HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 06 CAG-17-149 , Adden #6-20 � Washington State Department of 7ffansportation Supplemental Agreement organization and Address Number 6 KPG,P.S. Original Agreement Number - 3131 Elliott Ave.,Suite 400 Seattle,WA 98121 CAG-17-149 Phone: 253-627-0720 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 10/24/2017 12/31/2024 ,Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S(Conversion) $1,372,326.18+$93,044.00=$1,465,370.18 Description of Work KPG will provide Construction Engineering Services to support to support the City's construction management and inspection team. The Local Agency of-City of Renton desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with KPG.P.S. and executed on-10/24/2017 and identified as Agreement No._CAG-17-149 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: Please see Exhibit A-Scope of Work II Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: No change-Contract expiration 12/31/2024 III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: Original contract through Supplement No.5=$1,372,326.18+Supplement No.6$-93,044=$1,465,370.18 Total Contract as described in Exhibit D,Attached `\\;`rr�N��ym n r r lh,,/q�, as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplemee,k If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes a tated above, please sigkogie ApPlopriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. = � , g Jason 6ritzler gg Y• Y' or Ar ondo P v ifc 'rnm°„ "' Q� ATTEST: � ��PORATED s��.�`��• Dmsullant igmture Jaso A. S h, City Clerk l e DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 Exhibit A CITY OF RENTON WILLIAMS AVENUE S AND WELLS AVENUE S CONVERSION PROJECT SUPPLEMENT 6—CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SERVICES SCOPE OF WORK FEBRUARY 17, 2020 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND The City of 'Renton ("City") has requested that KPG ("Consultant") perform supplemental Construction Engineering services throughout the duration of the Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S Conversion Project currently estimated at 250 Working Days. The services included in this scope will support the City's construction management and inspection team assembled for this project. B. KPG DELIVERABLES Deliverables prepared by the Consultant are identified at the end of each task in the scope of work. C. SCOPE OF WORK WORK ELEMENT 31—MANAGEMENT/COORDINATION/ADMINISTRATION The Estimated project duration is 13 months (250 working days per the construction contract). 31.1 The Consultant will provide continuous project management for the duration of the construction (estimate 13 months). 31.2 The Consultant will prepare monthly progress reports identifying work completed in the previous month, work in progress, upcoming work elements, and reporting of any delays,problems,or additional information needs. These reports will be submitted with the Consultant invoices. 31.3 The Consultant will provide internal quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) reviews of all deliverables prior to submittal to the City and Construction Management team. Work Element 31 Deliverables: ❑ Monthly progress reports(13 months) City of Renton Wells and Williams Conversion Project CM Support Services—Supplement 6 KPG Project Number: 16125 1 February,2020 Exhibit A ,Work Element 31 Assumptions:, a Estimated duration for this project is assumed to be Working Days of the construction contract. • WORK ELEMENT 32—CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING SUPPORT The Consultant will provide engineering support services during the construction period as requested by the City. The construction period is assumed to be thirteen (13) months. 32.1 The Consultant will prepare for and attend the Preconstruction Conference. 32.2 The Consultant will prepare for and attend up to five (5) coordination meetings in the field with project stakeholders during the project to discuss key issues. 32.3. The Consultant will attend up to fifty(50)weekly construction meetings as requested by the City. 32.4 The Consultant will conduct up to fifteen (15) site visits to conduct special field observations as requested by the City. Consultant will provide City with a written field .report regarding the visit, in the form of an email, within two working days of the site visit/field observation. Special inspections will include inspection related to subgrade preparation, signal and illumination equipment, surface treatments, urban design features, landscape and plantings. 32.5 The Consultant will assist the City in the preparation of written and oral responses up to twenty (20) Contractor questions and Contractor RFI's, and submit back to City for transmittal to the Contractor. 32.6 The Consultant will assist in the review up to twenty-five (25) shop drawings, RAM's, and samples requested by the City for compliance with the information required by the contract documents. It is anticipated that many of the submittals will be reviewed by the City and the Consultant will assist with the review of materials related to pavement, conveyance pipe and structures, signals and illumination, surface treatments, urban design features, landscape and plantings. 