HomeMy WebLinkAboutSteering Committee - Re-Purposing Downtown Library Building (2011) AGENDA ... �.. City of Renton CITY OFRENTON i` �`� �GT 2 5 2011 RECEIVED Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee CITY CLERKS OFFICE Staff contacts: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Renton City Hall 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers Terry Higashiyama City of 6:30 p.m. Doors open/Meet other Committee Members Renton Meeting Days &Times thioashiyama@rentonwa.qov 425-430-6606 7:00 p.m. Welcome/Terry Higashiyama Elizabeth Stewart City of 7:05 p.m. Introduction/Greg Stroh Renton Share why you want to be involved estewart(W rentonwa.aov 425.255.2330 7:30 p.m. Meeting Protocol/Elizabeth Stewart Greg Stroh^'City of Renton astroh@rentonwa.00v 7:40 p.m. Committee Process/Terry Higashiyama 425.430.6614 Timeline, Commitment, Selection of"Officers", Public Meetings, Final Product 8:00 p.m. Objectives/Elizabeth Stewart What are the objectives of best use of the old Library Building? Breakout into groups of 5-7 and explore broad aims for Building 8:20 p.m. Groups Report/All Groups to report back H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\09 2011 Meeting.doc 9/2011 1-I•`i OF€2EN ON ... -----'-p;-;r ) . " u L '. 2 1_ EIVE Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee CITY CLERKS OFFICE Meeting Minutes ^' September 28, 2011 Renton City Hall, Council Chambers 6:30 pm Check in and social time In Attendance Members: Norm Abrahamson, Stuart Avery, Gary Barber, Sarah Becker, Pat Bentley, Cheryl Boudreau, Leeah Brown, Pamela Carino,Teresa Clymer- Flora,Jan Dahl, Glenn Garrett, Jamie Green,John Hansen, Mark Hergert, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes, Ryan Mclrvin, Marvin Rosete, Wil Samson, Francine Siverts, Adam C. Smith City of Renton Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Elisabeth Stewart, Greg Stroh Excused Jonathan Fox, Holly Hawker, Sandra Polley Absent Larry Crim, Kristi Hartman, Marjorie Hastings, Carol McPherson, Jeff Nordberg, Mara Swensen, Judith Tabak, Dustin Toms, Dean Zinck 7:00 pm Welcome/Councilmember King Parker 7:05 pm Staff Introductions/Terry Higashiyama Staffing the work of the Steering Committee: Terry Higashiyama, Administrator, Department of Community Services. Terry has many years of experience in parks and recreation in Renton and Bellevue; she has been Administrator since 2006. Divisions in Community Services include: Human Services, Recreation, Parks & Golf Course, Parks Planning and Natural Resource, Facilities, Neighborhoods Resources and Events, and the Museum. Greg Stroh, Facility Manager. Greg has been with the City of Renton Facilities Division for over 20 years. Greg oversees all the buildings in the city system, and will serve as the committee's resource for all facility questions. Liz Stewart, Museum Manager, Renton History Museum. Liz has 20 years of museum experience. She has been with the museum since 2006 and has been involved with other city planning initiatives such as the Arts and Culture Master Plan, Museum Master Plan, City Center Neighborhood Plan, and Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan. 7:10 pm Introductions/Greg Stroh Participants and visitors introduced themselves and their interest in participating. 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 7:30 pm Meeting protocol/ Liz Stewart Liz Stewart reviewed Steering Committee's objective: to develop a series of preferable options for the use of the Liberty Park Library Building that (1) benefit the public; (2) are economically feasible; and (3) enhance enjoyment of nearby civic assets (park, museum, river, etc.). She also reviewed meeting ground rules: (1) Look to the future. (2) Remember that you're representing the residents of Renton. (3) Be an active listener. (4) Try out new ideas. (5) Respect the team and its work. 7:40 pm Committee process/Terry Higashiyama Terry Higashiyama outlined the Committee's process. • The Committee will meet on the third (3rd)Thursday of every month at the Renton Senior Activity Center, 211 Burnett Avenue North, 7—8:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 20. • Steering Committee recommends to Council, does not make policy; Council makes the decision about next steps. While the Committee may present to other Boards and Commissions, the Committee reports to Council. • The Committee will complete its work by the end of March 2012, when it will deliver an approximate 5— 10 page final report to City Council. • The Committee will meet monthly and members must commit to attend monthly meetings as well as do some work outside meetings. The Committee will also organize two to three public meetings to solicit feedback from the general public. • All meetings will be conducted as public meetings, open to anyone, but only Committee members may participate in discussions, deliberations, and activities except during public meetings when all attendees participate. • City staff will serve as resources to the Committee, but the Committee will drive the process. • At the October meeting, the Committee will select a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. Staff will meet with the Chair and Vice-Chair one to two weeks before each scheduled meeting to develop the agenda; the Secretary will take the minutes at each meeting. Participants may submit their names by email for consideration. The Chair will lead the meetings with the support of the Vice-Chair. The Secretary will take the minutes of the meetings and the Community Services Department will distribute the minutes to the Committee. • Gary Barber and Marvin Rosete submitted his name for consideration as Chair during the discussion, and Francine Siverts, Marvin Rosete, and Leone Johnson submitted their names for consideration as Vice-Chair. 