HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Southport_Geotechnical_Design_Report_Adj_Southport_site_200107_v1 Geotechnical Engineering Design Study Southport Office Development Renton, Washington Prepared for SECO Development May 1, 2015 19014-04 Contents PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THIS STUDY 1 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 Groundwater Error! Bookmark not defined. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 2 General Considerations Error! Bookmark not defined. Geotechnical Recommendations Supporting Structural Design 2 Seismic Design Issues 2 Reuse of the Existing Timber Piles 3 Pile Foundation Design 4 Floor Slab Design 6 Below-Grade Walls and Structural Fill 6 Geotechnical Recommendations Supporting Civil Design 6 Roadway and Utility Settlement and Constructability 6 Tunnels Beneath the Roadways 7 Underslab Drainage for Buildings 7 Site Drainage 8 Utilities 8 Pavement Support 9 Structural Fill 9 Use of On-Site Soil as Structural Fill 10 Excavation Groundwater Control 11 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNCIAL SERVICES 11 Groundwater Monitoring and Pumping Tests. 11 Driven Pile Load Tests. 11 Services during Construction. 12 USE AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT 12 TABLES 1 2012 IBC Seismic Design Parameters 19014-04 May 1, 2015 ii | Contents FIGURES 1 Vicinity Map 2 Site and Exploration Plan 3 Subsurface Cross Section A-A’ 4 Subsurface Cross Section B-B’ 5 Liquefaction Assessment 6 LPILE Soil Site 1 Results: 16-Inch-Diameter Augercast Pile Fixed Head 3rd Row and Higher Spacing 7 LPILE Soil Site 2 Results: 16-Inch-Diameter Augercast Pile Fixed Head 3rd Row and Higher Spacing 8 LPILE Soil Site 3 Results: 16-Inch-Diameter Augercast Pile Fixed Head 3rd Row and Higher Spacing 9 Pile Cap Passive Pressure Load-Deformation Curves APPENDIX A Field Explorations Methods and Analysis APPENDIX B Historical Hart Crowser Explorations and Laboratory Testing APPENDIX C Historical Explorations by Others ATTACHMENT 1 Cone Penetration Test Data 19014-04 May 1, 2015 Geotechnical Engineering Design Study Southport Office Development Renton, Washington PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THIS STUDY The purposes of this study were to:  Assess subsurface conditions;  Establish foundation design criteria to support the structural engineer;  Develop specific site use recommendations to support the civil engineer; and  Provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for construction. The scope of this study included:  New field explorations consisting of core penetrometer probes;  A review of earlier work at the site completed by Hart Crowser, Inc., dated April 9, 1999;  A review of earlier work at the site completed by Geotech Consultants, Inc., (Geotech) dated December 15, 2000;  Identification and analysis of the geotechnical engineering considerations; and  Preparation of this report. Our field explorations consisted of six cone penetration tests (CPTs; HCCPT-1 through HCCPT-6). In addition, we reviewed the logs of five mud rotary borings (B-1 through B-5) and eight cone penetration tests (CPT-1 through CPT-8) from the previous Hart Crowser and Geotech studies. Finally, we performed geotechnical analysis to develop recommendations for design and construction. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The site is on the southern edge of Lake Washington, in Renton, Washington, as shown on Figure 1. The project consists of three 9-story office towers, a podium, and a common garage. The garage is essentially at grade, although some areas require limited excavation to achieve final grades. A site and exploration plan showing the approximate location of the soil borings and cone penetration tests is on Figure 2. Three distinct subsurface site conditions were observed, and are shaded as Soil Sites 1 through 3 on the figure. New Hart Crowser soil explorations are described in Appendix A, existing Hart Crowser soil explorations and laboratory testing in Appendix B, and historical explorations and testing in Appendix C. CPT data are provided in Attachment 1. Figures 3 and 4 show subsurface cross sections based on the new and historical soil explorations. 19014-04 May 1, 2015 2 | Contents The depth to, and thickness of, the soil layers vary greatly throughout the site, as discussed later in this report. Groundwater level in our explorations was about 5 feet below existing grade for HCCPT-2 through 6, and about 10 feet for HCCPT-1, which was at a higher elevation than the other CPTs. These groundwater levels were identified at the time of the explorations, but groundwater levels are affected primarily by the level of Lake Washington, which varies by only about 3 feet annually. The groundwater gradient is from south or southeast to north or northeast, as groundwater flows from the upland areas toward the lake. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following section includes design criteria addressing site preparation, structural design issues, civil design issues, and seismic design. These design criteria are based on the preceding site description, applied loads as provided by the design team, and the subsurface conditions revealed by the explorations completed at the site. Subsurface soil conditions were determined from explorations at discrete locations at the site. Soil properties inferred from the field and laboratory tests formed the basis for developing our geotechnical recommendations in this report. The nature and extent of variations between the explorations may not become evident until construction begins. If variations then appear, it may be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations in this report. As the design criteria continue to evolve, we need to continue to consult with the team so that our recommendations remain current. The foundation scheme will consist of deep foundation elements (likely driven grout piles), with a structural slab connecting the pile caps as foundation support. Ground improvement should occur under the entire building footprint to mitigate liquefaction and decrease the potential magnitude of soil settlement following a seismic event. Geotechnical Recommendations Supporting Structural Design Seismic Design Issues Based on data from explorations at the site (six by Hart Crowser and five by Geotech), we have concluded that the average shear wave velocity and nature of site soils in the upper 100 feet justify an International Building Code soil profile site class D, if liquefaction is mitigated. This is based on measured and estimated shear wave velocities from across the site. The calculated average shear wave velocity in the upper 100 feet is between 600 and 700 feet per second (fps), or just above the 600 fps cut off. This does not take into account the benefits resulting from installing earthquake drains. Currently, there is a risk of liquefaction of the site soils during a significant seismic event, as shown on Figure 5. Widespread liquefaction could result in ground surface settlement both below the buildings 19014-04 May 1, 2015 Contents | 3 and in the access areas around the buildings. Given the settlement-prone nature of the site, even if ground improvement techniques are used, we recommend that underslab utilities be hung from the slab and/or grade beams rather than grade-supported. Exterior pavements, walkways, utilities, and grade-supported structures are subject to distress from liquefaction and may not function after a major seismic event. Foundation piles for the buildings (if used) should be largely unaffected, except that they may not be designed for lateral resistance or frictional support in the liquefaction zone. The preferred ground improvement method for the site to reduce the areas of potential liquefaction is earthquake drains. Because of fines content, some of the liquefiable soils may not be mitigated by earthquake drains, so other improvement methods might be required in discrete areas; such as rammed aggregate piers, stone columns, or various grouting methods. Even if no ground improvement steps are taken, installing driven piles at each column location will make the soil denser and will likely further reduce the extent of liquefaction. Building Code Seismic Parameters Table 1 provides 2012 International Building Code (IBC) seismic design parameters for the site latitude and longitude and the soil Site Class. The parameters were obtained from the USGS US Seismic Design Maps web application (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/application.php) accessed on April 30, 2015. Table 1 – 2012 IBC Seismic Design Parameters Parameter Value Latitude 47.50533 Longitude -122.19981 Site Class D Risk Category I, II, III Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Periods, SS 1.445 g Spectral Response Acceleration at 1-Second Periods, S1 0.544 g Mapped MCE Geometric Mean Peak Ground Acceleration, PGA 0.597 g Seismic Coefficient, Fa 1.0 Seismic Coefficient, Fv 1.5 Seismic Coefficient, FPGA 1.0 Existing Timber Piles Approximately 3,500 timber piles are in place to support various elements associated with the steam plant. The current plan is to extract the piles and not use them for structural support. If the piles are required as vertical support elements going forward, further testing through a load-testing program will be required to verify the integrity and capacity of the piles. 19014-04 May 1, 2015 4 | Contents Pile Foundation Design We recommend using only driven piles at the site for two reasons: (1) it is easier to identify the sometimes irregular bearing layer if the piles are driven rather than drilled, and (2) the driving process will increase the soil density and reduce the potential for liquefaction. Considering the load-carrying requirements, appropriate types of driven piles are the DeWitt driven grout pile and precast concrete. Pile lengths will vary from 60 to 75 feet across the site. For planning, we recommend assuming an average length of 70 feet. Because the supporting sand layer is of limited thickness, we will put limits on the driving and penetration lengths to avoid punching through the layer. These piles will likely not be driven to refusal. Based on previous load tests and current analyses, we recommend an allowable capacity of 135 tons for 16-inch-diameter driven grout piles 60 to 70 feet long for the majority of the site. The CPTs at the extreme northeast (Soil Site 2) and southwest (Soil Site 3) portions of the site encountered significantly different soil profiles than across most of the site. The piles within Soil Site 2 have an allowable capacity of approximately 120 tons within the design depth. The explorations within Soil Site 3 encountered a thick, deep layer of silt and clay. Piles in this area of the site will require approximately 90 feet of embedment to minimize differential settlement between Soil Sites 1 and 3, and to attain a capacity of 135 tons. The installation of ground improvement will likely result in a minor increase in the pile resistance. With ground improvement, the loss of friction and downdrag from liquefaction will be minimal. As the previous load testing did not include instrumentation of the pile, it is not possible to distinguish the pile tip resistance from the shaft resistance. Given the uncertainty in this, we recommend an allowable uplift resistance of 50 tons across the site. All capacities may be increased by 1/3 during transient wind and seismic loads. Based on previous load tests at the site, we anticipate the driven grout piles will have settlement characteristics in compression similar to those of a spring with a stiffness of 920 kips/inch, and their tension response will behave similar to a spring with a stiffness of 300 kips/inch. Soils below the bearing layer are loose in many areas. In addition, a compressible soil zone exists at depths of about 100 to 120 feet in some locations, as disclosed by several of the explorations. We estimate that the piles could experience an initial compression of as much as 1 inch as the building loads are applied. Over several months following construction, an additional 1-1/2 to 2 inches of deep-seated soil consolidation and building settlement could occur. We do not expect this consolidation to result in abrupt differential settlement, but portions of the structure built at different times could experience differential settlement. Lateral Pile Capacity Lateral resistance and deflections of vertical pile foundations are often governed by the lateral capacity of near-surface soils and the strength of the pile itself. The design lateral capacity of the vertical piles will depend, to a large extent, on the allowable lateral deflections of the piles. Note, 19014-04 May 1, 2015 Contents | 5 however, that if no ground improvement is completed, under severe seismic loading the piles will experience minimal lateral resistance in the zone of liquefaction. Figure 6, 7, and 8 provide the anticipated pile response to loading for 16-inch-diameter driven grout piles with 3D spacing with the maximum applied axial load. The applied compressive load decreases the allowable deflection by inducing an additional bending moment within the pile. Discussions with the structural engineer have indicated the driven grout piles have an allowable bending moment capacity of approximately 800 kip-inches. The results in Figure 6, 7, and 8 are based on deformation compatibility within the pile cap. The design has required limiting the allowable deformation to that of the pile row that reaches the allowable bending moment at the smallest deformation, and calculating the pile loading response for each other row at that limiting deformation. Development of lateral pile criteria requires the structural engineer to assume the degree of fixity at the pile head. A pile is considered free-headed if the top is free to rotate. If the top of the pile is fixed against rotation by embedment in a pile cap that is sufficient to develop a fixed-end moment, the pile is considered restrained and fixed-headed. It is our understanding that the piles are currently being designed under a fixed-head condition. The pile cap, upon deflection, will contribute some lateral resistance to the foundation system. The equivalent fluid weight for passive resistance of compacted fill above the groundwater table is 450 pounds per cubic foot (pcf), and below the groundwater table it is 250 pcf. This is an ultimate value that assumes the pile cap can move laterally at least 1 percent of its height (height defined as depth from adjacent grade to the bottom of the pile cap). For less lateral movement, the ultimate passive resistance should be interpolated from the curves on Figure 9. The curves on Figure 9 assume tops of the pile caps are approximately 5 feet above the groundwater table. The lateral resistance against the pile cap assumes the confining soil is compacted structural fill. Pile Installation We recommend the following:  Space piles within groups no closer than 3 times the pile diameter on center.  Given the installation methods of driven grout piles, verify the capacity of at least two piles per soil site condition, and of no less than 2 percent of the production piles, by high strain dynamic testing with signal matching (PDA and CAPWAP). This can be completed by striking the installed pile with a pile driving hammer following installation and setup, or by applying a drop weight to the pile head such as GRL’s APPLE system.  To correspond to the allowable design value, apply a factor of safety of 2.5 to the ultimate pile capacity as determined by high strain dynamic testing. Hart Crowser should review the pile plans and specifications, and estimate the design pile lengths prior to construction (and ordering piles, if precast concrete are used). As noted earlier, a length of 70 feet 19014-04 May 1, 2015 6 | Contents is appropriate for planning (except in Soil Site 3), and the lengths in the field will be carefully monitored to protect against overdriving and punching through the bearing layer. Floor Slab Design For the pile foundation support alternative, we recommend designing the floor slab as a structural slab, supported by the pile caps and grade beams. As recommended below the slab should be underlain by at least 3 inches of open graded stone above at least 6 inches of well-graded sand or sand and gravel with a fines content of no more than 3 percent by weight. A vapor barrier is not required. Below-Grade Walls and Structural Fill Walls backfilled on one side only can be designed using soil pressures estimated using equivalent fluid weights for the soil. For active conditions, where the wall is free to deflect slightly, the appropriate fluid weight is 35 pcf. For passive resistance above the groundwater table, the appropriate fluid weight is 425 pcf; below the groundwater table, it is 250 pcf. For at-rest conditions, where no deflection is allowed, the appropriate fluid weight is 55 pcf. These equivalent fluid weights assume a level backfill, no surcharges, and proper drainage behind the wall. Structural fill will be required in some areas around the site. Generally, the structural fill should consist of clean, well-graded sand or sand and gravel to allow placement and compaction under wet conditions. Compaction to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density is required in bearing areas. Lower compaction levels are acceptable in non-bearing areas. For example, in paved areas, a level of 92 percent is acceptable. In landscaped areas, 88 to 90 percent is acceptable. Beneath structural slabs, the fill needs only be compact enough to support the curing slab. Crushed concrete can be used as fill below structural slabs, and at depths greater than 2 feet below the slab in slab-on-grade areas. Crushed concrete should have a maximum size of 4 inches. Walls with soil backfilled on one side will require drainage, or must be designed to withstand full hydrostatic pressure. We recommend the following:  Backfill with a minimum thickness of 18 inches of well-graded, free-draining sand (less than 3 percent fines based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction) or sand and gravel.  Install drains behind any backfilled subgrade walls. Drains with cleanouts should incorporate a minimum 4-inch-diameter perforated pipe surrounded by at least 6 inches of well-graded, free- draining sand (less than 3 percent fines based on minus 3/4 inch fraction), or sand and gravel. The drains should be sloped to carry the water to a sump or other suitable discharge.  The backfill should be continuous and should envelop the drainage behind the wall. Geotechnical Recommendations Supporting Civil Design Roadway and Utility Settlement and Constructability As much as 8 feet of fill will be placed to construct roadways around the site, potentially resulting in time-dependent settlements of as much as about 2 inches. To mitigate the settlement, the roadway 19014-04 May 1, 2015 Contents | 7 fill areas could be preloaded, probably for about 3 to 4 months, or surcharged, for a shorter time, depending on the height of the surcharge. Our understanding of the schedule is that such time is not consistent with other site needs. Another alternative could be the use of a lightweight embankment fill called Geofoam. This material is supplied in blocks or sheets and is strong enough to support some fill and pavement loadings. We need to talk to vendors about its application here. Utilities will settle with the surface of the fill, since the settlement is deep-seated. If the fill is placed first and the utilities after, some of the utility settlement will be eliminated. Utility connections should be as flexible as possible, and utility grades and slopes should be adjusted, as appropriate, to adapt to the expected settlement. Below the groundwater table (estimated to be as high as elevation 17 and 19 feet, or about 3 feet below the current site grade), our ability to dewater sufficiently to allow for a stable trench and workable conditions is uncertain. Old photographs of construction at the steam plant and our experience at Paccar and at the hotel site suggest that the groundwater can be controlled using well points or wells, plus sheet pile cutoff walls. If this is the case, then a traditional trench box to support the excavation, combined with area dewatering, could be cost-effective and efficient. If the water cannot be controlled, more costly alternatives such as ground freezing may need to be considered. In either case, the pipe bedding and backfill should consist of high quality sand and gravel with a low fines content, since the work will be completed in wet conditions. A well-graded sand and gravel can even be placed with some water in the excavation. If the bottom of the excavation is in peat or soft silt, which the explorations indicate is possible, a separation fabric should be used to line the pipe trench and keep the clean bedding and backfill from becoming contaminated with fine-grained soil. Tunnels Beneath the Roadways The tunnels that apparently will extend beneath the roadways do not need to be filled, in our opinion. If they are filled with a typical material such as soil, CDF, construction debris, or lean mix concrete, the weight will initiate new settlement. Rather, we recommend capping the tunnels with a structural member capable of supporting the weight of the overlying fill and traffic loading. Alternatively, a non- organic lightweight fill could be used (an organic fill, such as wood chips, could break down over time, producing potentially explosive gases). Underslab Drainage for Buildings We recommend that no underslab drain network be installed for either a pile foundation or a stone column/spread footing foundation system. In support of drain-based ground improvement methods, and due to the high groundwater table, the slab should be underlain by at least 3 inches of open graded stone above at least 6 inches of well-graded sand or sand and gravel with a fines content of no more than 3 percent by weight, based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction. Perimeter drains and drains at the base of below-grade walls will still be needed. 19014-04 May 1, 2015 8 | Contents Site Drainage Final grades should be sloped to carry surface water runoff away from structures to prevent water from infiltrating near the foundation walls. Roof drainage and new surface water drainage should not be tied into the subdrain system and should not discharge onto the site. Utilities The compressible soils are deeper than the typical depth of buried utilities; therefore, utilities placed under areas of raised grade may settle along with the new fill. In areas where the grade will be raised above the current ground surface, we recommend installing utilities after placing the backfill to reduce the amount of utility settlement. Areas of improved ground will settle less than areas without ground improvement. Utility connections should be as flexible as possible, and utility grades and slopes should be adjusted, as appropriate, to adapt to the expected settlement. For shallow utilities, we anticipate that open-cut trenches and/or trench boxes could be used for utility trench excavations. For planning purposes, we recommend that temporary unsupported open-cut slopes be designed in accordance with current WISHA rules and regulations for a Type C soil. Note that unshored cuts deeper than 4 feet will need to be sloped; cuts shallower than 4 feet do not require sloping. During wet weather excavation, the slopes should be protected from sloughing and erosion. The contractor should be made responsible for the stability of all temporary excavation, ground settlement and associated damage to nearby structures, and worker safety. As noted previouisly, excavations deeper than 3 to 5 feet could encounter groundwater. Depending on the precise location of utilities, deleterious material such as concrete, wood, stumps, and other debris may be encountered. We anticipate that the majority of the utility excavations could be completed with conventional earthwork equipment. In addition, excavations must conform to federal, state, and local safety regulations. Our recommendations for bedding and trench backfill materials are presented below. The minimum percent compaction recommended below is a percentage of the modified Proctor maximum dry density as determined by the ASTM D1557 test procedure.  At least 4 inches of bedding is recommended for all utility pipes. We recommend that bedding materials consist of well-graded sand and gravel with less than 3 percent material passing the No. 200 sieve (based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction). Bedding material should be compacted using care not to damage the utility pipes.  The recommended bedding backfill materials can be used as backfill around the pipe utilities (pipe zone backfill). Pipe zone backfill should extend to at least the top of the pipe.  For bedding material beneath catch basins and manholes, we recommend at least 6 inches of imported structural fill (or acceptable on-site material) that consists of well-graded sand and gravel with less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve (based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction). The bedding material should be compacted to at least 90 percent. 19014-04 May 1, 2015 Contents | 9  If the bottom of the excavation is in peat or soft silt, which the explorations indicate is possible, a separation fabric should be used to line the pipe trench and keep the clean bedding and backfill from becoming contaminated with fine-grained soil. Compaction Equipment. Generally we recommend using hand-operated compaction equipment within 12 inches of any pipe, catch basin, or similar structure to reduce the risk of damage. More than 12 inches from pipes and structures, it is common to use a vibratory plate compactor attached to a backhoe, or even a self-propelled roller. The contractor should be responsible for selecting appropriate compaction equipment and adjusting the lift thickness and moisture content of the backfill as needed for adequate compaction and to avoid damage to the pipe. In general, heavy mechanical compaction equipment should not be allowed over the pipe until the backfill is at least 2 feet above the top of the pipe. Pavement Support Haul roads, depending on their location around the site, could travel over relatively firm ground or across pockets of soft soil. We have flexible requirements for the haul road base. It can consist of quarry spalls, or crushed rock, or crushed rock with an ATB surface. The contractor should have some control over this is a decision, since the nature of the ground, the traffic loading, the weather conditions, and other non-design factors will affect the subgrade needs. For the permanent roadways, we recommend that the upper 2 feet of fill or natural ground be well- compacted (to at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density), firm, and non- yielding. The pavement subgrade could consist of 4 inches of asphalt over 6 inches of crushed rock, with heavier sections in the major truck access areas, and lighter sections in low-traffic areas. The pavement section should be compared with the minimum City or County requirements for the roadways, and the more stringent section should be used. We expect that the roadways will undergo some widespread settlement over time in the high fill areas, but abrupt differences in settlement are not expected. Structural Fill Soils placed beneath structures, around utilities, or below paved areas should be considered structural fill. In these fill areas, we recommend the following:  Structural fill should only be placed on a dense and non-yielding subgrade.  For imported soil to be used as structural fill, we recommend using a clean, well-graded sand or sand and gravel with less than 5 percent by weight passing the No. 200 mesh sieve (based on the minus 3/4-inch fraction) for grading in wet conditions. Compaction of material containing more than about 5 percent fine material may be difficult if the material is wet or becomes wet. During dry grading conditions, the fines content may be increased provided the soil is compacted near its optimum moisture content. 19014-04 May 1, 2015 10 | Contents  Place and compact all structural fill in lifts with a loose thickness no greater than 10 inches. If small, hand-operated compaction equipment is used to compact structural fill, fill lifts should not exceed 6 inches in loose thickness.  Control the moisture content of the fill to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture. Optimum moisture is the moisture content corresponding to the maximum modified Proctor dry density.  Below all structures, the compaction requirement should be at least 95 percent. The minimum percent compaction recommended herein is a percentage of the modified Proctor maximum dry density as determined by the ASTM D1557 test procedure.  If wet subgrade areas are encountered during foundation or pavement section preparation, clean material with a gravel content (material coarser than a US No. 4 sieve) of at least 30 to 35 percent may be necessary.  The compacted densities of each lift should be verified by a Hart Crowser representative. Before fill control can begin, the compaction characteristics must be determined from representative samples of the structural and drainage fill. Samples should be obtained as soon as possible. A study of compaction characteristics should include determination of optimum and natural moisture contents, maximum dry density, and gradation of these soils. Use of On-Site Soil as Structural Fill The suitability of excavated site soils for use as compacted structural fill depends on the gradation and moisture content of the soil when it is placed. As the amount of fines (that portion passing the No. 200 sieve) increases, the soil becomes increasingly sensitive to small changes in moisture content and adequate compaction becomes more difficult to achieve. Soil containing more than about 5 percent fines cannot be consistently compacted to a dense non-yielding condition when the water content is greater than about 2 percent above or below optimum. Reusable soil must also be free of organic and other compressible material. Topsoil. We recommend that the surficial layer of topsoil not be used as structural fill. This material likely contains significantly more than 5 percent fines, and, therefore, will be moisture-sensitive during periods of wet weather. In addition, this material contains organic matter that could lead to long-term settlement as the organic matter breaks down over time. Surficial topsoil or other native soil may be used in landscaped areas if it can be compacted to a reasonable degree with construction equipment. Fill and Surficial Soils. Because this layer consisted of varying amounts of silt near the surface, much of the fill may be suitable for use as structural fill. However, some of the soil within the fill layer may have a fines content that is great enough to make it moisture-sensitive when wet. During periods of wet weather, or if the material is wet, it will be more difficult to use. Earthwork operations would need to be scheduled during periods of dry weather to keep the material’s moisture content near its optimum level. 19014-04 May 1, 2015 Contents | 11 Excavation Groundwater Control Our exploration program consisted of limited test pit excavations to observe the shallow excavation conditions. We noted that while groundwater is present in the excavations, it should flow slowly enough to be controllable using conventional means. Team experience at nearby sites and historical photographs of work at the steam plant support this opinion. In some locations, this will not be the case, but in general, shallow excavation for construction of pile caps or footings do not require a detailed dewatering plan if the depth of the cut is less than about 7 feet below existing grade. Reasonably dry conditions should be able to be maintained by pumping from one or two sumps located within each excavation. The excavation side walls should be protected from sloughing by using steel sheets or similar protection. An alternative method would be to install a number of separate sumps just outside the excavation footprints to lower the groundwater table over a wider area than just one pile cap. A 12-inch slotted plastic casing or culvert pipe placed about 2 feet below the bottom of excavation and backfilled on the outside with pea gravel would serve as the sump. Deeper excavation will most likely require an active dewatering system using drilled wells or well points. We would expect to pump significant quantities of groundwater below depths of about 10 feet, and excavations of this depth should be conducted with great care to avoid sudden collapses of side walls and loss of soil integrity in the base. It is our understanding that such a system is currently under consideration for removal of the historical power plant foundation on the east side of the site. Note that at the adjacent hotel site a series of dewater wells and a sheet pile cutoff wall were used to construct a foundation mat 9 feet deep. RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNCIAL SERVICES Hart Crowser could potentially complete additional services supporting the design and construction of the proposed facility. Groundwater Monitoring and Pumping Tests Since the conditions along the roadway access away from the site toward Lake Washington Boulevard are not well known, there could be some value in two or three additional borings and groundwater monitoring wells through that segment to assess the groundwater control and constructability issues for the utilities. A groundwater pumping test in this area is needed to confirm the ability to control the groundwater and remove the existing power plant foundations without a sheet pile system to act as cutoff. Driven Pile Load Tests In 1999, four driven grout piles were load tested by DeWitt Construction and Precision Measurements, Inc. We contacted Bruce Lane of Precision Measurements, who sent us the load test report including load/deflection curves but not including test locations. The maximum load applied was 300 tons. With a good load test and test report, we can justify reducing the factor of safety to as low as 2.0. The 19014-04 May 1, 2015 12 | Contents original load tests did not load the piles to their capacity (loading to capacity results in an overly conservative design), and are not applicable to other pile lengths. We have contacted Applied Foundation Testing (AFT) to perform Statnamic load testing and obtained the company’s price for testing and reporting on three additional piles (that would need to be installed) up to loads of approximately 450 tons. If higher capacity piles are cost-effective, AFT can test the piles to as high as twice the load for an additional cost of approximately $40,000. We will coordinate with CPL and Exxel Pacific to determine the most effective option for the project. A key difference with the Statnamic approach and static load testing is that there is no need to install reaction piles; also, multiple tests can be completed very quickly compared with traditional methods. These differences result in less expensive load tests than when traditional methods are used, especially when more than one test is performed. In addition, we would instrument the pile throughout its length, which would give us the load versus deflection curve not just at the top of the pile, but also at other points. This tells us how the load is shed to the soil and helps us predict not just capacity, but also settlement, more accurately. The results from instrumented tests help avoid misinterpretation of load tests, and help in properly designing piles to various lengths. In addition, the results allow us to locate the new piles for testing in particularly sensitive areas. With higher test loads and broader instrumentation, the design should have significantly fewer piles. Services during Construction During the construction phase of the project, we recommend that Hart Crowser observe the following activities:  Placement of structural and drainage fill at the site;  Observation of the installation and testing of pile foundations;  Observation of the installation of ground improvement;  Observation and verification of the suitability of all excavated surfaces;  Excavation and placement of foundations floor slabs;  Other geotechnical activities that may arise during the course of construction. The purpose of these observations is to observe compliance with the design concepts, specifications, or recommendations and to allow design changes or evaluation of appropriate construction measures in the event that subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to the start of construction. USE AND LIMITATIONS OF THIS REPORT We completed this work in accordance with our proposal dated March 2, 2015. Our report is for the exclusive use of Seco Development and its design consultants for specific application to the subject project and site. We completed this study in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical practices for the nature and conditions of the work completed in the same or similar localities, at the time the work was performed. We make no other warranty, express or implied. L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Deliverables\Reports\Draft\Southport Geotechnical Design Report.docx 19014-04 May 1, 2015 EAL 05/01/15 1901404-AA (VMap).mxdN Southport Office Development Renton, Washington Vicinity Map 19014-04 5/15 Figure1 Service Layer Credits: Sources: Esri, HERE, DeLorme, USGS, Intermap, increment P Corp., NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), TomTom, MapmyIndia, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community 0 2,000 4,0001,000 Scale in Feet Project Site N0100200Scale in FeetFigure1901404-001 (SPlan).dwg04/30/15EAL 19014-045/15Renton, WashingtonSouthport Office Development2Site and Exploration PlanHCCPT-1aCPT exploration (current study)Historical CPT exploration (by others)Historical boring (Hart Crowser)Historical boring (by others)Cross section location anddesignationApproximate extent of similarsubsurface conditions*Soil site 1Soil site 2Soil site 3Approximate extent ofplanned office developmentApproximate extent ofShuffleton foundationsAA'BB'B-1HC-1CPT-1A A'* Transition from soil site conditions is likely gradual.Location of transition is inferred based on interpolationbetween explorations. 150Depth from ground surface (feet)1351201059075604530150CPT-4 (24' S) CPT-5 (12' N) CPT-6 (140' S) B-5 (30' S) HCCPT-5 (78' N) HCCPT-6 (3' N)A'AHCCPT-4 (24' S)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Very loose to medium dense SANDwith layers of SILT and CLAYDense to very dense SANDSoft CLAYMedium dense to dense SAND withlayers of silty SAND and sandy SILTSoft to stiff CLAY and SILTwith layers of silty sandFigure1901404-002 (SecA).dwg04/30/15EAL 19014-045/15Renton, WashingtonSouthport Office Development3Cross Section A-A'Vertical Scale in FeetHorizontal Scale in Feet12060003060Vertical Exaggeration x 2Note:Contact between soil units is interpolated between boringsand represents our interpretation of subsurface conditionsbased on currently available data.Exploration number(Offset distance and direction)Exploration locationCPT-4(24' S) 150Depth from ground surface (feet)1351201059075604530150HCCPT-3 (65' N)B'BHC-2 (101' N) HCCPT-5 (127' S) HCCPT-2 (61' N) HCCPT-1a (95' N)????