HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_ERC_Whitworth_Condominiums_080902ERG REPORT ERC MEETING DATE: Project !v'ame: Owner: Applicant.· Contact: File Number.· Pro;ect Manager: Project Summary: Project Location: Exist. Bldg. Area SF: Site Area: STAFF RECOMMENDA110N: City of Renton Department of Community and Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT September 2, 2008 ·---------------------- Whitworth Condominiums Harold A. Deacy, 407 Whitworth Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055; Ole Willey, 409 Whitworth A venue South, Renton, WA 98055 Capital Homes, I.LC. 16603 107'h Place NE, Bothell, WA 98011 Chris Cirillo, Capital Homes, LLC, 20314132',1 Avenue NE, Woodinville, WA 98072 LUA08-083, ECF. SA-H Gerald Wasser, Associate Planner The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, a parking code modification, and Environmental (SEPA) Review for the proposed construction of a 5-story, 58-feet. 5 l/4-inch tall mixed-use building on a 14,321 square foot site within the Center Downtown (CD) zoning designation, the Urban Center Downtown Comprehensive Plan designation and the Urban Center Overlay District A. Two existing single-family residences, each with a detached garage would be removed from the site to accommodate the proposed project. The proposed building would include 25,884 square feet of residential space in 33 residential units (24 one-bedroom and 9 two-bedroom), 2,290 square feet of commercial space, and 50 parking stnlls (including three accessible parking stalls) of at-grade and under building structured parking. Vehicular access to the proposed building would be via the alley along the western property line. 407 and 409 Whitworth Avenue South 3,020 s.f Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): 14,321 s.t: fota/ Building Area GSF: 10,639 s.f. 48,498 s.f. 48,498 Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Uetermination of Non-Significance -Mitigated (DNS-M). -------------,-=1-::===--::-- • i ERCRPTOS-083.doc Ci~y of Renton Department u/C ·unity & Economic Dcr('/opment WHITWORTll CONDOM/NJ Report of September 2, 2008 I PART ONE: PROJECT DESCRIPTION/ BACKGROUND l!ironmental Review Committee Report LUAOB-083, ECf~ SA-H Page 2 of8 The applicant, Capital Homes, LLC, has proposed redevelopment of a 14,321 square foot property in Renton into a mixed use project consisting of 33 residential units, 2.290 square feet of commercial space, and 50 structured parking stalls. The proposed project site is locmcd at 407 and 409 Whitworth Avenue South. The property is zoned Center Downtown (CD) and is within Urban Design Overlay District "A" and the Urban Center-Downtown Comprehensive Plan designation. A 5-story mixed use project has been proposed for the ,ite with one level of below grade parking, at grade level parking, residential and commercial, and four levels of residential units. The building would contain a total of 33 residential (twenty-four I-bedroom and nine 2-bcdroom) units with a residential lobby taking pedestrian access from Whitworth Avenue South, 2,290 square feet ofconunercial space (with pedestrian access via South 4'" Street) and 50 structured parking stalls (38 standard stalls, 9 compact stalls and 3 accessible stalls). Residential density would be 100 dwelling units per net acre. The proposed building would be 58-feet, 5 1/4 -inches in height. Vehicular access to the proposed building would he via the 16 foot wide alley along western property line. The subject property is primarily !lat with an overall grade of less than I percent. Approximately 5,639 cubic yards of cut would be necessary to complete th<: propn.,cd project. The proposal would have 83 percent of impervious surfaces. [PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW~~-- In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that arc not adequately addressed under <:xisting development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS-M with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Mitigation Measures I. The applicant shall utilize the rcpon. "Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations," by Robert M. Pride, LLC, Consulting 1'11ginccr. dated June 11, 2008, in the design and construction of the proposed structure. 2. Due to the proximity ofexisti11g structures on properties abutting to the north and south of the project site, piles shall be auger cast '" recommended by the geotechnical report. 3. A temporary erosion control pl"" ,11,.11 be required to be installed and maintained for the duration of construction of the pn\jcct. The plan must comply with the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as outline in Volume II of the most recent edition of the Stonnwater Managemc11l M"11ual. The plan must be submitted and approved by the Development Services Division prior to issuance of the utility construction permit. 