HomeMy WebLinkAboutD_HEX_Valley_Medical_Center_Medical_Office_Bldg_Garage_170417O Denis Law Mayor City Clerk-Jason A.Seth,CMC April 5, 2017 Melanie Gutierrez NBBJ 223 Yale Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 Subject: Hearing Examiner's Final Decision RE: Valley Medical Center Medical Office Building& North Garage Expansion, LUA-16-000938 Dear Ms. Gutierrez: The City of Renton's Hearing Examiner has issued a Final Decision dated April 5, 2017. These documents are immediately available: Electronically on line at the City of Renton website (www.rentonwa.gov); To be viewed at the City Clerk's office on the 7th floor or Renton City Hall, 1055 South Grady Way, between 8 am and 4 pm. Ask for the project file by the above project number; and For purchase at a copying charge of$0.15 per page. The estimated cost for the Hearing Examiner Documents is$3.90, plus a handling and postage cost(this cost is subject to change if documents are added). APPEAL DEADLINE: RMC 4-84080 provides that the final decision of the Hearing Examiner is subject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-110(E)(14) requires appeals of the Hearing Examiner's decision to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the ' date of the hearing examiner's decision. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee to the City Council, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall- 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. RECONSIDERATION: A request for reconsideration to the Hearing Examiner may also be filed within this 14 day appeal period as identified in RMC 4-8-110(E)(13) and RMC 4-8- 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • (425)430-6510/Fax (425)430-6516 • rentonwa.gov 100(G)(9). Reconsiderations must be filed in writing to the Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton,WA 98057. Additional information regarding the reconsideration process may be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall - 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. A new fourteen (14) day appeal period shall commence upon the issuance of a reconsideration decision. I can be reached at (425) 430-6510 or jseth@rentonwa.gov. Thank you. Sincerely, Jason A. Seth City Clerk cc: Hearing Examiner Clark Close,Senior Planner Jennifer Henning, Planning Director Vanessa Dolbee, Current Planning Manager Brianne Bannwarth, Development Engineering Manager Craig Burnell, Building Official Gillian Syverson,Secretary, Planning Division Julia Medzegian,City Council Liaison Parties of Record (20) Denis Law Mayor i City Clerk-Jason A.Seth,CMC April 5, 2017 CERTIFICATE OF MAILING - STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING JASON A. SETH, City Clerk for the City of Renton, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of Washington, over the age of 21 and not a party to nor interested in this matter. That on the 5th day of April, 2017, at the hour of 4:30 p.m. your affiant duly mailed and placed in the United States Post Office at Renton, King County, Washington, by first class mail Hearing Examiner's Final Decision dated April 5, 2017, RE: Valley Medical Center Medical Office Building North Garage Expansion (LUA-16-000938)to the attached parties of record. Jason A. eth, CMC y Clerk SCRIBED A WORN TO BEFORE me this 5th day of April, 2017. o 0Tq'Qs :• r yV A• ob. CP5 Cynthia . M ya r cn s AV(35 0 Notary Publi in and fo Washington, residing in Rentonrtheteofz ,°` My Commission expires: 8/27/2018 11 11wAST‘\``. 1055 South Grady Way,Renton,WA 98057 • (425)430-6510/Fax (425)430-6516 • rentonwa.gov 12 Associated Valley Obstetrics Q PU8U[HOGP DBT#1 KING CO Alan Davis Gyneco|ogy, Inc. 50010 2Z3 Yale Ave N 4O11 Talbot RdS,Suite 43O Renton,VyAg8O5O Seattle,VVA98109 Renton,VVAQ8OSS Attn:Sandy S Supervisor 8E[KYHARD| Valley Chi|dren'sClinic a|thcove'Renton Valley Medical Center 4O11 Talbot RdE,22D 1772Z Talbot RdS 400S43RD3t Renton,VVA98OSS enton.VVA88OSS Renton,VVA9DOSS ar Bob Mahn Chris8ames DAN|ELPEDER5EN RENTDN CITY HALL RENTON CITY HALL Valley Medical Center 400343rdSt Renton,VVA98USS 71 DavidKortha|s DevekGe|denhuvs Flora Lee Metro Transit 4300 Talbot Rd S,Suite 103 Renton City Hall 2U18 Jackson St,W1SKS[-TR'O413 Renton,VVA98OSS 1OSSS Grady Way Seattle,VVA9D10438S6 Renton,VVA9DOS7 GorvNiedt Jacob Sheppard KALENPRK/ATSKY Metro Transit King County VVTD 4011 Talbot Rd,Suite 3UU 2O1S Jackson St, W1SK8['TRO431 Z015 Jackson St, K3C'NR'OSOS Renton,VVA98OSS Seattle,VVA981O438S6 Seattle,VVA981O43DSS Karen Walter MorkLampard MELAN|EGDOERRB Wvuck|eshoot Indian Tribe Fisheries King County VVTD, Project Management N80 Division Unit 223 Yale Ave N 3901S-A17Znd Ave SE 2O1S Jackson St, K5['NR'OSO8 Seattle,VVA9D109 Auburn,VVA9QO§2 Seattle,VVA9O1O438SS V Tamara S|eeterK8D&]omes Rice K8D Todd Thomas VVi||iamGragR Va||eyVVumen's Clinic PLLC Valley Medical Center NB0 17722 Talbot RdS 400S43rdSt 2Z3 Yale Ave N Renton,VVA9O0SS'S744 Renton,VVA9DOS5 Seattle,VVA9D108 1 2 3 4 5 6 BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF RENTON 7 Valley Medical Center Medical Office 8 Building and North Garage Expansion 9 Binding Site Plan Amendment,Hearing FINAL DECISION 10 Examiner Site Plan, and Street Modification 11 LUA16-000938,ECF,BSP, SA-H,MOD 12 13 SUMMARY 14 The applicant has requested a Binding Site Plan Amendment, Site Plan Review, Environmental 15 Review, and a Street Modification in order to construct a a 5-story 160,000sf medical office building 16 and a 7-floor 1,136 stall parking garage expansion at UW Valley Medical Center. Both structures would be constructed over surface parking along the north side of the hospital campus located at 400 17 S 43rd St.The medical office building includes an underground tunnel connection to the main hospital and a pedestrian bridge to the garage;the garage expansion includes a staff vehicular access ramp to 18 the upper floors from Talbo,'t Rd S. The Binding Site Plan Amendment, Site Plan Review, Environmental Review, and a Street Modification are approved with conditions. 19 20 TESTIMONY 21 22 Clark Close, senior planner, discussed the staff report, the history of the project and the present 23 request. In response to the Examiner, Mr. Close provided greater detail regarding the requested street modifications and the City's requested driveway channelization condition. 24 No further testimony was presented. 25 26 BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION - 1 1 EXHIBITS 2 The March 14, 2017 staff report Exhibits 1-38 identified at page 2 of the staff report itself were 3 admitted into the record during! the hearing. The staff PowerPoint was admitted as Exhibit 39 4 during the hearing. The followi g additional exhibits were also admitted during the hearing: 5 Exhibit 40: Google Maps Exhibit 41: City of Renton COR Maps 6 7 FINDINGS OF FACT 8 Procedural: 9 1. Applicant. The applicant is UWNalley Medical Center(VMC). 10 2. Hearing. The Examiner held a hearing on the subject application on March 14, 2017 at 12:00 11 pm in the City of Renton Council Chambers. At the close of the hearing, the applicant requested a continuance until March 28,20}7, limited to review of a proposed construction noise variance request. 12 On March 21, 2017, the applicant withdrew the variance request. The examiner closed the record at 13 close of business on March 21, 2017. 14 3. Project Description. The applicant is requesting Binding Site Plan Amendment, Hearing Examiner Site Plan, Environmental (SEPA) review, and a street modification to construct a 5-story 15 160,000sf medical office building and a 7-floor 1,136 stall parking garage expansion at UW Valley 16 Medical Center.Both structures would be constructed over surface parking along the north side of the hospital campus located at 400 iS 43rd St.The medical office building(MOB)includes an underground 17 tunnel connection to the main;hospital and a pedestrian bridge to the garage; the garage expansion 18 includes a staff vehicular access ramp to the upper floors from Talbot Rd S. The proposal includes a large underground detention vault. 19 The project site is approximately 5.7 acres (247,967sf)of a larger 33.07-acre site and includes several 20 existing lots and one tract. The project site area is located near the northwest corner of the existing 21 Valley Medical Center campus. The project is located within the Commercial & Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO) zone. Surrounding uses primarily include 22 medical office buildings in the CO zone and limited single family residences in the R-8 zone. 23 The site includes three Type E streams (Panther Creek, Stream B and Stream C),high erosion hazards, 24 moderate landslide hazards,regulated slopes, and a large Category II wetland at the northwest corner of the site(Wetland A).A Biological Assessment/Critical Areas Study was submitted by the applicant, 25 prepared by The Watershed Company on October 2016 (Exhibit 16). According to the Study, the 26 northernmost portion of the project area is located within the 115-foot standard buffer of Panther BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION -2 1 Creek (classified as a Type F stream). Two (2) other Type F streams are also located onsite (Stream 2 B and Stream C)and a large Category II wetland is also located onsite at the northwest corner(Wetland 3 A). 