HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_HEX_Sunset_Highlands_Mixed_Use_Site_Approval_080527PUBLIC City of Renton HEARING Department of Community and Economic Development PRERIMINAR Y REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARYAND PURPOSE OF REQUEST.• REPORTDATE.• May 27, 2008 Project Name: Sunset Highlands Mixed Use Owner ADF Properties LLC Address 15007 Woodinville Redmond Rd Ste: #A Woodinville, WA 98072 Applicant / Contact Jon Graves Architects & Planners PLLC Address 3110 Ruston Way Ste; i#D Tacoma, WA 98402 File Number: LUA 08-028, SA-H, CU-A, Project Manager•.- Rocale Timmons, Associate Planner ECF Project Description: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit approval for the construction of a 4-story, 55-foot tall mixed -use building on a 35,593 square foot site. The site is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation and the NE Sunset Blvd Business District Overlay. The proposed building would include 30,795 square feet of residential area within 21 residential units, 2,209 square feet of commercial space, and 58 parking stalls, 21 of which would be located within a surface parking Iot. The remaining 37 stalls would be located on the first floor of the building in structured parking. Ingress and egress to the site would be provided off of NE Sunset Blvd via two new curb cuts. The site contains a Class 4 stream approximately 312 square feet in size. The applicant proposes a reduction of the stream buffer from 35 to 25 feet. There are 4 trees onsite of which 3 are proposed to remain. Project Location: 4409 NE Sunset Blvd Project Location Map City of Renton Community and Economic D nent Department 'reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 1008 Page 2 of 11 B. HEARING EXHIBITS: .Exhibit 1: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project. Exhibit 2: Neighborhood Plan Exhibit 3: Zoning Map: Sheet D6 West Exhibit 4: Site Plan (1/31/2008) Exhibit 5: North and East Elevations (1/31/2008) Exhibit 6: South and West Elevations (1/31/2008) Exhibit 7: First and Second Floor Plan (1/31/2008) Exhibit 8: Third and Forth Floor Plan (1/31/2008) Exhibit 9: Utility (3/21/2008) Exhibit 10: Conceptual Landscape / Tree Retention Plan (1/31/2008) Exhibit 11: Aerial Photo C. GENERAL INFORMA TION.• 1. Owner of Record: 2. Zoning Designation: 3. Comprehensive Plan Designation: 4. Existing Site Use: 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: ADF Properties LLC 15007 Woodinville Redmond Rd Ste: #A Woodinville, WA 98072 Commercial Arterial (CA) Commercial Corridor (CC) Vacant North: Multi -Family Residential (RM-F zone) East: Eating and Drinking Establishment - McDonalds (CA zone) South: Day Care Center (CA zone) West: Single Family Residential (CA zone) 6. Access: 7. Site Area: 8. Project Data: Existing Building Area New Building Area: Total Building Area: Via NE Sunset Blvd 0.817 acres (35,593gross square feet) N/A 40,083 square feet 40,083 square feet D. HISTORICAL/BACKGROUND: Action Land Use File No. Ordinance No. Date Annexation NIA 2408 5/27/1968 Comprehensive Plan N/A 5099 l l/1/2004 Zoning N/A 5100 11 / 1 /2004 Rezone R-092-85 3974 3/5/1986 Rezone R-272-78 3311 4/27/1979 Short Plat SHP-345-79 N/A 6/4/1979 City of Renton Community and Economic Deve .1 Department iminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS1bIIXEb USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU-& ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATEJune 3, 2008 Page 3 of 22 E. PUBLIC SERVICES: 1. Utilities: Water: There is an existing 12-inch water main within the north side of NE Sunset Blvd. Sewer: There is an existing 8-inch sanitary sewer main within an easement along the west property and a 12-incb sanitary main fronting the property along NE Sunset Blvd. Surface Water/Storm Water: There exist storm water conveyance systems within NE Sunset Blvd. 2. Streets: There is currently a paved and improved public right-of-way along the frontage of the site. 3. Fire Protection: City of Renton Fire Department F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE: L Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-110: Commercial Development Standards 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Special Districts Section 4-3-040: Commercial Corridor Business Districts Section 4-3-100: Urban Design Regulations 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations Section 4-4-070: Landscaping Regulations Section. 4-4-080: Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-090: Refuse and Recyclable-, Standards 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards Section 4-6-060: Street Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria Section 4-9-030: Conditional Use Permits Section 4-9-200: Site Plan Review 6. Chapter 11 Definitions G. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element 2. Community Design Element H. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. Proiect Descri tion/Back round The applicant, Jon Graves Architects & Planners, PLLC, is requesting an Administrative Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review before the clearing Examiner for a 4-story mixed use building. A Conditional Use Permit is required in order to permit the construction of attached residential units developed as part of a same building mixed -use project and to exceed the maximum height allowed within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone. This report includes Site Plan Review, Urban Design Guideline Review and Conditional Use Permit review. The subject property is located on the south side City of Renion Community and Economic i meni Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028 SA-H, CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 4 of 22 of NE Sunset Blvd just west of Anacortes Ave NE at 4409 NE Sunset Blvd. The mixed use building would be sited on a vacant 0.817 acre site. The completed project would provide 30,795 square feet of residential space within 21 multi -family residential dwelling units and 2,209 square feet of commercial space including a restaurant and retail space. The residential units are proposed to be located on the upper 3 levels with 7 units on each story_ There would be three 1- and eighteen 2-bedroom apartment units. The residential units would be accessed by a ground -level elevator at the center of the building, with emergency staircases at the building core and on the south elevation. The commercial space would be located within the north portion of the proposed building on the ground floor facing NE Sunset Blvd. Approximately 1,500 square feet of the commercial space would be designated to specialty retail space. The remainder 700 square feet would be used as a restaurant. The building would be located in the center of the project site with surface parking areas located along the east and west sides of the building, and landscaping is located around the perimeter of the site and within the surface parking lots. A total of 58 parking stalls are proposed, 21 of which would be located within the surface parking lot. The remaining 37 stalls would be located on the first floor of the building in structured parking. The structured parking would be accessed through 21 residential garage doors. The building exterior would have a combination of materials including high quality vinyl siding and concrete masonry and a standing seam metal roof. The ground -floor level will provide more than 75 percent of the linear frontage along NE Sunset Blvd with storefront doors and windows. Ingress and egress to the site would be provided off of NE Sunset Blvd via two new 30-foot wide curbcuts. There is one-way circulation throughout the project site via an internal driveway that loops around the building that is 24 feet wide. The proposed building would result in a lot coverage of 28 percent. The tallest point of the building would be the top of the stair tower on the south elevation, which would have a height of 55 feet and 4 inches. A stream, Honey Creek, has been identified and delineated on the southeast corner of the project site. The section of the stream that is located on site is classified as a Class 4 stream, Honey Creek is classified as a Class 3 stream off site. A Class 4 stream is a non-salmonid bearing intermittent stream and requires a minimum 35-foot buffer. The proposed project would reduce the 35-foot stream buffer to no less than 25 feet. The total reduction of buffer is 1,376 square feet in area. Stream buffer enhancement is proposed as part of the buffer reduction which would result in the planting of native plants. Staff has approved the buffer reduction proposal subject to conditions. The decision for the buffer reduction proposal was issued under a separate cover. There are 4 protected trees onsite of which 3 are proposed to remain. 2. Environmental Review Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21 C, 1971 as amended), on May 5, 2008, the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non -Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) for Sunset Highlands Mixed -Use Building. The DNS-M included 6 mitigation measures. A 14-day appeal period commenced on May 12, 2008, and will end on May 27, 2008, No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. 3. Compliance with ERC Conditions Based on an analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued the following mitigation measure with the Determination of Non -Significance — Mitigated: 1. The applicant will be required to submit a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) designed pursuant to the State Department of Ecology's Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements, outlined in Volume II of the 2001 Stormwater Management Manual. The plan must be submitted to and approved by the Development Services Division Plan City of Renton Community and Economic Deve tt Department liminary Reporl to the Hearing Examiner SUNSETHIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU A, ECE PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 3 of 22 Review staff prior to issuance of the utility construction and building pen -nits and during construction. 2. The applicant will be required to comply with the recommendations found in the geotechnical report prepared by Geotcch Consultants, dated March 14, 2001,during site clearing, grading, and building construction. 3. A Native Growth Protection Easement shall be placed over that part of the site encompassing the stream and buffer area. Restrictive covenants shall also be placed on the lot to this effect. The easement and restrictive covenants shall be recorded prior to issuance of building permits. 4. The applicant shall pay a Parks Mitigation Fee of $354.51 for each new multi -family unit. This fee is estimated at $7,444.51 and shall be payable prior to issuance of building permits. 5. The applicant shall pay a Traffic Mitigation Fee in the amount of $75.00 for each new net daily trip prior to issuance of building permits_ The fee is estimated to be $22,275.00. 6. The applicant shall pay a Fire Mitigation Fee of $388.00 for each new ;multi -family residential unit and $0.52 for each square foot of commercial space. This fee is estimated to be $9,296.68 which would be payable prior to the issuance of building permits. 