HomeMy WebLinkAboutSAD-14-001 Correspondence ' � ` . � ' . � � � ' . � ` �' � � ' !' ` * � ' -' ` Denis � - � �__ ' ^ty �f ' . � Mayor '- ' . ` ' + ' ' ' �x �� ' _.. ,. ^, � . 0 � / � ^ * � ._ � � . � _ � � ~, p� • /� , „vo ,''~/ '`��� . �.~�'����^������., '���� '^~ � . . ' � • ' [h���rk�]ason/�SethCk4C � ' � ” _]��— � � . � _/ �� . ' � . —��/ �^ "—_ ' � ' � / �� � � &�� v - ' ! . Crry OF RENTON � . , FINAL NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT . .for City Renton South 132nd Street Sewer Interceptor s 'SiU:A n�� � N��ess����� �� ����.0047 / Date Mailed: March 24. 2015 � • � i / � � � PerUn�Asxes�nent $11,254.92 STEWART RYAN� . . . . ��� . SEATTLE WA 98178 La/Pis . ' King County Account Numbec 2 - • . i . . ` iEGALDESCRPTK]N: E8OFTOFS176�SFTQFN23GFTOFLOT 68LK2OEARLNGTONACRE TRACTS VOLUKAE15PG84 / . � 1 | • ' '' Ori January 30, 2015, I, ]ason ' the C�y.[�dbof Renton, Washington, mailed you a notice of ' • potential assessment for sanitary sewer improvements associated with the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project. We have now completed construction of these sewer facilities. The facilities, as shown on the attached map, are'eligible for cost recovery under City Special Assessment District Ordinance No.4444. For those properties that ,could. receive benefit directly by the sewers, future use would trigger payment of a 'fair share' cost of thie sewer.This assessment is calculated, as a unit charge, by dividing . . • the cost of the conveyance portion of the sewers by the number Of units prected for the basin served by these sewers. This rate'has been established at$11,254.92 per unit. � ` . . .The purpose of the assessment district is to allow the City the ability to .collect the costs of the construction 6f the sewer facilities from all th6se who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record an ordinance Which will serve as a notice of potential assessment.. This ordinance will establish aboundary that incldes any parcel thtmay benefit in the future' It is our goal toensure, infairness toa||,that any prope�yovxnerthat connects atalater date pays their share just like�thoS� who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service area that'thé facility may be able!to serve. Thisboindary'is shown on the attached map. ' , You will only required to paythis assessment when the property gains benefit from these sewer facU[Ue' . Until that tinnm, the property, be sold or change hands without triggering tha assessment.'Benefit from thesesewer'facilities can be described am.foUOmns: . . � '. ` � . . . � ' / • � ' ' I � 1OSSSouth G�dyV��°Renton � 98057° 2S 43�8S1O/Fax(42S)430+6516°entonwagov ' . . . - , 1 ' , o4.1-5 PosQc, •1 Office of the City Clerk . city of ., w N :7.a, _ ~ e'R v. , Q � - i-Q •`I_ tia j'. S `ano..1.iro.r PITNEY BOWES.•• eat a J a U .r .til t i 0 2 1 M $ 00.46° 1055 South Grady Way _ , Renton WA 98057=3232 - WN v 0004285528 MA€?24 2015 tete , .s."�•j w• MAILED FROM ZIPCODE98032 • • ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED '.*.r.--.-:_ . , 0VIIS-1 14' -- - - - 0 1Gj STEWART RYAN 7 k' ' - - :X73 - --s, -(.rackeckte pr — PQ �wEO \G�` SEATTLE WA 98178 �S p�V�S° _::,1 I" 6 . 9,3,0;:.. 5.E:. I:03;6 . 6:404,1`,07',/1 • a . _Q'i'�.(G RETURN TO SENDER INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS ' . UNABLE TO .F ORWARD i • BC; 98057323255 *3026-1"t3.713-27.-38 its EdF�' 4.1i�a(iraEt _ Cd•'ze i a 21r111114IIltl>>ll(ilttI'iiiiIhs1I1111 'I'l111111Ill111111111•I1{1I1 t r F April 6, 2015 _ Renton City Council Minutes Page 66 RESOLUTION#4248 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Utility: 2015-2016 KC Solid interlocal cooperative agreement with King County entitled "Interagency Waste Reduction & Recycling Agreement for 2015 and 2016 Between King County and the City of Renton." Grant MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED.CARRIED. 1 RESOLUTION#4249 A resolution was read amending the 2015-16 City of Renton fee schedule. Finance:Amended 2015-2016 MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE Fee Schedule RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The follo.inring ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the 4/13/2015 Council meeting for second and final reading: 1 ORDINANCE An ordinance was read providing for the issuance of one or more series of Finance: Bond Refunding, 2006 limited tax general obligation refunding bonds of the City in the aggregate LTGO Bonds principal amount of not to exceed$14,000,000 to refund certain outstanding limited tax general obligation bonds and to pay costs of issuing the bonds; and delegating the authority to approve the final terms of the bonds. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/13/2015. ORDINANCE An ordinance was read amending the city of Renton fiscal years 2015/2016 Finance: 2015 Carry Forward Biennial Budget as adopted by Ordinance No.5737, in the amount of Amendment $66,949,826,for an amended total of$552,837,193 over the biennium. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/13/2015. The following ordinance was presented for final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE#5753 An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer Utility: Final Sewer Extension, service,for properties adjacent to S 132nd St.,and establishing the amount of Special Assessment District the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED No.0047 � � BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES. .0�-44 'CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar for updates from Councilmembers on upcoming Council Committee meetings. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME:7:29 p.m. i 1 1 ,' I L 1/ Jason .eth, °MC,.Pity Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder April 6, 2015 March 23,2015 Renton City Council Minutes Page 60 Transportation: NE Sunset Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with Blvd. Roadway Improvements; Perteet, Inc. in the amount of$578,048 for preliminary design services for the Perteet, Inc. NE Sunset Blvd. Roadway Improvements project. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. MOVED1BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CONCUR TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Utilities:Committee Vice-Chair Corman presented a report stating that the UTILITIES COMMITTEE Committee was briefed on the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Utility: NPDES Phase II Permit (NPDES) Phase II Permit and City's Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) Update Plan.The City of Renton's Surface Water Utility completed the required SWMP Plan to meet the obligations of the City of Renton's Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PEREZ, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Utility: Final Sewer Extension, Utilities Committee Vice-Chair Corman presented a report recommending Special Assessment District concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the final assessment roll No.0047 for the S. 132nd St.Sewer Extension Special Assessment District No.0047 and present the ordinance for first reading. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PEREZ,!COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION#4246 A resolution was read in strong support of a 2015 transportation revenue-and- Executive:Support of 2015 reform package. MOVED BY PALMER,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT Transportation Investment THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Package The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the 4/6/2015 Council meeting for second and final reading: Utility: Final Sewer Extension, An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer Special Assessment District service for properties adjacent to S 132nd St., and establishing the amount of N0.7 the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED 0-i� -0 6I BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/6/2015. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PALMER,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. TIME: 7:23 p.m. Jaso /A.Seth, (C,`City Clerk Megan Gregor, Recorder March 23, 2015 r CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE FOR PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO SOUTH 132ND STREET,AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: • • I r. SECTION I. There is .hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District for the area served by the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project in the northwest quadrant of the City of Renton and within King County, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto. A map of the service area is attached as Exhibit B. The recording of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges. While this connection charge may be paid at any time, the City does not require payment untilsuch time as the parcel is connected to and, thus, benefiting from the sewer facilities. The property may be sold or in any other way change hands withouttriggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district. SECTION II. Persons connecting to the sanitary sewer facilities in this Special • Assessment District, and which properties have not been charged or assessed with all costs of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension as detailed in this ordinance, shall pay, in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee and in addition to the system development charge, a per unit charge for new connections of-residential units of eleven 1 - r ORDINANCE NO. thousand two hundred fifty-four dollars and ninety-two cents ($11,254.92) per dwelling unit. SECTION III. In addition to the aforestated charges, there shall be an interest charge of two point six percent (2.60%) per annum added to the Special Assessment District charge. The interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (10) years from the date this ordinance becomes effective. Interest charges will be simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION IV., This ordinance is effective upon its passage, approval and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2015. Jason A. Seth, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2015. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1861:2/18/15:scr 2 • ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT A South 132nd Sewer Extension Special Assessment District Legal Description Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 19, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 84, records of King County, Washington, lying southwesterly of the southwest.•margin of Renton Avenue, as established by deeds recorded under Recording Numbers 7103190108 and 7103160147; TOGETHER WITH Lots 4 and 5, Block 20, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume.15 of Plats, Page 84, records of King County,Washington; AND the North 75.5 feet of the west 80 feet of Lot 7 and the North 152'feet of the east 80 feet of Lot 6 of said Block 20,1,Earlington Acre Tracts. All situate in the NE quarter of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in the City of Renton,,King County,Washington. 