4 The project would be built in two (2) phases, the garage expansion followed by the medical office building(MOB). 5 The north garage expansion project would expand the existing parking garage at the north end of the 6 campus.The new parking garage)would add 905 net new parking spaces and would be located directly 7 east of the existing garage (Exhibit 18). The new parking garage measures approximately 186.5 feet wide by 313 feet long (Exhibit 4) and the new MOB measures approximately 154 feet wide by 218 8 feet wide (Exhibit 5). 9 The parking garage expansion includes an employee vehicular access ramp from Level 8 (Exhibit 9), 10 through the driveway serving the Human Resource Building, to Talbot Rd S (a two-way stop controlled intersection). 11 The new medical office building and the new north parking garage expansion would be connected via 12 a pedestrian bridge. The medical office building would be connected to the main hospital building via 13 an underground tunnel connection (Exhibit 10). The two new buildings are intended to be integrated into the overall Valley Medical(Center campus (Exhibits 33 and 34). 14 15 The Valley Medical Center campus parcels contain 888 patient/visitor parking stalls, 1,531 employee stalls, and 112 physician stalls for a total of 2,531 parking stalls. Parking for employees and visitors 16 is provided in two (2)parking structures as well as several surface lots (Exhibit 18). 17 There are seven (7) access points from the public streets to Valley Medical Center parcels. Access to 18 the new medical office building and north parking garage expansion would primarily come from Talbot Rd SNMC North Access Road-S 177th St or the Talbot Rd S/HR Lot Driveway and Future 19 Garage Access just south of the Human Resources (HR) Building(Exhibits 17 and 25). 20 The proposed project is anticipated to include a traffic signal at Talbot Rd SNMC North Access Road- 21 S 177th St intersection along with additional signage and roadway improvements within the intersection.The project development would utilize and extend utilities as part of the civil construction 22 permits. 23 The applicant is proposing an amendment to the Valley Medical Center North Campus Binding Site 24 Plan that was approved by the City of Renton on November 22, 1993 (Exhibit 24). The First Amendment to Valley Medical Center North Campus Binding Site Plan seeks to adjust lot lines and 25 parcel boundaries to contain adequate lot sizes for the new medical office building on proposed Lot 4 26 (proposed lot size 55,667sf) and the new parking garage on proposed Lot 8 (proposed lot size BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION- 3 1 192,300sf) (Exhibit 3). In general, a few nonconforming lots would be combined or adjusted so that 2 structures do not cross over lot boundaries. 3 There are approximately 471 significant trees located on the Valley Medical Center campus,of which 4 the applicant is proposing to retain 239 trees. 5 Site topography descends from Talbot Rd S to State Route 167 with an estimated total elevation change of approximately 84 feet. Approximately 3.77 acres of the 33.07-acre hospital site would be 6 subject to fill, excavation and grading. The project is anticipated to excavate 62,000 cubic yards. 7 The City's Environmental Review Committee issued s SEPA Determination of Non-Significant 8 Impact—Mitigated on January 30, 2017. The DNS-M included four mitigation measures.No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. 9 On January 3, 2017, staff received three (3) agency comments from Muckleshoot Indian Tribe 10 Fisheries Division,King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks—Wastewater Treatment 11 Division, and King County Metro Transit and responded on January 11, 2017 (Exhibits 27-32). The Muckleshoot Tribe commented about the fish habitat on Panther Creek. King County DNR asked for 12 information about the grading plan. Metro discussed transit issues. Agency concerns are reflected in the Conditions of Approval. 13 14 4. Adequacy of Infrastructure/Public Services. The project will be served by adequate infrastructure and public services as follows: 15 A. Water and Sewer Service.The site is served by the City of Renton for all water and sewer service. 16 There are four 12-inch and one 8-inch water mains within the subject's vicinity. Water mains are 17 located both within the existing medical campus and Talbot Road S. Additionally, there are six fire hydrants serving the subject.Extensive improvements to the water and sewer systems will be 18 required. Many of these improvements will be made under construction permit U16-005901, as 19 described on pages 21-23 of the staff report. The City is also requiring the following improvements to the water system: 20 21 The existing fire hydrant(COR Facility ID HYD-S-00273) located on the south side of the north VMC internal site road and north of the new MOB is proposed to be removed. 22 A new fire hydrant is proposed west of the existing location near the drive aisle entrance 23 to the new MOB. 24 The existing fire hydrant (COR Facility ID HYD-S-00196) located near the SE corner 25 of the proposed MOB is proposed to be removed as it sits in the footprint of the new MOB. A new fire hydrant is proposed east of the existing location along the existing 26 hydrant run in a landscape island. BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION- 4 1 2 Fire hydrant locations shall meet standards from the RFA. 3 A new 8" fire line is proposed to serve the MOB building from the existing 12" water 4 main located along the southern frontage of the north VMC internal site road. The fire 5 line shall have a double detector check assembly(DDCVA) in an exterior underground vault per COR Standard Plan 360.2 or inside the building per COR Standard Plan 360.5. 6 If the DDCVA is proposed in the building, mechanical room plans shall be provided with the construction plans for the MOB. 7 8 The FDC is shown as wall mounted on the NW corner of the MOB.The fire department 9 connection(FDC)shall be within 50' of a fire hydrant per City standards or in a location approved by the RFA.A post indicator valve(PIV)per City standards is required on the 10 fire line. 11 A new 4" domestic water service with a 3" meter is proposed to serve the MOB from 12 the existing 12" water main located along the southern frontage of the north VMC 13 internal site road. A 3" water meter needs to be in a vault with an external bypass per COR Standard Plan 320.4. The water plans submitted for the construction permit shall 14 show an appropriate location for this meter assembly. An easement shall be provided 15 for the domestic water meter. 16 A reduced pres I tire backflow assembly (RPBA) shall be installed downstream of the 17 meter in an above ground heated enclosure per COR Standard Plan 350.2. The RPBA may be located'inside the building if coordinated with the City plan review and City 18 water utility department. If the RPBA is proposed in the building, mechanical room plans shall be provided with the construction plans for the medical office building.19 20 Pressure reducing valves are required downstream of the domestic water meter if 21 pressure exceeds 80 psi. A separate meter is required for landscape irrigation per COR Standard Plan 320.1. A 22 double check valve assembly (DCVA) is required behind the meter per COR Standard 23 Plan 340.8. An easement shall be provided for the landscape irrigation meter. 24 Water improvements shall be designed in accordance with Appendix J of the City's 25 2012 Water System Plan. Adequate horizontal and vertical separation between new mains and other existing and proposed utilities (sewer lines, storm drains, gas lines, 26 power and communication ducts) shall be provided for the operation and maintenance BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION - 5 1 of the water main. Retaining walls, rockeries, or similar structures cannot be installed 2 over the water main unless the water main is installed inside of a steel casing. 3 The MOB site would be subject to water system development charges(SDCs)based on 4 the size of the domestic water meter and fire service. The 2017 water SDCs for a 3" 5 water meter is $i513,776.00 and for an 8" fire service is $35,955.00. Meters larger than 2" shall be provided and installed by the applicant. Meters larger than 2" are subject to 6 a$220.00 processing fee.Additional fees are required for water quality inspection tests 7 and meter tests. Please see the 2017 Development Fees document for a complete list of fees. These fees'are due at the time of construction permit issuance. 8 9 The city is requiring the following improvements to the sewer system: 10 A 6"side sewer is proposed from the MOB to the 8"sewer stub north of the building.The 11 side sewer shall have a minimum slope of 2%. 12 If a commercial kitchen is proposed in the MOB, a grease interceptor would be required. 13 The grease interceptor shall be sized based on drainage fixture units in accordance with standards found ii the latest edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC). The grease 14 interceptor shall dfain by gravity to the sewer main.The grease interceptor shall be located 15 onsite so that it is accessible for routine maintenance. 