HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_Arborist_Report.pdf 2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) · Seattle, WA 98109 · Phone 206.528.4670 www.tr ee solut ion s. net Project No. TS - 5487 Arborist Report Addendum #2 TO: Pulte Group, Kyle Lublin SITE: Forest Terrace - 2611 Union Ave NE, Renton, WA 98059 RE: Tree Inventory & Assessment DATE: November 7, 2019 PROJECT ARBORIST: Holly Iosso Registered Consulting Arborist #567 ISA Certified Arborist #PN-6298A, ISA Qualified Tree Risk Assessor REFERENCED DOCS: Arborist Report (Tree Solutions Inc, December 15, 2017) Addendum (Tree Solutions Inc, November 28, 2018) Detailed Grading Plan (Barghausen, October 14, 2019) Tree Retention Plan, P 1-12 (Barghausen, October 11, 2019) ATTACHED: Table of Trees (Tree Solutions Inc, Revised October 24, 2019) This addendum reflects changes to tree retention and tree removal quantities on this project, based on the most recent plans presented to me (see above referenced documents). For removal and retention calculations, I have separated tree quantities into five categories: trees currently in the right of way (Union Avenue), trees within the newly created right of way (NE 27th Pl and Road B), trees offsite (on properties surrounding Forest Terrace Plat and on the Perkins Property), and trees on site (on Lots 1-25, and within Tracts A, B, C, D, and E). A summary of these removals are in figure 1: Figure 1. Tree Removal Table Tree Quantities Off Site in Current ROW (Union Ave) Off Site (Perkins & Adjacent Property) Future ROW (NE 27th Pl & Road B) On Site (Lots 1-25 and Tracts A-E) Remove (viable) 3 9 166 723 Remove (not viable) 1 5 5 26 Retain* 0 89 0 111 Total Trees Inventoried 4 103 171 860 *Includes both viable and poor condition trees which do not pose a high risk at this time. Arborist Report Addendum 2 - Pulte Group – Forest Terrace Plat November 7, 2019 page 2 of 6 2940 Westlake Ave. N #200 · Seattle, WA 98109 · Phone 206.528.4670 www.tr ee solut ion s. net Of the 1138 significant trees Tree Solutions Inc inventoried, 37 meet Landmark status.1 Of these 37, 29 will be removed. Based on the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4.4.130, land development in R-4 Zoning is required to retain 30 percent of viable significant trees on site. When the minimum tree retention is not met, the City may require that protected trees be replaced at a rate of 12 caliper inches of new trees for each tree removed beyond the minimum requirement (RMC 4.4.130). Replacement trees must have a minimum caliper size of 2 inches diameter; effectively resulting in six new replacement trees for each tree removed on site. Up to 50 percent of the landscape trees required per RMC 4.4.070 may contribute to replacement trees on site. Alternatively, if the tree replacement requirements cannot be satisfied on the site due to spatial constraints, the city may allow payment in-lieu to the City’s Urban Forestry fund. The payment amount shall be determined by the City. Non-viable trees are trees in poor health and/or structural condition and were not included in tree replacement calculations. Similarly, trees removed within areas of mandatory ROW improvements do not require replacement. A summary of required tree replacements is in Figure 2. Figure 2. Tree Removal Table Calculations Tree Total Total Viable Site Trees (excludes trees in new ROW) 828 30 % Tree Retention Requirement 828* 0.30 = 248 trees 248 Proposed Retained Trees 105 Remaining Trees Requiring Replacement 248 – 105 = 143 trees 143 Replacement Trees Required (if 2” cal trees planted) 143 x (12/2) = 858 trees 858 Replacement Trees Required (if 3” cal trees planted) 143 x (12/3) = 572 trees 572 Significant trees are to be replaced at a 6:1 ratio. This ratio was calculated by dividing the required caliper inches (12) of new trees for each tree removed by the minimum caliper size required for all new trees (2). To decrease replacement tree requirements, 3” caliper trees may be planted in certain protected areas with minimal slopes. Recommendations All trees proposed for retention should have tree protection measures implemented pursuant to the RMC 4.4.130. This includes the protection of trees adjacent to the site that have driplines (canopies) overlapping the development site. RMC 4.4.130 9b states protection area should be delineated at the dripline or at a distance of 15 inches from the trunk for every 1-inch diameter listed in the arborist tree table, whichever distance is larger. Tree protection fencing should be installed around this protected area. Any previous drawings Tree Solutions has provided up to this point were conceptual and do not reflect current drawings. The tree retention plan and demolition plan should be modified to include location of tree protection fencing. 1 The city of Renton defines a significant tree as any tree 6 inches or greater in diameter at standard height (DSH), except red alder (Alnus rubra) and black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) which must be 8 inches or greater. A Landmark tree is defined as any tree 30 inches DSH or greater. Arborist Report Addendum 2 - Pulte Group – Forest Terrace Plat November 7, 2019 page 3 of 6 2940 Westlake Ave. N #200 · Seattle, WA 98109 · Phone 206.528.4670 www.tr ee solut ion s. net During construction, I recommend that the contractor: • Maintain trees free of invasive species, and carefully remove invasive plants on the ground wherever possible. • Apply wood chip mulch at a depth of 4 inches within the tree protection area. • Leave trees as wildlife snags wherever possible during the removal process, or as nurse logs on the ground. • Establish tree protection areas prior to the commencement of site work activities and maintain them throughout ALL phases of development. • Follow protection measures listed in Appendix B ( RMC 4.4.130: Protection measures during construction). • Engage project arborist to be on site to monitor all ground disturbance work within the drip line of protected trees. The majority of the trees proposed for retention are along the southern property boundary. Based on the proposed plans, a grove of trees will be preserved south of the development. Following tree removal, trees that were previously sheltered within a grove should be re-evaluated by an arborist to confirm irreparable damage was not caused during demolition and site work. Additionally, the arborist should re-assess all trees, particularly edge trees, for risk following land clearing. The inventory by Tree Solutions did not assess trees for risk and does not assume any liability from trees left standing following construction. Respectfully submitted, Holly Iosso, Sr. Arborist Arborist Report Addendum 2 - Pulte Group – Forest Terrace Plat November 7, 2019 page 4 of 6 2940 Westlake Ave. N #200 · Seattle, WA 98109 · Phone 206.528.4670 www.tr ee solut ion s. net Aerial Photo of Site Figure 2. Aerial photograph of the subject site. Source: King County iMap, accessed 12.15.2017. Photograph Photo 1. View from the school parking lot toward the south property boundary. Photo shows typical forest density and species composition. Arborist Report Addendum 2 - Pulte Group – Forest Terrace Plat November 7, 2019 page 5 of 6 2940 Westlake Ave. N #200 · Seattle, WA 98109 · Phone 206.528.4670 www.tr ee solut ion s. net Appendix A - Assumptions & Limiting Conditions 1. Consultant assumes that the site and its use do not violate, and is in compliance with, all applicable codes, ordinances, statutes or regulations. 2. The consultant may provide a report or recommendation based on published municipal regulations. The consultant assumes that the municipal regulations published on the date of the report are current municipal regulations and assumes no obligation related to unpublished city regulation information. 3. Any report by the consultant and any values expressed therein represent the opinion of the consultant, and the consultant’s fee is in no way contingent upon the reporting of a specific value, a stipulated result, the occurrence of a subsequent event, or upon any finding to be reported. 4. All photographs included in this report were taken by Tree Solutions, Inc. during the documented site visit, unless otherwise noted. Sketches, drawings and photographs (included in, and attached to, this report) are intended as visual aids and are not necessarily to scale. They should not be construed as engineering drawings, architectural reports or surveys. The reproduction of any information generated by architects, engineers or other consultants and any sketches, drawings or photographs is for the express purpose of coordination and ease of reference only. Inclusion of such information on any drawings or other documents does not constitute a representation by the consultant as to the sufficiency or accuracy of the information. 5. Unless otherwise agreed, (1) information contained in any report by consultant covers only the items examined and reflects the condition of those items at the time of inspection; and (2) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, climbing, or coring. 6. These findings are based on the observations and opinions of the authoring arborist, and do not provide guarantees regarding the future performance, health, vigor, structural stability or safety of the plants described and assessed. 7. Measurements are subject to typical margins of error, considering the oval or asymmetrical cross-section of most trunks and canopies. 8. Tree Solutions did not review any reports or perform any tests related to the soil located on the subject property unless outlined in the scope of services. Tree Solutions staff are not and do not claim to be soils experts. An independent inventory and evaluation of the site’s soil should be obtained by a qualified professional if an additional understanding of the site’s characteristics is needed to make an informed decision. 9. Our assessments are made in conformity with acceptable evaluation/diagnostic reporting techniques and procedures, as recommended by the International Society of Arboriculture. Arborist Report Addendum 2 - Pulte Group – Forest Terrace Plat November 7, 2019 page 6 of 6 2940 Westlake Ave. N #200 · Seattle, WA 98109 · Phone 206.528.4670 www.tr ee solut ion s. net Appendix B - Protection Measures During Construction (RMC 4.4.130) a. Construction Storage Prohibited: The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. b. Fenced Protection Area Required: Prior to development activities, the applicant shall erect and maintain six-foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees or at a distance surrounding the tree equal to one and one-quarter feet (1-1/4') for every one inch (1") of trunk caliper, whichever is greater, or along the perimeter of a tree protection tract. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, “NO TRESPASSING – Protected Trees,” or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. c. Protection from Grade Changes: If the grade level adjoining to a tree to be retained is to be raised, the applicant shall construct a dry rock wall or rock well around the tree. The diameter of this wall or well must be equal to the tree’s drip line. d. Impervious Surfaces Prohibited within the Drip Line: The applicant may not install impervious surface material within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. e. Restrictions on Grading within the Drip Lines of Retained Trees: The grade level around any tree to be retained may not be lowered within the greater of the following areas: (i) the area defined by the drip line of the tree, or (ii) an area around the tree equal to one and one-half feet (1-1/2') in diameter for each one inch (1") of tree caliper. A larger tree protection zone based on tree size, species, soil, or other conditions may be required. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012) f. Mulch Layer Required: All areas within the required fencing shall be covered completely and evenly with a minimum of three inches (3") of bark mulch prior to installation of the protective fencing. Exceptions may be approved if the mulch will adversely affect protected ground cover plants. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012) g. Monitoring Required during Construction: The applicant shall retain a certified arborist or licensed landscape architect to ensure trees are protected from development activities and/or to prune branches and roots, fertilize, and water as appropriate for any trees and ground cover that are to be retained. h. Alternative Protection: Alternative safeguards may be used if determined to provide equal or greater tree protection. (Ord. 5676, 12-3-2012; Ord. 5841, 6-12-2017) Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes1Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 25.1 Good Good 21 17 No Viable Retain2Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.7 Good Good 11 7 No Viable Retain Kink in trunk, survey ID 105143Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.5 Good Good 12 10 No Viable Retain Kink in trunk4Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.7 Fair Fair 6 5 No Viable Retain Broken top, suppressed5Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.3 Good Good 10 12 No Viable Retain6Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.5 Fair Fair 5 6 No Viable Retain Broken top7Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.0 Fair Fair 10 7 No Viable Retain Broken top8Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.3 Good Good 25 7 No Viable Retain Some dieback in crown9Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 8.3, 5.5 Good Good 20 7 No Viable Retain Codominant trunk form10Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.2 Fair Fair 15 7 No Viable Retain Broken top11Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 27.8 Good Good 22 19 No Viable Retain Adjacent to power lines12Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.2 Good Good 19 14 No Viable Retain13Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.2 Good Good 25 17 No Viable Retain Kink in stem14Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.8 Good Good 15 9 No Viable Retain Kink in stem15Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.0 Good Good 17 11 No Viable Retain16Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.3 12, 12.5 Good Good 22 12 No Viable Retain Codominant, asymmetrical to eastTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 1 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes17Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 29.3 9.7, 11.7 , 6.6, 10.5, 11.9, 10.2, 12.5, 8.4Good Good 35 20 No Viable Retain Codominant, asymmetrical to east18Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.1 6.0, 5.4 Poor Poor 35 No Not ViableRetain Grading Codominant, asymmetrical to east19Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.5 Good Good 15 16 No Viable Retain Phototropic lean20Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 Fair Fair 14 7 No Viable Retain Lost top, dieback, codominant21Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.2 Good Good 11 7 No Viable Retain22Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.7 Good Good 13 10 No Viable Retain23Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.5 10.6, 12.7 Good Good 17 11 No Viable Retain Codominant at base24Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.8 Good Good 20 5 No Viable Retain Broken top25Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.7 Good Good 20 5 No Viable Retain Broken top26Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.6 Good Good 18 4 No Viable Retain27Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.7 Poor Poor 17 No Not ViableRetain Grading Dead top, sprouting along trunk28Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 Fair Fair 19 4 No Viable Retain Lost top, decay at top29Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 29.0 Good Good 13 19 No Viable Retain30Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.1 Good Good 16 11 No Viable Retain31Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.6 Good Good 16 10 No Viable Retain32Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.5 Good Good 18 4 No Viable Retain Broken top, suppressedTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 2 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes33Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.1 Good Good 10 5 No Viable Retain34Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 22.3 Good Good 35 15 No Viable Retain35Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.5 Good Good 20 6 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top. Maintain LOD. Confirm this includes any overexcavation required for installation of rockery.36Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.2 Good Good 20 9 No Viable Remove Grading Maintain LOD. Confirm this includes any overexcavation required for installation of rockery.37Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.8 Fair Fair 20 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top38Alnus rubraRed alder 12.1 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top39Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.7 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top40Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.2 Poor Poor 10 No Not ViableRemove Grading41Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.5 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Trunk wound, good response growth42Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.3 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top43Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.0 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove Grading44Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.0 Good Good 6 No Viable Remove Grading45Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.6 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic lean, insect activity at baseTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 3 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes46Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.0 Good Good 6 No Viable Remove Grading47Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.3 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Trunk rubbing with adjacent madrone tree48Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.4 Good Good 6 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, kink in trunk49Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.7 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in trunk50Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.6 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant, good union51Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.2 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading52Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.9 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading53Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.2 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading54Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.4 Fair Fair 6 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed55Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.1 Fair Fair 8 No Viable Remove Grading Crown dieback56Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.4 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading57Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.0 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading58Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.0 