HomeMy WebLinkAboutRenton Regional Fire Authority (2016) f) AB-1693 Community Services Department recommended waiving the parking fees in the amount of$300 for the Return to Renton Benefit Car Show volunteers. Refer to Finance Committee. , g) AB-1694 Executive Department recommended entering into a five-year contract agreement with Reliance Communications in the amount of$91,000,with an annual software-as-a- service fee of$15,900 for years two-five,for the purpose of developing a new City website. Refer to Finance Committee.; h) AB -1690 Human Resources%Risk Management Department requested pre-approval to offer up to an E step of the salary range m36 to the person filling the position of HR Labor Relations, Classification and Compensation Manager.Council Concur. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA MINUS ITEM 5.1.CARRIED. ITEM 5.1.-SEPARATE CONSIDERATION i) AB-1688 Utility Systems Division recommended approving the Job Order Contract(JOC) Work Order with Forma Construction Company(CAG-13-149), in the amount of$273,709.53, for the 1-405 and SR 169 High Density Polyethylene Pipe Pull Project.Refer to Ut0litic Committee,Council Concur. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 5.1.AS COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9a) Council President Corman presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the lease agreements for Fire Station 11 and Fire Station 12, and adopt the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the interlocal agreement with Renton Regional Fire Authority. (See below for resolution.) MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. b) Utilities Committee Chair Mclrvin presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to execute the Engineering Consultant Agreement for the Thunder Hills Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project—Design and Construction Services with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. in the amount of$313,700. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY PEREZ,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. c) Utilities Committee Chair Mclrvin presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to execute the'First Amendment to the Agreement between King County and the City of Renton for the Cedar River Gravel Removal Project(CAG-13-009),which provides a revised total of$13,171,131 in non-matching funding to the City of Renton to fund all costs related to the project. A budget adjustment for the additional revenue and expenditures was included in the second quarter budget amendment ordinance. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY PEREZ,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. June 20, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES • COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE APPROVED BY COMMITTEE REPORT CITY CO UI�fC�� Date U .ZoZo' June 20,2016. Regional Fire Authority Agreements (June 6, 2016) The Committee of the Whole recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the lease agreements for Fire Station 11 and Fire Station 12, and adopt the 'resolution authorizing the Mayo and City Clerk to enter into the interlocal agreement with Renton Regional Fire Authority. I Randy Corman;Council President cc: Shane Moloney • • '_".` t T; LEGISLATION Resolutions: a) Resolution No.4290:A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding and an application, along with King County Housing Authority and Renton Housinlg Authority,for a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant for the Sunset Area Transformation Plan. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ.CARRIED. b) Resolution No.4291:A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Renton Regional Fire Authority to implement the Regional Fire Authority Plan approved by voters on April 26, 2016. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ.CARRIED. Ordinance for first reading: c) Ordinance No.5807:An ordinance was read granting unto Sprint Communications Company L.P. authorized to do business within the State of Washington, its affiliates,successors and assigns,the right, privilege,authority and master permit to install communications facilities under, along,over, below and through and across the streets, avenues and alleys of the City of Renton within the public right-of-way of Renton. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. Ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading: d) Ordinance No. 5806:An ordinance was read Repealing Chapter 3-5, and Amending Sections 2-4-1, 2-4-2, 2-4-3,4-3-050,4'-4-080,4-4-110,4-5-020,4-5-070,4-5-120,4-5-130,4-6-030,4- 8-060,4-9-110,4-9-240,4-11-060,4-11-080,5-3-2, 5-12-5, 5-22-2, 8-4-35, 9-3-2 and 9-11-2 of the Renton Municipal Code,to reflect the Renton Regional Fire Authority's Role in Providing Fire and Emergency Services and to Adopt by Reference and Amend the Most Recent Edition of the International Fire Coded that was adopted by The Washington State Building Council, where such amendments include but are not limited to requiring Operational Permits for Mobile Food Facilities, updating and clarifying definitions, updating outdated references, and clarifying the penalty for Violation of the City's Existing Prohibition of Fireworks;and establishing and effective date of July 1,2016. . MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING.CARRIED. Following a second reading, it was MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES.CARRIED. June 20, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES I 1 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON /�/ `j RESOLUTION NO. 9O l I � A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AND AN APPLICATION,ALONG WITH KING COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY AND RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY, FOR A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT CHOICE NEIGHBORHOODS IMPLEMENTATION GRANT FOR THE SUNSET AREA TRANSFORMATION PLAN. WHEREAS, the Sunset Area (as reflected in the attached Sunset Area Vicinity Map) is one of Renton's older commercial and residential areas and is in need of revitalization; and WHEREAS, since the late 1990s, the City has viewed the Sunset Area (a.k.a. the Highlands) as a high-priority redevelopment area targeted for improvement and investment; and WHEREAS, in June 2009,the City commissioned a Community Investment Strategy study to prioritize additional public investment in the 269-acre Sunset Area study area which resulted in the City Council's adoption of the Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy in November 2009;and WHEREAS, the highest priorities for the Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy included support for the Renton Housing Authority's Sunset Terrace Redevelopment; and WHEREAS, in June 2010, the City and the Renton Housing Authority partnered together to conduct a Sunset Area Community Planned Action NEPA/SEPA Environmental Impact study. The study was completed in April 2011 and resulted in the City Council's adoption of the Sunset Area Community Planned Action in June 2011, to help facilitate and support private and public investment and redevelopment in the Sunset Area over the next 20 years; and 1 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, in 2015, 27% of the households in the Sunset Area lived in poverty; the median average household income was $42,500 [more than $22,723 less than the city as a whole ($65,223) and more than $30,535 less than King County ($73,035)]; 73% of the students at the neighborhood elementary school qualified for free or reduced fee lunch; and 48% of students at the neighborhood elementary school had limited English proficiency; and WHEREAS, the Sunset Area is a high-priority investment area for the City and the Renton Housing Authority; and WHEREAS, the City, the Renton School District, and the Renton Housing Authority have invested or committed more than $66 million to date in public investments in the Sunset Area to support the Sunset Area Community Revitalization and/or the Sunset Terrace Redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the City is seeking to leverage public and private investment in the Sunset Area to help address the needs of Renton's Sunset Area residents; and WHEREAS,the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a Notice of Fund Availability for the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation (CNI) Grant Program and applications are due June 28, 2016; and WHEREAS, the purposes of the CNI funds are to: (1) replace distressed public housing and assisted housing with high quality mixed income housing, (2) improve educational outcomes and intergenerational mobility for youth and their families and (3) create the conditions necessary for public and private investment in distressed neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the City and Renton Housing Authority have partnered with the King County Housing Authority to apply for the CNI grant and, if successful, for King County Housing 2 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. i Authority to administer the CNI grant and use the majority of the CNI funds to build mixed income housing primarily in the Sunset Area of Renton; and WHEREAS, the City is working with the Renton Housing Authority, the King County Housing Authority, the Renton School District, Neighborhood House, and other public and private entities to create a HUD CNI grant application for the Sunset Area Transformation Plan. The CNI grant would potentially provide up to $30 million to support the Sunset Area Community Revitalization efforts; WHEREAS, the City, the Renton Housing Authority, and the Renton School District have taken significant steps towards planning and implementing substantial housing and neighborhood improvements already in the Sunset Area, including: (i) construction completed for the Meadow Crest Early Learning Center, the Meadow Crest Playground, the Renton Highlands Library, 26 units of new affordable housing, the Harrington Green Connection and water main improvements, and the Sunset Terrace Regional Stormwater Facility; and (ii) relocation of residents from the Sunset Terrace distressed public housing development; NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. I ' SECTION II. The Mayor is authorized to (i) apply for funds and prepare a U.S. HUD CNI grant application for up to $30 million for the Sunset Area Transformation Plan in cooperation with the King County Housing Authority and the Renton Housing Authority; (ii) sign all certifications and provide all information required by HUD for the CNI application for the Sunset Area Transformation Plan; and (iii) sign the Memorandum of Understanding among the City, 3 • AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. Renton Housing Authority, and King County Housing Authority for the CM grant for the Sunset Area Transformation Plan in substantially the same form as attached. The Mayor is further authorized for the City to be a Co-Applicant and the Neighborhood Lead for the CNI application with the Renton Housing Authority as a Co-Applicant and the King County Housing Authority as the Lead Applicant and the Housing Implementation Entity, a role to be fulfilled in conjunction with the Renton Housing Authority if the CNI funds are awarded. , PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2016. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2016. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES:1708:6/2/16:scr 4 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. Memorandum of Understanding Among • City of Renton, Housing Authority of the County of King and Housing Authority of the City of Renton Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant for Sunset Area Transformation Plan THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("MOU") is made this_day of June, 2016 by and among the City of Renton, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington ("City"),the Housing Authority of the County of King("KCHA"), a municipal corporation, and the Housing Authority of the City of Renton, a municipal corporation("RHA")(individually a "Party"and collectively,the"Partis"). WHEREAS,the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD")has established the Choice Neighborhoods Implementation ("CNI") grant program to support locally driven solutions fortransforming distressed neighborhoods using place-based strategies to address the interconnected challenges of poor quality housing, inadequate schools, poor health,high crime and lack of capital. WHEREAS,the Parties desire to revitalize the Sunset Area neighborhood, a severely distressed community in northeast Renton and pledge to work together to the benefit of the Sunset Area residents,the community and the City, and these revitalization efforts have been detailed in the Sunset Area Transformation Plan(the"Plan"). WHEREAS,the Parties intend to submit an application(the"Application")to HUD for a CNI Grant(the"Grant") in accordance with FY2016 Choice Neighborhoods program. KCHA will be the Lead Applicant and Housing Implementation Entity,the City will be the Neighborhood Entity and a Co-Applicant and RHA will be a Co-Applicant and all three of the Parties, in accordance with CNI requirements, will be jointly responsible for performance of the Grant. WHEREAS,at the time of,the Grant award,HUD will execute a CNI Grant agreement (the"CNI Grant Agreement")with the Parties and this MOU and any further clarifications by the Parties and/or HUD will be incorporated into the CNI Grant Agreement with HUD in a manner acceptable to all Parties. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and underlying promises,which the Parties agree to-be good and valuable consideration,and in compliance with the requirements of the FY2016 Notice Of Funding Availability for the CNI Grant(the "NOFA"),the Parties hereby agree as follows: A. Commitments of the Parties 5 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. 1) The Parties each acknowledge and certify that it: a)has reviewed the NOFA; b) is fully committed to the goals and requirements of the NOFA,the Application, the requirements of the Grant, and this MOU; and c)will take all actions necessary to effectuate the requirements of the Grant, if awarded, in accordance with HUD requirements. 2) Commitment to Work Collaboratively. The Parties acknowledge and certify as to their commitment to work collaboratively throughout the entirety of the Grant period and to work cooperatively toward the successful achievement of the Grant's goals and objectives. 