16 The MOB site would be subject to a sewer system development charge (SDC) based on 17 the size of the domestic water meter. The 2017 sewer SDC for a 3" water meter is 40,640.00. This fee is due at the time of construction permit issuance. 18 19 The applicant shall contact King County WTD to determine if an Industrial Waste Permit is required for this facility. 20 21 Each of the above improvements will be addressed as Conditions of Approvals. As conditions, there will be adequate provision for water and sewer service. 22 23 B. Fire and Police. Police and Fire Prevention staff indicates that sufficient resources exist to furnish services to the proposed development with 271 calls for service estimated annually by the Renton 24 Police Department(80 estimated for MOB and 191 for parking garage expansion); subject to the 25 condition that the applicant provides Code required improvements and fees. Approved fire sprinkler and fire alarm systems are required throughout the buildings and dry standpipes are 26 required in all stairways.'Building must be equipped with at least one elevator that meets the size BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION - 6 1 requirements of a bariatric size (car size 40" by 84") stretcher and buildings must comply with 2 Renton's emergency radio coverage ordinance. Separate plans and permits are required to be 3 submitted and approved by the Renton Fire Authority. 4 Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the 5 buildings. According to the fire plan review comments, this requirement is not being met with the proposed site plan. All condition of approval will require the applicant to comply with the 6 required access roadways within 150 feet of all points on the buildings or obtain an access 7 variance from the Renton Fire Authority prior to building permit issuance. 8 Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of$0.87 per square foot of commercial medical office space.No fire impact fees are charged for parking structures. This fee is paid at time of building 9 permit issuance. 10 11 C. Drainage. Storm drainage is adequately addressed by the proposal. Storm water improvements are required under construction permit U16-005901, as described on page 19 of the staff report. 12 A Preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR) prepared by Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dated January 20, 2017; Exhibit 15) was provided for review. The TIR was 13 completed in accordance with the standards found in the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design 14 Manual(RSWDM).All ndne core and six special requirements were addressed.A detention vault is proposed to meet the flow control facility requirement. The detention vault is sized in 15 accordance with the City's Flow Control Duration Standard (Forested Site Conditions) using 16 WWHM. A Modular Wetland is proposed to meet the enhanced basic water quality treatment requirements. Additionally, the City is requiring several additional drainage improvements as 17 Conditions of Approval i cluding: 18 Onsite BMPs are required for the site per Core Requirement#9. The site shall meet the 19 Large Lot BMP Requirements found in Section of the 2017 RSWDM. Onsite 20 BMPs shall be evaluated for feasibility in accordance with Appendix C of the RSWDM. The final TIR shall be updated to clearly show how this project is meeting the 21 requirements of this section.The response to Core Requirement#9 in the preliminary TIR 22 does not evaluate,the feasibility of the onsite BMPs as described in Section Permeable pavement that has an underdrain or is lined cannot receive an onsite BMP 23 sizing credit. 24 Porous concrete sidewalk(permeable pavement)is shown on the drainage and utility plan. 25 Permeable pavement shall meet the standards found in Section C.2.7 of the RSWDM. If 26 permeable pavement is deemed infeasible by the requirements of this section, then BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION- 7 1 additional BMPs shall be evaluated in accordance with the standards found in Section 2 C.1.3.2 of the RSWDM. 3 A Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by GeoEngineers Inc. (dated September 16, 4 2016; Exhibit 13)was provided for review. 5 The infiltration section of the geotechnical report references the 2009 KCSWDM for the 6 infiltration testing requirements. The MOB site is being reviewed under the 2017 7 RSWDM requirements. This section of the report shall be updated to conform to the 2017 RSWDM requirements. 8 9 In addition, the geotechnical report shall be amended as necessary to accommodate the infiltration BMP Nesting requirements to determine the feasibility as found in Appendix C 10 of the 2017 RSWDSM. Section C.1.3 provides an overview of the soils report 11 requirements for application of On-Site BMPs. Additional feasibility requirements are found for each BMP in Section C.2. 12 Relocation of existing storm drains to accommodate new construction shall be designed13 and sized in accordance with the standards found in Chapter 4 of the RSWDM. 14 The MOB site is subject to a stormwater system development charge(SDC) based on the 15 amount of new impervious surface. The 2017 stormwater SDC is $0.641 per square foot 16 of new impervious surface but not less than $1,608.00. This fee is due at the time of 17 construction permit issuance. 18 D. Transportation. Traffic impacts are adequately mitigated by the proposal. As conditioned, level of service standards will not be reduced below adopted levels for the proposal and traffic impact 19 fees will be assessed to pay for proportionate share transportation system impacts. 20 21 The applicant submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Walker Parking Consultants (Ex. 17&25).The applicant is proposing two main points of vehicular ingress and egress to serve the 22 new buildings onsite,which is needed for customer and employee parking,pick-up and drop-off, 23 but also must comply with Fire Department requirements for access. 24 Talbot Rd S is classified as a collector arterial.Per RMC 4-6-060,a collector arterial with 3 lanes shall have a right-of-way width of 94' with a pavement width of 57' consisting of 2— 10' travel 25 lanes, 1— 11' center turn lane,2—5' bike lanes,and 8'parking lanes on each side of the roadway. 26 Without an approved modification, a 0.5' curb, 8' planter, and 8' sidewalk would be required BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION- 8 1 along each side of the roadway. 2' clear from the back of sidewalk to the edge of right-of-way 2 would also be required along each side of the roadway. 3 S 43rd St is classified as a principal arterial. Per RMC 4-6-060, a principal arterial with 7 lanes 4 shall have a right-of-way width of 125' with a pavement width of 88' consisting of 6— 10' travel 5 lanes, 1 — 12' center turn lane, and 2 — 5' bike lanes. Without an approved modification, a 0.5' curb, 8' planter,and 8' sidewalk would be required along each side of the roadway.2' clear from 6 the back of sidewalk to the edge of right-of-way would also be required along each side of the 7 roadway. 8 The applicant submitted a street modification request (dated December 19, 2016; Exhibit 36). 9 The applicant requested al modificationfrom the street standards in order to retain the existing curb to curb width (paved roadway width) and 6' concrete sidewalk on each side of the two 10 roadways. Staff supports both modification requests with conditions of approval (See Decision condition of approval Nor 5). 11 12 The MOB is projected to generate approximately 359 AM peak hour trips,641 mid-day trips, 536 13 PM peak hour trips, and 5,420 daily trips. With respect to intersection level of service the TIA Ex. 17 and 25)noted existing severe operational deficiencies and project related level of service 14 deficiencies.' The following intersection improvements will be required at the Talbot Rd S/VMC North Access Rd-S 177th St intersection prior to certificate of occupancy of the new medical 15 office building(MOB): 16 1. Relocate the VMC North Driveway to align with S 177th St; 17 2. Install a signal with permissive phasing; 18 3. Add two (2) 100-foot long eastbound lanes from the VMC site to Talbot Rd S, one of the lanes would be through left and the other would be right only; 19 4. Add a drop right turn lane from the southbound approach from Talbot Rd S to the VMC 20 site; 5. Provide a wider throat for the VMC North Driveway inbound lane from Talbot Rd S; 21 6. Install all curb returns to City standards; 22 7. Install all curb ramps and crosswalks to City and ADA standards; and 8. Install Accessible;Pedestrian Signals (APS). 23 24 25 1 For an in-depth, intersection by intersection analysis, refer to the staff report, Finding of Fact 29, pages 24-27, 26 adopted herein as if set forth in full. BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION - 9 1 Additional conditions of approval will require the applicant to improve the southbound Talbot 2 Rd S approach to include a southbound right-turn lane into the North driveway and improve the 3 eastbound North Driveway egress to consist of one left-turn/through land and one right-turn lane. Signalize intersection(permissive phasing). 