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Curve in trunk at 20 feet59Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.6 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove Grading60Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.1 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading61Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.0 Fair Fair 7 No Viable Remove Grading Lost topTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 4 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes62Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.7 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top, epicormic sprouting63Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.5 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Curved trunk64Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.5 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top65Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 29.1 23.9, 16.6 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Multistemmed 66Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 63.7 Good Good 37 27 Yes Viable Remove Grading Diameter measured at narrowest point below codominant union, 4 fused trunks, included bark, some decay, dead wood in canopy. Maintain LOD. No disturbance includes bioretention swales.67Thuja plicataWestern redcedar 13.4 Good Good 10 9 No Viable Retain68Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.8 Good Good 12 6 No Viable Retain Some dieback69Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.7 Good Good 13 7 No Viable Retain Codominant at 20 feet, survey ID 1060170Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.2 Good Good 10 11 No Viable Retain71Alnus rubraRed alder 18.1 Poor Poor 21 No Not ViableRetain Grading Main trunk dead, diameter measured at narrowest point below codominant union72Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.7 Good Good 12 6 No Viable Retain73Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.2 Good Good 16 5 No Viable Retain Phototropic to east74Alnus rubraRed alder 19.5 Good Good 23 13 No Viable Retain Broken parts throughout canopyTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 5 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes75Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.4 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Old wounds76Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.2 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top77Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.0 Good Good 16 9 No Viable Retain78Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.1 Good Good 25 8 No Viable Remove Grading79Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.9 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Subdominant trunk at 20 feet80Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.8 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading81Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.8 Poor Poor 4 No Not ViableRemove Grading Broken top, epicormic sprouts82Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.2 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading83Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.6 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading84Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 23.6 19.7, 13 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading Pruned for utilities85Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.5 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading86Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.2 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading87Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 29.7 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading88Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.4 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Lean to north89Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.2 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading90Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.8 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading91Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.9 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading92Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.9 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading93Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.5 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading94Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.2 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading95Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.5 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading96Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.3 Fair Fair 8 No Viable Remove Grading Thin crown, swept base97Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey98Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.9 Fair Fair 8 No Viable Remove Grading Thin crownTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 6 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes99Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.9 Poor Poor 6 No Not ViableRemove Grading Broken top100Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.5 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in stem101Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.7 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Thin crown102Sorbus aucupariaEuropean mountain ash6.3 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove Grading103Alnus rubraRed alder 11.2 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading104Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 34.6 Good Good 25 Yes Viable Remove Grading Insect holes, flat spot at base, cankers105Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.4 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading106Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 24.0 Fair Fair 18 No Viable Remove Grading Broken codominant trunk107Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading108Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 27.9 Fair Fair 20 No Viable Remove Grading Abnormal bark texture at base109Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.7 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading110Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.6 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading111Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 6.2 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading112Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 9.2 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading113Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 7.4 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Forked top114Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 30.8 Fair Fair 20 Yes Viable Remove Grading Dead subdominant trunk, forked top, dieback in crown115Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 10.8 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove New ROW116Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.4 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove New ROWTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 7 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes117Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.1 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove New ROW118Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.1 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading Diameter measured at narrowest point below codominant union119Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.9 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading120Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.3 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading121Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.6 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading122Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.2 Fair Fair 11 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, leaning into tree 120123Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.5 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading124Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.0 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading125Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.0 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, broken top126Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.1 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading127Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.7 Good Good 7 No Viable Remove Grading Previously suppressed128Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.4 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading129Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.8 6.7, 7.2 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant130Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.6 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading Broken parts131Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.4 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading132Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.1 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove New ROW133Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.7 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW SuppressedTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 8 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes134Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.7 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove New ROW135Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.8 Poor Poor 15 No Not ViableRemove New ROW Barely alive136Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.1 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading137Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.8 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Thin canopy138Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.2 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading139Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.3 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading140Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.0 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Shared base with 141141Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 27.9 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove New ROW Wounds on trunk142Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW143Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.0 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove Grading144Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.3 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove New ROW145Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.5 Fair Fair 5 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed, thin crown146Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.5 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove New ROW147Alnus rubraRed alder 10.9 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove New ROW Some dieback throughout crown148Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove New ROWTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 9 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes149Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.0 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove New ROW Forked top150Alnus rubraRed alder 9.0 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW151Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.5 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove New ROW Lost top152Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.8 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove New ROW153Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.9 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove New ROW Phototropic lean154Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.4 Fair Fair 4 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed155Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.0 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed156Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.8 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove New ROW Dead subdominant trunk157Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.0 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove New ROW158Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.5 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove New ROW Not on survey159Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.3 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW160Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.3 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove New ROW161Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.4 6.5, 5.3 Fair Fair 20 No Viable Remove New ROW Codominant trunk form162Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.6 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading163Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.0 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove New ROW Dead codominant trunk164Alnus rubraRed alder 11.5 9.0, 7.1 Poor Poor 7 No Not ViableRemove New ROW Bark sloughingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 10 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes165Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.0 Good Good 6 No Viable Remove New ROW166Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 13.3 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW Broken top167Alnus rubraRed alder 8.8 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove New ROW Leaning168Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.5 Good Good 9 No Viable Remove New ROW Thin crown169Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.8 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove New ROW170Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.6 14.5, 16 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant trunk form, stilted roots171Alnus rubraRed alder 8.3 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic lean172Alnus rubraRed alder 11.3 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading173Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 23.8 12, 8.2, 13.8, 12.8Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant trunk form174Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.9 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic to east175Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.5 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic to east176Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 45.4 23.2, 24, 20.5, 23Good Good 35 Yes Viable Remove Grading Codominant trunk form, slight decay at base177Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.6 24.3, 15 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant trunk form178Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 8.2 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading179Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 16.0 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top180Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.3 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Dead codominant trunk181Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.1 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top182Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.5 Good Good 6 No Viable Remove Grading Bowed trunk formTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 11 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes183Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.8 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading184Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.0 Fair Fair 6 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed185Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.0 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW186Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.2 8.4, 3.7 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW Codominant187Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.1 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove New ROW188Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.5 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove New ROW189Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.5 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove New ROW190Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.4 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading191Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.1 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove Grading192Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.6 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Bowed trunk193Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.4 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top194Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.5 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top, epicormic sprouts, thin crown195Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.5 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove Grading196Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.0 Good Good 9 No Viable Remove Grading197Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.6 Good Good 9 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 12 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes198Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.4 Fair Fair 12 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top199Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.9 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading200Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.0 Good Good 18 10 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top, low live crown ratio, concern over exposure from adjacentremovals.201Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.0 Good Good 18 10 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top, low live crown ratio, concern over exposure from adjacentremovals.202Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.0 Good Good 18 10 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top, low live crown ratio, concern over exposure from adjacentremovals.203Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.0 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading204Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.5 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading205Alnus rubraRed alder 12.5 Fair Fair 12 No Viable Remove Grading206Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.8 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading207Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.6 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading208Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.5 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove New ROW209Alnus rubraRed alder 11.0 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove New ROW Phototropic lean210Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.8 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove New ROWTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 13 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes211Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.4 Fair Fair 6 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed, dead top212Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.7 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove New ROW213Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.6 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW214Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 20.3 17, 6.5, 9 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove New ROW Codominant trunk form215Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.5 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove New ROW216Alnus rubraRed alder 16.0 Good Good 13 11 No Viable Retain East side of utility easement217Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 Poor Fair 21 8 No Not ViableRetain Bark separated, large wounds in canopy, several dead branches218Alnus rubraRed alder 13.1 7.9, 10.4 Good Good 12 9 No Viable Retain Codominant, dead trunk219Alnus rubraRed alder 12.1 Poor Poor 10 No Not ViableRetain Grading Dead top220Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.3 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading221Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.7 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading222Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 7.7 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading223Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 7.3 Good Good 8 5 No Viable Retain224Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 8.0 Good Good 10 5 No Viable Retain225Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 14.9 Poor Poor 12 No Not ViableRemove Grading Dying at top226Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 7.2 Good Good 6 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 14 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes227Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.9 7.1, 12.7, 8.5Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant trunk228Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 10.2 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading229Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.0 Good Good 32 No Viable Remove Grading230Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 9.4 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at 15'231Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.3 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading232Crataegus monogynaCommon hawthorne 9.4 5.4, 6, 4.9 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant, previous trunk failure, not on survey233Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.0 Good Good 18 17 No Viable Retain Not on survey234Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 46.2 Good Good 35 31 Yes Viable Retain Measured at narrowest point below union, not on survey ‐ likely in tree preservation area ‐ confirm location. 