HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_Shoreline Elevator Installation SME_200305_FIINALPLANNING DIVISION CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: Brittany Gillia, Assistant Planner LUA20-000048, SME Shoreline Elevator Installation March 05, 2020 OWNER: DOUGLAS B AND MARJORIE A HARWOOD 3713 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON, WA 98056 PROJECT LOCATION: 3713 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting a Shoreline Exemption for the construction of a new 75 square foot, 3-story elevator to be installed within the existing footprint of a 3,140 square foot residential home (Exhibit 1 and 4). The 11,060 square foot project site is located within the Residential-6 (R-6) zone and is situated on the shoreline of Lake Washington in the Shoreline Residential Designation, Reach D. The property is mapped with a High Landslide Hazard. The existing single-family residence is proposed to have the front stairs removed and replaced with a spiral staircase along with the installation of the 5’6”x5’6” elevator on the front of the building next to the new spiral staircase and existing garage (Exhibit 2). Proposed access to the site will be from Lake Washington Boulevard and no job shacks, trailers, or model homes will be necessary for this project. There are no trees proposed to be removed as part of this project. The proposal would be exempt from SEPA under WAC 197-11 -800(1), minor new construction. PROJECT ANALYSIS: This project meets criteria listed in RMC 4-10-095.F.2. Partial Compliance for Single Family Development. Lawfully constructed single family homes built before the adoption of the Shoreline Master Program (October 24, 2011) shall be considered conforming if expansion or replacement is consistent with the standards below: Alteration without expansion: Expansion or remodel that does not change the building footprint or increase impervious surface. Staff Comment: The proposed addition does not expand the building footprint or increase impervious surface. Compliance standards state that no site changes are required. This project meets criteria listed in RMC 4-3-090.D.3.b View Compatibility and Aesthetic Effects; View Obstruction and Visual Quality. The following standards and criteria shall apply to developments and uses within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Master Program: i. View Corridors Required: Where commercial, industrial, multiple use, multi-family and/or multi-lot developments are proposed, primary structures shall provide for view corridors between buildings where views of the shoreline are available from public right-of-way or trails. Staff Comment: The proposed roofline for the elevator shaft does not exceed the current roof line of the existing structure. (Exhibit 2) The view from the King County Eastside Rail Corridor Trail will not impede or be obstructed by the proposed development. Page 1 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Shoreline Substantial Development Shoreline Elevator Installation LUA20-000048, SME ii. Maximum Building Height: Buildings shall be limited to a height of no more than thirty five feet (35') above average finished grade level except at specific locations specified in Table 4-3-090D7a, Shoreline Bulk Standards. Staff Comment: The proposed building height will reach 26’ 9” at the top of the roof peak and therefore complies with the Maximum Building Height standard (Exhibit 2). iii. Minimum Setbacks for Commercial Development Adjacent to Residential or Park Uses: Staff Comment: Not applicable. iv. Lighting Requirements: Staff Comment: Not applicable. v. Reflected Lights to Be Limited: Staff Comment: Not applicable. vi. Integration and Screening of Mechanical Equipment: Building mechanical equipment shall be incorporated into building architectural features, such as pitched roofs, to the maximum extent feasible. Where mechanical equipment cannot be incorporated into architectural features, a visual screen