4 5 The existing crosswalk at the VMC south driveway across Talbot Rd S is equipped with a rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB). The crosswalk at the central driveway across Talbot 6 Rd S is equipped with an older beacon. A condition of approval will require the applicant to 7 replace the central driveway beacon with a rectangular rapid flashing beacon to increase pedestrian safety.A further condition of approval will require the applicant to submit a pedestrian 8 signal plan for review and approval by the City of Renton Plan Review Project Manager and the City of Renton Public Works Transportation Division prior to building permit approval. 9 10 A transportation impact fee will be assessed for the MOB.The current 2017 transportation impact fee for a medical office Building is $16.47 per square foot of building. A transportation impact 11 fee is not required for the north parking garage expansion structure. The required transportation 12 fee for the MOB is due at the time of building permit issuance. 13 A condition of approval will require the applicant to submit a street lighting analysis to the City 14 at the time of construction permit review. Any additional required street lighting shall be in accordance with City standards. 15 16 Conditions of approval will require a transportation concurrency approval based upon a test of 1. the citywide Transportation Plan, consideration of growth levels included in the LOS-tested 17 Transportation Plan, payment of a Transportation Mitigation Fee, and an application of site 18 specific mitigation (Exhibit 37). 19 E. Parking. The RMC requires a total of 800 parking spaces (a minimum and maximum of 5.0 per 20 1,000sf of net floor area).The Valley Medical Center campus contains 888 patient/visitor parking stalls, 1,531 employee stalls, and 112 physician stalls for a total of 2,531 parking stalls. Parking 21 for employees and visitors is provided in two(2)parking structures as well as several surface lots 22 Exhibit 18).Both proposed structures will be constructed over existing surface parking. The new parking garage will contain 1,136 stalls, which is a net addition of 905 new spaces over the 23 existing capacity. The proposed parking exceeds the minimum required and is within 25%of the 24 maximum (RMC 4-4-08I0(F)(10)(c)(i)). Adequate provisions for parking are provided without creating an overabundance of parking. 25 26 BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION- 10 II 1 F. Bicycle Stalls.Eighty covered bicycle stalls are required and proposed.The applicant is proposing 2 80 bicycle parking spaces1(40 bicycle racks serving 2 bicycles each)on the third level of the north 3 garage expansion (Exhibit 9) which complies with the minimum required number of covered bicycle parking spaces. The bicycle parking area is proposed to be enclosed with a 3'-6" chain 4 link fence with a gate. 5 G. Vehicular Access and Internal Circulation. The subject property has over 2,000 linear feet of 6 frontage along S 43rd St and Talbot Rd S. including intersections at Davis Ave S; HR Lot 7 Driveway & Future Garage Access; three VMC driveways, and S Carr Road. Each of these intersections are operating at LOS D or better during the AM,Mid-Day,and PM peak hours with 8 the exemption of the Talbot Road SNMC North Driveway-S 177th St Intersection during the AM and PM peak hours and the Talbot Rd S/S 43rd St intersection during the AM peak hour.9 Within the first 315 feet of property frontage along Talbot Rd S, from the northeast corner of the 10 VMC campus to the south side of the Talbot Road SNMC North Driveway-S 177th St Intersection there are three(3)driveways.Per RMC 4-4-0801.4.b there shall be no more than one 11 driveway for each one huhdred sixty-five feet (165') of street frontage serving any one property 12 or among properties undei.unified ownership or control.A condition of approval will require the applicant to provide a channelization plan to reduce the number of driveways impacting Talbot 13 Road. The applicant should seek to reduce the number of driveways along Talbot Rd S, north of 14 Talbot Rd S (NS)/VMC North Access Rd-S 177th St(EW),or reduce the overall impacts created by three(3)successive driveway approaches within 190 feet of each other(Talbot Rd S (NS)/HR 15 Lot Driveway & Future Garage Access, Talbot Rd S (NS)NMC North Access Rd-S 177th St, 16 and Talbot Rd S/3915 Talot Rd S). 17 H. Pedestrian Circulation. The TIA notes there are no bicycle facilities along the project frontage, 18 though there are signalized crosswalks at the VMC driveways on Talbot Road and in each direction at the S 43rd St and Talbot Rd S intersection. There is no crosswalk across S 43rd St at 19 the Davis Ave S intersection;however,there is a pedestrian and vehicular underpass that provides 20 connections from staff parking lots south of S 43rd St to the VMC campus. The applicant is proposing a common surface pedestrian connection between the building entrances to Talbot Rd 21 S via an existing sidewalk that runs on the south side of the pharmacy building(VPCN) (Exhibit 22 34). In addition, the applicant is proposing an underground tunnel connection from the MOB to the main hospital and a pedestrian bridge from Level 7 of the parking garage to the third floor of 23 the MOB (Exhibits 9 and 10). 24 The north parking garage 'expansion includes a pedestrian sky-bridge to and from the new MOB 25 to make pedestrian crossing convenient and safe. The east and west elevations of the MOB 26 contain an entry/drop-off point along the east and west elevations and a pick-up area in front of BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION- 11 1 the east elevation of the building. Blub-out planter strips with landscaping also extend beyond 2 the sidewalk along the face of the building to serves as a safety buffer between vehicular traffic 3 and pedestrians.The floor plan throughout the structured north parking garage expansion includes pedestrian circulation pavement markings from the parking stalls to the enclosed lobby area on 4 each floor(Exhibit 9). 5 King County Metro Transit(Metro)operates Route 169 on Talbot Rd S in front of Valley Medical 6 Center. This Route provides frequent daily service between the Renton Transit Center and Kent Sounder Station. Metro has a northbound and southbound stop pair at the intersection of Talbot 7 Rd S and S 177th St intersection.Metro has requested that when street improvements are designed 8 that those improvements include upgrades to the two bus stops. Improvements requested include 9 accessible boarding areas', shelter footings, and suitable queueing and waiting areas for transit users (Exhibit 31). A condition of approval will require the applicant to make bus shelter 10 improvements to the twos'(2) existing bus stops consisting of accessible boarding areas, shelter footings, and queueing arid waiting areas for transit users at the intersection of Talbot Rd S and 11 S 177th St intersection. Civil construction plans shall be submitted for review and approval by 12 the City of Renton Plan Review Project Manager prior to issuance of the right-of-way construction permit for the signalized intersection. All required bus shelter improvements shall 13 be completed prior to certificate of occupancy of the new medical office building(MOB). 14 I. Landscaping. The applicant submitted a proposed landscaping plan that substantially meets the 15 code requirements (Ex. 8). Much of the existing landscaping within the medical campus will be 16 retained. The landscape Plan includes planting areas, hardscape, lighting, and site furniture (such as wood bench seat on architectural concrete site wall)that would be incorporated throughout the 17 site plan. The landscaping plan proposes 58 new trees. 18 A Tree Protection Plan prepared by Washington Forestry Consultants, Inc. (Exhibits 6 and 19) 19 was submitted with the land use application. Twelve of the 14 parcels on the Valley Medical 20 Center campus contain trees. Altogether, the 33.07-acre campus was found to contain 471 significant trees. The applicant is proposing to retain 239 trees (Exhibits 6 and 19).The applicant 21 is required to retain 10 percent (10%) of the trees located onsite that are not located within the 22 proposed rights-of-way or access easements. Of the 97 significant trees within the project area, the applicant is proposing to retain 7 trees to meet the 10% tree retention requirement (Exhibit 23 7).The applicant has demonstrated compliance with the Tree Retention requirements of the code. 24 J. Refuse Enclosure.The code requires a total of 960sf of combined refuse and recycling area based 25 on a total of 160,000sf of gross floor area. The applicant has proposed 1,248sf of refuse and 26 recycling area. The refuse and recycling enclosure plan (Exhibit 10) is enclosed on three sides BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION - 12 1 and is built into the west facing slope.No details were provided with gate hardware for the 23- 2 foot wide opening facing west. Weather protection of refuse and recyclables must be ensured by 3 using a roof over the storage area. A condition of approval will require the applicant to provide a revised refuse and recycling enclosure plan that provides a detail cut-sheet of the self-closing 4 door mechanism and includes a roof over the proposed storage area (or any future proposed 5 refuse and recycling storage areas onsite). The plan shall be submitted to, and approved by,the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. 