4. Staff Review Comments Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address issues raised by the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. Consistency with Site Plan Review Criteria The Site Development Plan Review Criteria set forth in Section 4-9-200 and Development Standards set forth in Section 4-3-040F of the Renton Municipal Code forms the basis of the Site Plan Review, as follows: 1. Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan, its elements and policies: The site is designated Commercial Corridor (CC) on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. Lands in the CC designation are intended evolve from "strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities, and boulevard treatment. The proposal is consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Community Design Element policies: Land Use Element Policy LU-338: Commercial Arterial zoned areas should include an opportunity for residential uses and office as part gf'tnixed-use development. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Objective LU-GGG: Guide redevelopment of land in the Commercial Corridor designation with Commercial Arterial zoning, from the existing strip commercial forms into more concentrated forms, in which structures and parking evolve from the existing suburban form, to more efficient urban configurations with cohesive site planning. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy LU-353: Structures al Commercial Corridor intersections should not be set backfrom the street and sidewalk so a,s to allcm, vehicular circulation orparking to be located between the sidewalk and the building. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met City of Renton Community and Economic ! ment Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE L UA08-028, SA-H, CU A, FCF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 6 of22 Policy LU-358: Parking areas should be landscaped (including street trees, buffers, berms), especially along roadways, to reduce visual impacts. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy LU-363: Parking provided on -site, in parking structures, and either buffered from adjacent uses or incorporated into pedestrian -oriented street design, is preferred, ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy LU-368: Consideration of the scale and building style of near -by residential neighborhoods should be included in development proposals. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy LU-369: Development should be designed to consider potential adverse impacts on adjacent, less intensive uses, e.g. lighting, landscaping, and setbacks should all be considered during design. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Community Design Element Policy CD-17: Development should be designed (e.g. building orientation, setbacks, landscape areas and open space, parking, and outdoor activity areas) to result in a high quality development as a primary goal, rather than to maximize density as a f rst consideration. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy CD-21: Development should have buildings oriented toward the street or a common area rather than toward parking lots. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy CD-29: In mixed -use developments with ground floor retail uses, residential parking areas should not conflict with pedestrian and vehicular access to the retail component of the project. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met Policy CD-31: In mixed -use developments, residential uses should be connected to other uses through design features such as pedestrian walkways and common open space. ✓ Policy Objective Met ❑ Not Met 2. Conformance with existing land use regulations; The subject site is designated Commercial Arterial (CA) on the City of Renton Zoning Map. The proposed development would allow for the future construction of up to 21 new residential units and commercial space within a mixed -use building. The property was rezoned in 1986 from a medium density residential designation, Residence- 3 (R-3), to an office designation, Office Park (O-P). As a result of the rezone approval the following covenants were imposed: a.) Zoning of the subject site will revert from O-P back to R-3 if specific development plans in the form of a building permit application, or other land use permit representing an intention to utilize the O-P zoning, such as an application for site plan review or conditional use permit, is not submitted within two (2) years of final approval on this zoning action_ City of Renton Community and Economic Devc nt Department liminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 7 of 21 b.) The existing homes on the subject site are not to be utilized for any commercial endeavor. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the restrictive covenants, imposed as part of the rezone of the property from Residence 3 (R-3) to Office Park (O-P) in 1986, be removed prior to the issuance of building permit. The applicant has submitted a request to the City for the removal of the covenants and the City Council is in the process of hearing the request. Density - The allowed density range in the NE Sunset Blvd Business District of the CA zone is a minimum of 10 dwelling utiits per net acre (du/a) up to a maximum of 60 du/a when the project includes commercial and residential as a mixed -use development. Net density is calculated after public rights -of -way, private access easements (vehicular or pedestrian), and critical areas are deducted from the gross acreage of the site. After deducting 312 square feet from the 35,593 gross square footage, of the site for critical areas, the net square footage of the site would be 35,281 square feet (0.809 net acres). The 21 unit proposal would arrive at a net density of 25.9 dwelling units per acre (21units / 0.809 acres = 25.95 du/ac), which falls within the permitted density range for the Business District and Zone. Lot Coverage - The CA zone allows building coverage at a maximum of 65 percent of the lot area as only some of the parking would be contained within the structure. The total building footprint is proposed to be 9,870 square feet. This generates a total building coverage of 28 percent which is well below the maximum 65 percent building lot coverage permitted. Setbacks — In the CA zone, the minimum front yard setback is 10 feet but may be reduced to zero feet through the site plan review process provided no blank walls are located within the reduced setback. In the NE Sunset Blvd Business District the maximum front yard setback permitted is 15 feet. The applicant is proposing a reduced setback down to a minimum setback of 1 foot and 2 '/2 inches fronn the front (NE Sunset Blvd) property line. The building elevations submitted by the applicant propose modulation of the wall within the required front yard setback on NE Sunset Blvd. The wall plane along NE Sunset Blvd would be recessed approximately 5, 6, and 7 feet at the entrances of the 3 commercial spaces. In addition the building elevations indicate that various building materials will be used to further add texture in addition to the proposed building modulation. Therefore staff supports the proposed reduction in the front yard setback from 10 feet to a minimum of 1 foot and 2 '/2 inches. There is no interior side or rear yard setback as the rear and side yards do not abut nor are they adjacent to residential zoned property. Landscaping — The CA zone requires a minimum of 15 feet of on -site landscaping along street frontages that are adjacent to residential zoned property except where reduced through the site plan review process. The landscaping requirements apply to the subject site's NE Sunset Blvd street frontage_ A conceptual landscape plan was submitted with the project application. The applicant is proposing to reduce the 15-foot landscape strip down to as little as 0 feet along portions of the street frontage. The landscape plan proposes to install street trees planted at a spacing of 30 feet on center along NE Sunset Blvd for the span of the building. The applicant has also proposed two landscape areas that exceed 15 feet in width between the property east and vest property lines and the drive aisles along NE Sunset Blvd. Street trees species generally include Chantilla Flowering Pear, Red Bud and Katsura. Additional vegetation is provided around the perimeter of the site that include deciduous street trees (Sunset Red Maple, BowHall Maple and European Hornbeam) and conifer trees (Western Red Cedar, Hollywood Juniper and Shore Pine). Drought tolerant evergreen and deciduous shrubs, grasses, groundcover, and lawn are also located along the perimeter of the site. Staff supports the proposal for reduced on -site landscaped areas along portions of the site's street frontages as the applicant has provided adequate perimeter and interior landscaped area as depicted in the conceptual landscape plan. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that a detailed landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of Washington, a certified nurseryman, or other similarly qualified City of Renton Community and Economic D nent Department 'reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSETHIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 1008 Page 8 of 22 professional and an irrigation plan be submitted by the applicant and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of the building permit. The City's parking regulations have additional landscaping requirements for surface parking lots. For surface parking lots with between 15 and 50 parking spaces a minimum of 15 square feet of landscaping is required per parking space. Landscaped areas are required to be a minimum of 5 feet in width. Within the parking area a minimum of 1 tree shall be planted for every 6 parking spaces provided, shrubs shall be planted at a rate of 5 per 100 square feet of landscape area, ground cover shall be planted in sufficient quantities to provide 90 percent coverage within the first 3 years of installation, and no more than 50 feet shall separate a parking space from a landscape area. Based on the proposal for 21 surface parking stalls a minimum of 315 square feet (21 spaces x 15 square feet = 315 square feet) of landscaping is required within the surface parking lot, with a total of 4 trees. The submitted landscape plan identifies 9,961 square feet of landscaping within and around the perimeter of the parking lot with a total of 17 trees (Chantilla Flowering Pear, Red Bud, Katsura, Sunset Red Maple, BowHall Maple, European Hornbeam, Western Red Cedar, Hollywood Juniper and Shore Pine) and 9,961 square feet of shrubs and ground cover. The landscape plan complies with the minimum requirements. Height — The CA zone allows a maximum building height of 50 feet. Height may exceed the maximum height with a Conditional Use Permit. In no case should the height exceed 60 feet. The maximum height of the proposed building would be 55 feet and 4 inches at its tallest point. The only portions of the building that exceed the 50-foot height limit are the areas to accommodate the elevator shaft and the stair tower. A