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?Soft CLAYSoft CLAY and SILTInterbedded soft to stiff SILT anddense to very dense SANDSAND and silty SANDLoose to medium densesilty SAND and sandy SILTwith CLAYlayersLoose SAND andsilty SANDFigure1901404-003 (SecB).dwg04/30/15EAL 19014-045/15Renton, WashingtonSouthport Office Development4Cross Section B-B'Vertical Scale in FeetHorizontal Scale in Feet12060003060Vertical Exaggeration x 2Note:Contact between soil units is interpolated between boringsand represents our interpretation of subsurface conditionsbased on currently available data.Exploration number(Offset distance and direction)Exploration locationCPT-4(24' S) 19014-0404/15FigureSouthport Office DevelopmentRenton, WashingtonLiquefaction Assessment5initials MM/DD/YY location\filename.xlsHCCPT-4HCCPT-1AHCCPT-2HCCPT-3HCCPT-5HCCPT-6HCCPT-6 LPILE Soil Site 1 Results: 16-Inch-Diameter Augercast Pile Fixed Head 3rd Row and Higher Spacing Southport Office Development Renton, Washington 19014-04 6 Figure 4/15 BJE 04/30/2015 file:///L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design\Analysis%20and%20Calcs\LPILE\Updated%204-27%20LPILE%20Results.xlsx010203040506070-0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3Depth in feetDeflection in inchesNotes:1. The pile head condition was fixed and a lateral deflection was applied to the top of the pile, which resulted in a bending moment of approximately 800 inch-kips for the lowest displacement row. The top of the pile is located at a depth of 0 feet.2. The generalized subsurface profile is based primarily on CPT-5.3. A 70-foot-long augercast (concrete) pile was assumed based on the length needed to achieve axial capacity.4. A 16-inch-diameter pile was modeled assuming a concrete strength of 5,500 psi. The steel rebar was assumed to have a yield stress of 60 ksi and an elastic modulus of 29,000 ksi. A total of 8 US Std. #7 rebars was assumed. A compressive load of 270 kips was applied at the pile head.5. A p-multiplier of 0.8, 0.4, and 0.3 for rows 1, 2, and 3, respectively, was used to reduce the lateral capacity of piles in closely spaced groups. This is based on a pile spacing of 3D.010203040506070-800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400Depth in feetBending Moment in inch-kips010203040506070-10 0 10 20Depth in feetShear in kipsRow 1Row 2Row 3 and Higher LPILE Soil Site 2 Results: 16-Inch-Diameter Augercast Pile Fixed Head 3rd Row and Higher Spacing Southport Office Development Renton, Washington 19014-04 7 Figure 4/15 BJE 04/30/2015 file:///L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design\Analysis%20and%20Calcs\LPILE\Updated%204-27%20LPILE%20Results.xlsx010203040506070-0.05 0 0.05 0.1Depth in feetDeflection in inchesNotes:1. The pile head condition was fixed and a lateral deflection was applied to the top of the pile, which resulted in a bending moment of approximately 800 inch-kips for the lowest displacement row. The top of the pile is located at a depth of 0 feet.2. The generalized subsurface profile is based primarily on CPT-1.3. A 70-foot-long augercast (concrete) pile was assumed based on the length needed to achieve axial capacity.4. A 16-inch-diameter pile was modeled assuming a concrete strength of 5,500 psi. The steel rebar was assumed to have a yield stress of 60 ksi and an elastic modulus of 29,000 ksi. A total of 8 US Std. #7 rebars was assumed. A compressive load of 270 kips was applied at the pile head.5. A p-multiplier of 0.8, 0.4, and 0.3 for rows 1, 2, and 3, respectively, was used to reduce the lateral capacity of piles in closely spaced groups. This is based on a pile spacing of 3D.010203040506070-800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400Depth in feetBending Moment in inch-kips010203040506070-5 5 15 25Depth in feetShear in kipsRow 1Row 2Row 3 and Higher LPILE Soil Site 3 Results: 16-Inch-Diameter Augercast Pile Fixed Head 3rd Row and Higher Spacing Southport Office Development Renton, Washington 19014-04 8 Figure 4/15 BJE 04/30/2015 file:///L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design\Analysis%20and%20Calcs\LPILE\Updated%204-27%20LPILE%20Results.xlsx010203040506070-0.05 0 0.05 0.1Depth in feetDeflection in inchesNotes:1. The pile head condition was fixed and a lateral deflection was applied to the top of the pile, which resulted in a bending moment of approximately 800 inch-kips for the lowest displacement row. The top of the pile is located at a depth of 0 feet.2. The generalized subsurface profile is based primarily on CPT-4.3. A 70-foot-long augercast (concrete) pile was assumed based on the length needed to achieve axial capacity.4. A 16-inch-diameter pile was modeled assuming a concrete strength of 5,500 psi. The steel rebar was assumed to have a yield stress of 60 ksi and an elastic modulus of 29,000 ksi. A total of 8 US Std. #7 rebars was assumed. A compressive load of 270 kips was applied at the pile head.5. A p-multiplier of 0.8, 0.4, and 0.3 for rows 1, 2, and 3, respectively, was used to reduce the lateral capacity of piles in closely spaced groups. This is based on a pile spacing of 3D.010203040506070-800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400Depth in feetBending Moment in inch-kips010203040506070-5 5 15 25Depth in feetShear in kipsRow 1Row 2Row 3 and Higher 19014-04 04/15 Figure Southport Office Development Renton, Washington Pile Cap Passive Pressure Load-Deformation Curves 9iBJE 04/30/2015 APPENDIX A Field Explorations Methods and Analysis 19014-04 May 1, 2015 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATIONS METHODS AND ANALYSIS This appendix documents the processes Hart Crowser used to determine the nature of the soils underlying the project site addressed by this report. The discussion includes information on the following subjects:  Explorations and Their Location  Cone Penetration Testing Explorations and Their Location Hart Crowser subsurface explorations for this project include six cone penetration tests pushed to a non-surficial refusal depth, HCCPT-1 through HCCPT-6 (2015). Location of Explorations. Figure 2 shows the location of explorations, located by GPS. The ground surface elevations at these locations are between 20 and 24 feet, and were interpreted from elevations shown on base map provided by Bush, Roed and Hitchings, dated September 6, 2000. The method used determines the accuracy of the location and elevation of the explorations. Cone Penetrometer Probes We used a cone penetrometer to probe the subgrade soils for this study. Completed by Insitu Engineering, Inc, the probes, designated HCCPT-1a through HCCPT-6, were advanced to depths ranging from 77.43 to 100.07 feet below the ground surface on April 2, 3, and 15, 2014. Insitu attempted one push at HC-CPT1a which hit and obstruction within 5 feet of the ground surface. The piezocone is arranged to measure the following parameters, which are used for the soil classification:  Tip resistance, Qc in tsf (resistance to soil penetration developed at the cone tip);  Friction resistance, Fs in tsf (resistance to soil penetration developed along the friction sleeve); and  Pore water pressure behind the cone tip, U2 in psi. The system is mounted on a truck which provides the necessary reaction for the applied loads. The cone and its sleeve provide information by which we can interpret the density and consistency of the soils. A direct correlation exists between the point resistance of the cone and the bearing capacity in the soil. Another direct correlation exists between the friction registered on the sleeve and the friction characteristics of the soil. We use the penetrometer results in conjunction with the soil classification methods as appropriate for each site. See Attachment 1 for the raw CPT data. Friction Values and Soil Type. Generally, a friction ratio less than 2 indicates sand; a ratio between 2 and 4 indicates a silt-sand mixture, clayey sand, or silt; and ratios greater than 4 indicate a clayey silt or clay. 19014-04 May 1, 2015 Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 83.83 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-01aLocation:Cone resistance qtTip resistance (tsf)400300200100Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Cone resistance qtPore pressure uPressure (psi)806040200Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Pore pressure uDiss.Diss.Diss.Diss.Diss.Diss.Diss.Friction ratioRf (%)1086420Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Friction ratioSBT IndexIc SBT4321Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105SBT IndexSoil Behaviour TypeSBT (Robertson, 2010)181614121086420Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Soil Behaviour TypeClay & silty claySand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty clayVery dense/stiff soilSand & silty sandClay & silty clayOrganic soilClayClay & silty clayClayClay & silty clayClayClay & silty clayClay & silty clayClay & silty clayClay & silty clayClayClay & silty clayClayClay & silty claySand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty claySand & silty sandSand & silty sandSand & silty sandSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltClayClaySand & silty sandSBT legend1. Sensitive fine grained2. Organic material3. Clay to silty clay4. Clayey silt to silty clay5. Silty sand to sandy silt6. Clean sand to silty sand7. Gravely sand to sand8. Very stiff sand to clayey sand9. Very stiff fine grainedCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:49 AM1Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 83.83 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-01aLocation:PermeabilityKsbt (ft/s)-91x10 -61x10 -31x10 Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105PermeabilityYoung's modulusEs (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Young's modulusSPT N60N60 (blows/ft)50403020100Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105SPT N60Relative densityDr (%)100806040200Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Relative densityCalculation parametersRelative desnisty constant, CDr: 350.0Permeability: Based on SBTnSPT N60: Based on Ic and qtYoung’s modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Phi: Based on Kulhawy & Mayne (1990)User defined estimation dataFriction angle (degrees)60555045403530Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Friction angleCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:49 AM2Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 83.83 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-01aLocation:Constrained ModulusM(CPT) (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Constrained ModulusShear strengthSu (tsf)6543210Depth (ft)807570656055504540353025201510Su peakSu remoldedShear strengthShear modulusGo (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Shear modulusUndrained strength ratioSu/',v21.510.50Depth (ft)807570656055504540353025201510Undrained strength ratioOCROCR1086420Depth (ft)807570656055504540353025201510OCRCalculation parametersUndrained shear strength cone factor for clays, Nkt: AutoOCR factor for clays, Nkt: 0.33Go: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Constrained modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic and Qtn (Robertson, 2009)User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM3Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 83.83 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-01aLocation:Shear Wave velocityVs (ft/s)1,0005000Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Shear Wave velocityIn-situ stress ratioKo210Depth (ft)807570656055504540353025201510In-situ stress ratioState parameter0-0.1-0.2Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105State parameterSoil sensitivityS43210Depth (ft)807570656055504540353025201510Soil sensitivityEffective friction anglePeak (degrees)3020100Depth (ft)8075706560555045403530252015105Effective friction angleCalculation parametersSoil Sensitivity factor, NS: 7.00User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM4Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office Development Hart Crowser, Inc http://www.hartcrowser.com Total depth: 83.83 ftRenton CPT: HCCPT-01a Location: CPTU Borehole Depth (ft)(t50)0.50 t50 (s) t50 (years)G/Su ch (ft2/s) ch (ft2/year) Tabular results Dissipation Tests Results Dissipation tests consists of stopping the piezocone penetration and observing porepressures (u) with elapsed time (t). The data are automatic recorded by the field computer and should take place until a minimum of 50% dissipation. The porepressures are plotted as a function of square root of (t). The graphical technique suggested by Robertson and Campanella (1989), yields a value for t50, which corresponds to the time for 50% consolidation. The value of the coefficient of consolidation in the radial or horizontal direction ch was then calculated by Houlsby and Teh's (1988) theory using the following equation: 50 5.0 r 2 h t IrTc×× = where: T: time factor given by Houlsby and Teh's (1988) theory corresponding to the porepressure position r: piezocone radius Ir: stiffness index, equal to shear modulus G divided by the undrained strength of clay (Su). t50: time corresponding to 50% consolidation Dissipation tests Permeability estimates based on dissipation test The dissipation of pore pressures during a CPTu dissipation test is controlled by the coefficient of consolidation in the horizontal direction (ch) which is influenced by a combination of the soil permeability (kh) and compressibility (M), as defined by the following: /Mckwhh×= where: M is the 1-D constrained modulus and w is the unit weight of water, in compatible units. M (tsf) kh (ft/s) HCCPT-01a 16.08 124.4 15477 4.91E-004 327.33 9.59E-008 3 25.05 1.20E-010 HCCPT-01a 22.97 110.3 12163 3.86E-004 718.91 1.81E-007 6 3.71 1.52E-009 HCCPT-01a 35.76 0.0 0 0.00E+000 100.00 0.00E+000 0 405.57 -1.00E+004 HCCPT-01a 42.49 0.0 0 0.00E+000 318179.28 0.00E+000 0 352.85 -1.00E+004 HCCPT-01a 55.45 0.0 0 0.00E+000 100.00 0.00E+000 0 982.10 -1.00E+004 HCCPT-01a 71.52 0.0 0 0.00E+000 100.00 0.00E+000 0 1112.86 -1.00E+004 HCCPT-01a 83.99 0.0 0 0.00E+000 100.00 0.00E+000 0 2842.78 0.00E+000 5 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-01a Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 16.08 (ft) time (s) 1 10 100 1,000Porepressure u2 (psi)15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 124.407 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 16.08 (ft) u0 = 3.90 (psi) u initial dissipation assumed initial pore pressure, ui Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 100500Depth (ft)80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 6 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-01a Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 22.97 (ft) time (s) 1 10 100Porepressure u2 (psi)30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 110.284 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 22.97 (ft) u0 = 6.89 (psi) u initial dissipation assumed initial pore pressure, ui Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 100500Depth (ft)80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 7 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-01a Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 35.76 (ft) t^0.50 (s^0.50) 1211109876543210Porepressure u2 (psi)12 11.8 11.6 11.4 11.2 11 10.8 10.6 10.4 10.2 10 9.8 9.6 9.4 9.2 9 8.8 8.6 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 35.76 (ft) u0 = 11.97 (psi) Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 100500Depth (ft)80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 8 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-01a Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 42.49 (ft) t^0.50 (s^0.50) 1211109876543210Porepressure u2 (psi)14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 42.49 (ft) u0 = 14.86 (psi) Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 100500Depth (ft)80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 9 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-01a Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 55.45 (ft) t^0.50 (s^0.50) 9876543210Porepressure u2 (psi)20.4 20.2 20 19.8 19.6 19.4 19.2 19 18.8 18.6 18.4 18.2 18 17.8 17.6 17.4 17.2 17 16.8 16.6 16.4 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 55.45 (ft) u0 = 20.55 (psi) Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 100500Depth (ft)80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 10 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-01a Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 71.52 (ft) t^0.50 (s^0.50) 1514131211109876543210Porepressure u2 (psi)30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 71.52 (ft) u0 = 30.14 (psi) Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 100500Depth (ft)80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 11 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-01a Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 83.99 (ft) t^0.50 (s^0.50) 191817161514131211109876543210Porepressure u2 (psi)34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-01a Depth: 83.99 (ft) u0 = 35.55 (psi) Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 100500Depth (ft)80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 12 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 100.07 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-02Location:Cone resistance qtTip resistance (tsf)600400200Depth (ft)1009590858075706560555045403530252015105Cone resistance qtPore pressure uPressure (psi)6040200Depth (ft)1009590858075706560555045403530252015105Pore pressure uDiss.Diss.Friction ratioRf (%)1086420Depth (ft)9590858075706560555045403530252015105Friction ratioSBT IndexIc SBT4321Depth (ft)9590858075706560555045403530252015105SBT IndexSoil Behaviour TypeSBT (Robertson, 2010)181614121086420Depth (ft)1009590858075706560555045403530252015105Soil Behaviour TypeSand & silty sandSand & silty sandClay & silty clayClay & silty claySand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty clayClayClay & silty clayClaySilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty claySilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty clayClay & silty clayClayClaySandSandSandSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltSandSand & silty sandSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty clayClay & silty claySand & silty sandSBT legend1. Sensitive fine grained2. Organic material3. Clay to silty clay4. Clayey silt to silty clay5. Silty sand to sandy silt6. Clean sand to silty sand7. Gravely sand to sand8. Very stiff sand to clayey sand9. Very stiff fine grainedCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM13Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 100.07 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-02Location:PermeabilityKsbt (ft/s)-91x10 -61x10 -31x10 Depth (ft)9590858075706560555045403530252015105PermeabilityYoung's modulusEs (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)1009590858075706560555045403530252015105Young's modulusSPT N60N60 (blows/ft)50403020100Depth (ft)9590858075706560555045403530252015105SPT N60Relative densityDr (%)100806040200Depth (ft)9590858075706560555045403530252015105Relative densityCalculation parametersRelative desnisty constant, CDr: 350.0Permeability: Based on SBTnSPT N60: Based on Ic and qtYoung’s modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Phi: Based on Kulhawy & Mayne (1990)User defined estimation dataFriction angle (degrees)60555045403530Depth (ft)9590858075706560555045403530252015105Friction angleCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM14Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 100.07 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-02Location:Constrained ModulusM(CPT) (tsf)2,0000Depth (ft)1009590858075706560555045403530252015105Constrained ModulusShear strengthSu (tsf)43210Depth (ft)7570656055504540353025201510Su peakSu remoldedShear strengthShear modulusGo (tsf)2,0000Depth (ft)1009590858075706560555045403530252015105Shear modulusUndrained strength ratioSu/',v21.510.50Depth (ft)7570656055504540353025201510Undrained strength ratioOCROCR1086420Depth (ft)7570656055504540353025201510OCRCalculation parametersUndrained shear strength cone factor for clays, Nkt: AutoOCR factor for clays, Nkt: 0.33Go: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Constrained modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic and Qtn (Robertson, 2009)User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM15Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 100.07 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-02Location:Shear Wave velocityVs (ft/s)1,0005000Depth (ft)1009590858075706560555045403530252015105Shear Wave velocityIn-situ stress ratioKo210Depth (ft)7570656055504540353025201510In-situ stress ratioState parameter0-0.2-0.4Depth (ft)9590858075706560555045403530252015105State parameterSoil sensitivityS43210Depth (ft)7570656055504540353025201510Soil sensitivityEffective friction anglePeak (degrees)20100Depth (ft)1009590858075706560555045403530252015105Effective friction angleCalculation parametersSoil Sensitivity factor, NS: 7.00User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:50 AM16Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office Development Hart Crowser, Inc http://www.hartcrowser.com Total depth: 100.07 ftRenton CPT: HCCPT-02 Location: CPTU Borehole Depth (ft)(t50)0.50 t50 (s) t50 (years)G/Su ch (ft2/s) ch (ft2/year) Tabular results Dissipation Tests Results Dissipation tests consists of stopping the piezocone penetration and observing porepressures (u) with elapsed time (t). The data are automatic recorded by the field computer and should take place until a minimum of 50% dissipation. The porepressures are plotted as a function of square root of (t). The graphical technique suggested by Robertson and Campanella (1989), yields a value for t50, which corresponds to the time for 50% consolidation. The value of the coefficient of consolidation in the radial or horizontal direction ch was then calculated by Houlsby and Teh's (1988) theory using the following equation: 50 5.0 r 2 h t IrTc×× = where: T: time factor given by Houlsby and Teh's (1988) theory corresponding to the porepressure position r: piezocone radius Ir: stiffness index, equal to shear modulus G divided by the undrained strength of clay (Su). t50: time corresponding to 50% consolidation Dissipation tests Permeability estimates based on dissipation test The dissipation of pore pressures during a CPTu dissipation test is controlled by the coefficient of consolidation in the horizontal direction (ch) which is influenced by a combination of the soil permeability (kh) and compressibility (M), as defined by the following: /Mckwhh×= where: M is the 1-D constrained modulus and w is the unit weight of water, in compatible units. M (tsf) kh (ft/s) HCCPT-02 36.09 0.0 0 0.00E+000 100.00 0.00E+000 0 593.97 -1.00E+004 HCCPT-02 45.77 0.0 0 0.00E+000 100.00 0.00E+000 0 1131.84 -1.00E+004 17 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-02 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-02 Depth: 36.09 (ft) t^0.50 (s^0.50) 131211109876543210Porepressure u2 (psi)13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-02 Depth: 36.09 (ft) u0 = 13.59 (psi) Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 806040200Depth (ft)100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 18 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-02 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-02 Depth: 45.77 (ft) t^0.50 (s^0.50) 9876543210Porepressure u2 (psi)18 17.5 17 16.5 16 15.5 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-02 Depth: 45.77 (ft) u0 = 18.18 (psi) Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 806040200Depth (ft)100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 19 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 94.00 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-03Location:Cone resistance qtTip resistance (tsf)400300200100Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Cone resistance qtPore pressure uPressure (psi)100806040200Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Pore pressure uDiss.Diss.Friction ratioRf (%)1086420Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Friction ratioSBT IndexIc SBT4321Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105SBT IndexSoil Behaviour TypeSBT (Robertson, 2010)181614121086420Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Soil Behaviour TypeSilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandClay & silty claySand & silty sandSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty clayClayClayClay & silty clayClay & silty clayClay & silty claySilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty claySand & silty sandSandSand & silty sandSandSandSandSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandSBT legend1. Sensitive fine grained2. Organic material3. Clay to silty clay4. Clayey silt to silty clay5. Silty sand to sandy silt6. Clean sand to silty sand7. Gravely sand to sand8. Very stiff sand to clayey sand9. Very stiff fine grainedCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM20Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 94.00 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-03Location:PermeabilityKsbt (ft/s)-91x10 -61x10 -31x10 Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105PermeabilityYoung's modulusEs (tsf)2,0001,5001,0005000Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Young's modulusSPT N60N60 (blows/ft)50403020100Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105SPT N60Relative densityDr (%)100806040200Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Relative densityCalculation parametersRelative desnisty constant, CDr: 350.0Permeability: Based on SBTnSPT N60: Based on Ic and qtYoung’s modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Phi: Based on Kulhawy & Mayne (1990)User defined estimation dataFriction angle (degrees)60555045403530Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Friction angleCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM21Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 94.00 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-03Location:Constrained ModulusM(CPT) (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Constrained ModulusShear strengthSu (tsf)210Depth (ft)88868482807876747270686664626058565452504846444240383634323028Su peakSu remoldedShear strengthShear modulusGo (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Shear modulusUndrained strength ratioSu/',v21.510.50Depth (ft)88868482807876747270686664626058565452504846444240383634323028Undrained strength ratioOCROCR1086420Depth (ft)88868482807876747270686664626058565452504846444240383634323028OCRCalculation parametersUndrained shear strength cone factor for clays, Nkt: AutoOCR factor for clays, Nkt: 0.33Go: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Constrained modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic and Qtn (Robertson, 2009)User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM22Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 94.00 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-03Location:Shear Wave velocityVs (ft/s)1,0005000Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Shear Wave velocityIn-situ stress ratioKo10.50Depth (ft)88868482807876747270686664626058565452504846444240383634323028In-situ stress ratioState parameter0-0.1-0.2-0.3Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105State parameterSoil sensitivityS6543210Depth (ft)88868482807876747270686664626058565452504846444240383634323028Soil sensitivityEffective friction anglePeak (degrees)3020100Depth (ft)90858075706560555045403530252015105Effective friction angleCalculation parametersSoil Sensitivity factor, NS: 7.00User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM23Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office Development Hart Crowser, Inc http://www.hartcrowser.com Total depth: 94.00 ftRenton CPT: HCCPT-03 Location: CPTU Borehole Depth (ft)(t50)0.50 t50 (s) t50 (years)G/Su ch (ft2/s) ch (ft2/year) Tabular results Dissipation Tests Results Dissipation tests consists of stopping the piezocone penetration and observing porepressures (u) with elapsed time (t). The data are automatic recorded by the field computer and should take place until a minimum of 50% dissipation. The porepressures are plotted as a function of square root of (t). The graphical technique suggested by Robertson and Campanella (1989), yields a value for t50, which corresponds to the time for 50% consolidation. The value of the coefficient of consolidation in the radial or horizontal direction ch was then calculated by Houlsby and Teh's (1988) theory using the following equation: 50 5.0 r 2 h t IrTc×× = where: T: time factor given by Houlsby and Teh's (1988) theory corresponding to the porepressure position r: piezocone radius Ir: stiffness index, equal to shear modulus G divided by the undrained strength of clay (Su). t50: time corresponding to 50% consolidation Dissipation tests Permeability estimates based on dissipation test The dissipation of pore pressures during a CPTu dissipation test is controlled by the coefficient of consolidation in the horizontal direction (ch) which is influenced by a combination of the soil permeability (kh) and compressibility (M), as defined by the following: /Mckwhh×= where: M is the 1-D constrained modulus and w is the unit weight of water, in compatible units. M (tsf) kh (ft/s) HCCPT-03 20.01 0.0 0 0.00E+000 100.00 0.00E+000 0 485.20 -1.00E+004 HCCPT-03 32.81 468.1 219156 6.95E-003 176.46 4.97E-009 0 86.19 1.80E-012 24 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-03 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-03 Depth: 20.01 (ft) t^0.50 (s^0.50) 14131211109876543210Porepressure u2 (psi)7.28 7.27 7.26 7.25 7.24 7.23 7.22 7.21 7.2 7.19 7.18 7.17 7.16 7.15 7.14 7.13 7.12 7.11 7.1 7.09 7.08 7.07 7.06 7.05 7.04 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-03 Depth: 20.01 (ft) u0 = 7.29 (psi) Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 100500Depth (ft)90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 25 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-03 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-03 Depth: 32.81 (ft) time (s) 1 10 100 1,000Porepressure u2 (psi)70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 468.141 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-03 Depth: 32.81 (ft) u0 = 13.44 (psi) u initial dissipation assumed initial pore pressure, ui Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 100500Depth (ft)90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 26 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 89.73 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-04Location:Cone resistance qtTip resistance (tsf)600400200Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Cone resistance qtPore pressure uPressure (psi)50403020100Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Pore pressure uFriction ratioRf (%)1086420Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Friction ratioSBT IndexIc SBT4321Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105SBT IndexSoil Behaviour TypeSBT (Robertson, 2010)181614121086420Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Soil Behaviour TypeSand & silty sandClay & silty clayClayClay & silty claySilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClaySilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandSandSand & silty sandSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClaySilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltClaySand & silty sandSand & silty sandClaySilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty clayClay & silty clayClay & silty clayClay & silty clayClayClay & silty clayClaySilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltClayClay & silty clayClaySandSBT legend1. Sensitive fine grained2. Organic material3. Clay to silty clay4. Clayey silt to silty clay5. Silty sand to sandy silt6. Clean sand to silty sand7. Gravely sand to sand8. Very stiff sand to clayey sand9. Very stiff fine grainedCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:52 AM33Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 89.73 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-04Location:PermeabilityKsbt (ft/s)-91x10 -61x10 -31x10 Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105PermeabilityYoung's modulusEs (tsf)1,0005000Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Young's modulusSPT N60N60 (blows/ft)50403020100Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105SPT N60Relative densityDr (%)100806040200Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Relative densityCalculation parametersRelative desnisty constant, CDr: 350.0Permeability: Based on SBTnSPT N60: Based on Ic and qtYoung’s modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Phi: Based on Kulhawy & Mayne (1990)User defined estimation dataFriction angle (degrees)60555045403530Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Friction angleCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:52 AM34Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 89.73 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-04Location:Constrained ModulusM(CPT) (tsf)1,5001,0005000Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Constrained ModulusShear strengthSu (tsf)543210Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Su peakSu remoldedShear strengthShear modulusGo (tsf)1,5001,0005000Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Shear modulusUndrained strength ratioSu/',v21.510.50Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Undrained strength ratioOCROCR1086420Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105OCRCalculation parametersUndrained shear strength cone factor for clays, Nkt: 14OCR factor for clays, Nkt: 0.33Go: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Constrained modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic and Qtn (Robertson, 2009)User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:53 AM35Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 89.73 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-04Location:Shear Wave velocityVs (ft/s)5000Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Shear Wave velocityIn-situ stress ratioKo210Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105In-situ stress ratioState parameter0-0.1-0.2-0.3-0.4Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105State parameterSoil sensitivityS3210Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Soil sensitivityEffective friction anglePeak (degrees)20151050Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Effective friction angleCalculation parametersSoil Sensitivity factor, NS: 7.00User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:53 AM36Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 87.60 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-05Location:Cone resistance qtTip resistance (tsf)600400200Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Cone resistance qtPore pressure uPressure (psi)3020100Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Pore pressure uFriction ratioRf (%)1086420Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Friction ratioSBT IndexIc SBT4321Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105SBT IndexSoil Behaviour TypeSBT (Robertson, 2010)181614121086420Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Soil Behaviour TypeSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltClayClaySand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty claySilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClayClayClayClay & silty clayClaySilty sand & sandy siltSandSand & silty sandSandSand & silty sandSandSilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandSandSand & silty sandSandSand & silty sandSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClaySilty sand & sandy siltClaySandSand & silty sandSandSandSBT legend1. Sensitive fine grained2. Organic material3. Clay to silty clay4. Clayey silt to silty clay5. Silty sand to sandy silt6. Clean sand to silty sand7. Gravely sand to sand8. Very stiff sand to clayey sand9. Very stiff fine grainedCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:53 AM37Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 87.60 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-05Location:PermeabilityKsbt (ft/s)-91x10 -61x10 -31x10 Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105PermeabilityYoung's modulusEs (tsf)1,5001,0005000Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Young's modulusSPT N60N60 (blows/ft)50403020100Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105SPT N60Relative densityDr (%)100806040200Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Relative densityCalculation parametersRelative desnisty constant, CDr: 350.0Permeability: Based on SBTnSPT N60: Based on Ic and qtYoung’s modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Phi: Based on Kulhawy & Mayne (1990)User defined estimation dataFriction angle (degrees)60555045403530Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Friction angleCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:53 AM38Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 87.60 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-05Location:Constrained ModulusM(CPT) (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Constrained ModulusShear strengthSu (tsf)543210Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Su peakSu remoldedShear strengthShear modulusGo (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Shear modulusUndrained strength ratioSu/',v21.510.50Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Undrained strength ratioOCROCR1086420Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105OCRCalculation parametersUndrained shear strength cone factor for clays, Nkt: 14OCR factor for clays, Nkt: 0.33Go: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Constrained modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic and Qtn (Robertson, 2009)User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:53 AM39Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 87.60 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-05Location:Shear Wave velocityVs (ft/s)1,0005000Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Shear Wave velocityIn-situ stress ratioKo210Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105In-situ stress ratioState parameter0-0.1-0.2-0.3Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105State parameterSoil sensitivityS210Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Soil sensitivityEffective friction anglePeak (degrees)2520151050Depth (ft)858075706560555045403530252015105Effective friction angleCalculation parametersSoil Sensitivity factor, NS: 7.00User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:53 AM40Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 77.43 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-06Location:Cone resistance qtTip resistance (tsf)400200Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Cone resistance qtPore pressure uPressure (psi)706050403020100Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Pore pressure uDiss.Friction ratioRf (%)1086420Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Friction ratioSBT IndexIc SBT4321Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105SBT IndexSoil Behaviour TypeSBT (Robertson, 2010)181614121086420Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Soil Behaviour TypeSilty sand & sandy siltClayClaySilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty claySilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty claySand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltClayClay & silty claySilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandClay & silty claySand & silty sandSandSilty sand & sandy siltSandSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSand & silty sandSand & silty sandSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltSilty sand & sandy siltClay & silty claySand & silty sandSandSBT legend1. Sensitive fine grained2. Organic material3. Clay to silty clay4. Clayey silt to silty clay5. Silty sand to sandy silt6. Clean sand to silty sand7. Gravely sand to sand8. Very stiff sand to clayey sand9. Very stiff fine grainedCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:51 AM27Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 77.43 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-06Location:PermeabilityKsbt (ft/s)-91x10 -61x10 -31x10 Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105PermeabilityYoung's modulusEs (tsf)1,5001,0005000Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Young's modulusSPT N60N60 (blows/ft)50403020100Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105SPT N60Relative densityDr (%)100806040200Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Relative densityCalculation parametersRelative desnisty constant, CDr: 350.0Permeability: Based on SBTnSPT N60: Based on Ic and qtYoung’s modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Phi: Based on Kulhawy & Mayne (1990)User defined estimation dataFriction angle (degrees)60555045403530Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Friction angleCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:52 AM28Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 77.43 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-06Location:Constrained ModulusM(CPT) (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Constrained ModulusShear strengthSu (tsf)3210Depth (ft)7270686664626058565452504846444240383634Su peakSu remoldedShear strengthShear modulusGo (tsf)2,0001,0000Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Shear modulusUndrained strength ratioSu/',v21.510.50Depth (ft)7270686664626058565452504846444240383634Undrained strength ratioOCROCR1086420Depth (ft)7270686664626058565452504846444240383634OCRCalculation parametersUndrained shear strength cone factor for clays, Nkt: AutoOCR factor for clays, Nkt: 0.33Go: Based on variable alpha using Ic (Robertson, 2009)Constrained modulus: Based on variable alpha using Ic and Qtn (Robertson, 2009)User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:52 AM29Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office DevelopmentHart Crowser, Inchttp://www.hartcrowser.comTotal depth: 77.43 ftRentonCPT: HCCPT-06Location:Shear Wave velocityVs (ft/s)1,0005000Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Shear Wave velocityIn-situ stress ratioKo10.50Depth (ft)7270686664626058565452504846444240383634In-situ stress ratioState parameter0-0.1-0.2Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105State parameterSoil sensitivityS43210Depth (ft)7270686664626058565452504846444240383634Soil sensitivityEffective friction anglePeak (degrees)302520151050Depth (ft)75706560555045403530252015105Effective friction angleCalculation parametersSoil Sensitivity factor, NS: 7.00User defined estimation dataCPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:52 AM30Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt Project: Southport Office Development Hart Crowser, Inc http://www.hartcrowser.com Total depth: 77.43 ftRenton CPT: HCCPT-06 Location: CPTU Borehole Depth (ft)(t50)0.50 t50 (s) t50 (years)G/Su ch (ft2/s) ch (ft2/year) Tabular results Dissipation Tests Results Dissipation tests consists of stopping the piezocone penetration and observing porepressures (u) with elapsed time (t). The data are automatic recorded by the field computer and should take place until a minimum of 50% dissipation. The porepressures are plotted as a function of square root of (t). The graphical technique suggested by Robertson and Campanella (1989), yields a value for t50, which corresponds to the time for 50% consolidation. The value of the coefficient of consolidation in the radial or horizontal direction ch was then calculated by Houlsby and Teh's (1988) theory using the following equation: 50 5.0 r 2 h t IrTc×× = where: T: time factor given by Houlsby and Teh's (1988) theory corresponding to the porepressure position r: piezocone radius Ir: stiffness index, equal to shear modulus G divided by the undrained strength of clay (Su). t50: time corresponding to 50% consolidation Dissipation tests Permeability estimates based on dissipation test The dissipation of pore pressures during a CPTu dissipation test is controlled by the coefficient of consolidation in the horizontal direction (ch) which is influenced by a combination of the soil permeability (kh) and compressibility (M), as defined by the following: /Mckwhh×= where: M is the 1-D constrained modulus and w is the unit weight of water, in compatible units. M (tsf) kh (ft/s) HCCPT-06 21.98 0.0 0 0.00E+000 100.00 0.00E+000 0 439.59 -1.00E+004 31 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:52 AM This software is licensed to: Hart Crowser CPT name: HCCPT-06 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-06 Depth: 21.98 (ft) t^0.50 (s^0.50) 9876543210Porepressure u2 (psi)7.7 7.65 7.6 7.55 7.5 7.45 7.4 7.35 7.3 7.25 7.2 7.15 Piezocone Dissipation Test: HCCPT-06 Depth: 21.98 (ft) u0 = 7.27 (psi) Pore pressure Legend u2 penetration Initial dissipation End of dissipation (extrapolated) Initial estimated at t=0 Pressure (psi) 806040200Depth (ft)75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Pore pressure 32 Project file: L:\Notebooks\1901404_Southport Office Development Design\Field Data\Exploration Logs\CPT Analysis File.cpt CPeT-IT v. - CPTU data presentation & interpretation software - Report created on: 4/30/2015, 11:58:52 AM APPENDIX B Historical Hart Crowser Explorations and Laboratory Testing 19014-04 May 1, 2015 APPENDIX C Historical Explorations by Others 19014-04 May 1, 2015 APPENDIX C HISTORICAL EXPLORATIONS BY OTHERS In addition to the explorations and laboratory test results presented in Appendices A and B, previous soil explorations and laboratory tests by Hart Crowser and others were used to gain an understanding of the subsurface conditions at the site. The locations of the explorations by others included in this appendix are shown on Figure 2. These logs and laboratory tests are presented for reference only and Hart Crowser is not responsible for their accuracy or completeness. 