HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpace Needs - City Hall (1978-1998) Rentop-Cit Hall Stara Op ' Year of Construction 1985 0i i Number of Floors 7 D catto-ni Total Building Area 123,000 sq.ft. Tuesday, October 6, 1998 Available Lease Space 28,200 sq.ft. � � C%t �f a• 'i W avd'A�,lo y Jay Covington Our former City Hall, located at 200 Mill Avenue South, is still Chief Administrative Officer occupied by the Patrol Division of the Police Department and the jail. The new jail will be constructed in the second level of the parking garage at the new City Hall. Once completed by C k early next year, the rest of the Police Department will move to Jesse Tanner,Mayor new City Hall. The former City Hall will undergo some minor Bob Edwards, City Council President tenant improvements and then will be leased. S peocali ' i d-w Plaque/e/D bo-vv E- R ' Cuter Cor City of Renton Employees Jesse Tanner,Mayor Greater Renton Chamber of Commerce Soroptimists of Renton Renton City Council Members Bob Edwards �Y King Parker 0�, Dan Clawson ' + Randy Corman Kathy Keolker-Wheeler �N's0 Toni Nelson City of Renton Tim Schlitzer 1055 South Grady Way Cal Jordan Associates,Architect Renton, WA 98055 (425) 430-6400 Mango Construction, Contractor web site: www.ci.renton.wa.us 6, , 7 0 denotes special display or tour for open house FLo r • Finance & Information Services Department - Budgeting,Accounts Payable and Receivable, Business and Animal Licenses, Information Services, Utility Billing, Payroll oTours available during open house. b -or • Police Department - Administration, Crime Prevention, DARE, Investigation Division, Traffic. 1(Tours available during open house. 3 rd/ no.or • Municipal Court- Courtrooms, Clerk's Office, City Prosecutor, Domestic Violence Advocate, Probation Stop by for a tour of the two beautiful and functional new courtrooms. lisl'' Fly • Future Lease Space - currently unoccupied. Jr-tI,' I,c?or • Community Services - Administration, Facilities, Human Services, Parks, Recreation, Capital Improvement Projects. Learn about the upcoming Pool Bond Issue and grab a handy resource directory. • Communities in Schools - a non-profit agency with joint contributions from the City and the Renton School District. • Public Works - Administration, Utilities Division,Technical/Property Services,Transportation. Check out plans for several transportation projects,see the Cedar Valley Aquifer and learn various recycling activities. 6 ' /oar • Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning - Annexations, Business Recruitment &Retention, Comprehensive Plan, Downtown Redevelopment, Neighborhood Programs,Marketing Campaign, Planning Commission. Check out information about the Neighborhood Program and pick up a new Chamber Brochure. • • Fire Department - Administration, Prevention, Education, Emergency Management. -�%�i,,Pick up some disaster preparedness information,color books,crayons,and fire hats for the kids. • Public Works - Customer Service, Planning and Zoning, Plan Review,Building Permits & Inspections. Mit) • • Mayor's Office • City Council Offices and Council Chambers - Refreshments provided for open house guests • Executive Division - City Clerk, Hearing Examiner, Community Relations,Volunteer Coordination, Renton River Days. • Human Resources &Risk Management -Job Placement, Compensation, Employee Benefits, Safety,Training . March 17, 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 87 ADMINISTRATIVE City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren reported that during pre-trial preparations REPORT for the acquisition of the Main and Grady building, it was discovered that the Parks: Main and Grady City's and the buildings owner's valuation of the building were not dissimilar. Building Acquisition Therefore, after going to mediation last week, the two sides reached an agreed 5 n� price of $9,125,000. Mr. Warren stated that the amount was approved by the P judge and entered into the record as the fair market value for the building. He explained that the remaining steps in the process are Council acceptance of the dollar amount, presentation of a formal judgement to the Superior Court, and finally, City administration of the money. MOVED BY kEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE COST OF ACQUIRING THE MAIN AND GRADY BUILDING AT $9,125,000 PLUS ASSOCIATED COSTS SUCH AS ARCHITECTS' FEES, APPRAISERS' FEES AND ATTORNEYS' FEES, AND DIRECT AND AUTHORIZE THE FINANCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR TO MARSHAL THE NECESSARY FUNDS TO PAY THAT JUDGEMENT SO THE CITY CAN TAKE TITLE TO THE MAIN AND GRADY BUILDING. COUNCIL FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE AN ORDINANCE TO ISSUE LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN A SUFFICIENT AMOUNT TO COVER THE COST OF BUILDING ACQUISITION AND TO MAKE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS ON THE BUILDING.* Responding to'Council inquiry, Mr. Warren said that at this point the building owner does not wholly object to the power of eminent domain being used since it conveys certain tax benefits. Mr. Warren remarked that a great deal of time and effort went into negotiating the agreed price. He noted this is far different than going before a jury and having the number imposed upon the owner. Councilman Edwards pointed out that the Main and Grady building has three times the square footage of the original construction proposed when the City had a bond issue, and yet is being obtained for much less. *MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Chamber of Commerce: Mayor Tanner recommended establishing a government membership Proposal for Annual City classification for annual dues for City of Renton membership with the Greater Membership Dues Renton Chamber of Commerce, at a yearly cost of $2,000. Refer to Finance Committee. Vacation: Maple Valley City Clerk submitted petition to vacate a portion of Maple Valley Highway Hwy (RAMAC/Riviera east of Blaine Dr. SE (RAMAC, Inc./Riviera Apartments, VAC-96-005). Apts, VAC-96-005) Refer to Board of Public Works; set public hearing on 4/07/97 to consider the request. (See page 90 for resolution setting the public hearing.) Development Services: Development Services Division recommended Council accept a dedication of Alley Dedication, Tobin St six feet of property from Marvin H. Scott and Jeff Baker to widen the alley (Scott/Baker) right-of-way located in the vicinity of 420 S. Tobin St. to the City standard of 16 feet. Council concur. 9 '17/vp&-z -f-tEe •ss, PO I 2 3 4 5 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY 6 In the Matter of the Petition of the City of Renton, ) a municipal corporation for the State of Washington, ) 7 to acquire by condemnation certain property and ) NO, 96-2-20271-1 KNT property rights for municipal offices,jai facility ) 8 and other municipal space needs in Renton, ) MEMORANDUM OPINION ON Washington, as contemplated by City of Renton ) MOTION FOR ORDER OF 9 Ordinance No. 4619, ) PUBLIC USE AND NECESSITY 10 11 As with any condemnation case,the court must determine whether the property at issue is - 12 being condemned for a public use. This is solely a judicial question, although a legislative 13 declaration(such as Renton's Ordinance 4619)is entitled to great weight. What constitutes a 14 public use depends on the particular facts in each case. Miller v. Tacoma, 61 Wn.2d 374, 384 15 (1963). -- • 16 The owners of the Main& Grady Office Building contend that the property is not being 17 condemned for public use because as much as half the building might be leased to other public or 18 private entities while the city's needs for a City Hall are met by occupying the other half of the 19 building. 20 The court finds the city has established ther three requisite factors necessary for a 21 proposed condemnation to meet the requirements of Art. 1, Section 16 of the Washington 22 Constitution: The use of the building as a City Hall,police station and jail is a public use;the 23 public interest does require this acquisition of greater office space and appropriation of the 24 building is necessary for this purpose. 25 The fact that at present the city will only need 50-60 % of the space does not defeat the 26 city's action since this is all one building and there is every indication that the city will need 27 MEMORANDUM OPINION ON MOTION FOR 28 ORDER OF PUBLIC USE AND NECESSITY - 1 • • 1 more of the reserved space to house future expansion of its municipal departments. 2 The fact that the city has no specific plans regarding how it will utilize all aspects of the 3 Main& Grady Building does not demons ate lack of public necessity or arbitrary or capricious 4 action since the city's use of the property a City Hall,police station and jail is a"well defined 5 immediate use." In re Port of Grays Harbor, 30 Wn.App. 855, 864. "The law requires only a 6 reasonable necessity for the use within a reasonable time." ibid. 7 Nor does the fact that,prior to the city actually utilizing the other 40-50 %,the city might 8 lease this office space to other public or private entities, defeat the city's petition. The city has 9 the legislative authorization to lease its property and such actions would be merely incidental to 10 the true public use for which the building is condemned. In re Port of Seattle, 80 Wn.2d 392. 11 (1972);In re Seattle,96 Wn.2d 616 (1981). 12 The court is troubled by the bind in which the property owners find themselves as a result 13 of the city's actions. They have no guarantee the city will pay a fair-market valuation found by a , • 14 jury and, in the meantime,their ability t exercise their ownership rights over the Main& Grady 15 Building is severely limited. This situation is not prohibited by the statutory mechanism in 16 Ch. 8.12 RCW, and the court does not find the city's compliance with the statute could constitute 17 arbitrary or capricious conduct or actual or constructive fraud so as to defeat a public use and 18 necessity finding. In re Port of Grays Harbor, 30 Wn.App. at 863-65. 19 However,the court does find the owners have raised a legitimate issue of whether the 20 city's action constitutes a de facto taking by destroying the value of the Main& Grady Building 21 in the interim while saddling the owners with all related costs. See, e.g. City of Buffalo v. J.W. ' 22 Clement Co., 311 N.Y.S.2d 98 (1970) ("Where under new practice a serious injustice is shown to 23 have resulted in some instance, courts should not hesitate to act in a traditional manner to afford 24 relief." 311 N.Y.S.2d at 104). The court does not rule out including this issue at the subsequent 25 damages portion of this condemnation!action. 26 • 27 MEMORANDUM OPINION ON MOTION FOR 28 ORDER OF PUBLIC USE AND NECESSITY-2 I 1 Based on the foregoing analysis,the court will grant the city's request for an Order of 2. Public Use and Necessity and set the matter for trial on the remaining issues. 3 4 DATED on this 16r-day of Decem er 1996. 5 6 7 • AM-67410r' Judge Robert S. Lasnik 8 9 10 11 12. 13 14 15 . • 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 • 24 25 26 27 MEMORANDUM OPINION ON MOTION FOR 28 ORDER OF PUBLIC USE AND NECESSITY-3 August 19, 1996 - Renton City Council Minutes } Page 325 Relocation, Stage 2 project on-call construction services to provide additional electrical inspection and geotechnical expertise at an estimated cost of $70,110. Council concur. CAG: 94-029, Park Ave N Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-94-029, Park Ave. N. Improvements, Scoccolo Improvements project; and requested approval of the project, authorization for Const final pay estimate in the amount of $33,113.74, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $307,880.12 to Scoccolo Construction, Inc., contractor, if all-required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Glenn Knowle, 1302 N. 30th St., Renton, Citizen Comment: Knowle 98056, suggesting alternatives to the City's announced plans to purchase the - City Purchase of Main Main & Grady building for use as a new city hall. & Grady Building Councilman Cor an said while Mr. Knowle's letter was cogent and raised some good argu ents, it was his understanding that building a new city hall would cost more than Mr. Knowle indicated. Mayor Tanner added that the Narco site was evaluated as a possible location for a new city hall; however, this property's extreme isolation and limited access renders it infeasible for such a use. OLD BUSINESS Council President Nelson presented a report regarding the Suburban Cities Committee of the Whole Association (SCA) organizational audit recommendations. The Committee of SCA: Organizational Audit the Whole reviewed the SCA organizational audit recommendations, along with Recommendations ' suggested actions the SCA could take to implement the recommendations. The Committee of the Whole recommended that the matrix titled "City of Renton Response to SCA Audit Recommendations" be forwarded to the SCA Board for its consideration in developing an implementation plan. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the potential redevelopment of the 60 acres of Lake Development Services: Washington waterfront property known as the Port Quendall site. To facilitate Port Quendall (Lake Wash this redevelopment, staff is recommending a "planned action" approach which Blvd) Development & EIS is a concept encouraged by the State of Washington to facilitate development that is consistent with existing land use designations. The planned action must be designated by ordinance or resolution and requires a determination that the environmental impacts of the planned action have been adequately analyzed. If it is determined that the existing environmental analysis is not adequate to address potential development, then additional environmental studies are conducted. Future development projects within the area studied that comply with City Code and are within the scope of the planned action will receive an expedited review and will not be subject to project-level SEPA review. The Committee recommended that the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution describing the geographic area of the planned action and defining the reasons for initiating 'a planned action. 2. Appiove the recommendation to select consultants to evaluate existing environmental studies and perform additional environmental analysis as needed. 3. Appropriate funds for consultant services (approximately $150,000). RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting July 22, 1996 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the enton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; BOB EDWARDS; RANDY CORMAN; COUNCILMEMBERS TIMOTHY SCHLITZER; KING PARKER; DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SAM CHASTAIN, Community Services Administrator; MICHAEL KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; SUSAN CARLSON, Ecgnomic Development Director; JIM SHEPHERD, Facilities Director; RON OLSEN, Utility Systems Director; ABDOUL GAFOUR, Civil Engineer; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS, Police Department. PRESS Irene Svete, Valley Daily News Charmaine Adsero, Renton Reporter Keith Seinfeld, Seattle Times APPROVAL OF MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF JULY 15, 1996, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Referring to the Administration's proposal that the City purchase the Main & PRESENTATION Grady building for municipal office,jail and court space, Chief of Police Council: Property Alan L. Wallis described the current crowded situation in Renton's Police Acquisition, Main & Department. This department outgrew its space in the City Hall basement in Grady Building 1983, prompting its eventual expansion into the annex across the street. Even with this additional area, however, the department continues to operate in less than half the space necessary for its operations, which severely restricts-its ability to function efficiently and effectively. The department in particular lacks public restrooms, handicapped access after 5:00 p.m., sufficient storage space for records and equipment, adequate room to interview victims and witnesses, and meeting space for staff and others involved in police business. Chief Wallis added that the municipal court is also crowded, having outgrown its municipal campus building which was built as a temporary structure. Concluding that residents.have repeatedly turned down the City's request to fund the construction of a new public safety building, the Chief emphasized that the need for additional space is no longer urgent -- it is critical. Jim Shepherd, Facilities Director, agreed with Chief Wallis that the City's space needs problem has worsened greatly over time. He briefly reviewed the history of the City's attempts to provide short-term remediation for the space shortage, including transferring the police detective division to the S. 2nd St. annex building, constructing a temporary building to house municipal court operations, and transferring park department staff to the community center and the Liberty Park building. Mr. Shepherd explained that several options to resolve the space needs problem were considered, with acquisition of the Main and Grady building A-' S. July 22, 1996 --icenton City Council Minutes ? Pane 293 determined to be the most cost-efficient solution that would best suit municipal operations while meeting long-term needs. The acquisition will also allow for future expansion and be least disruptive to City Hall users. The current municipal building will remain in public ownership. Susan Carlson, Economic Development Director, commented that because the Main & Grady building has been vacant since November of last year, no tenants would be displaced by the acquisition. She added that the City will continue to negotiate with the owner in the hope of reaching a mutually- agreeable purchase price; however, the City will simultaneously begin eminent domain proceedings in case negotiations are not successful. City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren explained that if this situation proceeds to eminent domain', a jury would decide the fair market value of the building. The City could then either pay this amount to the owner or abandon the condemnation proceedings, although not without providing for certain legal expenses related to the acquisition effort. Continuing, Ms. Carlson said the City expects to occupy the new building in early 1998. She emphasized that this purchase would meet the City's public safety needs within the confines of its budget, a course of action deemed preferable by Renton residents. In response to Councilman Edwards, Ms. Carlson said it should be relatively easy to market the current municipal building to lessees, especially considering its proximity to downtown, the'library, and the Cedar River trail system. While he remained concerned about invoking eminent domain for this type of acquisition, Cotcncilman Edwards commended the Administration for fashioning a solid financial plan to acquire the new building without reducing services or increasing taxes. AUDIENCE COMMENT Dave Messner, representing Safeway Inc., 1000 - 124th Ave. NE Suite #202, Citizen Comment: Messner. Bellevue, 98005, asked that the petitioners for the Lake Ave. S. street vacation - Lake Ave S Street be given another six weeks to provide the City with the required Vacation, VAC-95-001 compensation for'the vacated area. Mr. Messner explained that the petitioners are still trying Ito assess the extent of petrochemical contamination on this site, which is believed to have resulted•from the former presence of a gas station. He added that if the contamination is determined to be extensive, Safeway may need to revise its development plans for this property. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL GRANT AN ADDITIONAL SIX-WEEK EXTENSION (TO SEPTEMBER 9, 1996) OF THE TIME PERIOD FOR SUBMITTING THE REQUIRED COMPENSATION TO THE CITY FOR THE LAKE AVE. S. STREET VACATION. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Clifford Chris Clifford, 2721 Talbot Rd. S., Renton, 98055, said while he considered - Vulcan NW the Lake Was 'ington development being proposed by Vulcan Northwest (aka Development; Use of the Paul Allen Group) to be an incredible opportunity for Renton, he was Eminent Domain concerned that the City could invest substantial funds in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process to determine the site's creosote clean-up costs, only to have the developer decide that higher-than-expected costs render the project infeasible. Mr. Clifford worried that in such a case, the City would be stuck with paying for the EIS preparation costs. Mayor Tanner replied that the Paul Allen Group has agreed to pay 25% of the expected EIS preparation costs up-front, regardless of whether it decides to proceed with he development. { July 22. 1996 i:enton City Council Minutes Page 296 appointed to an additional four-year term ending September 6, 2000. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Civil Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report Service Commission recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Randall Rockhill to the Civil Service Commission to complete the unexpired six-year term ending 12/31/96 of Robert F. Stevenson, who resigned. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Human Community Serl/ices Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Rights Commission appointment of Charles Marr to the Human Rights Commission. Mr. Marr has withdrawn is name for consideration of appointment to the Commission; therefore, the Qommittee recommended no further action required. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR.IN THE COMMITTEE rEPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Parker extended the City's sincere appreciation to those who are willing to serve1 on its various boards and commissions. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Oommittee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Police: Release of Renton release of Renton Municipal Jail prisoners from Okanogan County Jail. After Municipal Jail Prisoners reviewing the existing procedure, the Committee recommended that no further . from Okanogan County action is necessary. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, Jail • COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending that a public hearing'be set for August 12, 1996, on Planning: Street Grid and Street Design (Street Grid) Subdivision and Zoning Code amendments. Subdivision Zoning Code MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, Amendments COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Multi-Family Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Density Ranges Code report recomni!ending that a public hearing be set for August 19, 1996, on Amendments Multi-Family Density Ranges Code amendments. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #4619 An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain property (the Council: Property Main & Grady building) and property rights by eminent domain, providing Acquisition, Main & for the payment thereof; authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a petition Grady Building for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for municipal ,offices, jail facility, and other municipal space needs. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: SIX AYES (NELSON, CORMAN, SCHLITZER, PARKER, CLAWSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER), ONE NAY (EDWARDS). CARRIED. Ordinance #4620 n ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 2.63 acres located Rezone: King County at 4518 Talbot Rd. S. from P-1 (Public Use) to Commercial Office (CO) Property, 4518 Talbot Rd (King County-owned vacant property, File No. R-95-141). MOVED BY S NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. July 15, 1996 - ::enton.City Council Minutes Page 280 CAG: 96-071, Fire Station City Clerk repored bid opening on 7/09/96 for CAG-96-071, Fire Station #14 and Training Center, #14 and Training Center project; 11 bids; engineer's estimate $2,460,030.00; John Daniels Construction and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, John Daniels Construction, Inc., in the total amount of $2,258,354.70. Council concur. City Clerk: Official 1996 City Clerk reported the official population for the City of Renton, as of City Population 4/01/96, is 45,170. Information. Plat: Final, Honey Creek Development Services Division recommended approval of the Honey Creek Ridge Division 2, Olympia Ridge Division 2 Final Plat, 20 single family lots on 4.64 acres in the vicinity Ave NE/NE 24th St, FP- of Olympia Ave. NE and NE 24th St., File No. FP-96-054. Council concur. 96-054 (See page 285 fpr resolution.) Rezone: King County Hearing Examiner recommended approval of City-sponsored rezone of King Property, 4518 Talbot Rd County-owned roperty located east of S. 45th P1. and Talbot Road, from P-1 S (Public Use) to.Commercial Office (CO), File No. R-95-141. Council concur. (See page 286 for ordinance.) Rezone: Various King Hearing Examiner recommended approval of City-sponsored rezone of the County Facilities at 155 King County Repair Facility, District Court, Health Center and Solid Waste Monroe Ave NE Division property, 155 Monroe Ave. NE, from P-1 (Public Use) to IL (Light Industrial), File No. R-95-106. Council concur. (See page 286 for ordinance.) Rezone: Pacific Medical Hearing Examiner recommended approval of City-sponsored rezone of the Professional Bldg, 601 S Pacific Medical Professional Building, 601 S. Carr Rd., from P-1 (Public Use) Carr Rd to Commercial Office (CO), File No. R-95-131. Council concur. (See page 286 for ordinance.) Rezone: City Maintenance Hearing Examiner recommended approval of City-sponsored rezone of the Shops, 3555 NE 2nd St Renton Maintenance Shops site, 3555 NE 2nd St., from P-1 (Public Use) to IL (Light Industrial), File No. R-95-104. Council concur. (See page 286 for ordinance.) Rezone: Riverview Park, Hearing Examiner recommended approval of City-sponsored rezone of 2901 Maple Valley Riverview Park, 2901 Maple Valley Highway, from P-1 (Public Use) to Highway Resource Conservation (RC), File No. R-95-124. Council concur. (See page 286 for ordinnce.) Transportation: Transit Transportation Systems Division requested authorization to enter into a sole Hub Clock Tower, source contract with Campbellsville Industries, Inc., in an amount not to Campbellsville Industries, exceed $30,000, for the fabrication and delivery of a clock assembly and CAG-96- cupola to be installed at the interim transit hub on Burnett Avenue between S. 2nd and 3rd Streets. Refer to Transportation Committee. (See page 281 for Committee report.) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Nelson presented a report recommending that the City Committee of the Whole Attorney prepare an ordinance authorizing the acquisition of the Main and Council: Property Grady Building by'eminent domain, and further authorizing the City Attorney Acquisition, Main & to prepare a petition for condemnation filing with the Superior Court of King Grady Building County. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Edwards voted in opposition because of his objection to the use of eminent domain to acquire this property. (See page 285 for ordinance.) July 15. 1996 ;enton City Council Minutes Page 285 OPERATIONS FUNDING RELATED TO THE PROPOSED COUNTY-WIDE PARKS AND RECREATION BOND ISSUE, AS DISCUSSED.* At Mr. Covington's suggestion, the motion was amended to direct that the Administration draft a letter to communicate: Renton's recommendation that the bond issue and levy be linked; the City's concerns about how the M&O funds, if approved, are to be held in reserve by the County for future allocation to the jurisdictions; and the need to clarify both the supplanting language and how any M&O funds are invested and the resulting proceeds reserved. *MOVED BY K OLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL AMEND THE MOTION TO SPECIFY THAT IF THE COUNTY PLACES THIS MATTER ON THE BALLOT IN SEPTEMBER OF 1996, RENTON WOULD RECOMMEND PROCEEDING WITH THE ONE-YEAR EXCESS LEVY; HOWEVER, IF THE BALLOT MEASURE IS POSTPONED TO NEXT YEA*, THE OPTION TO PAIR THE BOND ISSUE WITH A LEVY LID LIFT RATHER THAN AN EXCESS LEVY SHOULD BE RETAINED AND CONSIDERED. CARRIED. *MAIN MOTION CARRIED AS AMENDED. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler thanked Mr. Kost for keeping Council informed on this fast-changing issue. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3214 A resolution was read approving the Honey Creek Ridge Division 2 Final Plat, Plat: Final, Honey Creek 20 single famil homes on 4.64 acres in the vicinity of Olympia Ave. NE and Ridge Division 2, Olympia NE 24th Ct., File No. FP-96-054. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED Ave NE/NE 24th St, FP- BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS 96-054 PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3215 A resolution was read authorizing the application for funding assistance for a H&HS: Local Law local law enforcement block grant to the Bureau of Justice. MOVED BY Enforcement Block Grant PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE for Domestic Violence RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Services Resolution#3216 . A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of SW 12th Street Streets: SW 12th St between Lind Avenue SW and Maple Avenue SW for utility replacement and Temporary Closure road restoration. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/22/96 for second and final reading: Council: Property An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain property and Acquisition, Main & property rights by eminent domain, providing for the payment thereof; Grady Building authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a petition for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for municipal offices, jail facility, and other municipal space needs. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 07/22/96. CARRIED. Mr. Edwards asked that his "no" vote be reflected in the record. October 2, 1995 Renton City Council Minutes Page 371 Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Committee regarding the renovation permit process. The Committee reviewed the Building: Renovation existing notification process for renovation permits and believes that the Permit Process process is adequate, with the addition of making weekly building permit reports available to the public at Council meetings and attaching the reports to the City Council minutes, upon request. It is further recommended that this referral be removed from the Committee agenda. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Building: 50% Remodel Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Cost Rule regarding the 50% remodel cost rule. The Committee reviewed the existing non-conforming uses provided in the Zoning Ordinance and agreed that they are adequate, and, therefore, recommended no further action. The Committee noted that if it is necessary to remodel or rebuild in excess of 50%, an • applicant will be required to submit for approval.an application for a Class A non-conforming use. It is further recommended that this referral be removed from the Committee agenda. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Building: Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Fees for Single Family regarding development fees for single-family infill and/or affordable housing Infill/Affordable Housing projects. The.Committee reviewed the existing City of. Renton single-family Projects residential building fees and compared them with those of nearby communities. ±he Committee believes that no further action should be taken by the Council and that the referral should be removed from.the Committee agenda. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinance and summary ordinance were presented for second RESOLUTIONS reading and ad7tion: Ordinance #4553 An ordinance and summary ordinance were read repealing subsection 7-1-4.G Streets: Addressing of Chapter 1, Uniform Fire Code, of Title VII (Fire Regulations); repealing Standards Codification Chapter 4, House Numbering, of Title IX (Public Ways and Property); and amending Chapter 11, Street Grid System, of Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of City Code by updating addressing standards. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Edwards complimented staff members who testified for the City Personnel: Staff at the Bounds ly Review Board's hearing on the proposed Burnstead Appreciation, Edwards annexation. Mr. Edwards stated that staff had represented the City very well. ADMINISTRATIVE Responding to an earlier inquiry from Jimmie Moncrief regarding the possible REPORT issuance of councilmanic bonds for a public safety building, Mayor Clymer Police: Public Safety explained that councilmanic bonds are approved by the City Council, not the Building Financing mayor. AUDIENCE COMMENT Jimmie Moncrief, 248 Garden Ave. N., Renton, 98055, asked about the Citizen Comment: mayor's role in the issuance of councilmanic debt. Moncrief - Financing for Public Safety Building Mayor Clymei reiterated that this responsibility belongs to the Council, and he would not expect Councilmembers to abrogate their role to him. March 27, 1995 Renton City Council Minutes _ Page 114 i program and study. The City's share is $2,352.00. Refer to Community Services Committee. Annexation: Burnstead, SE Planning and Technical Services Division requested a public hearing be set for 128th/156th Ave SE April 10, 1995, on the Burnstead 60% annexation petition and concurrent zoning to R-5, R-8 and R-10; the annexation area comprises approximately 399 acres north and south of SE 128th St. to about 156th Ave. SE. Council concur. Utility: Special Assessment Technical Services Division submitted proposed amendments to City Code to District Interest Charges establish a formt4la for calculating interest charges to reflect the cost of funding utility projects under Special Assessment Districts, and to remove a fixed single rate for all assessments. Refer to Utilities Committee. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Anthony W. Phair, 3228 - 25th Ave. S., Citizen Comment Phair - Seattle, 98144, offering to purchase vacant and unused City-owned property at Purchase Offer for City- 84th Ave. and S. 128th St. (PID #182305-9248). MOVED BY KEOLKER- owned Property, 84th WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS Ave/S 128th St CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Warren Correspondence was read from Dana Warren, representing M.A. Segale, PO - Special Utlity Box 88050, Tu wila, 98138, requesting that mitigation fees and special utility Connection Charges connection charges be collected at the time individual building permits are (SUCC) issued, instead of when utility construction permits are obtained. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Referring to a recent news article, Councilman Stredicke inquired about the Police: Public Disclosure Chief of Polices reaction to the possibility of his being fined by the State Commission Inquiry Public Disclosure Commission with respect to a video that was shown on the government access channel last year regarding the public safety ballot measure. City Attorney Warren replied that the City is currently preparing for a hearing before the Commission on this matter. Meantime, the Police Chief has not admitted, and the City in its investigation has not found, any culpability in this incident. Responding to Mr. Stredicke, Police Chief Alan L. Wallis clarified that he does not believe the City is guilty of any wrongdoing; however, if the Commission finds otherwise and levies a fine against him, 17 would certainly pay it. Police: Valley Com At Councilman Stredicke's request, a memorandum from Police Chief Wallis Response Record and Fire Chief A. Lee Wheeler was read regarding the efficiency of Valley Communications. The memo stated that Valley Corn has consistently met.911 standards of professional excellence. Noting that many emergency communication units across the country do not have nearly as good response records, Mr. Stredicke commended Valley Com for its outstanding service. Bryant Motors: Code Councilman Stredicke requested clarification on the Bryant Motors Code Violation Case enforcement case. City Attorney Warren explained that the way in which the three citations issued to this company were written prevented them from being charged as a continuing violation. Instead, the citations constituted the same course of conduct and thus were charged and prosecuted as one citation instead of three, since two of the three citations were considered duplicative charges. February 13, 1995 Renton City Council Minutes Page 58 Building: Development Planning/Building/Public Works Department submitted proposed revisions to Review Process Revisions the development review processes for short subdivisions (short plats), fill and grade permits, and administrative site plans to provide for a more expedited review process. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Public Works: NE Utility Systems Division submitted proposed contract in the amount of 27th/Aberdeen Drainage $135,106 with R.W. Beck Engineering Consultants for analysis and design of Project & East Kennydale the NE 27th St./Aberdeen Ave. drainage improvement project and the East Sewer Interceptor, R.W. Kennydale sewer interceptor project. Refer to Utilities Committee. Beck, CAG- MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE(CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEMS 5.a. AND 5.c. F O R SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Community Services Department requested authorization to enter into a Police: Facility Relocation contract with Arai/Jackson Architects and Planners, for a sum not to exceed (Arai/Jackson Report) $18,000, for the purpose of developing preliminary design alternatives for relocating,police and court facilities. Responding to Councilman Tanner, Executive Assistant Jay Covington said according to the proposed scope of work, the consultant will: develop a range of basic alternative building renovation concepts; define alternative site concepts suitable to accommodate these; evaluate the opportunities, constraints, costs and benefits of each concept; and assist the City in the selection of a preferred conce p t. CAG: 94-087, Narco Site • Community Services Department submitted CAG-94-087, Narco site Demolition & Salvage demolition, salvage and removal project; and requested approval of the project Project, Gaston Bros. and acceptance of total project cost in the amount of $42,467.41, to be paid to Excavating Gaston Brothers-Excavating, Inc. Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Mr. Covington assured him that one condition of the City's purchase of the Narco property was that the site be free of contaminants. During the salvage work, the contractor found no evidence of soi contamination. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE IT MS 5.a. AND 5.c. AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Schlitzer presented a Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole regarding the Comprehensive Plan and area-wide land use and zoning maps. Comprehensive Plan: In order to enact the Comprehensive Plan and Area-Wide Land Use and Adoption Zoning Maps for compliance with the Growth Management Act, the • Committee of the Whole recommended amendments contained in the comment and action matrices as attached to the Draft Comprehensive Plan. The Committee further recommended, due to the impending deadlines for state funding, that the Council adopt the draft Comprehensive Plan, Area-wide Land Use and Zoning Maps ordinances as amended and set for first and second reading on February 20, 1995. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report regarding the Personnel: Municipal Municipal Court clerk program change. The Committee recommended Court Clerk Position concurrence in the staff recommendation to convert a court clerk position • from 0.60 FTE to 1.00 FTE. The effective date for this change is January 1, 1995. The total cost for 1995 will be $24,695. Funds will be appropriated in a supplement Il budget. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED January 16, 1995 Renton City Council Minutes 1 Pane 25 r-'• - OLD BUSINESS Council President Schlitzer presented a Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole regarding public Safety space needs. The Committee of the Whole Police: Public Safety Space recommended to the City Council the following: Needs 1. Public safety space needs are critical and action must be taken to • provide the space necessary so the public can be better served by the Police Department and the Municipal Court. 2. The Public Safety Advisory Committee, in its report last April to the City Council, made two recommendations to resolve the City's public safety needs. Option "A" to construct a new public safety building was rejected by the voters at two elections last fall. Therefore, the Committee's option "B" to remodel the existing municipal building for public safety needs and relocate displaced City employees and service should be investigated more thoroughly. In order to facilitate this action, the City Council should direct staff to: a) Contract with Arai and Jackson for sum not to exceed $18,000 toy review the floor plan of City Hall and determine if option "B" will work as suggested; b) Develop options for locating City Hall employees if option "B" is decided on by the City Council in the future; c) Develop a funding plan for each recommended option reported back to the City Council; d) Draft a plan of short-term options for expanding the current public safety space to provide relief during the interim; e) A11 options and funding plan(s) should be presented to the City Council no later than April 3, 1995; and f) Consider an option of an annex to City Hall without a jail., MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vacation: Lake Ave S, Referring to a equested street vacation on Lake Ave. S. which Council had VAC-94-005 denied last August, Council President Schlitzer commented on the many questions that lead surrounded, this issue and the fact that definite answers were not available at the time of the public hearing. Noting Safeway's plans to expand its score and the potential negative impact on these plans if the vacation is not approved, he asked whether the vacation proposal will be brought back to Council with additional information. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO PROVIDE ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE PROPOSED LAKE AVE. S. STREET VACATION. CARRIED. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Fire: Station #14 concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve a contract in the amount Architectural Services, of $294,000.00 with the architectural firm of McAdoo, Malcolm & Youel, McAdoo, Malcolm & Inc., to perform architectural and engineering services for the design of Fire Youel, CAG-95-005 Station #14 and Training Center. The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Building: Lee Short Plat, •• •Referring to a memo from Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator 4401 NE 10th Gregg Zimmerman regarding the short plat application at 4401 NE 10th (Marion Lee, applicant), Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested information on the legality of the foundation that had been poured without permits and without being inspected by the City. I _ December 5, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes _' Page 504 Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler asked the Administration to confirm the recommendation of the Planning Commission on this issue and report back to the Planning and Development Committee. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. King County: 1994 City Clerk submitted King County 1994 general election certification and General Election Results official canvass of election results, City of Renton bond issue Proposition No. 1. Registered voters - 23,210; total ballots cast - 11,779; bonds, yes - 5,400; no - 5,893. Information. CAG: 94-117, East Side City Clerk repored bid opening on 11/09/94 for CAG-94-117, East Side Green River Watershed P- Green River Watershed P-1 Channel; six bids; engineer's estimate $536,151.20. 1 Channel Refer to Utilities) Committee. Parks: Cedar River Community Services Department requested authorization for the City Attorney Regional Park Property to proceed with 4uiet title/condemnation proceedings relating to the Cedar Condemnation River Regional Park property (for property more specifically located east of the Maplewood Golf Course, north of Maple Valley Highway and west of 149th St.). Council concur. (See page 506 for ordinance.) Budget: 1994 Year-End" Finance & Information Services Department submitted proposed 1994 year- Adjustments end budget adjustments in the amount of $2,673,542. Refer to Finance Committee. CAG: 94-083, I-405 Box Surface Water Utility Division submitted proposed Amendment No. 2-94 to Culvert/P-1 Channel, Soil CAG-94-083, agreement with Soil Conservation Service, for federal grant Conservation Services funds for construction of the I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel project (Springbrook Creek). Refer to Utilities Committee. Vacation: S l lth St (VAC- Technical Services Division submitted independent appraisal for right-of-way 94-001) for a portion of S. 11th St. between Grant and Jones Ayes. S. (VAC-94-001), and recommended acceptance of the appraisal in the amount of $4,750.00 (the vacation petitioners will be required to remit one-half this amount within 90 days for a total of $2,375.00) (Free/Kunstle). Refer to Utilities Committee. CAG: 93-011, Windsor Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-93-011, Windsor Hill Pump Station Hill Pump Station Electrical Rehabilitation; and requested approval of the project, authorization Electrical Rehabilitation, for final pay estimate in the amount of $516.00, commencement of 30-day Lumin Electric lien period, and release of retained amount of $3,085.00 to Lumin Electric, Inc., contractor!, if all required releases have been obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from R. Gerald Lutz, Perkins Coie, 411 - 108th Citizen Comment: Lutz - Ave. NE, Bellevue, 98004, representing Trust Realty Partners, withdrawing Enterprise Rent-a-Car Trust Realty Partners' appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision on the Appeal, AAD-94- administrative conditional use permit for the Enterprise Rent-a-Car parking 084/LUA-93-140 lot (LUA-93-140, CU/ECF,.AAD-94-084). MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Chairman Keo'lker-Wheeler asked the Administration to notify all parties of record that the Planning & Development Committee meeting scheduled on 12/6/94 to disi uss this matter is cancelled. October 3, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 411 at the Tukwila intermodal station. The light rail should be financed by over I programming to attract more federal dollars. Have a system whereby, first come/first served. Until the light rail is.constructed, there should be bus service along I-405 and a transit center developed downtown. 4. Any change from this position should be consistent with the economic development target and would be referred back to the City Council for approval. MOVED BY ED ARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL Council: Position on REFER THE ISSUE OF THE VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER PROPOSED Valley Medical Center LEVY TO THE OMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION AT ITS Levy OCTOBER 10 MIEETING, CARRIED. /Police: Public Safety Bond Councilmembers discussed various ideas of how to encourage residents to vote Issue on the upcoming public safety bond issue, including holding neighborhood meetings whereby voters could get their questions on this subject answered. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR FURTHER ACTION. CARRIED. City Attorney Warren noted that although Council is prohibited from expending funds to promote or oppose a ballot proposition, it can take a position as a body for or against a proposition and it can also authorize expenditures for the dissemination of information that is of a neutral nature only. The extent of such dissemination of information is up to the City's discretion. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. C I RRIED. Time: 9:31 p.m. ,))._,) .. . MARILYN . E ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 10/03/94 September 19, 1994 - Renton City Council Minutes Page 392 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: • Resolution #3089 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an WSDOT: N 8th St Railroad interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Crossing Improvements Transportation (WSDOT) for the North 8th Street railroad crossing improvement project. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke noted that the newly incorporated City of . Newport Hills has invited Councilmembers to attend its first open house on Saturday, October 1st from 1:00 to '5:00 p.m. at Lake Boren Park. Police: Public Safety Bond Council President Stredicke commended Tim Rasmussen from Vision Video on Issue Informational Video the excellent informational video he produced for the City's public safety bond issue, which is being shown on the cable television government access channel. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:20 p.m. ())".) MARILYN . E ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 9/19/94 August 22, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 361 THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES (TANNER, SCHLITZER, CORMAN, NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER), 1 NAY (STREDICKE). CARRIED. Ordinance #4467 An ordinance was read amending subsection 8-4-31.0 of Chapter 4, Water; Utility: Non-Resident subsections 8-545.C.4 and 8-5-15.D of Chapter 5, Sewers; of Title VIII Low-Income Senior Rates (Health and Sanitation) of City Code relating to annual income eligibility thresholds and rates for low-income seniors and disabled customers. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and immediate advancement to second and final reading: Planning: Residential An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending Title IX (Public Development Ways and Property) of City Code by adding Chapter 17 which adopts a Demonstration Project demonstration project for purposes of developing methods to meet the intent (Willing), Village on of the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan as well as the City's Union development objectives. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER2, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4468 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance and Planning: Residential summary ordinance, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED Development BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY Demonstration Project ORDINANCE I S PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. (Willing), Village on Union Finance: Public Safety An ordinance was read providing for the resubmission to the voters of the Bond Issue City at a special election to be held therein on November 8, 1994, in conjunction with the State general election to be held on the same date, of a proposition authorizing the City to incur indebtedness by issuing its general obligation bonds in a par amount not to exceed $14,800,000, payable by annual property tax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies, for the purpose of paying the costs of constructing and equipping a public safety building) and acquiring real property for related City purposes and to levy those excess property taxes. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4469 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was Finance: Public Safety MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Bond Issue ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: 5 AYES (TANNER, SCHLITZER, CORMAN, NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER), 1 NAY (STREDICKE). CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading, having been first read at the City Council meeting of 7/25/94: Ordinance #4470 An ordinance was read annexing approximately 14.1 acres located south of NE Annexation: 4th Street at Duvall Avenue NE to the City of Renton (Marshall/Galusha Marshall/Galusha, NE annexation; File No. A-93-001).* 4th/Duvall Ave NE Responding to Council inquiry, Planning & Technical Services Director Mike Kattermann advised that Council has previously discussed and directed that the zoning on the southernmost parcel of this annexation be changed from August 22, 1994 Renton City Council Minutes Page 358 Separate Consideration Finance and Information Services Department requested adoption of an Finance: Public Safety ordinance that would resubmit the Public Safety Bond Issue for a vote on the Bond Issue • General Election ballot on 11/08/94 should it not pass 9/20/94. Councilman Tanner questioned the appropriateness of this proposal, fearing it indicated a lack of confidence that the bond issue will pass. Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeled explained the timing problem inherent in this matter, as the primary will be held September 20th and the deadline for.submitting ` November general election ballot items is September 23rd. Mr. Tanner felt that any presupposition that the bond issue might fail would constitute poor strategy, adding that, should the bond issue not pass, it might not be appropriate to advance it to the general election ballot in November. Councilman Corman agreed, but noted it was conceivable that the bond issue could fail in September solely because of inadequate voter turnout. In such a case, Council might agree to place it on the November ballot. Council President Stredicke felt that, should the bond issue be defeated in September, it would not be appropriate to forward the same, unchanged proposal to the November ballo{. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONSIDER THS MATTER AT THIS TIME RATHER THAN REFER IT TO COMMITT E. CARRIED. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL RESUBMIT THE PUBLIC SAFETY BOND ISSUE FOR A VOTE ON THE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT ON 11/08/94 SHOULD IT NOT PASS 9/20/94. CARRIED. i MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL PLACE THIS ORDINANCE REGARDING THIS MATTER ON THE AGENDA FOR FIRST READING.* Responding toCouncilman Corman, Executive Assistant Jay Covington explained that Council could decide to set a special meeting to consider this ordinance, such meeting to take place after the primary on 9/20/94 but before the 9/23/94 deadline for submitting November ballot issues to the County. Mr. Corman favored this alternative as it would allow the Council to consider the outcome of.the primary election, including the turnout, and whether the bond issue proposal should be restructured or simply moved forward to the general electio i. Substitute motion byCorman, seconded byKeolker-Wheeler, Council set a special meeting for 9/22/94 to consider the subject ordinance to resubmit the public safety bond issue for the November general election ballot. Roll call: 3 ayes (Schlitzer, Corman, Keolker-Wheeler), 3 nays (Stredicke, Tanner, Nelson). Mayor Clymer broke the tie with a dissenting vote. Motion failed. ' *MAIN MOTION CARRIED. (See page 361 for ordinance.) LAG: 76-007, Planning/Building/Public Works Department submitted proposed changes in . Mindemann's South the lease agreement with Mindemann's South Shore/Specialty Restaurants for Shore/Specialty the operation of the restaurant at Renton Municipal Airport. Council concur. Restaurants At the suggestion of Executive Assistant Covington, Council concurred in the proposed changes to the lease agreement as amended to add the following language to the last sentence in the first paragraph of the staff recommendation: ". . . with a letter indicating that the outstanding debt has July 11, 1994 Zenton City Council Minutes Pane 272 Resolution #3076 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: ISTEA interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Funding for N 8th St, Transportation for funding in the amount of.$272,000 for engineering and WSDOT reconstruction of North 8th Street. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4458 ` An ordinance was read providing for the submission to the voters of the City Police: Public Safety Bond at a special election to be held therein on September 20, 1994, in conjunction Issue with the State p limary election to be held on the same date; of a proposition authorizing the City to incur indebtedness by issuing its general obligation bonds in a par amount not to exceed $14,800,000, payable by annual property tax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies, for the purpose of paying the costs of constructing and equipping a public safety building and acquiring real p operty for related City purposes and to levy those excess property taxes. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4459 An ordinance was read providing for 1994 budget amendments in the amount Utility: 1994 Mosquito of $23,000 for the mosquito abatement program; 1994 amended budget total is Abatement Program $28,325,837. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/18/94 for second reading and adoption: Utility: Billing Cycle An ordinance vas read amending Subsections 8-1-8.A.l.a and A.1.b of Changes Chapter 1, Garbage, 8-2-1.A.1 and 1.A.2; 8-4-33.A and B; 8-4-34.A. and 8- 5-16.A and B of Chapter 2, Storm and Surface Water Drainage, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code as they relate to utility penalty and interest charges. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINA L READING ON 7/18/94. CARRIED. Planning: CA Zone An ordinance was read amending Subsection 4-31-10.4.B.5 of Chapter 31, Amendments (Light Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations), of City Code by adding light Manufacturing/Auto Body manufacturing and auto body and paint shops to the list of Hearing Examiner Shops) conditional uses in the Arterial Commercial (CA) zone. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/18/94.* Councilman Corman was concerned that the proposed ordinance would simply allow "auto body and paint shops" in the CA zone, while the Planning & Development Committee had recommended the approval of "Automobile body shops, including painting, when conducted entirely within an enclosed structure." Conncilmember Nelson explained that, under current regulations, these types of business operations must be completely enclosed. • Council President Stredicke opposed the ordinance and preferred that these uses be confined to light industrial and manufacturing zones. Mr. Corman responded that these uses will not be allowed outright in the CA zone since a conditional use permit will be required. • /ne 27, 1994 - e. ,)Renton City Council Minutes '_ _ Page 253 -. , Citizen Comment: Vaupel Correspondence was read from Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, - Ombudsman/Citizen requesting that t e City appoint an ombudsman or other staff to represent Representative citizen concerns.MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR CONSIDERATION DURING THE BUDGET HEARINGS. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Corman presented a report recommending Public Safety Committee concurrence in .the staff recommendation to approve the agreement with the Police: 1994 Renton Jail Seattle-King Cot{nty Department of Public Health for Renton Jail Medical Medical Services, King Health Services for 1994. The Committee further recommended that the County, CAG-94-077 resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 255 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Commit ee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Utility: 1994 Mosquito concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Abatement Program recommendation to approve an ordinance authorizing the appropriation of $23,000 from the City's General Fund ending fund balance to fund the 1994 _ Mosquito Abatement Program in the vicinity of the Panther Creek Wetland. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 256 for ordinance.) Personnel: Flexible Benefit Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending Plan concurrence in the staff recommendation to continue the Section 125 benefit plan that provides employees with the opportunity to pay for dependent care . or medical expenses through tax-free payroll deductions. The Committee also recommended that the City enter into an agreement with Benefit Administration Company to provide administrative services for Section 125 flexible benefit plan effective with the new plan year on July 1, 1994. First- year costs for s t-up, conducting employee orientation meetings and preparation of materials is $1,500. The annual fee for subsequent years is $500. In additipn, Benefit Administration Company charges a $6 monthly participant fee which would be offset by the collection of employee participation fees, FICA tax savings and elimination of internal administration costs. MOVED' BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL • CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: Public Safety Bond Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report regarding the ordinance Issue providing for tie submission to the voters at a special election on September 20, 1994 a proposition authorizing the City to incur indebtedness in general obligation bonds not to exceed $14.8 million for the construction and equipping of a public safety building. 1. The Finance Committee concurred with staff to place on the September 20, 1994 primary election ballot a request of the voters for approval of $14.8 million in bond indebtedness for the purpose of constructing, equipping, and purchasing necessary property for a public safety building. 2. The Committee amended Section I of the ordinance to read: "Description of the Project. The City shall construct and equip a public safety building and acquire real property for related City purposes related to public safety which may include, at the future discretion of the City Council, provision for parking, all or part of a building site, campus design and development or other considerations as deemed appropriate for the new facilities ("The Project") . . .". 3. The Committee further amended the Ballot Title on Page 4 of the ordinance to read as follows: "Shall the City of Renton, Washington • June 27, 1994 ",t .. Renton City Council Minutes . Page"254 borrow $14,800,000 to construct and equip a public safety building and acquire real property for related City purposes related to public • safety liy selling general obligation bonds therefor maturing within twenty years and levy annual excess property taxes necessary to pay and retilre the bonds, as provided in Ordinance No. ?" 4. The Committee further recommended the Finance Department ensure this language is correct with bond counsel prior to second and final reading 5. The Committee recommended the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 256 for ordinance.) Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Tanner presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #113189 - 113679; two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,538,747.16; approval of Payroll Vouchers #127046 - 127413; and 379 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,070,766.82. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CA RIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding the Panther Utility: Panther Creek Creek Wetlands/§R-167 cross culverts. Based on the findings of a June 21, Wetlands/SR-167 Cross 1994 report on Ole conditions of the Panther Creek wetlands/SR-167 cross Culverts, WSDOT culverts, the Utilities Committee recommended that staff prepare separate letters from the Mayor and from the City Council addressed to the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) regarding the SR-167 HOV lanes project. The letters are to strongly state that the City of Renton expects *SDOT to perform the following actions as part of the.SR- 167 project in Renton: 1. Clean and regrade the existing SR-167 west roadside ditch to restore positi ye drainage to the existing SR-167 cross culverts; 2. Clean and maintain the existing SR-167 cross culverts to ensure the culverts operate at full capacity as originally designed; 3. Install the new twin 54" SR-167 cross culverts at SW 23rd Street as propo ed in the SR-167 project plans and permit documents; and 4. Install a new SR-167 cross culvert for upper Springbrook Creek at South 192nd Street as previously requested by City staff. MOVED BY ScHLITZER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: I-405 Box • Utilities Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Culvert/P-1 Channel concurrence with the Planning/Building/Public Works Department's Improvement Project, SCS recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the project agreement with the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) providing federal grant funding for the construction of the I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement project. The total estimated cost of the project is $536,073. Under the project agreement, SCS will provide up to a maximum of $436,545 for the actual costs of constructing the project. The City's share of the total estimated cost required under the project agreement is $156,500. The City budget to meet the required cost share is $210,000. The Utilities Committee also concurred in the staff recommendation that approval be giji.r en for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Operation and Maintenance .greement with the Soil Conservation Service for the I-405 Box Culvert/P-1 Channel Improvement project. June 27, 1994 _Renton City Council Minutes Page 256 The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/11/94 for second reading and adoption: Police: Public Safety Bond An ordinance was read providing for the submission to the voters of the City Issue at a special election to be held therein on September 20, 1994, in conjunction with the State primary election to be held on the same date, of a proposition authorizing the City to incur indebtedness by issuing its general obligation bonds in a par amount not to exceed $14,800,000, payable by annual property tax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies, for the purpose of paying the costs of constructing and equipping a public safety building and acquiring real property for related City purposes and to levy those excess property taxes. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/11/94. CARRIED. Utility: 1994 Mosquito An ordinance was read providing for 1994 budget amendments in the amount Abatement Program of $23,000 for the mosquito abatement program. MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/11/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER Airport: Restaurant Lease THE ISSUE OF THE RESTAURANT LEASE AT THE AIRPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. Council: Economic Council President Stredicke requested that the Administration organize an Development Tour economic development tour for the City Council, similar to that recently organized by th? Chamber of Commerce. H&HS: Cities in Schools MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER Program THE ISSUE OF THE CITIES IN SCHOOLS PROGRAM TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. _ ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY S'I9REDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. C RRIED. Time: 9:12 p.m. OF/ %di MARILY TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 6/27/94 June 20, 1994 __ Renton City Council Minutes Page 237 Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S. #3, Renton, 98055, related his disappointment Renton Hill Alley with the staff response to his proposal for safety improvements to the alley Improvements located between Mill and Cedar Avenues on Renton Hill. Noting that staff had initially responded favorably to his suggested circulation plan that would improve traffic safety at this location, he added that staff has recently issued • a report citing concerns such as the topography of this area and steep grades on South 5th and 6th. Staff has also recommended that Mr. Webb be asked to submit a written petition, signed by all abutting property owners, stating the neighborhood preference of traffic flow in the alley. Emphasizing this is a safety issue, Mr. Webb questioned why residents of neighboring properties would voluntaiily limit their right of access to the alley, given that the impacts are most seriously experienced by those living in the 400 to 500 block. • Mr. Webb concluded by requesting that he be provided with any data used by staff to formulate opposing arguments to his proposal. Citizen Comment: Williams Helen Williams, 10878 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle, 98178, spoke against the - Puget Sound Helicopters proposed lease assignment to Puget Sound Helicopters. She stated that aircraft Lease currently fly too low over the south end of lake, agitating,the water and posing a danger to swimmers in this area. Adding that the noise from these aircraft is also a nuisance, Mrs. Williams said if the helicopter operator agreed not to take off over the lake, she would have no objection to the assignment of lease. Councilman E wards explained that the Transportation Committee had discussed this matter during its meeting earlier today, and the proposed lessee has agreed to lold a demonstration of its operations later this week, after which the Airport Manager will collect citizen comments on this issue. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. • Appointment: Civil Mayor Clymer ppointed Gerald H. Nichols, 1118 Olympia Ave. N., Renton, Service Commission 98056, to the C1ivil Service Commission to complete the unexpired term of Barbara Little to 12/31/98. Council concur. Streets: SW 16th Vacation, City Clerk submitted petition for vacation of a portion of SW 16th Street Boeing, VAC-94-003 south of I-405, VAC-94-003 (The Boeing Company), and requested that Council refer t is issue to the Board of Public Works for a recommendation on the vacation and also adopt a resolution setting the public hearing on this issue on 7/18/94. Council concur. (See page 240 for resolution.) Police: Public Safety Bond Finance and Inflormation Services Department requested adoption of an Issue, September 1994 ordinance establishing a special election date on 9/20/94 for a public safety bond issue in the amount of $14,800,000. Refer to Finance Committee. Parks: NARCO Parks Department requested approval of contract award for the NARCO Demolition/Salvage, demolition and salvage project to Gaston Brothers Excavating Inc. in the Gaston Bros. Excavating amount of $42,167.41. Council concur. Planning: CA Zone Planning and Technical Services Division submitted proposed amendments to Changes (Light the Arterial Commercial (CA) Zone to add two uses, Light Manufacturing and Manufacturing/Auto Body Auto Body Shops. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Shops) Police: 1994 Renton Jail Police Department requested approval of annual contract in the amount of Medical Health Services, $53,071 for services from the King County Department of Public Health for King County, CAG-94- 1994 Renton jail medical health services. Refer to Public Safety Committee. 077 May 16, 1994 L:t.enton City Council Minutes Page 193 CAG: 94-038, Dayton Ave City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/10/94 for CAG-94-038, Dayton Avenue N Sanitary Sewers (LID North Sanitary Sewers (LID #337); 11 bids; engineer's estimate $142,704.44;. 337), Gary Merlino Const. and submitted Wastewater Utility Division recommendation to award the Co. contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Construction Co., in the amount of $106,794.48. Council concur. Legal: Public Defender Executive Department submitted proposed agreement with Kameron C. Cayce Agreement, Kameron C. for public defender services for the Municipal Court. Refer to Public Safety Cayce Committee. Finance: BETA Testing Finance & Information Services Department requested authorization to transfer Staffing $43,415.00 fror the General Fund for a temporary full-time position and other staff costs associated with completing BETA testing and implementing1 a new financial siystem. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Banking Services Finance & Information Services Department reported bid call on 3/15/94 for Award to U.S. Bank banking services; six bids reeived; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to U.S. Bank in the amount of $130,550. Refer to Finance Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a report regarding a bond issue for Committee .of the Whole construction of a new public safety building, purchase of new equipment, and Police: Public Safety Bond property acqui ition. On January 17, 1994, the Committee of the Whole Issue authorized sta f to assemble a citizens group that would determine whether there was a need and public support for a public safety bond issue. The citizens group examined alternatives that ranged from doing nothing (operating the police and court functions as is), to leasing space elsewhere, to constructing a new public safety building. On April 4, the citizens committee delivered a report of its findings to the Council. Among its findings, the committee offered two solutions for the Council to consider: 1) convert City Hall to a public safety building and lease space for other City departments as a short-term solution; and 2) build a new public safety building as a long-term solution. After receiving further input from the committee and staff, and after some deliberation, the Committee of the Whole recommended the option of constructing and equipping a new public safety building to house the police and municipal court functions on or near the existing municipal campus, and acquiring whatever property is necessary to meet building and parking requirements. The Committee of the Whole further recommended that the Administration be directed to prepare a ballot title ordinance and the ballot title for the September primary election. The ballot title will ask voters for authority to.build a new public safety building and to provide for the necessary equipment and property purchase. The cost of the bond issue will be limited to $14.8 million. