HomeMy WebLinkAboutContractCAG—20—033CommunityandEconomicDevelopmentDepartmentCITYOFRENTONHOUSINGOPPORTUNITYFUND&DENSITYFEEAFFORDABLEHOUSINGAGREEMENTThisHousingOpportunityFundandDensityFeeAffordableHousingAgreement(“Agreement”)isdatedthisj_dayof2OZC’Theparties(“Parties”)tothisagreementaretheCityofRenton,anon-chartercodecityunderRCW35A,amunicipalcorporationoftheStateofWashington,hereinafterreferredtoas“Renton”andHomesteadCommunityLandTrust,aWashingtonnonprofitcorporation),hereinafterreferredtoas“Homestead”.Collectively,RentonandHomesteadarethe“Parties.”WITNESSETH:WHEREASRentonhasprovidedHousingOpportunityFund(“HOE”)fundstohelpsupportcertainprojectsthatservelowand/ormoderateincomehouseholdsand/orspecial-needspopulations;andWHEREASRentonhasprovidedDensityFeefundstohelpcompleteadeepgreenbuildingstandardaffordablehomeownershippilotproject;andWHEREASHomestead’sWillowcrestTownhomesprojectisanewconstructionprojectwhichwillhelpincreasetheavailablesupplyofaffordablehomeownershipinRenton;andWHEREAStheprojectwillofferaffordablehomeownershipopportunitiestohouseholdsearningnomorethan80%oftheKingCountymedianincomeasestablishedbytheU.S.DepartmentofHousingandUrbanDevelopment(HUD);NOW,THEREFORE,inconsiderationofthemutualbenefitsandcovenantshereinreferredto,andincorporatingthelanguageaboveinthisAgreement,itisherebyagreedbyandbetweenthePartiesasfollows:1.ProjectSummary:Inanefforttohelpoffermoreaffordablehomeownershipopportunitiestoqualifyinghouseholds,thePartiesagreethatHomesteadshalluseRentonHOEandDensityFeefundstohelpprovidetwelve(12)unitsofaffordablehomeownershiptohouseholdsearningnomorethan80%oftheKingCountymedianincome.ProjectExhibitA,“ScopeofWork,”isattachedheretoandincorporatedhereinbythisreference.2.Term.TheTermofthisAgreementshallbeineffectasofthedateofexecutionofthisAgreementorNovember1,2019,whicheverislater,andterminatenolaterthanNovember1,2020,orthreeyearsfromthedateofexecutionoftheAgreement,whicheverislater,unlessextendedtoalaterdatebywrittenagreementofbothParties. 3. Termination. Prior to the expiration of the Term, this Agreement may be terminated or suspended immediately, with or without cause, upon written notice by Renton. Homestead may cancel this Agreement only upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Renton. In the event Renton terminates or suspends this Agreement, Homestead will be entitled to receive compensation for any approved costs incurred prior to the effective date of such termination or suspension. The determination of the amount of any compensation to be paid shall be made by the Administrator of the Community and Economic Development Department, or any other City office, department or agency that shall succeed to its functions with respect to this Agreement, or his or her authorized designee. In the event of a dispute over the amount of compensation, the dispute shall be resolved by the City's Chief Administrative Officer and Homestead's Executive Director. 4. Compensation. The total amount of funds pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed Three Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($357,000), including Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) in HOF funds and Three Hundred Thirty-Two Thousand Dollars ($332,000) in Density Fee funds. Subject to the additional requirements set forth in Exhibit A, disbursement will be made no later than forty-five (45) days after receipt of the letter requesting disbursement subject to the letter or documentation prerequisites noted in the Agreement. If Renton objects to any portion of the letter or documentation, it shall notify Homestead. Renton reserves the option to disburse only that portion of HOF funds that is consistent and not in dispute concerning Homestead letter, documentation or performance prerequisites. In that event, the Parties will immediately make every effort to settle any disputed portion or portions. 5. Independent Contractor. Homestead and Renton agree that Homestead is an independent contractor with respect to the services provided pursuant to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be considered to create, and it is not the intent of the Parties to create, an employer-employee relationship between the Parties hereto. Neither Homestead nor any employee or volunteer of Homestead shall be entitled to any benefits or rights given to Renton employees by virtue of the services provided under this Agreement. Renton shall not be responsible for withholding or otherwise deducting federal income tax or Social Security or contributing to the State Industrial Insurance Program, or otherwise assuming the duties of an employer with respect to Homestead, or any employee or volunteer of Homestead. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of Renton, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to Homestead,'shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. 6. Agency Indemnification. Homestead represents to Renton that it has or will have adequate supervision for those participating in the project and that all applicable rules, Housing Opportunity Fund and Density Fee Affordable Homeownership Agreement Page 2 of 8 Willowcrest Townhomes regulations, statutes and ordinances will be complied with in their entirety. Homestead agrees to indemnify, hold and defend Renton, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions, violations and liabilities (including costs and all attorney's fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with the Agreement to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of Homestead, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by Homestead's breach of this Agreement. Homestead waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW. Homestead's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation of the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third-party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or federal, state or municipal benefits programs. 