is separately Commodity Rates . metered for water usage, either as owner or purchaser, whose income from all sources is 0 - 2,500 cu. ft. $1.12 seven hundred twenty seven dollars fifty cents . 2,500 - 35,000 cu. ft. • . 1.04 ($727.50) per month or less and eight Over 35,000 cu. ft. 0.90 . . . thousand seven hundred thirty dollars (Ord. 4194, 12-12-88, eff. 1-1-89) ($8,730.00) per annum or less or, as amended. B. Any additional charges hereafter imposed by b. In the case of marital community, Metro under the "Industrial Cost Recovery" or both parties, husband and wife, residing in a "Industrial Waste Surcharge" programs re- single-family dwelling, either as owner, quired under the FWPCA (PL 92-500), section purchaser, or rentor, and 204, or as same may be amended hereafter plus fifteen percent (15%) thereof as an addi- (1) Both spouses being sixty two (62) tional charge for the City's cost of imple- years of age or older, or menting such program. (Ord. 4213, 4-24-89) - (2) One spouse is totally and penman- - C. Every such person, (if married, then either , . .,. . ently disabled and the other spouse is spouse) shall file with the Utilities Engi- over sixty two (62) years of age, or veering Department of the City, his or her statement, under oath, that he, she or they (3) Both spouses are totally and perman- are qualified to be charged a special rate for ently disabled , such utility services hereinabove set forth and such statement to contain such other infor- whose total income from all sources is one mation as the Public Works Director may thousand ninety one dollarsthirty four cents prescribe includingresidence address, owner- ($1,091.34) per month, or less and thirteen ship or interest in dwelling occupied by such thousand ninety six dollars eight cents applicant or applicants, the amount, source ($13,096.08) per annum or less, as amended. and nature of all income from any and all sources, together with the applicant's unqual- c. In order to qualify for reduced utility ified promise to forthwith notify the City of charges an affidavit of eligibility must be filed any circumstances or change in condition with the utility office with the most recent which would make the applicant or applicants income-tax return or the most current two (2) ineligible to receive said special rates. All of months bank statements. If the applicant is such information shall be treated in filing as a disabled- person, the application confidence and all such application and must be accompanied by an attending physi- statements shall only be available for cian's statement verifying disability. For those inspection by authorized personnel of the City. parties who are renters, the application must The Utilities Engineer shall have the right, include an executed lease agreement which whenever he deems it necessary, to require specifies the term of the lease and that the such statement on an annual basis. (Ord. lessee is responsible for the payment of the 2849, 5-13-74) utilities. (Ord. 4213, 4-24-89) • • i 290 . rr- 8-4-32 8-4-37 8-4-32: CHARGES FOR METERED WATER change in mailing address must be properly , SERVICE OUTSIDE CITY: The rates filed in writing with the office of the Director for metered water service supplied to premises of Finance or her duly designated repre- outside the City limits shall be in an amount equal sentative. (Ord. 2849, 5-13-74) to double the rate fixed for water service supplied to residents within the City for the same quantity • of water as hereinabove specified, effective until 8-4-34: DESIGNATION FOR COLLECTION July 1, 1976. Thereafter, the rate for nonresident. OF WATER CHARGES: On the six- users shall be reduced by ten percent (10%) as per teenth day of each and every month, it shall be the the following schedule, until such time as the non- duty of the person collecting water charges to make resident rate is an amount equal to one and out in duplicate and deliver to the Utilities five-tenths (1.5) times the residential City rate. Engineer a list of all delinquent customers whose Thereafter it shall remain at said rate of one and water service is to be cut off immediately, which five-tenths (1.5) times the residential rate, to wit: list shall contain the names of the delinquent water users and a description of the premises to which July 1, 1976 1.9 times inside rate. water services shall be cut off: Upon receipt of such July 1, 1977 1.8 times inside rate delinquent list, it shall be the duty of the Utilities ' July 1, 1978 1.7 times inside rate Engineer forthwith to cut off the water.service to July 1, 1979 1.6 times inside rate the premises described on said lists until the delin July 1, 1980 1.5 times inside rate quent and unpaid charges, together with the sum (Ord. 3056, 8-9-76) of five dollars ($5.00) additional for the expense of turning the water off and on are paid. • 8-4-33: WHEN DUE AND PAYABLE: Failure to receive mail will not be recognized as a valid excuse for failure to pay rates when due. A. All meter charges shall be due and payable Change in ownership of property and change in fifteen (15) days from date of billing and shall . mailing addresses must be filed in writing in the be paid to the Director of Finance, or a duly office of the. Director of Finance. (Ord. 1437, designated representative, at the City Hall in 8-28-52; amd. Ord. 2665, 10-4-71; amd. Ord. 2845, the City, or such other collection place as may 4-15-74) be officially designated by the Director of Finance. —' . 8-4-35: INTERFERENCE WITH FIRE HY B. All water charges if not `paid within the DRANTS PROHIBITED: It shall be fifteen (15) days in which the same are due unlawful for any person except when duly author- and payable shall be deemed delinquent. If ized by the Director of Public Works, or who shall such delinquent charges are not paid the be a member of the Fire Department, to open, Director of Finance or the person delegated by operate, close, turn on, turn off, interfere with, her to receive water charges, there shall be attach any pipe or hose to or connect anything with mailed to the water user a notice in writing any fire hydrant belonging to the City. that if such delinquent water charges are not paid, the Utilities Engineer.will be directed to cut off the water service to the premises and 8-4-36: INTERFERENCE WITH WATER enforcethe lien provided for hereinabove. MAINS AND OTHER APPLIANCES: There will be an additional sum of ten dollars It shall be unlawful for any person, unless duly $10.00) charged for the expense of turning the authorized by the Director of Public Works, to • water off and on. disturb, interfere with or damage any water main, water pipe, machinery, tools, meters or any other C. In lieu of a mailed notice, the Utilities appliances, buildings or grounds belonging to, con- Engineer or 'the Director of Finance may nected with or under the control of the Municipal • cause a delinquent water charge notice to be water system of the City. (Ord. 1437, 2-28-52; amd. served upon such user or occupant. Failure to Ord. 2823, 1-21-74) _-I receive mail properly addressed to such user or occupant shall not be a valid defense for failure to pay such delinquent water charge. 8-4-37: CONTAMINATING RESERVOIR It. Any change in ownership of property or shall be unlawful for any person to 290 00,: • y 8-4-37 8-4-41 bathe in or throw any substance into any reservoir, payable on each January 1, April 1, July 1, water tank or impounding dams in the Municipal and October 1. Such installment contracts water system. shall provide that any unpaid balance may be paid in full in any year at the time the first quarterly payment of such year is due and . 8-4-38: OBSTRUCTING ACCESS TO FIRE payable, shall describe the property served by HYDRANT PROHIBITED: It shall be the water, and shall be duly acknowledged by unlawful for any person to obstruct the access to the property owner and be recorded by the any fire hydrant or to open or operate any fire Public Works Director in the office of the hydrant, or attempt to draw water therefrom or to County Auditor at the expense of such • wilfully or carelessly injure the same. (Ord. 1487, property owner. Delinquent payments under 8-28-52) such installment contracts shall be a lien upon the described property as provided for in RCW 35.67.200, and enforceable in accordance . 8-4-39: CONNECTION WITHOUT PERMIS- with ROW 35.67.220 through 35.67.280. As an - SION PROHIBITED: It shall be unlaw- additional and concurrent method of enforcing ful for any person to make connections with any such lien, the water service to such property fixtures or connect any pipe with any water main may be disconnected in accordance with RCW or water pipe belonging to the water system 35.67.290 and this Code until such time as all without first obtaining permission so to do from the delinquent payments have been paid in full. Director of Public Works. Upon full payment of such installment con- tract, the Public Works Director, on behalf of the City of Renton, shall execute and deliver 8-4-40: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS' unto the property owner a release of such AUTHORITY: The Director of Public lien, which shall be recorded, at the expense Works shall have authority to decide any question of the property owner, with the King County which may arise and which is not fully covered in Auditor's office. All installment payments so this Chapter and his decision shall be in such cases made shall be applied first to interest accrued final• to date, and the balance to principal. The Director of Public Works shall not furnish B. There is hereby imposed upon, and the water services without making a charge therefor as owners of properties which have not been provided herein. (.Ord. 1437, 8-28-52; amd. Ord. assessed or charged or borne an equitable 2823, 1-21-74, off. 1-30-74) share of the cost of the City's water distribution and water plant facilities shall pay, prior to connection to a City water main, 8-4-41: CHARGES FOR PROPERTY NOT one or more of four (4) special connection PREVIOUSLY ASSESSED: charges, herein defined, in an amount to be • computed under the following subsections of A. The charges imposed by this Chapter shall be this Section. paid into the Waterworks Utility Construction Fund. 1. Latecomer Fees. The imposition, collection, . payment, and other specifics concerning this The charge shall be paid in cash whenever charge are dealt with elsewhere in this Code. such connection is requested, or application may be made by such property owner to pro- 2. Special Assessment Charge. The special vide for the payment thereof by an assessment charge is a charge for the his- installment contract if the amount is in excess torical costs for the water distribution system, of five hundred dollars ($500.00), with interest which shall include the water distribution at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum, mains that lie adjacent to or near properties computed annually on unpaid balances, which that would benefit directly therefrom that contract shall provide for a minimum down were not installed by L.LD:s or by a private payment of not less than ten percent (10%) of developer under a latecomer agreement. • such total connection charges hereinabove set forth payable upon execution of such contract, a. The number of units of property front- and the balance thereof to be paid in not age to be served by the water distribution more than twenty (20) quarterly installments oystem, determined in the manner prescribed 8-4-41 8-414 Bat) larger water meter or installation of a fire same under the supervision of the City Utilities hydrant will trigger a utility connection Engineer. All extensions shall extend to and across charge. For the purposes of this policy, such the full width of the property served with water. property when applying for an initial or larger No property shall be served with City water unless water meter or installing a fire hydrant shall the water main is extended to the extreme bound- be property that has not been previously ary limit of said property line extending full length assessed; of the front footage of said property, except as set forth in Section 8-4-41 hereinabove. (Ord. 2849, g. No special utility connection charge 5-13-74) will be collected on City-owned properties. The benefits to the utility from the use of other • City properties such as utility easements, 8-4-43: DEVELOPER EXTENSIONS TO THE wells, and other benefits, offset the amount of UTILITY SYSTEM: The City's Utility