shall be provided consistent with building exterior materials that obstructs views of such equipment. Staff Comment: The proposed elevator shaft has an intentional height and style to create architectural symmetry for the building. The addition reflects an architectural feature to the right of the structure that also bumps out and aligns with the existing roofline (Exhibit 2 and 3) vii. Visual Prominence of Freestanding Structures to Be Minimized: Staff Comment: Not applicable viii. Maximum Stair and Walkway Width: ix. Other Design Standards: Staff Comment: Not applicable SEC-TWN-R: NW32 - 24 - 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (King County Assessor) HILLMANS LK WA GARDEN OF EDEN #2 LOT 45 TGW S 10.84 FT LOT 44 & N 16.26 FT LOT 46 AS MEAS ALG E LN TGW SH LDS ADJ TGW WLY 15 FT OF NP R/R ADJ AKA LOT 1 RENTON LLA 003-88 REC NO 8806219003 WATER BODY/REACH: Lake Washington Reach D EXEMPTION JUSTIFICATION: An exemption from a Shoreline Management Substantial Development Permit is hereby Approved on the proposed project in accordance with RMC 4.9.190C 'Exemption from Permit System' and for the following reasons: Construction on shorelands by an owner, lessee or contract purchaser of a single.family residence for their own use or for the use of their family, which residence does not exceed a height of thirty.five feet above average grade level and which meets all requirements of the state agency or local government having jurisdiction thereof, other than requirements imposed pursuant to chapter 90.58 RCW. "Single.family residence" means a detached dwelling designed for and occupied by one family including those structures and developments within a contiguous ownership which are a normal appurtenance. An "appurtenance" is necessarily connected to the use and enjoyment of a single.family residence and is located landward of the ordinary high water mark and the perimeter of a wetland. On a statewide basis, normal appurtenances include a garage; deck; driveway; utilities; fences; installation of a septic tank and drainfield and grading which does not exceed two hundred fifty cubic yards and which does not involve placement of fill in any wetland or waterward of the ordinary high water mark. Local circumstances may dictate additional interpretations of normal Page 2 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Certificate of Exemption from Shoreline Substantial Development Shoreline Elevator Installation LUA20-000048, SME appurtenances which shall be set forth and regulated within the applicable master program. Construction authorized under this exemption shall be located landward of the ordinary high water mark; The proposed development is: Consistent with the policies of the Shoreline Management Act. Not Applicable to the guidelines of the Department of Ecology where no Master Program has been finally approved or adopted by the Department. Consistent with the City of Renton Shoreline Master Program. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: Date Jennifer Henning, AICP, Planning Director Department of Community & Economic Development RECONSIDERATION: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party of record may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrep resentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14 day appeal time frame. APPEALS: The administrative land use decision will become final if not appealed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 on or before 5:00 pm, on March 19, 2020 (RCW 43.21.C075(3); WAC 197-11 -680). RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office, Renton City Hall, 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. EXPIRATION: Two (2) years from the date of decision (date signed) Attachments: Site Plan DOUGLAS B AND MARJORIE A HARWOOD - Owner cc: Page 3 of 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E 3/5/2020 | 12:55 PM PST Pictom etr y, Ki ng C o u nty, K ing C ounty As se ss or 's O ffi ce , Ki ng C oun