1/21/2019 ‐ approximate location confirmed on map235Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 24.6 Good Good 18 16 No Viable Retain Subdominant stem at 7'236Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.1 Fair Fair 30 10 No Viable Retain Canopy mostly to east, dead codominant trunk237Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 25.4 Good Good 31 17 No Viable Retain Narrowly attached codominant stem, measured at narrowest point below unionTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 15 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes238Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 26.7 Poor Poor 23 No Not ViableRemove Grading Large tear out, dieback in canopy, saw damage239Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.3 14.3, 9.7 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading Dead tree resting in canopy240Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.9 Fair Fair 23 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback in canopy, stem kink241Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.4 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic, dieback242Cornus nuttaliiPacific dogwood 6.4 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback in canopy, suppressed243Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.7 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback in canopy244Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.4 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback in canopy245Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.2 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic246Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.6 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey247Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 20.1 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading248Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 28.5 Good Good 32 No Viable Remove Grading Couple mechanical wounds249Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading Canopy to east, suppressed250Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.3 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback in canopy251Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.4 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Dead subdominant stem at base252Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 22.0 Good Good 18 11 No Viable Retain Grading 3 sprouts from prostrate tree, stilted roots, assess grading impacts. Maintain LOD.Tree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 16 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes253Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 35.7 Fair Poor 36 18 Yes Not ViableRetain Grading Large wounds with decay. Recent 22" failure has left large cavity. If house within striking range, tree is a high risk. There is only landscape within striking range, low risk. Maintain LOD.254Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.4 Good Good 38 12 No Viable Retain Phototropic southeast255Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 22.2 Good Good 26 15 No Viable Retain Twisting codominant stem, measured at narrowest point below union. Maintain LOD.256Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.7 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading257Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.9 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading258Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.8 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Two dead subdominant stems259Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.2 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading260Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.0 Fair Fair 11 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, adjacent to 261261Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 22.2 18.1, 12.9 Good Good 29 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant from baseTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 17 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes262Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.1 Fair Fair 7 No Viable Retain Grading Suppressed, dieback with decay. Adjacent removals will leave tree exposed. Maintain LOD.263Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.2 9.9, 4, 7.8 Fair Fair 15 9 No Viable Retain Grading 1 dead codominant trunk, 3 live trunks at base. Maintain LOD.264Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.5 Good Good 19 8 No Viable Retain265Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.4 Good Good 17 6 No Viable Retain266Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.0 Fair Fair 18 5 No Viable Retain Reiteration from damaged tree, strange structure267Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.7 Good Good 17 7 No Viable Retain Stem girdling root, suppressed268Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 25.6 Good Good 26 17 No Viable Retain269Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.1 Good Good 18 8 No Viable Retain Swept base, codominant stem270Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 Good Good 16 5 No Viable Retain Lost top, on property line271Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.0 9.6, 8.7 Good Good 18 9 No Viable Retain On property line, codominant272Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.5 DEAD DEAD 6 No Not ViableRetain Removed girdling wire, suppressed with dieback present. Update 1/18/2019 ‐ No buds or fine branches, treeisdeadTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 18 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes273Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 30.5 Good Good 25 20 Yes Viable Retain On property line, codominant, measured at narrowest point below union; survey id 21242274Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 24.5 Good Good 32 16 No Viable Retain On property line, excellent Douglas‐fir to south, to be retained275Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.8 7.2, 13, 16, 12.4, 9Good Good 33 15 No Viable Retain Stump sprouts, multiple stems, one dead276Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.9 Good Good 25 8 No Viable Retain277Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 8.7 Good Good 20 6 No Viable Retain Heavy lean278Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.1 Fair Fair 4 No Viable Retain Wounds, decay, dieback279Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.4 Good Good 24 7 No Viable Retain Dead codominant stem, decayed280Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.3 Fair Fair 12 4 No Viable Retain Significant dieback, subdominant stem281Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.6 Good Good 21 12 No Viable Retain282Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.1 Good Good 21 13 No Viable Retain 3 stems narrowly attached and twisting, measured at narrowest point below unionTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 19 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes283Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.9 Good Good 16 13 No Viable Remove Grading Survey shows tree closer to disturbance than in field. If 284 is retained, 283 could be aswell.284Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.6 16.3, 14.2, 12.1Good Good 29 11 No Viable Remove Grading 3 codominant at base, small dead trunk in union. Maintain LOD.285Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.9 7.6, 9.8, 7.3, 6.7Fair Fair 17 11 No Viable Retain Fallen tree with 4 large spouts and two dead, same tree as 21281 and 21283286Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.2 Good Good 18 12 No Viable Retain Codominant with weak union, dead codominant trunk 13", nearby untagged tree (3 codominant stems) is dead287Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.3 Fair Fair 16 No Viable Remove Grading Swept base, dieback, chlorotic288Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.1 10.9, 10.4 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Narrow attachment, codominant289Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.7 Good Good 35 No Viable Remove Grading Girdling root, swept base, asymmetric to East290Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.5 6.3, 3, 16 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant with smaller 2 subdominant stems 291Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.7 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 20 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes292Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading293Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.9 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading294Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.7 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Growing out of base of 295, swept295Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.5 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading 294 growing from base296Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.6 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, lost top297Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.1 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading298Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.0 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading299Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.1 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading300Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.7 Fair Fair 12 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic, 5 degree lean, not on survey301Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 23.8 10.4, 16, 14.3Good Good 34 No Viable Remove Grading 3 codominant trunks302Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.7 Fair Fair 15 7 No Viable Retain Decay at base, swept base, wounds303Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.0 Good Good 20 10 No Viable Retain Swept base304Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.8 10.7, 11.6 Good Good 25 11 No Viable Retain Swept base, codominant at base with narrow attachment, survey id 21249305Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.3 Good Good 20 8 No Viable Retain Asymmetry in crown. Maintain LOD.Tree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 21 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes306Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.8 Good Good 13 8 No Viable Retain Measured at narrowest point below union, codominant, narrow attachment307Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.7 8.5, 8 Good Good 16 8 No Viable Retain Grading Dead subdominant stem. Grows in tight cluster with trees 305, 306. If other two are retained, this can be too. If others are removed, this should be too308Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.5 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Swept, codominant with wound309Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.4 7.6, 7.1 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading Wound, codominant, not on survey310Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 30.8 Fair Fair 27 Yes Viable Remove Grading Measured at narrowest point below union, 6 stems 3 are dead, narrowly attached311Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.9 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Dead leading stem at 20ft312Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 31.7 30.9, 7 Fair Fair 33 Yes Viable Remove Grading Large dead branches in canopy, significant decay313Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.4 11.3, 5.2 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Swept base, diebackTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 22 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes314Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.7 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Dead basal subdominant, phototropic lean, not onsurvey315Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.3 10.3 Fair Fair 14 No Viable Remove Grading Narrowly attached stems with rubbing, thin canopy316Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.2 7.5, 7.9, 5.5Fair Fair 21 No Viable Remove Grading Canopy dieback, codominant317Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.1 14, 8 Good Good 24 11 No Viable Retain Codominant at base, narrow attachment318Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 25.2 Good Good 27 17 No Viable Retain Stilted roots on one side319Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.7 Good Good 15 6 No Viable Retain Small dead subdominant stem, not on survey320Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.3 13.4, 7.4 Good Good 23 10 No Viable Retain Measured at narrowest point below union, rubbing trunks, narrow attachment321Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 20.7 Good Good 24 14 No Viable Retain Measured at narrowest point below union, codominant322Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 40.8 Poor Poor 27 Yes Not ViableRetain Grading Dead large branches, thinning canopy, east side tag 323Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 22.4 21.3, 6.9 Good Good 27 15 No Viable Retain Wounds healed over, small subdominant stemTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 23 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes324Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 28.1 Fair Fair 24 19 No Not ViableRetain Codominant, little bit of ivy on stem, large dead trunk 15' with crack325Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.4 4, 8.7, 8, 7.2, 17, 9.5, 2, 3, 1, 1Good Good 23 8 No Viable Retain Ivy growing up tree, multiple codominant trunks, stump sprout. MaintainLOD.326Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.2 3,3,6,5.5,6,7,2Good Good 9 No Viable Retain Stump sprout327Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.3 6.5, 2,2,3,3,1,1,1,2,4Fair Fair 15 6 No Viable Retain Stump sprout328Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.3 Good Good 21 5 No Viable Remove Grading No proposed grading or demolition planned for this area.329Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.7 6.2, 6.4, 4, 4, 2Good Good 22 7 No Viable Remove Grading Stump sprout. No proposed grading or demolition planned for thisarea.330Thuja plicataWestern redcedar 18.1 Good Good 17 12 No Viable Remove Grading Topped for utilities. No proposed grading or demolition planned for thisarea.331Pinus contorta var. contortaShore pine 13.1 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at 5', near utilities332Pinus contorta var. contortaShore pine 11.9 Fair Fair 10 No Not ViableRemove Grading Codominant, near utilitiesTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 24 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes333Crataegus monogynaCommon hawthorne 13.8 9.8, 8.2, 5.2Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading334Malus domesticaCommon apple 14.7 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Sap sucker activity. No proposed grading or demolition planned for thisarea.335Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 60.7 Good Fair 35 25 Yes Viable Remove Grading 12" root cut to West, great crown structure, test if retained. No proposed grading or demolition planned for thisarea336Malus domesticaCommon apple 7.0 Fair Fair 11 5 No Viable Retain337Prunus domesticaCommon plum 7.9 Fair Fair 11 5 No Viable Retain338Malus domesticaCommon apple 7.6 Fair Fair 9 No Viable Retain Grading No proposed grading or demolition planned for this area.339Malus domesticaCommon apple 16.8 Good Good 19 8 No Viable Retain Maintain LOD.  340Prunus domesticaCommon plum 6.6 Poor Poor 11 No Not ViableRemove Grading Not on survey341Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.0 7,10.9 Fair Fair 23 No Viable Remove Grading Growing at base of 342, phototropic342Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.8 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading Large girdling root343Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.9 11.5, 11 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic344Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.6 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic, one dead trunk, survey id 21100345Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.4 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading SproutingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 25 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes346Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.4 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Lower dead parts, shaded347Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.6 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading Lower dead parts, shaded348Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.4 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading349Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.4 Fair Fair 24 No Viable Remove Grading Crown dieback, suppressed350Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.8 Fair Fair 21 No Viable Remove Grading Crown dieback, suppressed351Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.5 Fair Fair 27 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top, one sided crown 352Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.3 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Kink at base353Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.7 Good Good 9 No Viable Remove Grading Young tree ‐ not on survey354Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.0 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading355Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.0 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading Kink at 25', high live crown ratio356Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.7 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio357Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.5 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio358Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.8 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading Large elbow branch structure359Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.4 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio, shared crown with firs360Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.3 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio, shared crown with firsTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 26 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes361Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.8 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio, shared crown with firs362Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.8 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio, shared crown with firs, suppressed363Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.7 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio, shared crown with firs364Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 7.5 Fair Fair 12 No Viable Remove Grading Dead parts365Alnus rubraRed alder 9.9 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic, thin crown366Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.6 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading Broken trunk, suppressed, measured at narrowest point below union367Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.5 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading368Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.7 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio369Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading370Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.0 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading371Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.6 12.1, 12, 11, 7.4Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base372Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.7 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Crossing trunks373Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.7 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Slight dieback374Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.9 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading survey id 21146375Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.6 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant union with included bark376Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.3 Fair Fair 25 No Viable Remove Grading Thin crown, small leaf size, chloroticTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 27 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes377Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.2 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading378Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.9 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading379Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.4 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading One side of crown dead380Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.7 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading381Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.2 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading382Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.3 Fair Fair 17 No Viable Remove Grading383Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.3 9.0, 8.4 Fair Fair 20 No Viable Remove Grading384Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.7 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading385Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.2 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Thin crown386Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.7 Poor Poor 6 No Not ViableRemove Grading Broken top, sprouting387Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.6 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading388Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.3 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Dead parts389Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.6 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading390Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.8 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading391Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.9 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading Thin crown, suppressed392Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.7 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading393Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.1 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading One sided crown 394Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.5 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading395Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.7 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading396Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.5 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio397Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.2 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Swept base398Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.7 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading399Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.9 Fair Fair 20 No Viable Remove Grading Growing under fallen maple400Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.4 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading401Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.2 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading Crossing trunks402Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.7 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 28 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes403Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.2 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Large rib of response wood up trunk, phototropic to north404Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.1 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Crown suppressed, crown one sided to north405Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading406Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in trunk407Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.2 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Crown one sided408Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.7 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading409Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.8 Poor Poor 2 No Not ViableRemove Grading Broken top, barely alive410Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.6 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top with new reiteration 411Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.8 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading412Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.1 Fair Fair 23 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top413Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.4 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top, dieback414Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.2 Fair Fair 11 No Viable Remove Grading Thin crown415Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.7 12.4, 7.9 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading416Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.7 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading417Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.4 15.9, 9.2 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading Broken parts throughout, phototropic to west418Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.9 7.9, 4.1 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading419Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.0 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Large codominant union with included bark 420Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.3 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 29 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes421Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.5 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading422Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.4 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading423Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading One sided crown, suppressed424Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.4 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading425Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.1 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading426Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.4 13.8, 13.6 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Large ivy on trunk427Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.8 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, not on survey428Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.5 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading429Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.9 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading430Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.5 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading431Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.7 Fair Fair 13 No Viable Remove Grading Thin crown 432Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.8 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading433Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.1 Fair Fair 18 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey434Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading435Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.9 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading436Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading Slightly suppressed437Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.5 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading438Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.4 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading439Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.0 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading440Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.5 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading441Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.9 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove Grading442Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.4 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 30 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes443Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.0 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading444Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.2 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading445Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.3 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading446Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.0 11.2, 14.7, 4.5Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base447Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.8 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove Grading Slightly suppressed448Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.5 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading449Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.4 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading450Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.7 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading451Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.9 10.1, 7.8, 5.5Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base452Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top453Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.0 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove Grading454Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.0 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading455Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.4 Fair Fair 8 No Viable Remove Grading Crown dieback456Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.2 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic north457Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.3 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading458Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.7 Fair Fair 11 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top459Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.1 13.1, 9, 8, 11.4Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base460Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.4 9.2, 6.7 Fair Fair 18 No Viable Remove Grading Dead trunk with dieback461Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.4 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading462Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.1 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading463Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.6 Fair Fair 18 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback464Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.7 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback465Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.4 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 31 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes466Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.0 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading467Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.2 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic468Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.6 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading469Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.5 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback470Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.4 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading471Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.5 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading472Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.3 Fair Fair 16 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant with nose of tissue, healing wound473Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.1 10.6, 10.7 Fair Fair 18 No Viable Remove Grading474Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.8 Fair Fair 16 No Viable Remove Grading475Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.3 11.2, 11.8 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base476Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.5 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic to southwest, not on survey477Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 37.5 Fair Fair 26 Yes Viable Remove Grading Large tearout, kretzschmaria, visible decay478Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 28.5 Good Good 40 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant trunk failure, phototropic to northwest479Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 29.1 25.9, 11, 5.2, 5.3Fair Fair 40 No Viable Remove Grading Large decay cavity at base, dieback480Thuja plicataWestern redcedar 25.2 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback at top, dead top481Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.0 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading482Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.0 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading Crown somewhat sparse, included barkTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 32 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes483Thuja plicataWestern redcedar 8.5 Fair Fair 6 No Viable Remove Grading Dead top, not on survey484Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.5 Fair Fair 7 No Viable Remove Grading Epicormic growth, dead top485Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.0 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Top damaged with reiterations486Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.8 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading487Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.9 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in trunk488Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.0 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading489Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.8 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading490Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.6 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading491Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.0 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading492Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.4 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic lean to north493Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.7 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading494Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.5 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading495Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.9 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in stem at 40', potential nest in canopy496Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading497Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.5 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading498Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.5 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading499Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.5 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading500Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 23.4 14.9, 18 Good Good 42 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant, many unions in upper canopy501Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.1 Fair Fair 12 No Viable Remove Grading Broken parts, chlorotic502Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.4 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 33 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes503Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.2 Fair Fair 5 No Viable Remove Grading Dead top, not on survey504Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 23.1 16.6, 16 