the utility connection charge fee; Division shall publish from time to time a Con- ditions and Standards for Constructing Utility h. When calculating the area to be char- Developer Extensions. All developer extensions shall ged the connection charge, undeveloped green- abide and fully comply with said Standards. From belt and major easements within the.property time to time these Standards shall be updated in shall not be included in the square footage for accordance with the American Water Works Asso- the calculation of the charge. When deter- ciation (AWWA) Standards, Insurance Services mining whether property is undeveloped Office (I.S.O.) requirements, the American Public • greenbelts or major easements, the inquiry Works Association (APWA) Standards and with pre- should be to recorded easements, dedications, veiling good practices relative to such extension • or restrictions on the comprehensive plan or and installations. (Ord. 3056, 8-9-76) zoning maps or City policies that would pre- vent development of significant usages. This exemption is intended not to charge property 8-4-44: APPEAL FROM NOTICE OF INTEN- that is undevelopable; TION TO CUT OFF WATER SER- VICE: Whenever water service is to be shut off due i. There shall be no other exemptions to violation of any portion of this Chapter, such from the special utility connection charge. Any shut off shall be after reasonable notice to the party extending utilities that may serve other user. "Reasonable notice" for the purpose of this than that party's property may request a late- Section shall mean not less than ten (10) days' comer's agreement from the City. Any party notice delivered by first class mail to the billing required to oversize utilities may request that address of the user, unless the Public Works utility participate in the cost of the project. Director or Utilities Engineer shall have determined that some other means of notice will be 4. Inspection and Approval Fees. In addition more likely to impart actual notice of the planned to other permits and fees, there will be an water shut off. In such event, "reasonable notice" inspection/approval fee for on-site and off-site shall consist of the best, practical notice, if any, replacement and improvements which shall be which can be delivered to the offending user under identical to that specified in Chapter 11, Title all of the circumstances. IX, and any subsequent amendments thereto. C. If anysuch propertyAny person or legal entity aggrieved by the notice for which a special con- of intention to shut off water may appeal the pro- nection charge has been paid thereafter is posed shut off of water service to the.City Finance included in a local improvement district for Director within ten (10) days of the date of the the construction of a water main of the same determination to shut off water. The consideration or similar nature, then the principal amount of the Finance Director on the appeal shall be so paid shall be credited to the assessment limited to a determination of the existence of the against such property and such amount shall alleged violation and the authority, under the City be paid from the Waterworks Utilities Fund Code, to shut off water service. The decision of the into such Local Improvement District Fund. Finance Director shall be final unless a writ of (Ord. 4205, 2-20-89) review is obtained from the King County Superior Court within twenty (20) days after the date of the 8-4-42: SUPERVISION; MAINS TO EXTEND Finance Director's decision. (Ord. 4184, 11-7-88) FULL WIDTH OF PROPERTY: All persons or local improvement districts desiring to extend water mains in'the City must extend the APPENDIX E DEFINITIONS Consumption The true volume of water used by the water system customers. The volume is measured at each customer's connection to the distribution system. Demand The quantity of water obtained from the water supply source over a period of time to meet the needs of domestic, commercial, industrial and public use, and also fire fighting water, system losses, and miscellaneous other water uses. Demands are normally discussed in terms of flow rate, such as million gallons per day(mgd) or gallons per minute (gpm). The flow rates can be described in terms of a volume of water delivered during a certain time period. Flow rates pertinent to the analysis and design of water systems are: • Average Daily Demand (ADD). The total amount of water delivered to the system in a year divided by the number of days in the year. This is further divided into average residential(ADDR),commercial(ADDC),industrial(ADDI),and unaccounted for(ADDN) demands. • Maximum Month Demand. The total amount of water delivered to the system during the month of maximum water use. • Peak Hour Demand. The amount of water delivered to the system in the hour of maximum use usually occurring during the maximum day. Equalizing Storage Equalizing storage provides the differencebetween the capacity of the sources of supply and the maximum demand rate(generally considered the highest use hour of the hottest day of the year). In water systems which service a large number of residences,the demand for water varies hourly and supply facilities are sized to meet the average rate of the maximum day demand. The maximum hour demand rate is typically about twice the average maximum day rate. If equalizing storage is not available to provide water during peak hours, the supply facilities and major pipelines would have to be sized for the maximum hour demands. However, during non- _ peak hours,much of the supply capacity would not be used. Instead,equalizing storage facilities are used to make up the difference between maximum hour and maximum day demand. The stored water is released when demand exceeds the supply,and replenished when the supply exceeds demand. In this way supply facilities and pipelines can be smaller than if equalizing storage is not available,and,therefore,lower costs for supply and pipeline facilities are obtained. Fire Flow The rate of flow of water required during fire fighting. Fire Storage Reservoir capacity required to meet fire flows. E - 1 APPENDIX E Head A measure of pressure or force by water. Head is measured in feet and can be converted to pounds per square inch (psi) by dividing feet by 2.31. Head Loss Pressure reduction resulting form pipeline wall friction, bends, physical restrictions, or obstructions. Hydraulic Elevation The height of a free water surface above a defined datum; the height above a datum to which water in a pressure pipeline would rise in a vertical open-end pipe. Emergency or Reserve Storage Reservoir capacity provided to meet emergencies such as failure of supply, pipeline, pump station, or power outages. Service (Pressure) Zone A water system subsection operating from one source at a common hydraulic elevation. Turbidity A measure of suspended particles in water. Unaccounted-for Water Water that is measured as going into the distribution system but not metered as going out of the system. Standby Storage Standby storage provides supply during fires, equipment failures, or power failures. Standby storage is seldom used, but obviously essential. The volume required for standby storage is determined based on the amount of water needed for fire-fighting reserves and other emergency conditions in the service area. The volume required for fire-fighting reserves is based on City Ordinance which uses the Insurance Service Office (ISO) fireflow requirements and is equal to the amount of water required to extinguish the largest probable fire in the service area. Standby storage for emergency conditions provides supply during equipment or pipeline failure and is based on the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) criteria of 800 gallons per customer, or on failure probability criteria. Since it is probable that a fire and equipment failure could occur simultaneously, the quantity of standby storage should be the sum of the fire-fighting reserves and emergency storage E - 2 Definitions 1 requirements. Furthermore, the fire-fighting reserves must be contained above the elevation that will produce a minimum of 20 psi pressure at the highest service in the zone, to allow the fire department to use the fireflow storage efficiently without cavitation in the distribution system pipelines or contamination in a customer's service. E - 3 TO: The Draft Comprehensive.Water System Plan Holder FROM: Ron Olsen DATE: February 24, 1992 SUBJECT: Comprehensive Water Plan Changes Please substitute the enclosed pages for the appropriate pages of the Draft Comprehensive Water System Plan as follows: 1) Substitute the Cover Page, the date has been changed to read 1992. 2) Substitute the Certification Page, the page has been signed and stamped by Rick and Dan. 3) Add the Table of Contents between the Credits Page and Chapter 1. 4). Substitute the Credits Page, the council members have been updated and the City Staff has been credited. 5) Substitute the entire Executive Summary chapter. 6) Page 2-1 of Chapter 2 Introduction - substitute page 2-1 only, the date has been changed to read 1992. 7) Page 6-21 of Chapter 6 Water Resources - replace page 6-21 and add pages 6-21 to 6-25. A section on Long Range Water Planning has been added. 8) Add a new Appendix F to the end of the plan. REMWCP\OLSEN.MM I CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN b MARCH 1992 FINAL DRAFT PREPARED BY: RH2 ENGINEERING Review Copy 2 of 20 CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN ID MARCH 1992 FINAL DRAFT PREPARED BY: RH2 ENGINEERING Review Copy 2 of 20 CERTIFICATION This Comprehensive Water System Plan for the City of Renton, 1992,has been prepared under the direction of the following Registered Professional Engineers: ��o H. v`Z` of WASHs 4( 7/44, r:.� CC. m.j ; Richard H. Harbert, P.E. 016727 A\Fn 9FGisTE1:62 I EXPIRES 2 .92. Daniel R. Ervin, P.E. SEL R. Fq�: QF of WAsy�� 4 + p2 '`.‹<• 22513 �.• ‹<• 10NAL EXPIRES I1-3-93j CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN 1992 City Council Bob Edwards Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Nancy L. Matthews Toni Nelson Jesse Tanner Timothy J. Schlitzer Richard M. Stredicke Mayor Earl Clymer Public Works Director Lynn Guttmann Public Works Staff Richard Anderson Ronald Olsen Lys Hornsby Ray Sled. Planning Staff Jennifer Toth Henning DOH Regional Engineer Moe Batra, P.E. Prepared By RH2 Engineering, P.S. CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN 1992 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter One 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 PLANNING 1 EXISTING SYSTEM 2 FUTURE SYSTEM 3 IMPROVEMENTS 3 Chapter Two 1 INTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1 HOW TO USE THIS PLAN 2 Chapter Three 1 EXISTING SYSTEM 1 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1 IMPROVEMENTS SINCE 1983 2 Source of Supply 2 Storage 3 Booster Pump Stations 3 Pressure Reducing Stations 3 Interties 3 Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Additions 3 Source Treatment 4 Telemetry and Supervisory Control 4 PRESSURE ZONES 4 SUPPLY FACILITIES 6 Well Facility Nos. 1-2-3 (RW1,RW2, RW3) 7 Well Facility No. 3 (PW3) 7 Well Facility No. 8 (PW8) 7 Well Facility No. 9 (PW9) 8 Springbrook Springs 8 Well Facility No. 4 (Inactive) 9 Well Facility No. 5 (Inactive) 9 Well Facility Nos; 11 & 17 9 WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES 11 STORAGE FACILITIES 12 Downtown 196 Zone Storage 12 Highlands 435 Zone Storage 12 Highlands 565 Zone Storage 12 Rolling Hills 590 Zone Storage 12 West Hill 495 Zone Storage 13 South Talbot Hill 350 Zone Storage 13 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 13 BOOSTER PUMP FACILITIES 14 Mount Olivet Pump Station (250 Bronson Way N.E.) 15 REN\WCP\TOC-B2.WCP Windsor Hills Pump Station (581 Sunset Blvd N.E.) 15 Monroe Avenue Pump Station (401 Monroe Avenue N.E.) 15 Highlands Pump Station (3410 N.E. 12th.Street) 16 North Talbot Hill Pump Station (730.South 19th Street) 16 South Talbot Hill Pump Station (50 South 43rd Street) 16 Tiffany Park Pump Station (2000 Kirkland Avenue S.E.) 16 Fred Nelsen Pump Station (2200 Bensen Road South) 17 , West Hill Pump Station (615 Perimeter Road, Renton Municipal Airport) 17 Kent Intertie 17 PRESSURE REDUCING STATIONS 17 INTERTIES 18 AUTO CONTROL 24 Improvements Since 1983 25 Chapter Four 1 LAND USE AND ADJACENT SYSTEMS 1 STUDY AND SERVICE AREA 1 Location 1 Topography 2 Economy 2 LAND USE 2 ADJACENT SYSTEMS 6 Water District No. 