19014-04 May 1, 2015 ATTACHMENT 1 Cone Penetration Test Results 19014-04 May 1, 2015 Hart Crowser Operator: Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 10:57:10 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 Maximum Depth = 4.76 feet Depth Increment = 0.164 feet InSitu Engineering *Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 Tip Resistance Qc TSF 3000 0 1 2 3 4 5 Depth (ft) Pore Pressure Pw PSI 120-20 Friction Ratio Fs/Qc (%) 120 Soil Behavior Type* Zone: UBC-1983 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) 120 SPT N* 60% Hammer 900 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01.txt[4/30/2015 3:58:44 PM] Data File:HCCPT-01 4/2/2015 10:57:10 AM Operator:Brown Location:Southport Office Development Cone ID:DDG1238 Job Number:1901404 Customer: Units: Depth Qc Fs Pw Fs/Qc Soil Behavior Type SPT N* (ft) TSF TSF PSI (%) Zone UBC-1983 60% Hammer 0.16 32.55 2.0303 -0.243 6.238 3 clay 31 0.33 158.81 0.2957 -0.318 0.186 8 sand to silty sand 23 0.49 249.94 1.5666 -0.243 0.627 9 sand 41 0.66 274.91 2.2128 -0.727 0.805 9 sand 52 0.82 341.89 3.4680 -1.619 1.014 9 sand 66 0.98 422.71 5.3446 1.044 1.264 9 sand 71 1.15 430.79 8.7014 -0.577 2.020 9 sand 77 1.31 537.27 8.1559 -1.691 1.518 9 sand 89 1.48 325.26 4.0165 2.345 1.235 9 sand 95 1.64 482.74 10.1046 0.133 2.093 9 sand 101 1.80 718.83 8.4158 1.083 1.171 9 sand 104 1.97 565.96 9.1049 0.848 1.609 9 sand 106 2.13 616.35 4.9687 1.028 0.806 9 sand 113 2.30 545.14 7.3520 -1.757 1.349 9 sand 116 2.46 612.53 4.8740 -2.790 0.796 10 gravelly sand to sand 93 2.62 601.21 4.3640 -5.009 0.726 10 gravelly sand to sand 93 2.79 568.12 4.1590 -0.450 0.732 10 gravelly sand to sand 80 2.95 572.76 0.2829 -3.660 0.049 10 gravelly sand to sand 68 3.12 567.91 -0.1093 -3.149 -0.019 10 gravelly sand to sand 54 3.28 38.99 -0.1071 -1.917 -0.275 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 3.44 4.99 -0.1068 -3.149 -2.139 0 <out of range> 0 3.64 4.99 -0.1155 -3.147 -2.314 0 <out of range> 0 3.77 4.98 -0.1019 -3.141 -2.047 0 <out of range> 0 3.94 4.98 -0.1060 -3.130 -2.127 0 <out of range> 0 4.10 4.86 -0.1052 -2.252 -2.166 0 <out of range> 0 4.27 4.93 -0.1059 -2.232 -2.149 0 <out of range> 0 4.43 4.61 -0.1017 -2.077 -2.209 0 <out of range> 0 4.59 4.57 -0.1041 -2.072 -2.278 0 <out of range> 0 4.76 4.55 -32768 -2.077 -32768 0 <out of range> 0 Hart Crowser Operator: Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 Maximum Depth = 83.83 feet Depth Increment = 0.164 feet InSitu Engineering 6inch Predrilling*Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 Tip Resistance Qc TSF 3000 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Depth (ft) Pore Pressure Pw PSI 120-20 Friction Ratio Fs/Qc (%) 120 Soil Behavior Type* Zone: UBC-1983 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) 120 SPT N* 60% Hammer 900 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] Data File:HCCPT-01A 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Operator:Brown Location:Southport Office Development Cone ID:DDG1238 Job Number:1901404 Customer: Units: Depth Qc Fs Pw Fs/Qc Soil Behavior Type SPT N* (ft) TSF TSF PSI (%) Zone UBC-1983 60% Hammer 0.20 1.94 0.0036 -0.022 0.183 1 sensitive fine grained 1 0.36 1.93 0.0202 -0.022 1.043 1 sensitive fine grained 1 0.49 2.68 0.0232 -0.017 0.866 3 clay 5 0.66 4.86 0.2473 0.008 5.085 4 silty clay to clay 4 0.82 8.84 0.1941 -0.061 2.196 5 clayey silt to silty clay 4 0.98 13.36 0.3000 -0.138 2.245 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 1.15 11.72 0.0699 0.119 0.596 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 1.31 14.93 0.1349 -0.017 0.904 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 1.48 18.60 0.1851 0.235 0.995 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 1.64 27.57 1.0413 0.497 3.777 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 1.80 33.61 0.8785 0.793 2.614 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 1.97 24.55 0.8836 -0.340 3.599 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 2.13 26.50 0.2661 0.227 1.004 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 2.30 30.17 0.2369 -0.384 0.785 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 2.46 17.33 0.1155 0.243 0.666 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 2.62 16.64 0.4818 0.169 2.895 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 2.79 26.50 0.4489 -0.014 1.694 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 2.95 56.17 0.6564 0.229 1.169 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 3.12 54.03 0.9720 0.265 1.799 7 silty sand to sandy silt 21 3.28 64.11 1.1629 0.301 1.814 7 silty sand to sandy silt 25 3.44 130.15 1.7591 -0.052 1.352 8 sand to silty sand 21 3.61 103.59 0.8482 -0.718 0.819 8 sand to silty sand 23 3.77 111.00 1.0366 0.633 0.934 8 sand to silty sand 24 3.94 100.07 0.9819 0.077 0.981 8 sand to silty sand 25 4.10 108.74 1.1841 -0.774 1.089 8 sand to silty sand 24 4.27 85.83 1.2001 -0.193 1.398 8 sand to silty sand 24 4.43 90.97 1.0151 -0.196 1.116 8 sand to silty sand 24 4.59 108.89 0.8409 0.135 0.772 8 sand to silty sand 25 4.76 93.88 2.0514 0.290 2.185 8 sand to silty sand 25 4.92 127.93 2.6440 -0.555 2.067 8 sand to silty sand 25 5.09 129.07 2.1957 -0.588 1.701 8 sand to silty sand 23 5.25 101.35 1.0804 0.533 1.066 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 5.41 70.19 0.6839 0.119 0.974 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24 5.58 50.45 0.4683 -0.365 0.928 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 5.74 26.75 0.3578 0.036 1.338 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 5.91 24.21 0.2248 0.351 0.928 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 6.07 6.85 0.1875 0.381 2.738 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 6.23 6.17 0.0617 0.235 1.000 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 6.40 7.43 0.1770 0.050 2.381 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 6.56 6.56 0.3930 0.229 5.992 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 6.73 48.06 0.7502 0.238 1.561 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 6.89 89.33 0.4126 -0.210 0.462 7 silty sand to sandy silt 23 7.05 103.10 1.2483 -0.273 1.211 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29 7.22 122.92 2.4703 -0.619 2.010 7 silty sand to sandy silt 32 7.38 116.53 2.1837 -1.249 1.874 7 silty sand to sandy silt 33 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] 7.55 150.25 2.1829 -1.812 1.453 7 silty sand to sandy silt 31 7.71 82.09 1.8663 -0.475 2.274 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 7.87 54.14 0.8655 -0.823 1.599 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 8.04 43.16 0.2335 -0.832 0.541 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 8.20 24.24 0.3679 0.702 1.517 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 8.37 16.93 0.6332 -0.265 3.741 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 8.53 34.69 0.6428 -0.519 1.853 7 silty sand to sandy silt 20 8.69 106.32 0.8231 -1.135 0.774 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 8.86 111.90 1.4575 -0.235 1.302 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24 9.02 96.68 2.7941 -0.964 2.890 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 9.19 83.27 2.0124 -0.506 2.417 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28 9.35 75.19 1.4075 -0.182 1.872 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 32 9.51 90.45 1.2284 -1.729 1.358 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 32 9.68 43.98 2.6857 -1.765 6.107 5 clayey silt to silty clay 42 9.84 84.14 5.3042 -1.135 6.304 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 36 10.01 108.87 4.5263 0.298 4.157 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 34 10.17 121.45 5.5228 2.729 4.547 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 37 10.33 131.40 1.6340 0.657 1.244 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 44 10.50 43.71 1.6210 0.812 3.708 7 silty sand to sandy silt 39 10.66 140.18 0.8705 0.762 0.621 7 silty sand to sandy silt 40 10.83 174.43 2.1503 0.890 1.233 7 silty sand to sandy silt 38 10.99 134.08 4.5002 0.108 3.356 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 43 11.15 139.46 4.2637 3.741 3.057 7 silty sand to sandy silt 49 11.32 63.04 3.1286 1.757 4.963 7 silty sand to sandy silt 48 11.48 96.85 7.4042 0.666 7.645 7 silty sand to sandy silt 47 11.68 315.74 2.6179 0.025 0.829 7 silty sand to sandy silt 48 11.81 123.52 4.9383 2.379 3.998 7 silty sand to sandy silt 47 11.98 157.18 2.2676 0.356 1.443 7 silty sand to sandy silt 48 12.14 162.38 2.3821 1.489 1.467 7 silty sand to sandy silt 49 12.30 107.02 5.5044 0.995 5.143 7 silty sand to sandy silt 45 12.47 95.68 4.5658 -0.467 4.772 7 silty sand to sandy silt 42 12.63 118.27 2.6807 0.439 2.267 7 silty sand to sandy silt 38 12.80 229.21 1.8118 0.956 0.790 7 silty sand to sandy silt 34 12.96 43.72 1.2614 1.489 2.885 7 silty sand to sandy silt 33 13.12 72.53 0.9943 1.213 1.371 8 sand to silty sand 24 13.29 87.48 0.5851 0.094 0.669 8 sand to silty sand 23 13.45 83.51 1.2165 0.583 1.457 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 13.62 75.30 1.0537 1.146 1.399 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 13.78 67.68 1.1210 0.356 1.656 7 silty sand to sandy silt 20 13.94 62.26 0.9358 1.196 1.503 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 14.11 39.22 0.7499 2.279 1.912 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 14.27 32.17 0.4805 1.809 1.494 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 15 14.44 32.91 0.5716 0.213 1.737 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 13 14.60 30.42 0.4282 0.566 1.408 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 14.76 17.47 0.4742 1.856 2.714 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 14.93 14.32 0.5210 2.113 3.639 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 15.09 8.77 0.4861 2.365 5.541 4 silty clay to clay 8 15.26 5.93 0.4145 7.804 6.993 3 clay 9 15.42 5.33 0.3726 10.490 6.988 3 clay 7 15.58 5.15 0.3505 8.799 6.802 3 clay 5 15.75 4.64 0.3271 8.791 7.042 3 clay 4 15.91 4.22 0.2753 9.056 6.529 3 clay 4 16.08 4.00 0.2489 9.594 6.217 3 clay 4 16.24 2.67 0.2230 3.567 8.365 2 organic material 3 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] 16.40 2.43 0.2201 6.564 9.051 2 organic material 3 16.57 2.66 0.2128 7.987 8.014 2 organic material 3 16.73 3.01 0.1970 7.434 6.535 2 organic material 3 16.90 3.22 0.1892 6.489 5.873 2 organic material 3 17.06 2.81 0.1849 7.094 6.582 2 organic material 3 17.22 2.75 0.1941 8.326 7.069 2 organic material 3 17.39 2.87 0.1841 8.633 6.406 2 organic material 3 17.55 2.71 0.1838 8.354 6.792 2 organic material 3 17.72 2.48 0.1867 9.152 7.540 2 organic material 3 17.88 2.39 0.1873 9.053 7.831 2 organic material 3 18.04 2.42 0.1658 8.931 6.861 2 organic material 2 18.21 2.31 0.1714 8.832 7.427 2 organic material 2 18.37 2.52 0.1887 9.166 7.500 2 organic material 2 18.54 2.47 0.2081 10.448 8.436 2 organic material 2 18.70 2.32 0.2194 11.711 9.468 2 organic material 2 18.86 2.27 0.2247 12.854 9.908 2 organic material 2 19.03 2.16 0.2103 13.390 9.744 2 organic material 2 19.19 1.95 0.2089 14.852 10.688 2 organic material 2 19.36 2.00 0.2145 15.017 10.701 2 organic material 2 19.52 2.39 0.2091 13.929 8.760 2 organic material 2 19.69 2.71 0.2258 13.020 8.347 2 organic material 3 19.85 3.20 0.2167 8.978 6.766 2 organic material 3 20.05 2.55 0.1876 12.247 7.368 2 organic material 3 20.18 2.34 0.1703 15.929 7.284 2 organic material 3 20.34 2.54 0.1782 15.205 7.012 2 organic material 3 20.51 2.71 0.1894 14.595 7.001 2 organic material 3 20.67 2.66 0.1852 14.744 6.962 2 organic material 3 20.83 2.57 0.1942 14.283 7.568 2 organic material 3 21.00 2.76 0.1944 15.316 7.045 2 organic material 3 21.16 2.60 0.1997 13.205 7.693 2 organic material 3 21.33 2.72 0.1891 13.415 6.951 2 organic material 3 21.49 2.90 0.1748 12.954 6.029 2 organic material 3 21.65 2.86 0.1822 12.506 6.372 2 organic material 3 21.82 2.65 0.1839 13.691 6.951 2 organic material 3 21.98 2.57 0.1832 15.067 7.127 2 organic material 3 22.15 2.69 0.1938 14.868 7.216 2 organic material 3 22.31 2.90 0.2136 14.738 7.366 2 organic material 3 22.47 2.95 0.2279 12.724 7.727 2 organic material 3 22.64 2.75 0.1950 13.620 7.089 2 organic material 3 22.80 2.72 0.2602 14.918 9.583 2 organic material 3 22.97 2.80 0.2434 15.371 8.693 3 clay 3 23.13 4.05 0.2119 6.285 5.227 3 clay 4 23.29 3.87 0.2001 9.296 5.164 3 clay 4 23.46 4.02 0.1976 11.990 4.918 3 clay 4 23.62 4.48 0.1948 11.164 4.348 3 clay 4 23.79 4.91 0.1821 11.155 3.705 3 clay 4 23.95 4.91 0.1869 9.608 3.807 3 clay 4 24.11 4.35 0.1835 10.122 4.221 3 clay 5 24.28 4.25 0.1859 11.495 4.377 3 clay 5 24.44 4.54 0.1970 11.995 4.343 3 clay 5 24.61 4.91 0.1972 11.838 4.013 3 clay 5 24.77 5.15 0.2077 11.227 4.035 3 clay 5 24.93 6.88 0.2191 10.600 3.185 3 clay 5 25.10 6.28 0.2050 7.768 3.266 3 clay 6 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] 25.26 5.37 0.2115 8.575 3.938 3 clay 6 25.43 5.18 0.2087 10.876 4.028 3 clay 6 25.59 5.88 0.1821 11.672 3.096 3 clay 5 25.75 6.31 0.1754 10.550 2.779 3 clay 5 25.92 5.09 0.2248 11.448 4.418 3 clay 5 26.08 4.82 0.2443 12.680 5.065 3 clay 6 26.28 5.12 0.2268 12.305 4.429 3 clay 5 26.41 6.65 0.2100 9.238 3.156 3 clay 6 26.57 5.66 0.2501 10.470 4.418 3 clay 6 26.74 5.24 0.3117 13.064 5.952 3 clay 6 26.90 6.75 0.3613 14.238 5.350 3 clay 7 27.07 6.68 0.4331 13.338 6.484 3 clay 7 27.23 7.47 0.3669 17.164 4.909 3 clay 9 27.40 11.96 0.4165 5.431 3.482 4 silty clay to clay 7 27.56 9.43 0.3709 6.793 3.934 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 27.72 16.10 0.2844 4.445 1.767 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 27.89 21.10 0.2332 1.296 1.106 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 28.05 18.24 0.2538 4.312 1.391 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 28.22 13.18 0.2997 6.520 2.274 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 28.38 9.77 0.3218 7.586 3.293 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 28.54 7.56 0.2571 10.282 3.399 4 silty clay to clay 7 28.71 10.68 0.2481 8.943 2.324 4 silty clay to clay 6 28.87 7.58 0.3008 8.338 3.966 4 silty clay to clay 6 29.04 7.29 0.2531 10.945 3.472 4 silty clay to clay 6 29.20 13.40 0.2334 6.909 1.742 4 silty clay to clay 6 29.36 10.69 0.3435 7.103 3.214 4 silty clay to clay 6 29.53 8.68 0.3169 8.697 3.651 4 silty clay to clay 6 29.69 9.19 0.3363 4.105 3.659 4 silty clay to clay 7 29.86 8.57 0.3314 5.387 3.865 4 silty clay to clay 7 30.02 11.01 0.3171 4.859 2.880 4 silty clay to clay 6 30.18 11.80 0.3126 4.525 2.650 3 clay 9 30.35 10.85 0.3146 4.597 2.900 4 silty clay to clay 6 30.51 8.73 0.3635 5.625 4.163 4 silty clay to clay 7 30.68 6.96 0.3207 7.523 4.610 4 silty clay to clay 7 30.84 12.09 0.3035 8.042 2.511 4 silty clay to clay 7 31.00 12.06 0.2991 6.592 2.481 4 silty clay to clay 7 31.17 12.89 0.3415 7.465 2.649 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 31.33 11.23 0.3385 6.462 3.015 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 31.50 15.51 0.2826 6.045 1.823 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 31.66 16.88 0.3502 2.901 2.074 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 31.82 14.15 0.3524 4.125 2.490 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 31.99 17.96 0.2673 4.312 1.488 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 32.15 16.55 0.3781 1.707 2.285 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 32.32 12.22 0.3468 3.370 2.838 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 32.48 16.00 0.2943 3.257 1.840 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 32.64 16.82 0.2970 1.362 1.765 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 32.81 16.16 0.3725 8.915 2.305 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 32.97 12.08 0.4097 10.039 3.392 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 33.14 12.28 0.3247 10.429 2.645 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 33.30 13.37 0.3062 4.326 2.291 4 silty clay to clay 8 33.46 10.59 0.3325 5.782 3.141 4 silty clay to clay 7 33.63 8.66 0.3866 7.857 4.466 4 silty clay to clay 7 33.79 8.62 0.3483 10.338 4.041 4 silty clay to clay 7 33.96 13.63 0.3586 8.268 2.632 4 silty clay to clay 8 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] 34.12 12.03 0.4284 7.849 3.560 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 34.28 10.52 0.4564 9.310 4.339 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 34.45 21.07 0.3433 8.849 1.630 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 34.61 29.59 0.3118 2.094 1.053 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 34.78 30.82 0.3284 2.782 1.066 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 34.94 30.49 0.3439 3.749 1.128 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 35.10 30.23 0.3686 4.713 1.220 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 35.27 31.19 0.3672 5.649 1.178 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 35.43 32.41 0.3746 6.735 1.156 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 35.60 32.07 0.4958 7.713 1.546 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 35.76 28.35 0.4914 8.564 1.733 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 35.93 20.10 0.5009 11.205 2.492 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 36.09 19.87 0.5516 11.807 2.776 5 clayey silt to silty clay 11 36.25 17.63 0.5096 11.755 2.890 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 36.42 19.98 0.5564 5.155 2.784 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 36.58 17.58 0.5462 3.586 3.107 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 36.75 21.31 0.4773 3.514 2.240 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 36.91 22.60 0.4664 1.398 2.064 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 37.07 20.91 0.5912 2.434 2.827 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 37.24 18.25 0.6542 3.771 3.584 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 37.40 31.24 0.5251 5.359 1.681 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 37.57 33.88 0.4715 -0.638 1.392 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 37.73 32.60 0.4509 4.431 1.383 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 37.89 33.21 0.4928 7.302 1.484 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 38.06 27.45 0.5522 8.829 2.012 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 38.22 25.35 0.5335 9.937 2.104 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 38.39 27.44 0.4655 6.147 1.697 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 38.55 27.50 0.4526 4.953 1.646 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 38.71 26.72 0.5136 6.301 1.922 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 38.88 29.56 0.4849 7.340 1.641 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 39.04 29.28 0.4920 5.893 1.680 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 39.21 23.90 0.5200 11.545 2.176 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 39.37 21.93 0.5532 11.829 2.522 5 clayey silt to silty clay 11 39.53 20.03 0.5537 10.409 2.765 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 39.70 18.08 0.5583 8.898 3.088 5 clayey silt to silty clay 11 39.86 16.88 0.7528 8.766 4.460 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 40.03 19.15 0.7063 9.746 3.688 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 40.19 42.38 0.5528 4.986 1.304 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 13 40.35 48.63 0.5040 -1.014 1.036 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 14 40.52 43.05 0.5106 -0.370 1.186 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 40.68 40.39 0.5156 0.851 1.277 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 40.85 38.39 0.5501 2.216 1.433 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 41.01 33.87 0.5578 3.517 1.647 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 13 41.17 30.11 0.6348 4.975 2.108 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 41.34 25.48 0.6210 6.243 2.437 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 41.50 27.76 0.5476 6.981 1.973 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 41.67 28.72 0.5113 4.036 1.780 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 41.83 26.46 0.5312 5.064 2.007 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 41.99 24.54 0.6382 6.337 2.601 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 42.16 22.79 0.6297 7.302 2.763 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 42.32 27.22 0.5326 6.644 1.956 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 42.49 36.12 0.5496 2.992 1.522 5 clayey silt to silty clay 12 42.65 19.37 0.6116 13.393 3.158 5 clayey silt to silty clay 11 42.81 20.26 0.6864 14.393 3.389 5 clayey silt to silty clay 11 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] 42.98 17.97 0.6735 15.349 3.748 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 43.14 18.96 0.5418 12.774 2.858 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 43.31 22.83 0.6162 5.702 2.699 4 silty clay to clay 12 43.47 15.13 0.6581 7.061 4.349 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 43.64 13.37 0.6128 9.995 4.582 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 43.80 17.61 0.5617 10.133 3.189 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 43.96 22.24 0.6183 9.039 2.780 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 44.13 21.19 0.5901 9.503 2.785 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 44.29 24.57 0.6459 8.680 2.629 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 44.46 21.77 0.5904 8.155 2.712 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 44.62 20.43 0.6261 7.791 3.065 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 44.78 15.40 0.6284 9.031 4.080 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 44.95 16.54 0.5740 11.001 3.471 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 45.11 25.44 0.6313 9.647 2.482 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 45.28 24.11 0.6082 9.600 2.522 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 45.44 27.45 0.6260 8.686 2.280 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 45.60 19.05 0.6758 5.241 3.547 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 45.77 13.58 0.7198 7.194 5.300 5 clayey silt to silty clay 11 45.93 13.88 0.6371 15.504 4.589 5 clayey silt to silty clay 11 46.10 26.81 0.6443 12.142 2.403 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 46.26 28.80 0.5436 8.456 1.887 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 46.42 27.30 0.6090 2.807 2.230 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 46.59 16.63 0.6203 3.939 3.730 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 46.75 10.89 0.5860 5.788 5.383 4 silty clay to clay 10 46.92 7.78 0.5504 8.536 7.072 3 clay 12 47.08 8.80 0.4994 11.197 5.673 3 clay 9 47.24 7.74 0.5108 13.155 6.597 3 clay 8 47.41 7.66 0.5275 16.297 6.883 3 clay 8 47.57 8.71 0.5766 19.128 6.618 3 clay 8 47.74 8.33 0.6128 22.736 7.353 3 clay 8 47.90 7.88 0.6018 26.181 7.639 3 clay 8 48.06 8.04 0.5754 28.750 7.156 3 clay 8 48.23 8.05 0.5783 31.692 7.182 3 clay 8 48.39 7.97 0.5841 35.121 7.331 3 clay 8 48.56 8.00 0.5858 37.654 7.320 3 clay 8 48.72 7.82 0.7826 40.058 10.004 3 clay 8 48.88 7.94 0.7070 40.223 8.902 3 clay 8 49.05 7.26 0.6397 23.181 8.817 3 clay 8 49.21 7.63 0.6482 23.930 8.497 3 clay 8 49.38 8.38 0.5844 29.253 6.970 3 clay 8 49.54 8.32 0.5848 28.405 7.025 3 clay 8 49.70 7.74 0.6174 33.938 7.974 3 clay 9 49.87 7.78 0.6653 37.538 8.554 3 clay 9 50.03 11.21 0.6610 34.068 5.894 3 clay 9 50.20 11.63 0.6084 27.140 5.231 4 silty clay to clay 12 50.36 10.04 0.6787 26.079 6.763 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 15 50.52 8.78 1.0053 34.085 11.446 7 silty sand to sandy silt 20 50.69 66.15 0.9861 36.273 1.491 8 sand to silty sand 22 50.85 158.27 1.1554 14.694 0.730 8 sand to silty sand 28 51.02 178.22 1.0273 19.316 0.576 9 sand 28 51.18 193.40 0.9347 18.910 0.483 9 sand 33 51.35 198.08 1.0033 19.239 0.506 9 sand 37 51.51 201.01 0.8696 16.846 0.433 9 sand 38 51.67 203.64 1.0745 14.363 0.528 9 sand 39 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] 51.84 209.44 1.0361 14.180 0.495 9 sand 39 52.00 208.61 0.9749 13.517 0.467 9 sand 39 52.17 210.32 0.9235 13.777 0.439 9 sand 39 52.33 204.56 0.8634 15.584 0.422 9 sand 39 52.49 201.09 0.9410 12.468 0.468 9 sand 39 52.66 197.26 0.9616 13.984 0.487 9 sand 38 52.82 197.15 0.9608 9.219 0.487 9 sand 38 52.99 193.56 0.9373 10.351 0.484 9 sand 37 53.15 190.39 0.8430 12.481 0.443 9 sand 36 53.31 187.10 0.8446 13.357 0.451 9 sand 36 53.48 179.40 0.8215 14.167 0.458 9 sand 35 53.64 177.36 0.7839 14.191 0.442 9 sand 35 53.81 176.19 0.7495 15.006 0.425 9 sand 34 53.97 176.65 0.7804 14.109 0.442 9 sand 34 54.13 176.84 0.7361 13.318 0.416 9 sand 34 54.30 176.37 0.9407 12.404 0.533 9 sand 33 54.46 180.24 0.8668 13.039 0.481 9 sand 33 54.63 170.90 0.7766 9.724 0.454 9 sand 32 54.79 161.04 0.7266 11.368 0.451 9 sand 30 54.95 153.83 0.6750 12.832 0.439 9 sand 28 55.12 143.14 0.6567 14.189 0.459 9 sand 25 55.28 122.47 0.6407 15.048 0.523 9 sand 23 55.45 91.74 0.7019 16.321 0.765 8 sand to silty sand 26 55.61 81.62 0.7361 19.001 0.902 8 sand to silty sand 23 55.77 79.37 0.7053 17.612 0.889 8 sand to silty sand 21 55.94 75.19 0.8158 13.752 1.085 8 sand to silty sand 20 56.10 69.23 0.8907 16.142 1.287 8 sand to silty sand 21 56.27 87.60 0.8968 19.512 1.024 8 sand to silty sand 20 56.43 112.65 0.8719 13.791 0.774 8 sand to silty sand 20 56.59 96.31 0.8262 12.277 0.858 8 sand to silty sand 21 56.76 75.16 1.0135 14.501 1.348 8 sand to silty sand 22 56.92 76.06 1.0602 17.501 1.394 8 sand to silty sand 23 57.09 103.46 0.9207 18.440 0.890 8 sand to silty sand 21 57.25 104.69 0.7106 10.036 0.679 8 sand to silty sand 21 57.41 89.85 0.7778 13.321 0.866 8 sand to silty sand 22 57.58 78.95 0.9094 15.451 1.152 8 sand to silty sand 21 57.74 92.53 0.9017 19.139 0.974 8 sand to silty sand 19 57.91 82.13 0.8218 17.465 1.001 7 silty sand to sandy silt 23 58.07 59.10 1.0030 18.777 1.697 7 silty sand to sandy silt 20 58.23 51.58 1.0418 20.540 2.020 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 58.40 40.40 1.0641 20.153 2.634 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 58.56 40.41 1.0230 21.114 2.531 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 18 58.73 45.52 1.0762 20.501 2.364 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 17 58.89 48.49 1.0295 19.921 2.123 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 17 59.06 39.47 1.0472 20.294 2.653 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 19 59.22 44.90 1.0549 20.766 2.350 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 59.38 58.59 1.0189 21.482 1.739 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 59.55 69.20 1.0205 21.109 1.475 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 59.71 60.45 1.0650 20.742 1.762 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 59.88 48.49 1.1488 21.813 2.369 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 60.04 42.29 1.2334 21.728 2.916 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 60.20 37.60 1.3996 18.656 3.722 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 60.37 41.71 1.4466 18.302 3.468 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 60.53 66.16 1.3205 17.451 1.996 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 21 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] 60.70 75.65 1.2350 7.169 1.632 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 21 60.86 57.79 1.0581 12.410 1.831 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 22 61.02 56.06 1.0659 15.855 1.901 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 61.19 49.93 1.1849 17.979 2.373 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 61.35 49.28 1.0656 15.291 2.162 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 61.52 51.56 1.0630 4.348 2.062 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 61.68 48.08 1.0830 -0.133 2.252 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20 61.84 59.95 0.9938 0.097 1.658 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 22 62.01 49.84 1.1925 17.705 2.393 7 silty sand to sandy silt 21 62.17 57.59 1.6787 17.241 2.915 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24 62.34 78.45 1.2532 17.761 1.597 7 silty sand to sandy silt 26 62.50 108.70 1.0908 1.437 1.003 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28 62.66 113.01 1.0242 0.044 0.906 8 sand to silty sand 22 62.83 100.69 1.0608 1.403 1.054 8 sand to silty sand 24 62.99 94.39 1.1012 2.724 1.167 8 sand to silty sand 24 63.16 96.29 1.1530 4.011 1.197 8 sand to silty sand 23 63.32 96.04 1.1562 5.987 1.204 8 sand to silty sand 22 63.48 96.10 1.0543 7.186 1.097 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29 63.65 76.57 1.2480 19.112 1.630 8 sand to silty sand 23 63.81 72.06 1.6888 19.844 2.344 8 sand to silty sand 23 63.98 101.01 1.4305 17.888 1.416 8 sand to silty sand 24 64.14 125.99 1.0354 -1.351 0.822 8 sand to silty sand 25 64.30 116.05 1.2168 -3.238 1.048 8 sand to silty sand 26 64.47 108.76 1.4160 -2.986 1.302 8 sand to silty sand 28 64.63 121.12 1.0610 -2.564 0.876 8 sand to silty sand 28 64.80 126.12 0.9985 -4.589 0.792 8 sand to silty sand 26 64.96 113.49 1.0661 -4.953 0.939 8 sand to silty sand 25 65.12 94.10 1.1666 -4.439 1.240 8 sand to silty sand 25 65.29 77.57 1.5086 18.380 1.945 8 sand to silty sand 24 65.45 87.12 1.2492 8.191 1.434 8 sand to silty sand 22 65.62 97.73 1.0826 -2.398 1.108 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 65.78 98.16 0.9477 -3.727 0.965 7 silty sand to sandy silt 26 65.94 73.60 1.3325 -4.533 1.811 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 66.11 63.24 1.7231 -4.475 2.725 8 sand to silty sand 22 66.27 80.07 1.4580 -4.547 1.821 8 sand to silty sand 24 66.44 97.00 1.4855 -5.746 1.532 8 sand to silty sand 26 66.60 141.76 1.1990 -6.216 0.846 8 sand to silty sand 29 66.77 159.16 1.2966 -6.586 0.815 8 sand to silty sand 32 66.93 155.02 1.5878 -6.818 1.024 8 sand to silty sand 34 67.09 163.82 1.2838 -6.962 0.784 9 sand 28 67.26 149.58 1.0908 -7.000 0.729 8 sand to silty sand 33 67.42 130.69 1.1023 -7.249 0.843 8 sand to silty sand 30 67.59 110.39 1.1166 -7.337 1.011 8 sand to silty sand 27 67.75 92.98 1.2196 -7.285 1.312 8 sand to silty sand 23 67.91 82.98 1.3946 -7.028 1.681 8 sand to silty sand 21 68.08 49.93 1.1607 -6.901 2.324 7 silty sand to sandy silt 26 68.24 68.31 1.0022 1.812 1.467 7 silty sand to sandy silt 25 68.41 82.09 1.2231 1.290 1.490 7 silty sand to sandy silt 26 68.57 76.38 1.5363 1.309 2.011 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 68.73 105.51 1.2967 2.075 1.229 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28 68.90 114.20 1.1233 -2.155 0.984 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29 69.06 92.29 1.4027 -2.942 1.520 8 sand to silty sand 23 69.23 75.25 1.5663 -2.268 2.082 8 sand to silty sand 26 69.39 89.66 1.6671 -1.937 1.859 8 sand to silty sand 27 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] 69.55 121.03 1.1439 -4.000 0.945 8 sand to silty sand 26 69.72 151.54 1.3140 -5.285 0.867 8 sand to silty sand 27 69.88 134.49 1.2843 14.849 0.955 8 sand to silty sand 29 70.05 103.43 1.3944 16.948 1.348 8 sand to silty sand 30 70.21 115.11 1.4891 11.316 1.294 8 sand to silty sand 31 70.37 121.79 1.5332 1.757 1.259 8 sand to silty sand 30 70.54 136.60 1.3120 -2.232 0.960 8 sand to silty sand 29 70.70 134.20 1.0919 -4.705 0.814 8 sand to silty sand 28 70.87 119.88 1.1775 -5.790 0.982 8 sand to silty sand 27 71.03 102.96 1.1729 -5.840 1.139 8 sand to silty sand 25 71.19 85.81 1.4192 -5.564 1.654 8 sand to silty sand 24 71.36 75.09 1.7703 -5.166 2.357 8 sand to silty sand 24 71.52 89.85 1.6178 -4.920 1.800 8 sand to silty sand 25 71.69 106.68 1.4918 2.249 1.398 8 sand to silty sand 26 71.85 123.70 1.4704 -2.138 1.189 8 sand to silty sand 28 72.01 145.41 1.3152 -2.356 0.905 8 sand to silty sand 30 72.18 147.57 1.3281 -4.147 0.900 8 sand to silty sand 31 72.34 137.25 1.3653 -3.934 0.995 8 sand to silty sand 31 72.51 132.64 1.3493 -3.249 1.017 8 sand to silty sand 31 72.67 112.82 1.5206 -2.763 1.348 8 sand to silty sand 30 72.83 114.36 1.4903 -2.089 1.303 8 sand to silty sand 28 73.00 118.70 1.1987 -2.892 1.010 8 sand to silty sand 28 73.16 108.11 1.4311 -4.514 1.324 8 sand to silty sand 27 73.33 107.40 1.4916 -4.064 1.389 8 sand to silty sand 27 73.49 123.77 1.2577 -4.387 1.016 8 sand to silty sand 27 73.65 116.35 1.3464 -5.379 1.157 8 sand to silty sand 26 73.82 102.55 1.6422 -5.301 1.601 8 sand to silty sand 26 73.98 107.63 1.4747 -4.904 1.370 8 sand to silty sand 25 74.15 108.46 1.2835 -5.343 1.183 8 sand to silty sand 24 74.31 99.60 1.3051 -5.696 1.310 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29 74.48 84.87 1.3111 -5.492 1.545 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28 74.64 73.58 1.6186 -5.379 2.200 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28 74.80 60.75 1.8960 -5.299 3.121 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 74.97 89.91 1.3959 -1.185 1.553 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 75.13 97.58 1.5154 -4.276 1.553 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28 75.30 88.08 1.7800 -4.627 2.021 7 silty sand to sandy silt 31 75.46 92.38 1.9295 -4.846 2.089 8 sand to silty sand 25 75.62 112.12 1.6038 -5.685 1.430 7 silty sand to sandy silt 34 75.79 132.23 1.2646 -6.661 0.956 7 silty sand to sandy silt 35 75.95 117.69 1.6459 -7.337 1.398 8 sand to silty sand 28 76.12 105.15 2.0700 -7.476 1.969 8 sand to silty sand 29 76.28 123.33 1.9380 -7.420 1.571 8 sand to silty sand 28 76.44 136.56 1.2196 -7.752 0.893 8 sand to silty sand 26 76.61 115.02 1.3978 -8.122 1.215 7 silty sand to sandy silt 33 76.77 86.44 1.8001 -8.249 2.083 7 silty sand to sandy silt 30 76.94 82.28 1.5259 -8.235 1.855 7 silty sand to sandy silt 26 77.10 71.86 1.4411 -8.335 2.005 7 silty sand to sandy silt 21 77.26 49.72 1.2318 -8.500 2.477 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 19 77.43 31.83 0.9453 -8.459 2.970 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 16 77.59 20.45 0.8991 -8.263 4.397 5 clayey silt to silty clay 15 77.76 14.51 0.8779 -7.965 6.049 4 silty clay to clay 15 77.92 14.25 0.8479 -7.716 5.951 3 clay 17 78.08 13.51 0.8058 -7.492 5.966 3 clay 15 78.25 15.69 0.8076 -1.992 5.149 3 clay 15 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01a.txt[4/30/2015 3:59:28 PM] 78.41 15.77 0.8412 -1.362 5.334 3 clay 15 78.58 16.76 0.8902 -0.674 5.311 3 clay 16 78.74 17.46 0.9158 -0.028 5.245 3 clay 16 78.90 17.81 0.9263 0.699 5.200 3 clay 16 79.07 16.96 0.9010 1.332 5.311 3 clay 16 79.23 15.57 0.8623 2.011 5.540 3 clay 19 79.40 15.66 0.8717 2.624 5.568 4 silty clay to clay 16 79.56 15.85 1.0167 3.475 6.415 4 silty clay to clay 18 79.72 42.45 1.0374 4.464 2.444 5 clayey silt to silty clay 14 79.89 54.42 1.4511 2.682 2.666 5 clayey silt to silty clay 14 80.05 32.03 1.2828 3.160 4.005 5 clayey silt to silty clay 14 80.22 24.65 1.0187 3.978 4.132 5 clayey silt to silty clay 14 80.38 20.24 0.8879 5.127 4.388 4 silty clay to clay 16 80.54 18.80 0.8225 6.382 4.375 3 clay 19 80.71 15.72 0.7879 7.644 5.011 3 clay 16 80.87 12.85 0.7737 9.205 6.021 3 clay 15 81.04 12.57 0.7732 11.144 6.150 3 clay 14 81.20 13.31 0.8953 12.885 6.727 3 clay 15 81.36 13.73 0.8690 14.774 6.329 3 clay 20 81.53 15.47 1.0153 72.792 6.564 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 19 81.69 19.51 1.5480 93.213 7.933 7 silty sand to sandy silt 26 81.86 52.28 2.1125 116.264 4.041 8 sand to silty sand 26 82.02 213.92 1.9697 20.446 0.921 8 sand to silty sand 32 82.19 243.39 2.0500 18.211 0.842 8 sand to silty sand 37 82.35 209.03 2.2127 16.266 1.059 8 sand to silty sand 45 82.51 175.49 2.6789 19.269 1.527 9 sand 43 82.68 175.77 3.1113 20.576 1.770 9 sand 48 82.84 240.48 3.6907 18.714 1.535 9 sand 53 83.01 323.98 3.3798 3.160 1.043 9 sand 59 83.17 402.86 2.8969 -1.395 0.719 10 gravelly sand to sand 68 83.33 426.45 2.6400 -3.274 0.619 10 gravelly sand to sand 69 83.50 420.07 3.2388 -3.337 0.771 10 gravelly sand to sand 69 83.66 419.88 4.3458 -3.368 1.035 9 sand 83 83.83 451.58 -32768 -3.608 -32768 0 <out of range> 0 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 10000 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 16.076 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis16.076.