HomeMy WebLinkAboutRenton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee (2012) • AGENDA City of Renton c�cyor MAR 2 3 2012 RECEIVED Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee `'TVCLERK'S OFFICE Thursday, March 8, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center Committee Members: 6:30 p.m. 211 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 Gary Barber, Chair 425.460.6633 6:30 p.m. Doors open Marvin Rosete, Vice-Chair Teresa Clymer-Flora,Secretary 6:35 p.m. Approval of Minutes February 23, 2012 Staff Contacts: 6:40 p.m. Action Items Terry Higashiyama-City of Review of Draft Report Renton Approval of Map thigashivama@rentonwa.gov Final Steps on Presentation 425-430-6606 Individual Bio's (25 words or less) 8:00 p.m. Calendar Update Elizabeth Stewart -City of Renton Regular Meetings: 4 Thursday, March 8, 2012, 6:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity estewart@rentonwa.gov Center 425.255.2330 3 Thursday, March 22, 2012, 6:30 p.m., Renton City Hall, 71h Floor Greg Stroh -City of Renton Council Chambers gstroh@rentonwa.gov Presentation: 425.430.6614 4 Monday, April 16 , 2012, 6:00 p.m., Committee of the Whole City Council Presentation, City Hall, 7th Floor, Council Chambers 8:15 p.m. Wrap Up Please review minutes prior to the meeting. Let Diane know if you unable to attend the meeting. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this process. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Agenda\03 08 2012 Meeting SC.doc 03/02/2012 Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Meeting Minutes ^' March 8, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center 6:30 pm Check in In Attendance Members: Norm Abrahamson, Gary Barber, Cheryl Boudreau, Pamela Carino,Teresa Clymer- Flora,Jan Dahl,Jonathan Fox, Glenn Garrett,John Hansen, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes, Ryan Mclrvin, Marvin Rosete,Wil Samson, Adam C. Smith City of Renton Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Elizabeth Stewart, Greg Stroh Excused Pat Bentley,Jaime Greene, Marjorie Hastings, Holly Hawker, Francine Siverts 6:30 pm Welcome The meeting was called to order by Gary Barber at 6:35. Members were asked to review the minutes from the last meeting. 6:35 pm Approval of Minutes Marvin Rosete had a correction on page two regarding the results. The committee notes from the large sheets from previous meeting will be added. A motion was made, and seconded, to approve the amended minutes from February 23, 2012. Motion carried, Minutes approved. 6:40 pm Action Items Review of Draft Report Gary Barber presented the Draft Report, stating that staff put the draft together and Gary, Marvin and Teresa (the Executive Board) reviewed the draft with staff and wrote Executive Summary. Elizabeth Stewart went through the first reading of the Draft with the Committee. She added an 'Acknowledgements' portion to the table of contents. Pages 4 and 5 cover a basic background of the building, what brought the group together, and a history of libraries in Renton. Pages 6—11 go into the Steering Committee process and a summary of the meetings, and include the two surveys and the two open houses. Page 10 has the three poster exhibits. 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\03 08 12 Meeting Minutes SC I . Pages 12-14 are a summary of each sub-group's presentation. The report concludes with the four recommendations as agreed upon by the Committee at the last meeting. Finishing the document is a list of the Steering Committee members, City staff, and the timeline. Elizabeth went into additional details of the Draft Report. She asked the members to review the details and send any comments/corrections to her by March 19, 2012. Glen Garrett asked about recommendation three, suggesting that the Environmental Interpretative Center be a centerpiece of the City Campus and includes other facilities in the City. Marvin Rosette thought that the center would be the anchor with others supporting it. Glen Garrett was concerned that making it an anchor might have negative impacts and suggested taking the first bullet point out. The consensus was that the third bullet point repeated the first bullet point, so the first could be dropped. Ryan thought that a definition of hub should be included to reduce the confusion with a transportation hub or other hubs. The group agreed that this language should be consistent with the City Center Community plan: Elizabeth will check into it. Teresa Clymer-Flora recommended that there be a page break or subtitle at the end of page 13. Gary Barber also recommended that each sub-committee have a page for their Open House poster exhibit so that it is more legible. Terry Higashiyama stated that after all of the recommended changes are added by the Committee, the Draft will go the Communications Team in the City for final formatting. Jonathan Fox said that it might read better if each new section started on the right side of the page. He also thought there might be too much of the process and make-up of the committee up front and not enough of how the recommendations were arrived at. Terry reiterated that the format supports the process and all of the steps. It also is a clear path on how the recommendations were arrived at, and the work done by the committee should to be included. The members were asked to review the sub-committee proposals for accuracy. Cheryl said that on pages 12 and 13, the headings should be changed to "could be," rather than "would be," or at least make them consistent. On the bottom of page 12, possibly name one or two of the activities to show how they interact with the entire City (Uptown Glassworks, Carco Theater, etc.), and how they are all within walking distance. She also suggested that at the bottom of page 13 and top of page 14, add "lively outdoor space" and "tourism"to the summation of all the groups. 2 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\03 08 12 Meeting Minutes SC • The cut-off date for adding or changing items in the report will be March 19, and should be sent to Diane Wagner at the City. Approval of Map Terry Higashiyama presented the map from the Parks and Open Space Plan, which was slightly modified and will be added to the report(insert map). There will be a statement indicating what the map represents. There will be an added map which will show a close-up of the civic campus area. Jonathan Fox suggested that Park Avenue be added to demonstrate its relation to the building. Final Steps on Presentation/Individual Bio's (25 words or less)/Calendar Terry Higashiyama will send the final steps of this process by email and what happens next. On Thursday, March 22,the Committee will meet in the Council Chambers and go through the draft PowerPoint presentation. On Monday, April 16,the committee will meet with the City Council at the Committee of the Whole at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, and will have the entire hour( 45 minutes to be more precise )for the presentation.The practice on March 22 will allow time to make any changes needed. Terry Higashiyama thanked Elizabeth Stewart for all of her hard work on the document and the Committee for all the hard work put forth to get to this point. The revised copy of the report will be available. Terry Higashiyama will do the introductions and the Committee Executive Staff will do the actual presentation to the Council with staff available for support. The final report should be completed the week of April 9, 2012. Terry Higashiyama requested each member send a short bio (25 words or less)via e-mail that can be compiled for the City Council. Please send to Diane Wagner by March 15. Pictures of the committee will be taken at the meeting on March 22 at City Hall. There was some discussion about the petitions. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Next Meeting Thursday, March 22, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at Renton City Hall, 7th Floor. Committee members will receive an email reminder with the agenda. Submitted by Teresa Clymer-Flora Secretary of Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee 3 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\03 0812 Meeting Minutes SC • LIBERTY PARK I IBRARY BUILDING STEERII": COMMITTEE MEETIFIG ATTENDANCE INFORMHI ION NAME 3/8/2012 Norm Abrahamson _ = t Avery Gary Barber .ra Becker . Pat Bentley . My Cheryl Boudreau FEMENTAI Lawn Pamela Carino T1111111112110111119 1,[430 1, z Teresa Clymer-Flora Lar+y'Erirn-.. Jan Dahl El"MINI Jonathan Fox Glenn Garrett Jamie Greene sed John Hansen Marjorie Hastings Excused ' Holly Hawker Excused Mairk Hr ext. ' Leone Johnson 0 Doug Kyes Ryan Mclrvin WMIM ileffrhterctherg- foweirerlarrikisc. Marvin Rosete -19.40 Wil Wil Samson �► Francine Siverts Excused Adam C. Smith ara Swe r on • . •ak Dus moms Wali an Zinck 3/7/2012 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applications\Meeting Attendance Info AGENDA — CITY OF RE • City of Renton MAR 23 2012 Gty of C ;•�� C D I i RECEIVED CITY CLERKS OFFICE Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Thursday, February 23, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center Committee Members: 6:30 p.m. 211 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 Gary Barber, Chair 425.460.6633 6:30 p.m. Doors open Marvin Rosete, Vice-Chair Teresa Clymer-Flora,Secretary 6:35 p.m. Approval of Minutes/Committee Reports December 8, 2012;January 26, 2012 Committee Reports; Staff Contacts: February 9, 2012 6:40 p.m. Announcements Terry Higashiyama-City of Articles from Renton Patch and Renton Reporter Renton thigashiyama@rentonwa.aov 425-430-6606 6:50 p.m. Action Items Open House Comments Elizabeth Stewart -City of Survey Results Renton Next Steps Discussion estewart@rentonwa.aov Draft Table of Contents 425.255.2330 8:00 p.m. Calendar Update Greg Stroh City of Renton Thursday, March 8, 2012, 6:30 p.m. / Renton Senior Activity Center gstroh@rentonwa.gov Thursday, March 22, 2012, 6:30 p.m. /City Hall, 7th Floor Council Chambers 425.430.6614 8:15 p.m. Wrap Up Please review minutes prior to the meeting. Let Diane know if you unable to attend the meeting. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this process. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Agenda\02 23 2012 Meeting SC.doc 2/20/2012 Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Meeting Minutes ^' February 23, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center 6:30 pm Check in In Attendance Members: Norm Abrahamson, Gary Barber, Pat Bentley, Cheryl Boudreau, Pamela Carino, Teresa Clymer-Flora,Jan Dahl,Jonathan Fox, Glenn Garrett,Jamie Green,John Hansen, , Holly Hawker, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes, Ryan Mclrvin, Marvin Rosete, Wil Samson, Adam C.Smith, Francine Siverts City of Renton Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Elizabeth Stewart, Greg Stroh Excused Jonathan Fox, Marjorie Hastings Absent Jamie Green 6:30 pm Welcome The meeting was called to order by Gary Barber at 6:30. 6:35 pm Approval of Minutes Copies of Meeting Minutes were handed out and one approved with correction. The Minutes from January 26, 2012-Third Place/Community were revised to show that the group reviewed RotoCare. A motion was made, and seconded, to approve minutes from December 9, 2011,January 26 Committee Reports, and February 8, 2012. Motion carried, Minutes approved. 6:40 pm Announcements Articles from Renton Patch and Renton Reporter were distributed with the packet. 6:50 pm Action Items Terry Higashiyama thanked everyone for attending the February 15, 2012 Open House. Forty- Five to Fifty people attended and wrote comments and completed surveys. She thanked Doug Keyes for the many pictures provided and Wil Samson for the work he did on the great posters that represented the three teams. Terry said she spoke to the Mayor and he appreciated the hard work being done by the Steering Committee. Terry also thanked everyone for all the extra meetings that have been attended to date. 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\02 23 12 Meeting Minutes SC Gary distributed the comments from the Open House and discussion followed on each of the three groups and the public's input. Open group discussion followed regarding the written public comments, impressions of those who attended the Open House, and about comments heard from the public during the event. Gary then shared the results of the public survey, which ran from February 10 through the 21, 2012. Two-Hundred, Ninety Five (295) responses were received. Following are the results for the question "Out of the three, which one do you think would be the best use for Liberty Park Library building?" • Environmental/Interpretive Center= 65% • Third Place/Community Space = 15% • Arts &Cultural Center= 20% Open discussion followed. Even though the Environmental/Interpretive Center garnered the most votes, elements of each should be incorporated into the final product as there were common threads in all. This should be emphasized to the Council so that portions of each have valid uses. Gary reiterated the process that we are to follow: to provide to the Council with the Steering Committee's report and recommendation so they set aside funds in the budget for a consultant to expand upon the Committee's recommendations. There was a concern that we are not providing the Council a complete plan with details. Terry Higashiyama and Liz Stewart wrote down the commonalities of the three options as shared by the committee. (See attached.) After discussion of there being a possible win/lose factor, Terry reiterated that the reason the committee expanded into three teams. It would have been a challenge to complete the amount of research done as one large group in the limited amount of time allowed. However, the Committee is once again whole and as one team will present findings to the Council. And, keeping in mind the Committee represents the public and needs to listen to what the public says. The Executive Committee will gather the Committees thoughts, digest survey results and the open houses, and then begin to draft of the report. The draft report will be presented to the Committee at the next meeting for comments, thoughts, and statements. Technology will be utilized to gather everyone's input before completing the final report. Discussion followed about the responsibilities of the City as the owner of the building vs. tenants or partners regarding building maintenance. Other brainstorming followed. 2 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\02 23 12 Meeting Minutes SC Terry stated the Committee is scheduled to present to the City Council in April. The Committee will be made aware exact date and time once finalized. Members of the committee will do the actual presentation and City staff will create the PowerPoint Presentation from the materials provided by the Committee. A compliment was made about the 21 member team,which is a good number, and that everyone has worked very hard to make this a successful process. Liz Stewart distributed a draft outline for the final report. Liz also gave a brief overview of the timetable and what the report will look like. The presentation will be a synopsis of the report. There was more discussion about what the report will look like and what it will contain. Discussion followed about what happens after the consultant makes their recommendations and how the process would be submitted to the public for approval. There was also discussion about what could be done in the building now without waiting until after the public approval process. There was a request to see reports from other steering committees that had been successful and if they were public record. An initial draft of the report will be available at the next meeting. Next Meeting Thursday, March 8, 2012, 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity Center in the large meeting room on the second floor. Committee members will receive an email reminder with the agenda. Submitted by Teresa Clymer-Flora Secretary of Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee 3 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\02 23 12 Meeting Minutes SC AGENDA _ City of Renton City offt (4i2Tron Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Thursday, January 26, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center Committee Members: 6:30 p.m. 211 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 Gary Barber, Chair 425.460.6633 6:30 p.m. Doors open Marvin Rosete, Vice-Chair Teresa Clymer-Flora,Secretary 6:35 p.m. Announcements and Progress on Downtown Library 6:45 p.m. Tools for Sub-Committee Work: Staff Contacts: Terry Higashiyama—City of Renton 7:45 p.m. Break thigashiyama@rentonwa.aov 425-430-6606 7:55 p.m. Calendar/ Look Ahead Elizabeth Stewart ~City of 8:10 p.m. Break into Sub-Committees Renton estewart@rentonwa.qov 425.255.2330 8:30 p.m. Adjourn Greg Stroh^'City of Renton gstroh@rentonwa.gov 425.430.6614 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Agenda\O1 2012 Meeting SC.doc 12/2/2011 AGENDA City of Renton City of Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Thursday, February 9, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center Committee Members: 6:30 p.m. 211 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 Gary Barber, Chair 425.460.6633 6:30 p.m. Doors open Marvin Rosete, Vice-Chair Teresa Clymer-Flora,Secretary 6:35 p.m. Approval of Minutes 6:40 p.m. Announcements Staff Contacts: Terry Higashiyama City of 6:50 p.m. Calendar Renton Press Release thigashiyama@rentonwa.gov Open House/ February 15, 2012 425-430-6606 Survey Future Meetings 7:05 p.m. Committee Reports (10 minutes each) Elizabeth Stewart City of Interpretive/ Environmental Renton Arts/ Culture estewart@rentonwa.gov "Third Place" / Community 425.255.2330 7:35 p.m. Break Greg Stroh City of Renton 7:45 p.m. Committee Work gstroh@rentonwa.gov 425.430.6614 8:15 p.m. Adjourn February 15, 2012 Open House at the Renton Community Center, Room A 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. tto •61 February 23, 2012 Regular Meeting at the Renton Senior Activity Center 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Agenda\02 09 2012 Meeting SC.doc 12/2/2011 AGENDA _ City of Renton cry of D r t , Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Thursday, February 23, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center Committee Members: 6:30 p.m. 211 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 Gary Barber, Chair 425.460.6633 6:30 p.m. Doors open Marvin Rosete, Vice-Chair Teresa Clymer-Flora,Secretary 6:35 p.m. Approval of Minutes/Committee Reports December 8, 2012;January 26, 2012 Committee Reports; Staff Contacts: February 9, 2012 6:40 p.m. Announcements Terry Higashiyama"City of Articles from Renton Patch and Renton Reporter Renton thigashiyama@rentonwa.aov 425-430-6606 6:50 p.m. Action Items Open House Comments Elizabeth Stewart -City of Survey Results Renton Next Steps Discussion estewart@rentonwa.aov Draft Table of Contents 425.255.2330 8:00 p.m. Calendar Update Greg Stroh City of Renton Thursday, March 8, 2012, 6:30 p.m./ Renton Senior Activity Center gstroh@rentonwa.gov Thursday, March 22, 2012, 6:30 p.m. /City Hall, 7th Floor Council 425.430.6614 Chambers 8:15 p.m. Wrap Up Please review minutes prior to the meeting. Let Diane know if you unable to attend the meeting. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to this process. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Agenda\02 23 2012 Meeting SC.doc 2/20/2012 . . • • LIBERTY PARK 1 "BRARY BUILDING STEERImri. COMMITTEE MEE1 11VG ATTENDANCE INFORM/Ai-ION RENTON LIBRERTY PARK LIBRARY BUILDING STEERING COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 23, 2012 MEETING SIGN-IN SHEET NAME2/23/2012 Norm Abrahamson 1 Gary Barber 171 Pat Bentley It 7, Cheryl Boudreau (-Ni, Pamela Carinoil Teresa Clymer-Flora T Jan Dahl Jonathan Fox 7 Excused Glenn Garrett --9---,L Jamie Greene John Hansen -f Marjorie Hastings y Excused Holly Hawker ctii.z-ti'1 Leone Johnson `41 -<)-4-....-----` Doug Kyes ;-/Vr.