6 K. Building Entries. The primary entrance to the MOB is located on the façade facing Talbot Rd S. The entrance is connected to the public sidewalk via a pedestrian sidewalk on the south side of 8 the pharmacy building (VPCN) (Exhibit 34). The MOB includes a vestibule, outdoor benches and landscaping.The north parking garage expansion includes covered bicycle parking,weather9 protection, and heated and cooled lobbies. Based on the location of the building there is no 10 distinction between the 'entries from the parking lot or those related to the street. The MOB 11 building is served by three (3) separate entrances: east façade, west façade or via the parking garage bridge to the MOB. Each entrance is important to building access and each are designed 12 to be architecturally pro inent in order to provide clear entrance points to the building. 13 L. Building Facades. As noted in the Staff Report (Ex. 22), the buildings largely comply with the 14 City's design standards for modulation, articulation, defined entrances and display windows. 15 Windows, doors and other architectural details are used in the building elevations to provide visual interest visible f om the interior pedestrian pathways. The MOB building would be 16 constructed into the west facing slope of the lot to reduce the height and massing of the building 17 to match the overall character of the other medical office buildings along the north end of the VMC campus. The first two levels of the north parking garage structure would be constructed 18 below grade to further reduce massing of the structured parking garage along the higher elevation 19 of the site along the east facing elevation. Articulations of the façades include recessed vestibules, canopies over the entrances, a 14-foot wide pedestrian bridge that extends beyond 20 the building plane along the west elevation and wraps around a portion of the south elevation. 21 The north parking garage expansion includes an employee ramp along the east elevation of parking garage to add visual break to the structure. These building characteristics, modulations 22 and articulation intervals are generally consistent with the other VMC campus buildings. 23 M. Building Materials. The,MOB contains a combination of durable metal composite material wall 24 panel and glazing. Accent materials include metal panel soffit, metal canopies, metal panel 25 vestibule, and formed metal wall panels. 26 BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION - 13 1 The north parking garage contains a combination of CMU with cement plaster finish, concrete 2 and the southern façade would incorporate metal composite material wall panel to be contextual 3 with the MOB. Accent Materials include cable rail chain link partitions and louver areas. 4 N. Ground Level Details. The applicant has proposed human scale elements including landscape 5 features, large windows, and varied material patterns at the primary entrances. Window patterns match other building , on campus. Architectural detailing elements include entrance 6 detailing/weather protection and contrasting materials. 7 O. Roof Lines. The MOB elevation plans provide extended vertical roof screens projecting above 8 the roof top and north parking garage expansion provides extended building features at the northeast and southeast corners of the structure. These treatments provide varied roof profiles 9 consistent with the intent and guidelines. 10 P. Recreation and Common Open Spaces. Together the proposed new MOB and north parking 11 garage expansion include up to 541,300sf of use. The site plan includes site furniture (such as 12 wood bench seats on arcl}itectural concrete site walls)that would be incorporated throughout the VMC campus.The new building would be incorporated into the overall campus,which provides 13 for additional pedestrianoriented space. 14 Q. Equipment Screening. The applicant is proposing formed metal wall panel as screening above 15 the roofline of the MOB (Exhibit 26). The screening covers 80 percent of the roof surface area 16 in order to adequately enclose the utility equipment. The ground'equipment is proposed to be located within the combined utility and refuse and recycling enclosure. 17 18 R. Lighting. It appears through various elements of the submittal package that the applicant intends to comply with the City's lighting standards. However, the applicant did not provide a specific 19 lighting plan. The applicant will be required to submit a lighting plan at the time of building 20 permit review. 21 5. Adverse Impacts. There are no significant adverse impacts associated with the project. Few 22 adverse impacts are anticipated. Adequate infrastructure serves the site as determined in Finding of Fact No. 4. The SEPA MDNS mitigation measures in the Environmental Report (Ex. 1) are adopted 23 as Conditions of Approval. Adoption of Ex. 22 encompasses both the Findings of Fact and the Conclusions of Law of Staff. All other adverse impacts discernible from the record are also fully 24 mitigated. Impacts are more specifically addressed as follows: 25 A. Geologically Hazardous Areas. The subject property is within high erosion hazards, moderate 26 landslide hazards, and regulated slopes. The applicant submitted two (2) geotechnical reports prepared by GeoEngineers Inc. (Exhibits 12 and 13).Due to variable soil conditions being present BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE,PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION- 14 1 at the anticipated foundation elevations,the geotechnical reports states that shallow foundations 2 bearing on native or structural fill are anticipated for foundation support.Building code standards contain compliance measures and design requirements for sites with potential seismic hazard 3 conditions, which include the adherence to recommendations from geotechnical reports. The 4 geotechnical reports demonstrate the proposal can be safely accommodated on the site and identified no impacts to other properties. 5 B. Streams. A Biological Assessment/Critical Areas Study was prepared by The Watershed 6 Company (Exhibit 16). According to the study, the northernmost portion of the project area is located within the standard buffer for Panther Creek and the site was also found to contain two 7 onsite Type F streams (Streams B and Stream C). The project will completely avoid direct and 8 indirect stream impacts and no in-water work or stormwater discharges are proposed in Panther Creek. However, the project would incur unavoidable stream buffer impacts. Direct buffer 9 impacts will be temporary in nature and would be required to accommodate grading activities at the top of the steep slope Ito the north. Permanent buffer impacts would also be avoided through 10 the proposed buffer modification (reduction with enhancement and averaging). The buffer modification is necessitated, since the standard buffer protrudes into the existing gravel parking 11 lot, where the garage expiansion is proposed. The DNS-M conditions of approval for the project 12 include four (4) mitigation measures to protect the on-site streams. (See Exhibit 1, FOF 23 and FOF 24 for more information.) 13 C. Wetlands. Wetland areas will be protected. There is a large wetland area along the east side of 14 SR 167 that overlaps onto the site.According to the Critical Area Study,the site contains a large Category II wetland "Wetland A" at the northwest corner of the site (Parcels 3023059111 and 15 8857670060). This Category II wetland was classified by the biologist as a large riverine, slope, 16 and depressional wetland that carries a standard buffer of 150 feet.The wetland is approximately two kilometers long and extends approximately 1.8 kilometers north of the site. The proposed 17 structures would be located outside the 150-foot standard wetland buffer from Wetland A. 18 The applicant has proposed to reduce the standard buffer width through a combination of buffer averaging and buffer reduction with enhancement to accommodate the proposed expansion. The 19 applicant must provide ai updated maintenance and monitoring plan that complies with code. 20 The proposed final restoration and monitoring program will provide a compensatory level of 21 protection for the critical area impacts and would offset the disturbance associated with modification of the standard stream buffer,provided the monitoring provisions of RMC 4-3-050 22 are met(Exhibit 1).A condition of approval will require the applicant to submit a Final Mitigation Plan for all construction impacts to the critical areas and their buffers. The Final Mitigation Plan 23 shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to the north 24 parking garage expansion building permit approval. 25 26 BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION - 15 1 Conclusions of Law 2 3 1. Authority. Site Plan Review is a Type III decision determined by the hearing examiner (RMC 4-8-080(G)).Binding Site Plans are Type II decisions,unless they are merged with a Type III site plan 4 review (RMC 4-7-230(H)). The site plan, binding site plan and modification applications of this 5 proposal have been consolidated. RMC 4-8-080(C)(2) requires consolidated permits to each be processed under"the highest-number procedure". The site plan application has the highest numbered 6 review procedures, so all three applications must be processed as Type III applications. As Type III 7 applications, RMC 4-8-080(G grants the Examiner with the authority to hold a hearing and issue a final decision on them, subject to closed record appeal to the City Council. 