3 ORDINANCE NO. EXHIBIT B • • • 9 • • 2144800500 2144800488 • j 2144800487 • • South 132nd Street • • 2144800552 2144800548• • • 2144800548 i—ammummemmomer 2144800535 • • SOUTH 132ND SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' 4 VI March 24, 2015 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) § COUNTY OF KING JASON A. SETH, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter: That on the 24th dayof March, 2015 at the hour of 4:30p.m. your affiant dulymailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail to all parties of record the Final Notice of Potential Assessment for the S. 132nd Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Special Assessment District; SAD-14-001. . , C Jason Seth, City/ erk SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 24th day of March;2015. \\\4\ Cynthi R. M a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Renton My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 _ • Denis Law Clty. Mayor o _ C 1.; ;IR . City Clerk'-Jason A.Seth,CMC • •• CITY OF RENTON FINAL NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT for City of Renton South 132"d Street Sewer Interceptor ' • Special Assessment District No. 0047 Date Mailed: March 24, 2015 . Per Unit Assessment $11,254.92 STEWART JOHN M 8223S132NDST SEATTLE WA 98178 King County Account Number: 2144800535 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 4&5 BLK 20 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME PAGE 84 On January 30, 20.15,.I, Jason Seth, the City Clerk of Renton, Washington, mailed you a notice of potential assessment for sanitarys;ewer improvements associated with the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project. We have now completed,construction of these sewer facilities. The facilities, as shown on the attached map, are'eligible for cost recovery under City Special Assessment District Ordinance No:4444. For those properties that could receive benefit directly by-the sewers, future use would trigger payment of a 'fair share' cost of the sewer.This assessment is calculated, as a unit charge, by dividing the cost of the conveyance portion of the sewers_by the number of units projected for the basin • served by these sewers. This rate'has been established at.$11,254.92 per unit: • The purpose of the assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the sewer facilities from all thosewho benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record an ordinance which will serve as a notice of potential assessment. This ordinance will establish a boundary that includes any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all, that any property ownerthat connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service area that the facility may be'able;to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map. You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from these sewer facilities. Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without triggering the assessment. Benefit from these;sewer facilities can be described as follows: . • A property not currently connected to a City sewer facility (i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system or a vacant parcel), that connects to-the sewer system associated with this district will" trigger the assessment. Until-then,the assessment will not be triggered. 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)•430-6516•rentonwa.gov I • • • • For those properties that_are already connected to City sewer,'this assessment.will only•be . triggered if the property increases its density either by change of use (i.e., single family to multi- family housing) or through increased -density within the same-use (i.e., further'subdivision of land for single family h•ousing).. You will not be required to pay the assessment unless one of the above situations occurs. However, the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of 2.60% per'annum for a period of ten years. The accrual of interest will begin thirty (30) days after the notice of potential assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at•a future date, you may pay the • amount of assessment during the thirty-day'period after recording, interest free. This option is • totally at the discretion of the property owner.. Per City Ordinance No. 4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council,c/o City Clerk, 1055 S.Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this mailing (by April 13,2015, 5:00 P.M.). Grounds for protest:' An appeal shall include 'a statement of claimed errors that concern the proposed • assessment and must be accompanied,by a$75.00 non-refundable fee. Errors which are not set forth in writing will not be considered. Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 4444, Sections 9-16-9.0 and D, the only items of appeal that will be considered are the cost of the facilities, the costs distribution methodology; and the issue of benefit to the properties to be assessed Appeal Fee and Appeal Process: A non-refundable appeal fee in the amount.of $75.00 shall be submitted.with each . appeal. If a protest is received and deemed timely and establishes a propergrounds for protest according to City Ordinance, a public hearing will be held. If no protests are received, the above-quoted notice of potential assessment will be recorded against your property. The charge'(s) will not be collected until you subsequently tap onto or use the facilities covered by the Special Assessment District notice. • We hope that this notice will answer most of your questions. If you do, however, have questions pertaining to sewer installations, the background of the assessment district, or the appeal process, please contacts John Hobson (primary) at 425430-7279 or Dave Christensen (secondary) .at 425-430-7212. • • • • •JASON SE H, City Clerk • • Notice of Final Assessment/Final Hearing - • • :-r EXHIBIT B ro 2144800500 2144800488 2144800487 South 132nd Street 2144800552 2144800548 2144800546 2144800535 SOUTH 132ND SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' ..f Denis Lawe",• Of Mayor ‘SY O� • City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC • CITY OF RENTON' FINAL NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT for City of Rent I�n South 132nd Street Sewer Interceptor Special Assessment District No. 0047 Date Mailed: March 24, 2015 Per Unit Assessment" $11,254.92 STEWART RYAN J 8215 S 132ND ST SEATTLE-WA 98178 King County Account Number: 214 800546 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E 80 FT OF S 76.25 FT OF N 226 FT OF LOT 6 BLK 20 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME15PG84 On January 30, 2015, I, Jason Seth, the'City Clerk'of Renton, Washington, mailed you a notice of ' - potential assessment for sanitary sewer improvements associated with the South 132"d Street Sewer Extension Project. We have now cdmpleted construction of these sewer facilities. The facilities, as shown on the attached map, are eligible for cost recovery under City Special Assessment District Ordinance No.4444. For those properties that could receive benefit directly by the sewers, future use would trigger payment of a 'fair share'cost of the sewer.This assessment is calculated,as a unit charge, by dividing the cost of the conveyance portion of the sewers by the number of units projected for the basin served by these sewers. This rate has been established at$11,254.92 per unit. The purpose of the assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction Of the sewer facilities from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record an ordinance which will serve as a notice of potential assessment. This ordinance will establish a boundary that includes any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all, that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service area that the facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map. You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from these sewer facilities. Until that time, the property can be sold or change. hands' without triggering the assessment. Benefit" from these sewer facilities can be described as follows: • 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov • A property not currently connected to a City sewer facility.(i.e., currently utilizing an on-site _system or a vacant parcel), that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will - trigger the assessment. Until then;"the assessment will not be triggered. , • For those properties that are already connected to City sewer, this assessment will only be triggered if the property increases its density either by change of use (i.e.,single family to multi- family housing) or through increased density within the same use ,(i.e., further subdivision of land for single family housing). _ , You will not be required to pay the assessment unless one of the above situations occurs. However, the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of 2.60% per annum for a period of ten years. The accrual of interest will begin thirty (30) days after the notice of potential assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid-interesf charges at a future date, you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. • Per City.Ordinance No. 4444 you may request an appealhearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk;1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, within twenty(20) days of this"mailing (by April 13,2015, 5:00 P.M.). Grounds for protest: - • An appeal shall include. a statement of claimed errors that concern the proposed assessment and must be accompanied by a$75.00 non-refundable fee. Errors which are • not set forth in writing will not be considered. Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 4444, - Sections 9-16-9.0 and b, the only items of appeal that will be considered are the cost of the facilities, the costs distribution methodology, and the issue of benefit to the properties to be assessed Appeal Fee and Appeal Process: A non-refundable appeal fee in the amount of $75.00 shall be submitted with each appeal. If a protest is received and deemed timely and establishes ayproper grounds for protest according to City Ordinance, a public hearing will be held. If no protests are received, the above-quoted notice of potential assessment will be recorded against your property. The charge(s) will not be collected until you subsequently:tap Onto or,use the facilities covered by the Special Assessment District notice. We hope that this notice will answer most of your questions. If you do, however, have questions pertaining to sewer installations, the background of the assessment district, or the appeal process, please contacts John Hobson (primary) at 425-430-7279 or Dave,Christensen (secondary) at 425-430-7212. a r • • •SON SETH,/ity Clerk • Notice of Final Assessment/Final Hearing . yr 1 . k,. EXHIBIT B i \ \1 • :677h� • 2144800500 2144800488 __ \• \ i 2144800487 South 1132nd Street i 2144800552 2144800548Il ! i -- = 2144800546 ) 1 2144800535 ' I L--H i . t I I I i i � I 1 SOUTH 132ND SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' , r • Y ) Denis Law ' - ( •Clr5),. ty Of • - `tY O Mayor . S { -City Clerk -`Jason A.Seth,CMC - - , - CITY OF.RENTON., _ - - FINAL N TILE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT . for City of Renton South 132"d Street Sewer Interceptor- " 'Specill Assessment District No. 0047 , , " D to Mailed: March.24, 2015 • - - . Per Unit Assessment- ` ,$11,254.92 LENING & LEHIEUT -T . 