107 6 Water District 90 6 Cedar River Water and Sewer District 6 Soos Creek Water and Sewer District 7 City of Kent 7 Wasmeta Park Water System 8 City of Tukwila 8 City of Seattle 9 Lakeridge Bryn-Mawr Water District 9 Skyway Water and Sewer District 9 EAST KING COUNTY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN (EKCCWSP) 9 SKYWAY COORDINATED WATER SYSTEM PLAN 12 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT 12 Chapter Five 1 DEMANDS 1 WATER USE CLASSIFICATION 1 WATER USE HISTORY 3 POPULATION ESTIMATES AND DEMANDS 5 FACTORS AFFECTING DEMAND 21 DEMAND COMPONENTS 21 FIRE CONDITIONS 22 CERTIFICATES OF WATER AVAILABILITY 23 Chapter Six 1 WATER RESOURCES 1 EXISTING SUPPLY 1 AQUIFER PROTECTION 1 Protective Legislation 2 • REN\WCP\TOC•92.WCP Contamination Sources 5 Groundwater Monitoring 6 WATER RIGHTS 9 CHELAN AGREEMENT 12 WATER QUALITY 13 Bacteriological Characteristics 13 Inorganic Chemicals and Physical Characteristics 14 • Pesticides, Trihalomethanes, Volatile and Synthetic Organic Chemicals 15 Lead 17 Corrosivity 17 WATER QUALITY LAWS 17 The Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) 18 Total Cloriforms Rule 19 VOCs and Unregulated Contaminants Rule 19 Public Notification Rule 20 Lead and Copper Rule 20 Radionuclides Rule 21 The Wellhead Protection Program 21 SWDA's Impace on the City 21 LONG RANGE WATER SUPPLY PLANNING 21 Federal and State Water Laws 22 City of Renton Source of Supply Options 23 Evaluation of Regional Water Supply Alternatives 24 Recommendation 25 Chapter Seven 1 POLICIES AND DESIGN CRITERIA 1 INTRODUCTION 1 SUPPLY POLICIES 4 CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICIES 4 FINANCIAL POLICIES 5 FACILITY POLICIES 8 ORGANIZATIONAL POLICIES 14 Chapter Eight 1 SYSTEM ANALYSIS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 SUPPLY ANALYSIS 1 STORAGE ANALYSIS 6 196 zone 8 ' Highlands 435, Kennydale 320 zone • 9 Highlands 565 zone 9 Rolling Hills,Talbot Hill zones 10 West Hill zones 10 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS 15 QUALITY ANALYSIS 16 SUMMARY 18 CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM 17 WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM 17 Chapter Nine 1 SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 1 REN\WCP\TOC-92.WCP INTRODUCTION 1 DOWNTOWN 196 ZONE 1 KENNYDALE 320 ZONE 6 HIGHLANDS 435 ZONE 8 HIGHLANDS 565 ZONE 10 ROLLING HILLS 590 ZONE 11 ROLLING HILLS 490 ZONE 13 WEST HILL 495/270 ZONES 14 TALBOT HILL 350 ZONE 15 SYSTEM WIDE IMPROVEMENTS 15 Chapter Ten 1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 1 NORMAL OPERATIONS 1 Communication 3 Equipment Availability 4 Maintenance Equipment 5 Routine Operations 5 Records 6 Cross Connection Control 7 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 7 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 7 Supply Sources 7 Storage Facilities 8 Distribution System 8 Pressure Reducing Stations 8 Pipeline 8 Values 8 Leak Survey and Isolation 8 Tools & Equipment 9 Meter Testing 9 STAFFING 9 Current Staff 9 Additions Necessary 12 Chapter Eleven 1 FINANCIAL 1 INTRODUCTION 1 IMPROVEMENT COSTS 1 OPERATING COSTS 1 •• REVENUE 2 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS " 2 RATE COMPARISON 3 APPENDIX A WELL BOOSTER, PRV DATA SHEETS APPENDIX B BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX C SEPA CHECKLIST REN\WCP\TOC-92.WCP APPENDIX D CITY ORDINANCES APPENDIX E DEFINITIONS APPENDIX F WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PRIORITIZATION REN\WCP\TOC•82.WCP CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN 1992 List of Figures and Tables Fi res Title Figure. 1 Existing Water System Figure 2 Existing Hydraulic Profile Figure 3 Service Area/Adjacent Systems Figure 4 Land Use Figure 5 Proposed Improvements Plan Figure 6 Proposed Improvements Profile Figure 7 AC and Steel Main Replacement Figure 8 Main Replacement Priority Tables Name Page No. 3-1 Pressure Zones 3-5 3-2 Existing On-Line Supply 3-10 3-3 Pipe Inventory by Pressure Zone 3-11 3-4 Existing Standby Supply 3-19 3-5 Existing Emergency Supply 3-21 3-6 Total Supply Capacity 3-22 3-7 Total Supply Capacity 3-23 4-1 Saturation Land Use Projections 4-5 5-1 Equivalent Development by Planning Area 5-2 5-2 5-Year Consumption Summary 5-4 5-3 Anticipated System Growth 5-7 I ' 5-4 Demand Ratios 5-8 5-5 Demand Summary 5-8 5-6 Demands by Planning Area 5-9 5-7 System Development Distribution (by Equivalent Residential Unit) 5-11 5-8 System Development Distribution (by Acreage) 5-12 5-9 Demand Distribution (Downtown 196 Zone) 5-13 5-10 Demand Distribution (Highlands 435/Kennydale 320 Zones) 5-14 5-11 Demand Distribution (Highlands 565 Zone) 5-15 5-12 Demand Distribution (Rolling Hill 590/490, Talbot Hill 350 Zone) 5-16 5-13 Demand Distribution (West Hill 490/270 Zones) 5-17 5-14 Demand Summary 5-18 5-15 Saturation Demand Summary 5-19 5-16 5-Year Consumption Summary 5-20 REN\WCP\FIG&TBIS.W CP 11 6-1 Summary of Federal Legislation Pertaining to Groundwater 6-3 6-2 Summary of State Legislation Pertaining to Groundwater 6-4 6-3 Summary of Water Rights for the City of Renton Water Supply Sources 6-10 6-4 Summary of Raw Groundwater Bacteriological Analyses Renton Groundwater Wells 6-13 6-5 Summary of Inorganic and Physical Chemical Analyses Renton Water Supply Sources 6-14 6-6 Summary of Organic Chemical Analyses Renton Water Supply Sources 6-16 7-1 City of Renton Water Utility Policy Outline 7-3 8-1 Supply Capacity Requirements 8-1 8-2 Zone Supply Requirements 8-4 8-3 Anticipated System Growth by Year 8-5 8-4 Standby Storage Requirements Based on Failure Probability Anslysis 8-7 8-5 Storage Summary 8-11 8-6 Zone Storage Requirements 8-14 8-7 Anticipated Growth (Years vs. GRU) 8-19 10-1 Organizational Structures 10-2 10-2 Operator Certification 10-3 10-3 Water Department Equipment (1989) 10-4 10-4 Staffing Time for Preventive Maintenance 10-10 10-5 Staffing Time for Operation Tasks 10-10 11-1 Revenue and Operation Summary (1000's of dollars) 11-3 11-2 Water Rate Comparison 11-5 • • REN\W CP\FIG&TBLS.W CP Chapter One EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of the Renton Comprehensive Water System Plan is to present a list of recommended facility improvements and policy criteria to be used to construct and maintain a potable municipal water supply system that is "adequate, safe and reliable". This plan is an update of the plan adopted in 1984, and complies with WAC 248-54-580. This plan is based on current City policy, regulations and laws adopted by Federal and State government and the Renton City Council.This chapter is a summary of the issues and policies discussed in the remainder of the Plan. PLANNING The City's service area population and land use trends are major factors affecting water system planning.The service area boundaries have been established through agreements with adjacent purveyors using the Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan and The East King County Coordinated Water System Plan as the planning vehicles. Renton is required to use these plans as the basis for service area boundaries by State law. The service area boundaries will not change without annexation. Any areas that are annexed will likely contain water service areas that do not meet Renton's standards for water supply and reliability. In addition Renton may or may not have adequate supplies to service annexed areas, and therefore annexation must be closely coordinated with the water utility. The City is currently in the process of redefining land use and adopting policies that are consistent with the Growth Management Act. The Growth Management Act will impact the Water Utility. It will require closer coordination with the Planning Department, it will require the development of additional water supplies, it will require the addition of pump stations, reservoirs and pipelines, and will make development of these facilities more costly. The Water Utility will require more staff to comply with these additional requirements. Water Rights are becoming more difficult to obtain and are now a major component of water system planning. Because of the length of time required to obtain water rights, water supplies that will not be needed for many years must be pursued now. It is probable that sometime in the future Renton will not be able to obtain additional water rights and must then either limit growth, reduce water supply standards, or purchase water from a regional water supply • organization. Any of these events would require significant changes in Renton's water policies. The lengthy and complicated water rights process will increase facility costs. Renton's service area has been included in the East King County Regional Water Supply Plan, and Renton has been asked to participate in developing regional water supply sources. These sources may not benefit Renton's water supply system, and will be more costly to develop than Renton's own groundwater supply system. Renton has developed a long range water supply plan that compares the cost of various supply alternatives and the feasibility of maintaining cost and quality controls on the alternatives. Renton should continue to pursue their own City located groundwater supplies. Table 8-3 from chapter 8 shows the anticipated growth in the water system over the next 50 year period, and 1 - 1 REN\WCP\WCPCHAPI CHAPTER ONE also shows the supply sources that must be developed to meet the anticipated demand growth. The table is repeated in this executive summary for reference. Most of Renton's neighbors are experiencing reductions in water supply. Conservation is being used aggressively in these areas in an attempt to extend the capabilities of their existing water supply systems. Renton is not experiencing this water supply crisis but will be required to implement the same water conservation activities. Recent water quality legislation may require Renton to construct and operate a water treatment plant or plants, that treats all of the City's water. This may be required even though the water is high quality and meets the regulatory standards. Some treatment is required now to reduce the corrosivity of the water and prevent heavy metals in the water system. Any water treatment is expensive and will raise the cost of water supply. Population projections have a large impact on water supply planning, however, proposed land use changes in the service area have a small impact. Water supply is more directly affected by the number of people served than by the type of land use that is served. Fire flow requirements and landscape irrigation have the largest impact on water system facilities. Renton is a recognized regional leader in water policy and the application of technology to reduce water rates and improve water quality. As a result many new technologies are invented in Renton and many regulatory policies and standards are tested and refined here. Renton is therefore a frequent recipient of grant funding, and a respected participant in State and Federal Government activities. These policies should be continued since they often result in standards and requirements that are favorable for Renton's water customers. Water quality and supply reliability and redundancy standards and policies have the largest impact on water supply costs,and facility planning and phasing. In fact,water resource planning and water quality (aquifer) protection are the utilities highest priorities. EXISTING SYSTEM The existing water system is very well maintained and provides a high level of service. The system is deficient however in booster station capacity to the Highlands 435 and 565 pressure zones, and the West Hill pressure zones, and is deficient in reservoir storage capacity in most pressure zones. These deficiencies have not presented past problems because the system is well maintained and experiences fewer than normal failures. They will be resolved however using a phased construction schedule and capital improvement program.Highest priority has been given to facilities that will accommodate growth and resolve these system deficiencies. Water quality is high, however the system is vulnerable to groundwater contaminations. The City is aggressively pursuing policies and procedures that will maximize the integrity of the water supply system, and provide redundancy in the event of a contamination of any single aquifer. The water distribution system has been designed to provide maximum day demands and simultaneous fire flows to all customers. 