HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Disclosure Forms (1992-1993) • • . . ipcpa „$sTAr�o, Washington State Public Disclosure �� Iirc 4�; .' Commission `I 1889 a°y Local & Judicial Office Candidates ' , . .. _ . .. .. , . . . ..111 , , , _. _ IP --p . 1993 Campaign Disclosure Instructions "The public's right to know of the financing of political campaigns and lobbying and the financial affairs of elected • officials and candidates far outweighs any right that these matters remain secret and private." RCW 42.17.010(10) MillNIAL%111011.411111#314C1.TYLra . 1 .t..:.__ THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE LAW Adopted as Initiative 276 in 1972 Codified as Chapter 42.17 Revised Code of Washington The Public Disclosure Commission, five citizens and a small full time staff, administers the law and the rules implementing it. Objectives: to promote citizens' confidence to encourage broad participation in government by disclosing the in campaigns, and financing of election campaigns, to assist candidates and political to require campaign committees to organize and contributions to be fully operate their campaigns in an accounted for, orderly, businesslike manner. Instructions in this booklet are provided to assist in the preparation of local and judicial candidate reports required by chapter 42.17 RCW. Care has been taken to make these instructions accurate yet concise. However, these instructions cannot be substituted for the applicable provisions of chapter 42.17 RCW and 390 WAC. The law and rules are controlling in the event of any conflict with or omission in the instructions. Copies of the law and rules are available on request. All reports on file with the Commission are public records. Copies are available at cost: Microfiche: 25 cents per film page plus 25 cents for postage and handling. (Each film page contains up to 96 pages of reports.) We welcome your suggestions for revision of these instructions. Direct them to: Public Disclosure Commission 711 Capitol Way Room 403 PO Box 40908 Olympia, WA 98504-0908 (206) 753-1111; FAX (206) 753-1112 This instruction booklet is for local and judicial candidates using full reporting. There are separate instructions for state executive and legislative candidates (full reporting), political committees (full reporting), as well as candidates and committees using mini or abbreviated reporting. • REP• RTING SUMMARY ' What To Do When To Do It 1. • Get PDC instructions and for s. When candidate decides to run for office. 2. File Personal Financial Affairs Within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate. Statement (F-1 form). - (You become a candidate when you begin (Incumbents who filed report •y raising or spending money, make a public April 15 need not file again.) announcement, reserve space or officially file for office, whichever occurs first.) 3. Resister cam•ai•n on C-1 for . Within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate. Appoint a treasurer. Open a bank account. (File a C-4 report if your campaign has already received or spent money.) 4. De•osit mone and fill out C Within 5 business days after receipt. From form. Send report to PDC a d' July 1 through general election, file C-3 same County Elections Office. day a deposit is made. All other times, file C- 3 along with C-4. 5. File monthl contribution an• On 10th of month covering preceding month expenditure C-4 reports. Su•mit (or period since last C-4 was filed). Not reports to PDC and County required in months where one of the special Elections office if contributio s C-4 reports listed below is filed. or expenditures exceed $200 since last C-4 report was fil d. 6. File Primary Election C-4 • Aug 24 (21 days before primary election) Reports. Report all campai n • Sep 7 (7 days before primary election) contributions and expenditu es. • Oct 10 (10th of the first month following the election) 1 • 7. File General Election C-4 Oct• 12 (21 days before general election) Reports. Report all campai n • Oct 26 (7 days before general election) contributions and expenditures. • Dec 10 (10th of the first month following the election) 2 1 This post-primary C-4 report is not r-quired from candidates whose names will appear on the general election ballot. - ' 2 If all bills are paid and surplus funds disposed of, this post general election C-4 report is your final report. If unpaid bills;loans or surplus funds -main,you must continue to file monthly C-4's. If you are reporting for a special elec*on held on a date other than the primary or general election, ask for the s ecial election re I ortin schedul:. • Summary of Disclosure Reports • Filed by Judicial and Local Office Candidates PDC Form What it Contains When it's Due F-1 Financial Affairs Sources of income,real estate Within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate. Statement transactions, bank accounts, (Incumbents who have a current report on stocks,debts owed, business file with PDC do not need to file another holdings and business customers. F-1 statement.) • C-1 Candidate Office sought, reporting option, Within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate. Registration committee officers,treasurer's name, time and place for public inspection of records. C-3 Cash Receipts, Names of contributors, amounts, For primary and general elections-- Monetary addresses. Between July and general election day,within Contributions 5 business days of receipt of contribution. For special elections--During last 4 months Schedule L(Part 1) Name and address of contributor before election,within 5 business days of (lender), amount of loan, interest contribution's receipt rate,repayment schedule. • Other periods--When C-4 is filed. Contributions over$500--See instructions. Attachment Au Names and addresses of contributors donating and purchasing auction items. C-4. Receipts and Totals for campaign. Same day as C-1 if contributions received Expenditure _ or expenditures made. Summary •21 days before each election Schedule A Itemized expenses, .7 days before each election • contribution totals for period .10th of the first month after election Schedule B In-kind contributions, pledges, For periods not covered by the above orders placed. reports,10th of each month to cover Schedule C Corrections,adjustments. preceding calendar month when there are Schedule L Details regarding loan payments and $200 in contributions or expenditures since (Parts 2-4) loans forgiven and outstanding. last C-4. Special Situation Reports C-5 Contributions and Expenditures by Out-of-State Committees is used by political committees domiciled outside Washington State to report contributions made to in-state candidates and committees. This report must be filed by the out-of-state committee within ten days of contribution's receipt. C-6 Independent Expenditures is used by persons making campaign expenditures of$100 or more that are not made to, or in conjunction with, a candidate or political committee. File Campaign Disclosure Reports ("C" series) with PDC and your county elections office. - Reports are considered filed as of postmark date. 1993 Key 'Deporting Dates for Candidates Date . Activity C-4 Report Period Within two weeks of . File a C-1 (non-i cumbents also file an F-1) becoming a candidate • Jan 10 File monthly C & C-3, if necessary close of last report thru Dec 31 Feb 10 close of last report thru Jan 31 Mar 10 close of last report thru Feb 28 Apr 10 close of last report thru Mar 31 May 10 close of last report thru Apr 30 Jun 10 . . close of last report thru May 31 Jul 1 Begin filing C-3 he same day as bank deposit Jul 10 File monthly C -, if necessary close of last report thru Jun 30 Jul 26-30 Declaration of c:ndidacy filing week Aug 24 21 day pre-primary C-4 due Jul 1 thru Aug 19 Sep 6-13 Records open fur public inspection . • Sep 7 7 day pre-prima C-4 due Aug 20 thru Sep 6 Sep 7-13 Special reports •ue if candidate makes or receives contrib tions over$500 Sep 14 PRIMARY ELE.TION DAY • Oct 10 Post-primary C due* Sep 7 thru Sep 30 Oct 12 21 day pre-gen-ral.C-4 due Sep 7 thru Oct 7 Oct 12-Nov 1 Special reports •ue if candidate makes or receives contrib tions over$500 in the aggre- . gate. Candidat- now prohibited from making •or receiving co tributions over$5,000 in the aggregate unle-s contribution is from WA state major political •arty.** Oct 25-Nov 1 Records open f•r public inspection Oct 26 7 day pre-gene al C-4 due Oct 8 thru Oct 25 Nov 2 GENERAL ELECTION DAY Dec 10 Post-general C-4 due (and C-3, if necessary) Oct 26 thru Nov 30 *Only required of candidates whose name will not appear on general election ballot.• . **Neither provision constitutes authority to xceed any applicable local or state contribution limit. CONTENTS Public isclosure Law Revised 1 Introdu lion to Full Reporting Instructions - 1 Who M st Report 2 Candidates for Elective Office 2 Candi ates Exempt From Reporting 3 Politi I Committees 3 Bona ide Political Party and Caucus Committees 5 Out-of State and Federal PACs • 5 Indep ndent Expenditures 6 Report' g Options 7 Mini eporting 7 Abbre iated Reporting 7 Full R porting 8 Reque is for Reporting Modifications 8 Specia Reports of Contributions Exceeding $500 8 Prohib ions and Restrictions 9 Conc alment 10 Cand date Loan Repayments 10 Persons Prohibited from Making Contributions 10 Contr bution Limits 11 Anonymous Contributions 11 . Cont butions from Out-of-State and Federal PACs 12 Persdnal Use of Contributions 12 Expe diture Restriction 12 Curr ncy Transactions 13 Surpl s Campaign Funds 13 Use f Public Agency Facilities 14 Public Inspection of Campaign Records 14 Bank ccounts 15 Bank Deposits 15 Politic I Advertising 15 Spo sor Identification 16 Item Exempt From Sponsor Identification 17 Politi I Party Identification 18 Political Party Abbreviations 18 Cont§nt of Advertising 18 Violations 19 • Che k List 19 PDC I quiries and Audits 20 _ r CONTENTS (continued) Registering as a Candidate 20 The C-1 Statement 20 • Cash and In-kind Contributions 23 General Information 23 Exempt Activities 23 Recording a Contribution 24 "Receipt" of Contributions 24 Sources of Contributions 25 Contributions of Uncertain Origin 26 Fund Raising Events 26 Qualifying Low-Cost Fund Raisers 26 Loans 27 Schedule L (Part 1) . 28 Auctions (Attachment Au) 28 The C-3 Report 31 Cash Receipts and Expenditures [Sch. A, Part 1] 34 In-Kind Contributions [Schedule B, Part 1] ' 34 Pledges [Schedule B, Part 2] 36 Expenditures and Debts 37 General Information 37 Itemizing Expenses 37 Coding Expenditures 38 "Special Attention" Expenditures 39 Schedule A Example (Parts 2, 3 &4) 39 Outstanding Debts.[Schedule B, Part 3] 42 Loans 42 Loan Payments [Schedule L, Part 2] 43 Loan Forgiven [Schedule L, Part 3] 43 Loans Still Owed [Schedule L, Part 4] 43 Corrections [Schedule C] 45 The C-4 Report 47 Report Close-Out Dates • 47 After the Election 49 Post-Election Reports 49 Investment of Campaign Funds 49 Start-up of New Campaign 50 Bookkeeping Hints 52 Computer Reports . 52 Cash Transactions 52 Contributions 52 Expenditures 53 Cash Expenditures 53 Petty Cash 53 Orders Placed - 53 Miscellaneous Records - 54 Deducting Cost of Consumables 54 CONTENTS (continued) Acco 1 nting Periods 54 Help vailable 55 Appen ix Sam le 3"x5" Contribution Cards 56 Orde s Placed Journal 57 Pertinent Government Agencies 58 County Election Officials 59 State Department of Transportation Contacts 60 State Department of Transportation District Boundaries 61 • • • r • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE LAW REVISE • • On De ember 3, 1992, Initiative 134 became law, having been approved by ove 72% of the voters at the November 3rd general election. The official ballot title-read: Shall campaign contributions be limited, public • fundin of state and local campaigns be prohibited; arid campaign relate activities be restricted? Emphatically, the vast majority of voters • ' said " es!" Not Not since the 1972 adoption of the original state campaign reform meal re, Initiative 276, have such sweeping changes confronted those who p rticipate actively in electoral politics in Washington, especially those rrivolved at the state level: candidates for statewide and legislative Office; state, county and legislative district political party committees; • • legisl. ive caucus committees; lobbyists and those who employ them; politi .I action committees; unions and businesses. Howe er, candidates seeking local and judicial offices and those who make independent expenditures to influence the election of these •candi.ates are also subject to changes imposed by 1-134. The follow- ing p ovisions of 1-134 relate to all state, local and judicial campaigns: • disposal of surplus campaign funds; • maximum $3,000 repayment of candidate campaign loans; ♦ changes to the political advertising identification requirements; • • special identification and reporting of political ads funded with • independent expenditures; ♦ annual reporting by major contributors; ♦ prohibition against public financing of campaigns; and ♦ repeal of language authorizing and requiring the reporting of public office funds. In a•dition, other provisions of 1-134-protect employees from discr urination for failure to support particular candidates or political parti s and require that anyone who withholds wages for political cont ibution purposes obtains annual, written approval from the indiv dual before making the deductions. Cop es'of Initiative 134 as it appeared in the 1992 Voters Pamphlet and of R W 42.17 as amended by Initiative 134 are available'from the Public Disc osure Commission. At the time this instructional manual went to pres , the Commission was in the process of adopting policies and inte pretations implementing 1-134, with the expectation that formal administrative rules would be considered no sooner than July, 1993. INTRODUCTION TO FULL REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS • The primary purpose of the campaign disclosure provisions of the Public Disclosure Law is to provide citizens of this state with the means for becoming informed about the financing of political campaigns. The law - req ires that records be kept and reports be filed of all contributions • and expenditures. Detailed reporting of small contributions and exp nditures is.not mandated.. 1 All candidates and committees subject to the.Public Disclosure Law must do some reporting, regardless of the amount of money they will • receive from contributors or spend on their campaigns. Depending on the level of campaign activity planned, campaign reporting can vary from easy to time consuming and complicated. Treasurers for most campaigns using full reporting will have to devote • several hours to keeping exact records and filing accurate, detailed reports of receipts and expenditures. This instruction manual is designed for those persons doing the record keeping and reporting for candidates seeking local and judicial office positions. The-key to complying with the Public Disclosure Law is to keep detailed records of each contribution and expenditure and file reports on time. All records acquired with respect to the campaign must be kept for five years from the date of the election. Reports are considered filed as of the postmark or hand delivery date. The original of each campaign disclosure report completed is filed with PDC. A copy of each report is also sent to the elections office of the county in which the candidate resides (usually the County Auditor's office; in King County, it's the Division of Records and Elections). A listing of the name and address-of each county's election office may be found on page 59 of this manual. • All reports, schedules and attachments should be typewritten or printed in black ink. Use 8 1/2"x 11"white paper for attachments or enclosures. Reports filed with PDC are kept on microfiche, and those completed..in pencil, blue or light colored ink or on oversized paper cannot be acceptably reproduced on the film. WHO MUST REPORT • Candidates for Candidates who seek public office in jurisdictions that had 5,000 or Elective Office. ) more registered voters as of the last general election or in jurisdictions that encompass an entire county are subject to all provisions of the State Public Disclosure Law. Candidates for some offices are exempt - from the law's record keeping and reporting requirements; that list of offices is-located below in the "Candidates Exempt From Reporting" section. • A person who seeks a non-exempt public office becomes a candidate and subject to the registration and reporting requirements of the law when he or she: ♦ receives contributions,, makes expenditures or reserves space or facilities to promote his or her candidacy; ♦ publicly announces he or she is seeking office (even if this candidacy, is conditioned on a future occurrence, like the outcome of polling the receipt of a'certain level of campaign funding or other indications of significant public support); or • officially files for office. • Candi ates who,will only use their own funds and not accept contri utions from others to conduct their campaigns must still keep recor s and file disclosure reports. A ca idate is limited to one campaign committee. However, a candi ate may also participate in a committee organized to support a slate f candidates. Candidates may participate in,joint fund raising effort when a separate committee is organized for that purpose. After expe ses, such committees must distribute the remaining funds to the • parti•ipating candidates on a pro rata basis. Candidates Exempt Can•idates seeking election to the following offices are From Reporting . exe pt from the record keeping and reporting requirements of th- State Public Disclosure Law: • P ecinct committee officer; • F-deral office (subject only to federal campaign laws); • •ffices in a small city or other jurisdiction having fewer than 5,000 r:.gistered voters as of the last general election and not e compassing an entire county (However, candidates in towns or •istricts that had 1,000 or more registered voters as of the last •eneral election are required to file Statements'of Financial Affairs -- DC Form F-1.); and • •►ffices for which voters must have special qualifications not specified i the State Constitution (such as owning property). Examples i dude the following districts: • Agricultural Pest • Cemetery Conservation Diking i Drainage Education Service Flood Control Intercounty Weed Irrigation . Irrigation and Reclamation Irrigation and Rehabilitation - Mosquito Control Public Waterway Sewer Improvement Weed ' N s e: Candidates for the above offices must still adhere to the law and rul-s governing political advertising. Political Committees W.shington State political committees that raise and spend money to in'uence certain elections must register and report in accordance with th- Public Disclosure Law. Following adoption of Initiative 134, a p•litical committee (other than a bona fide political party and caucus c mmittee) may receive unlimited contributions from its donors, but is 3 limited in the amount it may give to candidates for state office, to bona fide political party committees and`to legislative caucus committees. There is a separate PDC instruction manual for political committees that discusses registering, reporting, and 1-134 restrictions in detail. A political committee is any person, group, club or organization (except a candidate or individual dealing with his or her own funds) expecting to receive contributions or make expenditures in support of or in opposi- tion to any candidate or ballot proposition. Although a group may be a civic, social or professional organization primarily, it also may be a political committee if it accepts contributions specifically for use in election campaigns. Political committees typically spend money to: • support or oppose candidates; • support or oppose any levy, referendum, initiative, recall or other ballot proposition; and/or • make contributions to candidates or other committees. A political committee is exempt from reporting if its sole purpose is to support or oppose a local ballot measure in a town or district that had fewer than 1,000 registered voters as of the last general election. If a committee does not dissolve, pay all outstanding debts and dispose of any surplus money as of the report filed the 10th of the first month following the election, it must continue to file reports until the campaign account has a zero balance and all debts are paid. Continuing political committees are those committees that are organized for more than one election season. Examples include business or labor committees and other on-going PACs. Contribution Limits: No PAC,political committee or continuing political committee (except bona fide political parties and caucus committees) may contribute more than the following amounts to these recipients: State Executive Candidate $1,000 in primary 1,000 in general State Legislative Candidate 500 in primary 500 in general Local &Judicial Candidates No State Limit* Major or Minor State Political Party Committee 2,500 per year County Central Committee 2,500 per year Legislative District Committee 2,500 per year Legislative Caucus Committee 500 per year Ballot Proposition Committee & Others No State Limit* *$5,000 maximum during the 21 days before the general election. Check with local jurisdiction on other limits. 4 Bona Fide Political Since December 3, 1992, the effective date of Initiative 134, new Party and Caucus privile es and obligations were granted bona fide political party Committees and I gislative caucus committees that are not shared by other political corn ittees or continuing political committees. Bona fide political party and ucus committees are now restricted in the amount of contribu- tionshey may accept from many donors, but they are allowed to contr bute more to candidates than are their PAC counterparts. Ther are separate PDC instructions available for bona fide political party and caucus committees. However, it must be emphasized that not a I committees that consider themselves political party organizations (e.g., Mens and Womens political clubs, Young Democrats or Republicans, and the like) fit the legal definition of"bona fide political party." As such, these tangential party clubs and organizations must follow the directives governing continuing political committees. By I.w, "bona fide political parry" means: 1) the governing body of the stag organization of a major political party; 2) the official county central corn ittees of a major party; 3) the official legislative district committees of a ajor party; and 4) an organization that has filed a valid certificate of n 0 mination with the secretary of state under the state election code. Out-of-State & Co mittees registered with the Federal Election Commission or Federal PACs do iciled in other states are not required to register with PDC, but are req ired to file C-5 reports if they give over$50 to an in-state candidate for -tate or local office or to an in-state political committee. These rep•rts also disclose the names of Washington State contributors who gay the out-of-state or federal PAC over$25. C-5 reports are due within 10 days of the date the contribution triggering the eport is received. Candidates and committees receiving co tributions from out-of-state and federal PACs that fail to file C-5 rep rts must immediately return the contributions or forfeit them to the state of Washington. Onl "qualified" PACs -- including out-of-state and federal PACs -- may ma e contributions to 1) a candidate for the state legislature or sta ewide office, 2) a state official against whom recall charges have be n filed, or 3) a political committee expecting to make expenditures in su port of the recall of a state official. Th qualifying criterion is: during the 180 days before making a co tribution to one or more of these recipients, the PAC must have re eived contributions of$10 or more from no fewer than ten persons • re istered to vote in Washington state. In other words, during the 180 da s prior to making the contribution, were at least 10 of the PAC's co tributors registered to vote in WA? Did these same contributors do ate at least$10 to the PAC? Only if the answer to both of these qu stions is "yes" may the PAC contribute to state office candidates and •to tate officials and committees involved in recall elections. Th Contribution Limits s ecified on a e 4 for olitical committees also a I to out-of-state and federal PACs. • \ 5 Independent Any person --an individual, corporation, union, business, association or Expenditures group --that does not have to register with PDC will, nonetheless, have to file C-6 reports if that person makes expenditures totaling $100 or C-6 Reporting more in support of or opposition to a candidate or ballot proposition and the expenditure was not made to or through a reporting candidate or political committee. Typically, reportable independent expenditures are made for political ads (including mailings to voters) that support or • oppose a candidate, a slate of candidates or a ballot proposition. The first C-6 report is due within five business days of reaching the $100 expenditure level. Subsequent reports are required if additional independent expenditures are made. These C-6 reports are due according to the same reporting schedule followed by candidates filing C-4 reports. Annual Reporting In addition to C-6 reporting discussed above, every business, union, organization, group, political committee or other entity--except individuals --who made political contributions totaling more than $10,000 or independent expenditures totaling more than $500 during the preceding calendar year must file an annual report with the Commission no later than February 28. This report will disclose any state level lobbying-related expenditures and re-cap independent expenditures made to support or oppose state or local candidates and statewide ballot propositions. Contact PDC for additional information and copies of the reporting form. Special Notice on Ads All political advertising must comply with the sponsor and party affiliation identification requirements. See Political Advertising section of this manual beginning on page 15. In addition, with the exception of yard signs and other forms of advertising identified by PDC as too impractical, • ads undertaken as an independent expenditure by anyone other than a candidate or a bona fide political party committee must include the following language: "NOTICE TO VOTERS (required by law): This advertisement is not authorized or approved by any candidate. It is paid for by (name, address, city, state.)" • independent expenditure ads sponsored by a non-individual (that is, a group, organization, PAC, business, union, etc.) must also show this notation: 'Top Five Contributors" followed by a list of the names of the five persons or entities making the largest contributions reportable under the public disclosure law during the twelve months before the ad is published. The sponsor and party identification and this Notice to Voters and Top Five Contributors information must appear on each page or fold of a printed or written ad in 10 point type or type at least 10% of the largest type used in the ad, whichever is larger. It may not be half-toned or screened and it must be printed in a box set apart from any other printed matter on the page or fold. For radio and TV ads, this notice and contributor information must be clearly spoken. 6 Samples of Ads Any erson or entity--other than a party organization --that as part of an independent expenditure mails 1,000 or more identical or nearly identical cumulative pieces of political advertising in a single calendar year must do the following: • File a statement disclosing the number of pieces in the mailing and an exam•le of the mailed ad with the election officer of the county of residence for the candidate supported or opposed in the ad. • If the mailing supports or opposes a ballot proposition, the i formation is filed with the election officer of the county of residence f•r the person making the expenditure. (When this person is an out- , o-state resident, the information must be filed with the Thurston •ounty Auditor if a statewide ballot measure is supported or apposed; similarly, for expenditures targeting local ballot measures, tkie information is filed with the county auditor of the local j I risdiction.) ♦. he statement and ad sample is to be filed within two working days f the mailing. • REPORTING OPTIONS Regardless of which optionoutlined below is chosen, all candidates and political committees must keep accurate,'detailed records and make these records available oufor public inspection during the eight days preceding the primary, general or special election in which they're participating. • Mini Reporting Th's reporting option is only available to candidates (not political • co mittees) who will raise and spend no more than $500, in addition to th amount spent on their filing fee, and receive no more than $200 fro any one contributor other than themselves. Candidates choosing mi i reporting must file registration statements (C-1) and keep records of heir contributions and expenditures. However, they do not need to fil contribution and expenditure reports. A Personal Financial Affairs St tement (F-1) is required. See Mini and Abbreviated Reporting In tructions. Abbreviated Reporting , C ndidates and political committees raising and spending no more than $ ,000 on their campaigns may select this option. The amount spent by c ndidates for any filing fees counts toward this qualifying threshold. C ntinuing political committees are limited to$2,000 per year. Neither c ndidates nor committees may accept more than$200 from any one c ntributor.. Persons using abbreviated reporting file the appropriate r gistration statement (either C-1 or C-1 pc) and one post-election report ( BB C-4) that summarizes their contribution and expenditure activity.' A ersonal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1) is also required of candidates. ee Mini and Abbreviated Reporting Instructions. 7 Full Reporting All candidates and political committees raising and spending over $2,000 on their campaigns (or per year, for continuing political commit- tees) must use the,full reporting method. Full reporting filers will submit frequent, detailed reports of the contributions they receive (C-3 reports) and the expenditures they make (C-4 reports with various schedules). The C-4 itself is used to summarize the campaign's financial activity. Candidates must also-file a Personal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1). REQUESTS FOR REPORTING MODIFICATIONS The Public Disclosure Commission may suspend or modify the reporting - requirements of persons subject to the disclosure law if the members decide that the law works a"manifestly unreasonable hardship" on the filer and the modification "will not frustrate the purposes" of the law. If you believe your circumstances meet these two statutory tests and you can provide convincing arguments to that effect, you have the option of requesting the Commission to grant a reporting modification. • To apply for a modification, write the Commission a letter stating all the reasons why reporting the required information would cause a hardship, why the purposes of disclosure would not be frustrated, and suggest a . modification that would relieve the hardship. Apply for the modification early so that your record keeping system can be organized without delay to comply with the Commission's decision. A hearing will be scheduled to consider your request. It's best if you attend the hearing, but your presence is not required. A modification may only be granted for one year or the duration of one campaign. Another application must be made in following years if you still need the modification. r ' SPECIAL REPORTS FOR CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING $500 • During the 7 days before the primary and the 21 days before the general election, candidates must file special reports of contributions they receive from one source that exceed $500 in the aggregate, whether cash or in-kind or a combination of the two. For example, if a candidate receives$550 from one contributor during the 7 days before the primary or the 21 days before the general, whether the amount came in one lump sum-or two or more payments, a special report must be filed. The report discloses: ♦ -the amount-of the contribution(s), - ♦ the date or dates received, • the name and address of the donor, and ♦ the receiving campaign's name and address. A similar report is needed if a candidate makes one or more contribu- tions from his/her campaign funds totaling over$500 in the aggregate 8 to a other candidate or political committee during the 7 days before the prim-ry or 21 days before the general election. This report discloses: • t e amount of the contribution(s), ♦ t e date or dates on which the contributions were made, • t e contributing candidate's name and address, and • t e receiving campaign's name and address. Cana idates receiving one or more contributions from a single source totaling over$500 must deliver a written report to PDC within 48 hours of r-ceiving the contribution triggering the report, or the first working day thereafter. Candidates making one or more contributions from their ca paign funds to another candidate or committee totaling over$500 mu-t deliver a written report to PDC within 24 hours of making the trig.ering contribution, or on the first working day thereafter. The-e written reports may be delivered to PDC in person or via fac-imile, telegram, mailgram or nightletter. You may fax this special rep•rt (but not regular C-3 or C-4 reports) to PDC at (206) 753-1112. Thi is a dedicated fax line, so you need not call before sending a tra smission. Be sure to keep the transmission confirmation sheet as pa of your records. If a written report cannot be delivered within the respective 48,or 24 ho rs, call PDC within the applicable time frame and mail written co firmation of the telephone report the same day. If y.0 call PDC with the information, you'll be given a log number to verify that you called. Reference that log number on the written report yo file. An official form for reporting these over$500 contributions has not been ad pted by the Commission. Simply supply the necessary information on a sheet of paper, or within the text of a telegram. A unofficial form ha been developed by PDC staff for those intending to fax these re orts. It's available on request. (N te: Except for the special notice requirement, these large, last- mi ute contributions are treated like all other contributions: monetary donations are deposited within five business days and included on the • C-c report reflecting the deposit; in-kind contributions are disclosed on S•hedule B to the C-4.) . PROHIBITIONS AND RESTRICTI o NS . St:te and federal law impose certain prohibitions and restrictions on ndidates for local and judicial office. Carefully study--and adhere to --.the information provided below. . L 9 Concealment You must accurately record and report the actual sources and amounts [RCW 42.17.120] of contributions as well as the true recipients and amounts of expendi- tures. It is a violation of the law to use a fictitious name, no name or substitute name in order to conceal the truth. Candidate Loan Candidates may give an unlimited amount of monetary and in-kind Repayments [42.17.125(3)] contributions to their own campaigns. However, in order for a candidate's contribution to be eligible for repayment, it must be recorded in a written loan agreement.and properly reported on PDC Form C-3 and Schedule L as a loan. A candidate who loans his or her campaign committee an aggregate amount of$3,000 or less may be repaid in full by the committee up to the amount loaned. A candidate who loans his or her campaign committee an aggregate amount of over$3,000 may be repaid by the committee a maximum of $3,000 in the aggregate. Once an aggregate of$3,000 has been repaid to the candidate for one or more loans made to the committee, no additional loan repayments may be made to the candidate for the duration of that election campaign. • If a candidate makes documented out-of-pocket campaign expenditures on behalf of his or her campaign and expects repayment (that is, is not making an in-kind contribution), the campaign committee must repay the candidate promptly or the candidate will have made a loan to his or her committee. Repayment of this loan, when combined with the repayment of other loans, may not exceed an aggregate of$3,000. Undocumented out-of-pocket campaign expenditures by the candidate are in-kind contributions not eligible for repayment. Persons Prohibited from Federal election law prohibits candidates and political committees in Making Contributions this country from receiving contributions from foreign nationals (individuals, corporations or other foreign business entities).• Federally chartered banks, corporations, unions and insurance companies should consult their legal advisors to determine whether other state or federal statutes prohibit their making contributions. State law includes the following constraint on officers and employees of cities with a commission form of government: 'Any appointive officer or employee of the city who in any manner exerts his influence to induce other officers or employees of the city to favor any particular candidate for any city office or who contributes anything in any way to any person for election purposes shall be discharged by the commission.' [RCW 35.17.160] The Code of Judicial Conduct restricts the activity of both judges and candidates for judicial office. Persons interested in more information concerning these restrictions should contact the Judicial Conduct Commission at 908 East 5th, PO Box 1817, Olympia, WA 98507 or (206) 753-4585. 10 None of the prohibitions noted in this prohibited contributions section are a ministered by the Public Disclosure Commission. If you have quest ons concerning their applicability, please consult your legal coun el or contact the agency involved. The Federal Election Corn ission may be reached at 1-800-424-9530. • Contribution Limits Pers ns who select mini or abbreviated reporting are limited in the [RCW 42.17.105(8)] amo nts they may raise and spend on their campaigns. See the Repo ing Options section on page 7. . In a•dition, during the 21 days before the general election, no cand date for statewide office may accept aggregate contributions of m•re than $50,000 from any one source, including him or herself. Can•idates for other offices and political committees may not acce it contributions totaling more than $5,000 from any one source duri g this three-week period. These limitations do not apply to cont ibutions accepted from a Washington State major political party. • The tatutory language imposing the$50,000/$5,000 contribution limit has •een interpreted by PDC to mean: ♦ T e contribution limit applies to a candidate's own contributions to h s or her campaign during the 21 days prior to the general election; • • A contributor may give up to the applicable limit regardless of the a ount contributed more than 21 days before the general election; • campaign loan received during the 21 days prior to the general is s bject to the limit, as are any loan co-signers or guarantors; • ♦ pledge in excess of the amounts allowed by the limit received by a -ndidate more than 21 days prior to the general --and made in •ood faith, with every expectation that it will be honored in full -- may :e paid to the candidate during the 21 days prior to the election, _ •rovided the pledge was initially reported in a timely fashion;. • candidate or committee that receives a contribution in excess of t e allowed amount may retain the maximum permitted by law so __ long as the excess amount is immediately returned to the •ontributor; • he contribution limit applies to all forms of contributions, including •.sh, in-kind, loans, etc., and any combination of them; and ♦ Earmarked contributions given to an intermediary or conduit for the enefit of a candidate or other committee may not exceed the • pplicable limit for the candidate or committee and must be' ombined with contributions from the same contributor given directly • t the candidate or committee. - Anonymous Oc sionally, campaigns receive funds from truly anonymous sources; Contributions that is, you or others involved in the campaign do not know who [RCW 42.17.060] don ted the money. Up to a point, the law allows you to keep these - ano ymous contributions. Specifically, candidates may receive as much as 00 or one percent of the total contributions received to date for 11 • this campaign, whichever is greater. (The one percent won't come into play until your campaign receives over$30,000 in contributions.) If you reach the limit applicable to your campaign, you may not use or spend any additional anonymous funds you receive. These excess dollars must be returned to the donors if they can be identified or forfeited to the state's general fund. If the contributors cannot be identified, immediately send a check to PDC payable to the State Treasurer in the amount of the overage, along with an explanation of the circumstances surrounding receipt of excess anonymous funds. You may not legally use this.anonymous contribution provision to avoid identifying contributors, whether you or they wish their names to go undisclosed. Only contributors who give a total of$25 or less (or who give $50 or less in conjunction with a qualifying low-cost fund raiser) need not be identified on your reports. Contributions From In order for you to keep contributions received from political committees Out-of-State and not registered with PDC (that is, PACs registered with the Federal Federal PACs Election Commission or domiciled in other states, the political commit- [RCW 42.17.090(1)(k)] tee must file a C-5 report within ten days of your receiving the contribution. If the committee does not file this report, you must immediately return the donation to the contributor or forfeit it to the state. • • PDC suggests you keep a small supply of C-5 forms on hand and mail one or two, along with a note about the urgency of filing, to any out-of- state or federal PAC that contributes to your campaign. Ask the group to send you a copy of the report. In this way, you'll know whether the funds are yours to spend or not. Personal Use of Campaign contributions may only be spent for the personal use of the Contributions • - candidate, the treasurer or other person associated with the campaign [RCW 42.17.125] under the following circumstances: - ♦ reimbursement for loans or to cover earnings lost as a result of campaigning or for services performed for the campaign, . ♦ reimbursement for direct out-of-pocket campaign or post-election campaign expenses, and • • repayment of loans made by the person to a political committee or campaign. (Candidate loan repayments limited to an aggregate of $3,000. See Candidate Loan Repayments above.) • Complete documentation, including copies of expenditure receipts, must be kept as part of the campaign records. A full explanation of all payments to the candidate or campaign workers must be submitted with the C-4 report showing the payment to the individual. Expenditure Restriction No expenditure may legally be made unless it's authorized by the candi- [RCW 42.17.070] - date or'campaign treasurer. Campaign treasurers are also required to 12 . . maint.in a complete record of all expenditures, including obligations that have of yet been paid by the campaign. Currency Transactions In or•er to accept cash contributions exceeding $50, the contributor must be given a receipt, signed by both the contributor and a campaign repre entative, with a copy of the receipt kept as part of the campaign records. Cash contributions must be deposited into the campaign bank acco nt, and not spent directly or mingled with petty cash funds. If the campaign makes expenditures of over$50 in cash, rather than by chec , be sure to obtain a receipt signed by both the vendor and a cam•.ign representative and keep it as part of your records. We reco mend cash transactions be kept to a minimum. Surplus Campaign Surp us campaign funds --the balance of contributions remaining after Funds [RCW 42.17.095] all ..mpaign obligations are paid -- may only be disposed of in one or mor: of the following ways: • -eturned to contributors (so long as the amount returned to a donor •oes not exceed the aggregate contributed by that donor and •-ndidate loan repayments do not exceed an aggregate of$3,000). • 'aid to the candidate as reimbursement for lost earnings incurred as result of campaigning; the lost earnings must be verifiable, • •ocumented and recorded in the campaign records; copies of this i formation must be included with the C-4, Schedule A, showing -ach payment. • ransferred to a bona fide political party committee or a legislative .ucus committee; these transfers are subject to the recipient's nnual contribution limit unless the contributions are earmarked for •urposes exempted in law or for the recipient's own internal organi- .tion or fund raising. ♦ i onated to a charitable organization registered with the.Secretary of .tate's Office pursuant to RCW 19.09. • ransmitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the general fund. • Held in-the campaign depository or depositories for possible use in a future election campaign for the same office last sought by the candidate. •If a subsequent office is not sought, the surplus held must be disposed of according to these requirements. ♦ No candidate or authorized committee may transfer funds to any other candidate or other political committee (except a bona fide • political party or legislative caucus committee). N de: A candidate is considered to be seeking the same office last -- . - so ght when he or she seeks: 1) the identical office last sought; 2) a di erent position or seat of the same office last sought within the same ju isdiction; or 3) the same office in a revised district or political • 13 • • subdivision whenever the boundaries of a district or political subdivision are officially altered through redistricting, consolidation or other official procedure. Disbursement of surplus funds, like any other campaign expense, is reported as an expenditure on Schedule A to the C-4 report. Use of Public Agency Elected and appointed officials as well as public employees are Facilities prohibited from using or authorizing the use of any facilities of a [RCW 42.17.130] facilities of a public office or agency, directly or indirectly, to assist a candidate's election campaign or to promote or oppose a ballot propo- sition. Public agency facilities include, but are not limited to, office stationery, postage, machines, equipment, employees during working hours, vehicles, office space, office publications and client lists. The above restriction does not apply to: • action taken at an open public meeting by members of an elected legislative body to express a collective decision, or to actually vote upon a motion, proposal, resolution, order, or ordinance, or to support or oppose a ballot proposition so long as any required notice of the meeting includes the title and number of the ballot proposition, and members of the legislative body or members of the public are afforded an approximately equal opportunity for the expression of an opposing view; • a statement by an elected official in support of or in opposition to any ballot proposition at any open press conference or in response to a specific inquiry; .• ♦ activities that are part of the normal and regular conduct of the office or agency. "Normal and regular" has been interpreted to mean those activities that are authorized by law and are customary for the • - agency. - PUBLIC INSPECTION OF CAMPAIGN RECORDS During the eight days preceding a primary, general or special election, campaign records must be open and available for public inspection by anyone who wants to see them. These records must be available daily (excluding holidays and weekends) for two consecutive hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the campaign headquarters or other place designated by the campaign on the registration statement (C-1). - The time and place of inspection,may not be changed without first notifying PDC and the County Elections Officer. Candidates may keep records concerning their-personal finances private. In addition, the separate list of contributors giving $25 or less does not need to be included with the records open for-public inspection. • • 14 ' BANK ACCOUNTS Cand dates seeking offices with one-county jurisdictions may only main in one campaign checking account. Although candidates cond cting campaigns in more than one county may establish a bank acco nt in each county, we don't recommend it because of the problems inherent in tracking and combining the activity of the various acco nts into a single C-4 reports. Cam ign accounts may be established at banks,-savings and loan come.Hies as well as credit unions. Surplus campaign funds may also be i vested: See page-49 for more information,about investing campaign funds. At t e start of the campaign, the candidate or treasurer should open the ban account. We suggest you use the same name for your campaign acc unt as you use for the candidate's committee. Wh:n opening the account,you'll be asked to supply a tax ID number. Call 1-800-829-3676 and request Form SS-4. Once this form arrives, you II be able to obtain a number immediately by telephone. Th• bank will report any interest earned on the campaign account to the IRS, using the tax number you provide. Consult the IRS, your ac•ountant or tax advisor regarding any tax liability or requirement to file a tax return. Bank Deposits Ea h contribution received by the campaign must be de'osited within five business days of receipt. Practically speaking, th.t means each campaign can make a weekly deposit and be in co pliance with the law. A high volume of contributions may make mere frequent deposits advisable, however. E ch time you make a bank deposit, prepare a Cash Receipts & M netary Contributions Report (C-3). Prior to the fourth m nth before the eneral or a s ecial election (prior to July 1 fo general election candidates), file your C-3 reports each time a C-4 re ort is filed. Within four months or less before the general or special election (beginning July 1 for general election candidates), file the C-3 on the same day the bank deposit is made. POLITICAL ADVERTISING olitical advertising'includes-any advertising displays,.newspaper ads, b'llboards, signs, brochures, articles, tabloids, flyers; letters, radio or t levision presentations, or other means of mass communication, used f r the purpose of appealing, directly or indirectly, for votes or for f nancial or other support in any election campaign. [RCW 2.17.020(23)] . 15 This legal definition makes it clear that any communication --whether written,_audio or video—that is produced and/or distributed in conjunction with your campaign is probably subject to the requirements governing political advertising: All political advertising is subject to political party identification and most ads must show the sponsor ID. See below for details. Sponsor Identification The sponsor of a political ad --the candidate, committee or other person paying for the ad -- usually must be identified. If a person acts as an agent for someone else or is reimbursed for the funds actually used to pay for the ad, the original source of the payment (or the person doing the reimbursing) is the sponsor. It's illegal to use an assumed name when identifying an ad's sponsor. In print ads (newspaper display ads, flyers, brochures, letters, etc.), to identify the sponsor use the words "Paid for by" or"Sponsored;by" • followed by the name and full mailing address of the sponsor. Since the effective date of Initiative 134 (December 3, 1992) the sponsor identification information (and the candidate's party affiliation — see below) must: • appear on each page or fold of the communication in at least 10 point type, or • for ads such as billboards or posters, appear in type at least,10% of the largest size type used in the ad, and • not be screened or half-toned (i.e., not made lighter through some printing or photographic process), and • be located in a printed or drawn box set apart from any other printed text in the ad. Treasurer's name is not required as part of the sponsor identification. If the advertisement is more than one page, identify the sponsor on each page of the ad (including the front page and the back page). Identifica- tion on a mailing envelope is optional, but is not sufficient to meet the sponsor ID requirement. The ad enclosed in the envelope must be properly identified. In broadcast ads (radio and television ads), the sponsor (and candidate's party affiliation -- see below)must be clearly spoken. Use the words "Paid for by" or "Sponsored by"followed by the name of the person or group paying for the ad. No address is required. Broadcast ads must also conform with the requirements of the Federal Communi- cations Commission (FCC). Contact the station where you're planning to run the ad or the FCC for details on these requirements. If the sponsor is: ♦ a candidate show the name and address of the candidate or the candidate's committee (No address if broadcast ad); 16 • • a olitical committee,show the name and address of the committee ( o address if broadcast ad); • a or anization or business show the name and address of the o ganization or business (No address if broadcast ad); ♦ ore than one erson or rou show the name and address of e ch sponsor. (No address if broadcast ad) If one person pays for pinting and another person pays for mailing, both persons should qe shown as sponsors. (If a person contributes cash, goods or s rvices to a campaign in order to assist in paying for an ad, it is not ecessary to show this contributor's name as a sponsor provided the ontribution is included on the appropriate disclosure report.) Items Exempt From So e advertising items, like yard signs that are 8' x 4' or smaller (32 sq. Sponsor ID feet , need not include the sponsor identification. Other items exempt fro sponsor ID are: shtrays ribbons adges & badge rulers (12" or holders smaller balloons erasers bingo chips frisbees brushes glasses bumper stickers golf balls &tees (4" x 15" or hand-held signs smaller) hats business cards horns buttons ice scrapers cigarette lighters inscriptions clothes pins key rings clothing knives coasters labels combs letter openers cups magnifying glasses earrings match books emery boards nail clippers &files envelopes newspaper ads (one noisemakers - -column inch or smaller) official state or local shoe horns voter pamphlets skywriting paper& plastic cups staple removers paper& plastic plates stickers (2-3/4"x 1" paper weights or smaller) pencils sun glasses "pendants sun visors pennants swizzle sticks pens tickets to fund raisers pinwheels water towers plastic tableware' whistles pocket protectors yard signs (8' x 4" pot holders or smaller) reader boards with yo-yo's • moveable letters all similar items 17 Political Party All political ads supporting or opposing a candidate for partisan Identification office are required to identify the candidate's party affiliation. This rule applies whether the sponsor is a candidate, a candidate's committee, another political committee, an individual, or an organization, acting with the knowledge of, or independent of, the candidate. In print ads (newspaper ads, brochures, mailings and similar printed • advertising, the party ID (and the sponsor ID) must: • appear on each page or fold of the communication in at least 10 point type, or • for ads such as billboards or posters, appear in type at least 10% of the largest size type used in the ad, and ' • not be screened or half-toned (Le., not made lighter through some printing or photographic process), and • be located in a printed or drawn box set apart from any other printed text in the ad. The party affiliation also must be printed in a color that contrasts with the background of the area in which the ID appears. In broadcast ads, the party ID (the sponsor ID) must be clearly spoken. Political Party The following abbreviations may be used in advertising to Abbreviations identify political party affiliation: • Citizens -- Cit ♦ Communist-- Corn • Democrat -- D, Dem, Demo ♦ Independent or Unaffiliated -- Ind, Indep • Libertarian -- Lib • Republican -- GOP, R, Repub, Rep (Do not use Rep abbreviation when it could erroneously imply that the candidate holds the office of State Representative) • Socialist-- Soc • Socialist Workers -- Soc Workers, SWP Official symbols or logos adopted by state party committees may be used in place of the full party name or abbreviation to denote affiliation. Send a-copy of the symbol or logo to PDC. Content of Advertising There are some additional rules to follow when composing political advertising: • Be sure the ad is truthful; • If candidate photos are used in any ad, at least one of them must have been taken within the last five years and be no smaller than the largest candidate photo appearing in the ad; 18 • • _"I cumbent" means a person who now holds an elected office; • " e-elect" represents that the candidate is presently holding the o ice being sought, was elected to it and is seeking another term in t at same office in the same district or political subdivision. • T e term "re-elect" may be used in a political ad by a non-incumbent ho has previously been elected to the position being sought .rovided that it is clearly stated in the same ad that the candidate is of the incumbent; • ♦ etain" represents that the candidate is the incumbent, but does not - i ply that the candidate obtained the position by election; ♦ "'Return" represents that the candidate now holds, or has previously held, the position being sought but not necessarily by election. Sta e law does not require candidates to identify the office or position the are seeking in their political ads. Violations It i a violation of the political advertising provisions of the statute to • kn i wingly or with reckless disregard of the truth: • sponsor an ad that contains a false statement of material fact; • falsely claim or imply a person or group endorses a candidate when that person or group does not; or • falsely represent a candidate as the incumbent. On letterheads, yard signs and other forms of advertising, non-incumbents must actually state they're seeking the office. Example: Mary Smith for State Senate or Elect Mary Smith State Senator. It is not permissible to say"Mary Smith, State Senate," unless Mary Smith is the incumbent. It' also illegal to distribute campaign material that is deceptively similar " in design or appearance to the voters and candidates pamphlets p blished by the Secretary of State. Similarly, it is illegal to use the st te.seal or its likeness to assist or defeat any candidate for elective o ice. Check List . When developing and proofreading political ads, be sure they are: ♦ properly identified with political party and sponsor ID; truthful; in compliance with the definitions of"incumbent," "re-elect," "retain," and "return;" accurate with respect to claimed or implied endorsements; not representing the candidate as the incumbent unless he or she is; and not deceptively similar to official voters and candidates pamphlets. 19 • PDC INQUIRIES AND AUDITS PDC staff may contact your campaign advising you that a report is missing or incomplete, asking for clarification of a report or requesting additional information. Please cooperate with these informal contacts and supply the requested information promptly. Random audits of some campaigns may occur after each election. Some of these are in-depth and you will be asked to make available all your records, including receipts and other documentation. These audits are routine and we suggest you approach them matter of factly. Audits also are conducted for cause because a complaint has been received or there is reason to believe disclosure reports are not accurate. If you are the subject of such an audit, be assured you will have every opportunity to explain your position. REGISTERING AS A CANDIDATE (C-1 Form) Candidates who run for state or local office in jurisdictions that had 5,000,or more registered voters as of the last general election or in juris- dictions covering an entire county must register with PDC on Form C-1. This registration must be filed within two weeks of becoming a candidate. You become a candidate when you receive contributions, make campaign-related expenditures, publicly announce your candidacy, reserve space or file for office, whichever occurs first. It's very common for persons to become candidates for purposes of the Public Disclosure Law well before they officially file for office in July. Amended C-1 forms must be filed within ten days of any changes that make the previously filed C-1 outdated. Incumbents should file a new C-1 when they begin a new campaign by raising money (for purposes other than paying off,old campaign debts), making expenditures for the upcoming election, publicly announcing their intention to run or - reserving space to make their announcement. After making copies of the C-1 for your files and the County Auditor (Elections Department) of'the county in which the candidate lives; send the signed C-1 to PDC. C-1 forms, like other standard PDC reports, are considered filed as of the postmark date or date hand-delivered to PDC. The C-1 Statement Please type or print clearly using black ink: (The reports.are microfilmed for security, and colors other than black do not reproduce well.) State the candidate's first name, middle initial, and last name (as it will appear on the ballot). For example, John A. "Jack' Jones or Margaret C. "Maggie" Smith. Identify the candidate's committee name that will be used for political advertising purposes. For example, Citizens for Jones. 