HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract CAG-20-041 APHIS-WS Agreement Number:20-7353-6373-RA APHIS-WS Account Code AP.RA.RX53.73.0310 COOPERATIVE SERVICE AGREEMENT between RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT(COOPERATOR) and UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE WILDLIFE SERVICES(APHIS-WS) ARTICLE 1—PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to conduct wildlife damage management(WDM)activities to control nuisance bird and wildlife species on and around Renton Municipal Airport property to reduce human health and safety risks associated with potential wildlife/aircraft collisions and other airport operations. ARTICLE 2-AUTHORITY APHIS-WS has statutory authority under the Act of March 2, 1931, as amended(7 USCA 8351),and the Act of December 22, 1987(7 USCA 8353),the Secretary of Agriculture may conduct a program of wildlife services with respect to injurious animal species and take any action the Secretary considers necessary in conducting the program. Additionally, the Secretary of Agriculture,except for management of urban rodents, is authorized to conduct activities to manage nuisance mammals and birds and those mammal and bird species that are reservoirs for zoonotic diseases. In carrying out a program of wildlife services involving injurious and/or nuisance animal species or involving mammal and bird species that are reservoirs for zoonotic diseases,the Secretary is authorized to cooperate with States, local jurisdictions,individuals,public and private agencies, organizations, and institutions. Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act,2017, (Pub. L.No. 115-31, 131 Stat. 144, H.R.244— 115th Congress(2017-2018),APHIS is authorized to collect fees to cover the total costs of providing technical assistance,goods, or services requested by States, other political subdivisions, domestic and international organizations,foreign governments,or individuals,provided that such fees are structured such that any entity's liability for such fees is reasonably based on the technical assistance,goods,or services provided to the entity by the Agency,and such fees shall be credited to this account,to remain available until expended, without further appropriation, for providing such assistance,good,or services. ARTICLE 3- MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITIES The cooperating parties mutually understand and agree to/that: a. Confer and plan a WDM program that addresses the need for managing conflicts caused by nuisance bird and wildlife species at Renton Municipal Airport, Renton, Washington. Based on this consultation, WS will formulate,in writing,the program work plan and associated budget and present them to the Cooperator for approval. b. Develop a mutually agreed upon Work Plan and Financial Plan which are incorporated into this Agreement by reference. It is understood and agreed that any monies allocated for the purpose of this Agreement shall be expended only towards the activities and related expenses outlined therein. c. When either of the Cooperating parties address the media or incorporate information into reports and/or publications, both Cooperating parties must agree, in writing,to have their identities disclosed when receiving due credit related to the activities covered by this agreement. APHIS-WS Agreement Number:20-7353-6373-RA APHIS-WS Account Code AP.RA.RX53.73.0310 d. APHIS-WS has advised the Cooperator that other private sector service providers may be available to provide wildlife management services and notwithstanding these other options, Cooperator requests that APHIS-WS provide wildlife management services as stated under the terms of this Agreement. e. All equipment with a purchase price of$5,000 or more per unit,purchased directly with funds from the cooperator for use solely on this project shall be subject to disposal according to APHIS policy, and shall be specifically listed in the Work and Financial Plan. Property title/disposal shall be determined when the project(including all continuations and revisions of this agreement)terminates,or when the equipment is otherwise directed to other projects, whichever comes first. If the equipment is sold prior to the project end,the proceeds should be allocated according to APHIS Policy. Continuations and revisions to this agreement shall list any equipment with a purchase price of$5,000 or more per unit, carried over from a purchase directly with funds from the cooperator for use solely for this project. All other equipment purchased for the program is and remain the property of APHIS-WS. f. APHIS-WS will provide overall direction and control of the program. ARTICLE 4-COOPERATOR RESPONSIBILITIES The Cooperator agrees to/that: a. Designate Harry Barrett Jr.,Airport Manager, Renton Municipal Airport/Clayton Scott Field,616 West Perimeter Road, Unit A, Renton, Washington 98057,425-430-7477 as the authorized representative who shall be responsible for collaboratively administering the activities conducted in this Agreement; b. Reimburse APHIS-WS for costs, not to exceed the annually approved amount specified in the Work and Financial Plan. If costs are projected to exceed the amount reflected in the Financial Plan,the Work and Financial Plan shall be formally revised and signed by both parties before services resulting in additional costs are performed. The Cooperator agrees to pay all costs of service submitted via an invoice within 30 days of the date of the submitted invoice or invoices as submitted by APHIS-WS. Late payments are subject to interest,penalties,and administrative charges and costs as set forth under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. If the Cooperator is delinquent in