1 - 2 REN\WCP\WCPCHAP1 Executive Summary A program is currently underway to replace the City's aging steel and AC watermains using a phased replacement schedule. Facilities are replaced or upgraded as needed to comply with regulatory changes and as components wear out. FUTURE SYSTEM The City has an adequate source of potable groundwater resources located within the existing service area. Competing uses for these supplies has made their development more difficult. Development of additional groundwater supplies should be pursued as aggressively as possible, since it is assumed that political and or economic events will make future development impossible. The City should not compromise their quality or quantity standards because of regional supply inadequacies, and therefore should not depend on the development of regional supply sources for the future needs of the City. Water conservation is currently being used in lieu of developing additional water supplies by Renton's neighbors. Water reuse will inevitably be an attractive alternative to water conservation. The regions largest potential source of reused water(the METRO treatment plant) is located within Renton's service area. Renton will pursue the adoption of reuse standards to capitalize on this potentially valuable resource. Renton will supply all customers located within the service area boundaries and will control and administer all municipal services within the service area, including reused water. IMPROVEMENTS The City will prepare for and authorize a 20 year CIP budget to perform the work listed in the Capital Improvement Plan. The improvements anticipated within the next 20 years include: 12,750 gpm of additional well capacity 27,000 gpm of additional booster station capacity 26 million gallons of additional storage capacity Additional unspecified improvements include studies to assure future water supply, studies to anticipate treatment requirements, studies to minimize operating costs, and the construction of watermains to serve new customers and provide adequate fire protection to existing customers. The capital improvements and stricter regulatory standards will raise Renton's water rates. 1 - 3 REN\WCP\WCPCHAP1 • TABLE 8-3 ANTICIPATED SYSTEM GROWTH BY YEAR . 50 , , • , , . . • , , . --[-L--, LI -----Li---, -- --1_-----H-----1-L---1- -- --i- - - TI -r-17-11--- --'-1 Im -1-- _----,- --,-------1--- -1---- - - --1 r • 45 --7-- 7,--- I j 1 1. 1 , - -----r------r------I- —M T 1_ _i___ ,_. _i + L I I _LLL _LI 1 1 L I __t ____I 1 L._ ' _ ___1__ _---1- -----1---------,- --- -4- 4- 40 t I ,---- 1 1711-:---Hio -- Lg wt . , , .:„:,.,,, 1 L iii_ . 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"':'..._J.....'L'n 1 E " A 11 iffi tE E 1 1 i 1- d 1--1---1- k.,.1t. ..."--.'',.-;. -.' 1 I + 1- i i ;----1 -1-- i I" 1 L L I Ll_l_ _11 i___1_ ' ' ___:_i:, L...,•::i:.. tk-7-- ---.--- -I L--1-1--1- -I- ---I- -I-1--.-----.- ---,---1--/- --,--. _- _ 25 I -I- '4. ,,,41:::..,:.::.1 .--, L [ i 1_4_,L, I____L_L____[_1_1_1____1_1__1_1 _1__L_L_ _1_ 1 FL 1 1 I II n 1 ,lets'f::::r.:rgiii. 1-41-1 "III I II tilt IIII WI it il_ t1 III 4- 1-1-1-1----1-4--1-1, I 1 4-4-- i -,-- --,---1--,--, I --I-4- - - --1-,-4.- -----r-i—Jr— ' . -I-- " ---I—1- 121 20 'i4ii,,/+:j, ___L.-1L_4_-_41- ::."I •il:'. LEGEND -1- [ Iii Lt - _ L---_- I- - SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT - 4 -4__ --1-1-4i1,- 15 T -1-- -1--1- {- fi- Ili I, i --4---+---+-1-4- ' 1— HISTORIC GROWTH, -_- =_I—tilit--t-IIITT71111_ WITHOUT CONSERVATION, l' _ 10 -------`-- 1 + 1 -1-- -4--i---1:4- NO LEAK REDUCTION _ --r- - 4— LOW GROWTH, _ - _ ___ _4_4___i_ .....••..... t_i_j 1 4:1 ----1-4--1- 1----4 WITH CONSERVATION, 5 AGGRESSIVE LEAK REDUCTION -t-- __ _Li_i_l_ LI 4-1- LI- -1-11-i_Froditr -N-I-1 I . . , . . _u___Li_ =_____[._ _i__ 4 I 0 1 -I-- 1.-- -I- I •I -I I- 1 .-. I 1 1 1 1 -M1-1---ii 1 1 1-1- , Li) 0 Lf) 0 if) o Ln o in o LO o In 0) CY) 0) 0 0 0 0 O • 0 0 0 0 0 YEAR • Chapter Two INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The 1992 Comprehensive Water Plan is the comprehensive water supply plan for the City of Renton and contains policies and criteria that affect decisions regarding water service for Renton's water customers. This plan is the result of a study which evaluated the existing water system and developed alternatives for operation and accommodating growth. The improvements identified in this plan are based on the requirements of the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) and City of Renton Policy. The City of Renton adopted its last comprehensive water system plan in 1984. That plan anticipated growth in the system and proposed improvements but did not foresee all issues which have arisen since that time: changes in water resource allocation, changes in water quality standards, significant increases in construction cost, land use densities, and population projections. These issues and others are examined in detail in this Comprehensive Plan. The Renton water system is large and, because of the topography, it is difficult to understand and operate. The condition of the current system, as well as the need for improvements in a level of detail that will satisfy most readers, has been documented. However, due to the magnitude of this system and the number of issues that must be addressed, this report is organized so that a reader may review a summaryof the plan in Chapter 1, without reading the background or detailed information which led to those results. Readers interested in more details should examine the remainder of the report. The plan provides a recognized framework for making decisions about potable water supply in the City of Renton. It is intended to aid users including the Water Utility, City Council members, the Mayor and staff, builders, developers, community groups, and other government agencies. The plan helps these users in several ways. First, the plan is the framework for improvements and operations that govern water system developments in the,City's service area. The plan provides a basis for allocating improvements and costs to new, additional water users in the system, such as home and apartment builders and commercial developers. It thus provides,City officials with partial direction for approving building permits and upgrading the system. Second, the plan provides a guideline for improving the existing system to supply each customer with adequate supply and acceptable quality water. It is intended that City officials will be able to use these guidelines as supply and quality standards change, to maintain the highest quality service at the least cost. Finally, the plan provides a basis for accommodating changes that occur but that cannot be forecast in the plan. To this end, the plan lists policy issues and operational criteria that can be used to develop alternatives and direction for development, improvements, and operations. 2 - 1 REN\WCP\WCPCHAP2 CHAPTER TWO Several members of the City staff possess an exceptionally detailed understanding of the City's water system, and have provided valuable input for this plan. Mr. Ron Olsen, Mrs. Arlene Haight, Mr. Ray Sled and Mr. Jack Crumley are thanked for their assistance. HOW TO USE THIS PLAN This plan is arranged in eight major sections. Chapter 3 identifies the existing facilities, and documents the history of the water utility. Chapter 4 documents the condition of the existing facilities, discusses land use and adjacent systems. Chapter 5 examines demands for existing conditions as well as anticipated future conditions. Chapter 6 documents current and planned water supplies to meet the demands listed in Chapter 5. Chapter 7 identifies the policies and design criteria for the water utility. Chapter 8 examines the condition and performance of the existing system in accordance with the accepted policies and criteria through system analysis. Chapter 9 identifies improvements necessary to comply with policy requirements, law, and anticipated future conditions. Chapters 10 and 11 examine the operations, maintenance and financial characteristics of the utility. • I 2 - 2 REN\WCP\WCPCHAP2 Water Resources The City will be required to begin monitoring in July of 1992 at approximately 40 sampling sites every 6 months. Radionuclides Rule The EPA is currently developing new regulations for monitoring of radium 226 and 228, uranium, and radon (radionuclides). Proposed MCLs are 300p CV! for radon and 20p CO for uranium and radium.226 and 228. The final rule is due March 1992. Monitoring for radionuclides is to be scheduled on a nine-year compliance cycle divided into three-year compliance periods, with the first period beginning January 1, 1993. During each three-year compliance period, systems will monitor radionuclides at the time specified by the State or other primary agency. The number of samples will vary depending on how the distribution system is supplied;i.e.,by several groundwater and/or surface water sources. Water systems should analyze for the radionuclides covered by the rule and determine whether changes in treatment practices will be necessary, and if so, estimate the cost of treatment. An article describing the new radionuclide regulation was published in the AWWA Journal, April 1991. The Wellhead Protection Program The amendments to the SDWA require states to develop a Wellhead Protection Program and submit it to the EPA for review and approval by June 19, 1989. The underlying purpose of the program into protect public water supply wells from sources of contamination. To date, only six of thirty states that have submitted their Wellhead Protection Programs have had their submittals approved by the EPA. Washington has not submitted a Wellhead Protection Program. SWDA's Impact on the City Since groundwater supplies City customers,Renton will primarily be concerned with compliance with the Total Coliform Rule, the Lead and Copper Rule, and Radionuclides Rule (radon removal). Exotic organic and inorganic contaminants,which require significantly more expensive treatment technologies, rarely occur in public water supplies at levels above proposed MCLs. The City has already developed an aquifer protection plan in an effort to avoid disinfection. A study is currently underway by EES To identify the specific impacts of the new water quality laws. The water quality study should continue as needed until all standards and requirements have been satisfied. It is widely accepted that all municipal water supply systems will eventually need to filter and treat all potable water supplied to the public. If this is true, Renton will eventually need to construct a water treatment plant near the existing Cedar River well field. The Utility Department should pursue the acquisition of a treatment plant site for future use. 7. Long Range Water Supply Planning Renton is a leader in water supply planning. To protect the quality of its water,it has developed an extensive wellhead protection program. To assure an adequate supply, it has developed its own groundwater resource and entered into agreements with adjacent purveyors. 