20 Item No Description 1 S ow the office being.sought, the district, county or city as well a the position number. 2 If you're seeking a partisan office, specify your political party. • 3 cive the date of the general or special election in which you're p.rticipating. 4 •hoose a reporting option after carefully noting the limitations t at apply to mini and abbreviated reporting. 5 I o entify your treasurer, the person who will be responsible for r-ceiving contributions, making expenditures and keeping .ccurate, detailed records. You may be your own treasurer. It's -Iso important to include the treasurer's daytime phone number. lease note that candidate's are ultimately responsible for the .ccuracy of their records and reports. 6 ist the name, address and title of your campaign chairperson, ice-chair, manager, coordinator and other key people in the organization. There is no legal requirement specifying what officers your committee must have. 7 ame the financial institution where your campaign account is ept, along with the branch office location and city. 8 f you are affiliated with any joint fund raising committee or a ommittee organized to support a slate of candidates, give the ame and address of the committee(s) and explain your elationship. • . 9 •uring the eight days before the election, your records must be open for public inspection for two consecutive hours between 8 am and 8 pm, Monday through Friday. Identify the location and give the hours the records will be available. 10 For information only. . 11 The registration-statement is not considered filed unless signed by the candidate. . See e ample of completed C-1 on page 22. • • 21 • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION . 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 REGISTRATION. . PO BOX 40908 OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 CANDIDATES/CANDIDATE COMMITTEE . (206)'53-1111 PDC OFFICE USE Candidate's Name(Do no:abbreviate.Include candidates lull name) P M John A. "Jack" Jones, Jr. CSSR T K Candidate's Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.) Jones for City Council (4/93y R • E Mailing Adoress C 123 Miller Way City County Zip-4 V Anyplace Grassland 98000-0000 e 1.What office are you running tor? Office District.County or City Position No. , City Council Anyplace 2 2. Political party(if partisan office) I 3. Date of general or special election November 6, 199X Independent I. 4. How much do you plan to spend dunng your entire election campaign.including the primary and general elections?Based on that estimate.choose one of the reporting options below. If no box is checked you are obligated to use Option III.Full Reporting.See instruction manuals for information about reports required and changing reporting options. ❑ Option I MINI REPORTING I will limit contributions or expenditures during this campaign to my filing fee of$ plus no more than$500,including charges for the voters pamphlet.I will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any contributor except myself. - ❑ Option II ABBREVIATED REPORTING I will use the Abbreviated Reporting System.I will raise and spend no more than$2.000 and will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any contributor except myself. ❑( Option III FULL REPORTING I will use the Full Reporting System.I understand frequent.detailed reports are required. 5.Treasurers Name and Address(Candidate may be treasurer.)(List deputy treasurers on attached sheet.) I Daytime Telephone Number . Michael Kennedy 1 ( 509) 555-1212 6.Committee's Principal Officers.List name,address and title. Carol Jean Jones, Manager, 123 Miller Way, Anyplace, WA 98000-0000 George Anthony, -Finance Chair, 400 Main Street, Anyplace, WA 98000-0000 - Karen Lynn, Volunteer Coordinator, 42' Second Avenue, Anyplace, WA 98000-0000 • 7.Campaign Bank or Depository Brancn City Anyplace Savings and Loan Oak Creek Mall Anyplace 8. Related or Affiliated Political Committees.List name,address and relationship. People for Responsible Government, PO Box 85, Anyplace WA 98000-0000; Sharing Advertising 9.Campaign records are to be open for public inspection the last eight days before election.(Two sours daily between 8 AM-8 PM.Monday-Friday.)Show location and hours below: . Street Address(Do not use a Post Office Box Number) • Hours 123 Miller Way 9:00 a.m. -- 11 :00 a.m. Anyplace, WA 98000-0000 v 10. Fair Campaign Practices:All candidates and committee 11.CERTIFICATION: officers are encouraged to.subsscribe to the Code of " \ I certify that this report is true,complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. . Fair Campaign Practices primed in the instruction manuals. , ,, FAIR Candidate's signature Date AMPAIGN' 91-714a3 3/1/199X • Please advise us about which forms and instructions you need.Remember,candidates must file a Financial Affairs Statement(F-1)unless a current one is already on file with PDC.Check all boxes which apply. I already have financial affairs and campaign disclosure forms and instructions. . - ❑ I am using Mini Reporting and,therefore,do not need the other campaign disclosure forms.In addition.I have already filed DISTRIBUTION OF THIS REPORT: my Financial Affairs Statement and need no additional F-1 forms. ORIGINAL—Public Disclosure Commission ❑ I will obtain all forms and instructions from my county elections office. COPY—County Elections Dept.(Auditor) ® I want PDC to mail me: 4. the F-1 instruction booklet(which includes forms) COPY—Your own records 1 the appropriate campaign disclosure forms and instructions. • 22 CASH & IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION General Information "Co tribution" includes a loan, gift, deposit, subscription, forgiveness of ind btedness, donation, advance, pledge, payment, transfer of funds be een political committees, or transfer of anything of value, including per onal and professional services for less than full consideration. Con ributions, other than money, have a dollar value equivalent to the fair arket value of the item. Doll rs received from the sale of tickets to fund raising events such as dinn rs, concerts, parties and the like are contributions. The purchasers of t e tickets are the contributors, even if the tickets are given to others. The record keeping associated with a-fund raiser may be greatly red ced if the event qualifies as a low-cost fund raiser. See page 26 for , further information. The mount of contributions generated by a fund raiser may be reduced for r porting purposes by the actual-cost of consumables furnished in con ection with the event, and only the excess over the actual cost of the onsumables is a contribution. See the discussion on,Deducting Cost of Consumables on-page 54. (If you're holding a low-cost fund raise , you would not also deduct the cost,of consumables.) Exempt Activities The llowing activities are NOT considered contributions and need not be r ported on your campaign disclosure forms: - ♦ -O dinary home hospitality, including coffee hours, cocktail parties, w ne and cheese parties and similar gatherings where the purpose is to meet the candidate or organize a campaign and where no a mission fee is charged,or contributions expected from those a ending; • -p rsonal services of the sort commonly performed by volunteers so to g as the volunteers are not compensated by anyone; ♦ in idental expenditures by volunteers of$50 or less in the aggregate fo the duration of the campaign (if this limit is exceeded, the entire a ount is reported as an in-kind contribution and subsequent ex enditures by the volunteer would be disclosed as contributions on future reports; • ne s, feature or editorial comment in a broadcast media program or in regularly scheduled issue of a printed periodical (including pe iodicals published by businesses and organizations for their re pective employees or members) to communicate ratings, ev luations, endorsements or recommendations for or against a ca didate or ballot proposition; • int rnal political communications from a corporation or similar ent rprise to its officers, management staff and stockholders or from a u ion, association or other membership organization to its , me bers; - • me sages in the form of reader boards, banners, yard or window sig s displayed on a person's own property or property occupied by the organization, business or union. However, if the person normally 23 • charges a fee to display a message, an in-kind contribution would occur if no fee were charged for display of a political ad. Everything else of value given the candidate or the candidate's committee for use in the election campaign -- including discounts on items purchased or services rendered -- is a contribution and must be recorded as such in your records and included on the appropriate report. Recording a For each contribution received, the following information should be Contribution noted in your records: • date contribution was received by the campaign; • name, address, city and zip code of the contributor; • amount of the contribution (or the value and description of an in-kind contribution); • total amount the contributor has given since the start of your campaign, including pledges and monetary and in-kind contributions. Each monetary contribution must be deposited into your account within five business days of receipt. This means that campaigns must make bank deposits of all monetary contributions at least weekly. Remember, a contribution of more than$50 in currency may not be accepted unless a written receipt signed by the contributor and a campaign representative is made part of your financial records. For each deposit made, prepare a C-3 report and a bank deposit slip listing all cash and checks received since your last deposit. For each in-kind contribution received, include information about the contribution in Part 1 of Schedule B to the C-4 covering the period when the contribution was received. In-kind contributions include such things as goods and services, discounts on products or services, free transportation provided the candidate or campaign staff or other things that have a value to your campaign. Refer to the Bookkeeping Hints section in the back of this manual for some pointers on setting up and keeping books. "Receipt" of In the past, some campaigns have had difficulty determining when a Contributions contribution is officially considered received. In order to remedy this confusion, the Commission has adopted the following administrative rule. • "Receipt" of a campaign contribution . . . shall be deemed to occur at the earliest of the following: • the date that the candidate, treasurer, deputy treasurer, campaign _ manager, campaign chairperson or similarly situated campaign official obtains possession of the contribution, or 24 ♦ tie date that the candidate, treasurer, deputy treasurer, campaign manager, campaign chairperson or similarly situated campaign • official is informed of the contribution,-or becomes aware that the campaign, or in the case of an earmarked contribution, the intermediary, has possession of the contribution, or • the date that the contribution becomes available for use by the ndidate or committee. Sources of Contributions Can idates and treasurers who file disclosure reports listing their sour es of contributions must often make decisions about whom to • sho as the contributor, even though the true identity of the contributor may not be readily apparent. • Con ributors have the obligation to inform campaigns of the true and actu I sources of the donation at the time the contribution is made. How ver, in the absence of other information concerning a cont ibution's true source, follow the interpretations given below when keep ng records,'itemizing your contributors on the C-3 report and when corn lying with the contribution limit imposed during the 21 days before the eneral election. . On Party Personal Checks: List the name printed on the top of the chec as the contributor, unless the contribution is from a lobbyist who will a reimbursed by his or her employer for the contribution (and the lobb ist notifies the campaign of this fact in writing). Join Personal Account Checks: Attribute equal parts of the contr bution to the names of the parties printed on the.check, or the whol amount to both parties, unless a written explanation to the contr ry accompanies the contribution. (For example, in the case of a $100 check drawn on the account of John and Mary Smith, the entire amo nt could be attributed to John and Mary, or$50 to John and $50 toMry.) Checks Drawn on Sole-Proprietor Business Accounts: For contribution purposes, the owner of the business and the business entity are considered one and the same. The proprietors aggregate contribution total must include donations from his/her personal funds as well s from the business. - Partn rship Account Checks: List the partnership as the contributor, unles the contribution is to be paid from one or more of the partners' capit I accounts, in which case the contribution is attributed to the • partn r or partners whose funds are being used. Written notice of this arran ement should accompany the check. Corp rate, Union or Association Account Checks: Show the contribution as coming from the'corporation, union or association whos name is printed on the check, unless the giver is owned or • contr lied by another entity, in which case the contribution is attributed to the controlling entity. 25 Contributions of Do not deposit any contribution or accept any in-kind contribution if you Uncertain Origin know or suspect it has been made in a fictitious name, or by one person through an agent, relative, political committee, or any other person so as to conceal the true source or to exceed the contribution limit in effect during the 21 days before the general election. Return such a contribution within ten calendar days to the source, if known, or endorse the check and make it payable to the Washington State Treasurer. Send the check to PDC, along with an explanation, for deposit in the state's general fund. Fund Raising Events All the dollars raised in connection with a fund raising event are considered contributions, must be deposited into your campaign account and reported on a C-3 report. However, the amount donated by each contributor may be reduced by the pro-rated cost of consumables provided. Consumables include food, beverages, preparation or catering, entertainment and the fair market value of items sold, raffled or given as prizes. If you reduce contributions by the cost of consumables, the purchase of these consumables is not reported as an expenditure. The decreased contribution amount already accounts for obtaining these items. See page 54 for more information. All in-kind contributions received in connection with a fund raising event are also considered contributions and are reported on Schedule B to the C-4 report. In-kind contributions are reported at their fair market value. The fair market value is the amount a well-informed buyer or • lessee, willing but not obligated to buy or lease, would pay; and which a well-informed seller, or lessor, willing but not obligated to.sell or lease, would accept. Unless the event is a "Qualifying Low-Cost Fund Raiser" as discussed below, the campaign must keep track of how much each contributor donated, and identify on the C-3 report the names and addresses of those who gave over$25 and those whose cumulative totals for the campaign are now over$25. Frequently, at fund raisers, candidates receive contributions from anonymous sources. Any anonymous funds received at a fund raiser count toward the limit placed on the amount of anonymous funds you may legally receive ($300 or 1% of the total contributions received to date for this campaign). Funds received in connection with a "Qualifying Low-Cost Fund Raiser" are not considered anonymous, even though the - sources are unidentified. Qualifying Low-Cost If you hold a qualifying low-cost fund raiser, you only need report on the Fund Raisers C-3 the activity's date, a description of the event, and the total amount received from contributors paying $50 or less. You do not have to keep track.of how much each person contributed and record that information in your records and on a contribution report. In-kind contributions of $50 or under received in connection with one of the events need not be reported at all. Any event satisfying one of the criteria listed on page 26 qualifies as a low-co'st fund raiser. 26 Ifs meone a s over 0 to participate in the event (or pays more than $50 to purchase auction or sale items) or contributes goods or services val ed at more than 50 in connection with the event, you must record tha information in our contributor records and ident' that erson's _ name and address on the C-3 resort or if in-kind, on the Schedule B to the C-4 . However, the remainder of the funds collected from pa icipants paying $50 or less may still be lumped together and rep•rted as a single sum in Part 2 of the C-3. So e people invited to low-cost fund raises will not pay at the door, but rat er will forward a check either before or after the event. So long as the attend the event you may treat their contribution like other funds received in connection with the event. It's not expected that all the funs s received in relation to an event will appear on one C-3, since mo ey will trickle in both before and after the event. However, if so eone informs ou that he or she does not 'Ian to attend the fund rai-er,-but sends along a-contribution anyway, that money is treated as a r6gular contribution and is not lumped together with fund raiser rec ipts. Ev nts qualifying as low-cost fund raisers: • retail sales of goods or services at a reasonable approximation of heir fair market value; • licensed and legally operated gambling event; • food and beverage event where the admission price is no more han$25; • an entertainment event (concert, dance, theater performance, etc.) here the admission price is no more than $25; and • an auction or similar sale where the total fair market value of items donated by any person is no more than $50. No e: If you sell goods or services at a price that exceeds their fair m.rket value, or hold events having an admission price of more than $2 , or hold an auction and anyone donates items worth more than $50, the entire event does not •ual' as a low-cost fund raiser and you must record and report the amounts given by each contributor participating in th: event. Loans Lo.ns received by the candidate or the campaign from individuals, po itical committees, corporations, unions or other organizations are co tributions to the campaign. Persons who co-sign a loan have made • a ontribution in the amount for which they are liable. The amount co tributed by these co-signers and others who loan the campaign m ney is reduced as loans are repaid.; C didates may also choose to make loans to their own campaigns fro their personal funds. Candidates who receive loans for which they ar personally liable from commercial financial institutions and use those fu ds in their campaigns are considered as having made a personal co tribution to their campaign. 27 • In order for a candidate's contribution to his or her own campaign to be eligible for repayment by the campaign, it must be recorded in a written loan agreement and be properly reported on PDC Form C- 3 and Schedule L as a loan. According to state law, a candidate may not be repaid more than an aggregate of$3,000 for loans made to his or her own campaign. See Candidate Loan Repayments on page 10. For each loan received, complete Part 1 of Schedule L and attach the . schedule to the C-3 that reflects the loan's deposit into your account. • Schedule L (Part 1) To complete this portion of Schedule L, first identify the name of the candidate filing the report. In Part 1, include: • the date the loan was received; • • the lender's name and address; • the amount of the loan; • • the rate of interest charged (if any); • • the terms for repayment; • the date by which the loan is to be repaid in full; and • the names of any endorser, co-signer or loan guarantor. Be sure the loan amount is included on line 1c of the C-3 report showing deposit of the loan. Attach the Schedule L to this C-3. SCHEDULE L • LOANS TO C3 OR C4 ctreol Candidate or committee name John A. "Jack" Jones, Jr. (Citizens for Jones) 1. LOAN RECEIVED. Date loaned Lender's name and address Amount of loan Annual interest rate Repayment schedule Date due 5-15-9X Ralph Jones • 5,000 12% as funds Dec. 31 , 199X P 0 Box 42, Oceanside, WA allow. • Also include this amount .� on line lc,C3 report • •rj 0D0 Name and address of each endorser,co-signer,guarantor or other person liable for the loan: Carol Jean Jones, 123 Miller Way, Anyplace, WA 98000 • Auctions Auctions that qualify as low-cost fund raisers are not reported on • (Attachment Au) Attachment Au to the C-3; the in-kind donations go unreported altogether and the receipts generated by the event are lumped together • and reported in part 2 of the C-3. However, auctions that do not qualify as low-cost fund raisers • (because at least one contributor donated items valued at more than $50) must be fully reported on an Auction Report (Attachment Au), with the total received noted on line 1d of the C-3. 28 • Prepar-tion is the key to simplifying the reporting process. As each donat-. item is received, take the following steps: • Ass gn it a number and a brief description; • Rec.rd the contributor's name and address as well as the item's fair ma et value; • Put this information on Attachment Au and in your contributor records; • ♦ Inc! de this contributor's cumulative total on Attachment Au. • When he auction occurs, keep track of who purchased each item, the sale p lice and the purchaser's address. After the auction, include this inform Lion on Attachment Au. i �illin in the information for each item byfiguring out the Finish�i g 9 9 differe ce between the item's fair market value and the sale price. If the • differe ce exceeds the fair market value, the buyer made a contribution in the mount of the difference. Add this figure to previous contri utions to arrive at a new cumulative total for the buyer. If the le price was less than or equal to the fair market value: ♦ no contribution was made by the buyer (This person may have an • exi ting cumulative total to put on the form, however.) and • r-.uce the donor's contribution amount so it matches the sale price a ount. (See example #6 on the Auction Report example.) Total p the "sale price" column. (This total should equal the amount of mone, generated by the auction for deposit into your bank account.) Enter the total received on line id of the C-3 report that corresponds with t e deposit of this money. • • • • 29 • . AUCTION REPORT ATTACHMENT Use this form as an attachment to.C3 to report items donated and sold at auctions. TO C3 Au Please see the reverse for an example of a report. Candidate or committee name • Dale auction wee held John A. "Jack" Jones, Jr. (Citizens for Jones) May 17, 199X Item No. Fair market Amount over Total given by description Name and addressvalue Sale price lair market this person . value during campaign Contrlbulor #1 Year-Round Tanning 5 tanning 483 Benjamin Avenue, Anyplace, 98002 50 50 sessions Buyer Patty Hammer 85 Oak Street, Anyplace, 98001 65 15 15 Contributor #2 John Doe Use 200 A Street, Seattle, 98101 • 100 100 Beach Buyer Mary Smith Cabin 400 B Street, Tacoma, 98402 _ 125 25 25 Contributor #3 The Steak House Dinner 201 Anyplace Mall, Anyplace, 98001 40 40 for 2 Buyer David Adams P 0 Box 22, Anytown, 98003 40 -- -- Contributor . #4 Constance North. Micro- 1212 Boulevard Avenue,-Seattle, 98102 200 300 wave Buyer B.M. Carpenter - oven 1125 Apple Avenue, Olympia, 98500. 250 50 50 Contributor #5 Capt. Moby Dick • Boat 401 Waterfront, Poulsbo, 98708 75 • 75 • Cruise Buyer Merri Ryder 204 E. Land, Myberg, 99100 90 15 15 Contributor #6 Glamour Boutique . • Haircut 385 State Street, Anyplace, 98000 20 15 Beyer Susan Montgomery • _ 4820 Harrison, Anytown, 98003 15 -- -- Contributor #7 Puget Sound Hot Air Balloons Balloon 2801 Cloud Street, Bestview, 98020 120 " 120 ride Buyer Orville Wright 98020 for 2 203 Kitty Hawk Place, Bestview, 150 30 30 Cash receipts,this page (Total,sale price column) 735 Total from attached pages > 480 , Total cash receipts 1 ,215 (Put this amount In part Id of C3 report) I certify that the information herein is true,correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. /!!�/J Tres rer,e a 0.4 Dale older 52.17-9X 30 The C-3 Report Listed bove are directions for how to complete the two possible , attachments to the C-3 (Schedule L and Attachment Au). Once you've filled out any of these that must, if they apply, accompany a C-3, it's time to move on to the report itself. Fill out a C-3 report for each bank deposit made, showing the sources of the money being deposited. If you're a regular general election candidate (as opposed to a special election candidate), prior to July 1 you'll file C-3 reportgwith your C-4 reports. Beclinhinci with July 1, you'll file your C-3 re ort6 the same da ou make our bank de osits. If you're in a special electio , contact PDC for more information about filing dates. Listed below are the steps for completing the C-3. Refer to the examp e on page 33. Give t e candidate's name, full mailing address and office being sought. Line N . Description of Entry la Include the amount of any contributions being deposited that came from unknown sources. Give the total of anonymous contributions received to date since the beginning of your campaign. (Do not build into this total money received from low- cost fund raisers or from contributors who have given $25 or less. These dollars are reported elsewhere on the form.) If your total anonymous contributions are over the$300 or 1% limit discussed earlier, send a check to PDC in the amount of the txcess payable to.the State Treasurer. It will be deposited into he state's general fund. As part of your next C-4, complete Parts 1 &2 of Schedule C in order to reduce both contributions and L xpenditures by the amount of the excess. 1 b Show the amount of any of the candidate's personal funds being deposited into the account as outright contributions. These contributions are not eligible for repayment. Don't include loans from the candidate in this section. 1 c Show the total amount of loans from the candidate and others being deposited. Attach a Schedule L giving the details of each loan deposited. , id If you're depositing any interest earned on the investment of campaign dollars, refunds from vendors, auction receipts or other miscellaneous receipts, show the combined total from these sources. Attachment Au and written explanation of other funds being included must accompany the C-3. Receipts from low-cost fund raiser auctions are not shown on line 1d, but rather appear on a separate line in Part 2. 1 e If you're depositing funds from contributors who have given $25 or less to your campaign, you may show the combined total received from these contributors. Also state the number of contributors whose donations are being-included in this total. These are the small contributors whose names you keep on a separate, private list. (Many treasurers find it easier to give the name and address of all contributors in Part 2, regardless.of how 31 much has been donated, and to leave line 1 e blank.) Low-cost •fund raiser receipts are reported as a lump sum in Part 2 and are not included on line 1e. 2 When the total amount donated by a contributor is over$25, even if a very small amount is given as part of this deposit, show the date of the new contribution, the contributor's name and full address, the amount given this time and the total given since the - beginning of the campaign. If you have more than 15 entries, use • additional C-3 report forms or include the required information on 8-1/2"x 11"white paper. In Washington, candidates for local office may usually accept contributions from individuals, businesses, corporations, unions, organizations, groups and political committees so long as these entities are not foreign nationals or owned by foreign nationals. See the Prohibitions and Restrictions section for more details. If you receive a contribution from an out-of-state or federal PAC, you may only keep it if the PAC files a C-5 report within ten days of your receiving the contribution. See page 5 for more information. 3 Add up the amounts listed on the C-3 report; the total should equal the amount being deposited. Include the total in Part 1 of Schedule A. At the bottom, supply the date the deposit was made and the treasurer's • daytime phone number. Be sure the report is appropriately signed and dated. A C-3 report is required for each bank deposit. Study the example below. It will give you clues regarding how to report contributions received, including those generated through Qualifying Low-Cost Fund Raisers. • • • 32 • • --PUBLIC(JuRE COMMISSION CASH RECEIPTS MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS PDC OFFICE USE C3M Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Use full name.) O A S S R T K John A. "Jack" Jones, Jr. (Jones for City Council ) ( ) R Mailing Address E • 123 Miller Way e • City dip+4 Office Sought(candidates) • V Anyplace WA 98000-0000 City Council o 1. MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS DEPOSITED IN ACCOUNT Date Received Please type or print clearly In Ink. Amount Total 5/18/9X 34.12 • 84.12 a. Anonymous 5/14/9X 500.00 564.85 b. Candidate's personal funds deposited in thichedule bank(Include candidate loans In 1 c) 5/15/9X c. Loans,notes,security agreements.Attach L 5,000.00 5/17/9X fail Ci0fi• $t isj• 1 ,225.00 d. Micellaneous receipts(Interest,refunds,au Ions,other).Attach explanation• 5/15/9X 4 (refund•'SiD)-.. 80.00 e. Small contributions S25.00 or less not Ite ized and number of persons giving (persons) 2. CONTRIBUTIONS OVER$25.00• Total given by this person during caw Date Received Contributor's Name Street Address City State Zip Amount pelgn Cr yew • 5/15/9X Receipts from low-cost neighborhood potluck fund raiser 200.00 5/15/9X Maureen Kennedy, PO Box 711 , Olympia, .WA 98500 20.00 70.00 5/15/9X Sally Perkins, 200 - 140th Avenue S., Beachview, WA 75.00 150.00 • 5/16/9X XYZ, Inc. (thru lobbyi.t Peter Doe) 400 B Avenue, Bend, WA 100.00 100.00 5/16/9X United Workers Union, 100 K Street, Monaco, RI 50.00 125.00 • 5/16/9X Save the Sound Committee, PO Box 1180, Beachview, WA 25.00 75.00 • 5/17/9X Paul Harris, 1212 Sum•erset, Spokane, WA 99000 15.00 30.00 • • Sub-total 7,324.12 0 Check here it additional Amount from pages are attached attached pages --- 3. TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED OR CREDIT TO ACCOUNT • Sum of parts 1 and 2 above.Enter this amount In line 1,Sch ule A to C4. 7 a 12 This report Includes contrbudons deposited I certify that this report Is true and complete to the best of my knowledge • en(date) 5-19-9 x surer's signebue mm T'emmer'sDa'en'are" one"O-'( 509 )- 555-1212 5-19-9X PDC term C-3(3/S3)••f 4111(1.• SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE • 33 Cash Receipts and In order that the deposits you make during a C-4 reporting period are Expenditures built into the totals of that summary report, you must include the [Schedule A, deposited amounts in Part 1 of Schedule A to the C-4 report. In Part 1 Parts 1 & 2] you'll list each individual deposit made since the last C-4 report was filed. Put the total on line 2 of the Schedule A and line 2 of the C-4. In order that you"don't overlook including any deposits on the Schedule A, we recommend you put the information on the schedule as soon as the deposit is made, or keep a file of all the copies of the C-3s that need to be included on your next C-4 report. CASH RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE A to C4 (,reo) Candidate or committee name(Do not abbreviate.Use full name) _ John A. "Jack" Jones, Jr. 1. CASH RECEIPTS(Contributions)which have been reported on C3.Lint each deposit made elnce lead C4 report wee aubmilled. Dale of deposit Amount Dale of deposit Amount Dale of deposit Amount Total deposits 5-12-9X 1 ,925.00 5-26-9X 2,872.89 , 5-19-9X 7,324.12 5-31-9X 8.18 _._ (bank interest) 2. TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS Enter also on line 2 of C4 12,130.19 • In-Kind Contributions Monetary contributions are not the only things of value received by [Schedule B, Part 1 (C-4)] campaigns. Frequently, contributors will donate goods and services in lieu of or in addition to cash. These in-kind contributions must be fully reported in Part 1 of Schedule B to the C-4. You'll show: ♦ the date the contribution was received, • the name and full address of the contributor, • a brief description of the contribution, • its fair market value, and • the cumulative total this contributor has given since the onset of the campaign. The contribution's fair market value is the amount a well-informed buyer or lessee, willing but not obligated to buy or lease, would pay; and what a well-informed seller, or lessor, willing but not obligated to sell or lease, would accept. Common examples of in-kind contributions are materials for campaign signs, personal services, office space, printing, polling services, training campaign workers, professional assistance to campaign managers or help with preparation of your political advertising. - The services of campaign volunteers are not reportable as in-kind contributions so long as they are not paid by anyone for the campaign work they do. However, if a person assists your campaign while on the company payroll or is otherwise compensated by his or her employer for the campaign work performed, that person's employer is making an in-kind contribution to your campaign. • 34 A ca didate's time spent on his or her own campaign is not reported as a co tribution unless an employer gives a candidate time off with pay to cam ign. If this happens, the employer Is making a reportable In-kind contribution. An employer does not make a contribution if an employee who happens to be a candidate or other campaign staff member takes • earn , paid leave time to campaign. In t e example on page 35, the following in-kind contributions were rece ed: 1 orporate Donation — Cascade Computers donated the services of ne of its employees to install two computers and train campaign taff. 2 ut-of-Pocket Expenses -- If the candidate makes out-of-pocket • • mpaign expenses while traveling and is not reimbursed for these xpenses, report those expenses as an in-kind cont'ribution from the • ndidate. (Were he or she reimbursed, no in-kind results and the ayment to the candidate is listed as an expenditure on Schedule A.) 3 iscounts and Services -- If goods or services are provided the ampaign at no cost or at a reduced cost, and these goods or • ervices are not also available to other candidates for the same rice, a reportable contribution has occurred. 4 onated Goods & Services -- Report the receipt of sign materials, ffice space, free advertising and similar donations at their estimated lalue, unless they are donated for a Qualifying Low-Cost Fund Raiser and their value is$50 or less. Remember, if you don't pay full price • for an item or service or the vendor forgives a bill or settles for less than full value, you've received an in-kind contribution. 5 Bulk Mailing Permit--The county committee of your political party agrees to use its bulk mailing permit and pay the postage of a mailing supporting your candidacy. Report the face value of the postage costs paid by the committee. • Orce you total up the value of the in-kind contributions received during th, reporting period, that total will be entered on lines 3 and 12 of the C-4. (Note: these contributions are also shown as in-kind expendi- • to es in order to balance your books.) IN KIND CO IBUTIONS, PLEDGES, ORDERS, SCHEDULE 8 DEBTS, OBLIGATIONS to Ca nm c.andldel•m commits.name(Da not abbr. l.Una fdl name) John A. "Jack" Jones. J . I. IN KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED(goods;cervices.diecounte.etc.) Date Contrlbut a name end addreos Description of contribution Fair market Total given by tht.person received value during campaign or vane 5/9 1 Cascade Comp ters 8 hrs of training 200.00 200.00 711 Market S reet, Anyplace, 98000 services @ $25/hr 5/12 2 Jack Jones, '23 Miller Way travel & meal 64.85 564.85 expenses for self 5/12 3 AAA Print Shop, 30 Main St, Discount on printing 112.40 112.40 . Anyplace, 98000 letterhead & envelopes 5/30 4 XXX Realty, 98 Main St., Anyplace Free June rent for . 500.00 500.00 campaign headqtrs • 5/30 5 Grassland Co my Independent Mailed 10,000 pieces 1,800.00 1,800.00 Party, P 0 B x 1080, Anyplace of literature with bulk permit TOTAL (E««also on line a sad Me to of CI) 2,677.25 35 Pledges A pledge is a promise of a future contribution. Pledges of$100 or more [Schedule B, Part 2 (C-4)] are reportable in Part 2 of Schedule B. A pledge may be written or oral and for cash or in-kind contributions. Pledges are built into a contribu- tor's cumulative total. Pledges must be made for a specific amount, with every intention of the giver to pay the stated amount in its entirety. When payment on a pledge is received, report the cash contributions on a C-3 and in-kind contributions on Schedule B. Be sure to adjust your contribution records to show receipt of the pledged money. A line of credit constitutes a pledge of a loan. Report the total amount of the line of credit as a pledge. As funds are drawn or the credit is used, report the amount as a loan on the C-3 and Part 1 of the Schedule L. Reduce outstanding pledges by the same amount. Payments to the lender (person who extended the credit),are reported as loan repayments on Schedule A and Schedule L, Part 2. If you have new or existing pledges, each time you file a C-4, you'll • complete Part 2 of Schedule B and include the form as part of your C-4 filing. You'll show all new pledges received during the reporting period as well as the total amount of pledges previously reported but still. unpaid. Don't include any pledges that are considered uncollectible. Note: If your campaign makes a pledge to another candidate or political committee, it may be reportable in Part 3 of Schedule B as an outstanding debt or obligation, depending on the amount of the pledge. See page 42 for an example of a reportable pledge to another committee. • IN KIND CONTRIBUTIONS, PLEDGES, ORDERS, SCHEDULE B • DEBTS, OBLIGATIONS to C4 (um 2. PLEDGES RECEIVED BUT NOT YET PAID.List each pledge of$100.00 or more. Total given by this person Dale you were Name and address of person making pledge(Including organizations) Amount during campaign or year notified of pledge 5/20 Janice Smith, 1843 State Street, Anyplace 150.00 • 250.00 5/29 Patrick Brown, 7263 Birch Street, Bestview 250.00 250.00 (materials for signs) TOTAL(Include new pledges above and all other outstanding pledges.) (Enter also on line 9 of C4) 400.00 36 EXPENDITURES AND DEBTS General Information "Ex enditure" includes a payment, contribution, subscription, distr bution, loan, advance, deposit, or gift of money or anything of valu . It includes a contract, promise or agreement, whether or not lega ly enforceable, to make an expenditure. The term "expenditure" also includes a promise to pay, a payment or a tran er of anything of value in exchange for goods, services, property, facil ies, or anything of value for the purpose of assisting, benefiting, or hon ring any public official or candidate, or assisting in furthering or opp sing any election campaign. Agreements to make expenditures, con racts, and promises to pay are reported as estimated obligations unti actual payment is made. Payments of bank service charges are .als included as expenditures. Loa repayments are listed as expenditures even though they are act ally reductions in the amount contributed by the person making the ca paign loan. The reporting forms make accounting adjustments to tot I contributions reported when loans are repaid. All xpenditures made by the candidate or the candidate's committee (in luding any filing fee) must be reported. Expenditures of$50 or less ne d not be itemized, but may be lumped together and reported as a co bined sum. Campaign volunteers may each spend as much as$50 of their own funds for unreportable incidental expenses. However, if the ca paign reimburses volunteers for expenses, a reportable expenditure ha been made. Tr nsfers between bank accounts (from checking to savings, for ex mple) are not considered expenditures, nor are purchases of bonds or ertificates of deposit. Notify PDC in writing if you invest campaign fu ds. See page 49 for more information on Investment of Campaign Funds. An expenditure of$50 or more in currency (actual cash dollars) may no be made unless a written receipt signed by the vendor (or the re ipient of the money) and a campaign representative is made part of yo r committee's records. • R member, expenditures may only be made, incurred or authorized b the candidate or the campaign treasurer. Itemizing Expenses Only campaign expenses that exceed $50 need to be itemized on the S hedule A (that is, listed by date, vendor or recipient, code or purpose a d amount). Individual expenses of$50 or less are lumped together a d entered on the first line of Part 3 of Schedule A. Many campaigns prefer to itemize all expenses rather than going through the trouble of identifying and lumping together individual expenses of$50 or less. Listing small expenditures is also helpful when you want to check your P C reports against other financial records. B cause of their nominal amount, petty cash expenditures are usually r ported as expenses of$50 or less.-Whatever their amount, include 37 • petty cash expenditures on.Schedule A. Remember, every expense made with campaign funds is accounted for on Schedule A, even though it may not be itemized on the report. • Coding Expenditures In an effort to streamline reporting, PDC has developed expenditure codes for use in describing campaign expenses on the Schedule A. Treasurers who choose to use the codes to describe their expenses•will save themselves time and aggravation. Codes also will aid computerized campaigns in determining whether actual expenses are in line with budget projections for that stage of the campaign. Nevertheless, code use is optional and treasurers may continue to supply a more lengthy description in lieu of designating a code. The codes have been designed to accommodate reporting of many typical campaign expenditures. However, if your campaign makes an expenditure that is not accurately described by one of the codes (e.g., loan repayments), give a brief yet specific description in the Purpose of Expense column on the Schedule A and forego specifying an expenditure code. • EXPENDITURE COPE DEFINITIONS AND USES C MONETARY,IN-KIND AND EARMARKED F FUNDRAISING EVENTS.Use"F"for expendi- CONTRIBUTIONS(including transfers)your tures associated with holding a fundraiser, campaign makes to other candidates and corn- including payments to restaurants,hotels, • mittees.Put a"C"in the.Code column,in the caterers,other food and refreshment vendors, Description column specify who was benefited entertainers and speakers.Use"L"for expendi- and,if in-kind,what was purchased. tures for printed matter produced in connection with fundraising events. . I INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES(those expenditures that benefit other candidates or S SURVEYS AND POLLS.Use"S"for expendi- . . committees but are made independently of tures associated with designing or producing them).Put an"I"in the Code column and fully polls,reports on election trends,voter surveys, describe purpose. telemarketing,telephone banks,GOTV drives, etc. L LITERATURE.Use"L"for expenditures made for the preparation and production of campaign T TRAVEL,ACCOMMODATIONS,MEALS.Use literature and printed solicitations,including "T'for expenditures associated with travel.If expenditures for mailing lists,design,photogra- • vendor has been paid directly,identify the tray- phy,copy,layout,printing and reproduction. eller in Description column.If travel payment Use"P"for literature mailing costs. was made to credit card company or traveller (for out-of-pocket expenses),itemize expenses on separate sheet and attach to Schedule A. B BROADCAST ADVERTISING.Use"B"for expenditures associated with the production M MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SER- and purchase of radio and television advertis- ing. • VICES.Use"M"for salaries,fees and commis- sions paid to campaign management companies and contract consultants,including N NEWSPAPER&PERIODICAL ADVERTIS- law firms,whether the person is retained or for- ING.Use"N"for expenditures associated with mally employed by the campaign(for tax with- • the production and purchase of advertising in holding purposes). newspapers,periodicals and other publications. • W WAGES,SALARIES,BENEFITS.Use"W"for • O OTHER ADVERTISING.Use"0"for expendi- expenditures associated with hiring campaign tures associated with the production and pur- employees and other freelance workers who chase of advertising on billboards,yard signs provide miscellaneous services other than cam- and campaign paraphernalia such as buttons, paign management or consulting. bumper stickers,T-shirts,etc. G GENERAL OPERATION AND OVERHEAD. •P POSTAGE.Use"P"for expenditures for Use"G"for general campaign operating stamps,postage,United Parcel Service,Fed- expenses and overhead,including filing fees, eral Express and direct mail services(postage miscellaneous campaign expenses,headquar- • only).Use"L"for design and other production ters rental,utilities,and purchase or rental of costs associated with producing campaign liter- office equipment and furniture for the cam- ature. paign. 38 "Special-Attention" ,Th following kinds of expenditures require special attention, Expenditures wh ther or not you are coding expenditures: • When reporting direct payments to vendors for campaign-related fravel expenses incurred by the candidate or a campaign worker, i clude on your Schedule A the date of payments, the vendor's i entity, awl." for travel expenses in the code column, the traveler's ame in the Purpose of Expense block, and the amount spent. • hen reporting payments to advertising agencies, public relations firms and credit card companies, supply all the information required I#y the Schedule A, except the code classification (since more than one likely applies) and attach a statement from the ad agency, PR firm or credit card company that fully explains what services were performed or what charges are being paid. You may need to elaborate on the information shown on the statement if it does not fully and clearly explain the services or items that were purchased with the payment. • When reporting payments to the candidate or another campaign staff member for reimbursement of out-of-pocket campaign expenses, s pply all the information required by the Schedule A (including an e penditure code, unless more than one applies), and attach a list it mizing each expense included in the total or copies of receipts that support each reimbursement. • When reporting payments to the candidate or another campaign staff member to offset salaries or wages lost as a result of campaigning, supply all the information required by the Schedule A, and attach an explanation supporting the level of earnings paid. • hen making in-kind or earmarked contributions that benefit another c ndidate or committee, include on your Schedule A, the expenditure's date, the vendor or recipient's identity, a "C"for Contributions in the code column (or the appropriate description), the benefiting candidate's or committee's name in the Purpose of Expense block, and the amount spent in the amount column. • When reporting any independent expenditures that benefit another candidate or committee, show the expenditure's date, the vendor's identity, an "I" in the code column (or the appropriate description), the benefiting candidate's or committee's name in the Purpose of • Expense block, and the amount spent in the amount column. Schedule A Example See age 40 for an example of how to complete this portion of (Parts 3 & 4) Sche ule A. Entry No:, Description of Entry 1 Expenditures of$50 or less 2 Rental of campaign headquarters, 5/1-5/31/9X, $500. 3 Air time buy from KWAS-TV, $745. 39 • 4 Billboard space bought from ABC Sign Co., $450. 5 When expenditures are made jointly with other candidates or committees, each committee reports its share of the expenditure. For instance, if two candidates equally share the cost of newspaper ads, each reports one-half of the total charges. 6 - If your committee makes a payment to another candidate or political committee for an item or service you received from that committee or makes a contribution to another candidate or committee, show that expenditure in this'section., 7 The payment of an order or pledge is a cash expenditure. If the amount of the order was previously shown as an "order placed • but not paid" on Schedule B (because it was over$250 or outstanding for over 30 days and over$50), be sure to remove it from your list of debts before completing your new Schedule B. 8 Bank service charges are reportable as campaign expenditures. • 9 When you repay loans made to your campaign, you need to list that repayment in Part 2 of Schedule L as well as on Schedule A. Also, be sure to reduce the contributor's cumulative total shown • in your records by the amount repaid. • 10 Reimburse candidate for out-of-pocket campaign expenses. (Attach itemized list of expenses or copies of receipts.) Use the Expenditures Continuation Sheet if more expenditures are made - than will fit on the Schedule A. Show the total from attached pages in ',, the space provided. Compute your total campaign expenditures for this reporting period (sum of all figures in the Amount column) and enter this total on line 4; also show this amount on line 11 of the C-4 report. • CASH RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE A toC4 3.EXPENDITURES • ' a)Expenditures of$5o nr Ievc,including those from petty cash,need not be itemized.Add up these expenditures and show the total in the amount • - column on the first line below. b)Itemize each expenditure of more than$5Q by date paid,name and address of vendor,code/description,and amount. c)For each payment to a candidate,campaign worker,PR firm,advertising agency or credit card company,attach a list of detailed expenses or copies of receipts/invoices supporting the payment. Vendor or Recipient Purpose of Expense Date Paid - (Name and Address) Code and/or Description Amount • • N/A Expenses of$50 or less N/A N/A • 1.- 65.84 XXX Realty • .5/1 2. 898 Main Street, Anyplace G 500.00 KWAS-TV 5/1 3. P 0 Box 80, Anyplace B 745.00 • • ABC Signs • • 5/3 4. 200 River Road, Olympia 0 450.00 . • Daily News Sponsored' jointly with Senator -5/7 5. 500 Fleet Street, Bestview N Alice Smith 175.00 Independent Party 5/14 6. P 0 Box 1892, Tacoma G • 135.00 Success Agency 5/18 7. Tower Building, Spokane Copy of invoice attached - 500.00 • • 5/31 '8. Oak Creek Mall G 23.00 • Total from attached pages 142.12 • 4.TOTAL CASH EXPENDITURES Enter also on line 11 of C4 2.735.96 40 EXPENDITURES CONTINUATI N SHEET (Attachment to Schedule A) Page 2 Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Use full name.) Report Date John A. "Jack" Jones, Jr. (Jones for City Council ) Vendor or Recipient Purpose of Expense Date Paid (Name and Address) Code and/or Descnption Amount Betty Morgan 5/31 9. 85 4th Street, Podun. Loan repayment 100.00 Reimbursement to candidate 5/31 10. Jack Jones (See attached) 42.12 • • • • • • • (Adopted 3/93)• f • Page Total 142.12 41 • • Outstanding Debts Since one of the purposes of campaign disclosure reporting is to show [Schedule B, Part 3 (C-4)] how the campaign dollars are spent, your reports would be incomplete without including those debts the campaign is obligated to pay but • hasn't yet. In Part 3 of Schedule B, you'll list each order placed (but not yet paid), debt or other obligation (except loans) that has an actual or estimated cost of over$250..You'll also include other debts (except loans) if their actual or estimated cost is over$50 and the debt has been outstanding • for more than 30 days. On each Schedule B filed, include all debts that meet the criteria • mentioned above that have been acquired since the beginning of the campaign (not simply those accumulated during the reporting period). For each such debt, show the date the order was placed or the obligation entered into, the vendor's name and address, the amount owed and the purpose of the expenditure. Include the total of these outstanding debts (along with the total of loans you owe) on line 19 of • the C-4 report. • • IN KIND CONTRIBUTIONS, PLEDGES, ORDERS, SCHEDULE B DEBTS, OBLIGATIONS toC4 ae„ 3.ORDERS PLACED,DEBTS,OBLIGATIONS,ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES(Excluding loans.Report loans on Schedule L.) • a.Ust each debt,obligation or estimated expenditure that is more than S250.00. 1 b.Ust each debt,obligation or estimated expenditure that is more than S50.00 and has been oustandirg for over 30 days. • Expenditure Vendor's/Recipient's Name end Address) Amount Owed Code' OR Description of Obligation Date 3/15 Success Agency, Tower Building, Spokane 10,000.00 M (agree to pay $10,000 if win general election) 4/20 Rent-a-Wreck, 801 A Street, Anyplace 150.00 G 5/1 Success Agency, Tower Building, Spokane 500.00 See attached invoice • 5/10 People for Responsible Government 400.00 C (Pledge) P 0 Box 85,. Anyplace • • TOTAL • (Include in line 19 of C4) 11,050.00 • • • • • Loans [Schedule L, • Each time a loan is received, Part 1 of Schedule L is completed and Parts 2, 3 & 4 (C-4)] . • the schedule is attached to the C-3 showing the loan's deposit. • • Complete and attach Schedule L to each C-4 report as long as any • campaign loans remain outstanding or there is any loan repayment • or forgiveness activity to report. Show each loan payment made -_ during the reporting period (Part 2), each loan forgiven or partially • 42 - forgiven during the reporting period (Part 3) and recap the details concerning each loan received since the beginning of your campaign that till has a balance due (Part 4). Loan Payments If du ing the reporting period you made a full or partial payment against a loa received by your campaign, you include that payment in Part 2 of Sch dule L. When completing this portion of Schedule L, show • the date payment was made, • the lender's name and address, ♦ the amount of principal repaid, • the amount of interest paid, • lie total amount of the payment, and • the balance still owed on the loan. Add up all the principal repayments made during the period and put that total on lines 5 and 14 of the C-4 report. Also tally up the separate total pay ents (if there was more than one).and list that combined total as an expenditure on the Schedule A. (If you prefer, you may list each loa repayment separately on the Schedule A.) In your records, be sure to r duce the amount of the lender's cumulative contribution total by the am unt of the principal repaid. Se example on page 44. Loan Forgiven Occasionally, a lender will decide that the campaign doesn't have to rep' y a loan (particularly if it's the candidate who made the loan). This fac needs to be reported in Part 3 of Schedule L. If loan is forgiven, specify • the date forgiven, ♦ the lender's name and address, • the original amount of the loan, ♦ the total principal repaid to date on this loan, • the amount forgiven, and • the balance owed (if"none," so state). This forgiveness information is not included on the C-4. However, your coIntributor records should be altered to show that the amount forgiven is ow a regular contribution, not a loan. In addition, when you re-do P rt 4, be sure to exclude any loans that have been entirely forgiven a d to adjust those that have been partially forgiven. S e example on page 44. Loans Still Owed In Part 4 of Schedule L, you will show each loan received from the b ginning of your current campaign that still has a balance due. 43 • For each loan on Which your campaign still owes money, list • the date the loan was originally received, ♦ the lender's name and address, • the original amount of the loan, • the total amount of the principal repaid and forgiven, and • the balance remaining to be paid. Add together the amounts still owed on these outstanding loans and put that subtotal on the line provided. List the total amounts of any new loans that were received during this reporting period, itemized in Part 1, and reported on an accompanying C-3 and place that figure on the line provided. Add these two subtotals together to arrive at your total loans owed. Include this total, along with your outstanding debts from Schedule B, on line 19 of the C-4 report. SCHEDULE LOANS To.C3 OR C4 WWI Candidate or commm.e name John A. "Jack" Jones, Jr. (Citizens for Jones) 1. LOAN RECEIVED. Delo loaned Lander's name and address Amount of loan Annual interest rale Repayment schedule Dole due Also include this amount on line 1 c,C3 report Name and address of each endorser.co•eloner.guarantor or other person liable for the loan: 2. LOAN PAYMENTS. Data paid Lender's name and address Principal paid Interest paid Total payment Balance owed 5/31 Betty Morgan 100.00 -- 100.00 200.00 • 85 4th Street, Podunk Total Principal Paid (Enter also on lines 5 and 14,C-4 report) 100.00 • Total Payments- 100.00 (Enter as an expenditure on Schedule A) • 3. LOAN FORGIVEN. Dale Lender's name and address Original amount Principal repaid Amount forgiven Balance owed • 5/25 John A. Jones, Sr. 600.00 -- 300.00 300.00 8620 Circle Court, Seattle 4. LOANS STILL OWED.Llel each loan which has previously been reported and Will has a.alance due. Loan date Lender's name and address Original amount Principal repaid I Amount owed 3/10 John A. Jones,S" or forgiven 8620 Circle Court, Seattle 600.00 300.00 300.00 4/28 Betty Morgan 85 4th Street, Podunk 300.00 100.00 200.00 5/15 Ralph Jones • P 0 Box 42, Oceanside 5,000.00 -- 5,000.00 - • Subtotal ,5,500.00 New loans received during this reporting period -- _ Total Loans Owed ' 0 Check here II continued on attached sheet. (Include in total on line 19,C-4 report) 5,500.00 44 Corrections Schedule C is used to make adjustments to your C-4 totals. These [Schedule C] corre tions could be caused by mathematical errors, recording errors, recei't of a non-sufficient funds check,an expenditure payment error, recei t of refunds from vendors or a host of other circumstances. Only mounts or entries already built into your C-4 totals can be corre ted on a Schedule C. If a contribution or expenditure was left off an earlier filed C-3 or Schedules A or B, add it to the next filed report and ttach a note explaining the circumstances surrounding the error. Corr ctions to the contributions portion of the C-4 are made in Part 1, • corr ctions to the expenditures section are made in Part 2, and refunds you'ye received on expenditures previously made to vendors are • included in Part 3. • In P rts 1 and 2, when the amount originally reported was more than • the rue amount, the correction is shown as a minus (-); if the original amount was less than the true amount, the correction is shown as a plus (+). Bel w is an explanation of the example found on page 46. Exa1nple Number Description of Correction 1 Error in recording amount received. 2 Non-sufficient funds check returned from bank. 3 Math error in computing total contributions. 4 Underestimated value of in-kind contribution. (Note: When adjusting in-kind contributions, you must also adjust in-kind expenditures. See example #8 below.) 5 Refund a portion of contribution received from Sue Thomas. 6 A contribution made to the party was previously over reported. 7 Originally under-reported amount of expenditure. 8 Adjusting in-kind expenditures to match adjustment to in-kind contributions. 9 Adjustment to expenditures for refunded contribution to Sue Thomas. 