8215S132NDST , ' " - ' SEATTLE WA 98178 " • . King County Account Number: 214 800548 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N 75.5 FT OF THE E 80 FT OF LOT 6.BLK 20 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME ` 15 PG 84 . • - . • On January 30, 2015, I, Jason Seth the City Clerk•of Renton, Washington, mailed you a notice of potential assessment for sanitary selwer improvements associated with the South 132nd Street Sewer ' Extension Project. We have now completed construction of these sewer facilities. The facilities, as • shown on the attached map, are eligible for cost recovery under City Special Assessment District Ordinance No.4444. - - - • , For those properties that could receive benefit directly by the sewers, future use would trigger . payment of a 'fair share' cost of the sewer.This assessment is calculated, as a unit charge,by dividing , the cost of'the conveyance portion of the sewers by the number of units projected for the basin served by these sewers. This rate has been established at$11,254.92 per unit. The purpose of the assessment disirict is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the . construction of the sewer facilities from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record an ordinance which will serve as a notice of potential assessment. This ordinance will establish a boundary that includes any parcel thatmaybenefit in the future:. It is - our goal to ensure, in fairness to all, that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their , -share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service area that the facility maybe able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached-map. . You will only be required to pay this�assessment when the property gains benefit from these sewer , facilities. Until that time, the property can be sold or 'change hands ,withouf triggering .the assessment. Benefit from these'sewer facilities can be described as follows: . • - 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov _ - •••� A property'not currently connected to a City sewer facility (i.e:., currently utilizing an on-site , system ora vacant parcel), that;connects.to the sewer system"associated with this_district will , ' trigger the assessment. Until then,the assessment will not be triggered. . - - .. . •-• For those properties that are already connected to City sewer, this assessment will only be triggered-if the property increases its density either"by change of use (i.e., single family to multi- _ . family housing) or through increased density within the same.use (ii.e., further subdivision:of land for single family housing): , . You will not be required to pay the assessment unless'one-Of the above situations occurs. However, the assessment district will accrue simple interest a a rate of 2.60%-per annum for a period of ten_ ' " ' years. The accrual of interest will,begin thirty (30) days after the' notice of potential assessment is , . recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges.at. a future date; you may pay the . amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest'free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. . Per City Ordinance No. 4444 you may_request an appeal hearing by writing-to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,Within twenty(20) days of this mailing (by April 13,2015,5:00.P.M.). , Grounds for protest: _ . An apPeal shall include a statement of claimed errors that- concern the proposed assessment and must be accompanied by a$75.00'non-refundable fee. Errors which are - not set forth in writing will not be considered. Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 4444, . ' • Sections 9-16-9.. 'C and D, the.only items of appeal that will be-considered are the'cost of the facilities, the'costs-distribution methodology, and the issue of benefit to the properties to be assessed , _ . Appeal Fee.and Appeal Process: - ' ' , - A non-refundable appeal fee in the-amount-of$75.00 shall be-submitted with each appeal. If a protest is received and deemed timely and establishes a proper grounds for protest according to City Ordinance, a public hearing will be held. If no protests are • . • received, the above-quoted,notice of potential assessment will be recorded against your . property. The charge(s) will not'be collected until you subsequently tap onto or use the facilities covered by the Special Assessment District notice. - ' • We hope that this notice will answer most of your questions. If you•do ..however, have questions pertaining to sewer installations, the background of the assessment district, or the appeal process, please contacts John Hobson (primary) at 425-430-7279 or Dave Christensen (secondary) at 425-430-7212. - ' . , •' . _ ' ' JASON SE 'r; City Clerk ' • Notice of Final Assessment/Final Hearing :__,_ • - , 'r EXHIBIT B J 1 \ . I . \ X 1 o fQ 7 • Ste e 2144800500 2144800488 . 1 • \ . I 2144800487 1 South 132nd Street 2144800552 i ! `` 1 2144800548 I 1 . • $s ' I - --1 I 2144800546 I I I —,............,., 2144800535 * 1 { • I j f I 1 1 1 1 { • SOUTH 132ND SEWER EXTENSION , SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' , . Denis Law City of Mayor ! SY I - • • City Clerk:-Jason A.Seth,CMC • • • - CITY OF RENTON V FINAL NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT for City of Renton South 132nd Street Sewer Interceptor Special Assessment District No. 0047 Dae Mailed: March.24, 2015 Per Unit Assessment $11,254.92 WERLE WAYNE C& LAURIE A 1392156th AVE S • V V TUKWILA WA 98168 King County Account Number: 2144800552 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N 75.5 FT OF THE W 80 FT OF LOT 7 BLK 20 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME15PG84 On January 30, 2015, I, Jason Seth, the City Clerk of Renton, Washington, mailed you a notice of potential assessment for sanitary sewer improvements associated with the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project. We have now completed construction of these sewer facilities. The facilities, as shown on the attache_d map, are eligible for cost recovery under City Special Assessment District • Ordinance No.4444. For those- properties that could receive benefit directly by the sewers, future use would trigger payment of a 'fair share' cost of the sewer.This assessment is calculated, as a unit charge, by dividing the cost of the conveyance portion of the sewers by the number of units projected for the basin served by these sewers. This rate has been established at$11,254.92 per unit. The purpose of the assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the sewer facilities from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record an ordinance which will serve as a notice of potential assessment. This ordinance will establish a boundary that includes any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to'all, that any property owner that connects at alater date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service area that the facility may be able;to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map. You will only be required to pay:this assessment when the property gains benefit from these sewer facilities. Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without triggering the assessment. Benefit from these'sewer facilities can be described as follows: 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov • ` A property not currently connected to a_.City sewer facility (i.e., currently utilizing an on-site - system or a•vacant,parcel), that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will. - •trigger the assessment. Until then,the assessment will not be triggered. • For those properties that are already connected to City-sewer, this assessment will only be :triggered if the property-increases its density either by change of use (i.e.,single family to multi- - family housing) or through.increased density-within the same use (i.e., further subdivision of land for single family housing). You will not be required to pay the assessment unless one of the above situations occurs. However, - the assessment district will accrue simple,interest at a rate of 2.60% per annum for a period of ten years. The accrual of interest will begin thirty (30) days after the notice of potential assessment is - recorded with King County.Records. TO avoid interest charges at a future date, you may pay the_ amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the Property owner: • Per City Ordinance No. 4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City.Clerk, 1055 S.Grady Way, Renton,•WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this mailing (by April 13,2015, 5:00 P.M.).. Grounds for-protest: - An appeal shall include ,a statement of claimed errors that concern the proposed assessment and must be accompanied by a$75.00 non-refundable fee. Errors which are not set forth in writing will not be considered. Pursuant to City Ordinance -No. 4444, Sections 9-16-9.0 and D, the only items of appeal that will be considered are the cost of • the facilities, the costs distribution methodology, and the issue.ofbenefit to the - properties to be assessed Appeal Fee and Appeal Process: - - • A non-refundable appeal fee in the amount of$75.00 shall be submitted with each appeal. If a protest is received and deemed timely and establishes a proper grounds for - protest according.to City Ordinance, a public hearing will be held. If no protests are received, the above-quoted notice of potential assessment will be recorded against your , property. The charge(s) will not be collected until you subsequently tap onto or use the facilities covered by the Special Assessment District notice. We hope that this notice will answer most of your questions. If you do, however, have questions pertaining to sewer installations, the background of the assessment district, or the appeal process, please contacts John Hobson (primary) .at 425-430-7279 or Dave Christensen (secondary) at- 425-430-7212. 