8 9 2. Zoning/Comprehensives Plan Designations. The project is located within the Commercial &. Mixed Use (CMU) land use designation and the Commercial Office (CO)zone. 10 3. Review Criteria. Site Plan Review is required in the CO zone (RMC 4-9-200(B)(2)(a)). Site 11 Plan Review is governed by RMC 4-9-200(E)(3). Binding Site Plan approval are governed by RMC 12 4-7-230(C). Modifications are governed by RMC 4-9-250(D)(2). All applicable criteria are quoted below in italics and applied through corresponding conclusions of law.2 13 14 15 Site Plan 16 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3): Criteria: The Administrator or designee must find a proposed project to be in compliance with the following: 17 a. Compliance and Consistency: Conformance with plans, policies, regulations and approvals, 18 including: 19 i. Comprehensive Plan.. The Comprehensive Plan, its elements, goals, objectives, and policies, 20 especially those of the applicable land use designation; the Community Design Element; and any applicable adopted Neighborhood Plan; 21 22 ii.Applicable land use 'regulations; 23 24 25 2 The staff report states the project site is located in District D and therefore must comply with the Urban Design Regulations of RMC 4-3-100(Ex.22,FOF 31).However,RMC 4-3-100(B)(1)(b)(iv)does not apply to developments 26 in the CO zone if the development does not include mixed buildings with attached dwelling units. BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION - 16 1 iii. Relevant Planned Action Ordinance and Development Agreements; and 2 iv. Design Regulations Intent and guidelines of the design regulations located in RMC 4-3- 3 100. 4 4. The proposal is consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies, City of Renton zoning 5 regulations and design guidelines as outlined in Findings 26 and 27 of the staff report,which is adopted by this reference as if set forth in full, including the findings and conclusions. As noted above in 6 Finding of Fact No. 3, RMC 4-3-100(B)(1)(b)(iv) does not apply to non-residential development in the CO zone. 7 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3)(b): Off-Site Impacts:Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses, 8 including: 9 i. Structures: Restricting overscale structures and overconcentration of development on a 10 particular portion of the site; 11 ii. Circulation: Providing desirable transitions and linkages between uses, streets, walkways 12 and adjacent properties; 13 iii. Loading and Storage Areas: Locating, designing and screening storage areas, utilities, 14 rooftop equipment, loa ding areas, and refuse and recyclables to minimize views from surrounding properties} 15 iv. Views:Recognizing the public benefit and desirability of maintaining visual accessibility to 16 attractive natural features; 17 v. Landscaping: Using landscaping to provide transitions between development and 18 surrounding properties to reduce noise and glare, maintain privacy, and generally enhance the appearance of the project; and 19 20 vi.Lighting:Designing and/or placing exterior lighting and glazing in order to avoid excessive brightness or glare to adjacent properties and streets. 21 5. As noted above in Finding of Fact No. 4(K-M),the buildings have been designed to reduce the 22 apparent bulk and provide visual interest through the use of varied materials and modification of the facade. The building coordinates with the existing medical campus and places parking in a structured 23 garage that is partially underground. Critical areas will be protected. The applicant has adequately 24 demonstrated safety in the geologic hazard areas. As noted in Fining of Fact No. 4(D and G), the applicant will provide adequate pedestrian circulation through the use of matching sidewalk treatments 25 and internal sidewalks.The applicant has requested a street modification to continue use of the existing right of way. These modifications, as conditioned, will ensure adequate pedestrian and vehicular 26 safety. As noted in Finding of Fact No. 4(J and Q), loading and storage areas, refuse collection and BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION - 17 1 roof equipment will be screened and will not interfere with pedestrian circulation or parking. There 2 are not significant views from this property. As noted in Finding of Fact No.4(I), landscaping will be provided around the building, in pedestrian areas and on the frontage.As noted in Finding of Fact No. 3 4(R), lighting will be designed to avoid glare on to adjacent properties or streets while providing safe 4 illumination for site users. 5 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3)(c): On-Site Impacts:Mitigation of impacts to the site, including: 6 i. Structure Placement: Provisions for privacy and noise reduction by building placement, spacing and orientation,;7 8 ii. Structure Scale: Consideration of the scale of proposed structures in relation to natural characteristics, views and vistas, site amenities, sunlight,prevailing winds, and pedestrian and 9 vehicle needs; 10 iii. Natural Features:Protection of the natural landscape by retaining existing vegetation and 11 soils, using topography to reduce undue cutting and filling, and limiting impervious surfaces; and 12 13 iv. Landscaping: Use of landscaping to soften the appearance of parking areas, to provide shade and privacy where needed, to define and enhance open spaces, and generally to enhance 14 the appearance of the project. Landscaping also includes the design and protection ofplanting 15 areas so that they are less susceptible to damage from vehicles or pedestrian movements. 16 6. As noted in the Staff Report(Ex.22,Finding of Fact No. 31),the buildings largely comply with the City's design standards for modulation, articulation, defined entrances and display windows. 17 Windows, doors and other architectural details are used in the building elevations to provide visual interest visible from the interior pedestrian pathways. The MOB building would be constructed into 18 the west facing slope of the lot to reduce the height and massing of the building to match the overall character of the other medical'office buildings along the north end of the VMC campus. The first two 19 levels of the north parking garage structure would be constructed below grade to further reduce 20 massing of the structured parking garage along the higher elevation of the site along the east facing elevation. Articulations of the;façades include recessed vestibules, canopies over the entrances, a 14- 21 foot wide pedestrian bridge that extends beyond the building plane along the west elevation and wraps around a portion of the south elevation. As noted in Finding of Fact No. 5, wetlands, streams and 22 buffers will be protected. The,proposal does impact the on-site steep slopes,but the impact is the least 23 feasible to allow development of the site.Adequate landscaping in the pedestrian area and frontage is proposed. 24 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3)(d): Access and Circulation: Safe and efficient access and circulation for all 25 users, including: 26 BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION - 18 1 i. Location and Consolidation: Providing access points on side streets or frontage streets 2 rather than directly onto arterial streets and consolidation of ingress and egress points on the site and, when feasible, with adjacent properties; 3 ii. Internal Circulation: Promoting safety and efficiency of the internal circulation system, 4 including the location, design and dimensions of vehicular and pedestrian access points, drives, 5 parking, turnarounds, walkways, bikeways, and emergency access ways; 6 iii. Loading and Delivery:Separating loading and delivery areas from parking and pedestrian areas; 7 8 iv. Transit and Bicycles)Providing transit, carpools and bicycle facilities and access; and 9 v. Pedestrians: Providing safe and attractive pedestrian connections between parking areas, 10 buildings,public sidewalks and adjacent properties. 11 7. The proposal provides for adequate access and circulation as required by the criterion above for the reasons identified in Finding of Fact No. 4(D-H). 12 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3)(e): Open Space:Incorporating open spaces to serve as distinctive project focal 13 points and to provide adequate areas for passive and active recreation by the occupants/users of the 14 site. 15 8. Open space will exist in the location of the wetland and streams. The project is integrated into an existing medical campus with a network of pedestrian paths and resting points. The proposal 16 provides for site furniture (such as wood bench seats on architectural concrete site walls) that would 17 be incorporated throughout the VMC campus. The new buildings would be incorporated into the overall campus,which provides for additional pedestrian-oriented space. 