10 Partial deposit returned from service provider. (This refund check must be deposited into your account and reported on line 1d of a C-3 report.) Fellow the directions of each section for transferring the adjusted a punts to the C-4 report. On that C-4, be sure to show whether any c rrection is a plus (+) or a minus (-). • 45 • CORRECTIONS SCHEDULE • to C4 y Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Use lull name.) John A. "Jack" Jones (Jones for -City Council)- 1..CONTRIBUTIONS AND RECEIPTS(Include mathematical corrections.) Date of Contributor's name or description of correction Amount Corrected Difference report reported amount (+or-) • 5/10/9X 1 . PSZ Company (recording error) 25.00 75.00 +50.00 5/10/9X 2. James P. Smith (NSF check) _ 25.00 0 -25.00 5/10/9X 3. Math error in computing total 4,670.00 4,680.00 +10.00 contributions 5/10/9X 4. Morris Typing Service (undervalued 280.00 375.00 +95.00 worth of service) 5/10/9X 5. Refund contribution to Sue Thomas 50.00 25.00 . -25.00 • Total corrections to contributions Enter on line 6 of C4.Show+or(-). +105.00 2. EXPENDITURES(Include mathematical corrections.) Date of Vendor's's name or description of correction _Amount Corrected Difference report reported ' amount (+or-) 5/10/9X 6. Independent Party Central Committee 100.00 75.00 -25.00 (over-reported amount) 5/10/9X 7. WKEE Radio (under-reported amount) - 210.00 245.00 +35.00 5/10/9X 8. Morris Typing Service 280.00 375.00 +95.00 (adjust for increase in in-kind contributions) - 5/10/9X 9. Refund contribution to Sue Thomas 50.00 25.00 -25.00 Total corrections to contributions Enter on line 15 of C4.Show+or(-). +80.00 3. REFUNDS FROM VENDORS.The below listed amounts have been received as refunds on expenditures previously reported.The refund has been deposited and reported on C3 report,Line 1d. • Date of Source/person making refund • Amount of refund refund 5/17/9X 10. NW Gas Company (refund on service deposit) • 10.00 • • Total refunds • Enter as(-)on line 6&line 15ofC4. 10.00 46 • The C-4 Report If y u completed the various schedules to the C-4 (Schedules A, B, C and L) and transferred the totals arrived at on those forms to the appropriate lines on the C-4, there is little remaining to fill in on the C-4, except your previous contribution total (line 1) and your previous expenditure total (line 10). After supplying those figures, it's a matter of ad ing up the columns to compute your new totals. L Assuming you have no funds in a separate investment account, Lin 18 should equal the sum of your checkbook balance and your pe cash balance as of the last day covered by the report. • If lie 18 does not agree with your checkbook balance once its co bined with petty cash on hand, verify that all C-3 reports for the period were included in Part 1 of Schedule A, make sure each expenditure was included in Part 3 of Schedule A, and double check your arithmetic. If this doesn't work and you are off by a significant a ount, you may be in for a time-consuming review of every schedule • yo `re filing with the C-4. Call and speak with a PDC political finance sp cialist about your difficulties. A p-4 report is not legally filed unless it is signed by the candidate and the campaign treasurer. So, be sure to take this requirement into ac ount when planning travel schedules. Report Close-Out Dates C reports must include activity through a certain point prior to the due d.to of the report. That is, • 21-day pre-election reports must be current within five business days, • 7-day pre-election reports must be current within one business day, and • 10t-of-the-month reports cover activity through the end of the previous calendar month. Also see page 54, Accounting Periods. • • • 47 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION SUMMARY, FULL REPORT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITUREC4 POC OFFICE USE P M Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Use full Caine.) 0 A • S R John A. "Jack" Jones, Jr. ) AK Mailing Address • C 123 Miller Way • City County Ztp+4 V Anyplace Grassland 98000-0000 Report From:(last C-4) To:(end of period) co riod May 1 ; 199X May 31., 199X Is this your f)pgreport?' Yes No X RECEIPTS 1.Previous total cash and In kind contributions(From line 8,last C-4) (If beginning a new campaign or calendar year see instruction booklet) 6,244.29 2.Cash received(From line 2,Schedule A) 12,130,19 3.in kind contributions received(From line 1,Schedule B) 2,677.25 4.Total Cash and in kind contributions received this period(Line 2 plus 3) • \\ 14,807.44 5.Loan principal repayments made(From line 2,Schedule L) ( 100.00 J (refund') -10.00 6.Corrections(From line 1 or 3,Schedule C) Show+or(-) +1 05.00 7.Net adjustments this period(Combine line 5.&6) Show+or(-) -5.00 ' 8.Total cash and in kind contributions during campaign(Combine lines 1,4&7) • 21 .046.73 9.Total pledge payments due(From line 2,Schedule B) 400.00 00.00 • EXPENDITURES 10.Previous total cash and in kind expenditures(From line 17,last C-4) 3,085.14 • (If beginning a new campaign or calendar year,see instruction booklet) • 11.Total cash expenditures(From line 4,Schedule A or line 5,Schedule A-s/I) 2,735.96 12.In kind expenditures(goods&services) (From line 1,Schedule B) 2,677.25. 13.Total cash and in kind expenditures made this period(Une 11 plus line 12) 5,413.21 14.Loan principal100.00 repayments made(From line 2,Schedule L) -10.00 - 15.Corrections(From line 2 or 3,Schedule C) Show+or(-) +80.00 16.Net adjustments this period(Combine lines 14&15) Show+or(-) 3 .00 • 17.Total cash and In kind expenditures during campaign(Combine lines 10,13 and 16) 8,468.35 CANDIDATES Please complete: CASH SUMMARY ' Name not 18.Cash on hand(Line 8 minus line 17) 12,578.38 Won Lost Unopposed on ballot (Line 18 should equal your checkbook balance plus your petty cash balance.) Primary election ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ General election ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 19.Liabilities:(Sum of loans and debts owed) ( 16,550.00 7ltfasurer's Daytime Telephone No.: 20.Balance(Surplus or deficit) (Line.18 minus.line 19) (3,971 .62) 509 ) 555-1212 CERTIFICATION:I certify that the information herein and on accompanying schedules and attachments is true to the best of my knowledge. . Candidate's Signature Date Treasurer's Signature Date Qvn, A-, 'L u. 6-9-9X - 6/9/9X PDCC form C-4(3/93)•.f °+ SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE 48 AFTER THE ELECTION . Post-Election Reports They C-4 report filed on the 10th of the first month following the election (De ember 10 for regular general elections) is your final report if the campaign is concluded, there are no outstanding debts, loans or other obl gations, you've disposed of any surplus funds and you've dissolved yo r campaign. (Candidate's who lose in the primary may file their final rep rt on October 10 if they have settled all their accounts.) W en you file your final report, please answer the question "Is this your final report?" affirmatively. If you plan to retain any remaining funds for a future campaign, see page 50 for an explanation of how to - ca,ry forward funds to the new campaign. Remember, you may only us these remaining funds for your next campaign if you are seeking the sa a office last sought. If you do not or cannot file a final report on December 10, you must continue to file C-3 and C-4 reports until all debts and other obligations are satisfied. These reports are filed on the 10th of each m nth (covering the previous calendar month, or the period since your la t report) whenever contributions received or expenditures made total $2 0 or more since the last C-4 report was filed. If you have a ca paign surplus, but receive no new contributions or make no new expenditures, no C-4 reports are required until campaign financial a ivity resumes. See Start-up of New Campaign on page 50. R member, surplus campaign funds may only be spent in ways s ecified by law. See page 13 for the discussion on the uses to which th se funds maybe put. Investment of S rplus campaign funds may,be invested in bonds, savings accounts, Campaign Funds certificates, tax-exempt securities, mutual funds and similar instruments - available in financial institutions. Banks, savings and loan institutions ad credit unions are recognized as financial institutions. Stock brokerage houses and other investment companies do not qualify as "f nancial institutions" and may not be used for investment of campaign f nds. • If you invest campaign funds, take the following steps: Notify PDC by letter of the date, amount and the name of the financial institution where the surplus is invested. Do not report the investment as an expenditure on Schedule A or on the C-4 report. Deposit all interest, dividends or income earned by the investment into the investment account Report this income as miscellaneous receipts on line 1d of the C-3 report. When the investment is terminated, re-deposit the principal plus the accrued earnings into the original campaign account and notify PDC by letter that this re-deposit has been made. Do not report this transfer as a contribution on the C-3. • Check with the IRS or your personal tax consultant about any tax liability that the investment may create. • 49 • Start-up of New A candidate's committee does not "net out" annually, but Campaign aggregates contributions and expenditures throughout the existence of the candidacy or campaign. For example, a candidate might begin seeking contributions and making expenditures two or three years before an election. The aggregate of all contributions and expenditures is shown on C-4 reports until the election is over. • Similarly, there might be bills to pay off after the election. You may collect money and hold fund raising events to pay off these debts without establishing a new campaign. However, once you begin receiving contributions after there are no debts to pay off from a previous election, or you're considering making expenditures which relate to your next election, you must close-out the previous election and.begin a new campaign. Here are the steps to follow to start a new campaign: • File a final C-4 report with the appropriate schedules for the earlier campaign. Include all transactions since the last C-4 was filed. Indicate in the space provided that this is the final report. • File a C-1 registration statement for the new campaign. • File a C-4 report for the new campaign. The surplus carried forward from the old campaign is reported on line 1 of the C-4 as shown on page 51. Appropriate schedules are attached showing new contributions and expenditures. • File future C-3 and C-4 reports for the new campaign. L 50 SUMMARY, FULL REPORT PDC OFFICE USE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE C4 PM OA Candidate or committee name(Do not abbreviate.Include full namle.) S R John A. "Jack" Jones, Jr. (CitizEns for Jones), 1/90 TRK Address t: C 123 Miller Way City County Zip V Anyplace Grassland 98000 Report From:(last C-4) To:(end of period) Period 1/1/9X 1/31/9X RECEIPTS ' carried forward from I. Previous total cash and In kind contributions(From I ne 8,last C-4) (If beginning a new campaign or calendar year,see instruction booklet) previous campaign 8]2.65 2. Cash received(From line 2.Schedule A) 280.00 3. In kind contributions received(From line 1,Schedul B) --- 4. Total cash and In kind contributions received this p riod(Line'2 plus 3) ( 280.00 5. Loan principal repayments made(From line 2,Sch dule L) ` --- • 6. Corrections(From line 1 or 3,Schedule C) Show+or(-) --- 7. Net adjustments this period(Combine lines 5&6) Show+or(-) --- 8. Total cash and in kind contributions during campaign(Combine lines 1,4&7) 1,152.65 . 9. Total pledge payments due(From line 2,Schedule B) --- EXPENDITURES 10. Previous total cash and in kind expenditures(Fro line last C-4) Start-up of new campaign -- (If beginning a new campaign or calendar year,see I structi17,on booklet) 11. Total cash expenditures(From line 4,Schedule A or line 5 Schedule A-s/I) 50'00 —— 12. In kind expenditures(goods&services)(From tin 1,Schedule B) 13. Total cash and in kind expenditures made this period(Line 11 plus line 12) 50.00 14. Loan principal repayments made(From line 2,Schedule L) 15. Corrections(From line 2 or 3,Schedule C) Show+or(-) -- 16. Net adjustments this period(Combine lines 14& 16) Show+or(-) --- 17. Total cash and in kind expenditures during campaign(Combine lines 10, 13 and 16) 50.00 CANDIDATES • Please complete: CASH SUMMARY Name not ' Won Lost Unopposed on ballot 1 102.65 Primary election 0 18. Cash on hand(Line 8 minus line 17) General election (Line 18 should equal your checkbook balance.) DOLE 19. Liabilities:(Sum of loans and debts owed) " ( --- ' ) 20. Balance(Surplus or deficit)(Line 18 minus line 19) 1 ,102.65 CERTIFICATION:I certify that t information herek and on accompanying schedules and attachments is true to the best of my knowledge. Candidate's i attire 21 1 Date Tr asurer,e Signature(it a political committee) Date (th 2-9-9X 6 ( iz i �Itize 0 PDC loon A'(Rev.1l90) -1499 51 BOOKKEEPING HINTS Both reason and the law dictate that treasurers be able to support the information reported on PDC forms.. This section includes some hints to assist treasurers in compiling and reporting campaign finance information. This section is strictly advisory. The law requires only that accurate • records be maintained. Use any bookkeeping system that meets this requirement. The hints outlined here are ones that have been used - effectively in other campaigns. If you have ideas that would help other treasurers, please share them. Computer Reports Many campaigns have access to home or small business computers. Records may be kept on these computers and PDC reports generated from them. If you plan to use computer generated reports in lieu of PDC forms (other than the program distributed by PDC), submit a sample copy of each report to PDC for approval unless the reports are substantially similar to the standard format. Guidelines for computer reports: • approximately the same format used in PDC forms (you may. eliminate the explanatory information, however); • clearly label all data; • use 8-1/2" by 11" paper; . • data must be placed on the page vertically so reports can be microfilmed; and • use a good quality printer that leaves a dark impression. Cash Transactions A contribution or expenditure of more than $50 in cash or currency may not be accepted or made unless a written receipt signed by the contributor.(or recipient of an expenditure) and a campaign representative is made part of the campaign's financial records. Contributions Record currency and check contributions directly on C-3 reports. File copies of these C-3 reports in chronological order in a loose-leaf binder. Contributions must be deposited within five business days of receipt. Your C-3 report could, therefore, cover a one-week period. You must include the cumulative total of contributions received from each contributor on the C-3. This total would,include all donations received . . , from a contributor from the beginning of your current campaign through - the last day covered by the report. Also keep a record of contributions on individual contribution indexoards. .Examples of contribution cards may be found at the end of this section. Your bank statement is another supporting document for monetary contributions. 'If you prepare a C-3 report every time you make a bank - deposit, you will always be able to match your C-3 reports with the deposits appearing on your bank statements. 52 . Ot er types of contributions, such as in-kind contributions and pledges, ma, be kept track of by recording the relevant information about them on notebook paper. If you use a notebook, add section dividers and convert it into an all-purpose book for recording campaign financial information. Expenditures Expenditure information may fall into one of three categories: cash expenditures, petty cash disbursements, and orders placed but not yet pa d (debts). Cash Expenditures R cord cash expenditures directly on a Schedule A. The check number sh uld be recorded on your work copy of the schedule. • Petty Cash T establish and replenish a petty cash fund, determine the amount needed for approximately one month ($100 to $250). Write a check for the amount to the person who will be responsible for the petty cash fu d. Do not include this check setting up your petty cash fund as an e penditure on Schedule A. D n't use the petty cash fund to pay expenses when a check can be c nveniently written. A check gives you a record of the payment. ASS small purchases are made, receipts are placed in the petty cash fund records. (Note: The sum of cash and receipts must always equal the starting amount.) Periodically, the receipts are totaled and a check for that amount is made out to the person in charge of the fund. (Again, t is replenishment check is not listed as an expenditure on Schedule A.) eep the receipts as supporting documents for the replenishment ceck. tIhe checks establishing the fund and those used to replenish it are not included on the Schedule A because each petty cash expenditure will appear on the schedule as it occurs, probably on the "expenditures of $50 or less" line. If you also report the checks establishing and r plenishing the fund, you'd be inflating the amount actually spent by t e campaign. Orders Placed reportable expenditure is made when an order is placed, whether it as been paid or not. Therefore, you must make a summary of orders placed but not yet paid when you prepare each C-4 report. If the exact - cost is unknown, estimate the cost. Each time a summary is prepared, orders placed that have now been paid are deleted. On the Schedule B, you'll report those remaining orders (outstanding debts) that will cost you more than $250 or more than $50 if they were ordered over 30 days ago. An example of an orders placed journal is located at the end of this section. Remember that contingency salary agreements --those promises to pay consultants or others a certain amount if the election is won --are reported as outstanding debts when the agreements are entered into. 53 Miscellaneous Records A miscellaneous section in your notebook will be helpful. It provides a place to record plans for disposition of surplus funds, insurance policies taken out by the campaign, potential liabilities from lawsuits, disputed payments, and other correspondence or conversation regarding the campaign's finances or reporting procedures. Deducting Cost of Review the discussion on Fund Raisers and Qualifying Low- Consumables Cost Fund Raisers beginning on'page 26. The law permits that the amount of a contribution received in connection with a fund raising event (such as a dinner) may be reduced by the cost of the consumables provided. • If you choose to do this, some special bookkeeping techniques are necessary and you'll probably want to set up a subsidiary set of records for the event. In order to deduct the cost of consumables from contribu-tions, determine the amount to be deducted per person. (Note: In your records, show the total amount received from each person, the amount deducted as consumables, and the net contribution.) The net contribution is then reported on your C-3. Do not include the total cost of consumables as an expenditure on Schedule A. (However,'your records should show that the total expenditure for consumables equals the total amount you deducted from the contributions received.) • To summarize, your C-3 report will not equal the amount deposited and the amount reported on Schedule A as fund raiser expenditures will not equal the amount actually spent. The difference in both cases is the cast of the consumables consumed by the contributors. If the admission price to your fund raiser is more than$25, it may not be reported as a Qualifying Low-Cost Fund Raiser, even if deducting the cost of consumables would reduce each ticket. purchaser's contribution to$25 or less. Accounting Periods Each transaction, contribution or expenditure that occurred during the • reporting period must be included on the C-4 report covering that period. Shown below are C-4 due dates and the earliest time when books may closed. With C-1 report (if pre-registration contributions received or expenditures made); close books same day as report filed; include all activity to date. 10th-of-the-month reports (required if no special C-4 reports are due that month and contributions or expenditures exceeded $200 since last C-4); close books as of last day of preceding month; include all activity since last C-4. 54 • 21-day pre-election report; close books no more than five days before report due date; include all activity since last C-4. 7-dhv pre-election report; close books no more than one day bef re report due date; include all activity since last C-4. Post-election 10th-of-the-following month report (this post pri i ary report not required of candidates going on to the general); close books as of last day of preceding month; include all activity since las C-4. Final report; close out books as of date campaign ends; include all activity since last C-4. Help.Available PDC welcomes calls and office visits if you need assistance. In addition, you are encouraged to contact your county auditor or local political party committee and ask them to host a PDC instruction workshop in your area. 55 SAMPLE 3" BY 5" CONTRIBUTION CARDS Name STYLIth, )oar Address ,321 Flower St. City-Zip 4/vwn 98OOO CASH CONTRIBUTIONS Campaign Date Amount Total PDC Remarks 7-/o rot,oo boo.co C-3 ✓ Thank yocc,Settt. 8-08 £ .00 /4-0s0 C-3✓ You may also find it handy to add additional information to these cards such as precinct ' number, willingness of the contributor to volunteer time or services, special talents, - etc. ,,vary Types and, will doorbell 7ues, Wed, Tiutrs, Name Johes) cJolry N. 6vlfe 6/15a t) Address 4a+ Tttibet' Drive, City-Zip , 4 row►i. q 800o CASH AND IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS Campaign Date Amount Total PDC Remarks -15 25,00 2S.40 C-3 Pinot eais f Ticket#177 8-IB I6-0.00 175:0o B sheets p✓yWuoct . (/N-K/ND) Susa , Is preuneCcontinit nicj.-Lakes precinct: Name Doe, Tam F. Address /Z3 Ch err �0-ve City-Zip �tOWf ' PLEDGE CARD Amount Amount Unpaid Date Pledged Paid Balance PDC Remarks ISO.dO $✓45-0 du e- g��4,q/.2031/0 • Note: It is handy to-have pledge cards a different color from basic contributor cards. 56 • ORDERS PLACED JOURNAL MONTH OF AUGUST • Date Ordered Vendor & Address Est. Amt. Amt. Paid Ck # Balance PDC Purpose, Remarks 8/08/9x Ace Printing 1000 silk screen signs for delivery 123 "A" St., Atown $2,000 $2,000 B 10/8/9x. Payment due on delivery 8/09/9x ABC Billboards Billboard rent 9/1 through 11/1/9x. 402 Front, Atown 1,550 $ 550 103 1,000 A,B Balance due by 10/1. 8/10/9x Lazy Lumber Co. 417 oat, Atown 500 500 107 0 A 40 sheets plywood. Paid 8/31/9x. Outstanding orders as of 8/31/9x ' 3,000 Reported to PDC on Schedule B MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 8/08/9x Ace Printing 2,000 2,000 B 8/09/9x V ABC Billboards 1,000 500 115 500 A,B 9/02/9x PDQ Lumber Co. Plywood and sign stakes for delivery 123 Back St., Atown 250 250 10/1/9x. Outstanding orders as of 9/11/9x 2,750 Reported to PDC on Schedule B MONTH OF OCTOBER 8/08/9x Ace Printing 2,000 2,000 125 0 A Delivered 10/1/9x. 8/09/9x Billboards 500 500 127 0 A Paid 10/01/9x. 9/02/9x PDQ Lumber 250 • 250 128 0 A Paid 10/01/9x. cri Outstanding orders as of 10/16/9x 0 • Pertinent Government Agencies QUESTIONS ABOUT AGENCY TELEPHONE Federal Income Tax Internal Revenue Service 1-800-829-1040 (Form 1120-POL) (local office) Employer ID Number (if campaign has employees) " 1-800-829-3676 (Form SS-4) • Employee Withholding (W-4 form) " Social Security Social Security Administration (local office) Federal Campaign Reporting Federal Election Commission 1-800-424-9530 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463 State Taxes Department of Revenue 206-753-5540 PO Box 47462 Olympia, WA 98504-7450 Employment Security Department 206-753-5116 212 Maple Park, M/S 6000 Olympia, WA 98507-9046 Business Licenses Department of Licensing 206-753-6918 1125 Washington St SE, M/S 8001 Olympia, WA 98504 or Local City Clerk or Treasurer Liquor and Banquet Permits Local WA State Liquor Store or Liquor Control Board 206-753-6262 1025 E. Union, PO Box 43076 Olympia, WA 98504-3076 Gambling Permits Gambling Commission 206-438-7654 (bingo, raffles) 1100 S. Jefferson, M/S 2400 Olympia, WA 98504-2400 • Health Permits (food sales) County or City Health Department Incorporation Secretary of State 206-753-7115 505 E. Union, PO Box 40234 Olympia, WA 98504-0234 , Postal Permits • Local U.S. Post Office Declarations of Candidacy County Auditor or Secretary of State 206-753-2334 Candidates Voter Pamphlet County Auditor or Secretary of State Election Laws County Auditor/County Prosecutor Political Broadcasting Federal Communications Commission 202-632-7586 Broadcast Bureau Washington, D.C. 20554 Sign Regulations See page 60 58 County Election Officials • ADAMS COUNTY AUDITOR - 210 W BROADWAY RITZVILLE WA 99169-1860 ASOTIN COUNTY AUDITOR 135 2ND ST PO BOX 129 ASOTIN WA 99402-0129 BENTON COUNTY AUDITOR 620 MARKET ST PO BOX 470 PROSSER WA 99350-1300 CHELAN COUNTY AUDITOR WASHINGTON &ORONDO ST PO BOX 400 WENATCHEE WA 98807-2886 CLALLAM COUNTY AUDITOR 223 E 4TH PORT ANGELES WA 98362-3025 CLARK COUNTY AUDITOR 1200 FRANKLIN ST PO BOX 5000 VANCOUVER WA 98660-2872 COLUMBIA COUNTY AUDITOR 341 E MAIN ST DAYTON WA 99328-1361 COWLITZ COUNTY AUDITOR 207 4TH AVE N KELSO WA 98626-4190 DOUGLAS COUNTY AUDITOR - 213 S RAINIER PO BOX 456 WATERVILLE WA 98858-0456 FERRY COUNTY AUDITOR 350 E DELAWARE PO BOX 498 REPUBLIC WA 99166-0498 FRANKLIN COUNTY AUDITOR 1016 N 4TH AVE PASCO WA 99301-3706 GARFIELD COUNTY AUDITOR PO BOX 278 POMEROY WA 99347-0278 GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR C ST NW PO BOX 37 EPHRATA WA 98823-0037 GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY AUDITO 100 W BROADWAY PO BOX 751 MONTESANO WA 98563-3614 ISLAND COUNTY AUDITOR NE 6TH &MAIN ST PO BOX 5000 COUPEVILLE WA 98239-9998 JEFFERSON COUNTY AUDITOR 1820 JEFFERSON ST PO BOX 563 PORT TOWNSEND WA 98368-6951 KING CO RECORDS 8 ELECTION COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BG #553 500 4TH AVE SEATTLE WA 98104-2337 KITSAP COUNTY AUDITOR 614 DIVISION ST PORT ORCHARD WA 98366-4676 KITTITAS COUNTY AUDITOR 5TH &MAIN ELLENSBURG WA 98926-2897 KLICKITAT COUNTY AUDITOR 205 S COLUMBUS AVE #203 GOLDENDALE WA 98620-9293 LEWIS COUNTY AUDITOR 351 NW N ST PO BOX 29 CHEHALIS WA 98532-1926 LINCOLN COUNTY AUDITOR 450 LOGAN ST PO BOX 366 DAVENPORT WA 99122-0366 MASON COUNTY AUDITOR 411 N 5TH PO BOX 400 SHELTON WA 98584-3400 • OKANOGAN COUNTY AUDITOR 149 3RD N PO BOX 1010 OKANOGAN WA 98840-1010 PACIFIC COUNTY AUDITOR 300 MEMORIAL AVE PO BOX 97 SOUTH BEND WA 98586-0097 PEND OREILLE COUNTY AUDIT.R - 625 W 4TH PO BOX 5000 NEWPORT WA 99156-5000 PIERCE COUNTY AUDITOR 2401 S 35TH #200 TACOMA WA 98409-7460 SAN JUAN COUNTY AUDITOR 350 COURT ST PO BOX 638 FRIDAY HARBOR WA 98250-0638 SKAGIT COUNTY AUDITOR 205 KINCAID ST PO BOX 1306 MOUNT VERNON WA 98273-4225 SKAMANIA COUNTY AUDITOR 240 NW VANCOUVER PO BOX 790 STEVENSON WA 98648-9704 SNOHOMISH COUNTY AUDITOR 3000 ROCKEFELLER AVE 1ST FLR M/S 505 EVERETT WA 98201-4046 SPOKANE COUNTY AUDITOR W 1116 BROADWAY SPOKANE WA 99260-0430 STEVENS COUNTY AUDITOR 215 S OAK ST PO BOX 189 COLVILLE WA 99114-2836 THURSTON COUNTY AUDITOR 2000 LAKERIDGE DR SW OLYMPIA WA 98502-6045 WAHKIAKUM COUNTY AUDITOR 64 MAIN ST PO BOX 543 CATHLAMET WA 98612-9602 WALLA WALLA COUNTY AUDIT.R 315 W MAIN ST PO BOX 1856 WALLA WALLA WA 99362-2820 WHATCOM COUNTY AUDITOR 311 GRAND AVE PO BOX 398 BELLINGHAM WA 98227-4186 WHITMAN COUNTY AUDITOR' N 404 MAIN ST PO BOX 350 COLFAX WA 99111-2071 YAKIMA COUNTY AUDITOR 128 N 2ND ST YAKIMA WA 98901-2646 59 WA State Department of Transportation District Outdoor Advertising Control Representatives Washington State is divided into six transportation districts. See map on reverse. Each district has a traffic engineer and other staff who are able to advise campaigns on the size, spacing and placement of political signs so that they conform with federal and state highway laws. (Campaigns may need to contact local police or sheriff departments regarding additional local ordinances regulating signs.) Campaigns intending to erect signs within a transportation district should contact the appropriate office. District 1 Nancy Guinn • (206) 440-4390 Department of Transportation 15325 SE 30th Place Bellevue, WA 98007-6538 District 2 Dave Eakin (206) 663-9759 Department of Transportation 1551 North Wenatchee Avenue PO Box 98 Wenatchee, WA 98801 District 3 Jack Smith (206) 357-2620 Department of Transportation 5720 Capital Blvd. PO Box 9327 Olympia, WA 98504 District 4 Dave Pirello (206) 696-6509 Department of Transportation 4200 Main Street PO Box 1709 Vancouver, WA 98668 District 5 Matt Griswold (509) 457-7118. Department of Transportation PO Box 12560 Yakima, WA 98909 District 6 Robert Earnest (509) 456-3007 Department ofTransportation N 2714 Mayfair Street PO Box 5299, North Central Sta. Spokane, WA 99205 • 60 • • PEN WHATCOM OKANOGAN FERRY STEVENS OREILOLE • BAN JUAN VI:13 ` - ~ � Q� BKAOIT • I•LA CLALLAM BNOHOMIBH [� CHELAN 2 V l� SPOKANE 6 oOUGLAS JEFFERSON — —LiNCOLN KITBA• KING MASON A ,._____ ., GRAYS HARBOR • KITTITAB / GRANT - - PIERCE ' ADAMS• .WHITMAN • \" • Y _____- • • THURSTON • YAKIMA H PACIFIC i I1. LEWIS , FRANKLIN e ARFIELD • BENTON • . ' • WALLA 1 41, WALLA COLUMBIA ABOTIN COWLITZ SKAMANIA • WAHKIA U , KLICKITAT CLARK WASH STATE a, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION_ DISTRICT BOUNDARIES • LOCAL AND JUDICIAL CANDIDATES PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION 1993 FULL REPORTING CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE FORMS 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 PO BOX 40908 OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 (206)753-1111 This pad contains the blank forms required by the average candidate for local and judicial office who selects the full reporting option. Additional blank forms are available from your county auditor (elections department) or PDC. Forms may be ordered from PDC by phone. The forms and the quantity of each contained in this packet are described below. All reports must be typed or completed in black ink. Report attachments must be on 8-1/2" x 11" white paper (in order that they may be photographed onto microfiche). Form No Quantity Color Use C-1 3 Canary Registration C-3 21 White Cash Receipts C-4 12 Ivory Receipts & Expenditure Summary Schedule A to C-4 9 Ivory Cash Receipts & Expenditures Expenditure 9 Ivory Expenditures Continuation Sheet Schedule B to C-4 12 Ivory In-kind Contributions, Pledges and Debts Schedule C to C-4 3 Ivory Corrections Schedule L to C-3 or C-4 9 White Loans Attachment Au to C-3 3 White Auction Report Special Report E 3 White Earmarked Contributions C-5 3 White Out-of-State & Federal PACs* (* Out-of-state and federal PACs must file C-5 reports when they contribute over $50 to Washington candidates for state and local office. It's to your benefit to supply copies of the form to your contributors who must file it You may duplicate the two-sided form or obtain copies from PDC. See instruction manual for more information.) Mini and Abbreviated Reporting: Candidates using the Mini or Abbreviated Reporting option DO NOT complete the forms included in this pad. Refer to the Mini and Abbreviated instruction manual. Computer Reports: PDC welcomes reports prepared by computer. If your computer format deviates from the standard PDC form, submit a sample report for format approval prior to filing computer generated reports. PDC also has designed computer record keeping and reporting programs for use with Lotus 1-2-3 and TWIN software. Contact PDC for more information. Copies of Reports: PDC supplies copies of reports filed by candidates and political committees upon request. The copies are on microfiche and each sheet of film (containing up to 96 report pages) costs $.25 plus postage. No charge if your order costs under $1.00. Copies may be ordered by phone. Office visitors may make paper copies of filmed reports at a cost of $.10 per page. 1993 Key Reporting Dates for Candidates Date Activity C-4 Report Period Within two weeks of File a C-1 (non-incumbents also file an F-1) becoming a candidate Jan 10 File monthly C-4 & C-3, if necessary close of last report thru Dec 31 Feb 10 close of last report thru Jan 31 Mar 10 close of last report thru Feb 28 Apr 10 close of last report thru Mar 31 May 10 close of last report thru Apr 30 Jun 10 " close of last report thru May 31 Jul 1 Begin filing C-3 the same day as bank deposit Jul 10 File monthly C-4, if necessary close of last report thru Jun 30 Jul 26-30 Declaration of candidacy filing week Aug 24 21 day pre-primary C-4 due Jul 1 thru Aug 19 Sep 6-13 Records open for public inspection Sep 7 7 day pre-primary C-4 due Aug 20 thru Sep 6 Sep 7-13 Special reports due if candidate makes or receives contributions over $500 Sep 14 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY Oct 10 Post-primary C-4 due* Sep 7 thru Sep 30 Oct 12 21 day pre-general C-4 due Sep 7 thru Oct 7 Oct 12-Nov 1 Special reports due if candidate makes or receives contributions over$500 in the aggre- gate. Candidate now prohibited from making or receiving contributions over $5,000 in the aggregate unless contribution is from WA state major political party.** Oct 25-Nov 1 Records open for public inspection Oct 26 7 day pre-general C-4 due Oct 8 thru Oct 25 Nov 2 GENERAL ELECTION DAY Dec 10 Post-general C-4 due (and C-3, if necessary) Oct 26 thru Nov 30 *Only required of candidates whose names will not appear on general election ballot. **Neither provision constitutes authority to exceed any applicable local or state contribution limit. PUBUC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 REGISTRATION: PO BOX 40908 OLYMPIA WA 98504.0908 CANDIDATES/CANDIDATE COMMITTEE (208)753-1111 PDC OFFICE USE Candidate's Name(Do not abbreviate.Include candidate's full name) C 1 P M O A S R T K Candidate's Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.) (4/93) Mailing Address C E City County Zip+4 D 1. What office are you running for? Office District,County or City Position No. 2. Political party(if partisan office) 3. Date of general or special election 4. How much do you plan to spend during your entire election campaign,including the primary and general elections?Based on that estimate,choose one of the reporting options below. If no box is checked you are obligated to use Option III,Full Reporting.See instruction manuals for information about reports required and changing reporting options. ❑ Option I MINI REPORTING I will limit contributions or expenditures during this campaign to my filing fee of$ plus no more than$500,including charges for the voters pamphlet.I will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any contributor except myself. ❑ Option II ABBREVIATED REPORTING I will use the Abbreviated Reporting System.I will raise and spend no more than$2,000 and will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any contributor except myself. ❑ Option III FULL REPORTING I will use the Full Reporting System.I understand frequent,detailed reports are required. 5. Treasurer's Name and Address(Candidate may be treasurer.)(List deputy treasurers on attached sheet.) //Daytime Telephone Number l / 6. Committee's Principal Officers.List name,address and title. 7. Campaign Bank or Depository Branch City 8. Related or Affiliated Political Committees.List name,address and relationship. 9. Campaign records are to be open for public inspection the last eight days before election.(Two hours daily between 8 AM-8 PM,Monday-Friday.)Show location and hours below: Street Address(Do not use a Post Office Box Number) Hours ti\ S 10. Fair Campaign Practices:All candidates and committee // �`l 11. CERTIFICATION: officers are encouraged to subscribe to the Code of �/ y! I certify that this report is true,complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. Fair Campaign Practices printed in the instruction manuals. FAIR l Candidate's signature Date CAMPAIG pd( Please advise us about which forms and instructions you need.Remember,candidates must file a Financial Affairs Statement(F-1)unless a current one is already on file with PDC.Check all boxes which apply. ❑ I already have financial affairs and campaign disclosure forms and instructions. ❑ I am using Mini Reporting and,therefore,do not need the other campaign disclosure forms.In addition,I have already filed DISTRIBUTION OF THIS REPORT: my Financial Affairs Statement and need no additional F-1 forms. ORIGINAL—Public Disclosure Commission ❑ I will obtain all forms and instructions from my county elections office. COPY—County Elections Dept.(Auditor) El I want PDC to mail me: _ the F-1 instruction booklet(which includes forms) COPY—Your own records the appropriate campaign disclosure forms and instructions. PDC form C-1(rev.4/93) -1499-C1- See instructions on reverse PUBU DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM CANDIDATE 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 PO BOX 40908 C 1 REGISTRATION P OLYMPIA WA 98504.0908 STATEMENT (206)753-1111 INSTRUCTIONS Please consult PDC instruction manuals when completing this report. Reporting requirements are contained in and governed by chapters 42.17 RCW and 390-16 WAC. WHO MUST FILE Candidates who run for state or local office in jurisdictions that had 5,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election or in jurisdictions covering an entire county. WHEN TO FILE Within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate (that is, receiving contributions, making expenditures, announcing candidacy, reserving space or filing for office, whichever occurs first). File an amended registration within 10 days of changes affecting accuracy of previously filed C-1. Report is considered filed as of postmark date or date hand-delivered to PDC. WHERE TO FILE Send the original to PDC at the above address. Send a copy to County Auditor (County Elections Department) of the county in which the candidate resides. REPORTING Option I (MINI): May be used by candidates who raise and spend no more than $500 OPTIONS on their campaigns (including personal funds), in addition to the filing fee amount. Limited to receiving $200 or less from any contributor other than the candidate (who may give the entire $500). Option II (ABBREVIATED): May be used by candidates who raise and spend no more than $2,000 on their campaigns (including personal funds). Filing fee costs count toward this limit. No more than $200 may be accepted from any contributor other than the candidate. Option III (FULL): Required of candidates who do not qualify for Mini or Abbreviated Reporting. Frequent, detailed reports of contributions and expenditures are required as long as the campaign account remains open. OTHER REPORTS F-1 (Financial Affairs Statement): Filed by candidates within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate, unless a previous F-1 filing has been made in the same calendar year. C-3 (Cash Receipts Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 (Contribution and Expenditure Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 ABB (Receipts and Expenditures Summary): Filed by candidates using Abbreviated Reporting. FAIR CAMPAIGN This is a voluntary code adopted by PDC to stress the importance of ethical PRACTICES CODE campaign practices. All candidates and campaign workers are encouraged to follow the Code's principles. For assistance, call or write PDC! • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION CASH f• i1i6VETTS MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS C3 P M PDCOFFICEUSE Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Use full name.) O A T K S R (3/93) R Mailing Address E C E I City Zip+4 Office Sought(candidates) E D 1. MONETARY CONTRIBUTIONS DEPOSITED IN ACCOUNT • Date Received Please type or prin clearly In Ink. Amount Total a. Anonymous b. Candidate's personal funds deposited in the bank(i clude candidate loans in 1 c) c. Loans,notes,security agreements.Attach Schedule L ' d. Micellaneous receipts(interest,refunds,auctions,of er).Attach explanation e. Small contributions$25.00 or less not itemized ant number of persons giving (persons) 2. CONTRIBUTIONS OVER$25.00 Total given by this person during cam- Date Received , Contributor's Name Street Address City State Zip Amount paign or year • • • • Sub-total in Check here if additional Amount from pages are attached • attached pages . 3. TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED OR CREDITED TO ACCOUNT • Sum of parts 1 and 2 above.Enter this amount in line 1,Schedule A to l C4. This report Includes contrbutions deposited I certify that this report Is true and complete to the best of my knowledge on(date) Treasurer's Signature Date Treasurer's Daytime Telephone No.: f! • PDC form C•3(3/93)-*f w-rao�. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE PUB "DISCLOSURE :COMMISSION aoc.FORM 'CA'SH RECEIPTS • a U raoCAPITOL AYRM403 .AND�MONETARY OLYMP.IA'YYA 9850M0908 C'3 f • 1208)753-MA11 i ;(3f93� 'CONTRIBUTIONS INSTRUCTIONS • . :Please consult PDC instruction manuals when.completing'this report. ; ' . ' Reporting requirements are contained in and governed bychapters,42;17:RCW and 39046-WAC. "ENERAL 1) All contributions and miscellaneous receipts must'be deposited into Te,campaign ibank GUIDELINES . •account.Complete a C3 for each bank deposit.File'the reports:as,described below. . �2) Anonymous contributions (those for which you do not'have the:contributor's name and .address) are limited to the larger of'$300 or 1%of the total-contributions,received to'date for th's election.'Unidentified small contributions raised through qualifying fund raising tvents'do rmot count toward the anonymous contribution limit. • • 3)•A candidate's cash contributions to the campaign are reported on Form.C-.3. Loans'from the candidate are reported,on line 1 c of the C-3 as well as Schedule'L.'Unreimbursed out-of-pocket • expenditures are reported as in-kind contributions on Schedule B to the 0-4.'.Reimbursed but=of- pocket expenditures are reported on Schedule A to'the C-4.. 4). Contributions of$25 or less may be combined and the total amount reported on line Se-of the C-3. While the names and.addresses of contributors giving $25 or less.need not'be reported, treasurers must keep a private list of these small contributors and the amounts given. When the ' total donated by any of these contributors exceeds$25,that person's name and address must Pe . • included On the relevant C-3 report. 5) During the 21 days before the general election,contributions from one source may not'exceed . • . $50,000..to a state-wide candidate or$5,000 to any other candidate or committee.These limits do not apply to contributions received from major WA State political parties. 'WHO MUST FILE Treasurer of each candidate and political committee using Full Reporting. No C-3s are filed with • . • Mini and Abbreviated Reporting. C-3 reports may be signed by designated deputy treasurers. • FILING DATES During the four months or more before the'general or a special election (prior to July 1 for general elections),file C-3s each time a C-4 report is filed. , • • Within,four months or less before the general or special election (beginning July 1 for general elections),,file the C-3 on the same day the bank deposit is made. (Contributions are to be • deposited'within:five business days of receipt.) WHERE:To FILE. Send.original'C.-3.reports, along with Schedule L's, if necessary,to PDC at the above address. • ' • Candidates.send a duplicate copy to their County Auditor(County Elections Department): • . Political',committees send a copy to County Auditor of the county in which their headquarters is located,or, if nol headquarters,the county in which their treasurer resides. .CQNTRIBUTI.ONS. During.the 7 days•before the primary and'the 21 days before the general election. candidates .OVERi$50ct and committees.must file'special reports of each contribution received that exceeds.$500. The report,discloses;the amount of the contribution,.the date received, the name and address of the donor as.well.as the name and.address of the recipient. • if possible, a written.report,(C-3 form,telegram, mailgram, or nightletter) of these large contributions should be delivered to•PDC within 48 hours (or the first working day after receipt): ' Otherwise:call PDC with,the.information required within the 48-hour or first-working day timefreme:and'mail written confirmation,of this telephone report within two days of receiving the' ' contribution. Any,'political committee„lobbyist or lobbyist employer who makes'a contribution.over$500 during . the 7 days,before the primary or 2.1 days_before the general election must notify PDC and the ' ' • . recipient of the contribution:within 24 hours or the first working day after the contribution was . made:, . , • For assistance, cal or write PDC! ••PUBLIC dISCLOSURE COMMISSION SUMMARY, FULL REPORT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE C4P M PDCOFFICEUSE Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Use full name.) S R • T K • • (3/93) Mailing Address E City County Zip+4 V r Report From:(last C-4) To:(end of period coved ove ed Is this your Ping report? Yes No • RECEIPTS . 1: Previous total cash and in kind contributions(From line 8,last C-4) • (If beginning a new campaign or calendar year,see instruction booklet) 2. Cash received(From line 2,Schedule A) 3. In kind contributions received(From line 1,Schedule B) 4.Total Cash and in kind contributions received this period(Line 2 plus 3) r V - 5.Loan principal repayments made(From line 2,Schedule L) 6.Corrections(From line 1 or 3,Schedule C) Show+or(-) • 7. Net adjustments this period(Combine line 5&6) Show+or(-) • 8.Total cash,and in kind contributions during campaign(Combine lines 1 4&7) 9.Total pledge payments due(From line 2,Schedule B) • EXPENDITURES. • 10.Previous total cash and in kind expenditures(From line 17,last C-4) • - (If beginning a new campaign or calendar year,see instruction bookie) . 11.Total cash expenditures(From line 4,Schedule A or line 5,Schedule •-s/I) 12.In kind expenditures(goods&services) (From line 1,Schedule B) • 13.Total cash and in kind expenditures made this period(Line 11 plus lin.12) 1 • 14.Loan principal repayments made(From line 2,Schedule L) / • 15.Corrections(From line 2 or 3,Schedule C) Show+or(-) 16.Net adjustments this period(Combine lines 14&15) Show+or(-) 17.Total cash and in kind expenditures during campaign(Combine lines 10,13 and 16) CANDIDATES • ' Please.complete: CASH SU MARY • ' • Name not 18.Cash on hand(Line 8 minus line 17) • Won Lost Unopposed on ballot (Line 18 hould equal your checkbook balance plus your petty cash balance.) • Primary election ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ • General election ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ) 19.Liabili ies:(Sum of loans and debts owed) Treasurer's Daytime Telephone No.: 20.Balance(Surplus or deficit) (Line 18 minus line 19) CERTIFICATION:I certify that the information herein and on accompanying schedules and attachments is true to the best of my knowledge. • Candidate's Signature Date Treasurer's Signature Date - - r PDC form C-4(3/93)••f u SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 CONTRIBUTION AND pa 0908 OL sox WA 98504-0908 C 4 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY (206)753-1111 (3/93) INSTRUCTIONS Please consult PDC instruction manuals when completing this report. Reporting requirements are contained in and governed by chapters 42.17 RCW and 390-16 WAC. • WHO MUST FILE Each candidate and political committee using Full Reporting. FILING DATES 1) File with C-1 (Registration) if you received contributions or made expenditures before registering. 2) File on the 10th of each month if contributions or expenditures were over$200 since last C-4 was filed. (Note:These 10th-of-the-month reports are not required if another C-4 must be filed during that month. See#3 below.) 3) For each primary, general and special election in'•which the candidate or political committee makes an expenditure,file ♦ :21 days prior to the election • • 7 days prior to the election • 10th of the first month after the election* (*Not required after primary from candidates who will be in the general election or from continuing political committees.) 4) File final report when campaign is finished or committee closes operation.Often,this coincides with the primary or general post-election, 10th-of-the-month report. All reports are considered filed as on the postmark date or the date hand-delivered to PDC. SCHEDULES AND State executive and legislative candidates will file Schedules A-s/I, B-s/I, C and L, as ATTACHMENTS appropriate, along with the C-4. Judicial and local office candidates and all political committees will file Schedules A, B, C and L, as appropriate, along with their C-4 reports. All candidates and committees must attach any C-3 reports that were due but not filed. WHERE TO SEND Send original C-4 reports along with any attachments to PDC at the above address: REPORTS Candidates send a duplicate copy to their County Auditor(County Elections Department). Political committees send a copy to County Auditor of the county in which their headquarters is located or, if no headquarters,the county in which their treasurer resides. OTHER REPORTS C-3 (Cash receipts Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 (Contribution and Expenditure Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 ABB (Receipts and Expenditures Summary);Filed by candidates using Abbreviated Reporting. Special Report E (Earmarked Contributions Report): Filed by committees that receive funds earmarked for use on behalf of another candidate or committee. For assistance, call or write PDC! • CASH RECEIPTS AND.EXPENDITURE• sCHEDULE •I toC4 . M Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Use full name.) • . 1.; CASH RECEIPTS(Contributions)which have been reported on C3.List each deposit made since last C4 report was submitted. Date of deposit Amount Date of deposit • . Amount Date_of deposit Amount Total deposits 2..TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS . Enter also on line 2 of C4 CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES:If one of the fol owing codes is used to describe an expenditure;no other description is generally needed. The exceptions are:1)if expenditures are in-kind or earmarked contributions.to another candidate or committee or independent expenditures that benefit another candidate,or committee,identify the candidate or committee in the Description block;and 2):.when reporting payments to vendors for travel expenses,identify the traveller in'the Description block..• • C-Contributions(monetary,in-kind&transfers) • P-Postage,Mailing Permits • I :Independent Expenditures • .. S-Surveys andPoils • CODE L -Literature,Brochurles,Printing _ .. F-Fundraising Event Expenses DEFINITIONS I. ON.REVERSE B-Broadcast Advertising(Radio,TV) T-Travel,Accommodations,Meals . • N-Newspaper and Periodical Advertising ' •,M=Management/Consulting Services 0-Other Advertising(yard signs,buttons;etc.) ' ' .W-Wages,Salaries,Benefits • . G General Operation and Overhead 3. EXPENDITURES a)Expenditures of$50 or less,including those from petty cash,need not be itemized.Add up.these expenditures and show the total in the amount column on the first line below. b)Itemize each expenditure of more than$50 by date paid,name and address of vendor,code/description,and amount. c)For each payment to a candidate,campaign worker,PR firm,advertising agency or credit card•company,attach alist of detailed expenses or copies of receipts/invoices supporting the payment. • Vendor or Recipient . . Purpose of Expense Date Paid (Name and Address) . Code - _ and/or Description Amount N/A Expenses of$50 or less N/A • N/A • • • • Total from attached pages' 4.TOTAL CASH EXPENDITURES •Enter also on line 11 of C4 • PDC form C4A(3/93)••f . CODE DEFINITIONS ON REVERSE EXPENDITURE:CODE DEFINITIONS AND USES C MONETARY,IN-KIND AND EARMARKED F FUNDRAISING EVENTS.:Use"F"for expendi- CONTRIBUTIONS(including transfers)you!' tures associated with holding'a fundraiser, : campaign makes to other candidates and corn including payments.to•restaurants,hotels, rntttees. Put a"C'.'in the Code column, in the: • caterers, other food and refreshment 9endors, Description column specify who was benefited - entertainers and speakers. Use"L"for"expendi- and, if in-kind, what was purchased. tures forprinted matter produced in connection with fundraising events. 1 INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES(those expenditures that benefit other candidates or S. SURVEYS AND POLLS. Use"S"for expendi- committees but are made independently of tures associated with:designing or-producing them). Put an "I in the Code column and fully - polls, reports on election trends,voter surveys; describe purpose, telemarketing,telephone banks, GOTV drives,. • etc. < . • L LITERATURE.Use"L"for expenditures made for the preparation and production of campaign:' T TRAVEL,ACCOMMODATIONS,MEALS. Use literature and printed solicitations,including ."T"for expenditures associated With travel; If , expenditures for mailing lists, design, photogra- -vendor has been paid directly, identify the tray- phy, copy, layout, printing and reproduction. eller in Description column: If travel payment Use"P"for literature mailing costs: was made to credit card company or traveller (for out-of-pocket expenses),.itemize expenses B BROADCAST ADVERTISING. Use"B"for on separate sheet and attach to Schedule A. • expenditures associated with the production and purchase of radio and television advertis= M . MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SER. ing.. VICES. Lisp"M"for salaries; fees and commis-, sions paid to campaign management N NEWSPAPER& PERIODICAL.ADVERTIS• companies:and contract consUltants, including law firms, whether-the person is retained or for- ING. Use"N"for expenditures associated with mally employed by the campaign (for tax with- the production and purchase of advertising•in holding purposes). newspapers,periodicals and other publications; ' • W WAGES;SALARIES;BENEFITS..Use"W":for • O OTHER ADVERTISING. Use"O"for expendi- expenditures associated with hiring campaign tures associated with the production and pur- • employees and other freelance workers who, chase of advertising on billboards, yard signs provide miscellaneous services other than cam- and campaign paraphernalia such as buttons, paign management or consulting. bumper stickers, T-shirts, etc. G GENERAL'OPERATION AND OVERHEAD:. • P POSTAGE. Use"P"for expenditures for Use"G"'for general campaign operating - stamps, postage, United Parcel Service, Fed- expenses and overhead,including filing fees, eral Express and direct mail services (postage miscellaneous campaign expenses, headquar-. only). Use"L"for design and other production ters rental, utilities, and purchase or rental of costs associated with producing campaign liter- office equipment and furnitUre.for the cam- ature. paign. • • • • _ EXPENDITURES CONTINUATION.SHEET (Attachment to Schedule A) . Page Candidate or Committee'Name(Do'not abbreviate.Use full name.) ' . . . Report Date • • Vendor or Recipient Purpose of Expense Date Paid (Name and Address) . Code .. and/or Description Amount • • • • • • • • • • • •t (Adopted•3/93)`*f • ' Page Total • IN KIND CONTRIBUTIONS, PLEDGES, ORDERS, SCHEDULE B • DEBTS, OBLIGATIONS to C4 (3/93) Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Use full name.) • 1' IN KIND CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED(goods,services,discoLnts,etc.) ` Date Contributor's name and address Description of contribution Fair market Total given by this person received - value during campaign or year • • TOTAL (Enter also on line 3 and line 12 of C4) 2. PLEDGES RECEIVED BUT NOT YET PAID.List each pledge of$100.00 or more. Date you were Name and address of person making pledge(including organizations) Amount Total given by this person notified of during campaign or year pledge - g y TOTAL(Include new pledges above and all other oustanding pledges. (Enter also on line 9 of C4) • ' 3. ORDERS PLACED,DEBTS,OBLIGATIONS,ESTIMATED Et(PENDITURES(Excluding loans.Report loans on Schedule L.) a. List each debt,obligation or estimated expenditure that is more th I n$250.00. b. List each debt,obligation or estimated expenditure that is more th n$50.00 and has been oustanding for over 30 days. Expenditure • Vendor's/Recipient's Name a d Address) Amount Owed Code* OR Description of Obligation Date • • • TOTAL (Include in line 19 of C4) • PDC form C4B(3/93)•*f ..-; ,g *Code Definitions on Reverse EXPENDITURE CODE DEFINITIONS AND USES C MONETARY, IN-KIND AND EARMARKED F FUNDRAISING EVENTS. Use"F"for expendi- CONTRIBUTIONS (including transfers) your tures associated with holding a fundraiser, campaign makes to other candidates and com- including payments to restaurants, hotels, rnittees. Put a"C" in the Code column, in the caterers, other food and refreshment vendors, ' • ' Description column specify who was benefited entertainers and speakers. Use"L"for expendi- and, if in-kind, what was purchased. tures for printed matter produced in connection with fundraising events. I INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES (those expenditures that benefit other candidates or S SURVEYS AND POLLS. Use"S"for expendi- committees but are made independently of tures associated with designing or producing them). Put an "I"in the Code column and fully polls, reports on election trends, voter surveys, describe purpose. telemarketing,telephone banks; GOTV drives, etc. L LITERATURE. Use "L"for expenditures made for the preparation and production of campaign T. TRAVEL,ACCOMMODATIONS, MEALS.Use literature and printed'solicitations, including .' "T"for expenditures associated with travel. If expenditures for mailing lists, design, photogra- vendor has been paid directly, identify the tray- • phy, copy, layout,printing and reproduction.- eller in Description column. If travel payment Use "P"for literature mailing costs. ` was made to credit card company or traveller (for out-of-pocket expenses), itemize expenses B BROADCAST ADVERTISING. Use"B"for on separate sheet and attach to Schedule A. expenditures associated with the production and purchase of radio and television advertis- M MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SER- ing. VICES. Use"M"for salaries,fees and commis- sions paid to campaign management companies and contract'consultants, including N NEWSPAPER & PERIODICAL ADVERTIS- law firms,whether the person'is retained or'for- ING. Use"N"for expenditures associated with mally employed by the campaign (for tax with- the production and purchase of advertising in ' holding purposes). newspapers, periodicals and-other publications. • W . WAGES,SALARIES, BENEFITS. Use"W"for 0 OTHER ADVERTISING. Use"O"for expendi-. expenditures associated with hiring campaign tures associated with the production and pur- employees and other freelance workers who chase of advertising on billboards, yard signs provide miscellaneous services other than cam- and campaign paraphernalia such as buttons, paign,management or consulting. bumper stickers;T-shirts, etc. . G GENERAL OPERATION AND OVERHEAD. P POSTAGE. Use"P"for expenditures for Use"G"for general campaign operating - stamps,, postage, United Parcel Service, Fed- expenses and overhead, including filing fees, eral Express and direct mail services-(postage • miscellaneous campaign expenses, headquar- only). Use "L"for design and other production ters rental,'utilities, and purchase or rental of costs associated with producing campaign liter- office equipment and furniture for the cam- - ature. paign. • CORRECTION I . SCHEDULEC to C4 • Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Use full name.) Date • 1. CONTRIBUTIONS AND RECEIPTS(Include mathematical Corr{ctions.) Date of Contributor's name or description of correction Amount 'Corrected .Difference , report reported amount (+or-) • • • • • • • • • • • Total corrections to contributions • Enter on line 6 of C4.Show+or(-). 2. EXPENDITURES(Include mathematical corrections.) • Date of Vendor's's name or descri.tion of correction Amount Corrected Difference report reported amount (+or-) • • • • • Total corrections to expenditures Enter on line 15 of C4.Show+or(-). 