1 I ,14 • Si+SON SETH;/tfClerk Notice of Final Assessment/Final Hearing ' y • .r' I EXHIBIT B , \ \ i I 1 I /0 21448 00500 2144800488 1 i , \ 1 I 2144800487 I South 132nd Street ' I _ 2144800552 2144800548 1 I - I ---- 2144800546 I cii,s 1 I 1 - L..............i I 2144800535 I I I I ill i I i 7 SOUTH 132ND SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' J I I Denis Law �, City Of Mayor r) - Y O Xr • • City Clerk Jason A.Seth,CMC CITY OF RENTON FINAL NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT for City of Renton South 132nd Street Sewer Interceptor Special Assessment District No. 0047 Date Mailed: March 24, 2015 • - Per Unit Assessment $11,254.92 MINTERS LLC 13043 RENTON AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 King County Account Number: 2144800487 `' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S 100 FT OF iLOT 3 TGW PORTIONS OF LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 19 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME 15 PG 84.LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE SW MARGIN OF RENTON AVENUE' On January 30, 2015, I, Jason Seth, the City Clerk of-Renton, Washington, mailed you a notice of , potential assessment for sanitary sewer improvements associated with the South 132nd Street Sewer • Extension Project. We have now completed construction of these sewer facilities. The facilities, as shown on the attached map, are ieligible for cost recovery under City Special Assessment District Ordinance No.4444. For those properties that could receive benefit directly by.the sewers, future use would trigger _ payment of a'fair share' cost of thie sewer.This assessment is calculated, as a unit charge, by dividing the cost of the conveyance portion of the sewers'by the number of units projected for the basin served by these sewers. This rate Chas been established at$11,254.92 per unit. The purpose of the assessment district'is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of thesewerfacilities from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record an ordinance which will serve as a notice of potential assessment This ordinance will establish a boundary that includes any parcel that may benefit in the future: It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all, that any property owner that connects at a,later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service area that thefacilitymay be ableto serve. This boundary is shown'on the attached map. You will only be required to pay;this assessment when the property gains benefit from these sewer facilities. Until that 'time, the property can be sold or change hands without triggering the assessment. Benefit from these sewer facilities can be described as follows: - r • • 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425).430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov • A property not currently connected to a City sewer facility (i.e:, currently utilizing an on-site _ system or a vacant;parcel), that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will trigger the assessment. Until then,the assessment will not be triggered. • For those _properties that are already connected to City sewer, this 'assessment will only be triggered if the property increases its density either by change"of use (i.e., single family to multi- family housing) or through increased density within the same use (i.e., further subdivision of - - land for,single family housing). ' , You will not be required to pay the assessment unless one of the above situations occurs. However, • the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of 2.60% per annum for a period of ten years. The accrual of interest will begin thirty (30) days afterthe notice of potential assessment-is recorded with King County"Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date, you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period,after recording, interest free. This option is • totally atthe discretion of the property owner. - Per City Ordinance No: 4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this mailing (by April 13,2015, 5:00 P.M:). . Grounds for-protest: . . An appeal shall include a,statement of claimed errors that concern the proposed assessment and must be accompanied by a$75.00 non-refundable fee. Errors which-are not set forth in writing will not be considered. Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 4444, Sections 9-16-9.0 and D, the only items of appeal that will be considered are the cost of the facilities, the costs distribution methodology, and .the issue of benefit to the properties to be assessed ' Appeal Fee and Appeal Process: V A non-refundable appeal fee in the amount of $75.00shall be submitted with each appeal. If a protest is received and deemed timely and establishes a proper grounds for protest according to City Ordinance, a public hearing will be held. 'If no protests are received, the above-quoted notice of potential assessmenewill be recorded against your , property. The charge(s) will not be collected until you subsequently tap onto or use the facilities covered by the Special Assessment District.notice. - We hope that this notice will answer most of your questions. If you do, however, have questions pertaining to sewer installations, the background of the assessment district, or the appeal process, please contacts John Hobson (primary) at 425-430-7279 or Dave Christensen '(secondary) at 425-430-7212. - r J SON SETH, ity Clerk V Notice of Final Assessment/Final Hearing _ 1 EXHIBIT B Ir\ \ I j ______L_ I 14 i fo , \ L0 ' 2144800500 2144800488 1 I j 17------------1 \ i j 2144800487 • South 132nd Street I = 2144800552 2144800548 L----------i2144800546 i ; I i 2144800535 I • j I I 1 I I I i __� 1 1 1 SOUTH 132ND SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY ' Scale 1" = 100' Denis Law - I Cl Of Mayor ,- U�`SY o 11), /;' rj Ira City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC CITY OF RENTON FINAL NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT • for City of Renton South 132nd Street Sewer Interceptor Special Assessment District No. 0047 Da i e Mailed: March 24, 2015 • Per Unit Assessment • " $11,254.92 MINTERS LLC 13043 RENTON AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 King County Account Number: 214'4800488 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PORTION OFILOT 3 BLK 19 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME 15 PG 84 LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE SW MARGIN OF RENTON AVENUE EXCEPT THE S 100 FT THEROF • On January 30, 2015, I, Jason Seth, the City Clerk of Renton, Washington, mailed you a notice of potential assessment for sanitary sewer improvements associated with the South 132"d Street Sewer Extension Project. We have now completed construction of these sewer facilities. The facilities, as shown-on the attache d map, are eligible for cost recovery under City Special Assessment District Ordinance No.4444. For those properties that could receive benefit directly by the .sewers, future use would trigger payment of a 'fair share' cost of the sewer.This assessment is calculated, as.a unit charge, by dividing the cost of the conveyance portion of the sewers by the number of units projected for the basin served by these sewers. This rateihas been established at$11,254.92 per unit. . The purpose of the assessment district is to allow the City the,ability to collect the costs of the construction of the sewer facilities from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record an ordinance which will serve as a notice of potential assessment. This ordinance will establish a boundary that includes any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service area that the facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map. You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from these sewer facilities. Until that time, the property can be sold or change hands without triggering the assessment. Benefit from these sewer facilities can be described as follows: I ' I • 1055 South Grady Way•Renton,Washington 98057• (425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-6516•rentonwa.gov • r4 • A property not currently connected to a City sewer facility (i.e., currently utilizing an on-site .system or a vacant parcel), that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will - trigger the assessment. Until then,the assessment will not be triggered. • For those properties that are already connected to City sewer, this assessment will only be, • triggered if the property increases its density either by change of use (i.e., single family to multi- family housing) or through increased density within the same use (i.e., further subdivision of - land for single family housing). You will not be required to pay the assessment unless one of the-above situations occurs. .However, - the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of 2.60% per annum for a period of ten years. The accrual of interest will begin thirty (30) days after the notice of potential assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date, you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Per City Ordinance No. 4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S.Grady Way;Renton,WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this mailing (by April 13,2015,5:00 P.M.). ' Grounds'for protest: ' An appeal shall include a statement of claimed errors that concern the proposed assessment and must be accompanied by a$75.00 non-refundable fee. 'Errors which are not set forth in writing will not be considered. Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 4444, - Sections 9-16-9.0 and D, the only items of appeal that will be considered are the cost of the facilities, the, costs distribution methodology, and the issue of benefit to the , properties to be assessed • Appeal Fee and Appeal Process: • A non-refundable appeal fee in theamount of $75.00 shall be submitted with each appeal. If a protest is received and deemed timely and establishes a proper'grounds for - protest according to City Ordinance, a public hearing will be'held. .If no protests are received, the above-quoted notice of potential assessment will be recorded against your property. The charge(s) will not be collected until you subsequently tap onto or use the facilities covered by the Special Assessment District notice. We hope that this notice will answer most of your questions. If you do, however, have questions pertaining to sewer installations, the background of the assessment district, or the appeal process, please contacts John Hobson (primary) at-425-430-7279 or Dave Christensen (secondary) at 425-430-7212. c • JASON SE/ ,City Clerk Notice of Final Assessment/Final Hearing • -y f • • EXHIBIT B \ \ 1i • i ! 1 •� I�ro; 1. I i. i o 2144800500 I 2144800488 f \ , I 2144800487 South 132nd Street ' I 2144800552 I ( I.2144800548 1I 1 I 1 ------'- i 2144800546 i 1i 2144800535 I I ! i 1 1 ! i 1 1 ! i SOUTH 132ND SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY . Scale 1" = 100' J" Y - f 1- Denis Law ;` - Mayor City of -r.