18 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3)(f): Views and Public Access: When possible, providing view corridors to 19 shorelines and Mt. Rainier, and incorporating public access to shorelines. 20 9. There are no view corridors to shorelines or Mt. Rainier affected by the proposal. 21 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3)(g): Natural Systems: Arranging project elements to protect existing natural 22 systems where applicable. 23 10. As noted in Findingof Fact No. 5 A the proposal impacts critical slopes,though the impact ispppgP 24 the minimum necessary to allow feasible development of the site.As conditioned,the project provides for adequate public safety and welfare. As determined in Finding of Fact No. 4C,the drainage system 25 has been designed as a vault system which will allow the project to discharge into natural drainage 26 courses via the City's existing storm drainage system. BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION- 19 1 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3)(h): Services and Infrastructure: Making available public services and 2 facilities to accommodate the proposed use. 3 11. The project is served by adequate services and facilities as determined in Finding of Fact No. 4(A and B). 4 5 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3)(i): Phasing: Including a detailed sequencing plan with development phases and estimated time frames,for phased projects. 6 12. The project will be built n two (2)phases, the garage expansion followed by the medical 7 office building(MOB). Construction of the garage will commence in Spring 2017.No phasing plan 8 was submitted.A condition of pproval will require submittal of a detailed phasing plan. 9 RMC 4-9-200(E)(3)(j): Stormwater:Providing optimal locations ofstormwater infiltrating low impact development facilities. Avoiding placement of buildings or impervious areas on soils with 10 infiltration capability to the maX imum extent practicable. 11 13. As noted above in Conclusion of Law No. 10 and Finding of Fact No. 4C,the drainage system 12 has been designed as a vault system which will allow the project to discharge into natural drainage courses via the City's existing;storm drainage system. Low impact development facilities have not 13 been proposed and are not feasible as the site is already developed with impervious surfaces and 14 therefore there is no remaininglinfiltration capacity. 15 16 Binding Site Plan 17 RMC 4-7-230(C): 18 APPROVAL CRITERIA: 19 Approval of a binding site plan or a commercial condominium site shall take place only after the 20 following criteria are met: ' 21 1. Legal Lots: The site that is subject to the binding site plan shall consist of one or more contiguous, legally created lots. Lots,parcels, or tracts created through the binding site plan 22 procedure shall be legal lots of record. The number of lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions 23 shall not exceed the ' number of lots allowed in the applicable zoning district. New nonconforming lots shall not be created through the binding site plan process. 24 14. The subject consists of several contiguous parcels and tracts that are legal lots of record. No 25 new lots are proposed. The amended Binding Site Plan will allow the applicant to adjust lot lines so that no new construction will cross parcel, tract or boundary lines. The purpose of the binding site 26 plan approval is to avoid the creation of nonconforming lots. This criterion is satisfied. BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION -20 1 2. If minimum lot dimensions and building setbacks for each newly created lot cannot be met, 2 the binding site plan shall be processed as a commercial condominium site per subsection D of this Section or merged with a planned urban development application per RMC 4-9-150. 3 15. Minimum lot dimensions and setbacks are provided; therefore, no commercial condominium 4 site creation is warranted. 5 3. Commercial or Industrial Property: The site is located within a commercial, industrial, or 6 mixed-use zone. 7 16. The site is located within the Commercial Office zone. It is eligible for binding site plan approval. 8 4. Zoning Code Requirements: Individual lots created through the binding site plan shall 9 comply with all of the zoning code requirements and development standards of the underlying 10 zoning district. Where minimum lot dimensions or setbacks cannot be met, the binding site plan shall be processed as a commercial condominium site per RMC 4-7-230D. 11 a. New Construction: The site shall be in conformance with the zoning code 12 requirements and development standards of the underlying zoning district at the time the application is submitted. 13 b. Existing Development: If the site is nonconforming prior to a binding site plan 14 application, the site shall be brought into conformance with the development standards 15 of the underlying zoning district at the time the application is submitted In situations where the site cannot be brought into conformance due to physical limitations or other 16 circumstances, the'binding site plan shall not make the site more nonconforming than at the time a completed application is submitted 17 c. Under either new construction or existing development, applicants for binding site 18 plan may proposed shared signage, parking, and access if they are specifically 19 authorized per RMC 4-4-080E3, 4-4-080I7, and 4-4-100E5, and other shared improvements as authorized in other sections of the City's development standards. 20 17. As noted above in Conclusion of Law No. 4, as conditioned, the proposal is consistent with 21 applicable comprehensive plan policies, City of Renton zoning regulations and design guidelines. 22 5. Building Code Requirements:All building code requirements have been met per RMC 4-5- 010. 23 18. All building code requirements will be reviewed at the time of building permit approval. 24 25 6. Infrastructure Provisions:Adequate provisions, either on the face of the binding site plan or in a supporting document, have been made for drainageways, alleys, streets, other public ways, 26 BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION -21 1 water supplies, open space, solid waste, and sanitary wastes,for the entire properly covered by 2 the binding site plan. I 3 19. As described in Finding of Fact No. 4, the applicant has made adequate provisions for all drainageways, streets, water supplies, open space, solid waste and sanitary waste. This criterion is 4 satisfied. 5 7. Access to Public Rights-of-Way and Utilities: Each parcel created by the binding site plan 6 shall have access to a public street, water supply, sanitary sewer, and utilities by means of direct access or access easement approved by the City. 7 20. As described in Finding of Fact No.4, each parcel within the binding site plan will have access 8 to public streets, water supply, sanitary sewer and utilities. The project involves construction of new medical facilities and parking within an existing medical campus.The project is the amendment of an 9 existing binding site plan with shared access, utilities and parking. 10 8. Shared Conditions: TheAdministrator may authorize sharing ofopen space,parking, access, 11 signage and other improvements among contiguous properties subject to the binding site plan and the provisions of RMC 4-4-080E3, 4-4-080I7, and 4-4-100E5. Conditions of use, 12 maintenance, and restrictions on redevelopment of shared open space,parking, access, signage and other improvements shall be identified on the binding site plan and enforced by covenants, 13 easements or other similar properly recorded mechanism. 14 21. The application involves further construction of a medical office building and a parking 15 structure on an existing, developed medical campus. All open space, access, signage and other improvements will be shared and integrated into the vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems. 16 9. Future Development: The binding site plan shall contain a provision requiring that any 17 subsequent development of the site shall be in conformance with the approved and recorded binding site plan. 18 19 22. A condition of approval will require a provision on the face of the binding site plat requiring any subsequent development of the site to be in conformance with the approved and recorded binding 20 site plan. 21 10. Dedication Statement:.Where lands are required or proposed for dedication, the applicant shall provide a dedication,statement and acknowledgement on the binding site plan. 22 23. A condition of approval 'will require the applicant to provide a dedication statement and 23 acknowledgement on the face of the binding site plan for all required dedications described in the 24 conditions of approval. 25 11. Suitable Physical Characteristics:A proposed binding site plan may be denied because of flood, inundation, or wetland conditions, or construction of protective improvements may be 26 required as condition of approval. BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION-22 1 24. The property is not subject;to floor or inundation.As noted in Finding of Fact No.5,all wetlands 2 and stream areas, including their buffers, will be protected. No structure will require protective improvements for water based hzards. This criterion is satisfied. 