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base505Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 29.3 19.4, 22 Good Good 40 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base506Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.3 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Tearout at base507Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.0 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading508Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.8 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading Broken top509Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.3 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading510Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.9 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading Swept base511Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.5 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading512Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 24.3 15.7, 13, 13.3Good Good 38 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base, many dead branches, phototropic513Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.3 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading514Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.6 Poor Poor 6 No Not ViableRemove Grading Very sparse foliage, poor growth515Crataegus monogynaCommon hawthorne 7.4 5.9, 4.5 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading516Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.5 Poor Poor 20 No Not ViableRemove Grading Very sparse canopy, dead codominant trunk, little growth517Alnus rubraRed alder 12.2 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading518Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 23.8 16.8, 16.8 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant stems519Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.3 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Sap flow around base520Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.9 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Surface roots521Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.1 13.9, 13.1 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant stems522Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.2 13.3, 12.4 Fair Fair 21 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant stems, 3rd stem removedTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 34 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes523Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.1 Poor Poor 16 No Not ViableRemove Grading Swept base, wound, dieback in canopy524Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.6 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading525Alnus rubraRed alder 11.0 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading526Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 20.4 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading527Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.7 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading528Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.1 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic to south529Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading530Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.0 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic to south, codominant at 25531Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.4 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading532Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.6 12.3, 10.2, 7.4Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading 3 dead stems533Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.5 Fair Fair 24 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at 25'534Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.0 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading535Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading536Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.9 Fair Fair 20 No Viable Remove Grading537Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.2 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading538Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.7 6.7, 6.9, 6.7Fair Fair 30 No Viable Remove Grading Stump sprout, 3 dead stems539Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.1 12.2, 4.7 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading 2 dead stems, stump sprout540Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.0 Good Good 32 No Viable Remove Grading541Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Wounding on stem542Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.8 6, 5, 4 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Stump sprout, 3 live stems543Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.5 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at 15'544Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.8 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Dead stem adjacentTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 35 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes545Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.0 10.5, 10.7, 10.5, 10.2Good Good 29 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base546Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.7 9.7, 9.7 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic to south, narrowly attached stems547Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.8 8.8, 6.2 Fair Fair 14 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at 2'548Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.6 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading 5 dead stems, codominant at base549Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.7 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Dead subdominant stem550Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.1 Fair Fair 18 No Viable Remove Grading Dead codominant stems, decay cavities551Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.6 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading Measured at narrowest point below union552Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.1 9.4, 8.7, 6 Fair Fair 22 No Viable Remove Grading Stump sprout, 2 dead stems, visible decay553Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.1 10.4. 11.3. 9.5Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading554Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.7 8.2, 6.3, 6.1, 7.8, 10.4Fair Fair 28 No Viable Remove Grading Lots of decay555Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.3 Poor Poor 32 No Not ViableRemove Grading Stump sprout556Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.2 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading Large cavity at base, dead codominant stem, measured at narrowest point below unionTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 36 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes557Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.1 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Garlic mustard at base, kink in stem558Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.4 Good Good 22 11 No Viable Retain Large canker559Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.6 Fair Fair 26 9 No Not ViableRetain Thin canopy560Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.6 14.8, 11.2 Fair Fair 23 12 No Not ViableRetain Codominant at base, column of decay561Thuja plicataWestern redcedar 20.6 Good Good 11 14 No Viable Retain562Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.2 Poor Poor 17 7 No Not ViableRetain Grading Lots of wounding at base, kretzschmaria563Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 25.8 13.5, 15.3, 15.8Good Good 33 17 No Viable Retain Codominant at base, wound with decay, garlic mustard564Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.8 Good Good 15 7 No Viable Retain Grading565Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.5 Good Good 29 8 No Viable Retain Grading Occluded wound566Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.0 Good Good 27 10 No Viable Retain567Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 20.5 13.5, 15.4 Good Good 28 14 No Viable Retain Codominant at base, garlic mustard in area568Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.6 Good Good 14 No Viable Retain Lost top569Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 Fair Fair 27 7 No Not ViableRetain Codominant stems, 1 dead570Malus domesticaCommon apple 13.4 7, 9.2, 6.7 Fair Fair 12 9 No Not ViableRemove Grading Apple scabTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 37 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes571Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.2 9.4, 12 Fair Fair 23 10 No Not ViableRetain Kretzschmaria, narrow attachment 572Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.9 Good Good 18 10 No Viable Retain573Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.0 Fair Fair 13 9 No Not ViableRetain Wound at base, decay visible574Alnus rubraRed alder 17.3 Good Good 21 12 No Viable Retain Not on survey575Alnus rubraRed alder 9.3 Good Good 10 6 No Viable Retain Not on survey576Alnus rubraRed alder 12.7 Fair Fair 10 8 No Not ViableRetain Large wound, not on survey577Alnus rubraRed alder 18.0 Good Good 19 12 No Viable Retain Not on survey578Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.0 Good Good 9 5 No Viable Retain Not on survey579Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.9 Poor Poor 8 5 No Not ViableRemove Grading Dead codominant stem580Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.2 8.4, 12.7 Good Good 30 10 No Viable Retain Codominant at base, wide attachment581Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.9 Fair Fair 16 8 No Not ViableRetain Lost top at 15', 2 reiterations582Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 29.8 Good Good 22 20 No Viable Retain Codominant stems at 10', large wound with response growth583Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.6 Good Good 19 10 No Viable Retain Slightly swept base, garlic mustard in area584Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 Poor Poor 13 8 No Not ViableRemove Grading Significant decay, poor canopy structureTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 38 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes585Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.0 Good Good 18 9 No Viable Retain Lost top, 3 new leaders586Alnus rubraRed alder 27.3 Good Good 24 18 No Viable Retain587Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 31.4 Poor Poor 31 21 Yes Not ViableRemove Grading Significant dieback in canopy, kretzschmaria588Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.3 6.7, 5, 6 Good Good 15 7 No Viable Remove Grading Stump sprout589Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.0 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading Dead subdominant stem590Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.6 10.4, 8, 10.2Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base591Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.8 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Some dieback592Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.6 Fair Fair 35 No Viable Remove Grading 2 dead stems, canopy all to north593Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.1 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading594Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.5 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading595Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.9 Fair Fair 11 No Viable Remove Grading596Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.6 Fair Fair 14 No Viable Remove Grading Lacking foliage, epicormic growth, canopy to north597Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.8 10.7, 12.9 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading 2 stems at base, 1 dead subdominant598Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.4 10.3, 10 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base599Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.7 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading600Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.8 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading601Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.6 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading602Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.4 Fair Fair 23 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 39 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes603Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.8 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove Grading604Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 27.7 7.6, 9.2, 25 Good Good 35 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base, some decay605Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.5 18, 11.7 Good Good 32 No Viable Remove Grading Stilted roots, one big stem of dieback606Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.5 Fair Fair 27 No Viable Remove Grading Narrowly attached, measured at narrowest point below union, stems fusing607Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.9 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading608Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.9 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading609Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.9 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading610Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.6 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading611Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.0 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading612Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.8 12.3, 10.1, 2, 4, 3 Fair Fair 21 No Viable Remove Grading Thin canopy613Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.2 Good Good No Viable Remove Grading614Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 Fair Fair 17 No Viable Remove Grading615Alnus rubraRed alder 9.4 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading616Alnus rubraRed alder 22.9 Good Good 32 No Viable Remove Grading Bulge at base, garlic mustard established in area617Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.0 Fair Fair 12 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, lost top618Alnus rubraRed alder 14.2 Fair Fair 18 No Viable Remove New ROW619Alnus rubraRed alder 23.0 Fair Fair 24 No Viable Remove New ROWTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 40 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes620Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 31.3 Good Good 22 Yes Viable Remove Grading621Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.1 6.8, 2 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Subdominant stem622Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.8 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading623Alnus rubraRed alder 12.8 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading Fence grown into tree, leaning on 622624Alnus rubraRed alder 16.5 11.8, 11.5 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at base625Alnus rubraRed alder 12.1 Fair Fair 14 No Viable Remove Grading626Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.4 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading627Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.4 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Dead tree leaning on trunk628Alnus rubraRed alder 11.1 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic to northwest, small canopy629Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Birds nesting on trunk630Alnus rubraRed alder 15.6 Good Good 36 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic to northwest, small canopy631Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.2 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading632Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.2 Fair Fair 8 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, lost top633Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.7 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in stem, canopy to north634Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.0 5.4, 9.6 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant635Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.4 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading636Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.8 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading637Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.8 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 41 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes638Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.8 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant at 25'639Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.6 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading Adjacent to 640640Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.3 Good Good 32 No Viable Remove Grading641Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.3 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Canopy to north642Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.2 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, canopy top north, not on survey643Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.3 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Fence growing into bark644Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.3 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading645Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.9 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading646Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 34.8 Fair Fair 35 Yes Viable Remove New ROW Lost stem at base, ganoderma conk, kretzschmaria647Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.4 Poor Poor 6 No Not ViableRemove New ROW Suppressed648Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.7 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove New ROW Kinks in stem649Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.0 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove New ROW650Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.8 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove New ROW Lost top651Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.5 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove New ROW652Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.7 Fair Fair 12 No Viable Remove New ROW Codominant at 20'653Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.5 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove New ROWTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 42 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes654Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.7 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove New ROW655Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 27.0 Good Good 32 No Viable Remove Grading Bulge at base, measured below bulge, garlic mustard656Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.3 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic to northwest657Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.2 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading Adjacent to 656658Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 28.0 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Measured at narrowest point