3. REFUNDS FROM VENDORS.The below listed amounts have been received as refunds on expenditures previously reported.The refund has been deposited and reported on C3 report,Line 1 d. Date of •' Source/person making refund Amount of refund refund • • • • Total refunds 3 • Enter as(-)on line 6&line 15 of C4. PDC form C4C(3/93)'•f K w . . SCHEDULE See instructions and TO C3 LOANS examples on reverse OR C4 (1/90) • Candidate or committee name 1. LOAN RECEIVED. Date loaned Lender's name and address • Amount of loan Annual interest rate Repayment schedule Date due • Also include this am aunt on line 1c,C3 report • Name and address of each endorser,co-signer,guarantor or other.erson liable for the loan: 2. LOAN PAYMENTS. Date paid . Lender's name and address Principal paid Interest paid Total payment Balance owed Total Principal Paid (Enter also on lines 5 and 14,C-4 report) Total Payments - (Enter as an expenditure on Schedule A) 3. LOAN FORGIVEN. Date Lender's name and address Original amount Principal repaid Amount forgiven Balance owed 4. LOANS STILL OWED. List each loan which has previously been reported and still has a.alance due. .Loan date Lender's name and address Original amount Principal repaid Amount owed or forgiven • • • Subtotal New loans received during this reporting period Total Loans Owed D Check here if continued on attached heet. (Include in total on line 19,C-4 report) PDC form C4L (1/90) -1500- PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION • SCHEDULE , • 0PO BOX 4 908 WAY RM 403 TO C3 LOANS OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 ' OR C4 (1/90) - • (206)753-1111 • • . INSTRUCTIONS • • Please consult PDC instruction manuals when completing this schedule. , Reporting requirements are contained in and governed by chapters 42.17 ROW and 390-16 WAC. WHO MUST FILE Each candidate and political committee using.full,reporting that receives one or , more campaign loans. FILING DATES When a loan is received by the campaign. complete Part 1 and file the Schedule L with the C-3 report that corresponds with the loan's deposit into the account. Use a separate schedule for each loan received. When a loan is paid or forgiven.in whole or in part,complete Part.2 and/or Part 3 and• file the Schedule L with the C-4 covering•the period when the payment • or forgiveness occurred. . When one or more loans remain unpaid, complete Part 4 and.file the schedule • with each•C-4.report'until all loans are repaid in full or forgiven. ,(The same schedule may be used to show loan payments,forgiveness information and to show which loans remain unpaid.) • SCHEDULE • LOANS , Sbnr,r.�d.n..w .I TO Ca n.mple•nrenm -OR Cs waa - Adrian Adams for State House LOAN RECEIVED _0_, 1.LOAN RECEIVED. • .('Information would Dale loaned Lender's nano and.ddr... Amonrol loan Anneal lernea..r: Rep•n:nt.ehedera Dare due ' , appear on-separate 2/40/9x 1 Candidate 45;000 12% $200/month Not fixed'Schedule L) Alpo Incade this an,ounl Donne 1g14=rt $5.000 Name and•ddr..s of non endorse.,co-dorm gu•.anlor or other pn.on Cable Ion the loam • Commercial loan to the candidate from Washington State Bank. Loan,co-signed by Sam P. Smith, 145(Boulevard Drive, Podunk, WA and Jane S. Paul, 541 8 Street. Podunk, WA. Each:guaranteed $2,500 of the loan. • LOANPAYMENTS-► 2•-LOAN PAYMENTS. .oar.pd0 laMerl n.ma.nd•dmo. . '.Prbdpal paid .NNW paid Toler payment Balance owed • 3/30/9X . Candidate , $200 $50 $250 ' -$4,800 1 • '3/31/9X , Michael , $100 None $100 .:S :400 . Tobl Pnlneipel P•Id—� (Ent.r.Mao on Hoes 6 ad 14,C.4 repod) $300 . Totalp.ymenle-- $350 ' (Few a an expendnuro on Schedule A) , LOAN FORGIVEN--0- 3.'LOAN.FORGIVEN. • .Dab 1 .L•rder•e name and address Original Amor. Principal',meld Amount lorpb.n .Delenee owed i 3/15/9X Kelly'Adams '$250 None $150 ^ $100 l 4.LOANS STILL.0WED.•Oat each leen which ha.previously been reposed and.uen.e••Mance der. ' • LOANS•Sl'}'ILL�� loan dale . Lander.nem.and add.... Original P.Melpa regal Amount o.W . OWED 2/10/9x Candidate ' • , or forgiven $5;000 $200 • 14.800 , 1/22/9X .Michael.Murray sbo 100 400 ' 3/01/9X Kelly Adams • 250 .150 100 3/11/9X • K.M. Lawrence 1;000 0 1,000 I . subtaal 16;300 . New lanes r.c.hed durinn tha wpo:lingperiod'_ .0 TolslLoans Owed • $6,300 0 Caec•'nese II eontau.d on.taeh•d-.OW. - (Includelnlolil on Wm 19.C•4,.porn ' , AUCTION REPORT! ATTACHMENT • Use this form as an attachment to C3 to report items donated land sold at auctions. TO C3 Au Please see the reverse for an example of a report. Candidate or committee name Date auction was held • Item No. Fair market • Amount over Total given by description Name and address value Sale price fair market this person. value during campaign Contributor Buyer Contributor - • Buyer • Contributor 1 Buyer • Contributor Buyer • _ • Contributor • • Buyer • • Contributor • • • • Buyer Contributor . • Buyer • • Cash receipts,this page • (Total,sale price column) • • Total from attached pages Total cash receipts • (Put this amount in part 1 d of C3 report)• • - I I certify that the information herein is true,correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. See instructions on reverse Treasurer's signature Date • PDC C3Au (1/90) -1319- . Instructions Use this form as an attachment to your C3(Cash Receipts and Bank Deposits). • Item No. description: As each item to be auctioned is received,assign it a number and a brief description. Contributor: The person or organization.which donates an article to be auctioned. if your committee purchases items for auction, state"purchased by committee" under contributor's name. Buyer: The person who buys the item being auctioned. Fair market value: The retail value of the article. If the retail value cannot be estimated or found,state"unknown." Sale price: The amount the buyer paid for the item. ' ' Amount over fair market value: The amount the sale price exceeds fair market value. If sale price is less than fair, market value, leave blank. Total given by this person during campaign: • Contributor—Fair.market value of the item.(substitute sale price, if lower) plus all previous contributions made to the candidate or committee. , Buyer—Amount over fair market value plus all previous contributions made to candidate or committee. . Cash payments: A payment of more than$50.00 may not be accepted unless a receipt, signed by the buyer and the candidate,treasurer or deputy treasurer is prepared and made part of the committee's financial records. • • .AUCTION REPORT . Use this form as an attachment to C3 to report items donated and sold at auctions. Candidate or committee name ) Date auction was held • JONES FOR SHERIFF COMMITTEE • 9/14/XX Item No. Fair market Amount over Total given by description Name and address value Sale price fair market this person value during campaign NO. 1 Contributor JOHN DOE • USE 200 "A" STREET, SEATTLE 98101 .$100. . $100 BEACH Buyer MARY SMITH CABIN 400 "B" STREET,. TACOMA 98402 . $125' $25 $25 Contributor SAM BROWN NO.2 123 MILITARY ROAD, ANYTOWN 99101 $80 $60 ' DINNER Buyer TOM MIX • i FOR 4 RT. 2, BOX 1, SADDLE MT.' 98900 , $60 contributor CAPT. MOBY DICK ' NO.3 401 WATERFRONT, POULSBO 98701 $75 . • $75 . BOAT 80yer MERRI RYDER CRUISE 204 E. LAND, MYBURG 99100 $90 $15 $15 Contributor . Buyer Cash receipts,this page (Total,sale price column) . $275.00 ' Total from attached pages 0 Total cash receipts $275.00 • (Put this amount in part Idol C3 report) .. . . , i PDC C3Au (1/90) -1319- . StATe OF IA WASHINGTON :;? w 3 EARMARKED 4 ".:k;� �,<a;.,� �; PDC OFFICE USE U O CONTRIBUTION REPORT SPECIAL s R ? =I PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION S R TK 1. Name of committee filing this report (Candidate or committee which received a contribution E , earmarked to another.)• c • V E -D Address City County Zip 2: Original source of earmarked contribution Name Address City State Zip 3. Contribution Date Amount/Value Description (Fully describe in kind contributions) • 4. Name of candidate or committee to be benefited • Address City Cou lty Zip If candidate, what office is the person seeking? 5. Certification: I certify that the information contained herein is true, complete and correct.to the best of my knowledge. Treasurer's signature Date INSTRUCTIONS: The purpose of this report is to highlight receipt of an earmarked contribution. (That is, a contribution given to one candidate , or political committee with the understanding, intent or instruction that it be used to benefit another candidate or committee.) This report iS filed in addition to any other req aired reporting of the transaction. A separate "Special Report E" is filed for each earmarked contribution received by any candidate or political committee. File this report within two working days of receiving the earmarked contribution. Mail or deliver the original to PDC. Send a copy to the benefiting candidate or committee, also withintwo working days. NOTE: Candidates or committees for whom the earmarked contribution is ultimately intended report the contribution when they actually,receive it. Such oandidates'and committees will use form C-3 or Schedule B to the C-4 to show receipt of the contribution.•See PDC instruction manual for examples and more information. Public Disclosure Commission 711 Capitol Way, Room 403 ♦ PO Box 40908 • Olympia, WA 98504-0908 ♦ (206) 753-1111 PDC 1/90•E -1500- PUBLDISCLOSURE COMMISSION FORM PDC OFFICE USE P M 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 s a 1j:: CJc.I' t PO BOX 40908 I T K OLYMPIA WA 985 4-0908 i is0 (206)753-1111 OUT OF STATE OR FEDERAL CO MITTEE CONTRIBUTION TO WASHINGTON CANDIDATES OR COMMITTEES o 1. Name and address of committee making contribution 2. Check appropriate box • n This is the first report submitted during 19- nThis shows new expenditures, contributions or information changed from reports submitted previously this calendar year. 3. Explain briefly the purpose or affiliation of the committee. (e.g., A PAC of employees of XYZ Trade Assn., or the candidates committee of US Senator John Doe, or a'PAC of members of the United Worker's Union.) • • 4. Officers or responsible leaders of committee , • Name and address Title • 5, Candidate contributions:List each Washington candidate for stl to or local office to whom you have made a contribution of more than$50.00 Candidate'stname Office sought Political party Date •' Amount given 6. Ballot measure committee contributions:List each Washington committee supporting or opposing a ballot measure to whom you have made a contribution of more than$50.00. Committee name,and address Ballot number For or against? Date Amount given • 7. Other contributions and expenditures:List each other contribution or expenditure of more than$50.00 made to or on behalf of any Washington state or local candidate,ballot measure or political committee. • Recipient's name and address Purpose Date Amount • • • Check here ❑ if continued on attached sheet 8. Total contributions and expenditures (Add parts 5,,8, 7) • • CAUTION: Failure.to report transactions withhn ten days will cause the funds to forfeit to Washington State. PDC form C-5(Rev. ;reo) -1500- . • Continue on reverse 9. List all contributions of more -then $25.00`in aggregate to this out of state, federal or. other Contributions received from Washington residents: committee during the current calendar year from Washington residents,or corporations with a place of business•in Washington. Name and address Date Amount. • • • • • • Check here ❑ if continued on attached sheet • INSTRUCTIONS to. CERTIFICATION: I certify the information contained in this (Statutory reference: RCW42,17.090(1)(K)) . . report Is true• and correct to the best of . my knowledge. ' ' _ • . WHO. MUST REPORT • A political committee not domiciled in the State. of .Washington, a I federal committee or other.committee not required to register..under . Washington law, which, has, made contributions to- a state or local candidate-or political committee in Washington state. . Signature of committee official . . • WHEN TO REPORT - • A C-5 report is:due within ten days of a Washington state candidate.or: political committee receiving a contribution of more than$50from an out-of-'`' Name state or federal.PAC. After filing an.initial C-5 report, subsequent reports - -.' during the same calendar year may,be'filed by letter updating or amending ':- the information'previously reported.'These-follow-up reports are also due within ten days of contributions's receipt. •, Title Sato ' ' • SEND REPORT TO• Public Disclosure Comirtlssion 711 Capitol Way,Room 403, ' PO Box 40908 BE -SURE TO NOTIFY Olympia;WA 9a504-o90a._. . . VIOLATIONS,-AND PENALTIES EACH CANDIDATE It is a violation of law for any person to make, or for any candidate or political committee to accept from any one person, contributions in AND COMMITTEE ' 'the aggregate' 'exceeding $50,000 for any campaign for state-wide office or $5,000 for any other campaign within 21 days' of a general THAT YOU HAVE election. , Failure to report.contributions and file the information required' by this report within 10 days 'after the Washington candidate or committee FILED THIS REPORT receives the funds will cause the funds to be forfeited to the state. ' FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION , - Contact the Public Disclosure Commission at (206) 753-1111. - -1500•C5S.-. - — • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM LOBBYING BY STATE AND • 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 L-5 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCIES PO BOX 40908 (Rev.11(79) OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 THIS SPACE FOR OFFICE USE (380)753-1111 • FILE NUMBER P.M.DATE DATE RECEIVED 'Instructions Are Printed On Reverse AGENCY OR GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY NAME AND ADDRESS DATE PREPARED REPORT FOR CALENDAR *QUARTER ENDING • • COUNTY MONTH YEAR 1=.#'"a.AMA ".: ,'".•s,'.< ; .-s p„'e>.v.xma.., r 'T .< , ,;.�v .>,,:.,;.„i..w.:>F .u,��. - ,• �.,•r 7 redi< ,... �H •3" ,.� xr A�• ''R .`� i��!F °. >�' 1> '�IX• .,;f r ra: fyr • :.•2.,: lfi... .a r °:, .W'° i6xma �' ir1E .m c rY# �ff :r. xr3K, 141; - ' NAME JOB TITLE ANNUAL SALARY % OF TIME SPENT LOBBYING • DURING QUARTER GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES OR OBJECTIVES. (Include Bill or WAC Numbers If Any) ❑ CHECK IF PERSON SPENT MORE THAN $15 OF NON-PUBLIC FUNDS IN LOBBYING. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME JOB TITLE ' ANNUAL SALARY % OF TIME SPENT LOBBYING • DURING QUARTER • • GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES OR OBJECTIVES. (Include Bill or WAC Numbers If Any) ❑ CHECK IF PERSON SPENT MORE THAN $15 OF NON-PUBLIC FUNDS IN LOBBYING. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME JOB TITLE' ANNUAL SALARY % OF TIME SPENT LOBBYING DURING QUARTER GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES OR OBJECTIVES. (Include Bill or WAC Numbers If Any) • • I 1 C.HFr`K IF PFR8r1N SPFNT MARF THAN SI5 r1F NON•PIIRI IR FIIN_ nS IN I ORRYINm SFF INSTRIICTIANR r�N RFVFCCF • r• FCx'E3 +3 $Ism,K.I>,rcr: ;.<c�rsi.:arogy<.x•-'s', ,¢ ; >R3 'a - §ae.,• x .� %RR . VEXENIMENE t wrikaa-•vr li���x • N • • !say •. ....... .., T�1�?s�����N��. •,... .., .. ?\ .., .. ... SALARIES OF PERSONS WHO LOBBIED (Include only portion iof quarterly salary attributable to lobbying) $ TRAVEL(Include food, lodging, per diem payments and cost of transportation used.) $ BROCHURES AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS WHOSE PRINCIPAL PURPOSE IS TO INFLUENCE LEGISLATION $ CONSULTANTS OR OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES • $ TOTAL THIS QUARTER $ TOTAL TO DATE THIS YEAR $ CERTIFICATION: I certify that to the best of my knowledge the atiove is SIGNATURE OF AGENCY HEAD a true,complete and correct statement in accordance with RCW 42.17.190. • •rr A i+u A n nrrinki A I CIJCCTC IC \/n=F iannu IS REQUIRED THESE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY ONLY TO GOVERNMENT AGENCIES REPORTING PURSUANT TO RCW 42.17.190. • WHO SHOULD REPORT? Each state agency, county, city, town, municipal corporation, quasi-municipal corporation or special purpose district which expends public funds for "lobbying". Please study the definitions of what is and is not included in lobbying to determine if your agency is required to report. "Lobbying" means attempting to influence the passage or defeat of any legislation by the state legislature or the adoption or rejection of any rule, standard, rate or other legislative enactment by any state agericy under chapters 28.19 and 34.04 RCW. "Legislation" means bills, resolutions, motions, amendments, nominations, and other matters pending or proposed in either house of the state legislature,and includes any other matter which may be the subject of action by either house, or any committee of the legislature and all bills and resolutions which having passed both houses,are pending approval by the Governor. LOBBYING DOES NOT INCLUDE 1. Requests for appropriations by a state agency to OFM pursuant to RCW 43.88 or requests by OFM to the legislature for appropriations other than its own agency budget. Note that an agency representative who, in person, contacts a legislator or committee on appropriations matters is lobbying. 2. Recommendations or reports to the legislature in response to a legislative request expressly requesting or directing a specific study,recommendation or report on a particular subject. 3. Official reports including recommendations submitted annually or biennually by a state agency as required by law. 4. Requests,recommendations or other communications between or within state agencies or between or within local agencies. 5. Telephone conversations or preparation of written correspondence. 6. Preparation or adoption of policy positions within an agency or group of agencies. Note that once a position is adopted,further action to advocate it may constitute lobbying. 7. Attempts to influence federal or local legislation. LOBBYING NOT REPORTABLE 1. In person lobbying totaling no more than four days or parts of days during any three month period in aggregate for all officials and employees of the agency. In person lobbying includes testifying at legislative committee hearings and state agency hearings on rules and regulations but does not include attendance merely to monitor or observe testimony and debate. 2. In person lobbying by any elected official on behalf of his agency or in connection with his powers, duties or compensation. EXPENDITURES OVER $15 OF NON-PUBLIC FUNDS Any person (including an elected official) who expends more than $15 of personal or non-public funds for or on behalf of one or more legislators, state elected officials or state public officers or employees in connection with in- person lobbying must be listed on the L-5 report.Attach a page showing the spender's name, and date,the source of funds and amount spent, and for whom the money was spent. Examples of these expenditures include entertainment, dinners and campaign contributions. REPORTS REQUIRED The L-5 report is submitted to cover each calendar quarter in which lobbying occurs. No report is required if no reportable lobbying has taken place during the quarter. DUE DATES April 30(1st quarter) July 31 (2nd quarter) October 31 (3rd quarter) January 31 (4th quarter) ONE CONSOLIDATED REPORT SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO INCLUDE LOBBYING ACTIVITIES OF ALL DIVISIONS OR OFFICES OF AN AGENCY. • Send Reports To: PUBUC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION 711 Capitol Way,Rm 403, . PO Box 40908 Olympia,WA 98504-0908 SPECIAL NOTE: In lieu of reporting as provided in RCW 42.17.190 any agency or lobbyist for an agency may elect to register and report as provided in RCW 42.17.150, .160, .170 and.180.An agency so choosing must notify PDC of that fact and obtain necessary reporting forms and ' instructions. _14se-a- CITY OF RENTON - MEMORANDUM DATE: January 15, 1997 TO: Jay Covington, E ecutive Assistant °' ' '• FROM: Marilyn Petersen, City Cler SUBJECT: Annual Lobbyin Disclosure Form, L-1 The attached L-1 form is required to be completed, signed by the agency official, and submitted to the State Disclosure Commission quarterly under the following circumstances: 1. If City staff expended public funds or over $15 of personal funds and lobbied the State legislature in person for more than four days or parts of days during any three month period in aggregate for all officials and employees of the agency; or 2. If elected officials lobbied the legislature in person expending public funds or over $15 of personal funds. The back of the form defines "lob ying" and explains what it does not include. Examples of expenditures of non-public funds include entertainment, dinners and campaign contributions over $15. Submission of the L-5 report is required quarterly. If the City accrues reportable lobbying during the 1997 Legislatikve Session, please return the completed form, signed by the Mayor, to this office for Mailing by the April 30, 1997, deadline. If the City had no reportable lobbying, please return the form to this office so noted. If you would like me to survey staff or elected officials regarding this matter, please let me know. Attachment CANDIDATE DECLARATION CANDIDATE FILING INFORMATION The filing period is the fourth Monday in July through the next succeeding Friday for all offices. A filing fee of $10 is required for all offices with a fixed annual salary of$1,000 or less; a filing fee equal to 1%of the annual salary is required for offices with a fixed annual salary of more than $1,000. The fee should be based on the salary to be received when the candidate assumes office. A nominating petition containing signatures of registered voters equal to the dollar amount of the filing fee is permitted for those candidates without sufficient assets or income to pay the filing fee. Filings made in person must be made during normal business hours. If the office sought is Federal, statewide, or encompasses more than one county,the filing is made with the secretary of state. All other offices file with the county auditor(Division of Records and Elections, Elections Section, in King County). Filings made by mail may be submitted up to ten business days prior to the first day for candidates to file. All filings, whether in person or by mail, must be received by the filing officer not later than close of business on the last day of the filing period. Filings received after this date, regardless of the postmark, are invalid. Minor Party/Independent candidates have separate nominating procedures, some of which must be completed prior to the beginning of the filing period. Information regarding these procedures may be obtained from the Office of the Secretary of State. Withdrawals may be made through the Thursday following the close of the filing period. In the case of special filing periods,the last day to withdraw is the last date on which to file. FILING FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE. NOTE: Once filed,your Declaration of Candidacy may not be altered or amended. Should you decide during the filing period that you wish to change any part of the Declaration, you will be required to withdraw and re-file. This would also entail a second filing fee or nominating petition, if applicable. THE LAST DAY FOR CANDIDATES TO WITHDRAW IS THE THURSDAY FOLLOWING THE CLOSE OF THE FILING PERIOD, EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF SPECIAL FILING PERIODS. AFTER THAT DATE YOUR NAME MAY BE REMOVED FROM THE BALLOT ONLY BY JUDICIAL ACTION. The following are designated as Code Cities under Washington State law: Algona Carnation Issaquah North Bend Auburn Des Moines Kent Redmond Bellevue Duvall Kirkland Renton Black Diamond Enumclaw Medina Sea-Tac Bothell Federal Way Mercer Island Snoqualmie Tukwila PUBLIC DISCLOSURE INFORMATION IF THE OFFICE YOU ARE RUNNING FOR HAS: PUBLIC DISCLOSURE REPORTS REQUIRED: Less than 1,000 registered voters None 1,000 - 5,000 registered voters and area less than entire Financial Affairs Statement county (Form F-1) 5,000 or more registered voters Financial Affairs Statement or (Form F-1) and Campaign Finance County - Wide and larger area Reports ("C"series forms) Exempt from state public disclosure reporting are candidates for U.S. Senate, U.S. Representative, precinct committee officer, cemetery districts, and districts where voters must have special qualifications such as the ownership of land. Check with the county elections department regarding these offices. INITIAL PUBLIC DISCLOSURE REPORTS MUST BE FILED WITHIN TWO WEEKS OF BECOMING A CANDIDATE Please see Reverse E-18 CANDIDATES PAMPHLET INFORMATION (Applies to State Pamphlet) Candidate statements and photographs should be submitted with the Declaration of Candidacy at the time of filing.The final deadline for submitting statements and photographs for publication in the Candidates Pamphlet is Friday before the state primary. Can- didate information should be sent or questions can be directed to: Elections Division, Office of the Secretary of State, P.O. Box 9000 (AS-22), Olympia, WA 98504, (206) 753-2336. Candidate Statements—Statutory Allocation of Space and Fees Word Position Space Limit Fee Governor, U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative One page 300 $200 AD state offices,except that of Governor 1/2 page 200 100 State Senator,judges of superior court or court of appeals,justice of the Supreme Court 1/2 page 200 50 State Representative 1/4 page 100 25 A candidate filing a nominating petition in lieu of a filing fee is not required to pay this candidate pamphlet fee.No statement or photograph will be printed in the Candidates Pamphlet for a person who is the sole nominee for a non-partisan or judicial office.Candidates may include their campaign mailing address and telephone number for inclusion in the Candidates Pamphlet. If a candidate wishes the campaign address and telephone number printed, he or she should specifically indicate that this information is to appear with the statement.Statements should be typed,double-spaced and in standard paragraph form.Statements should not contain any obscene, profane,libelous or defamatory language.This information applies only to the offices above.Check with the county auditor/elections division for requirements for any local voters pamphlet. Specifications for Candidate Photographs All photographs must be black-and-white glossy prints not smaller than 4"x5"or larger than 8"x10",limited to the head and shoulders of the candidate,and on a light(not white)background to provide the best contrast.The photograph must be no more than five years old and must not show the uniform or insignia of any organization which advocates or teaches racial or religious intolerance. Place candidate's name on the back of the photo. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING FORM PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE COMPLETING DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY Line 1. Print your name as you are registered to vote. Line 2. Print the address at which you are registered to vote.The telephone number is optional, but it is recommended that you include it. Each candidate is responsible for ensuring that he or she meets all of the qualifications for the office sought at the time he or she files. Line 3. Print the name of the office for which you are a candidate. For example, "State Representative. . .22nd District. . .Posi- tion 1" or "City Councilman . . . Olympia. . . Position 4." You should check prior to the filing period in order to be sure that you know for which offices you are entitle to file. The responsibility for filing for the correct office is yours. Line 4. Check the appropriate box. Line 5. Insert the year. Line 6. Check the appropriate box.If the office for which you are filing is partisan and you are filing as a minor party or independent candidate you must comply with the provisions of Chapter 29.24 RCW. Line 7. Check the appropriate box. If you assert that you are without sufficient assets or income to pay the filing fee you must ac- company the Declaration of Candidacy with a nominating petition. Line 8. Print your name as you wish it to appear on the ballot.Nicknames are acceptable.Titles denoting past or present occupa- tion, including military rank, are not. Line 9. Read the oath. You should then sign the Declaration of Candidacy only in the presence of a notary public or other officer with whom the declaration is filed. DECLARATION AND AFFIDAVIT OF CANDIDACY 1. I, am a registered (PRINT NAME AS YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE) voter residing at: 2. (STREET ADDRESS OR RURAL ROUTE) (TELEPHONE NO.) , Washington (CITY) (COUNTY) (ZIP CODE) and at the time of filing this declaration I am legally qualified to assume office if elected.** 3. I declare myself as a candidate for nomination to the office of: (NAME OF OFFICE) Resident for , year(s). (CONGRESSIONAL OR LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT,COUNTY,CITY, OR OTHER JURISDICTION) (POSITION NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) (DIRECTOR OR COMMISSIONER DISTRICT,IF ANY) **A candidate for office in a code city must be a registered voter of the city at the time of filing his/her declaration of candidacy and have been a resident of the city for a period of at least one year next preceding his/her election. RCW 35A.12.030. 4. For the following term of office: ❑ a full term 0 an unexpired year term ❑ or a short and full term or 5. At the primary in September, 19 6. This office is: ❑ Nonpartisan, or ❑ Partisan, and I am: ❑ a candidate of the party, or ❑ an independent candidate nominated pursuant to chapter 29.24 RCW. 7. Filing Fee (Check one): ❑ There is no filing fee because the office has no fixed annual salary, or ❑ I am submitting a filing fee of $ , an amount equal to 1% of the annual salary, or ❑ I am without sufficient assets or income to pay the filing fee required by law and I have attached a nominating petition in lieu of this fee, pursuant to RCW 29.18.050. 8. Please print my name on the ballot exactly as follows: (PLEASE PRINT) I swear, or affirm, that this information is, to the best of my knowledge, true. I also swear, or affirm, that I will support the Constitution and laws of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington. *Note: Your signature must be 9. Sign Here personally witnessed by (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE) either a notary public or by the officer with whom the declaration is filed. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 19 (SIGNATURE OF ACKNOWLEDGING OFFICIAL) (TITLE OF ACKNOWLEDGING OFFICIAL) Candidate: Return all copies of this declaration to your Elections Dept. Distribution by Elections Dept.: White—County; Yellow—PDC; Pink—Candidate SSE 84-I (1984) OX A-191 FILING DATA. . . FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Fee Paid$_ File No. Paid By(Check one) ❑ AM ❑ Check ❑ Other Time ❑ PM ❑ Cash ❑ Nom.Petition Clerk/Cashier initials DECLARATION AND AFFIDAVIT OF CANDIDACY 1. I, am a registered (PRINT NAME AS YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE) voter residing at: , 2. . (STREET ADDRESS OR RURAL ROUTE) (TELEPHONE NO.) (MAILING ADDRESS) , Washington (CITY) (COUNTY) (ZIP CODE) and at the time of filing this declaration I am legally qualified to assume office if elected. 3. I declare myself as a candidate for nominatio to the office of: (NAME OF OFFICE) (CONGRESSIONAL OR LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT,COUNTY,CITY,OR OTHER JURISDICTION) (POSITION NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) (DIRECTOR OR COMMISSIONER DISTRICT,IF ANY) 4. For the following term of office: ❑ a full term or a full term and a short term,or ❑ an unexpired term 5. At the primary in September, 19 . • 6. This office is: ❑ Nonpartisan,or ❑ Partisan,and I am: ❑ a candidate of the _party,or ❑ an independent candidate nominated pursuant to chapter 29.24 RCW. 7. Filing Fee (Check one): El There is no filing fee because the office has no fixed annual salary,or ❑ I am submitting a filing fee of$ ,an amount equal to 1%of the annual salary,or ❑ I am without sufficient assets or income to pay the filing fee rquired by law and I have attached a nominating petition in lieu of this fee, pursuant to RCW 29.18.050. 8. Please print my name on the ballot exactly as follows: (PLEASE PRINT) I swear, or affirm,that this information is,to the best of my knowledge,true. I also swear, or affirm,that I will support the Constitution and laws of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Washington. *Note: Your signature must be 9. Sign Here > personally witnessed by (SIGNATURE OF CANDIDATE AS REGISTERED TO VOTE) either a notary public or by the officer with whom the declaration is filed. Subscribed and sworn before me this day of , 19 • (SIGNATURE OF ACKNOWLEDGING OFFICIAL) (TITLE OF ACKNOWLEDGING OFFICIAL) Candidate: Return all copies of this declaration to your Elections Dept. SSE 84-1(1991)—f Distribution by Elections Dept!: White—County; Yellow—PDC; Pink—Candidate E Contribution Limits Explanation of Reports • A candidate for state executive or legislative office Financial Affairs Report(PDC F-1). Used by candidates Candidate's must limit contributions received to the amounts shown: to indicate some personal and business financial relation- ships and property holdings. It shows citizens what per- Campaign Reporting To State Executive To Legislative sonal financial interests might conflict with service as an Source of Contribution Candidate Candidate elected official. However, in most cases, filing this report Pocket Guide gives candidates the opportunity to show that no conflict Individual $10001 $5001 of interest potential exists. Union or Business 10001 5001 Campaign Finance Reports(PDC forms C-1,C-3,C-4). Political Action Committee 10001 5001 Required from candidates and political committees. All - State Party Central Corn. .50/voter2 .50/voter24 candidates and committees not exempt from reporting County Party Central Corn. .25/voter3 .25/voter register with PDC and their county elections office by fil Legislative District Corn. 25lvoter .25/voter4 ing a registration statement (C-1 or C-1pc). Minor Party Committee .50/voter2 .50/voter20-fr:; Legislative Caucus Corn. .50/voter2 .50/voter2 When completing the C-1, you will choose which of three reporting options will be used during the campaign. This _ 1 Separate limit for primary election and general election. choice is based on how much money you plan to raise 'VI 2 Limit for election cycle (i.e., from start of candidate's and spend. During the campaign most candidates must Ill' campaign through Nov. 30 of election year). periodically report campaign contributions and expenses. •✓ 3 All county central committees and legislative district fox ~ --__- committees share a combined limit per candidate of "�, $.25 per registered voter during the election cycle. Forms and Instructions i 4 4 A county central committee and the legislative district i. committees in that county may only give to candidates Available from county election offices or PDC �� in their areas and they share one limit of$.25 per regis- �. tered voter for the election cycle. Mini-Abbreviated Campaign �� Reporting Instructions and Forms Candidates for other offices are not limited by state law Full Reporting Campaign Instructions: A in Pri i i 1 i iiiiiiiIIIIII regarding amounts that may be accepted. Unless limited • State Executive& Legislative Candidates . s.pCC FORMby local ordinance, contributions in any amount may bele • Judicial and Local Office Candidates accepted from contributors. • Political Committees • Bona Fide Political Parties However, no candidate may accept: Full Reporting Forms: •anonymous contributions in excess of $300 or 1% ofC 1 - Registration Statementall contributions received to date,whichever is greater. 0 3 Cash Receipts C-4-Receipts&Expenditure Summary - •more than $5,000 from one source (except the state Schedule A- Cash Receiptsparty) during the last 21 days before a general elec- and Expenditures L �� tion. ($50,000 limit for state executive candidates. ' ) Schedule B- In-kind Contributions, ,- Orders Placed, Debts .�_�. Keeping Books Schedule C-Corrections ��` _ 1 p 9 Schedule L- Loans The key to campaign finance reporting is up-to-date, Special Report E- Earmarked detailed records of each contribution and expenditure. Contribution Report Report all campaign income (contributions, loans, can- Attachment Au -Auction Report didate's personal funds, etc.) and expenditures (includ- Special Reporting Forms: PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION ing orders you have placed). Include in your records C-5-Out-of-State and Federal PACs bank deposit slips, bank statements, receipts and can- 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 P P P C-6- Independent Campaign Expenditures ® Po BOX 40908 celled checks. OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 C-7-Special Political Expenditures (360)753-1111 You must keep your records for five years from the F-1 - Financial Affairs Statement April 1995 date of the election. ®e 18 0 Are Disclosure Reports Required? 1995 Full Reporting Schedule Are you a candidate? Have you solicited contribu- tions or made expenditures (including placing C-3 All contributions must be deposited orders), publicly announced candidacy, filed for within 5 business days of receipt;fill out a C-3 for eaPio to July 1, office or reserved space for a campaign?AV- 10 C 3 may bech seatposit.with Cr4 rafter July Relax. No reports are required. 1, mail C-3 same day deposit is made. C 4 With initial C-1 report if contributions were received or expenditures made. Are you a candidate for federal office; in a town or district that had fewer than 1,000 registered voters C-4 Due by the 10th of each month if no as of the last general election; for precinct commit- other C-4 is required during that month tee officer; or for an office in a district where voters and if contributions or expenditures are must own property or have other special qualifica- you don't have to file state over$200 since last C-4. tions (e.g., irrigation, diking, or flood control)? 1110 reports. [Federal candidates check with the Federal Election Commis- C 4 Aug. 29 21 days before primary NO sion (FEC) 1-800-424-9530.] C-4 Sept. 12 7 days before primary C-4 Oct. 10 Post-primary report (See note below) Are you a candidate in a town or taxing district that C-4 Oct 17 21 days before general does not include the entire county and that had fewer than 5,000 registered voters as of the last gen- C-4 Oct. 31 7 days before general eral election? (Check with county elections office.) File a financial affairs statement C-4 Dec. 11 Post-general report 110 (Form F-1) within two weeks of No becoming a candidate. No other Dates shown are for 1995 primary and general elec- tions only. Committees participating in special elec- File a financial affairs report (Form F 1) within two tions file C-4 reports 21 and 7 days before and on the 10th of the first month following the election. weeks of becoming a candidate. Reports Required Summary NOTE: The post primary report is not required from and candidates who will be in the general election or from Option F-1 C-1 C-3 C-4 continuing political committees. During your election campaign will you spend: MINI Yes Yes No No Q°' Political Advertising ABBRE- Yes Yes No Yes $0 to$500 $501 to$2000 Over$2000 VIATED ABB C-4 The law requires that campaign advertising meet (&receive$200 or less from any donor) due 12/11/95 requirements for sponsor identification, political party USE MINI RE- USE ABBREVIAT- USE FULL RE- FULL Yes Yes Yes Yes affiliation and truthfulness. Detailed information is con PORTING: File ED REPORTING: PORTING: File tained in campaign reporting instructions and the bro- Forms F-1 and C-1 File Forms F-1 and Forms F-1 and C-1 chure on political advertising. within two weeks of C-1 within two within two weeks of See Full Reporting becoming a candi- weeks of becoming becoming a candi- Schedule Generally, political ads, whether broadcast or printed, date. No other re- a candidate. File a date, File C-3 and must identify the sponsor of the ad. In partisan cam- ports are required. Summary of Contri- C-4 reports according F-1 is due within two weeks of becominga candidate. butions and Expendi- to the Full Reporting paigns, all ads and signs must show the candidate's tures(Form ABB C-4) Schedule included in C-1 is due within two weeks of becoming a candidate. political party. on 12/11/95. That's this pamphlet. all. Send Reports To: It is a violation for a person to sponsor political adver- tising that contains a false statement of material fact, (Get Mini/Abbreviated or Full Campaign Reporting Instructions from F-1 PDC when the sponsor knew or should have known the your county elections office or PDC.) C-1, C-3 & C-4 PDC and County Elections Office statement was false. SPONSOR IDENTIFICATION P o I i t i ca l `Sponsor" means the candidate, committee Items Exempt from or other person who pays for the advertise- ment. If a person acts as an agent for another Sponsor ID or is reimbursed for payment, the original Advertising source of the payment is the sponsor. ashtrays newspaper ads(one col- badges&badge holders umn inch or smaller) balloons noisemakers What's Needed bingo chips official state or local voter brushes pamphlets State, Local & Judicial Candidates—show the bumper stickers paper& plastic cups candidate's name and address or the candidate's (4"x 15"or smaller) paper& plastic plates committee name and address. business cards paper weights Federal Candidates—only subject to federal law. buttons pencils ••,. r11 .p I� ' -Ott1 Political committees—show the committee's cigarette lighters pendants name and address. The treasurer's name is not clothes pins pennants 11' �Y, ° #•. required. clothing pens Organizations or businesses—show the orga coasters pinwheels � combs lastic tableware 1ti. ,► I k ;'(1! nization or business name and address. Presi- p'' P° '' i 0 dent's or treasurer's name is not required. cups pocket protectors 1111 ' _ earrings pot holders _ Multiple sponsors—show each sponsor s name iolp I = f emery boards reader boards with , liti l,, .l ;1 I and address. If one person pays for printing and ,',I'I �I envelopes moveable letters I�. , Nil another pays for mailing, list both as sponsors. p erasers ribbons I101, Il, Ill;i�,I; Collection of items from more than one candi- frisbeeserar rulers (12" or smaller) o//jl(4;I i llilikI' date or committee—show the respective spon- sor name and address on each item. glasses shoe horns ` golf balls&tees skywriting I Printed ads—show the sponsor's name, mailing hand-held signs staple removers address and, if applicable, the candidate's party hats stickers(2-3/4" x 1"or �•�� affiliation in an area apart from the ad text. If the horns smaller) qiii....,...:.•o ad is more than one page, identify the sponsor (and party) on the first page. Identification on a ice scrapers sun glasses mailing envelope is optional; it's the ad enclosed inscriptions sun visors in the envelope that must be properly identified. key rings swizzle sticks Radio and TV ads—clearly say the sponsor's knives tickets to fund raisers name. Address not required. labels water towers letter openers whistles PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION magnifying glasses yard signs (8'x 4'or 711 CAPITAL WAY RM 403 To identify the sponsor, use the words "Paid matchbooks smaller) u •` PO BOX 40908 for by" or "Sponsored by" followed by the nail clippers&files yo-yo's ,r, OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 (360)753-1111 name and address of the sponsor. all similar items July 1995 ID Size and Placement Independent Expenditure Advertising According to state law, on written or printed politi- Political advertising that meets all of the follow- MAILINGS: Any person or entity, except a cal advertising, the sponsor's name and address ing criteria must include more details about the political party, that in one calendar year mails and the candidate's party affiliation must: sponsor(s): 1,000 identical or nearly identical pieces of • appear on the first page of the communica- 1) the ad supports or opposes a candidate for advertising supporting or opposing a candidate tion in at least 10 point type, or state or local office; or ballot measure as an independent expenditure must provide the appropriate county auditor with • for ads such as billboards or posters, 2) the ad is paid for by someone other than a a copy of the ad and written notice of the number appear in type at least 10% of the largest candidate, a candidate's committee, political of pieces mailed within two working days of the size type used in the ad, and party or agent; mailing. Contact PDC for more information. • not be screened or half-toned (i.e., not 3) the sponsor does the advertising completely REPORTING INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES: made lighter through some printing or pho- independently of any candidate supported in Anyone (except a PAC already filing with PDC) tographic process), and the ad (or the opponent of the candidate that spends a total of$100 or more supporting or opposed), or a candidate's committee, agent • be set apart from any other printed text in or political party; opposing a candidate or ballot measure—and the ad. the expenditures are not made in conjunction 4) the sponsor did not receive the candidate's with a candidate or ballot issue committee—must The sponsor and party identification appearing in encouragement or approval to do the ad; and file independent expenditure reports (Form C-6). any radio or TV political ad must be clearly spo- 5) the ad costs at least $500, or the cost of this ken. In addition, any business, union, association or ad when combined with the cost of earlier ads other entity that during one calendar year makes supporting or opposing the candidate total independent expenditures totaling over $500 $500 or more. supporting or opposing state office candidates If all five conditions are met, the political ad and statewide ballot measures must also file must contain the following: Form C-7 (unless the entity also reports as a PAC or lobbyist employer). Abbreviations "NOTICE TO VOTERS (Required by law): This advertisement is not authorized or approved by For More Information Contact: The following abbreviations may be used in any candidate. It is paid for by (name, address, State and local candidates, ballot measure commit advertising. PDC believes they clearly iden- city, state)" tees, PACs,political parties: tify political party affiliation. Communist—CornFurther, if this type of ad is sponsored by a politi- Public Disclosure Commission Phone: cal committee or PAC, the following must also PO Box 40908 (360)753-1111 Democrat—D, Dem, Demo appear: "Top Five Contributors"followed by a list Olympia WA 98504-0908 Independent or unaffiliated—Ind, Indep of the names of the five persons or entities mak- Federal candidates, federal PACs, ads for federal Libertarian—Lib ing the largest contributions to the PAC during campaigns: the 12 months before the ad runs. Federal Election Commission Phone: Republican—R, GOP, Rep (Use the latter 999"E"St 1-800-424-9530 only when it could not erroneously imply the Both the "Notice to Voters" and `Top Five Con- Washington DC 20463 candidate is a State Representative.) tributors" messages must comply with the ID Broadcast advertising, rates, equal opportunity and Socialist—Soc Size and Placement standards noted above. access to radio or TV,"900"line telephone messages. Socialist Workers—Soc Workers, SWP If independent expenditure advertising is in the Federal Communications Commission Phone: Official symbols or logos adopted by the form of yard signs, bumper stickers, skywriting or Fairness/Political (202)632-7586 state committee of the party may be used in other items exempt from sponsor ID (as dis- Programming Branch cussed on the reverse), these ads are also 2025"M"St NW lieu of other identification; a copy of the sym- cuss cuss t from the Notice to Voters and Top Five Washington DC 20554 bol or logo should be provided to PDC. p Contributors requirements. 0«s�e,�e frame \ . ---,,, ,,,,,-„cc ,_,,A'^',' ,,, ,,-`,3 sou-. "Y 't STATE 4 Washington State .:. _ -' :s..,x Public Disclosure 4'..' 1 04' Commission #4. 1889 Personal Financial Affairs Statement ril .: i,i., ,5,,,,,,.,,. 1 3i %. ti .:: : ,,;., ..„, . , ,,,„: ,,,,„ .: • ,...;,,,,,:.,... 1 ,. „,,...4„.,..,„ ,,,,, ..„ , ,... .„. •:: :.,..,. „,,,,,,,,.. ,, ,,,, ‘ ,.,„,,..„:„,„, „,,.,k` ,..''', ,7:,`,''T;,`- .,..,„.,,,,,v,,,,,,. ,,, F3." g.t` F _,,,,, ' :. , Instruction Manual :,..,,, K:: and Blank Forms wb 61111 `'` "The public's right to know of the financing of political : ,: ': campaigns and lobbying and the financial affairs of elected x, ' .;k 1' officials and candidates far outweighs any right that these .5 matters remain secret and private." RCW 42.17.010(10) I (Revised November 1994) �► r - F-1 Report Due Dates Between Elected officials currently in office (annual report) Jan. 1 - April 15 Elected officials who left office during Between preceding calendar year (final report) Jan. 1 - April 15 Between State appointed officials (annual report) Jan. 1 - April 15 Officials appointed to fill vacancy Within two weeks in elective or state appointive office of appointment Within two weeks Candidates (non-incumbents) of becoming a candidate All reports filed with the Commission are public records. Copies are available at cost: Microfiche -- 25 cents per film page plus 25 cents postage and handling (Each film page contains up to 96 pages of reports.) We welcome your suggestions for improving these instructions. Direct your comments to: Public Disclosure Commission 711 Capitol Way, Suite 403 PO Box 40908 Olympia, WA 98504-0908 Telephone (206) 753-1111 SCAN 234-1111 Fax (206) 753-1112 Instructions in this booklet are provided to assist in the preparation of reports required by chapter 42.17 RCW. Care has been taken to make these instructions accurate yet concise. However, these instructions cannot be substituted for the applicable provisions of chapter 42.17 RCW and chapter 390 WAC. The law and rules are controlling in the event of any conflict with or omission in the instructions. Copies of the law and rules are available on request. Blank Forms Located in Back of This Manual. • Contents • Introduction 1 • Who Must Report -- When 1 Exempt From Reporting " 2 Time Frame Covered by Report • 2 • Types of Reports • 2 Requests for Reporting Modifications 3 Other Key Points S3 • The F-1 Statement 5 Section-by-Section InstrUctions 5 Heading 5 Part 1. Income, Employment and Compensation 5 • Part 2. Real Estate 7 Part 3. Other Assets and Financial Holdings 9 Part 4. Creditors 10 • Are You Done? 12 • The Supplement Page 13 A. Offices Held, Business Interests 13 Identification of Entity 14 payments Entity Received From Governmental Unit . . . 14 Payments Entity Received From Business land Government Customers • 14 Business Real Estate • 15 Supplement Page Examples 16 B. Lobbying 20 C. Gifts 20 Definition • 21 Explanation 21 Gifts Exempt From,Reporting 22 Reportable Gifts 22 • Notice of Gifts 23 Gift Reporting Example 23 Blank Forms • • • Statement of Personal Financial Affairs (F-1) Supplement Page to F-1 Personal Financial Affairs Short Form (F-1A) • • • List of Executive State Officers Required to File Why We Have Financial Disclosure In 1972, nearly one million Washington residents -- or 72% of the voters -- supported an initiative designed to bring more openness and accountability to this state's.political process.. With the adoption of that initiative, the voters declared that the personal and business finances of elected officials should be disclosed and available for public review. Four years later, voters reaffirmed this position on financial disclosure when they added state-level appointed officials to the list of persons who must file these disclosure reports. • Since 1973, over 100,000 financial disclosure statements have been filed by Washingtonians who have been candidates or elected officials, or were serving in key appointive positions in state government. 1 Filing reports that disclose financial interests and holdings is more than a formality. It's a means for the public to have tangible proof that officials are acting in the public interest and not for their private gain. Conversely, completing the reports gives officials an opportunity annually to review their holdings and be more sensitive to subjects that might pose an actual or perceived conflict of interest.- Some form of conflict of interest or ethics laws have been on the books for generations. They stem from common law and the biblical caution that "no man can serve two masters." These laws, and their inherent prohibitions, go hand-in-hand with financial disclosure. Each is virtually meaningless without the other. . What to do in Case of a. Conflict If, during the preparation of your financial affairs report or later while serving in public office, you think you may have a conflict of interest, PDC suggests the following course of action: ► Take no action until it's decided whether you have a conflict. ► Seek advice from your agency attorney, your jurisdiction's ethics agency, your own attorney or the State Auditor's Office. ► Discuss the matter with members of your government agency. Inform them of the potential or actual conflict The Public Disclosure Commission has no legal authority to consider whether an action does or does not constitute a conflict of interest or a violation of any state or local ethics law. 1 Introduction • If you have questions, comments or suggestions on ways to improve these instructions, please contact PDC. If you write to us with questions, also include a Preparing a financial affairs statement cannot be done daytime telephone number. • casually, but neither should it be seen as a task that is necessarily overwhelming or somehow beyond the ability of any person who is, or seeks to be, a public Who Must Report-When official. Completing the statement will take time and a p thorough review of your finances and investment holdings. This instruction manual will helpi but it may Elected Officials: Report between January 1 not answer all your questions. You are encouraged and April 15 during each year you hold office. to contact PDC or your attorney for guidance on how Also, if your term of office ends December 31 or in to report special situations. January, you're required to file a final report by April 15. Generally, reports cover the preceding calendar We recommend you scan the F-1 and F-1 Supple- year: (For those leaving office on December 31, ment reports (located in the back of this manual) and reports cover the year ending on that December 31.) . then read the instructions carefully before completing each section of the report. The forms have not been (NOTE: Remember, if you filed a report as a changed since 1991. candidate last year and were elected, you must file again by April 15 of this year. Every year you hold Persons filing their annual report are reminded that office you're required to file a report between January they need to report the receipt of gifts valued at over 1 and April 15.) $50 received during the previous calendar year. This obligation only applies to officials filing their annual Local elected officials who resign or are removed financial affairs statement, not to candidates or new from office prior to the end of their term must file a state appointees filing their initial report. Please note report covering that portion of the year they were in that the gift reporting provisions of the Pubic office. This report is due by April 15 of the following Disclosure Law have not been affected by adoption of year. (For example, if a local elected official resigns the new Ethics Law that is effective January 1, 1995. on August 31, he or she will file by April 15 of the That law regulates, among other activities, what state following year for the eight-month period he or she officials (including state elected officials and was in office.) employees) may accept as gifts. However, it uses a different definition of "gift" than is used for purposes Appointees to Elective Office: Report within of reporting under the disclosure law. Officials two weeks of being appointed to fill a vacant needing more information about the Ethics Law elective office. Thereafter, report as described should contact either the Executive Ethics Board, the above for Elected Officials. Legislative Ethics Board or the Judicial Conduct ` Commission. . Candidates: Report within two weeks of Each F 1 you file must include certain financial becoming a candidate. You become a candidate information on you, your spouse, your dependent when you first receive contributions or make children and other dependent relatives if they lived expenditures, when you reserve space or facilities for with you during the reporting period. In other words, your race, when you make a public announcement that you're a candidate or when you file for office, include information regarding dependent chlildren regardless of where they lived. (Do not report whichever occurs first. . information about independent adult children who . Candidates who already have a current F-1 or F-1A lived at home or away from home.) Include on file -- because they're the incumbent or hold information about other dependent relatives'only if • another position that makes them subject to the law -- they lived with you. do not file a second report. Only one financial affairs This booklet contains general information, report per person per year is required. However, many candidates will be required to report campaign section-by-section instructions for completing the disclosure information during the election. Check forms and the forms themselves. The section with your county elections office or with PDC by-section format consists of a quotation from the statute, an explanation of the statutory language, and regarding which reports are necessary. an example. 1 1 1 Appointed State Officials (Including ► elected and appointed state officials holding office professional staff of Governor's Office and in January of current year and filing annual report Legislature): Report within two weeks of ► elected local officials holding office in January of appointment. Thereafter, file annually by April 15. current year and filing annual report See inside of back cover for list of those appointed officials who must file personal financial affairs (Note: Persons filing their annual report will disclose reports. (The list of"executive state officers" who information for the entire preceding calendar year, must file F-1 reports is found in RCW 42.17.2401.) even if doing so means the report now being filed duplicates part of the activity included on their first Persons who assume a position designated in report that covered the 12 previous calendar months.) 42.17.2401 in an acting capacity, by virtue of an ex officio appointment or as a designee of the,official must also file F-1 statements. Non-voting ex officio Previous 12 Calendar Months for: members of state boards and commissions are not • required to file unless specifically required to do so ► persons newly appointed to fill a vacant state or elsewhere in law. local elected office ► persons newly appointed to fill a vacant state executive office • Exempt From Reporting c ' persons appointed to fill a newly created executive state office ►. candidates for local or state elected office The following people do not need to file state financial disclosure reports with PDC: Special Situations: ► candidates for federal office or officials holding If you resigned, or were otherwise removed, from a, federal government positions. local elected office prior to the expiration of your ► candidates and elected officials in jurisdictions that term, file a report covering the portion of the year you had fewer than 1,000 registered voters at the time were in office. of the last general election. (Check with your county,elections officer.) If you're a local elected official and your term ends on ► cemetery district commissioners and candidates ► precinct committee officers and reandidates or before December 31, file a report covering that ► calendar year. officials and candidates in'districts that have. special qualifications for voting, such as property ownership.• These districts include the following: ' Types of Reports agricultural pest control irrigation and reclamation conservation irrigation and Although some type of financial affairs report is diking rehabilitation required annually from persons subject to the law, it drainage mosquito control may not be necessary'to file the full F-1' (long form) educational service (ESD)* public waterway :every year if there are no or only minor changes to flood control sewer improvement the full F-1 already on file. irrigation weed, intercounty weed F-1: This form is used by persons completing their first financial affairs report or by persons otherwise (*This educational service district exemption does not ineligible to use the shorter F-1A form (see below). apply to school district directors.) • F-1 Supplement This form is filed with the F-1 report if the candidate or official or a'family member Time Frame Covered by • had business dealings that require reporting, or if Report .S these individuals lobbied at the state level. Officials p filing an annual report must also file the Supplement if they or an immediate family member received one or Previous Calendar Year (January - more reportable gifts. Submit this form only if it is December) for: applicable to you or your immediate family. 2 . 