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:18 PM] Data File: HCCPT-01 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 16.08 0 9.553 16.08 1 9.594 16.08 2 10.730 16.08 3 11.139 16.08 4 11.260 16.08 5 11.490 16.08 6 11.451 16.08 7 11.269 16.08 8 11.061 16.08 9 10.835 16.08 10 10.614 16.08 11 10.434 16.08 12 10.260 16.08 13 10.075 16.08 14 9.898 16.08 15 9.791 16.08 16 9.644 16.08 17 9.470 16.08 18 9.338 16.08 19 9.213 16.08 20 9.136 16.08 21 9.031 16.08 22 8.934 16.08 23 8.832 16.08 24 8.735 16.08 25 8.661 16.08 26 8.570 16.08 27 8.492 16.08 28 8.434 16.08 29 8.349 16.08 30 8.302 16.08 31 8.257 16.08 32 8.177 16.08 33 8.105 16.08 34 8.045 16.08 35 8.003 16.08 36 7.959 16.08 37 7.898 16.08 38 7.851 16.08 39 7.818 16.08 40 7.768 16.08 41 7.741 16.08 42 7.694 16.08 43 7.625 16.08 44 7.597 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis16.076.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:18 PM] 16.08 45 7.564 16.08 46 7.534 16.08 47 7.489 16.08 48 7.456 16.08 49 7.431 16.08 50 7.395 16.08 51 7.390 16.08 52 7.335 16.08 53 7.313 16.08 54 7.288 16.08 55 7.274 16.08 56 7.232 16.08 57 7.194 16.08 58 7.180 16.08 59 7.122 16.08 60 7.125 16.08 65 7.017 16.08 70 6.915 16.08 75 6.804 16.08 80 6.730 16.08 85 6.611 16.08 90 6.531 16.08 95 6.476 16.08 100 6.395 16.08 105 6.340 16.08 110 6.279 16.08 115 6.221 16.08 120 6.152 16.08 125 6.103 16.08 130 6.072 16.08 135 6.014 16.08 140 5.981 16.08 145 5.923 16.08 150 5.893 16.08 155 5.851 16.08 160 5.818 16.08 165 5.763 16.08 170 5.732 16.08 175 5.705 16.08 180 5.666 16.08 185 5.658 16.08 190 5.614 16.08 195 5.589 16.08 200 5.547 16.08 205 5.525 16.08 210 5.520 16.08 215 5.470 16.08 220 5.453 16.08 225 5.417 16.08 230 5.412 16.08 235 5.401 16.08 240 5.379 16.08 245 5.329 16.08 250 5.315 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis16.076.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:18 PM] 16.08 255 5.312 16.08 260 5.271 16.08 265 5.257 16.08 270 5.257 16.08 275 5.230 16.08 280 5.210 16.08 285 5.205 16.08 290 5.185 16.08 295 5.155 16.08 300 5.147 16.08 305 5.166 16.08 310 5.144 16.08 315 5.127 16.08 320 5.108 16.08 325 5.091 16.08 330 5.083 16.08 335 5.047 16.08 340 5.058 16.08 345 5.044 16.08 350 5.025 16.08 355 4.995 16.08 360 4.986 16.08 365 5.003 16.08 370 4.967 16.08 375 4.978 16.08 380 4.959 16.08 385 4.937 16.08 390 4.934 16.08 395 4.917 16.08 400 4.906 16.08 405 4.909 16.08 410 4.887 16.08 415 4.873 16.08 420 4.857 16.08 425 4.840 16.08 430 4.840 16.08 435 4.843 16.08 440 4.821 16.08 445 4.810 16.08 450 4.793 16.08 455 4.774 16.08 460 4.785 16.08 465 4.774 16.08 470 4.754 16.08 475 4.752 16.08 480 4.749 16.08 485 4.732 16.08 490 4.719 16.08 495 4.721 16.08 500 4.713 16.08 505 4.696 16.08 510 4.685 16.08 515 4.699 16.08 520 4.683 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis16.076.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:18 PM] 16.08 525 4.658 16.08 530 4.666 16.08 535 4.638 16.08 540 4.644 16.08 545 4.636 16.08 550 4.627 16.08 555 4.625 16.08 560 4.619 16.08 565 4.619 16.08 570 4.619 16.08 575 4.600 16.08 580 4.616 16.08 585 4.600 16.08 590 4.572 16.08 595 4.578 16.08 600 4.594 16.08 630 4.533 16.08 660 4.492 16.08 690 4.489 16.08 720 4.423 16.08 750 4.417 16.08 780 4.398 16.08 810 4.370 16.08 840 4.343 16.08 870 4.323 16.08 900 4.304 16.08 930 4.276 16.08 960 4.257 16.08 990 4.249 16.08 1020 4.218 16.08 1050 4.205 16.08 1080 4.194 16.08 1110 4.174 16.08 1140 4.160 16.08 1170 4.141 16.08 1200 4.133 16.08 1230 4.116 16.08 1260 4.105 16.08 1290 4.097 16.08 1320 4.080 16.08 1350 4.069 16.08 1380 4.058 16.08 1410 4.053 16.08 1440 4.039 16.08 1470 4.031 16.08 1500 4.022 16.08 1530 4.009 16.08 1560 4.000 16.08 1590 3.992 16.08 1620 3.981 16.08 1650 3.978 16.08 1680 3.964 16.08 1710 3.959 16.08 1740 3.962 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 10000 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 22.966 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis22.966.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:27 PM] Data File: HCCPT-01 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 22.97 0 15.327 22.97 1 15.319 22.97 2 17.114 22.97 3 17.614 22.97 4 17.714 22.97 5 17.341 22.97 6 16.960 22.97 7 16.548 22.97 8 16.208 22.97 9 15.946 22.97 10 15.683 22.97 11 15.379 22.97 12 15.153 22.97 13 14.954 22.97 14 14.769 22.97 15 14.556 22.97 16 14.404 22.97 17 14.236 22.97 18 14.098 22.97 19 13.957 22.97 20 13.838 22.97 21 13.722 22.97 22 13.600 22.97 23 13.492 22.97 24 13.390 22.97 25 13.283 22.97 26 13.189 22.97 27 13.108 22.97 28 13.048 22.97 29 12.968 22.97 30 12.885 22.97 31 12.785 22.97 32 12.719 22.97 33 12.644 22.97 34 12.589 22.97 35 12.509 22.97 36 12.440 22.97 37 12.376 22.97 38 12.324 22.97 39 12.252 22.97 40 12.202 22.97 41 12.139 22.97 42 12.081 22.97 43 12.037 22.97 44 11.976 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis22.966.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:27 PM] 22.97 45 11.929 22.97 46 11.879 22.97 47 11.832 22.97 48 11.791 22.97 49 11.741 22.97 50 11.697 22.97 51 11.658 22.97 52 11.611 22.97 53 11.581 22.97 54 11.537 22.97 55 11.498 22.97 56 11.459 22.97 57 11.434 22.97 58 11.396 22.97 59 11.360 22.97 60 11.321 22.97 65 11.164 22.97 70 11.006 22.97 75 10.874 22.97 80 10.722 22.97 85 10.628 22.97 90 10.517 22.97 95 10.418 22.97 100 10.324 22.97 105 10.238 22.97 110 10.150 22.97 115 10.078 22.97 120 9.990 22.97 125 9.923 22.97 130 9.873 22.97 135 9.799 22.97 140 9.744 22.97 145 9.661 22.97 150 9.611 22.97 155 9.564 22.97 160 9.506 22.97 165 9.456 22.97 170 9.407 22.97 175 9.365 22.97 180 9.321 22.97 185 9.274 22.97 190 9.246 22.97 195 9.202 22.97 200 9.161 22.97 205 9.128 22.97 210 9.089 22.97 215 9.050 22.97 220 9.025 22.97 225 8.992 22.97 230 8.956 22.97 235 8.923 22.97 240 8.887 22.97 245 8.860 22.97 250 8.832 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis22.966.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:27 PM] 22.97 255 8.807 22.97 260 8.782 22.97 265 8.749 22.97 270 8.721 22.97 275 8.699 22.97 280 8.675 22.97 285 8.652 22.97 290 8.630 22.97 295 8.603 22.97 300 8.578 22.97 305 8.556 22.97 310 8.528 22.97 315 8.509 22.97 320 8.495 22.97 325 8.462 22.97 330 8.448 22.97 335 8.434 22.97 340 8.409 22.97 345 8.387 22.97 350 8.376 22.97 355 8.351 22.97 360 8.335 22.97 365 8.321 22.97 370 8.302 22.97 375 8.288 22.97 380 8.257 22.97 385 8.252 22.97 390 8.233 22.97 395 8.213 22.97 400 8.210 22.97 405 8.186 22.97 410 8.169 22.97 415 8.152 22.97 420 8.136 22.97 425 8.122 22.97 430 8.116 22.97 435 8.097 22.97 440 8.078 22.97 445 8.070 22.97 450 8.056 22.97 455 8.045 22.97 460 8.025 22.97 465 8.020 22.97 470 8.006 22.97 475 7.992 22.97 480 7.976 22.97 485 7.967 22.97 490 7.951 22.97 495 7.940 22.97 500 7.934 22.97 505 7.915 22.97 510 7.904 22.97 515 7.895 22.97 520 7.887 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis22.966.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:27 PM] 22.97 525 7.873 22.97 530 7.860 22.97 535 7.849 22.97 540 7.837 22.97 545 7.826 22.97 550 7.815 22.97 555 7.804 22.97 560 7.791 22.97 565 7.788 22.97 570 7.779 22.97 575 7.774 22.97 580 7.755 22.97 585 7.755 22.97 590 7.744 22.97 595 7.732 22.97 600 7.724 22.97 630 7.666 22.97 660 7.639 22.97 690 7.575 22.97 720 7.542 22.97 750 7.489 22.97 780 7.451 22.97 810 7.415 22.97 840 7.382 22.97 870 7.348 22.97 900 7.321 22.97 930 7.290 22.97 960 7.255 22.97 990 7.232 22.97 1020 7.205 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 8 9 10 11 12 13 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 35.761 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis35.761.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:39 PM] Data File: HCCPT-01 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 35.76 0 8.512 35.76 1 8.793 35.76 2 9.233 35.76 3 9.597 35.76 4 9.932 35.76 5 10.340 35.76 6 10.586 35.76 7 10.769 35.76 8 10.926 35.76 9 11.059 35.76 10 11.177 35.76 11 11.307 35.76 12 11.396 35.76 13 11.490 35.76 14 11.548 35.76 15 11.631 35.76 16 11.677 35.76 17 11.727 35.76 18 11.769 35.76 19 11.805 35.76 20 11.827 35.76 21 11.849 35.76 22 11.863 35.76 23 11.876 35.76 24 11.896 35.76 25 11.934 35.76 26 11.932 35.76 27 11.954 35.76 28 11.951 35.76 29 11.979 35.76 30 11.954 35.76 31 11.965 35.76 32 11.990 35.76 33 11.990 35.76 34 11.970 35.76 35 11.981 35.76 36 11.987 35.76 37 11.987 35.76 38 11.992 35.76 39 11.995 35.76 40 11.990 35.76 41 11.990 35.76 42 11.990 35.76 43 11.990 35.76 44 11.981 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis35.761.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:39 PM] 35.76 45 11.990 35.76 46 11.965 35.76 47 11.990 35.76 48 11.979 35.76 49 11.968 35.76 50 11.979 35.76 51 11.979 35.76 52 11.976 35.76 53 11.987 35.76 54 11.981 35.76 55 11.970 35.76 56 11.979 35.76 57 11.968 35.76 58 11.970 35.76 59 11.973 35.76 60 11.959 35.76 65 11.970 35.76 70 11.984 35.76 75 11.968 35.76 80 11.965 35.76 85 11.973 35.76 90 11.984 35.76 95 11.970 35.76 100 11.973 35.76 105 11.970 35.76 110 11.976 35.76 115 11.976 35.76 120 11.970 35.76 125 11.995 35.76 130 11.987 35.76 135 11.998 35.76 140 11.981 35.76 145 11.990 35.76 150 11.992 35.76 155 11.992 35.76 160 12.006 35.76 165 12.006 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 42.487 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis42.487.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:52 PM] Data File: HCCPT-01 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 42.49 0 3.268 42.49 1 2.365 42.49 2 3.075 42.49 3 3.815 42.49 4 4.406 42.49 5 5.050 42.49 6 5.616 42.49 7 6.155 42.49 8 6.627 42.49 9 7.094 42.49 10 7.603 42.49 11 8.072 42.49 12 8.489 42.49 13 8.898 42.49 14 9.360 42.49 15 9.730 42.49 16 10.119 42.49 17 10.434 42.49 18 10.777 42.49 19 11.095 42.49 20 11.379 42.49 21 11.675 42.49 22 11.937 42.49 23 12.158 42.49 24 12.371 42.49 25 12.567 42.49 26 12.794 42.49 27 12.934 42.49 28 13.100 42.49 29 13.252 42.49 30 13.393 42.49 31 13.520 42.49 32 13.633 42.49 33 13.736 42.49 34 13.827 42.49 35 13.915 42.49 36 14.009 42.49 37 14.084 42.49 38 14.139 42.49 39 14.208 42.49 40 14.244 42.49 41 14.307 42.49 42 14.332 42.49 43 14.396 42.49 44 14.415 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis42.487.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:52 PM] 42.49 45 14.462 42.49 46 14.482 42.49 47 14.520 42.49 48 14.545 42.49 49 14.562 42.49 50 14.595 42.49 51 14.592 42.49 52 14.617 42.49 53 14.620 42.49 54 14.642 42.49 55 14.650 42.49 56 14.667 42.49 57 14.678 42.49 58 14.686 42.49 59 14.700 42.49 60 14.705 42.49 65 14.730 42.49 70 14.769 42.49 75 14.769 42.49 80 14.791 42.49 85 14.807 42.49 90 14.799 42.49 95 14.816 42.49 100 14.832 42.49 105 14.827 42.49 110 14.863 42.49 115 14.852 42.49 120 14.860 42.49 125 14.866 42.49 130 14.857 42.49 135 14.877 42.49 140 14.863 42.49 145 14.904 42.49 150 14.907 42.49 155 14.899 42.49 160 14.904 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 10000 20 25 30 35 40 45 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 48.885 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis48.885.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:59 PM] Data File: HCCPT-01 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 48.88 0 40.411 48.88 1 39.605 48.88 2 39.030 48.88 3 39.121 48.88 4 41.127 48.88 5 42.547 48.88 6 43.395 48.88 7 44.091 48.88 8 44.467 48.88 9 44.666 48.88 10 44.818 48.88 11 44.864 48.88 12 44.820 48.88 13 44.740 48.88 14 44.649 48.88 15 44.530 48.88 16 44.367 48.88 17 44.199 48.88 18 44.030 48.88 19 43.817 48.88 20 43.643 48.88 21 43.436 48.88 22 43.279 48.88 23 43.072 48.88 24 42.884 48.88 25 42.671 48.88 26 42.505 48.88 27 42.339 48.88 28 42.152 48.88 29 41.978 48.88 30 41.823 48.88 31 41.654 48.88 32 41.458 48.88 33 41.326 48.88 34 41.157 48.88 35 41.008 48.88 36 40.867 48.88 37 40.726 48.88 38 40.574 48.88 39 40.447 48.88 40 40.290 48.88 41 40.182 48.88 42 40.030 48.88 43 39.903 48.88 44 39.801 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis48.885.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:59 PM] 48.88 45 39.687 48.88 46 39.549 48.88 47 39.458 48.88 48 39.342 48.88 49 39.232 48.88 50 39.135 48.88 51 39.033 48.88 52 38.906 48.88 53 38.809 48.88 54 38.707 48.88 55 38.599 48.88 56 38.488 48.88 57 38.403 48.88 58 38.317 48.88 59 38.207 48.88 60 38.121 48.88 65 37.687 48.88 70 37.273 48.88 75 36.897 48.88 80 36.549 48.88 85 36.149 48.88 90 35.742 48.88 95 35.461 48.88 100 35.195 48.88 105 34.980 48.88 110 34.767 48.88 115 34.524 48.88 120 34.311 48.88 125 34.099 48.88 130 33.903 48.88 135 33.709 48.88 140 33.505 48.88 145 33.325 48.88 150 33.143 48.88 155 32.952 48.88 160 32.781 48.88 165 32.623 48.88 170 32.444 48.88 175 32.303 48.88 180 32.151 48.88 185 31.994 48.88 190 31.844 48.88 195 31.726 48.88 200 31.585 48.88 205 31.458 48.88 210 31.317 48.88 215 31.201 48.88 220 31.076 48.88 225 30.935 48.88 230 30.828 48.88 235 30.734 48.88 240 30.604 48.88 245 30.493 48.88 250 30.383 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis48.885.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:59 PM] 48.88 255 30.284 48.88 260 30.162 48.88 265 30.096 48.88 270 29.977 48.88 275 29.853 48.88 280 29.781 48.88 285 29.679 48.88 290 29.582 48.88 295 29.482 48.88 300 29.419 48.88 305 29.330 48.88 310 29.242 48.88 315 29.134 48.88 320 29.071 48.88 325 28.985 48.88 330 28.894 48.88 335 28.825 48.88 340 28.753 48.88 345 28.681 48.88 350 28.604 48.88 355 28.529 48.88 360 28.463 48.88 365 28.383 48.88 370 28.311 48.88 375 28.236 48.88 380 28.167 48.88 385 28.104 48.88 390 28.040 48.88 395 27.949 48.88 400 27.905 48.88 405 27.833 48.88 410 27.789 48.88 415 27.712 48.88 420 27.656 48.88 425 27.604 48.88 430 27.535 48.88 435 27.482 48.88 440 27.405 48.88 445 27.344 48.88 450 27.281 48.88 455 27.242 48.88 460 27.189 48.88 465 27.131 48.88 470 27.084 48.88 475 27.029 48.88 480 26.979 48.88 485 26.938 48.88 490 26.872 48.88 495 26.828 48.88 500 26.778 48.88 505 26.706 48.88 510 26.673 48.88 515 26.645 48.88 520 26.582 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis48.885.txt[4/30/2015 4:00:59 PM] 48.88 525 26.532 48.88 530 26.499 48.88 535 26.438 48.88 540 26.388 48.88 545 26.363 48.88 550 26.286 48.88 555 26.253 48.88 560 26.217 48.88 565 26.173 48.88 570 26.120 48.88 575 26.076 48.88 580 26.040 48.88 585 25.993 48.88 590 25.946 48.88 595 25.919 48.88 600 25.869 48.88 630 25.645 48.88 660 25.435 48.88 690 25.217 48.88 720 25.026 48.88 750 24.844 48.88 780 24.648 48.88 810 24.493 48.88 840 24.314 48.88 870 24.162 48.88 900 24.035 48.88 930 23.885 48.88 960 23.742 48.88 990 23.609 48.88 1020 23.496 48.88 1050 23.385 48.88 1080 23.258 48.88 1110 23.142 48.88 1140 23.026 48.88 1170 22.943 48.88 1200 22.836 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 16 17 18 19 20 21 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 55.446 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis55.446.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:11 PM] Data File: HCCPT-01 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 55.45 0 16.263 55.45 1 16.623 55.45 2 17.647 55.45 3 18.927 55.45 4 19.297 55.45 5 19.526 55.45 6 19.728 55.45 7 19.882 55.45 8 19.998 55.45 9 20.101 55.45 10 20.183 55.45 11 20.242 55.45 12 20.305 55.45 13 20.366 55.45 14 20.405 55.45 15 20.435 55.45 16 20.471 55.45 17 20.463 55.45 18 20.476 55.45 19 20.485 55.45 20 20.512 55.45 21 20.512 55.45 22 20.501 55.45 23 20.523 55.45 24 20.521 55.45 25 20.532 55.45 26 20.518 55.45 27 20.518 55.45 28 20.515 55.45 29 20.521 55.45 30 20.509 55.45 31 20.504 55.45 32 20.501 55.45 33 20.504 55.45 34 20.515 55.45 35 20.490 55.45 36 20.509 55.45 37 20.485 55.45 38 20.490 55.45 39 20.485 55.45 40 20.487 55.45 41 20.482 55.45 42 20.468 55.45 43 20.454 55.45 44 20.468 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis55.446.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:11 PM] 55.45 45 20.490 55.45 46 20.457 55.45 47 20.482 55.45 48 20.471 55.45 49 20.463 55.45 50 20.446 55.45 51 20.490 55.45 52 20.490 55.45 53 20.487 55.45 54 20.482 55.45 55 20.482 55.45 56 20.476 55.45 57 20.485 55.45 58 20.512 55.45 59 20.504 55.45 60 20.504 55.45 65 20.498 55.45 70 20.496 55.45 75 20.501 55.45 80 20.515 55.45 85 20.551 55.45 90 20.562 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 71.522 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis71.522.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:20 PM] Data File: HCCPT-01 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 71.52 0 -4.945 71.52 1 -4.821 71.52 2 -4.956 71.52 3 -4.666 71.52 4 -4.265 71.52 5 -3.848 71.52 6 -3.489 71.52 7 -3.078 71.52 8 -2.666 71.52 9 -2.240 71.52 10 -1.829 71.52 11 -1.423 71.52 12 -0.997 71.52 13 -0.508 71.52 14 -0.080 71.52 15 0.461 71.52 16 0.961 71.52 17 1.456 71.52 18 2.039 71.52 19 2.600 71.52 20 3.124 71.52 21 3.746 71.52 22 4.376 71.52 23 5.014 71.52 24 5.699 71.52 25 6.387 71.52 26 7.039 71.52 27 7.779 71.52 28 8.503 71.52 29 9.222 71.52 30 9.995 71.52 31 10.694 71.52 32 11.592 71.52 33 12.382 71.52 34 13.161 71.52 35 13.940 71.52 36 14.719 71.52 37 15.454 71.52 38 16.111 71.52 39 16.871 71.52 40 17.551 71.52 41 18.299 71.52 42 18.910 71.52 43 19.590 71.52 44 20.134 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis71.522.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:20 PM] 71.52 45 20.736 71.52 46 21.289 71.52 47 21.786 71.52 48 22.220 71.52 49 22.714 71.52 50 23.106 71.52 51 23.477 71.52 52 23.830 71.52 53 24.137 71.52 54 24.466 71.52 55 24.717 71.52 56 24.960 71.52 57 25.198 71.52 58 25.419 71.52 59 25.593 71.52 60 25.786 71.52 65 26.421 71.52 70 26.874 71.52 75 27.134 71.52 80 27.300 71.52 85 27.435 71.52 90 27.493 71.52 95 27.573 71.52 100 27.634 71.52 105 27.667 71.52 110 27.714 71.52 115 27.759 71.52 120 27.797 71.52 125 27.811 71.52 130 27.852 71.52 135 27.891 71.52 140 27.902 71.52 145 27.938 71.52 150 27.957 71.52 155 27.985 71.52 160 28.013 71.52 165 28.021 71.52 170 28.046 71.52 175 28.062 71.52 180 28.062 71.52 185 28.085 71.52 190 28.101 71.52 195 28.120 71.52 200 28.126 71.52 205 28.159 71.52 210 28.154 71.52 215 28.173 71.52 220 28.195 71.52 225 28.189 71.52 230 28.206 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-01 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 83.99 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis83.99.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:30 PM] Data File: HCCPT-01 4/2/2015 11:47:38 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 83.99 0 -4.765 83.99 1 -4.851 83.99 2 -4.426 83.99 3 -4.865 83.99 4 -5.299 83.99 5 -6.699 83.99 6 -6.768 83.99 7 -7.058 83.99 8 -6.904 83.99 9 -6.821 83.99 10 -6.771 83.99 11 -6.730 83.99 12 -6.683 83.99 13 -6.398 83.99 14 -5.821 83.99 15 -5.014 83.99 16 -4.138 83.99 17 -3.194 83.99 18 -2.058 83.99 19 -0.829 83.99 20 0.390 83.99 21 1.801 83.99 22 3.500 83.99 23 5.254 83.99 24 7.064 83.99 25 9.012 83.99 26 10.835 83.99 27 12.164 83.99 28 13.658 83.99 29 15.694 83.99 30 17.968 83.99 31 20.681 83.99 32 22.918 83.99 33 24.999 83.99 34 26.999 83.99 35 28.626 83.99 36 30.007 83.99 37 31.029 83.99 38 31.861 83.99 39 32.563 83.99 40 33.041 83.99 41 33.447 83.99 42 33.742 83.99 43 33.961 83.99 44 34.143 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis83.99.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:30 PM] 83.99 45 34.284 83.99 46 34.383 83.99 47 34.466 83.99 48 34.549 83.99 49 34.596 83.99 50 34.626 83.99 51 34.648 83.99 52 34.671 83.99 53 34.698 83.99 54 34.723 83.99 55 34.720 83.99 56 34.742 83.99 57 34.745 83.99 58 34.756 83.99 59 34.753 83.99 60 34.753 83.99 65 34.745 83.99 70 34.740 83.99 75 34.751 83.99 80 34.734 83.99 85 34.740 83.99 90 34.751 83.99 95 34.756 83.99 100 34.784 83.99 105 34.778 83.99 110 34.803 83.99 115 34.822 83.99 120 34.850 83.99 125 34.858 83.99 130 34.897 83.99 135 34.905 83.99 140 34.938 83.99 145 34.977 83.99 150 34.985 83.99 155 35.016 83.99 160 35.041 83.99 165 35.049 83.99 170 35.088 83.99 175 35.118 83.99 180 35.129 83.99 185 35.146 83.99 190 35.173 83.99 195 35.198 83.99 200 35.220 83.99 205 35.245 83.99 210 35.245 83.99 215 35.264 83.99 220 35.306 83.99 225 35.314 83.99 230 35.339 83.99 235 35.358 83.99 240 35.364 83.99 245 35.372 83.99 250 35.400 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-01aDis83.99.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:30 PM] 83.99 255 35.422 83.99 260 35.436 83.99 265 35.455 83.99 270 35.480 83.99 275 35.480 83.99 280 35.477 83.99 285 35.483 83.99 290 35.516 83.99 295 35.524 83.99 300 35.557 83.99 305 35.571 83.99 310 35.568 83.99 315 35.568 83.99 320 35.599 83.99 325 35.610 83.99 330 35.610 83.99 335 35.613 83.99 340 35.629 83.99 345 35.646 83.99 350 35.648 83.99 355 35.657 83.99 360 35.679 83.99 365 35.671 83.99 370 35.687 83.99 375 35.687 83.99 380 35.704 Hart Crowser Operator: Brown Sounding: CPT-02 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/3/2015 11:24:58 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 Maximum Depth = 100.07 feet Depth Increment = 0.164 feet InSitu Engineering *Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 Tip Resistance Qc TSF 3000 0 1 2 3 4 5 Depth (ft) Pore Pressure Pw PSI 120-20 Friction Ratio Fs/Qc (%) 120 Soil Behavior Type* Zone: UBC-1983 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) 120 SPT N* 60% Hammer 900 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] Data File:HCCPT-02 4/3/2015 11:24:58 AM Operator:Brown Location:Southport Office Development Cone ID:DDG1238 Job Number:1901404 Customer: Units: Depth Qc Fs Pw Fs/Qc Soil Behavior Type SPT N* (ft) TSF TSF PSI (%) Zone UBC-1983 60% Hammer 0.16 662.08 1.4552 0.972 0.220 10 gravelly sand to sand 106 0.33 433.39 1.1769 0.332 0.272 10 gravelly sand to sand 87 0.49 469.45 1.7732 -0.401 0.378 10 gravelly sand to sand 68 0.66 446.64 2.0149 -0.461 0.451 10 gravelly sand to sand 90 0.82 427.57 2.8135 -1.265 0.658 10 gravelly sand to sand 91 0.98 533.54 5.2924 -1.464 0.992 10 gravelly sand to sand 91 1.15 996.93 7.6581 -1.818 0.768 9 sand 112 1.31 671.38 8.8043 -1.834 1.311 9 sand 116 1.48 451.91 7.9826 -1.489 1.766 9 sand 118 1.64 549.35 8.3820 -1.547 1.526 9 sand 114 1.80 608.18 7.5247 -1.798 1.237 9 sand 94 1.97 496.24 7.4542 -1.663 1.502 8 sand to silty sand 99 2.13 398.92 6.6534 -1.362 1.668 8 sand to silty sand 88 2.30 251.20 5.5682 -1.232 2.217 8 sand to silty sand 76 2.46 128.65 4.7409 -0.309 3.685 8 sand to silty sand 63 2.62 137.45 3.1457 -0.544 2.289 8 sand to silty sand 53 2.79 208.29 2.5878 -2.539 1.242 8 sand to silty sand 48 2.95 216.76 2.0429 -1.224 0.942 9 sand 39 3.12 221.43 1.8740 -1.279 0.846 9 sand 44 3.28 235.09 1.7238 -1.475 0.733 9 sand 44 3.44 282.02 0.6030 -1.619 0.214 9 sand 43 3.61 319.16 0.8181 -1.740 0.256 9 sand 41 3.77 131.34 1.2137 -2.580 0.924 9 sand 41 3.94 165.24 1.1529 -2.583 0.698 9 sand 53 4.10 148.81 0.9373 -2.843 0.630 8 sand to silty sand 64 4.27 225.20 3.3508 -3.149 1.488 8 sand to silty sand 76 4.43 651.45 9.0030 -5.940 1.382 8 sand to silty sand 73 4.59 224.94 16.7649 -3.213 7.453 7 silty sand to sandy silt 94 4.76 673.77 8.3775 -3.625 1.243 7 silty sand to sandy silt 90 4.92 54.64 8.6180 -2.260 15.773 7 silty sand to sandy silt 83 5.09 80.69 0.3800 -2.456 0.471 7 silty sand to sandy silt 55 5.25 68.69 0.4321 -2.401 0.629 7 silty sand to sandy silt 47 5.41 60.28 0.3254 -2.174 0.540 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 22 5.58 54.01 0.3721 -2.390 0.689 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 5.74 49.46 0.4435 -2.348 0.897 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 5.91 28.61 0.3984 -2.636 1.393 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 6.07 14.81 0.3198 -2.224 2.160 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 6.23 10.44 0.2247 -0.983 2.152 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 6.40 8.87 0.1812 0.133 2.043 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 6.56 7.46 0.1428 2.053 1.915 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 6.73 8.54 0.1933 3.636 2.264 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 6.89 8.72 0.1470 4.127 1.685 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 7.05 11.46 0.1301 3.055 1.135 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 7.22 10.39 0.1099 2.823 1.058 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 7.38 12.45 0.1106 2.776 0.888 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 7.55 11.56 0.1038 2.495 0.898 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 7.71 9.69 0.0900 2.738 0.929 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 5 7.87 8.69 0.1877 3.169 2.159 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 8.04 8.98 0.2306 3.854 2.567 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 8.20 30.65 0.2440 3.384 0.796 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 8.37 62.59 0.1720 0.729 0.275 8 sand to silty sand 12 8.53 80.11 0.2119 -0.406 0.265 8 sand to silty sand 15 8.69 81.42 0.2416 -1.075 0.297 8 sand to silty sand 16 8.86 81.79 0.2169 -0.997 0.265 8 sand to silty sand 17 9.02 79.59 0.2412 -0.906 0.303 8 sand to silty sand 17 9.19 58.35 0.2518 0.160 0.432 8 sand to silty sand 16 9.35 65.12 0.2829 0.182 0.434 8 sand to silty sand 15 9.51 53.45 0.3138 0.290 0.587 8 sand to silty sand 14 9.68 42.80 0.3646 0.362 0.852 8 sand to silty sand 13 9.84 46.77 0.2621 0.572 0.560 8 sand to silty sand 13 10.01 65.13 0.2099 -0.519 0.322 8 sand to silty sand 13 10.17 62.84 0.2191 -0.011 0.349 8 sand to silty sand 13 10.33 56.91 0.2215 1.130 0.389 8 sand to silty sand 13 10.50 53.34 0.2285 1.204 0.428 8 sand to silty sand 12 10.66 49.47 0.2142 1.293 0.433 8 sand to silty sand 11 10.83 42.78 0.1924 1.367 0.450 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 10.99 34.76 0.1875 1.431 0.539 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 11.15 26.56 0.1568 1.484 0.591 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 11.32 15.71 0.1668 1.868 1.061 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 11.48 14.91 0.2414 1.992 1.619 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 11.65 14.94 0.1521 1.757 1.018 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 11.81 15.96 0.1719 -1.365 1.077 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 11.98 16.23 0.2937 -1.859 1.809 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 12.14 15.39 0.2472 -1.903 1.606 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 12.30 32.13 0.2187 -2.238 0.681 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 12.47 38.79 0.1889 -2.834 0.487 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 12.63 33.81 0.2046 -0.646 0.605 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 12.80 34.29 0.1837 -0.384 0.536 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 12.96 30.91 0.1841 -0.191 0.596 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 13.12 24.65 0.2115 0.014 0.858 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 13.29 21.09 0.1789 0.202 0.849 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 13.45 22.33 0.2448 0.428 1.096 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 13.62 17.04 0.2997 2.682 1.759 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 13.78 11.19 0.2873 2.627 2.566 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 13.94 10.28 0.1832 3.061 1.782 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 14.11 16.29 0.2245 2.362 1.378 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 14.27 13.81 0.2976 1.898 2.156 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 14.44 10.70 0.3035 2.569 2.836 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 14.60 11.92 0.3372 2.238 2.829 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 14.76 12.50 0.2102 2.503 1.682 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 14.93 28.36 0.1520 1.826 0.536 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 15.09 27.47 0.1617 0.832 0.589 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 15.26 29.99 0.2062 1.000 0.688 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 15.42 19.92 0.2822 1.102 1.416 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 15.58 12.12 0.2859 1.414 2.358 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 15.75 10.15 0.2842 1.978 2.801 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 15.91 8.99 0.2314 2.984 2.574 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 16.08 12.00 0.1829 2.978 1.525 4 silty clay to clay 6 16.24 11.29 0.2143 2.694 1.898 4 silty clay to clay 6 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 16.40 8.41 0.2489 2.641 2.958 4 silty clay to clay 5 16.57 6.10 0.2204 3.586 3.612 4 silty clay to clay 5 16.73 6.87 0.1598 9.420 2.327 4 silty clay to clay 5 16.90 5.85 0.1425 9.581 2.435 4 silty clay to clay 5 17.06 5.72 0.1947 10.625 3.405 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 17.22 5.88 0.2312 11.351 3.930 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 17.39 14.58 0.1445 11.241 0.992 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 5 17.55 22.55 0.1539 6.033 0.683 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 17.72 20.26 0.1686 4.934 0.832 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 17.88 21.56 0.1836 4.967 0.851 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 18.04 19.20 0.2082 4.895 1.084 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 18.21 18.88 0.1826 5.094 0.967 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 18.37 17.05 0.2547 4.113 1.493 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 18.54 12.94 0.2152 4.417 1.662 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 18.70 15.83 0.1686 4.826 1.065 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 18.86 14.60 0.3016 2.906 2.066 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 19.03 13.48 0.1961 3.729 1.455 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 19.19 21.45 0.1884 2.978 0.878 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 19.36 18.37 0.2037 1.826 1.109 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 19.52 17.43 0.1800 2.318 1.033 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 19.69 16.91 0.2027 2.263 1.198 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 19.85 14.39 0.1710 2.619 1.188 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 5 20.01 15.50 0.2150 5.108 1.387 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 20.18 10.62 0.1990 4.138 1.873 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 20.34 5.96 0.1874 5.572 3.145 5 clayey silt to silty clay 4 20.51 5.48 0.1468 7.050 2.678 4 silty clay to clay 5 20.67 5.78 0.1542 8.012 2.669 4 silty clay to clay 4 20.83 5.54 0.1663 8.965 3.004 4 silty clay to clay 4 21.00 5.88 0.1514 9.655 2.575 4 silty clay to clay 4 21.16 6.43 0.1283 10.144 1.997 4 silty clay to clay 4 21.33 6.19 0.1350 10.625 2.182 4 silty clay to clay 4 21.49 5.88 0.1377 11.258 2.341 4 silty clay to clay 4 21.65 5.98 0.1233 11.785 2.061 5 clayey silt to silty clay 4 21.82 5.91 0.2086 12.252 3.531 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 21.98 9.56 0.1867 13.050 1.953 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 22.15 20.14 0.2191 8.575 1.088 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 22.31 18.84 0.3465 7.249 1.839 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 22.47 13.33 0.3737 7.589 2.803 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 22.64 14.14 0.2086 8.931 1.475 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 22.80 32.36 0.1898 6.357 0.586 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 22.97 28.67 0.2251 5.028 0.785 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 23.13 23.53 0.3677 5.409 1.562 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 23.29 20.64 0.3904 5.840 1.892 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 23.46 37.42 0.1673 4.713 0.447 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 23.62 45.26 0.2017 1.467 0.446 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 23.79 38.26 0.2389 0.895 0.624 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 23.95 32.30 0.3078 1.503 0.953 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 24.11 34.87 0.2568 2.160 0.736 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 24.28 36.93 0.2888 1.992 0.782 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 24.44 38.18 0.3037 1.442 0.795 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 24.61 56.67 0.2178 1.732 0.384 8 sand to silty sand 12 24.77 62.18 0.2321 0.749 0.373 8 sand to silty sand 12 24.93 57.61 0.2559 0.796 0.444 8 sand to silty sand 12 25.10 53.03 0.2576 1.417 0.486 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 25.26 45.09 0.2638 1.959 0.585 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 25.43 33.25 0.3431 2.412 1.032 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 25.59 23.86 0.3528 2.848 1.479 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 25.75 33.23 0.2340 3.605 0.704 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 25.92 36.33 0.1927 1.544 0.530 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.08 30.16 0.2753 1.260 0.913 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.25 33.64 0.1790 2.077 0.532 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.41 42.33 0.1704 2.252 0.403 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.57 32.74 0.2132 7.357 0.651 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 26.74 30.03 0.2570 7.688 0.856 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.90 28.66 0.2791 8.012 0.974 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 27.07 31.41 0.2194 7.116 0.698 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 27.23 38.26 0.1786 6.324 0.467 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 27.40 38.04 0.2080 3.804 0.547 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 27.56 34.99 0.2295 4.511 0.656 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 27.72 31.57 0.2481 5.086 0.786 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 27.89 30.44 0.2476 5.691 0.814 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 28.05 28.48 0.3008 6.116 1.056 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 28.22 30.71 0.2006 6.625 0.653 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 28.38 36.52 0.1887 4.829 0.517 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 28.54 33.26 0.2015 4.509 0.606 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 28.71 34.77 0.1958 5.166 0.563 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 28.87 37.07 0.1966 5.685 0.530 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 29.04 34.34 0.2116 6.138 0.616 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 29.20 31.30 0.2380 6.578 0.760 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 29.36 28.35 0.3304 6.987 1.165 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 29.53 24.15 0.4923 7.495 2.038 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 29.69 22.13 0.2778 9.733 1.256 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 29.86 31.56 0.2156 3.384 0.683 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 30.02 29.19 0.2113 1.633 0.724 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 30.18 26.19 0.2513 2.627 0.960 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 30.35 23.13 0.3389 3.539 1.465 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 30.51 19.19 0.3849 4.376 2.006 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 30.68 18.39 0.2741 5.111 1.490 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 30.84 24.63 0.2538 3.951 1.030 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 31.00 22.63 0.3270 2.539 1.445 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 31.17 22.35 0.3089 3.310 1.382 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 31.33 27.80 0.3904 2.713 1.404 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 31.50 51.24 0.2656 3.050 0.518 8 sand to silty sand 13 31.66 77.70 0.3275 1.735 0.422 8 sand to silty sand 15 31.82 85.72 0.3726 1.268 0.435 8 sand to silty sand 17 31.99 86.47 0.4248 1.914 0.491 8 sand to silty sand 18 32.15 84.06 0.4108 2.456 0.489 8 sand to silty sand 20 32.32 77.85 0.4150 3.055 0.533 8 sand to silty sand 20 32.48 75.48 0.3723 3.638 0.493 8 sand to silty sand 18 32.64 86.16 0.3784 4.243 0.439 8 sand to silty sand 17 32.81 77.21 0.3490 4.602 0.452 8 sand to silty sand 15 32.97 42.81 0.3794 11.075 0.886 8 sand to silty sand 13 33.14 39.74 0.4366 11.288 1.098 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 33.30 32.10 0.3431 11.606 1.069 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 33.46 35.00 0.2667 7.103 0.762 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 33.63 33.13 0.2609 4.323 0.787 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 33.79 32.13 0.3262 4.970 1.015 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 33.96 30.71 0.2970 5.489 0.967 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 34.12 32.07 0.3032 5.708 0.945 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 34.28 29.36 0.3689 5.669 1.257 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 34.45 26.79 0.4045 5.884 1.510 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 34.61 25.09 0.3688 6.094 1.470 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 34.78 35.24 0.2584 6.039 0.733 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 34.94 33.59 0.3825 3.155 1.139 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 35.10 34.53 0.3143 3.702 0.910 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 35.27 43.25 0.2317 2.484 0.536 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 35.43 46.04 0.3011 1.420 0.654 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 35.60 45.26 0.4013 1.903 0.887 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 35.76 39.19 0.5137 2.343 1.311 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 35.93 43.80 0.2571 2.895 0.587 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 36.09 57.92 0.2365 1.251 0.408 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 36.25 47.39 0.3815 9.257 0.805 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 36.42 29.33 0.4768 10.114 1.626 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 36.58 24.25 0.4548 11.128 1.875 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 36.75 25.03 0.4928 10.749 1.969 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 36.91 33.59 0.3102 9.898 0.923 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 37.07 45.18 0.3281 4.260 0.726 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 37.24 28.37 0.4302 13.108 1.516 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 37.40 20.47 0.3809 13.901 1.861 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 37.57 18.66 0.2573 11.686 1.379 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 37.73 25.62 0.2386 10.846 0.931 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 37.89 29.57 0.3234 7.694 1.094 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 38.06 29.99 0.2765 8.498 0.922 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 38.22 28.92 0.3365 7.639 1.164 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 38.39 24.28 0.3932 8.575 1.620 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 38.55 25.67 0.3178 9.343 1.238 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 38.71 28.06 0.3315 6.605 1.181 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 38.88 31.99 0.2539 6.304 0.794 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 39.04 34.65 0.3195 5.611 0.922 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 39.21 29.08 0.3543 6.420 1.218 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 39.37 18.22 0.4352 10.918 2.389 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 39.53 18.08 0.2953 10.509 1.633 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 39.70 19.33 0.2284 10.153 1.182 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 39.86 17.28 0.2741 9.357 1.586 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 40.03 12.04 0.2791 10.534 2.317 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 40.19 9.12 0.2056 12.479 2.255 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 40.35 10.14 0.1585 14.064 1.563 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 40.52 8.33 0.1849 15.393 2.220 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 40.68 9.06 0.1935 17.142 2.135 4 silty clay to clay 6 40.85 9.53 0.2574 18.429 2.701 4 silty clay to clay 6 41.01 9.79 0.3032 20.543 3.098 4 silty clay to clay 6 41.17 9.08 0.2980 22.355 3.282 4 silty clay to clay 6 41.34 9.03 0.2334 23.744 2.584 4 silty clay to clay 6 41.50 9.19 0.2179 24.988 2.373 4 silty clay to clay 6 41.67 8.97 0.2343 26.673 2.612 4 silty clay to clay 6 41.83 9.05 0.2504 28.408 2.767 4 silty clay to clay 6 41.99 9.17 0.2598 30.074 2.834 4 silty clay to clay 6 42.16 8.96 0.2412 31.505 2.692 4 silty clay to clay 6 42.32 9.10 0.2701 32.549 2.969 4 silty clay to clay 6 42.49 8.52 0.2364 33.847 2.774 4 silty clay to clay 6 42.65 9.56 0.2271 32.038 2.376 4 silty clay to clay 6 42.81 8.67 