4. The applicant shall submit a "materials board" indicating the materials and finishes proposed for all exterior surfaces of the building. The proposed materials and finishes shall be approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of the building pennit. ERC REPORT 08-081 City of Renton Department ~lC· · nunity & Economic lJew.dupment WHITWORTH CONDOMIN, Report of September 2, 2008 vironmental Review Committee Report LUAOS-083, £CF, SA-II Page 3 of8 5. The project shall be subject to the Parks Mitigation Fee of $354.5 l for each new multi-family residential unit. This amount is estimated to be $10,998.81, a11d shall be payable prior to issuance of the building permit. 6. The proposed project shall be subject to a Transportation Impact Fee of $75 per trip, estimated at $18,000.00. This foe shall be payable prior to issuance of the building permit. 7. The project shall be subject to the Fire Impact Fee, prior to issuance of the building pennit. The fee, at $388.00 per new multi-fontily ,u1it and $0.52 for each square foot of commercial space, is estimated to be $13,994.80. 8. Avigation easements shall be provided by the applicant, subject to the review and approval by the City Attorney, and recorded prior to issuance of occupancy permits. 9. Work shall immediately cease and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and historic Preservation shall be contacled should any archaeological artifacts be discovered during earthwork activities. C. Exhibits Exhibit I Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Vicinity Map Site Plan East & North Elevations West & South Elevations Utility, Grading, Drainag<.: Control Landscape Plan D. Environmental Impacts 1he Proposal was circulated and reviewed hv l'(/J"io11.1· City Departments and Dil'isions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and ,11/drc.,.1L·d environmental impacts antic1j1ated to occur in con;,mction with the proposed deve/opmenl. Sra/(1n•iewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the.following probable impacts: I. Earth Impacts: The proposed project site is le,·eL with an overall grade of less than I percent. The applicant has staled that approximately 5,639 cubic yards or cut would be necessary to construct the project. The site coverage by impervious surfaces would be X3 percent. A geotechnical investigation took place, cc•nclucled by Robert M. Pride, LLC, Consulting Engineer, who has provided a "Report on Geotechnical Reconuncndat1ons," dated June 11, 2008. The recommendations arc based on examination of material from l wo lest pits excavated by backhoe to depths of 9 and t 2 foet. Staff recommends that this report be utilized in the de,i~n and construction of the proposed st,ucture. Results of the analysis of excavated material from the test pits indicate that upper native soils consist of topsoil over medium dense silt-sand mixtures that represent alluvial deposits. A one-foot layer of peaty soils, underlain by an 18-inch thick soft, clay-silt stratum. was encountered at one test pit at a depth of 5.5 feel. The second test pit had no peat, but the soft, blue day-silt layer was also found at the depth of 5 to 7 feet. Groundwater was encountered at 11 feet below grade. Groundwater can be expected to vary in depth with seasonal variations in rainfall and impacts fr,n11 the Cedar River. £RC REPORT08-083 City of Renton Department of C ,unity & Economic lJel'dupment WHITWORTH CONDOM/NJ Report of September 2, 2008 vironmental Review ((Jmmittee Report LUAOB-083, ECF, SA-H Page4 of8 Based on the soil and groundwater conditions on this. and nearby sites, the potential for liquefaction during a seismic event is considered to be moderate. due to the medium dense subsurface sandy soils. Due to the presence of compressible peat and suli day soils at relatively shallow depths, pile supports for the structure would be required. Alternatively. over-excavation and placement of compacted gravel as foundation support would be feasible, but casements granted by abutting property owners would be necessary because excavatio,1 to depths of 7 to 8 feet below grade would be required and temporary slope cuts would extend well onto the properties to the north and south. Since existing structures are located within a few feet of the property line both to the north and south it appears that this construction technique would be impractical. The parking garage would be established at about nine feet below the existing grade elevation of 30 feet above mean sea level. It is expected that