1 , F-1A: Complete this "short-form" if you have no • To apply for a modification, write the Commission a changes or only minor changes to your previously letter stating all the reasons why reporting the filed full F-1 report. Read below to see if you qualify. required information would cause a hardship, suggest a modification that would relieve the hardship and When To Use Form F-1A: You are eligible to give reasons why granting this change would not "frustrate the purposes" of the disclosure law. Send use the F-1A short form to satisfy your annual financial affairs filing requirement so long as you meet your F-1 report, as complete as possible, with your both of these criteria: letter. Apply at least a month or two in advance of your filing deadline so that the Commission will have 1) the full F-1 (long form) that is already on file with time to act on your request before the due date of the PDC from you is no more than three ye rs old (for report. example, if you filed a long form in 1993,E • potentially you could file the F-1 A in 1994, 1995- A hearing will be scheduled to consider your request. and 1996) and It's best if you attend the hearing, but your presence is not required. A modification may only be granted 2) the information supplied on that previously filed full for one reporting period. Another application must be F-1 is still accurate or there are only minor made in following years if you still need the changes to reflect on the F-1A being submitted. modification. A complete F-1 report must be filed at least every • four years. Other Key Points • The Commission reserves the right to require a Frequency: Officials only need file one report complete report if it believes the information on an each calendar year. Therefore; if you have a current F-1 A report could confuse or mislead a person report on file with PDC, you do not have to file reading the report. • another report if you're up for re-election, you decide Be sure to review your last full report before to run for another office, or are appointed to a submitting an F 1A form. position that also makes you subject to financial affairs reporting. Requests for Reporting Corrections: File any report amendments as soon q p g as you discover that a previously filed report is Modifications incomplete or otherwise inaccurate. Include a cover letter with the amendment explaining the circumstances surrounding the error. Use 8-1/2" x The Public Disclosure Commission may suspend or 11" white paper. (Remember, changes in your modify the reporting requirements if it decides that financial holdings which happened after the reporting the law works a "manifestly unreasonable hardship" period do not trigger an amendment. These changes on the filer and the modification "will not frustrate the will first appear on the report covering the period in purposes" of the disclosure law. If you believe your which they occurred.) situation meets these two statutory tests and you can provide convincing arguments to that effect, you have Attachments: Since all reports are filmed on the option of requesting the Commission to grant a microfiche and the machine can't film anything larger reporting modification. than 8-1/2" x 11", you must use this standard sized Usually, requests for modification come from white paper for any attachments. Also identify any • i additional pages with your name, the time period who are partners or owners of a business or who are covered by the report and the report section number. officers, directors or trustees of an organization, association or union. These types of filers often request modifications because they must report the Current Events: Significant changes in your life names'of commercial customers or governmental this year -- marriage, divorce, purchase of property, agencies that paid their businesses, organizations, etc. -- do not affect.a report covering a previous year. associations, and the like over $5,000 during the You'll report the financial effects of these changes on reporting period. your next, regular report. f ' 3 Incomplete Reports: Filers are required to fill Reporting Amounts and Values: When out each section of the F-1 and F-1 Supplement (or reporting the value of stocks, bonds and other F-1A if using the short form) that applies to them and intangible property, use the highest fair market value their immediate family members. Persons needing realized by the asset during the reporting period, not extra time to file a complete report should request an the year-end value or the asset's value when you're extension in writing from PDC's Executive Director completing the report. indicating the amount of extra time needed: Persons unable to disclose all the required information These amounts may be different from what you report (perhaps because a spouse or business with whom • for income tax purposes. To the IRS you may report they are associated refuses to cooperate) must only taxable income or profit from the sale of stock; request a reporting modification from the Commission the F-1 report asks for the gross, fair market value. (see above) rather than simply failing to include the required information on the report. When reporting the amounts owed creditors, show the original amount owed and the balance due as of File Date: Reports are considered filed the day the day you file the report. they are postmarked (Or hand-carried to the PDC office). Due dates of the report are shown on the With the exception of two parts of the F-1 inside of the front cover. Supplement, when the report asks for amounts or • • values, use the dollar code shown below and in the Personal Copy: Be sure to keep a copy of your shaded boxes on the F-1 form, rather than showing report. You'll want to refer to it next year and PDC actual or approximate dollar figures. Dollar figures may not be able to supply one in time for you to are only disclosed when reporting gifts received or meet your reporting deadline. disclosing payments from your (actual or potential) governmental entity to a business with which you or a Compensation: At various points in the report, family member is associated. you will be asked,to disclose sources of compensation for you,' your immediate family members and businesses with which you are DOLLAR involved. When doing so, it's important to know that, CQDE •AMOUNT- by statutory definition, "compensation" means . .A $1 to$1,099 payment in any form for real or personal property or B $2,000_t0 $9,999 services of any kind. C . $10,000 to $19,999 Compensation usually,does not include payments for D ' $20,000 to $49,999 per diem, mileage or other forms of expense E $50,000 or more reimbursement paid to you or your immediate family members by your or their respective employers. However, if you or your family work in the private sector and you or they realize a profit from these expense payments over and above your actual expenses, the profit is considered compensation. See Part 1 of the Section-by-Section Instructions for more information on sources of compensation. On the report, you'll use one of the Dollar Amount Codes (A, B, C, etc.) to show how much compensation was received from a given source . during the reporting period. Be sure to report the code range that includes your gross compensation figure, not the net figure you receive after taxes, . deductions or (for businesses) operating expenses. •• • • • your nine digit zip code. Be sure to identify your Section-by-Section spouse (Sp) and your dependents (D). Remember, Instructions you must include financial information about yourself, your'spouse, your dependent children (even if they Heading: Please type or print in black ink. Use did not live with you during the reporting period) and your full name, not a nickname. Provide.all the other dependent relatives if they,, in fact, lived with information requested, including the last four digits.of you during the period covered by the report. • Last Name First Middle Initial Nan.es of Spouse and Dependents Political Party • II partisan office or Parrot Polly . E Sp Barry D. pertinent toapppintmont Mailing Address D Anita U. Non-Partisan 100 Perch Place D Dan D. City County Zip+4 l of nga Cagetown Aviary 99999-1111 t ` ' Filing Status(Check only one box.) • Office Held or Sought a An elected or state appointed official filing annual report • Office title City Council Member . • ❑Final report as an elected official.Term expired County,city,district or agency of the office, ❑Candidate running in an election: month . I year name and number: Cagetown City Council ❑Newly appointed to an elective office Position number 2 ❑Newly appointed to a state appointive office Term begins: Jan 199X ends: Dec 199X Part 1 . Income, Employ- ► the name(s) and address(s) of your employer or employers during the reporting period as well as ment and Compensation those of your spouse, dependent children and [RCW 42.17.241(1)(a) & (f)] other dependent relatives"living with you; • ► your occupations or the reasons you or your The law says to report, for you and each member of relatives received the income; and. your immediate family: ► the names and addresses of other (non-employer) Occupation, name of employer, and business businesses and government agencies -- but not address; and . individuals -- which compensated you, your spouse or your dependent relatives $1,000 or The name and address of each governmental entity, more during the reporting period. (For example, if corporation, partnership, joint venture, sole ! you sold your pleasure boat to a business, you'd proprietorship, association, union, or other business identify the buyer and specify a Dollar Code. If an or commercial entity from whom compensation has individual purchased your boat, the sale would not been received in any form of a total value of one , be reportable.) thousand dollars or more; the value of the compensation; and such'consideration given or Typical sources of income or compensation are: performed in exchange for such compensatiin' ► Your Employers (Also show your occu• pation and Explanation: "Compensation" means payment in any the proper Dollar Code for compensation form for real or personal property or services Hof any received. Include deferred compensation earned kind. 'In other words, you show: I during the reporting period when selecting appropriate dollar code.) 5 • ► Employers of spouse or dependents (If your sales commissions (show the identity of each spouse and/or dependents earned $1,000 or more business and government entity whose purchases• from a business or government employer during generated a commission of$1,000 or more in the 'the reporting,period, show'names and addresses aggregate during,the reporting period as well as of employers, occupations and appropriate Dollar the identity of the business that actually paid the Codes. If.the employer wasan individual, no commissions, usually your employer or that of a reporting of compensation received from that family member; attach a list of these sources of 'employer is needed.) income to your F-1 .form if the space provided in ► Other business or government sources from which Part 1 is insufficient.) • you or your family received $1,000 or more during retirement income (unless it appears in Part 3) the reporting period. For instance, you'd report honoraria, travel expenses (received as the following income and identify the source if you or a family member received $1,000 or more from: compensation for speeches.or other appearances, rather than a reportable gift' as discussed near social security income the end of this manual) sale of personal property to business or Note: If you or a family member sold real estate government during the reporting period, you need not include the strike benefits purchaser's name as a source of income because salary for government service (Do not include you will disclose this information in the Real Estate travel or other office expense.reimbursements.) section below. However, if the sale took place before the reporting period, the property was bought by a government assistance or subsidies (welfare, child business or government agency, and you or a family . support, disability compensation, farm subsidies, member realized $1,000 or more during the reporting etc., but not payments received for foster child period from this earlier sale, the purchaser should be care) listed as a source of income in Part i of this report. • unemployment compensation I• ncome of$1,000 or more generated by intangible rent or lease payments for real property assets (bank accounts, stocks, bonds, securities, insurance annuities, etc.) or the sale of intangible partnership income assets is disclosed'in Part 3 of this report. trust income • • >::t' �.•••::�;.::6 sE<.eac>i!;$mployer,<arothersource>af.?Incogiq.:Ppfislbn�soclar.securlt ~ie ar.tid meal arom..whlcti' ou'ara tamll"> `''� ;INCOME nd 9 .�, 9 e s Y. g,t:£> -.: '<` :rr grnberrgc jv,t4..tcon, ar.moiedU�rnt the "klost' tg ti*oa,t.a d.`ioiite'da:ln.tetn9.onre'erse •?>`<: « `� : II 1 y� A,n.,. .:. .. .::i A.t>3>:n..+i,...,.:">...9;.,>.).....n >.,. O.:S:., , .>:'..., I a p� t.�.,`>„��.. .�.... ..�.,. 1: ..l:. ..�:. •>...t 5.. ..�: ..<.K.„�. .,:..:,.,:.w m>.�.. `,;:,.,.::>w. ..>,.<.,. . ... .... �tt52•'n>fi;2t � s?�r..>'..:.?, ;ii .Snevr..5rtt(S c>..a > i....�..a,�a.:a�.o..: ^ ,#�:>.,»:....F� ° 34.;>:;:.e..a, srei sv Name and Address of Employer or Source of Compensation' Occupation or How Compensation Amount: �„x Was Earned (Use Code) S Gagetown Medical Center, 4 Longl.ife Court, CagetoWn Lab technician D Sp Best Medical Supply Co., 1122 Happy Hollow, Cagetown Sales Rep. D Sp Gagetown Hospital, Medical Park Avenue, Cagetown Commissions • B Sp Professional Medical Clinic, Cagetown Commissions . B Sp Medical Technology Magazine, 8400 5th Avenue Authored two Hartford, Connecticut magazine articles B D Cagetown Gazette, 420 Market Avenue, Cagetown Paper carrier B • • Check here ❑ if continued on attached sheet • • • Part 2. ,Real Estate ; 3) What other property did I or a family member own, fully or partially, any financial interest in [RCW 42.17.241(h)(i) & (])] during the entire reporting period? This is the portion of the report where you will You only have to list property located in Washington disclose any real estate -- land, structures and mineral State that had, during the reporting period, an rights -- located in Washington State in which you, assessed value of over$5,000. your spouse, dependent children or a dependent family member living with you held a financial interest of$5,000 or more at any time during the reporting Typically reported are homes, farms, vacation cabins, period. Do not include real estate owned by a inherited property, leased property, rental property, raw land, and mineral rights. partnership, joint venture or other business, since that information is listed on the F-1 Supplement form. When listing property, use one of the following: The law asks for: A list, including legal or other ► Street address, city and county (not rural route or sufficient descriptions as prescribed by the box numbers); commission, of all real property in,the state of ► Assessor's parcel number and county; or Washington, the assessed valuation of which ► Complete legal description and county. exceeds five thousand dollars in which any direct financial interest was acquired (emphasis added) • during the preceding calendar year; and a statement Property Sold or Interest Divested of the amount and nature of the financial interest and • of the consideration given for such interest; and. You are divested of a financial interest in property if A list, including legal or other sufficient descriptions you no longer may claim full or partial legal ownership. Generally, this happens through sales, as prescribed by the commission, of all real property expiration of leases, condemnation or foreclosure. in the state of Washington, the assessed valuation of which exceeds five thousand dollars in which any • direct financial interest was divested (emphasis If you or a family member sold or otherwise divested added) during the preceding calendar year, and a your interest in real property, give: statement of the amount and nature of the ► its location, consideration received in exchange for stlich interest, ► its assessed value (use Dollar Code shown on the and the name and address of the person furnishing form), such consideration; and ► the name and address of the new owner, and ► the kind of payment or consideration received as A list, including legal or other sufficient descriptions well as the amount of payment or consideration as prescribed by the commission, of all ra!property received (use Dollar Code). in the state of Washington, the assessed valuation of which exceeds five thousand dollars in which a Payment or consideration" means such things as direct financial interest was held (emphasis added). cash, cash plus mortgage, real estate contracts, Provided, That if a description of such property has exchanges or trading of property, and promissory been included in a report previously filed, such notes. The Dollar Code for each part of the payment property may be listed, for purposes of this provision, should be shown: For example: Cash - "C"; by reference to such previously filed report. Mortgage- "E". Explanation: It will be helpful to ask yourself these • three questions: Property Purchased or Interest Acquired 1) What property did I or a family member sell or otherwise divest any financial interest in (give You acquire an interest in real'property through cash away, lose through legal judgment, etc.) during the transactions, mortgages, lease agreements, deeds of reporting period? trust, options to buy or lease, real estate contracts and the like. 2) What property did I or a family member buy or otherwise acquire any financial interest;in (inherit, If you or a family member for whom you're reporting receive as a gift, acquire through a leae/purchase acquired even a small financial interest in a piece of agreement, etc.) during the reporting period? • • • property that.is located'in Washington and was Other Property Entirely or Partially assessed at over$5;000 you•must disclose the • Owned following information: • In this portion of the Real Estate section you'll report ► its location, • property in which an interest was held throughout the • ► 'its assessed value (use Dollar Code), reporting period. Again, you'll•report for yourself and ► the creditor's name and address, appropriate family.members and you'll include all • ► the payment terms (example: 25 years at 10% Washington State property valued at over$5,000 -- interest), except that which was bought or sold during the ► the security given,' . period -- even if only a minor interest was held. ►• the amount owed on the mortgage, lease or . contract (use Dollar Code). Report the same'information as listed above in "Property'Purchased or Interest Acquired." 'The For property acquired during the reporting period, the notation about the Creditors section also applies "original mortgage amount" and the:"current here. mortgage amount" may be the same. In this case, • :"current"'refers to the amount owed on the last day Of Once you've'completed the Real Estate section, the reporting period, not the day you complete the double check that you haven't forgotten to include, as report. sources'of income in Part 1, businesses or • • government'agencies'that rented or'leased property NOTE: Since you're listing who extended you credit, from you or your family. • the terms and the amount owed, you do not have to repeat this information'in Part 4, Creditors. Atypical report might look like this: • • • • „ , a.. .itn. .:%:,,< `:,<a.°gfflif.o et rttdreas'as.Ses or's: a 6.4, : kyaeic a al descri gcfk. frr0.'n)'t9r::each ie.M t kgiti. lggpal.€. ' .......::..:.. .....,.. _��` . . . .. . ,.,. ..<P..>:•::,.:;< T,.:�., .K5<>,5 ,�.;,)..<:P:�... ,�.;> v,<Y:< :.P „�4 ,.$ . .. ..<,...estate:wlth::value.otaver 5000:t w Ich>you°or:a taitt�t :<membe .held;a rsona'Unanc[al.Interest°durin :.tt e:A ,.S n. r. ,9:. 'h: k,A,.,yr.>.riz::?sarh4 r;•.: .>�a .y K. .pr"" ..��.£' R:.s:>:,.a,.: :<!:;,..,o::;f"s>2!:'>.:'..:,:::.,..:a y.>;.xx>,�:yu):�,ay ���.:>;> .ra artfn edra�d:i Show:: artne"shl :cam 'sn �'etc:<reak?esjtafe=an;�f.t�:su iemQn#: '<;��.,, f�;.> ':Na: x'a+ kd. �l/.')..C:iSYEit:'w'...$i.�oY:A2:Cf':1:.3:ai`l:f'.^..k".`>:':C'i,:. ' Property Sold or Interest Divested• Assessed Name and Address of Purchaser Nature and Amount(Use Code)of Value Payment or Consideration Received (UseC4de) Karen 'Adams 1515 Oak Street ' D. 1515 Oak Street ' Cash _ 'B Gagetown Cagetown Real Estate Contract • Property Purchased or Interest Acquired 'Creditor's Name/Address Payment Terms Security Given Mortgage Amount—(Use Code) Original Current 100 Perch Place E• Medical Employees, 20% down; • Gagetown Credit Union ' 10 1/2% for Mortgage E • E 20 years • All'Other Property Entirely or'Partially Owned ' • 635 'Maple Avenue 'C 'City Bank 10% down; • Cagetown (vacant lot) 11 Cagetown Plaza '9% for Mortgage • C B Check heron if continued on attached sheet Cagetown 10 years • • • • • • • I Part 3. Other Assets and B. Insurance Policies (>10,000 Threshold) Financial Holdings Give the name and•address of each insurance [RCW 42.17.241(b)] company where you or a family member had a policy with a cash or loan value of over $10,000 during This is the category where you will report financial the reporting period. Also holdings, investments and other intangible property -- • such as checking and savings accounts, insurance ► identify the type of policy (life, disability, annuity, policies, stocks and bonds, etc. -- if they meet or etc.); exceed certain monetary thresholds. The ownership ► indicate the highest value of the policy during the of tangible property (other than real estate), including reporting period using the Dollar Code; and furniture, farm machinery, motor homes, automobiles .' use the Dollar Code to disclose how much income and coin collections, is not disclosed on your; was produced (if at least$1,000 in income was financial affairs statement. (However, if you sell generated by the policy). tangible property, the income from the sale may be reportable in Part 1 (or if real estate, in Part 2; see C. Other Investments (>$1,000 Threshold) previous discussions for details.) Show the name of each company, partnership; • The law asks you to report: corporation, association, government agency, etc:, in which you or a family member had a•financial interest Each bank or savings account or insurance policy in worth over$1,000. Include an address for investment which any such person or persons (you, your holdings that are not listed on a major stock spouse, dependent children or other dependent exchange. • family members living with you) owned a direct • financial interest which exceeded ten thousand This is the section in which you will show: dollars at any time during such period; each other ► stocks, bonds, securities, commodities (list each !' item of intangible personal property in which any holdingseparately if worth over$1,000 at anytime such person or persons owned direct financial p y interest, the value of which exceeded one thousand during the reporting period; it's insufficient simply dollars during such period; and the name, address, to identify the brokerage house) ' nature of entity, nature and highest value o I each ► employer retirement system account (if you or a such direct financial interest during the reporting family member paid into an employer-sponsored • period. retirement system, that retirement account is a reportable asset) Explanation • ► IRA (if investor managed,list each holding worth • A. Bank Accounts (>$10,000 Threshold) over$1,000; if managed by an agent, list name of manager or management company that decides In this section you will give the name and address of how IRA money is invested) each bank, savings and loan, credit union or other ► money market accounts (if investor managed, list financial institution in which you or an immediate each holding worth over$1,000; if managed by an family member had an account over$10,000 at any agent, list name of manager or management • time during the reporting period. You will also: company that decides.how money is invested) ► identify the type of account (savings, c ► businesses in which .you or your family had less ecking, sharedraft, certificate of deposit, individual than a 10% ownership interest (if 10% or more, file retirement account (IRA or KEOGH if managed by F-1 Supplement) the bank), etc.; I ► loans owed you or an immediate family.member use the Dollar Code amount that reflec)s the • by individuals, candidates, political committees, account's highest value during the period; • businesses, associations, churches, etc. (Do not include accounts receivable due in the normal • ► use the Dollar Code to disclose how much income ' was generated by the account (if at least $1,000 in course of business) income was produced). ► legal judgments due you or your family 9 For•each item'listed, you are requested to provide a 'Note: Each stock, 'bond and other intangible asset description,'a value code i(the highest value during holding worth.over'$1;000:at any time during the • the period) and; 'if appropriate, an income amount reporting:period; whether held for the entire reporting code For stocks.,bonds,and'securities, you may'list period or just a portion of it, must'be reported'in this the highest'number'of shares held'during'the section. If you sold an intangible asset during the, repotting period in lieu'Of giving the value'code. No period,simply select the code'amount that reflects address is required to be listed fora security:holding •the sale price plus.any other:interest or dividend ' 'that is traded on a major'exdhange. • income generated by the asset and put that'code in the!Income Amount column. No'specific'notation of . the sale or theidentity of the buyer is necessary. • e•,•ri§:�'^:i±�,�.�.:�'•..+t+'�t:rc:*tlsR�:�ru��.x39:aY'exi"�4=��+7�t�:.n.r� a sa„ �� a:,a:: .l� li�e'Cro l"1`B''�'��"ck�b 1 l<QQ', r SET5%A STMENTS,-=INTEREST DIYIDE S ' ;Lie.10.6•rik�;,n �xeavfngs"eoro,n41i).0w.,•,n,e^;p.,I,c a ;.'s o atiO Mind . !„V >T.,, h,:-4,:rsm !mv,",4,o.;t.,*imil..$ ,.,eitt.E,:mcom T>othet tnla`ngibie.:.pr'o`pertOrieltl;dur,n9vlho,•reFibrimg.peiiod .r.,+,+:'a. ,'.. "TYPE OF'ACCOUNT OR'DESCRIPTION OF'ASSET ' ASSET VALUE: 'INCOME'AMOUNT: 'A.+Name and•address'ofeach'bank'or'financial Jnstilulion:in.which ' (USE'CODE) I '(USECODE) • you'or4a family.member,had'an''account over'$10,000 any lime 'during'the,report period. j . i '•Western 'Mutual 'Bank„ Local 'City ! Savings D . • A National Savings 'Bank, Local 'City , Certificate of Deposit IC ' ' B • . 113. Name and'address'of'each'Insurance(company Where'you'or'a i laniily'member;had'a policy with a cash'or(loan'value over .si0:oo0(during the;period. • Friendly Insurance 'Company i 'Whole life ;& 'variable j B A • 1101 Sunshine Blvd. i annuity 1 Anchorage, .AK 99999 , C.Name.and address'of each'company, association,government ' 1 agency,'etc. in which'you'or a'family me(Uber'owned or;had a financial Interest worth over 31,000.'Include'stocks,'bonds, 'ownership,'retirement':plan,'IRA,motes,and other•Intangible 'property. John Doe Trust (managed by City Bank) ! B.Fue Chip Stock Trust �E . 'C , 'ABC Corporation, New York 'Stock 20 shrs B • XY:Z 'Company, 'Local City Stock SO stirs 1 C , Publirc .Emp. :Retire. System, '01ymp'ta, '.WA Vested in retirement fund C None 'Kevin ''Doe, Local 'City, ''Loan to relative - 'B A ' 'Best Brokerage 'House :(managed by agent?) 'fiRA 'Account ID j None. ' Check'here ID if continued*on'attached sheet ' • Pa'rt 4. Creditors Explanation: (Generally,this section'of the law requires you to report'loans and other indebtedness, FRCW 42.17..241.(c)1 regardless cif whether money is'owed an individual, a . • lending!institution,other commercial businesses'or • The law.asks for: your'local,state'or federal government. The:name'and.address of"each'creditor'to whom the In'this section,'include'only personal'obligations'of value of one thousand dollars or more was owed;the '$1.;1300 or more that you,or:family!members owed at 'amount'of each debt:to each such'creditor. ' 'original � any dime during the reporting period. Don t Include the'amount of each debt:owed to each creditor as'of debts owed'by a'business you"might own,'unless you the date of filing,'the:terms'of'repayment of each are personally'liable;for the repayment. debt;•and.the security given,rif:any, for such'debt: Provided, That debts arising.out'of'a"retail Install- You'need;not+report''(retail installment:transactions" ,ment transaction'.as defined!in'chapter(63.'14!ROW such as the ipurchase of an appliance on contract r('Retail Installment,Sales Act)ineed not'be reported. • RevoMng charge accounts and'credit'card purchases . are also{not reportable. "Also,rsince you'listed:any • I outstanding mortgages-and other real estate debts in ► finance company loans Part 2, you need not repeat them here. ► home improvement loans ► loans against insurance Be sure to state, using the Dollar Code, the amount. ► judgment or lien against you or your property owed when the debt was first obligated, and the ► pledge to a political committee amount owed as of the date you're completing this ► loans to your campaign committee for which you report. (In the other sections of this report, you gave are personally liable values based on what they were during the reporting ► automobile loans period; however, in the case of debts and liabilities, ► taxes in arrears the law specifically asks for the balance due at the , ► student loans time you're filing this report.) ► business debts for which you are personally liable ► .farm equipment loans Common items reported in this section are: ► notes you have co-signed ► leases for property, vehicles, machinery or other ► bank loans equipment or services ► loans owed to individuals or companies (not including retail installment contracts) A typical report might look like this: ► margin accounts with stockbroker »,}y .C . . v.REDITORS:•;LislKoach,credito you r a temlly4nember,owed 41;OOda;ovmore ansgdine<duriegahe perdd: •.any:,: _. 0oet? _ 3vaourn'M':µ_ S ;,: y' "°;lnclude;retail::;charge:accounts.credit cards or'riiori a'es,o�?ie`l estate:'r `orteil;in�tetor2;i":: ' !. .,, coD�),, CREDITOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS I TERMS OF PAYMENT SECURITY GIVEN ORIGINAL PRESENT Local City Treasurer, Local City 1 year @ 8% 198X Taxes B A 376 Elm Internal Revenue Service, Ogden, UT ASAP @ 10% Back taxes C B National Higher Ed Fund, US Government, 10 years @ 3-1/2% Student loan D C Washington, DC Farmers Credit Union, 200 2nd Avenue, 5 years @ 11% Auto loan C C • Local City Mary Smith, 840 Lincoln Ave, Distant City 2 years @ 10% - Note B A Check here ❑ if continued on attached sheet • • I 1 E • 11 • • • Are You Done? you answer "yes" to any of the questions, you must • also complete the Supplement Page. • For many people, this is the end of the line. Others, If you are a candidate or a new appointee filing ah however, will have to file the F-1 Supplement as well. initial report and you answer"yes"to any of the -Answer the questions in Part 5 of the report. If you questions posed in A thru D, you must also complete • are an incumbent official filing an annual report and the Supplement Page. • • • lAii filers answerquestlons.A,thr�u D�below.Athe answer.Is10,,,1oaanypf then quesatlor,�s;,the.F1•'Supple nent must- IA a'jr. • U nalsoolie com feted asspart'o,this report tl(ellyanswersaa.NOnandyoU are q non in'cumbent.candldate qr.a state '. i ;• e;M 1. rh,p, '� p M n ,.,."T�' 1 ,«, ,.!u n*soF�y��avx°sa.«•,,-. �F .•; ,,a executive'offlce�tlling.yotu nit(al•teport after appointment no F.1'Supplement Is required. �' x;� "" �_ t5 ' > s•' ;Incumben elected5o tibia a F.1,R is executtve;officers flling.annual flnanclal ilVfs report elso answer uest 5.',11 An: rr g e ?4 F-T.Su lemennt Is r rulred of these officeholders Unless alha"nsw"ers'fo'"riestloris A that E aye-NO'�"''+kza Q` A. Were you,your spouse or dependents an officer,director,general partner or trustee of any corporation,company,union,association,joint venture or other entity at any time during the reporting period?YAs If yes,complete supplement,Part A. B. Did you,your spouse or dependents have an ownership of 10%or more in any company,corporation,partnership,joint venture or other business at any time during • the reporting period? Yos If yes,complete supplement,Part A. C. Did you,your spouse or dependents own your own business at any time during the reporting period? Yes If yes,complete supplement,Part A. D. Did you,your spouse or dependents prepare,promote or oppose'state legislation,rules,rates or standards for current or deferred compensation(other than pay for your currently-held public office)at any time during the reporting period? Vac If yes,complete supplement,Part B. E. (Incumbent officeholders only.)Did you,your spouse or dependents receive during the previous calendar year any gilt valued at over$50 that may have been intended to gain or maintain Influence with you or the governmental entity you serve?(See F-t manual for definition of'gift.") YPS If yes,complete Part C. • • • • • • • • • • • REMEMBER. . . • • ► YOUR REPORT IS NOT VALID UNLESS YOU SIGN IT! • It's considered filed as of the postmark date shown on the envelope. • ► Send it "Return Receipt Requested" if you want documentation that you • • mailed the report in a timely,manner. • ► Keep a copy of the report for your files. • • 12 Supplement Page When you're making your list, keep in mind that: ► this disclosure requirement applies to both public The F-,1 Supplement is used for disclosing the and private organizations, whether they are "for following information: profit" or "not for profit" organizations; ► Relationships that you and your family members ► if you or a family member was an officer, director had with businesses, organizations, associations, or trustee of an organization (entity), include it unions and the like which could potentially impact even if you did not have an ownership interest in it the decisions you make as a public official. (see discussion of"corporate officer" below); Essentially, you will be asked to identify they entity, ► membership in an organization does not trigger give the nature of your involvement with it, list any reporting unless you also held an office or had an payments it has received from the government unit ownership interest of 10% or more; where you seek or hold office, and list any l compensation of over$5,000 it received from ► you will not include on your list an elected public commercial or other governmental source office you held during the reporting period. ► Any state-level lobbying you and your immediate Corporate Officer: Some corporations, including family may have undertaken for compensation banks and other financial institutions, use various (other than in your official governmental capacity). titles (particularly vice president) to denote managerial positions. These "titled" managers have no corporate ► Any reportable gifts you and your immediate family officer status within the organization and do not have members received that are valued at over$50 and to complete Part A of the Supplement showing the may have been intended to gain or maintain corporation's sources of income and real estate. influence with you or the governmental entity on • which you serve. A filer would only have to report as a corporate • officer-- and disclose financial information about the corporation -- if he or she held one of the offices A. Offices Held Business described in the corporation's bylaws. However, if the officer was excluded, by resolution of the board Interests of directors or by the bylaws, from participation in the [RCW 42.17.241(d) & (g)] The law asks for: corporation's major policy making functions and the officer did not actually participate in these functions, then he or she does not have to report the corporation's activity. Every public or private office, directorship and • Listed below are some of the more common entities position as trustee,held, and for which you'll have to file the Supplement Page: The name of any corporation, partnership, joint • sole proprietor business venture, association, union, or other entity in which is ; general partnerships held any office, directorship, or any general partnership interest, or any ownership interest of ten ' political organizations (if officer) percent or more; the name or title of that office, ' fraternal organizations (if officer) ► charitable organizations (if officer or on board of directorship, or partnership; the nature of tliie ownership interest. directors) ► corporations (if corporate officer, on board of Explanation: The first step is to write down the directors or 10% or more owner) , names of every corporation, business, partnership, ' religious organizations (if officer or on board of club, labor union, association and the like that you or directors) your immediate family members were officers of, • real estate partnerships (if officer, general partner general partners in, or had a 10% or more financial or 10% or more owner) ► labor unions (if officer) interest in, during the reporting period. You will have • government boards or bodies (if officer) -- to complete Part A of the Supplement Page for each , community clubs (if officer or on board of name on your list. (If there are eight names on your directors) list, you'll need four supplement forms because there , trusts of which you/family member were a trustee is space for two entities on each form.) 13 . Once you determine which entities you have a legal ► interest or service payments on bonds or loans obligation to disclose information about, the ► contracts discussion below will help you fill out the Supplement ► temporary services form. ► retainers ► insurance purchases by government unit • ► commission payments received by entity as a Identification of Entity result of sale of goods or services to government unit The initial information requested on the Supplement Page is straight forward. You are asked to state: Note: These instructions should not be taken as authorizing business activities between a person and ► the entity's legal name (as found on legal a governmental body that are otherwise prohibited by documents establishing the entity); local or state law. ► the entity's trade or operating name if different from the legal name; See F-1 Supplement examples on pages,16-19. ► whether you, your spouse, or dependent (or a combination thereof) had the relationship with the entity that triggers this report; Payments Entity Received From Business ► the office held with the entity or the percent of and Government Customers (if $5,000 or ownership held (or both); more) • a brief description of the entity's purpose, or of the • products or services provided by it. The law asks you for: See F- 1 Supplement examples on pages 16-19. The name of each governmental unit, corporation, partnership,joint venture, sole proprietorship, association, union, or other business or commercial Payments Entity Received From entity from which such entity has received Government Unit in Which You compensation in any form in the amount of five. Seek/Hold Office (No Minimum Threshold) thousand dollars or more during the preceding twelve months and the consideration given or The law requires reporting: performed in exchange for such compensation: Provided, That the term "compensation"for purposes With.respect to a governmental unit in which the of this subsection shall not include payment for water official seeks or holds any office or position, if such , and other utility services at rates approved by the entity has received compensation in any form during Washington state utilities and transportation the preceding twelve months from such govern- commission or the legislative authority of the public mental unit, the value of-such compensation and the entity providing such service; consideration given or performed in exchange for such compensation; Provided, further, That with respect to any bank or commercial lending institution in which is held any Explanation: This means that if the governmental such office, directorship, partnership interest, or unit in which you hold office or for which you're ownership interest, it shall only be necessary to running has paid compensation to or purchased report either the name, address and occupation of goods or services from the entity you're reporting for, every director and officer of such bank or you need to disclose the purpose of the payment and commercial lending institution and the average the actual amount received by the entity from the monthly balance of each account held during the government unit during the reporting period. preceding twelve months by such bank or commercial lending institution from the governmental The following items are typically reported: entity for which the individual is an official or candidate or professional staff member, or all interest ► retail goods and other supplies sold to government paid by a borrower on loans from and all interest agencies paid to a depository by such bank or commercial ► goods sold through open competitive bids lending institution if such interest exceeds twelve ► repair and maintenance contracts hundred dollars; ► gasoline or fuel sales 14 • • . Explanation:. The first paragraph quoted above ► provide the name, address and occupation of requires you to identify all business and government each officer or director of the institution as well as customers that, during the reporting period, paid the average monthly balance of each account held $5,000 or more in the aggregate for services or during the previous year by,the government body products provided by the entity you're reporting in which you hold office (whether elected or about on this Supplement Page. Include thei'•names appointed) or for which you're running; OR of any government agency (other than the one in ► provide the total amount of interest paid by each which you seek or hold office), corporation, partner- ship, joint venture, sole proprietorship, association, borrower who paid over$1,200 in interest and the . union or other business or commercial group if they total amount of interest paid to each depositor meet or exceed the $5,000 reporting threshold. who received over$1,200 in interest during the previous year. Be sure to report the name and address of each business or government agency for which aservice See F-i Supplement examples on pages 16-19. •.was.rendered or to which a product was sold that _ resulted in a commission of$5,000 or more lin the aggregate to the entity for which you are reporting. Business Real Estate [RCW 42.17.241(k)] Do not list payments received from indivii uals The law requires: acting in a private rather than a businesslcapacity. A doctor, for example, would not disclose the names A list, including legal or other sufficient descriptions of individual patients who paid his or her medical as prescribed by the commission, of all real property corporation $5,000 or more; nor would this(doctor in the state of Washington, the assessed valuation of include the names of insurance companies(paying on which exceeds ten thousand dollars, in which a . behalf of patients. He or she would, howev eer, report corporation, partnership, firm, enterprise, or other mployee entity had a direct financial interest, in which the names of companies that paid,fees for medical services and the names of hospitals that. corporation, partnership, firm or enterprise a ten compensated the medical corporation. Similarly, percent or greater ownership interest was held; __ lawyers, farmers and other business people would not list "individual" customers, but would disclose their Explanation: This means that if you or an immediate business, corporate and government clients. family member owned a 10% or more financial interest in the entity for which you're reporting and Do not include gifts or grants of$5,000 or ore the that entity in turn owned Washington real estate entity may have received from a foundation, business assessed at over$10,000, you need to disclose that fact. Show either the property's address, the or governmental agency. These charitable) contributions do not constitute "compensation" and assessor's parcel number and county, or the legal are not reportable. description and county for each parcel assessed at over$10,000. You'll note from the form that you don't need to state a Dollar Code or an actual dollar amount. However, Note: If you were an officer or director of an entity, you do need to briefly describe what services or but did not own 10% or more of it or its stock, you products the entity you're reporting about'provided in are not required to list real estate owned by the order to earn the compensation. entity. Banks and Other Lending Institutions Typically reported are: • If you or a family member had an ownership interest ' rental houses in a bank or lending institution, or you were a director ' plant sites or corporate'officer of one (see discussion of ► office buildings corporate officer above), the second paragraph of the ' store buildings statutory excerpt above applies to you. I ► apartment buildings ► warehouses Essentially, the law says that, for banks and other ' property leased to others lending institutions, you don't have to supply a list of ' property on which the entity had an option to all major commercial or governmental customers. purchase • Rather, you can do one of the following: I ► farm land owned by family corporation 15 Howard M. Johnson is Mayor of the City of Anywhere and President and part owner, with his three brothers,of the family farm corporation. During the reporting period,the farm had both wholesale and retail customers,,a contract with the city's Department of Corrections(which did not require the Mayor's` ' approval), and; business customers which paid it over $5,000. The farmland was, also held 'in the corporation's name. . , PUBLIC DISCLOSURE 'COMMISSION PDC FORM - - 0 - 711 CAPITOL WAY'RY403 FMF-1 SUPPLEMENT PAGE • Po BOX 411so8 SUPPLEMENT i; oLrsnPlAwA 98504 aca PERSONAL FINANCIAL AFFAIRS,STATEMENT (10/s1) r PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR YOURSELF,SPOUSE,DEPENDENT CHILDREN AND OTHER DEPENDENTS IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD . LAST NAME FIRST MIDDLE INITIAL': ;DATE . . r:`: Johnson Howard M March 13, 199X ' For each corporation, non-profit organization, association, union, partnership,joint venture.or other entity A OFFICES HELD, in BUSINESS INTERESTS: which you,your spouse or dependents are an officer,director,general partner,trustee,or 10 percent or more owner—provide the following information: • Legal Name: Report name used on legal documents establishing the entity. • Trade or Operating Name: Report name used for business purposes if different from the legal name. l` : • Position or Percent of Ownership: The office,title and/or percent of ownership held. • Brief Description of the Business/Organization: Report the purpose,product(s),and/or the services)rendered. • Payments from Governmental Unit: If the governmental unit in which you hold or seek office made payments to the business entity concern- ing which you're reporting,show the purpose of each payment and the actual amount received. , i.•,- • Payments from Business Customers and Other Government Agencies:"List each corporation,partnership;joint venture,sole,proprietorship, union,association,business or other commercial entity and each government agency(other than the one you seek/hold office)which paid i ., compensation of$5,000 or more during the period to the entity.Briefly say what property,goods,services or other consideration was given or `_'• performed for the compensation. : • Washington Ream Estate: Identify real estate owned by the business entity If the qualifications referenced below aro mot. ENTITY NO.1 . Reporting for: Self X Spouse Dependent . LEGAL NAME: Valley View Agricultural Company ' POSITION OR,PERCENT OF OWNERSHIP ' ': TRADE OR OPERATING NAME: Val ley 'Farm ' President, 25% owner ; ADDRESS: •• Rt. 1, Box 100 • •`' Anywhere,„ WA 98500 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION: Family farm owned equally with brothers. Produce—fruits and vegetables for wholesale and retail' sales. • PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN WHICH YOU SEEK/HOLD OFFICE: I, Purpose of payments Amount(actual dollars) • Purchase fresh fruits for annual contract - $6,•.477.Pg with Anywhere city jail ,: PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM BUSINESS CUSTOMERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OVER$5,000: ' Customer name: Purpose of payment(amount not required) Valle .y Coop, Anywhere, WA Purchase fruit Safefood Grocer Purchase vegetables ��' y,. Tacoma, WA � , Mercy Hospital Corp., Spokane, WA • Purchase vegetables 1:: : . WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE IN WHICH ENTITY HELD A DIRECT FINANCIAL INTEREST(Complete only if ownership in the ENTITY is 10%or more and assessed value of property is over$10,000.List street address,assessor parcel number,,or legal dascri,;tion and county for each parcel): f''::; Parcel numbers in Graceland Co: Parcel numbers in Mountain Co. 4:7311726079 03468209110 `: i 47341805126 ' •' ' 36901748222 54118624331 • '„� . y`;` I Check here O If continued on attached sheet I r' 16 David C.Jones is a member of the state Gambling Commission. During the reporting period,his wife was an officer and 30% owner of the local office supply store. The Gambling Commission did not purchase any products or services from the store. The supply store did sell over $5,000 worth of • merchandise to commercial and governmental customers during the reporting period. His wife's , corporation owned the supply store property as well as the adjacent parking lot. PUBLIC, DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM K�.'?l • 711CAFROL WAY RY4Iq lju F-1 SUPPLEMENT PAGE + o�itt�� Poeox400a SUPPLEMENT PERSONAL FINANCIAL AFFAIRS STATEMENT Y OLYMPIA WA/8304.0104 ' :` (10/91) PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR YOURSELF,SPOUSE,DEPENDENT CHILDREN AND OTHER DEPENDENTS IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD 1:1::7L, LAST NAME FIRST I MIDDLE INITIAL DATE l'' Jones David i C. • January 27, 199X `y For each corporation, non-profit organization, association, union,partnership,joint venture or other entity in t3,-, A OFFICES HELD, which you,your spouse or dependents are an officer,director,general partner,trustee,or 10 percent or more Pa; BUSINESS INTERESTS: owner—provide the following information: , • Legal Name: Report name used on legal documents establishing the entity. { ; • Trade or Operating Name: Report name)used for business purposes if different from the legal name. 1'i.-• • Position or Percent of Ownership: The office,title and/or percent of ownership held. sl'<" . , • Brief Description of the Business/Organization: Report the purpose,product(s),and/or the service(s)rendered. l,A1 • Payments from Governmental Unit: If the governmental unit In which you hold or seek office made payments to the business entity concern- s;_::, i.' ing which you're reporting,show the purpose of each payment and the actual amount received. 1 `, • Payments from Business Customers and Other Government Agendas: List each corporation,partnership,joint venture,sole proprietorship, i";y union,association,business or other commercial entityand each government agency .fib compensation of$5,000 or more during the period to the entity.Brifly say what propertygoods,services or other consideration deraattion which given or- ,;�' performed for the compensation. !"> ` • Washington Real Estate: Identify real estate owned by the business entity if the qualifications referenced below are meL ii:=v' °:"-� ENTITY NO.1 •I Reporting for: Sell Spouse X Dependent '`^' LEGAL NAME: A.C. Jones & Co., Inc..DBA POSITION OR PERCENT OF OWNERSHIP <4,. TRADE OR OPERATING NAME: Quality; Office Supply Executive Vice President ADDRESS: 1234 Wall Street 30% owner k •Anywhere, WA 98500 !a"i • (_R BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION: ` ' Sale of office furniture, machines and supplies , PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN WHICH YOU SEEK/HOLD OFFICE: 1;:,, Purpose of payments Amount(actual dollars) None PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM BUSINESS CUSTOMERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OVER$5,000: Customer name: Purpose of payment(amount not required) . '' Hamble•, Humble & Homer Law Firm, Anywhere, WA Furniture 'w-' State of WA, Public Disclosure Commission, Olympia Computer purchase `: Anywhere Gas and Electric Co., Anywhere, WA Furniture, Office supplies • ;rrr Ise a„ i?`«a gg €. l?' '. WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE IN WHICH ENTITY HELD A DIRECT FINANCIAL INTEREST(Complete only if ownership in the ENTITY Is 10%or more . f.w and assessed value of property Is over$10,000.List street address,assessor parcel number,or legal description and county for each parcel): L.".:',,, Building at 1234 Wall Street, Anywhere, WA k > Parking lot: Parcel No. 23478920113, Graceland County is - Clerk Mn"Q d coidYawd on attached sheet • ..:tea.:. ....:.:,.: R:,w.,......................�,...,.,,..,_a....v,x„w...x awx.;...w :.z.: :::m...,.:.a;:•:,,a::>,.v,<,>.M::•,,,:.asxr.;;�a.o;m�a.,a._� w!w.a;:.sw.;. 17 Mary Kay Smith is a member of the Central City School Board. During the reporting period,she also served as general partner and 9% owner of Smith and.Kerns Real Estate Company. The real estate 41, company owned, during the reporting period, several parcels of undeveloped land and three lots with buildings on them. The company earned over$5,000 from four business customers. PUBLICP DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM ((i� yJ 711 CAPITOL WAY flM4tl3 "us F-1 SUPPLEMENT PAGE �X� PO ., SUPPLEMENT PERSONAL FINANCIAL AFFAIRS STATEMENT OLYMPIA WA 4.330�0000 (10/91) 1 114,: PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR YOURSELF.SPOUSE.DEPENDENT CHILDREN AND OTHER DEPENDENTS IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD 4; LAST NAME FIRST MIDDLE INITIAL. DATE Smith Mary Kay L. February 27, 199X P;r For each corporation,non-profit organization,association,union,partnership,joint venture or other entity in ',«;:Y OFFICES HELD,_. which you,your spouse or dependents are an officer,director,general partner,trustee,or 10 percent or more ;`, BUSINESS INTERESTS: owner—provide the following information: < • . Legal Name: Report name used on legal documents establishing the entity. i''' • Trade orOperatingName: Report name used for business puiposes po p Iposes it different from the legal name. • rr • Position or Percent of Ownership The office,title and/or percent of ownership held. _:' • Brief Description of the Business/Organization: Report the purpose,product(s),and/or the service(s)rendered. A' i;a` • Payments from Governmental Unit: It the governmental unit In which you hold or seek office made payments to the business entity concern- a ? ing which you're reporting,dhow the purpose of each.r p rpo payment and the actual amount received. ;_.' • Payments from Business Customers and Other Government Agencies: List each corporation, .°' union,association,buss^ass or other commercial entityand each rthan the One youuist venture,sole proprietorship, >� government agency(other the one seek/hold office)which paid vzzd compensation of$5;Dty:or more during the period to the entity.Briefly say what property,goods,services or other consideration was given or • performed for the compensation. ..`s` • Washington Real Estate: Identify real estate owned by the business entity if the qualifications referenced below are meL .l ENTITY NO. Reporting for. Sell X Spouse Dependent .LEGAL NAME:Smith and Kerns Partnership POSITION OR PERCENT OF OWNERSHIP Lx. TRADE OR OPERATING NAME: Smith and Kerns Real Estate 9% general partner e‘t ADDRESS: .456 Land Avenue' 'I.1Central City, WA 99500 t!,„ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION:. z`" Real estate brokerage partnershipwith Steven P. Kerns & Matthew W. Smith (father) a 9 PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN WHICH YOU SEEKIHOLD OFFICE: I :t ` Purpose of payments Amount(actual dollars) P 'ril None i•: : >ri • r: ''A PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM BUSINESS CUSTOMERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OVER$5,000: • yY Customer Kline:`�;;� Purpose of payment(amount not required) ABC Construction Co., Central City, WA Commission 'on lots sold z% ; `Safefood Stores Inc., Tacoma, WA Land Sale ' kr Trademark Building Co., Spokane, 'WA Commission on office space rentals Far View Develop ment pment Co., Anywhere, WA 100 shares of stock in lieu of 4. cashpayment for land. sale I, Yk ' r`; • WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE IN WHICH ENTITY HELD A DIRECT FINANCIAL INTEREST(Complete only if ownership In'the'ENTITY Iv!0 A or more and assessed value of propertv'.�,ver•$10,000.List street address,'assessorparcel number,orlegal de t.,, description and county for each parcel): None reportable (since only 9% ownership interest) ,,,-, rF,-, ,, i t„,,,, F...,„ Check here It continued on attached sheet 1 , R+..n....,,.�..,.-a..>.,,zdxt5.....,+�:...:.a:.y<:+.�r:.Y............x...+...::...,,.....: .:.:::. .�. ..'�� .. .'..:,... ..:+..,..�:, �':T'.s ii'i.:l. ii: :,..w,...:V...X....' ........,...:u.a:e::.,.x.x,G:td: ;:r :.he:;Ax' A 18 ' Terry Thomas recently announced he's a candidate for the State Legislature. [Thomas filed his • • campaign disclosure registration statement (Form C-1) in a timely manner.] Thomas is a partner with ' the Earnest, Goode, Smart & Eager law firm. . This firm served as a consultant to a legislative committee in March of last year. Earnest, Goode, Smart & Eager specializes in criminal defense law, but does have a few commercial and governmental clients. Since Thomas is a partner in'the firm, he must report the names of those commercial and governmental clients that paid the firm over $5,000 during the reporting period. LAST NAME , FIRST MIDDLE INITIAL DATE Thomas Terry , C. January 30, 199X a OFFICES HELD, For each corporation, non-profit organization,association, union, partnership,joint venture or other entity in !n ': BUSINESS INTERESTS: which you,your spouse or dependents are an officer,director,general partner,trustee,or 10 percent or more owner—provide the following information: , ' • Legal Name: Report name used on legal documents establishing the entity. :1 • • Trade or Operating Name: Report name " used for business purposes if different from the legal name. r`'.' 1 . • Position or Percent of Ownership: The office,title and/or percent of ownership held. `: £ • • Brief Description of the Business/Organization:ation: Report the purpose,product(s),and/or the service(s)re'dened. A • ' • Payments from Governmental Unit: If the governmental unit in which you hold or seek office made payments to the business entity concem- !A Ing which you're reporting,show the purpose of each payment and the actual amount received. • Payments from Business Customers and Other Government Agencies:'List each corporation,partnership,joint venture,sole proprietorship, ' 1'1? union,association,business or other commercial entity and each government agency(other than the one you seek/hold office)which paid :-:i( compensation of$5,000 or more duringlthe period to the entity.Briefly say what property,goods,services or other consideration was given or 1; performed for the compensation. • Washington Real Estate: Identify real estate owned by the business entity if the qualifications referenced below are met. i >', ENTITY NO.1 { Reporting for: Self X Spouse Dependent LEGAL NAME: Earnest, Goode, Smart & Eager, P.C. POSITION OR PERCENT OF OWNERSHIP i TRADE OR OPERATING NAME: Same I Partner; 3 1/2% >-'M ADDRESS: 1111 Park Avenue _ '` Hometown, WA 99400 s'; rt BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION: ''> Legal Firm • ',: PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN WHICH YOU SEEK/HOLD OFFICE: . Purpose of payments I Amount(actual dollars) Legislative Committee Consultation $12,650 • F s .:`; PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM BUSINESS CUSTOMERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OVER$5,000: y Customer name: Purpose of payment(amount not required) N XYZ Labor Union • Contract.mediation services • mi., ABC Corporation i Contract mediation services Toddler's Disposable DiapeitCompany Legislative lobbying services City of Hometown i Legal, fees ` Mom & Pop Corner Grocery Legal services ' ,;< WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE IN WHICH ENTITY HELD A DIRECT FINANCIAL INTEREST(Complete only if ownership in the ENTITY is 10%or more and assessed value of property is over$10,000.List street address,assessor parcel number,or legal description and county for each parcel): i None reportable (under 10%' ownership interest) f Check horn❑it continued on attached sheet . lac' • .. .,. .: . ...fit: . ....... ..... c;....�:..:.::...,..,."