below union659Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.6 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Dead subdominant660Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 26.0 13.6, 22, 18.5Fair Fair 26 No Viable Remove Grading 3 stems at 3 feet661Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 33.3 Good Good 28 Yes Viable Remove Grading Surface roots662Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.3 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading663Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 30.4 Good Good 18 Yes Viable Remove Grading Bulge at base664Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.0 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, estimated from afar (surrounded by blackberry), edge tree, survey id 20555665Alnus rubraRed alder 25.5 11.7, 9, 14.5, 13, 7.2Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading 1 dead stem, not on survey666Alnus rubraRed alder 23.7 11.7, 9.8, 9.8, 10.5, 11Good Good 35 No Viable Remove Grading 2 dead stems, dieback in canopy, not on surveyTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 43 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes667Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.0 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top668Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 31.8 Good Good 21 Yes Viable Remove Grading Measured at narrowest point below union, codominant at 3, narrowly attached669Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading670Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading671Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.7 Fair Fair 13 No Viable Remove Grading Sparse canopy672Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.2 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top673Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.6 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top674Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.3 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove New ROW Dead tree leaning on trunk675Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.1 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove New ROW Measured at narrowest point below union, codominant at 4'676Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.6 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW 2 leaders at 30'677Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.7 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove New ROW678Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.7 Fair Fair 9 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed679Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.9 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 44 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes680Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.1 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading681Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 32.8 23.5, 21.8, 6.9Good Good 28 Yes Viable Remove Grading 2 codominant stems, 1 subdominant stem682Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.0 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove New ROW683Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 42.8 20.2, 12.6, 18.7, 30.2Good Good 31 Yes Viable Remove New ROW Some decay, stilted roots684Alnus rubraRed alder 12.2 Poor Poor 14 No Not ViableRemove Grading Dead tree leaning on trunk685Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.0 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading686Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.0 12.6, 3 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Small subdominant stem687Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.2 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed, not on survey688Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.4 6.3, 14.1 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading Narrowly attached subdominant stem689Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.3 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top690Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.2 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading691Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.7 Fair Fair 27 No Viable Remove New ROW Lost top692Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 27.7 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove New ROW693Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.6 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove New ROW694Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.0 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove New ROWTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 45 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes695Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.3 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove New ROW696Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.4 Poor Poor 10 No Not ViableRemove New ROW697Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 21.5 18.7, 10.6 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading Wide attachment698Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.1 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading699Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.7 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading700Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.4 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading701Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.3 Fair Fair 14 No Viable Remove New ROW Lost top, high live crown ratio, not on survey702Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.0 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove New ROW703Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.8 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove New ROW Kink in stem704Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.6 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove New ROW705Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.0 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove New ROW706Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.0 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading707Alnus rubraRed alder 14.3 Poor Poor 11 No Not ViableRemove New ROW Dead codominant, lots of dieback, not on survey708Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.7 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove New ROW Thin canopy; survey id 20727709Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.0 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove New ROW710Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.5 Fair Fair 16 No Viable Remove Grading Thin canopy, high live crown ratioTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 46 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes711Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.6 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading712Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.0 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading713Alnus rubraRed alder 8.9 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading714Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.9 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading715Alnus rubraRed alder 11.7 6.1, 10 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant, narrow attachment716Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.4 13.3, 15.5 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant, narrow attachment717Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.3 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading Kink at bottom718Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.5 Fair Fair 11 No Viable Remove Grading Kink at bottom719Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.3 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading720Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.4 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading721Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.4 Fair Fair 12 No Viable Remove Grading Leaning, suppressed722Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.6 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed723Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.8 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading724Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.4 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading725Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 18.3 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove New ROW Adjacent to 726, phototropic, canopy to east726Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.8 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove New ROW727Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.6 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROWTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 47 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes728Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.4 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove New ROW729Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.0 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove New ROW730Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove New ROW731Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.3 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove New ROW Phototropic corrected732Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.3 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Directly adjacent to 731733Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.5 Fair Fair 11 No Viable Remove Grading Thin canopy, high live crown ratio734Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.6 17.3, 18.9 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant, good attachment735Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.4 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading736Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.0 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading737Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.0 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading738Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.9 Poor Poor 8 No Not ViableRemove Grading Nearly dead, wound in trunk739Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.7 Poor Poor 12 No Not ViableRemove Grading Suppressed, nearly dead740Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.1 Poor Poor 15 No Not ViableRemove Grading Suppressed, nearly dead, lost top741Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 18.5 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading742Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.7 Good Good 9 No Viable Remove New ROW743Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove New ROW survey id 20711Tree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 48 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes744Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.6 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove New ROW Lost top745Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.7 17.4, 18.9 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove New ROW Codominant, good attachment746Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.9 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove New ROW Heavy ivy coverage747Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.7 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove New ROW748Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.4 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove New ROW749Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.0 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading750Alnus rubraRed alder 8.8 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in stem751Alnus rubraRed alder 11.8 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading752Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.8 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading753Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.3 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove New ROW754Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.0 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove New ROW755Alnus rubraRed alder 9.1 Fair Fair 17 No Viable Remove Grading 2 dead stems756Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.0 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading757Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.6 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading758Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.2 Fair Fair 17 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top759Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.8 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading Kinks in stem760Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.3 Poor Poor 9 No Not ViableRemove Grading Nearly deadTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 49 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes761Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.6 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading762Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.1 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading763Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.4 Good Good 9 No Viable Remove Grading764Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 13.8 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading Dead tree leaning on trunk765Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 26.9 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in stem766Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.6 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading767Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.6 Fair Fair 14 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed768Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.9 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading769Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.9 Good Good 29 No Viable Remove Grading770Alnus rubraRed alder 10.5 Fair Fair 25 No Viable Remove Grading Visible decay on stem771Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.3 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading772Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.2 Good Good 33 No Viable Remove Grading773Alnus rubraRed alder 12.4 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Phototropic lean774Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.6 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading775Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.0 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading776Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.9 Fair Fair 9 No Viable Remove Grading Thin canopy777Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Dead tree adjacent778Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.2 Good Good 32 No Viable Remove Grading779Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.4 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 50 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes780Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.0 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove New ROW781Alnus rubraRed alder 18.9 10.3, 9, 13.1Good Good 27 No Viable Remove New ROW782Alnus rubraRed alder 11.4 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove New ROW783Alnus rubraRed alder 8.6 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove New ROW Wounds on stem, visible decay, not on survey784Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 Poor Poor 10 No Not ViableRemove Grading Nearly dead785Alnus rubraRed alder 9.3 Fair Fair 18 No Viable Remove New ROW Phototropic, partial failure786Alnus rubraRed alder 9.7 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove New ROW Lost top787Alnus rubraRed alder 8.8 Good Good 9 No Viable Remove Grading788Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.5 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove Grading789Alnus rubraRed alder 13.8 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading790Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.9 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading791Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.6 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading792Alnus rubraRed alder 15.1 Fair Fair 22 10 No Viable Retain Low live crown ratio, concern over exposure from adj removals793Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.4 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading794Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.3 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading795Alnus rubraRed alder 13.7 Good Good 35 No Viable Remove Grading796Alnus rubraRed alder 10.4 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading797Alnus rubraRed alder 14.5 Fair Fair 16 No Viable Remove Grading Dieback in canopyTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 51 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes798Alnus rubraRed alder 15.9 10, 12.4 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove New ROW Phototropic lean799Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.5 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove New ROW800Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.2 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove New ROW801Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.8 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove New ROW802Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.2 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed803Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.6 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove New ROW804Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.9 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove New ROW805Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.7 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove New ROW806Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.6 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove New ROW Curve in stem807Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.6 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove New ROW Swept base808Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.8 Fair Fair 11 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed, lost top809Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.3 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed810Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.2 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove New ROW811Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.9 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove New ROW812Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.1 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove New ROWTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 52 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes813Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.6 Fair Fair 8 No Viable Remove New ROW814Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.7 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove New ROW815Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.7 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove New ROW816Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.2 