Conditional Use Permit is required in order to permit the construction of a building that exceeds the maximum height of 50 feet. See Conditional Use Permit criteria below. Pedestrian Connections - All development in the CA zone within the NE Sunset Blvd Business District is required to provide a minimum of one pedestrian connection from the entry of each building to the street and sidewalks, and a minimum of one pedestrian connection is required from each side of a property to commercial and/or residential uses. The submitted site plan identifies pedestrian connectivity to each side of the property except for the south side of the property due to natural conditions of the site that include the stream on site. A concrete walkway would be provided between the commercial entrances of the proposed building and the existing sidewalk on NE Sunset Blvd. A 5-foot wide pedestrian connection on the northeast portion of the site would connect pedestrians to the McDonalds property to the east. An additional pedestrian connection is identified on the northwest portion of the site connecting to the property to the west; however it appears that a pedestrian connection at this location would terminate in the side yard of a single family residence. Therefore, staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant construct a 6-foot high wood fence along the length of the west property line with a gate for the pedestrian connection. The wood fence would provide privacy to the property to the north until such time the property is redeveloped with a commercial use. All pedestrian connections shall comply with the design standards at outlined under RMC 4- 3-040F.1.e.ii. A restrictive covenant has been placed on the subject property (Lot 2 of the Anton A. Altoff Short Plat) that requires a 25 foot landscape buffer be provided between Lots 1, 2, and 3 of the Anton A. Altoff Short Plat (SHP-345-79). At the time of the short plat the lots varied in zoning designations. Since that time the properties have been rezoned and are all located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant have the restrictive covenant, imposed as part of the Anton. A. Altoff Short Plat in 1979, removed prior to the issuance of the building permit. City of Renton Community and Economic Dev nt Department hminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU-A, ECF PURUC HEARING DATE. ,Tune 3, 2008 Page 9 of 22 Parking — The parking regulations require a specific number of off-street parking stalls be provided based on the amount of square footage dedicated to certain uses or the number of residential units. The following ratios would be applicable to the site: Use squa e F00fCtPP Of Ratio Required Use or # ofUnits S aces Residential: Where Tandem Spaces are prop idcd: 16 2.25 space / unit 36 Where Tandem Spaces are not provided: 5 1.75 space / unit 8.75 Restaurant 700 SF 1 space / 100 SF 7 Retail Sales 1,500 SF 4 spaces / 1000 SF 6 Based on these use requirements, 58 parking spaces would be required to meet code. The applicant proposes to provide 58 spaces. Of the total 58 parking stalls proposed, 21 would be located within a surface parking lot, 11 of which are designated for commerical use. The remaining 37 stalls would be located on the first floor of the building. The proposed project would have 21 residential dwelling units and 21 private garages located underneath the residential portion of the building. Five of the garages would be single car garages, the remaining 16 garages would be two -car tandem parking garages. Staff recommends as a condition of approval a restrictive covenant be recorded to assign tandem parking spaces to the exclusive use of specific dwelling units. Enforcement of tandem parking spaces shall be provided by the property ow-ncr, property manager, or homeowners' association as appropriate. The restrictive covenant should be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit. All code required spaces must comply with the dimensional requirements of the parking regulations. For surface standard stalls, each stall must be a minimum of 20 feet long and a minimum of 9 feet wide. For structured standard stalls, each stall must be a minimum of 15 feet long and 8 feet and 4 inches wide. An aisle width of 24 feet is required for 90 degree parking stalls. All surface stalls are 9 feet wide and 20 feet long with the exception of ADA stalls. Tandem parking garages provided within the building, are 10 feet wide and 30 feet long_ Single car garages are 20 feet long and 10 feet wide. The project would meet the requirement to install six parking stalls that meet the minimum stall and aisle dimensions as required by the Americans ,�k Ali Disabilities Act. The site will be entered at the western curb cut and will be exited at the eastern curb cut. There is one-way circulation throughout the project site via a 24-foot wide internal driveway that loops around the building. Part of the 24-foot aisle width is a 4-foot pedestrian walkway surrounding the building that has no change in elevation but a change in materials to differentiate the walkway. As proposed, the parking would comply with parking lot design standards. Per the NE Sunset Blvd Business District requirements (RMC 4-3-040) parking for mixed use structures must be within an enclosed structure located under the residential portion of the building. The required guest spaces for residential uses may be surface parking. However, the City's Parking Regulations do not specify the number of required parking spaces designated for guest parking. In addition, it is unclear if this requirement applies to the commercial