6 - 21 REN\WCP\WCPCRAP6 CHAPTER SIX The City's water system now faces the challenge of serving a growing population. The recent rehabilitation of Well 5, and the construction-in-progress of Wells'11 and 17 in the Maplewood Golf Course, will provide adequate supply to meet demands through 1995. Long Range Supply Planning must begin now however, because acquiring additional water supply has become a complex and lengthy process. Continuing regional growth places more demands on a fixed amount of water, which is subject to more stringent regulations and to a more complicated planning process. Federal and State Water Laws Water is increasingly regulated on federal and state levels. These regulations that will have an impact on the City of Renton's water supply planning. Safe Drinking Water Act. Sixty-two of the eighty-two 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act have been written. The new rules will require the City to begin a variety of monitoring and treatment programs. Overlapping roles of the Department of Health (DOH) and the Department of Ecology (Ecology). DOH and Ecology share the responsibility for managing water resources. DOH's role of overseeing water utilities, and Ecology's role of overseeing water resource management,often overlap, causing delays in approving water plans and allocating water rights. Growth Management Act (GMA). The GMA required coordination of land use and water supply planning to ensure 1)concurrency,2)that designated urban growth areas were providing urban levels of water service, and 3).critical areas such as aquifers were protected. Chelan Agreement.The Chelan agreement is the consensus reached by eight different interest groups on how to regionally plan for water. Two pilot planning projects are currently underway. Ecology is hoping to draft new water resources policy based on their results. Regional Water Supply Options The City of Renton has examined the options for regional water supplies that have been proposed as a result of regional or local planning. This plan evaluated the most recent feasible proposals of the following utilities or utility groups: the Seattle Water Department (SWD), the East King County Coordinated Water System Plan (EKCCWSP), the East King County Regional Water Association (RWA), and the City of Tacoma Water Division. Seattle Water Department. The SWD is considering four regional water supply projects, which are: • Pumping unused or "dead" storage from Chester Morse Lake, which is one of Seattle's two major surface water sources, providing approximately two-thirds of the total supply. • Diverting flows from the North Fork into the South Fork of the Tolt River, which is Seattle's second major surface water source, providing approximately one-third of the total supply. ' 6 - 22 REN\WcP\WCPCHAP6 Water Resources • Diverting flows from the Skagit River to the Tolt pipeline near Woodinville. • Discharging treated METRO effluent into Lake Washington and diverting additional flows from the Cedar which are normally discharged into Lake Washington. East King County Coordinated Water System Plan. The EKCCWSP regional water supply proposals generally parallel Seattle's proposals. However,it did include a proposal for an intertie between the City of Everett's water system to utilities in East King County: • Additional flows would be released from Spada Lake, a storage Reservoir for the Sultan River, Everett's primary source of supply. The water would be conveyed through a transmission pipeline from South Snohomish to the Tolt pipeline near Woodinville. East King County RWA. Most of the water systems represented by the RWA are supplied by Seattle,which has indicated it will not have sufficient capacity to serve them beyond 1994. The City of North Bend, a member of the RWA,invited other RWA members to explore the possibility of a regional groundwater supply in the Upper Snoqualamie Valley. The valley has the geologic deposits and the hydrologic conditions that are favorable for the groundwater storage. The project would provide water supply by: • Developing 16 groundwater wells and a transmission pipeline to the Tolt Eastside Supply Line. City of Tacoma Water Division. The City of Tacoma currently obtains part of its water from the Green River downstream of the Howard Hansen Reservoir. Pipeline No. 5 would convey more of this water downstream of the reservoir into the City of Tacoma. • Pipeline 5 could supply South King County through a pipeline that would extend north. City of Renton Source of Supply Options Currently,the City's maximum day demand exceeds the supply capacity as shown in Table 8.3, Projected Water System Growth. Water demand will continue to increase as.the City's population grows. In response, the City rehabilitated one well and developed two others on the Maplewood Wellfield. If no other supply sources are developed, the additional supply from the three wells will adequately meet demands until 1995, when demand will equal supply. The Maplewood Booster Station is being designed to handle a supply that is greater than the supply from Wells 11 & 17. Developing the wellfield will provide water supply to accommodate additional growth. The improvements described below are those that are necessary to meet the maximum design capacity of the booster station. The wellfield taps into two aquifers, a middle aquifer and deeper aquifer. The wellfield developments described below.would all tap into the middle aquifer: • • Drill Production Well No. 11 (completed 1988) 6 - 23 REN\WCP\WCPCHAPG CHAPTER SIX • Drill Production Well No. 17 (completed 1989) • Construct Wellheads for PW - 11 and 17 (Completed 1991) • Construct Maplewood Booster Station and Treatment Facility (Scheduled 1992) • Drill Production Well No. 10 (Scheduled 1992) • Drill Production Well No. 12 (Scheduled 1992) • Construct Highlands Water Transmission Pipeline (Scheduled 1992) • Construct Rolling Hills Water Transmission Pipeline (Scheduled 1992) Development of the deep aquifer is still in the exploratory phase. At this time, three production wells are planned for this area. Evaluation of Regional Water Supply Alternatives The City has prepared a separate Long Range Water Supply document that evaluates the costs and impacts of the regional supply options. The results of the analysis are detailed below: • Morse Lake Pumping. The cost per yield is comparatively low,but that does not outweigh the risk for depleting the "dead storage" to a level that could not be replenished during a relatively dry winter, making it impossible to meet the demands the next summer.. In addition, lowering the.lake level may damage the sensitive bottom clay, causing leakage from the lake. Water rights, instream flows, and treaty rights must also be resolved. • Tolt Diversion This project may increase instream flows in the South Fork and improve reliability of Tolt supply system. In addition, Ecology is offering SWD a water right on the South Fork, for which a treatment plant design is currently underway. However, SWD does not have a water right to withdraw from the North Fork. Treaty rights must also be resolved. • Skagit River.Pipeline Diversion. It would provide more supply than other options, but the actual yield is unknown. The size and remote location of this project make it expensive and involve many political issues which will complicate and prolong planning and design efforts. • METRO Effluent. Its comparatively high cost and its impact on Lake Washington's water quality make it an unlikely source of potable water. However, treated effluent could possibly be used for irrigation and industrial uses. • North Bend Groundwater. It would provide the lowest cost per yield of the regional alternatives, would not require treatment, and would serve the Sammamish Plateau, an area not yet served by a regional water system. However, the amount of water is not yet proven and water rights acquisitions and pipeline construction would raise issues that must be resolved. • Sultan River/Everett Intertie. It would serve a broad area and its cost per yield would be average. However, Everett and the Snohomish County PUD are offering it only under the condition that it would be returned when their demand increases. 6 - 24 REN\WCP\WCPCHAPG Water Resources • Tacoma Pipeline 5. The City of Tacoma is aggressively pursuing this project, but a range of issues, including instream flows, wetlands, and Treaty rights, makes this probability of this occurring unknown. Recommendation The Maplewood Wellfield is the clear choice of all the options. The City.of Renton has succeeded in providing an adequate quantity and quality of water to its citizens by developing its own water resources for many years. Developing the Maplewood Wellfield has a lower cost per yield than the regional alternatives, and is the most likely to be implemented for political, environmental, and economic reasons (as discussed below). • Economic Basis. Continuing to develop additional sources of supply in the Maplewood Golf Course area would be substantially less expensive than obtaining water from a regional water supplier. • Environmental Basis. Renton will continue to grow in the 1990s. As its urban density increases it will be imperative to regulate the land uses within the aquifer's recharge area. This can best be accomplished if the City develops its own wells. Coordinating land use and water supply planning will be in compliance with the Growth Management Act. • Political Basis. By maintaining its independence, the City could avoid an overly lengthy planning process. However, properly managing the resource may benefit other water utilities within the region. Specifically, obtaining accurate instream flow and hydraulic continuity data for the Cedar River would allow the City to seasonally manage recharge to the river. By recharging the river, all water users demands would be met, avoiding lengthy water rights conflicts. By planning and managing the water resource with other users in the region, the City would be at the front of a clear trend in state public policy of managing natural resources regionally. 6 - 25 REN\WCP\WCPCHAP6 1 Appendix F WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PRIORITIZATION APPENDIX F Water Main Replacement Prioritization F - 1 REN\WCP\APP-F.WCP 111 • • APPENDIX F :gM .............F.N.:::.........::•.:9g:::::::::isz::�:;�::;�:;:�;>s::�;:�:�;s:z:::rr:i;:�::�::sR�:;:�;'> ::;::�;:�;s:�;:�iisi::;: ��A�: Uisi.Rlott'pn)fNG'E• LJND, • WA.t>:>:;::: :..:.►..�MR�::;;;.�: Revision Date: 2/24/92 ...�...,: .. :; . �. wA:.. ,; I :.: :: ;;::;ti,; , ;. ,.;;,;,,;,;;.;;.,A3,,,,,,;•,;;,•,,This Consilium listing does not reflect all of the undersized A) Contininuing of project under construction 3 C.I., STL., and A.C. serviced in the City of Renton. This list B) Replacement of existing leaking watermains C.I. & STL. 2 is intended to reflect Renton water services mains which C) Response to other improvements such as: 2 are of the greatest severity and which should be Sewer & Strom projects that would require replaced through a five year funding appropriation. rebuilding of street; street overlay projects; or proposed new street projects. UN = unknown D) Projects that would accomodate growth. 1 * denotes 1991 projects appropriated E) Projects that would improve Fire Flow or Protection 1 F) Projects that replace old A.C. water mains 1 iiii : iiiiaii iiiai i ii::•iiiiii:• !:%ai iiia i:•::iiiSi:i.'• ii Si;: ii:::.:ii :iiit:iia iii i` iiii;:ii i:?:::3ii:;::: ii iiiiiii8:ia i i:•i:.:sii' iai is iia:a;: «i::::::: i:i:ii:i:ii:i i:.iiiiiii >?ai%:i:fii:i:i:i:ii:iiiiiiiiiiSit :;;i..:..; .o-:.:::.:::.o-;;:.;:.:;:,::�:a:>:::•;:co- ...:;:: ;<;:o:•;:•::a:•::c. .......... F 2::;:.. 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BURNETT AV N. PARK AV N. 1953 1300 4" A.C. 6" D.I. $84,500 2 1 1 4 16 37 N 35TH ST. BURNETT AV N. PARK AV N. 1953 1300 4" A.0 8" D.I. $104,000 3 1 1 5 15 38 N 34TH ST. BURNETT AV N. PARK AV N. 1953 1300 6" A.0 6" D.I $84,500 2 1 3 14 39 N 33RD PL. BURNETT AV N. PARK AV N. 1953 1300 4" A.C. 8" D.I. $104,000 1 1 2 40 41 N 33RD ST. LK. WASH BLVD. BURNETT AV N. 1953 400 4" A.C. 8" D.I. $32,000 1 1 2 13 40 N 33RD ST. BURNETT AV N. PARK AV N. 1953 1300 4" A.C. 8" D.I. $104,000 1 1 2 12 47 N 32ND ST. BURNETT AV N. PARK AV N. 1953 1300 4" A.C. 12" D.I. $143,000 3 1 1 1 6 44 48 N 31ST ST. LK. WASH BLVD. BURNETT AV N. 1953 600 4" A.C. 8" D.I. $48,000 1 1 2 11 48 N 31ST ST. BURNETT AV N. PARK AV N. 1953 1300 4" A.C. 8" D.I. $104,000 1 1 2 45 49 N 30TH ST. LK. WASH BLVD. BURNETT AV N. 1953 550 4" A.C. 8" D.I. $44,000 1 1 2 7 49 N 30TH ST. BURNETT AV N. PARK AV N. 1953 1300 4" A.0 8" D.I. $104,000 1 1 2 6 50 N 29TH ST. BURNETT AV N. PARK AV. N 1953 1300 4" A.C. 6" D.I. $84,500 2 1 - 1 4 2 5 N 28TH ST. BURNETT AV N. PARK AV N. 1953 1300 4" A.C. 12" D.I. $143,000 2 1 1 1 5 5 6 PARK AV N. N 28TH PL. N 29TH ST. 1953 250 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $20,000 2 1 3 2 50 BURNETT AV N. N 28TH PL. N 29TH ST 1953 300 4" A.C. 8" D.I. $24,000 1 1 2 49 50 BURNETT AV N. N 29TH ST. N 30TH ST. 1953 300 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $24,000 • 1 1 48 49 BURNETT AV N. N 30TH ST. N 31ST ST. 1953 300 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $24,000 1 1 47 48 BURNETT AV N. N 31ST ST. N 32ND ST. 1953 300 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $24,000 1 1 40 47 BURNETT AV N. N 32ND ST. N 33RD ST. 1953 300 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $24,000 1 1 39 40 BURNETT AV N. N 33RD ST. N 33RD PL. 1953 300 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $24,000 1 1 38 39 BURNETT AV N. N 33RD PL. N 34TH ST. 1953 300 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $24,000 1 1 37 38 BURNETT AV N. N 34TH ST. N 35TH ST. 1953 300 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $24,000 1 1 36 37 BURNETT AV N. N 35TH ST. N 36TH ST. 1953 300 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $24,000 1 1 42 46 N 29TH ST. LK. WASH BLVD. BURNETT AV N. UN 250 2" STL. 8" D.I. $20,000 2 2 1 5 25 26 SE 80TH ST. SE 80TH ST. LINCOLN AV SE 1962 400 6" STL. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 2 6 7 PARK AV N. N 29TH ST. N 30TH ST. 1980 250 6" STL. 8" D.I. $20,000 2 2 4 5 N 28TH ST. N 28TH ST. N 28TH PL. 1980 600 6" STL. 12" D.I. $66,000 2 1 3 UN UN N 24TH ST. N 24TH ST. MEADOW AV N. UN 450 6" STL. 8" D.I. $36,000 2 1 3 ---7 i ' , • APPENDIX F , `<::%AEP' ...;:REW Revision Date: 2/24/92 , P0.1.01 rI$l)$ UNDI#J iaq.tfRMgi1 ;;;;:;;;>;:•;:;.:;:.;:•:;;:•;::•::•;:•::•; #fAtt This consi lium listing does not reflect all of the undersized A) Contininuing of project under construction 3 C.I. STL., and A.C. serviced in the City of Renton. This list B) Replacement of existing leaking watermains C.I. & STL. 2 is intended to reflect Renton water services mains which C) Response to other improvements such as: 2 are of the greatest severity and which should be Sewer & Strom projects that would require replaced through a five year funding appropriation. rebuilding of street; street overlay projects; or proposed new street projects. UN = unknown D) Projects that would accomodate growth. 1 * denotes 1991 projects appropriated E) Projects that would improve Fire Flow or Protection 1 F) Projects that replace old A.C. water mains 1 i::::::::;i::p:;:;:S:i;::;::SS:;:.;::::;;:r::;::;i;::::;.•:>:::::C4SME:.>::;:;:.;::.;>:::::.::.:::.>}.::.»:.;:.:r;:os::•S;:•:�>:::•:;s:a::o-;:<�;::::::::;J:S;:a?i:.::.::.:r:::.;:.:�L•;:::<.:<:::.>:.;>:.>:.;:.; ::::•::::: :: :::::::.: :::::::::::::.� ::..::............�: ::.::::..:,....................... .,.....................................n '::>:MOiyB:<::>:> tbi t:::::>: : 4t1ONi > > ><»<<>:<:::>:::::O:::' ."':::::::>::>:::>:::>:::>:>:>:<::»<:<::<:::>': `•.:'°::.::"``:» >:?> €» < <:`.:::>':'°';' °:»:"'::'r<:?::;;.•:. :.:;<.::;:.;.;:.;.:.,•.;•.;:.,;;.;..:<.:: ;; :::>:: :::<:>'::>:>:::>:::<:»>::::.:;...>:::::>:;:;>::::>:::>::>::::::>::>; . ... .............. ................................. :»«:>:>:>:>;':;;::::isi:isk;':<::::::t;::;;::::::::::;:;:i;:::>:i:<::i:%::;::;::;>i::Yi:ii:;:>::::i:r:>:<>::>:<>:>.:>:>:>:>:r;>:>::.»»:; >:>:»:>:>:::»i>:::::::::::::i::.>:;:»:>:::<:>::><:»>:<:i:Sr::»>:»>:>:>:>:>:<>:>:»::>::::2::::':i::::i:>:<::»:>;;: .:»:>:>>::»::>::>>::><>::::; ...i......3.....7......'E................... •. 18 UN NE 27TH STREET NE 27TH STREET 100 FT NORTH 1971 100 4" A.C.. .C. 4" D.I. $5,000 �..:,.1„»...,.�1.,.�., 167 149 NE 28TH STREET ABERDEEN AVE NE 400 FT EAST UN 400 2” STL. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 1 3 17 167 ABERDEEN AVE NE NE28TH STREET 300 FT SOUTH 1975 300 6" C.I. 12" D.I. $33,000 2 2 1 5 13 15 NE 24TH STREET JONES AVE NE MONTEREY AVE NE UN 450 12" A.0 12" D.I. $49,500 1 1 15 16 NE 24TH STREET MONTEREY AVE NE ABERDEEN AVE NE UN 200 12" A.C. 12" D.I. $22,000 1 1 16 19 NE 24TH STREET ABERDEEN AV NE BLAINE AV NE UN 200 8" A.C. 8" D.I. $16,000 1 1 19 165 NE 24TH STREET BLAINE AV NE CAMAS AVE NE UN 100 8" A.C. 8" D.I. $8,000 1 1 20 165 NE 24TH STREET CAMAS AV NE DAYTON AV NE UN 100 8" A.C. 8" D.I. $8,000 1 1 20 21 NE 24TH STREET DAYTON AV NE EDMONDS AV NE UN 200 8" A.C. 8" D.I. $16,000 1 1 UN 19 BLAINE AV NE BLAINE AV NE 150 FT NORTH UN 150 6" STL. 6" D.I. $12,000 2 2 UN UN DAYTON AV NE 250 FT SOUTH 250 FT SOUTH UN 500 4" STL. 8" D.I. $40,000 2 1 3 UN UN NE 23RD STREET DAYTON AV NE EDMONDS AV NE UN 200 6" STL 8" D.I. $16,000 2 2 UN 13 NE 24TH STREET NE 24TH STREET 200 FT WEST UN 200 6" STL. 8" D.I. $16,000 2 2 UN 12 NE 24TH STREET 200 FT WEST 150 FT WEST UN 150 2" STL. 4" D.I. $7,500 2 2 UN UN PRIVATE ROAD NE 24TH STREET 400 FT SOUTH UN 400 1" STL. 4" D.I. $20,000 2 2 UN 32 NE 20TH STREET JONES AVE NE 600 FT WEST(NE 20THST.) UN 600 6" STL. 8" D.I. $48,000 2 2 4 16 31 ABERDEEN AVE NE NE 24TH STREET NE 20TH STREET UN 1200 6" A.C. 12" D.I. $132,000 1 1 1 3 31 38 ABERDEEN AVE NE NE2OTH STREET NE16TH STREET UN 1200 6" A.C. 12" D.I. $132,000 1 1 1 3 UN 37 MONTEREY AVE NE NE 16TH STREET 400 FT NORTH UN 400 UN STL. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 2 UN 53 MONTEREY AVE NE NE 16TH STREET 600 FT SOUTH UN 600 4" STL. 8" D.I. $48,000 2 1 3 35 54 LINCOLN AVE NE NE 16TH STREET 600 FT SOUTH UN 600 4" STL. 8" D.1. $48,000 2 1 3 54 55 NE 14TH STREET LINCOLN AVE NE KENNEWICK AVE NE UN 250 6" STL. 8" D.I. $20,000 2 1 3 55 56 NE 14TH STREET KENNEWICK AVE NE JONES AVE NE UN 400 6" STL. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 1 3 55 UN KENNEWICK AVE NE KENNEWICK AVE NE 300 FT SOUTH . UN 300 6" STL. 6" D.I. $19,500 2 1 3 38 52 ABERDEEN AVE NE NE 16TH STREET NE 12TH STREET UN 1200 6" A.C. 12" D.I. $132,000 1 1 1 3 --7 • • APPENDIX F fSR: ENTi:i: FOR::;: : *::i:>::: : :: ii::::i:isr:`• :::2 s i:::iiiii:#:i is i:: >iiii iii: <.:'•> :::»::.;..:::::....:..:.:...:...,...;,:..,::::.:•. ::.;•:•:;:•.:::::•:•::•:•:::::•:::•:::•:•;:•:;•::•;::•:>:•;:•;:.;:•:;;:.;:;:•;>:•::•>:•::<•::•:•:•:;�; .;:::.;;:�::•;:•;: Revision Date: 2/24/92 »:.R::OR<':t:t2.l#1G:. NIIrN <:• 1 Ez::..� SRM.' /��.�:`::i>%::� ii:iii:�i:�::iii:�::i:�:�::: ii:�iiiiii:�i:�i:;'. :::::i::i�.:.........: :..::::•:.;;; :. ;..!G.;.:... .....:. . .............•................................WA#, ; This consilium listing does not reflect all of the undersized A) Contininuing of project under construction 3 C.I., STL., and A.C. serviced in the City of Renton. This list B) Replacement of existing leaking watermains C.I. & STL. 2 is intended to reflect Renton water services mains which C) Response to other improvements such as: 2 are of the greatest severity and which should be Sewer & Strom projects that would require replaced through a five year funding appropriation. rebuilding of street; street overlay projects; or proposed new street projects. UN = unknown D) Projects that would accomodate growth. 1 * denotes 1991 projects appropriated E) Projects that would improve Fire Flow or Protection 1 F) Projects that replace old A.C. water mains 1 :<i>::i::::<:>::ii:z:>::::>:::<:i;::ii:mmmmn$i::iii::::<:i::::><.<:::>:<:::>:::«<:»>::::iii::::i::»::i::::«:::>>::»:::::<:::s:::>:ii:::«:::»>::::>::>:<:::;iiii>::.'iii>::i::iii>::>::::>::>::::ii>::i>::::mm::::mgm:ii:mrzii:#::::gO:iii:<:;::::::;;::>:::i:::. 0 :>:>:>ii iiittlyB�i>:ilikbD :: :i a `o ii'::::ili of li`><::::mal :E:<:::isz::i 3?::>:s:::::>::> rE'r::: >: :> A: :"': :::::::::::::::>:>:>kiiisz<::::::::;. .. ..:,: ,..,., :o:::': :: ;::•;:•:c'•>';:... ,,. ...:gor::•::%::::::`::::>:i: :iiii:ii::>>:RA::•,:04; ;s::i ii»iii a ........:............................................... ..:....................................,..„...............................„:„............................:.:........................................ ......,„..... ...........P...:...#P ....s i .t9A....tL.... ...„ .......„:„...............RA1..El.. . ........................ •;:.;;:•;:.:�;>;:•;:.:.;;::.:::::;:•>:•::•:c::;:•::•:::•:: ::::::.:�:::•::::•:�::•:;:;:;:.;;;:•::.::.::.:.::.....:..:.;.gi:i:.........:.:•:•:::.;:;•::•;;:•;:>:.;::<::.;::::..;::.::•>::>:>•:.>•.z:»:::::::::<:<»::>::::>::>::>::>::>::>::>::»;>:: >:::i»:<:i:::i i f.$11i 3 iiitA Gii:ii:'•:::.:,:;y:::::::;.::...,':>::::>:: >:<:`;`:>:«§niii:>::i i:iEt iiis:i liiii is ii?:i:>:::<:"•:: :•S»:C::i>'' i.•<:;;:.::::;:.:::.........:., :::>::»::::i::::>:>::::>:::: :`•';:;:E:iE::ii::::i:<:>:::::>::::>::<:::>::::::::::i:<:::::iiiii:::>:i::::::i::::<:»::::;i:IRL)116f:; : i::i::::i<E2t;i::::i::::ii>::»i::<i>;::::::;:;::;::>::>'f0::»>::::r »s::»>::>::>:<:::>::>::>:«::z:;>::>:z:>::>::»::» ::>::: ............................................................................................ .......................................................................... ...... 1'H.�.....D)A....MAT.L:.:•:::;•::•:::.;::;:::: . . ..::.:�: ::::. :::. :.�: .::: :::. .�.�. .::::.:.::...:. ... :i ::i�:iii 'i:i:::�::i:iiii::ilii:i'::ii:::i:: i i <i :i:::?::>:5: ::i ii i::i::i3 <' i'�':`' ` :5<S?2?is� '' > '2` ''ii [5' * ': �y ? > `' S' ' i ? " k'2 <'`` * 2` ` `'�``>.. 52 51 NE 12TH STREET ABERDEEN AVE NE CAMAS AVE NE UN 700 8" A.C. 12' D.I. $77,000 2 1 1 1 5 50 51 NE 12TH STREET CAMAS AVE NE DAYTON AVE NE UN 200 8” A.C. 12" D.I. $22,000 2 1 1 1 5 49 50 NE 12TH STREET DAYTON AVE NE EDMONDS AVE NE UN 400 8" A.C. 12" D.I. $44,000 2 1 1 1 5 47 49 NE 12TH STREET EDMONDS AVE NE HARRINGTON AVE NE UN 700 8" A.C. 12" D.I. $77,000 2 1 1 1 5 47 48 HARRINGTON AVE NE NE 12TH STREET GLENWWOD AVE NE UN 250 8" A.C. 8" D.I. $20,000 2 1 3 60 UN NE 10TH PL. SUNSET BLVD NE 600 FT WEST UN 600 6" STL. 8" D.I. $48,000 2 1 3 UN UN NE 10TH PL. NE 10 PL.(600 FT WEST) EDMONDS AVE NE UN 400 1" STL. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 1 3 UN UN NE 10TH PL 300FT EAST (NE 10TH PL.) 150 FT SOUTH(NE 10TH PL UN 150 4" STL. 4" D.I. $7,500 2 2 UN 104 BLAINE CT NE 250 FT EAST BLAINE AVE NE UN 250 6" STL. 8" D.I. $20,000 2 1 3 88 89 BLAINE AVE NE CAMAS AVE NE 200 FT WEST(BLAINE) UN 200 4" STL. 8" D.I. $16,000 2 1 3 88 104 BLAINE AVE NE 200 FT WEST (BLAINE ) 500 FT SOUTH (BLAINE) UN 500 4" STL. 8" D.I. $40,000 2 1 3 108 109 GRADY WAY NE BRONSON WAY NE 1400 FT NORTH(GRADY WY) UN 1400 4" C.I. 6" D.I. $91,000 2 1 3 109 111 WINDSOR WAY NE BRONSON WAY NE WINDSOR PL NE UN 1300 4" C.I. 6" D.I. $84,500 2 2 1 5 110 162 BRONSON PL NE BRONSON WAY NE WINDSOR PL NE UN 500 4" C.I. 6" D.I. $32,500 2 1 3 111 152 WINDSOR PL NE WINDSOR WAY NE 350 FT NORTH UN 350 4" C.I. 6" D.I. $22,750 2 1 3 152 162 WINDSOR PL NE 350 FT NORTH BRONSON PL NE UN 200 4" C.I. 6" D.I. $13,000 '2 1 3 UN 116 HARRINGTON AVE NE NE 5TH STREET 400 FT SOUTH UN 400 6" STL. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 1 3 161 119 INDEX PL NE NE 4TH CT. INDEX AVE NE UN 550 6" STL. 6" D.I. $35,750 2 1 3 130 132 VERMONT PL NE BRONSON WAY NE 500 FT NORTH UN 500 6" STL. 8" D.I. $32,500 2 1 3 128 160 MONTEREY DR NE NE 3RD STREET 600 FT SOUTH UN 600 4" STL. 8" D.I. $48,000 2 1 3 127 160 MONTEREY DR NE CAPRI AVE NE 600 FT NORTH UN 600 4" STL. 8" D.I. $48,000. 2 1 3 126 128 MONTEREY PL NE CAPRI AVE NE MONTEREY DR NE UN 250 4" STL. 8" D.I. $20,000 2 1 3 126 127 CAPRI AVE NE MONTEREY DR NE MONTEREY PL NE UN 650 4" STL. 8" D.I. $52,000 2 1 3 127 159 MONTEREY PL NE CAPRI AVE NE 500 FT NORTH UN 500 4" STL. 8" D.I. $40,000 2 1 3 126 159 MONTEREY PL NE 500 FT NORTH CAPRI AV NE ( 500 FT N) UN 500 4" STL. 8" D.I. $40,000 2 1 3 s APPENDIX F . .EPA 3FIENT?::EGOQE>?FN' ::: •:::.�:::�. Revision Date: 2/24/92 A I�SC `�i''• ''•i�� � E'•3 ;�`��?SSS'�E'•3���� �r;.;:;,;..,E;`•':,•,':'•j;( ::<>,�'.::,,..:: :�:::::::G;.::..;;:.•:.�..:... :::::.:.::.::�::::::::::;::.:;;• :•::.1:•::•>:•::�:::;:•;:�:•>: :•>:�::•>:::•>::�114;1�>:::;,;.This Consilium listing does not reflect all of the undersized A) Contininuing of project under construction 3 C.I., STL., and A.C. serviced in the City of Renton. This list B) Replacement of 'existing leaking watermains C.I. & STL. 2 is intended to reflect Renton water services mains which C) Response to other improvements such as: 2 are of the greatest severity and which should be Sewer & Strom projects that would require replaced through a five year funding appropriation. rebuilding of street; street overlay projects; or proposed new street projects. UN = unknown D) Projects that would accomodate growth. 1 * denotes 1991 projects appropriated . E) Projects that would improve Fire Flow or Protection 1 F) Projects that replace old A.C. water mains 1 R :;;<;:�::::::N0D8:::>:'::>::::�#� 8» ::.:.: .::: ::«:»::;:::::s:a::>;::»::>::»::>::::.. .: .;: :>::>::»>:::::<::<:>::::>::>::>:::::<:»::::>::>i<z::<:<;:<.;:::;•. : :::. ::.;:;,;:.;:.::.;;:;.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;:.:.;>:<.;:•::•;. ..... . ::.::.:: :.: . :::: :. .: ..:..... .::::::::: :..:::::::::.: .. .......................... ...............................�..::: :�- �:�LJN.::::..,.::..................Ld 1'.#. ..................................:... .::.:#.#3�tf#'.IDH::::................................. ..... . . ....... . . ::..... :.::: ... . .... ................RWIRinliNiNiill .:. . ;; f gOis amain' ai ii:I> < •�.'' ?: a ''? E I NgtiN iiil! ;x?.::., <.;:• E:6: : . : ::E:E` .1 >:: :<> EE E E i E:E "::5:::>z:>:::E:E:E:>E:;:S.::'>s:i.is i ::i::..:.::•' ..: .: f: :: :::::::::::::::::::::5i::::::::::::is�;#>�:�:�r:�.`•:`•:�:��:�:�:�:2%�t::::::::::5::::::::i:'�:::::::::::::::::::::::i3::::si;:::::?:.'•::::::::`:::::::::%'::::::::::::::r:::::::"::::+::i::::: :: ::::>:�::;:;:�t::: ;:::::::::::::::'�::':::::::::::':: �:::<:�; .`•:%�:?�'�:":�:?�:':::::::::?::::::::#�::::•`:•`:� :%�:':�::;::::;:;:�r :>;>;,;,;::i: :�i:::::::: :::::' `:�::2:::::: .