^..a...,: ,. ............,....v. > .. ,.e,;:R.:.:x A.t: r ^ 19 •-i • B. Lobbying ► the name of the person, organization or business on.whose behalf the work was done; [RCW 42.17.241(e)] • ► a description of the legislation or rule; and • ► the Dollar Code that reflects the amount paid or The law asks you to name: 'promised. • All persons for whom any legislation, rule, rate, or If you or a family member was employed by, or a• n . standard has been prepared, promoted, or opposed officer of, a government agency and you or they for current or deferred compensation: Provided, That prepared, promoted or opposed legislation or rules as • for the purposes of this subsection, 'compensation' part of your normal duties, this activity does not need does not include payments made to the person to be reported on the F-1 Supplement. ,(However, •reporting by the governmental entity for which such this kind of lobbying activity on behalf of government person serves as an elected official or state agencies should be reported to the agency's adminis- executive officer or professional staff member for his trative officer because it may have to be reported by service in office; the description of such actual or the'agency on its quarterly lobbying report.) proposed legislation, rules, rates, or standards;and• the amount of current or deferred compensation paid Typically reported in'this Supplement section are: or promised to be paid; ► travel payments • Explanation: You complete this part of the form if, ► salary for time spent lobbying during the reporting period, you or a family member ► payments for meals and accommodations • prepared or drafted legislation, proposed changes to legal fees paid for lobbying-related Services state agency rules,,rates or standards and you.or , ► reimbursements for lobbying-related entertainment - they were paid or were promised payment,for your or gifts ' efforts. If this section applies, provide: • • • B LOBBYING: List persons for whom you or any immediate family member. lobbied'or prepared state legislation or • _- • state rules, rates or standards for current or deferred compensation. Do not list pay from government body in which you are an elected or. appointed official or professional• staff member. PERSON TO WHOM SERVICES RENDERED DESCRIPTION OP LEGISLATION.RULES.ETC. COMPENSATION (USE CODE) ABC Contracting, Inc. H.B. 501 (building standards) B General Contractors Assn. Increase budget provision for D • _highway improvements • • The Remainder.of These Instructions Only Applies to State and Local Elected Officials and Executive State Officers Filing Annual F-1 Report. C. Gifts • Read the information provided below carefully. .Keep [ROW 42.17.2415] • in mind that nothing in the statutory language. requiring public officials and officers to report certain • gifts they receive authorizes them to accept, or.any As mentioned in the Introduction•section,of this person to give, a gift in violation of any state or local • manual, the gift reporting provisions of the disclosure conflict of interest or ethics law. law have not been affected by the Ethics Law which • went into effect on January. 1, 1995. The types of First, note the difference between a "contribution" gifts that have been reportable since 1991 by public reportable by your campaign and a "gift" reportable officials filing their annual F-1 or F-1A report remain on your F-1 or F-IA: reportable,'Including meals, entertainment, travel and 'the like costing over$50. . • 20 • i ► anything of value'(both monetary and in-kind) you (c)A contribution that is required to be reported receive for your campaign is disclosed as a under RCW 42.17.090 (campaign disclosure contribution on your campaign'reports ("C" series); reporting) or 42.17.243 (public office fund reporting); ► funds and other goods and services dohated to (d) Informational material that is transferred for the defray non-reimbursed public office expenses (e.g., ' purpose of informing the recipient about matters travel paid by others or tangible items like pertaining to official business of the governmental computers provided by others) are reported as entity of which the recipient is an official or officer, • gifts on the F 1 Supplement and that is not intended to confer on that recipient ► anything of value received for personal use by you any commercial, proprietary, financial, economic, or and/or an immediate family member is disclosed monetary advantage, or the avoidance of any as a gift on the F-1 Supplement, unless a particular commercial, proprietary, financial, economic, or gift is exempt from reporting (see discussion monetary disadvantage; below). . _ (Q)A gift that is not used and that, within thirty days The law specifies that: after receipt, is returned to the donor or delivered to a charitable organization. However, this exclusion • At the same time that an elected official or executive from the definition does not apply if the recipient of state officer must file a statement of financial affairs the gift delivers the gift to a charitable organization under RCW 42.17.240(1), the official or officer shall and claims the delivery as a charitable contribution file a statement identifying each gift, as defined in for tax purposes; RCW 42.17.020, which was received by the official or officer or by a member of his or her immediate family (f)A gift given under circumstances where it is clear during the previous calendar year. The statement beyond any doubt that the gift was not made as part shall apply to that portion of the previous calendar of any design to gain or maintain influence in the year during which the official or officer Meld an office governmental entity of which the recipient is an or position for which a statement of financial affairs is officer or official or with respect to any legislative - required under RCW 42.17.240. The statement shall matter or matters of that governmental entity; or identify the nature of the gift, the date its was received, and the name of the donor. (g)A gift given prior to the effective date of this 1991 - act (September 29, 1991). _ Gift - Definition: "Gift"means a rendering of anything of value in return for which reasonable consideration is not given and received and includes Explanation: The obligation to report gifts applies to a rendering of money, property, services, discount, state and local elected officials and state appointed loan forgiveness, payment of indebtedness, or officials who are required to file annual personal reimbursements from or payments by 4ersons (other financial affairs statements (PDC forms F-1 or F-1A). than the federal government, or the state of Any reportable gifts received by officials and their Washington or any agency or political Isubdivision immediate family --that is, their spouse, dependent thereof) for travel or anything else of value. The term children or other dependent relatives living in their "reasonable consideration"refers to tie approximate household --during the preceding calendar year must range of consideration that exists in transactions not be disclosed. involving donative intent. However, the value of the . gift of partaking in a single hosted reception shall be Any gift satisfying the statutory definition that you or determined by dividing the total amount of the cost of an immediate family member received must be listed conducting the reception by the total number of on your report unless it is exempt from reporting. persons partaking in the reception. See "Gifts Exempt From Reporting" discussed below. Reportable gifts are disclosed in Part C of the F-1 "Gift". . . does not include: Supplement form. You will be asked to supply: (a) A gift, other than a gift of partaking in a hosted ► the date each reportable gift was received; reception, with a value of fifty dollars;or less; ► the donor's name, city and state; ► a description of the gift; and (b) The gift of partaking in a hosted reception if the ► the gift's approximate value, or if not known, it's ' . value of the gift is one hundred dollars or less; estimated fair market value. . 21 Valuing Gifts: If.you receive a gift from a registered '9) Gifts given under circumstances where it is clear lobbyist, you may use the value designated on the beyond any doubt that the intent was not to gain lobbyist's report unless that value is clearly or maintain influence "in the governmental entity of unreasonable. which the recipient is an officer or official or with respect to any legislative matter or matters of that It is not necessary for filers to contact the donor to governmental entity." establish a gift's value. If a gift is available on the open market, the value is Its -- or a similar item's -- . The exemption criteria set out in #9 above is the sole retail price. If an item is not readily available, such as "general" exemption included in the law (the others a piece of art, a hand made item, or an antique, the are quite specific) and it is, by design, very narrowly filer may make a good faith, realistic estimate of the crafted. If you have any doubt whether an otherwise item's value. reportable gift was given in order to "gain or maintain influence. . .," disclose the gift on your report. It's Gifts Exempt From Reporting: Not all items or - your only sure way of being in complete compliance • services you or your immediate family might receive with the law. are reportable gifts. The following are always exempt from reporting: The following kinds of gifts are among those that would be exempt from reporting so long as they 1) Anything having a•value of$50,or less, regardless satisfy the criteria established.in Exemption #9: of the gift's source or the reason it was given. 2). Complementary attendance at a-reception, unless ' Gifts received from,family members; the cost of holding the reception,is over$100 per ► Gifts received from friends with whom you or your person attending the.event. If that threshold,is family associate for personal reasons; exceeded, you would report the reception sponsor Gifts received in the normal,course of private as having.provided you with a gift,and disclose. other relevant information. The 'reception is,not business, totally outside your public,policy arena; reportable as a gift, regardless,of the per person ► Bequests and other forms of inheritance; cost of hosting the event, if it is not intended to ► Suitable mementos of a,function honoring,you or gain or maintain influence (See Exemption #9). other symbolic presentations intended to honor, 3) Contributions to your campaign,or a political not,influence,,including protocol or diplomatic committee with which,you or a.family member was exchanges; associated so long.-as•.the contributions are ► Anything of value offered to the general public disclosed.properly on campaign disclosure reports. under like circumstances;, including investment 4) Informational material distributed with respect to opportunities, merchandize sales or bargains, your official public responsibilities,that is not lottery winnings and contest prizes.' intended to benefit you in any significant monetary • or commercial manner. (That is, it's note,"inside" Reportable Gifts: It's not possible to provide information that allows you,or a,family member to anything,approaching a complete list of all the gifts. profit personally,or professionally, or that benefits a you or your family might receive.that"qualify for business with which you or a family,member is. reporting. Anything received that's worth more than associated.) $50 and isn't otherwise exempt must be reported on 5) Gifts that are not used and that are•returned within your F 1 Supplement Rage. 30 days of receipt. The information provided below concerning 6) Gifts that are not used and that are-given,to.a categories:of reportable-gifts,will give you an,idea of ' charitable organization within30,days, unless such the range and types of gifts you would disclose. This a gift is claimed as a tax,deduction. list is not exhaustive. Many other gifts are also. reportable., Only if a gift satisfies,one of.the 7) Gifts,you accept on behalf of a governmental,unit exemptions is it not reportable: or the people of,the State of Washington or,a.local, jurisdiction and that are.not,intended to be, do not, become and are not;used as your personal Entertainment: Anytime sorrmeone�.else:pays for--(or otherwise.provides),the:food;and beverages you property. and/or your immediate,family consumed; or the.stage 8) Gifts received prior to October 1, 1991. show you all attended, or.the lifttickets you used; or • 22 the golf fees you weren't charged and the cost of the Other Gratuities: The leather briefcase you.received . occasion for you and your family's entertainment was for your birthday from the chamber of commerce, the over$50, you've received a potentially reportable gift. free-of-charge spinal adjustments your spouse In determining whether the$50 threshold has been received from a local chiropractor, the towing service exceeded, you must add together the val 'e of all the for which you were never billed, the plumbing work food, beverages, admission charges, etc., provided on your home for which you were charged a reduced you and your family by each donor. If the total is rate, the motor home you used for free, the real over$50, the entertainment is reported as a gift estate that didn't cost you full value, your free cable unless one of the exemptions applies. TV service, all of these and many other benefits and presents that may be received by you or your • immediate family are gifts that are probably • Travel: If some person, business or group (other reportable. What might be viewed by some as than the U.S. Government, the State of Washington, "perks" of the office are, by law, reportable gifts, or a local governmental agency) pays -- or does not unless one of the exemptions applies. charge the full amount --for your or any(member of your immediate family's transportation and/or travel- related expenses and the total value of the items and Public Office Related Gifts: Since the December 3, services provided during the excursion v'as over$50, 1992, effective date of Initiative 134, all non-campaign you've received a reportable gift unless one of the related "gifts" -- monies, goods and services -- exemptions applies. received by you and your immediate family members must be reported as gifts on the F-1 Supplement. Economic Opportunity: If you or any member of Therefore, in addition to any cash or checks, all in- your immediate family is provided with an investment kind donations that offset your public office related or business opportunity, or any potentially beneficial expenses, such as district newspaper subscriptions, economic interest that,is not generally available to office equipment, travel for self or spouse, etc., will be other investors and/or that is provided at less than reported as gifts on the F-1 Supplement. fair market value, a reportable gift has been received unless one of the exemptions applies. _ Notice of Gifts: Persons who lobby at the state level and who give a reportable gift to a state elected Complementary Membership or Free Access: If official are required to provide that official with a copy you or any member of your immediate family is - of their monthly lobbying report (Form L-2 or the provided with free or reduced-rate membership in a Memo Report) disclosing the gift's value. Although club or organization that normally charges for gifts from any source are potentially reportable by membership, or is allowed access to a facility without you, state-level lobbyists are the only persons being required to pay the customary rate, or required by law to supply limited notice concerning someone else pays the membership or. access fee, a gifts they give. You have the ultimate responsibility reportable gift has been received unless one of the to make sure that your disclosure statement exemptions applies. shows each reportable gift you or an immediate family member received. List the date,source,brief description,and value of each gift of entertainment,travel,goods,services economic C GIFTS: advantage,etc.valued at more than$50(entertainment at receptions where pro-rata share exceeds$100).Exclude gifts that,without doubt,were clearly not intended to gain or maintain influence with respect to your governmental entity(e.g.,most intra-family and private sector business related gifts).See Gift section of F-1 manual for details. Date Donor's Name,City and State Brief Description Approx.Dollar Received t Value 10-14-9X School Supply Company, Tacoma Leather desk calendar $ 65 11-10-9X John Jones, ABC Corp., Seattle 3 UWfootball tickets (general adm.) 60 12-20-9X XYZ Paper Co., Bellevue Dinner for self &spouse @ Four Seasons 150 12-24-9X S.A. Smith, Yakima (Champagne Case of Yakima Valley Champagne 288 Association) Check here t]if continued on attached sheet • 23 • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION • • PDC FORM - ' R 711 PO BOX 4090 WAY RM 403 FJ42 F-al PERSONAL FINANCIAL o A PDC OFFICE USE OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 AFFAIRS STATEMENT S R • (206)753-1111 (10/91) T K Refer to Instruction manual for detailed assistance and examples. t =' �" .. • ; :-' `"�"rv'`,°:l. E Deadlines:Incumbent elected and appointed officials—by April 15. ;,,.:.,,.AC Fa 5$146:$1;999 ::,•,:_, ;? �.;_' 1 Candidates and others—within two weeks of becoming r lti $2,p0Oto;$9,999�- •'a; _„' v a candidate or being newly appointed to a position. ,,;• Ci;;"-e$10,0p0';to$19;999``. ':=a E SEND REPORT TO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION. r''s.';"iYE ..'_. I i a..:.: r0ee•O�Moroi- `s Last Name • First I Middle Initial Names of Spouse and Dependents Political Party If partisan office or pertinent to appointment Mailing Address City County I Zip+4 i`;`j ; '; Filing Status(Check only one box.) I • Office Held or Sought ❑An elected or state appointed official filing annual report Office title • IDFinal report as an elected official.Term expired I County,city,district or agency of the office, I ❑Candidate running in an election: month year name and number:• • ❑Newly appointed to an elective office Position ❑Newly appointed to a state appointive office Term begins: ends: _rt ,d: 2'!✓ faP:. -`i',sl'r"+.2'o^`+�� ^ti4".�,., :"P,. 'a'..'rv,� '-7'. :g':.`.....'.Y ';_<.rv.�. :,,;Llat:®acti`emPlo er;,or;otlier a'lource;of'1idcome�(Penslon►social?security;=1®galtjudgment).fromt�,wfitch!youior a family- °;'_``INCOME w�'':member;received J000xormofeduring the, od Re `'rt�lnterest�andtl Idends`In.Rem3onreverse ' _.i. maw,:: ',':' ,,' max"•,i 4-, -; r,,,,l r- 1ix o• ..a a. -^ :. - ,. �'+ ,-.'.t., ,, _ .. .,.,� �,-;., ?.s.,'.: E_:. .:.�:-f..^.i^^`:r... ..Y#,::`.:w.*.o-!.:.> .,e. ,. cr..`�.t5c.:.:.=�.c.;,:.:. .:',..�..,._. .�. ..."... -�.:'.>:.�. .. �;a Name and Address of Employer or Source of Compensation Occupation or How Compensation Amount: . Was Earned (Use Code) • • • • Check here ❑ if continued on attached sheet , ;ail'„ etreet daiess'ass®msor s;ry Iinumtier;'cif ti et d®acri tttwm0 cou"` .fafB, BChipamet+otvvashington eaf- .H ALESTATE.! :estate witirvalue of Aver$5,000 In;whIch. ou;or A famll nember t eldia ersonal=flnanclal:Interestidurin the;: . �. r '} r.,,.-, • , ,, re rtin` od"Show: Vitt ershl `°com etc:real estateon F 1 s i lenient' 'ti Property Sold or Interest Divested Assessed Name and Address of Purchaser Nature and Amount(Use Code)of Value • Payment or Consideration Received (use Code) • Property Purchased or InterestiAcquired I Creditor's Name/Address Payment Terms Security Given MortgageAmount--(UseCode) i 1 Original Current All Other Property Entirely or Partially Owned t Check here 0 if continued on attached sheet PDC FORM F-1(REV.10191)—f CONTINUE ON REVERSE • • A ��/ ����/}�� � ��//}� t List tik and savings accuints lnsuiantpottctes,a4ock tioiids aisl <. ':ASSET r INVESTME RTS6-I( /DIVIDENDS:.3. , ,., 4.•W a eC"Y r • Y".N 'A K::�,d'the•.....,..�„.,,e x:�K wr.:.4',�.� .. �, �.t, "`;�;`r._. ,r::�':�,;sr.'S,. ��'��'::•����-:-��';�,.. . ..., .,•�.._. ,,.,,.�.,,, ;•otherltiteiigibl®proP:erh►;heidduringtli®;+sporting;periods:h,,�..__:��:.','.:,:.._.s A. Name and address of each bank or financial institution in which.' Type of Account.or,Description of Asset .Asset Value'.'Income Amount: you or a family member had an account over$10,000 any time . ;(Use Code) •(Use Code) during the report period. • B. Name and address of each insurance company where you or a • family member had a policy with a cash or loan value over$10,000 during the period. • • • • C. Name and address of each company,association,government agency,etc.in which you or a family member owned or had a financial interest worth over$1,000.Include stocks,bonds,owner- • • ship,retirement plan,IRA;notes,and other intangible property. • • Check here❑if continued on attached sheet • .r ;,; :<�'. - :•.rr-S:<.. gym.y. •a.i>. .�. ,.. -r.�,..:., z; .� ,h5-,.;�- �ri.•r.Ustt each creditor; airora�ami meatier oweui 51;000;tir tt orei an a"Limo°dining the y �+on'# AMOUNT a :I REDITOFIS 's� rg _c y i. a:. ,� ' iltielutte;restail:charge:ar�a�ints,,c>•edit°calls,,o'rrntortgagea;cr°r+eal:astate::r+e�io"►ted.in tl em:2.�>.�;< ��;;::� SE�CQD $. Creditor's Name and Address • • •• Terms of Payment • Security Given Original Present • • • • • • • Check here❑if continued on attached sheet • Ali filers answer.+questions A.ihru'D below.If the answer Is;YESto any of these.questions,the.F iASupplement must '�,°.e`i w'"�*,:�v'.�, -,V1. . ,;.l ,d-< R X ,i, P'.'kt\ Y' 'P. K:w'-cE:'tw.�.. =R•,Y. =alsofib e°ccin iated.as p�a��rt of.il is repo t.If,all answeirs are Fltt'and yati area non-incumbent candidate oa"a'state'm ;� '. .' : aY";<:; ,�?.: d p_..Y.•-,. �'q.;��, .�if�r•fu, vrftsab' ,+3Mra ;; <:esl.0 .'v. :k' X'an'i.a.� =12��°A: ,�hi.t;•.`+.�i'':..1.s,'.,s.t,?,. - '.:'X.."i - :r;ezet�ttive�otfiex:'fgln•�:y0orin'`"i'fuel.rallort.e'ftera�;��rit;-noE=i� M'�i`.regtilred.:J� :j�, r;' :, .,S � <s°. §°.f„'rip arc�` �`s•:n':_., ..Cr;'-:.,arn.: ':Y,.,,i..s.�%F`'�:5 -,4.:.5'. Incumbent elected officials and state.executIve officers filing'annualfinanctataaffairs ort also answerquestion E M ew;-;v-..> v';c ;:Z• z"` ,.- r .., r^• 'v-•a•+=-r:., - ;.:,:von ^.r F=1;Supplementlsrequiredof�fJies®;officeholderauMe`ss,all°ensw+arsto.quasticiia i4thrirE'ara'NO:�:�._.4_'. "�:�, •-:�•�. � .�'�:�°��;:,�:"� A. .Were you,your spouse or dependents an officer,director,general partner or trustee of any corporation,company,union,association,joint venture or other entity at any time during the reporting period?. If yes,complete supplement,Part A. B. Did you,your spouse or dependents have an ownership of 10%or more in any company,corporation,partnership,joint venture or other business at any time during the reporting period? If yes,complete supplement,Part A.' • C. Did you,your spouse or dependents own your own business at any time during the reporting period? If yes,complete supplement,Part A. D. Did you,your spouse or dependents prepare,promote or oppose state legislation,rules,rates or standards for current or deferred compensation(other than pay for your currently-held public office)at any time during the reporting period? If yes,complete supplement,Part B. • E. (Incumbent officeholders only.)Did you,your spouse or dependents receive during the previous calendar year any gift valued at over$50 that may have been intended to gain or maintain,influence with you or the governmental entity you serve?(See F-1 manual for definition of"gift.") If yes,complete Part C. • :; HAVE YOU ? ? Certification: 1 hereby certify under penalty of perjury that• ...- .g"Amounty `i•f:-, ' the information contained in this report is true and correct to the y;; ,, •( F-' Answered each item? best of my knowledge.w. `A`,: �, ,,was:, fsti;to.; ,999-�":,•�.-.-� '?Y.t ',`;pr��,rv..i,v..tl ".^•f� sj1.$2,000to$9,9'?�°'.'.q!^. y� ', :::.�y x,: '� .x: Put your name on • `a: ;M1.,.:. .f ,'.f; ..:w.•.., ;�.>. x .=� • each attached page? • D>•, ':''r Date r 520�400'to,349 Signature E 3=5 s5o,000 or�more F Kept a copy for ( Daytime Telephone x: ,..,F,.„ � .. � xb your records? PDC FORM F-1(REV.10/91)—t . REPORT NOT ACCEPTABLE WITHOUT FILER'S SIGNATURE • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION C) • PDC FORM 7PO BOX 40908 AY RM 403 FJ42 E-1 PERSONAL FINANCIAL PO A PDC OFFICE USE OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 AFFAIRS-STATEMENT S R (206)753-1111 • (10/91) • 7 K • Refer to instruction manual for detailed assistance and examples. e Deadlines:Incumbent elected and appointed officials—by April 15. tl /NllO Ill' , . E > A $1 t01;9s9 , I Candidates and others—within two weeks of becoming B • 1209 999'. a candidate or being newly appointed to a position: f. C'• O;1100,to:Z18,98R r 44 E s' =v •D• "S20,t100 to`S49' k,. .,;. SEND REPORT TO PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION. '-�' r �` trN.�"��- '� E .kSSO't100:orwe3 Last Name First Middle Initial Names of Spouse and Dependents Political Party, if partisan office or , pertinent to appointment Mailing Address I City County I Zip+4 n r' z: '; Filing Status(Check only one box.) _ Office Held or Sought ❑An elected or state appointed official filing annual repo Office title • • ❑Final report as an elected official.Term expired County,city,district or agency of the office, 0 Candidate running in an election: month .1 year name and number: ❑Newly appointed to an elective office Position.number ❑Newly appointed to a state appointive office Term begins: ends: �" .pNR��lI ;„1?Si!ea« chre np2l oye #r�,thF oevs�oer",ctie-h.ii om9 (Pae.r�iiliii oar rse urity"" ,,�;�eg=aIl j ud-g2:entn)fr. • mro�m`w ic ii�oua'o:r;a4M/1 .,� `1w nr,�,xr SFt iAiberSSre:elvei;1 >40 oriieoie:duil n■tlePw�odd�_ �rtliEereat�andilidendeirilem•3on+ro ere` �`��."Y ,: "�, . ,'wi4,,?" i,I •�s Yp�, "xT� ..�•., '..f. .�1?_ kv,..3 C'}�,;':VtYsTp„� YY'�;4te`1�8e. aee ...+-a8= {':se .M:t�"' •,.,.e�ta • •x.i.,.. �,^s» -�% Name and Address of Employer or Source of Compensation Occupation or How Compensation Amount: r ..._.r Was Earned , (Use Code) • • • Check here ❑ if continued on attached sheet F 'Iaatige-i aaaas{s,aaaa*'i pan krrumbe3><vorustdea N ptloi irANEiiiiiifo eactirpaiceloWesfiingo n rea ; 44,REA ESTATE: sC:etatewithelueofotirS,00ttinwhth ci to femxymemberFielarperronafrfinaneinteeadungth • v1 ,� repoirtl4g perio�d,31oaY�wp,artniahlpconpanY; toreafeeat nlkaupp temern). ; , ‹>,•, .,;.` :: ..-..:-''�ti4.,'"''''. '�t: t«^.e: r1, ,xq>r.: .cY:". �t<. f€"Aa:" •. .C'•_. :},Y"`A;,-P.r;, ,1_ ;yy�,. '�..... - 4:3 Property Sold or Interest Divested Assessed Name and Address of Purchaser Nature and Amount(Use Code)of Value • Payment or Consideration Received (Use Cole) I Property Purchased or Interest Acquired I Creditor's Name/Address Payment Terms Security Given Mortgage Amount--(UseCode) • Original Current • All Other Property Entirely or Partially Owned Check here❑if continued on attached sheet PDC FORM F-1(REV.10/91)—f CONTINUE ON REVERSE • • • • . , . . - . • , . • .v_ft,:;;: ,,;..-4,",,!"..,•?::.•,!•::-..,•i!,.!•,•-_-.kli:,,,y: 7:::•-„,iniTr.siw";-'icht,DEtiiii?:•:etief;*,!**zicticsi,!,:s*iget:"",!'•10:0'iniiiiiiii!,16,61-420iff0:4;;,'Srgiafeitioliji)Viiiir:,,s74 . 1!",,-•:;_14.•!"••.:."-'-",!•,';','•[--"!;<!';'•-•S:...';-37'..'••,r-'!,'!).!1?•!,.•!;.,-, 4!••.;.-:7S!'!-_,3%;!,;*!.•!:'•-!•, --!.4:,!;••1-".-•.;:e:';•:YX,'i',1,14??3,-.;:41f!!,*i,'.00,000i:40,0V1010,0:01'9*4-'1)*Otiti:0404i.4.73.-Ts':;,'Ilf,f]!•7,201 . Type of Account or Description of As et ! ,•lit§et Value lb,Ptifil_b•IA.,0*-drift A. - Name and address of eaChbankpr financial institution in which . you or a family member had An account over$10;000 any time . '. • . . ,'.! (Use Code) !, (Use Code) _ . during the report.period. " ": ...• ." . ., . .. . . . , , ,• . • .. .. .. • . , . . , . • . . ' - ! • - , .• . ' •, . . . .. • . . • • • • . .• . .. ' . : . . • . . , . . . . . • B. Name and address of each insurincetompany where you or a " . -. . • • . . •• family member had a policy with a cash or loan yalueover'$10,000 • • - • •• during the period. , .. .. . .. ., .. • . . . ,, • - . . . . . . , . . . . . . • . .. . . . . C. Name and address of each company,association,government • • agency,etc.in which you or a family member owned or had a financial interest worth over$1,000.Include stocks,bonds,owner- • , ship,retirement plan,IRA,notes,and other intangible property. • ' • • . - .. • • . • , , • r . . , . - •. • . • • . -. . , . . • . • Check here 0 if continued on attached sheet . . . .. • . , . ,:",--ir":'":i:';'•'::::,•?:i'Atiifiiiiiii.:411',.',42iiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiicalifita, iiiV Oki&tail F•:'.4' ,'5Abilittn1 ifORS PV#1),.:retail.,....„. ..,„. P.,FP.P.9,!#.,IP.,IP>4#.,.."F•11.)1.1 T.. ..)., 09,....esr.tr.141po,d,to ...F.1,01.it404,2,4-,„ tv USE'CODE) * , . Creditor's Name and Address Terms of,Payment Sectirig Given Otigirial Ptetefit • • . . . • , . , • • • . • • . . . , • • - . . • • • • : . . . . . , - , . . . . • _ • • • • ' • • Check here 0 if continued on attached sheet , • . ..... _____............___________ Igift„' 44111!filirrit arli. .4tastIonsIkthru:D Ilk,10v,k.tf,the'artswer.Is YES to any oft these question*tha RI;Supptartiarit reitist . 0,j.01-1:iiiii,*,414:adr,iiii'kiii;ti;ithiiifi*Oit,iiiidliiiia stato [ 0eiCiillie'otti**Iiiiii;riiii,:i@tiiiiiiiixiii7441.:40,61ttitiiiiii4itV_trii* iiiii)iiiiiiiia.-',AZirgc,',-;f:'Z'A'RTAL;••VeZ;Vei',M:',!•'?1:i °."/;,?'.;'-:i-:',:',-.7,,; ,'S:i--''&':;',,:•:,'-‘;.`,Y..:',7'7'52:0:':.,4-::71.A.Mr.81,-:-•••::•:', "-'%''''.41:U.T,IW t ., '. .• "rtN'Wk:rtt'4:-. i..°:,'..-; ,.,-;1-',.f•iv:-:::.;.:•!,Z1;,,,,...?:..f.i'A..5..,';'$•-''.:;:'-i,;,:'','4i,01 ii_lotiriln*"t-tiiiictiiii'illiolals5ii*itateraxeitithi,k0141;illtn'sfentttiatfloatiO4ittratr*LeliOlf ataO.:attaiiiarAtlaiiiiin•E,Wki: . ::::if';',21-. :il.'•11)',"•04:tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiii'd itiiiiiikiiit666liktiiiiiiireisiriltsiiiiiiiiiiiii'aueliiiiiiiiWthrii7taiii.146.-W4'Warfic;gt.',,,‘:2,',yAElfV1 A. Were you,your spouse or dependents an officer,director,general partner*trustee Of any corporation,company,union, joint venture or other entity at , any time during the reporting period? - ' If yes,complete Supplement,Part'A. • . . , . . . . • B. Did you,your spouse or dependents have an ownership of'I 06/e or more intinycoinpany;cerpqraticirt.partnership;joint Veritunicir other Budirfe'dd,at any tidiitind the reporting period? If yes,complete supplement,Part A. ' . . C. Did you,your spouse or dependents own your own business at any timedUring the'repOrting,periodt . ___. If Sled,ddrYipteledUpPlerfientei4rt D. Did,you,your spouse or dependents.prepare,promote or oppose state legislation,ruled,rates or dtaridardd-for aurtenttirdeferted aniPeridation(ether ttietipay fCr your currently-held public office)at anytime during the reporting period? .. It yeercemplete duppfenTerit Pent:- . . E. (Incumbent officehoidersonly.)Dicty,oU,,your spouie:or dependentereceive ctUringtheprevititideaferidar year giftvaltied et ciVitifOitnattrnay figie bike- . intended to gain or maintain influence with.you orthegovemmental:entityyou.derve?(SeEi.F4 rtieriiral ferdefiniticin of tiff:I._. ...... •If KS;ddpleie kif a': HAVE you;?'?? 1. • . , certniaationt. [Heyeby dottily'Urideif.pelialty of iSerjtiial•• b011aitode;-.•,‘,:(:::.;•"..•:.:.;.*tiiiitine;:cli.,, YA,‘'f : '!'the''infoYrriatiCintdritairtect irt this•reliatt:i§teuearid-correct to.th s‘!,.•'-1•,),:'7'.;•*!.2",-t,r.1.:3'..rt.,..:.:•;,:i..:::i;.c-::•,:qr ,1;,-ti• ',.!-"•,.,,,P-',40A•! --,-;-T•',:-•!':••••-•;.k--3-id.$11a.!$1;999,:••17,t444 :! Answered each.item? ' • begot rnyknciWtedg-dr, • ..,,?,".:', ..,,,..'4,. 13,:i4'-'1;i'V''i'''"W''''''''$2S004.0$9,999I- ' , • .,,,,,, ,-•,.;-..-.-----.'t.'t''---,t-'s•-t, 4 y .. ,-,4..k.Sia,nairtatts'ant0At' Putour name:on' )'. each gq page?'attached :. . .. .. ... . ......_....................................,......______.......................,_ . ,$20,400,ta,$4,4,99W.,-'. • signaturw ... . • • f ,,•,,,,,v,z."••.-r•.,,,-. .,,!•;:p•t,,,,,,,,,,,,,-_,,,„..ffma,!!ak7 • :, , • • ic •-sri.,,k,.. .igt., 4!•,z. ,,sp,paq:orirnpret,t,,,,. • Kept a copy/fOr ', • . ' -rein— -01 (. r , ,2*.T.'''t;I::4'f'4.,L;',V.;i*::;',40:1,.e.t•: ,,,,T.,',,:ltc-,;"';,-;, .,#; your:records?' • . .._..,.. .•....„....._............... • • , PDC FORM'F-1:(REV.1091)—f. REPORT NOT ACC LE EPTAB ,WITROUT.PiLEWV-Stik iteatE .., . , . .., • • . , . ,. . • . . • I' PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM ' mcurrOLwgRMIW F.142 F-1 SUPPLEMENT PAGE PO BOX40900 SUPPLEMENT PERSONAL FINANCIAL AFFAIRS STATEMENT OLYMPIA WA 015O40900 (10/91) PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR YOURSELF,SPOUSE,DEPENDENT CHILDREN AND OTHER DEPENDENTS IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD LAST NAME FIRST MIDDLE INITIAL DATE • I . AOFFICES HELD, For each corporation, non-profit organization, association, union, partnership,joint venture or other entity in BUSINESS INTERESTS: which you,your spouse or dependents are an officer,director,general partner,trustee,or 10 percent or more owner—provide the following information: • Legal Name: Report name used on legal documents establishing the entity. • Trade or Operating Name: Report name usedifor business purposes if different from the legal name. • Position or Percent of Ownership: The office,title and/or percent of ownership held. • Brief Description of the Business/Organization: Report the purpose,product(s),and/or the service(s)rendered. • Payments from Governmental Unit: If the governmental unit in which you hold or seek office made payments to the business entity concern- ing which you're reporting,show the purpose of each payment and the actual amount received. • Payments from Business Customers and Other Government Agencies: List each corporation,partnership,joint venture,sole proprietorship, union,association,business or other commercial entity and each government agency(other than the one you seek/hold office)which paid compensation of$5,000 or more during the period to the entity.Briefly say what property,goods,services or other consideration was given or performed for the compensation. • Washington Real Estate: Identify real estate owned by the business entity if the qualifications referenced below are met. ENTITY NO.1 Reporting for: Self Spouse Dependent LEGAL NAME: POSITION OR PERCENT OF OWNERSHIP TRADE OR OPERATING NAME: ADDRESS: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION: ' • PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN WHICH YOU SEEK/HOLD OFFICE: Purpose of payments Amount(actual dollars) • PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM BUSINESS CUSTOMERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OVER$5,000: Customer name: Purpose of payment(amount not required) • • • • WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE IN WHICH ENTITY HELD A DIRECT FINANCIAL INTEREST(Complete only if ownership in the ENTITY Is 10%or more and assessed value of property is over$10,000.List street address,assessor parcel number,or legal description and county for each parcel): / ' SIC Check here 11 continued on attached sheet `PDC FORM F-1 SUPPLEMENT(REVISED 10/91)-1 i CONTINUE PARTS B AND C ON REVERSE • • I • ENTITY NO.2 Reporting for.' Self "-Spouse:;•' ,Dependent• LEGAL NAME POSITION OR PERNT.CE `OF TRADE OR OPERATING,NAME: • .,', . ADDRESS: • • BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION: PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN WHICH YOU SEEK/HOLD OFFICE Purpose of payments Amount(actual dollars) • • PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM BUSINESS CUSTOMERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OVER$5,000: ••• Customer name: Purpose of payment.(amount not required) • • • • • WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE IN WHICH ENTITY HELD A DIRECT FINANCIAL.INTEREST(Complete only if ownership In the ENTITY is 10% or more and assessed value of property is over$10,000.List street address,assessor parcel number,or legal description and county for each parcel): • • • • Check here 0 it continued on attached sheet List persons for whom you or any immediate family member lobbied or'prepared state legislation or B LOBBYING: state rules, rates or standards for current or deferred compensation Do not list pay from government body in which you are an elected official or professional staff member: Person to Whom Services Rendered Description of Legislation,Rules,.Etc. Compensation(Use Code) • Check here Q if continued'on attachedsheet } • List the date,source,brief description,and value:of each gift of entertainment,travel,goods,services.economic C GIFTS: advantage;etc.�valued at'more than$5q(entertainment,at receptions where pro-rata share exceeds'$100).Exclude gifts that,without doubt,were clearly not intended to gain Or maintain influence with respect to your governmental entity(e.g.,most intra-family and private sector business related gifts).See Gift section of F 1 manual for details. Date Donor's Name,City and State Brief Description Approx.Dollar Received Value • i. • Check,here E,If continued on attached sheet - - PDC FORM.F-T SUPPLEMENT(REVISED10/91)—r' '>: • a,. • • • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM 711CAP!TOL WAY RM403 Rr42 -1 SUPPLEMENT PAGE PO BOX40908 SUPPLEMENT PERSONAL FINANCIAL AFFAIRS STATEMENT OLYMPIAWA00SO4-0000 (10/91) PROVIDE INFORMATION FOR YOURSELF,SPOUSE,DEPENDENT CHILDREN AND OTHER DEPENDENTS IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD • LAST NAME FIRST MIDDLE INITIAL DATE • AFor each corporation, non-profit organization, association, union, partnership,joint venture pr other entity in OFFICES HELD, which you,your spouse or dependents are an officer,director,general partner,trustee,or 10 percent or more BUSINESS INTERESTS: owner—provide the following information: • Legal Name: Report name used on legal documents establishing the entity. 1 • Trade or Operating Name: Report name used for business purposes if different from the legal name. • Position or Percent of Ownership: The office,ltitle and/or percent of ownership held. • Brief Description of the Business/Organization: Report the purpose,product(s),and/or the service(s)rendered. • Payments from Governmental Unit: If the govemmental unit in which you hold or seek office made payments to the business entity concern- ing which you're reporting,show the purpose of each payment and the actual amount received. • Payments from Business Customers and Other Government Agencies: List each corporation,partnership,joint venture,sole proprietorship, union,association,business or other commercial entity and each government agency(other than the one you seek/hold office)which paid compensation of$5,000 or more during the period to the entity.Briefly say what property,goods,services or other consideration was given or performed for the compensation. • Washington Real Estate: Identify real estate owned by the business entity if the qualifications referenced below are met. ENTITY NO.1 I Reporting for: Self Spouse Dependent LEGAL NAME: POSITION OR PERCENT OF OWNERSHIP TRADE.OR OPERATING NAME: I ADDRESS: • i BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION: - I PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN WHICH YOU SEEK/HOLD OFFICE: Purpose of payments I Amount(actual dollars) 1 PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM BUSINESS CUSTOMERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OVER$5,000: Customer name: 1 Purpose of payment(amount not required) WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE IN WHICH ENTITY HELD A DIRECT FINANCIAL INTEREST(Complete only if ownership in the ENTITY Is 10%or more and assessed value of property is over$10,000.List street address,assessor parcel number,or legal description and county for each parcel): I . • Check here❑11 continued on attached sheet PDC FORM F-1 SUPPLEMENT(REVISED 10/91)—f i CONTINUE PARTS B AND C ON REVERSE • • • • • • • ENTITY NO 2 Reporting for::' Self ' ' Spouse. 'Dependent• LEGAL NAME • POSITION OR.PERCENT OF OWNERSHIP: TRADE.OR OPERATING NAME: ,. j ADDRESS: . • BRIEF DESCRIPTION.OF THE BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION: • PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM GOVERNMENTAL UNIT IN WHICH YOU SEEKMOLD OFFICE: • Purpose of payments V Amount(actual dollars), • • • • • • PAYMENTS ENTITY RECEIVED FROM BUSINESS CUSTOMERS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES OVER$5,000:. Customer name: • Purpose of payment(amount not required) I , • • • • • • • WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE IN WHICH ENTITY HELD A DIRECT FINANCIAL INTEREST(Complete only if ownership In the ENTITY is 10% " or more and assessed value of property is over$10,000.List street address,assessor parcel number,or legal description and county for each parcel): • • • • • • • • Check here❑if continued on attached sheet List persons for whom you or any immediate family member lobbied or prepared state legislation or B LOBBYING: state rules, rates or standards for current or deferred compensation. Do not list pay from government , body in which you are an elected official or professional staff member. Person to Whom'Services Rendered Description of Legislation,Rules,•Etc. - Compensation(Use Code) • • • • • Check here❑II continued on attached sheet List the date,source, brief description,and value.of each gift of entertainment,travel,goods,services economic C Gins: advantage,etc.valued at more than$50(entertainment at receptions where pro-rata share exceeds$100).Exclude gifts that,without doubt,were.clearly not intended to gain or maintain influence with respect to your governmental • entity(e.g.,most intra-family and private sector business related gifts).See Gift section of F-1 manual for details. Date Donor's Name,City and State Brief Description Approx.Dollar Received Value • • • Check here Q II continued on attached sheet • .• • • PDC FORM F-1 SUPPLEMENT(REVISED 10/91)--I i • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 FJ42 PERSONAL FINANCIAL p M PDC OFFICE USE ,,,t PO Box 40908 F-1A AFFAIRS STATEMENT so A • OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 . (206)753.1111 (10/91) Short Form r I< - . .The F-1A form is designed to simplify reporting for persons who have no - ,„;,, ;';;"< ;'. : f ''.�,V „ R changes or onlyminor chan es to an F-1 report previouslyfiled. ;_,"`._ "'"''r 'vti,AMOUNT 44:a.'x",c`:- c • 9 9 P :: > • 'a A complete F-1 form must be flied at least every four years;an F-1 A form :'.;:A} s;)$1'".tc44$1490 " ti,. . <. I may be used for no more than three consecutive reports. I b ".N 8;:;1: $2;O0O to,$9,999 ' ,�"'''S v • Deadlines:Incumbent elected and appointed officials—by April 15. : t, ; C'::• $10,000ito;$19,999='= .'s,:A' E Candidates and others—within two weeks of becoming " 0'':-=$20,000'.to•$49,999;`::: D • •a candidate or being newly appointed to a position. H ;`:..„E,: $50;000 ornittIrO' t; 't. Last Name First I Middle Initial Names of Spouse and Dependents Political Party if partisan office or pertinent to appointment Mailing Address City County Zip+4 ;a' Px ; - i Filing Status(Check only one box.) Office Held or Sought ❑An elected or state appointed official filing annual report Office title ❑Final report as an elected official.Term expired County,city,district or agency of the office, ❑Candidate running in an election: month I year name and number: ❑Newly appointed to an elective office Position number ❑Newly appointed to a state appointive office • Term begins: ends: Select either"No Change Report"or"Minor Change Repo?", whichever reflects your situation.Supply all the requested information. • ❑ NO CHANGE REPORT.I have reviewed my last complete F-1 report dated • _and F-1 A reports (if any)dated(1) I and(2) .The Information disclosed on those reports is accurate for the current"reporting period. _ -- ❑ MINOR CHANGE REPORT.I have reviewed my last complete F-1 report dated .The changes listed below have occurred during the reporting period.Specify F-1 Form Item numbers when describing changes.Provide all information required on F-1 report. I GIFTS: (This information required of incumbent elected and appointed officials only.)List the date,source,brief description and value of each gift of entertainment,travel,goods,services,economic advantage,etc.valued at more than$50(entertainment receptions where pro-rata share exceeds$100)..Exclude gifts that,without doubt,were clearly not intended to gain or maintain influence with respect to your governmental entity (e.g.,most intra-family and private sector business related gifts).See Gift section of F-1 manual for details. Date I Approx.Dollar Received Donor's Name,City and State Brief Description Value • • Check here❑if continued on atta6hed sheet. I • Signature Date CERTIFICATION: I certify under penalty of perjury that the i information contained In this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. f Daytime Telephone: I Report Not Acceptable Without Filer's Signature PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 FJ42 F-1A PERSONAL FINANCIAL p M PDC OFFICE USE PO BOX 40908 AFFAIRS STATEMENT s0 R OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 (206)753.1111 (10/91) Short Form T K The F-1A form Is designed to simplify reporting,for persons who have no changes or only minor changes to an F-1 report-previously filed. C0 E AMOUNT ;`; `; c A complete F-1 form must be flied at least every four years;an F-1A form may be used for no more than three consecutive reports. B` . $2,000 to.$9,999 v Deadlines: Incumbent elected and appointed officials—by April 15. C $10 000'to;$19,990• - ;'' E Candidates and others—within two weeks of becoming D• $20,000 to$49,999 D • •a candidate or being newly appointed to a position. E $50,000.ormore- Last Name First Middle Initial Names of Spouse and Dependents Political Party If partisan office or pertinent to appointment Mailing Address City County I Zip+4 Filing Status(Check only one box.) Office Held or Sought ❑An elected or state appointed official filing annual report Office title ❑Final report as an elected official.Term expired County,city,district or agency of the office, ❑Candidate running in an election: month I year name and number: ❑Newly appointed to an elective office Position number ❑Newly appointed to a state appointive office • Term begins: ends: Select either"No Change Report"or"Minor Change Report"whichever reflects your situation.Supply all the requested information. • ❑ NO CHANGE REPORT.I have reviewed my last comlplete F-1 report dated • _and F-1 A reports (if any)dated(1) I and(2) .The Information disclosed on those reports is accurate for the currentreporting period. ❑ MINOR CHANGE REPORT.I have reviewed my last complete F-1 report dated .The changes listed below have occurred during the reporting period.Specify F-1 Form Item numbers when describing changes.Provide all Information required on F-1 report. • I . i GIFTS: /This information required of incumbent elected and appointed officials only.)List the date,source,brief description and value of each gift of entertainment,travel,goods,services,economic;advantage,etc.valued at more than$50(entertainment receptions where pro-rata share exceeds$100).Exclude gifts that,without doubt,were clearly not Intended to gain or maintain influence with respect to your governmental entity (e.g.,most intra-family and private sector business related gifts).See Gift section of F-1 manual for details. Date Approx.Dollar Received Donor's Name,City and State Brief Description Value • • Check here❑if continued on attached sheet. Signature Date CERTIFICATION: I certify under penalty of perjury that the information contained in this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Daytime Telephone: ( Report Not Acceptable Without Filer's Signature Executive State Officers (State Appointees Required to File Personal Financial Affairs Statements -- F-1 Forms) November, 1994 , State Agency Officials Required to Report State Agency Officials Required to Report Administrative Hearings, Office of Chief Administrative Law Judge Insurance Commissioner, Office of the Insurance Commissioner Agriculture, Dept. of Director Investment Board, State Executive Director, Members Attorney General. Office of Attorney General Labor and Industries, Dept. of Director Auditor, Office of the State State Auditor Legislative Budget Committee Professional staff members Legislative Eval. &Accountability Program Professional staff members Colleges&Universities: Licensing, Dept. of Director Central Wash University President,Trustees Lieutenant Governor, Office of the Lieutenant Governor Community Colleges District&Campus Pres.,Trustees Liquor Control Board Members Eastern Wash University President,Trustees Lottery Commission Director, Members The Evergreen State College President,Trustees Marine Oversight Board Members Wash State University • President, Regents Marine Safety, Office of Administrator Western Wash University President,Trustees Maritime Commission, WA St Members - University-of Washington President, Regents Minority&Women's Bus. Enterprises, Ofc. of Director Natural Resources, Dept. of - Commissioner of Public Lands Community&Technical Colleges, State Bd for Director, Members Outdoor Recreation, Interagency Comm. for Director, Members Community,Trade& Economic Dev., Dept. of Director Pac. NW Elec. Power&Conserv. Plan. Council Members Convention&Trade Center, State Board of Directors Parks and Recreation Commission Director, Members Corrections, Dept. of Secretary Patrol,WA State Chief Deferred Compensation, Committee for Members Personnel Appeals Board Members Ecology, Dept. of Director Personnel Resources Board, WA Members Economic Dev. Finance Authority, WA Members Personnel, Dept. of Director Employment Security Department Commissioner Pilotage Commissioners, Board of Members Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council Chairman Pollution Control Hearings Board Members Energy Office Director Public Disclosure Commission Executive Director, Members Finance Committee, State Secretary Public Employees' Benefits Board, State Members Financial Management, Office of Director Public Instruction, Supt. of State Superintendent Fish &Wildlife, Dept. of Director Public Pension Commission Members Forest Practices Appeals Board Executive Secretary, Members Public Power Supply System Exec Bd, WA Members Forest Practices Board (DNR) Members Retirement Systems, Dept. of Director Gambling Commission Director, Members Revenue, Dept. of Director General Administration, Dept. of Director Secretary of State, Office of the Secretary of State Governor, Office of the Governor, Professional staff members Senate Professional staff members Health, Department of Secretary Services far the Blind, Dept. of Director Health Care Authority,WA Sate Administrator Shoreline Hearings Board Members Health Care Facilities Authority Executive Secretary, Members Social and Health Services, Dept. of Secretary Health Services Commission, WA Professional Staff, Members Tax Appeals, Board of Executive Secretary, Members Higher Education Coordinating Board Members Transportation Commission Members Higher Education Facilities Authority Executive Secretary, Members Transportation, Dept. of Secreta Horse Racing Commission Executive Secretary, Members ry Treasurer. Office of the State State Treasurer House of Representatives Professional staff members Utilities&Transportation Commission Secretary, Members Housing Finance Commission. State Members Veterans Affairs, Dept. of Director Human Rights Commission Executive Secretary, Members Indeterminate Sentence Review Board Executive Secretary, Members Other: Industrial Ins. Appeals, Board of Members information Services Board Members Supreme. Appeals& Superior Court Justices and Judges Information Services, Dept. of Director • ()dal STATEO4' Washington State x Public Disclosure 1889 Commission Mini and Abbreviated Campaign Reporting 1992 Manual & Forms "The public's right to know of the financing of political campaigns and lobbying and the financial affairs of elected officials and candidates far outweighs any right that these matters remain secret and private." RCW 42.17.010 (10) THE PUBLIC DISCLOSURE LAW Adopted as Initiative 276 in 1972 Codified as Chapter 42.17 Revised Code of Washington The Public Disclosure Commission, five citizens and a small full time staff, administers the law and the rules implementing it. Objectives: to promote citizens' confidence in to encourage broad participation government by disclosing the in campaigns, and financing of election campaigns, to assist candidates and political to require campaign contributions committees to organize and to be fully accounted for, operate their campaigns in an orderly, businesslike manner. This instruction manual is provided to assist in the preparation of campaign disclosure reports required by chapter 42.17 RCW. Care has been taken to make these instructions accurate yet concise. However, the information contained herein cannot be substituted for the applicable provisions of chapter 42.17 RCW and 390 WAC. The law and rules are controlling in the event of any conflict with or omission in the instructions. Copies of the law and rules are available on request. All reports on file with the Commission are public records. Copies are available at cost: Microfiche: 25 cents per film page plus 25 cents for postage and handling. (Each film page contains up to 96 pages of reports.) We welcome your suggestions for revision of these instructions. Direct them to: Public Disclosure Commission 711 Capitol Way Room 403 PO Box 40908 Olympia, WA 98504-0908 (206) 753-1111; FAX (206) 753-1112 This instruction booklet is for candidates and political committees using mini or abbre- viated reporting. There are separate instructions for state executive and legislative candidates (full reporting), judicial and local office candidates (full reporting), as well as political committees using full reporting. I 4 1 I Is Mini'or Abbreviated Right for You? ' The mini reporting option limits campaigns to raising and spending no more than $500. Campaigns using abbreviated reporting may raise and spend no more than $2,000. In addition, under each of these options, no contributor may give more than $200 in the aggregate, except candidates giving to their own campaigns. Before deciding to restrict significantly your campaign buying power, consider such factors as your level of name identification in the district (Do the voters know who you are and what you stand for?), the calibre of your opposition (Are you challenging a-_n incumbent or another person who's especially well-known and respected in your community?), and have you considered the cost of printing and mailing brochures or of newspaper and broadcast advertising? . All these factors and more must b I taken into account before selectinga reporting . P g option. The Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) suggests you do some research and rough out a budget for your campaign. You may find -- as experience has shown us at PDC -- that $500 or $2,000 doesn't go very far,and is generally insufficient to wage a full- scale, visible campaign. While there is a mechanism for changing reporting options, you will save both time and aggravation if your first choice of options is the right one for you. Mini and Abbreviated Reporting Chart . . F-1 C-1 C-1pc ABB C-4 Candidates Yes1 Yes1 No . No (Mini Reporting) Candidates Yes1 Yes1 No Yes2 (Abbreviated Reporting) " Political Committees No No ' Yes3 Yes2 (Abbreviated Reporting) 1 Due within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate. 2 Due October 10, 1992,'from candidates and committees participating in primary election only; due December 10, 1992, from,candidates and committees participating in primary and general elections or general election only; due January 10, 1993, from continuing political committees;not taking part in an election during 1992; due on the 10th of the first month following a special election from levy committees and others participating in the special election. 3 Due within 2 weeks of the committee's forming, unless committee forms within 3 weeks of the election, then due within 3 business days of forming. Continuing political committees also file C-1pc annually between January 1 and January 31. I Mini and Abbreviated Reporting Summary of Disclosure Reports Required Candidates -- Mini Reporting - F-1 Financial Affairs Shows sources of income, real Due within 2 weeks of becoming Statement estate transactions, bank account a candidate. holdings, stocks, debts,commercial sources of business income. C-1 Candidate Shows office sought, identifies Due within 2 weeks of becoming Registration treasurer and other committee a candidate_. officers, reporting option, bank depository and specifies when records are open for inspection. Candidates -- Abbreviated Reporting F-1 Financial Affairs Shows sources of income, real - Due within 2 weeks of becoming Statement ' estate transactions, bank account a candidate. holdings, stocks, debts, commercial sources of business income. C-1 Candidate Shows office sought, identifies Due within 2 weeks of becoming Registration treasurer and other committee a candidate. officers, reporting option, bank depository and specifies when records are open for inspection. ABB Receipts and Summarizes cash and in-kind Due the 10th of the first month C-4 Expenditures Report contributions received as well as following the election. Filial cash and in-kind expenditures made report due if campaign not during the election. closed out as of post-election report. Political Committees -- Abbreviated Reporting C-lpc Political Committee Shows purpose of committee, If committee formed more than Registration identifies treasurer and other 3 weeks before the election, committee officers, reporting due within 2 weeks of forming; option, bank depository and otherwise due within 3 days of specifies when records are open forming. Also due annually for inspection. between Jan. 1 & Jan. 31 from continuing political committees. ABB Receipts and Summarizes cash and in-kind Due the 10th of the first month C-4 Expenditures Report contributions received as well as -following the election for cash and in-kind expenditures made single-election committees and • during the election. continuing committees taking -- • part in the election; due Jan. 10 from continuing committees not taking part in the election. f f • CANDIDATES AND POLITICAL COMMITTEES MINI & ABBREVIATED REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS - - Public Disclosure Law Revised 1 I • Introduction , - 1 Who Must Report 2 Candidates for Elective Office 2 Candidates Exempt From Reporting 3 Political Committees 4 Independent Expenditures 5 Reporting Options - 5 Mini Reporting 5 r Abbreviated Reporting 6 Full Reporting 6 All Filers 6 Changing Reporting Options 7 Special Reports for Contributions Exceeding $500 8 i z • . • Earmarked Contributions 9 Prohibitions and Restrictions 9 Concealment 9 Persons Prohibited from Making Contributions 9 Contribution Limits 10 Anonymous Contributions 10 Contributions From Out-of-State and Federal PACs 10 • Personal Use of Contributions 11 Expenditure Restriction 11 Currency Transactions " 11 Surplus Campaign Funds 12 !Use of Public Agency Facilities 12 Public Inspection of Campaign Records 13 Bank Accounts 13 Bank Deposits - 13 1 Investment of Surplus Campaign Funds 14 . TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Political Advertising 14 Sponsor Identification 15 Items Exempt From Sponsor Identification 16 Political Party Identification 16 Political Party Abbreviations 17 Content of Advertising 18 Violations 18 Check List 19 The Fair Campaign Practices Code 19 Cash and In-kind Contributions 19 General Information 19 Exempt Activities 20 Recording a Contribution 21 "Receipt" of Contributions 22 Sources of Contributions 22 Contributions of Uncertain Origin 24 Loans 24 Fund Raising Events 24. Qualifying Low-Cost Fund Raisers 25 Deducting Cost of Consumables 26 Expenditures and Debts 27' General Information . 27 Candidate Registration and Reporting Requirements 28 Mini Reporting 28 Abbreviated.Reporting 28 Blank Forms 28 Registering as a Candidates 28 The C-1 Statement 29 The ABB C-4 Report (Candidates) 33 Due Dates 33 Step-by-Step Instructions 33 Political Committee Registration and Reporting Requirements . 