0.2155 32.397 2.486 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 42.98 9.07 0.2976 33.974 3.281 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 43.14 10.97 0.2994 36.038 2.731 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 43.31 19.39 0.2404 27.590 1.240 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 43.47 23.42 0.4044 20.811 1.726 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 43.64 18.43 0.4488 11.860 2.435 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 43.80 12.48 0.4356 13.158 3.491 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 43.96 10.87 0.5034 16.023 4.633 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 44.13 18.45 0.3818 18.799 2.070 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 44.29 86.57 0.3664 11.310 0.423 8 sand to silty sand 15 44.46 91.56 0.4151 12.896 0.453 8 sand to silty sand 22 44.62 94.11 0.5115 13.857 0.543 9 sand 24 44.78 136.40 0.5295 14.965 0.388 9 sand 31 44.95 196.87 0.7014 16.393 0.356 9 sand 36 45.11 252.06 0.6750 16.987 0.268 9 sand 42 45.28 270.02 0.6796 13.725 0.252 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 45.44 281.21 0.6125 14.432 0.218 10 gravelly sand to sand 43 45.60 291.66 0.4000 11.722 0.137 10 gravelly sand to sand 46 45.77 309.12 0.5234 9.550 0.169 10 gravelly sand to sand 47 45.93 298.87 0.5076 14.156 0.170 10 gravelly sand to sand 47 46.10 298.88 0.7137 9.188 0.239 10 gravelly sand to sand 47 46.26 290.75 0.8229 7.575 0.283 10 gravelly sand to sand 46 46.42 291.02 0.7737 6.017 0.266 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 46.59 272.17 0.6822 4.453 0.251 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 46.75 267.76 0.5312 3.130 0.198 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 46.92 272.21 0.9892 2.011 0.363 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 47.08 283.43 1.4739 1.033 0.520 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 47.24 300.42 1.6521 -0.541 0.550 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 47.41 273.38 1.5726 -1.945 0.575 10 gravelly sand to sand 47 47.57 268.12 1.1487 -0.782 0.428 10 gravelly sand to sand 48 47.74 305.20 1.5998 -0.591 0.524 10 gravelly sand to sand 49 47.90 337.64 1.3260 -1.530 0.393 10 gravelly sand to sand 50 48.06 346.90 1.8728 -3.301 0.540 10 gravelly sand to sand 51 48.23 339.78 1.5384 -4.829 0.453 10 gravelly sand to sand 52 48.39 305.14 1.4947 -3.779 0.490 10 gravelly sand to sand 53 48.56 313.56 2.5565 -3.810 0.815 10 gravelly sand to sand 52 48.72 323.41 2.6880 -4.506 0.831 10 gravelly sand to sand 51 48.88 337.84 1.3782 -6.404 0.408 10 gravelly sand to sand 50 49.05 303.48 1.1652 -4.252 0.384 10 gravelly sand to sand 49 49.21 293.84 1.0624 4.227 0.362 10 gravelly sand to sand 49 49.38 296.14 1.2535 1.517 0.423 10 gravelly sand to sand 48 49.54 294.91 1.7157 1.064 0.582 10 gravelly sand to sand 46 49.70 299.09 1.4810 -0.185 0.495 10 gravelly sand to sand 46 49.87 275.41 1.1714 -1.169 0.425 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 50.03 275.65 0.6260 -1.287 0.227 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 50.20 269.44 0.5730 -1.448 0.213 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 50.36 271.03 0.5953 -1.605 0.220 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 50.52 273.18 0.5640 -1.868 0.206 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 50.69 281.86 0.6469 -2.265 0.229 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 50.85 287.22 1.1325 -2.633 0.394 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 51.02 284.84 0.9444 -2.818 0.332 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 51.18 286.06 0.7900 -3.075 0.276 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 51.35 282.28 0.5168 -3.119 0.183 10 gravelly sand to sand 43 51.51 267.46 0.5574 -3.061 0.208 10 gravelly sand to sand 42 51.67 244.63 0.7534 -2.868 0.308 10 gravelly sand to sand 41 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 51.84 237.80 0.7288 -2.622 0.306 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 52.00 231.81 0.6829 -2.638 0.295 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 52.17 233.36 0.5183 -2.895 0.222 10 gravelly sand to sand 38 52.33 244.25 0.4303 -3.055 0.176 10 gravelly sand to sand 38 52.49 242.38 0.4076 4.630 0.168 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 52.66 248.89 0.3843 4.376 0.154 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 52.82 250.25 0.4119 4.614 0.165 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 52.99 249.46 0.4015 4.887 0.161 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 53.15 256.80 0.4015 4.373 0.156 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 53.31 256.34 0.4286 3.854 0.167 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 53.48 250.97 0.4528 3.254 0.180 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 53.64 246.14 0.4535 3.456 0.184 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 53.81 243.89 0.5302 3.166 0.217 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 53.97 244.56 0.5592 2.832 0.229 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 54.13 242.23 0.5980 1.920 0.247 10 gravelly sand to sand 38 54.30 237.47 0.5178 1.379 0.218 10 gravelly sand to sand 37 54.46 228.17 0.4571 1.622 0.200 10 gravelly sand to sand 36 54.63 218.18 0.4286 1.859 0.196 10 gravelly sand to sand 34 54.79 203.73 0.3827 2.177 0.188 9 sand 40 54.95 192.30 0.3897 2.752 0.203 9 sand 38 55.12 186.88 0.3816 3.304 0.204 9 sand 37 55.28 188.06 0.3881 3.978 0.206 9 sand 35 55.45 187.14 0.2743 4.713 0.147 9 sand 34 55.61 178.64 0.2535 5.351 0.142 9 sand 33 55.77 158.91 0.3058 14.073 0.192 9 sand 33 55.94 155.46 0.3207 14.929 0.206 9 sand 32 56.10 161.32 0.4201 15.194 0.260 9 sand 32 56.27 167.28 0.3852 15.957 0.230 9 sand 31 56.43 168.22 0.3735 14.901 0.222 9 sand 32 56.59 166.87 0.4211 14.689 0.252 9 sand 32 56.76 165.79 0.4856 16.479 0.293 9 sand 32 56.92 169.21 0.4803 17.750 0.284 9 sand 32 57.09 171.04 0.4541 18.476 0.265 9 sand 32 57.25 167.53 0.4489 18.631 0.268 9 sand 32 57.41 165.73 0.4601 19.294 0.278 9 sand 32 57.58 162.53 0.4403 19.993 0.271 9 sand 31 57.74 157.71 0.4133 20.509 0.262 9 sand 31 57.91 158.19 0.3863 20.805 0.244 9 sand 32 58.07 165.59 0.3730 21.247 0.225 9 sand 32 58.23 172.02 0.3580 20.617 0.208 9 sand 32 58.40 169.36 0.3998 19.987 0.236 9 sand 32 58.56 167.03 0.3765 20.070 0.225 9 sand 33 58.73 170.31 0.3445 20.305 0.202 9 sand 33 58.89 175.32 0.3514 18.769 0.200 9 sand 33 59.06 168.02 0.3430 20.954 0.204 9 sand 33 59.22 171.61 0.3211 20.554 0.187 9 sand 33 59.38 174.18 0.2947 20.200 0.169 9 sand 33 59.55 169.63 0.3124 18.949 0.184 9 sand 33 59.71 161.85 0.3221 20.103 0.199 9 sand 33 59.88 169.73 0.3707 20.460 0.218 9 sand 33 60.04 179.57 0.4188 21.134 0.233 9 sand 34 60.20 182.44 0.4270 20.996 0.234 9 sand 34 60.37 181.22 0.4130 21.333 0.228 9 sand 34 60.53 182.46 0.5014 22.062 0.275 9 sand 34 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 60.70 179.66 0.5058 22.294 0.282 9 sand 33 60.86 172.49 0.4853 22.612 0.281 9 sand 31 61.02 163.82 0.4685 22.982 0.286 9 sand 28 61.19 149.84 0.6692 23.021 0.447 9 sand 26 61.35 112.94 1.1455 22.579 1.014 9 sand 25 61.52 77.20 1.4896 22.380 1.930 9 sand 26 61.68 95.82 1.3193 24.794 1.377 9 sand 27 61.84 147.84 0.7655 16.070 0.518 9 sand 30 62.01 188.17 0.4711 7.489 0.250 9 sand 34 62.17 216.48 0.3409 23.568 0.157 9 sand 38 62.34 246.94 0.3667 22.377 0.148 10 gravelly sand to sand 35 62.50 255.91 0.4353 21.474 0.170 10 gravelly sand to sand 37 62.66 245.87 0.4409 22.001 0.179 10 gravelly sand to sand 38 62.83 237.06 0.6376 21.902 0.269 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 62.99 234.62 1.0124 21.095 0.432 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 63.16 244.02 0.7140 18.891 0.293 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 63.32 247.55 0.6075 18.899 0.245 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 63.48 255.43 0.6437 17.891 0.252 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 63.65 260.19 0.5508 15.689 0.212 10 gravelly sand to sand 41 63.81 263.32 1.3098 14.352 0.497 10 gravelly sand to sand 41 63.98 254.03 0.8090 13.421 0.318 10 gravelly sand to sand 42 64.14 251.32 1.0311 13.492 0.410 10 gravelly sand to sand 43 64.30 268.33 0.8392 15.042 0.313 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 64.47 282.78 0.5389 13.943 0.191 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 64.63 299.29 0.7672 14.349 0.256 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 64.80 295.76 0.7630 13.722 0.258 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 64.96 281.12 0.6873 14.520 0.244 10 gravelly sand to sand 43 65.12 255.21 0.4538 16.722 0.178 10 gravelly sand to sand 41 65.29 238.55 0.4294 17.902 0.180 10 gravelly sand to sand 38 65.45 216.90 0.3195 22.874 0.147 9 sand 40 65.62 203.57 0.3649 21.211 0.179 9 sand 34 65.78 167.57 0.3657 22.388 0.218 9 sand 29 65.94 90.47 0.4974 23.366 0.550 9 sand 25 66.11 70.60 0.6050 25.518 0.857 9 sand 22 66.27 81.03 0.7789 25.899 0.961 8 sand to silty sand 25 66.44 82.21 0.7691 26.482 0.936 8 sand to silty sand 23 66.60 107.81 0.7268 26.474 0.674 8 sand to silty sand 24 66.77 116.11 0.5567 18.040 0.479 8 sand to silty sand 25 66.93 115.94 0.4893 21.496 0.422 8 sand to silty sand 25 67.09 111.32 0.4489 23.289 0.403 8 sand to silty sand 24 67.26 99.93 0.6587 24.037 0.659 8 sand to silty sand 22 67.42 81.85 1.0044 23.783 1.227 8 sand to silty sand 19 67.59 59.36 1.3023 25.797 2.194 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 67.75 55.57 1.0610 16.758 1.909 7 silty sand to sandy silt 20 67.91 39.69 0.9490 2.973 2.391 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 68.08 37.39 0.6282 3.144 1.680 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 68.24 64.17 0.5230 2.652 0.815 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 68.41 55.14 1.0052 1.658 1.823 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 68.57 56.03 0.9040 16.114 1.613 7 silty sand to sandy silt 21 68.73 64.46 1.1402 7.227 1.769 8 sand to silty sand 19 68.90 64.11 1.1546 2.997 1.801 8 sand to silty sand 21 69.06 125.64 0.8208 1.224 0.653 8 sand to silty sand 23 69.23 130.81 0.8068 -0.718 0.617 8 sand to silty sand 24 69.39 114.22 0.8731 -0.718 0.764 8 sand to silty sand 25 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 69.55 105.80 0.8487 -0.041 0.802 8 sand to silty sand 27 69.72 89.74 1.2156 -0.340 1.355 8 sand to silty sand 28 69.88 92.13 1.3849 -0.243 1.503 8 sand to silty sand 28 70.05 132.31 1.1197 -0.892 0.846 8 sand to silty sand 29 70.21 154.30 0.7538 -1.856 0.489 8 sand to silty sand 30 70.37 140.37 1.0600 -2.508 0.755 8 sand to silty sand 31 70.54 130.90 1.1850 -2.594 0.905 8 sand to silty sand 31 70.70 131.74 0.8061 -2.370 0.612 8 sand to silty sand 30 70.87 116.39 0.9568 -2.890 0.822 8 sand to silty sand 28 71.03 106.40 1.1292 -3.196 1.061 8 sand to silty sand 27 71.19 109.35 0.9431 -3.343 0.862 8 sand to silty sand 26 71.36 95.66 1.2269 -3.655 1.283 8 sand to silty sand 25 71.52 114.08 0.8126 -3.862 0.712 8 sand to silty sand 24 71.69 101.52 0.8614 -4.058 0.848 8 sand to silty sand 25 71.85 92.51 0.8960 -4.282 0.968 8 sand to silty sand 24 72.01 96.44 0.7780 6.942 0.807 8 sand to silty sand 23 72.18 107.71 0.5436 2.555 0.505 8 sand to silty sand 22 72.34 95.03 0.7323 -0.099 0.771 8 sand to silty sand 21 72.51 79.26 0.7844 -0.901 0.990 8 sand to silty sand 20 72.67 82.50 0.4960 -0.804 0.601 8 sand to silty sand 18 72.83 70.83 0.5731 -1.296 0.809 8 sand to silty sand 17 73.00 48.25 0.7673 -1.674 1.590 7 silty sand to sandy silt 21 73.16 47.29 0.6422 -1.069 1.358 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 73.33 68.72 0.7588 -0.724 1.104 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 73.49 56.38 1.1231 -0.765 1.992 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 73.65 51.55 1.0011 -0.149 1.942 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 73.82 65.43 0.7746 -0.511 1.184 7 silty sand to sandy silt 20 73.98 63.17 0.8392 -1.318 1.328 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 74.15 64.01 0.7275 -1.265 1.136 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 74.31 58.92 0.8411 -1.238 1.428 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 74.48 47.31 0.8029 -1.044 1.697 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 74.64 47.97 0.7479 -0.608 1.559 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 74.80 56.64 0.6578 -0.903 1.161 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 74.97 65.87 0.7183 -1.102 1.090 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 75.13 67.14 0.7405 -1.094 1.103 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 75.30 56.56 0.5768 9.351 1.020 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 75.46 66.16 0.4328 6.014 0.654 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 75.62 38.31 0.4667 4.633 1.218 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 75.79 20.79 0.3655 5.987 1.758 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 75.95 14.99 0.2494 7.520 1.663 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 76.12 14.55 0.1755 8.984 1.206 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 76.28 13.60 0.1767 10.437 1.300 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 76.44 14.02 0.1982 12.111 1.414 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 76.61 15.11 0.2493 13.865 1.650 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 76.77 15.96 0.2927 15.821 1.834 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 76.94 16.84 0.3244 17.855 1.927 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 77.10 17.40 0.3547 20.067 2.039 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 77.26 17.57 0.3492 22.463 1.987 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 77.43 16.41 0.3198 24.471 1.949 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 77.59 15.05 0.2862 26.571 1.902 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 77.76 15.11 0.2148 28.457 1.421 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 77.92 15.59 0.3516 30.333 2.256 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 78.08 19.09 0.2750 33.347 1.441 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 78.25 52.21 0.5656 33.018 1.083 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 78.41 32.38 0.5516 23.173 1.704 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 78.58 25.76 0.4709 30.634 1.828 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 78.74 21.46 0.3115 33.800 1.451 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 78.90 18.67 0.2256 37.955 1.208 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 79.07 15.71 0.2003 42.917 1.275 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 79.23 12.84 0.1949 50.147 1.518 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 79.40 12.25 0.2024 57.556 1.652 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 79.56 12.49 0.2010 64.744 1.609 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 79.72 13.31 0.1450 70.261 1.090 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 79.89 12.94 0.2753 75.060 2.127 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 80.05 16.56 0.7116 84.613 4.297 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 14 80.22 58.70 1.4187 46.202 2.417 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 80.38 47.97 1.1656 34.369 2.430 8 sand to silty sand 21 80.54 94.71 1.0459 38.533 1.104 8 sand to silty sand 28 80.71 167.49 1.0412 28.297 0.622 8 sand to silty sand 35 80.87 211.28 1.2463 30.237 0.590 9 sand 31 81.04 227.49 1.5387 32.751 0.676 9 sand 33 81.20 210.80 1.8451 32.693 0.875 9 sand 35 81.36 179.77 2.8445 31.770 1.582 9 sand 34 81.53 126.34 2.1293 32.485 1.685 9 sand 34 81.69 144.35 1.3284 35.693 0.920 9 sand 33 81.86 156.40 1.1114 31.858 0.711 9 sand 33 82.02 203.84 0.8331 21.739 0.409 9 sand 33 82.19 199.37 0.9972 21.283 0.500 9 sand 34 82.35 183.99 1.0276 23.197 0.558 9 sand 35 82.51 177.87 1.3748 26.471 0.773 9 sand 35 82.68 172.95 1.6256 29.364 0.940 9 sand 35 82.84 185.93 1.4422 28.888 0.776 9 sand 34 83.01 168.64 1.4593 29.333 0.865 9 sand 34 83.17 189.55 1.0912 23.059 0.576 9 sand 34 83.33 173.63 1.3009 20.670 0.749 9 sand 35 83.50 168.21 1.1838 25.316 0.704 9 sand 36 83.66 186.83 0.9737 17.451 0.521 9 sand 37 83.83 201.88 0.8726 3.630 0.432 9 sand 38 83.99 211.45 0.9423 2.981 0.446 9 sand 41 84.15 211.72 1.3847 3.329 0.654 9 sand 43 84.32 225.09 2.4440 4.785 1.086 9 sand 45 84.48 301.27 1.8590 5.951 0.617 9 sand 45 84.65 250.61 2.2437 6.442 0.895 9 sand 46 84.81 232.75 1.2503 9.699 0.537 9 sand 47 84.97 220.61 1.3024 14.805 0.590 9 sand 48 85.14 238.78 1.2755 28.640 0.534 9 sand 45 85.30 250.23 1.5118 20.678 0.604 9 sand 43 85.47 245.17 1.1378 18.719 0.464 9 sand 42 85.63 198.02 1.4280 12.600 0.721 9 sand 44 85.79 166.43 1.7126 14.017 1.029 9 sand 44 85.96 231.70 1.4624 15.808 0.631 9 sand 44 86.12 271.24 1.0885 6.583 0.401 9 sand 44 86.29 261.01 1.2919 5.442 0.495 9 sand 44 86.45 240.23 1.4282 6.522 0.595 9 sand 46 86.61 224.94 1.3964 7.978 0.621 9 sand 46 86.78 225.86 1.5043 9.807 0.666 9 sand 45 86.94 227.11 1.3592 11.796 0.598 9 sand 45 87.11 225.84 1.5399 13.879 0.682 9 sand 44 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 87.27 252.34 1.3173 14.208 0.522 9 sand 45 87.43 238.77 1.4940 11.363 0.626 9 sand 45 87.60 229.82 1.3966 14.970 0.608 9 sand 45 87.76 231.45 1.2783 17.714 0.552 9 sand 43 87.93 230.70 0.8292 18.918 0.359 9 sand 43 88.09 246.23 0.7983 19.990 0.324 9 sand 44 88.25 147.24 0.8477 37.046 0.576 9 sand 45 88.42 262.10 1.1041 29.676 0.421 9 sand 47 88.58 264.26 1.4858 32.248 0.562 9 sand 49 88.75 268.72 3.7048 34.256 1.379 9 sand 51 88.91 280.54 2.6755 32.657 0.954 9 sand 56 89.07 324.22 2.0721 24.258 0.639 9 sand 57 89.24 331.41 2.1181 21.905 0.639 9 sand 55 89.40 315.35 2.8164 24.816 0.893 9 sand 54 89.57 283.30 2.9871 30.698 1.054 9 sand 52 89.73 220.10 2.0916 36.466 0.950 9 sand 48 89.90 207.63 1.5774 35.574 0.760 9 sand 44 90.06 206.28 1.3771 36.160 0.668 9 sand 40 90.22 196.47 1.2638 33.571 0.643 9 sand 37 90.39 171.59 1.2453 34.483 0.726 9 sand 37 90.55 167.48 1.1514 34.740 0.688 9 sand 38 90.72 174.08 1.0687 36.201 0.614 9 sand 39 90.88 211.41 2.3495 34.568 1.111 9 sand 40 91.04 256.44 1.4920 31.560 0.582 9 sand 43 91.21 260.23 1.5554 29.913 0.598 9 sand 47 91.37 231.47 1.7718 42.337 0.765 9 sand 50 91.54 271.28 1.9893 39.055 0.733 9 sand 54 91.70 298.33 1.6126 34.491 0.541 9 sand 56 91.86 313.41 1.8864 34.629 0.602 9 sand 58 92.03 328.18 2.2139 36.789 0.675 9 sand 61 92.19 334.04 2.7144 38.820 0.813 9 sand 62 92.36 328.99 2.8182 38.748 0.857 9 sand 63 92.52 335.20 3.0404 36.353 0.907 9 sand 64 92.68 334.89 3.3114 35.242 0.989 9 sand 63 92.85 336.83 3.4010 33.820 1.010 9 sand 63 93.01 320.61 3.4502 34.574 1.076 9 sand 63 93.18 320.68 3.3325 33.706 1.039 9 sand 62 93.34 321.69 3.4514 32.629 1.073 9 sand 62 93.50 319.11 3.6110 33.126 1.132 9 sand 62 93.67 317.81 3.4730 32.499 1.093 9 sand 62 93.83 322.16 3.4668 32.590 1.076 9 sand 63 94.00 332.36 3.3933 30.897 1.021 9 sand 65 94.16 343.74 3.3702 30.463 0.980 9 sand 67 94.32 360.51 3.2812 28.352 0.910 9 sand 68 94.49 380.29 2.8060 28.234 0.738 9 sand 70 94.65 381.51 2.9602 30.687 0.776 9 sand 72 94.82 375.67 2.9866 35.416 0.795 10 gravelly sand to sand 61 94.98 383.37 2.9208 33.452 0.762 10 gravelly sand to sand 61 95.14 389.17 2.6802 31.784 0.689 10 gravelly sand to sand 62 95.31 392.54 2.4662 31.878 0.628 10 gravelly sand to sand 61 95.47 390.15 2.4110 32.753 0.618 10 gravelly sand to sand 61 95.64 386.40 2.5483 34.146 0.659 10 gravelly sand to sand 59 95.80 367.76 2.8354 37.143 0.771 9 sand 68 95.96 342.71 2.8871 35.809 0.842 9 sand 64 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02.txt[4/30/2015 4:01:53 PM] 96.13 313.57 2.8336 33.339 0.904 9 sand 60 96.29 280.28 2.7375 31.339 0.977 9 sand 56 96.46 252.82 2.6466 29.057 1.047 9 sand 54 96.62 239.13 2.5956 29.869 1.085 9 sand 54 96.78 258.24 2.6071 31.118 1.010 9 sand 54 96.95 295.02 2.8959 25.322 0.982 9 sand 54 97.11 320.93 3.2588 27.794 1.015 9 sand 55 97.28 313.98 3.3676 26.502 1.073 9 sand 59 97.44 290.53 3.2805 28.250 1.129 9 sand 64 97.60 304.50 3.2228 30.286 1.058 9 sand 66 97.77 380.97 2.8869 30.900 0.758 9 sand 68 97.93 413.21 2.8451 15.730 0.689 9 sand 69 98.10 402.24 2.9897 31.353 0.743 9 sand 70 98.26 377.36 3.3848 31.676 0.897 9 sand 71 98.43 352.72 3.2775 29.516 0.929 9 sand 70 98.59 338.21 2.9800 30.808 0.881 9 sand 68 98.75 333.24 2.8099 31.662 0.843 9 sand 67 98.92 336.92 2.9277 32.530 0.869 9 sand 67 99.08 341.53 3.1184 34.698 0.913 9 sand 68 99.25 361.91 3.3652 34.488 0.930 9 sand 69 99.41 389.61 2.8738 30.408 0.738 9 sand 66 99.57 388.60 2.0603 21.167 0.530 10 gravelly sand to sand 53 99.74 375.58 2.4628 15.725 0.656 9 sand 60 99.90 322.27 3.3505 17.023 1.040 9 sand 54 100.07 245.73 -32768 18.822 -32768 0 <out of range> 0 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-02 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/3/2015 11:24:58 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 36.089 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02Dis36.089.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:03 PM] Data File: HCCPT-02 4/3/2015 11:24:58 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 36.09 0 1.354 36.09 1 1.251 36.09 2 0.489 36.09 3 0.351 36.09 4 1.003 36.09 5 1.779 36.09 6 2.387 36.09 7 3.044 36.09 8 3.622 36.09 9 4.224 36.09 10 4.785 36.09 11 5.368 36.09 12 5.970 36.09 13 6.484 36.09 14 7.036 36.09 15 7.525 36.09 16 8.009 36.09 17 8.398 36.09 18 8.882 36.09 19 9.288 36.09 20 9.691 36.09 21 10.075 36.09 22 10.407 36.09 23 10.700 36.09 24 10.970 36.09 25 11.227 36.09 26 11.437 36.09 27 11.661 36.09 28 11.832 36.09 29 12.001 36.09 30 12.136 36.09 31 12.285 36.09 32 12.404 36.09 33 12.509 36.09 34 12.603 36.09 35 12.683 36.09 36 12.766 36.09 37 12.832 36.09 38 12.887 36.09 39 12.940 36.09 40 12.981 36.09 41 13.028 36.09 42 13.062 36.09 43 13.111 36.09 44 13.136 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02Dis36.089.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:03 PM] 36.09 45 13.164 36.09 46 13.186 36.09 47 13.205 36.09 48 13.230 36.09 49 13.249 36.09 50 13.252 36.09 51 13.252 36.09 52 13.283 36.09 53 13.305 36.09 54 13.310 36.09 55 13.324 36.09 56 13.332 36.09 57 13.341 36.09 58 13.352 36.09 59 13.354 36.09 60 13.360 36.09 65 13.390 36.09 70 13.418 36.09 75 13.432 36.09 80 13.446 36.09 85 13.454 36.09 90 13.465 36.09 95 13.476 36.09 100 13.479 36.09 105 13.492 36.09 110 13.506 36.09 115 13.512 36.09 120 13.520 36.09 125 13.528 36.09 130 13.539 36.09 135 13.542 36.09 140 13.542 36.09 145 13.548 36.09 150 13.562 36.09 155 13.559 36.09 160 13.564 36.09 165 13.567 36.09 170 13.570 36.09 175 13.578 36.09 180 13.589 36.09 185 13.589 36.09 190 13.600 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-02 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/3/2015 11:24:58 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 45.768 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02Dis45.768.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:10 PM] Data File: HCCPT-02 4/3/2015 11:24:58 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 45.77 0 9.749 45.77 1 9.550 45.77 2 8.437 45.77 3 8.304 45.77 4 8.943 45.77 5 9.669 45.77 6 10.282 45.77 7 10.918 45.77 8 11.537 45.77 9 12.081 45.77 10 12.570 45.77 11 13.028 45.77 12 13.512 45.77 13 13.890 45.77 14 14.316 45.77 15 14.691 45.77 16 15.037 45.77 17 15.321 45.77 18 15.631 45.77 19 15.904 45.77 20 16.142 45.77 21 16.385 45.77 22 16.576 45.77 23 16.780 45.77 24 16.940 45.77 25 17.106 45.77 26 17.222 45.77 27 17.366 45.77 28 17.465 45.77 29 17.556 45.77 30 17.650 45.77 31 17.725 45.77 32 17.797 45.77 33 17.863 45.77 34 17.924 45.77 35 17.984 45.77 36 18.042 45.77 37 18.087 45.77 38 18.109 45.77 39 18.142 45.77 40 18.164 45.77 41 18.183 45.77 42 18.208 45.77 43 18.225 45.77 44 18.228 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-02Dis45.768.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:10 PM] 45.77 45 18.239 45.77 46 17.882 45.77 47 17.247 45.77 48 17.297 45.77 49 17.393 45.77 50 17.233 45.77 51 17.556 45.77 52 17.700 45.77 53 17.797 45.77 54 17.885 45.77 55 17.949 45.77 56 17.993 45.77 57 18.031 45.77 58 18.062 45.77 59 18.098 45.77 60 18.114 45.77 65 18.175 45.77 70 18.189 45.77 75 18.194 45.77 80 18.189 45.77 85 18.172 45.77 90 18.172 45.77 95 18.164 Hart Crowser Operator: Brown Sounding: CPT-03 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/3/2015 1:08:12 PM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 Maximum Depth = 94.00 feet Depth Increment = 0.164 feet InSitu Engineering *Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 Tip Resistance Qc TSF 3000 0 1 2 3 4 5 Depth (ft) Pore Pressure Pw PSI 120-20 Friction Ratio Fs/Qc (%) 120 Soil Behavior Type* Zone: UBC-1983 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) 120 SPT N* 60% Hammer 900 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] Data File:HCCPT-03 4/3/2015 1:08:12 PM Operator:Brown Location:Southport Office Development Cone ID:DDG1238 Job Number:1901404 Customer: Units: Depth Qc Fs Pw Fs/Qc Soil Behavior Type SPT N* (ft) TSF TSF PSI (%) Zone UBC-1983 60% Hammer 0.16 72.95 0.2689 -0.011 0.369 8 sand to silty sand 17 0.33 135.33 0.4321 -0.097 0.319 9 sand 20 0.49 138.87 1.1068 -0.381 0.797 8 sand to silty sand 36 0.66 156.36 2.9448 -0.403 1.883 9 sand 37 0.82 259.67 2.3873 -0.541 0.919 9 sand 42 0.98 278.42 3.2797 1.088 1.178 9 sand 44 1.15 293.64 4.4999 0.721 1.532 9 sand 44 1.31 271.29 1.8535 -1.008 0.683 9 sand 42 1.48 199.54 2.5671 0.370 1.287 8 sand to silty sand 48 1.64 151.06 2.6147 0.356 1.731 8 sand to silty sand 43 1.80 97.56 2.9209 0.381 2.994 8 sand to silty sand 40 1.97 101.03 2.1856 0.445 2.163 8 sand to silty sand 36 2.13 152.41 2.3518 0.727 1.543 7 silty sand to sandy silt 47 2.30 184.60 2.3671 -0.365 1.282 7 silty sand to sandy silt 51 2.46 172.57 3.7533 -1.497 2.175 7 silty sand to sandy silt 52 2.62 169.18 4.2301 -1.448 2.500 7 silty sand to sandy silt 50 2.79 243.02 4.4379 -1.036 1.826 7 silty sand to sandy silt 46 2.95 109.86 3.7016 -4.583 3.369 7 silty sand to sandy silt 42 3.12 74.82 1.8721 -3.285 2.502 7 silty sand to sandy silt 40 3.28 65.09 1.4843 -0.959 2.280 7 silty sand to sandy silt 37 3.44 85.48 1.8043 -1.508 2.111 7 silty sand to sandy silt 31 3.61 128.15 2.2647 -1.735 1.767 7 silty sand to sandy silt 30 3.77 114.36 1.4896 -2.569 1.303 7 silty sand to sandy silt 30 3.94 100.21 1.0799 -2.403 1.078 8 sand to silty sand 23 4.10 88.05 1.1649 -2.577 1.323 8 sand to silty sand 22 4.27 74.24 1.0133 -3.857 1.365 8 sand to silty sand 19 4.43 70.31 0.6309 -4.448 0.897 8 sand to silty sand 16 4.59 56.84 0.3805 -4.542 0.669 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 4.76 43.26 0.1737 -1.798 0.401 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 4.92 31.79 0.1407 -2.464 0.443 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 5.09 26.34 0.0580 -2.296 0.220 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 5.25 23.92 0.0871 -2.729 0.364 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 5.41 17.57 0.1361 -2.699 0.775 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 5.58 13.79 0.1291 -2.475 0.937 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 5.74 10.48 0.1244 -2.307 1.188 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 5 5.91 8.94 0.1049 -2.025 1.173 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 6.07 7.61 0.1562 -1.804 2.051 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 6.23 6.80 0.1420 -1.619 2.087 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 6.40 13.25 0.1191 -1.453 0.899 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 6.56 10.87 0.1919 -1.688 1.766 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 6.73 8.13 0.1704 -1.564 2.096 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 6.89 13.72 0.1413 -1.312 1.030 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 7.05 15.17 0.2351 -1.638 1.550 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 7.22 16.85 0.1651 -0.495 0.979 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 7.38 34.38 0.1234 -1.174 0.359 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 7.55 49.36 0.1141 -1.500 0.231 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 7.71 41.99 0.1543 -1.050 0.368 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 7.87 35.07 0.1548 -0.953 0.442 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 8.04 39.58 0.1321 -0.724 0.334 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 8.20 36.61 0.1869 -1.030 0.510 8 sand to silty sand 10 8.37 33.18 0.2004 -1.381 0.604 8 sand to silty sand 11 8.53 49.83 0.1636 -1.039 0.328 8 sand to silty sand 12 8.69 57.83 0.1781 -1.367 0.308 8 sand to silty sand 13 8.86 64.10 0.1699 -1.265 0.265 8 sand to silty sand 14 9.02 66.77 0.1442 -1.122 0.216 8 sand to silty sand 15 9.19 70.04 0.1382 -0.870 0.197 8 sand to silty sand 16 9.35 66.86 0.1237 -0.605 0.185 8 sand to silty sand 16 9.51 63.02 0.1253 -0.425 0.199 8 sand to silty sand 16 9.68 64.86 0.1525 -0.210 0.235 8 sand to silty sand 16 9.84 65.12 0.1455 0.025 0.223 8 sand to silty sand 16 10.01 69.62 0.1642 0.215 0.236 8 sand to silty sand 16 10.17 72.96 0.1309 0.401 0.179 8 sand to silty sand 16 10.33 69.56 0.1351 0.616 0.194 8 sand to silty sand 16 10.50 63.53 0.1293 2.539 0.204 8 sand to silty sand 16 10.66 62.90 0.1476 2.674 0.235 8 sand to silty sand 16 10.83 62.64 0.1445 2.768 0.231 8 sand to silty sand 15 10.99 61.33 0.1238 2.829 0.202 8 sand to silty sand 15 11.15 60.66 0.1115 2.895 0.184 8 sand to silty sand 15 11.32 60.83 0.1316 2.981 0.216 8 sand to silty sand 14 11.48 59.05 0.1465 3.130 0.248 8 sand to silty sand 14 11.65 56.87 0.1667 3.243 0.293 8 sand to silty sand 14 11.81 53.86 0.1766 3.321 0.328 8 sand to silty sand 13 11.98 52.25 0.1888 3.406 0.361 8 sand to silty sand 13 12.14 51.17 0.2065 3.497 0.404 8 sand to silty sand 12 12.30 49.44 0.2097 3.580 0.424 8 sand to silty sand 12 12.47 47.15 0.1915 3.613 0.406 8 sand to silty sand 11 12.63 46.09 0.1778 3.641 0.386 8 sand to silty sand 11 12.80 42.55 0.1686 3.699 0.396 8 sand to silty sand 11 12.96 41.13 0.1622 3.774 0.394 8 sand to silty sand 10 13.12 38.37 0.1588 3.810 0.414 8 sand to silty sand 11 13.29 42.04 0.1353 3.948 0.322 8 sand to silty sand 11 13.45 48.30 0.1445 4.028 0.299 8 sand to silty sand 12 13.62 52.57 0.1667 4.318 0.317 8 sand to silty sand 13 13.78 57.65 0.1841 4.417 0.319 8 sand to silty sand 14 13.94 63.48 0.2123 4.448 0.334 8 sand to silty sand 14 14.11 67.81 0.2237 4.459 0.330 8 sand to silty sand 14 14.27 65.17 0.2290 4.467 0.351 8 sand to silty sand 14 14.44 56.27 0.2241 4.415 0.398 8 sand to silty sand 13 14.60 42.83 0.1918 4.357 0.448 8 sand to silty sand 12 14.76 43.22 0.1512 4.522 0.350 8 sand to silty sand 12 14.93 45.90 0.1669 2.641 0.364 8 sand to silty sand 12 15.09 43.07 0.2433 3.127 0.565 8 sand to silty sand 13 15.26 47.68 0.2639 3.453 0.554 8 sand to silty sand 15 15.42 69.59 0.2623 3.655 0.377 8 sand to silty sand 16 15.58 89.58 0.3208 3.611 0.358 8 sand to silty sand 17 15.75 89.85 0.3136 3.683 0.349 8 sand to silty sand 18 15.91 84.22 0.2857 3.986 0.339 8 sand to silty sand 19 16.08 79.72 0.2706 4.252 0.339 8 sand to silty sand 19 16.24 71.89 0.2591 4.437 0.360 8 sand to silty sand 18 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 16.40 67.30 0.2549 4.666 0.379 8 sand to silty sand 17 16.57 67.18 0.2071 4.846 0.308 8 sand to silty sand 17 16.73 69.03 0.2188 5.042 0.317 8 sand to silty sand 16 16.90 70.38 0.2251 5.669 0.320 8 sand to silty sand 16 17.06 69.99 0.2334 5.771 0.334 8 sand to silty sand 16 17.22 65.62 0.2135 5.901 0.325 8 sand to silty sand 15 17.39 60.99 0.2036 5.732 0.334 8 sand to silty sand 15 17.55 58.10 0.1943 5.824 0.334 8 sand to silty sand 15 17.72 56.51 0.1929 5.989 0.341 8 sand to silty sand 14 17.88 58.83 0.2217 6.069 0.377 8 sand to silty sand 14 18.04 57.12 0.2047 6.158 0.358 8 sand to silty sand 14 18.21 59.64 0.1918 6.263 0.322 8 sand to silty sand 14 18.37 62.07 0.1780 6.343 0.287 8 sand to silty sand 15 18.54 63.15 0.1681 6.406 0.266 8 sand to silty sand 15 18.70 62.17 0.2045 6.509 0.329 8 sand to silty sand 15 18.86 62.03 0.2249 6.611 0.363 8 sand to silty sand 15 19.03 61.14 0.2293 6.697 0.375 8 sand to silty sand 15 19.19 61.58 0.2111 6.768 0.343 8 sand to silty sand 15 19.36 60.77 0.2044 6.779 0.336 8 sand to silty sand 15 19.52 59.77 0.1938 6.871 0.324 8 sand to silty sand 15 19.69 59.95 0.2010 6.976 0.335 8 sand to silty sand 15 19.85 62.51 0.1357 6.964 0.217 8 sand to silty sand 15 20.01 62.07 0.1930 7.127 0.311 8 sand to silty sand 16 20.18 65.32 0.3197 7.442 0.489 8 sand to silty sand 16 20.34 71.87 0.3674 7.569 0.511 8 sand to silty sand 17 20.51 74.54 0.3631 7.558 0.487 8 sand to silty sand 19 20.67 82.79 0.2766 7.672 0.334 8 sand to silty sand 20 20.83 89.77 0.2825 7.672 0.315 8 sand to silty sand 21 21.00 96.20 0.2848 7.821 0.296 9 sand 18 21.16 102.97 0.2809 7.730 0.273 9 sand 20 21.33 107.87 0.3914 7.851 0.363 9 sand 21 21.49 119.12 0.3795 8.183 0.319 9 sand 22 21.65 123.56 0.5230 7.393 0.423 9 sand 23 21.82 127.39 0.5472 7.895 0.430 9 sand 24 21.98 128.48 0.4456 7.553 0.347 9 sand 24 22.15 128.25 0.2360 7.622 0.184 9 sand 24 22.31 124.05 0.2415 7.757 0.195 9 sand 24 22.47 124.16 0.3545 7.440 0.286 9 sand 23 22.64 116.31 0.3900 7.625 0.335 9 sand 22 22.80 110.00 0.4240 7.528 0.385 9 sand 22 22.97 106.54 0.4208 7.592 0.395 9 sand 21 23.13 103.32 0.3605 7.931 0.349 9 sand 20 23.29 101.54 0.2699 7.942 0.266 9 sand 20 23.46 104.97 0.2756 7.774 0.263 9 sand 18 23.62 97.57 0.1859 8.031 0.191 9 sand 17 23.79 88.30 0.1921 8.017 0.218 8 sand to silty sand 19 23.95 69.74 0.1541 8.180 0.221 8 sand to silty sand 17 24.11 52.23 0.2237 8.349 0.428 8 sand to silty sand 14 24.28 41.82 0.1975 8.617 0.472 8 sand to silty sand 12 24.44 40.17 0.1800 6.674 0.448 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 24.61 33.37 0.2157 5.075 0.646 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 24.77 27.29 0.4027 6.246 1.475 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 24.93 23.76 0.4426 6.558 1.863 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 25.10 33.59 0.1826 4.763 0.543 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 25.26 44.95 0.2989 1.348 0.665 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 25.43 34.25 0.5143 1.185 1.502 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 25.59 23.99 0.7084 1.912 2.953 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 25.75 22.87 0.5910 2.956 2.585 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 25.92 40.51 0.3197 3.497 0.789 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 26.08 56.63 0.2410 1.486 0.426 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.25 45.56 0.3811 2.484 0.836 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.41 29.54 0.3988 2.757 1.350 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.57 26.13 0.3600 3.420 1.378 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 26.74 25.17 0.3915 7.028 1.555 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 26.90 18.28 0.3957 10.581 2.165 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 27.07 17.24 0.3534 7.575 2.050 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 27.23 13.03 0.3493 8.161 2.680 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 27.40 12.94 0.3295 10.086 2.547 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 27.56 13.17 0.3594 11.556 2.729 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 27.72 12.60 0.3644 13.357 2.892 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 27.89 13.19 0.3895 14.249 2.952 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 28.05 13.97 0.3665 15.236 2.622 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 28.22 12.94 0.3763 15.390 2.909 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 28.38 15.30 0.3689 16.819 2.411 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 28.54 14.04 0.3752 13.205 2.672 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 28.71 12.02 0.3024 14.893 2.516 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 28.87 13.00 0.2469 16.111 1.899 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 29.04 10.87 0.2442 18.368 2.247 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 29.20 10.16 0.2601 20.653 2.558 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 29.36 12.14 0.2223 22.106 1.831 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 29.53 12.29 0.3528 20.054 2.871 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 29.69 12.04 0.3556 22.338 2.953 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 29.86 13.85 0.3573 19.797 2.581 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 30.02 12.17 0.3674 21.504 3.019 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 30.18 12.32 0.3930 23.007 3.190 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 30.35 13.50 0.2323 22.697 1.720 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 30.51 21.11 0.3038 16.573 1.439 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 30.68 14.90 0.2878 14.838 1.931 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 30.84 11.81 0.3059 16.860 2.591 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 31.00 14.99 0.2644 19.123 1.764 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 31.17 20.32 0.2649 15.095 1.304 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 31.33 19.41 0.2551 14.075 1.314 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 31.50 17.13 0.2460 13.923 1.437 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 31.66 13.46 0.2304 15.216 1.711 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 31.82 10.91 0.2697 17.402 2.473 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 31.99 10.21 0.2429 19.916 2.378 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 32.15 10.56 0.2304 21.438 2.181 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 32.32 10.15 0.2099 23.015 2.068 4 silty clay to clay 7 32.48 9.99 0.1995 24.399 1.998 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 32.64 9.54 0.3338 26.010 3.499 4 silty clay to clay 7 32.81 9.63 0.2894 27.540 3.005 4 silty clay to clay 7 32.97 11.14 0.2394 12.631 2.149 4 silty clay to clay 6 33.14 9.37 0.2200 14.167 2.348 4 silty clay to clay 6 33.30 9.69 0.1961 16.042 2.023 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 33.46 9.81 0.2027 17.504 2.066 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 33.63 9.73 0.1970 19.297 2.024 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 33.79 9.75 0.2126 20.866 2.180 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 33.96 9.50 0.2195 22.604 2.310 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 34.12 10.36 0.1759 24.021 1.697 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 34.28 9.84 0.1956 24.979 1.989 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 34.45 9.64 0.1832 27.015 1.900 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 34.61 10.32 0.2802 28.156 2.716 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 34.78 9.96 0.3126 29.529 3.140 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 34.94 33.35 0.2279 24.535 0.683 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 35.10 43.22 0.2709 10.271 0.627 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 35.27 35.14 0.2769 10.164 0.788 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 35.43 29.37 0.4066 10.755 1.385 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 35.60 31.11 0.2981 9.031 0.958 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 35.76 36.43 0.3644 5.550 1.000 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 35.93 43.54 0.2590 4.815 0.595 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 36.09 53.38 0.3341 2.879 0.626 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 36.25 42.70 0.3983 2.848 0.933 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 36.42 35.48 0.4626 12.003 1.304 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 36.58 24.06 0.4402 9.920 1.830 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 36.75 17.23 0.3204 9.708 1.859 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 36.91 11.44 0.2488 11.398 2.174 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 37.07 10.24 0.2050 13.465 2.001 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 37.24 10.66 0.1656 15.349 1.553 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 37.40 10.02 0.2050 17.065 2.045 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 37.57 10.45 0.2086 19.659 1.996 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 37.73 11.22 0.2194 21.236 1.954 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 37.89 11.04 0.2555 23.576 2.315 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 38.06 11.16 0.3200 26.223 2.867 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5 38.22 11.01 0.2812 29.002 2.554 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 38.39 11.53 0.2567 29.491 2.225 