2 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 ""� ---"''•fir P u r r" ••+ 8:00 pm Breakout Groups Liz broke the participants into five groups to brainstorm about broad aims and objectives for the best use of the Liberty Park Library Building. They met until 8:15 p.m. and then reported back. Below are their ideas. Group 1 Ideas • Community Center (indoor) o Drop in cases o Arts/Crafts o Variable space/programs • Pre-school • Interpretive center • Anchor business center/business incubator Amenities • Moveable walls • Honor architecture • Keep windows Group 2 Sustainability • Alternative power sources ("off the grid") Ecological Aspects • Fish habitat Commercial Opportunities • Revenue generation! (food, retail, studio rents) • Art studio/gallery space Cultural Center Spill function outside of building footprint • Like Tuesday Farmers Market Group 3 • Art activity center • Public access—connects with surrounding parks • Represents community diversity • Accessible—free • Connection with the river (glass bottom floor) • Café 3 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 Group 3 Continued • Originally built to have a mezzanine—one side of building • "Campus" feel—connect all public assets • Pedestrian connection with Museum • Deck on other side of building • Help the City economically • Partnerships—operating/capital/etc. • NOT STORAGE! Not an office building Group 4/5 Broad objectives • All ages • Family-friendly • Recreation • Educational component—complement schools • Multicultural • Green building Ideas • Entertainment center • Technology center • Traveling art exhibit (Pacific Science Center type) • Partner with other nonprofits in area • Mentoring center • Nonprofit studio center (rental of studio space) • After-school programs (school bus stop) Common themes Vibrant/Honor/Flexible/Interactive/Active Interpretive/Creativity/Educational Sustainable/Environmental Cultural/Multicultural/Diversity Connecting/Accessible/Public Gathering/Community/Family Campus/Partnerships/Commercial 8:35 pm Meeting adjourned Next Meeting Thursday, October 20, 2011, 6:30pm—8:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity Center. Committee Members will receive an email reminder with directions and agenda. Applicants who missed the first meeting but did not notify Community Services they would be absent will be contacted to see if they are still interested. 4 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 LIBERTY PAR" LIBRARY BUILDING STEEPING COMMITTEE MEtipetNG ATTENDANCE INFORivrAATION NAME 1 9/28/2011 Norm Abrahamson X Stuart Avery X Gary Barber X Sarah Becker X Pat Bentley X Cheryl Boudreau X Leeah Brown X Pamela Carino X Teresa Clymer-Flora X Jan Dahl X Jonathan Fox Excused Glenn Garrett X Jamie Greene X John Hansen X Kristi Hartman NIA Marjorie Hastings NIA Mark Hergert X Leone Johnson X Doug Kyes X Ryan Mclrvin X Marvin Rosete X Wil Samson X Francine Siverts X Adam C. Smith X 10/25/2011 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applications\Meeting Attendance Info 'cam 4 i ` i • Jason Seth • From: Terry Higashiyame Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 9:47 AM To: Julia Medzegian Cc: Bonnie Walton; Denis Law; Jay B Covington; Marty Wine Subject: FW: Steering Committee Letter Attachments: Intl Ltr 08 05 11.dbc . I Can you forward to City Council members.. Wanted to let you know we had 35 applications for the current downtown library steering committee. The deadline to . respond was July 29th. Working with me on this project will be Museum Manager Liz Stewart,who will help with the historical information and Facilities Manager Greg Stroh, who will provide building information. We wanted to make sure we acknowledged their application in a timely manner and give them time to save the September 28th date on their calendars. You will receive a copy of the ageida when that is finalized. Attached is the letter that was either emailed or sent by mail to interested parties. • Terry Higashiyama City of Renton Community Services Administrator 425-430-6606 thigashivama@rentonwa.gov • • • • • • • • • IJ • August 5, 2011 Thank you for applying for the Steering Committee for the current downtown Library site. We had over 35 residents who voiced an interest in serving on this Committee. We will be holding a general informational meeting on Wednesday, September 28, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers on the 7th floor of City Hall, 1055 South • Grady Way. The intent of the meeting is to review the roles and responsibilities of a Steering Committee member and to explain the timeline. There will be a minimum six month obligation and the Committee will require regular meeting attendance. A detailed agenda will be sent to you in September. This is a very exciting initiative and we appreciate your interest. While not everyone who applied will be able to serve on the committee,there will be other opportunities to participate at public forums. Best regards, Terry Higashiyama Administrator Elizabeth Stewart Renton History Museum Manager • H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee/Intl Ltr 08 04 11 it Jason Seth From: Bonnie Walton Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 9:56 AM To: Jason Seth Subject: FW: Steering Committee Letter Attachments: FW: Steering Committee Letter You may want to set up a separate subject file for the"Steering Committee/old library building re-purposing"to include items like the attached. bw 1