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. • Councilman Tanner clarified he does not approve of a specific plan or acquisition prior to the public vote occurring on this issue; rather, his approval is restricted to placing this subject on the ballot for a decision by the voters. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 18, 1994 Renton Municipal Court Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Court Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD ST EDICKE, Council President; BOB EDWARDS, TIM COUNCILMEMBERS SCHLITZER, 1ESSE TANNER, RANDY CORMAN, KATHY KEOLKER- WHEELER. �*IOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL EXCUSE COUNCILWOMAN TONI NELSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANE1TTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Admini'atrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance Director; BEVERLY NELSON GLODE, Personnel Director; JIM SHEPHERD, Facilities Director; CAROLYN SUNDVALL, Human Services Manager; MICHAEL KATTERMANN, Interim Planning Director; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development c oordinator; CHIEF ALAN WALLIS, CAPTAIN GARRY ANDERSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY TREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 11, 1994, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Clymer was read declaring the week of April 25- Professional Secretaries' 29, 1994, to be Professional Secretaries' Week, recognizing the vital role Week secretaries play in the work force. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. SPECIAL Norma Cugini, representing the Public Safety Space Needs Advisory PRESENTATION Committee, presented a report on the findings of the committee. Meetings Police: Public Safety Space were held each week from February 10 through March 30, 1994, to review Needs and make recommendations on future space needs of the Police Department and the Muni?ipal Court. Two options were presented: short term--convert City Hall to public safety building and lease space for other city departments (estimated cost - $8,152,220); and long term--construct new public safety building (estimated cost - $14,634,050). Upon Council inquiry, Mrs. Cugini discussed various options considered by the committee to expand the existing municipal campus. She also introduced members of the committee in attendance, and indicated that if the Council decides to place a public safety bond issue on the ballot, the committee is • willing to woik towards passage of the measure. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE PUBLIC SAFETY SPACE NEEDS ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, AND REQUEST THE COMMITTEE TO REMAIN INTACT. CARRIED. Council requested additional information regarding the City's bonding capacity for both of the two options. April 11, 1994 ?Renton City Council Minutes __% Pane 146 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ISSUE OF CABLE RATES TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Bill McLaughlin, 20417 -.94th Ave. S., Kent, 98031, requested that the letter Citizen Comment from Olive Biggins be discussed. McLaughlin - Request for Nonconforming.Use, 907 MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND Harrington Ave NE THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE ITEM OF CORRESPONDENCE ON THE AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Olive Biggins, 2611 NE Sunset Blvd.,.98056, Citizen Comment: Biggins requesting a Cliss.A nonconforming use for the Biggins View Apartments - Request for located at 907 Harrington Ave. NE, 98056, due to recent rezone of this Nonconforming Use, 907 property to Community Commercial (CB). Harrington Ave NE Mr. McLaughli stated that his mother-in-law, Olive Biggins, is requesting the Class A nonconforming use for this property because the building is a condominium, and under the current Class B nonconforming use, only 50% of the units could be rebuilt in the event a fire or other catastrophe totally destroyed the building. Mr. McLaughlin referenced photographs of the adjacent properties included with the letter which demonstrate that the current use is compatible with existing uses in the immediate area. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL GRANT THE REQUEST FOR A CLASS A NONCONFORMING USE AT 907 HARRINGTON AVENUE NE. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT OF THE PROCESS FOR CONSIDERING CLASS A NONCONFORMING USE REQUESTS TO THE PLANNING AND • DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. • CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Coun0l President Stredicke noted the addition of one item, 7.f., regarding a grant application for Lake Washington Trail. Community Event: Renton Executive Department requested waiver of fees for permits during 1994 River Days Permit Fee Renton River ays, and permission to install River Days windsocks and Waiver; Banners banners on str et poles from July 6 to August 15. Refer to Community Services Committee. H&HS: 1995 CDBG Housing & Human Services Division requested adoption of 1995 Community Policies and Pass-Through Development Block Grant Policies, acceptance of estimated Block Grant pass- Funds through dollars for 1995, and establishment of a public hearing on April 25, 1994, to receive public input on this issue. Refer to Community Services Committee. H&HS: 1994 CDBG Funds Housing & Human Services Division requested acceptance of proposed reallocation of 1994 Community Development Block Grant funds and establishment of a public hearing on April 25, 1994, to receive public input on this issue. Refer to Community Services Committee. Police: Public Safety Police Department submitted report from the citizens' committee formed to Needs address Renton's public safety space needs. Refer to Committee of the Whole. April 4. 1994 Renton City Council Minutes - Page 137 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: Resolution No. 3050 A resolution wals read urging Congress to pass legislation aimed at stopping Police: NLC Support of crime and violence•in our cities and towns. MOVED BY EDWARDS, Anti-Crime Legislation SECONDED B'1 SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution No. 3051 A resolution was read ratifying the Suburban Cities Association appointments SCA: Appointments to to regional com4nittees, the appointment method, and the SCA bylaws. King County Regional MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Committees COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution No. 3052 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: SR- interlocal coop9rative agreement with the Washington State Department of 167/SW 27th HOV Project Transportation for funding of preliminary engineering for high occupancy Agreement, WSDOT vehicle lanes on SW 27th Street from SR-167 to Oakesdale Avenue SW. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED.The following ordinances were presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance No. 4445 An ordinance 'as read amending Sections 3-4-1.A, 3-4-3, 3-4-4, 3-4-7, 3-4- Legal: Municipal Court 8, 3-4-9 and 3F4-10 of Chapter 4, Municipal Court, of Title III (Departments) Regulations of City Code relating to the Municipal Court. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance No. 4446 An ordinance was read amending subsection 5-4-2.A. of Chapter 4, Animal Finance: Animal License Licenses, of Title IV (Finance and•Business Regulations) of City Code by Fees establishing fees for animal licenses and adjusting the 1994 adopted budget. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS,PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second reading and adoption: Rezone: Parker Property • An ordinance ,Nlas'read amending the Interim Zoning Map and changing the zoning classification of property located at approximately the 2800 block of Royal Hills Drive within the City of Renton from Resource Conservation (RC) to Single Family, Low Density (SF-L) (Parker rezone; public hearing held 9/20/93)., MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON'4/11/94. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS In response to Council President Stredicke, Mayor Clymer said the City's Building: Bryant Motors enforcement actions against parking violations occurring at Bryant Motors are Parking Violations undergoing the due process of law. Police: Staffing Levels 1 Addressing the matter of a proposed public safety building and fire training Fire: Staffing Levels center, it was MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL DIRECT STAFF TO PROVIDE AN UPDATE ON THE STAFFING LEVELS OF THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. January 17, 1994 ie Renton City Council Minutes Page 29 Airport: Benair Aviation Transportation Division requested approval of the assignment of a portion of Lease Assignment to Benair Aviation's month-to-month lease to Action Aviation; authorization for Action Aviation, LAG- Action Aviation to operate aircraft tie-downs on the new premises on a 85-003 month-to-month basis until a new lease rate is established; granting Action Aviation first right of refusal of the continued leasing of the premises upon establishment of the new lease rate; and authorization for the Airport Manager to establish an itinerant aircraft parking area on the remaining area to be vacated by Ben it Aviation. Refer to Transportation (Aviation) Committee. Transportation: Park Ave Transportation ivision requested acceptance of the right-of-way acquisition N Right-of-Way for the Park AYenue North project and authorization for expenditure of Acquisition funds; recording of deed and possession & use agreements; and condemnation proceedings. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: ALPHA Transportation Division requested authorization for the Mayor to execute the Engineering, Lake WA proposed consultant agreement with Alpha Engineering Group in the amount Blvd Ped/Bike Facility of $121,900 for design of the Lake Washington Boulevard Pedestrian/Bicycle Facility. Refe to Transportation Committee. Transportation: WSDOT Transportation Division requested authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk Grant for Intra-City to execute a proposed interlocal agreement with the Washington State Intermodal Transportation Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to receive $80,000 in federal grant Program funds for the study of an intra-city intermodal transportation program. The City's match vVill be $20,000. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY SI REDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONENCE Correspondence was read from William Bryant, Bryant Motors, 1300 Bronson Citizen Comment: Bryant Way N., RentoIn, 98055, expressing Mr. Bryant's willingness to participate in - Bryant Motors Parking the proposed mediation process involving his business. Violations OLD BUSINESS Committee of the Whole Chair Stredicke presented a report recommending Committee of the Whole that Council authorize staff to proceed with the development of a citizen's Finance: Public Safety group to determine both the need and the support for a Public Safety Bond Bond Issue Issue. The group is to examine alternatives and report back to.Council with recommendations regarding the bond issue. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve Utility: Washington State an Energy Code Contract with the Washington State Energy Office. The - Energy Office Energy Committee further recommended that the resolution authorizing the Mayor Code Contract and City Cleric to execute the contract be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. - Parks: 1993 Regional Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Conservation Futures recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council approve Acquisition Funds an interlocal agreement with King County for the 1993 Regional Conservation Futures Acquisition Program. The funds will be utilized for the Cedar River Trail and Springbrook Trail Open Space Bond Issue projects. The Committee further recommended that the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agreement be presented for reading and adoption. • MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. October 18, 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 461 CAG: 93-094, Cope Council President Edwards presented a Committee of the Whole report Construction, Municipal recommending that the contract for the renovation of the Renton Municipal Building Renovation, Building Phase I (base bid and alternates 2,,3 and 5 in the amount of Phase I $1,004,725.00, including Washington State sales tax) be awarded to the low bidder, Cope Construction, and that the Mayor be authorized to sign a contract with Cope Construction for performance of the work. The Committee further recommended that additional contract costs for Phase I be paid from the 1994 allocation of the 1/4% real estate.excise tax identified for the Municipal Building Renovation. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN HE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: .08% DWI Policy Councilwoman Mathews noted that at its September 27th meeting, Council referred the issue of lowering the level of intoxication determining drunk driving from 40% to .08% blood-alcohol content to the Administration. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ISSUE TQ THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. :CARRIED. Community Services Referred 10/04/93 - Community Services Committee Vice Chair Nelson Committee presented a re ort recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Appointment: Planning Denise Cozza to the Planning Commission for a three-year term expiring Commission January 31, 1996. :. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Renton School Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler inquired whether the City has responded to District Property Zoning questions from the Renton School District regarding Public Use (P-1) zoning on its properties. Building: Code provisions Councilman Stredicke questioned why the City is requiring that an 8-foot regulating fence heights, fence be constructed for the Houser Terrace Fencing Project, and whether this Houser Terrace height is alloyed under current Code regulations. Council: Opposition to MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL GO ON Initiatives 601 and 602 RECORD AS OPPOSING THE GENERAL ELECTION BALLOT INITIATIVES KNOWN AS 601 AND 602. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: MATHEWS, NELSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER, STREDICKE. 3 NAYS: EDWARDS, SCHLITZER, TANNER. MOTION CARRIED. . Council President Edwards commented that while he opposes Initiative 602, he supports 601. Councilman Tanner noted his support for 602 and his opposition to 601. Parks: Commendation, Councilman Stredicke commended Terry Higashiyama, Parks Department Coulon Park Food Recreation Manager, for her efforts and response to issues concerning the Concession Coulon Beach Park Food Concession. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4421 An ordinance amending the interim zoning map and changing the zoning Comprehensive Plan: classification of property located north of parcel at 110 Lake Avenue S. within Errata, Hsue/Wilson(#E- the City of lenton, from Public Zone (P-1) to Arterial Commercial (CA) 15) (Kwai-Shung Hsue/Wilson, #E-15). April 5. 1993 Renton City Council Minutes Page 156 CAG: 93-011, Lumin City Clerk reported bid opening on 3/9/93 for Windsor Hills Pump Electric, Windsor Hills Station electrical rehabilitation construction contract;.5 bids; engineer's Pump Station Electrical estimate $88,053.00; and submitted Utility Systems Division Rehabilitation recommendation to award contract to Lumin Electric Inc., in the amount of $66,759.40. Council concur. CAG: 92-025, Aardvark Community Se vices Division recommended that Council authorize the Engineering, Municipal Mayor and cit1 clerk to execute Phase I scope of work change for CAG- Building Renovation 92-025 with Aardvark Engineering Services in the amount of $93,922 for municipal building renovation. Council concur. Appointment: Human Mayor Clymer recommended reappointment to the Human Rights and Rights and Affairs Affairs Commission of Mark L. Fristo Jr., 901 Sunset Boulevard NE #D- Commission 112, Renton 98056, for a two-year term expiring 4/25/95, and Peggy Robinson, 801 Sunset Boulevard NE, Renton 98056, for a two-year term expiring 9/19/?4. Mayor Clymer also recommended the appointment of Charles W. Doyle, 211 Shattuck Avenue S. #A-10, Renton 98055, and Alvin L.' Reevis, 455 Edmonds Court NE, Renton 98056, for two-year terms expiring 9/14/94; and Encarnacion (Connie) F. Tajon, 2033 Harrington Place NE, Renton 98055, and Marjorie Jones, 2020 Grant Avenue S. #E.1 101, Renton 98055, for two-year terms expiring 4/25/95. Refer to Community Services Committee. CAG: 92-038, Lakeridge Transportation (Aviation) Division requested approval of CAG-92-038 for Paving, 1992 Airport the 1992 access road improvement project; authorization for final pay Access Road estimate in the amount of $11,209.71; commencement of 30-day lien Improvement period; and release of the retained amount of $2,539.28 for pay estimate 001 and $518.91 for estimate 002 to the contractor, Lakeridge Paving Company, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. CAG: 93-031, Entranco Transportation Division requested approval of CAG-93-031, Houser Way Engineers, Houser Way North relocation stage II consultant agreement, with Entranco Engineers North Relocation in the amount) of $142,230. Refer to Transportation Committee. CAG: 91-004, David . Transportation Planning Division requested approval of CAG-91-004, Kline & Associates, Addendum #8-92, for development of a central sub-area transportation Central Sub-Area plan with David Kline & Associates, in the amount of $74,037. Refer to Transportation Plan Transportation Committee. CAG: 92-046, Whitworth Utility Systems Division requested approval of CAG-92-046, Addendum Pest Control, 1993 No. 1, with Whitworth Pest Control for entomologist/pest control Mosquito Abatement consultant serivices in the amount of $21,308.00 for the 1993 mosquito Program abatement program. Council concur. CAG: 92-121, Gary Utility Systems Division requested approval of CAG-92-121 for 24-inch Merlino Construction, water main relocation at Carco Road and Houser Way; authorization for Water Main Relocation at final pay estimate in the amount of $2,074.80; commencement of 30-day Carco Rd and Houser lien period; and release of the retained amount of $691.33 to the Ga ry contractor, Merlino Construction Company if all required releases have been received. Council concur. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. December 7. 1992 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 560 2. Council will consider proposals from the Museum Board to change the Museum Supervisor position to half-time, full-year, from full- time half year. 3. Prior to filling the Airport Engineer position, the administration shall submit a work plan for the position to Council. 4. Prior to disbursing any funds to DRA for 1993 - 1994 period, a report of current accomplishments and a new contract shall be presented and approved by the Community Services Committee. Councilman Tanner expressed his concern over the aviation economy and its effect on the City. He stated that the proposed budget has a built-in shortfall that will eventually call for a raise in taxes, a cut in staff, or both. Councilman Tanner requested that the budget ordinance be withdrawn fr m second and final reading and referred back to the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Municipal ( Council President Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee of the Whole Building Renovation report recom ending that administration proceed with the renovation of the municipal) building with a phased plan extending over a period of not more than seven (7) years.(as described in the 11/20/92, report to Council). The Committee further recommended the Mayor and City Council commit sufficient funds from the 1/4 percent real estate excise tax or other appropriate source to allow the project to proceed on schedule. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. King County: Council President Keolker-Wheeler noted that Cynthia Stewart, King Comprehensive Solid County Solid Waste Management Program, has submitted additional Waste Management Plan information to Council concerning the Soild Waste interlocal agreement and hold harmless clause. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler asked that this information be referred to the Utilities Committee and an ordinance be adopted requesting that King County honor this agreement. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, REFER THIS MATTER TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. . Transportation Referred 11/23/92 - Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke Committee presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff Streets: SW .16th from recommendation to approve the temporary closure of SW 16th Street from Oakesdale Ave SW to Oakesdale Avenue SW to Longacres Drive SW from November 27, 1992, Longacres Dr SW through December, 1993. Temporary Closure The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. (See resolution on page 563.) 106 March 25. 1991 Renton City Council Minutes Page 106 Claim: Puget Sound Claim for damages in the amount of $272.55 filed by Puget Sound Power & Power & Light Co., CL- Light Co., 620 S. Grady Way, Renton, for damaged anchor wire allegedly 91-028 pulled down by City crews (2/4/91). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Martin, CL-91- Claim for damages in the amount of $1,800.00 filed by Rowland J. Martin, 029 661 Taylor Avenue NW, Renton, for property damage allegedly caused by broken water main pn NW 7th Street and Taylor Avenue NW (3/14/91) Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. CAG: 90-105, Human Housing & Human Services Department submitted Human Service Plan Services Plan, 1991-1994 developed by consultant to evaluate services provided or needed by the community. Refer o Community Services Committee and Committee of the Whole (April 8, 1991 agenda). Appointment Municipal, Mayor Clymer recommended appointment of Sarah Elboom, 13503 Martin Arts Commission Luther King Jr. Way, #A-206, Seattle, to the Municipal Arts Commission for (Elboom) a three-year term ekpiring 12/31/93. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Space Needs: Municipal Parks Department submitted Municipal Building Construction Report which Building Construction was prepared as part of the long term space needs program. Refer to Report Committee of the Whole (April 8, 1991 agenda). Planning: Comprehensive Planning/Building/Public Works (Planning Division) requested review of Plan Policies EIS contract for preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Comprehensive Pla Policies. Refer to Planning and Development Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Separate Consideration: Item 6.i - Planning/Building/Public Works (Transportation Division) CAG: 90-108, Walkway requested approval of task order for Comprehensive Walkway Program Program (Add. #1-91) preliminary engineering with Transportation Planning & Engineering, Inc.; $20,000; CAG-108-90, Addendum #1-91. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL REFER ITEM 6.I TO THE (TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence w read from Joan Jensen, 2721 Meadow Avenue, Renton, CAG: 89-072, The Bluffs noting changes in floor area from 125,400 to 214,500 square feet and Apartment Project EIS impervious area from 4.1 acres to 5.4 acres between the draft and final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) for The Bluffs apartment project, and asked if the sale of two acres next to the development had any relation to these changes. Rezone: Kennydale Councilwoman Zim erman entered correspondence from K. E. Saeter, 8833 Apartments, 4100 Block 114th Avenue SE, enton, requesting that Council give thoughtful Lincoln Avenue NE (SA, consideration to citi en concerns regarding the Kennydale apartment site R-085-90) approval and rezon (SA, R-085-90), 4100 block of Lincoln Avenue NE. OLD BUSINESS Referred 2/18/91 - Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chairman Edwards Transportation presented a report stating that the Committee recommended that the item Committee regarding removal of a fuel storage facility at the Renton Airport by Boeing Airport: Removal of be removed from Committee referrals as no Council action is required. Fuel Storage Facility Airport: FAA Airport Referred 2/18/91 - Chairman Edwards further reported that the Committee Improvement Project recommended that Council authorize the Administration to pursue application (AIP) for an Federal Aviattion Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Project (AIP) grant, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute necessary assurances, certifications, and agreements related to the grant application and offer. The Committee further recommended that the grant amount not exceed $425,000 and the City's share not exceed $47,223 (10 percent). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Policy: Consultant Service MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL Policy REAFFIRM THE CITY POLICY THAT AN INDIVIDUAL TERMINATING EMPLOYMENT WITH THE CITY OF RENTON NOT BE HIRED TO PERFORM CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE CITY FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FOLLOWING FINAL DATE OF EMPLOYMENT. CARRIED. February 18. 1991 Renton City Council Minutes Page 59 Transportation Referred 2/4/91 - Boeing lease addendum implementing negotiated lease Committee rates June 1, 1990, through May 31, 1995. Transportation (Aviation) Lease: LAG-65-877, Committee Chairman Edwards presented a report stating that following Boeing Lease Addendum review of the negotiated airport lease rental rates, the Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign supplemental agreement number 16-01 to lease number LAG-877-65 between the City and The Boeing Company. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY MATHEWSI, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Referred 9/17/90 - Review of procedure for issuance of permits. Planning Committee and Development Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report stating Planning: Review of that where there are no legal notification requirements, building permits are Permit Procedures attached to the Council minutes and made available to various professional publications. In addition, permits can be accessed by the public at the Building Division counter or on the public access computer. Copies are available at a small charge. The Committee recommended that no action is required, and tat this item be removed from the referral list. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later action.) Public Works: Board of Referred 10/15(90 - Deferred plat improvements. Planning and Development Public Works, Deferred Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report stating that the Committee Plat Improvements recommended concurrence in the Staff and City Attorney recommendation concerning deferral and security requirements within the subdivision ordinance. The proposed changes would require that cash, letter of credit, or set-aside letters be used as security for deferrals rather than bonds as now allowed. A fu Ither change was proposed allowing the Board of Public Works to review defer1rals yearly for a second five-year period. The Committee recommended that the ordinance be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Residential Councilwoman (Mathews announced that Planning and Development Care Facilities Ordinance Committee consideration of the residential care facilities ordinance has been postponed due to a need for clarification of Federal law. Staff has been asked to research the matter, and this issue is being held in Committee until that information is forthcoming. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS • Ways & Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report stating Committee that the Committee recommended approval of the annual retainer contract to CAG: 91-017, Right-of- Universal Field Services Inc. for right-of-way and appraisal services to meet Way & Appraisal Service Property Management Division and City Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Contract, Property needs, and that�the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Management & CIP contract. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. space Needs. Civic Center Ways and Means Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report stating Expansion Project that the Committee recommended that consideration of municipal space needs referred on 4/2/90 be removed from the Committee referrals with no action required at this time. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS In response to Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Mayor Clymer said that the Planning: Kenworth Kenworth Truck Company is not going to build a plant in Renton as Truck Company previously planned, but there is a possibility that the off-road vehicle plant Relocation Plans in Canada will be moved to Renton. • Planning: Longacres Park In response to Councilman Stredicke's inquiry, Executive Assistant Jay Development Covington explained that a date has not been set for a Boeing presentation regarding corporate plans for the Longacres Park site development since the Council will be involved in a land use hearing and possible environmental appeal on this development. Mr. Covington said that when Boeing makes a public announcement on the project, a presentation will be scheduled for a regular Council meeting. -. APPITylLWAYS AND MEANS COMMITTE] o?-�� 9 COMMITTEE REPORT February 18, 1991 CONSULTANT CONTRACT REVIEW The Ways and Means Committee recommend approval of the following contract and further authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract: Approval of annual retainer contract to Universal Field Services, Inc. for right-of-way and appraisal services to meet Property Management Division and City Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) needs MUNICIPAL SPACE NEEDS. (Referred 4/2/90) The Ways and Means Committee recommends that this item be removed from committee with no action required at this time. 1 . • if-16f Richard Stredicke, Chair .-eA /6_,the, _ k)i,„_ep„ • Kathy olker-Wheeler, Vice-Chair Nancy Mathe Member Copies : Lynn Guttmann Priscilla Pierce John Webley . Randy Berg November 19, 1990 Renton City Council Minutes Page 352 Resolution #2824 A resolution was read setting a hearing date for December 17, 1990, to Vacation: VAC-90-003, consider a petition to vacate a portion of the alleyway located between Burnett & Park Avenue Burnett and Park Avenue North, north of North 30th Street (Cannon, VAC- N. (Cannon) 003-90). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2825 A resolution was read adopting the Local Hazardous Waste Management Plan King County: Local for Seattle-King County with the Plan addendum with amendment as Hazardous Waste provided, and authorizing the Mayor to approve said plan. MOVED BY Management Plan KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented a report recommending approval of payment claims checks #74235 through 74741 and four wire transfer totaling $1,803,417.48; and payroll vouchers #92639 through 93032 and 235 direct deposits in the amount of $744,505.28. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. Councilman StreJicke requested information on Vendor 67811 in the amount of $485.90, printing of score cards at Maplewood golf course. In response .to Councilman Stredicke's inquiry regarding a voucher for payment to the Puget Sound Council of Governments (PSCOG), Mayor Clymer explained that this payment was for the second half of 1990. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Zimmerman said she received draft annexation policies from Annexation: Policies the Planning Coz}mission. MOVED BY ZIMMERMAN, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE FOR DISCUSSION ON DECEMBER 10, 1990. CARRIED. $pacceeN Beds: City Councilman Stred cke suggested that the City look into the Metro Commuter Employee Carpooling Challenge Program to encourage carpooling by City employees. Police: Compression Councilman Edwards reported citizen complaints regarding compression brake Brake Noise Signs noise, and suggested that additional, larger signs be posted on SR-167 prohibiting the use of compression brakes within the City limits. Police: Parking Violation, Councilman Edwards relayed a citizen complaint regarding a boat trailer and 30th/Park Avenue step van illegally parked near the North 30th/Park Avenue North intersection, and requested that this matter be investigated. Finance: State Energy Councilman Edwards referred to a communication received from the Code Program Funds Association of Washington Cities (AWC) and the Washington State Energy Office (WSEO) regarding the State Energy Code Program. Legislation was passed in 1990 requiring local governments to enforce the energy code as of July 1, 1991, and linforming local governments that funds are available to assist with administration and enforcement of the code. Mr. Edwards was informed that staff will attend meetings sponsored by AWC regarding this matter. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 10/22/9Q Councilwoman Zimmerman reported a broken window REPORT in a building at 233 Main Avenue South that is a potential hazard to people Building: Broken passing by and requested that staff investigate this situation. Memorandum Window, 233 Main from Lynn Guttmr nn stated that a letter was mailed to Harry Moscatel, Avenue South 10697 Main Street Bellevue, owner of the property located at 233 Main Avenue South, Renton, requesting that the broken glass be repaired within ten days, and advising that a further inspection will be made on November 9, 1990, to verify that the window has been repaired. Councilwoman Zimmerman reported that the window has been repaired. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue, Renton, objected to the appointment of a Citizen Comment: Webb - non-resident to the Noise Mitigation Committee, and suggested that Renton/Boeing Noise appointment of members to a committee as important as this one be approved Mitigation Committee, by Council. Committee of the Whole Minutes He reiterated that while there may be recording tapes available to the public for the Committee of the Whole meetings, minutes are not prepared. November 5, 1990 Renton City Council Minutes Page 333 He suggested it might be more realistic for the City to consider banning the sale of fireworks entirely and provide fireworks display(s) for the public. Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, urged the Council to pass this ordinance, and c mmended Council and staff for addressing this issue. MOVED BY STIEDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE.PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED MOVED BY ED ARDS; SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE FI EWORKS ORDINANCE TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Place, Renton, commented that the parking Citizen Comment: Evans situation at the City Hall and Library has improved since the inception of the - City Hall Parking revised parking r ermit area. He noted that on several occasions he has seen a `�a Q vehicle with Oregon license plates parked in the employee permit parking 1°�"""�,�__,�J area, and questioied its presence. Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes /� clarified that new residents are allowed a certain amount of time in which to replace out-of-stte license plates. Councilman Edwards requested that staff check vehicles in the permit parking area to ensure it is used by City employees only. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Claim: Sky Link Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Sky Link International Inc., CL- International Inc., P. O. Box 98648, Seattle, for damage to truck allegedly 068-90 caused by a pipe hanging down from an overpass on 3rd and I-405, 10/20/90. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Kendrick, CL- Claim for damages in the amount of $215.49 filed by Harry Lee Kendrick, 069-90 3026 39th SW, Seattle, for windshield broken by golf ball allegedly caused by lack of protective netting on Maplewood Golf Course, 10/07/90. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Collins, CL-070- Claim for damages in the amount of $1,883.31 filed by Stephen A. Collins, 90 18202 152nd Avenue SE, Renton, for damage to vehicle allegedly caused by loose manhole cover on Maple Valley Highway, 10/02/90. Refer to Cky Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Rose, CL-071-90 Claim for damages in the amount of $268.12 filed by Scott R. Rose, 17801 SE 146th, Renton, for damage to vehicle allegedly caused by golf ball from Maplewood Golf Course, 10/25/90. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Shilling, CL-072- Claim for damages in the amount of $48.75 filed by Ruth Ellen Shilling, 247 90 Pelly Avenue North, Renton, for reimbursement of fees allegedly charged for examination of residential leak and billed in error, May, 1990. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Court Case: U.S. Summons and complaint filed by the United States Department of Labor Department of Labor, versus King-Snohomish Manpower Consortium (KSMC), Seattle-King County CRT-011-90 Employment and Training Consortium, King County, Snohomish County, and cities of Auburn, Bellevue, Edmonds, Everett, Kent, Renton, and Seattle in the amount of $564,136.55 plus interest. Department of Labor alleges that expenditures of Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) grant funds received by KSMC between November 1, 1978, and May 31, 1980, were made in violation of the rules and regulations governing the use of those funds. Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Vacation: VAC-90-003, City Clerk submitted petition by Jeanne E. Cannon, 1212 North 30th-Street, N. 30th & N. 31st Streets Renton, for vacation of a portion of the alleyway located between North 30th and North 31st Street (except Lots 1, 2, 3, and 48, 49, and 50). Public Works Department reported that the petition is valid and represents 78% of abutting property owners. Refer to Ways and Means Committee for resolution setting public hearing for December 17, 1990, and to Board of Public Works as to advisability of vacation. Budget: 1991 Preliminary City Clerk reported filing of 1991 City of Renton preliminary budget in the amount of $88,53'0,973.00, and requested public hearing be set for December 3, 1990. Council concur. WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Planning and Technical Services Division submitted request to trade parcel Project, Property Trade under Cedar River Bridge north of river and east of existing bridge to August 6. 1990 Renton City Council Minutes - Pane 244 Board/Commission: Board An ordinance was read amending Sections 2-3-1, Creation, and 2-3-5, of Public Works Bylaws Voting, of Chapter 3, Board of Public Works, of Title II (Commissions and Boards), of the City Code, to establish membership and voting entitlement. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Police: Mandatory An ordinance was read amending Section 10-12-24, Liability Insurance or Insurance Law Other Financial Responsibility Required-Violations-Penalty, of Chapter 12, Traffic Code, of Title X of the City Code, by adding a subsection relating to insurance identification ation card and proof of financial responsibility. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested that Mayor Clymer contact the State Insurance Commissioner to request that insurance companies be required to issue standard wallet-size insurance identification cards. Police: Inattention An ordinance w read amending Chapter 12, Traffic Code, of Title X Ordinance (Traffic) of the gity Code, by adding a new section 10-12-25 relating to operating a vehicle in an inattentive manner. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Public Works: An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending Section 8-4-6, Development Utility & Subsections 8-4-6.A, 8-4-6.B, 8-4-6.C, 8-4-6.F, 8-4-29, 8-4-41.B.2.B, 8-4- Fee Ordinance 41.B.3, and adding subsection 8-4-6.G to Chapter 4, Water, of Title VII (Health and Sanittion); amending Subsections 8-5-4.D, 8-5-17.B.2.B, and 8- 5-17.B.3 of Chapter 5, Sewers, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation); amending subsections 9-10-3.A and 9-10-3.B of Chapter 10, Street Excavations, of Title IX (Public Ways and Property); and amending Subsection 9-12-8.B of Chapter 12, Subdivision Ordinance of Title IX (Public Ways and Properly) of the City Code, to reflect adoption of revised, amended, and new utility and development fees. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Fire: Uniform Fire Code, An ordinance was read amending Sections 7-1-4.D and 7-1-4.M of Chapter Carnivals & Fairs 1, Uniform Fire Code, of Title VII (Fire Regulations) of City Code, by adding subsections relating to outdoor carnivals and fairs. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL REFER ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Appointment: Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Edwards presented a report Environment Review stating that the Committee recommended concurrence in the Mayor's Committee appointment of three officials to serve on the Renton Environmental Review Committee (ERG): Community Services Administrator, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, and Fire Chief. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT.* Councilman Stre icke•expressed'concern that membership on the ERC did not include a rei resentative from Planning staff. Mayor Clymer explained that staff will perform the groundwork on ERC issues and make recommendations to the Committee, and ERC decisions will be based on that information. In response to Councilwoman Zimmerman's inquiry regarding Committee struciture, City Attorney Warren explained that the three members of the previous ERC Committee were the Public Works Director, Planning Director, and Building Director. He further stated that since the new City reorganization designated Lynn Guttmann as Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator, Mayor Clymer has proposed the new membership structure for the ERC. *MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Mathews encouraged Council members to consider AWC: Training Sessions attending the training sessions on planning and zoning and the basics of municipal budgeting offered by the Association of Washington Cities (AWC). Space Needs: City Hall Councilman Stredicke commended the Mayor and employees for cooperation Paringk in alleviating the parking shortage in front of City Hall. Jv -. -71990 Renton City Council Minutes Page 220 /RPCAG: 90-043, West Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report stating that the Kennydale Interceptor Committee recommended concurrence with the Public Works Department Project recommendation that the low bid submitted by King Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $253,924.74 be accepted for the West Kennydale Interceptor project and the contract for this project be awarded to King County Construction Company, Inc. The engineer's estimate for the project is $402,446.57. The Committee further concurred with staff recommendation that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: Citizen Complaint Council relayed a ci tizen complaint that the City had been slow to respond to Regarding Water Leak a reported water leak on July 14, 1990. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report stating that Committee the Committee recommended concurrence in the direction established in the Streets: North Renton North Renton community involvement process and the funding established as Street Improvements shown in the 1991-111996 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Vice Chairman Edwards presented a report Committee stating that the Committee reviewed the executive office appointment of the (Space Need City Hall firm of Baylis Brand Wagner Architects, Inc., as a consultant for an architectural assessment of City Hall, because one of the principals, Richard Wagner, is a member of the City's Planning Commission, and found no conflict of interest in the process. Information only. Vacation: VAC-90-002, S Ways and Means Committee Vice Chairman Edwards presented a report 140th Street, Empire Way stating the Committee concurred in the recommendation of the Public Works S, Hawk, Newburn, et al. Department to defer action on the South 140th Street, Empire Way South (Hawk, Newburn, et al.) street vacation (VAC-90-002) petition to the King County Council by consolidation with a proposed plat vacation. Petitioners have proposed vacation of a portion of the plat, junction addition to Seattle, lying within the County north-westerly of SW 140th Street. The portion of the subject plat vacation lying within the City of Renton jurisdictional boundaries consisting of approximately 16,000 square feet of street right-of- way, constitutes only a minor fraction of the plat being considered for vacation. The remainder of the plat lies within the County jurisdictional boundaries. The fractional portion of the street right-of-way should not be vacated independent of action on the plat. The Ways and Means Committee recommended that determination on the subject petition be deferred to the King County Council for their adjudication. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Vice Chairman Edwards presented the following ordinances for fiat reading: Public Works: An ordinance was read amending Title IV and Title IX of City Code by Construction Code repealing certain sections and transferring certain sections to another title of Duplication the City Code due to a duplication in the City Code book. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Public Works: An ordinance was read amending Section 9-7-1, of Chapter 7, Road, Bridge, Construction Code and Municipal Construction Standards, Title IX of the City Code adopting construction codes, standard specifications, and standard plans and details by reference. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Ways and Means Committee Vice Chairman Edwards presented the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2805 A resolution was read adopting amendments to Section 7.12 of the Shoreline Planning: Shoreline Master Program as it relates to piers and docks; resolution corrects Resolution Master Program, Piers & #2787 adopted March 12, 1990. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY Docks TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT RESOLUTION AS READ. • •' ' LAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT JJIly 16, 1990 CITY HALL SPACE NEEDS (Referred 7/9/90) The Ways and Means Committee reviewed the Executive office appointment of the firm of Baylis Brand Wagner Architects, Inc. as a consultant for an architectural assesment of City Hall because one of the principals (Richard Wagner) is a member of the City's Planning Commission and found no conflict of interest in the process. PETITION TO VACATE PORTION OF SOUTH 140TH STREET, SOUTH OF EMPIRE WAY SOUTH (HAWK, NEWBURN, ET AL) VAC!002-90 (Referred 6/18/90) The Ways and Means Committee recommends concurrence in the recommendation to of the Public Works Department to defer action on the subject street vacation petition to the King County Council by consolidation with a proposed plat vacation. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following Ordinances for first reading Amending Title IV and Title IX by Repealing Certain Sections and Transferring Certain Sections to Another Title of the Code Book (discovered a duplication in code) Construction Code Revision The Ways and Means Committee recommends the following resolution for reading and adoption Shoreline Master Program Amendments if Bob Edwards, Acting Chair 4/1----9‘191.170 dliZets— Richard Stredicke, Member July 9. 1990 .enton City Council Minutes Page 211 Claim: Premo, CL-40-90 Claim for damages in the amount of $1,950,000.00 filed by Jack Ackerman, Attorney, 1218 3rd Avenue #503, Seattle, representing Jeffrey Premo and Barbara Premo, for estimated medical expenses and damages incurred in motorcycle/horse accident on Duvall Avenue NE, alleged caused by City failure to enforce animal regulations (6/6/90). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Palka, CL-41-90 Claim for damages in the amount of $6,196.00 filed by Adam and Eva Palka, 808 N. 33rd Street, Renton, for damages resulting from flooded basement, alleged caused by improper installation of asphalt overlay (12/5/89). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Williams, Claim for damages in an undetermined amount filed by Marilynn Kay CL-42-90 Williams, 2211 NE 12th, Renton, for basement damage resulting from sewage backup, alleged caused by plugged sewer line (7/1/90). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. CAG: 077-89, North Parks Department submitted CAG-077-89, Interior Improvements to North Highlands Neighborhood Highlands Neighborhood Center; and requested approval of the project, Center Improvements authorization for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $7,557.11 to contractor, Briere Skoegard General Contractors, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Police: Inattention Police Department requested adoption of Inattention Ordinance to authorize Ordinance less severe charge than negligent driving depending upon circumstances. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Latecomer Agreement: Public Works/Wastewater Utility requested approval of City-held latecomer West Kennydale agreement for West Kennydale Interceptor to provide sanitary sewer service Interceptor (City-Held) to a portion of the Kennydale Sub-Basin (approximately 119 acres); and two- part assessment (benefit charge for all properties and zoned front footage charge for 15 properties). Refer to Utilities Committee. Public Works: Public Works/Customer Services Division requested revision of City Code Construction Code Section 4-16-1 and 9-7-1 regarding Public Works Construction Code. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. CAG: 89-007, South Public Works/Water Utility Division submitted CAG-007-89, South Talbot Talbot Hill Pipeline Hill Pipeline, #W-965; and requested approval of the project, authorization #W-965 for final pay estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $15,593.35. Original contract amount of $305,599.84 was increased to $337 1128.19 due to additional trench backfill material and reconstruction of driveways. Council concur. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Mary Ellen Stone, Executive Director, King H & HR: King County County Sexual Assault Resource Center, asking that the City grant a mid- Sexual Assault Resource year budget request of $5,000 for the child sexual abuse victims' program. Center Mid-Year Budget Request MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE HOUSING AND HUMAN RESOURCES CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW AND REPORT BACK TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLDI BUSINESS MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REPORT iSpace_Needs:-City_Hall' ITEM REGARDING LONG TERM SPACE NEEDS FOR CITY HALL OUT OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED PSCOG: Replacement Councilman Tanner presented correspondence from Mayor Robert Roegner, Agency, PSRC City of Auburn, to King County Councilman Bruce Laing, which expressed opposition to the draft framework for the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), the proposed replacement agency for the Puget Sound Council of Governments (PSCOG). Mr. Tanner noted that two suburban cities have now expressed opposition to the proposed regional framework. June 4, 1990 L--aenton City Council Minutes .__ Page 172 ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 5/7/90 T Council inquiry regarding growth issues related to the 1% REPORT real estate excise tax. Memorandum from Sam Chastain, Park King County: 1% Real . Superintendent, stated that the suburban cities would be eligible to compete Estate Excise Tax. for funding in two of the three funding categories, Urban Acquisition and • Stewardship and'Maintenance. The Regional Acquisition would be solely controlled by the King County Open Space Committee for acquiring regional facilities or land. Local agencies would be allowed to submit acquisition and facilities proposals for consideration by this committee. He stated advantages of the proposed tax plan would be (1) opportunity to increase the presentation of Open Space on a regional and local basis; (2) provision of a funding source fo' specialized maintenance and rehabilitation of parks, trails, ;natural zones, etc (3) inclusion of a sunset clause; and (4) exemption of the first $125,000 of he purchase price of a home. Disadvantages would be (1) fairness issue of imposition of a new tax on people who purchase real estate, especially should the exemption clause not be placed'on the tax; (2) new or higher. fees_and t , es in the future; (3) possible adverse impact on any future bond issue by the City. Space Needs: City Hall Referred 5/14/90 - Inquiry from Mark Niemi, 23512 - 264th Avenue SE, Parking Maple Valley, reg rding Renton Public.Library parking. Letter from Mayor Clymer to Mr. Niemi stated that the problem is currently being studied by the City Parking Lot Committee. He noted that the designation of an additional 34 parking stalls for public use only in the Library parking lot should be adequate parking for Renton residents using the Library. Mr. Niemi was reminded that if he parks in alternate locations, he should be aware of the current posted parking limits and expected changes during the summer recreation season. Rezone: Good Shepherd Referred 5/14/90 Council inquiry regarding question of church/state issue Group Home (NE 19th with the Good Sheppherd Group Home: Memorandum from Ken Nyberg, Street) R-010-88 •Community Development Director, stated that the issue has not been resolved and the Housing and Human Services Citizens Advisory Committee has requested that the ' tatus of this project be discussed with Mr. Ed Ball, President of GoodShepherd Home, and other concerned board members as well as HUD, King County and Bellevue. Annexation: North Soos Referred 5/14/90 T Council inquiry regarding consultant selection panel for Creek.(Fairwood) North Soos Creek project. Memorandum from Ken Nyberg, Director of Community Development, named the following as the consultant team for the public information program: Bernadene Dochnahl, Renton Advisory Committee; Meg Meier, North Soos Creek Citizens Advisory Board; Randy Berg, Parks Departnent; Rebecca Lind, Community Development Department; and Fred Fortine, Community Development Department. The selection panel for the North Renton Arterial Facilitation Project includes Lynn Guttmann, Gary Norris, and Mel Wilson from the Public Works Department. . Public Works: NE 6th Referred 5/14/90 - Council inquiry regarding NE 6th Street as access to Street, Crown Point II_ apartment complex. Memorandum from Mayor Clymer via Lynn Guttmann, Public Works Director, stated that NE 6th Street only has a 30 foot right-of- way from 90 feet west of Queen Avenue NE to Union Avenue NE because the existing north 30 feet right-of-way was dedicated when the property was • platted. Even though the 30 feet is unacceptable, it is all the City has at the present time until the south one-half is developed or platted, at which time the developers of Crown Point II will be .required to dedicate an additional 30 feet. Executive Session MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS LITIGATION ISSUES. CARRIED. Time 11:47 p.m. ADJOURNMENT . Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all members were present. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN THE MEETING. CARRIED. Time 12:36 a.m. • `lam 0 ✓ ,i/r(, -t c/ MARILYN . P ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Sandra Wales 06/04/90 . r a • • CITYFRENTON• MEMORANDUM DATE: .May 17, 1990 TO: City Council (2,04A1-----' FROM: Clark Petersen, Chairman, Parking Committee SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL CAMPUS ARKING Suggestions that additional parking stall be designated public use only near the entrance to the municipal building and employees be encouraged to use METRO buses have been reviewed by the Parking Committee. PARKING Generally, the .public enters the Municipal Campus from Mill Avenue South, and will park in the first available space, *or the Library lot. Also, a significant amount of the daily traffic is for the Renton Public Library. Therefore, it was proposed to add 34 • public spaces close to the Library and Municipal Building effective early June. This change should have a significant impabt on public access. It will also greatly limit employee parking. Due to this pending change it is recommended that no other adjustments be made until after a several month trial so there is adequate time to determine if this solves the public parking problem: • • METRO Currently the Personnel Department is working with METRO to develop an employee transportation program aimed at encouraging employees to use METRO buses, van pools, and car pools. Elements of the program may include subsidizing all or a portion of a bus pass. A draft of the transportation program should be available by the end bf summer for review by the Mayor and Council. CP:am • I . 7^ • • CITY : '_- RENT ON iiA-4-y , • Mayor ' Earl Clymer• May 17, 1990 Mr. Mark Niemi 23512 264th Avenue SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 RE: Correspondence regarding Renton Public Library parking lot Dear Mr. Niemi: • Thank you for your suggestions regarding public parking at the Renton Public Library. They have been reviewed by a City Parking Lot Committee. Due to the pending designation of an additional 34 parking stalls for public use only in the Library parking lot it is anticipated that adequate parking will be available for City of Renton residents using the Library: These spaces adjacent to the Library will be more convenient for Library patrons,than those in the parks. Also, the park spaces will • • be fully used during the summer recreation season. City employees are being directed to an employee parking lot on Main Avenue. If you are arriving at the Library from your Maple Valley home it is convenient for you to park at the alternate location you suggested: If you do park in alternate locations, please be aware of the current posted Olarking limits and expected ahangeso dusing the summer recreation season. City residents will certainly appreciate the Library parking spaces. Sincerely, .( art Jym r, � - Mayor ec\90-052.plc/cp/am • -,nn xX:,l A ,,,.,,,1,. Cnnih - Renton. Washington 98055 - (206) 235-2580 140 May 14, 1990 City Council Minutes Page 146 Personnel: Mayor's Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Administrative Assistant recommending concurrence in the request of the Personnel Department for a Reclassification salary adjustment from grade 18 to 20 (10% increase) ($4,136 - $5,030) and retitle of position from Administrative Assistant to the Mayor to Executive Assistant to the Mayor. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Mathews presented a letter from Mark Niemi, 23512 - Citizen Comment Niemi, 264th Avenue SE, Mapie Valley, regarding the parking problem in the library Library Parking ,area and referred the 1 tter to the Parking Lot Committee. Airport: Lease Rates Referring to the execu ive session of May 7, 1990, Councilman Tanner suggested that topics discussed in executive session be limited to airport lease rates and rental agreements, and other matters be discussed in an open public meeting. ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 4/23/90 - Cquncil inquiry regarding the monitoring of contract REPORT employees: memo froth Ruben Nieto, Personnel Director, explained that the Personnel: Monitoring of monitoring is done bycboth the department involved and the Personnel Contract Employees Department. He state that to date because there are only a few contract employees, the monitoring has been done on an informal basis with Personnel relying on the department who has the contract employee to be the primary monitor. Plans are being made to generate a data processing report by the end of 1990 to track these employees and contract expiration on a more consistent basis. North Renton: PACCAR Referring to Council request of 5/7/90 to encourage PACCAR to develop in Project Renton, Mayor Clymer reported staff is currently proceeding with plans to do this and will report back to Council in two weeks. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADJOURN THE MEETING. CARRIED. Time 8:40 p.m. / .4 MARILYN !. S3 ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Sandra Wales 05/14/90 May 7. 1990 tenton City Council Minutes Pane 136 Public Works: Deferral, Utilities Committee'Chairman Nelson presented a report recommending SW 12th Street, Grady concurrence with the Board of Public Works recommendation that in lieu of Way Associates required off-site improvements, the City secure a restrictive covenant for Grady Way Associates, 607 SW 12th Street, to participate in a future street and/or utility local improvement district(s). The Committee recommended that the matter be referred to the City Attorney for action. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works: Utility Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report recommending Rate Ordinance concurrence with the Public Works Department/Utility Systems/Solid Waste Utility's recommendation to amend section 8-1-9 (B) 4 of City Code relating to sewer, garbage, and storm drainage rates by combining subsections (3) and (4). The change also requires an amendment to the garbage contract which has been accomplished with a letter of concurrence signed by Mayor Clymer and Jerry Hardebeck of Rainier Disposal and approved by Lynn Guttmann, Public Works Director; Joan Griffes, Solid Waste Coordinator; Jerry Hardebeck, Rainier Disposal; and Lawrence Warren, City Attorney. The Committee recommended referral to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented the Committee following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #4268 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of the Campbell Rezone: Campbell Property (R-085-89), approximately .30 acres, located at 536 Williams Property, R-085-89 Avenue South, from R-1 (single family residential) to R-3 (medium density multi-family). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of payment claims checks #69570 through #69953 and four wire transfers totaling $1,328,078.68; and payroll vouchers #87002 through #87511 and 210 direct deposits in the amount of $759,741.47. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN PAYMENT OF VOUCHERS. CARRIED. • NEW BUSINESS Council President Mathews thanked staff and Council members for giving AWC: Normandy Park, direction to those who attended the Suburban Cities meeting on the Growth Management Bill Normandy Park request for exemption from the Growth Management Bill of port districts and municipal airports. She noted that the Suburban Cities Growth Management Committee is dealing with the comprehensive plan and have taken the suggestions of our staff to the Planning Directors Association • to become a part of the resolution to be presented at a general meeting. Space Needs: City Hall Councilman Stredicke referred to a citizen comment regarding the shortage of Parking parking stalls at City Hall. He suggested that the Administration propose a section in the budget to provide for compensation to employees for Metro passes. He also suggested that all parking in front of the Municipal Building be designated for the public. Councilman Stredicke noted that the Parking Committee should be commended for a job well done. (See Administrative Report) Community Development Councilman Stredicke reported that staff did an admirable job on the tour of City Tour projects in the City with Council the Planning Commission. Councilman Tanner concurred with Mr. Stredicke regarding the tour. Board/Commission: Upon Council inquiry, it was reported that since there was no opposition Planning Commission, expressed by Council, the Planning Commission will conduct public hearings May 7. 1990 enton City Council Minutes Page 137 ADMINISTRATIVE Referred 3/25/90 - George Post, 1122 South 27th Place, Renton, inquiry REPORT regarding funding ofi the Benson Road Improvements, Victoria Hills Phase II Citizen Comment: Post - FPUD 042-85, occupancy prior to completion of road improvements, and Victoria Hills Phase II illegal turns into entrance of complex: letter from Mayor Clymer stated that FPUD 042-85 First City Development would give the City $500,00 plus a total bond for $305,500 to ensure completion of their share of the project. Regarding on- site improvements tliat have not been completed, the City is still holding the landscaping bond for phase II to cover the replacement of dead plant material, clean-up of the site, etc. The Building "0" in question was damaged by a leaki �g underground pipe but did not pose a threat to public health and safety so temporary occupancy was granted for 90 days. Mr. Post asked for clarification as to why occupancy was granted prior to the completion of the Benson Road widening as was previously stated by staff. Mayor Clymer advised that because the improvements were not critical to ensure safe ingress and egress from the project and the improvements were not required to be completed before occupancy of the building, temporary occupancy certificates were issued. Mr. Post's concern with the illegal turns into the complex is a Police Department problem which the department is trying to enforce. Citizen Comment: Desser Referred 3/25/90 - Ms. Donna Desser, 2820 NE 105th, Seattle, inquiry - Heron Rookery regarding preservation of the heron rookery located along the Black River in southwest Renton: letter from Bill Hutsinpiller, Recreation Superintendent, Parks & Recreation Department, explained that the Open Space Bond issue that passed in King County has made funds available to assist in the preservation of sensitive lands adjacent to the rookery. Also, he stated that the Audubon Society is accepting donations toward preserving lands at this site. AWC: Normandy Park, Referred 4/16/90 - City of Normandy Park requesting review of the Growth Growth Management Bill Management Bill: memo from Ken Nyberg, Director of Community Development and IJynn Guttmann, Director of Public Works, suggested that the Governor refer this item to the Growth Strategies Commission for their review and make a recommendation to amend the Growth management Act of 1990 if there is a problem with exempting port districts and municipal airports from Section 18 requirements. AWC: Redmond, 1990 Referred 4/16/90 - City of Redmond requested Council and planning staff King County review the draft resolution from the Suburban Cities Association regarding Comprehensive Plan the King County Comprehensive Plan: memo from Ken Nyberg, Director of Update Community Development Department, and Lynn Guttmann, Director of Public Works, reported that staff discussed the issue and recommended the Governor refer thel item to the Growth Strategies Commission, and that the Growth Management Act of 1990 be amended if there is a problem with exempting port districts and municipal airports from the requirements of Section 18, (3) capital facilities plan. Citizen Comment: Carlson Referred 4/16/90 Duane G. Carlson, M.D., Talbot Professional Center, - Valley Medical Center 4011 Talbot Road South, Suite 500, Renton, inquiry regarding parking Parking problems at Valley Medical Center: letter from Ken Nyberg, Community Development Director, explained that staff is currently meeting with the Valley Medical Center development staff to resolve this issue. They are working on a long range plan for campus expansion to provide additional parking. Also, site plan approval has been received for Phase II of their parking garage. Citizen Comment: Evans Referred 4/23/90 - Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11 th Place, Renton, regarding - City Hall Parking ' limited parking at City Hall: letter from Mayor Clymer explained the new parking plan was implemented last November and the Parking Committee continues to refine the system in order to best serve the needs of the public. Signing has been improved and the asphalt has been stenciled to specify parking restrictions. �- -- -- - . • • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM DATE: April 27, 1990 TO: City Council FROM: Clark Petersen, Chairman, Parking Committee 6/2-k--'72 SUBJECT: CITY PARKING LOT MAIN AVENUE SOUTH The information that follows has been gathered to answer Council questions about the costs of leasing and improving the e ployee parking lot on Main Avenue South. PROPERTY: 20,125 sq. ft. 1175' X 115') in 3 parcels. 45 Parking Stalls. LEASE: $450 monthly from January 1, 1989, to December 31, 1993, or until closing of sale by purchase. OPTION: Expires on January 30, 1994. PURCHASE PRICE: $9.50/sq. ft. o $191,187 cash on or before December 31, 1991. $10.50/sq. ft. or $211,312 cash after December 31, 1991, to January 30, 1 94. IMPROVEMENTS: $107,545.51 Contracted Total. Minimum cost per parking stall is $6,638 to $7,085, based on the two option purchase prices and contracted improvements April 2. 1990 :enton City Council Minutes Page 104 OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report regarding the King Utilities Committee County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (referred 2/5/90). The King County: Solid Waste committee met on March 26, 1990, and recommended approval of the Plan Management Plan and referral to Ways and Means Committee. A resolution expressing additional concerns about several aspects of the Plan will be read for adoption on April 11, 1990, as the deadline set by the Interlocal Solid Waste Forum Agreement. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Vacation: Ordinance Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report recommending Revision Council concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to approve the amended Street and Alley Vacation Ordinance (referred 2/19/90), and refer the draft ordinance to the Ways and Means Committee for approval. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Council President Mathews presented a report recommending concurrence Space Needs: Civic Center with the staff recommendation that the downtown site be approved as the `®Expansion Project preferred option for the location of an expanded municipal center, subject to further review and approval by the Council. The Committee also recommended that Council approve the proposed 1990 Action Plan as presented by staff on March 26, 1990, authorize the expenditure of $146,000 for implementation, and refer the matter to Ways and Means Committee for inclusion in the next budget adjustment. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented the Committee following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #4264 An ordinance was read adopting the Blake Property Corporation rezone Rezone: Blake Property (Earlington Apartments), R-005-89, from B-1 (business district) to R-3 Corporation (Earlington (medium density multi-family), located at SW 5th Place between Maple SW Apartments), R-005-89 and Hardie SW. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented the following ordinance for first reading: Public Works: King An ordinance was read adopting King County's Comprehensive Solid Waste County Comprehensive Management Plan, and determining that King County shall not exercise any Solid Waste Management powers regarding the levels and types of solid waste service for any aspect of Plan solid waste handling in the City of Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Chairman Keolker-Wheeler advised the Council that a resolution will accompany this ordinance at that time. Ways and Means Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2789 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an King County: Open Space Interlocal Cooperative Agreement with King County to provide funds for the Bond Issue Projects acquisition of open space projects. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY ZIMMERMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #2790 . A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an ^�•• �.....� .+n�no,.,onf .,.;r}, rhP rity of T ikwila for the SW 16th Street Bridge • COMMIT EE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE REPORT ((April 2, 1990 Municipal Space Site Selection The Committee of the Whole recommends concurrence with the staff recommendation that the downtown site be approved as the preferred option for the location of an expanded municipal center subject to further review and approval by the Council. It is also recommended that Council approve the proposed 1990 Action Plan as • presented by staff on March 26, 1990, authorize the expenditure of$146,000 for implementation, and refer the matter to Ways and Means for inclusion in the next budget adjustment. Nancy Ma ws Council Pre ident MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: John Webley, Parks and Recreation Directo Q SUBJECT: Long Range Municipal Space Needs - Staff Report City Council Meeting, Monday March 26,: 1990 DATE: March 26, 1990 Attached is the recommended plan to provide a long term space program for municipal operation. Included in the material is a specific recommendation on the preferred site, an action plan for 1990 and a budget for implementation of the 1990 Action Plan. The staff is requesting the council take the following actions. 