`•::�:>::::::..::`::'::::::::'.::::::�;:::%::::::::::.':::>.::::::$::::: ::: 3 4 NE 25TH STREET FERNDALE AVE NE EDMONDS AVE NE UN 400 6" STL. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 1 3 UN 4 FERNDALE AVE NE NE 25TH STREET N 300 L.F. UN 300 4" STL. 6" D.I. $19,500 2 2 1 5 ' 6 123 NE 23RD STREET HARRINGTON PL NE EDMONDS AVE NE UN 1000 6" STL. 8" D.I. $80,000 2 2 1 5 15 123 HARRINGTON PL NE NE 23RD STREET NE 21ST STREET UN 500 6" STL. 8" D.I. $40,000 2 1 3 14 15 NE 21ST STREET HARRINGTON AVE NE HARRINGTON CIR NE UN 500 6" STL. 8" D.I. $40,000 2 1 3 10 11 NE 16TH STREET EDMONDS AVE NE HARRINGTON AVE NE UN 800 8" A.C. 8" D.I. $64,000 1 1 101 97 126TH AVE SE SE 100TH STREET SE 104TH STREET UN 1200 6" STL 8" D.I. $96,000 2 1 3 UN 97 SE 104TH STREET 125TH AVE SE 126TH AVE SE UN 300 6" STL. 8" D.I. $24,000 2 2 1 5 97 95 SE 104TH STREET 126TH AVE SE 128TH AVE SE UN 350 6" STL. 8" D.I. $28,000 2 2 14 5 97 96 126TH AVE SE SE 104TH STREET S 300 L.F. UN 300 6" STL. 8" D.I. $24,000 2 2 1 5 9 :.: :: 6Z:;•:::::.>:SW.::12TH:'ST,.;::::: ..... .. ...............::.,y•::::;,:.::�:.:::::.�:•>••::•>:: :.::::�:..::::::::::.:+ :r:o-o-o-at:o:•:..:u :;� . :::::: :::.::.::•>o-::ro->:•>•GiSfS>:i •;:a;> RAYMOND AV SW SENEGA AV SW 1963 600 4" ';�.I :: :10 D.I. $57,000 :�;;::::;2; ; ;:;r:;1;>;::;; ;;<>:::3<>:»:: il 36 39 RENTON VILLAGE PL. RENTON VILLAGE PL. 525 L.F. WEST 1965 525 6" . STL 12" D.I. $57,750 2 1 1 4 211 192 PARK AV N. N 4TH ST. N 1ST ST. 1931 2000 6" C.I. 16" D.I. $300,000 2 1 1 4 211 240 PARK AV N. N 5TH ST. N 4TH ST. 1931 650 6" C.1. 16" D.I. $97,500 2 1 1 4 86B 106B WELLS AV S. S 5TH ST. S 4TH ST. 1931 600 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $48,000 2 2 1 5 108 111 MAIN AV S. S 4TH ST. S 3RD ST. 1931 550 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $44,000 2 1 3 110 111 HOUSER WAY N. MAIN AV S. NE 300 L.F. 1954 300 12" D.I. UN UN $45,000 0 182 183 MONROE AV SE MAPLE VALLEY RD. SE 7TH ST. 1960 150 6 0.1. 8" D.I. $12,000 0 182 183 MAPLEWOOD PL. SE MAPLE VALLEY RD. SE 7TH ST. 1960 450 6" D.1. 8" D.I. $36,000 0 176 177 SE 5TH ST. MAPLE VALLEY RD. SE 6TH ST. 1962 200 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $16,000 1 1 2 176 177 SE 5TH ST. SE 6TH ST. NEWPORT WAY SE 1962 1300 6" A.C. 8" D.I. $104,000 1 1 2 174 175 NEWPORT WAY SE SE 5TH ST. SE 6TH ST. 1962 350 4" A.C. 8" D.I. $28,000 1 1 2 169 175 SE 5TH ST. NEWPORT WAY SE PIERCE AV SE 1962 700 4" A.C. 8" D.1. $56,000 1 1 2 168 169 PIERCE AV SE SE 5TH ST. SE 6TH ST. 1962 225 4" A.C. 8" 0.1. $18,000 1 1 169 UN SE 5TH ST. PIERCE AV SE E 250 L.F. UN 250 UN A.C. 8" D.I. $20,000 1 1 2 DE49 168 SE 5TH PL. PIERCE AV SE E 450 L.F. 1962 450 4" A.C. 8" D.I. $36,000 1 1 2 162 163 SE 11TH ST. SHELTON AV SE N 400 L.F./SE 11TH ST. 1962 400 4" STL. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 2 1 5 163 164 SHELTON AV SE SE 11TH ST. NW 400 L.F./SHELTON 1962 400 6" STL 8" D.I. $32,000 2 2 1 5 164 165 SHELTON AV SE SE 10TH ST. MAPLE VALLEY RD. 1962 500 6" STL 8" D.I. $40,000 2 2 1 5 161 164 SE 10TH ST. SHELTON AV SE NE 400 L.F./ SE 10TH ST 1962 400 4" STL. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 2 1 5 UN UN SE 11TH ST. NE 400 L.F./SE 11TH ST. NE 400 L.F. UN 400 2" A.C. 8" D.I. $32,000 1 1 2 192 211 PARK AVE N N 1ST STREET N 4TH STREET UN 2000 6" C.I. 16" D.I. $300,000 2 1 1 4 211 240 PARK AVE N N 4TH STREET N 5TH STREET UN 650 6" C.I. 16" D.1. $97,500 2 1 1 4 U� � - .� �� . . � ' �� _ � -MI ' APPENDIX F XiMiMgEARTMEnTnQQWWPRqBWMREMMMMEWMNOMMNUMgRTW Revision Date: 2/24/92 This cvnoiiium listing does not reflect all of the undersized A) cont,n`nu`ny of project Under construction 3 C.I., STL., and A.C. serviced in the City of Renton. This list o) Replacement of existing leaking watermains C.I. & orL' 2 is intended to reflect Renton water services mains which C) Response to other improvements such as: 2 are of the greatest severity and which should be Sewer & Strom projects that would require replaced through a five year funding oppropriotivn' rebuilding of street; street overlay projects; or proposed new street projects. UN ~ unknown D) Projects that would accomodate growth. 1 * denotes 19*1 projects appropriated E) Projects that would improve Fire Flow or Protection 1 F) Projects that replace old A.C. water mains 1 31 32 S 130TH ST. 847x AV S. W 550 L.F. 1964 550 4" STL. 8" D.I. m44'000 21 3 39 40 THOMAS AV SW SW LANGSTON RD. SW 3RD PL. 1968 800 6" C.I. 8" o'/. $64,000 2 ' 1 3 38 39 THOMAS AV SW SW 3RD PL. SW 4TH PL. 1968 550 6" C.I. 8" D.I. $44'000 2 ' 1 3 37 38 POWELL AV SW SW 3RD PL. SW 4TH PL/THOMAS 1968 1200 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $96,000 2 1 3 37 39 SW 3RD PL. POWELL AV SW THOMAS AV SW 1968 650 6" C.I. 8" D.I. $52,000 2 1 3 39 43 SW 3RD PL. THOMAS AV SW sxnL1woruw AV SW 1*68 600 6" C.I. 8" D.I. $48,000 2 1 3 43 50 SW 3RD PL. EARLINGTON AV SW STEVENS AV SW 1968 600 6" C.I. 8" D.I. w48'000 2 1 3 42 43 EARLINGTON AV SW SW LxwooTow RD. SW 3RD PL. 1968 600 4" C.I. 8" D.I. w48'0002 1 3 43 44 EARLINGTON AV SW SW 3RD PL. SW 4TH PL. 1968 500 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $40,000 2 1 3 38 44 SW 4TH PL. THOMAS AV SW EARLINGTON AV SW 1968 600 4" C.I. 8" D.I. o48'000 2 1 3 44 48 ow 4TH PL EARLINGTON AV SW STEVENS AV SW ' 1968 700 4" C.I. 8" DA. w56'0002 1 3 50 53 STEVENS AV SW SW umoxrow RD. SW 3RD PL. 1*68 600 6" C.I. 8" D.I. s4e,000 * 2 1 3 48 50 STEVENS AV SW SW 3RD PL. ow 4TH PL. 1968 300 6" C.I. 8" D.I. m24,000 ' 2 1 3 UN UN SW 4TH PL. STEVENS AV SW E 300 L.F. UN 300 3" C.I. 8" D.I. $24,000 2 2 1 5 25 UN STEVENS AV SW N 600 L.F./NW 2ND ST. o 300 L.F. UN 300 2" A.C. 8" D.I. a24'000 1 1 2 35 33 S 130m STREET 80TH AVE SOUTH RENTON AVE S UN 600 4" orL' 8" D.I. $48'000 2 1 3 32 31 S 130rx STREET 84m AVE S W 500 L.F. UN 500 4" orL' 8" D.I. v40'000 2 '1 3 27 28 S 132wo ST 84m AVE S SENECA AVE NE UN 500 8" mrL' 8" D.I. $40'000 2 2 27 26 SENECA AVE NE S 132wo STREET N 900 L.F. UN900 6" STL. 8" D.I. $72,000 2 1 3 113 123 DAVIS AV SE S 15TH ST. 1100 L.F. SOUTH 1960 1100 4" C.I. 8" D.1. $88,000 2 1 3 122 124 SW1OTH ST. SHATTUCK AV S. N 220 L.F. 1960 750 4" C.I. 8" D.I. a60,000 Z 1 3 111 122 LAKE AV S. LAKE AV S. o 15TH ST. 1960 1100 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $88,000 2 1 3 122 123 EASEMENT LAKE AV S. DAVIS AV S. 1960 500 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $40,000 2 1 3 123 124 DAVIS AV S. S 19TH ST. EASEMENT 1960 300 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $24,000 2 1 3 111 112 S 14TH ST. S 15TH ST. SHATTUCK AV S. 1962 1000 4" C.I. 8" 0.1' $80.000 2 1 3 112 176 S 114TH ST. SHATTUCK AV S. WHITWORTH AV S. 1962 250 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $20,000 2 1 3 118 176 SMITHERS/S 14TH ST S 15TH ST. S 14TH /WHITWORTH 1962 1100 4" C.I. 8" D.I. m88,000 2 1 3 UN UN MORRIS AV S. S 15TH ST. N 350 L.F 1962 I50 4" c./. 8" D.I. $28,000 - 2 1 3 116 121 MORRIS AV S. S 15TH ST. S 17TH ST. 1960 750 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $60,000 2 1 3 121 126 MORRIS AV S. S 17TH ST. S 18rn ST. 1960 300 4" c./. 8" D.I. m24'000 21 3 125 126 MORRIS AV S. S 18rx ST. SW 19rn ST. 1960 350 4" c./. 8" DA. $28,0007 - 1 3 120 121 S 17To ST. MORRIS AV S. TALBOT RD. 1960 700 4" C.I. 8" D.I. s56.000 2 1 3 , , , le , 1 -7 , APPENDIX F ....D!EPA:TM :::............:...�......F,;'I..............:.:UR.::•?:::�>iso:2::::�:::::::: ::i�::S��?`::::�:`:�:�:£;'?: ::�:�:':::::<::�::::::::::;::::::...... .EA:IL:A�: ............•.. .. ...�;::::::;::::;:. Revision Date: 2/24/92 o...WA.; ; ,;�.;,;;;;;.;;.;.;..;.; ,.;.;;;;.;; ;;;.;:;.;;; ;. ;,•;;.,, ;;•, ,;YAL .,;;;.;;,,. This cons i l i um listing does not reflect all of the undersized A) Contininuing of project under construction 3 C.I., STL., and A.C. serviced in the City of Renton. This list B) Replacement of existing leaking watermains C.I. & STL. 2 is intended to reflect Renton water services mains which C) Response to other improvements such as: 2 are of the greatest severity and which should be Sewer & Strom projects that would require replaced through a five year funding appropriation. rebuilding of street; street overlay projects; or proposed new street projects. UN = unknown D) Projects that would accomodate growth. 1 * denotes 1991 projects appropriated E) Projects that would improve Fire Flow or Protection 1 F) Projects that replace old A.C. water mains 1 ..................:...............................................................:......:::.:.............................................................::..:................................................................................:.:....:.........PRO..QS£0..'�:�4>'E................................Dg...A1�i'J9gif I'................... ::::::::::Nbti::::::%::%:#+Oggi:E:::::_:.ig ::::::}::::::`::::::::i::::::::3:: :::'•:''':;`'..;•:.'::: ::::::::::#:::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :y:,,tig: ii::::i:::::i::::::::::::::i::::::::i::.. •::::::: ::,,•E :: :'`.v< ::;,:y•::;•ONis . .:;::''"''':•:::::::eig?'::%ii: :::::::::i:::Oi.:::::::: :::;;:::>:::::•''':ii:::::::::::::i::::::::::?' .............�............... ......I.�C 1~IOW............................. 19 7.fLtll.............................................. 1'toll.....:................................ .. ....... : :....:. :.. .. . ... :.. ... ............... ............ ........... ........................... .....�..............�......................................1,.. .......................................................�..aC�.........:.:...............................Y .lx.....l=.t.. .......1?.# .�...P.i� .:.:s1 .><1A. .... �t.:..: ........................ :.. ...................... NOMMOMMEMMUME ..:...:..,......................................................................................... .................................... ..... 1'll......i)MI....hIA?`.I,...........................ES1`.....................A....&....o:,..D...E....g....T .A ... ........*::: ...............:::::...................................................................................................:'i:': ...................:M::::................0.:•i .......... <'i:::3 s:1 :n2:>;;;:;:'::':: •:: ' ' ?i:::1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:::::::1:1:1:11 126 127 S 18TH ST. MORRIS AV S. TALBOT RD. 1960 600 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $48,000 2 1 3 120 127 TALBOT RD. S 18TH ST. S 17TH ST. 1960 300 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $24,000 2 1 3 119 120 TALBOT RD. S 17TH ST. S 16TH ST. 1960 400 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $32,000 2 1 3 182 197 98TH AV S. S 60TH ST. S 157THST. 1962 1000 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $80,000 2 1 3 197 198 S 157TH ST. 98TH AV S. SHATTUCK AV S. UN 550 4" C.I. 8" D.I. $44,000 2 1 3 UN272 CEDAR AVE S S 3RD STREET S 4TH STREET UN 550 6" C.I... 6" D.I. $35,750 Jz:,::>; Z;::;:;;: 272 278 CEDAR AVE S S 4TH STREET S 5TH STREET UN 550 6" C.I. 6" D.1. $35,750 2 2 278 281 CEDAR AVE S S 5TH STREET S 6TH STREET UN 600 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $39,000 2 2 281 282 CEDAR AVE S S 6TH STREET S 7TH STREET UN 400 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $26,000 2 2 273 274 S 4TH STREET MILL AVE S CEDAR AVE S UN 300 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $19,500 2 2 277 278 S 5TH STREET MILL AVE S CEDAR AVE S UN 300 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $19,500 2 2 295 275 RENTON AVE S S 3RD STREET BEACON WAY S UN 900 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $58,500 2 2 284 304 GRANT AVE S BEACON WAY S S 7TH STREET UN 700 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $45,500 2 2 14 28 HIGH AVE S S 7TH STREET BEACON WAY S UN 300 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $19,500 2 2 14 17 HIGH AVE S S 7TH STREET S 9TH STREET UN 600 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $39,000 2 2 17 23 HIGH AVE S S 9TH STREET S 11TH STREET UN 550 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $35,750 2 2 13 15 S 7TH STREET JONES AVE S GRANT AVE S UN 800 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $52,000 2 2 17 18 S 9TH STREET HIGH AVE S GRANT AVE S UN 400 6" C.I. 6" D.I. $26,000 2 2 SUBTOTAL $7,813,500 POSSIBLE FUTURE > Q SERVICE AREA 5,25,r Sl g?g� a BOUNDARY �� S 129th 129th PL v,S 129th ST IANGSTON RD ALT4HS 133rd ST S 734 S 135th ST \\\. w -- .o" mv mg f� = eree:au� _ 101-1 ML _ o 172 e 3 ' A- AMF p T a . was 196 PRESSURE ZONE 270 PRESSURE ZONE ................ 