3) Incorporation of NOFA and Grant Agreement Requirements. The Parties intend that this MOU shall conform to and satisfy all requirements of the NOFA. In the event of any inconsistency between any NOFA requirement and the provisions of this MOU,this MOU shall be construed to incorporate a provision satisfying such NOFA requirement(s). In addition,the Parties agree to amend this MOU to comply with the provisions of the HUD Grant Agreement, if necessary, should a Grant be awarded. B. Responsibilities of the Parties 1) Lead Applicant. • As Lead Applicant, KCHA shall be the primary entity responsible for implementing all activities in the Plan and shall oversee and coordinate the work of the City and RHA, and in conjunction with the City and RHA, oversee and coordinate the work of other entities engaged to implement the Plan. • KCHA shall oversee the hiring of a project implementation team to ensure that all activities are implemented consistent with HUD's NOFA and regulations. KCHA shall work with the City and RHA to secure HUD approval for all Project phases and to submit all required reports to HUD within the timeframes laid out in the Grant Agreement. • KCHA shall organize and lead regular team meetings with all principal team members throughout the Grant period to ensure all aspects of the Plan are implemented successfully and in accordance with the implementation schedule. • KCHA shall administer the CNI exterior home improvement and weatherization assistance program to homeowners and rental property owners in the target neighborhood. • KCHA will oversee the design and administration of a reporting and evaluation system to provide all Grant reports in accordance with HUD policies and 6 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. regulations and to assure that Grant goals and objectives are either fully met, or adapted,as needed to improve service levels and resident outcomes. KCHA will oversee the completion of a mid-Grant and final Grant evaluation. 2) Housing Implementation Entity. • As Housing Implementation Entity,KCHA is responsible for the successful implementation of the Housing component of the Plan, including overseeing the development activities. • KCHA shall assume financial responsibility for the development of the Housing phases by ensuring that all financing is secured and by offering completion and long-term operating'guarantees as requested by project investors. • KCHA shall assist and mentor RHA in building RHA's internal housing finance and development capacity. • KCHA shall issue the tax-exempt bonds necessary to finance the housing developments included in the Plan and shall work with RHA to secure allocations of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits and any other financing needed. • KCHA shall provide asset management for the housing projects and assist RHA in developing its own asset management capacity. KCHA shall ensure that appropriate property management services are provided for each property. • KCHA shall provide 12 Section 8 project-based vouchers to be used for Sunset Terrace replacement units. These units shall be located in projects located within 25 miles of the Sunset Terrace site in neighborhoods that offer access to economic opportunities and public transportation and be accessible to social,recreational, educational, commercial, health facilities and services, and other municipal services and facilities that are comparable to those that will be provided in the target neighborhood. The units shall not be located in projects that are in areas of minority concentration, as defined by HUD,nor in areas with a poverty rate above 40 percent. 3) Neighborhood Implementation Entity. • As Neighborhood Implementation Entity, City is responsible for coordinating, overseeing and implementing the Neighborhood Strategy and, in particular,the Critical Community Improvements ("CCI")included in the Plan. The CCI include the development of Sunset Neighborhood Park, street and pedestrian improvements,'installation of public art,rehabilitation of the former public library into the new community service center, coordination of a homeownership development program and façade improvements for the World War II era duplexes in the neighborhood. City shall be responsible for securing the necessary funds to carry out the Neighborhood Strategy and CCI and ensuring their successful completion in accordance with HUD policies and regulations. 7 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. • City shall provide regular reports to KCHA on status of completion of the CCI and the achievement of measurable objectives included in the Grant. City shall provide KCHA with documentation of the costs incurred and funds leveraged from these activities. 4) RHA Responsibilities. • As Co-Applicant,RHA shall assist KCHA in financing and developing the housing developments included in the Plan. RHA shall provide or oversee property management services to the housing developments and assist KCHA in the asset management activities. • RHA shall contribute $8,260,000 in funding towards the developments in the Housing Strategy and$1,728,955 in funding the Neighborhood Strategy. RHA shall provide project-based Section 8 assistance for 21 of the housing units and work with HUD to activate 45 units of public housing operating assistance for the replacement units in the Housing Strategy. • RHA shall oversee the day to day activities to design and renovate the former public library into the new community service center. • RHA shall collaborate with the Homestead Community Land Trust to oversee the day to day activities of the affordable homeownership development program. • RHA shall provide KCHA with the tenant data needed to report to HUD on the achievement of measurable objectives included in the Grant. RHA shall provide KCHA with documentation of funds it leverages in completing the Grant activities. • RHA shall provide office space and administrative support to any KCHA staff hired to implement Grant. • RHA shall expand its organizational knowledge and capacity in the areas of affordable housing finance, development and asset management. C. Duration of this MOU. This MOU shall commence on June 24, 2016 (the"Effective Date")and shall continue until the end date of the Grant as provided in the Grant Agreement. It is understood and acknowledged by the Parties that the services described above are expected to be completed within this time period,provided,however, in the event the Parties are not selected for a CNI Grant for funding year FY2016,then any Party may terminate its involvement in this MOU by written notice and the entire MOU shall thereafter terminate. Additionally,the Parties may renew or otherwise extend this MOU in accordance with applicable law at any time. D. Termination of MOU and Survival. The Parties shall each have the right to terminate this MOU for cause, effective within thirty(30)days after the receipt of written notice by the Party of its intent to terminate and the reasons therefore. A Party shall have the opportunity to respond to the written notice within five (5)business days after the receipt of said notice. A 8 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. Party shall have the opportunity to cure any breach of this MOU or other cause forming the basis of the termination, as provided in the written notice, within fifteen(15)business days after receipt of the written notice, or as otherwise agreed to by the Parties. All representations and warranties and all responsibilities regarding record retention, access and ownership, cooperation with OIG investigations, indemnification and payment for services rendered shall survive the, termination of this MOU and continue in full force and effect. E. Liability Among the Parties. Unless expressly provided to the contrary, no Party assumes liability for the acts or omissions of the other Parties or their agents and nothing in this MOU shall be construed to extend the immunities of one Party and its agents to any other Party(ies) or its,agents. All Parties shall retain all immunities, defenses,rights and remedies available at law and in equity. F. Compliance with Law. The Parties shall each comply with all federal, state, and local laws regarding discrimination and shall prohibit unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, creed,color, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age,political affiliation, marital status, source of income, and religion. G. General Provisions 1) ' Assignment. This MOU is personal to each of the Parties hereto,and may not be assigned without the prior written approval of the other Parties hereto. 2) Governing Law. This MOU shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington,without regard to conflicts of law provisions. 3) Notice. Any communication or request required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and delivered in person or by certified mail, return receipt requested, as follows: If to the City: C.E. "Chip"Vincent,Administrator Department of Community &Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98057-3232 If to the KCHA: Stephen Norman,Executive Director King County Housing Authority 600 Andover Park W Seattle, WA 98188 If to the RHA: Mark,Gropper, Executive Director Renton Housing Authority 2900 NE 10th Street Renton, WA 98056 9 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. Notices shall be effective when received by each of the above-referenced individuals at the addresses specified above. Each Party shall be responsible for notifying the other in writing that references this MOU of any changes in the respective addresses set forth above. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to restrict the transmission of routine communications between and among representatives of the Parties. 4) Entire Agreement; Amendment; Counterparts. This MOU sets forth the entire agreement between the Parties relative to the subject matter hereof. No representation, promise or condition,whether oral or written,not incorporated herein shall be binding upon any Party to this MOU. No waiver,modification or amendment of the terms of this MOU shall be effective unless'made in writing and signed by an authorized representative(s) of the Party sought to be bound thereby. This MOU may be signed in counterpart. 5) No Third Party Beneficiaries. This MOU is entered into for the exclusive benefit of the Parties, and the Parties expressly disclaim any intent to benefit anyone not a party hereto. 6) Time is of the Essence. The Parties each acknowledge and agree that time is of the essence in the performance of this MOU. 10 AGENDA ITEM # 7. a) RESOLUTION NO. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties have duly executed this MOU on or as of the date first written above. KING COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY Stephen Norman,Executive Director RENTON HOUSING AUTHORITY I " Mark Gropper, Executive Director CITY OF RENTON Denis Law, Mayor . I APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: City Attorney j Jason Seth, City Clerk 11 ®��,y 1 'tel i IlL - - jadiiuitu ui ■: e_ • --IA _ - .. .. : .: - , At 40 . . . laslawk•ra- Q>S -7NI � Q ! 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U-tyart.'- :. c. .fir h) AB-1682 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment#1 to CAG-13-009, between King County and the City of Renton for the Cedar River Gravel Removal Project providing for a revised total of$13,171,131 in non-matching funding to the City of Renton to fund all costs related to the project. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY‘CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA MINUS ITEMS 6.C.AND 6.D.CARRIED. ITEM 6.C.&6.D.-SEPARATE CONSIDERATION c) AB-1684 Community&Economic Development Department recommended waving development and mitigation fees in the amount of$1,179,416 for three Sunset Area Transformation Plan housingprojects with a total of 133 housing units. Rcfcr to Planning Q• Development Committcc.Council Concur. d) AB-1685 Community& Economic Development Department recommended adopting a resolution authorizing an application and Memorandum of Understanding for a HUD'Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant for up to$30 million for the Sunset Area Transformation Plan.,' - - _ • - • • _ e- . _ _ •- • _ • ••• -- Council Concur. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY MCIRVIN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS 6.C.AND 6.D.AS COUNCIL CONCUR. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a) Council President Corman presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the ordinance adding Chapter 2-21 RMC, Renton Regional Fire Authority And Fire Department,in order to acknowledge the Renton Regional Fire Authority, designate the department and fire chief, and create a framework for filling the City's three positions on the Renton Regional Fire Authority Governing Board.The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. (See below for Ordinance.) MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. b) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval for payment on June 13, 2016 clams vouchers 347373-347698,three wire transfers and one payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling$3,465,383.49 and payroll vouchers including 754 direct deposits and 50 payroll checks totaling$1,606,084.84. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. c) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the interlocal agreement with King Conservation District to accept$10,500 in grant funds with spending authority for the 2016 Renton Farmers Market. , MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. June 13, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES • • • COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE P �� ® BY COMMITTEE REPORT . _Cid couMC . /Z ,i(0 June 13, 2016 Date • • Regional Fire Authority Agreements and Legislation (June.6, 2016) The Committee of the Whole recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the ordinance adding Chapter 2-21 RMC, Renton•Regional Fire Authority And Fire Department, in order to acknowledge the' Renton Regional Fire Authority, designate the . , department and fire chief, and create a framework for filling the City's three positions on the • Renton Regional Fire Authority Governing Board. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. • • • • andy Corman, Council President • • cc: Shane Moloney . I _ • • ' r •,'" ; iof ' �' ` 1, d) Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the resolution establishing the boundaries and latecomers assessment methodology for the Sunset Revitalization Latecomers Area.The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. (See below for Resolution.) MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. e) Community Services Committee Chair Witschi presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the two 2016 Neighborhood Project grants and authorize expenditures in the amount of$3,841.74 from the budgeted 2016 Neighborhood Program Fund. MOVED BY WITSCHI, SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. f) Community Services Committee Chair Witschi presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Community Services Golf Course division to implement the re-organizational change and utilize the approved funds from the 404 Enterprise Fund to cover the salary and benefits increase. MOVED BY WITSCHI,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. - -• . •- - - - -' -_ - •. • - - - -- • Item removed,to be considered at a later date. LEGISLATION Resolution: a) Resolution No.4289:A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to establish the Boundaries and Latecomers Assessment Methodology for the Sunset Revitalization Latecomers Area. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Ordinances for first reading: a) Ordinance No. 5805:An ordinance was read amending Title II (Commissions and Boards) of the Renton Municipal Code, by adopting a New Chapter 2-21,entitled Renton Regional Fire Authority and Fire Department; and Establishing an Effective Date. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING AT THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. CARRIED. June 13, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) 1 ` CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTONW ORDINANCE NO.- C:A 5 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING TITLE II (COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS) OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE, BY ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 2-21, ENTITLED RENTON REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY AND FIRE DEPARTMENT;AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Title II (Commissions and Boards) of the Renton Municipal Code, is hereby amended to adopt a new Chapter 21 to read as follows: CHAPTER 21 RENTON REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY AND FIRE DEPARTMENT SECTION: 2-21-1: Creation Of Renton Regional Fire Authority 2-21-2: Designation Of Department And Fire Chief 3-21-3: Governing Board Appointment 2-21-4: Terms Of Appointment—Initial Term—Regular Terms 2-21-5: Effect Of Failure To Make Appointment 2-21-6: Removal From Governing Board 2-21-7: Vacancy On Governing Board 2-21-8: Temporary Unavailability Of A Governing Board Member 2-21-1 CREATION OF RENTON REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY: 1 AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. On April 26, 2016, voters within the jurisdictions of the City and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 voted to create the Renton Regional Fire Authority in order to provide fire protection, emergency medical and life safety services, and approved the Renton Regional Fire Authority Plan. 2-21-2 DESIGNATION OF DEPARTMENT AND FIRE CHIEF: For purposes of administering, enforcing, and interpreting applicable sections of the Renton Municipal Code, the term "Fire Department," "Renton Fire Department" or "City of Renton Fire Department" shall refer to the Renton Regional Fire Authority and "Fire Chief" shall mean the Fire Chief of the Renton Regional Fire Authority, or a duly authorized representative thereof. To the extent applicable laws or an interlocal agreement with the Renton Regional Fire Authority limit the Fire Department's authority to enforce and administer the Renton Municipal Code, the City's Chief Administrative Officer, or a duly authorized representative thereof, shall act as the Fire Chief. 2-21-3 GOVERNING BOARD APPOINTMENT: The City Council shall appoint three (3) members of the Renton City Council to serve as the City of Renton's representatives on the governing board of the Renton Regional Fire Authority. 2-21-4 TERMS OF APPOINTMENT—INITIAL TERM—REGULAR TERMS: The initial term for the City's members of the Renton Regional Fire Authority governing board shall run from July 1, 2016, until the first City Council meeting in January 2018. All subsequent regular terms shall run for approximately two (2) 2 AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. years starting from the time of appointment by the City Council at its first January meeting in even numbered years and ending at the first January meeting the following even numbered year. 2-21-5 EFFECT OF FAILURE TO MAKE APPOINTMENT: If, for any reason, the governing board members have not been appointed as required by this chapter, the City's previous governing board members shall remain in place with full authority until new governing board members have been appointed. 2-21-6 REMOVAL FROM GOVERNING BOARD: At any time,the Renton City Council may remove and replace one (1) or more of its appointed members from the governing board. 2-21-7 VACANCY ON GOVERNING BOARD: In the event a council member is removed from the governing board or another event occurs that results in a vacancy being created in one (1) or more of the City's representative positions on the governing board, the City's Council President shall appoint a council member to fill the vacancy as an interim governing board member. The interim board member shall serve the unexpired term of the council member he or she replaced. 2-21-8-TEMPORARY UNAVAILABILITY OF A GOVERNING BOARD MEMBER: If a governing board member is temporarily unable to fulfill his or her role as a governing board member, including attendance at a regular or special meeting of the governing board,that Member shall temporarily delegate his or her authority 3 AGENDA ITEM # 8. b) ORDINANCE NO. to another Renton City Council member who is not otherwise serving as a governing board member. If, for any reason, a governing board member who is unable to fill his or her role fails to delegate his or her authority, the City's Council President or Council President Pro Tem may appoint a temporary replacement until such time as the regular governing board member becomes available to perform his or her duties or until the City Council appoints a replacement. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on July 1, 2016.A summary of this ordinance shall be published in the City's official newspaper. The summary shall consist of this ordnance's title. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2016. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2016. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren,City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1923:5/16/16:scr 4 -40•00""--7777 7; MINUTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM-Monday,March 21,2016 Council Chambers,7th Floor,City Hall—1055 S.Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Randy Corman,Council President Ryan Mclrvin Armondo Pavone Ruth Perez Don Persson Ed Prince Carol Ann Witschi ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Lawrence J.Warren, City Attorney Jason Seth,City Clerk Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Iwen Wang,Administrative Services Administrator Angie Mathias, Long Range Planning Manager Deputy Chief Erik Wallgren,Fire&Emergency Services Department Deputy Chief Chad Michael,,Fire&Emergency Services Department Rick Marshall, Fire& Emergency Services Department • : •-5- Jon Schuldt, Police Department SPECIAL PRESENTATION Renton Regional Fire Authority Ballot Measure: Battalion Chief/Safety Officer Rick Marshall from the Fire&Emergency Services Department briefly updated Council on the Renton Regional Fire Authority(RFA) Ballot Measure and shared the presentation provided at various outreach events aimed at educating the community about what a Regional Fire Authority is and how it would impact them.To view the full presentation,visit the Renton RFA website at http://rentonrfa.org/stay-informed/. March 21, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Proposal to Voters - April 2016 �GNTO Renton Regional 74n)• A?KCFFD i 25 0, Fire Authority Renton City Council March 21, 2016 Battalion Chief Rick Marshall '" t�N Testi 414 �� •�, D Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Outreach & Information 124 32 4 Organizations Contacted * Outreach Events Conducted * Outreach Events Remaining IMIP' 11 • HOAs • Kiwa n is • Chamber of Commerce • American Legion • Open Houses • Neighbor to Neighbor Goal has been to inform our community of what a Region Fire Authority is and how it will impact them. Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect What we do 14945 41 Calls for Service Per Day IMF I, • Fires and Fire Investigations • Medical Emergencies • Motor Vehicle Accidents • Hazardous Materials Responses • Water Rescues • Specialized Technical Rescues Certified firefighters / emergency medical technicians are posted at six stations located in service area. 7-(;;04.. �N Tpti pl) l*'�"0.y�t Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Where are we today? _ _r. Target response time of 7 min . 30 sec, 90% of the time . wA ifrosi • Each of the last 4 years, 4 out of 6 fire stations have not met this target 9' • Last year, 5 out of 6 did not meet this target r QT:1) Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect 2015 Response times MIS . Fire Station# 11 12 13 14 16 17 All Response Time * * 7 : 22 8 : 26* 8 :01 * 7 : 33 * 8 :08 * 7 : 38* 7 :51 * * Exceeds target response time of 7 minutes and 30 seconds ** Based on 90% Fractile Av07,A frN T� t r, a 25,: Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Where are we today? iI1 : \ . f ,- , . ' Renton's population is expected to grow 40% over next two decades , . • ,. ilk ..:, IrgAr 4fr°I T oi, 4,1E515.1) i(\tfi) ; Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Renton tax revenues per resident, adjusted for inflation, compared to population 110,000 $1,000 $900 100,000 — $800 0 90,000 - • $700 z 0 80,000 D $600 2- c- �000 $500, 70 iri;P a 0- ° $400 -n °- 60,000 - 50,000 $300 40 000 Population $200 a Inflation Adjusted Per Capita Taxes $100 30,000 -r r $0 CD rl N M L( lD I� CO O r-1 N m L l 0 O 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O r1 r-1 r-I rl c-1 r 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N lD O N V.`� .NTS KCFD O�t �• 25,,: gid;=:D Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Population and calls for service are growing faster than firefighter staffing 16,000 170 165 15,000 160 14,000 — - F N I T 145 T 3 12,000 • • • • • • � 140 11,000 ul Calls For Service Firefighters 135 10,000 130 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Proj Ilzt t ~r'1. Olig.,:0 �.� c_�d*5� Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Cost cuttingsteps since 2008 Eliminated 2 fire inspector positions, 1 deputy chief Reduced annual fire inspections Eliminated most public outreach/prevention programs Consolidated training functions Delayed equipment replacement MIS Over $3 million in SAFER Grants ',KCFD � 25,,' \ r r Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Developingthe RFA Proposal City and KCFD 25 looked at various options to address funding and service levels for fire and emergency medical service RFA Citizen's Advisory Committee made up of FD 25 and City residents created in January of 2015 Input from CAC and firefighter staff helped shape the RFA proposed operating plan E~TD 25 ; d_:tt Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Regional Fire Authority ( Proposal Propose creation of a Regional Fire Authority ( RFA) — a special purpose district with separate funding authority vtlrer r if f-7rAf ' ~ A441/4 The proposal is subject to voter authorization at a special election on April 26, 2016. tew bra ro t KCFD ���^�� �• Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect a � What would change if the RFA is created ? I 1 . ip , _ ...- ,. .... ,.. 1 -',- . __ . ;�, likt ; r opt_ a,` 47" , ! ! -4 The proposed RFA operating plan calls for - ., service level improvements. r 4 :,. , , 4 4.�Nr ` , AM" es♦ �.....�. : � i }4, faith kler t` W • lir a : L The RFA will cost property owners more thaio n p p Y , they currently pay for fire and emergency •. service . , . _ / , - '1 �_ .7 4 LANt . i,.. ..j ', „ 2 RFA planned service improvements AiiiiVe'''''"Naim%3/4-41044044. _ , ... . ., The RFA proposed operating plan would address response times and improve service levels by funding the following service improvements: ✓ Increase firefighters to staff a new fire station ✓ Increase firefighters to fully staff a medical aid car ✓ Restore previously eliminated fire inspectors ✓ Increase staff for public education programs r r,• % 4:K2F1 t` Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect What would change if the RFA is created ? . 4.0-4, . .__„„...........„.. ,",.."':"..---:•,,* ..,"-^."•••"" .,.........-`12... ''''''' ,,,...,15 "I';',M''S:=Zt.N.1"...,...,.....t,,,,,-4: " ,, ''"...:" . ,'',.'''',. ,"..",,..'"...:gra,,n,'"`"f.,.-.. "" ."" '''" '''''"''''"..' '''`'' ' '''''''''W ''''' '"C''''' -' ...%,-4'4: `=-4.'''''''''''4''70-41r.r...-','!`-'7,1t „, ,,-,-,-",,---, '"",.....",."","' ' "-`• " V Renton fire personnel and equipment would be transferred to the RFA. The RFA would manage fire operations for Renton and Fire District 25. V The RFA would have a new funding structure. ,...... ............„.... . .. ...... ---- -- -4. - .... V The RFA would be governed by a board composed of Renton City Councilmembers, FD 25 Commissioners and a non-voting FD 40 Commissioner. . . . ... -, _ . - - . _ . Zem.diallaillaX=."*" JR ' .1100. ...... rO. ;OWN 51 la:Z-4r e' 0 ,, $ .',CFO', • lhic-•-, • Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Governance Current structure Renton Mayor '!" ism Citizens & Fire Chief City Counci FD 25 FD 25 Contract with Citizens Commissioners City of Renton RFA structure Renton City Council Citizens RFA Board (3 city council, 3 FD 25, non- Fire Chief FD 25 voting FD 40) Citizens Commissioners �N TO KCFD r�'' �- '_25 (d4rD Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect RFA fundin g New Fire Benefit Charge Property Tax Planned service improvements mean property owners will pay more than they currently pay for fire and emergency services. 