ty G ISCenter, Kin g C o unty, Ki n g coun ty Asses sor's Offic e, K ing C ounty GIS C en ter Date : 6/4/201 9 ±The informati on included on this map has been compi led by King County staff from a variety of sour ces and issubject to change wi thout notice. King County makes no r epresentati ons or w ar ranties, expr ess or impl ied,as to accurac y, completenes s, timeli ness , or ri ghts to the use of such infor mation. This document is not intendedfor use as a s urvey pr oduct. King County shall not be liable for any gener al, s pecial, i ndir ect, incidental , orconsequential damages incl uding, but not li mited to, lost revenues or lost pr ofits resulting fr om the use or misuseof the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or infor mati on on this map is pr ohibited except bywritten per mi ssi on of Ki ng County. King C ou nty EXHIBIT 1 RECEIVED Clark Close 01/15/2020 PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E GUARDRAILS & LANDINGBY OTHERSSPIRAL STAIRBY OTHERSELEVATOR WALLELEVATOR WALL BEYOND26'-2"/314" T/ELEVATORROOF FRMG ELEV17'-10" 3RD FLR FRMG ELEVSOUTH ELEVATION14"=1'-0"101 4 " T/ELEVATOR PIT SLAB 0'-0" BATH/GARAGE 1ST FLR ELEV8'-11" MAIN 2ND FLR FRMG ELEV7'-8" LOW ENTRY 2ND FLR ELEV0'-214" PATIO/STORAGE ELEV8'-1" T/ TOP PL (MAIN) 8'-1" T/ TOP PL 10" 10" 7'-5 3 4 " T/TOP PL 1'-3"-1014" ELEVATOR PIT SLAB ELEV7' T/ TOP PL (LOW ENTRY) 8"2GUARDRAILS &LANDINGBY OTHERSSPIRAL STAIR CASE& LANDING BY OTHERS(E) FULL HEIGHTCOLUMN(E) DOOR(N) ELEVATORDOOR(E) GARAGEDOOREXISTINGBEYOND(E) LOW ROOF(E) UPPER ROOFBEYONDSPIRAL STAIRCASECOLUMN BY OTHERSELEVATOR ALCOVE26'-2"/314"ELEVATOR ROOFFRMG ELEV17'-10" 3RD FLR FRMG ELEV-1014" T/ELEVATOR SLAB ELEV8'-11" MAIN 2ND FLR ELEVEAST ELEVATION14"=1'-0"7'-8" LOW ENTRY 2ND FLR ELEV0'-214" PATIO/STORAGE FLR ELEV7'T/ TOP PL(LOW ENTRY)8"1'-3"8'-1"T/TOP PL 10"0'-0" GARAGE/BATH FLR ELEV101 4 "T/ELEVATORSLAB ELEV 7'-5 3 4 "T/ TOP PL 24' MAX WALL PLATE HEIGHT PERPLAN REVIEW COMMENT314" NEW ELEVATOR HEIGHT24' 26'-2"/314"21ELEVATIONS ELEVATOR ADDITION 3713 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N DOUG HARWOOD A 5/17/2019 ADDED DIMESIONING 1 8/13/2019 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 2 12/26/2019 NEW ELEVATOR WALL REVISIONEXHIBIT 2RECEIVEDClark Close 01/15/2020PLANNING DIVISIONDocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E FOUNDATION PLAN14" = 1'-0"(E) FOUNDATIONTO REMAINDEMOLISH(E) STEM WALL(E) FOUNDATION TO REMAINDEMOLISH (E) STEM WALL(E) FOUNDATIONTO REMAIN(E) FOUNDATION TO REMAINELEVATOR PIT6" SLAB ON GRADEw/ #4's @ 12" o/cE/W(N) 6" CONC STEMCENTERED ABOVEw/ 1'-4"W x 12" DPCONC FTG TYPICAL1'-6" SQx12"DP CONC FTG &38"x8"x0'-8" BASE PLATE w/(4) 12"Ø x 4 12" SIMP TITEN HDTYPE 300 SERIES STAINLESS STEEL(E) FOUNDATION TO REMAINFR=5'-1"1/S32/S34/S33/S3FR=4'-7"2134521345DBACDBAC5'-514"2'-1012"1'-10"2'-912"5'-2 1 2 "3'-5 1 2 "4'2'-312"TYP10"TYP1℄1st FLOOR FRAMING PLAN14" = 1'-0"66"Ø SPIRAL STAIRCASE& LANDING BY OTHERSTYPICAL RAIL SUPPORT2x10DBL 12" PLYWOOD(2) 2x102x6 EA SIDEFR=5'-1"(E) 12" SW-SHTG(E) 2x6 WALL STUDS(E) 58" GWB(N) 12" GWB(N) 2x6 STUDS @ 16" o/c(N) 12" SW-SHTGFR=4'-7"2134521345DBACDBAC5'-514"2'-1012"1'-10"2'-912"5'-2 1 2 "3'-5 1 2 "4'RAIL SUPPORT @ (E) POST2x1012" PLYWOODDBL 2x4(E) 4x6 POST2'-312"TYP10"TYP(N) 12" GWB(E) 12" SW-SHTG(E) 2x6 WALL STUDS(E) 58" GWB21122nd FLOORFRAMING PLAN14" = 1'-0"66"Ø SPIRAL STAIRCASE &LANDING BY OTHERS(N) FLOOR SHTGPER PLAN NOTE #82'-9"4' FR=5'-1"6/S35/S34x10 BEAM FR=4'-7"3'2134521345DBACDBAC5'-514"2'-1012"1'-10"2'-912"5'-2 1 2 "3'-5 1 2 "4'2'-312"TYP10"TYP3rd FLOORFRAMING PLAN14" = 1'-0"2x10@16" o/cFLOOR SHTGPER PLAN NOTE #8(E) LOW ROOF(E) LOW ROOFFR=5'-1"10/S37/S38/S39/S311/S311/S3SIM12/S34x10BEAM(N) FLR SHTG PERPLAN NOTE #8(N) 12" GWB(N) 12" SW-SHTG(N) 2x6 WALL STUD(N) 12" WALL SHTGFR=4'-7"2134521345DBACDBAC5'-514"2'-1012"1'-10"2'-912"5'-21 2 "3'-51 2 "4'ELEVATOR DOOROPENS INTO(E) EXTERIOR WALLIN CURRENT GEOMETRY2'-312"TYP10"TYPROOF FRAMING PLAN14" = 1'-0"LOW ROOF LINE BELOW2x10 ROOF JOISTS @ 24" o/c'SISTER' w/ 2x4 CEILING JOISTS(CONNECT TOGETHERw/ (4) 10d NAILS) TYPROOF SHEATHINGPER PLAN NOTE #81/S4BELOW3/S4ABOVE2/S43/S42/S42134521345DBACDBAC5'-514"2'-1012"1'-10"2'-912"5'-21 2 "3'-51 2 "4' LATERAL NOTES:SHEARWALL REQUIREMENTSSW-6REPRESENTS 12" NOMINAL APA RATED WALL SHEATHING* WITH 8d COMMONS AT 6" ON CENTER AT PANEL EDGESAND 12" ON CENTER IN FIELD. ATTACH DOUBLE TOP PLATES TO 2x BLOCKING ABOVE WITH SIMPSON SDWSx6"SCREWS @ 16" o/c. ATTACH BOTTOM PLATE TO 2x BLOCKING OR RIM JOIST WITH 16d @ 5" o/c. ATTACHPRESSURE TREATED HEM-FIR #2 PLATE TO DOWNTURNED CONCRETE EDGE WITH 12" Ø SIMPSON TITEN HDCONCRETE SCREWS (EMBED 234") AT 16" o/c.SW-4REPRESENTS 12" NOMINAL APA RATED WALL SHEATHING* WITH 8d COMMONS AT 6" ON CENTER AT PANEL EDGESAND 12" ON CENTER IN FIELD. ATTACH DOUBLE TOP PLATES TO 2x BLOCKING ABOVE WITH SIMPSON SDWSx6"SCREWS @ 16" o/c. ATTACH BOTTOM PLATE TO 2x BLOCKING OR RIM JOIST WITH 16d @ 5" o/c. ATTACHPRESSURE TREATED HEM-FIR #2 PLATE TO DOWNTURNED CONCRETE EDGE WITH 12"Ø SIMPSON TITEN HDCONCRETE SCREWS (EMBED 234") AT 12" o/c.*IT IS ACCEPTABLE TO USE EXISTING WALL SHEATHING. ENSURE SUFFICIENT NAILING PER SHEARWALL TYPE IS MET.HOLDOWN REQUIREMENTSMSTC40: ATTACH SIMPSON MSTC40 TO DOUBLE STUD VERTICALLY w/ (28) 8d COMMONS OVER WALL SHEATHING (HALFABOVE WIND GIRT AND HALF BELOW WIND GIRT.HDU2: INSTALL SIMPSON HDU2 TO CONCRETE WITH SIMP SSTB24 INTO NEW STEM WALL OR 58"Ø THREADED ROD(EMBED 7") w/ SIMP SET EPOXY INTO EXISTING STEM WALL AND (6) 14"x212" SDS TO DOUBLE STUDS MINIMUM.HDU5: INSTALL SIMPSON HDU5 TO CONCRETE WITH SIMP SSTB28 AND (10) 14"x2 12" SDS TO DOUBLE STUDS MINIMUM.ALL SIMPSON HARDWARE SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. FOR REFERENCE THE FOLLOWINGSIMPSON CATALOGS SHALL BE ON THE JOB SITE AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION: a) WOOD CONSTRUCTION CONNECTORS(C-C-2019) b) ANCHORING AND FASTENING SYSTEMS FOR CONCRETE+ MASONRY (C-A-2018).1PLAN NOTES:1. ELEVATOR RAIL BRACKET PER MANUFACTURER. CONNECTBRACKET TO 6x6 RAIL w/ (4) 38"x3" LAG SCREWS. ENSURE 3"SPACING AS SHOWN IN ELEVATOR MANUFACTURER DRAWINGS.2. IF EXISTING CONDITIONS VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN,CONTACT THE ENGINEER ON RECORD.3. ALL ELEVATOR DOOR HEADERS SHALL BE 4x6 DF-L #2 AND BEARON DOUBLE STUD MINIMUM, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ROUGHOPENINGS AND DOOR SIZE PER ELEVATOR MANUFACTURER.4. ALL BUILT UP MEMBERS SHALL BE LAMINATED WITH (2) ROWS10d BOX NAILS STAGGERED AT 12" o/c5. ALL ELEVATOR WALLS SHALL BE 2x6 STUDS @ 16" o/c. IT ISASSUMED ELEVATOR WALLS ARE COVERED IN 12" GYPSUM(INTERIOR) & 12" NOMINAL APA RATED WALL SHEATHING(EXTERIOR).6. SAWCUT AND EXCAVATE EXISTING PATIO.7. ENSURE FOOTINGS BEAR ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL.8. FLOOR SHEATHING SHALL MATCH EXISITNG THICKNESS &FASTENED AT PANEL EDGES w/ 10d COMMONS @ 6" o/c & 12"o/c IN FIELD.ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE 1532" APA RATED SHEATHING w/ 8dCOMMONS @ 6" o/c & 12" o/c IN FIELD.9. GRIDLINES ARE LOCATED AT EDGE OF STUD/STEM WALLS WITHTHE EXCEPTION OF GRIDLINE C, LOCATED AT CENTER OF SPIRALSTAIRCASE PIPE.ABBREVIATIONS:CONC: CONCRETEDEMO: DEMOLISH(E) : EXISTINGE/W: EACH WAYELEV:ELEVATIONFDN: FOUNDATIONFTG: FOOTINGFR: FINISHED ELEVATOR RUNWAY TYPICAL AT ALL LEVELSGWB: GYPSUM WALL BOARDHD: HOLDOWNHDR: HEADERLONG: LONGITUDINAL(N): NEWSHTG: SHEATHINGSW: SHEARWALLT/ : TOP OFTRANSV: TRANSVERSETYP: TYPICAL FOR SIMILAR CONFIRGURATIONSSW-6SW-6SW-6 HDU2HDU2HDU5HDU21st LEVEL SHEARWALLS14"=1'-0"2'-312"TYP10"TYPSW-6SW-6MSCT40MSCT40MSTC402nd LEVEL SHEARWALLS14"=1'-0"MSCT402'-312"TYP10"TYPSW-6SW-6SW-6 SW-6 MSTC40MSTC40MSTC403rd LEVEL SHEARWALLS14"=1'-0"MSTC402'-312"TYP10"TYP1'-8"1'-8"℄MSTC,FLR JOISTMSTCPER PLANHDU PER PLANw/ SIMP SSTBINTO NEWSTEM WALLHOLDOWN STUDSPER PLANHDU PER PLANw/ 58"Ø THREADEDROD w/ SIMP SETEPOXY (EMBED 7")TYPHOLDOWN STUDSPER PLAN TYP7" TYP WALL AS OCCURSPER PLANNEW STEMPER PLANEXISTING STEMPER PLANTYPICAL HOLDOWNSTO CONCRETE