37 Abbreviated Reporting 37 Blank Forms 37 Registering as a Political Committee 37 The C-ipc Form 38 • TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) The ABB C-4 Report (Political Committees) 40 Single-Election Political Committees 40 Continuing Political Committees 40 Due Dates 40 Step-by-Step Instructions 41 Appendix Peitinent Government Agencies 45 County Election Offices 46 State Department of Transportation 47 Inde 49 Blanl Forms (included in back of manual) Candidate Registration Statements (C-1) Political Committee Registration Statements (C-1pc) ABB C-4 Reporting Forms (for abbreviated filers only) I - • j 1 1 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE LAW REVISED The state legislature made no sweeping changes to the Public Disclosure Law during 1990 or 1991. The one change that did occur relates to candidates and committees making or receiving contributions of over $500 during the 7 days before the primary and 21 days before the general election. See Contributions Over $500 discussed on page 8. This discus- sion is limited to that portion of the provision that may affect some filers using abbreviated reporting. • In addition, the Public Disclosure Commission adopted two new rules. See Receipt of Contributions-and Sources of Contributions on page 22. INTRODUCTION i 5 The purpose of the campaign disclosure provisions of the Public Disclosure Law is to provide citizens of this state -- and especially voters -- with the means for becoming informed about the financing of political campaigns. The law requires that candidates and political committees keep accurate and complete records and file periodic reports. Campaign records must be kept for five years from the date of the election. All candidates and committees subject to the Public Disclosure Law must do some reporting, regardless of the amount of money received from contributors or spent during the 'course of the campaign. The key to complying with the Public Disclosure Law is to keep detailed records of each contribution and expenditure and file reports on time. Reports are considered filed with the i Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) as of the postmark or hand delivery date. Candidates also file copies of their campaign disclosure reports with the county election office of the county in which the candidate resides. Political committees, including continuing political committees, file • copies of their reports with the county election office of the county in which the committee headquarters is located, or if there is no headquarters, the county in which the treasurer resides. Mast election offices are part of the County Auditor's Office. In;King County, however, it's the Division of Records and • Elections. A listing of the name and address of each county election office may be found on page 46 of this manual. All reports, schedules and attachments should be typewritten or printed in black ink. Use 8 1/2" x 11" white paper for attachments or enclosures. Reports filed with PDC are kept • on microfiche, and those completed in pencil, blue or light colored ink or on oversized paper cannot be acceptably reproduced on the film. This manual is designed to help candidates and political committees that have chosen to use either the mini or abbreviated reporting option. • All mini and abbreviated filers should review pages 1 through 28, the general information section. • • Candidates using mini or abbreviated reporting should also read the discussion of the registration statement beginning on page 28. • Candidates using abbreviated reporting are advised to study the information on the ABB C-4 Report beginning on page 33. - • After reviewing pages 1 through 28, treasurers for political committees and continuing political committees are directed to pages 37 through 43, that portion of the manual devoted to their registration and reporting requirements. WHO MUST REPORT Candidates for .Candidates who seek public office in jurisdictions that had Elective Office 5,000 or more,registered voters as of the last general election or in jurisdictions that encompass an entire county are subject to the State Public Disclosure Law. Candidates for some offices are exempt from the law's record keeping and reporting requirements; that list of offices is located below in the "Candidates Exempt From Reporting" section. A person who seeks a non-exempt public office becomes a candidate and subject to the registration and reporting requirements of the law at the point when one of the following occurs: 2 • I • receives contributions, makes expenditures or reserves space or facilities to promote his or her candidacy; ♦ publicly announces he or she is seeking office (even if this candidacy is conditioned on a future occurrence, like the outcome of polling, the receipt of a certain level of campaign funding or other indications of significant public support); or • officially files for office. Candidates who will only use their own funds and not accept , contributions from others to conduct their campaigns must still register as a candidate with PDC, keep records and, depeniding on the reporting option chosen, file disclosure reports. • A candidate is limited to one campaign committee. However, a candidate may participate in a committee organized to support a slate of candidates. Candidates may also participate in joint fund raising efforts when a separate committee is organized for that purpose. After expenses, such committees must distribute the remaining funds to the participating candidates on a pro rata basis. Candidates Exempt Candidates seeking election to the following offices are From Reporting exempt from the record keeping and reporting requirements of the State Public Disclosure Law: • • Precinct committee officer; • Federal office (subject only to federal campaign laws); ♦_ Offices in'a small city or other jurisdiction having fewer than 5,000 registered voters as of the last general election and not encompassing an entire county (However, candidates in towns or districts that had 1,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election are required to file Statements of Financial Affairs -- PDC Form F-1.); and • Offices for which voters must have special qualifications • riot specified in the State Constitution (such as owning property). Examples include the following districts: Agricultural Pest Cemetery Conservation 3 Diking Drainage Education Service Flood Control Intercounty Weed Irrigation Irrigation and Reclamation Irrigation and Rehabilitation Mosquito Control Public Waterway Sewer Improvement Weed Note: Candidates for the above offices must still adhere to the law and rules governing political advertising and the - prohibition against using public resources to.support or oppose any election campaign. Political Committees Washington State political committees that raise and spend money to influence certain elections must register and report in accordance with the Public Disclosure Law. A political committee is any person, group, club, organization or collection of individuals (except a candidate or individual dealing with his or her own funds) expecting to receive contributions or make expenditures in support of or in opposition to any candidate or ballot proposition, including annexation and incorporation ballot issues. Although a group may be a civic, social or professional organization primarily, it also may be a political committee if it accepts contributions specifically for use in election campaigns. In addition, any group expecting to receive or spend funds to assist its efforts to have an annexation or incorporation issue placed on the ballot is a political committee and must register and report accordingly. Deciding to hire a lawyer to assist with getting an annexation or incorporation issue on the ballot would trigger committee status for a new committee and any legal costs incurred would be reportable campaign expenditures. Political committees typically spend money to: 4 • ♦ support.or oppose candidates; • support or oppose any levy, referendum, initiative, recall, annexation, incorporation or other ballot proposition; and/or • • make contributions to candidates or other committees. A political committee is exempt from reporting if its sole purpose is to support or oppose a local ballot measure in a town or district that had fewer than 1,000 registered voters as of the last general election. Exempt committees must still comply with the legal provisions governing political advertising and the prohibition against using public resources to support or oppose any election campaign. Continuing political committees are those committees that are organized for more than one election season. Examples include party central and district committees, business or labor committees, and on-going PACs. Continuing political committees are subject to the same general requirements as committees organized for one election only. The major difference between the two is that continuing political committees keep books on a calendar year basis, while other committees maintain their books for the duration of the campaign (whether that period is a few weeks or months, or a couple of years). Independent Any person -- an individual, corporation, union, business, Expenditures association or group -- that does not have to register with PDC will, nonetheless, have to file C-6 reports if that person makes expenditures totaling $100 or more in support of or opposition to a candidate or ballot proposition and the expenditure was not made to or through a reporting candidate or political committee. Typically, reportable • independent-expenditures are made for political ads (including mailings to voters) that support or oppose a ) candidate, a slate of candidates or a ballot proposition. The 1 first C-6 report is due within'five business days of reaching the $100 expenditure level. Subsequent reports are required if additional independent expenditures are made. REPORTING OPTIONS Mini Reporting This reporting option is only available to candidates (not political committees) who will raise and spend no more than J . $500, in addition to the amount spent on their filing fee, and receive no more than $200 from any one contributor other than themselves. Candidates choosing mini reporting must file registration statements (C-1) and keep records of their contributions and expenditures. However, they do not need • to file contribution and expenditure reports. A Statement of Financial Affairs (F-1) is required. See "All Filers" section below. Abbreviated Reporting Candidates and political committees raising and spending no more than $2,000 on their campaigns may select this option. The amount spent by candidates for-any filing fees counts toward this qualifying threshold. Continuing political committees are limited to $2,000 per year. Neither candidates nor committees may accept more than • $200 from any one contributor (except that candidates may contribute as much as $2,000 to their own campaigns): Persons using abbreviated reporting file the appropriate registration statement (either C-1 or C-1pc)-and one post- election report (ABB C-4) that summarizes their contribution and expenditure activity. (If a continuing political committee using abbreviated reporting is not active with respect to an election, a year-end ABB C-4 is required by January 31 in lieu of a post-election report. Continuing committees must also file a C-1pc each January if they want to.continue using abbreviated reporting.) A Statement of Financial Affairs (F-1) is also required of candidates using this reporting option. See "All Filers" section below. Full Reporting All candidates and political committees that raise and spend over $2,000 on their campaigns (or per year, for continuing political committees) must use the full reporting method. Full reporting filers will submit frequent, detailed reports of the contributions they receive (C-3 reports) and the expenditures they make (C-4 reports with appropriate schedules). The C-4 itself is used to summarize the campaign's financial activity. Candidates must also file a Statement of Financial Affairs (F-1). All Filers Regardless of which option is chosen, all candidates'and political committees must keep accurate, detailed records and make these records available for public inspection 6 during the eight days preceding the primary, general or special election in which they're participating. Changing Reporting The.Public Disclosure Commission realizes that candidates Options and political committees are not always able to forecast campaign costs accurately. In order to change from one reporting option to another, follow these steps: • Notify each opposing candidate or committee in writing of Your plan to change reporting options. (We suggest certified mail.) • File a new registration statement (C-1 for candidates, C-1pc for political committees) with PDC and your county 'election officer showing the new option. • Send a letter to PDC that: • explains why you anticipate the limits of the reporting option originally chosen will be exceeded; • explains why the factors contributing to the change were not originally anticipated; • confirms the date and manner in which each opposing - candidate or committee was notified of the change: • If you're changing to full reporting, prepare and send a C-4 report and Schedules A or A-s/1, B or B-s/l, and L, as appropriate, along with a list identifying each contributor who has given over $25 to the campaign. i File all future reports required by the new reporting option. From mini to abbreviated: If a candidate wishes to change from mini to abbreviated reporting and all the steps outlined above have been taken, permission to make the change will • be automatically granted by PDC. From mini or abbreviated to full: If a candidate or political committee wishes to change from mini or abbreviated to full :reporting and the steps outlined above are taken more than ;30 days before the election, permission to make the change • twill be automatically granted; if the change is requested within 30 days of the election, the campaign must receive prior approval from PDC's executive director before exceed- ing the limits imposed by abbreviated reporting. • I 7 1 • From full reporting to a lesser option: If a candidate wishes to change from full to mini or abbreviated reporting, or a political committee from full to abbreviated, no prior PDC approval, notice to the opposition or letter of explanation is necessary. The campaign simply files a new registration statement (C-1 or C-ipc) and reports as required by the new option. SPECIAL REPORTS FOR CONTRIBUTIONS EXCEEDING $500 During the 7 days before the primary and the 21 days before the general election, candidates and political committees must file special reports if they make one or more contribu- tions to the same recipient candidate or committee totaling over $500 in the aggregate. This report discloses: • the amount of the contribution(s), • the date or dates on which the contributions,were made, • the contributing,campaign's name and address, and • the receiving campaign's name and address. i 1 Candidates and committees making one or more contribu- tions from their campaign funds to another candidate or committee totaling over $500 must deliver a written report to PDC within 24 hours of making the triggering contribution, or on the first working day thereafter. These written reports may be delivered to PDC in person or via facsimile, telegram, mailgram or.nightletter. You may fax this special report (but not registration statements or ABB C-4 reports) to PDC at (206) 753-1112. This is a dedicated fax line, so you need not call before sending a transmission. Be sure to keep the transmission confirmation sheet as part of your records. If a written report cannot be delivered within 24 hours, call PDC and relay the information within that time period and mail written confirmation of the telephone report the same day. . If you call PDC with the information, you'll be given a log 0 number to verify that you called. Reference that log number • on the written confirmation you send. 8 An official form for reporting these over $500 contributions has not been adopted by the Commission. Simply supply the necessary information on a sheet of paper, or within the text of a telegram. A unofficial form has been developed by PDC staff for.those intending to fax these reports. It's available on request. EARMARKED CONTRIBUTIONS If your campaign receives a contribution earmarked for - another candidate or committee, contact a PDC political finance specialist for instructions,on how to report the contribution. • PROHIBITIONS AND RESTRRICTIONS The Public Disclosure Law does not include numerous prohibitions and restrictions. However, there are some regulations you need to be aware of and follow. Carefully study the information provided below. Concealment You must accurately record the actual sources and amounts [RCW 42.17.120] of contributions as well as the true recipients and amounts of expenditures. .It is a violation of the law to use a fictitious • name, no name or substitute name in order to conceal the truth. . • Persons Prohibited from Federal election law prohibits candidates and political • Making Contributions committees in this country from receiving contributions from foreign nationals (individuals, corporations or other foreign business entities). , ;Federally chartered banks, corporations, unions and insurance companies should consult their legal advisors to determine whether other state or federal statutes prohibit their making contributions. State law includes the following constraint on officers and. employees of cities with a commission form of government: 'Any appointive officer or employee of the city who in any I manner exerts his.influence to induce other officers or employees ,, of the city to favor any particular candidate for any city office or who contributes anything in any way to any person for election 9 purposes shall be discharged by the commission." [RCW 35.17.160] None of the prohibitions noted in this prohibited contribu- tions section are administered by the Public Disclosure Commission. If you have questions concerning their applica- bility, please consult your legal counsel or contact the agency involved. The Federal Election Commission may be reached at 1-800-424-9530. Contribution Limits Persons who select mini or abbreviated reporting are limited [RCW 42.17.105(8)] in the amounts they may raise and spend on their campaigns. See the Reporting Options section on page 5. Anonymous Occasionally, campaigns receive funds from truly anonymous Contributions sources; that is, you or others involved in the campaign do [RCW 42.17.060] not know who donated the money. Up to a point, the law allows you to keep these anonymous contributions. Specif- ically, candidates and political committees may receive as much as $300 in anonymous funds during the campaign. Continuing political committees may receive as much as $300 per year in anonymous funds. If you reach the limit, you may not use or spend any additional anonymous funds you receive. These excess dollars must be returned to the donors if they can be , identified or forfeited to the state's general fund. If the contributors cannot be identified, immediately send a check to PDC payable to the State Treasurer in the amount of the overage, along with an explanation of the circumstances surrounding receipt of excess anonymous funds. Keep in mind that you may not legally use this anonymous contribution provision to avoid accurately reflecting your contribution sources in your records. Contributions From In order for you to keep contributions received from political Out-of-State and committees not registered with PDC (that is, PACs registered Federal PACs with the Federal Election Commission or domiciled in other [RCW 42.17.090(1)(k)] states), the political committee must file a C-5 report within ten days of your receiving the contribution. If the committee does not,file this report, you must immediately return the donation to the contributor or forfeit it to the state. 10 • PDC suggests you keep a small supply of C-5 forms on hand and mail one or two, along with a note about the urgency of filing, to any out-of-state or federal PAC that contributes to your campaign. Ask the group to send you a copy of the report. In this way, you'll know whether the funds are yours to spend or not. Personal Use of Campaign contributions may only be spent for the personal Contributions use of a candidate, treasurer or other person associated [RCW 42.17.125] with the campaign under the following circumstances: ♦ reimbursement for loans or to cover earnings lost as a result of campaigning or for services performed for the campaign, • reimbursement for direct out-of-pocket campaign or post- elction campaign expenses, and • repayment of loans made by the person to_a political committee or campaign. Complete documentation, including copies of expenditure receipts, must be kept as part of the campaign records. Expenditure Restriction No expenditure may legally be made unless ifs authorized [RCW 42.17.070] by the candidate or campaign treasurer. Campaign treasurers are also required to maintain a complete record of all expenditures, including obligations_that have not yet been paid by the campaign. Currency Transactions In order to accept cash contributions exceeding $50, the contributor must be given a receipt, signed by both the contributor and a campaign representative, with a copy of the receipt kept as part of the campaign records. Cash contribu- tions must be deposited into the campaign bank account, and not spent directly or mingled with petty cash funds. If the campaign makes expenditures of over $50 in cash, rather than by check, be sure to obtain a receipt signed by both the vendor and a campaign representative and keep it as part of your records. We recommend cash transactions be • kept to a minimum. • 11 Surplus Campaign Surplus campaign funds -- the balance of contributions Funds [RCW 42.17.095] remaining after all campaign obligations are paid -- may only be disposed of in one or more of the following ways: • returned to contributors (so long as the amount returned to a donor does not exceed the aggregate contributed); ♦ donated to a charitable organization registered with the state; • held for use in future elections; - ♦ transferred to other candidates or committees; • transferred to the state general fund; • used for community activities; or • used to pay non-reimbursed public office related expenses of the candidate if she or he is elected to office. Use of Public Agency ,Elected and appointed officials as well as public employees Facilities are prohibited from using or authorizing the use of any [RCW 42.17.130] facilities of a public office or agency, directly or indirectly, to assist a candidate's election campaign or to promote or oppose a ballot proposition. Public agency facilities include, but are not limited to, office stationery, postage, machines, equipment, employees during working hours, vehicles, office space, office publications and client lists. The above restriction does not apply to: e action taken at an open public meeting by members of an elected legislative body to express a collective decision, or to actually vote upon a motion, proposal, resolution, order, • or ordinance, or to support or oppose a ballot proposition so long as any required notice of the meeting includes the title and number of the ballot proposition, and members of the legislative body or members of the public are afforded an approximately equal opportunity for the expression of an opposing view; • a statement by an elected official in support of or in opposition to any ballot proposition at any open press conference or in response to a specific inquiry; • activities that are part of the normal and regular conduct . of the office or agency. "Normal and regular" has been • interpreted to mean those activities that are authorized by . . law and are customary for the agency. 12 PUBLIC INSPECTION OF CAMPAIGN RECORDS During the eight days.preceding a primary, general or special election, campaign records must be open and available for public inspection by anyone who wants to see them. These records must be available daily (excluding holidays and weekends) for two consecutive hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. at the campaign headquarters or other place designated by the campaign on the registration statement (C-1 or C-lpc). The time and place of inspection may not be changed without first notifying PDC and the County Election Officer. Candidates may keep records concerning their personal finances private. In addition, the identities of the contributors who have given a total of $25 or less to the campaign need not be included with the records open for public inspection. BANK ACCOUNTS Campaign accounts may be established at banks, savings and loan companies as well as credit unions. Surplus campaign funds may also be invested. See page 14 for more informa- tion about investing campaign funds. At I he start of the campaign,ai n the candidate or treasurer should open the bank account. We suggest you use the same name for your campaign account as you use for the committee. } When opening the account, you'll be asked to supply a tax ID number. Call the IRS at 1-800-829-3676 and request Form SS-4. .Once this form arrives (approximately a week to ten daiys), you'll be able to obtain a number immediately by telephone. The bank will report any interest earned on the campaign account to the IRS, using the tax number you provide. Consult the IRS, your accountant or tax advisor regarding any tax liability or requirement to file a tax return. Bank Deposits Each contribution received by the campaign must be deposited within five business days of receipt. This means • 13 that during those times when contributions are received, (r campaigns can make weekly deposits and be in compliance with the law. A high volume of contributions may make more frequent deposits advisable, however. Investment of Surplus Surplus campaign funds may be invested in bonds, savings Campaign Funds accounts, certificates, tax-exempt securities, mutual funds and similar instruments available in financial institutions. Banks, savings and loan institutions and credit unions are recognized as financial institutions. Stock brokerage houses and other investment companies do not qualify as "financial institutions" and may not be used for investment of campaign funds. If you invest campaign funds, take the following steps: ♦ Notify PDC by letter of the date, amount and the name of the financial institution where the surplus is invested. ♦ Deposit all-interest, dividends and income earned by the investment into the investment account. ♦ When the investment is terminated, re-deposit the principal plus the accrued earnings into the original campaign account and notify PDC by letter that this re- deposit has been made. ♦ Check with the IRS or your personal tax consultant about any tax liability that the investment may create. POLITICAL ADVERTISING • "Political advertising"includes any advertising displays, • - newspaper ads, billboards, signs, brochures, articles, tabloids, flyers, letters, radio or television presentations, or other means of mass communication, used for the purpose of appealing, directly or indirectly, for votes or for financial or other support in any election campaign. [RCW 42.17.020(23)] This legal definition makes it clear that any communication -- whether written, audio or video -- that is produced and/or distributed in conjunction with your campaign is probably subject to the requirements governing political advertising. All political advertising is subject to political party identification and most ads must show the sponsor ID. See below for details. 14 I - Sponsor Identification The sponsor of a political ad -- the candidate, committee or other person paying for the ad -- usually must be identified. If a person acts as an agent for:someone else or is reimbursed for the funds actually used to pay for the ad, the original source of the payment (or the person doing the reimbursing) is the sponsor. It's illegal to use an assumed • - name when identifying an ad's sponsor. I In print ads (newspaper display ads, flyers, brochures, letters, etc.),!to identify the sponsor use the words "Paid for by" or "Sponsored by" followed by the name and full mailing address - of the sponsor. Show this information in an area apart from the body of the ad text. Treasurer's name is not required. If the advertisement is more-than one page, identify the sponsor on the first page. Identification on a mailing envelope is optional, but is not sufficient to meet the sponsor ID require- ment. The ad enclosed in the envelope must be properly identified. In broadcast ads (radio and television ads), identify the sponsor by using the words "Paid for by" or "Sponsored by" followed by the name of the person or group paying for the ad. No address is required. Broadcast ads must also conform with the requirements of the Federal Communica- tions Commission (FCC). Contact the station where you're planning to run the ad or the FCC for details on these retirements. • If the sponsor is: • a candidate/candidate's committee, show the name and address of the candidate!or the candidate's committee (No !address if broadcast ad); • !a political committee, show the name and address of the committee (No address if broadcast ad); • !an organization or business, show the name and address of the organization or business (No address if broadcast ad); • !more than one person or group, show the name and address of each sponsor. (No address if broadcast ad) If one person pays for printing and another person pays,for • mailing, both persons should be shown as sponsors. (If a person contributes cash, goods or services.to your campaign in order to assist in paying for an ad, it is not necessary to show this contributor's name provided the contribution is included in your records. The campaign I would be identified as the sponsor, however.) 1 - 15 Items Exempt From Some advertising items, like yard signs that are 8' x'4' or Sponsor ID smaller (32 sq. feet), need not include the sponsor identification. Other items exempt from sponsor ID are: ashtrays ribbons badges & badge rulers (12" or holders smaller balloons erasers bingo chips frisbees brushes glasses bumper stickers golf balls & tees (4" x 15" or hand-held signs smaller) hats business cards horns buttons. ice scrapers cigarette lighters inscriptions clothes pins key rings clothing knives coasters labels combs letter openers cups magnifying glasses earrings match books emery boards nail clippers & files envelopes ' newspaper ads (one noisemakers column inch or smaller) official state or local shoe horns voter pamphlets skywriting paper & plastic cups staple removers paper & plastic plates stickers (2-3/4" x 1" paper weights. : or smaller) _ pencils 'sun glasses pendants sun visors pennants swizzle sticks pens tickets to fund raisers pinwheels' water towers plastic tableware whistles pocket protectors yard signs (8' x 4' pot holders or smaller) reader boards with yo-yo's moveable letters all similar items Political Party All political ads supporting or opposing a candidate for. Identification partisan office are required to identify the candidate's party affiliation. 'This rule applies whether the sponsor is a candidate, a candidate's committee, a political committee, a continuing political committee, an individual, or an organiza- 16 - • I tion, acting with the knowledge of, or independent of, the candidate. In newspaper ads, brochures, mailings and similar printed • advertising, the party ID must be printed in letters no smaller than 10 point bold face type. If type isn't used, the letters must be at least 1/8" high. The party ID must be located in an area apart from the body of the text of the ad. I On yard signs, bus signs, hand-held signs, banners, bumper stickers, posters and/or similar ads, the party ID, must be in letters no smaller than 60 point type, or 5/8" high if type is not used. It also must be visible and be in a color that contrasts with the background of the area in.which the ID is printed. In broadcast ads and other advertising, the party ID must be of such size and prominence that the listener or viewer can deafly recognize the candidate's political party. Political Party The following abbreviations may be used in advertising to Abbreviations identify political party affiliation: • citizens -- Cit • Communist -- Corn • Democrat -- D, Dem, Demo • Independent or Unaffiliated -- Ind, Indep _ • Libertarian -- Lib • Republican -- GOP, R, Repub, Rep (Do not use Rep abbreviation when it could erroneously imply that the candidate holds the office of State Representative) • Socialist -- Soc ♦ Socialist Workers -- Soc Workers, SWP Official symbols or logos adopted by state party committees may be used in.place of the full party name or abbreviation to;denote affiliation. Send a copy of the symbol or logo to. PDC. r I - 17 Content of Advertising There are some additional rules to follow when composing political advertising: • Be sure the ad is truthful; • If candidate photos are used in any ad, at least one of them must have been taken within the last five years and be no smaller than the largest candidate photo appearing in the ad; • "Incumbent" means a person who now holds the office being sought; • "Re-elect" represents that the candidate is presently holding the office being sought, was elected to it and is seeking another term in that same office in the same district or political subdivision; • The term "re-elect" may be used in a political ad by a non- incumbent who has previously been elected to the office being sought provided that it is clearly stated in the same ad that the candidate is not the incumbent; • "Retain" represents that the candidate is the incumbent, but does not imply that the candidate obtained the office by election; • "Return" represents that the candidate now holds, or has previously held, the office being sought but not necessarily by election. State law does not require candidates to identify the office or position they are seeking in their political ads. Violations It is a violation of the political advertising provisions of the - statute to knowingly or with reckless.disregard of the truth: • sponsor an ad that contains a false statement of material fact; ♦ falsely claim or imply a person or group endorses a candidate when that person or group does not; or • falsely represent a candidate as the incumbent. On letterheads, yard signs and other forms of advertising, non- incumbents must actually state they're seeking the office. Example: Mary Smith for State Senate or Elect Mary Smith State Senator. It is not permissible to say "Mary Smith, State Senate," unless Mary Smith is the incumbent. 18 . It's also illegal to distribute campaign material that is deceptively similar in design or appearance to the voters and candidates pamphlets published by the Secretary of State. Similarly, it is illegal to use the state seal or its likeness to assist,' or defeat any candidate for elective office. Check List When developing and proofreading political ads, be sure they are: • properly identified with political party and sponsor ID; • truthful; • in compliance with the definitions of "incumbent," "re- elect," "retain," and "return;" • accurate with respect to claimed or implied endorsements; • nt representing the candidate as the incumbent unless he or she is; and • not deceptively similar to official voters and candidates pamphlets. THE FAIR CAMPAIGN PRACTICES CODE The purpose of the Fair Campaign Practices Code is to encourage healthy competition and open discussion of issues and candidate qualifications. At the same time, the code is designed to discourage practices that cloud the issues or unfairly attack opponents. Adherence to the code is voluntary. The full text of the Fair Campaign Practices Code for Candidates and Political Committees is located on the inside of the back cover. The Commission strongly urges candidates as well as their campaign officials and volunteers to follow the principles set out in the code. The people of this state and our governmental system are shown respect when campaigns are conducted fairly. CASH & IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS General Information Candidates using mini reporting may only receive a total of $500 in contributions, no more than $200 of which may come from any one source other than the candidate. Candidates and political committees using abbreviated reporting are limited to receiving a total of $2,000 ih 19 contributions, and no more than $200 may come from any one source (except that candidates may contribute the entire $2,000"to their own campaign). "Contribution" includes a loan, gift, deposit, subscription, forgiveness of indebtedness, donation, advance, pledge, payment, transfer of funds between political committees, or transfer of anything of value, including personal and professional services for less than full consideration. Contributions, other than money, have a dollar value equivalent to the fair market value of the item. Dollars received from the sale of tickets to fund raising events such as dinners, concerts, parties and the like are contributions. The purchasers of the tickets are the contributors, even if the tickets are given to others. The record keeping associated with a fund raiser may be greatly reduced if the event qualifies as a low-cost fund raiser. See page 25 for further information. The amount of contributions generated by a fund raiser may be reduced by the actual cost of consumables furnished in connection with the event, and only the excess over the actual cost of the consumables is a contribution. See the discussion on Deducting Cost of Consumables on page 26. Exempt Activities The following activities are NOT considered contributions and need not be recorded in your records: • Ordinary home hospitality, including coffee hours, cocktail parties, wine and cheese parties and similar gatherings where the purpose is to meet the candidate or organize a campaign and where no admission fee is charged or contributions expected from those attending; • the services of volunteers engaging in activities for which they are not compensated by anyone; • incidental expenditures by volunteers of $50 or less in the aggregate for the duration of the campaign or, for continuing political committees, during the calendar year, (if this limit is exceeded, the entire amount is reported as an in-kind contribution and subsequent expenditures by the volunteer are additional contributions, unless the volunteer is reimbursed by the campaign); 20 . • • news, feature or editorial comment in a broadcast media program or in a regularly scheduled issue of a printed periodical (including periodicals published by businesses and organizations for their respective employees or members) to communicate ratings, evaluations, endorsements or recommendations for or against a candidate or ballot proposition; • inte final political communications from a corporation or similar enterprise to its officers, management staff and stockholders or from a union, association or other membership organization to its members; • messages in the form of reader boards, banners, yard or window signs displayed on a person's own property or property occupied by the organization, business or union. However, if the person normally charges a fee to display a message, an in-kind contribution would occur if no fee were charged for display of a political ad. Everything else of value given the campaign -- including discounts on items purchased or services rendered -- is a contribution and must be recorded as such in your records. Recording a For each contribution received, the following information Contribution should be noted in your records: • date contribution was received by the campaign; • • name, address and city of the contributor; • amount of the contribution (or the value and description of an in-kind contribution); • total amount the contributor has given, including pledges and monetary and in-kind contributions, since the start of the campaign (or, for continuing political committees, since the start of the year). Each(monetary contribution must be deposited into your account within five business days of receipt. This means that campaigns must make bank deposits of all monetary contribu- tions lat least weekly. Remember, a contribution of more than $50 in currency may not be accepted unless a written receipt signed by the contributor and a campaign representative is made part of your financial records. 21 In-kind contributions have a monetary value equal to the fair market value of the item The fair market value is the amount a well-informed buyer or lessee, willing but not obligated to buy or lease, would pay; and which a well- informed seller or lessor, willing but not obligated to sell or lease, would accept. In-kind contributions include such things as goods and services, discounts on products or services, free transportation provided the candidate or campaign staff or other things that have a value to your campaign. Include information about each in-kind contribution in your records and add the value of the contribution to the donor's individual cumulative total and to the overall contribution total. "Receipt" of In the past, some campaigns have had difficulty determining Contributions when a contribution is officially considered received. In order to remedy this confusion, the Commission has adopted the following administrative rule. "Receipt" of a campaign contribution . . . shall be deemed to occur at the earliest of the following: • the date that the candidate, treasurer, deputy treasurer, campaign manager, campaign chairperson or similarly situated campaign official obtains possession of the contribution, or • the date that the candidate, treasurer, deputy treasurer, campaign manager, campaign chairperson or similarly situated campaign official is informed of the contribution, or becomes aware that the campaign, or in the case of an earmarked contribution, the intermediary, has possession of the contribution, or • the date that the contribution becomes available for use by the candidate or committee. Sources of Contributions Candidates and treasurers who keep disclosure records listing their sources of contributions must often make decisions about whom to show as the contributor, even though the true identity of the contributor may not be readily apparent. Contributors have the obligation to inform campaigns of the true and actual sources of the donation at the time the 22 contribution is made. However, in the absence of other information concerning a contribution's true source, follow the interpretations given below when keeping records and complying with the limits of your reporting option. One-Party Personal Checks: List the name printed on the top of the check as the contributor, unless the contribution*is from a lobbyist who will be reimbursed by his or her employer for the contribution (and the lobbyist notifies the campaign of this fact in writing). Joint Personal Account Checks: Attribute equal parts of the contribution to the names of the parties printed on the check, or the whole amount to both parties, unless a written explanation to the contrary accompanies the contribution. (For example, in the case of a $100 check drawn on the account of John and Mary Smith, the entire amount could be attributed to John and Mary, or $50 to John and $50 to Mary.) Checks Drawn on Sole-Proprietor Business Accounts: For contribution purposes, the owner of the business and the business entity are considered one and the same. The pro- prietoris aggregate contribution total must include donations from his/her personal funds as well as from the business. Partnership Account Checks: List the partnership as the contributor, unless the contribution is to be paid from one or more of the partners' capital accounts, in which case the contribution is attributed to the partner or partners whose funds are being used. Written notice of this arrangement should accompany the check. Corporate, Union or Association Account Checks: Show the contribution as coming from the corporation, union or association whose name is printed on the check, unless the giver is owned or controlled.by another entity, in which case the contribution is attributed to the controlling entity. Contributions from Minors: In order for a contribution to be attributed to a child under 18 years of age, it must be made voluntarily by the child, and come from funds belonging to the child that are maintained exclusively in the child's name, and not from the proceeds of a gift provided to facilitate the contribution. 23 Contributions of Do not deposit any contribution or accept any in-kind Uncertain Origin contribution if you know or suspect it has been made in a fictitious name, or by one person through an agent, relative, political committee, or any other person so as to conceal the true source or exceed your contribution limit. Return such a contribution within ten calendar days to the source, if known, or endorse the check and make it payable to the Washington State Treasurer. Send the check to PDC, along with an explanation, for deposit in the state's general fund. Loans Loans received by the campaign from individuals, political committees, corporations, unions or other organizations are contributions to the campaign. Persons who co-sign a loan have made a contribution in the amount for which they are liable. The amount contributed by these co-signers and others who loan the campaign money is reduced as loans are repaid. Candidates may also choose to make loans to their own campaigns from their personal funds. Candidates who receive loans for which they are personally liable from commercial financial institutions and use those funds in their campaigns are considered as having made a personal contribution to their campaign. This contribution also could be considered a loan from the candidate to his/her campaign. Fund Raising Events All the dollars raised in connection with a fund raising event are considered contributions and must be deposited into your campaign account. However, the amount donated by each contributor may be reduced by the pro-rated cost of consumables provided. Consumables include food, beverages, preparation or catering, entertainment and the fair market value of items sold, raffled or given as prizes. See page 26 for more information. All in-kind contributions received in connection with a fund raising event are also considered contributions. In-kind contributions are reported at their fair market value. The fair market value is the amount a well-informed buyer or lessee, willing but not obligated to buy or lease, would pay; and which a well-informed seller,or lessor, willing but not obligated to sell or lease, would accept. 24 Unless the event is a "Qualifying Low-Cost Fund Raiser" as discussed below, the campaign must keep track of how much each contributor donates to attend the fund raiser. Frequently, at fund raisers, candidates receive contributions from anonymous sources. Any anonymous funds received at a fund raiser count toward the $300 limit placed on the amount of anonymous funds you may legally receive. Funds received in connection with a "Qualifying Low-Cost Fund Raiser" are not considered anonymous, even though the sources are unidentified. Qualifying Low-Cost If you hold a qualifying low-cost fund raiser you only need • Fund Raisers record the activity's date, a description of the event, and the total amount received from contributors paying $50 or less. You do not have to keep track of how much each person contributes and record that information in your records. In- kind contributions of $50 or under received in connection with one of the events need not be reported at all. Any event satisfying one of the criteria listed on page 26 qualifies as a low-cost fund raiser. If someone pays over $50 to participate in the event (or pays more than $50 to purchase auction or sale items) or contributes goods or services valued at more than $50 in • connection with an otherwise qualifying dinner or entertain- ment event, you•must record that information in your contributor records. However, the remainder of the funds collected from participants paying $50 or less may still be lumped together for record keeping purposes. _ Some people invited to low-cost fund raises will not pay at the, door, but rather will forward a check either before or after the event. So long as they attend the fund raiser you may treat their contribution like other funds received in connection with the event. However, if someone does not attend the fund raiser, but sends along a contribution anyway, that money is treated as a regular contribution and is not' lumped together with fund raiser receipts. 25 Events qualifying as low-cost fund raisers: • • retail sales of goods or services at a reasonable approximation of their fair market value; • a licensed and legally operated gambling event; • a food and beverage event where the admission price is no more than $25; • an entertainment event (concert, dance, theater performance, etc.) where the admission price is no more than $25; and • an auction or similar sale where the total fair market value of items donated by any person is no more than $50. Note: If you sell-goods'or services at a price that exceeds their fair market value, or hold events having an admission price of more than $25, or hold an auction and anyone • donates items worth more than $50, the entire event does not qualify as a low-cost fund raiser and you must,record each contributor's name, address and amount given in connection with the event. Keep in mind, however, that even though your campaign is . not limited to receiving $200 from a fund raising event, no person attending an event (including a low-cost fund raiser) may contribute more than $200 in the aggregate to your campaign. Deducting Cost of - As mentioned, the law provides that the amount of a Consumables contribution received in connection with a fund raising event -- such as a dinner -- may be reduced by the cost of the consumables provided at the fund raiser. Consumables include such things as food and beverages, disposable plates, napkins and silverware, the cost of preparation, catering and entertainment.and the fair market value of items sold, raffled or given as prizes. In order to deduct the cost of consumables from contribu- tions, determine the amount to be deducted per person (the total amount spent for consumables divided by the number of persons attending the event). In your records, show the actual amount received from each'person, the amount deducted as consumables, and the net contribution. Abbre- . . viated filers will multiply the net contribution amount by the number of contributors and include that figure as part of 26 ' I _ • I total cash contributions received on the ABB C-4 report. Since the cost of the consumables has already been accounted for by reducing contributions, do not include these costs when reporting total cash expenditures on the ABB C-4. • EXPENDITURES AND DEBTS General Information Candidates using mini reporting are limited to spending $500 on their election campaigns, in addition to the amount they spend for their filing fee. Candidates and political committees using abbreviated reporting may spend no more than $2,000 during their • campaigns (or, during the calendar year, for continuing political committees). This $2,000 limit includes the amount spent for filing fees by candidates. • "Expenditure" includes a payment, contribution, subscription, distribution, loan, advance, deposit, or gift of money or anything of value. It includes a contract, promise or agree- ment, whether or not legally enforceable, to make an expenditure. The term "expenditure" also includes a promise to pay, a payment or a transfer of anything of value in exchange for goods, services, property, facilities, or anything of value for the purpose of assisting, benefiting, or honoring any public offi dial or candidate, or assisting in furthering.or opposing any election campaign. Agreements,to make expenditures, contracts, and promises to pay are reported as estimated obligations until actual payment is made. Payments of bank se ce charges are also included as expenditures. Loan repayments are listed in your records as reductions in the amount contributed by the person making-the campaign loan. That is, when loans are paid back, you'll reduce _ contributions by the amount of the payment, rather than listing this payment as an expenditure. _ All expenditures made by the campaign committee (including any filing fee) must be recorded in your records. Show the date,"vendor or recipient and amount of each expenditure. Any expenditure of $50,or more_in currency (actual cash dollars) may not be made unless a written receipt signed by the;vendor/recipient and a campaign representative is made . part of the campaign's records. . 27, Remember, expenditures may only be made, incurred or authorized by the candidate or treasurer. CANDIDATE REGISTRATION AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Mini Reporting In order to comply with the Public Disclosure Law, candi- dates using mini reporting need only file the C-1 registration statement, the F-1 personal financial affairs statement, keep - accurate and detailed records of their contributions and expenditures, and make these records available during the eight days preceding the election. No other reporting obligations exist for mini filers. Abbreviating Reporting Candidates using abbreviated reporting must file a C-1 registration statement, an F-1 personal financial affairs statement, keep accurate and detailed records of their contributions and expenditures, make these-records available during the eight days preceding the election, and file a post- election ABB C-4 report. Candidates losing in the primary file the ABB C-4 on October 10, candidates going on to the general election file on December 10, and candidates participating in a special election file on the 10th of the first month following the election. Blank Forms Copies of the C-1 and ABB C-4 forms are included at the end of this manual. Additional forms can be obtained from county election offices and PDC. Registering as a Candidates for state or local office in jurisdictions that had . • Candidate 5,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election or in jurisdictions covering an entire county must register with PDC on Form C-1. This registration must be filed within'two weeks of becoming a candidate. You become a candidate when you receive - - contributions, make campaign-related expenditures, publicly announce your candidacy, or reserve space or file for office, whichever occurs first. Amended C-1 forms must be filed within ten days of changes that make the previously filed C-1 outdated. Incumbents must file a new C-1 when they begin a new campaign. V 28 Send the original C-1 to PDC. Provide a copy to the county election office of the county where the candidate lives. Keep a copy for your own records. C-1 forms, like other standard PDC reports, are considered filed as of the postmark date or the date hand-delivered to PDC. The C'-1 Statement Please type or print clearly using black ink. (The reports are microfilmed for security, and colors other than black do not photograph well.) State the candidate's first name, middle initial, and last name (as it will appear,on the ballot). For example, John A. "Jack" Jones or Margaret C. "Maggie" Smith. Identify the candidate's committee name. For example, Citizeks for Jones. • Item No. Description • 1 Show the office being sought, the district, county or city as well as the position number, if known. 2 If a partisan office is being sought, specify the candidate's political party. 3 Give the date of the general or special election. - 4 If no option is designated, you are expected to comply with the full reporting requirements. 5 Identify the campaign treasurer, the person who will be responsible for receiving contributions, making expenditures and keeping accurate, detailed records. - Candidates may serve as their own treasurer. It's also important to include the treasurer's daytime phone number. 6 List the name, address and title of the campaign chairperson, vice-chair, manager, coordinator and other key people in the organization. There is no legal requirement specifying what officers the committee must have. 7 j Name the financial institution where the campaign account is kept, along with the branch office location and city. 29 8 If the candidate is affiliated with any joint fund raising committee or a committee organized to support a slate of candidates, give the name and address of the committee(s) and describe the relationship. 9 During the eight days before the election, the campaign records must be open for public inspection for two consecutive hours, between 8 am and 8 pm, Monday through Friday. Identify the location and give the hours the records will be available. • 10 For information only. 11 The registration statement is not considered filed unless signed by the candidate. 30 REGISTRATION: . CANDIDATES/CANDIDATE COMMITTEE PDC OFFICE USE Candidate's Name(Do not abbreviate.Include candidate's lull name) C 1 P M i S Mary Beth Stevens SR • R Candidate's Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.) T K Stevens for District Court Judge I (1r90) R Address E 123 Miller Way I City (County Zip Y E Anyplace i Grassland 98000 0 1. What office are you running for? Office District,County or City Position No. 1 District Court Judge - I Grassland County #1 2.Political party(it partisan office) 3.Date of general or special election n/a 1 November 6, 199X • 4.How much do plan youto spend during p your entire election campaign,Including the primary and general elections?Based on that estimate,choose one of the reporting options below. 1 II no box Is checked you are obligated to use Option III,Full. Reporting.See Instruction manuals for Information about reports required and changing reporting options. ❑ Option I MINI REPORTING I I will limit contributions or expenditures during this icampaign to my filing fee of$ plus no more than$500 which includes charges for the voters pamphlet.I will accept no contribution over$200 from any single source. OkJ ption II II ABBREVIATED REPORTING • I I will use the Abbreviated Reporting System. I will raise and spend no more than$2,000 and will accept no more than $200 from any , one contributor except from the candidate's personal funds. I Option III FULL REPORTING I will use the Full Reporting System.I understand frequent,detailed reports are required. 5.Treasurer's name and address (Candidate may be treasurer.)(List,deputy treasurers on attached sheet.) Daytime phone no. Michael Kennedy I • (509)555-1212 8.Committee's Principal Officers.List name,address and title. i Carol Jean Jones, Manager, 123 Miller Way, Anyplace, WA 98000 Karen Lynn, Volunteer Coordinator, 42 Second Avenue, Anyplace, WA 98000 7.Campaign Bank or Depository. I Branch City Anyplace Savings and Loan I Oak Creek Mall Anyplace 8.Related or affiliated political committees.List name,address and relationship. None I i , 9.Campaign records are to be open for public inspection the Iasi eight days before election.(Two hours daily between 8 AM-8 PM,Monday-Friday.)Show location and hours below: Street Address(Do not use a Post Office Box Number) . Hours 123 Miller Place I 9 am. - 11 am. Anyplace, WA 98000 . I 10. Fair Campaign Practices: All candidates and commit- 11.CERTIFICATION: lee officers are encouraged to subscribe to the Code J I certify that this report White,complete and correct to the best of my knowlege. of Fair Campaign Practices printed in the instruction manuals. ! -_ O%,,�, Candidate's signature Date ' FAIR�`;% July 5, 199X 't, ..... 0 • Please advise us about which forms and Instructions you need. Remember, candidates must file a financial affairs statment (F-1) unless a current one Is already on file with PDC. Check all boxes which apply. ❑ I already have financial affairs and campaign disclosure forms and instructions. ❑ I am using Mini Reporting and,therefore,do not need the other campaign disclosure forms.In addition,I have DISTRIBUTION OF THIS REPORT: ❑ already filed my financial affairs statement and,need no additional F-1 forms. ORIGINAL—Public Disclosure Commission •I will obtain all forms and instructions from my county elections office. COPY—County Elections Dept.(Auditor) ® I want PDC to mail me: the F-1 instruction booklet(which includes forms) the appropriate campaign disclosure forms and instructions. COPY—Your own records r . 31 f THE ABB C-4 REPORT (Candidates) The ABB C-4 is the report filed by candidates using abbreviated reporting to show total contributions received and el xpenditures made duffing the course of the campaign. All funds received since the beginning of the campaign -- including any funds carried forward from a previous campaign.-- and all expenditures made by the campaign must • be shown on the report. Due Dates . .The ABB VC-4 Report is due: • on October 10 from candidates defeated in the primary election; • on December 10 from candidates participating in the general election; .. - • on the 10th.of the first month following the election from clandidates participating in a special election; and • ♦- whenever a candidate's committee ceases operation, disposes of any surplus campaign funds and has a zero • account balance. (Final reports may be filed at any time and may coincide with one of the due dates listed above.) File the original of the report with PDC and a copy with the county election'officer of the county in which the candidate resides. (See page 46 for a list of county election offices.) Be sure to keep a copy as well. The law requires candidates . to keep all their campaign records for five years from the date of the election in which they participate. Reports are considered filed as of the postmark date or the date hand-delivered to PDC. Step-by-Step In the identification section at the top of the ABB C-4 Instructions . report, give the.candidate's,full name, mailing address, city, county and zip code. Item No. Description 1 . Show the time frame covered by the report. (For candidates, that's the start-up date of the campaign • - through the end of the month in which the election occurred.) 