paying the full amount of the due service costs submitted by APHIS-WS,and/or is delinquent in paying the due late payments, and/or is delinquent in paying the interest, penalties, and/or administrative costs on any delinquent due service costs,APHIS- WS will immediately cease to provide the respective service associated with the submitted service costs. APHIS-WS will not reinstate or provide the respective service until all due service costs,and/or due late payments,and/or due interest, penalty, and/or administrative costs are first paid in full. c. To provide a Tax Identification Number or Social Security Number in compliance with the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. d. As a condition of this Agreement,The Cooperator ensures and certifies that it is not currently debarred or suspended and is free of delinquent Federal debt. ARTICLE 5—WS RESPONSIBILITIES WS agrees: a. To designate Mike Linnell, State Director, 720 O'Leary Street NW, Olympia, WA 98502, 360-753-9884 as the authorized representative who shall be responsible for collaboratively administering the activities conducted in this Agreement. 2 APHIS-WS Agreement Number:20-7353-6373-RA APHIS-WS Account Code AP.RA.RX53.73.0310 b. The performance of wildlife damage management actions by WS under this agreement is contingent upon a determination by WS that such actions are in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act,Endangered Species Act, and any other applicable federal statutes. WS will not make a final decision to conduct requested wildlife damage management actions until it has made the determination of such compliance. c. To provide qualified personnel and other resources necessary to implement the approved WDM activities delineated in the Work and Financial Plan referenced in 3.a of this Agreement. d. To bill the Cooperator for costs incurred in performing WDM activities as authorized in the approved annual Work and Financial Plan as may be amended. e. To notify the Cooperator if costs are projected to exceed the amounts estimated and agreed upon in the Financial Plan. WS will cease providing goods or services until a revision to the Work and Financial Plan, as appropriate, have been agreed to and signed by both parties to this Agreement. f. Authorized auditing representatives of the Cooperator shall be accorded reasonable opportunity to inspect the accounts and records of WS pertaining to such claims for reimbursement to the extent permitted by Federal law and regulations. ARTICLE 6—CONTINGENCY STATEMENT For costs borne by WS, this agreement is contingent upon the passage of the Agriculture,Rural Development, and Related Agencies Appropriation Act for the current fiscal year from which expenditures may be legally met and shall not obligate APHIS upon failure of Congress to so appropriate. This Agreement also may be reduced or terminated if Congress provides APHIS funds only for a finite period under a Continuing Resolution. ARTICLE 7—NON-EXCLUSIVE SERVICE CLAUSE Nothing in this agreement shall prevent any other country, State government or its political subdivisions, local government, university, or college,organization, association, or individual from entering into separate agreements with WS for same or similar activities provided under the terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE 8—CONGRESSIONAL RESTRICTIONS Pursuant to Section 22, Title 41, United States Code, no member of or delegate to Congress shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement or to any benefit to arise therefrom. ARTICLE 9—APPLICABLE REGULATIONS All WDM activities will be conducted in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. This agreement is not a procurement contract(31 U.S.C. 6303),nor is it considered a grant(31 U.S.C. 6304). In this agreement,APHIS provides goods or services on a cost recovery basis to nonfederal recipients. ARTICLE 10—LIABILITY APHIS assumes no liability for any actions or activities conducted under this agreement except to the extent the recourse or remedies are provided by Congress under the Federal Tort Claims Act(28 USC 1346(b),2401(b), 2671-2680). 3 APHIS-WS Agreement Number:20-7353-6373-RA APHIS-WS Account Code AP.RA RX53 73 0310 ARTICLE 11—NON-DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE The United States Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color,national origin,age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status,familial status, parental status,religion,sexual orientation,genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs. ARTICLE 12—FAILURE TO PAY FEES The cooperator is liable for fees assessed for services performed under this agreement. APHIS will assess a late payment penalty for failure to pay fees when due. In addition,the overdue fees shall accrue interest as required by 31 U.S.C. 3717. ARTICLE 13—AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall become effective January 1,2020, and shall continue to December 31, 2024. Further,this Agreement may be amended or extended at any time by mutual agreement of the parties in writing. The Cooperator must submit a written request to extend at least 30 days prior to expiration of the agreement. It may be terminated by either party upon a 60 day notice in writing to the other party. �y-,s. ,I S r -d AUTHORIZATION: . , ", RENTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT - , €S L 1.'4i-, J TaxIdentifcationNumber: 91-6001271 _ _ 3 ", J o,,,,,, \ `,;) fil t1p 02..63.za Mayo fRenton Armondo Pavone Date 1 Attest: 7 Z� UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE on A. CMC i Clerk ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE WILDLIFE SERVICES Tax Ide ification Number: 41-0696271 Mike Lmnell, Sta e