STEMWALLS1"=1'-0"TYPICAL HOLDOWNSTO WOOD FRAMING1"=1'-0"2PLANS ELEVATOR ADDITION 3713 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N DOUG HARWOOD A 5/17/2019 ADDED GRID-LINE DIMESIONING PR19000244B19002967V2DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E (E) FOOTING(E) 8" CONCSTEM WALL(E) GARAGESLAB ON GRADE(E) PT MUD PL w/12"Ø ANCHOR BOLTS@ 48" o/c MIN(E) 2x6 WALL(E) WALL SHTG(E) SHEARWALLEDGE NAILINGT/ ELEVATOR PITDEMO (E) PATIOSLAB ON GRAGEDETAIL #1ELEVATOR TO (E) GARAGE WALL CONNECTIONS1"=1'-0"101 4 "#4 REBAR DOWELS @ 18"w/ SIMP SET EPOXY(EMBED 3")1'-6"VERIFY (E) 58"TYPE 'X' GWB(N) 12" GWBVERIFY (E) PERF DRAIN8" ELEV PIT T/ GARAGESLAB ON GRADE(N) 6" SLAB ON GRADEw/ #4's @ 18" o/c E/W11'-4"1' 101 4 " 3" CLRTYP 3" CLRTYP(2) #4 CONT(E) PATIOSLAB ON GRADET/ PATIOSLAB ON GRADET/ ELEVATOR PIT(N) 6" CONC SLAB ON GRADEw/ #4's @ 18" o/c E/WWALL SHTG PERSHEARWALL SCHEDULE2x6 PT SILL PL w/ANCHOR BOLTS PERSHEARWALL SCHEDULESW-EDGE NAILINGDEMO (E) PATIOSLAB ON GRADE2x6 WALL STUDS@ 16" o/c12" GWBDETAIL #2NEW ELEVATOR @ NEW FOUNDATION1"=1'-0"4" PERF DRAIN(TIE TO (E) OR INSTALL(N) DRAIN SYSTEM#4's 36"o/c, CENTERED#4 CROSS-TIES 36"o/c#4 HORZ.TOP & BTTM4"18" ELEV PIT (E) 6" CONC STEM WALLWALL SHTGPER SW-SCHEDULET/ ELEVATOR PITDETAIL #3NEW ELEVATOR WALL@ EXISTING STEM WALL1"=1'-0"8" PER EXISTING (E) DRAWINGS1'-4" PER(E) DRAWINGS(N) 6" CONC SLAB ON GRADEw/ #4's @ 18" o/c E/WSW-EDGE NAILING2x6 PT BOTTOM PL w/ANCHOR BOLTS PERSHEARWALL SCHEDULE2x6 WALL STUDS@ 16" o/c#4 DOWELS INTO (E) STEM w/SIMP SET EPOXY (EMBED 3")@ 18" o/cNOTE:THE STEM WALL CONFIGURATION IS BASED ONTHE EXISTING DRAWINGS SUPPLIED. CONTACTENGINEER OF RECORD IF CONDITIONS VARY.T/ BATH/GARAGE FLR(E) 12" GWB(E) CRAWLSPACE BEAM(E) CRAWLSPACE JOISTSDEMO (E) PATIOSLAB ON GRADE101 4 "VERIFY (E) PERF DRAIN1(E) ASPHALTT/ ASPHALT DRIVEWAYT/ GARAGEDETAIL #4NEW INTERIOR ELEVATOR WALL@ EXISTING STEM WALL1"=1'-0"(E) 8" CONCSTEM WALL(2) CONT #4'sT/ ELEVATORPIT(N) 6" SLAB ON GRADEw/ #4's @ 18" o/c E/W2x6 PT SILL PL w/ ANCHOR BOLT PERSHEARWALL SCHEDULE2x6 WALLSTUDS @ 16" o/cSHEARWALLEDGE NAILING12" GWBWALL SHTGPER SHEARWALLSCHEDULE(N)ELEVATOR ENTRYSLAB ON GRADEDEMO (E) PATIOSLAB ON GRADE8" ELEV PIT 101 4 "VERIFY (E) PERFDRAINDEMO (E)SLAB ON GRADE#4's 36"o/c, VERT. CENTERED#4's HORZ TOP & BTTM#4 CROSS-TIES 36"o/c7 3 4 " 4"1SHEARWALL EDGENAILING TYP12" GWB(2) SIMP SDWSx6"@ 6" o/c(2) SIMP SDWSx6"@ 6" o/cWALL SHTG PERSHEARWALL SCHEDULE2x6 WALL STUDS@ 16" o/c TYP2x10 JOIST TYPT/ (E) CEILINGDETAIL #5TYPICAL WIND GIRT1"=1'-0"2x6 WALL STUDS@ 16" o/c TYPDIAPHRAGMEDGE NAILINGWALL SHTG PERSW-SCHEDULEDETAIL #6NEW ELEVATOR WALL @EXISTING MAIN FLOOR1"=1'-0"BEAM PER PLAN w/SIMP SDWSx6" @ 6" o/cTOP & BOTNOTE:1. REFERENCE 5/S3 FOR CALLOUTS IN COMMON.2. ATTACH SHEATHING AT PANEL EDGES WITH 10d COMMONS AT 6"o/c AND 12" o/c IN FIELD.SILL PL w/ SIMP SDWSx6"TOP & BOTTSW-EDGE NAILSPER SW-SCHED TYP12" GWB12" GWB34" SHTGPER NOTE2x6 WALL STUDS@ 16" o/c TYP(E) WALL SHTGDETAIL #7NEW ELEVATOR WALL TOEXISTING EXTERIOR WALL1"=1'-0"(E) 2x WALL(N) FLR JOIST PER PLAN(E) 2x6 WALL BEYONDT/ UPPERLEVEL(N) FLR SHTG(E) RIM JOIST(N) 4x HDR TYP(E) GWBDIAPHRAGM EDGE NAILINGSIMP LUS(N) DBL RIM JOISTDIAPHRAGM EDGE NAILINGDIAPHRAGM EDGE NAILING12" GWB21 4 " 1 3 8 "2x10 LEDGER w/(2) SIMP SDWSx5" @ 16" o/c(E) 2x JOIST(E) FLR SHTG(E) 2x BLKG(E) 2x6 WALL(E) GWBTYPFLOORJOISTPER PLANCONT 2x4LEDGER w/10d @ 6" o/cDIAPHRAGMEDGE NAILINGFLOOR SHTGPER PLANT/ UPPPERLEVELDETAIL #8NEW ELEVATOR FLOOR LANDINGTO EXISTING INTERIOR WALL1"=1'-0"(E) WALLDIAPHRAGMEDGE NAILINGREMOVE(E) GUARDRAIL(E) FLR SHTGT/ UPPPERLEVEL(N) FLR JOISTPER PLAN w/SIMP LUS(N) 2x10 ATTACHED TO(E) DBL 2x10 w/(2) ROWS 10d NAILS@ 24" o/c(E) DBL 2x10(E) FLR JOISTPER PLAN w/(E) HANGERDETAIL #9NEW ELEVATOR LANDINGTO EXISTING FLOOR1"=1'-0"(N) FLR SHTGPER PLAN2x6 WALL STUDSSW-EDGE NAILSPER SW-SCHED TYP12" GWBWALL SHTG PERSW-SCHEDULE TYP2x6 WALL STUDS@ 16" o/c TYPT/ (E) CEILINGDEMO (E) ROOF TRUSSDETAIL #10ELEVATOR WALL ATUPPER FLOOR1"=1'-0"NOTE: REFERENCE 5/S3 FOR CALLOUTS IN COMMON.BEAM