„ p , i) r____s, : ,. : - j A + -R + '. City Clerk -Jason A.Seth,CMC ' CITY OF RENTON . - FINAL NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT for City of Renton South 132"d Street Sewer Interceptor - Special Assessment District No. 0047 . • Date Mailed•: March 24, 2015 , Per Unit Assessment $11;254.92 MINTERS•LLC. • - 13043 RENTON AVE S , •• ' SEATTLE WA 98178 ' King County Account Number: 2144800500 - LEGAL DESCRIPTION:•LOTS 4 5 6 &7 BLK 19 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME 15 PG 84 EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 4 LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE SW MARGIN OF RENTON AVENUE On January 30, 2015, I, Jason Seth, the City Clerk-of Renton,,Washington, mailed-you a notice of , - potential assessment for sanitary sewer improvements associated with the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project. We have now completed construction of these sewer facilities. The facilities, as . shown on the attached map, are eligible for cost recovery under City Special Assessment District Ordinance No.4444. •. For those properties that could receive benefit directly by the sewers, future use would trigger payment of a 'fair share'cost of the sewer.This assessment is calculated, as a'unit charge, by dividing the cost of the:conveyance portion of the sewers by the number of units projected for the basin • served by these sewers. This rate has been established at$11,254:92 per unit. The purpose of the •assessmentldistrict'is to allow the City the ability to collect,the costs of the construction of the sewer facilities from all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record an ordinance which will serve as a notice of potential assessment. This ordinance will establish a boundary that includes any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all, that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service area that the facility may be able:to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map. You will only be required to pay this,assessment when the property gains benefit from these sewer facilities. Until that time, the property can be sold :or change hands without triggering the assessment: Benefit from thesesewer facilities can be described as follows: ') 1055 South Grady Way•Rent n,Washington 98057•(425)430-6510/Fax(425)430-651.6•.rentonwa.gov • • A property not currently connected to a City sewer facility-(i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system or a vacant,parcel), that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will trigger the assessment. Until then,the assessment will not be triggered. • • For those properties that are already connected to City sewer, this assessment will only be triggered if the property increases its density either by change of use (i.e., single family to multi- family housing) or through increased density within the same use-(i.e., further subdivision of land for single family housing). .: You will not be required-to pay the assessment unless one of the above situations occurs.. However, the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of 2.60% per annum for a period of ten - years. The accrual of interest will begin thirty (30) days after the,notice of potential assessment is recorded with King County Records., To avoid interest charge"s at a future date, you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is - totally at the'discretion of the property owner. - Per City Ordinance No. 4444 you may ,request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057, within twenty(20) days of this mailing (by April 13,2015, 5:00 P.M.). ' -Grounds for protest: An appeal shall include a statement of claimed -errors that concern the proposed assessment and must be accompanied by a$75.00 non-refundable fee. Errors which are not set forth in writing will not be considered. Pursuant to City-Ordinance No. 4444, Sections 9-16-9.0 and D, the only items of appeal that will be considered are the cost of the facilities, the costs, distribution methodology, and the issue of benefit to the • properties to be assessed - Appeal Fee and Appeal Process: . A non-refundable appeal fee in'the amount of $75.00 shall be submitted with each appeal. If a protest is received and deemed timely and establishes a proper grounds for protest according to City Ordinance, a public hearing will be held. If no protests are ' received, the above-quoted notice of potential assessment will,be recorded.against your property. The charge(s) will not be collected until you subsequently tap onto or,use the • facilities covered by the Special Assessment District.notice. We hope that this notice will' answer most of your questions. If you do, however, have questions pertaining to sewer installations, the background of the assessment district,'or the appeal process, please contacts John Hobson (primary) at 425-430-7279 or Dave Christensen- (secondary) at '425-430-7212. ' 1.4 • J •SON SETH, ity Clerk - Notice of Final Assessment/Final Hearing r I � EXHIBIT B I I I I I I fO I '9`, 4 2144800500 2144800488 • • i 2144800487 South 132nd Street 2144800552 I 2144800548 -- 2144800546 i � I I 2144800535 J I I I I I I • SOUTH 132ND SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' January 30, 2015 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING STATE OF WASHINGTON ) § COUNTY OF KING ) JASON A. SETH, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 30th day of January,,2015, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States PostOffice at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail to all parties of record the Preliminary Notice of Potential'Assessment for the S. 132nd Street Sanitary Sewer Extension Special AssessmentJDistrict; SAD-14-001. Jason Seth, City C1,-rk SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE me this 30th day of January, 2015. cstiTHiq R 01,�� \\\ � , go =c,° N°rq . �Ff q� � 7J ' cn: �. Notary Public inandfor the State of /�i 0",7eA�s O��' Washington, residing in Renton �h1i� ASHING`.--�� My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 A83AV-O9-008-1 uo!PnJIsul,p ;uawabJetp ap sues ®0915®AW3AY;lJegeb el zeslll;n eug''Jane nMN►nn alllnakei zallnsuoj V Jajad a sepal saflanbl;3 - 2144800535 _ -`. 144800546 -- '2144800548 STEWART JOHN M STEWART RYAN J LE NING & LE HIEU T 8223 S 132ND ST 8215 S 132ND ST 8215 S 132ND ST SEATTLE WA 98178 SEATTLE WA 98178 • SEATTLE WA 98178 2144800552 - 2144800487 2144800488 WERLE WAYNE C& LAURIE A MINTERS LLC MINTERS LLC 13921 56th AVE S 13043 RENTON AVE S 13043 RENTON AVE S TUKWILA WA 98168 SEATTLE WA 98178 SEATTLE WA 98178 2144800500 MINTERS LLC 13043 RENTON AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 • I I T 09is®A���/a )j Taan;eaI lead�Sse3 Jo} Jaded pea jT t/ ®0965 3Dd1dLN31®kleAV as fl .1 Mid I laays uolpnJ4sul eas MIME • 1 Eniid smell lead Ase3 1 ' CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5753 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING AN. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SANITARY SEWER SERVICE FOR PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO SOUTH 132ND STREET, AND ESTABLISHING THE AMOUNT OF THE CHARGE UPON CONNECTION TO THE FACILITIES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. There 'is hereby created a Sanitary Sewer Service Special Assessment District for the area served by the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension project in the northwest quadrant of the City of Renton and within King County, which area is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto. A.map of the service area is attached as Exhibit B. The recording of this document is to provide notification of potential connection and interest charges. While this connection charge may be paid at any time, the City does not require payment until such time as the parcel is connected to and, thus, benefiting from the sewer facilities. The property may be sold or in any other way changehands without triggering the requirement, by the City, of payment of the charges associated with this district. SECTION II., Persons connecting to thesanitary sewer facilities in this Special Assessment District, and which properties have not been charged or assessed withall, costs of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension as detailed in this ordinance,-shall pay, in addition to the payment of the connection permit fee_ and in addition to the'system development charge, a per unit charge for new connections of residential units of eleven 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5753 thousand two hundred fifty-four dollars and ninety-two cents ($11,254.92) per dwelling unit. SECTION III. In addition to the aforestated charges, there shall be an interest charge of two point, six percent (2.60%) per annum added to the Special Assessment District charge. The interest charge shall accrue for no more than ten (10) years from the date this ordinance becomes 'effective. Interest charges will be simple interest and not compound interest. SECTION IV. This ordinance is effective upon its passage, approval and thirty (30) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 6th day of April , 2015. G / l / Jason A. S t , City Berk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 6th day of i•ri l 2015. Denis Law, Mayor REN Approved as to form: a�0 felt wiC S Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorneys 4/10/2 015 (s summary) a1419p /lc 4�f�%!!!l()RATED ����\\\ Date of Publication: y) ORD:1861:2/18/15:scr 2 l ORDINANCE NO. 5753 EXHIBIT A .South 132nd Sewer Extension Special Assessment District Legal Description Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 19, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, page 84, records of King County, Washington, lying southwesterly of the southwest margin of Renton Avenue, as established by deeds recorded under Recording Numbers 7103190108 and 7103160147; TOGETHER WITH Lots 4 and'5, Block 20, Earlington Acre Tracts, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Volume 15 of Plats, Page 84, records of King County, Washington; • AND the North 75.5 feet of the west 80 feet of Lot 7 and the North 152 feet of the east 80 feet of Lot 6 of said Block 20, Earlington Acre Tracts. All situate in the NE quarter of Section 13, Township 23 North, Range 4 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. 3 • n ORDINANCE NO. 5753 EXHIBIT B r \ JJ 41 � --.1-o 0 % \ 2144800500 • 2144800488 s 2144800487 South 132nd ' Street 2144800552 t 1 2144800548 II I —-- 2144800548 �.� • 2144800535 I 11 SS is •i SOUTH 132Nd SEWER EXTENSION SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' 4 April 21,2014 Renton City Council Minutes Page 124 Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Pavone presented a report recommending Utility: Establish S 132nd St concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the preliminary S. 132nd Sewer Extension Special St.Sewer Extension Special Assessment District. Assessment District The Committee further recommended that staff proceed with the establishment of the final Special Assessment District upon completion of the construction of the S. 132nd St.Sewer Extension project. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES 4/28/2014 Council meeting for second and final reading: Attorney:Amend RMC 1-3-2— An ordinance was read amending Section 1-3-2 of Chapter 3, Remedies and Definition of Administrator Penalties,of Title I (Administrative),of City Code, by revising the definition of "Administrator." MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/28/2014. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE#5713 An ordinance was read annexing approximately 4.2 acres bordered by Renton Annexation: Maertins, NE 16th City limits at the north and west, by parcel lines in proximity of SE Renton St&SE Renton Issaquah Rd Issaquah Rd.to the south,and NE 16th St.to the north; Maertins Annexation. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5714 An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of property Zoning: Maertins, NE 16th St& annexed within the City of Renton for approximately 4.2 acres bordered by SE Renton Issaquah Rd RentonlCity limits at the north and west, by parcel lines in proximity of SE Renton'lssaquah Rd.to the south,and NE 16th St.to the north,from R-4(four dwelling units per gross acre, King County zoning)to R-4(Four dwelling units per net acre)zoning; Maertins Annexation. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL:ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5715 An ordinance was read amending the City of.Renton fiscal years 2013/2014 Budget:2014 Carry-Forward Biennial;Budget as adopted by Ordinance No.5682,and thereafter amended by Amendment Ordinance Nos.5686,5692 and 5999, in the amount of$81,275,518,for an amended total of$601,657,988 over the biennium. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember Taylor shared that he attended the grand opening of the Community Event:Africa Town Africatown Center for Education& Innovation, located on the corner of S. Grand Opening Alaska St. and Martin Luther King Jr.Way S. in Seattle. He remarked that the center has a Young Geniuses Academy that seeks to nurture genius in children by exposing them to culturally relevant,fun,and educational experiences in science,technology,engineering,art,and math. Mr.Taylor remarked that co-located with the center is the AI-Noor Academy of Arts and Sciences. He stated that this is an extended learning program for middle school girls. He added that Al-Noor in Arabic translates to"the light," and their initials ANAAS in Arabic translates to"human kind." • • • APPROVED.BY UTILITIES COMMITTEE • CITY.COUNCIL' COMMITTEE'REPORT : ' ts - .Date_! -a/-_(2O/31 • April21,.2014 • Establishment of the South 132' Street:Sewer Extension Special.Assessment District , ' (Referred April 14, 2014). '.The Utilities Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to.approve the : . ' • preliminary"South 132 Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment•District. .' • The•'Committee'further recomniends•staff proceed with the establiishment.ofthe.final Special : Assessment':District. upon completion of the-.construction of the South '132"fr. Street Sewer• Extension Project. . . • • • Armando Pavone;Chair : • • • •. .Ed Prince,Vice Chair .. - • Randy Corman, Member. • • cc:: Lys Hornsby,Utility.Systems Director - Dave Christensen,Wastewater Utility Engineering Supervisor • -John Hobson,Wastewater Utility Engineer April 14,2014 Renton City Council Minutes Page 110 . AUDIENCE COMMENT Paul Ouellette (Renton) expressed concern that a recent article in the Renton Citizen Comment:Ouellette— Reporter reported that the City is looking for additional revenue by establishing City Budget, Library Budget& a B&O(Business and Occupation)tax to be paid by businesses. He remarked Donation to City that this seem to counter the City's efforts to redevelop the downtown the area. ,He also asked why the administration had not presented any options to cut expenses. Mayor Law pointed out that the additional revenue ideas presented to Council are optional,and no decision has been made at this time. Continuing, Mr.Ouellette stated that the library budget presented at tonight's Committee of the Whole meeting was only relative to the construction budget. He pointed out that the criticism of the budget has always been about the library program budget. He also read portions of an email from David Keyes expressing concern that the library budget audit did not include a request to evaluate the program budget. Additionally, Mr. Ouellette displayed photographs of a model-scale steel bridge he built as a design project when he was in college. He remarked that he would like to donate the bridge to the City, and have it placed over Jones Creek at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park. He requested permission to continue this endeavor with the Community Services Department. Mayor Law cautioned there may be restrictions to placing it over the creek, but agreed that he could continue working with the Community Services Department. Citizen Comment: McOmber— Howard McOmber(Renton)expressed appreciation for the developments Owner-Occupied Affordable happening in the Renton Highlands. He also advocated for more owner- Housing occupied housing in the Highlands. Mr. McOmber remarked that he would like this topic scheduled before Council as soon as possible. CONSENT AGENDA Itemsi listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council: Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 4/7/2014. Council concur. 4/7/2014 CED: Eliminate Construction Community and Economic Development Department requested authorization Inspector& Establish Civil to eliminate a Construction Inspector position and establish a new Civil Engineer II Position Engineer II position,with no budget change necessary for 2014. Council concur. CED: Hire Associate Planner at Community and Economic Development Department requested authority to Step E hire an Associate Planner at Step E of the Grade a21 salary scale,effective 5/1/2014. Council concur. Utility: Establish S 132nd St Utility Systems Division requested authorization to establish the S. 132nd St. Sewer Extension Special Sewer Extension Special Assessment District in the estimated amount of Assessment District $275,880 to ensure that project costs are equitably distributed to those who benefit. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. y CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Cg: • Subject/Title: Meeting: Establishment of the South 132nd Street Sewer REGULAR COUNCIL- 14 Apr 2014 Extension Special Assessment District Exhibits: Submitting Data: Dept/Div/Board: Issue Paper Public Works Draft Notice of Potential Assessment Draft Assessment District Roll Staff Contact: John Hobson,x7279 • Recommended Action: Refer to Utilities Committee Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required: $ I NA Transfer Amendment: $ • NA Amount Budgeted: $ NA Revenue Generated: $ NA Total Project Budget:$ ! NA City Share Total Project: $ NA SUMMARY OF ACTION: The South'132nd Street Sewer Extension Project is close to being advertised for bid for construction.To ensure the cost of this project is equitably distributed to those who'benefit, a Special Assessment District needs to be established. J STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the preliminary South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District and direct staff to proceed with the establishment of the final Special Assessment District upon completion of the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT D (mon MEMORANDUM DATE: April 3,2014 TO: Don Persson, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA: Denis Law, Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator STAFF CONTACT: John Hobson,Wastewater Utility Engineer,x7279 SUBJECT: Establishment of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District ISSUE: Should the City of Renton form a special assessment district in order to ensure that the cost of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project is equitably distributed to those who benefit? RECOMMENDATION: • Approve the preliminary South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Special Assessment District and direct staff to proceed with the establishment of the final Special Assessment District upon completion 9f the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The South 132nd Street Sewer Extension Project will provide direct sanitary sewer service to properties adjacent to the new sewer main (see attached map). The Wastewater Utility has proposed to use a per-connection method of calculating the assessments for the properties within the proposed assessment district. This method takes the size of the existing parcels and anticipates how many single-family equivalent residences could be constructed in accordance with the City's proposed zoning for the area. The estimated cost of the new sewer system is$275,880. There is a potential for the existing properties to subdivide into 30 lots that will benefit from the sewer system. Therefore,their estimated assessment will be$9,196. Mr.Persson,Council President Page 2 of 2 April 3,2014 � CONCLUSION: It has been the policy of the City that when sanitary sewer facilities have been installed that the City creates a Special Assessment District in order to ensure that each property benefitting from the new facility pays its fair share of the costs. This policy helps to ensure that.the existing ratepayers do not pay a disproportionate share of the costs for system expansion or growth. Therefore,we recommend that Council approve staff's request for establishment of a preliminary Special Assessment District and direct staff to prepare the final Special Assessment District upon completion of the construction of the sewer mains. Attachment cc: Lys Hornsby,Utility Systems Director Dave Christensen,Wastewater Utility Engineering Manager File uDHad `Q^ • • • • 63>0 2144800500 2144800488 • 2144800487 South 132nd Street 2144800552 2144800548 • 2144800546 2144800535 ' • • SOUTH 132ND SEWER INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' • CITY OF RENTON !NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT ' NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special Assessment District SOUTH 132ND STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st PreliminayNotice) Mailed:April X)C,2014 '. Parcel#«PRCLN» «TAXPAYER N» • -ASSESSMENT «TAXPAYER_B» $9,196.00 per unit «TAXPAYER C» «ZIP» King County Account No. «ASSESSOR_I» I ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: «LEGAL DESC» Per State Law (RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including signalization and lighting, for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata.share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s)to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. - • It is the intent of this notice to inform you, that under the above quoted law, the-Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project.and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract: Special Assessment District No.0047 Estimated Construction start date mid July 2014. Scope of Work: Install approximately.825 linear feet of 8"gravity-sewer main to provide local sewer service to an area generally bounded by S 130th St on the north, Renton Ave S on the east,S 132nd St on the south,and S Langston Rdjon the west. A copy of.a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. /JDHad The purpose of the special assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this,we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure,in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e.,currently utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the assessment will not be activated. • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 6%and 8%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording,interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final)costs,a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery,area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. • Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage,appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: John Hobson 425-430-7279 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Supervisor: David Christensen 425-430-7212 Bonnie I.Walton, City Clerk City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing \,JDHad • • • • •"P0 • • (0,)0 • • - 2144800500 2144800488 • • • 2144800487 South 132nd Street 2144800552 2144800548 • • ------- 2144800546 • 2144800535 • • • SOUTH 182ND SEWER INTERCEPTOR I ' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' CITY OF RENTON PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS SOUTH 132nd STREET SEWER EXTENSION Type: Wastewater Utility Improvements Property Name/Address of Owner Cost Per Unit Identification STEWART JOHN M $9,196.00 8223 S 132ND ST SEATTLE WA 98178 KC Tax Act# 2144800535 Legal Description: LOTS 4&5,BLK 20 