-� Ryan IVtclrvin ,f/ Fr Marvin Rosete ‘ Wil Samson Excused :fr., Francine Siverts00v{� '. �1' , Adam C. Smith zb I. --1/7 ?.14 (_) \ CITY STAFF: ( Terry Higashiyama v Elizabeth Stewart Greg Stroh GUESTS: 2/23/2012 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applications\Meeting Attendance Info AGENDA _ City of Renton CITYOFRENTON atoll MAR 23 2012 Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Thursday, February 9, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center Committee Members: 6:30 p.m. 211 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 Gary Barber, Chair 425.460.6633 6:30 p.m. Doors open Marvin Rosete, Vice-Chair Teresa Clymer-Flora,Secretary 6:35 p.m. Approval of Minutes 6:40 p.m. Announcements Staff Contacts: Terry Higashiyama-City of 6:50 p.m. Calendar Renton Press Release thigashivoma@rentonwa.0ov Open House/ February 15, 2012 425-430-6606 Survey Future Meetings 7:05 p.m. Committee Reports (10 minutes each) Elizabeth Stewart -Cityof Interpretive/ Environmental Renton Arts/Culture estewart@rentonwa.gov "Third Place"/Community 425.255.2330 7:35 p.m. Break Greg Stroh~City of Renton 7:45 p.m. Committee Work astroh@rentonwa.aov 425.430.6614 8:15 p.m. Adjourn February 15,2012 Open House at the Renton Community Center, Room A 5:00 p.m.to 7:00 p.m. i February 23, 2012 Regular Meeting at the Renton Senior Activity Center 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Agenda\02 09 2012 Meeting SC.doc 12/2/2011 • .flrJfl Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Meeting Minutes ^' February 09, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center 6:30 pm Check in In Attendance Members: Norm Abrahamson, Gary Barber, Pat Bentley, Cheryl Boudreau, Pamela Carino, Teresa Clymer-Flora,Jan Dahl,Jonathan Fox, Glenn Garrett,Jamie Green,John Hansen, Marjorie Hastings, Holly Hawker, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes, Ryan Mclrvin, Marvin Rosete, Wil Samson, Francine Siverts City of Renton Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Elizabeth Stewart Excused Adam C. Smith, Greg Stroh Absent Sarah Becker, Leeah Brown, Kristi Hartman 6:30 pm Welcome The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Gary Barber. The purpose of this meeting was to have each of the three groups give a quick synopsis of their research and report to the Steering Committee as a whole. The three Groups are: 1. Environmental/ Interpretive 2. Arts &Culture 3. "Third Place"/Community Center Terry Higashiyama reminded everyone what our purpose was: • You represent the Renton citizens • You are a recommending body to the City Council and Mayor • We are not the deciding factor • We are not in competition with each other Terry went on to say the goal tonight is that we are all hearing each other;we all need to listen to make sure that everything makes sense. There will probably be common denominators in all three groups that make sense as a whole. Then it will be what to put on the story boards representing each of the three groups that will be posted at the open house at the Community Center,Wednesday, February 15 from 5:00p.m. to 7:00 p.m. - in Room A. 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\02 0912 Meeting Minutes SC _�flt•Jrl, The recommendations will be presented to the Mayor and City Council in hopes that funds can be allocated in the 2013-2014 Capital Budget to hire a consultant for design and development. 6:35 pm Approval of Minutes Terry Higashiyama continued by going over the packet which was handed out to each member and included the draft survey and minutes from past meetings. The minutes have been e- mailed out to each member however they are still in draft form. Once approved, the minutes will be sent to the City Clerk's office like past approved minutes. 6:40 pm Announcements Terry then gave an update about the ongoing process regarding the petitioners for the "Save the Library"group. Marjorie asked if the petition is successful and the library does not move, is there any purpose for what we are doing, and could this report be used elsewhere in the City? The intent is to stay on track and finalize the report by the end of March. There was a question about the time frame for the new library building. Terry indicated that the former Big 5 Sporting Goods site is in the permitting process prior to demolition with an anticipated completion date of 2013. After the new building is complete, removal of internal furnishings and art work; and any building improvements would move forward. There was discussion on the purchase of the new library site. Information about the Library can be found on the city web site: http://rentonwa.Qov/living/default.aspx?id=842 Norm Abrahamson asked what the purpose of the petition is. Some discussion followed,with Terry indicated that the signature sheets have been submitted to the King County Elections Office for verification and next steps are being reviewed at this time. Norm Abrahamson suggested that the consultant could use elements or a combination of all three groups to create their final recommendation. Terry reiterated that the use does need to have a clear focus. 6:50 pm Calendar Terry stated our next meeting will be held on February 23 at Renton Senior Activity Center beginning at 6:30 p.m. We will bring together the information from the survey,the open house, and our group ideas to create our final report. Team members do not need to do anything else at this time but were encouraged to all attend the open house on February 15 if it fit into their schedule. 6:50 pm Committee Reports At 6:55, roundtable discussion of the three groups to present the findings from their field trips. 2 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\02 09 12 Meeting Minutes SC 111)f Environmental/Interpretive Wil Samson set up the computer and presented the slide show for Francine Siverts to narrate; the first part of the slide show was of the Lewis Creek Visitor Center located at Lewis Creek Park in Bellevue. Lewis Creek is supported by Bellevue Parks&Community Services Department and they staff the park with Rangers. The building is set up to educate children/families about the surrounding nature and wildlife. They offer tours and walks to explore and learn about the surrounding natural areas. There is a feature on the wall of the facility showing pictures of footprints of wildlife in the area. They have taken plaster casts to create footprint molds that refer to animal charts. They hold Arbor Day activities that include planting trees, and the facility is available to rent for banquets, meetings, weddings, etc. Q. Glenn Garrett asked about the park acreage? A. It is a compilation of two or three former farms, and is approximately 100-acres. The next set of slides was from the Mercer Slough Environmental Educational Center(MSEEC), also a City of Bellevue Parks and Community Services partner facility. It is an environmental- education center that includes a visitor center with a catwalk over the slough and a tree house that is a 'green' building whereas the site offers renewable, recycled, and local materials along with sustainably harvested wood used in the construction of the building. It's about 320-acres utilizing a teaching and learning environment. The MSEEC is a collaboration between the City of Bellevue and the Pacific Science Center, and Puget Sound Energy supported the project. The presentation moved to possible partners who may be interested in using the building.The Friends of the Cedar River Watershed would consider having a space in the building to use as a satellite office and a Salmon High School. It could be used for many interactive things,with the water supply and salmon runs, etc. Q. Holly Hawker asked about the locations shown with hundreds of acres and wondered how that would work with Renton's limited space? A. We have miles of trails and river walkways. Potential partners could include the Muckleshoot Tribe, Pacific Science Center, and the University of Washington. Q. Norm Abrahamson stated that there is 23,000 sq. ft. of building. Would you use all of the building for this activity? A.There could be labs,classrooms, and rental facilities. The entire building could be utilized. The members of this group include Gary Barber,Jan Dahl,John Hansen, Marjorie Hastings, Ryan Mclrvin, Wil Samson, Francine Siverts,Adam C. Smith and City Staff Elizabeth Stewart. Arts& Culture Doug Kyes spoke about the field trip to the Schack Art Center in Everett. He would like to see a place where "all the arts are under one roof", including dance studios, galleries, hot rooms, 3 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\02 09 12 Meeting Minutes SC i �(1ff f1 places where kids can get out of the tech world to use their mind and hands to create something. A gift shop and restaurant could be added as well. Q. Norm Abrahamson asked how much of the building would be used. A. Doug said that there could be a café style restaurant with moveable walls to be able to see the dancers or puppet shows, and a deck to sit outside and sip wine and watch the river. Cheryl Boudreau noted that there is a gift shop at the Schack Art Center which rotated artist's works throughout and could be an ever changing shop. Q. Francine Siverts asked how this expands the park system or where the money would come from and is this duplication of an existing program that is already in the City. A. This is not duplication and could enhance current classes. Leone Johnson mentioned a guild membership, art supply sales, space rentals, class sales,workshops, grants and the gift shop as possible revenue sources. Q. Glenn Garrett asked what kept other art places going, what was the secret of their success? A. Doug answered Burien has a location that has been in business for 40 years that staffs two part-time park employees and they charge for classes, rotate teachers, and feature several different art opportunities. The location in Everett has fund raising events, a foundation; and members of the community are great supporters and donors. Team members include Cheryl Boudreau,Teresa Clymer-Flora, Glenn Garrett, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes and City Staff Greg Stroh. "Third Place"/Community Center Holly Hawker presented a vision of the idea of"Third Place", a community gathering place for adults, seniors, couples, children, and teens. There could be moving partitions so the space would be multi-use, which could include a large meeting space for organizations or smaller spaces for gatherings. Revenue could be from organizations using it for meeting space. It could be used for kids to come play and where parents could have coffee. Survey results show that people wanted a coffee shop/cafe/restaurant and retail space of some kind. Two examples of this are Caffe Felice and Luther's Table. Different hours and days could take on different activities, or be focused on different features. Non-profit organizations could utilize the building as well. Computer labs could be brought in for public use. Culinary classes could be taught at the cafe/restaurant. At-risk populations could be brought in to learn trades. Q. Francine Siverts asked what is the possible funding mechanism? A.The cafe/restaurant would be the revenue generator. Q. Glenn Garrett asked if there was anything similar in the area. A. Holly Hawker replied that she had not found any. 4 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\02 09 12 Meeting Minutes SC Q. Glenn Garrett asked if the group had thought of how to manage appropriate drop-in use? A. Holly Hawker said it would up to the consultants and felt that there could be issues with any facility. Francine Siverts stated that it looked like the facility will need to have some kind of cafe/restaurant facility included, regardless of the type of use. Marvin Rosete stated that some other places,such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have open spaces that can be utilized in many different ways simultaneously. Leone Johnson commented on the parking restrictions. Terry Higashiyama mentioned the 200 Mill Building parking and the connection for the tenants leasing space there. Members of this group include Norm Abrahamson, Sarah Becker, Pat Bentley, Pam Carino, Jonathan Fox,Jamie Green, Kristi Hartman, Holly Hawker, Marvin Rosete and City Staff Terry Higashiyama. Terry Higashiyama reminded all about the Open House scheduled for February 15 from 5:00 p.m.to 7:00 p.m. at the Renton Community Center in Room A and that each group will have one story board. Please get the suggested pictures to Wil Samson for formatting as soon as possible. Marvin Rosete asked if we could identify the common elements from all three groups so that we wouldn't have to re-address those. Glenn Garrett said it may be easier to determine what is different. Discussion followed and then the meeting broke into groups for further brainstorming and preparations for the Open House. Teresa Clymer-Flora, Secretary Liberty Park Library Building Steering Committee Next Meeting Thursday, February 23, 2012, 6:30 p.m.—8:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity Center in the large meeting room on the second floor. Committee members will receive an email reminder with the agenda. 5 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\02 09 12 Meeting Minutes SC . LIBERTY PAF"' LIBRARY BUILDING STEE '1NG COMMITTEE MEt i'ING ATTENDANCE INFORMATION NAME l 2/9/2012 Norm Abrahamson Gary Barber Sarah Becker Pat Bentley Q - • Cheryl Boudreau Leeah Brown fr(i7; Pamela Carino Teresa Clymer-Flora Jan Dahl Jonathan Fox Glenn Garrett . Jamie Greene John Hansen Kristi Hartman Marjorie Hastings HollyHawker r. D Leone Johnson Doug Kyes Ryan Mclrvin Marvin Rosete Wil Samson Francine Siverts Adam C. Smith 54144et—Poi-Lh 2/9/2012 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applicatlons\Meeting Attendance Info TR rl rle CITY OF RENTON Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Arts & Cultural Group MAR 02 2012 Meeting Minutes "' January 26, 2012 RECEIVED Renton Senior Activity Center CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Members Attending: Cheryl Boudreau, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes, Greg Stroh/City Staff Excused: Teresa Clymer-Flora Absent: Leeah Brown, Glenn Garrett Visitor: Peter Hartley 6:30 pm Introductions 6:35 pm Online Survey Review There was conversation and discussion about the second online survey and it was requested they provide any input for the content before or at the February 9th meeting. The Arts & Cultural group explored possibilities for the open house display board and it was determined that Doug Kyes had the photo media that they would incorporate. The process was laid out for the group and it was indicated that City Staff would need the layout design including text and images before or at the February 9 meeting. Also discussed was the planning for the future presentation of proposed use to City Council. Peter Hartley offered informational materials from the Pratt Fine Arts Center in Seattle that may be useful in development of the presentation. Next Meeting Thursday, February 9, 2012, 6:30 p.m. —8:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity Center. Committee members will receive an email reminder. 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\Minutes Arts Cultural 01 26 12 CITY OF RENTON Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Environmental / Interpretive Group MAR 02 2012 Meeting Minutes ^' January 26, 2012 RECEIVED Renton History Museum CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Members Attending: Adam C. Smith (Chair) (AS), Gary Barber (GB), Jan Dahl (JD),John Hansen (JH), Marjorie Hastings (MH), Marvin Rosete (MR), Wil Samson (WS), Francine Siverts (FS), Elizabeth Stewart/City Staff) (ES) Guests: Alex Pietsch, Administrator, Community and Economic Development, City of Renton Corey Weathers, Interim Executive Director, Friends of the Cedar River Watershed Charlotte Spang, Program Manager, Friends of the Cedar River Watershed Peter Donaldson, Program Manager, Friends of the Cedar River Watershed 6:30 pm Introductions 6:35 pm Presentation by Alex Pietsch Alex provided some background and an overview of the Salmon Discovery Center proposal that group members had already read. Background: Proposal dates back to 2005, developed as part of CED's mission to improve economic climate in Renton by capitalizing on city's unique assets; a key asset: Cedar River runs through Renton, with one of the last native Chinook salmon runs in the U.S. Place dedicated to cultural, economic, environmental significance of salmon could be uniquely successful in Renton. Idea gained momentum as part of library discussion; Renton History Museum Master Plan consultants—Gyroscope Inc.—also grabbed onto it. Vision: Has the potential to attract sponsors and partners with the kind of funding it would take to make the public use of this building successful; ex. UW and Burke Museum, Muckleshoots, PSE, etc. • Could be a world-class facility that attracts people, with amazing multimedia experiences. • An example that AP likes is the Visitors Center at Mt. St. Helens, in which visitors see an amazing film, then the screens lift up, and you see the volcano. • AP has also collected technology ideas like a wall showing the salmon runs in a digital format. • There are only two other salmon museums in the world—in Nova Scotia and Japan. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\Minutes Env 0126 12 GB: Is there some goal that could be accomplished, or a need that this center would fill, one that we can point to? Could this center gain national notoriety for education or scientific contribution? AP: It's in line with environmental imperative to ensure clean water, protect the salmon runs, educate the public about environmental issues, etc. JH: maybe what we need is a bulleted list of activities, users, and partners AP: 22,000 sq ft will go pretty fast. 7:15 pm Presentation by Friends of the Cedar River Watershed (Friends) Friends introduced themselves and their areas of interest: • Charlotte runs Cedar River Salmon Journey program, providing salmon docents during runs in October and November at locations along the Cedar River in Renton and Landsburg Dam. • Corey is interim ED for Friends; expertise in facility development. • Peter runs Friends' Watershed Report program, which trains high school students to research and produce short educational videos on watershed issues and present them to Chambers, elected officials, businesspeople and the other members of the public. Friends are enthusiastic about participating in an environmental /salmon center in Renton— ideas that appealed to them: • Interpretive center to enhance the salmon-viewing experience for visitors. • satellite office for Watershed Report, salmon docent, and habitat restoration programs. • a base for partnership opportunities with the school district (possibly even a magnet school, enrichment, or running start program, "Salmon Nation High School") • co-location in an innovation center with other environmental organizations. Charlotte: Renton Library is the busiest and most unique site for salmon-viewing; docents get the most interactions there and the quality of interactions is the best (one visitor said the salmon watching was "better than The March of the Penguins"). All saw Renton as offering a unique experience: • unique natural assets: river, salmon, parks and trails system, Riparian Forest, access to Lake Washington. • already high interest in salmon runs. • growing interest in film (SIFF Renton, FilmFrenzy) complement Friends' film training for Watershed Reports and PSSHTaIks (like TEDTaIks, only "Puget Sound Starts Here," pronounced "pish-talks"). • no environmentally oriented high school programs nearby; nearest is ORCA (Ocean Research College Academy)with Everett Community College. Corey described possible business/funding models, encouraged group to think broadly—what do funders want? What do people want to see happen? H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\Minutes Env 0126 12 2 • Education innovation the most fundable activity—funders want transformative programs, "local living textbook" in which students interact with living stuff and community problem-solving is their report card. • Funders don't want curricula, they want new ways of looking at things, which could also draw people to the region (For example, IslandWood can only accommodate 3500 kids a year, but would like to do more.) • Have to think about different opportunities—what can happen in the evenings and on weekends, for example? During seasons when salmon aren't running? MH raised concern about local feelings; because of strong community feeling for the building, how do needs of Rentonites fit with regional draw? 8:10 p.m. Next Steps Group discussed next tasks to be completed. • Poster and presentation, due Feb. 9. o Photos to Adam and Wil; bullet points to Francine. Francine will present on February 9, with Adam's assistance. • Survey, posted from February 10–21. o Marjorie knows someone who can assist with survey; Liz will follow up with Terry H. • Presentation, PowerPoint, and poster, due for public meeting February 15. o Everyone who can attend will be there. • Group meeting to narrow options, February 23. Next Meeting Thursday, February 9, 2012, 6:30 p.m. –8:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity Center. Committee members will receive an email reminder. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\Minutes Env 01 26 12 3 Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee CITY OFRENTON Third Place / Community MAR 0 2 2012 Meeting Minutes "' January 26, 2012 RECEIVED Renton Senior Activity Center CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Members Attending: Pat Bentley, Pamela Carino, Jonathon Fox,Jamie Greene, Kristi Hartman, Holly Hawker, Marvin Rosete,Terry Higashiyama/City Staff. Absent: Norm Abrahamson, Sarah Becker, Kristi Hartman 6:30 pm Introductions 6:35 pm Group Discussions Jonathan brought a friend and fellow Renton resident to give some input regarding assuring that meeting space is included in the new community space. Some issues of importance discussed are having versatile/expandable meeting space that is affordable/free to community groups and can be reserved in order to plan meetings in advance. In anticipation of the open house scheduled for February 15,the group has been assigned the task of developing a presentation board to show off our committee's vision of the new space. The committee has committed to the following assignments: Jonathan: Will evaluate meeting space and present examples of our vision including moveable walls to allow for various sized meetings. Pam: Will evaluate children's/family activities, such as a traveling interactive exhibit or a play area. Pat: Will present the idea of Rota-Care, a weekly free medical clinic. The group is very excited about this idea and feels that it lends a true "community" feeling. Pat will provide pictures/brochure and description of the service. After doing research it was decided that this program would not work at the building. Jamie: Will evaluate entertainment ideas and incorporating a garage doors to open up the building to the outside world. Utilize WI-FI, movie night, open mic, live music, etc...to bring the community to the building for some fun. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\Minutes Community 01 26 12 Marvin: Shared his experience consulting with Ivar's and their marketability research potential and that there are vendors willing to consult and evaluate the space to provide the best use of the food and beverage area. Holly Hawker: Will provide examples of food and beverage models such at Luther's Table and Café Felice as successful community meeting places with meal and revenue potential. Pat suggested, and the group embraced,the idea of getting the Veteran's or some other community group interested in the Luther's Table all volunteer model. This model naturally brings the community together. Each committee member will provide photos and /or verbiage to support the vision of their assignment. If someone who wasn't at tonight's meeting has photos or explanations to contribute, please submit all photos/diagrams/ideas to Holly by Feb 2, 2012, in order to allow time for the ideas to be cemented and presentation boards to be created. Please email to Holly at hhawker6( comcast.net. The next meeting will be Feb 9th at the Renton Senior Center to finalize the layout for the presentation board. Next Meeting Thursday, February 9, 2012, 6:30 p.m. —8:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity Center. Committee members will receive an email reminder. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2012\2012 Minutes\Minutes Community 0126 12 2 LIBERTY PARK LIBRARY BUILDING STEERING COMMITTEE MEE1 IG ATTENDANCE INFORI\ -TION NAME 9/28/2011 10/20/2011 l 11/17/2011 112/8/2011 1 1/26/2012 I • Norm Abrahamson x x x x NIA Stuart Avery x x x x Resigned Gary Barber x x x x x Sarah Becker x x x x NIA Pat Bentley x x x x x Cheryl Boudreau x x x x x Leeah Brown x Excused NIA Excused NIA Pamela Carino x x x x x Lorene Clough Cannot continu Teresa Clymer-Flora x x x x Exused Larry Crim _ NIA NIA Cannot continu Jan Dahl x x x x x Jonathan Fox Excused x x x x Glenn Garrett x x x Excused NIA Jamie Greene x x x Excused x John Hansen x x x x x Kristi Hartman NIA x x NIA NIA Marjorie Hastings NIA x NIA NIA NIA Holly Hawker Excused NIA x x x Mark Hergert x Excused Cannot continue Leone Johnson x x Excused x x Doug Kyes x x x x x Ryan Mclrvin x x Excused x x Carol McPherson NIA Cannot continue Jeff Nordberg NIA Cannot continue Sandra Polley Excused Cannot continue Marvin Rosete x x x x x Wil Samson x x x x x Francine Siverts x x x x x Adam C.Smith x x x x x Mara Swenson NIA Cannot continue Judith Tabak NIA Cannot continue Dustin Toms NIA Cannot continue Colin Walker Resigned Dean Zinck MA NIA NIA 10/20/11 VISITOR Tracy Compton/Renton Reporter 11/17/11 VISITOR Peter Hartley 01/26/12 VISITOR Peter Hartley 3/1/2012 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applications\Meeting Attendance Info rr— Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee No Meeting Due to Inclement Weather Meeting Canceled Renton Senior Activity Center 1 I . • 1 I . ^� . • A • - .• , Next Regular Meeting January 26, 2012 Renton Senior Activity Center 6:30 p.m. 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\December 2011 CITY OF RENTON Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee MAR 02 2012 Arts & Cultural Subcommittee Site Visit Minutes RECEIVED January 7, 2012 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE In Attendance Members: Cheryl Boudreau, Teresa Clymer Flora, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes, City of Renton Staff: Greg Stroh Absent Members: Glen Garrett Guest Arts Commission: Marilyn Edlund, Peter Hartley, Britt McKenzie, Barb Nilson, Other: Lisa Stroh The group met at Renton City Hall at 8:30 a.m. and was driven by Greg Stroh in a 13 passenger van provided by the City of Renton. The first stop was to the Schack Art Center in Everett, arriving at 10:00 a.m. The group separated and explored the space. The exhibit during the visit was "Mesh" by Lanny Bergner. At the end of the exhibit there was a door that opened to classrooms and studios that included a hot shop and a Flame and Kiln studio for classes. They also had twp Studios open and two future Studios coming soon from their future capital campaign. There was a gift shop at the entrance that sold many of the artist's works from paper to glass and everything in between. One item of interest was a large window that posted all the private and corporate donors that support the Schack Art Center. Their website is: www.schack.org. The group left the Schack Art Center around 11:30 a.m. to visit the Kirkland Art Center. Upon our arrival we realized they were closed and had no exhibits. Their website is: kirklandartscenter.org. Notice across the street was another gallery, Gallery Wine &Art that the group was able to tour as the owner was open due to a delivery from a new exhibiter. This was a very small facility and the owner was very helpful and answered many questions. The website for this gallery is: www.gallerywineart.com. A few members of the group went to "Arlon Rosenoff Fine Art"just up the street. This gallery sold the owner's art onsite and the owner was very helpful to the team members. The group returned to City Hall at 1:30 p.m. ending the site visits. 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\December 2011 AGENDAOF RENrnti City of Renton MAR 02 2012 1.qty of - j ( 411 IT)n� RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Thursday, December 08, 2011 Renton Senior Activity Center Committee Members: 6:30 p.m. 211 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 Gary Barber, Chair 425.460.6633 6:30 p.m. Doors open Marvin Rosete, Vice-Chair Teresa Clymer Flora,Secretary 6:35 p.m. Announcements and Progress on Downtown Library 6:45 p.m. Tools for Sub-Committee Work: Staff Contacts: Sub-Committee Workshop and Site Checklist Terry Higashiyama -City of Renton 7:45 p.m. Break thigashiyama(a rentonwa.gov 425-430-6606 7:55 p.m. Calendar/ Look Ahead Elizabeth Stewart -City of 8:10 p.m. Break into Sub-Committees Renton Please designate a leader and report to Chair estewart(rentonwa.gov 425.255.2330 8:30 p.m. Adjourn Greg Stroh ^'City of Renton gstroh(aJrentonwa.gov 425.430.6614 Fi:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2011\Agenda\12 2011 Meeting SC.doc 12/2/2011 • Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Meeting Minutes ^' December 08, 2011 Renton Senior Activity Center 6:30 pm Check in In Attendance Members: Norm Abrahamson, Stuart Avery, Gary Barber, Sarah Becker, Pat Bentley, Cheryl Boudreau, , Pamela Carino, Teresa Clymer-Flora,Jan Dahl,Jonathan Fox, John Hansen, Holly Hawker, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes, Ryan Mclrvin, Marvin Rosete, Wil Samson, Francine Siverts, Adam C. Smith City of Renton Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Elizabeth Stewart, Greg Stroh Excused Leeah Brown, Glenn Garrett, Jamie Green Absent Kristi Hartman, Marjorie Hastings 6:30 pm Welcome Gary Barber called the meeting to order and began with introductions. 7:05 pm Announcements and Progress on Downtown Library Terry Higashiyama went over the previous meeting's documents and ensured everyone was up to date with all of the available information. She mentioned that handouts from the previous meeting would always be available in the back of the room. She then briefly discussed upcoming information about the King County Library plans and went over the results of the survey. 7:10 pm Sub-Committee Work Tools Terry talked about the sub-committee workshop and site checklist and stated that since there were only one or two people signed up for the "historical" group, it would be incorporated into the other three groups. Each group will address the historical elements as well as their assigned topic. The three groups are: Community Arts and Culture Interpretive Center Terry also discussed the survey that was posted and available for two weeks. There were a total of 87 responses with 44 responses classified as "other/to keep the Library". Those are 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\December 2011 r<sflffrl ') discounted as that is not a viable option. Marjorie Hastings asked if people were able to respond more than once and Terry said the survey was set up to only accept one response per computer. The survey findings are to be used in group meetings. Terry announced that the King County Library System will host an open house at the Pavilion on December 14 to present the current schematic drawings for the new building. All are invited to attend. At the last meeting Kristi Hartman inquired about keeping a portion of the building as a children's library and Terry advised that this is not a feasible option but there would be a large children section in the new library building. The Gateway Park, which is already part of the City park network, will be more useable once the new library is complete and people will be able to look from the Piazza straight into the Library, giving it a Northwest feel. Terry handed out a sub-group worksheet, which was created by Glen Garrett, to document discussions within each group. Each group should have a scribe to jot down the thoughts created during their discussions. Sub-group titles, staff liaisons, and leadership members are as follows: Arts and Culture: Greg Stroh and Teresa Clymer-Flora Community: Terry Higashiyama and Marvin Rosete Interpretive Center: Liz Stewart and Gary Barber Each sub-group will create a mission and goal explaining each group's purpose and include a feasibility statement that explains the economic vitality. Also, each should have an initiative statement to include what their purpose brings to the community. Information can be obtained by talking with people, visiting other library locations, and by using the internet and finding what other plans have experienced. As an example Greg Stroh went online and using the search engine "Google" entered "Arts & Culture" and the returned results were more than three pages of informational topics. Each group will be required to explain the benefits of their proposed building use, such as: no other facility nearby, or that it brings unique educational opportunities to the City. Also, how does the idea enhance the currently adopted Master Plans? And, define the organizational management elements. What type of activities would support the use, i.e. children's and or adult activities, and what activities are not included. Who are potential partners; both economic and educational, or managerial. The goal is to present Council with enough information, and how that information was obtained, so they can put the information into conceptual recommendations to hire a consultant to expand on the ideas presented and that it is supported by the budget. 2 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\December 2011 • �it�flf�'ft� Innovative ideas are what catch people's attention and get their support. Other thoughts included: are there alternative methods of funding such as membership, fees, entry fees, grants? Gary Barber mentioned that he thought the sub-group checklist will assist the groups in asking the same questions to get a consistent framework of knowledge regarding each site visited. He recommended including photos and any available documentation. Copies of the materials can be obtained by contacting Terry or Liz. Norm Abramson asked about how the three sub-groups were formed. The sub-groups were developed from the first meeting in the brainstorm sessions as well as ideas received from the public open house held at the Renton Community Center on November 15, 2011. Gary Barber mentioned that there may be some cross-over-'s, but there are specific elements that fall into one or another of the three groups and the idea is to concentrate on the sub- group first, then how the capacities may enhance existing facilities or improve them. Teresa Clymer-Flora asked about possible field trips and Terry said that the City staff liaison for each group could help organize field trips to specific sites. If a Saturday tour is requested, the City can provide a van to take the entire sub-group. She mentioned that there is more credibility when you go as a group from the City as opposed to individually, however there is also some benefits of being a "secret shopper". Francine Siverts asked if the group should wear name tags when they go to other facilities and Terry said if you go as a group with City support, call ahead and make arrangements, and then once you arrive, introduce yourselves as Steering Committee members from the City of Renton. Jan Dahl said there may need to be a second meeting in February if the goal is to have a fairly evolved plan prior to the open house forum. Cheryl Boudreau asked if it would be possible to have two meetings in February, spaced apart, possibly the 9th and 23rd. If additional meetings are needed for sub-groups, contact Terry and she can arrange to make a room available. Calendar/ Look Ahead • January 19: Monthly Meeting/ Renton Senior Activity Center, 6:30 p.m. ➢ Sub-group work. Room will be reserved but work teams may meet independently. • February 9: Bi-Monthly Meeting/ Renton Senior Activity Center, 6:30 p.m. • February 23: Bi-Monthly Meeting/ Renton Senior Activity Center, 6:30 p.m. ➢ Progress Report. May have another open house. • March 15: Monthly Meeting/ Renton Senior Activity Center, 6:30 p.m. ➢ Council presentation target date is end of March or first of April, prior to the budget cycle. 3 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\December 2011 et, At the open house, the main ideas would be at the top of a page and additional content could be added to supplement those ideas. The total input would be incorporated into the March presentation. Norm asked clarifying questions regarding the meeting schedule. Holly Hawker asked if it was possible to host the open house at the Library; Terry will check on that. Terry and Diane Wagner will send out a calendar for each sub-group as well as the committee. The entire Committee needs to attend the monthly meeting on February 23. These dates will be confirmed by the calendar sent out by Diane Wagner. Doug Keyes asked if Terry could provide electronic images as well as larger size printing if needed. Yes, her staff can accommodate that. If you are unable to attend any future meetings, please make sure to notify Diane Wagner and make sure that your ideas and contributions get submitted to your sub-group so that they can be part of the overall concept. The Committee then broke into sub-groups to continue working and Santa stopped by for a visit. Teresa Clymer-Flora, Secretary Liberty Park Library Building Steering Committee Next Meeting Thursday, January 19, 2012, 6:30 p.m. —8:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity Center. Committee members will receive an email reminder with the agenda. 4 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\December 2011 LIBERTY PARK LIBRARY BUILDING STEERING COMMITTEE • MEE1 .. .G ATTENDANCE INFORJ\ 11-,TION NAME 9/28/2011 10/20/2011 11/17/2011 12/8/2011 Norm Abrahamson x x x x Stuart Avery x x x x Gary Barber x x x x Sarah Becker x x x x Pat Bentley x x x x Cheryl Boudreau x x x x Leeah Brown x Excused NIA Excused Pamela Carino x x x X Lorene Clough annot continu: Teresa Clymer-Flora x ( x x x Larry Crim 1 ' ' Cannot continu:j Jan Dahl x x x x Jonathan Fox x x x Glenn Garrett x x x Excused Jamie Greene x x x Excused John Hansen x x x x Kristi Hartman NIA x x NIA Marjorie Hastings NIA x NIA NIA Holly Hawker Excused NIA x x Mark Hergert x Excused Cannot continu:' Leone Johnson x x Excused x Doug Kyes x x x x Ryan Mclrvin x x Excused x Carol McPherson NIA Cannot continue Jeff Nordberg NIA Cannot continue Sandra Polley Excused Cannot continue Marvin Rosete x x x x Wil Samson x x x x Francine Siverts x x x x Adam C.Smith x x x x Mara Swenson NIA Cannot continue Judith Tabak NIA Cannot continue Dustin Toms NIA Cannot continue Colin Walker Resigned Dean Zinck NIA NIA I NIA 10/20/11 VISITOR Tracy Compton/Renton Reporter 11/17/11 VISITOR Peter Hartley 01/26/12 VISITOR Peter Hartley 3/1/2012 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applications\Meeting Attendance Info AGENDA • City of Renton cmroFRENroN C1 MAR 02 2012 RECEIVED Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Thursday, November 17, 2011 Renton Senior Activity Center Committee Members: 6:30 p.m. 211 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 Gary Barber, Chair 425.460.6633 6:30 p.m. Doors open Marvin Rosete, Vice-Chair Teresa Clymer Flora,Secretary 6:35 p.m. Committee Objectives and Goals 7:00 p.m. Presentations Staff Contacts: • Renton History Museum Plan—Elizabeth Stewart • Arts and Cultural Plan—Jennifer Davis Hayes Terry Higashiyama-City of Renton 7:25 p.m. Work Plan thigashivamaPrentonwa.aov • Sub-Groups 425-430-6606 7:45 p.m. Calendar/Look Ahead Elizabeth Stewart ~City of 8:05 p.m. Communications Renton estewartPrentonwa.aov 425.255.2330 8:20 p.m. Concluding Thoughts/Questions Greg Stroh -City of Renton gstroh(a rentonwa.aov 425.430.6614 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2011\Agenda\112011 Meeting SC.doc October 14, 2011 • Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee , Meeting Minutes November 16, 2011 Renton Senior Activity Center • . 6:30 pm . Check in • In Attendance Members: :Norm Abrahamson, Stuart Avery, Gary Barber, Sarah:Becker, Pat Bentley,_Cheryl .. . Boudreau, Pamela.Carino,Teresa Clymer- Flora,Jan Dahl,Jonathan Fox, Glenn Garrett,Jamie Green;John Hansen, Kristi Hartman, Holly Hawker, Doug Kyes, Marvin Rosete, Wil Samson, :Francine Siverts,.Adam C. Smith . City of Renton Staff: .Terry Higashi_yama, Elizabeth Stewart, Greg Stroh,Jennifer Davis Hayes Guests: Peter Hartley, Renton M nicipal Arts Commission Chair Excused : • Leone Johnson, Ryan Mclrvin Absent • Leeah Brown, Marjorie Hastings 6:30 pm Welcome./Objectives&Goals. Elizabeth Steward introduced Gary Barber,Committee Chair. Gary talked about the purpose of the group and spoke briefly about the Open House, held on Tuesday November 14, 2011. Ground Rules: • Remember that you are representing the City of Renton • • Be an active listener • • Try out new ideas • Respect the team • Objectives: • Develop:a:series of preferable options for use of the Library building at 100 Mill Ave S.that: :. • . Benefit the public • • Economically:feasible • Enhance enjoyment of nearby civic assets such as the Cedar,River, Liberty park;and the History Museum 6:45 p.m. Presentations::Elizabeth Stewart, Renton History Museum Master:Plan Elizabeth Stewart presented the Renton History Museum's Master Plan, completed in spring of 2010. The Master Plan can be viewed on the City website at: . http://rentonwa.gov/living/default.aspx?id=25536 .1/ Their r, Their mission is to document, preserve, interpret and educate about Renton's heritage in ways that are accessible to diverse people of all ages. - The Master Plan kick off was July 2009. The Museum is a public/private partnership with two paid employees and approximately 400-members. The Plan recommended that the Museum stay in their present location given their current financial conditions. Aerial photographs were displayed showing the relationship between the Museum and Liberty Park, and City Center The consultants suggested the following improvements: • Banners to linkthe Veterans Memorial with the Museum • Move the log and rail car • Add an exterior plaza • Fewer permanent exhibits • Move lobby to north side:by-plaza Plans are moving forward,despite the economic recession.: Elizabeth commented on the theft of the Bigfoot is Probably Real and said PEMCO Insurance gave a gift to replace it. Elizabeth then answered questions with points of interest.below: • Thecurrent site is space-sufficient.: • The study emphasized the exterior of the building so the Museum is looking at changes that will bring more people in and make the building more exciting and noticeable. • The.cost to update the building was approximately one-million dollars,estimated in 2010.. • In regards to the freeway/traffic master plan,the hope would be that Mill Avenue would • become a one-way street to reduce the risk of head-on collisions. .: .. • The Museum is currently:,working on building a strong base of involvement and financial support :for future growth.. .: • •. ' For the Museum to move into the current downtown Library location would bea big leap at this • time because it is approximately four times larger than the current space. • It was suggested the City make a visual connection from the Library building:to the Museum. 