7. Discrimination Prohibited. In all of Homestead's services, programs, or activities, and . all of Homestead's hiring and employment,made possible by or resulting from this Agreement there shall be no discrimination by Homestead or by Homestead's employees, agents, subcontractors, volunteers or representatives against any person because of age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), sex, marital status, sexual orientation, race, creed, color, national origin, honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment. Any material violation of this provision shall be grounds for Renton to immediately terminate this Agreement. 8. Insurance. Homestead shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with performance of the work hereunder by Homestead, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. No Limitation: The maintenance of insurance by Homestead, as required by this Agreement, shall not be construed to limit the liability of Homestead to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit Renton's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. Homestead shall obtain insurance of the types described below shall secure and maintain the following insurance policies,and shall not cancel or suspend the insurance policies identified below, except after twenty (20) calendar days' prior written notice by certified-mail to the City of Renton: a. Automobile Liability insurance:With a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of$1,000,000 for each accident. This is required of all Consultant and professional service providers where a vehicle will be used on the contract. Renton may request a copy of Consultant' driving record abstract. Housing Opportunity Fund and Density Fee Affordable Homeownership Agreement Page 3 of 8 Willowcrest Townhomes b. Commercial General Liability Insurance: With the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 for each occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate throughout the duration of this Agreement. c. Professional Liability Insurance: With the minimum amount of $1,000,000 for each occurrence, shall also be secured for any professional services being provided to Renton that are excluded in the commercial general liability insurance. d. Workers' Compensation: As required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington, shall also be secured. e. Renton as an Additional-Insured: Primary insurance with coverage for the City of Renton. It is agreed that on Consultant' commercial general liability policy, the City of Renton will be named as an Additional-Insured on a non-contributory primary basis. f. Verification of Coverage: Subject to Renton's review and acceptance, a certificate of insurance showing the proper endorsements,shall be delivered to Renton before executing the work of this Agreement. g. Renton's Insurance.The City of Renton's insurance,self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage shall only cover the City of Renton and not contribute to Consultant' coverage. h. Review of Policy: Upon request, Consultant shall give Renton a full copy of the insurance policy for its records and for the Renton City Attorney's or Risk Manager's review. The policy may be reviewed and the value reassessed annually. i. Termination: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the failure of Consultant to comply with the above provisions of this section shall subject this Agreement to immediate termination without notice to any person in order to protect the public interest. j. Subcontractors. Homestead shall ensure that each subcontractor of every tier obtain at a minimum the same insurance coverage and limits as stated herein for Homestead. 9. Subcontracts and Purchases. Subcontract Defined. "Subcontract" shall mean any agreement between Homestead and a subcontractor or between subcontractors that is based on this Agreement, Housing Opportunity Fund and Density Fee Affordable Homeownership Agreement Page 4 of 8 Willowcrest Townhomes provided that the term"subcontract"does not include the purchase of support services not related to the subject matter of this Agreement, or supplies. Writing Required: Any work or services assigned or subcontracted hereunder shall be in writing. Homestead agrees that it is as fully responsible to Renton for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and their employees and agents,as it is for the acts and omissions of its own employees and agents. 10. Debarred Contractors: Homestead shall not make any award to any contractor, which is debarred, suspended or excluded from participation in federal assistance programs under Executive Order 12549, entitled "Debarment and Suspension." The contractor shall certify that neither the contractor nor any member of the contractor's development team is debarred, suspended or otherwise ineligible to participate in Federal Assistance programs under Executive Order 12549. 11. No Benefit to Owners and Developers of Assisted Housing: No agency, developer or sponsor(or officer, employee, agent or consultant of the owner, developer or sponsor) whether private, for profit or nonprofit [including a community housing development organization (CHDO) when acting as an owner, developer or sponsor] may apply for or obtain assisted housing in the project unless agreed to in advance in writing by the Administrator of the Community and Economic Development Department,or any other City office, department or agency that shall succeed to its functions with respect to this Agreement, or his or her authorized designee. Nothing in this provision should be interpreted to preclude a Renton officer, employee, agent or consultant from applying for or obtaining assisted housing under this agreement, so long as the person is not an officer, employee, agent, consultant, contractor or subcontractor of Homestead. 