HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAD-15-001 Correspondence Ordinance for second and final reading: De) Ordinance No.5785:An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer service for properties adjacent to SE 165th St.,and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. e MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES.CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see attached Council Committee Meeting calendar. EXECUTIVE SESSION &ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR APPROXIMATELY 25 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LABOR NEGOTIATIONS-RCW 42.30.140(4)(b)WITH NO OFFICIAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AND THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED WHEN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION IS ADJOURNED. CARRIED. TIME: 7:31 P.M. Executive session was conducted.There was no action taken.The executive session and Council Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Jason A.Seth,CMC, City Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder Monday, February 22,2016 February 22, 2016 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES •J t AGENDA ITEM # 8. e) fii)of-e( 2Z 4' � 1 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE FOR PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO SE 165th STREET, AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District for the area served by the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension project in the it southeast quadrant of the City of Renton, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit "B". The recording of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges. While this connection charge may be paid at any time, the City does not require payment until such time as the parcel is connected to and, thus, benefiting from the sewer facilities. The property may be sold or in any other way change hands without triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district. SECTION II. Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District, and which properties have not been charged or assessed with all costs of the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay, in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the system development charge, a per unit charge for new connections of residential units in the amount of thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000.00) per dwelling unit. 1 AGENDA ITEM # 8. e) ORDINANCE NO. SECTION III. In addition to the aforestated charges, there shall be a charge of seventy- seven one hundredths percent (.77%) per annum added to the Special Assessment District charge. The interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (10) years from the date this ordinance becomes effective. Interest charges will be simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION IV. This ordinance is effective upon its passage, approval and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A.Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD.1896:11/19/15:scr 2 L 1,, AUDIENCE COMMENT Joleen Allen Staats,Seattle,addressed Council about her concerns regarding the presence of a number of homeless people in Renton,and requested that the bus stop,outside of the Walgreens store located at 275 Rainier Ave.S,be moved. Council and Mayor Law clarified that while homelessness is a serious issue throughout the country,it is best to avoid stereotyping all homeless people as criminals,and encouraged the public to contact 911 if they notice criminal activity. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing.At the request of Councilmember Persson,Consent Agenda item 7.f. was pulled for separate consideration. a) Approval of 11/23/2015 Council meeting minutes. Council concur. b) City Clerk submitted the 11/3/2015 General Election certification from King County Records and Elections. None;information only. c) Administrative Services Department requested authorization to hire a System Analyst at Step D of salary grade a21,effective upon start date. Council concur. d) Community&Economic Development Department recommended approval of a contract in an amount not to exceed$100,000 with Reid Middleton,Inc.to review structural plans through 12/31/2016.Council concur. e) Community Services Department requested approval of an interlocal agreement(ILA)with King County to extend the original ILA regarding the Soos Creek Trail for an additional five years and to provide clarifying language.Council concur.(See below for resolution.) g) Fire&Emergency Services Department recommended approving the joint resolution with King County Fire District#25;regarding the submission of a proposition to qualified electors of the City and District to form a Regional Fire Protection Service Authority effective 7/1/2016. Council concur;set public hearing on 12/14/2015. h) Human Resources/Risk Management Department recommended approval of actions taken to update the City's 457(b)Plan documents including the City of Renton/TIAA-CREF Plan Document,Adoption Agreement,and Claims and Appeals Procedures.Council concur. (See below for resolution.) i) Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a Construction Agreement with Century Link to redesign the new storm system in SW 7th St. in exchange for CenturyLink payment of approximately$190,026 for the redesign work and additional construction materials. Council concur. j) Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a grant agreement with Washington State Department of Ecology to accept up to$50,000 between 2015-2017 for Surface Water Utility implementation requirements associated with the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit.Council concur. Utility Systems/Divisio ire-questedanthvrizationtcs naliie th SttLSt.jSanitary Sewer-� Exte ____Sp cial'Assessmen Dis>ritt;ir-the arr ant-ofil.3;000:Refer-to-Utilities-Committee. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA,MINUS ITEM 7.F.CARRIED. DECEMBER 7,2015 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES 2 CITY OF ,Y ®n ,f-t . REGULAR COUNCIL-07 Dec 2015 SUBJECT/TITLE: Establishment of the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No.0048 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Refer to Utilities Committee DEPARTMENT: Utility Systems Division STAFF CONTACT: Mike Benoit, Civil Engineer EXT.: 7206 FISCAL IMPACT:. Expenditure Required $ N/A : wTransfer Amendment $ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total Project Budget $,N/A, City Share:Total Project:' $N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Wastewater Utility has completed construction of the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension. At the regular Council meeting on April 27, 2015 Council approved the preliminary Special Assessment District. The final costs and assessments have been determined and the property owners will be notified as directed by City Ordinance No. 4444.There are 11 potential single-family units within the Special Assessment District. The per-unit assessment for the district is$13,000. Per City Code, interest will accrue on the potential assessment at a rate of 0.77%for a period of 10 years beginning 30 days after final approval of the ordinance. EXHIBITS: A. Issue Paper B. Draft Final Notice of Potential Assessment C. Final Assessment District Roll D. Draft Ordinance STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the final SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No. 0048 and present the Ordinance for first reading. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ph ��t ,On MEMORANDUM DATE: November 19, 2015 TO: Ed Prince, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: Denis,Law, Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Michael Benoit, Wastewater Utility, ext. 7206 SUBJECT: Establishment of the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No.0048 ISSUE: Does the City wish to finalize the Special Assessment District for the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project in order to ensure that the cost of the project is equitably distributed to those who benefit? RECOMMENDATION: Approve the final SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No. 0048 and present the Ordinance for first reading. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The City has completed work on the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. This project installed sanitary sewer in SE 165th Street (aka South 28th Street) between 106th Place SE (aka High Avenue South) and 108th Avenue SE (aka Jones Avenue South). This project provides direct sanitary sewer service to properties adjacent to the new sewer main (map attached). The Wastewater Utility proposes to use a per-connection method of calculating the assessments for the properties within the proposed assessment district. This method takes the size of the existing parcels and anticipates how many single-family equivalent residences could be constructed in accordance with the City's proposed zoning for the area. There are 11 potential lots within the proposed assessment district boundary. Mr.Ed Prince,Council Preside, Page 2 of 2 November 19,2015 The final cost for the project is$143,350, which includes construction, staff cost and survey. The Wastewater Utility is proposing to divide the cost of the project by the number of potential lots that can gain direct benefit to calculate the per-connection charge for the sewer special assessment district. The project cost used to calculate the preliminary assessment was$143,000, which calculated to a per-connection charge of$13,000. Because the final cost is insignificantly higher than the,preliminary estimate ($143,350 vs$143,000), we are recommending that we use the preliminary per-connection charge of$13,000. Per City Code, interest will accrue on the potential assessment at a rate of 0.77%for a period of 10 years beginning 