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS,VOLUME,PAGE 84 STEWART RYAN J $9,196.00 8215 S 132ND ST SEATTLE W&98178 KC Tax Act# 2144800546 Legal Description: E 80 FT OF S 76.25 FT OF N 226 FT OF LOT 6,BLK 20,EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS,VOLUME 15,PG 84 LE NING&LE HIEU T $9,196.00 8215 S 132ND ST SEATTLE WA 98178 KC Tax Act# 2144800548 Legal Description: N-75.5 FT OF THE E 80 FT OF LOT 6,BLK 20,EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS, VOLUME 15,PG 84 WERLE WAYNE C&LAURIE A $9,196.00 13921 56th AVE S TUKWILA WA 98168 KC Tax Act# 2144800552 Legal Description: N 75.5 FT OF THE W 80 FT OF LOT 7,BLK 20,EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS, VOLUME 15,PG 84 MINTERS LLC $9,196.00 13043 RENTON AVE S. SEATTLE WA 98178 • KC Tax Act# 2144800487 Legal Description: S 100 FT OF LOT 3;TGW PORTIONS OF LOTS 1 &2,BLK 19,EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS,VOLUME 15,PG 84,LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE SW MARGIN OF RENTON AVENUE . • • CITY OF RENTON PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS SOUTH 132nd STREET SEWER EXTENSION Type: Wastewater Utility Improvements Property Name/Address of Owner Cost Per Unit Identification MINTERS LLC $9,196.00 13043 RENTON AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 KC Tax Act# 2144800488 Legal Description: PORTION OF LOT 3,BLK 19,EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS,VOLUME 15,PG 84 LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE SW MARGIN OF RENTON AVENUE,EXCEPT THE S 100 FT THEROF MINTERS LLC $9,196:00 13043 RENTON AVE S SEATTLE WA 98178 KC Tax Act# 2144800500 • Legal Description: LOTS 4,5,6,4z7,BLK-19,EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS,VOLUME 15,PG 84; EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 4 LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE SW MARGIN OF,RENTON AVENUE • • • • • I - 1 < j CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special Assessment District SOUTH 132ND STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:January 30,2015 . Parcel#2144800500 MINTERS;LLC. • ASSESSMENT 13043 RENTON AVE S $11,254.92 per unit SEATTLE WA,98178 King County Account No. 2144800500 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS,4 5 6 &7 BLK 19 EARLINGTONACRE TRACTS VOLUME 15 PG 84 EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 4 LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE SW MARGIN OF RENTON AVENUE Per State Law (RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No. 4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including signalization and lighting, for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you, that under the above quoted law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton-has, filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. - • Contract: Special Assessment District No.0047 Scope of Work: Install approximately 785 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to an area generally bounded by S 130th St on the north,-Renton Ave S on the east, S 132"d St on the south,and S Langston Rd on the west. A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary,(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Assess-Notice-S 132nd St.doc/JDHad The purpose of the special assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that )connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currently'utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the'assessment will not be activated. • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 6%and 8%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. • Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final)costs,a.second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals-will belimited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: John Hobson 425-430-7279 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Manager: David Christensen 425-430-7212 411 Jason Seth,Ci ' Clerk / City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Notice-S 132nd St Sewer-pg2.doc\JDHad rr, • • • • 63, I " OtpZ, • • 2144800500 2144800488 2144800487 South 132nd Street • 2144800552 2144800548 • 2144800546 - ! 2144800535 SOUTH 132ND SEWER INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' • t\ CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT , NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City cif Renton Special Assessment District SOUTH 132ND STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:January 30, 2015 Parcel#2144800488 MINTERS LLC ASSESSMENT 13043 RENTON AVE S $11,254:92 per unit SEATTLE WA, 98178 King County Account No. 2144800488 • - . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PORTION OF LOT 3 BLK 19 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME 15 PG 84 LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE SW MARGIN OF RENTON AVENUE EXCEPT THE S 100 FT THEROF Per State Law (RCW 35.92.025) and,City Ordinance No. 4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,'sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including signalization and lighting, for the reimbursement by any,owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies)'. • Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you, that under the above quoted law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton:has filed a request with.the Renton City.Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the'following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract: Special Assessment District No.0047 Scope of Work: Install approximately 785 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer main to,provide local sewer service to an area generally bounded by S 130th St on the north, Renton AveS on the east, S 132nd St on the south,and S Langston Rd on the west. A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer,Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Assess-Notice-S 132nd St.doc/JDHad S • The purpose of the special assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this,we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the • property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the assessment will not be activated. • • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary, Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 6%and 8%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice.of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final)costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying,your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057, within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the,criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: John Hobson 425-430-7279 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Manager: David Christensen 425-430-7212 A.141 JA Jason Seth, C' Cl- k City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Notice-S 132nd St Sewer-pg2.doc\JDHad • • • ro • • I 63, C b • '2144800500 2144800488 1 2144800487 South 1132nd Street 2144800552 2144800548 ' 2144800546 • ---� 2144800535- • SOUTH, 132ND SEWER INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY • Scale . 1" = 100' CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special Assessment District SOUTH 132ND STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:January 30, 2015 Parcel#2144800487 MINTERS LLC ASSESSMENT '13043 RENTON AVE S $11;254.92 per unit SEATTLE WA, 98178 King County Account No. 2144800487 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: S 100 FT OF LOT 3 TGW PORTIONS OF LOTS 1&2 BLK 19 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME 15 PG 84 LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE SW MARGIN OF RENTON AVENUE Per State Law (RCW 35.92.025) and;City Ordinance No. 4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including signalization and lighting,Ifor the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements;that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you, that under the above quoted law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a.request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract: Special Assessment District No.0047 Scope of Work: Install approximately 785 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to an area generally bounded by S 130th St on the north, Renton Ave S on the east, S 132nd St on the south,and S Langston Rd on the west. A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary'(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 5 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Assess-Notice-S 132nd St.doc/JDHad The purpose of the special assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record a"Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This, boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currentlyutilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the assessment will not be activated. • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 6%and 8%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30)days after the Notice of Final Assessment is' recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final)costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying:your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery.area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific. property should be included in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: John Hobson 425-430-7279 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Manager: David Christensen 425-430-7212 LJ. ( i ,I) Jason Seth, "Clerk ` City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Notice-S 132nd,St Sewer-pg2.doc\JDHad I��ff (O • 2144800500 2144800488 • 2144800487 South 132nd Street 2144800552 2144800548 2144800546 • ---�� 2144800535 • • • SOUTH 132ND SEWER INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For CityIofRenton Special Assessment District SOUTH 132ND STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:January 30, 2015 Parcel#2144800552 WERLE WAYNE C& LAURIE A ASSESSMENT 13921 56th AVE S $11,254.92 per unit - TUKWILA WA,98168 King County Account No. 2144800552 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N 75.5 FT OF THE W 80 FT OF LOT 7 BLK 20 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME 15 PG 84 Per State Law (RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No.4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities!, sewer facilities, storm water facilities,, and street improvements including signalization and lighting; for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a Citypermit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you, that under the above quoted law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract: Special Assessment District No.0047 • _ Scope of Work: Install approximately 785 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to an area generally bounded by S 130th St on the north, Renton Ave S on the east,S 132nd St on the south,and S Langston Rd on the west. A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary'(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- ' .Assess-Notice-S 132nd St.doc/JDHad The purpose of the special assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share jut like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the assessment will not be activated. • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. • You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 6%and 8%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final)costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,within twenty'(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: • Project Manager: John Hobson 425-430-7279 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) 'Wastewater Utility Manager: David Christensen 425-430-7212 l Jason Seth ty erk City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Notice-S 132nd St Sewer-pg2.doc\JDHad • • . 