pile foundations would be required for support of structure loads and that perimeter bearing wall footings and imerior column footings would be used. Staff recommends, however, due to the proximity of existing structures to remain undamaged, located on properties abutting to the north and south of the project site, that piles be auger cast. This shall be a mitigation measure of the environmental determination. The geoteclmical report recommends that the slab he reinforced and tied structurally into the adjacent perimeter walls and interior colunm footings. Mitigation Measures: I. The report, "Report on Geotechnical Rcrnmmcn<lations," by Robert M. Pride, LLC, Consulting Engineer, dated June 11, 2008, shall be utilized in the design and construction of the proposed structure. 2. Due to the proximity of existing ,tructurcs 011 properties abutting to the north and south of the project site, piles shall be auger cast. Nexus: RMC 4-4-060, "Grading, Excavation. and Mining Regulations;" SEPA Environmental Regulations 2. Air Impacts: During construction, dust and emissions from construction equipment and excavation and pile driving activities would be expected. Folluwiug construction, there would be emissions from residents· and customers' vehicles. Emissions are regulated by State and Federal agencies. Mitigation Measures: No ti.trther mitigat io11 is proposed because such emissions are regulated by state and federal agencies. Nexus: Not applicable 3. Water a. Ground Water Impacts: [See "Earth" above] Mitigation Measures: No mitigatim1 proposed. Nexus: Not applicable ERC REPORT llll-11113 City of Renton Department of C ,unity & Economic De,-c/opment WHITWORTH CONDOMIN1 Report of September 2, 2008 b. Storm Water vironmental Review,• Committee Report LUA08-083, ECF, SA-H Page 5 of8 Impacts: There is a storm drainage conveyance system in S 4'" Street, but not in Wh.itworth Ave Sor th.c abutting alley. An extension or the S 4"' Street system may be required. A drainage report was submitted with the project application. Based on review ofth.e report, the project would be exempt from detention and water quality treatment based on the l 990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. A temporary erosion control plan would be required to be installed and maintained for the duration of construction of the project. The plan nrnst comply with the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as outline in Volume II of the most recent edition of the Stormwater Management Manual. The plan must be submitted and approved by the Development Services Division prior to issuance of the utility construction pcrn1it. Mitigation Measures: A temporary erosion control plan shall be required to be installed and maintained for the duration of construction of the project. The plan must comply with the Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as outline in Volume II of the most recent edition of the Stormwater Management Manual. The plan must be submitted and approved by the Development Services Division prior to issuance of the utility construction pern1it. Nexus: Department of Ecology St,,rmwatcr \fanagemcnt Manual; SEPA Environmental Regulations 4, Light and Glare Impacts: The construction of a 5-story building that would cover the majority of the available property (to 83 percent) would impact light availability to abutting property, most notably the property localed to the north, which would be essentially deprived of' southern solar exposure. It would also impact properties to the east by blocking atternoon light and to the west by blocking morning light. Short of reducing the size of the building, it is difticult to suggest mitigation for these impacts. Given the density allowed by the zone, and the ability to ha,e reduced building setbacks through the development standards, this impact will become more pervasive with increased urbanization. Light retlection from windows andior building frtt;ade surfaces could cause glare on surrounding properties. Glare can be controlled through the selection or materials and finishes. Staff recommends the applicant submit a "materials board'' indicating the rnatenals and finishes proposed for all exterior surfaces of the building. The proposed materials and finishes shall be approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of the building pennit. Mitigation Measures: The applicant shall submit a "materials board" indicating the materials and finishes proposed for all exterior surfaces of the building. The proposed materials and finishes shall be approved by the Development Services Division prior to issuancc of the building permit. Nexus: SEP A Environmental Regulations 5. Parks and Recreation