HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/2017 - MinutesRAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2017 5 Airport Update for RAAC Airport Business Management Airport Master Plan Update - In Progress What:Update of the Airport’s existing 1997 Master Plan. A Master Plan is a comprehensive study of an Airport that identifies the short, medium, and long term development alternatives to meet future aviation demand. Why:Master Plans are typically updated every 20 years. The last Master Plan was completed in 1997. The Airport completed an Airport Layout Plan update in 2009. How:FAA grant funded at 90%. Airport revenues will cover 10% of the project costs. The Airport has contracted with Mead and Hunt to assist in completing the project. The cost to complete this project is $837,705. Status:Airport aerial survey has been mostly completed. The draft Inventory chapter has been completed and discussed at the November 2014 RAAC meeting. The Forecast draft chapter was discussed at the February 2015 RAAC meeting. The Capacity Analysis and Facility Requirements Chapter was presented at the May 2015 meeting. The initial Alternatives discussion was presented at the August 2015 meeting. The FAA is again reviewing the Forecast and Airport staff are discussing with them the Critical Aircraft designation. Once those variables are known, alternatives can be better planned. Airport staff submitted an update to the Forecast Chapter based on FAA comments in early February 2016. Comments came back from FAA staff on July 11, 2016. The Airport, Mead and Hunt, and the FAA had a meeting to discuss next steps on July 20, 2016. Based off of FAA comments from the meeting, Mead and Hunt has prepared a scope of work addendum to cover expected additional costs of completing the forecast chapter. That addendum was sent to FAA for review on August 3, 2016. Comments on that addendum were sent back from ADO and received on August 5, 2016. The ADO has rejected the proposed addendum to the contract. Mead and Hunt and airport management have created and submitted a significantly updated version of the Forecast as of November 10, 2016. RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2017 6 608 West Perimeter Road Building Lease (PSE Hangar) - In Progress What:Transitioning the 608 West Perimeter Road building from a month-to-month to a term lease. This building is occupied by Northwest Seaplanes for their maintenance operation. Why:Term leases provide more certainty about the building’s ongoing occupancy. How:Airport staff will create new lease documents. Status:The market rents study is now complete. Airport staff have prepared a draft lease document for this building. That lease document is under initial review by the City’s legal staff. 622 West Perimeter Road Building Lease (NW Seaplanes Maintenance) - In Progress What:Transitioning the 622 West Perimeter Road building from a month-to-month to a term lease. This building is occupied by Puget Sound Energy for their corporate airplane. Why:Term leases provide more certainty about the building’s ongoing occupancy. How:Airport staff will create new lease documents. Status:The market rents study is now complete. Airport staff have prepared a draft lease document for this building. That lease document is under initial review by the City’s legal staff. Boeing Lease Rate Adjustment - In Progress What:The Boeing Company is due for a rate adjustment on their long term lease. Why:Lease adjustments at certain time intervals were identified in the 2010 master lease with Boeing. How:Lease adjustments will be made via an appraisal process. RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2017 7 Status:The market rents study is now complete. City staff have prepared an amendment to the Boeing lease and have sent that amendment to Boeing to review. Boeing met with airport management on November 3, 2016, to discuss the proposed lease rates. Next steps will be getting the amendment through the council process for approval. Seaplane Scenics Operating Permit and Agreement – Completed What:An Operating Permit and Agreement with Seaplane Scenics. Why:Seaplane Scenics, LLC is a flight instruction and sight-seeing commercial business looking to operate from the Airport and the adjacent W36 seaplane base. How:Airport staff will create Operating Permit and Agreement documents for the City Council’s consideration and approval. Status:An application was submitted to the Airport on May 11, 2016. The applicant was notified that review of the application would not take place until the week of June 20, 2016. First review the application occurred in mid-July. The application was deemed incomplete and Seaplane Scenics was notified of the deficiencies and also notified that no commercial activity could occur from the Airport until the Operating Permit and Agreement had been executed. Seaplane Scenics has since resolved the application deficiencies. The operating permit is on hold pending a lease amendment with The Landing Gear Works (TLGW) for additional space in the building. TLGW has the lease on the building that Seaplane Scenics wants to operate out of. Once that lease amendment has gone through, the Seaplane Scenics operating permit may continue. Rules and Minimum Standards Update – In Progress What:Re-write to the current airport Rules and Minimum Standards. Why:The Rules and Minimum Standards have not be updated since 2010. Over the past several months, there have been many FAA rulings which impact much of the language in the current Rules and Minimum Standards that the airport plans to address in the update. How:The Assistant Airport Manager is expected to begin reviewing/editing the document in December and will send for legal review in early spring of 2017. Once the final language RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2017 8 has been adjudicated, the Airport Manager plans to present the document to the RAAC for a vote. Status:Not yet started RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2017 9 Airport Operations and Maintenance Security Update Badge Medium – In Progress What:Revision and updating of current badge medium as badge expirations come up. Why:In 2016 the airport transition to photo ID badge medium to regulate access control, this in turn