portion of the development as commercial uses not in a mix -use development are outright permitted in the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone and NE Sunset Business District with surface parking. The applicant requested a modification from the standards, in order to specify 10 of the required 47 parking spaces for the residential portion of the development for guest parking that may be permitted as surface parking spaces and to permit the 11 spaces required for the commercial use as surface spaces. The Development Services Director approved the modification on July 25, 2007. Since the approval of the parking modification the applicant has increased the commercial square footage. Though the overall count of City of Renton Community and Economic D nent Department 'reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU-A ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATEJune 3, 2008 Page 70 of 21 parking spaces (58 spaces) does not change, the ratio of spaces does change. Instead of 11 parking spaces, 13 spaces would need to be designated for commercial use to meet parking requirements. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant submit a revised site plan depicting two additional standard parking spaces designated for commercial use. The revised site plan should be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit issuance. Refuse and Recyclable Deposit Areas - The location and pick up of the service elements shall be approved by Waste Management. The refuse and recyclable deposit areas for the mixed - use building would be located near the southern property line, behind the proposed building. The proposed refuse and recyclable deposit area is proposed to be screened by a 15-foot fl- inch enclosure and screening details were submitted with the land use application. 3. Mitigation of impacts to surrounding properties and uses; The proposal would improve the character of the site, as the proposal is to replace the vacant site with a new mixed -use structure, associated parking, and landscaping. Impacts to surrounding properties and uses are expected to be minimal. The properties to the north and west are residential uses and the properties to the south and east have commercial uses on them. The proposal for the construction of a mixed -use building on the subject site would provide a transition from the commercial uses to the south and east to the residential uses to the north and west. In addition, a future pedestrian connection is planned, which would connect pedestrians to the commercial development, McDonalds, to the east of the site. An additional pedestrian connection is identified on the northwest portion of the site for the future connection to the commercial zoned property to the west; currently the pedestrian connection would terminate in the side yard of single family residence. There are potential short-term impacts to adjacent businesses and nearby residents (e.g., noise), which would result from the construction of the project. These impacts will be mitigated by the applicant's construction mitigation plan, which limits work and haul hours to those permitted by City Code. 4. Mitigation of impacts of the proposed site plan to the site; The scale, height and bulk of the proposed building is appropriate for the site and would be architecturally compatible with the existing neighborhood. The building would be located in the center of the project site with surface parking areas located along the east and west sides of the building, and landscaping is proposed around the perimeter of the site and within the surface parking lots. The main entrances to the commercial space are located along NE Sunset Blvd. The main entry to the apartment units would be gained through the use of an internal elevator or staircase. Secondary residential entrances can be found on the east, west, and south elevations and are weather protected by upper story balconies and overhangs. The use of balconies, which are ornamented with powder coated guardrails, enhance the facade that can be seen from NE Sunset Blvd. The scale and bulk of the building is reduced through the use of different materials on the building facades and building articulation and modulation. Concrete masonry will be used at the base to ground the building. Horizontal vinyl siding with complimentary colors is proposed for the upper three stories to enhance visual appeal_ To ensure that quality materials are used staff recommends that the applicant submit a materials board subject to the approval of the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of building permit review. A variation of roof heights and forms are used to break down the scale of the building. The building includes standing seam metal pitched roofs along the northern facade that add visual interest to the building as seen from NE Sunset Blvd. The pitched portion of the roof City of Renton Community and Economic Dev, _ .nt Departmenl -.1iminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSETHIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUAOS-028, SA-H, CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATEJune 3,200 Page I of 22 compliments the main flat roof element of the rest of the building which is also standing seam metal. Although the proposed building would be taller than surrounding buildings, the immediate areas to the west, east, and south are zoned CA and likely to change as incremental redevelopment occurs. The CA zoning allows for a 50-foot height limit. Heights may exceed the maximum height with a Conditional Use Permit. In no case should the height exceed 