2144800500 2144800488 • • 2144800487 • South I 132nd Street 2144800552 • • 2144800548 2144800546 • - - 2144800535 •. .SOUTH 132ND SEWER INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY •• Scale 1" = 100' • • CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special Assessment District SOUTH 132ND STREET SEWER EXTENSION • , (1st Preliminary Notice) , Mailed:January 30,2015 Parcel#2144800548 LE NING &IILE HIEU.T ASSESSMENT 8215 S 132ND ST $11,254.92 per unit SEATTLE WA, 98178 King County Account No. 214480051 8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: N 75.5,FT OF THE E 80 FT OF LOT 6 BLK 20 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME 15 PG 84 Per State Law (RCW and City Ordinance No. 4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities,, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including signalization and lighting, for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s).to construct improvements:that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. : It.is the intent of this notice to inform you, that under the above quoted law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. Contract: Special Assessment District No.0047 • Scope of Work: Install approximately 785 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to an area generally bounded by S 130th St on the north, Renton Ave S on the east, S 132"d St on the south,and S Langston Rd on the west. A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary.(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. • • H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Assess-Notice-S 132nd St.doc/JDHad The purpose of the special assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this,we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new.sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: • A.property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the assessment will not be activated. • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 6%and 8%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final)costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 10555 Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: John Hobson 425-430-7279 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Manager: David Christensen 425-430-7212 Jason Seth, l ity C erk / City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing - H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Notice-S 132nd St Sewer-pg2.doc\JDHad • • • • 1�O 0 I 63, • • 2144800500 2144800488 -` 2144800487 • South 132nd Street • •2144800552 2144800548 2144800546 2144800535 SOUTH ' 132ND SEWER INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special Assessment District SOUTH 132ND STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:January 30, 2015 Parcel#2144800546 STEWARTTRYAN 1 ASSESSMENT 8215 S 132ND ST $11,254.92 per unit SEATTLE WA, 98178 King County Account No. 2144800546 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E 80 FT OF S 76.25 FT OF N 226 FT OF LOT 6 BLK 20 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME 15 PG 84 Per State Law (RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No. 4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including signalization and lighting; for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share,of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you, that under the above quoted law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council,.to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. - Contract: Special Assessment District No.0047 Scope of Work: Install approximately 785 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to an area generally bounded by 5 130`h St on the north, Renton Ave S on the east, S 132nd St on the south,and S Langston Rd on the west. A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by-the King County Tax Account number. H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Assess-Notice-S 132nd St.doc/JDHad The purpose of the special assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e., currently utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the assessment will not be activated. • • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 6%and 8%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30) days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final) costs,a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District(recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage, appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: John Hobson 425-430-7279 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Manager: David Christensen 425-430-7212 t Jason Seth, ity Clerk City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing H:\File Sys\WWP-Waste Water\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim Notice-S 132nd St Sewer-pg2.doc\JDHad i • • • - I _ I 9�0 2144800500 2144800488 I , i 2144800487 South 132nd Street 2144800552 2144800548 , 2144800546 i 2144800535 . i - SOUTH 132ND SEWER INTERCEPTOR • SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100' CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF POTENTIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PRELIMINARY HEARING For City of Renton Special Assessment District SOUTH 132ND STREET SEWER EXTENSION (1st Preliminary Notice) Mailed:January 30, 2015 Parcel#2144800535 STEWARTJOHN M ASSESSMENT 8223 S 132ND ST $11,254.92 per unit SEATTLE WA,98178 King County Account No. 2144800535 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 4'& 5,BLK 20 EARLINGTON ACRE TRACTS VOLUME PAGE 84 Per State Law (RCW 35.92.025) and City Ordinance No. 4444 the City may hold an Ordinance against the construction of water facilities, sewer facilities, storm water facilities, and street improvements including signalization and lighting, for the reimbursement by any owner of real estate who did not contribute to the original cost of such facility(ies) who subsequently tap onto or use said facility(ies). Future users are subject to a fair pro-rata share of the cost of the construction of said facility(ies). Costs will become payable by the future user(s) upon issuance of a City permit authorizing the future user(s) to construct improvements that would allow the users property to derive direct benefit from these facilities. It is the intent of this notice to inform you, that under the above quoted law, the Public Works Department of the City of Renton has filed a request with the Renton City Council, to recover a portion of the City's costs associated with the following project and that the cost recovery may likely affect your property. , Contract: Special Assessment District No.0047 Scope of Work: Install approximately 785 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer main to provide local sewer service to an area generally bounded by S 130th St on the north, Renton Ave S on the east, S 132nd St on the south, and S Langston Rd on the west. A copy of a map of the proposed assessment area is attached. Approximation of the preliminary(estimated) potential assessment per lot is shown at the top of this page, by the King County Tax Account number. H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Assess-Notice-S 132nd St.doc/JDHad The purpose of the special assessment district is to allow the City the ability to collect the costs of the construction of the South 132nd Street Sewer Extension by all those who benefit from its construction. To accomplish this, we are required to record a Notice of Potential Assessment against any parcel that may benefit in the future. It is our goal to ensure, in fairness to all,that any property owner that connects at a later date pays their share just like those who will connect right away. The benefit area is defined as the ultimate service basin this facility may be able to serve. This boundary is shown on the attached map and is labeled "Special Assessment District Boundary". You will only be required to pay this assessment when the property gains benefit from the new sewer main (i.e.when your house is physically connected to the City's sewer system). Until that time,the property can be sold or change hands without activating the assessment. Benefit from this sewer interceptor can be described as follows: • A property not connected to a City sewer facility(i.e.,currently utilizing an on-site system),that connects to the sewer system associated with this district will activate the assessment. Until then, the assessment will not be activated. • Property that is connected to City sewer through a Temporary Sewer Service Agreement requiring participation in the extension of sanitary sewer mains. You will not be required to pay the assessment until one of the above situations occurs. However,the assessment district will accrue simple interest at a rate of between 6%and 8%for a period of ten years per annum. The accrual of interest will begin thirty(30)days after the Notice of Final Assessment is recorded with King County Records. To avoid interest charges at a future date,you may pay the amount of assessment during the thirty-day period after recording, interest free. This option is totally at the discretion of the property owner. Following construction, after the City receives the actual (final)costs, a second notice will be mailed to you verifying your inclusion in the Special Assessment District (recovery area) boundary. A quote of the final assessment dollar amounts will be provided on this second notice. Per City Ordinance No.4444 you may request an appeal hearing by writing to the Renton City Council, c/o City Clerk, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057,within twenty(20) days of this preliminary notice. Appeals must adhere to the criteria established under Sections 9-16-4 and 9-16-9.0 and D of Ordinance No.4444. During this preliminary stage,appeals will be limited to the issue of whether or not a specific property should be included in the latecomer area. Contact persons for the City of Renton are: Project Manager: John Hobson 425-430-7279 (Call the project manager for questions pertaining to construction,costs or future connection to,or use of,the improvements.) Wastewater Utility Manager: David Christensen 425-430-7212 Jason Set City Clerk City SAD 1st Notice of Preliminary Assessment/Preliminary Hearing H:\File Sys\WWP-WasteWater\WWP-27-3685 S 132nd St Sewer Extension\Special Assessment District\Prelim SAD\Prelim- Notice-S 132nd St Sewer-pg2.doc\JDHad a • fro • • • • • 2144800500 2144800488 • • • 2144800487 South 132nd Street 2144800552 2144800548 2144800546 S'51 2144800535 ' I SOUTH 132ND SEWER INTERCEPTOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY Scale 1" = 100'