30 days after final approval of the ordinance. CONCLUSION: It has been the policy of the City that when sanitary sewer facilities have been installed that the City hold a Special Assessment District in order to ensure each property that benefits from the new facility spays its fair share of the costs. This policy helps ensure the existing ratepayers do not pay a disproportionate share of the costs for these City-installed facilities. Therefore,we recommend that Council approve staff's recommendation-for the establishment of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No. 0048. Attachment cc: Lys Hornsby,Utility Systems Director Dave Christensen,Wastewater Engineering Manager C:\Users\Mgregor\Downloads\A.Issue Paper(1).Doc\MABad S 27th St N 111 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Ilik3378100050 13378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 111 • • w IIIIII NEW SEWER MAIN 0 1111 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 116VS�7 Ras S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' CITY OF RENTON FINAL NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT for City of Renton SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No. 0048 Date' DRAFT Per Unit Assessment $13,000.00 Name Street Address City,State Zip King County Account Number: LEGAL DESCRIPTION. On April 29, 2015, I, Jason Seth, the City Clerk of Renton, Washington, mailed you a notice of potential assessment for sanitary sewer improvements associated with the SE 165th Sanitary Sewer Extension Project. We have now completed construction of these sewer facilities. The facilities, as shown on the attached map, are eligible for cost recovery under City Special Assessment District Ordinance No.4444. For those properties that could receive benefit directly by the sewers, future use would trigger payment of a 'fair share' cost of thle sewer. This assessment is calculated, as a unit charge, by dividing the cost of the conveyance portion of the sewers by the number of units projected for the basin served by these sewers. This rate has been established at$13,000.00 per unit. The purpose of the assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the sewer facilities from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record an ordinance which will serve as a notice of potential assessment. This ordinance will establish a boundary that includes any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service area that the facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map. You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from these sewer facilities. Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without triggering the assessment. Benefit from these sewer facilities can be described as follows: • A property not currently connected to a City sewer facility (i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system or a vacant parcel), that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will trigger the assessment. Until then,the assessment will not be triggered. • For those properties that are already connected to City sewer, this assessment will only be triggered if the property increases its density either by change of use(i.e., single family to multi- family housing) or through increased density within the same use (i.e., further subdivision of land for single family housing). You will not be required to pay the assessment unless one of the above situations occurs. However, the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of 2.60% per annum for a period of ten years. The accrual of interest will begin thirty (30) days after the notice of potential assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date, you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Per City Ordinance No. 4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writins .,iejrs i1.uri amity Council, d/o City Clerk, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty (20) days of this mailing(by April 13,2016,5:00 P.M.). Grounds for protest: An appeal shall include a statement of claimed errors that concern the proposed assessment and must be accompanied by a$75.00 non-refundable fee. Errors which are not set forth in writing will not be considered. Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 4444, Sections 9-16-9.0 and D, the only items of appeal that will be considered are the cost of the facilities, the costs distribution methodology, and the issue of benefit to the properties to be assessed Appeal Fee and Appeal Process: A non-refundable appeal fees in the amount of$75.00 shall be submitted with each appeal. If a protest is received and deemed timely and establishes a proper grounds for protest according to City Ordinance, a public hearing will be held. If no protests are received, the above-quoted notice of potential assessment will be recorded against your property. The charge(s) will not be collected until you subsequently tap onto or use the facilities covered by the Special Assessment District notice. We hope that this notice will answer most of your questions. If you do, however, have questions pertaining to sewer installations, the background of the assessment district, or the appeal process, please contacts Michael Benoit (primary) at 425-430-7206 or Dave Christensen (secondary) at 425-430-7212. JASON SETH,City Clerk Notice of Final Assessment/Final Hearing H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-03804 SE 165th Sewer Extension\Spec al Assessment District\Final\Samples\South 132nd Street_final_notice.doc\J DHtp CITY OF RENTON FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SE 165th STREET SANITARY SEWER Type: Wastewater Utility Improvements Cost per Unit: $13,000 • Property Name/Address of Owner Unit Assessment Identification Parcel#3378100010 NGUYEN PHILLIP ! $13,000 10744 SE 165TH ST RENTON,WA 98055 KC Tax Act# 3378100010 i Legal Description: LOT 1,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100020 SWEENEY DAVID M+NAOMI K $13,000 23404 29TH AVE W BRIER,WA 98036 KC Tax Act# 3378100020 Legal Description: LOT 2,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100030 INGERSOLL ROBERT J+ARLENE B $13,000 11224 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE,WA 98178 KC Tax Act# 3378100030 Legal Description: LOT 3,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100040 TRAN TRUNG DINH $13,000 10724 SE 165TH ST RENTON,WA 98055 KC Tax Act# 3378100040 Legal Description: LOT 4,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100050 KNAPP KARL+EVA $13,000 10720 SE 165TH ST RENTON,WA 98055 KC Tax Act# 3378100050 Legal Description: LOT 5,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON • H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-03804 SE 165th Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Preliminary Assessment\Prelim SAD Roll SE 165th MM.doc 1 Page 1 of 2 • CITY OF RENTON PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SE 165th STREET SEWER Type: Wastewater Utility Improvements Cost per Unit: $13,000 • Property Name/Address of Owner Unit Assessment Identification Parcel#3378100070 SIDEBOTHAM COLLIN+JANELLE $13,000 10745 SE 165TH ST RENTON,WA 98055 KC Tax Act# 3378100070 Legal Description: LOT 1,BLOCK 2,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100080 BURNS CYNTHIA M $13,000 2007 NE 12TH ST RENTON,WA 98056 KC Tax Act# 3378100080 Legal Description: LOT 2,BLOCK 2,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100090 ZHU HAI RAN $13,000 PO BOX 524 KIRKLAND,WA 98033 KC Tax Act# 3378100090 Parcel#3378100100 PRIES MICHELLE F+KAMRINN 10725 SE 165th St RENTON,WA 98055 KC Tax Act# 3378100100 Legal Description: LOT 4,BLOCK 2,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-03804 SE 165th Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Preliminary Assessment\Prelim SAD Roll SE 165th MM.doc Page 1 of 2 CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE FOR PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO SE 165th STREET, AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. There is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District for the area served by, the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension project in the southeast quadrant of the City of Renton, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit"B". The recording of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges. While this connection charge may be paid at any time, the City does not require payment until such time as the parcel is connected to and, thus, benefiting from the sewer facilities. The property may be sold or in any other way change hands without triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district. SECTION II. Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District, and which properties have not been charged or assessed with all costs of the SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay, in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the system development charge, a per unit charge for new connections of residential units in the amount of thirteen thousand dollars($13,000.00) per dwelling unit. 1 ORDINANCE NO. SECTION III. In addition to the aforestated charges, there shall be a charge of seventy- seven one hundredths percent (.77%) per annum added to the Special Assessment District charge. The interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (10) years from the date this ordinance becomes effective. 'Interest charges will be simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION IV. This ordinance is effective upon its passage, approval and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A.Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD.1896:11/19/15:scr 2 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 1,2,3,4,and 5 Block 1 of Hilltop Heights,together with lots 1, 2,3,and 4 Block 2 of Hill Top Heights,Section 29,Township 23, Range 5 East,Willamette Meridian,according to the plat thereof, recorded in volume 75 of Plats, page's 79 and 80, records of King County,Washington. EXHIBIT B S27thSt SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTIBOUNDARY . iiik 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 il SE 165th St 0 w m < co NEW SEWER MAIN o 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 1 tie,) SO' 16 has S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' April 29, 2015 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) § COUNTY OF KING JASON A. SETH, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the Uiited States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 29th day of April, 2015, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office lat Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail to all parties of record the Preliminary Notice of Potential Assessment for the'SE 165th Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District; SAD-15-001. i i, Jason A. S:rh, Ci y Cler r SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 29th day of April, 2015. Cynthi R. M a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 • NGUYEN PHILLIP SWEENEY DAVID M+NAOMI K INGERSOLL ROBERTJ+ARLENE B 10744 SE 165TH ST 23404 29TH AVE W 11224 RAINIER AVE S • RENTON, WA 98055 BRIER, WA 98036 SEATTLE, WA 98178 TRAN TRUNG DINH KNAPP KARL+EVA SIDEBOTHAM COLLIN+JANELLE 10724 SE 165TH ST 10720 SE 165TH ST 10745 SE 165TH ST RENTON, WA 98055 RENTON, WA 98058 RENTON, WA 98055 BUSTER-BURNS CYNTHIA M ZHU HAIRAN SKYWORK INVESTMENT D LLC 2007 NE 12TH ST PO BOX 524 PO BOX 524 • RENTON, WA 98056 KIRKLAND, WA 98033 KIRKLAND, WA 98033 • • • • . 'I Denis Law,. , r CltV Of Mayor , ! 0.,.., -Y O - }• 'tom ', City Clerk -Jason A:Seth,CMC l CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT . ' i NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING-. ' For City of Renton Special Assessment District SE 165th,STREETSEWER EXTENSION • I " , (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:April 29, 2015 . Parcel# NGUYEN PHILLIP ASSESSMENT -- 3378100010 V 10744 SE 165TH ST - $13,000 per unit RENTON,WA 98055 V King County Account No. 3378100010 _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT11, BLOCK 1, HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75, PAGES 79-80, KING COUNTY WASHINGTON V Per State Law(RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,sewer facilities,storm water.facilities,and street improvements including signalization and lighting,for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did,not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies)who subsequently tap onto oruse said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s)toconstruct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. V It is the intent of this notice to inform you,that under the above quoted law,the Public Works " Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council,to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and-that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. " ' Contract:Special Assessment District No.0048 Estimated Construction Date:Start mid-June 2015 Scope of Work: Install approximately 340 linear feet of 8"gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to the properties along SE 165th Street(aka S 28th Street) between High Avenue S(aka 106th Place SE) and 108th Avenue SE (aka Jones Avenue S) A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation_of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov , • The purpose of.the special;a•s�h..�L:nent district is to allow the City the abili�y:.6 collect the costs of the ' diS • tritt is of the SE 165`.".L 65th Street,Sewer-Extension by all those who benefit from its Construction.:To " .- accomplish this,we are required to record a.Notice of Potential'Assessment'against=any parcel that may • " . - , benefit in the future.-`It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner'that connects at a later'date pays their share just like those who will connect'right away," • - - ' I . The benefit area is defined as the, ultimate service basin this facility May lie able to.serve. This ; boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment,Distric_t Boundary - j ' You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains"benefit from the new sewer _ main (i.e.when your house is:phys;cally"connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the ; • property can be sold'or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer - _ interceptor can be described.as follows: • A property.not connected to a (City sewer facility(i.e.,currently utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewerasystem associated with this district.will activate the assessment: Until then, - the assessment will not be activated. i • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary.Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation'in the extension"of sanitary sewer mains. - • You will not be required to_pay theiassessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the , • assessment district will accrue simple interest at rate of between 4%and 6%•fora period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interestfwill begin thirty-(30)days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. - , . , Following construction,after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to r you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A.quote of the • , - final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you,may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk,'1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established'under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.Cand D of Ordinance ` - ' , ' No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will berlimited to the issue ofwhethe'r•or not a specific ,. ' property should be included in the latecomer area. , Contact persons for the City of Renton are: _ ; r • ' Project Manager: Michael Benoit 425-430-7206 _ • (Call the project manager forquestions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater"Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-7212 - _ Jason A. eth, City C/.rk: ' City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing / _ S 27th St N � 1V SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 SE 165th St w N Q I I t w o - 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 I • Beh600/?as S 29th St SE 29th St f SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' Denis Law •, r"� Cl• Of ;9 - Mayor iti,`,:-.: gb ' i 1; ji. \ 111' U�`SY p� Cr, , r City Clerkr-Jason A.Seth,CM , J CITY OF RENTON . NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT • NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special.Assessment District • - SE 165th STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:April 29,2015 ' Parcel# -. SWEENEY DAVID M+NAOMI K ' ASSESSMENT 3378100020 23404 29TH1AVE W $13,000 per unit - BRIER,WA ,98036 ' King County Account No. 3378100020 - . I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: • LOTI2;BLOCK 1, HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75, PAGES 79-80, KING COUNTY WASHINGTON _ Per State Law(RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No.,4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against - - the construction of water facilities,sewer facilities,storm water facilities,and street improvements including signalization'and lightin ,for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies)who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the'future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s)to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. I It is the intent of this notice to inform you,that under the above quoted law,the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a , portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. , Contract:Special Assessment District No.0048 Estimated Construction Date:Start mid-June 2015 . Scope of Work: Install approximately 340 linear feet of 8"gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to the properties along SE'165th Street(aka S 28th Street) between High Avenue S(aka 106th Place SE)and 108th Avenue SE (ak'a Jones Avenue S) • " , A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached.. - • Approximation ofthe preliminary)(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this - page, by the King County Tax Account number. - " . 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057•(425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov j 1 The purpose of-the special as.;....�:nent district is to allow the City the abili`y-L3 collect the costs of•the. construction-of the SE465th Street Sewer Extension by all those Who'benefit from its construction: To ' -- • accomplish,this,we are required to record a Notice"of Potential Assessment against any parcel that'may, - , - : benefit in the future., It is.ourgoal to ensure, in fairness.to all,that any property owner that connects at - • - later aate pays their share just like those who-will,Connect right away. .. . , - . • . The_benefit-area;is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able"to,serve: This . , - • boundary is shown on the attached map andis,labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". _ . You will only be required to pay this assessment when the prow perty gains benefit from the new seer- ' main (i.e:when your house is physically connected to the'City's sewer system). ,Until that time,the ' ,property can be sold or change-hands without activating the assessment.-Benefit from this sewer , ` ' ' . ' , interceptor:can be described as follows:. " . , •. ' A property not.connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system),that ' ' . connects to,thesewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment.'Until then,- • • - • the assessment will-not be activated.