7:15 Presentations Continued: Jennifer Davis Hayes,Arts and Cultural Plan Jennifer Davis-Hayes with City of Renton Economic Development and.Peter Hartley; Chair of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission:presented the Arts&Cultural Plan. It can be viewed on the Renton City website at: htth://rentonWa.gov/Ro.Vernment/default.asWid=27098. • The Arts and Culture Master Plan,funded by the of Renton, has a link to diversity, educational and economic benefits. The plan focuses on what the community can do to help s;upportarts and culture in Renton. It utilized a 50-member Steering Committee to create the Plan. One of the recommendations would be to create lighting on one or more of the Cedar River bridges. Currently there are various committees working on different pieces of the Master Plan. Part of the study has to do with funding and fundraising. . 2 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library.Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\November 16,2011 f • , t Reston • Jennifer answered questions with points of interest below: • It was suggested contact be nnade with the Junior League n Seattle. They have an:amazing program that does many of the things the City is looking for without reinventing the wheel. • No specific art.project is currently being considered at the Library building. • It was asked and confirmed that Doug Keyes is a member of the Arts Commission. • There are several art centers in the region run by non-profit organizations and there is a -. volunteer committee working on a plan for Renton, but no current plans for a City operated facility dedicated to art in Renton. • In an art center there is classroom-studio-gallery-performance-and work space. Also spaces where people can come instruct and attend workshops. • It was noted that the City of Burien:has had an art center for 40-years. . • • It was noted:that Redmond converted their library.into a teen center. 7:45 p.m. Work:Plans/Sub Groups Terry gavea brief update on the Steering Committee Survey; located on the Renton City Website,and. • open until November 24, 2011. Marvin Rosete spoke about the recent Open House/Public Meeting at the Renton Community Center.' He thanked everyone who attended and reminded everyone that no decisions have been made. Everyone was.encouraged to look at]what can be done with the existing space, in the whole process, looking at the whole.building. Five main categories have been captured: • Interpretive Center . • : Community Event.Center • :Creative Art Center ' • Historical . • Multi-purpose There was discussion about sub-committees exploring each type of center and reporting back to the main group with one person acting asa point to:research alternatives. Kristi Harman mentioned she represents almost 60 families in the downtown Renton area that are hoping to build on:a children,. specific library or family resource center. Gary Barber suggested adding children/youth specific resource' center to the list but recommended staying away from using the term "library".: More ground can be ' covered to see what's feasible if the group staysfocused and be more generic with terms Stuart Avert said you can:have"educational purposes without calling the-building a library. . : Elizabeth Stewart recommended the group break into sub-groups to focus on each main category so four groups were formed as follows:! • Community: Multi-purpose building, bring people in,'open for events, public access, needs staff • Environmental: Interpretive, educational, hands-on,etc. • Arts/Cultural: Creative arts, hands-on, studio,work place, educational,etc. • Historical: Educational programs, broader than specific city, not specific displays - 3 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\November 16,2011 7:45 p.m. Calendar/Look Ahead Terry Higashiyama mentioned that City staff would be available on a Saturday to provide a tour of different Cities facilities to explore what they have and assist in narrowing down the options that would be provided to the Renton City Council. Doug Keyes recommended the all members tour as one group. Glen Garret will provide specific questions to use for the field trips. Next Meeting Thursday, December 8,2011, 6:30pm—8:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity Center. Committee Members will receive an email reminder with agenda. • •• • • • 4 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\November 16,2011 • City of Renton Renton Liberty Park Library Building Steering Committee • SUB-6 ',OUP SFE CN- ECK LOST DATE: Name of Site / Contact: •Community use and advantages: What lessons have your learned? Distinct Features: • • • • General Observations: • • • 11,101( e tlif l e digitalf- t graph*rand-rit-m t ketin''emateria.6.1 po Bible <ci ai enton H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2011\Worksheet • City of Renton ataCril .,. Renton Liberty Park Library Building Steering Committee SUR-GROUP WORKSHEET 1. Title of Project: r • 2. Establish sub-group team / and leader 3. Mission and goals of proposal 4. 'Feasibility: a. Does the proposal promote economic vitality to community? b. What benefits can be derived from the project? c. How does the.proposal enhance current adopted Master Plans? d. Define organizational / management structure of the proposal. e. What type of activities are included / excluded? f. Who are the potential partners in the project? g. What are the possible alternatives for funding? I-1:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Stee.ing Committee\2011\Worksheet • f Vii, ,,.„= r ' o enton Comm.Smiles DcpNmml Survey.Results - Page 1 of 2 I =�:l.j.,f-7°'i.;ice;i.;.•rnSj. P `^i IIicex �E_x� i�''4 �y,.. .ia� �u T fir . i . I -c rt, y_ `, . iA Survey Results -d,. 4;yervueyvy • I'Pt1iIav€ruravl Indrvi tial Reslionse- Export DOA • Liberty Park.Facility Steerin,Ig Committee Respondents: 87 displayed, 87 total Status: Open Launched Date: 11/04/2011 Closed Date: 11/24/2011 Display: Display all pages and questions � Manage Filtdrs o filters I C $11 Resuils Disabled L. If you could choose your top three picks for new uses to be located in the Liberty Park Library Building what would they be? Please select three from the following list: Response Response Total Percent Community Center . , 14 160/0 Day Care •6 7% I Art Center/Studio/Gallery . . 21 240/0 1 Environmental Interpretive 15 170/0 Center Ancillary Retail Uses (i.e.coffee 18 • 21% shop, deli,etc.) Multi-cultural Center , ,_. • i 7 80/0 Community Outreach (job • . 9 10'/ seeker classes,etc.) . Adult Education 2 2% Community Meeting Space 9 10% Children's Museum 11 139/0 Performing Arts Center • • 9 10% Other, please specify,_•Y''a . i 44 510/0 Total Respondents 87 2. How important is the integration of sustainable (green) methods and technologies into this facility,especially given the building's unique location spanning the Cedar River? • Response Response , Total Percent Not Critical • • • . 12 15% Somewhat Important , . 12 15% Neutral • • 14 17% Important • 10 12% Very Important 29 36% ( No Opinion 4 5% I • Total Respondents 81 (skipped this question) 6 3. Given the inclusion of any one of your choices in question #1 in the new facility, how often would you likely visit the 1_,—.//...._......,._---.4. _..._/O_1,.,,4.o,,.., ---KTorr/D.,.,,.14-/1,-,NTS.«.nor,v7Tli or<7n1FTXcor1 ar—Vae R,Qnr , 11 I')52/9111 • Survey Results Page 2 of 2 • new building? • Response Response Total Percent Multiple Times Daily • 0 0% Daily i 1 1% , Multiple Days per week 17 21% Weekly • 23 • 28% Monthly 24 29% , On occasion • 17 21% Total Respondents 82 (skipped this question) 5 • 4 Would you be interested in being on a mailing list to follow the Committee's work? Response Response Total Percent Yes 31 39% No • 48 61% Total Respondents 79 (skipped this question) 8 • 5. Would you (or anyone you know) be(Interested in coming to speak or present to the Committee in support of your • choices in question #1? If so, please provide contact information: Response Response Total Percent Yes 11 16% • No • 56 81% • Contact Information Yt°! 6 9% Total Respondents 69 (skipped this question) 18 6. Other comments. • View responses to this question (..,.11,21!„„) • Total Respondents 35 (skipped this question) 52 • • ClassApps.com ©2006 • SelectSurvey.NET • • • • 1 ' t-,rr„•iirP„tn,,,,Pt nrcrl 1pi'tS„rypvNF.T/RPs„ItsfverView.asnx?DisniavHeader=Yes&Surv... 11/28/2011 • • . • f _ Yur ?a Q' i,Lir ~..rv�,.•.}.i::f t;:;.'';"' `�' ..q•1, ■ or„ i '. •;3;7 .;:' 'f:;:; ;' ,:,.;..,. "`;.A 4. ICI N G R• • =J • coUNTY lc, I � ,u fir.,, m.tu. , it,� r�:o 4 LIBRARY s.; ;,- „•,,;,, .� SYSTEM1 � '1't r ® I• 1;•,.1 011C J *:j ,, o r, r� New Renton Dovintovin. library Wednesdcyo Decembers V4 - . 6:30-8pm • Benton Pavilion Event Centerr 233 Burnett Avenue S ' • Renton, WA 98055 ' You are invited to see the current designs for the • new Renton Downtown Library as presented by the architectural team from the Miller Hull Partnership. Attendees are encouraged to park at the City Center. Garage,located at 655 South 2nd Street.First two hours free.Please follow instructions on parking machines. For more information,please contact Dri Ralph,425.369.3 487. Turn to us. The choices will surprise you. 052 • ACCESSIBLE • • • • • , � , If 1 °'..tri• ``�1.1 ` • e. 'T ` c ''• 7 r1 t i• ,,�t�o' -� ''L'-,'`I I, , , >-• v T O••4, a. , : -ijci.it\ , . , _j .x h ,1` 1;-",•• :- :--.7.4,.-••:.— _ Inv' ..` i��t 3'Cs �9i p�Y{�,���r1°j fi . , "1, _I. ., 61 ' li:. 471 . .5 �d tip,ae,o-a p, ^,+yyAyl,� p . 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' '_:'f,Ch, _ [,i ,',a a';{r •i.^'•i J2ti' Cl' •1,....` J: !.r'-'::,.••77,6, 1— ,, ,---\ ,. ,i' +t 'fy���1�r-.r �J:.w•!5S art rel •I 1 EX 'f )��`;•� • . tt'i ..t... :�' 'ice' a ila i �' •t � � •-, , i., , SIS ' Vii , I.-„ '' •- '�• \4 ,''<`'';€'t � c _ , ;moi J, r :1” i :• ,. y{' �'r""'`--z._- . - .e',,,R°seas'cn.=mmssasm ie.n t�a_. v. .ti .,:•1 I :y v' i ,,r '.—' _'£: It ,.j ._ 4 • • pj, �? j; i,.,':,4':`‘".'.',2,'•,',:-„;::,. i , r.Y+i:t+. k ..:h"4 .4 2...,. +. Fi� S .t ,isr F. r c v ) i{!<, r'',;;-.1,•',..",‘,t, ey l' { .<?' `may � ;',•‘'..,1 •r.tlr • ',. :i' L. e .,_: _ •_ _ _11,' `u Hip ,,il {� • 39r 7-- , J EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . I . . • Opportunities abound for arts and culture in Renton. Renton's physical attributes, its spirit of community involvementland partnerships,its•creative businesses,and the strong character of the • people will shape Renton's future as an arts center. This Arts & Culture Master Plan identified the following vision through an extensive public involvement process: Renton aspitles to be a center for arts and culture where traditional and contemporary arts thrive and creative industries are cultivated. ' The arts are an increal ingly important part of Renton's future as Renton grows and evolves to be a 21st century urban/center.The economy in 2010 is knowledge-based and it relies on creative i workers:creative workers who want to live in a community that offers diverse arts experiences. I Renton is home to theatres, dana studios, visual art, performing arts, and literary arts. The ' historic Downtown core is emerging as an arts district destination. Residents engage in the arts on a frequent basis and believe that Renton offers many interesting arts activities,according to a survey conducted ai part of this master plan. - The City of Renton initiated an arts and culture master plan in 2009 because the City recognized• that there is a strong nexus between the arts and the attributes that make a vibrant community. The City tasked the Renton Municipal Arts Commission to undertake a planning process that would engage the/community and set priorities for arts resources. This plan is the result of participation by hundreds of people in the greater Renton area who volunteered their time to support this process and the development of arts and culture opportunities. The commitment and energy generated by the participants in this planning process is especially noteworthy because this plan was created during a time of the deepest recession in the nation since the Great,Depression. The can-do attitude of the participants shows their belief in the • 1k I4tr = ' !., , �? o / 47t c. 4! ! 101' t 4, ."11 } , i:: .144 - , 4 j 'Y -ftre/c."% .' i Rh. - ,l'!•;., •,•,' \:1 4., jj,P:"7,7::'..:'..,•-,".;,,s, - . ' Ir\-„,;„,,i',,) ii ,,4',,' JAC, -Z., .f , .1 .:- .2-.7.''- '"*.""..,I:A,1. ,,r.. ; ': ;r:(A.1,441.C...,4..,....,I?.i". ri f PI . Arts&Culture Master Plan open house;April 2010 •• City of Renton Arts and Culture Master Plan • August 9,2010 - 1 . I J 1 • J to-i...-.,,,;, *, :,---, fl. __ _ - .• ) . , ` .4",rr �s " tr, F ! .1<��rrT' )1111 p'' t '�• '3 a1 ,f`'.1.11414 r`f fin ' •ui d.-Kt r r,;, x t k 11711 i, 'Lre. "C riifi ' � T A, -*- �„ 3 g n 4 n 74 0 ,�, _�' . -0 4.a. _ l 5 Kik slijgArgiari.rc ti ex���.t►±—ixl_Y\Jai \\hl ISI"nom.'-rpr '''i ` '.31 t , .1,, - y// J /ttk .. _ .. i f ` Aw i ‘6,:•4,.*1 ' t y 4r../ Capturing the community's imagination with a galvanizing project such as lighting Renton's bridges I economic benefit of the arts and the resilience of volunteers who are passionate about the arts and culture. - This plan provides steps toward achieving this vision.The following strategies were prioritized to move Renton's art vision forward I • Undertake activities to build awareness among all people about all aspects of the arts and • increase connections among existing groups and supporters •Capture the community's imagination with a galvanizing project •Work with City elected leaders and staff to advocate for policies that support the arts and creative businesses—ranging from economic development,to parks,transportation and other services • Ensure the continuation of live iperforming arts in Renton by developing sustainable operating • •models for the Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center,Carco Theatre,and Renton Civic Theatre • Investigate the feasibility of creating an arts center gathering space for visual arts,classes,and studios The full report provides details fdr tactics and potential funding sources for each strategy. WHAT'S NEXT? On July 12,2010,this plan was presented to Renton City Council for consideration of adoption. • The implementation of this plan does not rely on the City of Renton alone. Partnerships will be needed to create a lasting impact. It is recommended that the Renton Municipal Arts Commission work in partnership with other community members to begin implementation of the plan.This effort should include at least an annual progress report to the City Council's Community Services Committee and the community documenting activities being taken to implement the plan recommendations. For more information or to assist with the implementation of the plan, please contact arts@ rentonwa.gov or 425-430-6589.' 2 City of Renton Arts and Culture Master Plan • August 9,2010 • ,.. 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'.--. . , . . - . •• ______• i., •.?.• ....._• •_—_, -:-- _ -, - -- P „- ExpERmEN TAL HISTORY. , 1 . . fLii-1 . 9 p R Ci)LI-jEcu .........1 1 ' --=' FEBRUARY 2010 GYROSCOPEINC 1 . ,. .. • • • • • • Section 1: Executive Summary 1 Section 5:Transition Plan 41 0 Key Stages Section 2: Master Planning Process 8 0 A Phased Alternative 0 Overview ---- — G Background Research Section 6: Facilities 45 ,--� Kickoff Meeting - o The Site 0 What We Heard Report -- -- --0-The Building 0 Mid-Study Progress Report - --__ Preliminary Findings Report °Program-Related Equipment ---- - ___ _ 0 Preparation of Final Master Plan 0 Comparable Institutions Section 7: Budgets 53 Budget Section 3: Strategic Direction 23 0 Analysis of Capital Sources of Support Vision 0 Potential Sources of Support 0 Key Strategies 0 Operating Budget 0 Audiences Section 4:Public Program 27 Section 8: Appendices 58 Program Types 0 Program Partners 0 Curriculum Connections ' 0 Program Operating Assumptions THE • TABLE OF • CONTENTS • ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS • Renton History Museum Renton Historical Society Board Gyroscope Inc. Special thanks to: Elizabeth P.Stewart,Director Laura Clawson,President Maeryta Medrano,President Mayor Denis Law Sarah lies Sandra Meyer,Vice President Chuck Howarth,Vice President Randy Corman,2009 Renton City Council President Tom Monahan Robin Bathes Justine Roberts,Principal Don Persson,2010 Renton City Council President Dorota Rahn Susie Bressan April Banks,Graphic Designer Terri Briere,Councilmember Daisy Ward Lay Chan Terah Gonzalez,Administrative Assistant Marcie Palmer,Councilmember Louise George Betty Childers Lauren Merker,Administrative Assistant King Parker,Councilmember Pearl Jacobson Phyllis Hunt Tim Phillips,Designer Greg Taylor,Councilmember Michael Jacobs Don Pohlman,Director of Strategic Planning Rich Zwicker,Councilmember Kevin McQuiller - Janet Petipas,Senior Associate Theresa Clymer Bette Anderson Larry Sleeth Earline Bala Vicki Jo Utterstrom Eric Berto Rachel Vdolek - Robert Bonner Kristie Walker Patricia Carroll Barbara Whitehurst Ron Chew Cassie Chinn Mary Clymer Bill Collins Dennis Conte Jay B.Covington Dave Crouse • Donald W.Custer Suzanne Dale-Estey David Daniels • Jennifer Davis Hayes Lynar DeLuca Steven Denison Ila Hemm Terry Higashiyama Robert Hunt Dan Kellogg • Aaron Oesting Alex Pietsch Jenna Pollock Bill Taylor Eric Taylor Rich Wagner James Wilhoit • r ,J.J r• � • , s k SECTIONar EXECUTIVE'� ., ` li�•,f.-� .i�j„"YA ;1J ..;'.�,'?/ j) �-• 1 ,I 1 .a \i "� : I • r , SUMMARY �' i F • 1I f ' \i I( 283 Fourth Street, Suite 201 Oakland,California 94607 I 510.986.0111 I www.gyroscopeinc.com Master Plan:Renton History Museum I 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The mission of the Renton History Museum: The vision of the Renton History Museum: To preserve,document,interpret,and educate about the history of greater Capture the Past, Educate the Present, Inspire the Future Renton in ways that are accessible to diverse people of all ages. Possible Future Projects r - - -. �r�:^..1.rRr' �;'f) u tip., , .. 7 .) t ' j -A ! (}• -„11..,4„• ..f r.''/• :7^I s,i. U. , , , `! '„ ., ` • t� .®r r,ftk8trua[7 B�6it_ .•�a r. -.7'7'4':'..--� , .•._. J s+..-=- y � � s tie.... ..".lea . ,nSW . ( l;- .. _ rung • � ,�+•,—.rf �l � „ • l•; 0`.f4 sa-iF� �.. 4t 1- . ! igo i•- : j l� � � s�; ` . r- 1..„ �� ~ N � �4rt ;.Sy . 1Do .• „..t..4,„,".. �A t *,i[ r •g ` ,. CLI� a ! i • ! ��s t° iTr � �, • _ HEEP GROWWIIIIIG _._._. „-rn.c rfic. L._ . , l',......„i-1,,T11' .-,,. • li. '1,r, -, I 1;.- '7:; -- . . , : ,i'.3,iq,, :,z-i t ' "'''!".t...., - —' .1-`,I , ' ' Aij 4.A.V .. 