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 38.55 10.57 0.2375 31.286 2.248 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 38.71 11.73 0.2791 33.112 2.379 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 38.88 13.05 0.4172 34.267 3.197 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 39.04 18.98 0.2985 28.021 1.572 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 39.21 56.86 0.3313 19.695 0.583 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 39.37 48.15 0.4764 15.451 0.989 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 39.53 65.21 0.5129 12.899 0.786 8 sand to silty sand 16 39.70 82.26 0.4311 8.070 0.524 8 sand to silty sand 19 39.86 90.35 0.4311 4.089 0.477 8 sand to silty sand 20 40.03 102.37 0.4187 4.439 0.409 8 sand to silty sand 20 40.19 104.06 0.3646 4.948 0.350 8 sand to silty sand 20 40.35 87.70 0.3743 5.528 0.427 8 sand to silty sand 18 40.52 62.39 0.4805 6.169 0.770 8 sand to silty sand 16 40.68 42.53 0.4690 6.785 1.103 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 40.85 34.26 0.7053 7.768 2.059 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 41.01 20.60 0.5864 8.639 2.847 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 41.17 15.31 0.5683 10.793 3.712 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 41.34 15.55 0.4562 13.034 2.934 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 41.50 19.60 0.4345 13.385 2.217 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 41.67 17.83 0.3837 14.056 2.151 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 41.83 15.42 0.3657 15.020 2.372 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 41.99 11.28 0.3482 16.948 3.087 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 42.16 11.94 0.3066 19.037 2.569 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 42.32 11.84 0.2991 20.728 2.527 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 42.49 11.19 0.3664 22.559 3.275 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 42.65 10.79 0.3465 24.615 3.210 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 42.81 15.94 0.4196 38.505 2.632 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 42.98 17.75 0.3728 25.112 2.100 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 43.14 11.63 0.3927 24.361 3.376 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 43.31 12.30 0.4731 28.013 3.845 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 43.47 23.72 0.4654 29.880 1.962 8 sand to silty sand 14 43.64 71.26 0.3865 18.570 0.542 8 sand to silty sand 19 43.80 121.03 0.4534 7.926 0.375 9 sand 22 43.96 139.58 0.5198 8.111 0.372 9 sand 28 44.13 183.14 0.7998 9.423 0.437 9 sand 34 44.29 235.37 0.5419 10.514 0.230 9 sand 39 44.46 256.76 0.9578 11.821 0.373 9 sand 45 44.62 243.77 1.0238 11.387 0.420 9 sand 48 44.78 262.51 1.8680 13.349 0.712 9 sand 51 44.95 312.41 1.6055 17.482 0.514 9 sand 52 45.11 250.58 0.8515 17.830 0.340 9 sand 51 45.28 294.28 2.4910 18.960 0.846 9 sand 50 45.44 278.72 1.2466 18.576 0.447 9 sand 48 45.60 225.60 1.3389 19.167 0.593 9 sand 47 45.77 194.70 1.6891 19.971 0.868 9 sand 48 45.93 205.09 1.6920 19.581 0.825 9 sand 47 46.10 278.26 2.9212 18.824 1.050 9 sand 47 46.26 264.07 3.2158 19.385 1.218 9 sand 48 46.42 255.79 4.7657 20.706 1.863 9 sand 50 46.59 278.39 2.3847 17.786 0.857 9 sand 52 46.75 280.59 3.4735 20.498 1.238 9 sand 51 46.92 277.17 1.7688 20.090 0.638 9 sand 49 47.08 251.20 1.4389 20.037 0.573 9 sand 49 47.24 269.30 1.2811 19.634 0.476 9 sand 49 47.41 161.95 1.3641 20.269 0.842 9 sand 49 47.57 269.30 1.4124 19.741 0.524 9 sand 49 47.74 288.67 1.2883 19.987 0.446 9 sand 48 47.90 287.81 2.1392 19.910 0.743 9 sand 49 48.06 251.51 3.2978 19.927 1.311 9 sand 53 48.23 226.75 2.2561 20.255 0.995 9 sand 52 48.39 285.09 2.7301 18.554 0.958 9 sand 52 48.56 312.50 1.5611 14.346 0.500 9 sand 53 48.72 248.07 3.1070 19.982 1.252 9 sand 56 48.88 297.47 2.5916 20.838 0.871 9 sand 58 49.05 331.57 2.2041 19.907 0.665 9 sand 57 49.21 334.46 1.2589 19.866 0.376 9 sand 55 49.38 293.74 1.2750 18.954 0.434 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 49.54 273.33 0.8582 18.048 0.314 10 gravelly sand to sand 43 49.70 238.55 0.5855 18.501 0.245 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 49.87 220.03 0.4662 19.305 0.212 10 gravelly sand to sand 37 50.03 205.54 0.3183 17.949 0.155 10 gravelly sand to sand 34 50.20 199.18 0.3454 17.435 0.173 9 sand 38 50.36 184.41 0.3558 18.689 0.193 9 sand 36 50.52 173.11 0.4019 18.976 0.232 9 sand 34 50.69 165.98 0.3540 19.893 0.213 9 sand 32 50.85 157.44 0.3519 20.288 0.224 9 sand 31 51.02 145.77 0.2945 19.739 0.202 9 sand 30 51.18 146.65 0.3206 19.943 0.219 9 sand 30 51.35 152.48 0.3532 20.269 0.232 9 sand 31 51.51 160.00 0.3476 20.534 0.217 9 sand 31 51.67 172.38 0.3470 19.990 0.201 9 sand 32 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 51.84 180.17 0.3493 20.200 0.194 9 sand 33 52.00 181.54 0.4305 19.946 0.237 9 sand 34 52.17 182.06 0.3827 19.860 0.210 9 sand 34 52.33 180.55 0.4564 17.697 0.253 9 sand 35 52.49 176.21 0.4098 18.907 0.233 9 sand 35 52.66 180.45 0.4745 18.313 0.263 9 sand 36 52.82 186.21 0.4277 18.584 0.230 9 sand 38 52.99 204.29 0.4002 18.764 0.196 10 gravelly sand to sand 33 53.15 221.93 0.3224 17.924 0.145 10 gravelly sand to sand 34 53.31 232.46 0.3020 16.567 0.130 10 gravelly sand to sand 35 53.48 235.30 0.2639 16.421 0.112 10 gravelly sand to sand 36 53.64 236.58 0.2626 18.073 0.111 10 gravelly sand to sand 36 53.81 229.23 0.2869 18.266 0.125 10 gravelly sand to sand 35 53.97 219.68 0.2929 18.269 0.133 10 gravelly sand to sand 34 54.13 207.77 0.2690 18.584 0.129 10 gravelly sand to sand 32 54.30 182.94 0.3000 19.283 0.164 9 sand 38 54.46 163.26 0.4683 19.609 0.287 9 sand 38 54.63 176.01 0.4415 19.427 0.251 9 sand 39 54.79 208.91 0.3031 16.805 0.145 10 gravelly sand to sand 34 54.95 228.32 0.3157 8.321 0.138 10 gravelly sand to sand 37 55.12 256.60 0.4828 8.139 0.188 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 55.28 289.86 0.3700 12.432 0.128 10 gravelly sand to sand 42 55.45 297.96 0.6798 17.852 0.228 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 55.61 316.59 1.1256 18.219 0.356 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 55.77 222.32 0.8855 23.134 0.398 10 gravelly sand to sand 46 55.94 320.51 1.2991 15.860 0.405 10 gravelly sand to sand 44 56.10 287.96 1.0362 15.802 0.360 10 gravelly sand to sand 43 56.27 263.80 0.4606 18.203 0.175 10 gravelly sand to sand 41 56.43 237.73 0.6251 16.573 0.263 10 gravelly sand to sand 41 56.59 228.23 0.8325 16.965 0.365 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 56.76 222.06 0.6317 16.565 0.284 10 gravelly sand to sand 38 56.92 232.03 0.4491 16.233 0.194 10 gravelly sand to sand 38 57.09 242.64 0.4759 16.830 0.196 10 gravelly sand to sand 38 57.25 254.40 0.4385 16.239 0.172 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 57.41 248.14 0.6489 16.794 0.262 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 57.58 254.25 0.8462 17.078 0.333 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 57.74 246.18 0.7461 18.178 0.303 10 gravelly sand to sand 40 57.91 244.63 0.6272 21.142 0.256 10 gravelly sand to sand 39 58.07 250.10 0.6879 18.435 0.275 10 gravelly sand to sand 38 58.23 253.87 0.7008 17.714 0.276 10 gravelly sand to sand 37 58.40 229.60 0.6326 19.590 0.276 10 gravelly sand to sand 36 58.56 198.57 0.2896 21.440 0.146 9 sand 40 58.73 196.45 0.2333 22.979 0.119 9 sand 36 58.89 205.47 0.2608 22.722 0.127 9 sand 31 59.06 127.28 0.6205 24.380 0.487 9 sand 26 59.22 112.05 1.1049 24.499 0.986 9 sand 23 59.38 71.79 1.3166 23.935 1.834 8 sand to silty sand 26 59.55 54.07 1.2302 24.537 2.275 8 sand to silty sand 23 59.71 76.68 0.7183 12.871 0.937 8 sand to silty sand 22 59.88 99.76 0.3857 6.622 0.387 8 sand to silty sand 23 60.04 116.52 0.2920 5.271 0.251 8 sand to silty sand 24 60.20 120.44 0.2582 5.539 0.214 9 sand 21 60.37 118.42 0.2942 6.992 0.248 9 sand 22 60.53 118.29 0.2922 8.346 0.247 9 sand 23 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 60.70 120.60 0.2851 9.683 0.236 9 sand 23 60.86 120.99 0.2476 11.376 0.205 9 sand 23 61.02 120.82 0.2343 13.208 0.194 9 sand 22 61.19 117.14 0.2449 15.040 0.209 9 sand 22 61.35 110.54 0.2679 16.857 0.242 9 sand 22 61.52 103.41 0.3123 19.496 0.302 9 sand 21 61.68 104.27 0.3245 21.291 0.311 9 sand 21 61.84 109.35 0.3468 22.410 0.317 9 sand 22 62.01 111.58 0.2747 23.145 0.246 9 sand 22 62.17 122.42 0.2358 25.385 0.193 9 sand 22 62.34 126.86 0.2262 24.877 0.178 9 sand 23 62.50 119.16 0.2208 25.325 0.185 9 sand 23 62.66 117.13 0.2481 25.568 0.212 9 sand 23 62.83 122.65 0.2330 25.869 0.190 9 sand 23 62.99 126.16 0.2480 26.068 0.197 9 sand 22 63.16 120.21 0.2429 26.283 0.202 9 sand 21 63.32 109.42 0.2415 26.656 0.221 9 sand 20 63.48 97.84 0.2622 26.377 0.268 9 sand 18 63.65 85.80 0.3272 26.203 0.381 8 sand to silty sand 21 63.81 70.60 0.4955 26.637 0.702 8 sand to silty sand 19 63.98 61.10 0.7156 26.700 1.171 8 sand to silty sand 19 64.14 61.68 1.0087 27.084 1.635 8 sand to silty sand 19 64.30 79.38 0.7106 25.720 0.895 8 sand to silty sand 19 64.47 93.70 0.5675 16.388 0.606 8 sand to silty sand 19 64.63 94.53 0.4169 14.435 0.441 8 sand to silty sand 20 64.80 92.02 0.3884 16.081 0.422 8 sand to silty sand 21 64.96 84.47 0.4205 18.136 0.498 8 sand to silty sand 21 65.12 83.17 0.4079 20.128 0.490 8 sand to silty sand 20 65.29 83.31 0.3919 21.731 0.470 8 sand to silty sand 19 65.45 75.35 0.4418 23.209 0.586 8 sand to silty sand 18 65.62 69.28 0.4546 26.590 0.656 8 sand to silty sand 18 65.78 76.69 0.4333 26.148 0.565 8 sand to silty sand 17 65.94 66.15 0.5018 18.205 0.759 8 sand to silty sand 16 66.11 57.12 0.6027 20.885 1.055 8 sand to silty sand 16 66.27 71.15 0.5846 24.974 0.822 7 silty sand to sandy silt 21 66.44 64.44 0.8208 22.098 1.274 7 silty sand to sandy silt 21 66.60 53.60 1.0748 24.032 2.005 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 66.77 67.13 0.9268 26.568 1.381 8 sand to silty sand 18 66.93 87.65 0.7358 14.073 0.840 8 sand to silty sand 19 67.09 90.10 0.5300 11.929 0.588 8 sand to silty sand 20 67.26 90.46 0.4199 14.352 0.464 8 sand to silty sand 21 67.42 90.61 0.4010 16.772 0.442 8 sand to silty sand 21 67.59 90.33 0.4148 18.250 0.459 8 sand to silty sand 21 67.75 83.11 0.5677 19.753 0.683 8 sand to silty sand 20 67.91 78.24 0.6432 21.626 0.822 8 sand to silty sand 20 68.08 82.16 0.6684 24.112 0.814 8 sand to silty sand 20 68.24 79.83 0.5786 22.435 0.725 8 sand to silty sand 20 68.41 86.72 0.5476 22.739 0.631 8 sand to silty sand 20 68.57 90.61 0.4841 22.946 0.534 8 sand to silty sand 20 68.73 87.34 0.4313 23.499 0.494 8 sand to silty sand 20 68.90 81.76 0.4641 27.747 0.568 8 sand to silty sand 19 69.06 74.56 0.5015 28.118 0.673 8 sand to silty sand 19 69.23 75.08 0.5674 28.388 0.756 8 sand to silty sand 19 69.39 71.10 0.8182 26.960 1.151 8 sand to silty sand 18 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 69.55 69.21 1.0304 27.549 1.489 8 sand to silty sand 19 69.72 80.15 0.7711 19.827 0.962 8 sand to silty sand 20 69.88 86.57 0.9372 9.285 1.083 8 sand to silty sand 22 70.05 97.43 0.6510 8.329 0.668 8 sand to silty sand 23 70.21 111.39 0.5672 5.801 0.509 8 sand to silty sand 25 70.37 118.31 0.5118 6.210 0.433 9 sand 21 70.54 118.47 0.5218 7.199 0.440 9 sand 22 70.70 116.57 0.5120 8.249 0.439 9 sand 22 70.87 114.81 0.4832 9.581 0.421 9 sand 22 71.03 113.51 0.4788 11.075 0.422 9 sand 21 71.19 107.58 0.4624 12.509 0.430 9 sand 20 71.36 103.71 0.4495 14.015 0.433 8 sand to silty sand 24 71.52 96.98 0.4429 15.410 0.457 8 sand to silty sand 22 71.69 88.22 0.5508 17.053 0.624 8 sand to silty sand 20 71.85 81.54 0.5165 18.482 0.633 8 sand to silty sand 19 72.01 61.93 0.9227 28.491 1.490 8 sand to silty sand 18 72.18 53.39 1.2560 28.585 2.352 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 72.34 60.78 0.6906 25.515 1.136 7 silty sand to sandy silt 21 72.51 71.60 0.8954 9.100 1.251 7 silty sand to sandy silt 21 72.67 58.34 1.3354 8.307 2.289 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 72.83 74.73 0.8499 10.335 1.137 8 sand to silty sand 18 73.00 84.89 0.5275 4.685 0.621 8 sand to silty sand 18 73.16 79.02 0.6425 3.514 0.813 8 sand to silty sand 19 73.33 82.08 0.5070 4.373 0.618 8 sand to silty sand 20 73.49 84.61 0.6003 3.652 0.710 8 sand to silty sand 21 73.65 88.25 0.6989 3.611 0.792 8 sand to silty sand 21 73.82 100.86 0.3869 3.370 0.384 8 sand to silty sand 21 73.98 100.16 0.4220 2.077 0.421 8 sand to silty sand 21 74.15 88.95 0.5143 2.495 0.578 8 sand to silty sand 21 74.31 82.17 0.5202 3.127 0.633 8 sand to silty sand 20 74.48 77.52 0.4784 3.729 0.617 8 sand to silty sand 20 74.64 73.49 0.5720 4.362 0.778 8 sand to silty sand 20 74.80 71.52 0.8641 4.967 1.208 8 sand to silty sand 21 74.97 78.01 0.6635 5.453 0.850 8 sand to silty sand 22 75.13 103.14 0.5694 5.163 0.552 8 sand to silty sand 23 75.30 116.96 0.5069 22.195 0.433 8 sand to silty sand 24 75.46 123.01 0.6022 19.435 0.490 8 sand to silty sand 25 75.62 113.86 0.6044 20.385 0.531 8 sand to silty sand 25 75.79 107.45 0.5696 21.015 0.530 8 sand to silty sand 24 75.95 94.60 0.5645 21.836 0.597 8 sand to silty sand 23 76.12 80.15 0.7069 22.150 0.882 8 sand to silty sand 22 76.28 73.72 0.8586 23.794 1.165 8 sand to silty sand 21 76.44 78.79 0.6520 18.189 0.827 8 sand to silty sand 21 76.61 82.77 0.6914 10.111 0.835 8 sand to silty sand 22 76.77 95.54 0.8304 8.252 0.869 8 sand to silty sand 23 76.94 113.75 0.4919 7.523 0.432 8 sand to silty sand 23 77.10 117.34 0.5496 5.161 0.468 8 sand to silty sand 23 77.26 105.16 0.5612 5.285 0.534 8 sand to silty sand 23 77.43 86.43 0.9368 5.804 1.084 8 sand to silty sand 23 77.59 78.06 0.9942 6.462 1.274 8 sand to silty sand 23 77.76 81.42 1.1023 5.895 1.354 8 sand to silty sand 23 77.92 95.39 0.8822 3.514 0.925 8 sand to silty sand 24 78.08 115.15 0.5369 2.257 0.466 8 sand to silty sand 25 78.25 124.74 0.5438 1.329 0.436 8 sand to silty sand 26 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 78.41 122.22 0.6051 1.229 0.495 8 sand to silty sand 26 78.58 117.69 0.5912 12.487 0.502 8 sand to silty sand 26 78.74 101.54 0.9395 12.805 0.925 8 sand to silty sand 26 78.90 92.45 1.1574 13.125 1.252 8 sand to silty sand 26 79.07 97.04 1.3330 11.296 1.374 8 sand to silty sand 26 79.23 110.19 0.8063 7.429 0.732 8 sand to silty sand 27 79.40 124.74 0.6234 4.301 0.500 8 sand to silty sand 27 79.56 125.62 0.5959 3.152 0.474 8 sand to silty sand 27 79.72 126.37 0.6026 3.685 0.477 8 sand to silty sand 26 79.89 110.56 0.6568 4.323 0.594 8 sand to silty sand 26 80.05 88.04 1.0175 4.986 1.156 8 sand to silty sand 25 80.22 82.63 1.2669 5.553 1.533 8 sand to silty sand 24 80.38 98.31 0.6884 4.644 0.700 8 sand to silty sand 22 80.54 101.92 0.5460 2.735 0.536 8 sand to silty sand 20 80.71 93.58 0.7096 2.097 0.758 8 sand to silty sand 19 80.87 68.77 1.1866 2.210 1.725 8 sand to silty sand 20 81.04 52.20 1.2656 2.624 2.425 8 sand to silty sand 20 81.20 67.33 0.9197 3.613 1.366 8 sand to silty sand 19 81.36 102.95 0.5309 2.318 0.516 8 sand to silty sand 19 81.53 90.30 0.8388 1.439 0.929 8 sand to silty sand 20 81.69 83.19 1.1386 1.743 1.369 8 sand to silty sand 22 81.86 103.80 0.6619 11.968 0.638 8 sand to silty sand 23 82.02 99.02 0.7326 6.641 0.740 8 sand to silty sand 23 82.19 91.99 0.9099 5.683 0.989 8 sand to silty sand 22 82.35 88.91 0.9647 5.285 1.085 8 sand to silty sand 21 82.51 106.07 0.5314 4.777 0.501 8 sand to silty sand 19 82.68 77.31 0.8681 2.807 1.123 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 82.84 47.59 0.7846 2.721 1.649 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 83.01 46.71 0.7490 3.655 1.604 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 83.17 32.87 0.5380 4.172 1.637 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 83.33 20.44 0.4144 5.224 2.027 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 83.50 19.15 0.2290 6.641 1.196 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 83.66 18.82 0.2397 7.898 1.274 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 83.83 19.67 0.2813 9.412 1.430 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 83.99 20.88 0.3315 11.014 1.587 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 84.15 21.96 0.3772 12.711 1.718 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 84.32 23.10 0.4333 14.860 1.876 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 84.48 23.89 0.4434 17.095 1.856 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 84.65 22.16 0.5018 19.189 2.265 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 84.81 21.25 0.4526 21.523 2.130 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 84.97 19.86 0.4351 78.347 2.191 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 85.14 22.20 0.3155 76.253 1.421 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 85.30 23.82 0.2987 75.980 1.254 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 85.47 20.77 0.3559 76.894 1.714 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 85.63 21.67 0.3706 80.532 1.710 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 85.79 25.10 0.3654 78.057 1.455 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 85.96 29.76 0.3822 73.880 1.284 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 86.12 36.95 0.3711 67.747 1.004 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 86.29 38.52 0.3602 52.130 0.935 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 86.45 36.61 0.3795 52.774 1.037 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 86.61 27.62 0.3304 54.884 1.196 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 86.78 19.80 0.2710 62.973 1.369 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 86.94 16.93 0.2463 74.048 1.454 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 87.11 16.54 0.2613 83.021 1.580 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:18 PM] 87.27 16.66 0.2499 90.041 1.500 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 87.43 18.54 0.2259 90.514 1.218 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 87.60 17.32 0.3518 96.246 2.031 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 87.76 24.72 0.4564 105.633 1.846 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 87.93 22.82 0.7657 97.000 3.356 5 clayey silt to silty clay 11 88.09 22.46 0.6618 119.170 2.947 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 88.25 22.36 0.6418 107.153 2.871 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 15 88.42 23.31 0.7760 87.058 3.329 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 88.58 42.17 0.4509 90.152 1.069 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 88.75 103.43 0.7684 36.591 0.743 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 18 88.91 75.39 1.5579 38.027 2.066 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 89.07 37.22 1.4139 38.475 3.799 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 89.24 25.47 0.8753 49.196 3.437 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 89.40 43.68 0.8636 75.543 1.977 7 silty sand to sandy silt 27 89.57 145.75 1.3332 48.959 0.915 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29 89.73 147.23 1.6775 48.304 1.139 8 sand to silty sand 23 89.90 122.24 1.7954 46.014 1.469 8 sand to silty sand 25 90.06 99.71 1.6193 47.160 1.624 8 sand to silty sand 25 90.22 87.77 0.8606 35.206 0.980 8 sand to silty sand 22 90.39 76.73 0.7317 27.258 0.954 8 sand to silty sand 21 90.55 56.45 0.9324 26.134 1.652 8 sand to silty sand 23 90.72 59.37 1.0299 38.096 1.735 8 sand to silty sand 26 90.88 106.51 1.1025 43.920 1.035 8 sand to silty sand 27 91.04 196.52 1.0597 37.964 0.539 8 sand to silty sand 30 91.21 163.28 1.7880 21.568 1.095 8 sand to silty sand 35 91.37 129.16 1.7289 22.598 1.339 9 sand 33 91.54 157.44 1.7725 35.698 1.126 9 sand 38 91.70 211.11 1.8324 23.822 0.868 9 sand 41 91.86 246.36 2.1349 16.639 0.867 9 sand 46 92.03 287.80 2.0008 12.352 0.695 9 sand 52 92.19 318.28 2.2890 10.520 0.719 9 sand 57 92.36 325.81 2.7539 8.470 0.845 9 sand 59 92.52 355.00 2.0335 8.412 0.573 9 sand 60 92.68 326.06 2.4911 6.989 0.764 9 sand 61 92.85 287.92 2.6366 6.569 0.916 9 sand 62 93.01 289.81 2.5803 7.462 0.890 9 sand 64 93.18 323.53 2.1913 6.600 0.677 9 sand 65 93.34 352.82 2.1824 5.691 0.619 10 gravelly sand to sand 63 93.50 390.68 2.2202 4.881 0.568 10 gravelly sand to sand 65 93.67 409.42 2.3927 4.846 0.584 10 gravelly sand to sand 66 93.83 398.51 3.0594 5.064 0.768 10 gravelly sand to sand 66 94.00 433.58 -32768 5.953 -32768 0 <out of range> 0 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-03 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/3/2015 1:08:12 PM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 7 8 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 20.013 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03Dis20.013.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:27 PM] Data File: HCCPT-03 4/3/2015 1:08:12 PM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 20.01 0 7.105 20.01 1 7.108 20.01 2 7.152 20.01 3 7.114 20.01 4 7.031 20.01 5 7.061 20.01 6 7.083 20.01 7 7.086 20.01 8 7.092 20.01 9 7.092 20.01 10 7.094 20.01 11 7.086 20.01 12 7.086 20.01 13 7.083 20.01 14 7.081 20.01 15 7.078 20.01 16 7.067 20.01 17 7.069 20.01 18 7.064 20.01 19 7.058 20.01 20 7.058 20.01 21 7.050 20.01 22 7.047 20.01 23 7.056 20.01 24 7.047 20.01 25 7.047 20.01 26 7.053 20.01 27 7.050 20.01 28 7.050 20.01 29 7.047 20.01 30 7.047 20.01 31 7.050 20.01 32 7.050 20.01 33 7.053 20.01 34 7.045 20.01 35 7.047 20.01 36 7.042 20.01 37 7.047 20.01 38 7.045 20.01 39 7.042 20.01 40 7.042 20.01 41 7.039 20.01 42 7.047 20.01 43 7.045 20.01 44 7.045 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03Dis20.013.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:27 PM] 20.01 45 7.047 20.01 46 7.047 20.01 47 7.045 20.01 48 7.053 20.01 49 7.047 20.01 50 7.047 20.01 51 7.056 20.01 52 7.047 20.01 53 7.053 20.01 54 7.058 20.01 55 7.061 20.01 56 7.056 20.01 57 7.056 20.01 58 7.058 20.01 59 7.061 20.01 60 7.067 20.01 65 7.067 20.01 70 7.075 20.01 75 7.089 20.01 80 7.097 20.01 85 7.105 20.01 90 7.114 20.01 95 7.127 20.01 100 7.127 20.01 105 7.133 20.01 110 7.139 20.01 115 7.155 20.01 120 7.163 20.01 125 7.172 20.01 130 7.177 20.01 135 7.183 20.01 140 7.194 20.01 145 7.202 20.01 150 7.205 20.01 155 7.219 20.01 160 7.221 20.01 165 7.232 20.01 170 7.238 20.01 175 7.244 20.01 180 7.252 20.01 185 7.255 20.01 190 7.263 20.01 195 7.266 20.01 200 7.271 20.01 205 7.279 20.01 210 7.290 20.01 215 7.288 20.01 220 7.290 20.01 225 7.296 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-03 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/3/2015 1:08:12 PM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 10000 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 32.808 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03Dis32.808.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:36 PM] Data File: HCCPT-03 4/3/2015 1:08:12 PM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 32.81 0 27.446 32.81 1 27.631 32.81 2 28.424 32.81 3 29.209 32.81 4 30.267 32.81 5 31.074 32.81 6 31.737 32.81 7 32.320 32.81 8 32.927 32.81 9 33.378 32.81 10 33.925 32.81 11 34.328 32.81 12 34.637 32.81 13 34.997 32.81 14 35.264 32.81 15 35.538 32.81 16 35.765 32.81 17 35.972 32.81 18 36.124 32.81 19 36.273 32.81 20 36.389 32.81 21 36.480 32.81 22 36.563 32.81 23 36.629 32.81 24 36.673 32.81 25 36.729 32.81 26 36.756 32.81 27 36.765 32.81 28 36.756 32.81 29 36.745 32.81 30 36.729 32.81 31 36.704 32.81 32 36.668 32.81 33 36.621 32.81 34 36.571 32.81 35 36.505 32.81 36 36.447 32.81 37 36.458 32.81 38 36.323 32.81 39 36.287 32.81 40 36.256 32.81 41 36.184 32.81 42 36.093 32.81 43 36.005 32.81 44 35.927 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03Dis32.808.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:36 PM] 32.81 45 35.839 32.81 46 35.742 32.81 47 35.643 32.81 48 35.541 32.81 49 35.439 32.81 50 35.328 32.81 51 35.223 32.81 52 35.135 32.81 53 35.021 32.81 54 34.916 32.81 55 34.806 32.81 56 34.693 32.81 57 34.577 32.81 58 34.466 32.81 59 34.361 32.81 60 34.259 32.81 65 33.720 32.81 70 33.220 32.81 75 32.720 32.81 80 32.262 32.81 85 31.836 32.81 90 31.411 32.81 95 31.016 32.81 100 30.626 32.81 105 30.250 32.81 110 29.913 32.81 115 29.568 32.81 120 29.245 32.81 125 28.941 32.81 130 28.643 32.81 135 28.361 32.81 140 28.082 32.81 145 27.811 32.81 150 27.554 32.81 155 27.319 32.81 160 27.073 32.81 165 26.852 32.81 170 26.623 32.81 175 26.405 32.81 180 26.189 32.81 185 25.996 32.81 190 25.792 32.81 195 25.601 32.81 200 25.419 32.81 205 25.245 32.81 210 25.065 32.81 215 24.891 32.81 220 24.720 32.81 225 24.559 32.81 230 24.407 32.81 235 24.256 32.81 240 24.101 32.81 245 23.952 32.81 250 23.814 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03Dis32.808.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:36 PM] 32.81 255 23.678 32.81 260 23.543 32.81 265 23.405 32.81 270 23.272 32.81 275 23.142 32.81 280 23.021 32.81 285 22.899 32.81 290 22.780 32.81 295 22.659 32.81 300 22.551 32.81 305 22.441 32.81 310 22.325 32.81 315 22.217 32.81 320 22.109 32.81 325 22.010 32.81 330 21.905 32.81 335 21.811 32.81 340 21.708 32.81 345 21.615 32.81 350 21.556 32.81 355 21.454 32.81 360 21.355 32.81 365 21.266 32.81 370 21.178 32.81 375 21.084 32.81 380 21.004 32.81 385 20.916 32.81 390 20.830 32.81 395 20.744 32.81 400 20.664 32.81 405 20.592 32.81 410 20.509 32.81 415 20.429 32.81 420 20.363 32.81 425 20.288 32.81 430 20.211 32.81 435 20.148 32.81 440 20.073 32.81 445 20.007 32.81 450 19.940 32.81 455 19.871 32.81 460 19.811 32.81 465 19.753 32.81 470 19.681 32.81 475 19.614 32.81 480 19.554 32.81 485 19.493 32.81 490 19.435 32.81 495 19.374 32.81 500 19.319 32.81 505 19.258 32.81 510 19.200 32.81 515 19.145 32.81 520 19.090 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03Dis32.808.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:36 PM] 32.81 525 19.037 32.81 530 18.987 32.81 535 18.929 32.81 540 18.874 32.81 545 18.824 32.81 550 18.777 32.81 555 18.736 32.81 560 18.689 32.81 565 18.628 32.81 570 18.578 32.81 575 18.529 32.81 580 18.484 32.81 585 18.435 32.81 590 18.393 32.81 595 18.344 32.81 600 18.302 32.81 630 18.042 32.81 660 17.805 32.81 690 17.587 32.81 720 17.388 32.81 750 17.183 32.81 780 17.004 32.81 810 16.844 32.81 840 16.681 32.81 870 16.540 32.81 900 16.393 32.81 930 16.266 32.81 960 16.134 32.81 990 16.026 32.81 1020 15.918 32.81 1050 15.808 32.81 1080 15.708 32.81 1110 15.622 32.81 1140 15.542 32.81 1170 15.457 32.81 1200 15.377 32.81 1230 15.294 32.81 1260 15.230 32.81 1290 15.158 32.81 1320 15.098 32.81 1350 15.034 32.81 1380 14.982 32.81 1410 14.921 32.81 1440 14.877 32.81 1470 14.819 32.81 1500 14.774 32.81 1530 14.722 32.81 1560 14.691 32.81 1590 14.647 32.81 1620 14.603 32.81 1650 14.567 32.81 1680 14.531 32.81 1710 14.493 32.81 1740 14.459 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-03Dis32.808.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:36 PM] 32.81 1770 14.429 Hart Crowser Operator: Brown Sounding: CPT-04 Cone Used: DDG1263 CPT Date/Time: 4/15/2015 10:26:56 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 Maximum Depth = 89.73 feet Depth Increment = 0.164 feet InSitu Engineering *Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 Tip Resistance Qc TSF 90000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Depth (ft) Pore Pressure Pw PSI 60-10 Friction Ratio Fs/Qc (%) 60 Soil Behavior Type* Zone: UBC-1983 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) 120 SPT N* 60% Hammer 1200 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] Data File:HCCPT-04 4/15/2015 10:26:56 AM Operator:Brown Location:Southport Office Development Cone ID:DDG1263 Job Number:1901404 Customer: Units: Depth Qc Fs/Qc Pw SPT N* Soil Behavior Type (ft) TSF (%) PSI 60% Hammer Zone UBC-1983 0.16 146.35 0.446 -0.862 28 9 sand 0.33 295.82 0.538 -1.395 42 9 sand 0.49 361.31 0.655 -1.589 74 9 sand 0.66 430.39 1.122 -1.751 84 9 sand 0.82 803.44 0.816 -2.997 89 9 sand 0.98 686.09 1.047 -1.817 91 9 sand 1.15 365.40 2.369 -0.206 114 8 sand to silty sand 1.31 314.63 3.189 0.654 115 8 sand to silty sand 1.48 361.65 2.257 -0.557 101 8 sand to silty sand 1.64 379.09 1.873 -0.674 90 8 sand to silty sand 1.80 464.74 1.692 -3.037 88 8 sand to silty sand 1.97 386.02 1.543 0.833 87 8 sand to silty sand 2.13 346.26 1.488 2.206 82 8 sand to silty sand 2.30 330.86 1.308 2.014 61 9 sand 2.46 275.45 1.180 2.500 52 9 sand 2.62 222.61 1.567 3.148 45 9 sand 2.79 201.99 0.953 3.364 36 9 sand 2.95 154.01 0.667 3.285 35 8 sand to silty sand 3.12 97.70 0.978 3.272 26 8 sand to silty sand 3.28 46.37 2.236 3.667 26 7 silty sand to sandy silt 3.44 25.50 3.746 3.884 19 7 silty sand to sandy silt 3.61 22.07 4.477 6.088 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 3.77 19.07 3.712 6.366 15 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 3.94 42.59 1.374 6.212 15 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 4.10 61.97 0.633 -0.561 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 4.27 54.32 0.881 -0.555 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 4.43 41.08 1.472 -0.462 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 4.59 38.95 1.357 -0.212 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 4.76 37.03 1.184 -0.570 11 7 silty sand to sandy silt 4.92 28.68 1.261 -0.696 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 5.09 23.09 1.180 -0.694 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 5.25 17.01 2.257 -0.683 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 5.41 21.81 1.210 -0.641 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 5.58 31.23 1.069 -0.754 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 5.74 23.20 1.443 -0.758 9 7 silty sand to sandy silt 5.91 36.52 0.616 -0.833 10 7 silty sand to sandy silt 6.07 41.03 0.645 -2.082 11 7 silty sand to sandy silt 6.23 31.23 1.036 -2.014 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 6.40 30.66 0.868 -2.038 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 6.56 47.01 0.467 -2.027 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 6.73 49.92 0.397 -1.421 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 6.89 43.96 0.467 -1.284 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 7.05 35.92 0.407 -1.227 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 7.22 32.42 0.645 -1.194 12 8 sand to silty sand 7.38 32.28 1.157 -0.849 13 8 sand to silty sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 7.55 52.37 0.629 -0.752 15 8 sand to silty sand 7.71 95.21 0.405 -1.077 17 8 sand to silty sand 7.87 97.39 0.371 -1.074 19 8 sand to silty sand 8.04 91.43 0.389 -0.999 21 8 sand to silty sand 8.20 92.53 0.393 -0.959 22 8 sand to silty sand 8.37 86.65 0.435 -0.862 22 8 sand to silty sand 8.53 87.84 0.424 -0.099 22 8 sand to silty sand 8.69 96.79 0.373 -0.137 18 9 sand 8.86 100.51 0.311 0.420 17 9 sand 9.02 97.35 0.269 0.710 21 8 sand to silty sand 9.19 88.94 0.227 0.752 19 8 sand to silty sand 9.35 78.83 0.252 0.844 18 8 sand to silty sand 9.51 61.41 0.299 1.032 15 8 sand to silty sand 9.68 46.24 0.409 1.183 13 8 sand to silty sand 9.84 40.68 0.637 1.311 11 8 sand to silty sand 10.01 38.00 0.676 1.382 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10.17 32.48 0.977 1.435 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10.33 29.54 1.208 1.684 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10.50 30.75 1.491 1.455 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10.66 35.40 1.136 1.119 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10.83 53.37 0.710 0.975 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10.99 58.27 0.502 0.869 13 8 sand to silty sand 11.15 63.95 0.431 0.880 14 8 sand to silty sand 11.32 66.89 0.415 0.922 15 8 sand to silty sand 11.48 67.85 0.393 0.986 15 8 sand to silty sand 11.65 64.26 0.410 1.083 15 8 sand to silty sand 11.81 59.57 0.423 1.147 15 8 sand to silty sand 11.98 58.90 0.417 1.225 15 8 sand to silty sand 12.14 59.77 0.387 1.264 15 8 sand to silty sand 12.30 64.20 0.336 1.289 16 8 sand to silty sand 12.47 68.72 0.316 1.337 17 8 sand to silty sand 12.63 74.27 0.325 1.386 18 8 sand to silty sand 12.80 79.35 0.296 1.428 19 8 sand to silty sand 12.96 84.91 0.268 1.459 20 8 sand to silty sand 13.12 89.05 0.255 1.530 17 9 sand 13.29 92.62 0.250 1.574 17 9 sand 13.45 94.80 0.232 1.631 17 9 sand 13.62 95.89 0.226 1.718 17 9 sand 13.78 90.96 0.217 2.443 17 9 sand 13.94 89.40 0.223 2.489 16 9 sand 14.11 84.65 0.216 2.575 19 8 sand to silty sand 14.27 77.91 0.217 2.650 18 8 sand to silty sand 14.44 68.09 0.257 2.768 16 8 sand to silty sand 14.60 55.38 0.388 2.894 14 8 sand to silty sand 14.76 46.30 0.642 3.020 13 8 sand to silty sand 14.93 44.82 0.777 3.077 12 8 sand to silty sand 15.09 43.18 0.776 3.161 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15.26 48.48 0.609 3.185 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15.42 48.37 0.501 3.196 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15.58 42.25 0.503 3.265 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15.75 42.38 0.502 3.307 11 8 sand to silty sand 15.91 43.44 0.550 3.340 11 8 sand to silty sand 16.08 49.36 0.475 3.356 11 8 sand to silty sand 16.24 53.16 0.469 3.411 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 16.40 47.06 0.546 3.471 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16.57 41.92 0.615 3.519 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16.73 37.08 1.101 3.625 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16.90 27.04 1.637 3.707 11 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17.06 24.60 1.322 3.771 10 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17.22 28.48 0.996 0.561 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 17.39 26.76 1.036 0.166 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 17.55 26.05 1.484 0.303 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 17.72 20.00 2.580 0.458 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 17.88 16.13 2.092 0.741 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 18.04 24.51 1.322 0.763 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 18.21 21.83 1.802 0.787 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 18.37 23.43 1.276 0.884 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 18.54 26.69 1.314 0.818 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 18.70 26.99 1.570 0.860 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 18.86 28.35 0.912 0.911 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 19.03 30.86 1.510 0.780 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 19.19 19.86 2.362 0.683 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 19.36 12.91 3.513 0.953 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 19.52 10.78 3.704 1.322 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 19.69 10.94 3.496 1.647 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 19.85 10.82 4.865 1.967 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 20.01 13.24 2.898 2.314 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 20.18 57.38 0.470 2.023 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 20.34 73.90 0.597 2.383 13 8 sand to silty sand 20.51 75.40 0.472 2.489 15 8 sand to silty sand 20.67 72.25 0.445 2.544 17 8 sand to silty sand 20.83 70.92 0.479 2.657 18 8 sand to silty sand 21.00 67.49 0.550 2.810 18 8 sand to silty sand 21.16 75.23 0.427 2.849 17 8 sand to silty sand 21.33 86.64 0.333 2.860 17 8 sand to silty sand 21.49 78.35 0.421 2.922 16 8 sand to silty sand 21.65 59.57 0.635 3.150 17 8 sand to silty sand 21.82 48.33 0.925 3.333 19 8 sand to silty sand 21.98 64.23 0.709 3.400 20 8 sand to silty sand 22.15 90.97 0.468 3.219 22 8 sand to silty sand 22.31 113.55 0.332 3.227 24 8 sand to silty sand 22.47 130.62 0.412 3.212 21 9 sand 22.64 136.26 0.752 3.314 23 9 sand 22.80 131.30 0.707 3.462 23 9 sand 22.97 117.59 0.647 3.676 23 9 sand 23.13 114.29 0.427 3.921 22 9 sand 23.29 109.40 0.326 4.145 22 9 sand 23.46 102.59 0.357 4.361 22 9 sand 23.62 104.50 0.709 5.999 23 9 sand 23.79 123.76 0.510 5.968 23 9 sand 23.95 133.39 0.488 5.725 24 9 sand 24.11 141.03 0.324 5.865 25 9 sand 24.28 138.55 0.316 6.028 26 9 sand 24.44 133.32 0.420 6.201 26 9 sand 24.61 134.09 0.404 6.349 26 9 sand 24.77 132.45 0.385 6.501 26 9 sand 24.93 135.12 0.297 6.612 26 9 sand 25.10 136.88 0.237 6.797 27 9 sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 25.26 137.72 0.243 6.928 28 9 sand 25.43 146.74 0.211 6.999 28 9 sand 25.59 158.77 0.238 7.045 28 9 sand 25.75 159.91 0.228 7.173 28 9 sand 25.92 152.71 0.407 7.332 27 9 sand 26.08 139.48 0.367 7.461 26 9 sand 26.25 115.51 0.555 7.564 25 9 sand 26.41 107.27 0.526 7.980 24 9 sand 26.57 118.93 0.425 8.228 24 9 sand 26.74 124.84 0.336 9.156 24 9 sand 26.90 131.95 0.339 9.344 25 9 sand 27.07 138.40 0.322 9.412 26 9 sand 27.23 143.70 0.312 9.488 27 9 sand 27.40 146.49 0.303 9.631 28 9 sand 27.56 150.47 0.290 9.773 29 9 sand 27.72 157.58 0.268 9.877 30 9 sand 27.89 165.65 0.251 9.956 30 9 sand 28.05 164.13 0.247 10.060 30 9 sand 28.22 158.39 0.249 10.177 30 9 sand 28.38 151.33 0.274 10.314 30 9 sand 28.54 150.65 0.303 10.487 30 9 sand 28.71 153.29 0.291 10.637 29 9 sand 28.87 153.08 0.281 10.759 28 9 sand 29.04 149.20 0.271 10.931 28 9 sand 29.20 136.23 0.284 10.918 28 9 sand 29.36 135.61 0.265 11.028 28 9 sand 29.53 148.16 0.262 11.017 28 9 sand 29.69 151.60 0.230 11.035 26 9 sand 29.86 149.03 0.194 11.146 26 9 sand 30.02 136.23 0.391 11.278 25 9 sand 30.18 109.71 0.478 10.781 24 9 sand 30.35 110.32 0.503 10.971 24 9 sand 30.51 113.86 0.520 11.081 24 9 sand 30.68 117.41 0.425 10.743 26 9 sand 30.84 136.51 0.348 10.816 28 9 sand 31.00 168.85 0.372 10.675 30 9 sand 31.17 187.57 0.277 10.686 32 9 sand 31.33 187.98 0.315 10.257 34 9 sand 31.50 184.57 0.303 9.764 37 9 sand 31.66 187.18 0.314 10.087 38 9 sand 31.82 205.60 0.235 9.848 39 9 sand 31.99 222.10 0.191 8.148 40 9 sand 32.15 227.96 0.170 6.890 34 10 gravelly sand to sand 32.32 221.82 0.167 6.866 33 10 gravelly sand to sand 32.48 213.46 0.157 6.358 38 9 sand 32.64 197.45 0.178 5.770 36 9 sand 32.81 173.62 0.234 5.860 33 9 sand 32.97 141.73 0.302 6.461 31 9 sand 33.14 128.71 0.467 6.879 27 9 sand 33.30 134.56 0.235 8.692 24 9 sand 33.46 127.86 0.248 3.988 25 8 sand to silty sand 33.63 93.53 0.472 3.776 23 8 sand to silty sand 33.79 61.65 1.173 4.445 21 8 sand to silty sand 33.96 54.01 2.369 4.757 19 8 sand to silty sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 34.12 57.64 1.628 4.952 17 8 sand to silty sand 34.28 72.50 0.847 1.479 18 8 sand to silty sand 34.45 82.71 0.696 0.840 19 8 sand to silty sand 34.61 85.55 0.556 1.017 20 8 sand to silty sand 34.78 98.11 0.476 1.099 22 8 sand to silty sand 34.94 94.18 0.585 0.911 23 8 sand to silty sand 35.10 99.86 0.549 1.079 24 8 sand to silty sand 35.27 103.53 0.407 0.641 20 9 sand 35.43 105.21 0.506 0.376 21 9 sand 35.60 113.66 0.443 0.511 21 9 sand 35.76 119.62 0.395 0.546 22 9 sand 35.93 116.79 0.409 0.714 22 9 sand 36.09 115.93 0.394 0.851 22 9 sand 36.25 114.65 0.312 1.037 22 9 sand 36.42 109.86 0.324 1.242 21 9 sand 36.58 106.95 0.330 4.828 21 9 sand 36.75 107.32 0.338 4.927 21 9 sand 36.91 112.73 0.352 5.029 21 9 sand 37.07 114.28 0.343 5.179 21 9 sand 37.24 115.66 0.318 5.352 21 9 sand 37.40 113.15 0.321 5.509 20 9 sand 37.57 100.43 0.357 5.694 19 9 sand 37.73 85.57 0.513 5.924 22 8 sand to silty sand 37.89 81.38 0.534 6.094 19 8 sand to silty sand 38.06 78.23 0.578 6.245 17 8 sand to silty sand 38.22 62.78 0.784 6.395 19 7 silty sand to sandy silt 38.39 46.68 1.338 6.607 16 7 silty sand to sandy silt 38.55 32.08 2.518 6.786 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 38.71 27.19 2.402 7.016 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 38.88 24.48 2.622 6.035 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 39.04 20.17 3.347 6.251 11 5 clayey silt to silty clay 39.21 19.43 3.153 6.411 13 4 silty clay to clay 39.37 19.64 3.387 6.640 12 4 silty clay to clay 39.53 15.92 5.771 6.959 13 4 silty clay to clay 39.70 16.38 5.654 7.284 11 5 clayey silt to silty clay 39.86 18.29 5.169 8.747 12 5 clayey silt to silty clay 40.03 26.61 1.992 8.942 12 5 clayey silt to silty clay 40.19 42.09 1.182 7.419 13 5 clayey silt to silty clay 40.35 34.13 2.263 7.151 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 40.52 27.89 3.011 7.403 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 40.68 27.09 2.980 7.697 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 40.85 32.19 1.975 7.138 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 41.01 44.95 1.588 6.324 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 41.17 30.70 2.357 4.892 13 5 clayey silt to silty clay 41.34 19.05 3.891 5.230 12 5 clayey silt to silty clay 41.50 13.58 4.779 5.661 11 5 clayey silt to silty clay 41.67 15.92 3.602 6.101 12 4 silty clay to clay 41.83 18.34 2.980 6.298 10 4 silty clay to clay 41.99 18.43 2.921 6.484 12 5 clayey silt to silty clay 42.16 13.91 5.296 6.694 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 42.32 14.34 5.175 7.058 16 8 sand to