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove New ROW Lost top, slightly suppressed817Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.8 Good Good 27 9 No Viable Remove Grading Remove due to utility easement overlap. Low live crown ratio, concern over exposure from adj removals818Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.8 Fair Fair 11 8 No Viable Remove Grading Remove due to utility easement overlap. Low live crown ratio, concern over exposure from adj removals819Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.4 Fair Fair 11 5 No Viable Retain Ivy on stem, Low live crown ratio, concern over exposure from adj removals820Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 27.1 Good Good 29 18 No Viable Remove Grading Ivy on stem, lost top, Low live crown ratio, concern over exposure from adj removalsTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 53 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes821Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.2 Good Good 16 5 No Viable Retain Low live crown ratio, concern over exposure from adj removals822Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.6 Good Good 25 17 No Viable Retain Labeled 21125 on survey, not tagged823Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.2 18.2, 17.5 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant, wide attachment824Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.1 Good Good No Viable Remove Grading825Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.2 Poor Poor 18 No Not ViableRemove Grading Leaning on 825826Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.6 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top827Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.1 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Dead subdominant828Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.1 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading829Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.2 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading830Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.2 Fair Fair 6 No Viable Remove Grading Suppressed831Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.4 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading832Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.3 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading Dead subdominant833Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.0 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in stem834Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.3 Fair Fair 9 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 54 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes835Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.5 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove New ROW Large tearout836Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.7 Fair Fair 8 No Viable Remove New ROW Lost top837Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.3 11.7, 19 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove New ROW Codominant838Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.7 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove New ROW839Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.8 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove New ROW Dead subdominant stem840Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.5 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove New ROW841Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.7 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove New ROW842Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.3 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove New ROW843Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.8 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove New ROW Lost top844Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.2 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove New ROW845Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.2 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove New ROW846Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.5 Fair Fair 3 No Viable Remove New ROW Suppressed847Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.6 13.3, 13 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading Wide attachment848Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.6 Fair Fair 6 No Viable Remove Grading Dead codominant stem, wounds with decay849Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.8 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 55 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes850Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.0 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading851Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.0 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey852Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.3 Poor Poor 4 No Not ViableRemove Grading Nearly dead853Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.4 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading854Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.3 17.8, 18 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Codominant, narrow attachment855Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.3 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading856Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.3 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading857Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.2 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading858Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 30.6 Good Good 26 Yes Viable Remove Grading859Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.6 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove Grading860Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 8.4 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading861Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.8 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey 862Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.7 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading863Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.8 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading864Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.9 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading865Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.0 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading866Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.4 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 56 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes867Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.0 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey868Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.2 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading869Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.6 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading870Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.4 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading871Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.4 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove Grading872Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.0 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading Young ivy on trunk873Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.6 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading874Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.6 Fair Fair 3 No Viable Remove Grading875Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.9 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading876Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.7 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading Kink in stem877Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.2 Fair Fair 19 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top878Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.6 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading879Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 7.7 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove Grading880Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 43.3 Good Good 35 Yes Viable Remove Grading Swept base881Alnus rubraRed alder 8.0 Good Good 7 No Viable Remove Grading882Alnus rubraRed alder 15.7 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading883Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.6 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 57 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes884Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.5 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading885Alnus rubraRed alder 9.2 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey886Rhamnus purshianaCascara 6.5 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading Some dieback887Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.6 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading888Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.4 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading889Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.8 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading890Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 23.9 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading891Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.0 Good Good 30 No Viable Remove Grading892Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.0 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading893Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.9 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading894Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.1 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading895Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.8 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading896Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.6 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Directly adjacent to 897897Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.9 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading898Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.4 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading899Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.7 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 58 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes900Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.9 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Possibly shared901Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.3 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading902Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 12.1 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading903Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 21.9 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading904Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.1 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading905Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.4 11.2, 14.6 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading906Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.6 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading907Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.3 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading908Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.7 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading909Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.8 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading910Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.2 Good Good 19 No Viable Remove Grading911Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.0 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading912Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 11.2 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading High live crown ratio913Alnus rubraRed alder 17.0 Fair Fair 13 No Viable Remove Grading 2 dead stems914Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.3 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading915Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.6 Good Good 24 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 59 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes916Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.6 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading Wound on side917Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.0 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading918Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.1 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading919Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.3 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading Subdominant leader at 50'920Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.7 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading921Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.9 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading922Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.4 Good Good 26 No Viable Remove Grading923Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 7.7 Fair Fair 8 5 No Viable Retain924Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.1 Good Good 21 8 No Viable Retain Confirm no fill within LOD.925Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.2 Good Good 30 12 No Viable Retain Young ivy on trunk. Grading proposed within 5 feet of trunk. Must stay at least 12 feetaway.926Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 25.1 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading927Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 10.2 Good Good 10 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top928Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.0 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading Bulge at base, dead codominant stem929Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 20.2 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 60 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes930Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.8 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove Grading931Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 15.2 Good Good 12 No Viable Remove Grading932Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 22.1 Good Good 25 No Viable Remove Grading Crack on west side933Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 24.1 13.3, 18.3, 8.3Good Good 31 No Viable Remove Grading Recovered from early failure, included bark934Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.6 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove Grading935Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.8 Good Good 33 No Viable Remove Grading936Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.2 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top937Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.1 Good Good 34 No Viable Remove Grading938Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.1 Fair Fair 30 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top, not on survey ‐ confirm location, retention may be feasible939Alnus rubraRed alder 8.8 Good Good 12 6 No Viable Retain940Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.2 Good Good 18 13 No Viable Retain941Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 13.8 Good Good 18 9 No Viable Retain Lost top942Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 9.5 Good Good 14 6 No Viable Retain943Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.3 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading944Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 Good Good 21 5 No Viable Retain945Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.1 Good Good 21 6 No Viable Retain946Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 10.6 Good Good 16 7 No Viable Retain Maintain LOD due to species.Tree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 61 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes947Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.1 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Ivy on trunk, dead tree leaning on stem948Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 38.9 27.5, 27.5 Good Good 45 Yes Viable Remove Grading Old tearout, wounds, kretzschmaria, decay949Alnus rubraRed alder 11.3 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading Dead codominant stem; survey id 20660950Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.9 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey951Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.1 Good Good 23 No Viable Remove Grading952Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.5 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading953Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 13.5 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove Grading954Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading955Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 35.7 Fair Fair 33 Yes Viable Remove Grading Measured at narrowest point below union, decay at base956Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 29.4 Good Good 40 No Viable Remove Grading957Alnus rubraRed alder 17.0 Poor Poor 15 No Not ViableRemove Grading Ivy in canopy, 2 dead stems958Alnus rubraRed alder 16.9 12.5, 11.3 Poor Poor 17 No Not ViableRemove Grading 1 dead stem959Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.7 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading960Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 33.9 Fair Fair 40 Yes Viable Remove Grading Large wound in trunk961Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.7 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading962Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 32.5 Good Good 24 Yes Viable Remove Grading963Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 37.0 Good Good 34 Yes Viable Remove Grading 5 stems, measured at narrowest point below unionTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 62 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes964Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 6.5 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove New ROW965Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 11.6 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove New ROW966Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.5 Good Good 17 No Viable Remove Grading Swept base, lost top, not on survey967Alnus rubraRed alder 13.3 Poor Poor 12 No Not ViableRemove Grading Lots of dieback968Alnus rubraRed alder 6.0 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading969Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 7.3 Poor Poor 8 No Not ViableRemove Grading970Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.6 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove Grading Dead codominant stem, decay at base971Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.5 Good Good 9 No Viable Remove Grading972Crataegus monogynaCommon hawthorne 7.4 Good Good 14 No Viable Remove Grading survey id 20595973Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.0 Good Good 32 No Viable Remove Grading974Alnus rubraRed alder 22.0 16.1, 15 Fair Fair 20 No Viable Remove Grading Visible decay, lots of dieback975Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 