shortened the expiration dates to two years. How:The Assistant Airport Manager will create a new design for the 2018-2020 badge layouts to be rolled out by January 1 as badges expire. Status:This project will be started in Nov 2017. Driver Training Update - In Progress What:Revise the current driver training program Why:In order to enhance the safety of operators inside the Air Operations Area, the driver training program will need to be revised and updated to meet current industry standards. In addition to this, in the future the Airport will look at contracting this work and delivering an online training method. How:Training updates include manual and test revision Status:This is currently in progress and expected to be in full implementation by end of Q1 of 2017. Safety Self-Inspection/Lease Management Program – In Progress What:Project to transition airfield safety inspection, maintenance management and lease administration functions to contracted IT-based resource program. Why:Currently the airport is managing all safety and lease functions via paper based means. As operations have grown, this has created inefficiencies related to airfield maintenance workflows and inter-agency coordination/reporting. How:The airport is has secured a license to access City Works which will be the platform used to develop an in-house self-inspection and maintenance workflow program. RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10 Status:The Assistant Airport Manager has been working with the City of Renton GIS/IT Managers to develop this application. The development and testing process is expected to take up to 10-months to complete before roll-out into the field. Winter Weather Training – In Progress What:Conduct annual winter weather training with tenants and airport employees. Why:To improve How:Conduct a table top Snow and Ice Control training with maintenance staff and host tenant review. Status:Tenant Meeting slated for 11/17 and maintenance training will be concluded by 11/30. Airport Capital Program Shoreline Enhancement – In Progress What:As part of the permitting for the Maintenance Dredge project at the Seaplane Base, the Airport will make improvements to the shoreline north of the Runway. The project will remove concrete rubble and replace with rock to prevent erosion. Why:This project is driven by permits issued for the seaplane base maintenance project that was completed early this year. How:The Airport will fund this project. The contract for the design work with Hatch Mott McDonald is $58,312. Status:Project is at 90%. Cedar River Hangar Building Electrical Upgrades– Building Electrical Upgrades – On Hold What:The Airport will update the electrical system in the hangars over the next four years. Why:The electrical system in the Cedar River Hangars is outdated and insufficient for tenant needs. RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2017 11 How:The Airport will fund the electrical upgrades. URS prepared construction plans for the project. The design for electrical project is complete and the permit is ready to be picked up. The estimated cost to complete this project is $75,000. Status:The Airport will be seeking bids to construct the improvements and narrow the cost estimate during 2017. Control Tower Seismic Upgrades and First Floor Remodel Project – In Progress What:Seismic upgrades to the whole structure and a remodel of the first floor of the Control Tower building. Why:The Control Tower is not seismically sound and is subject to massive failure during an earthquake. The first floor is being remodeled to improve the functionality of the floor plan layout and optimize operations for current and future Airport staff. How:Airport generated revenue will be used to fund this project. The current cost estimate to complete this work is $2 million. Status:KPG has submitted their final draft of the pre-design report. The Airport has reviewed this document. The Airport has asked KPG to create a scope and fee to take design to 100%. The City has received the scope and fee from KPG and is seeking to execute a contract with KPG for the design. That contract will go to Council on May 9. The Airport expects to issue the Notice-to-Proceed for KPG by the end of May. Design should be complete in 2016 and construction is expected in 2017. Boeing 760/770/820 Parcel and Apron A Improvements - Completed What:Boeing is completing infrastructure and other parcel improvements to the 760/770/820 parcels. Why:Boeing will be using all three of these parcels for short term 737 MAX airplane parking. How:Project is fully funded by The Boeing Company. Status:Construction work on 760/770/820 and Apron A is done. Boeing’s contractor is responding to Airport/City punch list. Extension of Bike and Pedestrian Trail - In Progress RAAC Meeting Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12 What:Construction of a bicycle and pedestrian trail from Logan Avenue, around to Airport Way, and then northbound on Rainier Avenue. Why:This project will move bicyclists and pedestrians off East and West Perimeter Roads by connecting the existing trail end just before the Logan Avenue Bridge to the bicycle route on Rainier Avenue via Airport Way South. How:Project is funded via federal grants and City general fund tax revenues. No Airport revenues are being put toward this project with the exception of property acquisition of the Car Shop at the corner of Logan Avenue and Airport Way South on the southeast corner of the Airport. The project is estimated to cost $2 million. Status:Project is at 60% design. Installation of Fiber or Cable – On Hold What:Addition of fiber or cable on Airport property for better connectivity. Why:Requested by tenants in the southeast corner for high speed internet and television. This is also a good infrastructure improvement for the remaining tenants. How:Design and construction costs covered by provider. Status:Comcast staff continues to design their conduit runs around the Airport after receiving Airport feedback on the design. The agreement has been in Comcast’s hands for several months. No change since last RAAC meeting. Airport has recently been talking with Wave broadband about bringing service into the southeast corner of the Airport. No movement on this issue in recent months.