silty sand 42.49 81.31 0.724 6.848 22 8 sand to silty sand 42.65 157.56 0.455 5.042 28 8 sand to silty sand 42.81 172.21 0.426 5.151 27 9 sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 42.98 185.99 0.454 5.299 32 9 sand 43.14 194.73 0.487 15.078 36 9 sand 43.31 196.98 0.495 15.242 37 9 sand 43.47 194.50 0.484 15.410 37 9 sand 43.64 200.41 0.461 15.531 36 9 sand 43.80 199.25 0.470 15.695 35 9 sand 43.96 181.54 0.463 15.878 32 9 sand 44.13 160.66 0.444 15.969 29 9 sand 44.29 135.95 0.443 15.967 26 9 sand 44.46 107.44 0.547 16.068 23 9 sand 44.62 84.53 0.827 16.316 26 8 sand to silty sand 44.78 76.43 1.122 16.796 25 8 sand to silty sand 44.95 87.16 1.148 16.243 27 8 sand to silty sand 45.11 105.65 1.122 15.060 29 8 sand to silty sand 45.28 143.54 0.946 14.139 32 8 sand to silty sand 45.44 173.37 0.861 13.478 34 8 sand to silty sand 45.60 174.53 0.873 13.363 34 8 sand to silty sand 45.77 163.33 0.937 13.458 33 8 sand to silty sand 45.93 138.73 1.092 13.714 30 8 sand to silty sand 46.10 106.21 1.317 14.015 25 8 sand to silty sand 46.26 72.00 1.513 14.640 27 7 silty sand to sandy silt 46.42 52.64 1.749 14.771 21 7 silty sand to sandy silt 46.59 34.28 2.050 14.830 16 7 silty sand to sandy silt 46.75 25.75 2.549 15.350 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 46.92 23.17 1.514 16.163 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 47.08 30.60 1.781 16.389 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 47.24 21.03 2.107 16.751 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 47.41 19.09 2.162 17.353 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 47.57 16.94 2.448 17.958 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 47.74 17.63 2.359 18.551 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 47.90 18.89 2.032 18.918 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 48.06 18.51 1.927 19.371 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 48.23 18.43 1.958 19.696 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 48.39 14.27 2.314 20.304 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 48.56 13.81 1.876 20.991 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 48.72 13.06 2.061 21.787 10 4 silty clay to clay 48.88 13.36 3.665 22.740 10 4 silty clay to clay 49.05 16.07 5.657 23.953 11 4 silty clay to clay 49.21 16.97 5.322 24.961 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 49.38 18.15 5.184 24.977 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 49.54 24.39 2.720 22.116 19 7 silty sand to sandy silt 49.70 92.21 0.573 19.707 21 8 sand to silty sand 49.87 121.03 0.592 14.669 28 8 sand to silty sand 50.03 135.66 0.815 14.974 28 9 sand 50.20 194.16 0.595 14.716 34 9 sand 50.36 219.31 0.410 6.844 39 9 sand 50.52 248.49 0.466 3.844 43 9 sand 50.69 244.80 0.369 3.983 39 10 gravelly sand to sand 50.85 260.41 0.249 1.702 42 10 gravelly sand to sand 51.02 278.81 0.230 1.437 43 10 gravelly sand to sand 51.18 283.63 0.184 1.419 43 10 gravelly sand to sand 51.35 286.23 0.179 1.713 42 10 gravelly sand to sand 51.51 267.34 0.199 1.722 41 10 gravelly sand to sand 51.67 248.84 0.197 1.799 39 10 gravelly sand to sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 51.84 237.23 0.169 1.945 36 10 gravelly sand to sand 52.00 212.67 0.136 1.956 39 9 sand 52.17 187.96 0.144 1.970 35 9 sand 52.33 154.44 0.211 2.359 31 9 sand 52.49 121.29 0.316 2.794 27 9 sand 52.66 113.06 0.397 3.325 24 9 sand 52.82 108.78 0.418 7.755 21 9 sand 52.99 92.32 0.612 8.343 24 8 sand to silty sand 53.15 91.18 0.642 8.493 22 8 sand to silty sand 53.31 84.95 0.575 8.435 20 8 sand to silty sand 53.48 79.93 0.532 8.018 18 8 sand to silty sand 53.64 74.95 0.590 7.980 16 8 sand to silty sand 53.81 59.96 1.022 8.177 18 7 silty sand to sandy silt 53.97 41.17 1.439 8.420 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 54.13 33.52 1.937 8.962 15 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 54.30 21.09 3.877 9.441 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 54.46 17.86 5.008 10.023 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 54.63 32.17 2.440 10.319 14 5 clayey silt to silty clay 54.79 35.08 2.962 8.553 14 5 clayey silt to silty clay 54.95 26.30 3.222 8.546 17 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 55.12 37.60 2.879 8.155 20 7 silty sand to sandy silt 55.28 40.87 3.008 7.660 20 8 sand to silty sand 55.45 112.91 0.704 7.052 24 8 sand to silty sand 55.61 162.42 0.454 1.857 29 8 sand to silty sand 55.77 169.66 0.373 1.779 27 9 sand 55.94 165.00 0.400 2.047 29 9 sand 56.10 162.26 0.401 6.824 30 9 sand 56.27 158.65 0.400 6.890 29 9 sand 56.43 146.69 0.457 6.888 27 9 sand 56.59 131.89 0.511 7.129 24 9 sand 56.76 114.75 0.582 7.299 27 8 sand to silty sand 56.92 96.78 0.706 7.560 24 8 sand to silty sand 57.09 76.73 1.231 7.836 21 8 sand to silty sand 57.25 61.83 1.732 8.055 19 8 sand to silty sand 57.41 63.37 1.476 7.224 18 8 sand to silty sand 57.58 64.22 1.234 4.907 22 7 silty sand to sandy silt 57.74 76.88 0.721 3.773 21 7 silty sand to sandy silt 57.91 78.72 0.675 2.611 19 7 silty sand to sandy silt 58.07 63.13 1.094 2.885 17 7 silty sand to sandy silt 58.23 42.82 2.027 3.205 16 7 silty sand to sandy silt 58.40 29.26 2.997 3.493 16 7 silty sand to sandy silt 58.56 25.19 4.219 3.899 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 58.73 44.10 1.800 4.063 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 58.89 66.89 0.765 3.289 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 59.06 60.74 1.341 2.748 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 59.22 43.54 1.482 4.377 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 59.38 40.77 1.985 4.441 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 59.55 35.93 2.648 4.551 16 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 59.71 31.96 2.420 4.638 15 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 59.88 36.67 2.039 4.671 15 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 60.04 39.27 2.433 4.662 15 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 60.20 38.09 1.779 4.764 15 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 60.37 48.18 1.452 4.717 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 60.53 39.10 1.899 4.735 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 60.70 31.76 2.122 4.887 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 60.86 29.68 2.338 5.011 15 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 61.02 30.04 2.708 5.137 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 61.19 40.26 1.584 5.217 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 61.35 52.26 0.742 4.638 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 61.52 27.41 1.085 3.937 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 61.68 16.31 1.615 3.935 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 61.84 12.49 1.719 4.052 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 62.01 14.40 1.608 4.187 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 62.17 26.03 1.280 4.249 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 62.34 28.84 0.945 4.238 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 62.50 24.76 1.370 16.053 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 62.66 27.86 1.406 15.867 10 7 silty sand to sandy silt 62.83 31.76 1.342 15.940 11 7 silty sand to sandy silt 62.99 35.19 1.118 15.721 11 7 silty sand to sandy silt 63.16 41.09 1.126 20.766 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 63.32 40.71 1.309 19.475 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 63.48 43.90 1.034 19.652 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 63.65 41.21 1.199 18.436 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 63.81 43.65 1.136 18.759 11 7 silty sand to sandy silt 63.98 36.21 1.507 16.687 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 64.14 24.05 2.408 16.597 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 64.30 17.81 2.944 17.280 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 64.47 19.28 2.036 17.954 11 5 clayey silt to silty clay 64.63 21.06 2.031 18.334 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 64.80 18.16 2.570 18.812 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 64.96 17.88 4.077 19.468 12 5 clayey silt to silty clay 65.12 22.14 3.777 20.231 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 65.29 31.59 2.476 17.373 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 65.45 39.37 1.688 14.835 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 65.62 41.37 1.698 14.114 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 65.78 39.72 1.415 17.284 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 65.94 40.11 1.417 14.512 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 66.11 37.05 1.866 14.461 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 66.27 28.23 1.888 14.603 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 66.44 17.39 2.058 15.071 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 66.60 13.63 2.078 16.086 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 66.77 14.13 1.997 16.875 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 66.93 13.62 2.072 17.561 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 67.09 13.98 2.054 18.275 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 67.26 14.11 2.263 19.011 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 67.42 14.62 2.322 19.742 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 67.59 14.53 2.270 20.483 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 67.75 13.68 2.074 21.201 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 67.91 12.78 1.953 21.904 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 68.08 12.56 2.270 22.673 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 68.24 13.35 3.565 23.511 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 68.41 14.77 3.584 23.847 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 68.57 23.91 1.783 22.919 11 5 clayey silt to silty clay 68.73 30.39 2.237 22.505 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 68.90 32.22 2.241 23.237 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 69.06 31.87 1.969 25.056 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 69.23 33.57 1.352 25.017 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 69.39 32.45 1.205 24.608 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 69.55 23.41 1.711 25.222 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 69.72 16.11 2.121 26.246 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 69.88 16.08 1.482 27.313 7 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 70.05 16.29 1.329 28.162 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 70.21 13.71 1.770 29.318 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 70.37 13.02 1.623 30.477 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 70.54 13.16 2.712 31.553 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 70.70 15.84 1.819 32.851 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 70.87 22.07 1.580 33.010 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 71.03 15.66 2.661 33.868 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 71.19 16.42 2.178 35.285 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 71.36 16.56 1.868 36.198 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 71.52 15.65 1.840 37.318 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 71.69 14.89 1.962 38.561 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 71.85 15.04 3.469 39.726 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 72.01 16.14 3.392 41.025 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 72.18 21.36 2.542 40.387 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 72.34 17.81 3.228 41.441 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 72.51 22.40 1.985 42.648 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 72.67 24.90 1.991 41.271 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 72.83 17.03 2.641 42.385 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 73.00 18.07 2.813 44.041 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 73.16 17.21 2.937 45.559 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 73.33 23.28 2.051 46.231 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 73.49 18.25 2.290 44.480 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 73.65 17.68 2.436 45.902 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 73.82 16.84 3.041 47.666 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 73.98 21.70 1.948 48.974 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 74.15 30.49 1.586 49.072 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 74.31 24.05 1.732 47.708 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 74.48 22.41 1.469 48.490 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 74.64 17.03 1.828 49.487 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 74.80 15.82 1.958 51.242 7 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 74.97 15.60 1.879 52.779 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 75.13 16.61 2.002 54.196 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 75.30 15.67 2.836 55.683 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 75.46 16.32 2.347 56.599 7 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 75.62 18.45 2.309 50.657 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 75.79 19.72 1.817 52.869 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 75.95 28.89 1.321 53.754 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 76.12 22.33 1.281 51.351 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 76.28 18.79 2.428 52.651 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 76.44 17.33 4.181 55.226 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 76.61 41.15 1.360 55.131 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 76.77 64.71 0.948 19.557 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 76.94 65.56 0.845 17.386 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.10 67.45 1.256 16.844 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.26 36.29 2.431 11.740 19 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 77.43 22.25 4.818 13.007 19 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.59 28.27 5.277 14.181 22 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.76 52.92 2.484 14.417 23 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.92 138.49 0.468 8.537 25 7 silty sand to sandy silt 78.08 135.74 0.448 3.851 21 8 sand to silty sand 78.25 96.20 1.139 4.443 22 8 sand to silty sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 78.41 70.30 1.690 5.069 23 8 sand to silty sand 78.58 81.97 1.196 4.989 21 8 sand to silty sand 78.74 70.09 1.385 1.198 25 7 silty sand to sandy silt 78.90 86.07 0.998 4.421 24 7 silty sand to sandy silt 79.07 72.15 1.290 1.443 24 7 silty sand to sandy silt 79.23 72.72 1.047 1.435 23 7 silty sand to sandy silt 79.40 73.58 0.804 0.767 24 7 silty sand to sandy silt 79.56 73.42 1.493 0.858 20 8 sand to silty sand 79.72 64.01 1.892 1.070 21 8 sand to silty sand 79.89 94.22 0.971 1.112 22 8 sand to silty sand 80.05 133.95 0.493 0.367 22 8 sand to silty sand 80.22 115.07 0.636 0.440 21 8 sand to silty sand 80.38 87.63 0.878 0.829 20 8 sand to silty sand 80.54 73.41 1.158 1.154 17 8 sand to silty sand 80.71 51.26 2.130 1.304 18 7 silty sand to sandy silt 80.87 30.81 2.830 1.545 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 81.04 17.13 3.364 1.881 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 81.20 14.61 2.300 2.343 11 5 clayey silt to silty clay 81.36 14.36 1.491 2.657 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 81.53 13.87 1.641 2.978 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 81.69 14.71 2.368 3.307 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 81.86 15.81 2.459 3.588 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 82.02 16.90 2.446 6.674 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 82.19 17.23 2.534 7.010 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 82.35 17.98 2.750 7.359 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 82.51 18.51 2.844 7.717 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 82.68 17.75 2.730 8.062 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 82.84 16.52 3.233 8.329 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 83.01 17.51 2.060 8.579 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 83.17 21.22 1.463 8.690 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 83.33 18.76 1.536 8.979 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 83.50 18.77 1.487 9.262 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 83.66 19.25 2.474 9.501 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 83.83 20.45 1.926 9.782 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 83.99 39.97 1.382 9.819 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 84.15 35.64 1.933 9.934 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 84.32 41.63 1.130 10.173 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 84.48 50.59 1.782 10.126 17 7 silty sand to sandy silt 84.65 42.92 2.223 10.418 19 7 silty sand to sandy silt 84.81 63.62 1.348 10.500 21 7 silty sand to sandy silt 84.97 89.75 0.743 9.704 22 7 silty sand to sandy silt 85.14 88.27 0.823 11.722 22 7 silty sand to sandy silt 85.30 78.13 0.919 11.022 17 8 sand to silty sand 85.47 74.11 0.868 11.201 20 7 silty sand to sandy silt 85.63 53.36 1.391 11.347 17 7 silty sand to sandy silt 85.79 36.59 1.582 11.802 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 85.96 25.27 1.547 12.388 11 7 silty sand to sandy silt 86.12 17.44 1.435 13.208 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 86.29 15.51 1.541 13.893 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 86.45 14.77 1.744 14.667 7 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 86.61 15.09 2.032 15.275 6 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 86.78 15.78 2.117 15.867 6 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 86.94 16.88 1.339 16.376 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 87.11 17.03 1.012 16.869 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-04.txt[4/30/2015 4:02:50 PM] 87.27 15.77 1.673 17.563 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 87.43 18.48 2.664 18.456 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 87.60 21.87 4.011 19.364 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 87.76 24.79 3.863 20.361 22 7 silty sand to sandy silt 87.93 74.92 2.073 18.586 28 8 sand to silty sand 88.09 87.36 1.426 15.617 33 9 sand 88.25 244.47 0.740 15.905 45 9 sand 88.42 336.61 0.819 16.281 60 9 sand 88.58 402.53 0.914 17.428 62 10 gravelly sand to sand 88.75 484.59 0.918 17.342 72 10 gravelly sand to sand 88.91 559.14 0.516 17.373 79 10 gravelly sand to sand 89.07 588.12 0.625 17.481 88 10 gravelly sand to sand 89.24 560.28 0.726 31.759 87 10 gravelly sand to sand 89.40 544.87 0.882 26.436 86 10 gravelly sand to sand 89.57 549.22 0.740 28.786 85 10 gravelly sand to sand 89.73 518.71 -32768 29.159 0 0 <out of range> Red - Right Shear Wave Green - Compression Wave Blue - Left Shear Wave CPT-04 Shear wave velocity plots Hart-Crowser Southport Office Development Depth 3.937ft Ref* Delay 7.62ms Velocity* Depth 10.171ft Ref 3.937ft Delay 21.87ms Velocity 417.88ft/s Depth 17.060ft Ref 10.171ft Delay 37.26ms Velocity 442.78ft/s Depth 23.458ft Ref 17.060ft Delay 50.82ms Velocity 469.75ft/s Depth 30.020ft Ref 23.458ft Delay 62.34ms Velocity 567.90ft/s Depth 36.417ft Ref 30.020ft Delay 72.69ms Velocity 616.98ft/s Depth 42.979ft Ref 36.417ft Delay 84.84ms Velocity 539.49ft/s Depth 49.213ft Ref 42.979ft Delay 95.70ms Velocity 573.54ft/s Depth 55.938ft Ref 49.213ft Delay 106.67ms Velocity 612.34ft/s Depth 62.992ft Ref 55.938ft Delay 121.67ms Velocity 470.03ft/s 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (ms) Hammer to Rod String Distance 0.6 (m) * = Not Determined Hart Crowser Operator: Brown Sounding: CPT-05 Cone Used: DDG1263 CPT Date/Time: 4/15/2015 8:06:44 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 Maximum Depth = 87.60 feet Depth Increment = 0.164 feet InSitu Engineering *Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 Tip Resistance Qc TSF 70000 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Depth (ft) Pore Pressure Pw PSI 40-10 Friction Ratio Fs/Qc (%) 60 Soil Behavior Type* Zone: UBC-1983 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) 120 SPT N* 60% Hammer 1000 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] Data File:HCCPT-05 4/15/2015 8:06:44 AM Operator:Brown Location:Southport Office Development Cone ID:DDG1263 Job Number:1901404 Customer: Units: Depth Qc Fs/Qc Pw SPT N* Soil Behavior Type (ft) TSF (%) PSI 60% Hammer Zone UBC-1983 0.16 105.93 0.673 -1.032 25 8 sand to silty sand 0.33 162.60 1.235 -1.114 32 8 sand to silty sand 0.49 175.75 1.352 -1.068 32 8 sand to silty sand 0.66 177.87 1.957 -0.827 38 8 sand to silty sand 0.82 172.66 1.288 0.252 50 7 silty sand to sandy silt 0.98 155.54 2.191 1.833 46 7 silty sand to sandy silt 1.15 168.20 1.964 1.198 43 7 silty sand to sandy silt 1.31 92.33 3.827 2.014 45 7 silty sand to sandy silt 1.48 69.19 2.871 1.899 37 8 sand to silty sand 1.64 114.27 1.382 2.087 43 8 sand to silty sand 1.80 214.58 1.017 0.858 41 9 sand 1.97 272.10 0.704 -0.243 51 9 sand 2.13 332.64 0.805 0.422 58 9 sand 2.30 412.19 1.413 0.124 74 8 sand to silty sand 2.46 460.26 1.530 0.630 70 8 sand to silty sand 2.62 318.89 2.209 2.219 68 8 sand to silty sand 2.79 154.17 3.370 4.052 84 7 silty sand to sandy silt 2.95 107.78 4.396 6.718 72 7 silty sand to sandy silt 3.12 194.30 3.077 7.036 67 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 3.28 198.31 2.792 5.564 59 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 3.44 134.73 3.413 4.147 56 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 3.61 121.91 4.388 5.960 54 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 3.77 166.63 2.275 5.869 47 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 3.94 103.89 3.187 5.055 39 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 4.10 73.57 2.960 0.721 34 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 4.27 62.23 2.402 0.951 28 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 4.43 52.09 1.457 0.259 20 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 4.59 38.69 1.587 0.122 15 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 4.76 22.47 2.200 0.208 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 4.92 13.97 2.914 1.589 11 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5.09 9.43 4.570 2.520 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 5.25 10.21 4.165 3.316 8 4 silty clay to clay 5.41 9.11 4.988 3.535 11 3 clay 5.58 8.69 4.468 4.014 10 3 clay 5.74 16.83 2.228 3.488 7 4 silty clay to clay 5.91 10.54 3.720 1.917 8 4 silty clay to clay 6.07 10.12 3.354 2.153 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6.23 12.39 2.323 2.297 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6.40 19.88 2.040 2.374 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6.56 28.54 1.242 2.140 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6.73 42.10 0.676 0.568 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6.89 40.74 0.573 -1.950 10 7 silty sand to sandy silt 7.05 32.97 1.018 -1.574 10 7 silty sand to sandy silt 7.22 25.38 1.835 0.515 9 7 silty sand to sandy silt 7.38 19.48 1.694 1.017 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 7.55 21.10 1.411 0.699 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7.71 24.38 1.676 0.674 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7.87 22.84 1.089 0.044 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8.04 27.26 0.914 -0.922 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8.20 24.92 1.137 -1.156 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8.37 29.72 0.789 -1.125 10 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8.53 29.45 1.401 -2.695 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8.69 30.79 1.634 -2.261 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8.86 46.77 0.731 -3.263 13 8 sand to silty sand 9.02 68.39 0.640 -4.306 16 8 sand to silty sand 9.19 85.84 0.573 -4.421 19 8 sand to silty sand 9.35 97.99 0.567 0.878 22 8 sand to silty sand 9.51 106.21 0.516 1.023 23 8 sand to silty sand 9.68 111.34 0.682 0.844 24 8 sand to silty sand 9.84 113.87 0.568 1.676 23 8 sand to silty sand 10.01 95.91 0.673 1.939 22 8 sand to silty sand 10.17 78.65 0.329 2.091 20 8 sand to silty sand 10.33 69.76 0.509 2.365 20 8 sand to silty sand 10.50 54.67 0.626 2.595 20 8 sand to silty sand 10.66 71.36 0.331 2.547 20 8 sand to silty sand 10.83 103.37 0.325 -0.049 20 8 sand to silty sand 10.99 108.71 0.269 0.867 20 8 sand to silty sand 11.15 98.41 0.362 1.291 21 8 sand to silty sand 11.32 83.64 0.371 1.662 22 8 sand to silty sand 11.48 72.05 0.416 1.972 21 8 sand to silty sand 11.65 76.35 0.439 2.091 21 8 sand to silty sand 11.81 88.44 0.372 2.182 20 8 sand to silty sand 11.98 92.02 0.315 2.277 20 8 sand to silty sand 12.14 90.84 0.296 2.381 21 8 sand to silty sand 12.30 87.28 0.294 2.531 21 8 sand to silty sand 12.47 87.10 0.273 2.637 21 8 sand to silty sand 12.63 86.44 0.292 2.743 21 8 sand to silty sand 12.80 87.03 0.319 2.858 21 8 sand to silty sand 12.96 86.66 0.334 2.969 21 8 sand to silty sand 13.12 85.50 0.357 3.077 21 8 sand to silty sand 13.29 84.90 0.349 3.177 20 8 sand to silty sand 13.45 85.17 0.293 3.261 20 8 sand to silty sand 13.62 85.31 0.286 3.356 20 8 sand to silty sand 13.78 82.21 0.289 3.705 20 8 sand to silty sand 13.94 81.79 0.279 3.742 20 8 sand to silty sand 14.11 84.63 0.296 3.776 20 8 sand to silty sand 14.27 85.81 0.313 3.833 20 8 sand to silty sand 14.44 86.68 0.326 3.882 20 8 sand to silty sand 14.60 86.37 0.351 3.950 21 8 sand to silty sand 14.76 86.53 0.372 4.014 20 8 sand to silty sand 14.93 85.67 0.379 4.087 20 8 sand to silty sand 15.09 85.02 0.389 4.158 20 8 sand to silty sand 15.26 82.41 0.392 4.229 19 8 sand to silty sand 15.42 80.34 0.379 4.306 19 8 sand to silty sand 15.58 76.16 0.393 4.406 18 8 sand to silty sand 15.75 73.35 0.403 4.487 17 8 sand to silty sand 15.91 70.35 0.417 4.563 17 8 sand to silty sand 16.08 65.39 0.429 4.620 16 8 sand to silty sand 16.24 60.40 0.432 4.737 16 8 sand to silty sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 16.40 59.40 0.406 4.821 16 8 sand to silty sand 16.57 60.97 0.333 4.881 16 8 sand to silty sand 16.73 67.37 0.347 4.929 17 8 sand to silty sand 16.90 78.26 0.336 4.987 17 8 sand to silty sand 17.06 79.72 0.354 5.036 18 8 sand to silty sand 17.22 79.35 0.357 5.078 18 8 sand to silty sand 17.39 76.94 0.354 5.155 18 8 sand to silty sand 17.55 74.13 0.356 5.228 18 8 sand to silty sand 17.72 72.37 0.354 5.296 17 8 sand to silty sand 17.88 70.58 0.357 5.396 17 8 sand to silty sand 18.04 67.93 0.348 5.502 17 8 sand to silty sand 18.21 67.47 0.328 5.604 16 8 sand to silty sand 18.37 68.17 0.326 5.699 16 8 sand to silty sand 18.54 65.85 0.328 5.816 16 8 sand to silty sand 18.70 64.03 0.340 5.920 16 8 sand to silty sand 18.86 63.15 0.357 6.004 15 8 sand to silty sand 19.03 62.65 0.352 6.117 15 8 sand to silty sand 19.19 62.19 0.357 6.216 15 8 sand to silty sand 19.36 64.12 0.351 6.287 15 8 sand to silty sand 19.52 62.96 0.356 6.388 14 8 sand to silty sand 19.69 60.54 0.318 6.497 14 8 sand to silty sand 19.85 57.06 0.367 6.610 13 8 sand to silty sand 20.01 51.36 0.387 6.764 13 8 sand to silty sand 20.18 47.24 0.424 6.859 13 8 sand to silty sand 20.34 48.04 0.441 6.926 13 8 sand to silty sand 20.51 54.48 0.406 6.990 14 8 sand to silty sand 20.67 60.11 0.380 7.041 14 8 sand to silty sand 20.83 66.04 0.374 7.045 15 8 sand to silty sand 21.00 70.08 0.388 7.107 17 8 sand to silty sand 21.16 76.07 0.380 7.153 17 8 sand to silty sand 21.33 77.62 0.381 7.195 17 8 sand to silty sand 21.49 78.38 0.384 7.198 16 8 sand to silty sand 21.65 72.34 0.436 7.235 14 8 sand to silty sand 21.82 55.64 0.574 7.350 13 8 sand to silty sand 21.98 38.98 0.736 7.494 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22.15 23.23 1.826 8.099 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22.31 27.71 2.351 6.778 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 22.47 38.50 2.166 0.632 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 22.64 33.28 2.595 1.658 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 22.80 28.85 2.311 1.585 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 22.97 32.41 2.002 0.431 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 23.13 31.70 1.923 -0.080 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 23.29 36.20 1.545 0.338 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 23.46 44.54 1.198 -1.081 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 23.62 47.22 1.166 -1.074 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 23.79 45.20 1.146 -0.871 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 23.95 41.73 1.197 -0.588 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24.11 36.55 1.726 -0.276 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24.28 38.42 1.305 0.022 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24.44 51.46 0.898 -1.001 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24.61 49.07 0.937 -2.140 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24.77 48.84 1.022 -1.866 16 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24.93 44.71 1.312 -1.631 18 7 silty sand to sandy silt 25.10 51.50 1.106 -1.435 15 8 sand to silty sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 25.26 66.78 0.748 -1.775 16 8 sand to silty sand 25.43 77.51 0.673 -2.538 18 8 sand to silty sand 25.59 88.62 0.546 -2.405 20 8 sand to silty sand 25.75 96.49 0.500 -2.195 21 8 sand to silty sand 25.92 97.89 0.486 -1.941 21 8 sand to silty sand 26.08 93.80 0.456 -1.684 20 8 sand to silty sand 26.25 86.11 0.335 -1.377 20 8 sand to silty sand 26.41 74.19 0.456 -1.065 20 8 sand to silty sand 26.57 60.26 0.823 3.683 20 8 sand to silty sand 26.74 63.03 0.747 3.950 21 8 sand to silty sand 26.90 98.25 0.325 3.652 22 8 sand to silty sand 27.07 111.50 0.302 -0.694 19 9 sand 27.23 114.50 0.242 -0.506 20 9 sand 27.40 116.98 0.239 0.004 20 9 sand 27.56 113.56 0.209 0.418 19 9 sand 27.72 101.64 0.189 0.842 21 8 sand to silty sand 27.89 77.10 0.257 1.388 18 8 sand to silty sand 28.05 51.43 0.541 1.857 15 8 sand to silty sand 28.22 37.38 1.188 2.343 17 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28.38 28.19 2.710 2.885 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28.54 24.08 2.065 3.349 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28.71 51.56 0.656 3.110 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 28.87 59.37 0.503 2.020 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29.04 55.17 0.561 2.259 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29.20 46.32 0.711 2.577 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29.36 37.91 1.144 2.916 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29.53 34.11 0.915 3.256 12 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29.69 33.90 1.537 3.309 11 7 silty sand to sandy silt 29.86 28.10 1.960 5.812 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 30.02 34.28 1.492 5.097 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 30.18 32.94 2.655 1.443 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 30.35 26.60 2.681 1.976 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 30.51 35.50 1.699 1.096 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 30.68 25.79 2.091 0.309 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 30.84 17.41 2.742 1.081 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 31.00 17.92 2.964 1.744 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 31.17 26.75 1.517 2.043 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 31.33 41.57 0.830 2.009 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 31.50 34.86 1.517 1.439 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 31.66 23.64 1.951 1.821 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 31.82 21.16 1.885 2.204 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 31.99 14.93 2.740 2.586 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 32.15 12.01 2.597 3.287 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 32.32 12.08 2.919 3.946 9 4 silty clay to clay 32.48 12.15 3.738 4.715 8 4 silty clay to clay 32.64 12.13 3.861 5.582 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 32.81 11.24 4.939 6.232 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 32.97 16.99 1.784 10.378 8 4 silty clay to clay 33.14 20.20 1.340 5.058 6 5 clayey silt to silty clay 33.30 11.62 2.469 4.830 6 5 clayey silt to silty clay 33.46 7.37 3.406 5.330 6 5 clayey silt to silty clay 33.63 7.59 2.695 5.880 7 4 silty clay to clay 33.79 9.74 2.337 6.353 6 4 silty clay to clay 33.96 8.52 3.430 6.850 6 4 silty clay to clay file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 34.12 9.23 3.469 7.478 6 4 silty clay to clay 34.28 10.07 3.088 8.144 6 4 silty clay to clay 34.45 9.42 2.924 8.860 6 4 silty clay to clay 34.61 10.16 2.557 9.678 7 4 silty clay to clay 34.78 10.78 2.358 10.489 7 4 silty clay to clay 34.94 10.62 2.532 11.296 5 5 clayey silt to silty clay 35.10 10.80 2.383 12.149 6 5 clayey silt to silty clay 35.27 11.82 2.069 12.868 8 4 silty clay to clay 35.43 13.25 1.747 13.584 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 35.60 12.51 3.201 14.227 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 35.76 12.92 4.786 14.983 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 35.93 28.53 1.766 15.710 11 7 silty sand to sandy silt 36.09 50.93 1.124 10.118 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 36.25 59.42 0.676 8.603 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 36.42 66.66 0.852 5.212 18 7 silty sand to sandy silt 36.58 51.87 2.271 2.909 20 7 silty sand to sandy silt 36.75 38.18 2.355 3.459 21 7 silty sand to sandy silt 36.91 90.40 0.719 3.846 21 7 silty sand to sandy silt 37.07 89.98 0.574 1.992 20 7 silty sand to sandy silt 37.24 74.67 0.819 2.317 19 7 silty sand to sandy silt 37.40 55.51 1.531 2.827 18 7 silty sand to sandy silt 37.57 34.16 3.208 3.333 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 37.73 25.08 4.100 5.701 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 37.89 17.04 5.114 6.742 13 5 clayey silt to silty clay 38.06 20.23 3.903 7.507 13 4 silty clay to clay 38.22 21.54 3.233 7.730 11 4 silty clay to clay 38.39 14.27 4.530 8.239 10 4 silty clay to clay 38.55 13.35 3.789 9.227 10 4 silty clay to clay 38.71 13.53 3.520 10.177 10 4 silty clay to clay 38.88 13.21 4.003 11.002 9 4 silty clay to clay 39.04 14.02 4.196 11.935 9 4 silty clay to clay 39.21 13.73 3.381 12.536 9 4 silty clay to clay 39.37 14.27 2.785 23.520 9 4 silty clay to clay 39.53 12.98 3.591 25.010 9 4 silty clay to clay 39.70 13.01 3.150 26.670 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 39.86 13.55 2.495 27.227 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 40.03 14.35 1.913 28.224 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 40.19 13.41 2.508 29.422 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 40.35 13.75 3.246 31.295 7 5 clayey silt to silty clay 40.52 14.22 2.776 33.328 10 5 clayey silt to silty clay 40.68 13.57 3.766 34.148 12 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 40.85 20.71 2.271 36.427 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 41.01 51.50 1.531 21.367 16 7 silty sand to sandy silt 41.17 82.34 0.422 11.287 18 7 silty sand to sandy silt 41.34 97.11 0.340 -0.550 21 7 silty sand to sandy silt 41.50 71.26 1.002 -0.495 21 8 sand to silty sand 41.67 53.40 1.795 0.111 27 8 sand to silty sand 41.83 81.60 1.282 0.774 27 9 sand 41.99 166.32 0.471 -1.569 31 9 sand 42.16 238.30 0.386 -2.394 37 9 sand 42.32 265.15 0.240 -2.093 42 9 sand 42.49 273.61 0.208 -1.614 38 10 gravelly sand to sand 42.65 261.59 0.191 13.900 40 10 gravelly sand to sand 42.81 245.85 0.256 9.625 41 10 gravelly sand to sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 42.98 232.59 0.256 8.634 42 10 gravelly sand to sand 43.14 243.67 0.377 7.814 42 10 gravelly sand to sand 43.31 278.69 0.314 5.020 42 10 gravelly sand to sand 43.47 284.51 0.353 0.603 44 10 gravelly sand to sand 43.64 280.45 0.392 -0.979 45 10 gravelly sand to sand 43.80 289.87 0.337 -1.373 47 10 gravelly sand to sand 43.96 303.47 0.308 -2.025 47 10 gravelly sand to sand 44.13 308.45 0.312 -2.580 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 44.29 303.83 0.309 -2.854 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 44.46 300.23 0.324 -3.223 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 44.62 300.10 0.313 -3.444 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 44.78 298.94 0.330 -3.694 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 44.95 299.13 0.322 -3.948 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 45.11 297.07 0.340 -4.131 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 45.28 298.95 0.350 -4.291 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 45.44 309.36 0.365 -4.512 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 45.60 309.81 0.281 -4.611 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 45.77 303.54 0.308 -4.739 48 10 gravelly sand to sand 45.93 287.15 0.299 0.022 47 10 gravelly sand to sand 46.10 289.90 0.273 -0.736 46 10 gravelly sand to sand 46.26 285.52 0.274 -1.229 46 10 gravelly sand to sand 46.42 282.33 0.251 -1.532 45 10 gravelly sand to sand 46.59 279.63 0.248 -1.704 45 10 gravelly sand to sand 46.75 278.06 0.264 -1.791 44 10 gravelly sand to sand 46.92 276.32 0.235 -1.718 44 10 gravelly sand to sand 47.08 277.21 0.245 -1.704 44 10 gravelly sand to sand 47.24 272.53 0.216 -1.616 43 10 gravelly sand to sand 47.41 270.39 0.194 -1.472 42 10 gravelly sand to sand 47.57 261.02 0.198 -1.282 41 10 gravelly sand to sand 47.74 251.79 0.205 -1.103 40 10 gravelly sand to sand 47.90 243.80 0.198 -0.886 38 10 gravelly sand to sand 48.06 235.48 0.158 -0.685 35 10 gravelly sand to sand 48.23 218.38 0.136 -0.433 38 9 sand 48.39 180.52 0.266 -0.161 35 9 sand 48.56 135.53 0.501 0.208 31 9 sand 48.72 129.39 0.558 0.568 27 9 sand 48.88 124.89 0.432 0.886 24 9 sand 49.05 103.95 0.764 1.063 25 9 sand 49.21 86.29 1.541 11.634 28 9 sand 49.38 133.75 1.086 11.168 31 9 sand 49.54 206.13 0.530 5.728 33 9 sand 49.70 232.60 0.478 3.459 37 9 sand 49.87 227.64 0.447 3.736 41 9 sand 50.03 226.35 0.510 4.070 45 9 sand 50.20 233.25 0.532 3.720 46 9 sand 50.36 249.91 0.426 0.449 46 9 sand 50.52 257.47 0.698 -0.986 47 9 sand 50.69 256.76 0.649 -2.224 47 9 sand 50.85 246.29 0.557 -1.426 47 9 sand 51.02 243.89 0.413 -1.395 46 9 sand 51.18 236.67 0.394 -1.046 46 9 sand 51.35 231.42 0.389 -0.743 44 9 sand 51.51 225.96 0.368 -0.431 43 9 sand 51.67 224.58 0.341 -0.115 42 9 sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 51.84 215.34 0.295 0.179 38 9 sand 52.00 202.19 0.209 0.444 35 9 sand 52.17 186.23 0.225 0.769 32 9 sand 52.33 87.43 0.522 10.323 29 9 sand 52.49 133.40 0.484 10.378 26 9 sand 52.66 107.70 0.998 10.538 25 9 sand 52.82 114.29 0.980 10.854 24 9 sand 52.99 132.03 0.569 6.428 28 9 sand 53.15 141.49 0.698 0.937 31 9 sand 53.31 170.63 0.577 0.880 35 9 sand 53.48 214.98 0.367 0.944 40 9 sand 53.64 250.98 0.341 0.935 44 9 sand 53.81 269.73 0.302 1.214 47 9 sand 53.97 273.00 0.327 1.446 41 10 gravelly sand to sand 54.13 274.61 0.344 1.180 43 10 gravelly sand to sand 54.30 267.08 0.488 1.415 43 10 gravelly sand to sand 54.46 266.96 0.351 1.132 44 10 gravelly sand to sand 54.63 262.71 0.348 1.512 44 10 gravelly sand to sand 54.79 276.40 0.280 1.547 44 10 gravelly sand to sand 54.95 289.31 0.249 1.516 43 10 gravelly sand to sand 55.12 289.91 0.245 0.380 42 10 gravelly sand to sand 55.28 271.83 0.264 -0.911 41 10 gravelly sand to sand 55.45 246.62 0.207 -1.519 39 10 gravelly sand to sand 55.61 211.27 0.255 -0.957 35 10 gravelly sand to sand 55.77 193.56 0.208 15.900 38 9 sand 55.94 186.17 0.192 11.738 33 9 sand 56.10 155.60 0.244 9.762 28 9 sand 56.27 113.59 0.497 9.680 25 9 sand 56.43 88.27 1.135 10.412 22 9 sand 56.59 87.01 1.119 10.690 24 8 sand to silty sand 56.76 85.83 0.494 2.604 23 8 sand to silty sand 56.92 81.54 0.970 0.402 22 8 sand to silty sand 57.09 90.76 1.286 0.679 22 8 sand to silty sand 57.25 117.57 0.559 0.626 23 8 sand to silty sand 57.41 97.65 1.674 -0.993 26 8 sand to silty sand 57.58 68.35 3.254 0.088 30 8 sand to silty sand 57.74 119.92 1.386 1.194 33 8 sand to silty sand 57.91 191.87 0.641 -0.287 34 8 sand to silty sand 58.07 191.37 0.495 -0.603 28 9 sand 58.23 170.01 0.517 -0.237 30 9 sand 58.40 147.41 0.634 0.115 32 9 sand 58.56 146.21 0.916 0.451 32 9 sand 58.73 147.76 0.641 11.437 31 9 sand 58.89 181.84 0.340 3.550 30 9 sand 59.06 173.77 0.395 1.494 29 9 sand 59.22 154.56 0.411 1.669 29 9 sand 59.38 138.16 0.573 1.905 29 9 sand 59.55 132.87 0.677 2.244 28 9 sand 59.71 145.88 0.629 2.219 27 9 sand 59.88 147.48 