15 �.. "'l,, We So Oalerent7 i, ' i 1;t�' - h _ 2 I Master Plan: Renton History Museum GYRO S C O P E I N C • • 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • • The Master Planning Process. In June 2009,Renton History Museum(RHM)and the Gty of Renton Background Research Master Planning Information Sources engaged Gyroscope,Inc,a museum planning,architecture and design Gyroscope reviewed existing documents provided by RHM including company from Oakland,California to develop a Master Plan for the the 2007 Strategic Planning Document,the 2007 MAP report,the 2008 Museum's future.With significant input from the Museum staff and CAP assessment,the King County Equity&Social Justice Plan 2008,the board,steering committee,local government,educational and cultural Renton Library Master Plan,Washington State Curriculum,as well as U.S. leaders,as well as a public meeting on October 22,2009,Gyroscope other publications relevant to this project. � Census developed this plan with the following goals: / Renton\`' • We also-reviewed data from various government Web sites to deter- <_ School J! 1 • T6 determine community needs and interests mine demographics,income and educational levels of Renton residents, Tice Dfr[[i[t The ; • To develop a program and facility to meet those needs - population growth potential,land use,cultural events,park and school ` v • To develop strategies for future growth and change locations,and potential annexation:-— ---__ " •'R_1y� Area - -t The History 'Chambe[.f— -___ Museuhs e The planning process took place from July 2009 through January 2010 We analyzed RHM's existing location,its neighbors,its proximity to the f — — f and included weekly conference calls,on-line Web sharing group meet- Library,Liberty Park,and downtown,as well as existing traffic patterns ' `ter ��4 - -= rr8CCO ings,on-line Web presentations,a shared work group Web site setup impacting RHM.We also reviewed data from a large number of compa- b RHM for all participants to exchange ideas and documents,site vis- Y P P 9 rable institutions inthe region and nationally. / Renton History Museum its to other local museums,and phone interviews with ten individuals Renton from the Renton Community and ten local history museums.All of the Project Kickoff Meetings Historical ` �' pity interim reports are induded in the appendices of this document Beginning July 9,2009,Gyroscope facilitated two days of meetings in SOCiety ��' 'Council Renton with Museum staff and trustees,the project Steering Commit • - The planning effort comprised six stages: tee,the Mayor,City Administrative Officer,Council President and other key City staff,and other RHM stakeholders from the community.These f Small, 1. Background Research meetings explored the Museum's current identity in the community, Rotary BUSIr1OS5 Aiea and analyzed the strengths,weaknesses and opportunities of current Renton usiners 2. Project Kickoff Meeting v 9 PP Cultural t exhibits,programs,collections,outreach,publications,research,tech- Sector Teehrrii of 3. What We Heard oology use,retail and amenities. Fund SoUege. 4. Mid-Study Progress Report Funders During this first visit to Renton,Gyroscope toured with RHM staff,the 5. Preliminary Findings existing Museum and off-site storage locations and identified strengths 6. Preparation of Final Master Plan • and weaknesses of the existing facility,its collections,preparation areas, -- public spaces,offices,storage and site. • • 283 Fourth Street,Suite 201 Oakland,California 94607 I 510.986.0111 I www.gyroscopeinc.com Master Plan:Renton History Museum I 3 • • i .'.;::;'-/-17,1k;144-:‘':;:Z;7''. .;>. ;. ,_ , ,.. k :. ;� =�4„s i-i\, SECTION 6 6/f �.:: ::,,b:.;.:,1..9 _: � �j aD. .;� y FA C I L I T I E S ��c Vit' P1,-17:--'7!---`7,--." i's.41 r ii' 1 i Ti: _ t((��.r.__..'' -14 tit . ki i3 w I- '!ff, y:,,, '.-i 1( , �..�; 283 Fourth Street,Suite 201 Oakland,California 94607 I 510.986.0111 I www.gyroscopeinc.com Master Plan: Renton History Museum I 45 . i • 6.0 FACILITIES The.Site • Although EHP will require less in the way of capital improvements,expansion or Goal#4: Goal 45: new construction than some of the other proposed strategic directions,minor • To leverage the Museum's existing assets.Both the Disconnect and Chief • To extend the Museum's ability to offer more programs,events,amenities modifications to the site and building will be needed.A full architectural plan - Seattle Fountain are currently under utilized on the north side of the Museum. and services.Adding a covered outdoor area at the new main entrance of is beyond the scope of this report,but Gyroscope has developed a preliminary Re-locating the Disconnect to the front of the Museum affords much higher the Museum will provide a gathering space for Museum visitors,facility concept for the changes to the site and building to assist in the development of visibility for this artifact and,because of its size and-scale,creates intrigue rentals,special programs,performances,school groups and summer camps. the capital cost estimate and to help communicate RHM's new vision. In addition, while providing some protection from the visual and audible noise from During summer months,this space can be used for workshop projects,festival we have created a list of recommendations for infrastructure upgrades,new traffic.It also offers reassurance to pedestrians by acting as a physical barrier activities,outdoor seating for the café,or even catered events. --fixtures and furnishings and outdoor site improvements to meet the needs of this from the fast moving vehicles,enabling the public to be comfortable on foot new vision. - - and to interact with the front of the Museum. • ---- • Goal#6: -- Gyroscope studied several options for developing the site with the following goals The new site plan also takes-advantage of an existing footpath connecting • To establish the EHP brand as a new perspective on history,emphasizing in mind: Main Avenue with Mill Avenue.By locating the new main nen____tranc-e of the— the experimental in all aspects of the Museum. The site improvements will Museum along this path and adding a new outdoor gathering place,the include additional ligfiting,electrical;WiFi,.sound and signage systems.Each Goal 41: visitor arrival experience is strengthened from both directions.The fountain new EHP program installed at RHM will be coordinated with exterior banners • To create much needed visibility for the Museum as a whole and specifically, now becomes a central and appropriate,iconic element at the beginning of_ and signage to advertise and market the new show and the EHP brand. for each new Experimental History Project installation.With approximately -the visitor's entry sequence. — - 25,000 vehicles passing by every day,this intersection is a prime corner to draw attention to the Museum. Goal 92: ._ ...I- - • �•,, "RHM needs a radical and • To demonstrate significant change at RHM,perceptible by fast moving traffic ""w• ?g I • I I•I I I I-I',L I I I:I . :10•;` `I`�1 visible approach. . " as well as pedestrians.This requires a bold statement,yet also not become a I} �4 distraction to drivers.The intent is for those who pass by either on foot or by 4� VI&IB cars to ask themselves,"What's going on there?I wonder what it is? I better ,; •, ONNECTI• v _ stop by to find out' - •'R+ DOWNT• ,: I.I .I-:I I` V LIB s . 1 _,�n Lear I `� Goal#3: .,- ,�' �u 0.�, "r P a. • •a • To develop the site to demonstrate civic and cultural connections to the `-;;a";,• , �x. t �► - 3 , /�•• ,Qf" downtown,the Veteran's Monument,the Library,and Park.By activating �' 5+ + t w� I'°'= 1', pedestrian routes around the Museumthroughinterpretive elementr,banners, �,Y:' ,.' - r , I �'V 4 4�y� benches and lighting,the Museum becomes a new cultural corner,leading the .I.x.' - way for future development of a cultural district in Renton.With its strong l? S ,I Hl Rallt.'ry " �� .. .4 adjacencies to the Library,Cedar Rive,Park and Downtown,the Museum '`� - '- Lticeum •i# ' 4 .• , • can develop new programs and partnerships through EHP that utilize these - • �;,� :413 • nearby civic assets.Collectively,these new elements raise the visibility of the • :::- ,-` ,, •0: «d`V i PROTECTION Museum and strengthen the pedestrian corridors. /V• ,, • FROM TRAFFIC ®� ' •l �'.. CREATE INTRIGU8, a 4 , 46 I Master Plan: Renton History Museum • G Y R O S C 0 P E I tv C . • 6.0 FACILITIES The Building Existing Museum Space Allocation The building was originally built by the WPA from 1939-1942 as Renton Fire Station c #1.In 2005 the building was listed on the Washington State Historic Register and, according to a 2006 quarterly report by RHM's former Board President,Bob Hunt, the building is eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Bought by Historical g g appeal and,according to the CAP architec- New Cociety July 200f. Although the building has tremendous a Lang-tens desired Collections tura)assessment prepared by Arrow Rock Architects in January 2008,is structurally off-site collections storage Stora Collections transferred g o sound,its potential for renovation or expansion is limited due to its historic stgnifi- 3000-4000 sf 1300 of Address:117 Park tante.Nonetheless,some changes to the building have occurred over the years,in- • Ave North. cluding covering up the original fire truck doors on the main facade,blocking up a Could be rented or purchased by Society smaller window on the northeast corner,and the recent addition of a small canopy or Negotiate with City to take ownership of Collections-- - over the main entrance of the museum. collection thus be responsible . ;Storage Issues of security, . for providing storage.- - Old City Hall: safety,moisture 540'ef and flooding. MAP In the"What We Heard"web conference on September 23,2009,Gyroscope evalu- - report recommends ated each of the five conceptual approaches with regard to impact on the building. to vacate. Of the five options presented,only one,the Renton Cultural Center option,would /-.——••••require major expansion or relocation. All of the other four options were a good fit with the existing footprint,structure and character of the building. ; Website �t Base nt Photo collection through University of Washington • `.. Kitchen / i E 175sf • .�_—_, / t / .- - f \ • - ! - 'ottice' >MalnExhlblt5pace` t •550§f0sf _ - >>y, � I EXHIBITS: t - —`'�� I 1.Renton History ' I Duwamish-WWII \ - / 10,000 objects,13,500 • -uPpir fS:mallSichlblt photos,5,000 archival • Room Entry/Gi - Space. items,250 books and 110 s 220 at - periodicals - ,700"Sf' - - . 2.Pioneer period house --- - +small temp.gallery EXISTING Renton History Museum • 3.Temporary gallery on site of 5300 sf - Artwork by English as a Second Language(ESL) Fire Station Building No.1- Architect Ivan M Palmaw Built 1942(Late Art Deco),remodeled as museum early 1980's - [ • 283 Fourth Street,Suite 201 Oakland,California 94607 I 510.986.0111 I www.gyroscopeinc.com • . Master Plan: Renton History Museum I 47 • , r • F 6.0 FACILITIES Architectural Improvements " Changes to the Building Façade Changes to the Interior In November 2009,the Museum selected the Experimental History Project as the Gyroscope recommends removing the infill panels now covering the original ga- Other minor changes indude removing interior partition walls,changing the loca- preferred concept for final development. Gyroscope prepared recommendations rage doors at each of the three fire truck bays'at the front of the building and tion of some other partitions,providing ADA compliant restrooms for staff and for renovations to the building,created bubble diagrams,conceptual floor plans replacing them with energy efficient storefront glazing systems.This will provide visitors,and re-configuring some staff spaces for better efficiencies. and renderings to communicate these changes. much needed visibility into the Museum as well as views out to the logging discon- nect from the main gallery space. Energy efficient glazing will reduce operating We also recommend Incorporating another Museum asset,the frieze above the Goals for these improvements include: costs while allowing natural light into the Museum. display cases,into a new front desk at the entrance. -- _ • Respect f ure - Another change to the buildingwe recommend is the re-location of the Museum's - - _ orthehistoricstruct g - • Add much needed visibility for the museum in general and specifically for main entrance to the northeastern facade.By locating it here,the visitor arrival �^- O"':� 7'" r 'T;;•;'+' ` cy, -�' -;. _- i`o the main gallery _ _sequence takes advantage of existing pedestrian pathways,is closer to existing .„- Ire 1 a • Create views from the pedestrian path into the Museum as well as views out parking,and allows for a larger-gathering space outside.Because there already } " � 9 - to the site exist windows in this location,alterations to accommodate this change would be i y ti '^!� acv.: • Bring in controlled natural light to the main gallery and to other areas of the modest.One other set of doors would be provided at the back of the building to y j � -.1•L Museum accommodate exiting requirements. , �)� .moo y i v 9 • Open up the interior plan as much as possible for future flexibility , • Increase preparation space and improve back of house adjacencies The most noticeable change on the exterior of the building would be the addition '1441:.(,.4 ¢r r' _,< w•�,tl ,41 -, �'---�"-"a • Improve operational efficiencies of an outdoor gathering space on the northeastern side of the building.This new �S� . '-,'f 1 � - •',A' dry„•` _;• • Provide a more welcoming arrival experience with visitor amenities covered courtyard provides multiple locations for major new building signage, �, marketing of current EHP programs,sponsors and donors,schedule of events In order for EHP to be successful,the building must be flexible enough to support and operating hours.Exterior lighting and audio systems will add security,effects , I frequent programmatic changes and ranges in exhibition methodologies. While for evening events, and to highlight Chief Seattle fountain and the loggin ,C - -� the exact needs of future EHP projects are unknown at this time,infrastructure disconnect. that would be typical for a changing exhibitions gallery at a much larger museum C"-• will be needed to operate efficiently. Some of this infrastructure already exists, We also recommend removing the canopy over the front entrance. r •� such as the high truck bays open to the trusses and ceiling above in the large exhi- All of these changes will help position the museum as a leader in cultural develop- History House Sculpture Garden bition gallery. However,other improvements will be necessary.Although most of ment,in sensitivity towards historic preservation,and in demonstrating resource these upgrades are relatively minor,inexpensive and could be gradually phased in ' conservation initiatives. over time,the efficiency and advantage of capitalizing them up front will lower the cost of individual operating program budgets in the future. The following items represent the type of renovations,improvements and infra- structure we recommend for RHM: • • 48 I Master Plan: Renton History Museum G Y R O S C O P E I N C • 6.0 FACILITIES ' I _ .- - •,�, ',„.1,_!",;!;',,-1 t� S „r•. ....s'� ` 1.' 1bfi.'•; 4- {,. fI"/ t. f nr GIo ',-z e. .. •!Y' -.i J Y.-., r', I rj • • r N qyy�,-,,f^* : ':,.: ▪ ! .', '} li'Cdr r 3' ;, :" •t`.N..4 . `".• •-.l. • r.y,gy.• •'c•� tryr.„.r ;'1.-'ry�b-, ry 1 ih „,--$ '� '1 c i)p! i Ai r. ,,-, i ( _ N • i - - -1 �i r .�1 t .tt.%"` ,,,+SCN `�, �;L�`-„mss�' at' i!I\' _r r,S." . Ji'`',rG�' if t. �'' . l..• i 4, PJ Ftp ,, t ;= •-V ,�t , :'f, .'� '3,-G.a�;'1W._';'--0":'47-', --. �,m �... ..��f.,.��.�.,Q 7`, ai�,' �'ti,;•; .� 1� ;'..c, `r t,. �r � � I J ,)!r `t�kk�l�aC�bL7"^tea y� .' -t :5_, t .� _ ., .) 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"C.+ ., • • Rendering of Renton History Museum New Entrance 283 Fourth Street,Suite 201 Oakland,California 94607 I 510.986,0111 I www.gyroscopeinc.com Master Plan: Renton History Museum I 49 • •• L • 6.0 FACILITIES çansMemoIaIPark \,.` 'a it,7' o 1im ? \ \n. Museum Parking \ • G •‘.,,,A,,,,:4:•-•:::::.•C:. .`, 3:, iL�fi. Green Wal{Y=�?� •� • :' •,•:'„r' \ Atl(vale waunva wiN �:•"?' is \\ \ hLstork content/ Y\-''v ':,Ys:•c'-,. .,.- r civic experiments \ \•1'', ._ _ 1 THOSE: • w • • •0♦ ♦�:L� JJ \ \ \a • MECH. — - OWER 1 \ \ ( (// It ' 'ROOM . - ,MECH. w \ ��•�J �♦®�l� \ �V/ . --. ...".-1- ���'�ttdodular Wall '__. '�♦ ♦l �l . -- - -- - 1r;i -`r.:c:,� ._.`. :Slorege,� .1:=m. ROOM' w� .KRCHEN' ."• \ _ • • '""_":i�c: -_:'.moi`Portzble;�-.-- �urn � -. 'Public ..- "_ - 4. .1J.' ♦ ♦ \ COLLECTION 5 Rest Room' - .c......:-•:-.....' -" R.°r,'gn u -_ -_--�,_ y STORAGE _mss.'''' - ::I AONIINIST. •-r ON?8 !'I, 1f♦. * - �J EDUCATION OFFICE ///•/ _ 370 sf-. L�O�J \\ - -- - - • _ - Qnci:Intern Desk, Stage area\ \ ss, • i - . - +- Svppliosj, Xerox Willie°, I COVERED OUTDOOR �♦ ♦� \ \ GATHERING SPACE \ \ _ 'LARGE IXHIBRROOM'-` t� ` • - - - ;RETAIL - _ / / \ \ \ V PREP. .N': - c'ci MAIN .- 11• 1J \ _500'6( \\ pnr:ResearahDesk 1 P ENTRANCE •' Green Wal r'i1? \ O r' Intom/E#ilbit Desk, - - , �`� .,-A,..',- Library Storage) - 'CAFFJLOBBY. f! �, j� r • \ i - ..,.. :Ili rle =``. �.,�,�;� Ben s •\ ' '.�®�J; �®�J I� Fa„tai„ DIRECTOR a.., -Ii-- - FEe Station doors replaced'wlN fli ed�giaztng 'COLLECTIONS OFFlCE - �♦ ♦� _.r♦ ♦� - r Green Wa11? = �`� 260;er ''/` ' �� �O �j. =O 1J _1— `.y, Ben / • tS....„, np(. ______� ��___ 'History trail linking to Veteran's Memorial Park through Museum's site ..4—.,... "S____ J' T�``T RHM sIgn•0.......... .. : O P�(S• /. l IsconD ne ,//://:/// • I Experimental History Prolecl Signage 1 OSIDE ENTRANCE OPTION: FIRST FLOOR PLAN Scale:1/16r'= I'-0” • A. \ \ / , - - -----A ��\moi 50 I Master Plan: Renton History Museum 1 G Y R O S C O P E I N C 6.0 FACILITIES . Program-Related Equipment • . Movable Wall System Data Network yp ,.. .,.o.— 4 Some installations may require one' large open-gallery space, while others Integration of online and on-site experiences will be important to EHP programs. ; .. T-- -. --- - - - } .1. might need smaller,more intimate areas.RHM should invest in a movable wall Gyroscope recommends that RHM install a high-speed wired and wireless data net- p -......1+.0.nwb � I� � ?0 t ' ..• � •,. .. system for temporary partitioning needed by various EHP projects.Although it work throughout the indoor program spaces with wireless available totheoutdoor L r:• ,,r'- •,:....:,..•.,,:,::,;_..,....„-..,_,.�,:,,.:•";.: � ° G, would be possible to build temporary walls for each project,a set of reusable parti- plaza,too.The wired(Ethernet)portion would mainly serve the needs of installa- • t ;,•^* � =�L-=.-��"-�`-"'^`F"=„y;_=-t�T- ''`”4 y tions would allow faster changeovers and lower the operating costs of individual tions that required live data from outside RHM.The wireless would be for visitors .-..-��• • !i installations. and staff with laptops and smart hones,although some installations might take "' '^ ''"''^ .?i ', P 9 9 __ 7 '1G•I^c.T :1 advantage of this,too. '- �""' � Mew : �.� ;IF Lighting and Sound Systems ,..7.....- '-,7.-t........7.-,....t,.1 -"- T = _ '' The Museum needs to be able to have more capacity,control and range in the Large-format Printer :- :rl•�, ;••; "►. ----'_---. ---u-n �� lighting system,due to the differing needs of each project,both for the indoors The capacity to produce some smaller exhibition and program graphics,signs and X M _�— and outdoors. Many new LED systems are both flexible and energy efficient. labels in-house will reduce program costs long-term. -. "--m*- uID "�" .....^ �I Gyroscope recommends purchase of enough basic lighting and sound equipment _ _ [''' ,.- - tocover the needs ofthe initial set ofEHP exhibitions.More specialized equipment Updated Web Site "'">� ,- ., 1 ) =,----7.-- can be leased or purchased gradually as needed. Gyroscope recommends RHM move to a single Web site built on top of an accepted, - = ," ���. �.�,— _,��_„- b.� L ry non-proprietary content management system so that staff can easily update the ii';..... ;_.n:r .......o: - ----.,.....,.--- Display ....,,.-.Display Casework site without specialized expertise or extra expense.This new site would consolidate '' Some of this display furniture will be specific to individual programs,but there may RHM's identity around the new EHP brand and support rapid change of content, wH,VP, ,y,ya9"- =�'-=``''^^='mer..: '-- .. be some reusable pieces that are worth acquiring up front after initial program dialogue with and among RHM users,and the archiving of user contributions and planning is well underway.Having a set of reusable pedestals,vitrines and display other digital assets that RHM wishes to save and share. ,,..-..x:-..-- ,�� -..oGGov000 cases in a variety of sizes on hand will help keep installation costs down overtime. Twlfal Rtiov n.aJ Cern.V✓..1.,WI..1.Ma.NM.K.. , 1 swan em 0a,N.a sown..ulm t, I Cant.-la/'vol.Pr...he iabrt...nue...... Media Equipment • Maintaining a small inventory of computers,projectors,large LED or LCD display '" ' "` panels,and related equipment will reduce the time and cost of installation for 0.0.t7o-. .,.,., specific projects. - i Ta Penal A < —IAN ' -a..�I ;. - • ter , fi•I. l r y: • 283 Fourth.Street,Suite 201 Oakland,California 94607 I 510.986.0111 I www.gyroscopeinc.com Master Plan: Renton History Museum I 51 - r i,,_ .. 6.0 FACILITIES . 4,;,' $ `!P M Y:aNs'A�,1 . _ .,,,,..41:17.4,- ,:e.:7 :. ,, , .:;...,„•,'.7.7'::z',1;-'„i v...,';:-'-'77:-.:—$:,„,c,---, ' - "I'llii"` :: '-'74.017:.‘"S --.^4, uhf �'9z= • - - - -- — ---,-- - •-----, ----------------,_'ir..;-:;";.7.,/, ;;-,* :-' • --- • '7. •T• e'.,�7, Fl , -y : • • .nor p,.