PER PLAN w/SIMP SDWSx6"@ 6" o/cTOP & BOT12" GWB34" SHTGPER NOTET/ UPPER LEVEL(E) WALL(E) WALL SHTGFLOOR SHTGPER PLANDIAPHRAGMEDGE NAILING(N) FLOORJOISTPER PLANCONT 2x4LEDGERw/ 10d@ 6" o/cDETAIL #12(N) ELEVATOR FLOORLANDING DIAPHRAGMTO (E) EXTERIOR1"=1'-0"(E) GWB12" GWB2x6 WALL STUDS@ 16" o/c TYPWALL SHTG PER SW-SCHEDULET/ LOW ROOF(2) SIMP SDWSx6" INTOEA STUD w/ SOLID SHIM(E) ROOF TRUSSGAP < 112"DETAIL #11ELEVATOR WALL TO LOW ROW ROOF1"=1'-0"8d @ 6" o/cCONT 2x4 LEDGER w/SIMP SDWSx6"SCREW INTO EA STUD24">GAP>112"SIMILAR8d @ 6" o/c3ELEVATIONS ELEVATOR ADDITION 3713 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N DOUG HARWOOD A 5/17/2019 ADDED NOTES PR19000244B19002967V2DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E DETAIL #1ELEVATOR WALL TO EXISTING ROOF1"=1'-0"2x6 WALL STUDS @ 16" o/c TYPWALL SHTG PER SW-SCHEDULESILL PL w/ (2) ROWS16d @ 24" o/cINTO EA BLOCKSW-EDGE NAILING(E) 2x BLKG(E) 2x6WALL STUDS(E) PRE MFRTRUSS @24" o/c(E) ROOF SHTGT/ (E) CEILING(E) WALL SHTGBEVELED 4x BLKG w/(2) SIMP SDWSx6"@ 24" o/c2x FASCIA w/(2) 16d INTOEA RAFTER2x6 WALL STUDS@ 16" o/cWALL SHTGPER SW-SCHEDSW-EDGENAILING(4) 10d ROOF RAFTERTO CEILING JOISTSIMP H2.5A2x4 CEILING JOIST@ 24" o/c1'-6" MAXDIAPHRAGM EDGE NAILINGROOF SHTG PER PLANROOF RAFTERPER PLANDETAIL #2ROOF CONNECTION (PERPENDICULAR)1"=1'-0"SIMP SDWSx6"PER SW-SCHEDCONT 2x BLKG1'-6" MAX1'-10"2x FACIA w/(2) 16d INTOEA OUTRIGGER2xOUTRIGGERS@ 24" o/cSW-EDGE NAILINGDIAPHRAGMEDGE NAILING2x BLKG(2) 16d INTOEA OUTRIGGERSIMP SDWSx6"PER SW-SCHEDULEWALL SHTGPER SW-SCHEDULEBALLOON FRAMING2x6 STUDS @ 16" o/c2x4 CEILING JOIST@ 24" o/c w/ (4) 10d2x ROOF RAFTERDETAIL #3ROOF CONNECTION (PARALLEL)1"=1'-0"DIAPHRAGMEDGE NAILINGSIMP SDWSx6"PER SHEARWALLSCHEDULESIMP LTP5@ 24" o/cROOF SHTGPER PLANGENERAL NOTES:1.All design and construction shall conform to the 2015 International Residential Code.2.Read structural drawings together with Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical and other drawingsfor detail dimensions, locations of door and window openings, duct work, recesses, inserts andother items. In the event discrepancies between drawings, the more stringent requirementsshall be followed. Under no circumstance shall structural elements be modified without thewritten approval of the structural engineer.3.The contractor shall verify all dimensions and examine site conditions prior to fabrication of allitems to ensure proper installation.4.The contractor shall have a complete working knowledge of standard residential constructiontechniques that are commonly used in the profession. The contractor shall request clarification fromthe structural engineer on items that cannot be constructed as detailed or with standard constructiontechniques.5.The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with elements intheir final positions. The contractor shall provide adequate shoring and bracing duringconstruction to resist all forces including wind, seismic and unbalanced forces due toconstruction sequence.6.Foundations: Required soil bearing pressure:1,500-psf at surfaceMinimum depth of stair footings exposed to exterior elements shall have a minimum bury depthof 12-in. for frost protection.Remove free water from excavations and forms prior to placement of the concrete.Footings shall be placed on solid bearing ground a minimum of 1-ft below grade. Footingsmay exceed the 1-ft minimum depth due to poor upper level soil conditions.7.Wood properties:Structural framing, except studs:Douglas Fir-Larch #2Fb:850-psiFt:500-psiFv:170-psiFcperp:625-psiFcpar:1,400-psiE1,600,000-psiStructural studs:Doug Fir-Larch StudFb:700-psiFt:450-psiFv:180-psiFcperp:625-psiFcpar:850-psiE1,400,000-psi8.Concrete properties:F'c: 3,000-psi @ 28-days footings & std stem wall.Air Entrained: 5%-7%Slump: 4"-5" measured before superplasticizer if used.Cement: Portland Type I or II.Calcium Chloride:Not permitted.Grout: Non-shrink, non-ferrous, developing minimum compressive strength of4,500-psi in 3-days, 8,000-psi in 28-days.9.The