4Et rc ti � 25,,,: � Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Fire Benefit Charge ( FBC • Fire Benefit Charge applies to structures • FBC revenues may comprise up to 60% of the RFA budget • FBC is based on required firefighting resources and the size of structures • New and older homes of same size pay same amount • Low income seniors and disabled persons receive same percentage discounts on FBC as on property taxes • Rate set each year as part of the RFA budget process • Authority for an FBC must be re-approved by voters every 6 years KCFO �'�% • 2s � b Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Property Tax • RFA property tax levy rate will be $ 1 .00 per $ 1,000 assessed value • Levy would begin in 2017 • RFA levy replaces FD 25 levy • FD 25 levy is $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value • City levy drops by $ 1 .00 per $ 1,000 of assessed value in 2017 • City will use an estimated $0.61/$1,000 A.V. of its remaining levy rate in 2017 to pay for new fire station and retained costs • City policy calls for further property tax reduction in 2018 4 'V 411F4 Td n Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect`4 16 Example : FD25 single family residence Square feet: 2,140; 2016 Assessed Value: $348,000 $700 — *. , Increase: + A ♦ ` g $87 AFS 4 .a .4 aL 4i � 4. - ..ti ! e ar .ate+`- "'`' sI ig , ,� $500 1 s '"._ � — $261 �' #`'1 '` $400 K r , ....„....., � � $300 i $522 "�i_pi -,-,,..,..i,,,,, - - . - _ $200 r � , , tea $100 +mss.. $- z Current with RFA Based on 2016 fire service costs, 2016 assessed FD 25 Property Tax RFA-FBC RFA-Property Tax values, and proposed RFA operating plan. 4VZ, a'r N T")'L .,..:KF560-1) •t Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Example : Renton single family residence Square feet: 2,140; 2016 Assessed Value $348,000 $900 -- Increase: $261* $800 Increase:$118* f $700 $261 —mss 0,1001....0011111.00144' 4 $600 -- $2 61 1 + 3 $500 a : $400 $300 $s . $348 $200 $100 P $70 $- -... Current W/RFA 2017 w/RFA 2018 Based on 2016 fire service costs and 2016 assessed City Property Tax* RFA Property Tax RFA-FBC values, proposed RFA operating plan and current City Council policy. * Estimates based on current City policy 0.~T,„,, 5:; i s • Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect 4 - E0 Example : commercial property in FD 25 Square feet: 25,286; 2016 Assessed Value: $4.04M $9,000 Increase: $8,000 $1,689 $7,000 iiimmimilimi t • " $6,000 � II IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . ' $5,000 _. f 4,000 �� •im.,......., . , IP. im INN 111,111111F11-1 11 M4,,,b* 11,ftio. _ $3,000 . ,, $2,000 $4,045 $1,000 .. Current with RFA Based on 2016 fire service costs, 2016 assessed values, and proposed RFA operating plan. FD 25 Property Tax RFA-FBC RFA-Property Tax .04TO 411'1F6,s, `���5 \! =► r Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect Example : Commercial property in Renton Square feet: 24,592; 2016 Assessed Value $4.26M Sprinkler & Alarm Discount $12,000 Increase: $3,096* $10,000 Increase: $1,350* -. $3,096 ko 00 =, $ 96 .,� I , ' " $6,000 30 � .� �1 $4,259 „r„” #' „A„,,,L Ari , -- .-_ _ _ _ --- $4,000 _ - � ` � ° � , i $6,857 ''''' i 1 a $4,259 t 444444. 111 $2,000 $2,598 ( , i7 ,, . $852 $_ Current W/RFA 2017 w/RFA 2018 Based on 2016 fire service costs and 2016 assessed RFA-FBC RFA-Property Tax City Property Tax* values, proposed RFA operating plan and current City Council policy. * Estimates based on current City policy eV,,...- 4ENr0l' ti'KCF5 Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect More information .........„.„....„. .........._ ...., , ., A i A - i j "t 14-'74,4% Visit www.RentonRFA.or; r , Email adn@RentonRFA.org ti t ‘ '''‘ib .., Ca*TOP- ,k! I 1425-271-7900 . . • 6......._ , , _ ,, ,.. V„ ..„ 4i,,,F,..:0 �`t1�:Tp Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability • Respect +. CuCu CC a • " Z "� ;" E O -Aillailik': ', , -,-'i.,,i'V''r`44"`''.'''''," ' .-.,:,,,:e.,4i,,,,,,,,,,,,?1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1„,,,,,,, , ,,, ,,, � � l �� poi PTMf'Y `� //�� " �� N F y Cu Ii ,z nod /a6. ♦ •" `µ , /0., m • a) O cn:,,,• , •, .• , , , , ..: 4....., > , Sm ell CI) .. • ..,... .VI a Q. 7.: a) ,.. • .t. , ...,, .,•. ,„,, . , ., o s CITY OF RENTON ing County MAR 17 2016 DeIIII ( partment of Elections RECEIVED Julie Wise, Director CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Order of the Director WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Renton and the Board of Commissioners of the King County Fire Protection District No. 25, King County, Washington, did present on February 24, 2016, Resolution No. and Resolution No. 394-16, respectively, as a joint resolution dated December 15, 2015, wherein they direct that a special election be held, pursuant to RCW 29A.04.330 for submission to the qualified voters of said jurisdictions, a proposition for their consideration; and WHEREAS, said governing body states that an emergency exists and, accordingly, requests that the special election be held April 26, 2016; and WHEREAS, the request is found to be in compliance with the pertinent statutes governing special elections; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Director, King County Elections, as ex-officio supervisor of elections, having deemed that an emergency exists, that a special election shall be held in the jurisdiction of the Proposed Renton Regional Fire Authority on April 26, 2016, said election to be conducted entirely by mail for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said jurisdiction the following ballot measure: Proposed Renton Regional Fire Authority Proposition No. 1 The City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 have adopted a Joint Resolution approving the Renton Regional Fire Authority Plan ("Plan")to create the Renton Regional Fire Authority ("Authority")with an effective date of July 1, 2016. If approved, this proposition would create the Authority, in accordance with the Plan, to provide fire protection and emergency medical services in the City and the District. The Authority will be funded by a six-year fire benefit charge (not to exceed 60% of the operating budget) and property tax (not to exceed $1.00 per$1,000 of assessed value). This funding would replace the District's existing property tax rate of$1.50 per$1,000 of assessed value, and would reduce Renton's property tax capacity by the tax rate collected by the Authority. Should the Plan to create a Regional Fire Protection Service Authority be approved? Yes No The foregoing ballot title has been certified in accordance with RCW 29A.36.071. DATED at Renton, Washington, this 10th day of March 2016. r " IA ; VI ,' Direc- f, King County Elections RNT-EL-0100 1919 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057-2906 I 206-477-4140 I TTY Relay: 711 I kingcounty.gov/elections IPing County epartment of Elections Julie Wise, Director Order of the Director WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Renton and the Board of Commissioners of the King County Fire Protection District No. 25, King County, Washington, did present on February 24, 2016, Resolution No. and Resolution No. 394-16, respectively, as a joint resolution dated December 15, 2015, wherein they direct that a special election be held, pursuant to RCW 29A.04.330 for submission to the qualified voters of said jurisdictions, a proposition for their consideration; and WHEREAS, said governing body states that an emergency exists and, accordingly, requests that the special election be held April 26, 2016; and WHEREAS, the request is found to be in compliance with the pertinent statutes governing special elections; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Director, King County Elections, as ex-officio supervisor of elections, having deemed that an emergency exists, that a special election shall be held in the jurisdiction of the Proposed Renton Regional Fire Authority on April 26, 2016, said election to be conducted entirely by mail for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said jurisdiction the following ballot measure: Proposed Renton Regional Fire Authority Proposition No. 1 The City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 have adopted a Joint Resolution approving the Renton Regional Fire Authority Plan ("plan") to create the Renton Regional Fire Authority ("Authority") with an effective date of July 1, 2016. If approved, this proposition would create the Authority, in accordance with the Plan, to provide fire protection and emergency medical services in the City and the District. The Authority will be funded by a six-year fire benefit charge (not to exceed 60% of the operating budget) and property tax (not to exceed $1.00 per$1,000 of assessed value). This funding would replace the District's existing property tax rate of$1.50 per$1,000 of assessed value, and would reduce Renton's property tax capacity by the tax rate collected by the Authority. Should the Plan to create a Regional Fire Protection Service Authority be approved? Yes No The foregoing ballot title has been certified in accordance with RCW 29A.36.071. DATED at Renton, Washington, this 3rd day of March 2016. 1/1L(I' Direc • King County Elections RNT-EL-0100 I 919 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057-2906 I 206-477-4140 I TTY Relay: 711 I kingcounty.gov/elections III1W King County Department of Elections Key dates for the April 26, 2016, special election • Overseas & service ballots mailed — March 25 • Last day for mail in & online voter registrations and transfers — March 28 • Local voters' pamphlet mailed —April 6 If requested by the jurisdiction, a pamphlet will be included in each voter's ballot packet • Mail ballots mailed and available —April 6 • 24 hour drop boxes open —April 7 A list of 24 hour drop boxes will be available on our website no later than March 25 www.kingcounty.gov/elections • Elections Accessible Voting Center* opens —April 6 King County Elections, 919 SW Grady Way, Renton, 98057 Additional information about the accessible voting center will be available on our website no later than March 25: www.kingcounty.gov/elections • Last day for in-person registration for persons not currently registered in Washington —April 18 • Other accessible voting center locations open April 22 A list of accessible voting center locations will be available on our website no later than March 25: www.kingcounty.gov/elections • Scheduled drop vans open —April 23 A list of scheduled drop vans will be available on our website no later than March 25: www.kingcounty.gov/elections • Ballots must be postmarked by April 26 or returned to a ballot drop-off location no later than 8 p.m. on April 26 • Election certified — May 6 *An accessible voting center is a non-precinct based voting location that provides voters with disabilities the opportunity to vote in person on an accessible voting unit. This location is open to all voters. CITY OF RENTON a King County MAR 04 2016 RECEIVED Department of Elections ;ITY CLERK'S OFFICE Julie Wise, Director February 25, 2016 Jason Seth, City Clerk City of Renton 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 RE: Request for Special Election, Acknowledgement of Receipt Dear Mr. Seth: This letter acknowledges receipt of City of Renton Resolution No. 4271, and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 Resolution No. 394-16, requesting that a special election be held on April 26, 2016, in the Proposed Renton Regional Fire Authority. The ballot measure will appear on the ballot as Proposition No. 1. A copy of the Order of Election will be sent immediately following the review of the official ballot title. The City of Renton also submitted Resolution No. 4275 and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 also submitted Resolution No. 395-16 requesting the publication and distribution of a local voters' pamphlet. A local voters' pamphlet packet can be found on our website: http://www.kingcounty.gov/elections/referenceresources/jurisdictions.aspx. This packet contains important dates and forms you will find helpful when submitting your information. The deadlines for the local voters' pamphlet are listed below. Please note that all materials must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on the due date. • February 26: Explanatory Statement & Pro/Con Committee Appointment Form • March 1: Pro/Con Statements • March 3: Pro/Con Rebuttal Statements If you have any questions concerning the deadlines for submission of additional materials or administration of your election, please contact Election Operations at 206-296-1565 or election.operations@kingcounty.gov. Sincerely, IIVA le Wise rector RNT-EL-0100 I 919 SW Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057-2906 I 206-477-4140 I TTY Relay: 711 I kingcounty.gov/elections STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal CITY OF Advertising Representative of the REG ONALNNTON FIRE AUTHORITY PRO AND CON COMMITTEES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Renton Reporter that the City of Renton and Fire District #25 have authorized a special election April 26,2016 to consider the formation of a Re- a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of gional Fire Authority. King County will produce a "Voter general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months Guide" which will include infor- prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in mation regarding this ballot - measure. The Voter Guide in- the English language continuouslyas a weeklynewspaper in King dudes statements both for d - -County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has-been-approved-as- - - against—the—proposal. The—Re- a Legal Newspaper order of the Superior Court of the State of gional Fire Authority Planning by P Committee is soliciting people Washington for King County. who might be interested in assist- The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues ing with the"pro"or"con"state- ments.of the Renton Reporter not in supplement form) which was If you are interested,nm p (andpp please submit your name, regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. address, phone number and email The annexed notice, a: address to Jason Seth, Renton City Clerk, by Wednesday, Public Notice February 24th at 2:00 p.m. Your- information ourinformation MUST be to the City Clerk's office by the 2:00pm deadline to be considered. was published on February 19, 2016. Contact: Jason Seth,City Clerk Phone Number: 425-430-6502 Email address: jseth@rentonwa.gov Jason A.Seth The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is City Clerk the sum of$86.25. Published in the Renton Reporter February 19,2016.#1539132 inda Mills �.�� vE G way ��, Legal Advertising Representative,Renton Reporter ems. C?•••\ss`o"EX . ms's Subscrib-_ • s sworn to me this 19th day of February, 2016. ' •;o*� •F� k\ _ :U N0TARC = rt N. Nom:, pUBL :A. Gale Gwin, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in %9j�•.08:13.2q.."'''� Puyallup,Washington // OF OF\N PS 00 • King County Local Voters' Pamphlet packet Pro and con statement sumission form 1. Ballot title ' The language of the measure that city if Catriation'.:�.'r' ° ' - ` "=;-';: ng Caen Ele ens netresp°°9bleforthavalidi , ty or accuracy of the'statements,arguments or rebuttals_ , 3 ''50 will appear on the ballot. . .r.e rr.::,: __ _;: -_=- - . .