►r p iy lF„ely • "'S•,.alt. : v ;.. �s--'s' crc ,. ia=iim i 11:010.tDi" 1...15,-......,.., 11 I �.,� ;..r— �_ - d. 1,,Irt .at F 5 ',rI gli®I m �� rci k• ¢ t i 'k 4�1`i 1 /14, 'y pr '!t.,.•F _,'•S. ."'".:'''—"•'''''''''''::-... a".. � r r�.,_,'� }- , ', 'J -" 1' .,Cdr ` _ r 4' ]r '�, __� q G tj•. 3 c. G �, t .1�. — r� pr + �y� 1. ,:- ©n, L15r ,fit r/` ; 4 .'` 1j F ' €y ';x ra; J ' --.� "•• • ' LAl z R' r=7,r fes } - ' 1 •:-• a! • `.---,.s.. :F :-', r�_ -11W'.:^ =Lr,a ,� y y .•,,,,, ,:_r - _'_""r+r+.cs-..ei�.W..r.asar�..• +Y.zi,..,..... _?.i.?' F• �" �E'^ '` „ ,,ate . !. .i'" •:s C +^-'""` .e- - t^y a +•-'�. y ,nCY•{. �yy atl..8 N < _ Z -v Rendering of Renton History Museum with Logging Disconnect , 52 I Master Plan:Renton History Museum GYRO S C©P E I N C LIBERTY PARK 1 'BRARY BUILDING STEERING COMMITTEE • MEEI IIN G ATTENDANCE INFORMHTION NAME 9/28/2011 10/20/2011 l 11/17/2011 1 Norm Abrahamson x x x Stuart Avery x _ x x _ Gary Barber x x x Sarah Becker x x x Pat Bentley x x x Cheryl Boudreau x x x Leeah Brown x Excused NIA Pamela Carino x x x Lorene Clough Cannot continueMIIIIIIIIIIIIIM Teresa Clymer-Flora x x x Larry Crim Cannot continue Jan Dahl x x x Jonathan Fox x x Glenn Garrett x x x Jamie Greene x x x John Hansen x x x Kristi Hartman NIA x x Marjorie Hastings NIA x 1M Holly Hawker Excused NIA x Mark Hergert x Excused Cannot continue Leone Johnson x x Excused Doug Kyes x x x Ryan Mclrvin x x Excused Carol McPherson NIA Cannot continue Jeff Nordberg NIA Cannot continue Sandra Polley Excused Cannot continue Marvin Rosete x x x Wil Samson x x x Francine Siverts x x x Adam C.Smith x x x Mara Swenson NIA Cannot continue Judith Tabak NIA Cannot continue Dustin Toms NIA Cannot continue Colin Walker Resigned Dean Zinck NIA NIA NIA - 10/20/11 VISITOR Tracy Compton/Renton Repo 11/17/11 VISITOR Peter Hartley 01/26/12 VISITOR Peter Hartley 3/1/2012 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applications\Meeting Attendance Info AGENDA _ City of Renton CITYOFRENTON ihliovrA c MAR 0 2 2012 Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S QFFinE Staff Contacts: Thursday, October 20, 2011 Renton Senior Activity Center 6:30 p.m. 211 Burnett Avenue North Renton, WA 98057 425.460.6633 Terry Higashiyama"City of 6:30 p.m. Doors open Renton thiaashivama@rentonwa.gov 425-430-6606 6:35 p.m. Election of Committee Officers Candidates for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary introduce themselves. Elizabeth Stewart City of Renton 6:50 p.m. 1993 City Campus Plan/Jay Covington estewart@rentonwa.gov 425.255.2330 7:10 p.m. Tri-Park Master Plan/Leslie Betlach Greg Stroh City of Renton astroh@rentonwa.gov 7:30 p.m. City Center Neighborhood Plan/Chip Vincent 425.430.6614 7:50 p.m. Break 8:00 p.m. Liberty Park Library Building/Greg Stroh 8:20 p.m. Concluding Thoughts/Questions *** We are still looking for names/submittals for the SECRETARY POSITION. *** If you are Interested, please send us an email prior to the next meeting. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2011\Agenda\10 2011 Meeting SC.doc October 14, 2011 --��p Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Meeting Minutes "' October 20, 2011 Renton Senior Activity Center 6:30 pm Check in In Attendance Members: Norm Abrahamson, Stuart Avery, Gary Barber, Sarah Becker, Pat Bentley, Cheryl Boudreau, Pamela Carino, Teresa Clymer- Flora,Jan Dahl,Jonathan Fox, Glenn Garrett, Jamie Green,John Hansen, Kristi Hartman, Marjorie Hastings, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes, Ryan Mclrvin, Marvin Rosete, Wil Samson, Francine Siverts, Adam C. Smith City of Renton Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Elisabeth Stewart, Greg Stroh, Leslie Betlach, Chip Vincent Excused Leeah Brown, Mark Hergert Absent Holly Hawker 7:00 pm Welcome/ Officer Candidates Terry Higashiyama introduced the candidates for the Committee Officer positions. Each gave a brief speech on why they would like to be an Officer. Candidates for Chair position included Gary Barber and Marvin Rosete. Marvin Rosete was also on the ballot for the Vice Chair position. Francine Siverts also spoke for the Vice Chair position, and Leone Johnson requested her name be removed from the ballot. Since there were no volunteers for the Secretary position, Terry urged all to participate and Teresa Clymer-Flora volunteered. 6:45 pm 1993 City Campus Plan/Jay Covington Terry Higashiyama introduced Jay Covington, Renton's Chief Administrative Officer. Jay spoke of his history with Renton and explained the 1993 City Municipal Campus Plan. Questions included the 200 Mill Building,the 200 Mill Building leases, and the synergy with the Liberty Park building. 7:10 pm Tri Park Master Plan-Leslie Betlach Leslie Betlach, Renton's Parks, Planning and Natural Resource Director, discussed the Tri Park Master Plan, and the Park System on the Cedar River Greenway, eight (8) parks on the Cedar River, and it is the longest sockeye river in the continental United States. She said that WSDOT created a 4F process in 2005 to have 1-405 realigned to go through Liberty Park/Cedar River Park. She discussed the process of how they got to the Tri-Park Master Plan and showed proposed access points to Renton Hill and Liberty Park, Community Center, Cedar River Park Trail, repositioning of the Skate Park, relocation of the ball fields,the Narco site (dog park) and 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 rOn6?,) the closure of Houser Way. Implementation strategies were also shown (refer to the binder for additional details and copy of handout). 7:30 pm City Center Neighborhood Plan/Chip Vincent Chip Vincent, Planning Director, introduced the City Center Neighborhood Plan which was adopted by the City this past summer. There will be 10 Community planning areas, and he focused on the main Transit Corridor, which incorporates the Liberty Park Library site. In response to the question, he explained that rail transportation is more permanent and provides greater growth potential than strictly bus routes, as evidenced by Portland. He then continued with an implementation strategy. There are eight (8) City Center Goals. Chip emphasized goal #3, Improve Access and Visibility of the Concentration of Civic Activities including Liberty Park, the Library, the Renton History Museum, and the Cedar River to create a dynamic civic node in Downtown (refer to the binder for more details and copy of handout). 8:05 pm Liberty Park Library Building/Greg Stroh Greg Stroh, Facilities Manager, discussed the history of the Liberty Park Library Building and its basic structure, systems, and details. He went over ADA and library structural limitations. 8:35 pm Meeting adjourned Terry thanked everyone for attending, and encouraged everyone to stay on track. She then showed an artist's conceptual renderings of the Library and encouraged everyone to think outside the box. She announced election results: Gary Barber, Chair; Marvin Rosete as Vice Chair, and Chair, and Teresa Clymer Floor as Secretary. Terry advised that meetings will be held on the third Thursday's of each month. Next Meeting Thursday, November 17, 2011, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Renton Senior Activity Center. 2 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 ` LIBERTY PARK LIBRARY BUILDING STEERING COMMITTEE MEET G ATTENDANCE INFORI\,11 TION NAME 9/28/2011 10/20/2011 I Norm Abrahamson x x Stuart Avery x x Gary Barber x x Sarah Becker x x Pat Bentley x x Cheryl Boudreau x x Leeah Brown x Excused Pamela Carino x x Lorene Clough Cannot continu Teresa Clymer-Flora x x Larry Crim NIA NIA Jan Dahl x x Jonathan Fox Exc x Glenn Garrett x x Jamie Greene x x John Hansen x x Kristi Hartman NIA x Marjorie Hastings NIA x Holly Hawker Excused NIA Mark Hergert xf Excused Leone Johnson x x Doug Kyes x x Ryan Mclrvin x x Carol McPherson NIA Cannot continue Jeff Nordberg NIA Cannot continue Sandra Polley Excused Cannot continue Marvin Rosete x x Wil Samson x x Francine Siverts x x Adam C.Smith x x Mara Swenson NIA Cannot continue Judith Tabak NIA Cannot continue Dustin Toms NIA Cannot continue Colin Walker Resigned -■ Dean Zinck NIA NIA 10/20/11 VISITOR Tracy Comptor 11/17/11 VISITOR Peter Hartley 01/26/12 VISITOR Peter Hartley 3/1/2012 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applications\Meeting Attendance Info • N\- . 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'4, -,-"..‘,.4-,••'',1',,,'4V•ti,1-3Rns j 1\\ 1 1 "' c".%'. '• ''‘' I -.1„,i•i\v ick'-', , N' ,, t.-- 'e, t•\‘`, vi ' ti,, „ -v. v‘.;‘,..,,,,•.cgli.itr.,\ •,.•kv - .6.-'1':' c''I '''.1':;..k.'''''1,4•i\\•:i'-et,":),.. A:\'‘‘.4':,\V,-v.Ds-;*".171i, "-0-44::-.-al 'N''''.;r;,„.'\'?N4.4-\'1/44-Valk.;'‘..n- it-•\'4'4-' City Center Community Plan' "Shaping the Center of Our Growing City" Renton's City Center is expected to undergo ,,, ° t_ _° r- si significant change due to y °'�: `' j ; -• ggrowth and 'City Center l" development because a portion of it has been ; Community Plannin','..;\.).� ai d ': - 4a:., - kite:.° . i. ,�� 7j formally designated as a Regional Growth Center. •� Area Map :, .... i '� The area is a diverse community, where families `,,• : , ` i .!. live in historic homes, senior citizens have come to "° '` ''� .. _ i ' retire, and where young singles and couples live in ? ._2'. _- . . _s _, - �, apartments and condominiums. lt is also whereluilO�-: 1l-t_, ,•14_g '� A` the best selling commercial planes in aviation 1 a _ ,�,''r �� . "I s 1 .` '..,•y history are manufactured, where the region a l: " '',\: .1i;: -�< J .. • comes to buyautomobiles, and where much of n ics` : '� .r-io-s-; I4 • � �. t�1 the surrounding community comes to eat and ` 9,,,.� , (i+, `t aim. $--, z°-, enjoy entertainment. The Cityinitiated a " ° ��-a 1(11.1... �% PfE'( 11.5.:°+1(' ,jr t$ 1 Y ) r�-:'\1 F 1.i Ile -. ,' i community planning initiative in this area to build =` - di---ks�;�_�/1'''' w - _ ; } li ' r i • I on successes and to continue to improve the area. -�..��� �— i=+ :��il -r., Areas of emphasis include: ;7.+ r='�J,...L.,4_41.Ti5- , ,,+, _yam, • • Pedestrian and vehicle circulation s ..:(7/ \ �t FPI $' _ .`'\�\'` • Economic development , ' ', V„� i l' "dU i iliii 1w. • Historic preservation «I" 31,e �-;di 1 I -` • Community identity ;",--f:114.- - y • Parking 7ii , 1 ., frev. <' ;yA e41. • New development lementation The plan has been broken into two phases. Phase II -The Implementation Strategy • Began Fall 2010 Phase I—Goal Identification o Meetings with departments • Started work on plan in Summer 2009 • Drafted strategies to implement goals and o Solicited input at neighborhood policies picnics and business roundtables • Updated existing conditions • Presented findings at open houses in Fall • Demographics 2009 and received feedback ; • Updated land use section • Worked with City staff interdepartmental • Reworked policy statements where team, Planning Commission, and Council to appropriate refine • Added implementation strategies • Presented for public review April 2010 • Worked with IDT to refine o Edited and refined • Presented to Planning Commission • Endorsed by Council October 2010 • Held Public Hearing City Council City Center Community Plan Adopted — For more information please contact Angie Mathias, June 6, 2011 • Project Manager, at 425.430.6576 or amathiasPrentonwa.gov. U11Y ' ' iii . - ' T GURV ��'� o� ent z RENTQN.AHEAD , _ :, . ... Community.&Economic Development 1 r♦ • Phase I City Center Goals organize and fund joint marketing, joint parking 1. Improve the visibility and perception of the City strategies, property improvements, community Center,and create a distinct identity. events, and streetscape improvements. Joint 2. Continue to support Renton's diverse economic marketing could include communication tools such sectors. as a Downtown Business internet presence including a website, email groups, and social 3. Improve the concentration of civic activities networking sites. A LID is more appropriate for including Liberty Park, the library building, Renton funding joint public improvements such as History Museum, and Cedar River to create a sidewalks, special lighting, etc. and should be dynamic civic node. considered for these types of improvements. 4. Protect and enhance the existing residential Responsible Party: Lead: Economic Development; neighborhoods. Support:Community Services 5. Provide better regional transportation connections to improve access. Resources:$$ 6. Provide better connections — especially between Public Involvement:Work with business and Coulon Park/Lake Washington, The Landing, North property owners in the downtown core. Renton Neighborhood, Downtown, and South Timeframe:Short-term. Renton Neighborhood. 2.2.2: Better utilize the Pavilion Events Center. 7. Provide connections to regional trails and build on Additional Details:The City should work to create a these key connections as an economic preferred management agreement to ensure better • development strategy. utilization of the space with more events that are 8. Protect and enhance the natural features and open open to the public. space and improve public access to and Responsible Party: Lead: Community Services; connections between Lake Washington shoreline, Support: Economic Development the Cedar River, and the variety of parks and open Resources: N/A spaces. Public Involvement: N/A Phase II Implementation Strategy Example Timeframe:On-going 2.2 Continue to support opportunities to create a 2.2.3: Initiate a sidewalk café case study and develop more vibrant Downtown. tailored regulations to encourage sidewalk cafes in In order to foster a Downtown that is vibrant, new Downtown. opportunities that attract people and businesses to the Additional Details: Work with an interested business City Center should be sought out, and existing efforts owner to allow sidewalk cafés on public right-of-way. to retain businesses, to fill vacancies, and create retail Use the case study to better understand potential opportunities should be supported. Consider ways to issues and citizen concerns. After the case study, identify and promote interim uses that activate vacant develop regulations to allow and encourage sidewalk spaces. Pedestrian activity should be encouraged and cafes. uses such as sidewalk cafes should be considered. Responsible Party: Lead: Planning, Economic 2.2.1: Create a Downtown Business Improvement Development District (BID) or Local Improvement District (LID), or Resources:$ utilize other funding mechanisms, to help Public Involvement: Survey community after sidewalk implement the goals and priorities of businesses in café is installed to determine any potential concerns Downtown Renton. and possible mitigation. Additional Details: Work with business leaders, Timeframe:Short-term property owners, and the Renton Chamber of Commerce to establish the goals and priorities for p en businesses in Downtown. The BID/LID could help ` 4 :. ' z: 4- ' 10/19/2011 • i. • Reri onLib y P- keL7b aer-~"--- Steering Committee 2011- 12 •,kiel:‘, A It ; ; I.' ' a 1 i T. L ,l -.4:4 Sz CR., 1 --_ -..:-.1.-Z - .�.-.; .I r . • Renton Library Building Site ,t.1 �j, yr.Y � 'tea,$ y.47 . .,1 -� Ey.,01..e•TWz' '', j,...41.-.TAT-!,..1%i 4t... -%t*,,k;?'.-:41, z'-?.j",! f. 10. �T, + —2 j )...S-`‘�, .t r i Library Systems & Details •Age:Constructed 1966 9 Square Footage:22,400 SF •ADA Amenities:Main Entries and Restrooms meet • current ADA standards o Fire Protection: • •Fire Alarm Panel:Dated hardwired system(non- addressable) •Fire Sprinkler System:Functional dry system,full coverage 3 I 1 10/19/2011 • Library Systems & Details 6 HVAC SYstern: 3o ton Mammoth air cooled Chiller,originally installed in 1986 that has been well maintained but is corisidired to beat the endof useful life expectanCy. • s Hybrid electronic/pneumatic contMi system,an archaic and dated control system. argely unsupported and Maintenance heavy, • iter and associated*ionic heafing sYsteth alt components are aged and old technology;low efficiency. •Pheme/data room split AC system apprOxiMare install 2001 4 • Library Systems & Details ?Electrical Distribution System: • 600 Amp 208/12o 3 phase service 6connected lbad'at time of the 1986 remodel Was 158.0 KVA oi 438.6 AMPs •There have been numerous small electrical revisions since the 1986 remodel 5• • • , • • Library Systems & 'Details 6 Zoning:CD Urban Center Downtown • • • • 6 • ( • 2 , .... , - • ,.._.- , 10/19/2011 I . ( t . , . •>.-----.4..... . • . Library Structural Limitations .„,.....„. i . . ------ 1 witvrk..N04,40 ,,ffliikbRtAiP ..,;,-.. .,:. .inii.e.eitt.$04,•. ---_-,,,,w-_-_':-_,.. . 7-.. ''' ''' 1,11704'‘ttM•-'"---'-'.--,'"-' '•'••.'• Al',.`r liaiL':",.ill.I151ail,.:i_ ,ii._:1.'"1.rij7vq,?,,g,,..''...•;I ••:?:.--Y,',I'i•-•.:‘,•-i i-',' I,f;.:4_„..,;:P it -I-•-i•EIN:ra,:rfInr;,."“Ir.....f,, 1 I.7.7'.'":•.:14---•- 43,1i'?-giE•`Vbt iiTi?1. 1,---:.--=-. ! ';'.•,•1?''''•ij*-1:1,n.6r...r-,Alferilfirralt--- , 1'... "•!I cit::Wy.139?,triklera=` ' l ':.:',':•;:a'4443-NI f0....3%4: 1,,..-77-7, .F.1 . . .—...W.C.,-•+.2%....Iltsl.T—S.M.C.11.4.171...+71/. . 7 , , . I \ . • • - .4-:. L___-_,—.1...-1,_--:----:-•=7 .. . -:t ::::•.0.1' __. - ----.._-_,.........,, ,....„.„e..f.?-5-...-- '----::-,-;, Li rary Structura •• pport . i • Tee beams and columns 1 r.....,,,:. .....,-..°.".•-r-7V,,, ..„,ki...-'rr-7,1 r ( . 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I"k• • • . 1.. •I . - /4 --,•-• -,----:, API.% ..A., • . -411ATir-,tteitt) 9 • I . _ 3 \ , • 10/19/2011 • River Bank Gabion_ System • it 10 Library Bridge Walkway O Thewallcway ties commercialand parlc settings together •r I `1 O This asset allows for a ' prLy• wide range of design and use possibilities • a1 • Walkway View from South• • • x tS r �1 • u F'�p��rrY tc1t�,�1 e . 1 • 4 • 10/19/2011 • Walkway from North A,a 1'` +'��'wry%: ��t''YSiij.=•T'!l " Z! 1+ V. - :. .. 1.3 • • • Existing Library Permitting a Given the location directly over the river,the • permitting process will.be in the formi of a JARPA (Joint Aquatic Resources Permit'Application)This . covers all of the following agencies: . . •Local governments US Army Corps of Engineers a Department of Ecology •Department of Fish and Wildlife .NOAH • • 14. Existing Library Permitting •Other •Tribal Review Questions 15 5 4. - , ',...__./ . \•,—.-2 10/19/2011 - , . i I.. .. . . ... . , ..... ,. .,Library..... ,.. . . . 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'�...�+'�'"���"+,` r�3 ..x"�!' �_.._�: ,k. . , � ,y. •. rte-. ,-'"> =;r Parks SotorsAce s Sl t - Goal Key elements . - Create a premier park facility,maintain • Integrate Liberty Park,Cedar River Park and the Narcoproperty. s ': �` r {� '} ` r° �.� �' f Goal convenint accesto Cedar River • Provide a primary park entrance at Garden Avenue and Bronson Avenue. , :f :." - t •"t j Identify replacements for Renton Hill Park and minimize effects to thepark • Remove existing Houser Bridge and reroute traffic to Mill Avenue then Bronson Avenue ' �, j � '� '' -' a a �, � ,���! >„�, �A ��� � y � 4�• accesses to be removed to widen experience due to the future I-405 to create convenient access to Liberty Park. ," � ," # _;r1a;1� 3 � _ 1405.Replacement roads should meet improvements. • Construct a new pedestrian bridge over the Cedar River to link the trail and parks. .:r.,.4 r ' '16 _ : -y : s 3 ,,: �.� %; emergency response requirements, 1.``'t-- •r : ' ' .• .� i "p- " " d1k t: -,`1 . ,.7 provide neighborhood access and • Acquire additional park property and relocate impacted balltelds to this site. •. , i� .:�rt. ;•.. 4 ,.•,d,-..- r # Solvation _•`'�• Lower"Mill Avenue `''" ,r `w � Expand Parks Department building to allow for a teen center. ` Connects to , ' • -�, 7- minimize park impacts. Redevelop Libert and Cedar River I,v_ - - ' s t` P y • Relocate skate park next to teen center. C,''/,t Narco Property d"UUpper'MulAvenue Lower"MillAven�ue ' ' „4•2:'1,;•.,.. , YY dry , solution parks and the Narco property to • Keeptheater,communitycenter,aquatic center and existing parking at Cedar River Park. li.i: ��- , Tn.;. '�Y. i ..''''''''. .-:-N.4.-'''..";,------' � --w-'4...4.),-4-c: if create a connected park complex • Convert multi-use fields into a general purpose meadow to allow for future expansion of ?t' st'` 2=-7,----.'"4-- rj 4 t_ 1 ��-, _ti'`-�-'; - .. ` rte ' Maintain two access points and p P P ti - =- -'r' ----- _ --------,-,.- --."-z-4- :;) circulation for residents by constructing that provides opportunities for a wide the aquatic park. I��� `' ` ' ,. x---: F , r r . z i r _ -,.- ��. ' variety of park users. • Move the I-405 southbound flyover ramp exit to SR 169 to the median to provide distance =- '- a t - - .�. w Y �- ?' a new stacked roadway structure along s- 1405 and a new access which connects from water slides at the aquatic park. .- ---•=•7';'.:4 , -�- - t y` = ' ;•., •�,'�; ;-44'../.1- 11 P''- ;- the Renton crossing with Main Avenue. • Open up existing berm under the railroad to visually connect Liberty and Cedar River Parks. . -,,-.w�-- -------'-'7' rya, f� �%�•�'' <.;;,_” Sketch of parks layout -•' �:�. _ ^ r l.. ;.