60 feet. The refuse and recyclable deposit areas for the mixed -use building would be located near the southern property line, behind the proposed building and are proposed to be screened. Some vegetation will be removed in preparation of construction. There are 4 protected trees onsite of which 3 are proposed to remain. RMC 4-4-130 provides protection measures in order to preserve and protect the three trees during utility and building construction. The trees shall be fenced off around the drip line and a sign posted that the tree is to be preserved, and the location of the trees shall be indicated on all utility construction plan sheets. The fencing shall be in place prior to the issuance of any utility construction permits and shall remain until the final inspection of the new building is complete. A stream, Honey Creek, has been identified and delineated on the southeast corner of the project site. The section of the stream that is located on site is classified as a Class 4 stream, Honey Creek is classified as a Class 3 stream off site. Class 4 streams require a minimum 35-foot buffer; however the applicant has proposed a reduced buffer down to 25 feet. The applicant has proposed to enhance the remainder of the buffer. The reduced buffer would allow a larger building pad for the mixed -use building by using the additional space for the internal driveway. Approximately 1,376 square feet of stream buffer would be affected as a result of the proposed reduction. The applicant would enhance 2,191 square feet, the remainder of stream buffer, as part of the reduction proposal_ Stream buffer enhancement would result in the planting of native plants and the removal of dense Himalayan blackberry and Japanese knotwood. A mitigation plan for the proposed stream buffer impacts was submitted with the project application_ The applicant will be required to comply with RMC 4-3-050 Critical Areas regulations to mitigate for any impacts permitted to the stream and its buffer. Staff has approved the buffer reduction proposal subject to conditions. The decision for the buffer reduction proposal was issued wider a separate cover. 5. Conservation of area -wide property values; The proposed mixed use development is expected to increase property values in the vicinity of the site. Adding residential population would improve the customer base for commercial businesses in the area and the completed project. 6. Safety and efficiency of vehicle and pedestrian circulation; The proposed project would have direct access onto NE Sunset BIvd via two new 30-foot wide curb cuts. There is one-way circulation throughout the project site via an internal 24- foot wide drive aisle that loops around the building, The site will be entered at the western curb cut and will be exited at the eastern curb cut. Part of the 24-foot aisle width is a 4-foot wide pedestrian walkway surrounding the building that has no change in elevation but a change in materials to differentiate the walkway. In addition, pedestrian sidewalks along the new public right-of-way, as well as private pedestrian connections at the perimeter of the property are proposed to provide safe and efficient pedestrian access throughout the site and to other abutting sites. The proposed development is expected to maintain the safety and efficiency of pedestrian and vehicle circulation on the site. City of Renton Community and Economic i meat Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028 SAn CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DA TEJune 3, 2008 Page 12 of22 7. Provision of adequate light and air; The proposed building is designed appropriately to allow adequate light and air circulation to the building and the site. The design of the building will not result in excessive shading of the property. In addition, there is ample area surrounding the building to provide for normal airflow. Surface parking areas located along the west side of the building include head in parking stalls that may have potential headlight impacts to the abutting residential property. Landscaping has been proposed around the perimeter of the site that will mitigate the light impacts to the abutting property along with the 6-foot high wood fence along the length of the west property line that is recommended as a condition of approval. A lighting plan was not submitted with the application materials. As a condition of Site Plan Approval the applicant shall provide a lighting plan that will provide lighting to adequately provide for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties at the time of building permit review. 8. Mitigation of noise, odors and other harmful or unhealthy conditions; It is anticipated that the most significant noise, odor, and other potentially harmful impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project. The applicant has submitted Construction Mitigation Plan that provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise control, control of dust and traffic controls. The proposed development would not generate any harmful or unhealthy conditions. There would be traffic impacts that are normally associated with an increase in residential population. 