—__ _A7-----7-7,—; ---7- ;-7, Proposition-No.-1 - r '. ;-', txplan'atory"statement ' . - . This information is submitted by iLevy'for Criminal Justice Services and Cash ;Y,'s Ensuring sufficient funding for criminal justice services,Including 7Rese're`,Stabilization ''"..i.;. ' '''.:,. ., ' ' "'"s police,Jails,prosecution,courts,public defense and domestic a Cjty t7ounoil has,pa'ssed Resolution. violence advocacy,are important budget priorities of the Caati the jurisdiction and approved The'Carnatiar on No.366, City Council. If approved,Proposition l would provirn de additional placing funding for criminal-justice services and stabilization' revenue that would be specifically earmarked for these purposes,as bythe KingCountyProsecuting1,offii Ci smoheta reserves,before•thevoters:' . ty',fi ry ,, well as helping to stabilize the City's monetary reserves. Attorney'sOffice. , ' `�-r',,,,,,""s`l °'` " '"' a ;3'.a',,, ,',,o- State law allows cities to"lift"the cap on regular property tax levy O I I I Ce. RhissiX-year,propesitio'n:would increase`the regular r_i increases by obtaining voter approval of the proposed increase. Ipropetty taX,rate for collectio'n'in;2012'by,$0.61 to$1.90 , The City's regular property tax rate is currently$1.29 per$1,000 of Z. Explanatory statement !per$1,000of�assessedvaluatiori.:The2012levyamount 1 assessed valuation. If Proposition 1Isapproved,the City's taxrate „would become the base upon'whigh,levy increases would, I for collection in 2012 would increase by$0.61 to$1.90 per$1,000 A statement prepared or approved itis revicoinpiited,for'eachofthefive"succeeding year's.-The -i of assessed valuation.Assuming a 4.12 percent decrease in the 413 -be used to fund`Crirflinal justice services',',: w,A City's 2012 total assessed valuation consistent with recent historical by the jurisdiction's legal council. incudingooiice;jali;proseciltion,courts,publicdefender,., 1 trends,the proposition would generate approximately$100,000 in Wand domestic violence advocacy,and,to help,stabiliie.the ;.I additional property tax revenue for 2012.These additional funds City s monetary.reserves.' • ' ,.:3 would be used exclusively to fund criminal justice services and to The explanatory statement : .F:r.;;-;,,:,, .;;,,,: ,�':-,.%=,,: 'k help stabilize the City's monetary reserves. describes the effect of the � oid this,p oposition be appr'oved2• '>;::,'.r",;, ;,,;a; ",,,:,, For properties valued at$350,000,landowners currently pay ' ',''''4.dri:{;,., .r 'e "I,,,,''''''''.,-,YES'.� - s' -. � ;5 approximately$451.50 per year in City of Carnation property taxes. ' j Under Proposition 1,this amount would increase to$665.00 for measure if passed into law. ,,O`NO collection in 2012. 3. Statement in favor The complete text of this measure is available at the Elections Office or The 2012 levy amount would become the base upon which levy online at wwwkingcounty.gov/elections. increases for years 2013 through 2017 would be computed. An argument advocating voters' :,W,_W-,.,,. .:r . ;.....,.,_.., :: .. u.-..__ , Stateme ifil.favor t"~,,~��t , _ �)_ :.statement in o oettion:, ' approval of the measure. Police protection represents the largest part of our city budget.`-~ ~M Police protection is the number one scare tactic to Increase tax revenue.Il - The city has reduced or eliminated every non-police expense possible:25% the first priority of government to provide safety and security for its citizenry. This statement is submitted b the in the past 3 years through wage cuts,pay freezes,downsizing,reduced The real problem Is the City does not prioritize Its budgeting process to make Y office hours,virtually eliminated street and park maintenance,and other Police,Fire,and infrastructure the priorities. committee favoring the measure areas.It is so tight,the$1500 DARE drug education program for schools They are asking for a 46%increase over and above what they are already was very nearly eliminated this year.Court costs and jail expenses passed collecting.One thing Is buried in the proposal;this is that 10%of the down from the county have skyrocketed.Our reserves have decreased and proposed increase will not be used for Police or criminal Justice matters but, (pro committee). are rapidly approaching the state minimum.I only to give the City a 10%revenue generating tax for°monetary reserves', Voting yes will ensure that we retain the level of police coverage we now what are these'reserves"going to be used for.The other point that is not i. Statement in opposition have.We currently contract for only 3 officers because it is all we can afford. mentioned is that they are factoring In a additional 1%Increase every year If the levy does not pass,we will have a lower level of protection,probably until 2017 that requires no voter approval,a tax they have increase every An argument ment voters' losing an officer.When we had 2 officers before 2005,our crime rate was year since the 1900's. g advocating nary 3 times higher than today.With less coverage,we would have This City and City Council need to prioritize what is important for the decreased illegal drug enforcement,significantly longer emergency response taxpayers of the City of Carnation.This should be voted down until the rejection of the measure. time,and the risk of lower safety levels for our neighborhoods and families. City can prove to the taxpayers that they have a budgeting process that is Now it's up to you to decide what level of protection you want.Please join followed on every item that comes before them In the budget process. This statement is submitted by the us In voting yes to keep Carnation safe �^ committee opposing the measure _ Retiuttal»of statement in opposition.;_z. ';- J j Rebuttal of-statement in favor;--- '` w-Ma No'one wants higher taxes.The fact is every departmental budget has been Simple facts.2008 The City received a surplus$200,000 In property taxes (con committee). slashed except police.Public safety is now 52%of the budget,clearly our but didn't pay the 04 Police service bill,roughly$100,000,which still hasn't highest priority- been paid.So is service really a priority?2009 they receive an unbudgeted $183,000 for sale of property.This is approximately an extra$400,000 spent 5. Rebuttal of statement in We've been subsidizing police with reserves for 3 years because of a 15%revenue decline.Soon there will be nothing to subsidize with. by 2011.The City didn't prioritize this budget for money to help cover police services!Vote No until the Council can prioritize a budget. opposition The city council has debated this proposal for months.All members wanted Statement submitted by:Jim Ribail • Jlmr@ambmarket.com to avoid It if possible. It isn't. A response to the statement in Vote Yes.Keep Carnation safe. Statement submitted by:Eric Torrisan,Ann Estrin-Wassink and William opposition. Fretzke • erictorrison@yahoo.com This statement is submitted by the committee favoring the measure 7. Statement submitted by Note: (pro committee) after having This area lists the names of King County is not responsible the opportunity to review the all committee members as for the validity or accuracy statement in opposition. submitted by the jurisdiction of statements, arguments or 3. Rebuttal of statement in favor (maximum of three). rebuttals. Statements do not A response to the statement in Additionally, committees can represent the position of the favor. include one of the following: county on any ballot measure. This statement is submitted by the email address, website or Submissions will not be proofed committee opposing the measure phone number. This section is for any errors in spelling, (con committee) after having not included in the allowable punctuation or syntax. the opportunity to review the word limits for statements. statement in favor. Rev.11/2014 rung county Local voters- rampniet packet Information for jurisdictic, administrators W16 election cycle Who can participate? King County is not responsible for the validity or Primary and general elections accuracy of statements, arguments or rebuttals. <ing County automatically publishes a local voters' Pro/Con committees' responsibilities Damphlet and all jurisdictions placing measures on the The pro and con committees will agree to submit ballot are included. statements in favor of and in opposition to the ballot Special elections measure for the local voters' pamphlet. *King County does not automatically produce a Additionally they are responsible for the following: pamphlet, except for annexations and countywide • Submitting pro/con statement, following all guidelines measures. Only jurisdictions who have requested a to King County Elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of pamphlet be published, by ordinance or resolution, will the deadline. De included. • Submitting rebuttal statement, following all guidelines to King County Elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of Jurisdiction's responsibilities the deadline. The jurisdiction placing a measure on the ballot must file Local voters' pamphlet deadlines a resolution or ordinance with King County Elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline. Local voters' pamphlet deadlines: If the jurisdiction is participating in the local voters' O Special elections pamphlet they are also responsible for the following: Election date February 9 April 26 Coordinating with jurisdiction's legal counsel to Resolution due 12/11/15 2/26/16 prepare an explanatory statement (250 word limit). Explanatory statement 12/11/15 2/26/16 Appointing members to pro and con committees Pro/Con who are willing to write statements for the local Committee voters' pamphlet. Appointments 12/11/15 2/26/16 Pro/Con • Informing committees of the rules, procedures, and Statements 12/15/15 3/1/16 deadlines for submitting statements for the local Rebuttal voters' pamphlet. Statements 12/17/15 3/3/16 ▪ Submitting all materials to King County Elections Primary and general elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline. Election date August 2 November 8 • Resolution or ordinance Resolution due* n/a n/a Ballot measure resolution cover sheet Explanatory � statement 5/17/16 8/5/16 • Explanatory statement Pro/Con Committee • Committee appointment form Appointments 5/13/16 8/2/16 Pro/Con King County Elections' responsibilities Statements 5/23/16 8/11/16 <ing County Elections will receive all materials from the Rebuttal Statements 5/25/16 8/15/16 urisdiction as well as the pro and con committees. *Resolution requesting local voters'pamphlet not required- 4dditionally they are responsible for the following: pamphlet automatically produced for primary and general Sending a letter acknowledging receipt of the resolution or ordinance calling for an election. Need more information? ▪ Following the deadline for pro and con statements, For more detailed information, consult the 2016 sending each to the opposing committee so Jurisdiction Manual at kingcounty.gov/elections or rebuttals can be written. contact Election Operations at 206-296-1565 or Sending finalized pamphlet to the printer for election.operations@kingcounty.gov. nrnrli irtinn and mailinn Rev.11/2014 King County Local Voters' Pamphlet packet Lr 77:-•' - - ' Pro and con committee appointment form This form is to be completed by the jurisdiction administrator.The completed form must be submitted to King County Elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline. Committee members names listed on this form will be published in the pamphlet following their statements. Note: an email or fax number is required for the committee spokesperson. If you have any questions on how to complete this form please contact Election Operations at 206-296-1565, option 4. 'allot neasure nformation name of jurisdiction/district name of ballot measure(proposition number or description) :ommittee Committee advocating approval (pro) Committee advocating rejection (con) nember nformation committee spokesperson committee spokesperson address address city,state and zip city,state and zip phone number phone number email address or fax number email address or fax number committee member committee member address i address city,state and zip city,state and zip phone number phone number email address or fax number email address or fax number committee member committee member address address city,state and zip city,state and zip phone number phone number email address or fax number email address or fax number submitter nformation name of person submitting this form title ring ksounty Local voters- rampniet packet Information for pro and c _ committees W16 election cycle Who can participate? , Committee contact information Committees formally appointed by a jurisdiction proposing Only the names of the committee members (as submitted a ballot measure and participating in the local voters' by the jurisdiction) are included in the pamphlet. pamphlet. There is a limit of three members perl committee Additionally, a phone number, email, or website (as out committees may seek advice of any person for persons. submitted by the committee) can be included. This If the jurisdiction fails to make committee appointments by information is in addition to the statement word limits. the deadline, King County Elections has the authority to Committee members'titles will not be included. make such appointments. Submission of material If you would like to serve on a committee, contact the King County Elections prefers to receive statements urisdiction proposing the measure. submitted by email with a Word document attached. Pro and con committee statements, The submission of the initial statement must include a statement submission form. Statements can be submitted Arguments in favor of or in opposition to any ballot by: measure, prepared by a committee designated in accordance with state law, shall be filed with King County Email election.operations@kingcounty.gov Elections no later than 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline. In-person King County Elections Length and other specifications or Mail 919 SW Grady Way Limitations on the length of committee arguments are Renton, WA 98057 eased upon the space available within the pamphlet. Fax King County Elections ▪ Pro/con statements must not exceed 200 words. Attn: Election Operations ▪ Rebuttal statements must not exceed 75 words. 