300 PRESSURE ZONE 320 PRESSURE ZONE 350 PRESSURE ZONE 370 PRESSURE ZONE SE 1 a SE 112th. PL �} N bS SE 113th ST SE 114th ST a SE 116th I ST 118th ST SE 117th SE 118th A 120th � � - - - a SE 12Dth ST a a W � ELD a AIFI SE 124th PARK SE 125m ST > 126th $ _ f f f� SE 128th ST SE 131st ST > SE a 132nd ST SE 132nd ST s SE 132nd PL a 135th ST SE 136th ST K; NHSE 137th PL SE 138th PL SE 138th PL SE 139th.P SE 139th PL SE 139th PL ST SE 140th PL ^,41st H a SE 141st ST SE 142nd ST a ay,. SE 142nd ST 142nd ST\ham o a a SE 143rd PL SE 143rd ST L, 1 h ST l SE 44t J 1 aSi h f 46 GiY� 5 A a > h G I, SE 146th PL a SE 148th ST RD CEDAR 6 RIVER PARK �t 156th 5t S£ 156th 1507h ST SE 162nd ...' z 4 Uf FAIRWOOD Y CLUB 7 • > g o SE 176th ST SE PE1R se 1�Ro yt1 .. :...__... - _ i _ _ > > in 177th ST 'DE7Rp SE 176th PL E 179th Si ri S1CY r � � SE 178th PL SE 180th PSE 180th ST ` <� NTER11E rY OF ± ° $E 181st STSE 181st ST t NENi ° HSE 18?nd ST SE 181st \ S 182nd ! I I L1:2�IFST a a >' SE 1a3 e PL L l t ; P t� I I SE 183rd ST r� SE 164th l o ST 'a ¢ 1841h PL SE 183rd ST m \8x � It 11 a SE 185th ST 186th ST h 4 SE 184th ST I S 188th ST 186th PL BWLEVARD 186th PL lgg a LANE P( 186tir PL c PARK" s y � Q I I I 1 Sm = __ _ _ _ a S 188th ST S 188th ST _ _ SE 190th Si SE 19Dth ST I I i T_T s G SE 190th PL a �' LL L S S 192nd ST'< ❑ 3 ���`` ,: ::=.- SE 192nd � ST ui n a oSE 196th ST SE 196th ST BUILOW b -- > s 1 G NORTH SODS ^. SE 196th PL PARK Q J m N � h � a Sf 199th 'a SE 198th ST lggth 5T SE s 199th F S 200th ��,�,,, SE 200th ST r� SE 2DOth ST L_h SE 22Dth ST SE U LJ .. L`w"J SE 201st ST 18 S 202nd ST _ SE 20\st ST ?Olst ST > N a JsSE 202nd PL g 204tL- ST > SE 204th ST ^' 03rd PLSE 204th 5005 CREEK Q a SE 204th PL '< a 206th a a PL �.�F. PARK t SE 206th PL o `6� '�* e SE 207th ST SE 207th ST > rn ILIA 5E Ztl6th 9 S 2DSth ST `-" SE 2-OftSTSE m :] L 7t 206th KENIR�GE H.S. �-('�7� ST SE 2D8th STly u SERVICE AREA ---�_ CITY LIMITS WATERLINES 6" AND SMALLER WATERLINES 8" AND 10" WATERLINES 12" AND LARGER WATER QUALITY SAMPLING POINT 169th PL v �� I`I CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FIGURE NO. 1 EXISTING WATER SYSTEM 11/11/91 0 1/4 2/4 3/4 1 mile 0 1/3 2/3 1 mile ST 8 RTWY R0 TK-"H2 ENGINEEf?.ING, P. Sr IZ i p �3 N u m I G N a $ P-3 m m MArri w ' 1-�I � !�+ (rra m 0 �F � m O � m r r Q '`,J 2200 GPM Z m N p H A V ��2 r F m c o cm G� n 0 "' M� v, a Wz� � o z 0 �� load I'JM8 Zz 5-m 1 0 I >z x El w cil x 2700 GPM in vm - ms can Ci Nticz CA �s p rnQoo soN� N r.<� N o X wiz N (n z m -c 2500 GPM .0 sZ $ CEO C/) rQi 2000 GPM 2600 GPM -u C� co � Az � R m z GJ M 6_ z z C) n D WELL 8 3500 GPM r' z CD I m WELL 9 1200 GPM N N G 2200 GPM 0 ' WELL 2R WELL 1 R 2200 GPMco y Q WELL 3R 2200 GPM y x � WELL 3 1500 GPM a C11 0 m QD o 0 � b M w m a mm X /^� ma m o Q y 3 m i E u�yaE it o si m 1T� CO �F � a �� r] rn 1 to Q m F y rZ�o V/ 4240 GPM y m 500 GPM N < C �vma, Nab z p z 1 cZmm y r O:n z �;� x `J • ` mZ 'a I rl r /�+� co V "1 4300 GPM "0 co O y F my T r�I `) z Mmz M w M 8 r m �Z .ar. ICA7 � M W!*iq 0 oo ^� � lam �CrA a� R� 3 CD `�� �� � Zc l�� �a0-Go r O 4Z] >a h v�i m !rD . ........... 27th ST u 26th 986 ST Lth PL L 211LILT SE 100th ST NE 24th ST NE 24th SE 101st NE 23rd �,i SE 102nd ST NE 23rd E 23rd ST NE 22nd PL 7 7-1-1 103rd ST E 22nd NE 2?st ST .................. ............... ... ........................... z ...... .................... ... . ...... . ... .... I .... ... NE 20th S, 20(h ...... . ... LAKE WASHINGTON' ST LNE20tl - SERVICE AREA CITY OF RENTON - ADJACENT WATER SYSTEMS CITY LIMITS COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FIGURE NO. 3 SERVICE AREA/ ADJACENT SYSTEMS 1/2/91 0 1/4 2/4 3/4 1 mile H 2 s , 0 1/3 2/3 1 mile E N G I E ERUNG, t� BE PROPOSED PIPELINE -- - SERVICE AREA ■PROPOSED PUMP STATION, INTERT1E, WELL 0 PROPOSED RESERVOIR CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FIGURE NO. 5 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PLAN <�roo . 90 :RTIE 90 :RTIE I. 90 ERTIE RH2 ENGINEERING, 0 1 /4 2/4 3/4 1 mile P. S. 0 1/3 2/3 1 mile > 2400 GPM rn 0 z F p 2200 GPM z rn in to z I.n ro -Q .... cm Et rn zm C cri r. M rn C L71 z C.4 Cil cc) >* m m >xm z Mm-4 M La M M !2 jA (n W -4 . 0 0 0 u 0 m Cp 2vM ZO CD - -n . -q E—<-< U 0 m MC 0 M:E -n0 M mZ-qm mmM.Z z I 0 z CO) 33 -u m 0 n F= M > z WELL 11 0 x > WELL 17 i� I uo WELL 18 0 I 0 x: ;u o p -Z, 0 z o > � GPM 3 ------------------------- WELL 8 00 GPM -V WELL 9 1204 GPM -u WELL 2R 2200 GPM WELL 1 R 2200 GPM WELL 3R 00 GPM WELL 3 1500 GPM Ol ------------ C w II z �49 0 5 9 0 PEP 0 2wz m (n -P, z Cm0 x C: rn zs > z 0 u t ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE TO BE REPLACED IN CIP LEADING STEEL PIPE TO BE REPLACED IN CIP CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FIGURE NO. 7 A.C., C.I., AND STEEL PIPE REPLACEMENT SYSTE v1sis: OTE: THIS MAP SHOWS ALL SBESTOS CEMENT AND STEEL IPE, AND SOME CAST IRON IPE. CAST IRON PIPE SHOWN UNLINED. =E FIGURE 8 FOR REPLACEMENT ;IORITY. -- RH2 ENGINEERING, 0 1 /4 2/4 3/4 1 mile 6-- 0 1/3 2/3 1 mile CITY LIMITS SOLE SOURCE AQUIFER — CEDAR VALLEY WELLS AQUIFER CAPTURE ZONE — WELL 11 & 17 AQUIFER CAPTURE ZONE — WELL 4 AQUIFER CAPTURE ZONE — WELL 5a SPRINGBROOK SPRINGS AQUIFER PROTECTION ZONE 1 AQUIFER PROTECTION ZONE 2 MONITORING WELLS CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER SYSTEM PLAN FIGURE NO. 8 AQUIFER PROTECTION AND RECHARGE ZONES 11 /11 /91 0 1/4 2/4 3/4 1 mile KOOOOOM RH2 ENGINEERING, P. S. 0 1/3 2/3 1 mile �--{ � .�:.:... -� ICJ 8' 10' 10� - JW I STATION I < SE a P 1 t h m u7 � � o $ u 6' I�u w SE 2t yc' 114th - ,� 8., S u 4' e � 5th ST 14th ST � N =� I( 115th .::`: ;s:;:` '� m 3 m `� ti 4' ' s' 6" SE 112th PL �i llSth PL ,�METEti ...�:�..:;=:.:�::.::��:�:;;,:;:�:,�:�� u kRENTONl 115th u c n ............ llSth Si ST �' j �u PL j " N" @, µ 8' �' " 3? o N tOth PL 6" g tR SE 113th ST a $ ll6th �`•------1 S 176fh ST '''�� c �`` `� �' 1 •' o g' 6" NE loth CT a" w 26 s"p• a d. OLIVER M HAZEN a „�j 16(h = u m, S 1 116th I� m S 7 7th SE 114th ST < u BOEING �j m Nye s" Y ro g•• ?NE loth W" N u0th STy f' u 8fh a 118th ST 4 g - 717th RENTON / e s' a s. 6 16 ST < 'a gs PLANT �i G g. NE 9th PL s" Sj. a" NE 10th g.. ST 8° '� a R£y7 a < u 118th N 7rr ro y �` t, a s- NE 9thsST ST m NE ! rn 9th ST s^ 12 th ST m O 119th ' z z t ,� w tE 8fh PL > a' 1,f 98 a s m a• , SE 118th $T SE 116th ST A v; 120th 1 i ¢ ' 6` a° rl ! SE 177th u �`� ~ < N S 120th PL .121st S 11ist ¢ PRV g34 U122Od{—S7 Cu > NW 7 a s 6th } >0. 41E S NE 7th ST z �� •123rd' ¢ th ,� S� w E 7th 12,kd � ILL i•; l y z t6" 18` PRV g33 , `� SKYPY (-�--� rn k i I I a�.z N ,, i y' q • 1' 4' l 6'ry NE 6ih p � P u� 723rd PL 123M PL � rAn � I I s NE 7th a' �'p� � 'c 6" a' > Sf 120th u m o m g NE 69, PL < u c JSE 120th ST Il S i24nth $7 Q g"124th m 124th 6" gi '�" `a * t8 6" b 6"' ��.� y � �s L s � d" I �' N 6th ST ST 12' �. °fl >` Am NE fit 1 •� g. '�0� St xF \' 1 I v, > 12" PRV p1 'tPtt 6fh rz, a 4° z o m 6° g• m io s" z o NE8' 6th e'ST 8. g' > a w1NDSOR HILLS Sth ST m f0� , ST � .c m iv a' < A s 6' 12 PVMP STATION }� g^ a 1Q" z 8' �t bS S 128th " s' 'o > �t' > t1 5th ST // to $. r NE 5t ST , SE 124th w < < C&&ELD a L+c' , < h a, ¢ > / ' ti a PARK j \ ,���~ $ Rini s• z "aTADIUtd ! < w G�aDE� ,5yg+ PUMP a SE 125th ST < o 2 s u o p 4 o t o 1 z' � ICY R s� " s.+ � < o' 1 126th d. o S 129th �+ 129th PL moth N Q ¢ S 130hh b 4 R I ! " �-�+ 3` '3 j ': z z • T ' a' 8'b NE 4 •CT r w t"' NE 4fh $T'c t2" \\ n �9yS C�z 6d > 6` It �• o > } > a �i 6„ f 2, 8' �` 1 g. 6 h T SE iZBth ST 13M S a 8" 4° MT. OUVET Y 1 g' B. _ PUMP STATION 8$' $ S m. > m ? z 30 ' 6» # 0 k RESERVOIR GREENWOOD 3rd FL bl ALT HS 132ndST r 1z'AIRPOR w'r a" mod ` ' e'`�f 3`• ds5 CEMETARY 10" t0" ! ` S 133rd S7 S 346,1 � 14y� a q 5 13Znd T q v2" S T~ 2nd:: ST g' 2' 10' il; 'c Q f 'fin vw \\T WV A.V " u AY v+Ellrs`,�ryk c� MT, OLIVET NE 2n ST $" ! < SE 132nd SE S 135th ST C 8" io ST \\ 5 F 8• `+RENp ry /CEhIETARY 8' 6' ®,cam, ySf ■ — 5E 732nd ST D < z r� 4 3 F7, 8 1�++ h g^ 4i IV iv io iri _ /}• i < a a y B R1Y AR 'V�u J " rt' 132nd tv sa' a y `A 1 '-' n PL ER ��� 12" t2"� SE st PL < _ ❑ \ 4 a, s• #s \ AR 52 \."' 9 8` $. e" 6, w \ j ry" 6• PRv 9' t q = m > ,� `v m "' m + ` WEI-L & ,. 5t 65E 2nd 135th ST \ v �• v �. 3 `� 43 4 8" 1tN/ 12- c � t '� \� FLUCftIDATION BIDc\ g' $• s s' SEA 736th ST � 6., \�p\\?. 6 \ ps S 739th '/ '\ \ Sim : 6. � � t• � 3rd Pik' � v� `v€� m m D a' NELLLS 411T0. \ ` 9 � � �u '�p s'• ,� SZ f ' > a \\ � j ra• ° �y NSE 137th PL RE ON SHOPF�{G fi r s �I < 1B' ym a \�\ v SF 138th PL t �` SE 13$th PL PRV /22 \ SE 139th P SE 139th e . � PRV � \ `� ST SE 139th PL r ` !!!!!�! PL ST PR Rv s CFD R7 sry rs, , a SE 141st ST \ k MAPLEWOOD l4tst V SE 140th PL RR a �'s GOLF COURSE , 142nd ST v �dRl• SE 142nd ST ta" 7th ST4 1 N ,2` 2" o 0 12" t<$W 12'7th ST�2' 78' 8 t h18 a w N nrn rn -» s" 8tb, \ th �!! a 'c L 142nd ST%4'L 143rd P �SE143�rdSTide ..^ a > SEOLFMAPLEWOODLOURS 2' . 144th ST F�10' toy e" a m Wf g° 2 g` a� y "' Sih GOIFs COURSE 7 Y a. Sti l i 46th ST ii a 145th r�tAD � 8 m rc� \ PRV ;420 *�' .� b �fp ¢ 0 SE 148th ST g• .S PENTON LLAGE PL 10 -- ' ',4 � � \\\ '� SE 1 L — 4&th P ,/ g9$FS PRV grs \ CEDAR RIVER PARK i PRV g• \c, \�G 1LL 1 Q f ■ p" SW 12' PRV ST SW m 161h TF o s"5 15th m " t o s, a. 12 * T ' �'tab'd# 1• , m tz ��`' " SE 16th }L " �,•4..� (\ � \ cr;�� �- = t N Y s, s' �, ��'n / MAp� VA � .r ^: i� > < $ 17th ST to"� f / Sp • -.. ck CEDAR yy N y a I I I 3m Y 1 II y S 1Bth 4 HIL1S 7o B, .y qp a,< 72 � 0 5 PRv �10, RESERVOIR � S7' � J4J s, �, � ly0 "' •� 1 i JPRVI a SW ;? 19kh ST6' a� k 12' 16' PRV �•7 0 �•�8 11FFANY Sf z �2' 0' 24' g3 P,G..L1NG f PUMP Z a ` : 4' 9 TALBD� '� 16c�i a ti s" 11FFANY s !!!� 156ths ¢ LONGACR + 10• ,� ��\ y, o m PAR STATION '! / I I a1 INIERT,E 6 " I HILL ,6' 181 III I s'r n" SW 21st ST I{ I ti m PRv a" R 7 u " I{1I I� 6"° PR FSE 159th PL FIR 0' a $E 16Dth 6' w i 4 o- STATI ON " g" ,off 2nd 5T a °r1l 1� SE 160th PL ■ tz• a' ss $ " o S 25th ST e" { N• " Jg; SE 162ndt2" SE 764fh S 27th ST 12' t V I S 27th ST SE 164th ST Ll R t6�d � SE 162nd PL 't FA SE 165th ST SE 165th SE 164th at ST R Z a q > Q s`5' wWA F9 `fF S' 4 SW.30t� '° Zti u" 1z'g ^SE 168th^ ST SE 15$th ST ¢ tc II Y >ILA I SW x 33rdt2" , r- N I ITIE + n g" ' �,,. o $E 169th ST SE 169th ST \1 I I r ay O �34th ST S tz" 1 5151 ,,g3u SE 169th PL n A SE FA1RW000� 1fi7th 170th 170th ST ' SS v sS 172nd ST SE 172nd \1 �` tG' i ,$ 70" �v S q 4 iltstPL i tsr C�' t0" I I SW 38th toKo ro - i36 � � SE 172nd ST s f121+d ST `FI ��,2n z?J .,, I o g' 37gr S f •`'Y• :I I i ■ ot. t2° t0' yy .- m a m ;4't � r`.+, �aS7• sr SE 172nd PL � o 2' I C.= � RR 12� _ _ a �• tz `,'_' FAIRW000 _ _ _ iD_ T _ _ s a �j \ gD LF & COUNTRY CLUB a I { I2 0 0 1 Q lo' a" SE 176th S7 SE PESROVITSKY p� N 10• a I} I "TIO' SW t 12' T N 12, 0 "- s w � 12' 12' N 1z' 12, 12• siYRa N la• w { I I lo• "O To v, , � � � � SE 176th ST SE 176th m H SPITA t ti &• 4 4 iX 30' `v B' PUNP 2 Nh Y"' SE 179th S' x 12 18- 10• IO- s' r ' '< a SE 177th ST pE7q S 12. 43rd N ST Ee 6, T TION g• o a SE 176th PL 12' SWPlra** m 2 IV 16' •� � ON'�"Y _ ,La 5S I 12' KENT 16' ' 1 {19, T { INTERTIE ITY pP ! -It 180th P SE 180N, ST J4 SE 178th PL $ Is + I KENT PUMP S i 12• " ' SE 181st ST SE 181st ST ny I I I u a SE 182nd ST 45th PL y �` i { 1 12' Ir • SE 182?nd ST a ¢> �{ SE 181st I I I U 9 1. th SE 763rd PL K = > e' ! t• ! am SE 183rd ST < 4�` Ip pIi { { ae SE 184th 5T y 9 yc r'7 { { oo ci 8• , c .SE 1.9% PL sy ~mod SE 183rd ST rR u 9'K I } S 188th ST SE 186th ST 186th ST ^ ("-� 186th PL 186th PL < BOULEVARD r 11 SE 184th ST LANE { + 8$h ti PARKt p2 7&thPC 186th ST S 188th ST tS�thR w o s 188th PL SE 790th S7 Jr__ SE 190th ST `R4 t �0° LLL J$ 1921d ST ' SE 190th PL z `- T < ❑ � SE 192n d-" �y ST a w _ N ¢ W o s > > �auILDIN o w 46+ ! ` _ SE 196th ST SE 196th ST m 1&g c Na n a NORTH PARK SOOS di SE 196th PL '' ! T SE 199th y SE 198th ST . S 200kh `" o � � ��2 —~ 19�9th_ � E ZOOth ST CI SE 220th ST SE I",,.,..Cl n I � SE 20Dth ST 167 S 202nd ST L "d lJ l_1 E 201st 5T tY SE sr 201 n so '� >< a 201st ST st 76 102nd ST _ o n 204th- ST SE 202nd PL 'a a < 206th `� dJ��a� > •< LEGEND � � SE 204th ST ; 03rd PL � y 5005 CREEK -- a u SE 206th PL > SE 204th PL `�� PARK SE 204th PL CODE 0 - HIGHEST REPLACEMENT PRIORITY CODE 1 CODE 2 CODE 3 CODE 4 CODE 5 & 6 - LOWEST REPLACEMENT PRIORITY CITY LIMITS N S 208th ST SE 207th ST 206th n SE 207th ST P g tYS < ■ p > SE 206th ST SE 208th KENTRIDGE H.S. t-- ---, r---..SE 2patn rr RH2 ENGINEERING, P.S. CITY OF RENTON COMPREHENSIVE WATER FIGURE NO. 9 WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PRIORITIZATION 9i i!i!i!i!i!i!a!i!i! �O•i•�•i•ii'�•�•i �•�I+I�i1•�1�1�1�+�1�.�1�--�•�•�1111•••1��111��1•11� ♦ �_1.1.11,1 �_� 1.1. 169th Vrq pL 6th F F91 RIVER PARK L Ki 41