12. General Provisions. a. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Agreement and no prior agreements shall be effective for any purpose. b. Modification. No provision of this Agreement may be amended or modified except by written agreement signed by the Parties. c. Full Force and Effect. Any provision of this Agreement which is declared invalid or illegal shall in no way affect or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. d. Assignment. Neither Homestead nor Renton shall have the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party. Housing Opportunity Fund and Density Fee Affordable Homeownership Agreement Page 5 of 8 Willowcrest Townhomes • e. Successors in Interest. Subject to the foregoing subsection, the rights and obligations of the Parties shall inure to the benefit of and may be binding upon their respective successors in interest, heirs, and assigns. f. No Waiver. Failure or delay of Renton to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of Renton to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of Renton's right to declare another breach or default. g. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. h. Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of Renton and Homestead represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of Homestead or Renton. i. Notices. Any notices required to be given by the Parties shall be delivered at the addresses set forth below. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth below. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. Written notice sent to Renton should be addressed as follows: Chip Vincent, Administrator City of Renton, Community& Economic Development Department 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Written notice sent to Homestead should be addressed as follows: Kathleen Hosfeld, Executive Director Homestead Community Land Trust 412 Maynard Avenue Seattle, WA 98104-2917 j. Captions. The respective captions of the Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any of the provisions of this Agreement. k. Performance. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to the completion dates set forth in the description of the Services is essential to Homestead's performance of this Agreement. Housing Opportunity Fund and Density Fee Affordable Homeownership Agreement Page 6 of 8 Willowcrest Townhomes I. Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available to Renton at law, in equity, or by statues. m. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, which counterparts shall collectively constitute the entire Agreement. n. Attorney Fees. In the event either of the Parties defaults on the performance of any terms of this Agreement or either Party places the enforcement of this Agreement in the hands of an attorney, or files a lawsuit, each Party shall pay all its own attorneys' fees, costs and expenses. o. Venue. The venue for any dispute related to this Agreement shall be Maleng Regional Justice Center, Kent, King County, Washington. • • Housing Opportunity Fund and Density Fee Affordable Homeownership Agreement Page 7 of 8 Willawcrest Town homes IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year set forth above. CITY OF RENTON HOMESTEAD COMMUNITY LAND TRUST By: By: i Ar o Pavone j nature Mayor / n aft(eer CC-as ' Lr% Name(print) 4,),Ye'L4-61V Title Di 3( 21) 1 . p...i , zoo Date Date Attest Ja n A. Seth y Clerk Approved as to Legal Form BL:4lar2e Shane Moloney City Attorney _�'� � % � 74r�D ISMOS EFS 6``9P's o�A� Housing Opportunity Fund and Density Fee Affordable Homeownership Agreement Page 8 of 8 Willowcrest Townhomes CITY OF RENTON HOUSING OPPORTUNITY FUND & DENSITY FEE AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT PROJECT EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK Project Title: Willowcrest Townhomes Start Date: 11/1/20191 City Contact: Mark Santos-Johnson, Economic Development Manager Telephone: (425) 430-6584 End Date: Fax: (425)430-7300 11/1/2022 E-mail: msantosjohnson@rentonwa.gov Homestead Contact: Kathleen Hosfeld, Executive Director Telephone: 206-323-1227 x 113 E-mail: kathleen@homesteadclt.org 1) Work Statement Homestead Community Land Trust(hereinafter referred to as"Homestead") shall utilize Housing Opportunity Fund ("HOF")funds and Density Fee funds to perform the activities specified below. Such services shall be provided in a manner that fully complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, as are now in effect or may be hereafter amended. 2) Project Description The Willowcrest Townhomes project includes twelve (12) new townhouse units in three (3) buildings. Nine (9) of the units are three-bedroom units and three (3) units are four-bedroom units. Homestead shall use Renton HOF and Density Fee funds to help design,develop,construct, and provide, for a minimum period of twenty (20) years, affordable homeownership opportunities for the twelve (12) units to households earning no more than eighty percent(80%) of the King County median income. All City funds will be used to help pay for construction costs of the townhouse buildings as noted below. The project is located at 1132 Edmonds Avenue NE, Renton, Washington. The legal description for the property is: The south half of the west half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 9, township 23 north, range 5 east, Willamette Meridian, in King County Washington. Except the south 75 feet thereof;except the west 30 feet thereof for Edmonds Avenue Northeast. 