33 • 2a Indicate the amount of cash on-hand at the beginning of the campaign that was carried forward from a previous election. First-time candidates and candidates who disposed of all funds remaining from a previous election will put zero ("0") on line 2a. 2b Show the total amount of monetary contributions received'from the beginning of the campaign through the end of the month in which the election occurred. Include all funds donated by the candidate and other sources as well as loans received from any source. The figure put on line 2b must be accurate and supported by your records. 2c The sum of lines 2a and 2b. 2d Give the total monetary value of all in-kind contributions received by the campaign. Include candidate's and committee workers' out-of-pocket expenditures of over $50, donated goods and services, filing fees (if paid by the candidate or others and not reimbursed by the campaign), as well as other non- cash contributions received. See page 22 for a discussion of the fair market value of in-kind contributions. (NOTE: In order to comply with the rules governing abbreviated reporting, the sum of lines 2b and.2d may not exceed $2,000.) • 2e The sum of lines 2c and 2d. 3a Show the total expenditures made during the campaign. Include expenditures made from the campaign account and petty cash purchases. (Out-of- pocket expenditures made by the candidate or others to-benefit the campaign are considered in-kind contributions.) This figure, like all others disclosed on the report, must be accurate and supported by campaign records.. 3b Enter the amount shown on line 2d. (In-kind contri- butions must also be listed as in-kind expenditures.) 3c The sum.of.lines 3a and 3b. This total may not exceed $2,000. 4a The difference between lines 2c and 3a. This figure should equal your'bank account balance (plus any petty cash on hand) as of the last day covered by the report. 4b Show the total of any outstanding campaign debts, including loans that have not been repaid. 34. • 4c The difference between lines 4a and 4b. (If 4b is larger than 4a, show a deficit amount on line 4c.) If 4c is zero, this report is your final report. If the figure on 4c is not zero, file a final ABB C-4 report when the surplus or deficit has been disposed of. See page 12 for a discussion on how surplus funds may be used. Both the candidate and treasurer must sign the report, certi- fying that the information contained on it is true and complete. SUMMARY, ABBREVIATED REPORT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES ABB PDC OFFICE USE C4 °A Candidate or committee name(Do not abbreviate.Include full memo) S Mary Beth Stevens for District Court Ivaco) Tnx Address E 123 Miller Way E " City County Zip V Anyplace Grassland 98000 1. PERIOD COVERED BY REPORT: From: July 7. 199X to, November 30, 199X a.Candidates: Start of campaign through the end of the month- c.Continuing Committees filing post-election report: January 1 In which the election occurred. through end of the month In which election occurred. b.Ballot Measure Committees: Start of campaign through the end d.Continuing Committees filing annual report: Calendar year of the month in which the election occurred. I (January 1 through December 31). 2. RECEIPTS a. Cash on hand from previous campaign or year None • (Include money In checking,savings and other accounts) b. Cash contributions received this campaign or year! (Include monetary contributions,loans,fund raising 1,650.00 and cash contributions bye candidate) 1,650.00 c. Total cash receipts(Add lines 2a+2b) d. Other contributions,including in-kind (Include candidates and committee workers out of pocket expenditures over$50.00,donated goods and services. 325.00 • (Dingoes paid by others and similar non•cash contributions) 1,975.00 e. Total contributions(Add lines 2c+2d) r 3. EXPENSES • 1,587.16 a. Cash expenditures b. Other expenditures.(Enter the amount shown on line 2d above here. • Non•cesh contributions are listed as both received and expended. 325.00 Disregard any materials which may remain on hand.) 1,912.16 c. Total expenditures(Add lines 3a+3b) • 4. SURPLUS/DEFICIT a. Cash on hand at end of reporting period(Subtract:line 3a(rem 2c) 62.84 b. Debts and obligations owed None c. Surplus or deficit 62.84* *Consider this my final report,; am donating surplus to charity. CANDIDATES Won Lost Unopposed Name not on ballot Primary election ❑ Please complete: Q ❑ ❑ ❑ General election Sk' • CERTIFICATION:I certify that this report is true and'correct to the best of my knowledge. Candidate's signature/' ,��'' Date Treasurer's signature(if a political com mittee) Dale 7)2a 6(z , r ' Dec. 9, 199X *0.44...L.-6 Dec. 9, 199X 3S POLITICAL COMMITTEE REGISTRATION AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Abbreviated Reporting Othei than full reporting, abbreviated is the only option available to political committees. Committees using abbreviated reporting must file a C-lpc registration statement, keep-accurate and detailed records of their contributions and expenditures, make these records available during the eight days preceding the election, and file a post- election ABB C-4 report. Continuing political committees that do not participate in an election, file a year-end report in lieu of the post-election ABB C-4. Blank Forms Copies of the C-1pc and ABB C-4 forms are included at the end of this section. Additional forms may be obtained from county election offices and PDC. Registering as a Political committees must register with PDC if 1) they Political Committee support or oppose ballot measures in jurisdictions that had 1,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election or 2) they support or oppose candidates in jurisdictions that include an entire county or had 5,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election. Mot political committees must register within two weeks of forming a committee or expecting to receive or spend funds, • whichever occurs first. Committees that form within three weeks of an election and expect to receive contributions and make expenditures with respect to that election must register within three business days of organizing. Amended C-1pc reports are filed within ten days of changes that make the previously filed C-1pc outdated. Continuing political committees using abbreviated reporting must also re-register annually between January 1 and January 31 in order to keep their abbreviated reporting status. Failure to re-register annually automatically makes the!continuing committee subject to the full reporting provisions of the law. Send the original C-lpc to PDC. Provide a copy to the county elections office of the county in which the committee headquarters is located or, if there is no headquarters, the county in which the treasurer. resides. (See page 46 for a list of county election offices.) Keep a copy for your records. C-1pc forms, like other standard PDC reports, are considered filed as-of the postmark date or the date hand-delivered to PDC. 37 The C-lpc Form Please type or print clearly using black ink. (The reports are microfilmed for security, and colors other than black do not photograph well.) Give the committee's complete, official name. Include any acronym in the space provided (for example, "HALT' for Homeowners Against Lofty Taxes). Give the committee's full mailing address. Indicate whether this is a new or amended registration and whether your group is a continuing committee or organized for a specific election only. Item No. Description 1 Specify the committee's purpose. 2 Give the name, address and relationship to any other committee -- including a candidate's -- with which your committee is affiliated either structurally, philosophically or for joint fund raising purposes. 3 If you do not specify abbreviated reporting, you're automatically subject to the full reporting requirements. 4 Identify the committee treasurer's name, address and daytime telephone number. This is the person who is ultimately responsible for receiving contributions, making expenditures, keeping accurate, detailed records and filing timely and complete reports. 5 List the name, address and title of the committee's chairperson, vice-chair, manager, coordinator and other key'people. There is no legal provision specifying what officers your committee must have, other than a treasurer. 6 Name the financial institution where your campaign account is kept, along with the branch office location and city. 7 During the eight days before any election in which your committee is spending money, the committee records must be open for public inspection for two consecutive hours, between 8 am and 8 pm, Monday through Friday. Identify the location and give the hours the records will be available. 8 For information only. Compliance with the Fair - Campaign Practices Code is voluntary. • • 38 . • 9 ; Registrations are not considered filed unless signed by the committee treasurer. • REGISTRATION: • POLITICAL COMMITTEES P M PDC OFFICE USE P D A 1 Committee Name(Show entire official name.) Acronym „, S R • IiiT Public Safety First .1 PSF (10r91) R I Address C PO Box 704 - . E • City • I County Zip+4 V Anyplace Grassland 98000-0000 D ' NEW REGISTRATION OR UPDATE OF PRIOR REGISTRATION? I COMMITTEE STATUS , XXNEW:Complete all Items In the registration 1 0 Continuing committee 0 AMENDED:Supply the information below which has changed xa 19 9 X election only:election dale_Nov ember 3, 199 X . 1. COMMITTEES:What Is the purpose or description o1 the committee? ❑ Political Party,Central Committee,District Club.etc. I �- Identity political party.II you are not supporting the entire party ticket,attach a list of the candidates you support. Ballot Number FOR AGAINST $](Ballot Committee(Initiative,Bond,Levy,Recail,elc.) Increased Funding for Public Safety 000 AEI - Name or description of ballot measure: • ( ❑ Political Action Committee.II commlllee Is associated with a business,association,labor union,or similar organization,list name: ❑ Other.Explain on attached sheet. . i 2. Related or affiliated committees.List name,address and relationship. ' I None i 7. HOW MUCH DO YOU PLAN TO SPEND DURING THIS ENTIRE ELECTION CAMPAIGN,INCLUDING THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS?BASED ON THAT ESTIMATE.CHOOSE ONE OF THE REPORTING OPTIONS BELOW.(II the committee is a continuing organizetion,estimate spending on a calendar year.) II no box Is checked you are obligated to use Full Reporting.See reporting Instruction booklets for Information about reports required and changing reporting options. • X( ABBREVIATED REPORTING • • We will use the Abbreviated Reporting System.We will raise and spend no more than$2,000 and will accept no more than$200 Iron any one conlribulor. ❑ FULL REPORTING We rill)use the Full Reporting System.We understand this means we must file frequent,detailed reports required by law. • 4. Treasurer's name and address (Llsl deputy treasurers on attached sheet.) Daytime phone no, Michael Kennedy, PO Box 704, Anyplace, WA 98000-0000 (509) 555-0000 5. Committee's Principal Officers.List name,address and title. Susan Simpson, Chair, 711 Washiigton'St., Anyplace, WA 98000-0000 . Adam Adamson, Vice—Chair, PO Box 85, Hometown, WA 99800-0000 • • 6. Campaign Bank or Depository. Anyplace Savings and Loan Branch i City Downtown Anyplace, WA 7. Campaign records are to be open for public inspection the last eight days before election.(Two hours daily between 8 AM-0 PM,Monday-Friday.)Show location and hours below: Street Address(Do not use a Post Office Box Number) Hours Kennedy & Associates 1 :00-3:00 pm 812 Hightower Avenue , Anyplace, WA - 8. Fair Campaign Practices:All committee officers are encouraged to 9. Signature end Certlllcation.I certify That this statement Is true,complete and correct to the - subscribe fo the Code of Fair Campaign Practices printed In campaign best a1 my knowledge. instruction booklets. n ' FAH, Committee treasurer•s_slgnalure Dale -C-1/.. /�_ /� .U „n I July 10, 199X Need campaign finance forms and Instructions for 1 e reporting system selected? .Please check one of the following boxes: 0 I already have forms and instructions. ❑ I will get forms and instructions from my county elections office. gy I want the Public Disclosure Commission to mail me the proper forms and instructions. 39 THE ABB C-4 REPORT (Political Committees) Single-Election The ABB C-4 is the report filed by single-election political Political Committees committees using abbreviated reporting to show total contributions received and expenditures made during the course of the campaign. All funds received and spent since the beginning of the campaign must be accounted for in the respective totals shown on the report. Continuing Political The ABB-C-4 is the report filed by continuing political Committees committees using abbreviated reporting to show total contributions received and expenditures made since January 1 of the current calendar year. All funds,received and spent since the beginning of the year must be accounted for in the respective totals shown on the report. Due Dates The ABB C-4 Report is due: • on October 10 from all committees only supporting or opposing ballot issues voted on in the primary election and/or candidates who were defeated in the primary; • on December 10 from all committees supporting or opposing ballot issues voted on in the general election and/or candidates whose names appeared on the general election ballot; • on the 10th of the first month following the election from all committees supporting or opposing candidates or issues appearing on a special election ballot; • on January 10 from continuing political committees that did not participate in any elections during the preceding year; and • whenever a committee ceases operation, disposes of any surplus campaign funds and has a zero account balance. (Final reports may be filed at any time and may coincide with one of the due dates listed above.) File the original report with PDC and a copy with the county elections office of the county in which the committee headquarters is located or, if there is no headquarters, the county in which the treasurer resides. (See page 46 for alist of county election offices.) Be sure to keep a copy of the r 40 - report. The committee is required to keep all campaign records for five years from the date of the election. Reports are considered filed as of the postmark date or the date hand-delivered to PDC. Step-by-Step In the identification section at the top of the ABB C-4 Instructions report, give the committee's full name, mailing address, city, County and zip code: i Item No. Description 1 . Show the reporting period covered by the report. (For single-election committees, it's the start of the campaign through the end of the month in which the election occurs; for continuing committees, it's the first of the year through the.end of the month in which the election occurs or the. end of the year, depending on whether a post-election or annual report is being filed.) 2a Indicate the amount of cash on-hand at the beginning of the campaign that was carried forward from a previous election. Committees that first organized with respect to this election will put zero ("0") on line' 2a. 2b Show the total amount of monetary contributions received during the reporting period. Include all funds donated during the period as well as loans received from any source. Be sure the figure put on line 2b is accurate and supported by your records. 2c The sum of lines 2a and 2b. 2d Give the total monetary value of all in-kind contributions received by the campaign. Include committee workers' out-of-pocket'expenditures of.over $50, donated goods and services, as well as other non- • monetary contributions received. See page 22 for a discussion of the fair market value of in-kind contributions. (NOTE: In order to comply with the rules governing abbreviated reporting, the sum of lines 2b and 2d may,not exceed $2,000.) • 2e The sum of lines 2c and 2d. 41 3a Show the total expenditures made during the campaign. Include expenditures made from'the campaign account and petty cash purchases. (Out-of- pocket expenditures made to benefit the campaign that are not reimbursed by the campaign are consid- ered in-kind contributions.) This figure, like all others disclosed on the report, must be accurate and supported by campaign records: 3b Enter the amount shown on line 2d. (In-kind contributions must also be listed as in-kind expenditures.) 3c The sum of lines 3a and 3b. This total may not exceed $2,000. 4a The difference between lines 2c and 3a. This figure should equal your bank account balance (plus any petty cash on hand) as of the last day covered by the report. 4b Show the total of any outstanding campaign debts, including loans that have not been repaid. 4c The difference between lines 4a and.4b. (If 4b is larger than 4a, show a deficit amount on line 4c.) If 4c is zero, this report is your final report. If the figure on line 4c is other than zero, file a final ABB C-4 report when any surplus or deficit has been disposed of. See page 12 for a discussion on how surplus funds may be used. The treasurer must sign the report, certifying that the information contained on it is true and complete. 42 • SUMMARY, ABBREVIATED REPORT RECEIPTS. AND EXPENDITURES ABB PDC OFFICE USE o� Candidate or committee name(Do not abbreviate.Include lull name) C 4 s n T K Public Safety First (Iiac) Address • E P 0 Box 704 I E City I • County Zip V Anyplace I Grassland 98000 1. PERIOD COVERED BY REPORT: From: July 2, 199X to: November 30, 199X • a.Candidates: Start of campaign through the end of:the month c.Continuing Committees filing post-election report: January 1 in which the election occurred. through end of the month in which election occurred. b.Ballot Measure Committees: Start of campaign tlirough the end d.Continuing Committees filing annual report: Calendar year of the month in which the election occurred. (January 1 through December 31). 2. RECEIPTS a. Cash on hand from previous campaign or year zero (Include money in checking,savings and other accounts) b. Cash contributions received this campaign or year (Include monetary contributions,loans,fund raising 1 225.00 and cash contributions by a candidate) i r c. Total cash receipts(Add lines 2a+2b) j 1 ,225.00 d. Other contributions,including in-kind (Include candidates and committee workers out of pocket expenditures over$50.00,donated goods and services, 110.00 filing fees paid by others and similar non-cash contributions) ec Total contributions(Add lines 2c+2d) 1 ,335.00 I - 3. EXPENSES a. Cash expenditures 1 ,225.00 b. Other expenditures.(Enter the amount shown on line 2d above here. • Non-cash contributions are listed as both received and expended. Disregard any materials which may remain on hand.) 110.00 1 ,335.00 c. Total expenditures(Add lines 3a+3b) • • I r 4. SURPLUS/DEFICIT I • a. Cash on hand at end of reporting period(Subtract:line 3a from 2c) -- b. Debts and obligations owed -- c. Surplus or deficit -- CANDIDATES Won'. Lost Unopposed Name not on ballot Primary election El Please complete: OI ❑ ❑ ❑ General election • CERTIFICATION:I certify that this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Candidate's signature Dale Treasurer's signature(if a political comm'lee) Date 12/7/9X L-17//' 43 ' I Pertinent Government Agencies QUESTIONS ABOUT AGENCY • TELEPHONE Federal Income Tax Internal Revenue Service 1-800-424-1040 (Form 1120-POL) (local office) Employer ID Number (if campaign has employees) " 1-800-829-3676 (Form SS-4) Employee Withholding (W-4 form) Social Security Social Security Administration (local office) Federal Campaign Reporting I Federal Election Commission 1-800-424-9530 999 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20463 State Taxes Department of Revenue 206-753-5540 PO Box 47462 Olympia, WA 98504-7450 Employment Security Department 206-753-5116 212 Maple Park, M/S 6000 Olympia, WA 98507-9046 Business Licenses Department of Licensing 1-800-562-8203 1125 Washington St SE, M/S 8001 or Olympia, WA 98504 206-753-6918 or Local City Clerk or Treasurer Liquor and Banquet Permits Local WA State Liquor Store or Liquor Control Board 206-753-6262 1025 E. Union,PO Box 43076 • Olympia,WA 98504-3076 Gambling Permits Gambling Commission 206-438-7654 (bingo, raffles) 1100 S. Jefferson, M/S 2400 Olympia, WA 98504-2400 Health Permits (food sales) County or City Health Department Incorporation i Secretary of State 206-753-7115 505 E. Union, PO Box 40234 Olympia, WA 98504-0234 Postal Permits Local U.S. Post Office Declarations of Candidacy County Auditor or Secretary of State 206-753-2334 Candidates Voter Pamphlet County Auditor or Secretary of State Election Laws County Auditor/County Prosecutor Political Broadcasting Federal Communications Commission 202-632-7586 Broadcast Bureau Washington, D.C. 20554 Sign Regulations See page 47 45 • • • County Election Officials • ADAMS COUNTY AUDITOR 210 W BROADWAY RITOVILLE WA 99169-1860 ASOTIN COUNTY AUDITOR PO BOX 129 ASOTIN WA 99402-0129 BENTON COUNTY AUDITOR 620 MARKET ST PO BOX 470 PROSSER WA 99350-1300 CHELAN COUNTY AUDITOR WASHINGTON &ORON00 ST PO BOX 400 WENATCHEE WA 98801-2886 • CLALLAI4 COUNTY AUDITOR 223 E 4TH PORT ANGELES WA 98362-3025 CLARK COUNTY AUDITOR 1200 FRANKLIN ST PO BOX 5000 VANCOUVER WA 98660-2872 COLUMBIA'COUNTY AUDITOR 341 E MAIN ST DAYTON WA 99328-1361 COWLITZ COUNTY AUDITOR 207 4TH AVE N KELSO WA 98626-4190 DOUGLAS COUNTY AUDITOR PO BOX 456 WATERVILLE WA 98858-0456 FERRY COUNTY AUDITOR 350 E DELAWARE PO BOX 498 REPUBLIC WA 99166-0498 FRANKLIN COUNTY AUDITOR 1016 N 4TH AVE PASCO WA 99301-3706 GARFIELD COUNTY AUDITOR PO BOX 278 POMEROY WA 99347-0278 GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR C ST NW PO BOX 37 EPIIRATA WA 98823-0037• GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY AUDITOR 100 W BROADWAY PO BOX 751 MONTESANO WA 98563-3614 • ISLAND COUNTY AUDITOR 7TH&MAIN ST PO BOX 5000 COUPEVILLE WA 98239-9998 • JEFFERSON COUNTY AUDITOR 1820 JEFFERSON ST PO BOX 563 PORT TOWNSEND WA 98368-6951 KING CO RECORDS &ELECTIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BG 0553 500 4TH AVE SEATTLE WA 98104-2337 KITSAP COUNTY AUDITOR 614 DIVISION ST PO BOX 189 PORT ORCHARD WA 98366-4676 KITTITAS COUNTY AUDITOR 5TH A MAIN ELLENSBURG WA 98926-2897 KLICKIIAT COUNTY AUDITOR 205 S COLUMBUS AVE 0203 GOLDENDALE WA 98620-9293 LEWIS COUNTY AUDITOR 351 NW N ST PO BOX 29 CHEHALIS WA 98532-1926 LINCOLN COUNTY AUDITOR PO BOX 366 DAVENPORT WA 99122-0366 MASON COUNTY AUDITOR 411 N 5TH PO BOX 400 SHELTON WA 98584-3400 OKANOGAN COUNTY AUDITOR 149 3RD N PO BOX 1010 OKANOGAN WA 98840-1010 PACIFIC COUNTY AUDITOR 300 MEMORIAL AVE PO BOX 97 SOUTH BEND WA 98586-0097 PEND OREILLE COUNTY AUDITOR 625 W 4TH PO BOX 5000 NEWPORT WA 99156-5000 PIERCE COUNTY AUDITOR 2401 S 35TH 0200 TACOMA WA 98409-7460 SAN JUAN COUNTY AUDITOR 350 COURT ST PO BOX 638 FRIDAY HARBOR WA 98250-0638 SKAGIT COUNTY AUDITOR 205 KINCAID ST PO BOX 1306 MOUNT VERNON WA 98273-4225 SKAMANIA COUNTY AUDITOR 2ND ST PO BOX 790 STEVENSON WA 98648-9704 SNOHOMISH COUNTY AUDITOR . 3000 ROCKEFELLER AVE 1ST FLR EVERETT WA 98201-4046 SPOKANE COUNTY AUDITOR W 1116 BROADWAY SPOKANE WA 99260-0430 STEVENS COUNTY AUDITOR '215 S OAK ST PO BOX 169 COLVILLE WA 99114-2836 THURSTON COUNTY AUDITOR 2000 LAKERIDGE DR SW OLYMPIA WA 98502-6045 WAHKIAKUM COUNTY AUDITOR 64 MAIN ST PO BOX 543 CATHLAMET WA 98612-9602 WALLA WALLA COUNTY AUDITOR 315 W MAIN ST PO BOX 1856 WALLA WALLA WA 99362-2820 WHATCOM COUNTY AUDITOR 311 GRAND AVE PO BOX 398 BELLINGHAM WA 98225-4186 WHITMAN COUNTY AUDITOR 404 N MAIN ST PO BOX 350 - COLFAX WA 99111-2071 YAKIMA COUNTY AUDITOR N 2ND&E "B" ST YAKIMA WA 98901-2646 46 • • WA State Department of Transportation District Traffic Engineers 'Washington State is divided into six transportation districts. See map on reverse. Each district has a traffic engineer and other staff who are able to advise campaigns on the size, spacing and placement of political signs so that they conform with federal and state highway laws. (Campaigns may need to contact local police or sheriff departments regarding additional local ordinances regulating signs.) Campaigns intending to erect signs within a transportation district should contact the appropriate office. District #1 Bill Garing (206) 562-4251 Department of Transportation 15325 SE 130th Place Bellevue, WA 98007-6538 District #2 John Bak I r (509) 663-9638 Department of Transportation 1551 North Wenatchee Avenue PO Box 98 Wenatchee, WA 98801 District #3 Charles D. Hornbuckle (206) 357-2670 Department of Transportation 5720 Capitol Blvd. PO Box 9327 Olympia, :WA 98504 District #4 Jerry Sorrell (206) 696-6376 Department of Transportation 4200 Main Street PO Box 1709 Vancouver, WA 98668 District #5 George R. Hilsinger (206) 575-2521 Department of Transportation 2809 Rudkin Road, Union Gap (Mailing: PO Box 12562 Yakima, WA 98909-2560) District #6 Robert R. Earnest (509) 456-3007 Department of Transportation N 2714 Mayfair Street Box 5299 North Central Station Spokane,;WA 99205 47 1 STEVENS PEND - WHATCOM OKANOGAN FERRY OREILLE • fl ‘ BAN JUAN SKAGIT - A ,o__O 2 \?._• I-LA \--1 ' CLALLAM SNOHOMISH �T� CHELAN V 1 SPOKANE6r, DOUGLAB JEFFERSON J LINCOLN KITBA KING MASON A.___________--, A GRAYS HARBOR • NW.'_A() L , KITTITAB ' / GRANT . • v \ U ADAMB WHITMAN „�i O PIERCE C 1 THURSTON r YAKIMA I ! PACIFIC I - 1 `` I. LEWIB FRANKLIN 01' .. eARFIELD BENTON WALLA WALLA COLUMBIA ABOTIN COWLITZ SKAMANIA y-��r] _ • WAHKIAKU �+ • KLICKITAT WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT BOUNDARIES I 1 • i Index _ Advertising 14 ,Anonymous contributions 10 Bank service charges 27 • Banks and banking 13 Bumper stickers 16 ILLUSTRATIONS Campaign buttons 16 c. Candidate's money 19, 20, 34 C-1 (Candidate Registration) 31 Candidate's out-of-pocket expenses 34 Candidates required to report 2 C-lpc (Political Committee Registration) 39 ) Concealment 9 Continuing political committee 5, 40 ABB C-4 (Candidate Report) 35 Contribution, defmition, 20 Contribution, personal use of, 11 ABB C-4 (Committee Report) 43 Contribution limits 5 Dates reports required (see front of manual) • Discounts 20, 22 APPENDIX Donated goods and services 22 Earmarked contributions 9 Pertinent Government Agencies 45 Exempt from reporting 3, 5 - Expenditures, definition, 27 - County Election Offices 46 Fair Campaign Practices Code 19 Fair market value 22 Department of Transportation Contacts 47 Fund raising events 24 - (Sign Placement) Garage sale 26 In-kind contributions 22 In-kind expenditures 34, 42 Interest 14 Investment of funds 14 Loans 24 Orders placed 27 Payments to the candidate 11 Pledges received 20 • Political committee 4 Prohibitions and restrictions 9 - Public inspection of fmancial books 13 Public office, use of, 12 Registration 2, 28, 37 • Summary or reports (see front of manual) Surplus, retention by candidates, 12 • Surplus funds, disposition, 12 . Unidentified contributions 10 Who must report 2 - I . 49 • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION 'i 711 CAPITOL PO BOX 40908 WAY RM 403 REGISTRATION: ' OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 CANDIDATES/CANDIDATE COMMITTEE (206)753-1111 PDC OFFICE USE Candidate's Name(Do not abbreviate.Include candidate's full name). C 1 P M 0 A S R T K Candidate's Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.) (4/93) E Mailing Address C I E I City County Zip+4 E I •• 1. What office are you running for? Office District,County or City Position No. 2. Political party(if partisan office) i 3. Date of general or special election i 4. How much do you plan to spend during your entire election campaig 1,including the primary and general elections?Based on that estimate,choose one of the reporting options below. If no box is checked you are obligated to use Option III,Full Rep forting.See instruction manuals for information about reports required and changing reporting options. i ❑ Option I MINI REPORTING • I will limit contributions or expenditures during this campaign to my filing fee of$ plus no more than$500,including charges for the voters pamphlet.I will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any contributor except myself. ❑ Option II ABBREVIATED REPORTING 1 I will use the Abbreviated Reporting System.I will raise and spend no more than$2,000 and will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any contributor except myself. ❑ Option III FULL REPORTING 1 I will use the Full Reporting System.I understand frequent,detailed reports are required. 5.Treasurer's Name and Address(Candidate may be treasurer.)(List deputy treasurers on attached sheet.) Daytime Telephone Number . 6. Committee's Principal Officers.List name,address and title. . • I 7. Campaign Bank or Depository i Branch City • I • 8. Related or Affiliated Political Committees.List name,address and relationship. • 9. Campaign records are to be open for public inspection the last eight days before election.(Two hours daily between 8 AM-8 PM,Monday-Friday.)Show location and hours below: Street Address(Do not use a Post Office Box Number) 1 Hours I I ' I . 10. Fair Campaign Practices:All candidates and committee t� 11. CERTIFICATION: officers are encouraged to subscribe to the Code of , \ I certify that this report is true,complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. Fair Campaign Practices printed in the instruction manuals. > FAIR �1 Candidate's signature Date AMPAIG • pdc Please advise us about which forms and instructions you need.Remember,candidates must file a Financial Affairs Statement(F-1)unless a current one is already on file with PDC.Check all boxes which apply. ❑ I already have financial affairs and campaign disclosure forms and instructions. ❑ I am using Mini Reporting and,therefore,do not need the other campaign disclosure forms.In addition,I have already filed DISTRIBUTION OF THIS REPORT: my Financial Affairs Statement and need no additional F-1 forms. k. ORIGINAL—Public Disclosure Commission ❑ I will obtain all forms and instructions from my county elections office. COPY—County Elections Dept.(Auditor) ❑ I want PDC to mail me: _ the F-1 instruction booklet(which includes forms) COPY—Your own records _ the appropriate campaign disclosure forms and instructions. PDC form C-1(rev.4/93) -1499-C1- . See instructions on reverse PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION - PDC FORM_ CANDIDATE w 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 3 PO BOX 40908 1 REGISTRATION O WA 98504 0908 STATEMENT (206)06)753 753-1111 J • INSTRUCTIONS Please consult PDC instruction manuals when completing this report. Reporting requirements are contained in and governed by chapters 42.17 RCW and 390-16 WAC. WHO,MUSTFILE Candidates who run for state or local office in jurisdictions that had 5,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election or in jurisdictions covering an entire county. WHEN TO FILE Within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate (that is, receiving contributions, making expenditures, announcing candidacy, reserving space or filing for office, whichever occurs first). File an amended registration within 10 days of changes affecting accuracy of previously filed C-1. Report is considered filed as of postmark date or date hand-delivered to PDC. WHERE TO FILE Send the original to PDC at the above address. Send a copy to County Auditor (County Elections Department) of the county in which the candidate resides. REPORTING Option I (MINI): May be used by candidates who raise and spend no more than $500 OPTIONS on their campaigns (including personal funds), in addition to the filing fee amount. Limited to receiving $200 or less from any contributor other than the candidate (who may give the entire $500). Option II (ABBREVIATED): May be used by candidates who raise and spend no more than $2,000 on their campaigns (including personal funds). Filing fee costs count toward this limit. No more than $200 may be accepted from any contributor other than the candidate. Option III (FULL): Required of candidates who do not qualify for Mini or Abbreviated Reporting. Frequent, detailed reports of contributions and expenditures are required as long as the campaign account remains open. OTHER REPORTS F-1 (Financial Affairs Statement): Filed by candidates within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate, unless a previous F-1 filing has been made in the same calendar year. C-3 (Cash Receipts Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 (Contribution and Expenditure Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 ABB (Receipts and.Expenditures Summary): Filed by candidates using Abbreviated Reporting. FAIR CAMPAIGN This is a voluntary code adopted by PDC to stress the importance of ethical PRACTICES CODE campaign practices. All candidates and campaign workers are encouraged to follow the Code's principles. For assistance, call or write PDC! PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION i ° i 711 BOX 4 908 AY RM 403 REGISTRATION: OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 CANDIDATES/CANDIDATE COMMITTEE (206)753-1111 PDC OFFICE USE Candidate's Name(Do not abbreviate.Include candidate's full name) j P M C 1 O AR R T K Candidate's Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.) (4/93) E Mailing Address C E I City County Zip+4 v E D 1.What office are you running for? • Office District,County or City Position No. • I • 2. Political party(if partisan office) ii 3. Date of general or special election 1 4. How much do you plan to spend during your entire election campaign,including the primary and general elections?Based on that estimate,choose one of the reporting options below. If no box is checked you are obligated to use Option III,Full Reporting.See instruction manuals for information about reports required and changing reporting options. 1 ❑ Option I MINI REPORTING I will limit contributions or expenditures during this campaign to my filing fee of$ plus no more than$500,including charges for the voters pamphlet.I will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any contributor except myself. 1 ❑ Option II ABBREVIATED REPORTING 1 I will use the Abbreviated Reporting System.I will raise and spend no more than$2,000 and will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any contributor except myself. ❑ Option III FULL REPORTING I will use the Full Reporting System.I understand frequent,detailed reports are required. 5.Treasurer's Name and Address(Candidate may be treasurer.)(List deputy treasurers on attached sheet.) Daytime Telephone Number . I ( ) 6. Committee's Principal Officers.List name,address and title. I 1 . I 7. Campaign Bank or Depository 1 Branch City i , 8. Related or Affiliated Political Committees.List name,address and relationship. 9. Campaign records are to be open for public inspection the last eight days before election.(Two hours daily between 8 AM-8 PM,Monday-Friday.)Show location and hours below: Street Address(Do not use a Post Office Box Number) I Hours I 1 10. Fair Campaign Practices:All candidates and committee 11.CERTIFICATION: . officers are encouraged to subscribe to the Code of [7;.._ I certify that this report is true,complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. Fair Campaign Practices printed in the instruction manuals. FAIR-, Candidate's signature • Date . AMPAIG y.,.r V y pdc Please advise us about which forms and instructions you need.Remember,candidates must file a Financial Affairs . Statement(F-1)unless a current one is already on file with PDC.Check all boxes which apply. • ❑ I already have financial affairs and campaign disclosure forms and instructions. i ❑ I am using Mini Reporting and,therefore,do not need the other campaign disclosure forms.In addition,I have already filed DISTRIBUTION OF THIS REPORT: my Financial Affairs Statement and need no additional F-1 forms. ORIGINAL—Public Disclosure Commissic ❑ I will obtain all forms and instructions from my county elections office. • COPY—County Elections Dept.(Auditor) ❑ I want PDC to mail me: _ the F-1 instruction,booklet(which includes forms) COPY—Your own records _ the appropriate campaign disclosure forms and instructions. • 1 PDC form C-1(rev.4/93) -1499-C1- See instructions on reverse PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM CANDIDATE •711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 PO BOX REGISTRATION OLYMPIA WA 96504-0906 STATEMENT(206)753-1111 i" INSTRUCTIONS Please consult PDC instruction manuals when completing this report. Reporting requirements are contained in and governed by chapters 42:17 RCW and 390-16 WAC. WHO MUST FILE Candidates who run for state or local-office in jurisdictions that had 5,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election or in jurisdictions covering an entire county. WHEN TO FILE Within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate (that is, receiving contributions, making expenditures, announcing candidacy, reserving space or filing for office, whichever occurs first). File an amended registration within 10 days of changes affecting • accuracy of previously filed C-1. Report is considered filed as of postmark date or date hand-delivered to PDC. WHERE TO FILE Send the original to PDC at the above address. Send a copy to County Auditor (County Elections Department) of the county in which the candidate resides. REPORTING .Option I (MINI): May be used by candidates who raise and spend no more than $500 OPTIONS on their campaigns (including personal funds), in addition to the filing fee amount. Limited to receiving $200 or less from any contributor other than the candidate (who may give the entire $500). Option II (ABBREVIATED): May be used by candidates who raise and spend no more than $2,000 on their campaigns (including personal funds). Filing fee costs count toward this limit. No more than $200 may be_accepted from any contributor other than the candidate. Option III (FULL): Required of candidates who do not qualify for Mini or Abbreviated Reporting. Frequent, detailed reports of contributions and expenditures are required as long as the campaign account remains open. OTHER REPORTS F-1 (Financial Affairs Statement): Filed by candidates within 2 weeks of becoming a candidate, unless a previous F-1 filing has been made in the same calendar year. C-3 (Cash Receipts Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 (Contribution and Expenditure Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 ABB (Receipts and Expenditures Summary): Filed by candidates using Abbreviated Reporting. FAIR CAMPAIGN This is a voluntary code adopted by PDC to stress the importance of ethical PRACTICES CODE campaign practices. All candidates and campaign workers are encouraged to follow the Code's principles. For assistance, call or write PDC! PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 REGISTRATION: C ,.ilia PO BOX 40908 OLYMPIA WA965040908 ' POLITICAL COMMITTEES (206)753-1111 P M PDC OFFICE USE • C1 P OA lee Name(Show entire official name.) Acronym A S R • 4 T K • (4/93) R • I E - Mailing Address C E i• I City County Zip+4 V E D NEW REGISTRATION OR UPDATE OF PRIOR REGISTRATION? COMMITTEE STATUS 0 NEW:Complete all items in the registration ❑Continuing committee 0 AMENDED:Supply the information below which has changed 0 19 election only;election date 1. What is the purpose or description of the committee? ❑ Bona Fide Political Party Committee(official state or county central committee . or legislative district committee).If you are not supporting the entire party ticket,attach a list or specify here the names of the candidates you support. - ❑ Ballot Committee(Initiative,-Bond,Levy,Recall,etc.) I Ballot Number FOR AGAINST Name or description of ballot measure: ❑ Political Action Committee,Political Club or Organization(including party clubs).If PAC is associated with a business,association,labor union,or similar entity,specify name: - ❑ Other.Explain on attached sheet. . 2. Related or affiliated committees.List name,address and relationship. i ; 3. HOW MUCH DO YOU PLAN TO SPEND DURING THIS ENTIRE ELECTION CAMPAIGN,INCLUDING THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS?BASED ON THAT ESTIMATE,CHOOSE ONE OF THE REPORTING OPTIONS BELOW.(If the committee is a continuing organization,estimate spending on a calendar year basis.) If no box is checked you are obligated to use Full Reporting.See reporting instruction booklets for information about reports required and changing reporting options. 1 0 ABBREVIATED REPORTING I • We will use the Abbreviated Reporting System.We will raise and spend no more than$2,000 and will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any one contributor. FULL REPORTING We will use the Full Reporting System.We understand this means we must file the frequent,detailed reports required by law. I 4. Treasurer's Name and Address (List deputy treasurers on attached sheet.) Daytime Telephone Number • 5. Committee's Principal Officers.List name,address and title. i 1 I I 6. Campaign Bank or Depository. I Branch I City 7. Campaign records are to be open for public inspection the last eight days'before the election.(Two hours daily between 8 AM-8 PM,Monday-Friday.)Show location and hours below: Street Address(Do not use a Post Office Box Number) I Hours • 8. Fair Campaign Practices:All committee officers are encouraged to ! -.,''''' ..;i.� 9. Signature and Certification.I certify that this statement is true,complete and correct to the subscribe to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices printed in campaign r% i# best of my knowledge. instruction booklets. :r/ • 7' FAIR Committee treasurer's signature Date . ;<,'cAIMPAIG 5 Need campaign finance forms and instructions for the reporting system selected? • Please check one-of the following boxes: ❑ I already have forms and instructions. ❑ I will get forms and instructions from my county elections office. ❑ I want the Public Disclosure Commission to mail me the proper forms and instructions. PDC form C-1(Rev.4/93)—f I See Instructions on reverse • • ,bv PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM POLITICAL COMMITTEE 711 CAPITOL PO BOX 4 906 AYRM403 �� C REGISTRATION -- OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 STATEMENT(206)753-1111 (4/93) INSTRUCTIONS Please consult PDC instruction manuals when completing this report. Reporting requirements are contained in and governed by chapters 42.17 RCW and 390-16 WAC.- WHO MUST FILE Persons, committees, organizations and groups that receive contributions and make expenditures in support of or opposition to: candidates in jurisdictions of 5,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election; statewida ballot issues; or local ballot issues in jurisdictions with 1,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election. WHEN TO FILE Within 2 weeks of organizing a committee or first expecting to receive contributions or make expenditures, whichever occurs first. (Committees that organize within three weeks of an election must file within three business days of forming or of expecting to receive contributions or make expenditures.) File an amended C-1 pc form within 10 days of significant changes to the registration information provided. Continuing political committees using Abbreviated Reporting must also file a C-1 pc annually in January. Reports are considered filed as of the postmark date or date hand-delivered to PDC. WHERE TO FILE Send the original to PDC at the above address. Send'acopy to the County Auditor (County Elections Department) of the county in which the committee headquarters is located. If there is no headquarters, send to the County Auditor of the county in which the treasurer resides. REPORTING Abbreviated Reporting: May be used by committees that raise and spend no more than OPTIONS $2,000 on their campaign activities. No more than $200 may be accepted from any contributor. A 10th-of-the-month post primary, general or special election C-4 ABB report is required. Continuing committees re-register annually and file a year-end C-4 ABB by January 10 for any year in which they do not participate in an election. Full Reporting: Required of all committees that do not qualify for,Abbreviated Reporting. Frequent, detailed reports of contributions and expenditures are required until the _ •committee is disbanded and the campaign account is closed. OTHER REPORTS C-3 (Cash Receipts Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 (Contribution and Expenditure Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 ABB (Receipts and Expenditures Summary): Filed by candidates and committees using Abbreviated Reporting. Special Report E (Earmarked Contributions Report): Filed by committees that receive funds earmarked for use on behalf of a candidate or another political committee. FAIR CAMPAIGN This is a voluntary code adopted by PDC to stress the importance of ethical campaign PRACTICES CODE practices. All committee members and supporters are encouraged to follow the Code's principles. For assistance, call or write PDC! PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION Po BCAPITOL OX 40908 AY RM 403 REGISTRATION: OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 (206)753-1111 POLITICAL COMMITTEES P M PDC OFFICE USE C1 OA Committee Name(Show entire official name.) Acronym S R T K (4/93) R Mailing Address • E C City County Zip+4 V � E I D NEW REGISTRATION OR UPDATE OF PRIOR REGISTRATION? COMMITTEE STATUS ❑ NEW:Complete all items in the registration ❑Continuing committee ❑AMENDEDrSupply the information below which has changed ❑ 19 election only;election date 1. What is the purpose or description of the committee? • ❑ Bona Fide Political Party Committee(official state or county central committee • or legislative district committee).If you are not supporting the entire party ticket,attach a list or specify here the names of the candidates you support. ❑ Ballot Committee(Initiative,Bond,Levy,Recall,etc.) Ballot Number FOR AGAINST Name or description of ballot measure: i ❑ ❑ ❑ Political Action Committee,Political Club or Organization(including partylclubs).If PAC is associated with a business,association,labor union,or similar entity,specify name: ❑ Other.Explain on attached sheet. 2. Related or affiliated committees.List name,address and relationship. 3. HOW MUCH DO YOU PLAN TO SPEND DURING THIS ENTIRE ELECTION CAMPAIGN,INCLUDING THE PRIMARY AND GENERAL ELECTIONS?BASED ON THAT ESTIMATE,CHOOSE ONE OF THE REPORTING OPTIONS BELOW.(If the committee is a continuing organization,estimate spending on a calendar year basis.) If no box is checked you are obligated to use Full Reporting.See reportinglinstruction booklets for information about reports required and changing reporting options. • ❑ ABBREVIATED REPORTING We will use the Abbreviated Reporting System.We will raise and spend no more than$2,000 and will accept no more than$200 in the aggregate from any one contributor. ❑ ' FULL REPORTING We will use the Full Reporting System.We understand this means we must file the frequent,detailed reports required by law. • 4. Treasurer's Name and Address (List deputy treasurers on attached sheet.) Daytime Telephone Number • 5. Committee's Principal Officers.List name,address and title. • 6. Campaign Bank or Depository. Branch • City • 7. Campaign records are to be open for public inspection the last eight days before the election.(Two hours daily between 8 AM-8 PM,Monday-Friday.)Show location and hours below: Street Address(Do not use a Post Office Box Number) Hours • 8. Fair Campaign Practices:All committee officers are encouraged to "` •,r 9. Signature and Certification.I certify that this statement is true,complete and correct to the subscribe to the Code of Fair Campaign Practices printed in campaign �' best of my knowledge. • instruction booklets. FAIR • • ,5 Committee treasurer's signature Date ''z'CAMPAIGN • Need campaign finance forms and Instructions for the reporting system selected? • Please check one of the following boxes: ❑ I already have forms and instructions. ❑ I will get forms and instructions from my county elections office. ❑ I want the Public Disclosure Commission to mail me the proper forms and instructions. PDC form C-1(Rev.4/93)—f ,a ! See Instructions on reverse PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM POLITICAL COMMITTEE 711 CAPITOL WAY RM 403 E PO BOX 40908 Cl C REGISTRATION OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 (208)753-1111 STATEMENT (4/93) INSTRUCTIONS Please consult PDC instruction manuals when completing this report. Reporting requirements are contained in and governed by chapters 42.17 RCW and 390-16 WAC. WHO MUST FILE Persons, committees, organizations and groups that receive contributions and make expenditures in support of or opposition to: candidates in jurisdictions of 5,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election; statewide ballot issues; or local ballot issues in jurisdictions with 1,000 or more registered voters as of the last general election. WHEN TO FILE Within 2 weeks of organizing a committee or first expecting to receive contributions or make expenditures, whichever occurs first. (Committees that organize within three weeks of an election must file within three business days of forming or of expecting to receive contributions or make expenditures.) File an amended C-1 pc form within 10 days of significant changes to the registration information provided. Continuing political committees using Abbreviated Reporting must also file a C-1 pc annually in January. Reports are considered filed as of the postmark date or date hand-delivered to PDC. WHERE TO FILE Send the original to PDC at the above address. Send a copy to the County Auditor (County Elections Department) of the county in which the committee headquarters is located. If there is no headquarters, send to the County Auditor of the county in which the treasurer resides. REPORTING Abbreviated Reporting: May be used by committees that raise and spend no more than OPTIONS $2,000 on their campaign activities. No more than $200 may be accepted from any contributor. A 10th-of-the-month post primary, general or special election C-4 ABB report is required. Continuing committees re-register annually and file a year-end C-4 ABB by January 10 for any year in which they do not participate in an election. Full Reporting: Required of all committees that do not qualify for Abbreviated Reporting. Frequent, detailed reports of contributions and expenditures are required until the committee is disbanded and the campaign account is closed. OTHER REPORTS C-3 (Cash Receipts Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 (Contribution and Expenditure Report): Used with Full Reporting only. C-4 ABB (Receipts and Expenditures Summary): Filed by candidates and committees using Abbreviated Reporting. Special Report E (Earmarked Contributions Report): Filed by committees that receive funds earmarked for use on behalf of a candidate or another political committee. FAIR CAMPAIGN This is a voluntary code adopted by PDC to stress the importance of ethical campaign PRACTICES CODE practices. All committee members and supporters are encouraged to follow the Code's principles. _ For assistance, call or write PDC! • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PO BCAPITOL OX 4 908 AY RM403 ABBREVIATED REPORT OLYMPIAWA98504-0908 RECEIPTSAND EXPENDITURES � ABB - (206)753 1111 P M PDC OFFICE USE O A Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Include full name) ,4 T K •• (7/92) R Mailing Address I E E City County Zip+4 V • 1. PERIOD COVERED BY REPORT: From: I To: Final Report:Yes No a. Candidates:Start of campaign through the end of the month c. Continuing Committees filing post-election report:January 1 in which the election occurred. I through end of the month in which election occurred. b. Ballot Measure Committees:Start of campaign through the end d. Continuing Committees filing annual report:Calendar year of the month in which,the election occurred. I (January 1 through December 31). • 2. RECEIPTS • a. Cash on hand from previous campaign or year (Include money in checking,savings and other accounts), b. Cash contributions received this campaign or year (Include monetary contributions,loans,fund raising and cash contributions by a candidate) c. Total cash receipts(Add lines 2a+2b) d. Other contributions,including in-kind • (Include candidate's and committee workers'out of pocket expenditures,donated goods and services, filing fees paid by others and similar non-cash contributions) e. Total contributions(Add lines 2c+2d) • • 3. EXPENSES a. Cash expenditures • b. Other expenditures.(Enter the amount shown on line 2d above here. Non-cash contributions are listed as both received and expended. Disregard any materials which may remain on hand.) c. Total expenditures(Add lines 3a+3b) • • 4. SURPLUS/DEFICIT • a. Cash on hand at end of reporting period(Subtract:line 3a from 2c) • b. Debts and obligations owed • c. Surplus or deficit CANDIDATES Won Lost Unopposed Name not on ballot Please complete: Primary election ❑ General election ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ CERTIFICATION:I certify that this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. . Candidate's signature Date Treasurer's signature(if a political committee) Date , PDC form C4ABB(Rev.7/92) Frame See Instructions on reverse • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION PDC FORM CAPITOL ION 03 ABB ABBREVIATED RECEIPTS PLYMPIA & EXPENDITURES OLYMPIA WA 98504-0908 (206)753-1111 C4 REPORT (7/92) INSTRUCTIONS • Please consult PDC instruction manuals when completing this report. Reporting requirements are contained in and governed by chapters 42.17 RCW and 390-16 WAC. WHO MUST FILE Each candidate and political committee using Abbreviated Reporting. FILING DATES 1) Special election candidates and political committees supporting or opposing special election candidates or ballot issues file on the 10th of the month following the election. 2) Candidates who lose in the primary and political committees supporting or opposing primary election ballot issues file on October 10. 3) Candidates who are in the general election and political committees making expenditures supporting or opposing general election candidates or ballot measures file on December 10. 4) Continuing political committees not taking part in elections during a year file annual reports on-January 10 cover the preceding calendar year. _ 5) A final report is filed whenever a candidate's committee or a political committee ceases operation, disposes of any surplus campaign funds and has a zero account balance. Final reports may be filed at any time and may coincide with one of the due dates listed above. All reports are considered filed as of the postmark date or the date hand-delivered to PDC. WHERETO FILE Send original C-4 ABB report to PDC at the above address. Candidates send a duplicate copy to their County Auditor (County Elections Department). Political committees send a copy to County Auditor of the county in which their headquarters is located or, if no headquarters, the county in which their treasurer resides. For assistance, call or write PDC! PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION • 711 CAPITOL WAY RM403 ABBREVIATED REPORT PO BOX 40908 OLY(206)75MPIA3-1111 WA 985040.908 RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES' ABB PDC OFFICE USE P M . O A Candidate or Committee Name(Do not abbreviate.Include full name) C4 S R T K • (7/92) R • Mailing Address E � C ` E I City County Zp+4 V i D 1. PERIOD COVERED BY REPORT: From: • To: Final Report:Yes_ No a. Candidates:Start of campaign through the end of the month _ c. Continuing Committees filing post-election report:January 1 • in which the election occurred. through end of the month in which election occurred. b. Ballot Measure Committees:Start of campaign through the end d. Continuing Committees filing annual report:Calendar year of the month in which the election occurred. •+ (January 1 through December 31). • 2. RECEIPTS a. Cash on hand from previous campaign or year • (Include money in checking,savings and other accounts)I b. Cash contributions received this campaign or year (Include monetary contributions,loans,fund raising and cash contributions by a candidate) c. Total cash receipts(Add lines 2a+2b) • d. Other contributions,including in-kind (Include candidate's and committee workers'out of pocket expenditures,donated goods and services, filing fees paid by others and similar non-cash contributioins) e. Total contributions(Add lines 2c+2d) • 3. EXPENSES • • a. Cash expenditures • � b. Other expenditures.(Enter the amount shown on line 2d above here. - Non-cash contributions are listed as both received and expended. Disregard any materials which may remain on hand.) c. Total expenditures(Add lines 3a+3b) 4. SURPLUS/DEFICIT • a. Cash on hand at end of reporting period(Subtract:line 3a'from 2c) • b. Debts and obligations owed c. Surplus or deficit • CANDIDATES Won 'Lost Unopposed Name not on ballot Please complete: Primary election ❑ General election ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ CERTIFICATION:I certify that this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. • • Candidate's signature Date Treasurer's signature(if a political committee) Date • • PDC form C4ABB(Rev.7/92) Frame See Instructions'on reverse 1 ON • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE CAPROMWAY)RM403 PDC ABB M ABBREVIATED RECEIPTS POBOX40908 & EXPENDITURES 06)753 W 985040908 ( Cm,' REPORT 206)75 -1111 (7/92) INSTRUCTIONS Please consult PDC instruction manuals when completing this report. Reporting requirements are contained in and governed by chapters 42.17 RCW and 390-16 WAC. WHO MUST FILE Each candidate and political committee using Abbreviated Reporting. FILING DATES ' 1) Special election candidates and political committees supporting or opposing special election candidates or ballot issues file on the 10th of the month,following the election. • 2) Candidates who lose in the primary and political committees supporting or opposing primary election ballot issues file on October 10. 3) Candidates who are in the general election and political committees making expenditures supporting or opposing general election candidates or ballot measures file on December 10. 4) Continuing political committees not taking part in elections during a _ year file annual reports on January 10 cover the preceding calendar year. ( • 5) A final report is filed whenever a candidate's committee or a political committee ceases operation, disposes of any surplus campaign funds and has a zero account balance. Final reports may be filed at any time and may coincide with one of the due dates listed above. • All reports are considered filed as of the postmark date or the date hand-delivered to PDC. WHERE TO FILE Send original C-4 ABB report to PDC at the above address. Candidates send a duplicate copy to their County Auditor (County Elections Department). Political committees send a copy to County Auditor of.the county in which their headquarters is located or, if no headquarters, the county in which their treasurer resides. For assistance, call or write PDC! • FAIR CAMPAIGN PRACTICES CODE for CANDIDATES AND POLITICAL COMMI'I'1'EES 1. I shall conduct my campaign, and to the extent reasonably possible shall insist that my supporters conduct themselves, in a manner consistent with the best American tradition, discussing the issues and presenting my record and policies with sincerity and candor. 2. I shall uphold the right of every qualified voter to free and equal participation in the election process. 3. I shall not participate in, and I shall condemn, personal vilification, defamation, and other attacks on any opposing candidate or party which I do not believe to be truthful, provable, and relevant to my campaign. 4. I shall not use or authorize, and I shall condemn material relating to my campaign which falsifies, misrepresents, or distorts the facts, including but not limited to malicious or unfounded accusations creating or exploiting doubts as to the morality, patriotism or motivations of any party or candidate. 5. I shall not appeal to, and I shall condemn appeals to, prejudices based on race, creed, sex or national origin. 6. I shall not practice, and I shall condemn practices, which tend to corrupt or undermine the system of free election or which hamper or prevent the free expression of the will of the voters. 7. I shall promptly and publicly repudiate the support of any individual or group which resorts, on behalf of my candidacy or in opposition to that of my opponent(s) to methods in violation of the letter or spirit of this code. 8. I shall refrain from any misuse of the Public Disclosure Law, chapter 42.17 RCW to gain political advantage for myself or any other candidate. The Public Disclosure Commission realizes that hard fought campaigns enhance the electoral process. To this end, the code encourages healthy competition and an open, wide- ranging discussion of issues and candidate qualifications. The code also encourages candidates and committees not to cloud the issues in a campaign or unfairly attack opponents. You can proudly subscribe to the code as evidence that you will conduct political debate and persuasion in a fair, honorable manner.