` , " •- -. • , Property that,is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring . participation in the extension of sanitary sewer.mains. - r. , . "You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. '.However,the . . . assessment district will-accrue simple interest at a rate of between 4%and.6%for a period of ten years'- • ' per annum: The accrual of interestiwill begin thirty(30)days after the Notice of Final Assessment is - • ' ' recorded with King County Records! Toavoid interest charges at a future date, you may,pay the . amoun't of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest-free. This option is totally/ - . at the discretion of theproperty owner. • • _. ' - Following construction,after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to - you verifying your inclusion in the S1pecial Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the. . •final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you mayrequest an appeal-hearing by writing to,the Renton,City Council, • c/o City Clerk;1055 5 Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,within,twenty(20) days of this preliminary.notice. • • - Appeals must adhere to the criteria established'under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance . No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific " ' • property should be included in the Latecomer area. • , , - Contact persons for the City of Renton are: ,• , J Project Manager: Michael'Benoit 425-430-7206- - . . (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements-) Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-721 , . - . . , , - i „ . , - ; :kii • Jason A.Set City Clerk • City SAD'1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing r ~a=_,-t' - `"'` •• ' : i : r ' s; i • S 27th St N SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY • 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 SE 165th St w d Q i r co 0 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 • • • eensoh 4,dS S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' ' ,` � ` ' - Denis Law � ' ' Mayor �^ � _ ����'��,���� City Clerk 'Jason A.Seth [K4[ - . . . ' CITY OFRENTON ' NOTICE OF POTEASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING - _ For Cilty of Renton Special Assessment District , ` SE16S" STREET SEWER EXTENSION . 1 (1st Preliminary . ' ' . ! Mailed:April 29,2015 Parcel# INGERSOLL J+ARLENEB ` ASSESSMENT 3378100030 112 | RA|�|'ER/Y�ES � ' run� / . SEATTLE,WA 98178 ' King County Account No. 3378100030 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _ LOT 3, BLOCK 1, HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75, PAGES 79-80, KUNG COUNTY WASHINGTON ` � • Per State Law(RCW 35.92.025)ad [ityOrdinanceNu 4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against , ^ the nstructof water facilitiesI, including siglization and lightin contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap to or use said facility(ies). of� hecost ofthe con on of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by thelfuture iiser(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s)����improvements � t��u� a||��e ��op .property �. these facilities: . . Itbtheintentofthisnoticetoinfonnyo4thatundertheabovequotedlavxthePub|hcVVorks Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with.theRenton City Cdund[torecover a portion of thity'scosts^ssociatedxvit. thefoUovving | rojectandtha1thecost recoverymnay|ike|y affect your `roperty. Contract:Special Assessment District No.0048 Estimated C�no�uc�mmD�t :��rt���unm2015 . , ' Scope of Work: Install api ately 340 linear feet of 8"gravity sewer main toprovide local sewer service to the prortiesa|ong'SE165tnStreet(aka8nnm51repMbetxveenHighAxenueS/aka10Gm Place SE) and 103th Avenue SE(aka Jones Avenue S) ' A coofamap Ufthe proposed assessment area isattached. ' ` . � �p��a�n�� p�|�ina�(���) p���| assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Accàunt number. _ ` ! ' 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057° (425)43O76S1O/Fax(426)430'6516°rentunwa.gov � . . ' ` • • • The purpose of the special asf).— .trlent'district is to allow the City the 1collect the costs of the construction of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. .To accomplish this,we are requiredto record a Notice of Potential Assessment"against any parcel that may - benefit in the_future.= It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any'property owner that_connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will.connect right away. • The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this-facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled,"Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment.when the property gains benefit from the new sewer - main (i.e:when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the • -property tanbe sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer . - interceptor can be described as follows: 1 • • .'A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system),that • connects to the sewer system associated-with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, ' the assessment will not be activated. - • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the'extension of sanitary sewer mains. • You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of theabove situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 4%and 6%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interestiwill begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records To-avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free: This option is totally " • at the discretion of the property owner. • Following construction,after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will'be mailed to you verifying your inclusion-in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appealhearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria,established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance ,—No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific 'property should be included,in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: Michael Benoit 425-430-7206 - • (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-7212 iiA Jason A.Set ,City Clerk • City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing S 27th St j N • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY { 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020, 3378100010 SE 165th St w co 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 Alm • • • • '96'40,4.4„,s, S 29th St. SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' Denis tiLaw ( - I; City Of �` . o 5 •SY •City Clerk =Jason A.Seth,CMC - 1 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT V , NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING V For City of Renton Special Assessment District SE 165th STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) V Mailed:April 29, 2015 - Parcel# IRAN TRUNG DINH , ASSESSMENT ' 3378100040 10724 SE 165TH ST $13,000 per unit RENTON,WA 98055 King County Account No. 3378100040 V LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT14, BLOCK 1, HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75; PAGES 79-80, KING COUNTY WASHINGTON \V Per State,Law(RCW,35.92.025)'and City Ordinance No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,sewer facilities,storm water facilities,and street improvements including signalization and lighting,for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not V - - contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies)who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future users)to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these,facilities. , It is the intent of this notice to inform you,that under the above quoted law,the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council,torecover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract:Special Assessment District No,0048 Estimated Construction Date:Start mid-June 2015 Scope of f Work: Install approximately 340 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to the properties along SE'165th Street(aka S 28th Street) between High Avenue S(aka 106th Place SE) and 108th Avenue SE (aka Jones Avenue S) '• . A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. , Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this ,page, by the King County Tax Account number. 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov - The purpose of the special asses Tient district is'to allow the City the ability io collect the,costs of the - • construction of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension by all-those who benefit from its construction. To . • '_ - . accomplish this,we are •required.to;record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may • • benefit in the future.'It is our goal to:ensure,:in fairness to all,that any prop erty.owner that connects at = " • - a later date pays their share just,like those who will connect right away., •• .•i. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This , boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District.Boundary". . • 1. - You will only be required to:pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer ' , -main,(i:e.when your house is"physically connected to'the City's sewer system). .'Until that time,the property can.be sold or change hands without activating the assessment.:Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described'as follows: li' , , • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e.,currently utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, - the assessment will not be activated. • - • Property that js connected to City;sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring : participation in the extension"of sanitary sewer•mains. • • You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the - ' ` assessment district will accrue simple;interest at a rate of between 4%,and 6%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is. , recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the • amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free..This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. - i _ ' . Following construction,after City,receives the actual (final)'costs,a second notice will be mailed to '" you verifying your inclusion in the Special'Assessi ient"District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be'provided on this second notice. " - " Per City Ordinance NO.4444 you may-request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,within twenty(20):days of,this preliminary notice. ' Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections•9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance - No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a'specific property should be included in the latecomer area. , • Contact persons for the City of Renton are: • Project Manager: Michael Benoit 425-430-7206 , • (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connectionto,or use of,the improvements.) , Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-7212 ' " e Jason A.Set City der - _ ` ity SAD st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing • y r- • C 1 _ _, ate':._:,_.•.•.= _ , • • S 27th St n I 1 V • I SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 1 • SE 165th St W co• •Q i w � o _ r 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 • Bens as S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' 1 1 • Denis Law • City Of Y - Mayor • �N,rO City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC • • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT 0 NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special Assessment District SE 165th STREET SEWER EXTENSION ' ; (1st Preliminary Notice) / • - Mailed:April 29,2015 • Parcel# KNAPP KARL+EVA - ASSESSMENT 33781.00050 10720 SE 165TH ST 513,000 per unit RENTON,WA 98058 . King County Account No. 3378100050 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 5,,BLOCK 1, HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75, PAGES 79-80, KING COUNTY WASHINGTON . - Per State Law(RCW 35.92.025)and;City Ordinance No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,sewer facilities, storm water facilities,and street improvements • including signalization and lighting,for the reimbursement by any owner ofreal estate who did not contribute.to the original cost of such facility(ies)who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair p rjo-rata.share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s)to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you,that under the above quoted law,the Public'Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council,to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract:Special Assessment District No.0048 Estimated Construction Date:Start mid-June 2015 Scope of Work: Install approximately 340 linear feet of 8"gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to the properties along SE 165th Street(aka S 28th Street) between High Avenue S(aka 106th Place SE) and 108th Avenue SE (aka Jones Avenue 5) 1 - A copy'of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this ' page, by the King County Tax Account number. - - '1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington.98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516• rentonwa.gov The purpose of the special ass,.:.: anent district is to allow.the City the abili y- collect the costs of the . construction of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To . accomplish this, we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may • . benefit in the future. It is our goal_to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at , a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. • . ' • ' The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility'may be able to serve. This .. . •• •• - • ' boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". -You will only be required to pay this assessment whenthe property gains benefit from the new sewer • main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the , property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer • interceptor can be described as follows: . - . ' • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e.;currently utilizing an on-site system),that ' connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment..Until then, the assessment will not be activated. -. . • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring - , participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. You will not be required to pay the assessment Until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at'a rate of between 4%and 6%for a period of ten years ' • • per annum. The accrual of interest will begin.thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the • amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after:recording, interest free..This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner.. Following construction, after the City:receives the actual (final)costs, a second notice will be mailed to " you verifying your inclusion inthe Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. . S " Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an'appeal hearing by writing to.the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055:S Grady Way, Renton;WA 98057,within twenty(20) days'of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance • - No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the.latecomer area. . Contact persons for the City of Renton are: - • Pr-oject Manager: Michael Benoit 425-430-7206 . (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-7212 . ' �' —4 i A ' ' Jason A.Seth, •' y Clerk ', , • City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing :.._ • S 27th St NJ • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY • • 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 • SE 165th St • w 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 • • 6e,s S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL,ASSESSMENT DISTRICT' Scale 1" = 100' • Denis Law City Of Mayor c ,- r _ ,` 0., 0,., t _ , _ ,. 0 1 ' "JR , - City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC . ', . CITY OF RENTON . - " ' NOTICE Or POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT' . NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING ' For City of,Renton Special Assessment District SE 165th STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) . I Mailed:April 29,2015 Parcel# SIDEBOTHAM COLLIN+JANELLE ASSESSMENT 3378100070 10745 SE 165TH ST ' . $13,000 per unit RENTON,WAI 98055 ' King County Account No. 3378100070 ' ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1; BLOCK 2, HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75, PAGES 79-80, KING COUNTY WASHINGTON 1 Per State Law(RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,sewer facilities, storm water facilities,and street improvements including signalization and lighting,for the reimbursement by any owner of.real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies)who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s)to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from r these facilities. , ' It is the intent of this notice to inform you,that under the above quoted law,the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council,to recover a portion of the City's,costs associatedwith the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract:Special Assessment District No.0048 Estimated Construction Date:'Start mid-June 2015 Scope of Work: Install approximately 340 linear feet of 8"gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to the properties along SE 165th Street(aka 5 28th Street) between High Avenue S(aka 106th , " Place SE) and 108th Avenue SE (aka Jones Avenue S) , • A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. - - - Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment,per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. , 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov . The purpose of the special as:__ t _nent districis to allow the City the abili`LY c`collect the costs of the - , • construction of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension by all those who,benefit from-its construction. To . - - - accomplish this,.we are required to-record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may - ' benefit in the future. It isour goal.to'.ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at . . a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. : . The.benefit'area is defined,as the ultirriate service basin this facility maybe ableto serve. This ' . boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary": You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer . . main (i.e.when your house.is physically connected to the City's sewer system) Until that time,the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment.ent. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: . • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Uritil then, - the assessment will not be activated. . • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension Of'sanitary sewer mains. . . You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the ' assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate'of between 4% and 6%for a period of ten years , - • . . per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the ' amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. . Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying'your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the • final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. . • Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, ' ' c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16=9.0 and Dsof Ordinance ' No.4444. During this•preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific, ' - property should be included in the latecomer area. , . . Contact persons for the City of Renton'are: . Project Manager: Michael Benoit 425-430-7206 _ • , ' (Call the projectmanagerfor questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,Or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-7212 _ . A -. . . X11 `' l • ' Jason A.Seth, ity Clerk " - City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing ? - ! .J ; - _ r f S 27th St N SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 SE 165th St \ a a _ r 0 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 • @eh SOh �dS � S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' Denis Law J. ' CltY Of Y o Mayor _ - I • r`� , . _ \., --.7:---.: i ; -- r ' + TR + . N . City Clerk-Jason A.Seth,CMC CITY OF"RENTON. ' . •' NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT . . NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING , For City of Renton Special Assessment District • ' SE 165th STREET SEWER EXTENSION I (1st Preliminary Notice) , . I Mailed:April 29, 2015 . " Parcel# BUSTER-BURNS CYNTHIA M ASSESSMENT 3378100080 2007-NE 12TH ST $13,000 per unit ' RENTON,WA1 98056 , i • King County Account No. 3378100080 . , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 21 BLOCK 2, HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,•PAGES 79-80, . KING COUNTY WASHINGTON . Per State Law(RCW 35.92.025)and�City Ordinance No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against • - ' . the construction of water facilities,sewer facilities,storm water facilities, and street improvements- including signalization and lighting,for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies)who subsequently tap Onto or use said facility(ies). . Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City,permit authorizing the future user(s)to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from - these facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you,that under the above quoted law,the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council,to recover,a portion of the City's costs associated,•with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property._ Contract:Special Assessment District No.0048 Estimated Construction Date:Start'mid-June 2015 Scope of Work: Install approximately 340 linear feet of 8"gravity sewer main to provide local sewer • service to the properties along SE 165th Street(aka S 28th Street) between High Avenue S(aka 106th , ' Place SE) and 108th Avenue SE(aka Jones Avenue 5) A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. . Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this . page, by the King County Tax,Account number. . . , / 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov • The purpose of the special ass_,_,rent district is.to allow the City the.ability,..'collect the costs of the , • construction of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To : • accomplish this,we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may' benefit in the future. Itis our goal to ensure,'in fairness to all,•that.any property owner that'connects at . - a later date pays their share just like'those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able toserve. This . boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". • You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer • main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the , . • , • property can be sold dr change hands without activating the assessment: Benefit from this sewer. ' interceptor'can be described as follows • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e.,currently utilizing an on-site system),that • connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, • the assessment will not be activated. . • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring • participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 4%and 6%for a period of ten years , ' per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with.King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the ' amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally , . at the discretion of the property owner. Following construction,after the City receives the actual.(final) costs, a second notice will be mailed,to you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the . final assessment_dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. ' . Per pity Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, . - c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,within twenty(20)days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D Of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should beincluded in the latecomer area:' . Contact persons for the City of Renton are: • - Project Manager: Michael Benoit .425-430-7206 • . . ' • (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements) Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-7212 , ' . ,lid / A ... . . . . . . . . . Jason A.Seth, CI Clerk f• r r City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing / - - . S27thSt 1\ SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 SE 165th St w N a Q s 0 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 ons , aS S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION , SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' Denis Law • City of Mayor j S O • • ' � O City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC • CITY OF RENTON . NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING , For City of Renton Special Assessment District SE 165th STREET SEWER EXTENSION • 1 (1st Preliminary Notice) I - Mailed:April 29,2015 Parcel# ZHU HAIRAN1 ASSESSMENT 3378100090 PO BOX 524 - $13,000 per unit KIRKLAND,WA 98033 King County Account•No. 3378100090 I ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 3, BLOCK 2, HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75, PAGES 79-80, KING'COUNTY WASHINGTON Per State Law(RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,lsewer facilities,storm water facilities,and street improvements including signalization and lighting,ifor the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not • contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies)who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s)to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you,that under the above quoted law,the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council,to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely • affect your property. . Contract:Special Assessment District No.0048 Estimated Construction Date:Start mid-June 2015 Scope of Work: Install approximately 340 linear feet of 8"gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to the properties along SE 165th Street(aka S 28th Street) between High Avenue S(aka 106th • Place SE) and 108th Avenue SE (aka Jones Avenue S) - . • A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page,by the King County Tax Account number. 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov The purpose of the special as: -_ nent district is to allow the City-the ability collect the costs of the . construction of the SE l65th Street Sewer Extension by all those•who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may . benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. • . The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This • . boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment'District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer main (i.e.when.Your house is physically connected to.the City's sewer:system). Until that time,the .property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. •Benefit'from this sewer • interceptor can be described as follows: - , . • •A property not connected to a tity sewer facilitY(i.e. currently utilizing an bn-site s stem),that ' connects to the sewer system a�lssociated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, • the assessment will not be activated. . , • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring V participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. - V • _ You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue.simple interest at a rate of between 4%and 6%for a period of ten years . per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30)days after the Notice of Final Assessment is ' recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date; you may pay,the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the..discretion of the property owner. . Following"construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be-provided on this second notice. . ' Per City Ordinance.No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, 'c/o City Clerk, 1055,S Grady Way, Renton,-WA 98057, within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and 6 of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific • property should be included in the latecomer area. V ' - Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: Michael Benoit 425-430-7206 V (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) . Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen . 425-430-7212 . - /111( ' Jr, . . Jason A.Seth, C y Clerk: /F- V City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing - • • S 27th St • N SPECIAL ASSESSMENT • DISTRICT BOUNDARY . • 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 SE 165th St 1 co O i r 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 • � J • • • S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' Denis � - � - Clty Of mayor Y City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special Assessment District SE 165th STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:April 29, 2015 Parcel# SKYWORK INVESTMENT D LLC ASSESSMENT 3378100100 PO BOX 524, $13,000 per unit KIRKLAND,WA 98033 King County Account No. 3378109100 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4, BLOCK 2, HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75, PAGES 79-80, KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Per State Law(RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,sewer facilities, storm water facilities,and street improvements including signalization and lighting,for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such'facility(ies)who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). " Costs will become payable'by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s)to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these'facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you,that under the above quoted law,the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a.request with the Renton City Council,to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract:Special Assessment District No.0048 Estimated Construction Date:Start mid-June 2015 Scope of Work: Install approximately 340 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to the properties along SE 165th Street(aka 5 28th Street) between High Avenue S(aka 106th Place SE) and 108th Avenue SE (aka Jones Avenue 5) A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. • Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shownat the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516• rentonwa.gov The purpose:of the special as.5• "lent district is to allow the City the abilit;- -',collect the costs of the construction OftheSE 165th Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To .accomplish this,we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against.any parcel that may - .' benefit in the future: It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner.that conne cts at- . a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. - • The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. 'This • boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". ' • You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the'new sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: - • • A property hot connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currently utilizing an bn-site system),that connects to,the sewer system') associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the assessment will not be activated. • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. • You will not be required to,pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the • assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 4%and 6%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest!will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment_is recorded with King County Records. To avOid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the-discretion of the property owner. Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs, a second notice,will be mailed to • you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District (recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty-(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance • No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area: Contact persons for the City of Renton are: • - Project Manager: Michael Benoit 425-430-7206 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) • Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-7212 Jason A.Seth, lay•C er• k City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing• 4r , S 27th St n I SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 SE 165th St w a, -4 0 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 • • eeh soh R°'s S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH STREET SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Scale 1" = 100' V / April 27,2015 Renton City Council Minutes Page 76 CED:CA&RMF Zones Community and Economic Development Department recommended adoption Residential Development of a resolution establishing a moratorium on accepting applications for Moratorium residential development within the Commercial Arterial (CA) and Residential Multi-Family(RMF)zones.Council concur;set public hearing on 6/22/2015. (See below for resolution.) CAG: 13-149,Wells 1,2,and 3, Utilities Systems Division recommended authorizing the transfer of$30,000 Forma Construction Company from the approved 2015 Capital Improvement Program Emergency Response Projects budget to increase the budget for Wells 1,2,and 3 Building Roof Replacement Project,and approving the Job Order Contract(JOC)Work Order with Forma Construction Company(CAG-13-149), in the amount of$87,379.40, for roof replacement.Council concur. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Utilities Committee Vice-Chair Corman presented a report recommending Utilities Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the preliminary SE 165th Utility: Establish SE 165th St. Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District. The Committee further Sewer Extension SAD recommended that staff proceed with the establishment of the final Special Assessment District upon completion of the construction of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Project. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PEREZ,COUNCIL ,CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTION#4251 A resolution was read adopting a moratorium on accepting applications for CEO:CA& RMF Zones residential development within the CA(commercial arterial)and RMF Residential Development (residential multi-family)zones,except within the City Center Community Area Moratorium and for previously approved and valid land use applications,and establishing a termination date. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED.CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS See attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME:7:40 p.m. 7'7 17 .df Jason ..Seth,CMC,City Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder r April 27,2015 • . UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT • ! April 27, 2015 • Establishment of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District April 13, 2015 The,Utilities Committee,recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the preliminary SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District. The Committee further recommends staff proceed with the establishment of the final Special Assessment District upon completion of the construction of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Project. • • Not in Attendance Greg Taylor, Chair Randy C man,Vice Chair , • -i‘ Ruth Pere' Member • • cc: Lys Hornsby,Utility Systems.Dii-ector Dave Christensen,Wastewater Utility Engineering Supervisor Mike Benoit,Wastewater Utility Engineer Teresa Phelan,Utility Systems Administrative Secretary Q:\Council Committee Report Drafts\Utility Committee Pending\UTILITIES COMMITTEE establishment;of SE 165th i' „ , SAD.doc\MABtp v.. - 5 • i i J April 13, 2015 Renton City Council Minutes Page 68 CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council: Meetirig Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 4/6/2015. Council concur. 4/6/2015 CED:Approval of Quitclaim Community and Economic Development Department recommended Deed and Temporary authorizing a quitclaim deed and a temporary easement, in favor of the Easement Washington State Department of Transportation,to further regional highway improvements within the City. Council concur. Transportation: Staffing Transportation Systems Division requested authorization of an increase to Increase staffing by adding a 1.0 FTE (Full-time Equivalent) Civil Engineer III and a 1.0 FTE Administrative Secretary,and adjust the budget as necessary. Refer to Finance Committee. CAG: 14-078,Sewer Radio Utility Systems Division submitted CAG 14-078,Sewer Radio Panel Relocation Panel Relocation and Lift and Lift Station Improvements; and requested approval of the project, Station Improvements, Equity authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of$6,022.50, Builders, LLC commencement of a 60 day lien period, and release the retainage in the amount of$6,708.57 to Equity Builders, LLC, contractor,subject to the receipt of all,required authorizations. Council concur. Utility: Establish SE 165 St. • Utility Systems Division requested authorization to establish the SE 165th St. I Sewer Extension SAD Sewer Extension Special Assessment District(SAD), in the estimated amount of $143;000,to ensure that project costs are equitably distributed to those who benefit, and direct staff to proceed with the establishment of the final SAD upon completion of the construction of the SE 165th St.Sewer Extension Project. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Prince presented a Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole concurring with the Administration's intent to pursue a competitive process to Utility: 2016 Solid Waste procure the 2016 solid waste collection contract. MOVED BY PRINCE, Collection Contract SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to confirm Mayor Law's appointment Appointment: Library Advisory of Kim Unti to the Library Advisory Board for a term expiring September 1, Board 2017. MOVED BY PEREZ,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Appointments: Municipal Arts Community Services Committee Chair Perez presented a report recommending Commission concurrence in the staff recommendation to confirm Mayor Law's appointments to the Renton Municipal Arts Commission: Ms. Mary Clymer for a term expiring December 31, 2015, Ms. Kimberly Eshelman for a term expiring December 31, 2017, Ms.Adrienne LaFaye for a term expiring December 31, 2017, and Mr. Neil Sheesley for term expiring on December 31, 2017. MOVED BY PEREZ,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. • CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL =� Subject/Title: Meeting: Establishment of the SE 165th Street Sewer REGULAR COUNCIL- 13 Apr 2015 Extension Special Assessment District Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board,: A. Issue Paper Public Works B. Draft Notice of Potential Assessment C. Draft Assessment District Roll Staff Contact: Michael Benoit, x7206 Recommended Action: Refer to Utilities Committee. Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ N/A Transfer Amendment:,$ N/A Amount Budgeted: $ N/A Revenue Generated: $ N/A Total'Project Budget:"$ N/A City Share Total Project: $ N/A SUMMARY OF ACTION: The SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Project is close to being advertised for bid for construction. To ensure the cost of this project is equitably distributed to those who benefit, a Special Assessment District needs to be established. 1 'STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the establishment of the SE 165th St. Sewer Extension Special Assessment District (SAD), in the estimated amount of$143,000, to ensure that project costs are equitably distributed to those who benefit, and direct staff to proceed with the establishment of the final SAD upon completion of the construction of the SE 165th St. Sewer Extension Project. f PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTcity of ° Qat 00rta MEMORANDUM DATE: April 1, 2015 TO: Edi Prince,Council President • Members of Renton City Council VIA: Denis Law, Mayor FROM: Griegg Zimmerman,Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Mike Benoit, Wastewater.Utility,x7206 • SUBJECT: Establishment of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District • ISSUE: Should the City of Renton farm a Special Assessment District to ensure that the cost of , the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Project is equitably distributed to those who benefit? RECOMMENDATION: • Approve the preliminary SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District and direct staff to proceed with the establishment of the final Special Assessment District upon completion of the construction of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Project. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The Wastewater Utility is moving forward with the proposal to construct the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension Project. This project will install sanitary sewer in SE 165th Street (aka South 28th Street) between 106th Place SE (aka High Avenue South) and 108th Avenue SE (aka Jones Avenue South). This project will provide direct sanitary sewer service to properties adjacent to the new sewer main (map attached). The Wastewater Utility has proposed to use a per-connection method of calculating the assessments for the properties within the proposed assessment district. This method takes the size of the existing parcels and anticipates how many single-family equivalent residences could be constructed in accordance with the City's proposed zoning for the area. Mr.Prince,Council President Page 2 of 2 April 1,2015 The estimated cost of the new sewer system is$143,000. Based upon zoning,there is a potential for 11 lots that will benefit from the proposed sewer. Therefore,the estimated assessment will be$13,000 per lot. CONCLUSION: It has been the policy of the City that when sanitary sewer facilities have been installed that the City creates a Special Assessment District to ensure that each property benefitting from the new facility pays its fair share of the costs. This policy helps to ensure that the existing ratepayers do not pay a disproportionate share of the costs for system expansion or growth Therefore, we recommend that Council approve staffs request for establishment of a preliminary Special Assessment District and direct staff to prepare the final Special Assessment District upon completionof the construction of the sewer mains. Attachment cc: Lys Hornsby,Utility Systems Director Dave Christensen,Wastewater Utility Engineering Manager \MABtp • • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special Assessment District • SE 165th STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:April 28,2015 Parcel# «TAXPAYER_N» ASSESSMENT «PRCLN» «TAXPAYER_B» $13,00.00 per unit «TAXPAYER_C»,WA «ZIP» King County Account No. «PRCLN» LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT«PLATLOT», BLOCK«PLATBLOCK», «PLATNAME», '«PLAT DESCRIPTION» Per State Law(RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance.No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,sewer facilities,storm water facilities, and street improvements including signalization and lighting,for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies)who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by theIfuture user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s)to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. • It is the intent of this notice to inform you,that under the above quoted law,the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the,Renton City Council,to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract: Special Assessment District No.0048 Estimated Construction start date May 2015. Scope of Work: Install approximately 340 linear feet of 8"gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to the properties along SE 165th Street(aka S 28th Street)between High Avenue S(aka 106th Place SE)and 108th Avenue SE (aka Jones Avenue S) A copy of a map of•the proposed;assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of . this page, by the King County Tax Account number. • H:\File Sys\WWP-Waste Water\WWP-27-03804 SE 165th Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Preliminary Assessment\Prelim-Assess-Notice-SE 165th St.doc\MABtp . The purpose of the special assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the SE 165th Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction.'To accomplish this,we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure,in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit:area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this iassessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the _property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e.,currently utilizing an on-site system),that - connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the assessment will not be activated. • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. - You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 6%and 8%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest{will begin thirty(30)days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records: To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Following construction,after the City receives the actual (final)costs,a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 9.8057,within twenty(20)days of this preliminary notice. Appealsmust adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage,appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: Michael Benoit 425-430-7206 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-7212 Jason Seth,City Clerk City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-03804 SE 165th Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Preliminary Assessment\Prelim-Notice-SE 165th St Sewer-pg2.doc\MABtp • • l . I S 27th St N ,j • . . . , -- 1 . . . . . . . . . , . , 1 , , . . , ., . , . , . 3378100050 3378100040 3378100030 3378100020 3378100010 . . I - SE 165th St in co o 0 3378100100 3378100090 3378100080 3378100070 60,soh I _.Ras S 29th St SE 29th St SE 165TH ST SEWER EXTENSION • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' I CITY OF RENTON PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SE 165th STREET SEWER Type: Wastewater Utility Improvements Cost per Unit: $13,000 Property Name/Address of Owner Unit Assessment Identification Parcel#3378100010 NGUYEN PHILLIP $13,000 10644 SE 165TH ST RENTON,WA 98055 KC Tax Act# 3378100010 Legal Description: LOT 1,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100020 SWEENEY DAVID MI-NAOMI K $13,000 23404 29TH AVE W BRIER,WA 98036 KC Tax Act# 3378100020 Legal Description: LOT 2,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON • Parcel#3378100030 INGERSOLL ROBERT J+ARLENE B $13,000 11224 RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE,WA 98178 KC Tax Act# 3378100030 , Legal Description: LOT 3,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100040 TRAN TRUNG DINH $13,000 10724 SE 165TH ST RENTON,WA 98055 KC Tax Act# 3378100040 Legal Description: LOT 4,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100050 KNAPP KARL+EVA $13,000 10720 SE 165TH ST RENTON,WA 98058 KC Tax Act# 3378100050 Legal Description: LOT 5,BLOCK 1,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON • H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-03804 SE 165th Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Preliminary Assessment\Prelim SAD Roll SE 165th MM.doc Page 1 of 2 s tl • — i t I � CITY OF RENTON PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT SE 165th STREET SEWER Type:. Wastewater Utility Improvements Cost per Unit: $13,000 • I Property Name/Address of Owner Unit Assessment Identification Parcel#3378100070 SIDEBOTHAM COLLIN+JANELLE •$13,000 10745 SE 165TH ST; RENTON,WA 98055 - KC Tax Act# 3378100070 Legal Description: LOT 1,BLOCK 2,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100080 BUSTER-BURNS CYNTHIA M $13,000 2007 NE 12TH ST RENTON,WA 98056 KC Tax Act# 3378100080 Legal Description: LOT 2,BLOCK 2,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100090 ZHU HAIRAN $13,000 PO BOX 524 KIRKLAND,WA 98033 KC Tax Act# 3378100090 Legal Description: LOT 3,BLOCK 2,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON Parcel#3378100100 SKYWORK INVESTMENT D LLC $13,000 PO BOX 524 , ' KIRKLAND,WA 98033 • KC Tax Act# 3378100100 Legal Description: LOT 4,BLOCK 2,HILLTOP HEIGHTS ADD,VOLUME 75,PAGES 79-80,KING COUNTY WASHINGTON H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-03804 SE 165th Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Preliminary Assessment\Prelim SAD Roll SE 165th MM.doc Page 1 of 2