contractor is responsible for the design and construction of all the formwork, false-work,and temporary shoring. Vibration is essential for proper placement of concrete. Overvibration will cause separation of cement and rock and is cause for rejection of placed concrete.10.Forms shall not be removed for a minimum of 24-hours after concrete placement.11.Reinforcing steel:Deformed bars:ASTM-A615 Grade 60Welded wire fabric:ASTM-A185Cover:3", concrete surfaces cast against earth,2", formed surfaces exposed to earth1-1/2", ties to concrete face, not exposed to earth.12.Anchor bolts/threaded rods:ASTM-A307 or F1554 Gr 36 hot dipped galvanized (per ASTM A153) orSimpson Titen HD Concrete Screws (zinc plated by manufacturer) Post installed anchors shall be installed per manufacturer's instructions. For reference Simpson Anchoring and Fastening Systems for Concrete+Masonry (C-A-2018) catalog shall be on site.3"x3"x1/4" hot dipped galvanized (per ASTM A153) washers and standard nuts required for anchorrod.13.Fastners:All fasteners and connectors installed in or on preservative-treated wood shall be hot dippedzinc-coated galvanized with a minimum coating weight per ASTM A153.14.Amended Construction Documents (IBC 106.4)Work shall be installed in accordance with the approved construction documents, and any changesmade during construction that are not in compliance with the approved construction documentsshall be submitted to the Engineer in responsible charge whoshall review them and forward them to the building official with notation indicating that the changedconditions have been found to be in general conformance to the design ofthe building.15.Deferred Submittal (IBC Submittal List:Spiral StaircaseDocuments for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the Engineer in responsiblecharge who shall review them and forward them to the building official with notationindicating that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and been found tobe in general conformance to the design of the building. The deferred submittal itemsshall not be installed until the design and submittal documents have been approved bythe building official.11Posts and Timbers:Doug Fir-Larch #2Fb:875-psiFt:425-psiFv:170-psiFcperp:625-psiFcpar:850-psiE1,300,000-psiAll wood in contact with concrete shall bepreservative treated (PT) per AWPA U1and field treated per AWPA M4.14ELEVATIONS ELEVATOR ADDITION 3713 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N DOUG HARWOOD A 5/17/2019 ADDED NOTES PR19000244B19002967V2DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E EXHIBIT 3 RECEIVED Clark Close 01/15/2020 PLANNING DIVISION HARWOOD SFR- CONSTRUCT 5X5 3-STOP ELEVATOR/SHAFT TO EXISTING STRUCTURE WITHIN THE FOOTPRINT OF FRONT PORCH ROOF LINE. REMOVE EXISTING ENTRY STAIRS AND UNDER STAIR STORAGE AND REPLACE WITH SPIRAL STAIRCASE. DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E EXHIBIT 4 RECEIVED Clark Close 01/15/2020 PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E 10"10"61" FINISHED DIMENSION912"10"2712"ȭ 55" FINISHED DIMENSION 49" INSIDE 40" INSIDE4112" OUTSIDE5212" OUTSIDE 2834"ȭ36" DOORHALL CALL TYPICAL 114" 3614"3234"ȭ36" DOORHALL CALL TYPICAL 114"45716"36" CLR1634"1112"4558"36" CLRCOP PB NOTES: -CAR FLOORING AND FINISHINGS MUST NOT EXCEED 25 LBS -IN ORDER TO MEET THE 3/4" AND 4" REQIUREMENTS, A MAXIMUM OF 1/4" HOISTWAY DOOR SETBACK IS ALLOWED, WHEN USING ACCORDION CAR DOOR(S). 4" MAXIMUM THE INSIDE FACE OF HOISTWAY DOOR TO OUTSIDE OF CAR DOOR MUST REJECT A 4" BALL. 14" MAXIMUM (INSIDE FACE OF HOISTWAY DOOR TO SILL) 12" - 1 14" RUN CLR (SILL TO SILL) ACCORDION CAR DOOR (LOCKING MECHANICAL HINGE) TYPICAL DOOR LOCATION DETAIL ACCORDION (FOLDING) CAR DOOR HOISTWAY DOOR ȭ TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE DATE JOB INFORMATION 40 x 54 OPPOSITE RH RH NONE GJT 12/06/19 120619-11 R0 HARWOOD 3713 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON, WA 98056 FLOORS 2-3 FLOOR 1 OLYMPIC ELEVATOR DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E 4"2" OVERTRAVELTOTAL CAR TRAVELOVERHEADOVERALL HOISTWAY(PIT+TRAVEL+OVERHEAD)PIT DEPTHHOISTWAY OPENINGHOISTWAY OPENINGHOISTWAY OPENINGINTERIOR CAR HEIGHTPIT DEPTH FLOOR TO FLOOR TRAVEL OVERHEAD OVERALL HOISTWAY 8" 210" 96" 314" JOB SPECIFIC INFORMATION: NOTES: 1) CONSULT LOCAL AUTHORITY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL CODES. 