1) Approve selection of the preferred site. 2) Approve the proposed Action Plan for 1990. 3) Authorize expenditure of the necessary funds and refer ` to ways and mean for inclusion in the next budget adjustment ordinance. Council concurrence with these recommendations will allow the project to proceed and provide for the initial phase of a plan to accommodate future space needs for the City of Renton. LONG RANGE MUNICIPAL SPACE NEEDS PROPOSAL 1990 ACTION PLAN The Department of Parks and Recreation will complete the tasks listed below as the first phase of a 5-year plan to accommodate the cities anticipated space needs. The plan assumes council approval of the staff recommendation to develop the existing City Hall site and acquire adjacent properties for municipal use. Architectural/Engineering ssessment of City Hall. There are a number of problems with City Hall. The building does not meet current codes. The electrical system is inadequate. The heating, ventilation and air conditioning system is aging and performance is marginal in some areas. The plumbing in the building is deteriorating. Several of the exterior finishes need attention and there have been structural problems associated with the curtain wall. The assessment would include specific definition of the problems; recommended solutions and development of cost estimates for implementation. Property Appraisals, Options, Contracts Property of primary interest to the City has already been identified. Appraisals would be conducted on sufficient pieces of land to indicate a fair market value for each parcel. Values have already been identified for some of the property in this area. Money in excess of that required to pay for appraisals could be used to buy options or purchase properties on contract that are ready to come on the market. Negotiation on some of these could begin as soon as appraisals are complete. The actual acquisition of land could extend over several years, depending on its availability and the city's needs. Hazardous Waste Assessment Given the previous use of some of the downtown sites, hazardous waste assessments will have to be conducted on several of the parcels. The result of the first series of tests will determine the extent of additional testing that will be required. SITE STUDIES AND MASTER PLAN A substantial amount of gen ral site information must be accumulated. Traffic studies, utility needs and availability, soil studies, survey work, topographic mapping will generate the data needed to provide a master site plan. An update of the cities space needs will als1 be performed at this time. At the conclusion of the 19 0 Action Plan the City will be ready to continue with the needed property acquisition and hazardous waste investigation (as needed) . The master site plan can also proceed in the next phase. Some demolition/renovation might also occur if newly acquir-d sites are identified as suitable for interim use. ` AR g RE C EAT I p N P El . M'1 )N I G I PA )- 5 PA GE. NEE, tD el-TE. . . .5E. LEC-TION- . . - 5I " --ACTION ? IAN SITE 3 1 Alac8 ITE CTURALIgNar I NEER,t4 4 .4 645E 5 MEN r of MUNICIPAL. euI>_VPI144 • 4 4c o0 Vf • PRDP>=ItTY APP¢AI64JL3 OPMNb GO .Q 10 0 � � Oy I .. Y$ 14-azA¢a:ous Wire AfCi46Hteter 4 ��*' 4, J' 4 30 I000 <s..$4 .* e . 61TE 61UVIES i 114.ezie, `S' . 422)000 \V , . _ CONTI1�1 EMN CY - ' �0,,. • at )0, o .0 :.. - . - 4 146,000 5 C I-} E P U LS_ .&AN1 PL'_ . _ _ _' IcIgo lii 11qqz11941z1 lg9'4llir FI i ldNC►d1. 'PLAhI co/ma:mart t j I WIWI - • - rRorEvtY "sheP12,e,10.-6. OP'r►0106) i I 1 '. QUIzGN A) 4A L I . 1 �...._ — . _ w' t-r &ruP'ES -w11.6,T rPGi a EN . "' I �. SuR S, PAZ,kiAsre J WIZ. • f ! M ��4L mot. ,1� 91 (.. VP P,4 5 19zargAM ii. C oNSuv__ ry -aII v A)/17aNerm T 1- 1--- P M ti- A CON- �1 cr 4.rt.) j 1- -. . a, MUNICIPAL SERVICES SPACE EXPANSiION NEEDS REPORT Department of Parks and Recreation March 26, 1990 :: ::##2:::: : St:one...... ....................�.............:.:..:::::.:::::::::::::.:::::::::.::.::::::::::::::::. :.:::::.::............................ #3 , Downtown is recommended by staff to Council for the following reasons: * Financially Feasible * Uses Existing Facilities & Infrastructure * Progress Can Be Phased * Located Between CBD & Major Open Spaces ' • and Resources * Maximizes Flexibility - A Variety of Tactics Could Accomodate Expansion * Anchors & Helps Revitalization Effort of the CBD; also Centers Public Presence As per the foregoing report all three sites are critical locations that can dramatically affect the quality of life of citizens of Renton. • CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM TO: City Council FROM: John Webley, Parks and Recreation Director • SUBJECT: Long Range Municipal Space Needs - Staff Report City Council Meeting, Monday March 26, 1990 DATE: March 23, 1990 The Long Range Space Needs Program was reassigned to the Parks Department in September of 1989. At that time a budgetary allocation was approved for a project manager staff position; also a $146, 000 Reserve and was established for a proposed 1990 action program which was to be subject to Council approval. To implement the required evaluation of three (3) identified potential Civic Center sites, the department chose to perform a first-level evaluation as an efficient way to. identify. - a) The relative feasibility and desirability of each site. b) A recommendatipn for the follow-on action plan should one of the sites emerge .'as' a preferred choice, subject to Council approval. Timely action on this issue was considered to be essential, in part because of the rapid escalation of land prices and also because of the long-term nature of a major program of this kind. Each of you has been provided with a package consisting of the following: • Program development chronology • Graphics of a ch site illustrating possible utilization scenarios, p1is "Pros and Cons" for each site The meeting presentation by Project Manager Chris Peragine and Facilities Superintendent Jim Shepherd will include a slide presentation, a discussion of the evaluation 'pros and cons' for each site, the staff recommendation reference site selection and a proposed 1990 action plan and budget. City Council March 23, 1990 Page 2 We are hopeful that the presentation and accompanying data will provide you with sufficient information to confirm a site selection and to approve our proposed 1990 action plan and budgetary allocation. In the event that you require additional study action and/or information, we are ready to implement your wishes. Attachments c: Mayor ) March 23, 1990 CITY OF RENTON MUNICIPAL SACE NEEDS PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT CHRONOLOGY 1982 City purchases City Hall Annex to relieve overcrowding. Space assigned to Parks and Recreation Department 1985 Parks Department Facilities Division conducts a Preliminary Asses ment of identified space needs. Budget approved for consultant to perform analysis. 1986 Consulting firm - "Design Collaborative" - hired to perform a formal assessment of the City's space needs. Study results presented to City Council and Administration, with recommendation to develop a Comprehensive Plan to meet the City's Long Term space needs. 1987 Consulting firm - "Wendell Mounce" - hired to conduct a more detailed evaluation of space needs and estimated costs associated with Municipal Campus concept. Results presented to City Council and Administration and used as basis for a Bond issue Proposal. 1988 * Bond Issue included on ballot, but was not approved. * Parks Department Facilities division completed an Interim Space Needs Plan to accommodate identified short term requirements only. * City Council and Administration approved Interim Plan. * Council authorized budgetary allocation of 1989 funds. * City Hall 1st floor remodeling commenced. 1989 * City leases DaviS Building to accommodate the Housing and Human Resources Division. * Consulting firm - "The Heery Group" - selected to recommend solutions and implementation strategies reference space needs. "Heery Group" contract subsequently terminated. * Long Range Space Needs Program reassigned to Parks Department with directive to perform first-level evaluation of (3) identified potential Civic Center sites. * Community Center construction completed. Recreation Division staff relocate to new building. * Implementation of Interim Plan commenced - temporary CouIrthouse building construction; consolidatio 1 of Police Detective division in Annex; Parks and Recreation administration moves to Liberty Prk Community Building Remodel of City Hall 2nd floor to accommodate Fire Prevention. Jan 1990 * Remodeling of City Hall workspace on 3rd, 4th and 5th floors continues per Interim Plan * _ Parks Department Facilities division hires staff person as Space Needs Project Manager Mar 1990 Parks Department staff report scheduled for presentation at City Council Work Study Session. Report will provide evaluation results for the (3) defined potential Civic Center sites, with a staff recommendation and a 1990 action plan proposal. Municipal Services Space Needs Report o3-z& • 90 Site studies List of Exhibits • 1-study areas 2-space vrs. growth 3= existing con- itions 4-6 Narco 7-9 Stoneway 10-14 Downtown 15- Pros & Cons . ' . • .._ . .. .. ..._ .. . 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I.IU-rmitr1 LISBS Or APJAcarr OPEI.I 5PAc.e. 9117M5lofc_s i 4eS. SIMPI-IFIES ARUIri1'roli• MID k 1JIP�FJ7 Sett. G.Cif*GA1145 CoUTRo1.of � .F,IJA► !4AL r r.Arol a1Llr-e H.Aculsl'ro11 or s1-f ; PGSS16LE. ELIvIRotims ALLY 51c,diF- etalahllces rimuc. J.E)IIST v., ,UILPIiIGS i le.Al-r 511e iimlI/I-Me ormi SPACE. SITE ARE READY ro • CMAPN Wok CaRRtvoR. REDEVEL F1�EI,IT. 15 February 5. 1990 Renton City Council Minutes Page 40 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented the Committee following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #4260 An ordinance was read adopting a codification of the general ordinances of Finance: Code Book the City of Renton; repealing ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict Update therewith; and fixing he effective date of the public hearing to consider the code on February 5, 1I990. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented the following resolutions for reading and adoption: Resolution #2783 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Public Works: Washington Washington State Centennial Clean Water Fund Grant contracts (RCW 70.146). State Centennial Clean MOVED BY KEOL4R-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, Water Fund Grant COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Contracts Resolution #27134 A resolution was read approving the Summerwind Division No. 4 final plat, Plat: Final, Henderson for property located north of NE Sunset Boulevard between 139th Avenue SE Homes, Inc., and 144th Avenue SE, if extended; Henderson Homes, File No. FP-103-89. Summerwind No. 4, MOVED BY KEOLId.ER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, FP-103-89 COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, THAT Council: Committee COUNCILMAN TAIy1NER SHALL ASSUME COUNCIL COMMITTEE Assignments, Tanner ASSIGNMENTS FORMERLY HELD BY COUNCILMAN JOHN REED. CARRIED. (Assignments include chairmanship of Planning and Development Committee, and membership on Utilities Committee and Community Services Committee.) Utility: Storm Drainage, Councilman Stredicke asked the Administration to investigate whether the Martin Luther King Jr. flooding in the vicinity of NE 10th Street between Duvall Avenue NE and Church, NE 10th Union Avenue NE near Martin Luther King, Jr. Church was due to inadequacy of storm drainage facilities installed by the developer. Public Works: Manpower To enable him to respond to citizen inquiries, Councilman Stredicke requested Status information regarding Public Works Department employment status. Police: Renton Hill Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported incidents of vandalism in homes Vandalism identified for removal by Washington State Department of Transportation on Renton Hill. Mr. McFall reported that the homes are scheduled for demolition on February 28th, and until then, WSDOT will secure the homes by boarding them up from the inside and will clear trash and debris from the site as well. Upon tiurther inquiry, Captain Persson indicated that the owner of the large trailers parked at the bottom of Cedar Avenue has been notified to remove them. North Renton: Traffic Councilwoman Zimmerman relayed inquiries from North Renton residents Diverters regarding installation of traffic diverters. Mr. McFall agreed to provide a report. Library: Request for Councilwoman Zimmerman submitted a letter from Corry and Joni Isaac Reciprocal Services with requesting consideration of reciprocal agreement between the City and King King County County library systems. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE MAYOR AND THE LIBRARY BOARD. CARRIED. CBD: Renton Community Since attendees will be limited to 200, Councilmembers were reminded to Economic Development return reservation cards for the Renton Community Economic Development Summit Summit to be held Thursday, February 22 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Renton Community Center. Purpose of the summit will be to develop a vision for Renton with focus on the downtown area and its future development. ADMINISTRATIVE Council inquiry of 01/08/90 regarding cost to remove temporary court REPORT facility from the 1V)unicipal Building parking lot: Letter from Jim Shepherd, CAG: 89-002, Municipal Facilities Superintendent, reported that removal of the facility and restoration Court Facility of the building site would cost an estimated $87,600. That cost would not include relocation of the structure at a new site. January 15, 1990 -;Renton City Council=Minutes Page 17 OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report recommending Utilities Committee Council concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Works Department Franchise: Olympic Pipe that Olympic Pipe Line Company be granted a six-month extension of their Line Company Request existing franchise so they might prepare mitigating options for aquifer for Extension protection. Referred 11/13/89) It was further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement submitted by Olympic Pipe Line Company for the proposed six-month franchise extension. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Voicing objection to the extension due to potential hazard to aquifer and failure of Olympic Pipe Line to monitor lines, Councilmen Stredicke requested that his "no" vote be recorded. Release of Easement: The Utilities Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report recommending Axelrod Company, Council concurrence in the recommendation of the Board of Public Works Sunpointe Apartments, regarding the utility easement release requested by Axelrod Company RE-002-89.a.,b.,c. (Sunpointe Apartments), File No. RE-002-89.A., B., and C. The Board Referred 12/11/89) recommended that all of the easements, i.e. sanitary, water and storm be released as new'l easements have been secured and recorded. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Zimmerman presented a report Committee 055- recommending the contract for the Municipal Building Interior Improvement CAG: 89-$7-7, Municipal Project be awarded to low bidder, Briere Skoegard General Contractors, in Building Interior the amount of $141,070.00 including sales tax. Improvements The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY ZIMMERMAN, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Upon inquiry, it was clarified that the low bid exceeded the engineer's estimate by $40,000 since the budget estimate was two years old, market prices have increased, and the scope of work was expanded. Court, Municipal: Councilman Stredicke asked the Administration to prepare a cost estimate to Temporary Structure remove the temporary municipal court facility from the City Hall parking lot. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Edwards presented the following Committee ordinance for first reading: Finance: Business License An ordinance was read amending Chapter I, Business Licenses, of Title V Ordinance (Business Regulations) of City Code by deleting portions of Section 5-104; adding anotheil subsection to Section 5-801 concerning the gambling tax penalty; adding another fee to Section 5-4102(H) concerning police false alarm violation charges; adding a subsection to Section 5-4102 regarding charges for computer listings; and amending Section 6-2204 increasing the cost for police false alarm violations. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Finance: 1990 Property Ways and Means Committee Chairman Edwards presented a report and Casualty Insurance recommending concurrence in the request for approval of the City's 1990 Plan Property and Casualty Insurance Plan. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fire: Texaco Oil Ways and Means Committee Chairman Edwards presented a report Company Settlement, recommending Council concurrence in the request for authorization to sign Gasoline Leak on the release form from Texaco Oil pertaining to the November, 1987, escape Bronson Way of gasoline which occurred at the Texaco station on Bronson Way. Texaco will issue a clieck for $198,981.75 and in return the City will sign the release. MOVED BY CEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Assistant City Attorney Zanetta Fontes was credited for successful negotiations and avoidance of lawsuit on this matter . 4 January 8. 1990 Renton City Council Minutes Page 4 Mr. Jacobson summarized issues identified by the committee pertaining to cost and maintenance of levels of service for storm water, streets, fire, police, parks, library, and utilities: Also discussed was possible dilution of tax base as a result of annexation, and the need for evaluation of issues such as multifamily development policy, animal control, differences in business regulations, and political representation. Councilwoman Zimierman announced that this matter will be discussed by the Community Ser ices Committee on January 16th at 3:00 p.m.. Appreciation was expressed by Council President Mathews for the efforts of the committee in providing a timely recommendation to Council. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue S., Renton, requested that citizens committees - Citizen Comment: Webb - be made up of representatives of homeowners' associations and residents Representation on North instead of non-residents representing Renton businesses. He indicated Soos Creek Annexation disappointment that the North Soos Creek Citizens Advisory Committee had Committee not recommended districting to assure proper representation to residents nor recommended givin Renton residents the opportunity to vote on the annexation. Don Jacobson responded that he,has been a Renton resident for 48 years. He expressed his opinion that districting was not an issue with which the advisory committee was charged, and pointed out that the City Council has fairly represented the entire community in the past. Citizen Comment: Collier Ray Collier, 17115 136th Place SE, Renton, resident of Fairwood Crest, - North Soos Creek reported that annexation of the North Soos Creek area would increase the Annexation current Renton population of 38,940 by 42,000 people, and new residents would constitute a majority of the total city population. He felt it would behoove elected officials to consider districting to preclude being outvoted by Fairwood residents if the annexation is approved. Citizen Comment Garrett Glenn Garrett, 1006 South 30th Court, Renton, recalled that districting was - North Soos Creek discussed by the committee, but members agreed that the merits of the Annexation proposed annexation were separate from the issue of districting which was felt to be an option to be considered by Renton officials. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing: CAG: 89-085, Renton City Clerk reported bid opening 12/22/89 for Renton Municipal Building Municipal Building interior improvements; 8 bids; engineer's estimate: $102,000.00. Refer to Interior Improvements Community Services Committee. Zoning: Annual Adoption Planning Division/Community Development Department submitted annual of.Map Zoning Map, and requested public hearing be set on 2/5/90 for adoption. Council concur. Claim: Cameron, Claim for damages in the amount of $500,000 filed by Christopher McLeod, CL-60-89 attorney, 1340 M St feet SE, Suite C, Auburn, on behalf of Daniel Cameron for injuries sustained in fall from railroad trestle near Maple Valley roadside • park, alleging City negligence in failing to post "no trespassing" signs (7/7/88). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Claim: Sandor, CL-61-89 Claim for damages in the amount of 4300.60, filed by Vera Sandor, 600 SW 13th Street, Renton, for damage to residential power line allegedly caused by City vehicle striking power line while repairing roadway (11/20/89). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. Finance: 1990 Property Finance Department recommended approval of 1990 Property and Casualty and Casualty Insurance Insurance Plan in the amount of $422,162. Refer to Ways and Means Plan Committee. Fire: Texaco Oil Executive Department recommended approval of release and settlement in the Company Settlement for amount of $198,90.75 with Texaco Oil Company for escape of gasoline at Gasoline Leak on Texaco station on Bronson Way in November, 1987. Refer to Ways and Bronson Way Means Committee. CAG: 89-002, Municipal Parks Department submitted CAG-002-89, Municipal Court temporary Court Temporary structure; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay Structure estimate, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $13,423.51 to. contractor, Evergreen Mobil, if all required releases have been received. Council concur. December 4. 1989 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 333 1990 Property Tax Levy An ordinance was read fixing the estimated amount of tax levies necessary to Rate raise the amount of estimated expenditures for the year 1990 as required by RCW 84.52.020; authorizing the City Clerk to certify such budget or estimate of the amount to be raised by taxation on the assessed valuation of the property located within the City of Renton, Washington; total assessed valuation is $2421,280,465; 1990 general levy rate is $3.55659 and excess levy rate is $0.54768; 1990 maximum general tax levy is $8,622,739 and excess levy is $1,326,998 for a total general and excess levies of $9,948,837. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4252 After second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was Budget: 1990 Property MOVED BY IEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, Tax Levy Rate COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Personnel: Ways and Means Committee Chairman Edwards presented a report Reclassification of recommending concurrence with the request of the Public Works Director to Transportation Engineer, reclass the transportation engineer from grade 14 to grade 16. MOVED BY Public Works Department KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED: NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY 4IMMERMAN, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL Council: Meeting Agenda REFER THE MATTER OF AN ITEM-SPECIFIC COUNCIL MEETING Format AGENDA TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. It was noted that the Council agenda format and Council meeting procedures will be reviewed by the Committee on Committees. Mr. McFall indicated that he will solicit input and agenda samples from other cities. Nominations for Council President and Council President Pro Tempore were Council: Election of opened by Cot4ncil President Stredicke. Nominated for Council President 1990President were Stredick , Reed, and Mathews. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE NOMINATIONS. CARRIED. Byi show of hands, Mathews was elected as 1990 Council President. Nelson was nominated as Council President Pro Tempore. MOVED BY *ATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CLOSE THE NOMINATIONS. CARRIED. By show of hands, Nelson was elected as 1990 Council President Pro Tempore. Council: Committee on Newly-elected 1990 Council President Mathews announced membership on Committees the Committee on Committees: Stredicke, Mathews, Nelson and Reed. ADMINISTRATIVE Request to provide short-term parking in City Hall lot for drivers to pick up REPORT bus riders (referred 11/20/89): The Parking Committee reviewed the matter Metro: City Hall Parking and recommended no change in the parking lot configuration due to limited Lot space. The C mmittee recommended that the South Renton Park and Ride facility or the bus stops at Liberty Park or South 3rd Street at Smithers be used for these purposes since public parking is available for vehicles waiting at these locations. Citizen Comment: Vaupel Request to extend Kenworth DEIS or Boeing FEIS comment periods (Versie - North Renton Project Vaupel) (referred 11/20/89): Upon review.of this request, the ERC found EIS Deadlines that both applicants have had longstanding target dates upon which corporate Planning: North Renton planning and decisions have depended, and legal notice has been posted and Project EIS Deadlines published. Although State law allows extension of a DEIS appeal period up to 15 days, thg� ERC could not find compelling reasons to grant an extension to the standard appeal period. AUDIENCE COMMENT Noting that re ular Council meetings have ,been held on the past three Citizen Comment: Evans Monday nights, Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Place, Renton, indicated - Council Meeting confusion with deviation from the Council meeting schedule. (The Schedule abbreviated Council meeting of 11/27/89 was changed by Council consent agenda motion to a regular meeting for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the 1990 budget.) To help him understand the schedule, Mr. Evans asked t at a calendar be prepared. (In accordance with Council Policy and Procedure No. 800-02, regular Council meetings are held the first and third Mondays of the month, and abbreviated Council meetings are held the second and fourth Mondays of the month, followed by a workshop.) November 27, 1989 Renton City Council Minutes Page 326 • NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke announced that Councilman Edwards will serve as Council Committee Ways and Means Conmittee chairman and Councilwoman Zimmerman will Chairmanships serve as Public Safety Committee chairman until new committee assignments are made at the begnning of the year. King County: Commission Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler entered letter from the King County for Marketing Recyclable Commission for Marketing Recyclable Materials and attached model Materials • - ordinance recommended for adoption by King County and each city for procurement of recycled and recyclable materials. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER MATTER TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Space Needs: City Hall Upon inquiry by C q9 uncilwoman Keolker-Wheeler, Administrative Assistant Parking Lot McFall advised thad the Parking Lot Committee is reviewing the request for provision of 15-minute parking near the bus stop at City Hall and will report back next week. ADMINISTRATIVE Citizen inquiry regarding extension of Kenworth Draft EIS comment period REPORT (referred 11/20/89)1 Letter from Community Development Director Kenneth Community Development: Nyberg indicated that although SEPA rules allow the City to grant an Kenworth Draft EIS extension of up to 15 days to the comment period, he did not find a Comment Period. compelling reason for an extension. However, the request for extension will Extension be submitted to the Environmental Review Committee for review on 11/29/89, and a re ort will be provided to Mayor Clymer thereafter. Councilwoman Zimmerman requested that Versie Vaupel, the initiator of the request, be notified. AUDIENCE COMMENT . . Ralph Evans, 330.6 NE 11th Place, Renton, asked whether the restrictive • Rezone: Good Shepherd covenants executed for the Good Shepherd rezone included the Group Home (Olympia recommendation by the Community Services Committee in October, 198.7, Avenue NE), R-015-88 that Renton residents be given priority for residency in the home, and not less than.50% of th residents would be Renton citizens. Response from Council and the cit, attorney indicated that although not included in the covenants, the record reflects Council endorsement of a policy to give Renton residents first priority since City funds were being used towards the development of the group home. Mr. Evans asked whether covenants contain a zoning reversiona y clause if development does not occur within a specific time period. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler cited language in the covenants which requires reversion df zoning to R=1 if development of the group home is not completed within t o years of issuance of building permits or is discontinued for a period of Ionlonger than 90 days. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, Renton, indicated disappointment with Kenworth Draft EIS the. recommendation not to extend the Paccar DEIS. He pointed out that the Comment Period request was made l y Mrs. Vaupel due to coincidental expiration of comment Extension periods on EIS's fo several large projects and need by the public for adequate time to review and prepare comments. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY STRE ICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, . COUNCIL ADJO RN THE MEETING. CARRIED. Time: 9:35 p.m. 6 i.)77_ , MAXINE'E. MOTOR, CMC, City Clerk Recorder. Marilyn Petersen, CMC 11/27/89 . November 20, 1989 Renton City Council Minutes Page 317 Finance: Utility Billing The Utilities Committee recommended that this item be referred without Equalization specific recommendation to the Committee of the Whole Budget Committee (Referred 8/7/89) for review and consideration during the 1990 budget process. MOVED BY Y KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #4249 An ordinance was read amending Title III (Departments) of City Code by Finance: City Code, Title transferring Chapter 8.(Bonds) and Chapter 9 (Salaries) to title V (Business III Chapters to Title V Regulations), and renaming Title V "Finance and Business Regulations." MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented the following ordinance for 7rst reading: Rezone: City of Renton An ordinance vras read changing the zoning classification of 12 acres of (Rolling Hills Reservoir), property locate between the'2200 block and 2400 block of Puget Drive SE R-104-89 from G-1, gen ral use, to P-1, public use; City of Renton (Rolling Hills Reservoir), R-104-89. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE rOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2773 A resolution was read repealing Resolution No. 2630, which established Planning: Repeal of annexation procedures for the City of Renton. In lieu of the resolution, the Annexation Procedures Renton City CQ�uncil adopted an administrative annexation policy and Resolution procedure on 1p/23/89. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Appointment Board of Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Adjustment recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Rosemary Quesenberry to the Board of Adjustment replacing Helga Karinen, four-year term to expire 19/6/93. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler reported being contacted by residents Space Needs: City Hall regarding lack Iof parking in the library parking lot. Noting that these Parking Lot residents need a place to park while waiting for family°members to arrive by bus, Mrs. Keol er-Wheeler asked that the matter be reviewed. ADMINISTRATIVE Rerouting flight patterns at Renton Airport (referred 11/6/89): Letter from REPORT Public Works Director Lynn Guttmann recommended that a study to Airport: Flight Patterns determine alternate flight patterns not be pursued due to extensive cost and absence of alternatives that would keep the airport a general aviation facility. Initial costs would include consultant and equipment charges for the conduct of noise monitoring, visual logging of aircraft operations, and statistical sampling necesipary for satisfactory preparation of the environmental assessment. Potential costs would include consultant charges for the conduct of an Environmental Impact Study and/or an airport noise compatibility study and cost of noise abatement actions. Rezone: Good Shepherd Mr. Evans' question about HUD appropriations. for Good Shepherd group 8 P Group Home (Olympia home (referred 11/6/89): Letter from Community Development Director Avenue NE), R-015-88 Kenneth Nyberg indicated that staff has furnished documentation showing that HUD has been notified of the error which listed Bellevue block grant dollars as being appropriated to the Good Shepherd group home on 19th Street in Renton. November 13. 1989 Renton City Council Minutes Page 309 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #4247 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately Rezone: City of Renton 3.79 acres located east of the intersection of NE 3rd Street and Bronson Way (Mt. Olivet Reservoir), NE from RH single family residential, to P-1, public, zone for Mt. Olivet R-081-89 Reservoir, File No. R-081-89. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-V,HEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance 4248 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately Rezone: KBI Diversified, 2.67 acres located at 1029, 1051 and 1055 Aberdeen Avenue NE from R-1, Ltd./Renton Ridge single family residential, to R-3, medium density multifamily zone for KBI i Apartments, Phase II, Diversified, Ltd./Renton Ridge Apartments, Phase II, File No. R-046-89. R-046-89 MOVED BY TIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDIN NCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented the following ordinances foil first reading: Finance: City Code, Title An ordinance was read amending Title III (Departments) of City Code by III transferring Chapter 8 (Bonds) and Chapter 9 (Salaries) to title V (Business Regulations), and renaming Title V "Finance and Business Regulations." MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Rezone: Good Shepherd An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located Group Home (Olympia on the west side of Olympia Avenue NE at the 1000 block between NE 10th Avenue NE), R-015-88 Street and NE 12th Street from R-1, single family residential, to G-1, general, zone for Good Shepherd, File No. R-015-88. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED.BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. Councilman Stredicke objected to the proposal since it rezones property located in the middle of an R-1-zoned neighborhood to G-1. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 64843 through 65314 in the amount of $1,879,988.53, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received or rendered; Vouchers 64855 through 64857 machine voided. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- HEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council Presi ent Stredicke questioned whether the business license "head" tax Finance: Business License will be continued. Mayor Clymer indicated that the matter will be addressed "Head" Tax during budges hearings. Council: Meeting To accommodate citizens wishing to testify at weekly Council meetings, Schedule Council President Stredicke requested that Council consider returning to its former meeting schedule which called for regular Council meetings the first four Mondays of the month. He suggested that since the number of topics for discussion at Council workshops (Committee of the Whole) has dwindled, abbreviated Council meetings followed by workshops could be eliminated. Although willing to consider the matter, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler recalled that workshops were rescheduled from Thursday nights to Monday nights as a copvenience to citizens attending Council meetings. CAG: 89-002, Municipal Citing the visual impact of the new temporary court building in the City Hall Court Facility parking lot, Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler noted that neither the Hearing Examiner nor the Council had reviewed the plans, and she suggested that proper landscaping be installed to enhance the appearance of the structure. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADJOURN THE MEETING. CARRIED. Time: 8:05 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, CMC, City Clerk Recorder. Marilyn Petersen, CMC 11/13/89 October 16, 1989 Renton City Council Minutes Page 288 MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from City Attorney Warren reported status of a property tax Legal: Clemenson foreclosure action bey King County on a parcel of property owned by a Mr. Foreclosure Clemenson. Mr. Clemenson had contacted both the City of Renton and King County several year�ss ago asking that the City buy the property since it was fully occupied by air open city street. Apparently, King County did not note that fact in the tax records. Since property taxes have not been paid for , several years and f reclosure action was started by the County, Mr. Warren corresponded with the County to claim City title to the property. No reply has been received to date. If no response is received after second contact, the City will initiate quiet title action. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke presented a Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole regarding the City {-call parking lots. The Committee reviewed a proposed Space Needs: City Hall municipal campus parking plan and policies recommended for adoption for Parking Lot the City of Renton. After hearing from City staff and citizens, the Committee recommended that the proposed plan and policies be approved as amended and referied to the Mayor for implementation. The amendment was to change 21 publi two-hour limit parking stalls into four-hour limit parking stalls at the southwest end of the parking lot. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: Radar Gun Council President Stredicke requested a memorandum from the Police Program Department regardig status of the neighborhood radar gun program. Lt. Garry Anderson reported that the program has been operating for some time under the direction of the crime prevention officer. Fire: Parking Space for At Council request, Mayor Clymer agreed to find out why a parking stall has Fire Marshal been reserved for the fire marshal in front of the Municipal Building. Community Event: At Council President Stredicke's request, Mayor Clymer will provide Council 1. Renton River Days with a list of the winners of the Renton River Days ducky race for recording in the Council min tes. , Plat: Final, Falcon Ridge The following memorandum from the Board of Public Works regarding (Sea Van Properties), FP- Falcon Ridge issue was entered by Community Services Committee Chairman 082-84 Nelson (matter refe red 8/7/89): After a field trip t the site, the following recommendations were presented to the Falcon Ridge Homeowners Association by staff: 1. Sidewalk sections which have unacceptable cross slopes will be replaced. Because an acceptable alternative for sidewalk design in the vicinity of the Manning home cannot be determined, the sidewalk will be installed per the FPUD plans. 2. Drainage system has been installed per plans and specifications and/is operating satisfactorily. Maintenance is the responsibility of homeowners association. 3. An off-street vlisitor parking plan has been developed by staff and accepted by the homeowners association. The area for 55 off-street. stalls will be paved and striped by the builder, and should alleviate the problem of illegal on-street parking. The homeowners association has selected an option for fire lane signage to be installed by the builder. 4. The existing band in the amount of $13,500 is sufficient to complete the work and satisfy City requirements. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL REFER THE MEMORANDUM TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Committee Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #4243 An ordinance was read annexing 4.97 acres located north of the NE 44th Annexation: Renton 91 Street/I-405 interchange, north of S.E 76th Street and east of Lake Washington Boulevard NE, Renton 91 Annexation (Phase I), A-007-88. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. RENTON CITY COUNCIL Abbr6viated Meeting August 28, 1989 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER- COUNCIL MEMBERS WHEELER, TONI NELSON, NANCY L. MATHEWS, THOMAS W. TRIMM. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCIL MEMBER JOHN REED. CARRIED. (Position held by Councilman Hughes vacated on 7/3/89.) CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; DAN KELLOGG, Assistant City Attorney; ATTENDANCE MARILYN PETE SEN, Deputy City Clerk; DAN CLEMENTS, Finance Director; RUBEN NIETO, Personnel Director; LT. DALE BAKER, Police Department. PRESS Kathy Hall, Valle Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STR)DICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL MINUTES COUNCIL APPROVE THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 21, 1989. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 89-052, Maplewood Finance/City Clerk reported bid opening 8/18/89 for Maplewood Golf Golf Course Bridge Course Bridge; 6 bids; Engineer's estimate: $166,000.00 without sales tax. Refer to Transportation Committee. Rezone: Polygon Hearing Examine recommended approval of Polygon Corporation rezone for Corporation, R-019-89 1.2 acres located at 901 Sunset Boulevard NE from R-1, single family residential zone, to R-3, multifamily residential zone, R-019-89. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Space Needs: Mayor Clymer requested discussion of Council/Mayor space needs. Refer to Council/Mayor Committee of the Whole for discussion at Council workshop on 8/28/89. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented a report regarding Utilities Committee the waste reducti 1n and recycling study, referred 12/5/88. The Utilities Garbage: Waste Reduction Committee met with the Solid Waste Coordinator and the City Attorney to and Recycling Study review the proposed solid waste ordinance. The Committee recommended that Council accept this ordinance as presented and refer it to the Ways and Means Committee for proper legislation. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE R PORT. CARRIED. (See Ways and Means Committee report later.) Planning and Planning and De yelopment Committee Vice-Chair Mathews presented a Development Committee report regarding the request for release of right-of-entry for First City Release of Right-of- Development Corporation (Alterra Corporation Rezone, R-129-80). The Entry: First City property is located north of SW 7th Street, east of the P-1 channel, and south Development Corporation of the railroad right-of-way. Staff reviewed the matter and reported that the right-of-entry seoured by the City from First City Development Corporation is in compliance Yvith a condition of approval for the fill and grade permit issued for the P-1 East Side Watershed Project. This condition requires the applicants of the Mill and grade permit (King County and the City of Renton) to secure the leases, easements or other legal agreements to allow the temporary or permanent storage of dredged spoils on the properties abutting the project site. Based upon the Committee's review, it was recommended that the City Council approve the release of the right-of-entry as requested by Bogle and Gates, attorneys for First City Development Corporation, since the City has completed the excavation of the P-1 forebay and channel. The Committee also recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the appropriate documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. May 22. 1989 ' -` Renton City Council Minutes Page 147 Space Needs: City Hall Committee of the Whole concurred in the recommendations of the Municipal Parking Parking Lot Committee that 13 public parking stalls, limited to 30-minutes, be provided in the library and municipal parking lots to improve convenience for visitors making brief stops, and that the new Main Avenue parking lot be restricted for fuse by City employees between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. weekdays. The administration will monitor the parking situation and provide recommendations for changes, if determined necessary, to Council in the fall. Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented the following • Committee ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #4218 An ordinance was read relating to contracting indebtedness; providing for the Finance: Limited Tax issuance of $2,025,000 par value Limited Tax General Obligation Refunding General Obligation Bonds, 1989, of the City to provide funds with which to pay the cost of Refunding Bonds, 1989 refunding, paPing and redeeming a portion of the Refunding Bonds, 1983; providing for and authorizing the purchase of certain obligations out of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds herein authorized from those investments; authorizing the execution Of Refunding_Trustee; fixing the date, form, maturities, inierest rates, terms and covenants of the bonds; establishing a bond redemption fund; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation of Seattle, Washington. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Planning: Land Clearing Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented 'a report advising and Tree Cutting that the Committee has reviewed the routine vegetation permit related to the Ordinance Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Ordinance and recommended that the fee structure for gdministration of this ordinance be adopted as proposed by staff. The Committee recommended that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary legislation for presentation at the regular Council meeting of 6/5/89. MOVED BY TRIMM AND SECONDED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: Maplewood Golf Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report concurring Course Bridge Funding in the request of the Parks Department to transfer funds from the Maplewood Golf Course Capital Improvement Program Revenue Account to the Maplewood olf Course Bridge Account in the amount of $1,900.00. MOVED BY FRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm.presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 60709 through 61026 in the total amount of $1,112,835!.71, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received or rendered; Vouchers 60712 through 60714 machine voided. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke referenced numerous letters sent to Council by Citizen Comment: employees of the Kenworth truck plant in support of the relocation of the Kenworth Truck facility to the Pacific Car and Foundry site in Renton. Mr. Stredicke noted Company Relocation that employees have been misinformed that there is political opposition to the project, and he applauded the administration on .the way the project is being handled. He also indicated his intention to respond to the letters on behalf of the Council. Mayor Clymer reported that responses to employees' letters have been sent by the administration, and Pacific Car is now in the process of preparing a draft environmental, impact statement for public review in July. Planning and Planning and Committee Chairman Reed presented a status report regarding Development Committee the Victoria ills Phase II final planned unit development. The Committee PUD: Final, Victoria Hills was briefed by staff from the Departments of Public Works and Community Phase II, FPUD-042-85 Development on the progress of the project since the Committee's last briefing on 3/15/89. Fines of $500 have been collected from the developer for violating he agreement for work hours. The Oversight Committee approved a change on 4/28/89 to shift the intersection of Victoria Lane and Victoria Way about 80 feet to the north to create a more workable street grade. The number of units has remained the same at 174. May 1. 1989 -- Renton City Council Minutes Page 125 3. Collection for MSW and recyclables will be weekly while yard waste collection yyrvvill be bi-weekly during the months of April-November and monthly dttiring the months of December-March. The recycling and yard waste prog ams will begin on August 7, 1989. This implementation date will allow he staff adequate time to complete a public awareness campaign to educate the citizens of Renton to the program changes and for the contractor to order necessary equipment. 4. Each eligibIle household (single family and duplex) shall receive three bins for the recyclable materials and a 90-gallon toter for the yard waste material. Each household will be responsible for providing their own garbage container for solid waste. A ten-gallon galvanized steel container (mini-can) purchased on the open market by the citizens will be adopted into the program in 1990. This will provide a recycling incentive far households who wish to lower their monthly solid waste fee. 5. The contractor will insure that yard waste and recyclable materials are disposed o in a manner other than landfilling. _ 6. The contra for shall provide the City with comprehensive monthly reports det iling all aspects of the program for staff records and analysis. Additionally, a periodic audit will be used to verify tonnage. The Utilities Committee recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract subject to approval by the City Attorney. The Committee understands that actual consummation of contract negotiations may necessitate a minor extension of the present contract. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Mea s Committee Chairman Trimm presented the following Committee ordinances for econd and final reading: Ordinance #4215 An ordinance was read annexing 5.51 acres of property located south of the Annexation: Fetterly existing Renton corporate limits in the vicinity of SE 116th street and 142nd Avenue SE known as the Fetterly Annexation, A-005-88. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE A S READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. LAG: 89-001, Davis Ways and Mears Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Property Lease for City commending ouncil concurrence in leasing the Davis property on a Hall Office Space [ORDINANCE basis with a possible option to buy. The Committee further quested that he Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the lease reement. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, OUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Council esident Stredicke requested that his "no" vote be recorded in the minutes. ADMINISTRATIVE Council referral of 4/17/89 regarding fill and grade operation at Mt. Olivet REPORT Cemetery and size of concrete fill being deposited. Letter from Community Building: Mt. Olivet Development Director Ken Nyberg reported that large pile of concrete slabs Cemetery Fill Area which can be seen from Cemetery Road are being processed through a crusher and brdken down into small pieces before being disposed of on site. Any rock, concrete or similar material disposed on the site is limited in size to 12 inches maximum. As a result of litigation in 1987, King County Health District is responsible for enforcement of the water quality and disposal conditions requested by the City. These include ground water monitoring, inspection of the erosion and siltation control system, preparation of a plan and bonding for reclamation and restoration of the site, and limits on hours of operation. ' WSDOT: Ramp Metering Mayor Clymer reported that letters were sent to WSDOT and all legislators representing Renton districts expressing opposition to ramp metering at freeway interchanges in the City of Renton. Responses have been received from most legislators to date. AUDIENCE COMMENT Theresa Zimmerman, 813 N. 1st, Renton, asked whether the City-Wide Citizen Comment: Comprehensive Plan Update Work Program, referred this date to Planning Zimmerman - North and Development Committee, includes the North Renton area. Mr. Reed• Renton Comprehensive advised that the Committee will meet on 5/11/89 to discuss the matter. Plan March 27, 1989 Renton City Council Minutes Page 85 Item 4.d. The Community Services Committee recommended that the low bid from CAG: 89-002, Municipal Evergreen Mobile Company for the construction of the temporary Municipal Court Facility Court facilit be accepted by the City Council. The Committee recommended that the alternate #1 be rejected. The cost of construction is $284,484.00 i;lus sales tax of $23,043.20 for a total cost of $307,527.20. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the construction contract. Council President Stredicke questioned high cost of the new temporary facility and asked whether surplus portable facilities could have been purchased instead from other jurisdictions. Facilities Codrdinator Jim Shepherd indicated that other jurisdictions had been contacted, but none of the available surplus facilities were found to be suitable for court use. Committee Chairman Nelson also pointed out that the facility includes some furnishings, and represents more than just the building shell. MOVVD BY NELSON, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR I THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from R. P. Charley, owner of Chevron facility at 207 Main Citizen Comment: Street, Rento , requesting extension of 11/4/89 deadline for compliance with Charley - Underground provisions of the Underground Storage Tank Ordinance. Response was read Storage Tank Ordinance from Fire Marshal Glen Gordon granting a six month extension for Extension compliance t4 5/4/90. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RESPONSE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Rezone: An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 2.56 acres of Williams/Dolleman, property located east of 3717 NE 6th Street abutting Union Avenue NE and R-004-88 an adjacent 4,98 acres located at 3717 NE 6th Street from G-1, general classification,[to R-1, single family residential classification, and R-2, low density multifamily residential classification, for Williams/Dolleman, File No. R-004-88. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THISI ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Public Works: Clarke Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Landslide, Lake recommending Council concurrence in the recommendation of the Public Washington Boulevard Works Department to appropriate $16,500 for the emergency slide clean up and NE 51st Street, and $6,500 for additional geotechnical,investigation of the slide area for a Emergency Action total of $23,000. The unappropriated street fund balance is sufficient to cover these expenditures and, if approved, would be included in the next budget adjustment. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract for geotechnical investigation services. MOPED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers 59268 through 59643 in the amount of $1,063,314.14! having received departmental certification that merchandisOervices have been received or rendered; Vouchers 59275 through 59296 machine voided. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED I CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Referencing 'transportation Committee report adopted on 3/20/89, Council Streets: City-Wide President Stredicke questioned removal of three referrals from the Arterial Study Transportation Committee referral list relating to North Renton traffic: weight limits on City streets, truck routes in North Renton, and Metro traffic in residential areas. Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews explained that those items will be included in the scope of the City-Wide Arterial Study under current review by staff. Council will have the opportunity to consider those three items prior to adopting the Study at a later date. Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole report was presented by Council President Stredicke Interdepartmental regarding growth related projects in 1989 Work Plan. The Committee met in Projects & Priorities: special session! to hear a presentation from the City administration regarding 1989 Work Plan the impacts that rapid growth has had on the municipal organization and its ability to properly serve the public. After consideration, the Committee determined that significant measures must be taken to adequately address the challenges facing the City. March 6. 1989 Rent in City Council Minutes Page 61 Appointment:.Planning Mayor Clymer reappointed Pat Texeira, 1013 SW 3rd Place, Renton, to the Commission Planning Commission for a three-year term effective to January 31, 1991. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REAPPOINTMENT OF PAT TEXEIRA TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Added correspondence was read from Darlene Lang, Secretary of Good Appeal: Good Shepherd Shepherd of Washington, 4751 S. 172nd Place, Seattle, requesting waiver of Group Home Rezone appeal fee in the amount of $75.00 which accompanied appeal filed March 1, (Olympia Avenue NE), 1989. (See referenced appeals above.) The letter advised that an appeal fee R-015-88 was previously paid on this matter on October 20, 1988. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST TO WAIVE FEE.* Upon Council inquiry, City Attorney Warren explained that the hearing examiner's report issued 2/14/89 reconsidered the first hearing examiner's recommendation issued on 10/06/88; therefore, the original report may have been modified and the original appeal may no longer be the appeal under consideration. For that reason, a second appeal period requiring payment of a fee was set upon issuance of the second report on 2/14/89 to give appeal rights to all parties. Ralph Evans, 3306 NE llth Place, Renton, indicated his opinion that the latest appeal filed by Good Shepherd applies to only the hearing examiner's reconsidered recommendation, dated 2/14/89. It was Councilwoman Mathews' opinion that the original appeal filed by Good Shepherd was to remain open when Council referred the matter to the hearing examiner for reconsideration and response back. *MOTION CARRIED. Appeal: Good Shepherd Councilwoman Mathews referenced letter from Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Group Home Rezone 1024 Monroe Avenue NE, Renton, which stated that criticism of neighbors (Olympia Avenue NE), concerning maintenance of the church property is unfounded and the R-015-88 property will continue to be maintained as is appropriate. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE OFFICIAL GOOD SHEPHERD REZONE FILE, R-015-88. C�►RRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Stredicke reported that signs advertising Brighton Ridge Sign Code: Brighton Apartments are being illegally posted on telephone poles and street signs. Ridge Apartment Mayor Clymer agreed to have staff investigate the violations. Violations PUD: Final, Victoria Hills Planning and Development Committee Chairman Reed reported that on Phase II, FPUD-042-85 2/23/89 the Committee met with the Victoria Hills Oversight Committee to review progress of the Victoria Hills Phase II PUD development. At that time, the Planning and Development Committee requested that Don Erickson, Planning Division, present a detailed schedule of completion dates for the project by 3/9/89. Transnortation Transportation Committee Chairman Mathews presented a report concurring Committee in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to accept the low bid CAG: 89-004, City submitted by Gary Merlino Construction Co. in the amount of $84,309.30 for Parking Lot on Main the City Hall parking lot on Main Avenue S. The engineer's estimate for the Avenue South project was $96,466.82. The Committee also recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN, THE COMMITTEE REPORT.* It was noted that full improvements will be made to the parking lot which will provide 47 additional stalls for employee parking, and the property has been acquired on a four to five-year lease with option to purchase. In addition, a traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Mill and S. 2nd Street to assist pedestrian traffic, and the existing crosswalk located mid-block on Mill will be removed. *MOTION CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chairman Nelson presented a report Committee regarding the City space needs/Civic Center expansion project. The Snace Needs: Civic Center Committee met to review the overall space needs program, three alternative Expansion roiec� sites, and the schedule of activities required to meet the City's needs by mid- 1993. To accomplish the goals, the Committee recommended the following: 1) Authorize staff to work with property owners near City Hall .to secure access to additional property for the purpose of: a. Providing overflow parking or office space on a short-term basis; b. Protecting options and reducing costs for possible City needs in the future (Civic Center expansion); 1 March 6. 1989 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 62 c. When possible, congregating small properties into one ownership to increase the value and possibilities related to Central Business District (CBD) redevelopment opportunities. After appraisals are complete and preliminary negotiations have defined cost and/or options (purchase, lease, lease with option to buy, etc.), information should be brought to the City Council for their consideration and direction. 2. The city attorney explained the advisability of conducting soil studies on all potential sites very early in the process; however, the costs of such studies are high ($95,000). The committee recommended that the administration be directed to contact affected property owners to discuss sharing costs of the study and the results. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Stredicke requested that his "no" vote be recorded. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Keolker-Wheeler presented a report concurring Public Works: Boeing in the recommendation of the Public Works Department to approve the Company Master Street Boeing Company's master street use permit. The Committee further Use Permit concurred that the agreement should be referred to the Board of Public Works and staff to administer. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED pY,STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Rezone: KBI Diversified, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of property located Inc., R-005-88 on the west side of Abredeen Avenue NE between 973-1021 Aberdeen Avenue NE from R-1, single family residential, to R-3, medium density multifamily, 'or KBI Diversified, Ltd., File No. R-005-88. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. Parks: Ways and Means Committee recommended concurrence in the Telecommunications recommendation of the Finance Director to accept the lease proposal of System Security Pacific Leasing Corporation (formerly Rainier Bank) at the rate of 7.68% to finance the City's telephone system. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the leasing proposal. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. King County: Records Ways and Means Committee recommended approval of the City Clerk's and Election Voters' recommendation to participate in a King County voter's pamphlet for the Pamphlet 1989 November General Election. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Stredicke indicated concern with the number of patrons Space Needs: Parking parking illegally in front of City Hall due to shortage of stalls. He suggested Space that the first ten stalls of the parking lot in front of City Hall be designated for 15-minute parking when the new City Hall parking lot on Main Avenue S. is completed and additional parking space becomes available. South King County Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler noted receipt of letter from South King Multi-Service Center County Multi-Service Center requesting Council assistance in writing a letter to the HUD Secretary by March 10 regarding regulations for housing projects and support services. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND CITY(ATTORNEY TO DETERMINE IF RESPONSE IS APPROPRIATE, AND IF SO, AUTHORIZE ADMINISTRATION TO DRAFT LETTER TO PROPER AUTHORITY. CARRIED. National Student Council Councilmen bers were asked for suggestions in response to letter received by Conference Funds Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler from a Renton School District student appointed to represent 32 schools in her educational service district at the National Student Council Conference. The student has requested assistance in funding the trip. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE March 6, 1989 ISSUE: City Space Deeds/Civic Center Expansion Project The committee met on February 21 to review the overall space needs program and three alternative sites identified as well as the schedule of activities required to meet the City's needs by mid-1993. In order to accomplish the goals, the committee feels the following direction is in order now. 1. Authorize staff to work with property owners near City Hall to secure access to additional property for the purpose of a. providing overflow parking or office space on a short-term basis; b. protecting options and reducing costs for possible City needs in the future (civic center expansion); c. when possible, congrega ing small properties into one ownership to increase the value and possibilities reated to CBD redevelopment opportunities. After appraisals are complete and preliminary negotiations have defined cost and/or options (purchase, lease, lease ith option to buy, etc.), information should be brought to the City Council for their consideration and direction. 2. The city attorney explained the advisability of conducting soil studies on all potential sites very early in the process; however, the costs of such studies are high ($95,000). The committee recommends that the administration be directed to contact affected property owners to discuss sharing costs of the study and the results. I Toni Nelson, Chair C / " Nancy Mathews Reed 3/7 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Abbreviated Meeting February 27, 1989 Municipal Building Monday, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Earl Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RICHARD M. STREDICKE, Council President; KATHY A. KEOLKER- COUNCIL MEMBERS WHEELER, TONI NELSON, NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. REED, THOMAS W. TRIMM. Councilman Robert J. Hughes was absent. CITY STAFF IN MICHAEIJ W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; LAWRENCE C J. ATTENDANCE WARREN) City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, Deputy City Clerk; LYNN GUTTMANN, Public Works Director; RUBEN NIETO, Personnel Director; CAPT. DONALD PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Kathy Johson, Valley Daily News APPROVAL OF MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY.REED, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 20, 1989, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL In recogni ion of her outstanding service to the City and the Renton PRESENTATION community as President of the City Council during 1988, Councilwoman 1988 Council President Kathy Keolker-Wheeler was presented a special City of Renton award by Award Mayor Clymer, who expressed appreciation for her commendable performance. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Parks: Finance Department recommended acceptance of interest rate proposed by Telecommunications Security Pacific Leasing Company to finance the City's Telecommunication System System. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. King County: Voter's Finance/city Clerk submitted information from King County Records and Pamphlet Elections Department regarding the City's participation in a General Election Voter's Pamphlet. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. Release of Easement: Finance/City Clerk submitted Harlan Grohs' request for release of portion of Harlan Grohs (Mary easement bn NW 4th Street (S. 128th Street) west of Lind Avenue NW. Refer Ryan), NW 4th Street, to Utilities Committee and Board of Public Works. RE-001-89 CAG: 89-002, Temporary Finance/City Clerk reported bid opening 02/22/89 for Temporary Municipal Municipal Court Facilities Court Facilities; 3 bids; project estimate: $258,000. Refer to Community Services Committee. Claim: Hayes, CL-08-89 Claim for damages in the amount of $50.34 filed by Amelia Hayes, 1464 Hillcrest Lane NE, Renton, for damage to vehicle fan belt allegedly caused by traffic cone left on Park Avenue N. between 5th and 4th Street (01/27/89). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. • Parks: Hazen High School Park Boa Id submitted recommendation to approve Hazen High School request Waiver of Fee for of 01/23q9 to waive $320 fee for use of Community Center for spring prom. Community Center Council concur. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report Committee recommending that the matter of the Public Works Department reorganization Public Works: be referred back to the full Council without recommendation. MOVED BY Reorganization TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. / 0(9 April 4. 1988 _ Renton City Council Minutes — Page 106 King County: Black River Policy Development requested referral of matters to facilitate Council Quarry Waste Reduction, monitoring: 1) potential addition of Black River Quarry to King County's Fire District #1 waste reduction project, and 2) proposed Fire District #1 annexation to City Annexation of Tukwila. Refer to Community Services Committee. CAG: 87-065, 84th Public Works/Utility Engineering Department submitted CAG-065-87, 84th Avenue South Steel Avenue SE Steel Watermain Replacement, #W-925; and requested approval of Watermain Replacement the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the amount of $18,937.41, commencement of 30-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $5,730.24 to contrad,tor, Pape & Sons Construction, Inc. if all required releases have been received. Council concur. Public Works: Public Works/Storm Water Department requested review of Springbrook Springbrook Watershed Watershed Interloca. Agreement with King County to design and construct Interlocal Agreement drainage improvements in watershed area for a total amount of $120,000 ($50,000 budgeted) to mitigate erosion problems. Refer to Utilities Committee. Public Works: Cedar Public Works/Storm Water Department requested review of Cedar River River Flood Control Flood Control Study Share Cost Agreement between the City of Seattle and Study City of Renton to investigate using Seattle-owned Cedar River Masonry Dam for flood control. Refer to Utilities Committee. Personnel: Public Works Public Works Department requested two new personnel positions for Personnel Positions Oakesdale Avenue project, project engineer and construction inspector; and requested revision of Traffic Planning Engineer position (no additional funding required) and Project Development Coordinator position responsibilities. Refer to Ways and Means Committee. (See Ways and Means Committee report.) King County: Human Finance Department presented request from Renton Area Youth Services for Services Roundtable Renton to become voting member of King County Human Services Roundtable to coordinate human service planning in King County. Refer to Community Services Committee. MOVED BY KEOKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Letter was read from Personnel Director requesting approval of 1988-1989 Police: 1988-1989 labor agreement with non-commissioned employees of the Renton Police Agreement with Non- Officers' Guild. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- Commissioned Officers of WHEELER, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO Police Guild SIGN AGREEMENT WITH NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS OF RENTON POLICE OFFICERS' GUILD. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole report indicating that the Committee had met in workshop session on Interdepartmental Monday, March 28, 1988. Interdepartmental projects and priorities were Projects & Priorities reviewed for 1988 and staff was directed to provide matrix analysis forms to all Council members, department heads and mid-level managers for their input. Results of these responses will be presented to Council. Space Needs The Committee also discusssed the City's space needs and recommended the following actions: 1. Short Term Needs - Staff is directed to investigate possibilities for the leasing of property near City Hall for parking and/or office space. The Committee of the Whole recommended that this item and the general subject of short term space solutions be referred to the Community Services Committee. 2. Long Term Needs - The Committee discussed several options and asked that staff continue to investigate the expansion of the City Hall campus and the relocation of City Hall to a nearby site within the Cedar River corridor. The Committee of the Whole recommended that this general topic remain in the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE . • • • RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. CARRIED. September 21. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 293 ADMINISTRATIVE In response to Council concern on 9/14/87, Mayor Shinpoch reported that REPORT water spraying from a fountain at the entrance to Mt. Olivet Cemetery is Utility: Mt. Olivet private water, is located on private property, and is not being wasted since it Cemetery Fountain is recycled from a pool. Councilman Stredicke expressed concern that the spray appears to be wasteful to residents attempting to conserve water during regional short7e. Streets: Stop.Sign at 10th Responding tq Council report on 9/14/87, the stop sign at NE 10th Street and and Union Union Avenue NE has been restored. Fire: Public Safety Mayor Shinpoch has appointed Delores Mead, Pat McLendon, Greg Facilities Expansion Anderson, and Dixon Long to serve on the citizens Public Safety Bond Issue Master Plan Committee to coordinate the campaign prior to placement on the General Bond Issue Committee Election ballot. Cedar River A landslide which occurred in King County on Sunday above Maplewood Golf Course leas clouded the water in the Cedar River. The Department of , Ecology indicates there is no danger to fish at this time; however, the City will be informed of any change. AUDIENCE COMMENT Jeff Lukins, 1113 S. 23rd Street, Renton, President of the Victoria Hills PUD: Final, Victoria Hills Homeowners' Association, advised that hydroseeding installed by the Phase II, FPUD-042-75 developer of the Victoria.Hills Phase II project two weeks ago may not have survived due to lack of irrigation. He also apprised Council that no further erosion control measures have been provided by the developer to date, nor has there been any construction activity on the site. Court Case: Encore Upon Council inquiry, City Attorney Warren reviewed status of City-initiated court case against owners of the Encore club in the downtown area. Due to repeated violations of the Dance Hall Ordinance regarding occupancy load and employment of security officers, an action filed previously by the City in King County Superior Court against the establishment has been reactivated. Appeal: E & H Properties Upon Council inquiry, Administrative Assistant Parness reported that revised Rezone, R-016-87 traffic information has been supplied to Council members by The Blaylock Company, consultant for E & H Properties, prior to special presentation on the E & H Rezone scheduled for 9/28/87. Executive Session MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL.CONVENE INTO EXE•UTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITION. CARRIED. Time: 9:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:53 p.m. . e MAXINE E. MOTOR, CMC, City Clerk Recorder. Marilyn Petersen 9/21/87 .:„, Z0,0 • RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 24, 1987 Municipal Building • Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MIINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called;the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRI M, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN.W. COUNCIL MEMBERS REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SH NPOCH, Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clek; RICHARD C. HOUGHTON, Public Works Director; DAN CLEMENTS, Finance Director; JUDGE ROGER I. LEWIS, Municipal Court; CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER, Fire Department; CAPTAIN DON PERSSON, Police Department. PRESS Phil Emanuel, Valley Daily News Mark Matassa, Seattle South Times APPROVAL OF Corrections: Page F59, last paragraph, first line, change Vice-Chairman COUNCIL MINUTES Clymer to Chairman Keolker. Page 257, first paragraph, line seven, should correctly state that the ability to issue Councilmanic bonds has not been exceeded but the ability to pay the debt service has been severely limited for the next few years MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL APPROVE.THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 17, 1987, AS CORRECTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published LID: 333, North 1st Street in accordance with State and local laws, Mayor Shinpoch opened the public Undergrounding hearing to consider Local Improvement District No. 333„utility undergrounding on North 1st Street from Bronson Way to Burnett Avenue North. Correspondence from Public Works Director Richard C. Houghton was read reporting that as of 5:00 p.m. this date, eight protest letters representing 20.5% of the total LID roll have been received from Helen McNeely, 806 N. list; Ted Busch, 822 Riverside Drive; Theresa and James Zimmerman, 813 IIT. 1st; International Union of Operating Engineers, 830 North Riverside Drive; Charlotte and James Buss, 100 Williams Avenue N.; Daniel E. Holms, 829 N. 1st; David Buck, 904 N. Riverside Drive;and Vivian Hutchison, 803 N. 1st. City Clerk Motor reported receipt of five additional letters of protest from Cheryl L. Knight-Larson, 1003 N. 1st; Finn Hansen, 835 N. 1st; David Dobson, 909 N. 1st; William Melius, 913 N. 1st; Kathy and Kevin Bruce, 921 N. 1st; and M. June Evans, 817 N. 1st. The additional letters raised the percentage of protests from 20.5% to 33.3% according to Mr. Houghton's calculations (60% required for automatic termination of the LID). Reasons given by.residents for protesting the LID were cost of the project, increased since original estimate; difficulty and expense in extending wiring from street to residence; and inadequate information provided to petitioners. Letters from Margaret and Finn Hansen, 835 N. 1st, Vivian Hutchison, 803 N. 1st, and M. June Evans, 817 N. 1st, requested that their signatures be withdrawn from the petition. Upon Council inquiry regarding whether the petition is still valid since it was originally signed by only 50% of the participants in the LID, Assistant City Attorney Fontes referenced State law which allows participants the option of protesting the LID, but prohibits withdrawal of signatures from the petition once it is accepted by the City Council. The petition was accepted and Resolution #2686 setting the public hearing was adopted on 8/3/87. Public Works Director Houghton explained that original project estimates were hurriedly done since the N. 1st Street improvement project was already underway when residents expressed interest in utility undergrounding. Following thoroug review, the original estimate of $1200 per residence was increased to $1750 and included Puget Power cost of $33,495, undergrounding trenching cost of $24,050, and City administrative costs of $8,205 for a total of $68,255. Puget Power's estimated cost has since • increased to $55,000, raising the per residence assessment to $2200. Councilwoman Mathews questioned validity of protest letter received from -:� 267 August 24. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 267 Ways and Means Finance Director Dan Clements responded to questions raised by Council CommitteePublic Safety members on 81/17/87. Referring to a handout distributed to Council Facilities Expansion members, he advised that the income level to qualify for property tax Master Plan exemption by disabled or senior citizens 61 years or older is $15,000 or less per year; explained monthly cost to homeowners and total cost for each element of the bond issue based on a $75,000 home; and described four alternatives fdr bonding including costs and levy rates as follows: Alternative #i - $41.8 million, $12.10/month Implement Fire Master Plan; Implement Consultant Needs Study Alternative #2 - $25.8 million, $7.47/month Omit City Hall addition; Omit parking garages; Omit campus additions (Citizens Committee's Recommendation) Alternative #3 ,- $22.2 million, $6.43/month Omit City Hail addition; Omit parking garages; Omit campus additions; Omit one-half City Hall structural; Omit Station 12 relocation (Mayor's Recommenda ion) Alternative #4 - $18.5 million, $5.36/month Omit City Hall addition; Omit parking garages; Omit campus additions; Omit City Hall str ctural; Omit-Station 12 relocation; Omit Valley Station Lastly, he ex lained methods of issuing bonds, cost to homeowner for five years if all bonds are issued at one time, and cost if bonds are issued over a five-year period. In response to Council inquiry of 8/17/87, Mayor Shinpoch described other ballot issues proposed for the 1987 General Election: $99 million Harborview Hospital issue and state school construction bond issue. Responding to Council question regarding appropriateness of using an $80,000 home as a median, Mayor Shinpoch reported that 1980 census figures show that $69,000 was the median-priced home; however, more recent information shows Renton's median priced home at between $72,500 and $76,000. Therefore, a $75,000 figure was determined appropriate. Responding to questions pertaining to feasibility of eliminating municipal court and contracting with King County district court, Mayor Shinpoch advised that predicated on opinions from police, judges, attorneys and other valley cities, Renton's municipal court processes the same volume as district court, and converting would result in a loss in revenue as well as increased capital costs to expand district court On questions relating to timing of bond issue, Mayor Shinpoch reported that since 9,546 votes were cast in the 1986 election, 40% of that total or 3,819 votes would be required to be cast in 1987 to validate the bond issue, and 60% of that figure or 2,292 votes must be favorable. She concurred with the opinion of the citizens committee that the bond issue would have the best chance of validation and approval this year. Discussion was held regarding capital expense of implementing the Fire Master Plan nd remodeling city hall to meet code requirements. It was MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL ADOPT ALTERNATIVE #3, MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION.* Audience comment was invited. Versie Vaupel, 1402 N. 2nd Street, Renton, urged Council to consider separating ballot issues due to chance of failure of combined issues in one ballot question. She also felt it was unfair to vote on a plan without consulting businesses and residents whose property will be taken. Bob McBeth, 1906 Rolling Hills Avenue SE, Renton, member of the citizens committee, pointed out that the difference in monthly cost between Alternatives #2 and #4 is only $2.00 per month to the homeowner. He expressed the opinion of the committee that needs outlined in Alternative #2 are legitimate since very little could be cut without jeopardizing the city, and he felt the citizenry would be supportive of the bond issue. Ray Gervais, 506 Windsor Place NE, Renton, pointed out financial hardship of additional tax to retired citizens, urged separation of issues on the ballot, and opposed relocation of Highlands Station 12. Upon inquiry by Mayor Shinpoch, Mr. Gervais indicated that he would support the bond issue if ' Station 12 is not moved. Councilwoman Mathews indicated that considerable interest has been August 24. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 268 expressed in the northeast section of the city for location of a fire station further east to proiride faster response to expanding areas of the city. She asked if Council could adopt a policy to continue operating an aid car from the current vicinity of Station 12 if that station were relocated further east. Fire Chief Lee Wheeler described plans to sell that land if Station 12 is relocated. Referriog to a city map reflecting location of existing and proposed fire stations and response boundaries, he explained areas which currently overlap and areas which have inadequate level of service. By adding stations in he valley area and Kennydale and relocating Station 12, which currently se 4 ves areas overlapped by service from the downtown station, service to the entire city is improved. Upon further inquiry, Chief Wheeler advised that if the bond issue passes, four and possibly five aid cars will serve the city, the fifth dependent upon joint manning agreement with Fire District #40. Further discussion was held regarding proposed traffic pattern changes upon implementation of the plan. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 10:48 p.m. Counil reconvened at 10:58 p.m.; roll was called; all members were present. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker presented the following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #4080 An ordinance was read providing for public safety facilities, including Public Safety Facilities acquiring, constructing and equipping a police/fire training facility, a Expansion Master Plan police/court/jail f cility and two new fire stations, and providing City Hall Bond Issue structural improvements and renovations related to the police/court/jail relocation; declari g the estimated cost therepj as nearly as may be; providing for the borrowing of a total of $22,200,000and selling general obligation .cC` bonds to pay the ost thereof, such bonds to be payable by annual property tax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies; and providing for the submissio� of the proposition of incurring such indebtedness, issuing such bonds and levying such indebtedness, issuing such bonds and levying , O< such excess taxes io the qualified voters of the City at a special election to be .O`�`� G G� held therein on November 3, 1987, in conjunction with the State general rJ� election to be held on the same date. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED '� BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, STREDICKE, KEOLKER, CLYMER. I NAT: HUGHES. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Gary Young, 4020 Lake Washington Boulevard NE, Suite 201, Kirkland, continued Polygon Corporation, requested advancement to Ways and Means Committee PUD: Final, Polygon, report regarding tie Polygon PUD. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED Sunpointe Condominiums, BY HUGHES, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF FPUD-037-87 BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE REPORT. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for first reading and advancement to second and final reading. PUD: Final, Polygon, An ordinance was read approving the Final Planned Unit Development, Phase Sunpointe Condominiums, II, for Polygon Corporation, Sunpointe Condominiums, to allow 256 FPUD-037-87 multifamily units on approximately 13.29 acres of property located at Stevens Avenue SW and SW 5th Street, File No. FPUD-037-87. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THIS ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4081 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance, it was PUD: Final, Polygon, MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL ADOPT Sunpointe Condominiums, THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Upon inquiry by Councilman Stredicke FPUD-037-87 regarding deadline for completion of the entire project, Chairman Keolker referenced Conclusion No. 7 and Recommendation No. 4 of the Hearing Examiner's recomknendation which require submission of Phase III plans within 12 months of the prior approval or by March, 1988. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMM, MATHEWS, REED, KEOLKER, HUGHES, CLYMER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Chairman Keolker requested that City Attorney Warren provide a definitive answer on whether this project falls within the authority of the PUD Ordinance before or after it was revised. RENTON CITY COUNCIL ReIgular Meeting August 17, 1987 Municipal Building Monday, 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Barbara Y. Shinpoch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF THOMAS W. TRIMM, Council President; NANCY L. MATHEWS, JOHN W. COUNCIL MEMBERS REED, RICHARD M. STREDICKE, KATHY A. KEOLKER, ROBERT J. HUGHES, EARL CLYMER. CITY STAFF IN BARBARA Y. SHINPOCH, Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City ATTENDANCE Attorney; MICHAEL W. PARNESS, Administrative Assistant; MAXINE E. MOTOR, City Clerk; DAN CLEMENTS, Finance Director; -JOHN E. WEBLEY, Parks Director; JUDGE ROGER I. LEWIS, Municipal Court; CHIEF A. LEE WHEELER, Fire Department; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS, Police Department PRESS Phil Emanuel, Val ey Daily News ' Mark Matassa, Seattle South Times APPROVAL OF MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 10, 1987, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Jack Berry, representing architecture consultant H. Wendell Mounce, AIA & PRESENTATION Associates, presented the Civic Center Master Plan preliminary proposal. Public Safety Facilities Referring to schematic drawings D3 and E3 contained in the draft, Mr. Berry Expansion Master Plan described the proposal which includes a new court building, new police facility/jail and 247 additional parking spaces. Scheme E3 has been recommended with D3 designated as an alternative if'location of underground utilities prevents iinplementation of preferred Scheme E3. Although plans have been modified in scope to reduce costs, renovation of City Hall remains part of the recommended plan. Mr. Berry discussed preliminary phasing plans and estimated costs over a five-year period. The police facility and municipal courthouse would be constructed first, followed by the City Hall remodeling project which will necessitate temporarily relocating some offices elsewhere in the downtown area. Responding to Council inquiry, Mr. Berry advised that since cost figures do not include 1% for Art, funds for art would be taken out of the building budget. Greg Anderson, Chairman of the 16-member citizens Public Safety Advisory Committee appointed to study the issues related to the City's facilities needs, discussed findings of the Committee that the public should be presented the opportunity to vole on a $25.7 million bond issue to construct public safety facilities to serve the immediate needs of the community. The Committee found that the city departments most in need of additional space and capital improvements are the police/jail, fire, and municipal court. It was also recommended that the proposal should be structured as a single question, asking the public to support the construction of public safety training facility; new fire station in Kennydale; new fire station in the valley; Highlands Station 12 relocated further east; complex providing for police station, jail and municipal court; City Hall remodel; and acquisition of land for new facilities and parking. The projected cost to the average taxpayer for the $25.7 million bond issue ($80,000 home, 20-year bonds) would be approximately $8.02 per month for the 20 year period. Upon Council inquiry, Finance Director Dan Clements explained that due to the amount of funds needed, a levy lid lift would not be feasible. He discussed options or consideration of the bond issue as a single issue or split into several separate issues. Responding to Council inquiry regarding the possibility of discontinuing Municipal Court and utilizing King County District Court as do cities of Kent, Auburn and Bellevue, Administrative Assistant Parness advised that because of increase in King County court fees, those cities have recently contacted the City of Renton for information regarding its municipal court operation. Council members questioned fiscal impact of staffing fire stations included in the bond issue, cost of the bond issue to single family residents versus • 257 August 17. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 257 a I businesses, options available to the City if the bond issue fails, and exemption to elderly and/or economically disadvantaged citizens. It was noted that w implementation of the Fire Master Plan over the next 15 years will require is adding 42-45 irefighters at a cost of approximately $2 million per year; approximately 65-70% of the bond issue will be paid for by businesses; there pLi. is a natural sp it for the bond issue between the fire stations and the + police/court/renovation project; Councilmanic bonds are not an option since U w the City's bonding capacity has been exceeded for many years to come; and the exemptionll to elderly/disadvantaged citizens is determined by state law. y Z j Municipal Court Judge Roger Lewis, Police Chief Alan Wallis and Fire Chief Lee Wheeler were invited to address Council members regarding impacts of the bond issue to public service. Judge Lewis reported that an additional court room is needed to accommodate heavy calendars, described effects of overcrowding on municipal court staff, indicated difficulty in imposing sentences loner than 30 days because of lack of jail facilities, and warned of loss of revenue and effectiveness due to inefficiencies. Chief Wallis discussed potential failure of mechanical, plumbing and sewer systems in the existing jail, and noted that any remodeling would trigger need for upgrading to meet Code requirements. He described overcrowded office conditions and effects of having staff spread out in three separate locations, and felt that service to the public wip be impaired if conditions do not improve. Chief Wheeler discussed existing substandard fire/aid response time to the northern Kennydale area and the valley floor area, and advised that new fire stations in those areas would serve existing development and any future annexations. He also supported construction of a fire training facility, particularly in view of recent construction of high-rise buildings in the City. Upon Council inquiry regarding whether the burden to existing taxpayers will be reduced as population increases, Mayor Shinpoch concurred that as long as the area remains prosperous, rates should decline as more people share the burden. Further discussion indicated that bonds would be issued over a five- year period, sand changes to traffic patterns in the downtown core area are probable. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:22 p.m. Council reconvened into regular Session at 9:34 p.m.; roll was called; all members were present. Audience comment was invited. Ray Gervais, 506 Windsor Place NE, Renton, pointed out that the proposed monthly charge would be unaffordable for some residents. He also indicated that he would circulate a petition to keep the existing fire station in its current location in the Highlands. Mayor Shinpoch reviewed qualifications for tax exemption. Tom Hellene, 1925 Aberdeen Place SE, Renton, presented the recommendation of the Renton Chamber of Commerce that Council approve the public safety bond issue by placing the ordinance on first reading this date, and adopting it on 8/24/87 in time for placement on the November ballot. Phyllis Mc erry, 551 Windsor Place SE, Renton, spoke on behalf of Renton Highlands residents who support leaving the Highlands fire station where it is. Sanford Webb, 430 Mill Avenue South, Renton, questioned number of City employees in comparison with population increase over past seven years, and felt it was not fair to ask citizens to fund bonds for expansion of municipal facilities. Mayor Shinpoch clarified that the number of City employees in 1980 (300) did not include part-time equivalents as does the current total (450). Darrell Igelmund, 3602 Lake Washington Boulevard N., Renton, member of the Public Safety Advisory Committee, suggested that the Kennydale fire station stand alone as a separate bond issue to assure its passage. Versie Vaupel, 1402 North 2nd, Renton, also indicated concern that the Kennydale area is lacking a fire station. She supported assigning cases to King County District Court rather than maintaining a municipal court, and suggested moving certain operations out of the heavily congested core area. Mrs. Vaupel asked that consideration be given to traffic flow prior to construction to lessen impacts on residents in the downtown area, and 258 August 17. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 258 disagreed with use of the riverside property for any development that is not water-related. Mayor Shinpoch explained need for proximity of court and police facilities for transport of prisoners, interaction by staff, and security to the court. Discussion was held regarding possible separation of the issues on the ballot. Mayor Shinpoch and Administrative Assistant Parness reiterated opinions of the consultant and citizens committee that all components of the bond issue are of equal import and must either be addressed now or in the immediate future. MOVED 13Y TRIMM, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMI'II~TEE REPORT. CARRIED. Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for first reading: Public Safety Facilities An ordinance was read providing for public safety facilities, including Expansion Master Plan acquiring, constructing and equipping a police/fire training facility, a police/court/jail facility and two new fire stations, replacing a fire station and providing City Hall structural improvements and renovations related to the police/court/jail relocation; declaring the estimated cost thereof as nearly as may be; providing for the borrowing of a total of $25,700,000 and selling general obligation bonds to pay the cost thereof, such bonds to be payable by annual property ax levies to be made in excess of regular property tax levies; and providing for the submission of the proposition of incurring such indebtedness, issuing such bonds and levying such excess taxes to the qualified voters of the City at a special election to be held therein on November 3, 1987, in conjunction with the State general election to be held on the same date. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK.* Further discussion was held regarding separating the bond issue into three components: fire/police training facility; fire stations; and police/city hall/court/jail facility. Assistant City Attorney Fontes was of the opinion that the issues could be placed together in one ballot title and survive the judicial scrutiny of the test case if both the City Council and the bond counsel agrees that the issues are related and interdependent. *MOTION CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL RECESS FOR TEN MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 10:15 p.m. Council reconvened at 10:25 p.m.; roll was called; all members were present. Council members requested that information be provided before the next regular meeting relating to exemptions for qualifying seniors, regional issues proposed for the November ballot, cost figures for purchase of additional land in the Highlands for fulure construction of a fire station in lieu of moving existing station, monthly assessment to residents if the median home value was reduced to $70,000, anticipated revenues in the next five to ten years, and effect of those revenues on bonding in increments in that five year period. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ray Gervais, 5061 Windsor Place NE, Renton, indicated concern with water Citizen Comment: Gervais quality in Renton as evidenced by clogged fittings on new gas water heater. - Water Quality Mayor Shinpoch agreed to pursue the matter. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the Consent Agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Claim: Griffin, CL-31-87 Claim for damages in the amount of $1,029.29 filed by Jeffrey Griffin, 15650 SE 138th Place, Renton, for damage to automobile allegedly sustained when struck by City vehicle at SW 10th and Lind Avenue SW (07/29/87). Refer to City Attorney and insurance service. • Finance: Social Service Mayor Shinpoch transmitted 1988 funding applications from social service Organization Funding organizations: Friends of Youth, King County Rape Relief, Domestic Abuse Women's Network, and Renton Area Youth Services. Refer to Community, Services Committee. Igl June 1. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Pane 181 King County: King Councilwoman Mathews advised that King County has issued its draft County 2000 transportation plan through the year 2000. Of the total 879 projects within Transportation Plan King County, half will be King County's responsibility at a cost of $435 million. The remaining 406 are within South King County with projected costs of $237 million. The Green River Valley has 71 of the highest priority projects towards which King County is contributing $17 million, and include the following projects within Renton: Lind Avenue, Oakesdale Avenue, SW 27th, I-405, SR-515, Sunset Boulevard from Rainier to west City limits, SR- 167 and SW 43rd, and South 180th at SR-181. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, KING COUNTY TRANSPORATION PLAN BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR REVIEW AND INPUT TO KING COUNTTY. CARRIED. Annexation: Honey Creek Councilman Stredicke referenced referral of Honey Creek Annexation Issue Paper to Planning and Development Committee on 5/18/87 prior to King County Boundary Review Board public hearing on 6/9/87. Following discussion regarding Council's intent to support the original annexation proposal whic?i excludes Devil's Elbow Road, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL GO ON RECORD ONCE AGAIN SUPPORTING ORIGINAL HONEY CREEK ANNEXATION BOUNDARIES AND FORWARDING LETTER TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD REPORTING THE CITY'S INTENT. CARRIED. Improvements Councilman Hughes relayed favorable comments from citizens regarding Commended improvements to railroad tracks on Main, Wells and Burnett, and lane and turn improvements on Park Avenue, N. 3rd and N. 4th Streets. ADMINISTRATIVE Administrate le Assistant Parness advised that the remaining 67-day REPORT construction period for Victoria Hills Final FPUD Phase II development PUD: Final, Victoria Hills begins this date. Phase II, FPUD-042-85 Building & Zoning: Tall Referencing the Tall Fashions NW Temporary Permit (Thomas Garrick, File Fashions NW Temporary No. TP-104-86) denied .by the Hearing Examiner on 4/24/87, Mr. Parness Permit, Thomas Garrick, reported that the business will relocate in properly zoned office space TP-104-86 adjacent to K-Mart by the end of the month. CAG: 87-037, Public Representati yes of the firm of Wendall Mounce & Associates, consultant Safety Facilities selected to do the space study for the Public Safety Facility expansion and Expansion Master Plan, City Hall, will be interviewing staff and officials this week regarding future City Hall Space Study expansion needs. AUDIENCE COMMENT Mitch Murray, 2813 NE 23rd Place, Renton, questioned whether rezone and Citizen Comment: Murray PUD associated with the Honey Creek Annexation would remain active if the - Honey Creek King County Boundary Review Board denies the annexation. City Attorney Annexation Warren clarified that if the annexation is denied, the rezone and PUD would Annexation: Honey Creek no longer be valid. Policy: Tree Clearing in Councilman Stredicke questioned whether the Administration has reviewed Sensitive Areas his request for policy on clearing trees in sensitive areas on privately-owned property. Administrative Assistant Parness advised staff concurrence that such a policy' is needed and has been included in the draft Environmentally Sensitive Areas ordinance. Although a major work item, that element could be removed from the ordinance for separate adoption if Council feels it is of high priority MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, THIS MATTER BE REFERRED TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR REPORT BACK. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 11:00 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Marilyn Petersen 6/1/87 170 May 18. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 170 Airport: Storm Drainage An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2 of Title III (Departments) of City Charges Code relating to storm drainage charges for the Airport. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE FOR TWO WEEKS. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker presented the following resolution for reading and adoption: Resolution #2681 A resolution was read declaring an emergency regarding reconstruction of CAG: 86-016, SW Grady S.W. Grady Way cite to termination of contractor for public convenience to Way Project avoid massive dislocation of traffic patterns within the City and disruption to businesses bordering upon SW Grady Way. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ.* City Attorney Warren explained the purpose of the resolution to meet the State Auditor's rules and State statutes and enable cities to negotiate a contract for continuation of the SW Grady project rather than go through the formal bid process which would delay completion beyond the 1987 construction season. He added that because reconstruction of SW Grady Way must be coordinated with the Oakesdale Avenue project to be completed this year to avoid dislocation of traffic, an emergency is declared and the Public Works Director is directed to negotiate a contract with the contractor for Oakesdale Avenue for the continued reconstruction of SW Grady Way. *MOTION CARRI D. - Fire: Public Safety Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report Facilities Expansion recommending approval of the Public Safety Facilities Expansion Master Plan Master Plan Consultant Contract with Wendell Mounce, AIA from Glendale, California. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract in the total amount of $62,800. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES EXPANSION MASTER PLAN CONSULTANT C 9 NTRACT. CARRIED. Vouchers Ways and Means ommittee Chairman Keolker presented a report recommending approval of Vouchers No. 32789 through No. 33092 in the amount of $716,438.06, having received departmental certification that merchandise/services have been received or rendered; Vouchers 32799 through 32801 machine voided. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE VOUCHERS AS PRESENTED. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS Councilman Stredicke requested review and recommendation from the Policy Policy: Tree Clearing in Development and Legal Departments regarding tree clearing by.private Sensitive Areas property owners in sensitive areas. King County: Incineration Councilman Stredi ke asked whether Council members other than himself Program plan to attend King County Councilman Bob Grieve's breakfast meeting in Kent on 5/19/87 tb discuss garbage incineration. Councilwoman Keolker indicated that Mayor Shinpoch plans to attend. King County: Human Councilwoman Mathews questioned whether the results of two similar surveys Services Survey conducted by King County and another agency regarding human services in King County will be combined. She indicated concern regarding expense of this possible duplication of effort. Administrative Assistant Parness agreed to investigate the matter. ADMINISTRATIVE Administrative Assistant Parness presented Mayor Shinpoch's request for REPORT authorization to appoint a citizens committee to. study space needs for City Citizen Committee: Space Hall and public safety facility expansion and make a recommendation to Needs Study Council concurrent with the consultant's technical analysis sometime this summer. (See Was and Means Committee report.) MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL GRANT PERMISSION TO THE MAYOR TO FORMULATE A CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO STUDY SPACE NEEDS FOR CITY HALL AND PUBLIC SAFETY EXPANSION AN REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. Mr. Parness welcomed Council members to submit names of people interested in' serving on the committee. P 163 May 11. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 163 King County: Incineration Councilwoman Mathews indicated receipt of correspondence from King Program County Councilman Bob Grieve inviting South King County elected officials to a breakfast to send a signal that garbage burning facilities are opposed in South King County. Mayor Shinpoch agreed that Renton City officials should attend, but rather than lend credibility to Mr. Grieve's campaign, she preferred that suburban cities accept as inevitable the siting of an incinerator facility in South King County, and expend efforts towards demanding, insisting and ensuring proper mitigation measures to protect the jurisdictions which are affected. ADMINISTRATIVE Memoranda of understanding will be exchanged by the City of Renton and REPORT the Washington State Department of Transportation after recent meeting WSDOT: I-405 HOV Lane between City and WSDOT officials regarding I-405 HOV lane construction Construction & Oakesdale and the Cit 's needs for Oakesdale Avenue. Avenue Viet Nam Memorial The Viet Nm Memorial, a replica of the memorial in Washington D.C., is still under construction in Olympia, and will be dedicated on May 25. All Council members are invited to attend. Police: Renton Jail The Renton jail recently received a clean bill of health from the Washington State Jail Inspection Committee. Congratulations have been sent by Mayor Shinpoch to the Police Department for maintaining the jail in full compliance with all ma datory standards. Loop Minor revisions will be made to the pamphlet prepared by the Police Department for distribution to cruisers. Mayor Shinpoch felt that the idea is a good one and the tone of the handout is great in apprising young people of new cruising restrictions. Executive Session MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL CONVENE INTO EXECUTIVE SESESION TO DISCUSS POTENTIAL LITIGATION. CARRIED) Time: 10:14 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened into regular session; roll was called; all Council members were present. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY MATHEWS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 10:32 p.m. MAXINE E. MOTOR, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Marilyn Petersen 5/11/87 87 March 9. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 87 CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Finance Director Dan Clements requested approval of contract Finance: GEO Coding with Aquilla Systems, et al. for GEO Coding information system, approved in Contract 1986 Budget. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Council reque REFER copies of the bid tabulation sheet. MOTION CARRIED. Public SafetyFacilities Letter from Ji n Shepherd, Parks and Recreation Department, requested a Expansion Master Plan authorization too begin negotiations with Wendell Mounce, AIA, Glendale, California, to allow the Public Safety Facilities Expansion Master Plan to proceed. Mr. Mounce was one of three finalists from a total of ten reviewed by the consultant selection committee, and the Master Plan will provide for development of a new public safety building and adjacent structures and property. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Upon Council inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch advised that the opening date for the CAG: 041-86, Library Library, which has been closed for remodeling, has been postponed from Renovation March 9th to the 16th due to construction delays. Streets: Lake Washington Transportation Committee Vice-Chairman Keolker announced that the matter Boulevard Traffic of Lake Washington Boulevard traffic will not be considered at the Council meeting of March 16th as.previously announced, but will be held until March 23rd to allow�Chairman Reed the oppportunity to hold a Committee meeting prior to that ate. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Development Committee recommending that the ARCO Conditional Use Permit Appeal, CU-116-86, Appeal: ARCO be remanded 'to the Hearing Examiner as new information has been received. Conditional Use Permit, MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CU-116-86 CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Plat•. Final, Glacier Park Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Co., Orillia Industrial recommending concurrence in the recommendation of the Administration to Park, FP-176-78, FP- approve the Glacier Park (Orillia Industrial Park) request for an additional 278-79 deferral of improvement requirements to January 1, 1988. MOVED BY STREDICKEL SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinances for second and final reading: Ordinance #4050 An ordinance was read amending a portion of Chapter 12 of Title IX (Public Streets: Excess Right-of- Ways and Property) of City Code relating to excess right-of-way use. Way Use Policy MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman Stredicke felt that a public hearing should have been held to apprise people currently using public right- of-way of the City's policy change. It was explained that the City is complying with State law by revising existing policy to require either vacation or payment of a fee for use of City-owned property; and notification too right-of-way users will be phased so that the City is not inundated by complaints. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: TRIMM, CLYMER, HUGHES, KEOLKER. 1 NAY: STREDICKE. CARRIED. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Keolker presented a report recommending the following ordinance for first reading: LID: 313, Talbot Road An ordinance was read relating to Local Improvement District No. 313; fixing South the amount, form, date, interest rates, maturity and denominations of the Local Improvement District No. 313 bonds; providing for the sale and delivery thereof to Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation in Seattle, Washington; and fixing the interest rate on Local Improvement District No. 313 assessment installments; total amount of the assessment roll of $14,085.44 has been reduced by payments of $1,846.13, leaving a balance of assessments Unpaid in the sum of $12,239.31. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL REFER THIS ORDINANCE BACK TO COMMITTEE FOR ONE WEEK. CARRIED. • 52 February 9. 1987 Renton City Council Minutes Page 52 Latecomer Agreement: Letter was read from Don Van Parys, 13837 SE 128th Avenue, Renton, Van Parys Sewer Line, requesting latecom'pr agreement so that adjacent properties will be required to S-413 share in cost of sanitary sewer line and stubs installed to serve the Don Van Parys Short Plat, 1 9 cated on Shelton Avenue NE at NE 19th Street. MOVED BY TRIMM, SEC O NDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER CORRESPONDS CE TO UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Councilwoman Mathews indicated that after meeting over the past year, the PSCOG: Green River Green River Valle Action Plan Committee has formulated a final Valley Transportation recommendation for the Valley jurisdictions, King County and the State. It Action Plan Committee is the Committee's hope that cities will adopt resolutions requesting Puget Sound Council of Governments (PSCOG) to adopt the master plan at its March 3 meeting. Ms. Mathews asked that this matter be discussed at the next Committee o the Whole meeting on February 19. Planning and Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Development Committee indicating that following review of the City's landscape requirements and Landscaping Maintenance codes requiring sprinkling of City-mandated landscape areas, the Committee recommends removal of the item from the Committee. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fence and Hedge Planning and Development Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a report Ordinance regarding the Fence and Hedge Ordinance. Results of a City survey of 1,800 fenced lots presented by Building and Zoning Department staff indicated 762 violations were found. After careful review, it was determined that the number of non-c4iforming fences could be reduced by sixty percent if the permitted height of fences in front yards was increased by six inches. Height of fences, hedges and walls on corner lots within 20 feet of the street property line would be retained at 42 inches to protect sight distance. Fences, walls and 'hedges up to six feet in height would be allowed in front yard setbacks if sct back at least eight feet from the street property line. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, COUNCIL. CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND REFER THIS MATTER TO WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Appeal: Schneider Councilman Stredicke asked City Attorney Warren to report on whether the Variance, V-033-86 Schneider appeal concerning fencing at the Hilltop development on NE 6th • Street and Monroe Avenue NE, File No. V-033-86, is moot as a result of the Committee recommendation. City Attorney Warren indicated that a meeting with Mr. Schneider has been scheduled by Building & Zoning Department staff to review the effect of the Committee report on the appeal. Following the meeting, Mr. Schneider may either withdraw the appeal in writing or request further review by the Planning and Development Committee. Garbage: Energy Councilwoman Keolker reported that last week's Energy Resource Recovery Resource Recovery Summit in Bellevue was represented by Council members Hughes, Mathews Summit and herself. She noted that although there was no opportunity to ask questions of King County representatives, information presented was interesting and the forum allowed County officials to discuss proposed plans with suburban jurisdictions. Councilman Hughes commended Councilwoman Keolker for a fine job as summit panelist. Public Safety Committee (ublic Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented an informational report Fire Department:_ indicating that the Administration has met with the Committee to report on Training Facility negotiations with Kent and Tukwila regarding the proposed training facility. A draft interlocal agreement has been prepared and is being reviewed by various jurisdictions. Tentative agreement has been reached on facility planning and funding for operation, maintenance and capital financing. Site selection remains unresolved; however, Renton will continue to support the site located on Lind Avenue SE and SE 19th Street as the most appropriate location. The Ad inistration will continue to update the Committee as discussions contin e. Marine Patrol Public Safety Committee Chairman Hughes presented a report regarding 1987 marine patrol services. Since the need for patrol is minimal during non- boating season, the Committee recommended that services be reduced from eight hours per day all year to eight hours per day six months per year. This will result in a total 1987 program savings of $30,000 and a savings to Renton of $7,168 (total revised 1987 budget $20,272). Emergency response will not be affected since Mercer Island's boat will still be available on call 24 hours per day. l `U October 6. 1986 Renton City Council Minutes Page 4 OLD BUSINESS Council President Mathews presented an informational report regarding Committee of the liability coverage requirements for consultants and contractors. Discussion Whole was held with the Finance Director, Public Works Director, City's insurance Malpractice Insurance broker, and consultants. Topics were: type of work, potential city exposure, for Consultants level of required coverage, distinction between contractor and consultant liability, availability of insurance coverage, cost impact on city projects, and potential bid limitat'ons from qualifying firms. Council members expressed concern that the City not accept unreasonable exposure; that quality control be a primary conic eration; that flexibility be allowed for competitive bids from small or newly formed firms; and that liability insurance requirements of other jurisdictions be reviewed. The Administration will research this matter further and prepare a document for Council consideration. Planning Issues for Council President Mathews presented an informational report indicating that 1987 (including Council has been provided with an overview of assigned planning projects for Annexations) 1987 by Policy Development Director Larry Springer. The Planning Commission will meet with the Council's Planning and Development Committee to discus and prioritize projects and determine staff time requirements for 1987. Annexation policy review was recommended as the number one priority. Additional topics for consideration include: arterial street plan, design review, residential density, and valley floor improvements and project coordination. Mr. Springer requested that Council include priority and time frame recommendations for all future referrals. Space Needs Council President Mathews presented an informational report indicating that the City of Renton Space Utilization Study was presented by Christine Johnson of Design ollaborative. Construction of a public safety building, renovation of City all, and land acquisition were recommended. This subject matter will be discussed during the 1987 budget review of all proposed capital projects. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Safety Public Safety Committee Chairman Reed presented a report indicating Committee approval of the Ac ministration's recommendation that five "kelly" (off-duty) Work Hours for Fire days be added to work schedules of Battalion Chiefs to provide equity with Department Battalion pay scale of Captain.i It was determined that the proposal would have Chiefs minimal fiscal impact and should be included in the 1987 budget. MOVED BY REED, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Fence and Hedge Planning and Development Committee Chairman Keolker announced that the Ordinance Fence and Hedge Ordinance will be reported out of Committee within three or four weeks. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chairman Clymer presented a report concurring in the Waiver of P-1 request of the Public Works Department to waive fees and permits for the Channel and remaining portion bf the P-1 Channel (SR-405 to SW 43rd Street) AND THE Oakesdale DEVELOPMENT OF OAKESDALE, and recommends full Council Permits/Fees concurrence. MO ED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL CONCUR IN TH COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation Transportation Committee Chairman Trimm presented a report concurring in Committee the recommendation of the Public Works Department to accept the low bid of Bid Award - NE 10th Gary Merlino Construction Co. in the amount of $21,554.00. The Committee Street Improvements - also recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute Kirkland Avenue NE to the contract documents. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY KEOLKER, Monroe Avenue NE COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Vice-Chairman Keolker presented a report Committee recommending the following ordinance for second and final reading: Ordinance #4019 An ordinance was read establishing a special assessment district for sanitary Special Assessment sewer service in the Renton Highlands area, Monroe Avenue NE and NE 7th District for Sanitary Street, and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the Sewer - Monroe facilities. MOVED BY KEOLKER, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL Avenue NE/NE 7th ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. St. CARRIED. F , Renton City Council 4/14/86 Page seven Old Business continued Committee of Renton would assume full costs for the P-1 Channel and the Whole Tukwila would ass Imecosts ofGreen River dike construction Renton/Tukwila and maintenance. Boundary Adjustment Newly constructed utility lines in the area north of 43rd continued Street between the tracks and the Green River would remain under Renton owned-ship and properties would continue to be assessed the montily service charges by Renton. The Committee recommended that the Policy Development Department proceed with negotiations with Tukwila and prepare proper annexation legislation. Further, the Committee recommended that this item be referred to the Planning and Development Committee for regular monitoring and progress reports. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR IiNi THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT. Councilmen Stred;cke and Trimm spoke against the motion due to concerns related to annexing property served by Renton utilities to another city. ROLL CALL: 4 AYES: MATHEWS, HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED. 3 NAYS: TRIMM, CLYMER, STREDICKE. CARRIED. Proposed Council President Mathews presented a Committee of the Whole Councilmanic report regarding proposed Councilmanic Bond issues. The Bond Issues report stated at due to current low interest rates, pending adverse tax changes, and cost reduction when combining issues, Finance Director Clements had recommended that Council . consider bonding certain projects: 1) Limited Geniral Obligation Bond Refunding $2,140,000 2) Golf Course Financing 3,965,000 3) Library .Remodel & Equipment Rental 1 ,600,000 4) Purchase of/ Panther Creek Wetlands 180,000 and Street Sweeper 5) Phase I of Golf 'Course CIP 821 ,000 Items 1 and 2 Ire currently funded by Councilmanic Bonds. Thus only item 3, 4 and 5 would increase the bonded indebtedness by $2.6 million. The Administration provided a further listing of capital projects whichlmay require funding by 1990. The project receiving the most interest and Council discussion was the Community Center. It has a projected cost of $5 million, with approximately half that amount to be recovered from the sale of Mother's Park. The Committee recommended that Council approve the Councilmanic bond issues as suggested by staff, with the additional sale of $2.5 million for ,the Community Center. It was further recommended that the Administration be authorized to open formal negotiations on the sale of Mother's Park; and that the matter oflCouncilmanic Bonds be referred to the Ways and Means Committee. MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY TRIMM, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT.` 0 .. For the record, Mayor Shinpoch reported that Finance Director /, ('o Clements had provided Council members with a complete fiscal tWreport at the Committee of the Whole meeting. on 4/10/86 s. , outlining the impact of the bond issue with the addition of fi the Community Center. Council has reviewed the report, the WEL matter was discussed at length, and it appears Council is .satisfied that sufficient funds exist to proceed. A coU consensus was reached that bonds should be issued rather than placing/ the matter on an election ballot. Council 2, members are fully aware that an expenditure of this magnitude il will preclude some other capital items. Regarding Ploject No. 4, street sweeper, Councilman Clymer felt that consideration should have been given to contracting street sweeping services with a private company rather than purchasing the equipment. Regarding the decision to finance a community center with Councilmanic Bonds, he supported the 04-10 Renton City Council 4/14/86 Page eight Old Business continued Proposed concept of a community center, but indicated his opinion that Councilmanic the proposal should be placed on the ballot for approval by the Bond Issues public. If .1pproved, funding could be provided from G.O. Bonds continued rather than Councilmanic Bonds. Other capital improvements that he felt have a higher priority at this time were court and a� rl space; which are essential to operation of the City. Councilman Clymer stated that an abundance of park facilities has already been provided in this city, and, in view of recent economic upttirn, passage of a bond issue by the voters would be likely. Council President Mathews noted that if Mother's Park is sold, those funds rust be used for recreational facilities, and the Council prefers that they be used to fund a community center. She questioned disposition of those funds if a ballot issue to fund a community center failed to gain approval of the voters. City Attorney Warren reviewed disposition of the funds either to commence construction of the center or be deposited to await use at a later date. Councilwoman Keolker agreed with Councilman Clymer's concerns. While she was not opposed to a community center, she questioned timing and method of funding by Councilmanic Bonds since it would increase the bonded indebtedness of the City by $2.5 million, thereby reducing the remaining bonding capacity for 1986 to $325,000. Although that capacity would be increased after January, 1987 to $1 .78 million and to $3.8 million in January, 1988, funding for other capital improvements would not realistically be available until 1990. Mrs. Keolker noted that considerable funding has been expended recently "for park- type facilities: golf course, Cedar River trail , Senior Center, and improvements to neighborhood parks. She felt that before giving up every other CIP in the City between now and 1990, evaluation of other needs should occur. These projects were listed as: Cedar River Corridor-Revitalization Program, space studies at City Hall for Police Department, jail and Municipal Court, parking lot space, Fire Master Plan, Oakesdale-Grady i street connection, staffing increases to accommodate building activity and Loop enforcement, and police/fire training facility. In addition, she noted, the City is faced with reduced federal funding in the amount of $700,000 this year. Councilwoman Keolker urged that the matter of a community center be reviewed in the proper format by accepting public comment on the Capital Improvement Program through the budget process. j Council President Mathews indicated that information previously compiled for the community center ballot issue in 1984 is current with minor exceptions. She reviewed alternatives for relieving City Hall space problems by relocating Park Department staff from the annex and Liberty Park community building activities to the new community center, releasing those facilities for other uses such as a children's library. Councilman Hughes recalled that previous Councils had approved the Senior Center, trail system, and Fire Station despite defeat of those issues at the polls by voters. He felt that Council would be doing the City a service by providing a community center for residents. Although Councilwoman Keolker agreed, she felt that funding from sources other than Councilmanic Bonds should be sought. Upon Council inquiry,. Finance Director Clements explained pending tax law changes which may have a negative impact on the abilit of cities to issue certain types of tax exempt bonds, resulting in reduced market for tax exempt securities. Vote on the motion to concur in the Committee of the Whole report was taken: `MOTION CARRIED. Recess MOVED BY MATHEWS, SECONDED BY REED, COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 10:58 p.m. 2(33 Renton City Council 01/09/84 Page Four Consent Agenda continued Consent Agenda MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL Adopted ADOPT THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Public Works Department requested public hearing be LID 301 Revised scheduled on 2/6/84 for Revised Preliminary Assessment Preliminary Assessment Roll for LID 301, Dayton Avenue NE Sanitary Sewer Roll in Total Amount Improvements. MOVED BY TRIMM, SECONDED BY HUGHES, of $114, 113.38 COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE REQUEST OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR AND SET THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR FEBRUARY 6, 1984. CARRIED. ' Upon inquiry by Councilman Reed regarding time lapse since adoption of original preliminary assessment roll on 2/7/77, Mayor Shinpoch explained rationale -for additional .public hearing to give residents an opportunity to express their, opinion regarding increased assessments. OLD BUSINESS Transportation Committee Chairman Stredicke presented a Transportation report concurring in the recommendation of the Public Committee Works Department to accept the low bid of H. L. Bid Award for Sunset JacobsonJ Jr. Construction Co. in the amount of Boulevard N . Project $139,459.00. The Committee also recommended that the (Bronson to 1-405) Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CLYMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. King County Health MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY REED, REFER Department Contract CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING KING COUNTY HEALTH CONTRACT TO COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE FOR REVIEW. CARRIED. City Hall Councilmen Stredicke requested that directory information Directory posted near City Hall elevators in the main lobby be Information corrected to reflect vacation of Renton District Court and relocation of Police Department Detective Division and Traffic Engineering Division on the 5th floor. Mayor Shinpoch indicated the matter would be rectified immediately. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Chairman Clymer presented Committee the following ordinances for second and final reading : Ordinance #3783 An ordinance was read approving and confirming the LID 324 Final assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement Assessment Roll District 324 for the construction and installation of curbs, in Total Amount gutters, sidewalks, storm drainage, street lighting, of $252, 922. 12 paving, sanitary sewer, watermain and all other improvements/appurtenances required thereto in and near the vicinity of Talbot Road and South 37th Street by doing all work necessary in connection therewith; levying and assessing the amounts against the parcels shown on said Assessment Roll as confirmed by the City • Council; and providing for the payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement Fund, District #324, as created by Ordinance 3561. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL GALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #3784 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification Ullrich Rezone of certain property within the City of Renton from General R-063-83 Classification District (G) to Residence District (R-3) for Siegfried Ullrich Rezone, R-063-83, property located at 520 Union Avenue NE. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECONDED BY HUGHES, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. Councilman Stredicke questioned approval of this and other multi-family residential rezones in the immediate vicinity of Union Avenue NE without assessment of need .for area roadwa improvements. ROLL CALL: 6 AYES: TRIMA4, CLYMER, HUGHES, KEOLKER, REED AND MATHEWS. I NAY :1 STREDICKE. CARRIED. Renton City Council 5/18/81 Page 3 Correspondence - Continued Clarification encouraging an aggressive practice. The Council adopted a policy of Policy statement calling for "controlled growth," and requested clarifi- Continued cation of these terms. The letter expressed concern that Council 's action may be divergent from prior Council policy affecting the Commission's deliberations on Comprehensive Plan amendments, develop- ment of utility extensions around the periphery of the City and requested clarification. L. I .D. #324 Letter from Public Works Department presented Preliminary Assessment East Valley Roll for LID #324 East Valley Medical Park Short Plat, improvements Medical Park Area located south Of S 37th St. and west of Talbot Road. The Short Plat letter recommended that the matter be referred to the Ways and Means for resolution setting a public hearing 6/22/81 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, COUNCIL CONCUR. MOTION CARRIED. HOV Lanes and MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, THE MATTER OF FAI-405 HOV LANES Ramp Metering (High Ocuppancy Vehicles) AND RAMP METERING BE REFERRED TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Aviation Committee Aviation Committee report stated Bernell Guthmiller, owner of Chrmn: Stredicke Airport Specialtie , has proposed to sell his leasehold interest to a general partnership composed of 29 partners, of which he Airport is one. Mr. Guthmiller will remain legally liable for the lease. Specialties The Aviation recommended Council give preliminary approval , sub- Lease ject to filing of completed documents and approval of the Finance Department. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. Ways and Means MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND SHANE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN WAYS AND MEANS Committee COMMITTEE RECOMMEN ATION FOR REAPPOINTMENT OF NANCY MATHEWS AND Chrmn: Clymer RONALD REGIS TO THE PARK BOARD, FOUR-YEAR TERMS EFFECTIVE THROUGH 6/1/85. MOTION CARRIED. Planning and The Planning and Development Committee recommended Council concur Development with the King Subregi.onal Plan regarding goals and policies, subject Committee to the comments and evaluations by the Planning Commission. Chrmn: Rockhill MOVED BY ROCKHILLJ SECOND REED, COUNCIL CONCUR. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee recommended second and final readings of the Committee following ordinances: Chrmn: Clymer Ordinance #3547 An ordinance was read creating and establishing a community facilities Community charge of $350 per bedroom on new construction (payable at time of Facilities Charge application for water meter) and of $.25 per sq.ft. on commercial and industrial buildings. (First reading 5/11/81) MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND REED, ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 6-AYE: STREDICKE, ROCKHILL, HUGHES, CLYMER, TRIMM AND REED. COUNCIL- MAN SHANE was absent from the Chambers and did not vote. CARRIED. Ordinance #3548 An ordinance was read ordering construction and installation of LID #323 gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, sanitary sewers and illumination Ordering in the vicinity of SW 43rd Street between East Valley Highway and Construction West Valley Highway; LID #323. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. First Reading The committee report recommended first reading of an ordinance Daubert Rezone changing the zoning classification from G to business district B-1 known as the Henry Daubert Rezone R-009-81 . MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, REFER THE ORDINANCE BACK TO THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Resolution #2401 The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of Fund Transfer a resolution authorizing transfer of $300,000 from Municipal Park Annex Facilities Endinlp Fund Balance unto Municipal Facilities Fund/ Park Annex for cost of property and building rennovation and main- tenance. MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND HUGHES, ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. Councilman Stredicke inquired for the record, cost of the property, amount to acquisition and renovation. Administrative Assistant Parness advised: Cost: $220,000; Rennovation and first year maintenance: $80,000. MOTION CARRIED. Renton City Council 10/6/80 Page 5 OLD BUSINESS - Continued Alley SECOND SHANE, REFEltTHE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Continued FOR STUDY AND REPO T BACK. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ways and Means Ways and Means Committee Acting Chairman Hughes submitted committee Committee report recommending second and final readings of the following ordi- nances which had been on first reading 9/22/80: Ordinance #3471 An ordinance was road establishing a Municipal Court filing fee Municipal Court in the amount of $25 and increasing the juror per day' s attendance Jury and Filing to $25 from $10. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE Fees ' REPORT AND ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 5-AYE: TRIMM, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, STREDICKE, REED; ONE-NO: SHANE. CARRIED. Ordinance #3472 An ordinance was read granting unto Northwest Pipeline Corp. , the Northwest Pipe- franchise for natural gas pipeline and extending franchise previ- line Franchise ously granted unto El Paso Natural Gas Co. under Ordinance #2534. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN WAYS AND MEANS COM- MITTEE REPORT AND ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: 4-AYE: TRIMM, HUGHES, ROCKHILL, REED; 2-NO: STREDICKE AND SHANE. CARRIED. Ordinance#3473 The Ways and Means Committee report recommended first reading of Amending Legal an ordinance amending legal description to Ordinance #3303 and to Ordinance advancing to second and final readings. An Ordinance was read #3303 changing the zoning classification from GS-1 to R-1 for R-288-79 property located in the vicinity of 822 Monroe Ave. NE. Upon inquiry, the City Attorney Lawrence Warren advised that the legal description to Ordinance #3303 had 'been in error and a revised ordinance was needed. MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND SHANE, SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Follow- ing the reading, it was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AND ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED Resolution #2362 The Ways and Means Committee recommended reading and adoption of Fund Transfer a resolution transferring $2,000 for appraisal of property. Follow- (1010 S 2nd St. ) ing reading, it was MOVED BY HUGHES, SECOND ROCKHILL, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY SHANE, SEOND STREDICKE, SUBJECT MATTER OF FLOOD DAMAGE Flood Area ON KIRKLAND AVE. NE BE REFERRED TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. Councilman Shane recalled the matter before council several months ago from the area of the Tony Go restaurant. MOTION CARRIED. Metro Transit MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECOND HUGHES, THE CITY COUNCIL GU ON RECORD Ballot Issue IN SUPPORT OF METRO TRANSIT BALLOT ISSUE. Mayor Shinpoch explained Supported that $.003 would h voted upon at the 11/4/80 General Election, however, that only�$.001 would be spent in 1981 until the public hearing process could be carried out for the improved public transit. MOTION CARRIED, Upon further inquiry, Mayor Shinpoch noted 62% of the Primary Election voters failed to vote on the Metro transit issu . ADMINISTRATIVE Mayor Shinpoch reported that work has begun on the Gene Coulon Y P P, 9 0 REPORT Memorial Beach Par< today, that Parks and Recreation Director John Coulon Beach Webley will have a full presentation for Council at the 11/9 Park Committee of the Wiole meeting. Burnett Park Mayor Shinpoch reported work has been delayed on the Burnett Park due to the cement workers strike; all else on schedule. Further that the pick-up/clean-up program in North and South Renton was H&CD Clean-up successful because of H&CD Funds, the Planning Department and H&CD Coordinator Ed Hayduk, over 165 homes being served. Property Mayor Shinpoch reported the City is purchasing the property across Acquisition the street (former medical clinic) , fund appropriation will be S 2nd and Mill S required from Excess Revenue in Current Fund to Current Fund Land (1010 S 2nd St.) Acquisition Fund. Fund to be reimbursed upon sale of bonds. CJ lJ a Renton City Council 8/7/78 Page 3 Audience Comment AUDIENCE COMMENT State Highway Glen Garrett, 1006 So. 30th Ct. , inquired when comments from State Dept. Report Highway Dept. would be available, being advised they should be ready within a week. • Dennis Stremick, 2532 Smithers Ave. So. , inquired as to city's response to State Highway report. Councilwoman Shinpoch advised of those corrections-improvements to be made within the city limits in the area of Victoria Park. OLD BUSINESS Acquisition of ' MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND PERRY TO REFER MATTERS OF PETERMEYER PROPERTY Property on ON MILL AVE. SO. TO Mill Ave. So.. inquired re public hearing''for acquisition of this property for public use. Councilman Shane noted previous council action to acquire civic center property. Councilwoman Thorpe requested Administration to research and verify that the proper procedures have been followed to acquire property and report to the Ways and Means Committee. CARRIED. (See also consent agenda) Planning & Planning and Deve"opment Committee Chairman Perry presented report Development recommending the Council take no further action on the subject of Committee Reporqo proposed L-2 zone at this time, pending review and recommendations Proposed L-2 Zor(I to be made by the Planning Commission later on this year. MOVED a BY PERRY, SECOND -HORPE TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. ' CARRIED.. Airport Director,_ Councilman Stredi ke requested for the record that he is not, has Postion - not been, and has intent to be a candidate for airport director > hoj even though it was offered. E-- Terms of Motion by Shane that elected officials cannot serve more than two Office _ consecutive terms. Attorney explained that length of terms are set by State law. Shane requested research into this matter. Mayor's Motion by Shane that the Mayor should have the right to hire and fire Appointments directors of departments without the concurrence of the council . Attorney explained council concurrence required for hiring. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #3235 Ways and Means Committee Chairman recommended second and final. readings SCS Holdings, Ltd. of Ordinance of SCS Holdings, Ltd. Rezone changing the zoning classifi- Rezone Ordinance cation of certain properties within the City of Renton from Residence District (R-1) to Residence District (R-3) . Following discussion, MOVED BY CLYMER, SECOND SHANE TO. ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call : All Ayes. CARRIED. Ordinance #3236 Ways and. Means Committee recommended second and final readings of Swanson Rezone Swanson Rezone (Ri167-78) changing the zoning classification of certain R-167-78 properties with the City of. Renton from General Classification District (G) to Business District (B-1).. MOVED BY SHANE, SECOND CLYMER TO ADOPT ORDINANCE AS READ. Roll Call : All Ayes. CARRIED. Stone R-165-78/ Ways and Means Committee recommended Stanley E. Stone and Marvin D. Wehrman R-166-78 Wehrman Rezones be referred to the Administration for review of Rezones dedication of right-of-way and report back next week. MOVED BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY TO CONCUR IN COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION. CARRIED. Ordinance #3237 Ways and Means Committee report recommended first reading of special Senior Citizen garbage collection rates for certain qualified senior citizens. MOVED Special Garbage BY THORPE, SECOND PERRY TO ADVANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READINGS. CARRIED. Collection Rates Ways and Means Committee report recommended second and final readings of Ordinance of the ,ity relating to special garbage collection rates for