HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_Acceptance_Letter_140523. ·. · Denis.Law· _ May(!r · ·- Ma'y' 23, 2014 ··· Dr. David-Paul Zimnrierma~ · Amazing Gface Lutheran Church -. . . . \ . . . . · .10056 Renton Ave S . . · Seattle, WA: 98178 . Community & Economic DevelopmentDepartment i.. · · ·· · · 'c..E'1C~iP'.1 \/inc~~t,-Adnii~istr~tor Subject:' Notice of Complete Applic~tion . ': Amazing Grace School, LUA14:000669 · . ', -i. ·. Dear l'Jlr;Zimmernrian: . The Planning Division of the City of Renton has determined that the subject appHcation is complete accordi.ng to submittal requirements'and, therefore; is accepted for review:. It is tentatively scheduleci.'for torisideration by the Environme'ntal Review Committee on Ju~e 16, 2014. Pritir to tha(revie~, you will be notified if ~ny additio~al information is reguiredtti contin\Je processing your application: ... , . . . . ·. In additio~, this mai:te'r is tentatively scheduled for a Public Hearing on July 15, 2014 at . · 12:00pm, Council Chambers' Se~enth Floor, Renton City'Hall; 1055 South <,rady Way,.·. ·Renton. The applica~t or repre~eritative{s)ofthe applicant arefequired to be pr'esent ?t .. the public hea~ing,A copy of the sfaffreportwiH be mailed to you prior to the scheduled .. ~Hfug.. .. . ,··. ~ . Please contact me at {425) 430-6593 if you have any questions. · . . . . Sincerely, ·. Kris Sorens!!n ·Associate Planner cc: City of Renton/ Owner(s) . RentonOfy Hall • 105S South Grady Way • Renton;washington 98057 •' rentonwa.gov • . . -.. . ' ' . . ..