HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN_Project Narrative 711 Renton_191223_v1PROJECT NARRATIVE SUBMITTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST CONDUCTED BY THE CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION 7-Eleven – UST Replacement 11505 S.E. 168th Street Renton, Washington 98055 7-Eleven No. 14441 APN: 289260-0051 December 23, 2019 Our Job No. 20224 1 20224.003 Project Narrative.docx Existing Conditions The project site is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of S.E. 168th Avenue and 116th Avenue S.E. in Renton, Washington, commonly known as 11505 S.E. 168th Avenue, Renton, W ashington 98055 (APN: 289260-0051), Township 23 North, the Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 29, Range 5 East. The site's area consists of ± 29,611 square feet, or ± 0.6798 acres. The site is currently zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). The property is currently occupied by a 7-Eleven Convenience Store (2,560 square feet) with a detached fuel canopy (± 580 square feet). Figure 1 Aerial View – 11505 SE 168th Street Source: King County GIS 2019 2 20224.003 Project Narrative.docx Proposed Scope of Work The Applicant is proposing a tenant improvement project to remove three (3) existing 12,000-gallon underground storage tanks (USTs) and replace them with two (2) new USTs; one 15,000-gallon tank, for the storage of unleaded fuel, and a 15,000-gallon dual/split tank, for the storage of premium unleaded (7,000 gallons) and diesel fuel (8,000 gallons). New turbines will also be installed for each UST. While no changes are proposed to the development footprint or site operations, the project does call for the demolition/removal of concrete drive slabs beneath the fuel canopy and on top of the existing tank pit. The Applicant proposes to demolish the existing fuel islands and sumps, remove the existing multi-product dispensers and replace with new dispensers. Upon completion of the tank and dispenser installation, new concrete slabs will be installed. Asphalt will be saw cut as needed, providing necessary trenching for new piping to serve the newly-installed dispensers. Electrical conduits, breakers , and panel will be installed as part of the new fuel distribution system. A new vent box and pipe rack will be installed along the west side of the convenience store while a new air/water unit will be located adjacent to the existing trash enclosure on the east side of the building. Development Details Site Features, Soil and Drainage: The site is relatively flat with gradual sloping (1% to 8%) from the northwest to the southeast, from a peak of ± 467 feet along the west property line to ± 459 feet along the 116th Avenue S.E. frontage. Preliminary research on soils indicates two (2) soil types are prevalent onsite: AgB and AgC Alderwood gravelly sandy loam materials. These soil types are moderately well drained, but with a very low ability to store water and are not considered to be hydric soils. No critical areas have been mapped onsite. The stormwater design will be developed in compliance with the City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual with amendments to the 2016 King County Stormwater Design Manual (KCSWDM). Full drainage review is required since improvements are projected to exceed code requirements for new plus replaced Figure 2 Preliminary Site Plan 3 20224.003 Project Narrative.docx impervious surface. A Technical Information Report (TIR) will be prepared for permitting, providing a conceptual drainage plan with supporting calculations and including the TIR's core and special requirements are adequately addressed. Figure 3 Street View: 11505 168th Street Tree Retention / Removal: The project will not impact existing landscape (trees, bushes, shrubs or groundcover), thus no landscape plan is being provided. Any landscaping damaged during construction will be replaced. All development activity will be restricted to impervious surfaces. The project proposes to remove and replace approximately 4,550 square feet of concrete and asphalt surfaces. Access/Traffic: The project site is directly accessible to S.E. 168th Street and 116th Avenue S.E. via two (2) full access driveways, a 29-foot wide driveway accessing S.E. 168th Street and a 40-foot wide driveway accessing 116th Avenue S.E. The project will not increase parking stalls on site; however, one stall is being allocated for new ADA/handicapped parking. The site is directly accessible to public transit. Transit stops are located north and south of the site on 116th Avenue S.E. and east of the site on S.E. 168th Street serving bus routes 102 and 906. Right-of-Way Dedications: No right-of-way dedications will be required. Proposed Modifications: No modifications are anticipated for this project. Utilities: As a fully developed site, all required utilities are currently available through a variety of purveyors, including, but not limited to, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District (SCWSD). Soos Creek staff have provided an e-mail confirmation regarding the current status of said service; including copies of the original permits, a GIS reference and a copy of current utility billing. 4 20224.003 Project Narrative.docx Preliminary Cost Estimate: The costs outlined below are preliminary in nature and subject to change (sub- consultant costs are not included): New USTs and Dispensers $ 72,000 Demolition and Erosion Control $ 4,900 Stormwater & Drainage Analysis $ 4,200 Tenant Improvement & Equipment $ 2,000 Sub-Total $ 83,100 Contingencies (10%) $ 8,310 Permit / Plan Review Fees $ 7,500 TOTAL $ 98,910