206-296-0108 • Tables, lists, and bullet points are not allowed; Review of statements formatting that creates empty space may reduce the Prior to publication of the pro/con statements and rebuttal allowable text length proportionally. statements, King County Elections will email each ▪ Bold text, underlined text, and text written inl all caps will committee a proof of their statements. Once they receive not be accepted. the proof, they can ensure there are no discrepancies between the proof copy and the information they submitted. In the event of any question regarding length, the King County Elections Director's decision shall be final. No changes to the originally submitted statements will Rebuttal statements be accepted and no new material will accepted. The only changes that will be accepted are updates to the contact The day after the deadline to submit pro and con information section. statements, King County Elections will email the opposing committee's statement to the designated spokesperson. Need more information? Rebuttal statements are not required, however, it gives For more detailed information please contact each committee an opportunity to write a few more words Election Operations at 206-296-1565 or supporting their point of view. Rebuttals must not exceed election.operations@kingcounty.gov. 75 words in length. 0 Statement deadlines Special elections Primary and general elections Election date February 9 April 26 August 2 November 8 Pro/Con statements due 12/15/15 3/1/16 5/23/16 8/12/16 Rebuttal statements due 12/17/15 3/3/16 5/25/16 8/15/16 Proof emailed to committee 12/28/15 3/11/16 6/10/16 9/9/16 Response from committee due 12/30/15 3/14/16 6/13/16 9/12/16 King County Local Voters' Pamphlet packet Pro and con statement suomission form his form must be included with each committees'initial statement when it is submitted to King County Elections. If you have any Jestions on how to complete this form please contact Election Operations at 206-296-1565, option 4. tatements and submission forms can be submitted in the following ways: :mail Mail or in-person Fax lection.operations@kingcounty.gov King County Elections King County Elections Attn:lElection Operations Attn: Election Operations 919 SW Grady Way 206-296-0108 Renton, WA 98057 allot ieasure iformation name of jurisdiction/district name of ballot measureproposition number or description) ( P ) 1 :ommittee This information will be published in the local voters'pamphlet and on our website at www.kingcounty.gov/elections. :ontactCommittee members names,as submitted by the jurisdiction,will be listed following their statements.Committee members' nformation titles will not be included. In addition,each committee may include one of the following so voters may contact them with any 'or further questions: )ublication • an email address,OR • a website, OR • a phone number This listing of committee members and contact information is not included in the statement word counts. committee contact information(any one of the following:email address,website or phone number) statement If you are submitting your statement separately from this submission form please identify the ballot measure and committee submission on the statement.Statements must be submitted by 4:30 p.m.on the day of the deadline. No late submissions will be accepted. Which committee do you represent? If you are submitting your statement separately from this form, how will you be submitting your statement? ❑ Pro committee ❑ Email O Con committee 0 In-person O Postal mail O Fax name of person submitting this form phone number sj;i7t, _ 'or office ase only date received date exchanged , a.' received by ' • word count . ,.. , ; ,. . . ,f .., 4 .. Rev._11/2U_t, King County Local Voters' Pamphlet packet Pro and con statement s6-omission form - 1. Ballot title :`:' .lAng County ElectionsIS not responsible for the validity,,; The language of the measure that C ty-of'.Carnatiolri ,' so �� .` Or the'statements,arguments ofrebiittels,Mq r,t •`,' will appear on the ballot. 'r -,w. /. ---,:-`-r--7-- ,0'77 - 'Proi :No'. L,Expianatgnestatement' !' rN.,n Op;s;niiLe f'orCriminal.Justice'Services~arid'Cash� Ensuring sufficient funding for criminal justice services,including -� This information is submitted by ?er Re§enre.Stabili2atiOn`<'*�^',.'';.," `'>" l�'°'." �:;' _'^'`-� police,Jells,prosecution,courts,public defense and domestic r,,"^--'".:,'°'.+ °, , - -' „.,:,.,";,' '''a`-i violence advocacy,are important budget priorities of the Carnation the jurisdiction and approved IThe Carnation City Council has passed Resolution No:366;:r1 City Council. If approved,Proposition 1 would provide additional PP s. ., {placing funding;for criminai justice,services and stabilization;, revenue that would be specifically earmarked for these purposes,as by the King County Prosecuting ?•ofttie"City's'manetary reserves,beforethe voters.;;,;,,;,•„c'w ,3 well as helping to stabilize the City's monetary reserves. ' , -,,r ', State law allows cities to"lift•the cap on regular property tax levy Attorney's Office. IThis-sue: piopositioh would increase the"regutar; ”; '�• increases by obtaining voter approval of the proposed increase. propertyaax rate for'oollection.in,2012by$0.61"to,$1,.90'''',;? The City's regular property tax rate is currently$1.29 per$1,000 of Z. Explanatory statement per,$1,000 of,assessed valuation.The,2012Iovy amount;;'^,, assessed valuation. If Proposition 1 is approved,the City's tax rate Fwould•become the base upon'which levy increases would:° :j for collection in 2012 would increase by$0.61 to$1.90 per$1,000 A statement prepared or approved 7betcomputed for each of the'five sue ceding years,Th :,:r.';a, of assessed valuation.Assuming a 4.12 percent decrease in the r lreVenuewould-be used.to fund-criritinaljustice services;;.,,,„',.i City's 2012 total assessed valuation consistent with recent historical tineiudin of trends,the proposition would generate approximately by the jurisdiction's legal council. gp,ice,jail;prosecution;courts;public`defender,;�” P P $10o,0001n "° �, " additional property tax revenue for 2012.These additional funds aiitf;domestio violence advocacjr,,andto help'statiiliie the �t P P rtY Ci s,monetary"reserves. ::,1 would be used exclusively to fund criminal justice services and to The explanatory statement i,.._ :t:., .',,., ." "• •'y.:'-! ; help stabilize the City's monetary reserves. ISt1oufd:this'proposition,be;approved7,y r`,.' ,;",� ''I For properties valued at$350,000,landowners currently pay describes the effect of the i i ,YEs `" ';,. approximately$451.50 per year in City of Carnation property taxes. measure if passed into law. i�� -,: Under Proposition 1,this amount would increase to$665.00 for !:.(...9;',,',..-,i..,.v._........__."..._.,,..tee.,w._..,,et , .___.... ._.,.._,aj collection in 2012. 3. Statement in favor The complete text of this measure is available at the Elections Office or The 2012 levy amount would become the base upon Phich levy online at www.kingcounty.gov/elections. increases for years 2013 through 2017 would be computed. An argument advocating voters' F}7,-XT.,._,---,'•- �--. - 77i�: --�-r-; - -: ' - :--7,.�..-�;-x-,r7,-n:--�-� Statement in favor; µ;,` `"Statement in.o osition;-,; a ': approval of the measure. Police protection represents the largest party of ourcitybudget.TM�° Police protection is the number one scare tactic to increase tax revenue.ICP_-- The city has reduced or eliminated every non-police expense possible:25% the first priority of government to provide safety and security for its citizenry. This statement is submitted by the In the past 3 years through wage cuts,pay freezes,downsizing,reduced The real problem Is the City does not prioritize its budgeting process to make office hours,virtually eliminated street and park maintenance,and other Police,Fire,and infrastructure the priorities. committee favoring the measure areas.It is so tight,the$1500 DARE drug education program for schools They are asking far a 46%Increase over and above what they are already was very nearly eliminated this year.Court costs and jail expenses passed collecting.One thing is buried in the proposal;this is that 10%of the down from the county have skyrocketed.Our reserves have decreased and proposed increase will not be used for Police or criminal justice matters but, (pro committee). arae rapidly approaching the state minimum. only to give the City a 10%revenue generating tax for'monetary reserves, Voting yes will ensure that we retain the level of police coverage we now what are these°reserves°going to be used for.The other point that is not I. Statement in opposition have.We currently contract for only 3 officers because it is all we can afford. mentioned is that they are factoring in a additional 1%increase every year If the levy does not pass,we will have a lower level of protection,probably until 2017 that requires no voter approve!,a tax they have increase every An argument advocating voters' losing an officer.When we had 2 officers before 2005,our crime rate was year since the 1900's. g g nearly 3 times higher than today.With Less coverage,we would have This City and City Council need to prioritize what is important for the decreased Illegal drug enforcement,significantly longer emergency response taxpayers of the City of Carnation.This should be voted down until the rejection of the measure. I time,and the risk of lower safety levels for our neighborhoods and families. City can prove to the taxpayers that they have a budgeting process that is Now It's up to you to decide what level of protection you want.Please join followed on every item that comes before them in the budget process. This statement is submitted by the us in voting yes to keep Carnation safe. committee opposing the measure ' RebuttalLLefAtatenieitilioppositions°';,-`_,v °: Rebuttalastatement'in-*pr-.:"- '.,,- ©No one wants higher taxes.The fact is every departmental budget has been Simple facts.2008 The City received a surplus$200,000 in property taxes a (con committee). slashed except police.Public safety is now 52%of the budget,clearly our but didn't pay the 04 Police service bill,roughly$100,000,which still hasn't highest priority, been paid.So is service really a priority'?2009 they receive an unbudgeted $183,000 for sale of property.This is approximately an extra$400,000 spent 5. Rebuttal of statement in Wave been subsidizing police with reserves for 3 years because of a 15%revenue decline.Soon there will be nothing to subsidize with. by 2011.The City didn't prioritize this budget for money to help cover police services!Vote No until the Council can prioritize a budget. opposition The city council has debated this proposal for months.All members wanted to avoid it If possible.It Isn't. Statement submitted by:Jim Ribail • Jlmr@ambmarket.com A response to the statement in Vote Yes.Keep Carnation safe. Statement submitted by:Eric Tonison,Ann Estrin-Wassink and William opposition. Fratzke • edctonison@yahoo.com This statement is submitted by the I committee favoring the measure 7. Statement submitted by Note: (pro committee) after having This area lists the names of King County is not responsible the opportunity to review the all committee members as for the validity or accuracy statement in opposition. submitted by the jurisdiction of statements, arguments or 3. Rebuttal of statement in favor (maximum of three). rebuttals. Statements do not A response to the statement in Additionally, committees can represent the position of the favor. include one of the following: county on any ballot measure. This statement is submitted by the email address, website or Submissions will not be proofed committee opposing the measure phone number. This section is for any errors in spelling, (con committee) after having not included in the allowable punctuation or syntax. the opportunity to review the word limits for statements. statement in favor. Rev. 11/2014 rung t,ounty Local voters- rarnpniet packet Information for jurisdictic administrators 1016 election cycle Who can participate? King County is not responsible for the validity or Primary and general elections accuracy of statements, arguments or rebuttals. <ing County automatically publishes a local voters' Pro/Con committees' responsibilities Damphlet and all jurisdictions placing measures on the The pro and con committees will agree to submit ballot are included. statements in favor of and in opposition to the ballot Special elections measure for the local voters' pamphlet. <ing County does not automatically produce a Additionally they are responsible for the following: Jamphlet, except for annexations and countywide • Submitting pro/con statement, following all guidelines measures. Only jurisdictions who have requested a to King County Elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of pamphlet be published, by ordinance or resolution, will the deadline. De included. • Submitting rebuttal statement, following all guidelines to King County Elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of Jurisdiction's responsibilities the deadline. The jurisdiction placing a measure on the ballot must file Local voters' pamphlet deadlines a resolution or ordinance with King County Elections by 1:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline. Local voters' pamphlet deadlines: If the jurisdiction is participating in the local voters' O Special elections - pamphlet they are also responsible for the following: Election date February 9 April 26 Coordinating with jurisdiction's legal counsel to Resolution due 12/11/15 2/26/16 prepare an explanatory statement (250 word limit). Explanatory statement 12/11/15 2/26/16 Appointing members to pro and con committees Pro/Con who are willing to write statements for the local Committee- voters' pamphlet. Appointments 12/11/15 2/26/16 Pro/Con • Informing committees of the rules, procedures, and Statements 12/15/15 3/1/16 deadlines for submitting statements for the local Rebuttal voters' pamphlet. Statements 12/17/1,5 3/3/16 Submitting all materials to King County Elections Primary and general elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline. Election date August 2 November 8 • Resolution or ordinance Resolution due* n/a n/a Explanatory • Ballot measure resolution cover sheet statement 5/17/16 8/5/16 • Explanatory statement Pro/Con Committee • Committee appointment form Appointments 5/13/16 8/2/16 Pro/Con King County Elections' responsibilities Statements 5/23/16 8/11/16 'King County Elections will receive all materials from the Rebuttal Statements 5/25/16 8/15/16 urisdiction as well as the pro and con committees. *Resolution requesting local voters'pamphlet not required= Additionally they are responsible for the following: pamphlet automatically produced for primary and general • Sending a letter acknowledging receipt of the resolution or ordinance calling for an election. Need more information? ▪ Following the deadline for pro and con statements, For more detailed information, consult the 2016 sending each to the opposing committee so Jurisdiction Manual at kingcounty.gov/elections or rebuttals can