-- a.741"1,.:"1.4"---"". r -,— .i .*.e,,,:"..4\ati! r� t lu 4 The selected option has minor effects to • j. • ,�,. , x ,1 _ �.,.-„;. • 4,4-,.._-_1-.-; � „s _�� Sy, ':,e , :,V_ 1 residents and businesses and will meet ' v avw"`Fr•' ) - L - i, - r...,. ,.,r. 1•! 4 - • AINIER&.TALE ,," ' \ Irr e{ �r ,-�__�� l.�:e 2...1:;:=7,====_...-:::::: •- ---- -- -� - —--fir= , -- i_.._-.___,.,_ - \ '�' �J,�/�J it r �r`7` ,tom _ �O10 '#-'. E'I. afn'. „r,.7,;,-;...77,,:,..:7,,.•;',.2,:s;',,,1:::' .. r ,.•%'�`. r Y; a '. +4.-•`"v. s"r ` K. '`a '. x _ ��Congestion Relief&Bus Rapid Transit Projects Development of proposal • by charrette team o o 0 0{� WSDOT and the City of Renton are building on their successes to date by continuing to -7' - , - RL :;,,, .--1•,,-7,i, HOW 0 0 0 ���� � p rroVe 1=40 5 lin tile� Ce d a r R ve �����O l�� o ,,34• "•,-2, ;._ Tt €' x,,.,=42, , , • partner to achieve results for the community and I-405 commuters, fnz i�-r ---,....A.--71._,..,-.t When formal agreements are reached with the City of Renton,funding is currently in =-,`- ` _,.�,.f, -,,u,!+'' ' 1,01 l ,a ';+K ' ' ' '' }' �-4®5 Cedar RilverVodilnit Ch;rrrrette Solutions for Parks, Wells and Local Access place for WS DOT to proceed with an environmental process required to identify the r ',,,,,-4., i ' f +' c., '4',t.„s•."� effects of the more detailed project design.Pending approval,WSDOT will begin this •,_,t. t r r_{: i%- "; {r 1 ', a;- +- tri-'` ...* .v„..:13,lS_ effort in January 2006 to finalize the solution, ” •- :Y� ' ' • /s a -' '"° Overview Results i,z e.`e:.:n i=, ._4 „{:1:1,9;:::-..,;, -; , To address the traffic problems faced by drivers in Renton and The charrette results included a successful approach that By mutually supporting a dear direction and design concept for ` '��fi ;_ =: ",-'•: i • ? DIRECTOR , r 1 .,,, ,,(,,,,„1 [:‘,..„,,,,,,,....„,„ „„h LW F ,-. ,,,•„„,„,„, SECRETARY CATALOGING STAFF - I = , (-4-- . . „......„...„ rTE READING - V E _ TOILET MECH. TELE, - CONFER. r cl ,, s .cu STACKS CORRIDOR --)STOR. - [A.)1 -V WOMEN , ) � on ; . STOR. - I- o o '8:}R„ ' '°'''i° . '-, = / MEN7".' ;--- DESK NATION ri 2 i MAGAZINE WORK Qo n n n ri SPECIAL 1 I IERVICE DESK tlcrl. CHECK OUT DESK ' I \\ STACKS I i ; CHILDREN \\� \ / ErI -.- --. -. .,i %,,, Q I = - t i ENTRY I • • • , - • , ' • . . . _. 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IWSDOT Staging . ..... • . • , 405 Corridor Program cantos' eausi401d1tx0R�pctr -- - - rg Renton Staging S li ggqJ{ Project Title Springbrook Litigation Bank 1-405,1-5 toSR 16S Widening 1-405.Renton to Bellevue 1-405,SR 515 Interchange ' ''�S 'y1 y. Projectrfy the Renton Nickel) Project Project 0 Nk. �'A. --\ . _2__'.." ) " , - - XL`tis c 1.-1,t4:,..4.712c.:.,,�_,K_.. Funding 515.`,1 from Nickel 3.236M from it oket+TPA 5/B(mostfy unfunded) $11CL1 from 7PA ,(, 2-- Major Features •Constructs 135 acre(ors,-te) •Adds 14ane In both' •Adds 2)arcs in both •Adds half-ccomond IC at S _ \\ ,. wetland and habitat directions to 1-405 between directions to t-4C5 between 515)Talbot Road)with off- } mitigation bank 1-5 and SR 100 SR 10 and 1•20 ramp from S81-405 and c ' lt�� Li. % J r },� �,f •Constructs Springbrook trail •Adds 1-lane SB'.o SR 107 •Peconsooc. 9 inte_rcluigesromp to N31405 t 9 .wnA,.0r'F.J tifsouth of SW 23rd between 1605 and SW 41st inclucGng • St. SR 15D,N.3rd,SR 470,NE. ,. �} �-' •Exteends SR 167 SB HOV 30th and NE 44th. ' cn..af {) --^�, �1! north to 1.405 •At SR 160-thetffi off-ramp J .a- `�';-�.�� will tie-in to the current oty /! [� •Reconstructs Benson Road 1 (1:',.....- 1 1 x 1 •Removes existing the SR 162/11•project and .// i ( Springbrook Creek box the 5R't8Qed 3rd will be I. 1 x--- •"�,- culvert at t4D5 rcronstructed as a sport �_._��\, diamond volt a Ayever ramp -I\... •..m.m. { from S31-405 to SB SR 167 `t R j ) ,' f t � `�.` f �e f tt ° j 3 • fi r� ,, r , S •? . +} ... Dashed lines=PElEnvironmentalanners STIRTEDVote, , w,� Timeline Solid lines=Construction® • tel„ \ f�' 2005 _� ✓,2006_ _•-__._.2007 y - . __ 008 �_ _ _ 2009M =--_ -2011 P 7:i � i- `.na:.b0.^ f � �� J (Funded) _ _ -... ..-,hi A tA. , .t.—__..' .1 ®CION••eno••u■•o•••••u•••o••••oen•u•u••o•■ 0(Fu' 6 d CI i! 4 1 1 050enn•are1.•cn•c000arton•a2e1.®ate(Not Funded-Need RTlD) 1-. 4v or 3_ _1"°-j4� h eel no•oeec•c®nnem©•a•oanaeon•o , _11 ®■e0•n0oueo•eo••eo•411(NotFunded) Md/17,X.06 ' 2 eY,.. I ^ ' • • M ',v. t" Ks '' ':{ t • ¢moi • t T n kz !..z..-.,.( c t ts Awl'r tyy1, ,' C,' 7 r1..',ties. t r, 1. 1,, , . -- -- •'' f.Eirkiti4 ► � re �t :,:•;Z:.‘11. s'e+t . . k$•j 1.. i rs y pf t ,:..r" 1 F � 1 f .11 `•Y t#, -'' {i eta 1 � ,' ; /.4 r ; i ,,f y� •. ei4J ' , f+, ...'}. yH--.`r�.4H�{t•Abrte.' '7 ,;,'„,,;-'-:".".,14.„,`,,:"..".,'''' y orf '_( Y. •~Z F{ , •t 1 t•t t ,fi e ,.} } sil !7J '4%.:4 p*TM' t�t ,.r[ + f"' " ,5 F^ r :_ 1' •( •if ; ,t Q #11-Jie 3 'k,r ''44;1? ,: f7 ,4 w� th{ pF°•' Fu ;,s,,,.. E„t ^J{ i A-:-...:iS ¢',f frg.+?'> L.,. t•. r. .laic r< fl.' • r '^� L a r' •`! i ...ii-4-1...."E" 4-i s'i`1'4�r'�:.' ;,??,,,;.1"•`•-•,,!{ { . c! 1 t .3-'..."r- ' , f a ';..- _ .g 1.}�.. `` Cr'1.,: /r 'tdel ;-�°i N r ` �.' 1 •c.,t'ri "7 • C.,„i,- . { r +•4'r- . ;;f' . Y t,, it"i,,,,,,•,,t, /�' 4 i „, 1�` ,1r s"`• fir• a.e '4' y " . " - _t n4e.t� v •':::4. t /..�• 4� L,, .fit,,,^ •d'f •t'JV'�. t', 'Y, f .L �'` � � 4� '�'. ' � � t. lam+^�. �Q6 yq�rl :� ��'J '','y'! 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S 'p, as tsk 4 ,•.,t;k`— e 1 0 . ,, _ • ,t I `� _}� ,'�yam„ . ;r1.1.'"� - -- .® - .iG'''C - -,- t+ ,,,.' `r-:°''.'.- 'i ''�9,1,}'kti5k?g, -riff;`i]}, l 11 �,.. JP ' 1, =� ^, 5..:1 v''' 1�,••,; '�1• lY\,114 F. I - , ! Ai, '` ' ,i'';'. A+t" `„ .ey'i -,Y- ,j,SV'•:L \ 1 • fr ! i,.- . �! ""}r -r.,..,, �s ay+,•+�A,,li,fie t ,\` \'V4'};" 1 f I 1 . I 1 I ! r a , , Project Purpose: Re- master plan Liberty Park, Cedar River Park and the Narco Site to accomplish the. following: • Best meet the City of Renton's park and recreational needs • Protect the City's sole source aquifer • Incorporate future improvements to the 1-405 and SR 169 Corridors • Reflect the dictates of the natural environment Provide opportunities for community events • Meet park, utility and transportation requirements. 5 Planning Principles • Address Social/Recreation/Utility/Transportation Needs • Interdepartmental Coordination • Conform with Regulatory Constraints • Achieve Sustainability • Promote Environmental Stewardship • Protect Public Health, Safety and Welfare Principles served as evaluation criteria for master plan alternatives throughout the planning process. 6 • • Public Participation Process • Consultant retained January 2006. Inter-departmental team formed. Public participation process commenced: • Community Workshop - 2/28/06 • Park Board #1 - 3/14/06 • Committee of the Whole Briefing #1 - 4/10/06 • Open House #1 - 4/18/06 • Park Board #2 - 6/13/06 Committee of the Whole Briefing #2 - 6/19/06 • Open House #2 - 6/28/06 • Committee of the Whole Briefing #3 - 8/07/06 Open House #3 - 8/16/06 • Park Board #3 - 9/12/06 • Committee of the Whole #4 - 9/25/06 • 7 _�(�'"'\ (� c .24211 QcpituaLTh /// _.:,-3---,,......-:„.„....,..._„, _ `�'�\'� \ �, .j F�� lT"'-_._•rl ice., '3� a { hyo _ 9 ��. -- r:.,•.,d. 9,-;!_i'..,-3-----11—QQ Q II .. @C•>tik. ` y�,�`., 4 7ARK!AVL'-N.'• _ �i ' _e !Qir pi iii, -�°_ s'r• Q • .. v ° .. .. ':i_i:: ,...till -,?A‘ :-" . y f1-. .. ',- _ CI • L'J U Ll[� ❑ ) p t •,<. \ 1 ; s. ,----2:-..;:.f---,:.- ,a ' D,o� lii[3.Eitiociu[ dQ t`\'c • piilt77 IL41% \.%, , IMRE' Iigl�j 4 ! ' )�}` 'y_!pr• `�..'.,.!/ �y55 d pci:!;.,1,17 tih w tin 760 D ;p ,� c,;;,:.. ..� - gyp Y�. t'erg, z€:`+. ' S','• '` ?t� q F a• , , i. 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"" ' ,....',eV;Al ,„,-;..........- • 1 I' y; , ,- I-,-00111.0% .42 1 I I:r. g, .,..,:--b ,.... , , ,... -.<02.4" .1.4-re •,... , • „ -L,-,,,,;0,.•• , -is, Refinement and i4100r, j finish work ".... ' -1't • ), poi. ...., A .. • : --, -,4 „. Is, • , --- A.....,....,,r4 4 t i' 4,fc'4, ,-4 f-r,„ ,..s.,a, ',I,,, .., 1014,4 • , 1 . 4+ ''.14,-'•-17'7' c' -' , - ''''-74111,1V4P. 'M.'p, v -. ,,,.1/ ,, -, ,. sin amenv is I 1 lifj.,*,...„,-.4.,_. _ .,,,,,,,,, • -,_-...,,,,..„ ,,...„; ; f'-' - ‘," :, .,..,_.ft.4.1 * /1 I • June 6, 2011 — L•- ----' ,T„.......„, if.. .,,,,:,,; * '..„...r,,. ,f-4111,,.... . 1 \‘1,1 1 , . T--' „,.**,,,., 41,:e$,;,..„44f.:f; ' (FgA / \ -fig, „ , ,lif ';': ,-....4 i,ak, „ 1, ' ',A.4.41, ' A ' 9 "— '! - ---- 1;ip Public Hearing and ... / 4:'' 4 Zr4 - F .•(:, .,/..• ..1.i.• ' - , 7'.= - I Y-\;:....;"7.A.,,: 4"-'''-'44*" , , 17. , '::.; ,-.,','.--',', :'-:'' el 1 'P.' -. A-,10 •,' , , , - • . , - °V,!.., ,. .,,r,, ... ,. Council Adoption ,.., , ,:,./.,...'A,,,P''',? •:.; „:`,,., , ii I 4 , i ' ..„.,, - •Q , I. ,::)4f:;z4". ' ") /-' ', ' - i ,/ il?' 7, ,..../1+ ',. f i, CITY CENTER COMMUNITY PLAN • , . Adopted:June 6,2011 ' - ..SI Prepared by:MAKERS architecture and urban design s C) The Transpo Group (..) ''' ,.., - ,c-- ii..,--,\0, . 0 a,... . . ,. , 'r?. N.rVO -""'" '-• , I , *:AIX : t ,,, ...„ N , i ... ,,A RE.., 0 N. • EAD VA* , ' , , ' -- ' . & Eonoitic DeELelonment , ' ., -e • ' _ „ ' • '• • •, • •• • • • - %;, 1,4, ,•••-• , et r ' A•e, Plan oa s ,kfcY. 0 07 +I •- milk `s, RENTON v•P AHEAD OF THE CURVE _., ...: . _ .. : . . a omi IT1 • 1. Improve visibility and perception of City Center, create a distinct identity. „-- , „., Improve visual character - Urban design standards, wayfinding and gateways, expand art, building improvement program, .underground utilities • - v . :ate . .,.....„- ...„4„. ...„T.,.. ,, T - D 'FI1 tom" _,7 :0• �. : 4/ I'-' _ ..:,,,,f, j„ ,w ,.,,_i, .. .t i.�i%' f - • •,4,,,.. ) • r , _... moujohji1 c,t,ill,i, w - S;,'i ---ffir J •r �.�t• It �l�i`•;.iryei1[ — 'c` �a Y 1111 v $ .� • . - . R.= • . 8©BO ori • Preserve historic features ® Consider ordinance, coordinate with Museum Master Plan ,6 • Im prove _safety - - - -- ---- -- --- © Continue coordinated crime prevention and work with neighborhoods, pedestrian scaled lighting, emergency management o7 pp �;(` 1 4 h* *A I ri 4,,,...11*- a ..G 4" .. -- i•a '-(.� #';, ''' )!fir a } d � +%�_.,� Lfi 1...'.'- ' .atSy- F b r.0 f - f :pirates — _ gSc +• f . {' • • f E I�' -)) �r "{' p`f6 #_ .P ( • ,....",.,*,—.4.-k-� ly lI �;wer .,_ s., �m. -� v� 1R � �% . 1— ' ;"• ,HIO, T • = PROJECTv ...-^ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,•••,-,.--,-,--‘-r--77',-7,----.77-'-'7,7.77"77.-."'%"7--"'",i7?--1. .c,"777'..-77-757.77.7 . _.,.....,...,,,..; ,,,..,..,... ,.-...„,..,-:,--..:,..,,-...:,,-„-:-,:-.,777,.;;F:: ;-,,,,:,:-.---JT-•;;•-•;.;..„.:-.'k,',,-.:.,.;:::,-;:'.':','''.:2,.'"..•-•:..,-:-.-•,1-'-. . .--..,-:,;:.;:':-',-.'...i-,-.::•,/;;.:K.,-';':'',',--:.;,,:f5-1,;;:-...;:-,-,-&,-,f,,..-.-; .-23-4,;;;.:•,,,'f,.-,'-..7 ,;-----..:,.- -,.-,2;;;...tg;,-::.•,2-f----;L:...,%-''T. ;',2-.'",-;;,-;-,•".-';-_,---r.'..--,':--- : .-:'-.:::',.;:,',;-. .i;;:-"„;,,;;;:,''-.-'.'''f-: :-.;):•: ,.."•;:,'.;:: :',..;:.:- ,:,,'-...-.?„7:',:'-1.'„--,,:t;,,..". 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':- -'-' ',---'''1' •:"V"-'',"''' =-';''' ‘..'''-, `--"",;-`-' ' ' ._ ; ,-'",-- ''''-'____:,„;;,---;:,*-1,---_ • ,_-_,14-,---,,-.-7,-- , _,„_ .,.= _ .;,,-_„, ,_ - .:, -_,,_---,- ...-,-----.. „___, . - (23Cal] 2 , • Improve - regional transportation access, appearance - • of long term vacant buildings, use of Pavilion Events , ( ; Center -- --- - -4 -Ev—a-lUa----te------- -Business Local Improvement DiStrict, /- - .— - • „ _ utilities, parking management, coordinated marketing, sidewalk cafes, more central City. Hall (if appropriate) • • ,-,-..„7„,„ , t , \ . , •.,., r . .. ,,,,, k J ,•., ^9 ---- , . • , : ''',..4. •A ' — . - _. .. - ,, ,-,-,4 -,...,• --------—; ,-2,- \,, „ e;.; , r-''!<1.-::‘,. .,, '...''''''_,; •5*,-7.'51 ',- - -0 = ' : ;•,...'4;-,L--. --- -4rh•t t';:"..il!..:41V-,'" -_;.;.; _ -'5':A./''''1 ',.,_ ••••_41e"--.-',0i-4 -;. ,,r;,,).:1?-.:.: _.: ,:f;:,, -*.. '1;--- •-:.,-::::- tiliiii iiiii ,, ...-:.r:, ,•7,! ' - : „- -- -— -1.• - 2*.-zr...-4,----47 ---• '` 4,' i , -.`-• \-,,, i Ai __ ,---1"..07=7. •,,, : .4,••;',.,,,ljtv: _.. „ 1, 1 r , ... , . ,!5; ..,::,-,.41? 3.4-:' 2-:: '", '"'-'1",!',1 )N,.:„.. ,!,_;, •:,i,: ,,.._. _-, !- .,,,111 ,„,,,' ,, .•• ,,' ' ,7 ..., I, ,: 6, ,, .';',,tr. ,tell, , 4 ; , 0r'; 17A!,1 . r°4-'41 .-A,-,-. '^•47; ' ' " •• " 4- ' - Il •'''..P.0'14.'2. • 1 .--1 - 1 EPP'.t ' OP.' '12 ' • . ''.. •"' .'if ...:;44"- ; —' 1 1.. _,,., .* *hi::: , r it t v. ,, , 4 , .,. , -Ir., ,d ,,,,' ili ,* •`••.,:V... ...,...n„.• ..••• •i -V • ., .". ...ar.• ''''-.-- i Zal.:t r ''.''01^ '.4 4-r- rtr''''' ii‘. , '41-',.1. Ifi''1. i ,et ,* --- ,1101 .--. --; ,s1: .. .4_i :7_,„ „,.., ...,t.f, b, .----,-..: '''' 1-2-- .,,,. 1 ic, . _ . ,. ,..„.,_.„.... _ • 0.,,,, , ,..) . .. i pp,• ,- 4 . _.,, ..... , ,., 1,...e—%-IL.N•c..,•,''' ''' - ",-.*- .-e 7.',.... 7 - 1. g-1,. • ' . , • I ..9 g .... f ..., I.. — , r .,... ...._ . ---, ta. ii V r"") 1-7,i'.: A-—— --,. r --,-- ' - - ti ' d • i I • j. - 1 ' I. [ - . I I ; 1, 4 N ' - A %, _ 1 1,..t. '-F"` ' ' 'ilt---': ''' L'` 4-. ,. . .....,,,,,' :,-..- .: :,- '... ,'.'5 IL. • t, i , -,-" -'-',' - , '..• -,,'' Ili '''t" '7;1 ' '' — -L;—:'--,------,.;-,:---- ' - — . 1 gRi q I .."7,-..77c-44;',..4.'" -,- •• --.4.-4..1`..,,IP---• .4 `—‘0,,,,,,,, :„ -.4-t--,404.-1...-7,4- — -,-' •- - 1.-7 - - -- — 1 • • • , .. . . . ' ' . - • , * * * * * (,,,,,-- • ' . . .. . • 3. improve concentration of civic activities to • . • • • (Liberty create a dynamic civic node , Park, .. ...._ • . • . History Museum, Cedar River area) • • „ Build on - wayfinding, Arts and Culture Master Plan, Museum Master Plan, Tri-.Park Master Plan _ , * Develop conceptual plan . . ,-_re. ,I, ..,:;"4 ' .' J, , '., ' ''. , ! ,i,,,,'• . .. 1.:-.:74L-t40,4 7.44Q4: -1' '-err••M'Y 7'VT: '''' :. -4,"‘"P-r, '•,,,. t.,-.e.. . .. Vt4, E N't•--:-,-tr -;^..e' ..4'."."-- ti.;,•r,,rn, .,L,q.-:-':q.'-''' 'i-:4',,,s,ifir ‘,1*,..;,1;';',, _ . r'..1-!. :.„.'", ..'N, si,Z__. ...., ,,. ,;....,•::-.4 5 ,.-7.'TS 1..., ,/,.i%.-,,Ag--0T--...-'.'1 --Tiff''- "7--,?- -t Cr'-''.- ' — 's, _-- -'•. f.',.-•--;1-Arr-,-_,-J:,:.`-- . - -k.,,,,t,..i,-;!-,•'• -,, . :- ..;. - ..-1.„--i.wkr7, - *. .-- --,--- -•',•:;--,i,... . . - ti,-"3t-- , z-zi,--,; , ' -4; --.7.2.7. t ' ------ - -',.-Ve•- ,4 ..i. ,4.-4-.)!..4.-. , , 'f-v-10,...''t- ",:tm- .:a 7 4.14;.-----, - '''';'''., :.-.7;..,i,-,•"4",?;.-;,-',".ze--ftg, . s. '14t1IW----,7._:- '.. -. 4:411Ciew ' - - •44.,i.4,,t, ,,',3:44.• ' - " - •,..•.. ,t;„:, ,-;.„•• .4...$,', . '1.'",s-fh . 1.' •. .is?`4;kr, . . * - ''''''ilee.':.. .0144fer' -,:.'''''' .11011t('e. # •t4#04-',9'''''-'-.77.°- 1 More details on this goal . .,...,,. \ v., v.:„.,,•_. ..., i . .4-1* • ` 4-r-71-'17`"*4*1.'r-,',<J,_..' " lui: ,11''• r S,t•gzt:-;17 '• • i ,r • 'e(r • --'1 .j?'' '''' - . - ' gif ' 7i''' '''''''''''t.' 'i t rr ' N . : ei a 4L4,-41.. • - will be presented later .,.. `•#• '4r'''" i je- ':••tibt '''S4 q4::-.. ,•,,k, :::-4.,.-'. , it ;...z,A...._. ' •---../ .. .,• ,,rtatif,i-s....: ..a. ., .. vy ..;:',...v- rh.01'" ' ' ''..--cr'4.:'. r,".11.4,"-- .,--...)1 r xr.a.Z.7.;!A ,.. .,,4-•,,,7-24:t,,,t•):i.,;,:.:.:, .- -,":,, 4.4',. ..4,0 .c.,.....:L.,,,,,--,41 • „- Ige4,,,..• ....5. r4.-47,k3.? ' . 4`3 • ,.',417A' .-, _fee' 4- --',''L',4 r-,'%=.•`7...--, '---1 4,' '"'''''' ' . • -t" :V., .;:'',.. 4 .-'-'1,*'" -,:" "' .*:). .1.''' ';'. •t'r '.:..1. ...! *V-, Clt, . , , '.c_-',,,,t..tr. ,,:',34,1 , .,4.....1,.. • . . , •...:7 ' •-•:.,,,,,..,.:'AvQ71-r.-t, -1,..... "-1, ____._—.....,,,................s.....s, ,-, - -XX ,, -1,-, tt ,,,.,-,_., ,.. r, „•.--.0.4 .ri...,,,-_4...4 :,. ,Ftir- - ..-,;-,,-,:-1,-, . 4.,.. -—.. ....,, ,....;11,)„,... N;-,...,_.;64.-rn 01....• 5. , . : .- AHEAD OF THE CURVE P wiir 4,4 if,- WAr'Itji•jg'"7,1 „ '.,.._;. ::::,...,L ' 7,,*;,•-`,- -16.: 14170e ''''':4'2 ., • • . i ' i d t, _J t - _ _ . - _ .'.t .-.7_7,—_,/,' •,-.,:: _ Y...r. - --- -' _ Y 0 UV' m r C ,. • 4. Protect and enhance residential - -- neigh.borhoods . . . ,_,,.. .. _ ( , ..__ . • Protect - Ensure housing stock maintained, self- help guides,- bank. operated low-interest loans, , • • consider rezone of single family S. Renton, design • standards protect edge areas, evaluate trucks . . . V'VI-tit routes - _ :�_� . t. ���r� . • `---,ri :''.,..,.i, . 614140. 5ae .�-L�. .�_L++,„t •-•::.-_-',:---','�`� 7`i ii-y A'. t .. ' ::114-1::j-ki#' :41: .;:: : iii:7• C) '�' j r,3'-'_". .! '' �. - r • � lIl LFt1��.1 i� 15L' +� l.ICI` '_!..,,. _ - �.N - �� ',: ;v, r Tsar v`JCi`.� s-i �' - Li 7L__ . a......., ,. .„.. if ‘ 01,_ b.4 4 4 IzJLras ::i}•;113,1 -: _ �j • x — �.. - -gi n , I.� ,,,, G. C,„ S. 1, �Z " k 1 V - .va - r1- _ tract,�..L.� • 'am.:•.•''� 0 Oa LI' 4 • . . .: . • , . • Enhance - Implement City's Urban ForestryPlan and complete streets, = - - - ' • increase neighborhood amenities . . , a 1, (gardens, greenspaces, public art) • • 4,.,..;.,,.„.„.„„:i.k..-..-.•,. ,....,. ..ia..,-...„•...N..,.cl;4,A.}:- :y, ..,,2p..„i.i) 1, • Ensure CityCenter is for families and . ...,, '41, + �, 1,-` r�,i X i d kit: u f'Ca �* (/'j" lir a 4;Ks. recognizes diversity •g .:lr.; ' s • e . , ,. , _ .„ ., . „ _. . _...._. _ . . • ao :, 0 5 5e Provide better transportation connections to improve access to and from the City _ _, ,„ s • • Centers ., ----- - - - . Support - WS-DOT-1-40-5-improvemen_ ____ ts, opportunities for water taxi,• Sound Transit • Landing/Coulon Park and Ride • ® Evaluate - Logan as SRs900, Park Ave truck routing 'Identify preferred Rapid Ride/Light Rail route .BURIEM t \ i 'i 1, s4'+ - . t64 - L n_.c..; 'f o \ -..r- . _in_ \-,..-,, ',' L- `N that t.n- �_- xas rrai%ttececer 'j °t '['{ TUK'WIL'A } 1. W' ,75=ncLslGiW�ti s., `1, .R• 6 Routin _ ,- f - 1un3: *+ ...�; _ v and,stops r-�`L n Itaii sl , - ti. . os �, .. .erni+�,, `i _{' e' determined "�'J $_c7ff.✓'' tmcatlonatrno atw�•.. ' stanysmsV7y, ,•`—//ff Boulevard ,^.J {1 urDwd,-- Tiamilla- f Stationt +,..3)-r7M)4. - lf 3 1� i ,titvtart 'Station.REIST 'T � N H {. j f1 1 o ,1• l •o:jLEGEND '—f ;� 3 1IAHED OP TI-IE CURVE —naP de•r-cme 11 § jO PMP,,dMmbnQPmpexeStePr - ScaTx7Atrpok"- .F-�• I _ J .r • ..:� --,:-gym ��.. . aciai a . • . • 6. Provide better connections within City Center ® Park Avenue - key connection ® Consider streetcar/trolley ® Enhance: Pedestrian and business environment ® Evaluate - road to Southport, through traffic alternate route _• - --�, , _... . 6„,,,,.‘7.7:4:--1--:,...."--...,_'' -„„-...„., .t,„,..._ ..,... ,..c . _ . _ _s Hct' r1 it ire _ r �� ® WA., �' ii i Or '4.. '-} _ r r.tia= i f ..-,--7-:•:: i1 al :-.:-. -,_\ rT ? ll ii. , r�.... ,,A— ., , ? p1i' ,i _ ss* �.�., II, 'rdia0,1 1, bii 044 IFiOrAr -_►kWk.S>' ' ' ' *...;:,..... , o.Imo. rw€ 1 r i' r l Kg (� -;":!"- ' . ...Z"rtt,:- ':->P'=-::-.;,...e4 .7'5".7[,;,A.Z1$::,,:-:;L'':,4-"'.'` r ;•',,.. A '''.:. :.''':::‘. : , rf ,�� r ,✓" .tot4 yea}_-ie;f..•. y" j ,. , � -1. 00„„, _.,,,,..„„. , , .,........„„,....„,..„ .. _ ,_. . __ , ,,....., ,, . , .. .,..,,,, .. .... . . _.:.:,,.. it.,...,,,,,. .: :_......., . _. ......_. t_ ______ _ __ ._ AHEAD OF THE CURVE - 9 . . -t _ . . I t z,,-...-',:,'---A.,...--.4,•,..-6,. '.:;',.. . : ;.',;.-_-',-., ,,,,,. • ..- ,•..'.,.,-:',:,,.:,„;,.,'„,- ,.:-.1.,..,..;,:_,,..,--. : ::,-. ,, , .:-•::: --,'...,-5,--f- --- ','%7,=--''''''' ,' .- -- - . ' ' ',' - '': :-:-,'':.:,'''4:--'1''''..'''''2'';', '''-,1:•?-•••'•\•:-''',;••:&"; '''7'71‘.'';''',''-'''•''''.''.•`.;PA ,,,,,,>..,. „::.-''.,,1?.,_7;,,„,,7',`„;,,,..7,,k,,.,-;;,-1;,''1,;;.`,.. ,,''-,,,Z.'11,4'1:1•''.1!.,,-;.'.4'',.,`-a".,:''',.''et-'-'',-;'','-'.:'''X:."P;5`'','.'."';'•','..•'.' ,'''.1'''..!•,;'1'1-1 :'''1":- .1;''1''!','"--'''.-1;:r-•.',..'!.;';1%,5"1.1.1 7' '-"••,,t2,..'.''.r.-:--,-:''''',.-7-•'''' '' '‘,-• — — . . . . . P1.1".•. . . P • •-•'..".- , . . . . , . . . . • Improve connectivity and mobility .. , . . .., . , . . ' . • - Evaluate - one-way streets, "road diet": northern' .. . - portion of Rainier Ave .. _. , . . . .‘_ . . • , •- Improvements --vehicular-and-pedestrian at key - . • intersections, civic node, S/SW 7th . . . . , _ . • Safety - traffic ,awareness/calming„. continue . . . improved safety and connections for A . ..,. . pedestrians and bicyclists • . .. , . , r . , ''''' tiA") '' ' ':: s'i '• .;..:: . . . J.or i;1144.0.i.., ,,,,,,, ... .: ...:,. ° iNAY'r .. . , ....,. .... , - . .,. . . . ., . . :. _. ,..., — ,„,,,,." ..._.,........:.... ._. ... , ‘FT ER " „.:., r,.., A v . .,,, " • , . • .. .mi .91 \' i'-t4i ., II -- -,.-'1.1-7'' . 1:-,,,I 7 , C=1,re- I.. , . ,. . , .N.-.•= r -- "L.- ' I ' I '". 12' i i 12'- - 12' I _ 12' • r.f t,. ' •‘'., ' V. .e.n•''' . • . sidewalk . travel lane -turning-lane. travel lane multi-use trail .tidemi. .. -:. k--,ez,.• • .-. , . - 4' • r 1 _, . ' . . , . . 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Connect regional trails and build economic . . _ • . • development strategy _ • .