Impacts: It can be expected that the project, with 33-units, would have an impact on use of City of Renton parks and recreation facilities. For this reason, an foe structure is in place to provide compensation for such impacts. The Parks Mitigation Fee is $354.5 l for each new multi-family unit. The estimated fee would be $ l 0,989.8 l (33 units -2 existing units= 3 l unit, x S354.5 l = $10,989.8 l ). ERC REPORT Oli-11/iJ City ofRenton Department o/C ,unity & Ecunomi< De,·e/opment WHITWORTH CONDOM/NI Report of September 2, 2008 vironmental Review Committee Report LUA08-083, ECf; SA-H Page 6 of8 Mitigation Measures: The project shall he suhjecl to the Parks Mitigation Fee of $354.5 l for each new multi-family residential unit. This amount is estimated to be$ l 0,989.8 l, and shall be payable prior to issuance of the building permit. Nexus: Park and Recreation Impact Fee Resolution 3037, SEPA Enviromnental Regulations 6. Transportation Impacts: The project would be accessed by vehicles from the 16-foot wide public alley, located abutti11g the west property boundary. A 'Trip Generation. Distribution, and Traffic Impact Fee Letter," prepared by Jake Traffic Engineering, Inc. dated July l 7, 2008, was submitted by the applicant. According to this letter the project would be anticipated to generate 240 new trips daily. To mitigate impacts on city streets from this usage, a Transportation Impact Fee would be imposed. The fee. at $75 per trip for the 240 new daily trips anticipated, has been estimated at $18,000.00. This fee would be payable prior to issuance of the building permit. The traffic study analyLcd the sight distance from the alley and from Whitworth Ave S for vehicles exiting onto S 4'" St. Although sight distance is adequate. ii would be reduced by parking of vehicles on S 4'" St at both the alley entrance and the Whitworth Ave S entrance to 4 11 ' St. The traffic study recommends restricting parking on S 4'" Street within 30 feet of lite intersection of the alley and S 4'" and Whitworth and S 4'" St. Mitigation Measures: The proposed project .shall he subject to a Transportation Impact Fee of$75 per trip, estimated at $18,000.00. This fee shall be payable prior to issuance of the building pennit. Nexus: Transportation Impact Fee Resoluti"n 3100: Ordinance 4489; SEPA Environmental Regulations 7. Fire & Police Impacts: The project can be expected to have impacts on fire and police services. A Fire Impact Fee is in place. The project would be subject to this fee. prior to issuance of the building pennit. The fee is $388.00 per new multi-family unit and S0.52 for each square foot of commercial space. It is estimated that the fee would be would be $13,994.80. Mitigation Measures: The project would be subject to the Fire Impact Fee, prior to issuance of the building permit. The fee is $388.00 per new multi-frtmily unit and $0.52 for each square foot of commercial space and has been estimated to be S 13,994.80. Nexus: Fire Impact Fee Resolution 2895. SU'/\ Lnvironmental Regulations 8. Airport Impacts: The proposed project would be Jocatcdjust east of the centerline of the Renton Municipal Airport runway. As such, it is within the Airport lnllucncc Area and subject to aviation-related regulations, RMC 4- 3-020, "Airpo,t Related Height and Use Re.strictions." Impacts on the project would include aviation 11otsc from planes approaching and departing from the Renton Municipal Airport. Avigation easements are required by City code (RMC 4-3-020E.4). Staff recommends recording of such easements be completed prior to issuance of occupancy permits. Mitigation Measures: Avigation easements must be approved hy the City Attorney and recorded prior to issuance of occupancy permits. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations. RMC 4-3-020E.4 £RC REPORT 08-083 City of Renton Department of C nunity & Economic D,•,·dopment WHITWORTH CONDOMIN, Report of September 2, 2008 9. Historic and Cultural Presen·ation vironmental Review Committee Report LUAOR-083, ECF, SA-H Page 7 of8 Impacts: The proposed project is located in an with high probability for archaeological sites. While the site has previously been disturbed by development. there remains a potential for subsurface archaeological deposits. Staff recommends a mitigation measure requiring that work shall immediately cease and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted should any archaeological artifacts be discovered during earthwork acti vi tics. Mitigation Measures: Work shall inunediately cca,c and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted should any archaeological artifacts be discovered during earthwork activities. Nexus: SEPA Environmental Regulations E. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text ,,r th,s report and/or ·'Advisory Notes to Applicant.'' '-' Copies of all Review Comments arc contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. Environmeutal Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be tiled in writing on or before 5:00 PM, September 22, 200!1. Renton Municipal Code Section 4-8-110.B g,,,crn, appeals to the Hearing Examiner. Appeals must be filed in writing at the City Clerk's office along with a S75.00 application foe. Additional infom1ation regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Citv Clerk's Office, Renton City Hall -7th Floor, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton WA 98057. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information 11rovided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided a., il/{orn,ation on~v, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. WATER SEWER STORM STREETS There is an existing 12-inch \l'ater main on South 4'" St, and an existing 4-inch water main on Whitworth Ave South. The 1111,dckd lire !low available from the 12-inch waterline is over 2500 gpm. The proposed project is located within the 196-water pressure zone. The site is outside the Aquifer ProtL'Ction Arca. The property is currently scncd by an X" public sewer line. Surface water conveyance focilillcs currently are available to serve this site. The site is surrounded by partially improved alley and fully improved roadway with curb, gutter, sidewalk and street lighting. CODE RELATED COMMENTS: WATER J, City Code requires a System Developmrnt Charge (SDC) for all new and re-development. The fee for re- development is based on the difference 111 size of the water meter currently (or previously) providing domestic water service, and the meter si,c necessary to provide water to the redeveloped site. ~----------· ----------------------------------~ ERC RF.PORT 08-1183 City of Renton Department ofC · nunity & Economic De,·elopment WHITWORTH CONDOMIM Repon of September 2, 2008 vironmental Review Committee Report LUA08-083, ECF, SA-H Page 8 of8 2. Additional tire hydrants are required by the Fire Department. The hydrants must be cotmected to the existing 12-inch water main and the new 8-inch water main to provide the required fire flow for the facility. 3. Any existing sub-standard tire hydrants will be required to be upgraded and/or retrofitted with a quick disconnect Storz fitting. 4. If a tire sprinkler system is required, a separate utility pennit and separate plans will be required for the installation of the double detector check valve asscmbly. 5. The new domestic water meter will be rcquircd lo have an above ground Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly installed in an above ground hot box. SEWER l. City Code requires a System Development Charge (SDC) for any new development. This tee is based on the size of the domestic water meter necessary to serve this site. And again, as with the water SDC fee, the re-development credit for the site may offset any required SDC fee. STORM l. Surface water System Development Charge (SDC) is required for this site. This foe is based on new impervious surface added to the site. 2. A stonn and surface water drainage plan and report (per the 1990 King County Surface Water Manual; see the seven Core requirements) is required. The Tedmical lnfonnation Report analysis submitted with this application has covered all of the Core requirements. STREETS/TRANSPORTATION I. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of $75.00 per Average Daily Trip shall be assessed. 2. The alley along the west side of the property will be required to be paved to the full width and length of the property. 3. All wire utilities shall be installed underground per the City of Renton Undergrounding Ordinance. If three or more poles are required to bt: moved to accommodate the development design, all existing overhead utilities shall be placed underground. CONDITIONS I. Temporary Erosion Control measures shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the Department of Ecology Standards and staff review. 2. A Traffic Mitigation Fee of$75.00 per A,cragc Daily Trip shall be assessed. According to the Traffic Study submitted with this application, the project will generate 240 additional daily trips. Therefore the fee will total $18,000. This fee is payable at time of build mg permit. ERC REPORT 08-083 R • R-8 CA -·---·-ew--··- CA E3 -07 T23N RSE E l/2 IM CA R-S R-B CA co CA CA ZONING PWTEC]INICALSER\'ICES 07/15/-01 400 !Feet co co EXHIBIT 1 " CD ! J co CD RM-RM- u u .... CO CD RM RM u u RM-U co CD CD CD 18 T23N R5E E 1/2 5318 ""l .... I -.... --3 N 1H 2 ~ l:'!'J ~ ... i:::.