be written. contact Election Operations at 206-296-1565 or Sending finalized pamphlet to the printer for election.operations@kingcounty.gov. nrnrii irtinn and mailinn Rev. 11/2014 King County Local Voters' Pamphlet packet ` :...; :', Pro and con committee appointment form This form is to be completed by the jurisdiction administrator.The completed form must be submitted to King County Elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline. Committee members names listed on this form will be published in the pamphlet following their statements. Note: an email or fax number is required for the committee spokesperson. If you have any questions on how to complete this form please contact Election Operations at 206-296-1565, option 4. )allot neasure nformation name of jurisdiction/district name of ballot measure(proposition number or description) ;ommittee Committee advocating approval (pro) Committee advocating rejection (con) nember nformation committee spokesperson committee spokesperson address address city,state and zip city,state and zip phone number phone number email address or fax number email address or fax number committee member committee member address address city,state and zip city,state and zip phone number phone number email address or fax number email address or fax number committee member committee member address address city,state and zip city,state and zip phone number phone number email address or fax number email address or fax number submitter nformation name of person submitting this form title ming i.ounty Local voters- rampniet packet Information for pro and c' committees W16 election cycle Who can participate? Committee contact information Committees formally appointed by a jurisdiction:proposing Only the names of the committee members (as submitted a ballot measure and participating in the local voters' by the jurisdiction) are included in the pamphlet. pamphlet. There is a limit of three members per'committee Additionally, a phone number, email, or website (as DLit committees may seek advice of any person or persons. submitted by the committee) can be included. This If the jurisdiction fails to make committee appointments by information is in addition to the statement word limits. the deadline, King County Elections has the authority to Committee members'titles will not be included. make such appointments. Submission of material If you would like to serve on a committee, contact the King County Elections prefers to receive statements urisdiction proposing the measure. submitted by email with a Word document attached. Pro and con committee statements The submission of the initial statement must include a statement submission form. Statements can be submitted Arguments in favor of or in opposition to any ballot by: measure, prepared by a committee designated in accordance with state law, shall be filed with King County Email election.operations@kingcounty.gov Elections no later than 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline. In-person King County Elections Length and other specifications or Mail 919 SW Grady Way Limitations on the length of committee arguments are Renton, WA 98057 eased upon the space available within the pamphlet. Fax King County Elections • Pro/con statements must not exceed 200 words. Attn: Election Operations ▪ Rebuttal statements must not exceed 75 words. 206-296-0108 ▪ Tables, lists, and bullet points are not allowed; Review of statements formatting that creates empty space may reduce the Prior to publication of the pro/con statements and rebuttal allowable text length proportionally. statements, King County Elections will email each ▪ Bold text, underlined text, and text written in all caps will committee a proof of their statements. Once they receive not be accepted. the proof, they can ensure there are no discrepancies In the event of any question regarding length, the King between the proof copy and the information they submitted. County Elections Director's decision shall be final. No changes to the originally submitted statements will Rebuttal statements be accepted and no new material will accepted. The only changes that will be accepted are updates to the contact The day after the deadline to submit pro and con information section. statements, King County Elections will email the opposing committee's statement to the designated spokesperson. Need more information? Rebuttal statements are not required, however,1it gives For more detailed information please contact each committee an opportunity to write a few more words Election Operations at 206-296-1565 or supporting their point of view. Rebuttals must not exceed election.operations@kingcounty.gov. 75 words in length. 0 Statement deadlines Special elections Primary and general elections Election date February 9 April 26 August 2 November 8 Pro/Con statements due 12/15/15 3/1/16 5/23/16 8/12/16 Rebuttal statements due 12/17/15 3/3/16 5/25/16 8/15/16 Proof emailed to committee 12/28/15 3/11/16 6/10/16 9/9/16 Response from committee due 12/30/15 3/14/16 6/13/16 9/12/16 71 King County Local VotPr5' Pamphlet packet 177-7-7.7-" - Pro and con statement suomission form his form must be included with each committees'initial statement when it is submitted to King County Elections. If you have any Jestions on how to complete this form please contact,Election Operations at 206-296-1565, option 4. tatements and submission forms can be submitted in the following ways: 'mail Mail or in-person Fax lection.operations@kingcounty.gov King County Elections King County Elections Attn:IElection Operations Attn: Election Operations 919 SW Grady Way 206-296-0108 Renton, WA 98057 allot 'easure 'formation name of jurisdiction/district name of ballot measure(proposition number or description) ;ommittee This information will be published in the local voters'pamphlet and on our website at www.kingcounty.gov/elections. :ontact Committee members names,as subnj itted by the jurisdiction,will be listed following their statements. Committee members' nformation titles will not be included. In addition, each committee may include one of the following so voters may contact them with any `or further questions: ,ublication • an email address,OR • a website, OR • a phone number This listing of committee members and contact information is not included in the statement word counts. committee contact information(any one of the following:email address,website or phone number) statement If you are submitting your statement separately from this submission form please identify the ballot measure and committee submission on the statement.Statements must be submitted by 4:30 p.m.on the day of the deadline. No late submissions will be accepted. Which committee do you represent? If you are submitting your statement separately from this form, how will you be submitting your statement? ❑ Pro committee 0 Email ❑ Con committee ❑ In-person El Postal mail ❑ Fax name of person submitting this form phone number Or office ise only date received date exchanged.' received by` _ `, , Word count R 11I2fl1 3allot measure si'-hmission cover 4",eet 1,Print Form_' "his form must be included with each resolution/ordinance submitted to King County Elections. If you have any questions on how to :omplete this form please contact Election Operations at 206-296-1565, option 4. Zesolution can be delivered to King County Elections by: email: election.operations@kingcounty.gov mail or in-person: King County Elections 919 SW Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Jrisdiction iformation City of Renton name of jurisdiction Jason Seth City Clerk jurisdiction contact person title 425-430-6502 jseth@rentonwa.gov contact phone contact email 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 jurisdiction mailing address Ballot 2016 election date of participation neasure iformation 0 February 9 ® April 26 August 2 ❑ November 8 Regional Fire Authority type of measure(levy, bond,etc.) oters' If you are participating in a special election in February or April please complete the following.For the August primary and Novembe pamphlet general elections all ballot measures are automatically included in the voters'pamphlet. nformation Will you be participating in the voters'pamphlet? If you answered yes please make a selection below. © yes ❑ attached resolution includes request for voters' ❑ no pamphlet publication • request for voters'pamphlet publication to follow in another resolution ontact This contact information will be listed on www.kingcounty.gov/elections as well as in the voters'pamphlet.This contact should be abl iformation to respond to questions from voters regarding the jurisdiction's ballot measure. or Publication Rick Marshall Battalion Chief/Safety Officer jurisdiction contact person title 425-529-9821 rmarshall@rentonwa.gov contact phone - contact email or office ise mly 4. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4271 KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 394-16 A JOINT RESOLUTION OF' THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25, PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION TO QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT, A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON APRIL 26, 2016, PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 52.26 OF THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON, OF A PROPOSITION THAT APPROVES A PLAN TO FORM A REGIONAL FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE AUTHORITY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2016, TO BE FUNDED BY A PROPERTY TAX LEVY AND A NEW SIX-YEAR BENEFIT CHARGE. WHEREAS, the ability to ;respond to emergency situations by fire protection and emergency medical service agencies has not kept up or progressed with community needs and special service demands. Providing an effective fire protection and emergency medical service system requires a collaborative partnership and responsibility among local and regional governments and the private sector; and WHEREAS, the delivery of core emergency services and timely development of significant projects can best be achieved through stable funding options for regional fire protection and emergency services; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton ("the City"), through its Fire and Emergency Services Department, and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 ("the District") have had a cooperative partnership, striving to provide the highest level of fire and emergency medical services to their citizens within the confines of available resources. This cooperative partnership 1 CG. .'JF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4271 KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 394-16 began with an interlocal agreement in 1993, when the district transferred its employees to the City and the City started providing fire and emergency medical services in the District; and WHEREAS, in 2014,the City and the District formed the Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee ("Planning Committee') to review the creation of a regional fire authority and associated service delivery and financing plan to provide fire protection and emergency services within the boundaries of the City and the District. The members of the Planning Committee include three District Commissioners, and three City of Renton Councilmembers. Also invited to the PlanningCommittee are representatives from Fire District 20, Fire District 40, and union p representatives of International Association of Firefighters Local 864. The Planning Committee met between September 2014 and October 2015 and recommended the creation of the "Renton Regional Fire Authority," and the adoption of a business plan to govern and finance its operation (the "Plan"). The Plan was approved by the District on November 17, 2015, and the City on November 23, 2015, and' is formally adopted by each entity pursuant to this joint resolution. Copies of the Plan are'available from the administrative offices of the City and the District; and WHEREAS, the City and the District are authorized to form a regional fire protection service authority by Chapter 52.26 RCW, which requires that in the order to create a regional fire protection service authority, the Plan must be approved by the voters of the area affected by the Plan. Therefore, in accordance with the Plan and state law, it is appropriate to place before voters within the proposed service boundaries of the regional fire authority, a proposition for approval to form the Renton Regional Fire Authority, to be funded by a new six- year benefit charge and existing property tax levy, and the approval of the Plan; 2 COF RENTON RESOLUTION NO, 4271,) KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 394-16 NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25, DO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Adoption of the Plan for the Renton Regional Fire Authority. The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, and the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25 hereby formally adopt the Plan of the Renton Regional Fire Authority, a true and correct copy of which is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference. SECTION II. Findings of City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, and the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25. The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, and the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25 hereby find that it is in the best interest of the City and the District to submit to the qualified electors of the City and the District at a special election to be held on April 26, 2016, a proposition to adopt the Plan creating the Renton Regional Fire Authority, which if approved will be funded by a six-year benefit charge not to exceed 60% of the Renton Regional Fire Authority's operating budget, and property tax not to exceed $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed value during such time as the benefit charge is collected, and not to exceed $1.50 per$1,000 of assessed value if the benefit charge is not being collected. If approved by 60% of the voters within the boundaries of the authority as provided in Chapter 52.26 RCW, the authority will be called the "Renton Regional Fire Authority," with boundaries coextensive with the boundaries of the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25, effective July 1, 2016. SECTION III. Submittal of Proposition for Voters. There shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the District and the City for their ratification or rejection, at a special 3 C ,DF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4277,E KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 