HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 07 CAG-17-149 , Adden #7-20 � Washington'State VI/ Department.of Tiransportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address - N u m ber_7 KPG,P.S. Original Agreement Number 3131 Elliott Ave.,Suite 400 Seattle,WA 98121 CAG-17-149 Phone: 253-627-0720 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 10/24/2017 12/31/2024 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S(Conversion) $1,465,370.18+$69,610.00=$1,534,980.18 Description of Work KPG will provide planter and water design revisions as requested by City • The Local Agency of City of Renton _ _ desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with KPG, P.S. and executed on 10/24/2017 .and identified as Agreement No:-CAG-17-149 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: 1 Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: Please see Exhibit A-Scope of Work II Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: No change.-Contract expiration 12/31/2024 III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: Original contract through Supplement 6=$1,465,370.18+Supplement No.7=$1,534,980.18 ,..00aviniirrg4. as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplertlecl{ 2 ,,, If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as ate above, please sin irl theA, pproiat S spaces below and return to this office for final action. = _: IC �� n By. Jason'Fritz! By: _ M Ar ndo P Ili r. oo Q�e��' consultant ggnature ATTEST: � i,,,�R"'GRATED s\\`�� Jas A S th, City Llerk - t. Date DOT Form 140-063 Revised 09/2005 EXHIBIT A CITY OF RENTON WILLIAMS AVENUE S AND WELLS AVENUE S CONVERSION PROJECT SUPPLEMENT 7—PLANTER AND WATER DESIGN REVISIONS CAG 17-149 SCOPE OF WORK FEBRUARY 20, 2020 A. PROJECT BACKGROUND/DESCRIPTION During the Final Design phase of the Williams Avenue S and Wells Avenue S Conversion Project, the City of Renton ("City") determined that a total of 16 planters located at the intersections of Wells Ave/Williams Ave/S 2"d St./S 3rd St. should be resized to allow for increased (usable) sidewalk areas adjacent to businesses. Additionally, the City's DUIP Project team identified a water line located at the S 2nd St. and Burnett Ave S. intersection that conflicts with a proposed sanitary sewer line. The City determined that the water line needs to be relocated to the south of its current location to accommodate the proposed sewer line. The City has requested that KPG ("Consultant") enter into a supplemental agreement to re-design the planters and water line that will require revisions to the current plans, quantities, and estimates. The Williams Avenue S and Wells Avenue S Conversion Project is nearing the start of construction and all changes made to the PS&E will need to be executed by change order. B. ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions were identified to provide direction with design: ❑ The estimated time to complete the design revisions is 1 month. u it is estimated that only the planters will be resized and adjacent improvements as shown in the Williams Avenue S and Wells Avenue S Bid Documents submittal will remain in their current location. ❑ Additional potholes are not anticipated nor are they included in this scope of work for the water line relocation. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 7—DESIGN REVISIONS KPG Project Number: 16125 1 Feb,2020 C. KPG DELIVERABLES Deliverables prepared by the Consultant are identified at the end of each Work Element (WE). D. CITY OF RENTON PROVIDED ITEMS: The City of Renton will be responsible for the following: ❑ Submittal reviews,comments, and approvals ❑ Meeting room arrangements ❑ Change Order development necessary for the contractor to construct the design changes E. SCOPE OF WORK WORK ELEMENT 34—MANAGEMENT/COORDINATION/ADMINISTRATION The Estimated project duration is 1 additional months. 34.1 The Consultant will provide continuous project management for the project duration (additional 1 month). The Consultant will prepare monthly progress reports identifying work completed in the previous month, work in progress, and upcoming work elements. These reports will be submitted with the Consultant invoices. 34.2 The Consultant will conduct project team meetings (estimate 2 meetings total) 1 with internal staff. 34.3 The Consultant will provide internal quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) reviews of all major deliverables prior to submittal to the City. Work Element 34 Deliverables: ■` Monthly progress reports(1 month) WORK ELEMENT 35—PLANTER DESIGN REVISIONS The Consultant shall revise the design of 16 planters located at the intersections of Wells Ave/Williams Ave/S 2nd St./S 3rd St. Revised (Bid) Design plans and quantities will be prepared for the City's review and approval. All design plans and documents will be signed by a licensed professional engineer in the State of Washington. 35.1 Consultant will revise the Design Plans for review and approval by the City. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project`(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 7—DESIGN REVISIONS KPG Project Number: 16125 2 Feb,2020 The estimated sheets to be revised are the following: ❑ 4 Roadway Plans o 6 Flowline Plans o 4 Concrete Panel Plans ❑ 9 Water and Drainage Plans o 2 Water Details o 2 Sewer Plans o 8 Signalization, Illumination, Fiber Plans o 5 Urban Design Plans and Details o 5 Landscape Plans and Details o 9 Irrigation Plans and Details o .4 Channelization and Signing Plans. Total: 58 Sheets 35.2 Consultant will revise quantities in support of the Design changes: Work Element 35 Deliverables: le- Revised design plans and quantities. WORK ELEMENT 36-WATER DESIGN REVISIONS The Consultant shall revise the design of the water line located at the intersection of S 2nd St. and Burnett Ave S. Revised (Bid) Design plans and quantities will be prepared for the City's review and approval. All design plans and documents will be signed by a licensed professional engineer in the State of Washington. 36.1 Clonsultant will revise the Design Plans for review and approval by the City.. The estimated sheets to be revised are the following: ❑ 1 Site Preparation Plans ❑ 2 Water Plans Plans/Profile o 1 Water Details o 1 Sewer Plans/Profile Total: 5 Sheets 35.2 Consultant will revise quantities in support of the Design changes. Work Element 36 Deliverables: ■ Revised design plans and quantities. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 7-DESIGN REVISIONS KPG Project Number: 16125 3 Feb,2020 ADDITIONAL SERVICES The City may require additional services of the Consultant. The scope of these services will be determined based on the unanticipated project needs or other considerations at the sole discretion of the City. These services will be authorized under a future contract supplement if necessary. At the time these services are required, the Consultant shall provide a detailed scope of work and an estimate of costs. The Consultant shall not proceed with the work until the City has authorized the work and issued a notice to proceed. City of Renton Wells/Williams Conversion Project(CAG 17-149) SUPPLEMENT 7—DESIGN REVISIONS KPG Project Number: 16125 4 Feb,2020 EXHIBIT D PRIME CONSULTANT C0ST COMPUTATIONS Client Cain(Renton • Project WIl:ams Ave S and Rem Aves Cornarsion Propel.Design Revisions Supplement l ,=/C-p�.;' KPG PROJECT Nrc ,16125 .Interdisciplinary Design %DATE:- F .2020 • • • _. ". ,. •- - TatsLlbivairiQbbanc. - IneasEctSC E+gbroer CGnsIKSgt.. - M Snspa. - 'beck, , RUWan _ Arqfxe Cactnrr Cum Fn9baeMq ErM nab ErTut onPbner Engel., 1,00mM010 fAryy. 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