rector, A/AK D e f!2 i;f ,� - 2.4.,-(2-0 2-- Jason Suck, w, Director, Western Reg on Date 4 WORK PLAN/FINANCIAL PLAN COOPERATOR: Renton Municipal Airport CONTACT: Jason Anderson, Assistant Airport Manager (425)430-7476;jtanderson a rentonwa.gov Harry Barrett Jr.,Airport Manager(425)430-7477; hbarrett rentonwa.gov COOPERATIVE SERVICE AGREEMENT No.: 20-73-53-6373-RA WBS ELEMENT: AP.RA.RX53.73.0310 LOCATION: Renton Municipal Airport DATES: January 1, 2020—December 31, 2024 In accordance with the Cooperative Service Agreement 20-73-53-6373-RA between Renton Municipal Airport (RNT) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Wildlife Services (WS), this Work Plan sets forth the objectives, activities and budget of this project during the period of January 1, 2020—December 31, 2024. Program Objective Wildlife Services' objective is to reduce human health and safety risks associated with potential wildlife/aircraft collisions and other wildlife conflicts. APHIS-WS will provide assistance in the form of technical information, recommendations, and wildlife management activities related to minimizing wildlife conflicts. Plan of Action The objectives of this plan will be accomplished in the following manner: 1. APHIS-WS will provide a Wildlife Biologist an average of 16 hours per week not to exceed 800 hours total, to assist with hazardous wildlife management at the airfield. APHIS-WS will provide vehicles, equipment, supplies (other than pyrotechnics), and training necessary to implement management activities. 2. The following control methods will be used for the management activities: technical assistance, hazing, capture and removal of offending wildlife, and shooting. WS will ensure that the most discrete, effective, and safe control tools and techniques available are utilized. 3. Brook Zscheile, the Bremerton District Supervisor(360) 337-2778 will supervise this project. This project will be monitored by Mike Linnell, State Director in Olympia, WA (360) 753-9884. 4. APHIS-WS will cooperate with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, county and local city governments, and other entities to ensure compliance with Federal laws and applicable State, and local laws and regulations. 5. Renton Municipal Airport will provide security access to the airfield and necessary driver and communication training. 6. Renton Municipal Airport will be billed monthly by APHIS-WS only for expenses shown in the Financial Plan and will not exceed the Agreement Total. Personnel Compensation is defined as salary for all hours worked, benefits, differentials, hazardous duty allowances, annual leave, sick leave and awards. The financial point of contact for this Work Plan/Financial Plan is Deborah Stalman, Budget Analyst (360) 753-9884. FINANCIAL PLAN For the disbursement of funds from Renton Airport to USDA APHIS Wildlife Services for Assistance with wildlife conflicts at the airport From 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2020 Cost Element Full Cost Personnel Compensation $ 33,500.00 Vehicles $ 3,250.00 Supplies and Materials $ 5000.00 Subtotal (Direct Charges) $ 37,250.00 Pooled Job Costs 11.00% $ 4,097.50 Indirect Costs 16.15% $ 6,015.88 Agreement Total $ 47,363.38 The distribution of the budget from this Financial Plan may vary as necessary to accomplish the purpose of this agreement, but may not exceed: $47,363.38 FINANCIAL PLAN For the disbursement of funds from Renton Airport to USDA APHIS Wildlife Services for Assistance with wildlife conflicts at the airport From 01/01/2021 to 12/31/2021 Cost Element Full Cost Personnel Compensation $ 34,170.00 Vehicles $ 3,250.00 Supplies and Materials $ 5000.00 Subtotal (Direct Charges) $ 37,920.00 Pooled Job Costs 11.00% $ 4,171.20 Indirect Costs 16.15% $ 6,124.08 Agreement Total $ 48,215.28 The distribution of the budget from this Financial Plan may vary as necessary to accomplish the purpose of this agreement, but may not exceed: $48,215.28 FINANCIAL PLAN For the disbursement of funds from Renton Airport to USDA APHIS Wildlife Services for Assistance with wildlife conflicts at the airport From 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022 Cost Element Full Cost Personnel Compensation $ 34,850.00 Vehicles $ 3,250.00 Supplies and Materials $ 5000.00 Subtotal (Direct Charges) $ 38,600.00 Pooled Job Costs 11.00% $ 4,246.00 Indirect Costs 16.15% $ 6,233.90 Agreement Total $ 49,079.90 The distribution of the budget from this Financial Plan may vary as necessary to accomplish the purpose of this agreement, but may not exceed: $49,079.90 FINANCIAL PLAN For the disbursement of funds from Renton Airport to USDA APHIS Wildlife Services for Assistance with wildlife conflicts at the airport From 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2023 Cost Element Full Cost Personnel Compensation $ 35,550.00 Vehicles $ 3,250.00 Supplies and Materials $ 5000.00 Subtotal (Direct Charges) $ 39,300.00 Pooled Job Costs 11.00% $ 4,323.00 Indirect Costs 16.15% $ 6,346.95 Agreement Total $ 49,969.95 The distribution of the budget from this Financial Plan may vary as necessary to accomplish the purpose of this agreement, but may not exceed: $49,969.95 FINANCIAL PLAN For the disbursement of funds from Renton Airport to USDA APHIS Wildlife Services for Assistance with wildlife conflicts at the airport From O 1/01/2024 to 12/31/2024 Cost Element Full Cost Personnel Compensation $ 36,260.00 Vehicles $ 3,250.00 Supplies and Materials $ 5000.00 Subtotal (Direct Charges) $ 40,010.00 Pooled Job Costs 11.00% $ 4,401.10 Indirect Costs 16.15% $ 6,461.62 Agreement Total $ 50,872.72 The distribution of the budget from this Financial Plan may vary as necessary to accomplish the purpose of this agreement, but may not exceed: $50,872.72