394-16 election on April 26, 2016, the question of whether or not the Renton Regional Fire Authority should be created in accordance with the Plan and funded with a six-year benefit charge and property tax levy. The Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25 and the City Council of the City of RIenton,Washington, hereby request the Director of Elections of King County, as ex-officio supervisor of elections to call such election and to submit the following proposition at such election, in the form of a ballot title substantially as follows: PROPOSITION NO. 1 The City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 have adopted a Joint Resolution approving the Renton Regional Fire Authority Plan ("Plan") to create the Renton Regional ,Fire Authority ("Authority") with an effective date of July 1, 2016. If approved, this proposition would create the Authority, in accordance with the Plan, to provide fire protection and emergency medical services in the City and the District. The Authority will be funded by a six-year fire benefit charge (notto exceed 60% of the operating budget) and property tax (not to exceed $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed value). , This funding would replace the District's existing property tax rate of $1.501 per $1,000 of assessed value, and would reduce Renton's property tax capacity by the tax rate collected by the Authority. Should the Plan to create a Regional Fire Protection Service Authority be approved? YES [ ] NO [ ] SECTION IV. Authorize Continued Acts of the Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee. The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, and the Board of Commissioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25 herby authorize the Renton Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee to continue operating on an as needed basis until the effective date of the Authority. The Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee shall be 4 OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4271 KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 394-16 considered the governing board for the purposes of RCW 52.26.230 and shall be responsible for conducting a public hearing on the benefit charge consistent with the requirements of RCW 52.26.230. The Planning Committee shall function as the governing board for the purposes of carrying out the requirements of Chapter 52.26 RCW until such time as a new governing board is established on July 1, 2016, pursuant to the Plan. SECTION V. Pro and Con Committee Appointments. The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, and the King County Fire Protection District No. 25 Board of Commissioners hereby assign to the Renton Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee the task of appointing members to a committee to advocate voters' approval of the proposition and to a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters' rejection of the proposition. SECTION VI. Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or t phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. SECTION VII. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION VIII. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. SECTION IX. Triplicate Originals. Three originals of this resolution are signed by the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25. 5 C',-. OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 427:,__ KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 394-16 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of December , 2015. _....t/ ` 4 Jason A. S;�th, City erk APPROVED BY THE AYR this 14th day of December , 2015. Of REiti i C5 1(2' SEAL 4_ iQW4Yt guit) Denis Law, Mayor ' ;,„• ,/j' x 5�6\a- ADOPTED by the pfidilftfti ommissioners of King County Fire Protection District No: 25, King County, Washington, at a regular open public meeting of such Board on the 15th day of December , 2015,the below commissioners being present and voting. (:;(--- ,jr\C) COMMISSIONER "a\ G 0 CO M . 21 COM SIONER 1;j, K D No. 2 SE ETARY Appr ed as to form: A ,l 01...4,44.4"..4e7 Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1688:12/2/15:scr 6 3allot measure s -mission cover c-heet IgPl-intt=orris: -his form must be included with each resolution/ordinance submitted to King County Elections. If you have any questions on how to :omplete this form please contact Election Operations at 206-296-1565, option 4. Zesolution can be delivered to King County Elections by: :mail: election.operations@kingcounty.gov mail or in-person: King County Elections 919 SW Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 .uisdiction iformation City of Renton name of jurisdiction Jason Seth City Clerk jurisdiction contact person title 425-430-6502 jseth@rentonwa.gov contact phone contact email 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 jurisdiction mailing address Ballot 2016 election date of participation neasure iformation ❑ February 9 ® April 26 ❑ August 2 ❑ November 8 Regional Fire Authority type of measure(levy, bond,etc.) oters' If you are participating in a special election in February or April please complete the following. For the August primary and Novembe pamphlet general elections all ballot measures are lautomatically included in the voters'pamphlet. iformation Will you be participating in the voters'pamphlet? If you answered yes please make a selection below. © yes ® attached resolution includes request for voters' ❑ no pamphlet publication 0 request for voters'pamphlet publication to follow in another resolution ontact This contact information will be listed on www.kingcounty.gov/elections as well as in the voters'pamphlet.This contact should be abl iformation to respond to questions from voters regarding the jurisdiction's ballot measure. or iublication Rick Marshall Battalion Chief/Safety Officer jurisdiction contact person title 425-529-9821 rmarshall@rentonwa.gov contact phone contact email Dr ifice a. x.S :wW: is e � Jai inly CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4275 KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 395-1 6 A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25, AMENDING CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4271 AND KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO. 394-16, DIRECTING THE REGIONAL FIRE AUTHORITY PLANNING COMMITTEE TO TAKE THOSE ACTIONS NECESSARY TO PLACE PROPOSITION 1 BEFORE THE VOTERS, INCLUDING THE PREPARATION OF INFORMATION FOR THE VOTER'S PAMPHLET. WHEREAS, the City of Renton ("the City"), and King County Fire Protection District No. 25 ("the District"), adopted a joint resolution ("Joint Resolution") providing for the submission of Proposition No. 1 on the April 26, 2016 ballot to qualified electors of the City and the District to approve a plan to form a regional fire protection service authority (the "Renton Regional Fire Authority") within the boundaries of the City and the District; and WHEREAS, the Joint Resolution also adopted the Plan of the Renton Regional Fire Authority, provided findings, set out the text of Proposition No. 1, authorized continued acts of the Renton Regional Fire Authority Planning Committee ("Planning Committee"), and assigned the task of appointing members to a committee to advocate voters' approval and a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters' rejection of the proposition; and WHEREAS, the Planning Committee has since determined that a voter's pamphlet should be prepared; however the Joint Resolution did not direct the Planning Committee to take the necessary steps to prepare the information for the voter's pamphlet; 1 Cl .)F RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4275 KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO.395-1 6 NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AND THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25, DO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Voter's Pamphlet. The Joint Resolution is hereby amended to authorize and direct the Planning Committee to take those actions necessary to place the information regarding Proposition No. 1 in the voter's pamphlet for the April 26, 2016 election, to have prepared an explanatory statement and seek statements for and against the proposition. SECTION II. Severability. I If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. ii SECTION III. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. SECTION IV. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. SECTION V. Triplicate Originals. Three originals of this resolution are signed by the City of Renton and King County Fire Protection District No. 25. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 1st day of February , 2016. Jason A. Seth, Cit/C erk 2 CITY OF RENTON RESOLUTION NO. 4275 KING COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 25 RESOLUTION NO.395-16 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 1st day of February , 2016. \\\\\\\\\\y►HfO1111UI(lu//j%/; I O/% _�e Z jati --iux., _ S E % �—�.a *g Denis Law, Mayor ADOPTED by the% f 6r sioners of King County Fire Protection District No. 25, King County, Washington, at a///ligl' ar open public meeting of such Board on the cant: day of : cxruA't.v , 2016,the below commissioners being present and -.ting. ,I' C LI , C4M STONER JULIE E. BRAY NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON ! 4111.110.- Ir. _ 1 COMMISSION EXPIRES COM ' SSI$NER DECEMBER 9. 2019 COMMISSIONER i / + c KC JP°D No. 25 SECRETARY ' Appro as to form: at40444.064eW6-4.-ra Lawrence J.Warren, City Attorney RES.1688:1/21/16:scr 3 I Jason Seth From: Zanetta Fontes Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:26 AM To: Jason Seth Cc: Mark Peterson; Jay B Covington; Larry Warren Subject: Approval of Explanatory Statement Attachments: Prop 1 EXPLAN STMT-Approved 2-18.docx Jason: Please find attached the FINAL version of the Explanatory Statement. It is approved as to legal form. Zanetta Senior Assistant City Attorney City of Renton City Attorney's Office 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (425) 430-6486 I Fax: (425) 430-6498 e-mail: zfontes@rentonwa.gov cirror enton CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This e-mail,including any attachments,is confidential and may include privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe you have received this e-mail in error, please do not copy, print,forward, re-transmit,or otherwise disseminate this e- mail, its contents,or any of its attachments. Please delete this e-mail. Also, please notify the sender that you have received this e- mail in error. Thank you. j Advisory: Please be advised the City of Renton is required to comply with the Public Disclosure Act Chapter 42.56 RCW.This act establishes a strong state mandate in favor of disclosure of public records. As such,the information you submit to the City via email, including personal information, may ultimately belIsubject to disclosure as a public record. 1 CITY OF RENTON, Proposition 1,Explanatory Statement Proposition 1 asks voters to decide,whether to form a new Renton Regional Fire Authority ("RRFA") to replace the current structure. The City of Renton (`Renton") provides fire and medical emergency services to Renton residents and, through a contract, to King County Fire District#25 ("FD 25") residents. Currently, the Fire Department competes with other city departments for city revenues. If Proposition 1 passes, the Renton,Fire Department and FD 25 will merge into one organization, the RRFA, effective July 1, 2016. it will have dedicated funding and be governed by a board consisting of three Renton City Councilmembers and three FD 25 Commissioners. If Proposition 1 passes, Renton plans to construct a north end fire station and, after construction, reduce its property tax assesment. Under the proposed RFA operating plan,property owners will pay more for fire and emergency services than they do today. The RRFA will be funded by a reduced property tax of$1.00 per thousand of assessed valuation, and a new fire benefit charge ("FBC"). The additional funding will be used to staff the new fire station, and provide additional service enhancements. The FBC would account for up to 60% of the RRFA budget and must be submitted for voter approval every six years. These funding sources would replace FD's 25's current property tax rate of$1.50 per thousand and reduce Renton's property tax capacity by up to $1.00 per thousand. Low income seniors and disabled persons will continue to receive the same percentage discounts. King County Local Voter' Pamphlet packet l :;_` s"'` Pro and con committeeE r'i ointment form This form is to be completed by the jurisdiction administrator.The completed form must be submitted to King County Elections by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline. Committee members names listed on this form will be published in the pamphlet following their statements. Note: an email or fax number is required for the committee spokesperson! If you have any questions on how to complete this form please contact Election Operations at 206-296-1565, option 4. )allot neasure City of Renton nformation name of jurisdiction/district Proposition No. 1 -Renton Regional Fire Authority name of ballot measure(proposition number or description) ;ommittee Committee advocating approval (pro) Committee advocating rejection (con) nember nformation Ryan Simonds Eric Bernard committee spokesperson committee spokesperson 23732 231st PI SE 10246 SE 213th PI address address Maple Valley, WA 98038 Kent, WA 98031 city,state and zip city,state and zip 360-224-5239 206-200-4001 phone number phone number ryansimonds@mac.com bemardkande@msn.com email address or fax number email address or fax number Thomas Tasa Karen Bernard committee member committee member 16011 SE 142nd PI 10246 SE 213th PI address address Renton,WA 98059 Kent,WA 98031 city,state and zip city,state and zip 425-271-3815 206-200-4001 phone number phone number tasathomas@comcast.net bernardkande@msn.com email address or fax number email address or fax number Chuck Seil Leroy Stevenson committee member committee member 11516 SE 173rd St 26838 166th PI SE address address Renton,WA 98055 Covington,WA 98042 city,state and zip city,state and zip 425-988-4421 253-630-7676 phone number phone number cdseil@hotmail.com n/a email address or fax number email address or fax number submitter nformation Jason Seth City Clerk name of person submitting this form title 425-430-6502 2/24/2016 • RFA Planning Committee itY, Pro/Con Committee Nominees f.'C rCON< ~< + ... -. ....'v..-y:?:m • Ryan Simonds ; Leroy StevenSon . Thomas:Tasa Eric Bernard • Chuck Seil Karen Bernard • 1. Professionalism • Integrity • Leadership • Accountability',.:Respect