2) THE HOISTWAY IS REQUIRED TO BE FREE OF ALL PIPES, WIRING, AND OBSTRUCTIONS NOT RELATED TO THE OPERATION OF THE ELEVATOR. Travel (ft) 0'0"-15'0" 15'1"-30'0" 30'1"-50'0" Hydro Static Load (lbs) 2552 2942 3399 Hydro Impact Load (lbs) 5277 5667 6124 Travel (ft) 0'0"-15'0" 15'1"-30'0" 30'1"-50'0" IGD Static Load (lbs) 3082 3374 3764 IGD Impact Load (lbs) 5807 6099 6489 Travel (ft) 0'0"-15'0" 15'1"-30'0" 30'1"-50'0" Drum Static Load (lbs) 2552 2942 3399 Drum Impact Load (lbs) 5277 5667 6124 TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE DATE JOB INFORMATION 3 STOP ELEVATION NONE GJT 12/06/19 120619-11 R0 HARWOOD 3713 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON, WA 98056 OLYMPIC ELEVATOR DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E 10' MAXAllow for drywall thickness (pit flush with hoistway)Pit wall 10 " Rail Backing Centerline Pit Floor 10 " Drywall Construction Details of Rail Backing: x Laminate (2) 2x10's and (2) 2x4's using wood glue and #8x2-1/4" minimum screws x All joints must be staggered x 12" plywood between Typical Hoistway Construction Details Floor Joists Subfloor Header Corner Post Construction 2 x 4 2 x 4 2 x 10's 12" 2" 2" 12" 12" vertical screw spacing and 2" from each side of 2x10 centerline Drywall (shown cutaway) Typical Rail Backing Construction 2 x 4 2 x 4 2 x 10's 12" 2" 2" 12" x Laminate (2) 2x10's and (2) 2x4's using wood glue and #8x2-1 4" (min.) screws x All joints must be staggered x 12" plywood between 10 " 10 " 12" CENTERLINE OF RAIL BACKING R2 380# 4  56#6+%4#+. 4'#%6+10 12" plywood TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE DATE JOB INFORMATION TYPICAL HOISTWAY CONSTRUCTION NONE GJT 12/06/19 120619-11 R0 HARWOOD 3713 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON, WA 98056 OLYMPIC ELEVATOR DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E 48" 3'-0" SELF CLOSING, SELF LOCKING, ACCESS DOOR 24" LIGHT SWITCH & DUPLEX RECEPTACLE TELEPHONE CONNECTION MAIN CONTROL BOX 18"H X 18"W X 10"D HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT 331 2"H X 24 1 4"W X 123 4"D LIGHT HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT 115-15 AMP SERVICE 208/230-30 AMP SERVICE 6"6" MAIN CONTROL BOX OVERHEAD VIEW FRONT VIEW Motor Controller Disconnect (Fusible and Lockable) Car Light Disconnect (Fusible and Lockable) 208/230VAC, 30 AMP, Single Phase (3 Wire Dedicated Circuit) *Feeding breaker must not be a G.F.I. 115VAC, 15 AMP, Dedicated Single Phase *Feeding breaker must not be a G.F.I. Telephone Service For Elevator HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT MAIN CONTROL BOX 1/2"-3/4" PLYWOOD BACKING BEHIND DRYWALL 6'-6" MAXIMUM HEIGHT NOTES: 1)THE ELEVATOR MACHINE ROOM LOCATION AND LAYOUT MUST MEET CODE REQUIREMENTS DEFINED BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION. 2)30" WIDE x 36" DEEP CLEAR WORKING SPACE REQUIRED IN FRONT OF THE MAIN CONTROL BOX BY NEC. 3)LIGHT SWITCH TO BE LOCATED ON THE STRIKE SIDE OF THE MACHINE ROOM DOOR. 4)THE HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT SHOULD BE LOCATED WITHIN 40' FROM THE CYLINDER. 5)MACHINE SPACE SHALL BE FREE OF ANY EQUIPMENT OR APPURTENANCES NOT RELATED TO THE ELEVATOR. 6)KEEP THE CONTROL ROOM 7(03(5$785(%(7:((1ž)72ž) BETWEEN 0 TO 95% RELATIVE HUMIDITY NON-CONDENSING. TITLE REVDRAWING NO.DRAWN BY SCALE DATE JOB INFORMATION COMPACT MACHINE ROOM NONE GJT 12/06/19 120619-11 R0 HARWOOD 3713 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON, WA 98056 OLYMPIC ELEVATOR DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E DocuSign Envelope ID: 474A46D9-D54D-4C14-ACE8-38FCFB43758E