1 See paragraph 2 of the Agreement for additional details regarding the Term of the Agreement. Housing Opportunity Fund Agreement-Exhibit A-Kirkland Avenue Townhomes Page 1 of 4 3) Compensation and Method of Payment Homestead shall apply the HOF funds and Density Fee funds to the project in accordance with the Line Item Budgets below. The total amount of the funds pursuant to this Exhibit shall not exceed Three Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($357,000). A. HOF Funds City of Renton Funds $25,000 Line Item Budget Personnel Services (detail below) $ Office or Operating Supplies $ Architectural & Engineering $25,000 Construction Contracts $ Communications $ Travel and Training $ Other(specify below): $ Total $25,000 B. Density Fee Funds City of Renton Funds $332,000 Line Item Budget Personnel Services (detail below) $ Office or Operating Supplies $ Architectural & Engineering S Construction Contracts $332,000 Communications $ Travel and Training $ Other(specify below): $ Total $332,000 C. Invoicing Criteria for Compensation. Beginning in 2018 Homestead engaged an architect and engineering team, led by Third Place Design Coop,to design the Willowcrest Townhomes project. The design and engineering work includes, but is not limited to, the deep green building standard improvements (see below) to be paid for with Density Fee funds. As a result, Homestead may request the Twenty-Five Thousand ($25,000) of HOF funds upon execution of the Agreement for reimbursement of expenses associated with the design and engineering work related to the deep green building standard improvements. Housing Opportunity Fund Agreement—Exhibit A—Kirkland Avenue Townhomes Page 2 of 4 Homestead plans to complete the Willowcrest Townhomes project over approximately a twelve- month period beginning in late-2019 or, if necessary, early-2020. For the Density Fee funds, Homestead may request up to forty percent (40%) of the total Three Hundred Thirty-Two Thousand Dollars ($332,000) on a quarterly basis for reimbursement of construction expenses associated with the deep green building standard improvements. However, the actual amount of the request and reimbursement needs to correspond to the architect's certified monthly progress report for the project's construction lender, less the applicable percentage(s) and amount(s) if any submitted previously to the City. For example,if the most recent progress report for the second request for reimbursement shows that forty-five percent (45%) of the project's construction has been completed and the first request for reimbursement was for ten percent (10%), Homestead can request reimbursement for thirty-five percent (35%) of the Density Fee funds, or One Hundred Sixteen Thousand and Two Hundred Dollars ($116,200). The deep green building standard improvements to be paid for with Density Fee funds include: • Windows- double pane- LowE, high SHGC • Passive house standard insulation [seventy-five percent plus (75%+) over code] • Passive house air sealing • Heat recovery system • Energy saving features like kill switches and vacancy sensors • Exterior shading devices • Solar panels for the roofs • Domestic hot water pre-heat system Method of Payment. Homestead will submit a letter requesting HOF and/or Density Fee funds, including copies of supporting documents, such as an architect and/or engineer's invoice and/or the most recent architect's certified monthly construction progress report, to: Mark Santos-Johnson, Economic Development Manager City of Renton, Department of Community & Economic Development 1055 S. Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98057 Promise to Repay: Funding is contingent upon Homestead obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy by March 31, 20222, and ensuring that for a minimum period of twenty (20) years, the twelve (12) units remain as affordable homeownership to households earning no more than 80%of the King County median income. Homestead will provide a copy of the Certificate of Occupancy for the townhome buildings to the City of Renton to "close out" the contract. If the Certificate of Occupancy is not obtained by the deadline, or affordable homeownership opportunities are not restricted to households at eighty percent(80%) of King County median income or below, or the units are not used as affordable homeownership for a minimum period of twenty (20) years, Homestead agrees to repay the entire Three Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($357,000), with interest (unless otherwise waived by the Renton City Council), upon receipt of repayment request by the City of Renton. The twenty-year repayment provision related to affordable 2 See paragraph 2 of the Agreement for additional details regarding the Term of the Agreement. Housing Opportunity Fund Agreement-Exhibit A-Kirkland Avenue Townhomes Page 3 of 4 homeownership affordability shall survive the Term of this Agreement. In the event of repayment,the Three Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Dollars($357,000)shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum from the date of the execution of the Agreement. The repayment of the Three Hundred Fifty-Seven Thousand Dollars ($357,000)with interest shall not excuse or cure any default by Homestead under the Agreement. If the interest rate specified in this Exhibit A is higher than the rate then permitted by law, the interest rate shall be decreased to the maximum legal interest rate then permitted by law. 4) Records A. Project Files Homestead shall maintain files for this project containing the following items: 1. Notice of Grant Award. 2. Motions, resolutions, or minutes documenting Board or Council actions. 3. A copy of this Scope of Work. 4. Correspondence regarding budget revision requests. 5. Copies of all invoices and reports submitted to the City of Renton for this project. 6. Bills for payment. 7. Copies of approved invoices and warrants. 8. Documentation of income eligibility for all homebuyers of the Willowcrest Townhomes for a minimum of twenty (20) years. Housing Opportunity Fund Agreement—Exhibit A—Kirkland Avenue Townhomes Page 4 of 4