12.8 Fair Fair 16 No Viable Remove Grading Dead codominant stem 976Frangula purshianaCascara 12.6 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove New ROW Failed leader977Alnus rubraRed alder 10.6 Poor Poor 11 No Not ViableRemove Grading Not on survey978Alnus rubraRed alder 19.5 11, 11, 11 Fair Fair 27 No Viable Remove Grading979Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 8.3 Fair Fair 13 No Viable Remove Grading980Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.2 Good Good 20 No Viable Remove Grading981Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.5 Good Good 21 No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 63 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes982Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 27.3 Good Good 33 No Viable Remove Grading Subdominant stem983Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 21.5 Good Good 28 No Viable Remove Grading984Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.3 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading985Alnus rubraRed alder 25.0 17, 17, 7 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading 2 dead stems986Alnus rubraRed alder 21.2 15, 15 Fair Fair 19 No Viable Remove New ROW Visible decay987Alnus rubraRed alder 15.0 Good Good 27 No Viable Remove Grading988Alnus rubraRed alder 9.5 Good Good 13 No Viable Remove New ROW989Alnus rubraRed alder 10.3 7.6, 7 Fair Fair 14 No Viable Remove New ROW Visible decay990Alnus rubraRed alder 13.5 Fair Fair 15 No Viable Remove New ROW991Alnus rubraRed alder 23.8 17.2, 16.5 Fair Fair 23 No Viable Remove New ROW992Alnus rubraRed alder 13.2 Good Good 22 No Viable Remove Grading993Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 Good Good 16 No Viable Remove Grading994Alnus rubraRed alder 35.5 14, 15, 16, 16, 18Good Good 30 Yes Viable Remove Grading Visible decay995Alnus rubraRed alder 38.9 24, 16, 18, 19Good Good 32 Yes Viable Remove Grading996Frangula purshianaCascara 7.8 Good Good 18 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey ‐ confirm location to determine if in ROW997Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 36.5 25, 11, 11, 8, 20Good Good 36 Yes Viable Remove New ROW Large failure; utility easementTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 64 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes998Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 45.0 Good Good 40 Yes Viable Remove Grading Narrowly attached, measured at narrowest point below union999Alnus rubraRed alder 12.8 Fair Fair 17 9 No Viable Retain Main leader is broken, one or two live branches1000Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 7.2 Good Good 18 5 No Viable Remove 1/21/2019 ‐ location appears incorrect on survey, not tagged, number written on trunk in blue. See map for approximate location1001Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.8 Good Good 14 5 No Viable Remove 1/21/2019 ‐ location appears incorrect on survey, not tagged, number written on trunk in blue.  See map for approximate location1002Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 8.8 6.9, 5.5 Good Good 11 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey ‐ may be in tree preservation area. 1/21/2019 ‐ location appears incorrect on survey, not tagged, number written on trunk in blue.  See map for approximate location.Tree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 65 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes1003Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 9.5 Good Good 15 No Viable Remove Grading Not on survey ‐ may be in tree preservation area. 1/21/2019 ‐ location appears incorrect on survey, not tagged, number written on trunk in blue1004Prunus emarginataBitter cherry 7.1 Fair Fair 10 No Viable Remove Grading Lost top, not on survey ‐ may be in tree preservation area. 1/21/2019 ‐ location appears incorrect on survey, not tagged, number written on trunk in blue1005Crataegus monogynaCommon hawthorne 8.2 Good Good 8 No Viable Remove Grading Measured at narrowest point below union, not on survey ‐ may be in tree preservation area. 1/21/2019 ‐ location is incorrect on survey, not tagged, number written on trunk in blue.  See map for approximate location.Tree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 66 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes10289Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.0 Good Good 20 14 No Viable Retain Inventoried 1/19/2019 by TSI. DSH estimated. Maintain LOD. 10506Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.0 Good Good 19 14 No Viable Retain Inventoried 1/19/2019 by TSI. DSH estimated. 10509Alnus rubraRed alder n/a DEAD DEAD n/a Not ViableRemove Grading Uprooted and on ground. Mislabeled on survey as 2050910510Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.0 Good Fair 20 Viable Retain Previously broken top with two main leaders, corrected lean to the north. Inventoried 1/19/2019 by TSI. DSH estimated. 10519Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.0 n/a n/a 4 No Viable Retain Not tagged, identified by surveyor, was likely less than 6 inches diameter at time of tree inventory10522Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.0 n/a n/a 4 No Viable Retain Not tagged, identified by surveyor, was likely less than 6 inches diameter at time of tree inventory10561Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.0 n/a n/a 12 No Viable Retain Not inventoried by TSI. Data is from survey. Maintain LOD.Tree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 67 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes10626Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor10745Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 Dead Poor No Not ViableRemove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor, Condition Change as of 11/28/201820080Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 12.5 6, 8, 5, 4, 4 n/a n/a 8 No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20186Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 8.0 n/a n/a 5 No Viable Retain Not assessed by TSI, data from survey.20207Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 17.0 12, 12 n/a n/a No Viable Retain Likely tree 567, not tagged, identified by surveyor20230Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 n/a n/a 5 No Viable Retain Not assessed by TSI, data from survey.20234Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20235Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 24.1 18, 16 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20265Alnus rubraRed alder 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20337Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20378Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 n/a n/a 8 No Viable Retain20379Alnus rubraRed alder 14.0 n/a n/a 9 No Viable Retain20380Alnus rubraRed alder 14.0 n/a n/a 9 No Viable Retain20381Alnus rubraRed alder 10.0 n/a n/a 7 No Viable RetainTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 68 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes20383Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 n/a n/a 5 No Viable Retain20384Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 n/a n/a 7 No Viable Retain20385Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.0 n/a n/a 8 No Viable Retain20386Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 n/a n/a 8 No Viable Retain20387Alnus rubraRed alder 10.0 n/a n/a 7 No Viable Retain20388Alnus rubraRed alder 16.0 n/a n/a 11 No Viable Retain20389 Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf maple 12.0 n/a n/a 8 No Viable Retain20390Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 n/a n/a 8 No Viable Retain20391 Populus trichocarpa Black cottonwood 26.0 n/a n/a 17 No Viable Remove Grading No apparent grading nearby. On property line of Perkins Parcel andLot24.20392Alnus rubraRed alder 16.0 n/a n/a 11 No Viable Remove Grading Maintain LOD due to species.20393Alnus rubraRed alder 10.0 n/a n/a 7 No Viable Retain20394Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 24.0 n/a n/a Viable Remove Grading20395Alnus rubraRed alder 10.0 n/a n/a 7 No Viable Retain20396Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.0 n/a n/a Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 69 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes20397Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 11.3 8,8 n/a n/a Viable Remove Grading20398Alnus rubraRed alder 8.0 n/a n/a 5 No Viable Retain20399Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.0 n/a n/a Viable Remove Grading20400Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20401Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a 4 No Viable Retain20402Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 18.4 12,14 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20403Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20404Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.0 n/a n/a 8 No Viable Retain20405Alnus rubraRed alder 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20406Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.8 8,10 n/a n/a 9 No Viable Retain20407Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20408Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 8.0 n/a n/a 5 No Viable Retain Not assessed by TSI. Data from survey.20409Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20410Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20411Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.0 n/a n/a 8 No Viable RetainTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 70 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes20412Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20413Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20415Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20416Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20418Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20421Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20424Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20428Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20432Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20434Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20436Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20438Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20439Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20440Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20449Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW Not tagged, identified by surveyor20452Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 71 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes20453Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20455Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20458Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20461Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20462Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 8.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20463Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW20465Populus trichocarpaBlack cottonwood 32.0 n/a n/a Yes Viable Remove Grading20482Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20490Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20492Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20506Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20544Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20545Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 24.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20546Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20547Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20548Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20549Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 30.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20550Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove GradingTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 72 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes20551Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 32.0 n/a n/a Yes Viable Remove Grading20552Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 26.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading20560Alnus rubraRed alder 23.8 12, 12, 12, 8, 6, 6n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20561Alnus rubraRed alder 21.1 10, 10, 10, 12n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20563Alnus rubraRed alder 13.4 12, 6 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20601Alnus rubraRed alder 12.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW Not tagged, identified by surveyor20659Alnus rubraRed alder 9.0 Good Good 26 No Viable Retain20661Thuja plicataWestern redcedar 10 Good Good 14 No Viable Retain20722Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 14.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW Not tagged, identified by surveyor20889Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20902Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20944Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 18.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20992Alnus rubraRed alder 18.4 14, 12 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor20994Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 6.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor21071Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 16.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyorTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 73 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason Notes21203Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 6.0 n/a n/a #REF! No Viable Retain Not tagged, identified by surveyor, likely less than 6 inches at time of treeinventory21486Malus domesticaCommon apple 19.0 8, 10, 14 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor21534Thuja plicataWestern redcedar 32.0 n/a n/a 18 13 Yes Viable Retain Inventoried 1/19/2019 by TSI. DSH estimated. Maintain LOD.21789Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW Not tagged, identified by surveyor21790Alnus rubraRed alder 8.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW Not tagged, identified by surveyor21791Acer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 12.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove New ROW21793Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 30.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor21798Alnus rubraRed alder 14.0 n/a n/a No Viable Remove Grading Not tagged, identified by surveyor21948Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.0 n/a n/a 19 No Viable Retain Not inventoried by TSI, data is from survey. Maintain LOD.AAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 24.0 Good Good 28 16 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #269, codominant stem of about 24", 12' into propertyBAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 20.0 Good Good 18 13 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #269, 18' into propertyTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 74 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason NotesCAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 23.0 20, 8, 8 Good Good 28 15 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #269, 2 trees w shared canopy, 20 inches on one w two 8 inch stems, 14 ft into propDAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 23.0 Good Good 25 15 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #274, 12' over property lineEPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir Good Good 23 0 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #322, 14' into propertyFPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 32.0 Good Good 31 21 Yes Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #327, 19' over property lineGPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 19.2 Good Good 23 13 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #327, 20' over property lineHAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.0 Good Good 22 10 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #327, 20' over property lineIAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 9.0 Good Good 21 6 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #327, 20' over property lineJAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 10.0 Good Good 24 7 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #327, 22' over property lineKAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 14.0 Good Good 26 9 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #327, 20' over property lineLAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 19.0 Good Good 24 13 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #327, 20' over property lineMPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 35.0 Good Good 19 23 Yes Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #328, 5' over property line, kink in trunk 20'NAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 15.0 Good Good 26 10 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #328, 10' over property lineOAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 28.3 20, 20 Good Good 25 19 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #613, straddles property lineTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 75 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason NotesPThuja plicataWestern redcedar 10.0 Good Good 10 7 No Viable Remove Adjacent to tree #613, straddles property lineQAcer macrophyllumBigleaf maple 16.0 Fair Fair 20 11 No Viable Remove Adjacent to tree #613, canopy overhangs by 15'RPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir Good Good 10 0 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #861, grouping of Douglas‐firs, overhangs property by5‐10'SPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir Good Good 15 0 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #903, cluster of Douglas‐firs overhangs by 15'TThuja plicata, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Acer macrophyllumWestern redcedar, Douglas‐fir, Bigleaf maple11, 8, 22 Good Good 15‐20 0 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #904, cluster of trees overhanging site by 15‐20'UPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 17.0 Good Good 15 11 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #922, 15' from property lineVPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 30.0 Good Good 19 20 Yes Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #937, "Posted no trespassing" sign, canopy overhangs property lineWThuja plicataWestern redcedar Good Good 10 0 No Viable Retain Adjacent to tree #951, ~25 Western redcedars along property line, crosses by 8‐10'XPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 28.0 Good Good 6 19 No Viable Retain Overhangs property lineTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 76 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670 Table of TreesForest Terrace Plat (parcel 0423059142)Renton, WA 98059Initial Inventory: July 2016 Table Updated: 11.7.2019Tree ID Scientific Name Common NameDSH (inches)Multistem DSH (inches)Health ConditionStructural ConditionDripline Radius (feet)Min Limits of Disturbance if only disturbed on one side (ft)Landmark (Y/N)Viable (Y/N)Proposed ActionRemoval Reason NotesYPseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas‐fir 29.0 Good Good 30 Viable Retain Dripline possibly overhangs, not clear. Measured just in caseTree Solutions, Inc.2940 Westlake Ave. N (Suite #200) Seattle, WA 98109Page 77 of 77www.treesolutions.net206‐528‐4670