0.396 0.522 27 9 sand 60.04 143.22 0.618 -0.920 27 9 sand 60.20 139.73 0.519 -0.849 26 9 sand 60.37 136.92 0.331 -1.194 27 9 sand 60.53 125.74 0.691 -1.488 28 9 sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 60.70 127.95 0.873 -1.331 28 9 sand 60.86 168.13 0.503 -0.995 29 9 sand 61.02 168.53 0.430 -2.299 29 9 sand 61.19 160.51 0.528 -2.270 30 9 sand 61.35 158.68 0.365 -2.160 30 9 sand 61.52 157.34 0.365 -2.131 30 9 sand 61.68 150.74 0.424 -2.034 31 9 sand 61.84 146.15 0.429 -1.877 32 9 sand 62.01 155.07 0.480 -1.742 33 9 sand 62.17 189.13 0.430 0.738 34 9 sand 62.34 203.41 0.385 0.570 35 9 sand 62.50 203.81 0.443 0.376 37 9 sand 62.66 188.39 0.520 0.577 39 9 sand 62.83 197.38 0.497 0.665 40 9 sand 62.99 212.59 0.454 0.807 40 9 sand 63.16 220.44 0.419 0.798 41 9 sand 63.32 221.01 0.412 0.880 42 9 sand 63.48 224.04 0.451 0.608 43 9 sand 63.65 230.11 0.445 0.380 43 9 sand 63.81 234.52 0.382 -0.170 43 9 sand 63.98 231.71 0.367 -0.822 42 9 sand 64.14 217.93 0.407 -1.107 41 9 sand 64.30 203.25 0.412 -0.933 40 9 sand 64.47 193.12 0.389 -0.685 38 9 sand 64.63 187.36 0.390 -0.402 37 9 sand 64.80 185.57 0.376 -0.144 35 9 sand 64.96 176.15 0.391 0.077 34 9 sand 65.12 172.58 0.303 0.347 33 9 sand 65.29 168.23 0.304 0.561 33 9 sand 65.45 156.94 0.353 3.818 33 9 sand 65.62 166.32 0.373 4.021 32 9 sand 65.78 174.25 0.356 4.211 32 9 sand 65.94 178.70 0.355 4.353 32 9 sand 66.11 170.38 0.384 4.580 33 9 sand 66.27 166.28 0.384 4.848 34 9 sand 66.44 174.53 0.353 5.084 35 9 sand 66.60 186.91 0.265 5.254 35 9 sand 66.77 194.66 0.282 5.345 36 9 sand 66.93 192.71 0.320 5.529 37 9 sand 67.09 194.84 0.361 5.800 38 9 sand 67.26 203.58 0.354 5.984 37 9 sand 67.42 201.70 0.321 6.218 37 9 sand 67.59 198.78 0.290 6.362 36 9 sand 67.75 182.62 0.269 6.503 34 9 sand 67.91 171.07 0.280 6.733 32 9 sand 68.08 152.35 0.276 6.910 31 9 sand 68.24 137.96 0.375 7.094 29 9 sand 68.41 136.37 0.262 7.158 27 9 sand 68.57 136.58 0.309 6.950 26 9 sand 68.73 131.99 0.377 18.409 25 9 sand 68.90 128.49 0.469 16.239 25 9 sand 69.06 126.10 0.502 16.327 24 9 sand 69.23 121.38 0.555 16.641 23 9 sand 69.39 115.71 0.590 17.054 22 9 sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 69.55 110.18 0.640 17.530 27 8 sand to silty sand 69.72 107.51 0.628 17.479 25 8 sand to silty sand 69.88 105.42 0.646 17.846 24 8 sand to silty sand 70.05 87.71 1.226 17.388 23 8 sand to silty sand 70.21 80.07 1.561 17.846 23 8 sand to silty sand 70.37 90.74 1.026 9.706 23 8 sand to silty sand 70.54 99.51 1.237 6.262 22 8 sand to silty sand 70.70 100.04 1.284 6.019 22 8 sand to silty sand 70.87 100.07 1.314 6.490 23 8 sand to silty sand 71.03 92.72 1.578 6.269 25 8 sand to silty sand 71.19 90.37 1.905 6.669 27 8 sand to silty sand 71.36 102.05 1.172 4.297 28 8 sand to silty sand 71.52 138.53 0.620 2.955 28 8 sand to silty sand 71.69 160.50 0.431 1.278 28 8 sand to silty sand 71.85 123.32 0.541 8.860 29 8 sand to silty sand 72.01 100.07 1.019 9.401 25 9 sand 72.18 100.82 1.337 9.943 26 9 sand 72.34 118.58 0.720 10.104 27 9 sand 72.51 160.92 0.458 5.341 28 9 sand 72.67 195.45 0.377 4.143 28 9 sand 72.83 188.75 0.359 4.434 27 9 sand 73.00 148.37 0.411 4.812 26 9 sand 73.16 105.98 0.594 5.394 24 9 sand 73.33 80.57 1.305 5.854 26 8 sand to silty sand 73.49 74.63 1.706 6.229 21 8 sand to silty sand 73.65 84.13 0.935 4.605 19 8 sand to silty sand 73.82 64.96 1.807 1.492 22 7 silty sand to sandy silt 73.98 65.72 0.914 1.397 19 7 silty sand to sandy silt 74.15 69.47 1.358 0.674 16 7 silty sand to sandy silt 74.31 34.47 2.184 0.833 13 7 silty sand to sandy silt 74.48 21.27 2.697 1.346 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 74.64 16.73 1.756 1.810 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 74.80 18.33 1.682 2.188 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 74.97 16.47 2.471 2.566 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 75.13 12.61 3.197 17.801 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 75.30 17.43 2.653 18.787 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 75.46 18.12 2.707 19.877 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 75.62 18.42 2.811 20.861 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 75.79 17.73 3.158 21.710 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 75.95 18.61 2.264 22.444 9 5 clayey silt to silty clay 76.12 21.59 1.597 22.899 11 5 clayey silt to silty clay 76.28 19.67 2.523 23.695 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 76.44 22.46 3.496 24.462 15 7 silty sand to sandy silt 76.61 34.48 2.660 24.968 18 7 silty sand to sandy silt 76.77 93.45 0.537 25.410 19 7 silty sand to sandy silt 76.94 119.25 0.574 13.444 20 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.10 85.59 1.369 12.538 21 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.26 50.64 2.271 12.936 21 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.43 40.35 1.878 13.606 18 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.59 37.50 1.303 14.415 14 7 silty sand to sandy silt 77.76 34.14 1.584 14.998 14 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 77.92 33.76 1.429 15.648 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 78.08 33.11 2.204 16.075 11 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 78.25 27.74 1.677 16.619 10 6 sandy silt to clayey silt file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 78.41 24.53 1.465 23.609 9 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 78.58 17.16 1.503 24.811 8 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 78.74 14.66 1.493 25.927 7 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 78.90 14.73 1.455 27.238 7 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 79.07 14.66 1.857 28.266 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 79.23 15.30 1.603 29.323 8 5 clayey silt to silty clay 79.40 16.62 0.918 30.293 13 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 79.56 16.22 3.385 31.374 24 7 silty sand to sandy silt 79.72 17.96 4.488 33.222 30 8 sand to silty sand 79.89 130.83 1.801 24.716 33 9 sand 80.05 303.78 0.878 22.066 44 9 sand 80.22 366.02 0.696 15.029 54 9 sand 80.38 344.88 0.845 14.857 62 9 sand 80.54 438.75 0.521 15.368 62 9 sand 80.71 383.69 0.687 8.796 57 9 sand 80.87 279.31 1.051 8.614 54 9 sand 81.04 163.41 2.616 10.345 53 9 sand 81.20 113.69 2.825 12.980 51 9 sand 81.36 238.37 0.760 15.295 50 9 sand 81.53 316.53 0.731 11.201 50 9 sand 81.69 356.52 0.597 15.993 51 9 sand 81.86 342.92 0.620 10.250 50 9 sand 82.02 290.27 0.725 7.587 47 9 sand 82.19 186.78 1.371 8.155 42 9 sand 82.35 113.59 2.247 9.079 44 8 sand to silty sand 82.51 110.95 1.622 10.100 36 8 sand to silty sand 82.68 128.54 1.181 10.195 38 8 sand to silty sand 82.84 98.39 2.331 10.416 36 9 sand 83.01 127.03 2.121 11.941 42 9 sand 83.17 359.16 0.507 11.017 51 9 sand 83.33 379.37 0.638 6.886 61 9 sand 83.50 348.66 1.008 7.193 73 9 sand 83.66 432.67 1.009 7.547 72 10 gravelly sand to sand 83.83 480.95 1.088 4.101 93 9 sand 83.99 541.97 1.150 1.992 83 10 gravelly sand to sand 84.15 599.43 0.854 -0.133 88 10 gravelly sand to sand 84.32 626.41 0.865 -2.480 88 10 gravelly sand to sand 84.48 595.40 0.716 -1.525 90 10 gravelly sand to sand 84.65 585.27 0.610 -1.749 89 10 gravelly sand to sand 84.81 448.96 0.775 4.899 87 10 gravelly sand to sand 84.97 542.46 0.660 4.101 83 10 gravelly sand to sand 85.14 514.85 0.610 2.644 79 10 gravelly sand to sand 85.30 497.75 0.702 0.734 74 10 gravelly sand to sand 85.47 457.33 0.735 -1.426 70 10 gravelly sand to sand 85.63 436.25 0.870 -1.669 77 9 sand 85.79 337.10 0.954 -2.089 74 9 sand 85.96 271.18 1.407 -2.458 73 9 sand 86.12 290.33 1.687 -1.932 73 9 sand 86.29 413.36 1.330 -2.518 75 9 sand 86.45 462.29 1.141 -3.280 77 9 sand 86.61 465.76 1.030 -4.222 79 9 sand 86.78 486.61 0.969 -4.766 80 9 sand 86.94 432.63 1.030 -4.339 80 9 sand 87.11 337.03 1.457 -5.440 79 9 sand file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-05.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:06 PM] 87.27 339.35 1.579 -4.549 84 9 sand 87.43 438.08 1.121 -5.106 93 9 sand 87.60 533.63 -32768 -5.053 0 0 <out of range> Red - Right Shear Wave Green - Compression Wave Blue - Left Shear Wave CPT-05 Shear wave velocity plots Hart-Crowser Southport Office Development Depth 3.937ft Ref* Delay 19.02ms Velocity* Depth 10.335ft Ref 3.937ft Delay 26.25ms Velocity 846.76ft/s Depth 16.732ft Ref 10.335ft Delay 39.02ms Velocity 495.37ft/s Depth 23.130ft Ref 16.732ft Delay 51.87ms Velocity 495.37ft/s Depth 29.692ft Ref 23.130ft Delay 64.72ms Velocity 509.17ft/s Depth 35.925ft Ref 29.692ft Delay 78.16ms Velocity 463.08ft/s Depth 42.487ft Ref 35.925ft Delay 91.44ms Velocity 493.46ft/s Depth 49.049ft Ref 42.487ft Delay 100.27ms Velocity 742.63ft/s Depth 55.610ft Ref 49.049ft Delay 109.88ms Velocity 682.40ft/s 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time (ms) Hammer to Rod String Distance 0.6 (m) * = Not Determined Hart Crowser Operator: Brown Sounding: CPT-06 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/3/2015 9:22:55 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 Maximum Depth = 77.43 feet Depth Increment = 0.164 feet InSitu Engineering *Soil behavior type and SPT based on data from UBC-1983 Tip Resistance Qc TSF 3000 0 1 2 3 4 5 Depth (ft) Pore Pressure Pw PSI 120-20 Friction Ratio Fs/Qc (%) 120 Soil Behavior Type* Zone: UBC-1983 1 sensitive fine grained 2 organic material 3 clay 4 silty clay to clay 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 sand to silty sand 9 sand 10 gravelly sand to sand 11 very stiff fine grained (*) 12 sand to clayey sand (*) 120 SPT N* 60% Hammer 900 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:23 PM] Data File:HCCPT-06 4/3/2015 9:22:55 AM Operator:Brown Location:Southport Office Development Cone ID:DDG1238 Job Number:1901404 Customer: Units: Depth Qc Fs Pw Fs/Qc Soil Behavior Type SPT N* (ft) TSF TSF PSI (%) Zone UBC-1983 60% Hammer 0.16 6.48 0.1832 -0.257 2.828 3 clay 6 0.33 11.60 0.1166 0.055 1.005 5 clayey silt to silty clay 4 0.49 11.98 0.1534 0.080 1.281 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 0.66 18.65 0.2966 -0.006 1.591 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 0.82 18.47 0.3656 -0.086 1.980 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 0.98 23.64 0.3413 -0.069 1.444 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 1.15 33.43 0.6899 -0.025 2.064 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 1.31 43.70 0.5083 0.083 1.163 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 1.48 20.39 0.5594 0.285 2.743 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 1.64 21.92 0.2918 0.381 1.331 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 1.80 15.64 0.1442 0.077 0.922 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 1.97 14.23 0.0805 0.102 0.566 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 2.13 9.20 0.0370 0.138 0.402 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 4 2.30 6.37 0.0457 0.199 0.717 1 sensitive fine grained 4 2.46 3.92 0.0367 0.105 0.936 1 sensitive fine grained 3 2.62 2.66 0.0238 0.246 0.896 4 silty clay to clay 4 2.79 2.25 0.0791 0.221 3.512 4 silty clay to clay 5 2.95 5.21 0.3026 0.202 5.812 4 silty clay to clay 6 3.12 16.72 0.4922 0.116 2.944 4 silty clay to clay 7 3.28 22.83 0.4967 0.113 2.175 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 3.44 17.08 0.3972 0.191 2.326 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 3.61 13.62 0.2822 0.069 2.072 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 3.77 10.32 0.2086 0.017 2.021 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 3.94 7.17 0.1752 0.229 2.445 4 silty clay to clay 6 4.10 7.72 0.1976 -0.912 2.559 4 silty clay to clay 5 4.27 7.30 0.2366 -0.006 3.241 3 clay 7 4.43 6.47 0.2185 -3.185 3.380 3 clay 6 4.59 5.35 0.2297 -3.881 4.297 3 clay 7 4.76 5.93 0.1958 -3.312 3.304 3 clay 7 4.92 6.52 0.1984 -2.500 3.043 4 silty clay to clay 6 5.09 8.79 0.2511 -2.066 2.856 4 silty clay to clay 6 5.25 12.47 0.3072 -2.144 2.464 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 5.41 17.39 0.3023 -3.348 1.739 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 5.58 12.39 0.2136 -5.906 1.725 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 5.74 18.79 0.1449 -5.677 0.771 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 5.91 20.58 0.1482 -4.915 0.720 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 6.07 25.15 0.1232 -4.271 0.490 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 6.23 37.33 0.1270 -1.238 0.340 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 6.40 33.42 0.1568 0.992 0.469 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 6.56 24.77 0.2369 2.282 0.956 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 6.73 21.61 0.1410 2.398 0.652 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 6.89 30.93 0.1622 -3.141 0.524 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 7.05 49.31 0.1615 -2.484 0.328 8 sand to silty sand 11 7.22 64.57 0.2188 -4.967 0.339 8 sand to silty sand 12 7.38 64.98 0.2834 1.144 0.436 8 sand to silty sand 12 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:23 PM] 7.55 60.60 0.2906 1.276 0.480 8 sand to silty sand 13 7.71 49.72 0.2297 1.575 0.462 8 sand to silty sand 12 7.87 41.05 0.1969 1.575 0.480 8 sand to silty sand 11 8.04 36.20 0.1669 1.522 0.461 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 8.20 34.17 0.1449 0.608 0.424 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 8.37 25.69 0.1560 0.671 0.607 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 8.53 21.92 0.1461 2.395 0.666 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 8.69 17.92 0.1801 2.428 1.005 7 silty sand to sandy silt 8 8.86 15.24 0.2608 2.616 1.711 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 9.02 17.44 0.2469 2.243 1.416 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 9.19 43.92 0.2181 -5.702 0.497 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 9.35 72.33 0.3158 -8.285 0.437 8 sand to silty sand 16 9.51 94.24 0.4090 -7.854 0.434 8 sand to silty sand 20 9.68 100.27 0.9692 -6.547 0.967 8 sand to silty sand 25 9.84 122.68 1.1980 -4.340 0.977 9 sand 23 10.01 148.20 0.6369 0.823 0.430 9 sand 25 10.17 151.60 0.5899 2.022 0.389 9 sand 25 10.33 158.71 0.5746 3.105 0.362 9 sand 26 10.50 123.89 0.6042 3.379 0.488 9 sand 26 10.66 125.21 0.4319 3.199 0.345 9 sand 25 10.83 119.47 0.2395 3.279 0.200 9 sand 24 10.99 114.61 0.1548 2.989 0.135 9 sand 22 11.15 111.13 0.1301 3.069 0.117 9 sand 22 11.32 111.36 0.2991 3.075 0.269 9 sand 22 11.48 110.02 0.4320 3.282 0.393 9 sand 21 11.65 111.33 0.3584 3.359 0.322 9 sand 21 11.81 108.19 0.3198 3.743 0.296 9 sand 21 11.98 106.57 0.1826 3.683 0.171 9 sand 20 12.14 104.96 0.1714 3.636 0.163 9 sand 20 12.30 100.67 0.2067 3.843 0.205 9 sand 20 12.47 102.35 0.1904 3.818 0.186 9 sand 20 12.63 104.51 0.2286 3.810 0.219 9 sand 20 12.80 107.26 0.2028 4.210 0.189 9 sand 20 12.96 108.35 0.1449 4.022 0.134 9 sand 20 13.12 106.32 0.1287 4.127 0.121 9 sand 20 13.29 102.07 0.2128 4.343 0.208 9 sand 20 13.45 96.16 0.3189 3.633 0.332 9 sand 20 13.62 97.73 0.5064 3.484 0.518 9 sand 20 13.78 109.14 0.2776 3.705 0.254 9 sand 20 13.94 101.51 0.3039 3.757 0.299 9 sand 20 14.11 108.23 0.2650 3.818 0.245 9 sand 20 14.27 103.43 0.2615 3.801 0.253 9 sand 20 14.44 103.92 0.1471 3.892 0.142 9 sand 20 14.60 103.78 0.1410 4.155 0.136 9 sand 20 14.76 104.20 0.1441 4.080 0.138 9 sand 21 14.93 110.15 0.1602 4.365 0.145 9 sand 21 15.09 113.85 0.1583 4.276 0.139 9 sand 22 15.26 120.51 0.1819 4.304 0.151 9 sand 23 15.42 126.98 0.2403 4.379 0.189 9 sand 25 15.58 131.68 0.3840 4.401 0.292 9 sand 26 15.75 142.98 0.4753 4.036 0.332 9 sand 26 15.91 150.87 0.4041 4.100 0.268 9 sand 27 16.08 145.22 0.3770 4.536 0.260 9 sand 27 16.24 144.29 0.2790 4.495 0.193 9 sand 27 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:23 PM] 16.40 145.32 0.2900 4.550 0.200 9 sand 27 16.57 137.89 0.3086 4.796 0.224 9 sand 27 16.73 129.39 0.4306 5.028 0.333 9 sand 28 16.90 140.61 0.3089 5.194 0.220 9 sand 29 17.06 138.15 0.5574 5.238 0.403 9 sand 29 17.22 175.45 1.0254 5.335 0.584 9 sand 30 17.39 182.12 1.0302 5.263 0.566 9 sand 31 17.55 169.83 0.8223 5.509 0.484 9 sand 31 17.72 164.10 0.4713 5.553 0.287 9 sand 32 17.88 161.90 0.2438 4.826 0.151 9 sand 30 18.04 156.23 0.2675 4.953 0.171 9 sand 29 18.21 146.29 0.2467 4.829 0.169 9 sand 27 18.37 131.40 0.3458 5.224 0.263 9 sand 25 18.54 119.39 0.2828 5.042 0.237 9 sand 23 18.70 90.74 0.1606 5.260 0.177 9 sand 21 18.86 89.74 0.4163 5.871 0.464 9 sand 20 19.03 94.90 0.9694 6.188 1.022 8 sand to silty sand 22 19.19 105.38 0.4629 6.376 0.439 8 sand to silty sand 20 19.36 98.78 0.5714 6.105 0.578 8 sand to silty sand 17 19.52 57.46 0.5244 6.404 0.912 8 sand to silty sand 15 19.69 35.67 0.3129 6.597 0.877 8 sand to silty sand 13 19.85 18.04 0.4644 6.926 2.574 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 20.01 16.53 0.2824 6.915 1.709 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 20.18 48.56 0.1274 0.464 0.262 8 sand to silty sand 11 20.34 61.90 0.2266 -1.641 0.366 8 sand to silty sand 13 20.51 75.37 0.2055 -0.751 0.273 8 sand to silty sand 14 20.67 78.38 0.2125 2.942 0.271 8 sand to silty sand 16 20.83 74.10 0.1685 5.061 0.227 8 sand to silty sand 16 21.00 63.67 0.1804 6.509 0.283 8 sand to silty sand 15 21.16 52.83 0.2078 6.699 0.393 8 sand to silty sand 15 21.33 48.45 0.2533 6.796 0.523 8 sand to silty sand 14 21.49 53.52 0.2529 6.879 0.472 8 sand to silty sand 13 21.65 54.53 0.1726 6.371 0.316 8 sand to silty sand 12 21.82 48.94 0.1828 7.216 0.374 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 21.98 46.18 0.2131 7.139 0.461 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 22.15 38.84 0.4276 7.360 1.101 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 22.31 40.17 0.5287 7.426 1.316 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 22.47 47.99 0.5250 7.556 1.094 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 22.64 54.54 0.3318 6.865 0.608 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 22.80 58.13 0.2429 6.575 0.418 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 22.97 58.77 0.1829 7.313 0.311 8 sand to silty sand 12 23.13 52.43 0.2181 7.465 0.416 8 sand to silty sand 12 23.29 41.38 0.2871 7.616 0.694 8 sand to silty sand 12 23.46 45.73 0.2968 7.851 0.649 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 23.62 52.95 0.2866 5.857 0.541 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 23.79 43.03 0.2874 4.337 0.668 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 23.95 27.28 0.3645 6.299 1.336 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 24.11 19.02 0.4306 8.813 2.264 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 24.28 18.56 0.3130 13.968 1.686 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 24.44 32.63 0.1386 2.442 0.425 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 24.61 40.83 0.1661 -0.378 0.407 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 24.77 43.35 0.1847 0.152 0.426 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 24.93 45.09 0.1895 2.028 0.420 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 25.10 43.60 0.1999 4.044 0.459 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:23 PM] 25.26 41.84 0.2168 5.738 0.518 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 25.43 45.29 0.2248 7.263 0.496 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 25.59 41.20 0.3089 6.989 0.750 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 25.75 30.56 0.4166 8.014 1.363 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 25.92 26.21 0.3247 8.992 1.239 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 26.08 41.78 0.1485 3.520 0.355 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 26.25 46.68 0.1707 0.213 0.366 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.41 40.08 0.2445 8.652 0.610 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.57 30.99 0.3778 9.216 1.219 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 26.74 29.20 0.3190 9.467 1.093 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 26.90 33.19 0.2624 2.193 0.791 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 27.07 32.23 0.2240 -0.268 0.695 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 27.23 33.64 0.2676 -1.000 0.796 7 silty sand to sandy silt 9 27.40 25.55 0.2470 -1.862 0.967 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 27.56 26.82 0.3576 -0.378 1.333 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 27.72 20.88 0.3398 -0.133 1.628 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 27.89 19.14 0.3696 0.804 1.931 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 28.05 17.39 0.4082 1.467 2.347 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 28.22 21.11 0.4859 1.641 2.302 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 28.38 26.20 0.3037 0.453 1.159 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 28.54 39.15 0.2759 -1.787 0.705 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 28.71 30.49 0.3335 -2.796 1.094 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 28.87 26.70 0.3131 -1.832 1.173 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 29.04 33.89 0.2128 -0.663 0.628 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 29.20 35.74 0.2516 -1.926 0.704 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 29.36 31.55 0.3465 -1.238 1.098 7 silty sand to sandy silt 10 29.53 23.82 0.4722 -0.199 1.982 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 29.69 30.28 0.2314 5.166 0.764 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 29.86 46.04 0.2168 -0.309 0.471 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 30.02 57.10 0.2552 -1.660 0.447 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 30.18 61.12 0.2654 -0.738 0.434 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 30.35 50.49 0.3562 0.221 0.706 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 30.51 34.25 0.5004 1.260 1.461 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 30.68 30.27 0.6957 2.845 2.298 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 30.84 43.61 0.3548 4.022 0.814 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 31.00 73.79 0.3351 -0.967 0.454 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 31.17 67.18 0.3120 -2.127 0.464 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 31.33 52.96 0.3754 -1.251 0.709 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 31.50 36.07 0.4774 0.044 1.323 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 31.66 23.74 0.4646 1.812 1.957 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 31.82 24.92 0.3282 5.473 1.317 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 31.99 25.14 0.3373 2.669 1.342 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 32.15 16.78 0.2993 4.172 1.783 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 32.32 12.35 0.2227 7.962 1.803 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 32.48 12.20 0.1516 11.813 1.243 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 32.64 12.33 0.2960 13.714 2.401 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 32.81 9.69 0.2693 17.145 2.779 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 32.97 13.42 0.2223 18.581 1.657 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 33.14 13.37 0.1719 17.913 1.285 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 33.30 12.96 0.1603 19.813 1.237 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 33.46 10.28 0.1670 24.173 1.625 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 33.63 10.09 0.2015 30.286 1.998 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 33.79 11.11 0.2924 36.032 2.632 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 33.96 11.92 0.3616 42.688 3.033 4 silty clay to clay 7 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:23 PM] 34.12 11.08 0.3471 42.345 3.132 4 silty clay to clay 7 34.28 10.20 0.3138 41.129 3.075 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 34.45 10.36 0.3640 41.201 3.512 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 34.61 13.10 0.2607 41.373 1.990 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 34.78 35.39 0.3482 17.100 0.984 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 34.94 23.35 0.3519 11.860 1.507 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 35.10 17.12 0.2615 15.783 1.528 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 35.27 14.73 0.1927 20.700 1.308 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 7 35.43 13.35 0.2409 24.877 1.804 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 6 35.60 11.20 0.2721 29.455 2.428 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 35.76 16.65 0.3287 33.494 1.974 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 35.93 19.02 0.3697 20.684 1.944 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 36.09 15.22 0.4089 17.808 2.687 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 36.25 12.05 0.3427 24.338 2.843 5 clayey silt to silty clay 7 36.42 11.34 0.2750 28.424 2.425 5 clayey silt to silty clay 6 36.58 10.30 0.2997 32.176 2.908 4 silty clay to clay 7 36.75 9.47 0.3409 38.751 3.600 4 silty clay to clay 7 36.91 9.58 0.2992 40.223 3.124 5 clayey silt to silty clay 8 37.07 8.83 0.2440 42.118 2.763 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 37.24 8.50 0.3299 43.411 3.880 8 sand to silty sand 16 37.40 55.94 0.4888 30.231 0.874 8 sand to silty sand 24 37.57 172.86 1.1058 11.169 0.640 8 sand to silty sand 33 37.73 213.27 1.6522 10.755 0.775 9 sand 33 37.89 237.52 2.1133 11.758 0.890 9 sand 41 38.06 256.01 2.2819 10.716 0.891 9 sand 47 38.22 271.50 2.4635 9.675 0.907 9 sand 50 38.39 280.18 2.4991 8.887 0.892 9 sand 52 38.55 281.35 2.4609 8.291 0.875 9 sand 53 38.71 284.27 2.4057 7.337 0.846 9 sand 53 38.88 277.23 2.3174 7.268 0.836 9 sand 53 39.04 275.91 2.0230 7.360 0.733 9 sand 52 39.21 266.82 1.8598 8.039 0.697 9 sand 49 39.37 253.23 1.5978 10.067 0.631 9 sand 45 39.53 246.27 1.5470 9.078 0.628 9 sand 39 39.70 202.22 1.6285 8.111 0.805 9 sand 32 39.86 119.52 1.6707 7.882 1.398 8 sand to silty sand 33 40.03 60.93 1.4922 8.658 2.449 8 sand to silty sand 25 40.19 33.54 1.2258 10.164 3.655 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24 40.35 40.48 1.0809 17.299 2.670 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 19 40.52 36.20 0.9469 20.664 2.616 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 14 40.68 32.00 0.6331 21.352 1.978 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 40.85 23.58 0.4841 14.219 2.053 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 13 41.01 24.68 0.4351 19.747 1.763 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 13 41.17 25.42 0.5485 17.106 2.158 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 14 41.34 44.86 0.3495 20.777 0.779 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 41.50 56.62 0.7423 6.382 1.311 8 sand to silty sand 16 41.67 47.48 0.9205 5.373 1.939 8 sand to silty sand 22 41.83 100.89 0.6563 3.997 0.650 9 sand 25 41.99 156.02 0.3613 0.398 0.232 9 sand 31 42.16 220.50 0.9991 -1.025 0.453 9 sand 37 42.32 281.42 1.2452 1.069 0.442 9 sand 45 42.49 283.72 1.3303 6.329 0.469 10 gravelly sand to sand 42 42.65 272.13 0.9909 15.896 0.364 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 42.81 320.60 1.3514 12.081 0.422 10 gravelly sand to sand 46 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:23 PM] 42.98 303.27 0.9081 4.940 0.299 10 gravelly sand to sand 46 43.14 273.67 1.3656 7.500 0.499 9 sand 53 43.31 273.38 1.9800 9.932 0.724 9 sand 52 43.47 273.45 1.7961 3.594 0.657 9 sand 52 43.64 216.54 1.4712 4.119 0.679 9 sand 53 43.80 249.03 0.9772 6.194 0.392 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 43.96 302.76 0.7465 3.680 0.247 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 44.13 331.97 1.2623 1.437 0.380 10 gravelly sand to sand 45 44.29 324.31 0.9364 2.475 0.289 10 gravelly sand to sand 47 44.46 285.82 1.0776 6.039 0.377 10 gravelly sand to sand 48 44.62 279.80 1.9316 9.456 0.690 10 gravelly sand to sand 46 44.78 298.36 1.3873 5.230 0.465 10 gravelly sand to sand 42 44.95 271.83 1.1169 5.370 0.411 9 sand 46 45.11 218.51 0.7172 7.252 0.328 9 sand 41 45.28 182.96 0.4105 11.876 0.224 9 sand 35 45.44 144.23 0.2369 10.838 0.164 9 sand 29 45.60 103.22 0.2907 11.302 0.282 9 sand 23 45.77 76.97 0.2551 12.432 0.331 9 sand 19 45.93 60.28 0.3522 15.512 0.584 8 sand to silty sand 19 46.10 58.78 0.3023 16.031 0.514 8 sand to silty sand 18 46.26 58.73 0.5020 11.553 0.855 8 sand to silty sand 19 46.42 61.12 0.8035 11.108 1.315 8 sand to silty sand 22 46.59 92.12 0.6320 12.343 0.686 9 sand 21 46.75 139.68 0.5169 5.804 0.370 9 sand 25 46.92 166.07 0.5327 3.174 0.321 9 sand 29 47.08 187.24 0.5249 4.296 0.280 9 sand 33 47.24 196.70 0.5290 5.453 0.269 9 sand 36 47.41 202.47 0.6283 7.086 0.310 9 sand 38 47.57 207.03 0.5478 8.721 0.265 9 sand 39 47.74 206.78 0.9212 8.821 0.446 9 sand 40 47.90 209.44 0.6474 9.998 0.309 9 sand 40 48.06 210.00 0.4957 8.575 0.236 9 sand 40 48.23 215.04 0.4961 9.849 0.231 9 sand 40 48.39 210.81 0.4016 9.998 0.190 9 sand 39 48.56 205.02 0.3471 10.777 0.169 9 sand 39 48.72 196.79 0.4521 11.794 0.230 9 sand 38 48.88 193.11 0.3357 12.023 0.174 9 sand 37 49.05 185.61 0.4044 11.876 0.218 9 sand 36 49.21 177.95 0.3754 15.335 0.211 9 sand 34 49.38 169.90 0.4638 14.819 0.273 9 sand 33 49.54 169.78 0.4066 15.109 0.239 9 sand 31 49.70 163.63 0.4590 14.495 0.281 9 sand 30 49.87 150.81 0.3891 14.360 0.258 9 sand 27 50.03 131.23 0.3954 14.968 0.301 9 sand 25 50.20 113.70 0.3849 15.694 0.338 9 sand 22 50.36 96.05 0.4045 15.813 0.421 8 sand to silty sand 24 50.52 75.45 0.4943 16.490 0.655 8 sand to silty sand 22 50.69 64.14 0.6049 17.744 0.943 8 sand to silty sand 22 50.85 70.77 0.7202 19.728 1.018 8 sand to silty sand 23 51.02 92.16 0.6066 12.078 0.658 8 sand to silty sand 25 51.18 125.41 0.3625 5.951 0.289 9 sand 22 51.35 144.08 0.5213 2.779 0.362 9 sand 24 51.51 144.15 0.6148 2.843 0.427 9 sand 26 51.67 148.33 0.6039 4.108 0.407 9 sand 28 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:23 PM] 51.84 147.90 0.5607 5.431 0.379 9 sand 28 52.00 148.80 0.5049 7.263 0.339 9 sand 28 52.17 146.89 0.4331 8.843 0.295 9 sand 28 52.33 144.17 0.4290 10.644 0.298 9 sand 27 52.49 139.58 0.4430 17.393 0.317 9 sand 27 52.66 134.37 0.4560 18.161 0.339 9 sand 26 52.82 128.56 0.4739 19.136 0.369 9 sand 26 52.99 126.46 0.4602 19.007 0.364 9 sand 26 53.15 129.49 0.4521 19.520 0.349 9 sand 26 53.31 136.64 0.4773 19.471 0.349 9 sand 26 53.48 143.82 0.5087 19.835 0.354 9 sand 27 53.64 147.29 0.5114 19.849 0.347 9 sand 27 53.81 146.89 0.5080 20.239 0.346 9 sand 28 53.97 146.61 0.5157 19.929 0.352 9 sand 28 54.13 144.88 0.5126 20.056 0.354 9 sand 27 54.30 143.90 0.5281 20.427 0.367 9 sand 27 54.46 139.69 0.5858 20.244 0.419 9 sand 26 54.63 132.84 0.6681 20.399 0.503 9 sand 25 54.79 121.01 0.6744 20.250 0.557 9 sand 24 54.95 114.25 0.5886 20.526 0.515 9 sand 23 55.12 112.73 0.4363 19.562 0.387 9 sand 22 55.28 109.28 0.4157 19.142 0.380 9 sand 21 55.45 108.66 0.3724 20.109 0.343 9 sand 20 55.61 101.15 0.4305 19.037 0.426 9 sand 20 55.77 99.97 0.5288 20.617 0.529 8 sand to silty sand 24 55.94 92.62 0.5304 19.940 0.573 8 sand to silty sand 23 56.10 92.67 0.5163 20.775 0.557 8 sand to silty sand 21 56.27 93.15 0.5566 19.305 0.598 8 sand to silty sand 20 56.43 78.02 0.5611 20.305 0.719 8 sand to silty sand 18 56.59 67.94 0.4144 20.744 0.610 8 sand to silty sand 16 56.76 56.41 0.3946 18.117 0.699 8 sand to silty sand 14 56.92 43.63 0.3930 17.979 0.901 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 57.09 36.43 0.4004 19.938 1.099 7 silty sand to sandy silt 13 57.25 26.76 0.4831 21.109 1.806 7 silty sand to sandy silt 11 57.41 20.84 0.4936 21.092 2.369 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 57.58 24.69 0.4891 21.211 1.981 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 57.74 28.56 0.5943 18.186 2.081 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 57.91 30.74 0.9226 18.874 3.002 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 58.07 24.02 0.8490 24.617 3.535 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 58.23 28.52 0.7930 19.797 2.781 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 58.40 32.98 0.6547 15.034 1.985 5 clayey silt to silty clay 13 58.56 31.76 0.5894 19.827 1.856 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 58.73 20.89 0.7304 20.816 3.497 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 58.89 16.54 0.6182 26.985 3.739 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 59.06 38.65 0.6147 21.584 1.590 7 silty sand to sandy silt 14 59.22 56.78 0.5015 17.744 0.883 7 silty sand to sandy silt 15 59.38 70.58 0.4902 17.728 0.694 7 silty sand to sandy silt 16 59.55 59.55 0.5072 18.885 0.852 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 59.71 53.06 0.5673 21.186 1.069 8 sand to silty sand 15 59.88 58.29 0.5584 23.159 0.958 8 sand to silty sand 15 60.04 65.44 0.5261 21.291 0.804 8 sand to silty sand 14 60.20 61.41 0.4747 21.929 0.773 8 sand to silty sand 15 60.37 59.82 0.4623 22.885 0.773 8 sand to silty sand 15 60.53 60.90 0.4554 23.874 0.748 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:23 PM] 60.70 65.34 0.4665 23.584 0.714 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 60.86 54.47 0.5447 21.822 1.000 7 silty sand to sandy silt 18 61.02 45.74 0.7238 23.872 1.582 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 61.19 45.19 0.5944 21.479 1.315 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 61.35 52.34 0.6229 12.015 1.190 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 61.52 53.48 0.9330 7.310 1.745 7 silty sand to sandy silt 17 61.68 54.39 0.8333 11.418 1.532 7 silty sand to sandy silt 19 61.84 56.92 1.0560 14.062 1.855 7 silty sand to sandy silt 24 62.01 60.89 0.8653 14.832 1.421 8 sand to silty sand 21 62.17 95.23 0.8964 23.551 0.941 8 sand to silty sand 25 62.34 141.77 0.8674 12.302 0.612 8 sand to silty sand 29 62.50 158.27 0.8736 13.501 0.552 9 sand 26 62.66 165.20 0.8879 15.272 0.537 9 sand 29 62.83 169.00 0.8115 16.462 0.480 9 sand 30 62.99 167.42 0.7503 15.073 0.448 9 sand 30 63.16 155.42 0.7600 14.910 0.489 9 sand 29 63.32 146.58 0.7829 15.708 0.534 9 sand 27 63.48 137.31 0.7175 13.772 0.523 9 sand 24 63.65 116.88 0.8098 14.247 0.693 8 sand to silty sand 27 63.81 91.01 0.8830 14.998 0.970 8 sand to silty sand 25 63.98 73.25 1.1836 17.473 1.616 8 sand to silty sand 24 64.14 68.17 1.3829 19.239 2.029 8 sand to silty sand 24 64.30 97.90 0.9525 19.902 0.973 8 sand to silty sand 25 64.47 119.19 1.0813 5.467 0.907 8 sand to silty sand 27 64.63 128.46 1.1638 3.517 0.906 8 sand to silty sand 29 64.80 147.29 0.7337 4.022 0.498 8 sand to silty sand 30 64.96 148.52 0.8458 1.243 0.569 8 sand to silty sand 31 65.12 126.20 1.4385 0.238 1.140 8 sand to silty sand 33 65.29 111.98 1.5126 1.077 1.351 9 sand 29 65.45 116.73 1.6073 26.148 1.377 9 sand 30 65.62 188.69 1.6676 6.923 0.884 9 sand 31 65.78 212.04 1.3895 2.218 0.655 9 sand 30 65.94 200.50 1.0433 -0.047 0.520 9 sand 29 66.11 158.62 0.9802 -1.594 0.618 9 sand 29 66.27 107.81 0.9351 -2.100 0.867 9 sand 26 66.44 91.47 0.9212 -1.111 1.007 8 sand to silty sand 28 66.60 87.86 0.8618 0.517 0.981 8 sand to silty sand 24 66.77 85.32 0.9173 1.146 1.075 8 sand to silty sand 23 66.93 82.80 1.3148 0.514 1.588 8 sand to silty sand 22 67.09 92.75 1.0325 -0.050 1.113 8 sand to silty sand 24 67.26 111.16 1.6649 -1.235 1.498 8 sand to silty sand 28 67.42 92.10 1.7338 -2.216 1.883 8 sand to silty sand 31 67.59 153.61 1.9301 -1.699 1.257 8 sand to silty sand 33 67.75 191.57 1.6710 -1.519 0.872 8 sand to silty sand 33 67.91 175.24 1.4662 -0.713 0.837 8 sand to silty sand 34 68.08 137.09 1.4052 0.182 1.025 8 sand to silty sand 35 68.24 118.95 1.2737 1.191 1.071 9 sand 29 68.41 117.59 1.2022 2.257 1.022 9 sand 29 68.57 143.14 1.0234 3.376 0.715 8 sand to silty sand 33 68.73 192.25 0.6103 16.109 0.317 8 sand to silty sand 30 68.90 170.73 1.1878 5.857 0.696 8 sand to silty sand 28 69.06 95.61 1.7350 4.337 1.815 8 sand to silty sand 26 69.23 50.10 1.5566 6.108 3.107 8 sand to silty sand 22 69.39 43.44 0.8565 11.763 1.971 7 silty sand to sandy silt 22 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:23 PM] 69.55 68.35 0.9983 11.003 1.461 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 18 69.72 36.61 0.7287 8.821 1.990 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 14 69.88 24.57 0.5675 11.658 2.310 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 70.05 17.70 0.3617 17.194 2.043 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 70.21 16.39 0.3491 26.330 2.131 5 clayey silt to silty clay 11 70.37 17.33 0.3539 37.162 2.042 5 clayey silt to silty clay 9 70.54 19.10 0.4836 50.199 2.533 5 clayey silt to silty clay 10 70.70 19.09 0.6209 61.374 3.252 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 70.87 20.47 0.6003 66.015 2.933 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 12 71.03 27.15 0.3654 48.229 1.346 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 13 71.19 56.37 0.4069 41.892 0.722 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 14 71.36 56.35 0.8139 24.640 1.445 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 14 71.52 34.83 0.7122 26.830 2.045 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 71.69 28.97 0.5180 33.800 1.788 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 71.85 25.48 0.4235 38.193 1.662 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 13 72.01 28.01 0.3841 35.057 1.371 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 11 72.18 30.27 0.3416 39.831 1.129 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 10 72.34 25.48 0.3696 39.872 1.451 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 72.51 17.49 0.2542 48.326 1.454 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 8 72.67 15.86 0.1793 56.677 1.131 6 sandy silt to clayey silt 9 72.83 14.20 0.1942 67.609 1.367 7 silty sand to sandy silt 12 73.00 14.43 0.4198 75.701 2.910 8 sand to silty sand 16 73.16 33.55 0.4584 85.149 1.366 8 sand to silty sand 24 73.33 145.92 0.7399 21.661 0.507 9 sand 25 73.49 222.64 1.1730 26.797 0.527 9 sand 31 73.65 241.30 1.6325 27.861 0.677 9 sand 37 73.82 232.44 2.0150 29.372 0.867 9 sand 42 73.98 227.16 2.4656 27.731 1.085 9 sand 44 74.15 228.98 1.8901 12.410 0.825 9 sand 45 74.31 222.76 1.7565 4.155 0.788 9 sand 48 74.48 223.66 2.1788 1.851 0.974 9 sand 51 74.64 276.26 2.7030 0.964 0.978 9 sand 55 74.80 336.40 2.5693 -1.144 0.764 9 sand 58 74.97 359.76 3.1461 0.199 0.874 9 sand 61 75.13 360.49 2.8829 -1.080 0.800 9 sand 64 75.30 333.11 2.3236 20.125 0.698 9 sand 64 75.46 343.01 1.9259 6.528 0.561 9 sand 62 75.62 318.76 1.6833 3.094 0.528 9 sand 61 75.79 279.35 1.9054 1.384 0.682 9 sand 62 75.95 275.72 2.8471 0.351 1.033 9 sand 64 76.12 330.48 2.7941 -0.240 0.845 10 gravelly sand to sand 55 76.28 374.77 2.0542 -0.727 0.548 10 gravelly sand to sand 58 76.44 408.58 2.1828 -1.191 0.534 10 gravelly sand to sand 63 76.61 428.82 2.3497 -1.437 0.548 10 gravelly sand to sand 68 76.77 461.55 2.6310 -1.583 0.570 10 gravelly sand to sand 80 76.94 486.62 2.3488 -2.486 0.483 10 gravelly sand to sand 81 77.10 488.89 2.0147 -2.862 0.412 10 gravelly sand to sand 82 77.26 540.97 2.3488 -3.271 0.434 10 gravelly sand to sand 85 77.43 519.95 -32768 -2.823 -32768 0 <out of range> 0 Pressure (psi) Time: (seconds) Hart Crowser Operator Brown Sounding: CPT-06 Cone Used: DDG1238 CPT Date/Time: 4/3/2015 9:22:55 AM Location: Southport Office Development Job Number: 1901404 1 10 100 1000 7 8 Selected Depth(s) (feet) 21.982 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06Dis21.982.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:37 PM] Data File: HCCPT-06 4/3/2015 9:22:55 AM Operator: Brown Location: Southport Office Development Cone ID: DDG1238 Job No.: 1901404 Customer: UNITS : English DEPTH TIME DISSIPATION OF PORE PRESSURE (psi) (ft) (sec) (psi) 21.98 0 7.116 21.98 1 7.163 21.98 2 7.183 21.98 3 7.158 21.98 4 7.732 21.98 5 7.387 21.98 6 7.266 21.98 7 7.224 21.98 8 7.202 21.98 9 7.180 21.98 10 7.166 21.98 11 7.169 21.98 12 7.161 21.98 13 7.158 21.98 14 7.152 21.98 15 7.147 21.98 16 7.147 21.98 17 7.141 21.98 18 7.144 21.98 19 7.144 21.98 20 7.144 21.98 21 7.144 21.98 22 7.144 21.98 23 7.139 21.98 24 7.139 21.98 25 7.144 21.98 26 7.150 21.98 27 7.141 21.98 28 7.141 21.98 29 7.144 21.98 30 7.144 21.98 31 7.144 21.98 32 7.147 21.98 33 7.150 21.98 34 7.152 21.98 35 7.144 21.98 36 7.158 21.98 37 7.147 21.98 38 7.150 21.98 39 7.158 21.98 40 7.158 21.98 41 7.161 21.98 42 7.163 21.98 43 7.166 21.98 44 7.158 file:///L|/Notebooks/1901404_Southport%20Office%20Development%20Design/Field%20Data/Exploration%20Logs/SOD-06Dis21.982.txt[4/30/2015 4:03:37 PM] 21.98 45 7.163 21.98 46 7.163 21.98 47 7.163 21.98 48 7.172 21.98 49 7.177 21.98 50 7.180 21.98 51 7.183 21.98 52 7.180 21.98 53 7.183 21.98 54 7.183 21.98 55 7.185 21.98 56 7.185 21.98 57 7.194 21.98 58 7.197 21.98 59 7.202 21.98 60 7.205 21.98 65 7.213 21.98 70 7.227 21.98 75 7.232 21.98 80 7.252 21.98 85 7.263 21.98 90 7.279