32.7 The Consultant will issue up to five (5) design changes where required. Design revisions required due to error or omission shall be provided at no cost to the City. 32.8 The Consultant will attend the preliminary walkthrough and assist in developing the punch list. 32.9 The Consultant will provide up to five (5) survey crew site visits when requested by the City. City of Renton Wells and Williams Conversion Project CM Support Services—Supplement 6 KPG Project Number: 16125 2 February,2020 Exhibit A Work Element 32 Deliverables: o Attendance at Preconstruction Conference. o On-site Construction Meetings. ❑ On-site Field Observations and Reports. ❑ Responses to Requests for information (RFI's). o Shop Drawing/Material Submittal Review. o Design revisions. o Assistance with punch list items. 'Work Element 32 Assumptions; ❑ Project will be physically complete within 250 working days of Notice to Proceed. o City will develop and maintain the ROM. o City will be lead and provide a Construction Contract Manager and full time Construction Observation. ❑ City will conduct shop drawing and material reviews for a majority of the materials necessary for construction. The Consultant will be responsible for conducting review of specific items requested by the City. o 'City will develop Meeting Agenda's and Notes for construction meetings. o Daily construction observation, construction management, and preparation of construction documentation will be provided by the City. ❑ The Consultant will not direct the contractor either orally or in written format except through the City. ❑ As-guilts plans will be maintained by the Construction Management Team and the Contractor. o Construction survey staking will be provided by the Contractor and the Construction management Team. ❑ All Construction Management documentation necessary for a WSDOT documentation audit will be maintained by the City and the Construction Management Team. WORK ELEMENT 33—STRUCTURAL AND GEOTECHNICAL SUPPORT DURING CONSTRUCTION 33.1 During construction, the City may elect to have specialty field inspections and/or shop drawing reviews that require the services of Geotechnical and Structural Engineers. The Consultant shall provide the services of Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions City of Renton Wells and Williams Conversion Project CM Support Services—Supplement 6 KPG Project Number: 16125 3 February,2020 • Exhibit A in support of these efforts. For the purposes of this scope and fee, a $5,000 allotment has been provided for these services. ADDITIONAL SERVICES The City may require additional services of the Consultant. The scope of these services will be determined based on the unanticipated project needs or other considerations at the sole discretion of the City. This work may include items identified in the current task authorizations as well other items,which may include, but are not necessarily limited to the following: • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony • Services for Extended Working Days • .. As-Built Drawing Support These services will be authorized under a future contract supplement if necessary. At the time these services are required,the Consultant shall provide a detailed scope of work and an estimate of costs. The Consultant shall not proceed with the work until the City has authorized the work and issued a notice to proceed. • City of Renton Wells and Williams Conversion Project CM Support Services—Supplement 6 KPG Project Number: 16125 4 February,2020 • EXHIBIT D PRIME CONSULTANT COST COMPUTATIONS Client City of Renton Project Wells Williams CM Support Services Supplement 6 KPG PROJECT NUMBER:16125 .DATE:"February 17,2020_ _ _. Total Hours and Labor Fee ' Engineering Sr.Engineer Construction` Architecture" 'Documentation 7 e C 11 Estimate by Task '.Mgr. .. _ Mgr Technician IL , peciaist : rvyrew Specialist Sr„Const Mgr Aviation- Mgr Urban Design. Design` Sr.Atlmin - - - _ - - -- Mgr Engineer Task Senior Pr -. No. Task Description Survey.Mgr Project". " - _ _ _ Engineer - Technician . . , _ .- - - _ ' _ Survey _. -. o-_,.. - : .. .._ _ _Technician t 210' 184 166 117 . . 115 216 Hours. Fee ,. ,: Task 31 -Project Management- ' .- - - r - ,... .31.1 Coordination and Project Management(13 Months) 26 . _ _76.__ "_ _ :. • 42 -.-S - -8,404.00 ._. _ 31.2_Invoicing and Progress:Reports- - -- .- - 8..- - - 16- - '' 24 $ -3.520.00 31.3- ONOC - - -- 4 8 16 - - - - 28 '$ 4,968.00 . ...-Task Total .38 '24 ,_ '-'16 " - 0 , '16 16,892.00 S Task 32•ConstructionEngineering'Support - - : 321 Preconstruction Meeting 3 3 " . 3 " __ _ i. _ .,9. -..$_ 1,680.00 32.2. Stakeholder Meetings(5) 5 ___ _. ____ --- -5 .$ 1,050.00 32.3' Weekly Construction.Meetings(50) " _ - ._ _.50 _ .yq - ._ _ . . 75 - '$-- "15,100.00 32.4 :Site Visits and field Observations(15) - "4 16 - 16 - - 1 36 $ - -6,-440.00 32,5. Response to RFI's(20) 4 20 10 . '" _34 .$ 6.180.00 -32.6 Material Submittal Reviews(25) - - , 16 40 . 8 _____ 64 $ _12,048.00. 32.7 Design Revisions(5) _.. _. __ _ 5. 32 _.85_ $_._ __.�73.730.00 328.... Punch list Walkthrough - 4 _ 8 _ _ - ._. _ _ - --20---- .S 3.640.00 32.9 Surveying Support(5). - 16 .32 48 $ 8.784.00 . . - . 0 $. - . • - 'Task Total M. 144 69 ` - 40 0 32- 376 $ 68,652:00 Task 33-Structural and Geotechnical Support , - :" 33.1 [Structural and.Gep_.. Support . 0_ 0 0 0 -—0_ . 0 Task Total -. a 0 - ...e - 0, 0 _ . Total Labor Hours and Fee 129, ' 168 85 40 16 32 470 85,544. Subconsuttants _. __ _ Wood Environmental $ 5,000.00: _ I Subtotal $ 5.000.00 ' -- - _- - _ Acmtnlstrative Charge(5%} $ , .. _ , - -- . _ - ._ _ Total$ubeonsultant C-lipo iso.g - 6,000.00 .Reimbursable Direct Non-Salary Costs - -- .-_Mileage at current IRS.rate $ _____ 2.500.00 - . - --- - Reproduction Allowance. ,m --_ ' - Totel.R eitiursahleExpense S 2,500.00' _- , - _. Total Estimated Budget $ 93,044.00