3 4 5 Street Modification 6 RMC 4-9-250(D)(2): Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the provisions of this Title, the Department Administrator may grant modifications for individual cases provided 7 he/she shall first find that a spec'iific reason makes the strict letter of this Code impractical, that the intent and purpose of the governing land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan is met and that 8 the modification is in conformity with the intent and purpose of this Code, and that such modification: 9 a. Substantially implements the policy direction of the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive 10 Plan Land Use Element and the Community Design Element and the proposed modification is the minimum adjustment necessary to implement these policies and objectives; 11 b. Will meet the objectives and safety, function, appearance, environmental protection and maintainability intended by the Code requirements, based upon sound engineering judgment; 12 c. Will not be injurious to othe property(ies) in the vicinity; 13 d. Conforms to the intent and purpose of the Code; e. Can be shown to be justified and required for the use and situation intended; and 14 f Will not create adverse impacts to other property(ies) in the vicinity. 15 25. The criterion above are met for the requested modification to RMC 4-6-060 for the reasons identified in Finding of Fact No. 5(C). The City can create adequate right of way, sidewalks, 16 landscaping and curbs with the reduced right of way dedication. Conditions of approval will require a 17 10-foot right-of-way dedication along Talbot Road S. on parcels 8857670100, 8857670110, 31223059085, and 3123059065; the existing curb and sidewalk on Talbot Road S. to be retained; a 18 12-foot right-of-way dedication along S. 43rd Street on parcel 8857670100 and for a turn radius at the northwest corner of S. 43rd St and Talbot Road S.; compliance with ADA standards for all existing 19 driveways and ramps along Talbot Road S. and S. 43rd St; the undergrounded of utilities; and compliance with City standards for all street lighting. No adverse impacts are anticipated from the 20 proposed modification. 21 DECISION 22 23 The Binding Site Plan Amendment, Site Plan, and a street modification are approved subject to the following conditions. 24 1. The applicant shall comply with the mitigation measures issued as part of the 25 Determination of Non-Significance -Mitigated, dated February 3,2017. 26 2. The applicant shall submit a final detailed landscape plan to, and approved by,the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit approval. BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION -23 1 3. The applicant shall provide a revised refuse and recycling enclosure plan that provides a 2 detail cut-sheet of the self-closing door mechanism and includes a roof over the proposed storage area (or any future proposed refuse and recycling storage areas onsite). The plan 3 shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Current Planning Project Manager prior to 4 building permit approval. 4. The applicant shall submit a plan that includes 21 accessible stalls, as stipulated in the 5 Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA), between the surface parking stalls located on the medical office building (MOB) lot (proposed Lot 4) and the north parking garage 6 expansion lot(proposed Lot 8). 7 5. Under the requested street modification, the applicant shall comply with the following street improvements: 8 a. A 10-foot right-off-way dedication shall be made along Talbot Road S. on parcels 9 8857670100, 8857670110, 31223059085, and 3123059065. 10 b. The 0.5' curb and 6' sidewalk shall remain in place along the entirety of the Talbot Rd S frontage. 11 c. A 12-foot right-of--way dedication shall be made along S 43rd St on parcel 12 8857670100 and right-of-way dedication resulting in a 35-foot radius at the northwest corner of S 43rd St and Talbot Rd S. 13 d. All existing driveways and ramps (including companion ramps) along the Talbot 14 Rd S and S 43rd St shall be brought up to current ADA standards.Pigment shall be added to the replaced concrete in order to match the existing sidewalk and concrete 15 curbs. 16 e. All utilities and overhead power lines must be undergrounded within the proposed intersection improvements at Talbot Rd S/VMC North Access Rd-S 177th St. 17 f. All required street lighting at the proposed intersection improvements at Talbot Rd 18 S/VMC North Access Rd-S 177th St shall be in accordance with City Standards. 6. The applicant shall submit a Final Mitigation Plan for all construction impacts to the critical 19 areas and their buffers. The Final Mitigation Plan shall be submitted to and approved by 20 the Current Planning Project Manager prior to the north parking garage expansion building permit approval. 21 7. The applicant shall comply with the required access roadways within 150 feet of all points 22 on the buildings or obtain an access variance from the Renton Fire Authority prior to building permit issuance. 23 8. The applicant shall comply with the following intersection improvements at Talbot Rd 24 S/VMC North Access Rd-S 177th St intersection prior to certificate of occupancy of the new medical office building(MOB): 25 a. Relocate the VM North Driveway to align with S 177th St; 26 b. Install a signal with permissive phasing; BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN, AND STREET MODIFICATION-24 1 c. Add two (2) 100-foot long eastbound lanes from the VMC site to Talbot Rd S,one 2 of the lanes would be through left and the other would be right only; 3 d. Add a drop right turn lane from the southbound approach from Talbot Rd S to the VMC site; 4 e. Provide a wider throat for the VMC North Driveway inbound lane from Talbot Rd 5 S; f. Install all curb returns to City standards; 6 g. Install all curb ramps and crosswalks to City and ADA standards; and 7 h. Install Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS). 8 9. The applicant shall replace the central driveway beacon with a rectangular rapid flashing beacon(RRFB)to increag'e pedestrian safety.The pedestrian signal plan shall be submitted 9 for review and approval by the City of Renton Plan Review Project Manager and the City 10 of Renton Public Works Transportation Division prior to building permit approval. 10. The applicant shall submit a channelization plan for review and approval by the City of 11 Renton Plan Review Project Manager and the City of Renton Public Works Transportation 12 Division prior to building permit approval. 11. The applicant shall make bus shelter improvements to the two (2) existing bus stops 13 consisting of accessible l oarding areas, shelter footings, and queueing and waiting areas for transit users at the intersection of Talbot Rd S and S 177th St intersection. Civil 14 construction plans shall lie submitted for review and approval by the City of Renton Plan 15 Review Project Manager prior to issuance of the right-of-way construction permit for the signalized intersection. All required bus shelter improvements shall be completed prior to 16 certificate of occupancy of the new medical office building(MOB). 17 12. The applicant shall submit a lighting plan that adequately provides for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties; provides ornamental lighting fixtures; and 18 otherwise complies with exterior lighting requirements of RMC 4-4-075.The final lighting plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to 19 building permit approval! 20 13. The.applicant shall submit a detailed sequencing plan with development phases and estimated time frames. 21 14. The applicant shall provide a provision on the face of the binding site plat requiring any 22 subsequent development,of the site to be in conformance with the approved and recorded binding site plan. 23 15. The applicant shall provide a dedication statement and acknowledgement on the face of the 24 binding site plan for all required dedications described in the above conditions of approval. 25 26 BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION-25 1 DATED this 5th day of April 2017. 2 3 4 Emily Terr ll City of Renton 5 Hearing Examiner Pro Tem 6 7 Appeal Right and Valuation Notices 8 RMC 4-8-110(E)(9)provides that the final decision of the Hearing Examiner is subject to appeal to the Renton City Council. RMC 4-8-110(E)(9) requires appeals of the Hearing Examiner's decision 9 to be filed within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the Hearing Examiner's decision. A request for reconsideration to the hearing e examiner may also be filed within this 14-day appeal 10 period as identified in RMC 4-8-110(E)(8)and RMC 4-8-100(G)(4).A new fourteen(14)day appeal 11 period shall commence upon the issuance of the reconsideration. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtair.1ed from the City Clerk's Office,Renton City Hall—7th floor,(425) 12 430-6510. 13 Affected property owners may request a change in valuation for property tax purposes 14 notwithstanding any program of revaluation. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 BINDING SITE PLAN, SITE PLAN,AND STREET MODIFICATION-26