• f , • . . . . •. . . . -i . ° Contnue work to preserve rail corridor for rail . andtrail, connect- Cedar River and Coulon Park , . • . . ... . " . . _. _ . .... _ ? _ . , 15111,24f..... p4,t,..„4-0.,•!...,0, ..,_ , LII, ,4.., ,, .. ..,- •4,,,-?, .. .-z•- ..t-z. ; • • P*6ttlievee.. --t.,-.7 g7, .,w.. - ,... . ' _. . ib Serniiatt. ' % ' . ' 4;.•;$' .-..;„,..xlet,„ ,,,,,,T:,_., -....„..:,.. _:,.x.; ,..4.6::-...i viziyiPP4V .• .1 ..1U'q • 2. .,., 71,40,ii.`,.."4": . r ' 't:,.',' 4"44-#1.4.,torL.'''''`If . \ , .• ,,...A, ' .•eu.;2-'91•:, A t. A.-1;7,'' ...7-1,h '...4., '''''' ' ' .44'71. . ''''''''' ' "4.*4.' .4'244114:7•"f A 4.41 1 •4„,,.` '`k-'' :',0':\ .';1'3-.1 •-,,...,..A:. 1:;;gz,.x-g'., fiL•colg i .,•?,,. -7 ...,,,i, V 1:::1."...7,+', e.-r'.''.' ' - '''''' • • .• ',.. 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'4-41,1-7--,'-..0,41,41S • - . : --1.1.41 :45,:"41'''' ' ""'".1''':2 • V-.',:,,,..,-V7' .:1"'""•14•1,•"*",-'. . .,....--- .., r..". ...'''-,,,'" !'', ,..'- '•i.- "-- ...-1,. .. IJ - . -, 1p --t4h 41,1444-4:c.4;A;...1 . 14=4.,4,' '. ';: ',...'•-•*%'1 74 ,.. ...7.'',,,. t...,. 110k07.421 .. ' ''' '.4 'kV... .. '''':' 4 •..:, •* '...A•.,4.t..4•4 :1'. ... • .3.. '.' .'.‘-'4iff,AI 9 • lat'..ell ' . ., . ..-'.. - - /3:4,, r Vr,,,,...,14,„ ,t..4,4),,,,.;,.., , . , i • r-,,'• ' ' •,, ' " -,,, ", , ,,.,, .....1.. -..-e.. , •='-'.:.,...:...-:.-,Z,I:. . --,-.:.,,:,&-•,1 • , - - , - . -,, "' 7,'-:-,' 'XL.--14- . -,, --, --: -;.-,,N,. "c":7,1-.,• • •F;ENTON TR,A115 AND -, r:, ,-,:., , .-.,,,,,. , : ',..,•_-, ''.• , ., t ' .-2...t,i EIC'etLE MASTER PLIN • . li• ' . ' ' . '-','?/..''' 'r...".-.''''''''4'."'..'.. ,„',-.LI, 1(!"."-t'''-",''':•--.''t-'"7"t'•---"%. • AdcittY0Nroie ri,W029. 1 . , .. ',1', ...-- ...„;:v.i ,,/-11.- ' =.' -1"6,'"'",• . ..,, , - 4,, AD ;,. . mrownso- . ........, enton ,„....- .4,04.41+4 • • .4 ,• • ••• OCDE.Z.— 8© Protect and enhance natural features and • open space - -improve - public access and . .,- connections (between Lake Washington,, Cedar River, andp open and s acesparks t , ,,,,,r.„,,,..„. „..........„_ .,,,z4„,,,,,,-45.3,„--,:i.4.,--,4,,,,..^,,4,4„,„--iq.,44,-;;;T ay.,...74,F„,• „„5,0„.„--,3-,., ..V a" �� 4 `4'I i� 4N2:.1,4;t ..1...4,113041‘;•2 fw�; ��}'�€Z,°�,. .W7^ac1 � F `'a� .lr}-y-.4'3. 'ie .fit'' r • • . Lh. \ yf r .y.}- 7 ale'"? e 9 . { ,JiJ� ^ r il ,* M P ''-g"" .� ,Arr.-3414'41.4r-- 4 ...hitt"' VTC +1 n" ice !a.'F ..j _1,>Y .- •+..e ri * 1 t'� a •-,•d` `i,,* -'.• 3 . ,{` ,n'R;s.g.��,. J • • . --- �!, ry y.t , i. E --.. . ..,..„.7„,„„,-.„.....,.....„..i.,.•,fit --•f+ �. �iW a ' .y, + A 1 t t .- .,..,, t'� �i P ba I. y_ - y.,r b'ti *Ar= ' ',, ..----z.-.....- �L 1'{,.ye;}r� ' +-r _ _4- ?L L y I I ..1C' j , t• _ >_� tea, ' �"' S L°i�'1' .,. , .. k i' ' i • +' ,fit a •i - 'L"iF, " , • + j e T A •. ,_ s - c.a..,+ • �4fk. 4d na•�5.�-� .**u Vii.• t ' ' ...\ `0* ` "! ham` 7'- '�,.(#� s'�*'s'4..=.!! ,,,. .sJi 'h ='� •� ..~ .K L x .y y s 3..L....1... • ..14.7:-.P..: •'.N r G , f'x, /•• .t r 'f ii% `rw . 1.-F y ,Ft.,. „. .'y... .P.;.r ♦4 ,i 5 'ii.4- '.At a , . ,r s ' S•c;,. .. pc,r \* .. t- 1 w.p e 'Y't+ t4.,r ,. .t �,• . .�^. *. •�• ';. cc t. ~ •r. y ` • .>fi 9'' " .•<r tkit : & 4 �...,y•..`:•. .mo i i ISL`-Cr - 7 = '• _c:}s],i'- r. • • a ,*; -a�_ in.1"''."" 1 Com" ., i f • - .f�,1�t.•4 •.°, +-'�,-...-p.4�-, ;1 d�-�,.. �, , , ..•1 ,. ',.-..gam aift ` IA`.`�`•1, per y ; :* :c !f I .. ::�",-� �' -ti,'xy ''., -` .P hi '' s+ •' 1 I = 1� - ..... y7 � ',14-�-'^�-�,:,� , .,.* -.o . - _ �' . rs I w. r.r,fiaar.. -- el , - __r �- .4> C: tioy,_ no le- R H .1 • Consider Cedar River Greenway/promenade • Create conceptual plan, evaluate zoning, id-entify implementation strategy Increase passive and active greenspace ® Improve Cedar River Trail (additional lights, public art, and maybe to both sides of river)- • Burnett Park, gardens, complete. streets Vi.:.µ 1 -g\\41 tag 7r2i6aidalCi''''., . ,?: ,r t OR to411 51o'es 0c U ' - . ..:-:::: :-..:-::::: :-;:t' - -,- 10/ ait.c i on slo . -.w'-.,',0,,- ..-.,-y--- ,::.-,.;.:, .:::::.---.:r!_ _ IA\L._ _ . . . . . .K� "` �,�r-�.,` .a' .b�'.�'. '.a, ,,.,.- _ L, ti ....Ssji.i _ 1, 4.,,,.s i!!,!.K 4.11.„•;, -11: yi\i6 ..f 'I''b �~.z / .ir sOZ 11 _ e:/k f w }. Iii / ,�7�f 1fF+^ 1� _ fes. L . . • • - • • •\ - _ - • - , , • • ,• • ) • +• • RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE µ .. cit- , .3�c.':-�.y � r"� p-- - ,e o Additional Details o Responsible Party o Resources: • $: $0 - $10,000 © $$: $10,000 - $50,000 • $$$: $50,000 -, $100,000 © $$$$: $100,000 and up • Public Involvement o Timeframe: ® Short-term: 1 — 3 years © Mid-term: 4 — 10 years O Long-term: 10 — 20 years ,k(cY o RENTON AHEAD OP THE CURVE • '. ` [1 Ern 7o ©_ ©n fH , I., c . tu, - .I co trategy d .=, r" , 2.4.3 Complete a detailed design Lead: Community $$$ General Mid- City . and implementation Services, Planning public, term strategy for the greenwayl Support: Residents, promenade based on the , Business, Transportation conceptual design Property-: owners 2.5:1 Initiate a feasibility study to Lead: Community $$$ General . Long- City select a location for a new Services public term City Hall in a central • Support: Economic location in the City Center Development, Planning 3.1.1 Complete a conceptual plan Lead: Planning, $$ ,General Short- y;Museum City for the civic node Community Services ,,public term - MP; Support: Econorimic,. Development_ • Cimmunity Plan Advisory 0 ‘kot. • • • ..u. RENTON • . i\re-vo • . . AHEAD OI THE CURVE • pAtit • Purpose • To ensure the plan is implemented • Role .- Responsibility -- • Tracking progress — identify when accomplished and when milestones have not been met • Identify priorities for CIP, work programs, etc ® Report to Council _ 1 • Meet 2 - 4 times per year ti`�Y RENTON ,WNTTo AHEAD or THE CURVE ' • Board members to include : • Residents — various neighborhoods • Include renters, single family, and multi-family • Small and large business leaders • Other property owner(s) • Non-profit organizations/social services/faith based • At-large member • Planning and Parks Commissioner • Total 16 members, variable terms - ��Y RENTONo ) AHEAD OP THE CURVE �' • . • •„ • DetaiIs • of . Goal . • 0 • .2 4.. RENTON , • AHEAD OF THE CURVE 3. 1 Coordinate Liberty Park, the KCLS Main. Renton Library, the Renton History Museum, the Cedar River, and the proposed greenway/promenade as a key activity node for the City Center. The node should highlight and make visible this concentration of civic activities and emphasize that this is a critical crossroads connecting the north and south City Center areas. ti( Y RENTON AITLAD OF TIIL CL'RVL • • ♦ , .414 ij Q . pr + 1 - ..a ..,,.. ° -•;TA Y' 4' e1` " ,-.%,/,, ,,,4„.(4. J_ 4f s1_ y <--,,,,,z- i1 - 1 Pg v!.' .31`:‘-eic,!-• 114, S5C4.1e '''' ' A;,,.; ' 4 - 5,9 P't,"", :rt-v,..:f'.74::14', 4, ,-,'4,7",....'. ,..„, „....,,,,,,_.....0,,,,,„,,,...... --__.;.„„ - . ,,,t'T , alilj • --. -*,, . a©E_ FF rtL ,m7, r c•. }. -f } 7�,e. . , ef,•. r } '"'= ''.1e-' _ �� pia ., w YX A'WJ" - t s- r- y„ s ., ''• '',. /.,` :, y� & j , , ".,i + ,.« I. �7 % ! msc . ,/ C• }e a :, ,tes, 4 . ,., ,...-.......... ...&-- . 2,„.„...i„,..,.,4,1. ..,.....4. j.... - f, -, ,.7.„.... .:4- ,-- .. .- -. -, --w-1 . •f./.1 7 .r.....-....„... ,..„,„ ., -�) � i= ` 4i,.. . � ., , ,� Complete a , ,�yyam'e...-iiiric_i \J„ , 0 Y ,.....v....-„,. . • r •~�^, ..w. ...i...„ ' conceptual plan fes_ •v ...�},,,,,- ....-,.:.„,.„,- ..„<,-, : J c `,-, t',• `V'7)'/e'i"- ,-, e I �'�' , .r,,,,,,,,0",.. .,, t ,X v... / „ ; r �i `w ^� ? �'';,(S.L _ _ _ _ •—__ _ _ __ •__ • - —_ •} zl ,^� �,T for the civic node +- 1 rte° .9r t,.� ` r ft` �• Y , �� rr 3.1.2 Implement the r • y„ � .`� 17 `, : A _fi - - . Tri-Park Master c„.....„, .,{j ;f t e� :...:..,r Plan Com{ � i.? ' \ j J. ..„..../ ......_, . 0 i.Q - •,.. ,,,,, ,.. .,_a xr •fix ,..... .....w.e.': 4 . / . ...,,,,....... , -!"'q _.,, fir-- .,w yr d i.` -..: t 4`• e r-'4 -.--•-�:-0. f X4:5:!--.;::, ,. ' d...."S.' d' ryr°_-� • i+-/ �+\ `` 0.{ Za •..,•� '•G F'..y g 3�. i 11-!,,,,, a ❑° ..n ., --..a Ki ,. t:,• "-frf„tr'.:•.,e?t9e° -="i,-- « (('� /7/ o � r� n t j I. ar�(�{rt''.{ a C c:1,43. 1rr,-.6., ▪°•�,'(�.�� cT+•il' .T -� •'r4.1.'�• ( L 11' � gn�' ria , K' '� qt,'..•'`vi' :-' //= aY•,;, _ MI 11 :•. _ �� }� pir. .3.s�V,..:.;i^,..��.-•,,,�'�-';�"-' • lr', l :1\'L=cr' o -� 'L, + •L�{y � t ' ' ��• l � `t :�:ot,th : 1a! r--------2 a+afly`^ 1" �y•'� �"` .n` �?i�..`4 � rd � ', . ="' �`7. '''''''''',••-' ''''' Ot�:i L , t : ' T"f:',, i'i"Ni. '7,- y n.£ ,e'w . . ' -' ''' w" :d 0 .4, „.-,.. E . - . 3.2 Ensure that the. KCLS Main Renton Library building remains in public use even if the Main Library relocates in the future. 1.1 41::e:.,,.1 0."x J ,-t r x A�.'`` ,;4 :1!f } y `r•r j I i I E � p igf i;* 1 ,- . `+- Sat R E{ sA ,y�r _ .ate., I r ppr ...., 'z" + t r G s _ na. }�t° � }> _NAY r' 6.-4:41uYu V' t '] rLibigl gi. 4 1'11.W...--,k..,`i'F7i.4 3v. 4 All. i '2. 914!mg iii `�,�d ' r _ -'-.t .: :.. � � �N .A,� tom! I r 1,, q ,.,s goo ,ri 'µ' �,..)R.0_Y 4 O ,t, RENTON . AHEAD OF THE CURVE • • 4) fi • • •• f 1' _ •1`_,-ter_ _ - _ .. _ ,. - .. '..t - - _-._ Y- -_ - :..,e__. _ ^\' '- . e003 3.2. 1 Work with KCLS to ensure that plans for the future of Main Renton Library building remains inp ublic use. Additional Details: As a part of the conceptual plan in 3.1. 1, consider the future of the KCLS Main Renton Library building. Consider creating an environmental or arts and cultural center at this location if the library relocates. Y RENT ® N o� AHEAD OP THE CURVE - `� , . 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N „..... ______-.-.....-. .... ........................................ -1-•-• 2 . f ei-A ...R ,...,, • RENTON - RE ON.AHEAD C1'31:4' Ca0' h., - .., ..•••• , L -4 AHEAD OF THE CURVE . . _ C;orornui fi• &Ee..0nornic c ‘tipi:05te I_ 1 • .I . i‘ • LIBERTY PARK "BRARY BUILDING STEER("IG COMMITTEE MEE11111G ATTENDANCE INFORMMTION NAME 1 9/28/2011 10/20/2011 l Norm Abrahamson x x Stuart Avery x x Gary Barber x x Sarah Becker x x Pat Bentley x x Cheryl Boudreau x x Leeah Brown x Excused Pamela Carino x x Lorene Clough (Cannot continuelIMM Teresa Clymer-Flora x x Larry Crim NIA NIA Jan Dahl x x Jonathan Fox Excused x Glenn Garrett x x Jamie Greene x x John Hansen x x Kristi Hartman NIA x Marjorie Hastings NIA x Holly Hawker Excused NIA Mark Hergert x Excused Leone Johnson x x Doug Kyes x x Ryan Mclrvin x x Carol McPherson NIA Cannot continue Jeff Nordberg NIA Cannot continue Sandra Polley Excused Cannot continue Marvin Rosete x x Wil Samson x x Francine Siverts x x Adam C.Smith x x Mara Swenson NIA Cannot continue Judith Tabak NIA Cannot continue Dustin Toms NIA Cannot continue Colin Walker Resigned Dean Zinck NIA NIA 10/20/11 VISITOR Tracy Comptor 11/17/11 VISITOR Peter Hartley 01/26/12 VISITOR Peter Hartley 3/1/2012 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applications\Meeting Attendance Info AGENDA CITY OF RENTON City of Renton C,ityMAR 0 2 2012 RECEIVED Renton Liberty Park Library Steering CommjlggRK'SOFFICE Staff Contacts: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 Renton City Hall 6:30 p.m. Council Chambers Terry Higashiyama~City of 6:30 p.m. Doors open/Meet other Committee Members Renton Meeting Days &Times thiaashivamaPrentonwa.aov 425-430-6606 7:00 p.m. Welcome/Terry Higashiyama Elizabeth Stewart ~City of Renton 7:05 p.m. Introduction/Greg Stroh Share why you want to be involved estewartP rentonwa.gov 425.255.2330 7:30 p.m. Meeting Protocol/Elizabeth Stewart Greg Stroh~City of Renton astrohPrentonwa.aov 7:40 p.m. Committee Process/Terry Higashiyama 425.430.6614 Timeline, Commitment, Selection of"Officers", Public Meetings, Final Product 8:00 p.m. Objectives/Elizabeth Stewart What are the objectives of best use of the old Library Building? Breakout into groups of 5-7 and explore broad aims for Building 8:20 p.m. Groups Report/All Groups to report back H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\2011\Agenda\09 2011 Meeting SC.doc 9/2011 4 Renton Liberty Park Library Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - September 28, 2011 Renton City Hall, Council Chambers 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. 6:30 pm Check in and social time In Attendance Members: Norm Abrahamson, Stuart Avery, Gary Barber, Sarah Becker, Pat Bentley, Cheryl Boudreau, Leeah Brown, Pamela Carino, Teresa Clymer- Flora, Jan Dahl, Glenn Garrett, Jamie Green,John Hansen, Mark Hergert, Leone Johnson, Doug Kyes, Ryan Mclrvin, Marvin Rosete, Wil Samson, Francine Siverts, Adam C. Smith City of Renton Staff: Terry Higashiyama, Elisabeth Stewart, Greg Stroh Excused Jonathan Fox, Holly Hawker, Sandra Polley Absent Larry Crim, Kristi Hartman, Marjorie Hastings, Carol McPherson, Jeff Nordberg, Mara Swensen, Judith Tabak, Dustin Toms, Dean Zinck 7:00 pm Welcome/ Councilmember King Parker 7:05 pm Staff Introductions/Terry Higashiyama Staffing the work of the Steering Committee: Terry Higashiyama, Administrator, Department of Community Services. Terry has many years of experience in parks and recreation in Renton and Bellevue; she has been Administrator since 2006. Divisions in Community Services include: Human Services, Recreation, Parks & Golf Course, Parks Planning and Natural Resource, Facilities, Neighborhoods Resources and Events, and the Museum. Greg Stroh, Facility Manager. Greg has been with the City of Renton Facilities Division for over 20 years. Greg oversees all the buildings in the city system, and will serve as the committee's resource for all facility questions. Liz Stewart, Museum Manager, Renton History Museum. Liz has 20 years of museum experience. She has been with the museum since 2006 and has been involved with other city planning initiatives such as the Arts and Culture Master Plan, Museum Master Plan, City Center Neighborhood Plan, and Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan. 7:10 pm Introductions/Greg Stroh Participants and visitors introduced themselves and their interest in participating. 1 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 caY� 7:30 pm Meeting protocol/ Liz Stewart Liz Stewart reviewed Steering Committee's objective: to develop a series of preferable options for the use of the Liberty Park Library Building that (1) benefit the public; (2) are economically feasible; and (3) enhance enjoyment of nearby civic assets (park, museum, river, etc.). She also reviewed meeting ground rules: (1) Look to the future. (2) Remember that you're representing the residents of Renton. (3) Be an active listener. (4) Try out new ideas. (5) Respect the team and its work. 7:40 pm Committee process/Terry Higashiyama Terry Higashiyama outlined the Committee's process. • The Committee will meet on the third (31 Thursday of every month at the Renton Senior Activity Center, 211 Burnett Avenue North, 7—8:30 p.m. The next meeting will be held on Oct. 20. • Steering Committee recommends to Council, does not make policy; Council makes the decision about next steps. While the Committee may present to other Boards and Commissions, the Committee reports to Council. • The Committee will complete its work by the end of March 2012, when it will deliver an approximate 5 — 10 page final report to City Council. • The Committee will meet monthly and members must commit to attend monthly meetings as well as do some work outside meetings. The Committee will also organize two to three public meetings to solicit feedback from the general public. • All meetings will be conducted as public meetings, open to anyone, but only Committee members may participate in discussions, deliberations, and activities except during public meetings when all attendees participate. • City staff will serve as resources to the Committee, but the Committee will drive the process. • At the October meeting, the Committee will select a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. Staff will meet with the Chair and Vice-Chair one to two weeks before each scheduled meeting to develop the agenda;the Secretary will take the minutes at each meeting. Participants may submit their names by email for consideration. The Chair will lead the meetings with the support of the Vice-Chair. The Secretary will take the minutes of the meetings and the Community Services Department will distribute the minutes to the Committee. • Gary Barber and Marvin Rosete submitted his name for consideration as Chair during the discussion, and Francine Siverts, Marvin Rosete, and Leone Johnson submitted their names for consideration as Vice-Chair. 2 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 i • ---�it�'r l(J_r 8:00 pm Breakout Groups Liz broke the participants into five groups to brainstorm about broad aims and objectives for the best use of the Liberty Park Library Building. They met until 8:15 p.m. and then reported back. Below are their ideas. Group 1 Ideas • Community Center (indoor) o Drop in cases o Arts/Crafts o Variable space/programs • Pre-school • Interpretive center • Anchor business center/business incubator Amenities • Moveable walls • Honor architecture • Keep windows Group 2 Sustainability • Alternative power sources ("off the grid") Ecological Aspects • Fish habitat Commercial Opportunities • Revenue generation! (food, retail, studio rents) • Art studio/gallery space Cultural Center Spill function outside of building footprint • Like Tuesday Farmers Market Group 3 • Art activity center • Public access—connects with surrounding parks • Represents community diversity • Accessible—free • Connection with the river (glass bottom floor) 3 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 • Café Group 3 Continued • Originally built to have a mezzanine—one side of building • "Campus" feel—connect all public assets • Pedestrian connection with Museum • Deck on other side of building • Help the City economically • Partnerships—operating/capital/etc. • NOT STORAGE! Not an office building Group 4/ 5 Broad objectives • All ages • Family-friendly • Recreation • Educational component—complement schools • Multicultural • Green building Ideas • Entertainment center • Technology center • Traveling art exhibit (Pacific Science Center type) • Partner with other nonprofits in area • Mentoring center • Nonprofit studio center (rental of studio space) • After-school programs (school bus stop) Common themes Vibrant/Honor/Flexible/Interactive/Active Interpretive/Creativity/Educational Sustainable/Environmental Cultural/Multicultural/Diversity Connecting/Accessible/Public Gathering/Community/Family Campus/Partnerships/Commercial 8:35 pm Meeting adjourned Next Meeting Thursday, October 20, 2011, 6:30pm –8:30 p.m., Renton Senior Activity Center. Committee Members will receive an email reminder with directions and agenda. Applicants who missed 4 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 I the first meeting but did not notify Community Services they would be absent will be contacted to see if they are still interested. 5 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Minutes\October 5,2011 City of Renton Renton Liberty Park Library Building Steering Committee MEETING GROUND RULES Look to the future. Don't be limited by the past. Remember that you're representing Renton. Let "the good of the whole" be your guide. Assume best motives on the part of others on the committee and the public. Be an active listener. Stay focused on others until it's your turn to speak. Try out new ideas. Be open-minded and let yourself experiment with things that are new and different. Respect the team. Commit yourself to the committee's process and convey confidence in what we do here. H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Ground Rules and Objectives city a enton F f City of Renton Renton Liberty Park Library Building Steering Committee MEETING OBJECTIVES Objectives: To develop a series of preferable options for use of the library building at 100 Mill Avenue South that: (1) Benefit the Public (2) Are economically feasible (3) Enhance enjoyment of nearby civic assets (Cedar River, Liberty Park, Museum) H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Ground Rules and Objectives O r ton �; coarvua[kpmmml LIBERTY PARK LIBRARY BUILDING STEERING COMMITTEE MEE' IG ATTENDANCE INFORI',„-.TION NAME 9/28/2011 Norm Abrahamson x Stuart Avery x Gary Barber x Sarah Becker x Pat Bentley x Cheryl Boudreau x Leeah Brown x Pamela Carino x Lorene Clough Cannot continue Teresa Clymer-Flora x Larry Crim NIA Jan Dahl x Jonathan Fox Excused Glenn Garrett x Jamie Greene x John Hansen x Kristi Hartman NIA Marjorie Hastings NIA Holly Hawker Excused Mark Hergert x Leone Johnson x Doug Kyes x Ryan Mclrvin x Carol McPherson NIA Jeff Nordberg NIA Sandra Polley Excused Marvin Rosete x Wil Samson x Francine Siverts x Adam C. Smith x Mara Swenson NIA Judith Tabak NIA Dustin Toms NIA Colin Walker Resigned Dean Zinck NIA 10/20/11 VISITOR 11/17/11 VISITOR 01/26/12 VISITOR 3/1/2012 H:\Boards and Commissions\Library Board\Lib Pk Lib Bldg Steering Committee\Applications\Meeting Attendance Info