9. Availability of public services and facilities to accommodate the proposed use; Fire, Police, and Parks Department staff have indicated that existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal, subject to the applicants payment of the necessary impact fees. As imposed by the Environmental Review Committee, the applicant will be required to pay a Fire and Parks mitigation fees prior to the issuance of building permits. The site is served by the City of Renton for all utilities. There is an existing 12-inch water main within the north side of NE Sunset Blvd, which can deliver 4,100 gpm and static pressure is 65-70 psi. The proposed project is located within the 565-water pressure zone. There is an 8-inch sewer main within an easement along the west property line as well as a 12-inch sewer train within NE Sunset Blvd. There are existing sidewalks, curbs, and gutters fronting the site along NE Sunset Blvd as well as storm water conveyances along the roadway. The Renton School District has provided assurance that students living in the proposed residences can be accommodated at existing facilities. Students would attend Sierra Heights Elementary, McKnight Middle School and Hazen High School. 10. Prevention of neighborhood deterioration and blight, The proposal would redevelop a site that is currently underutilized with attached residential units and commercial space; which would be compatible with existing residential and connnercial uses in the surrounding neighborhood. The investment in the area and the added presence of a residential population would serve to prevent neighborhood deterioration and blight. Coordinated site improvements including landscaping, parking, signage and lighting would be included as part of this development. City of Renton Community and Economic Dev ent Department -eliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUN_SETHIGHLANDSMIXED USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 13 of 21 1. Review of Compliance to District B Design Guidelines; The proposed project is subject to the District `B' Urban Design Regulations. The Administrator shall have the authority of approve, approve with conditions, or deny proposals based on the provisions of the design regulations. The proposed project must meet the intent of the Design Regulations where the regulations are applicable. ]n rendering a decision, the Administrator will consider proposals on the basis of individual merit, will consider the overall intent of the minimum standards and guidelines, and encourage creative design alternatives in order to achieve the purposes of the design regulations. i. Site Design and Building Location Intent:: To ensure that buildings are located in relation to streets and other buildings so that the Vision of the City of Renton can be realized for a high -density urban environment; so that businesses enjoy visibility from public rights -of -way; and to encourage pedestrian activity throughout the district. a.) Site Design and Street Pattern: Minimum Standard: Maintain existing grid street pattern. ❑ Standard Met Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply b.) Building Location and Orientation: Minimum Standard: Orient buildings to the street with clear connections to the sidewalk, ✓ Standard Met Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply c,) Building Entries: Minimum Standard: A primary entrance of each building shall be located on the fagade facing a street. Such entrances shall be prominent, visible from the street, connected by a walkway to the public sidewalk, and include human scale elements. Secondary access (not fronting on a street) should have weather protection at least four and one-half feet ~vide over the entrance or other similar indicator of access. ✓ Standard Met 1 Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Multiple buildings on the same site shall provide a continuous network of pedestrian paths and open spaces that incorporate landscaping to provide directed view to building entries. ❑ Standard Met n Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Ground floor units shall be directly accessible from the street or an open space such as a courtyard or garden that is accessible from the street. ❑ Standard Met I I Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Secondary access (not fronting on a street) shall have weather protection at least four and on -half feet wide over the entrance or other similar indicator of access. ✓ Standard Met i Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Pedestrian access shall be provided to the building from property edges, adjacent lets, abutting street intersections, crosswalks, and transit stops. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Features such as entries, lobbies, and display windows should be orientated to a street or pedestrian -oriented space; otherwise, screening or decorative features such as trellises, artwork, murals, landscaping or combinations thereof should be incorporated into the street -oriented fagade. City of Renton Community and Economic D nent Department 'reliminary Reporl to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE _ LUA08-028L SA-H, CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 14 of 22 ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Front yards should provide transition space between the public street and the private residence such as a porch, landscaped area terrace, or similar feature. ❑ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply d.) Transition to Surrounding Development: Minimum Standard: Careful siting and design treatment is necessary to achieve a compatible transition where new buildings differ from surrounding development in terms of building height, bulk, and scale. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply e.) Service Element Location and Design: Minimum Standard: Service elements shall be located and designed to minimize the impacts on the pedestrian environment and adjacent uses. Service elements shall be concentrated and located where they are accessible to service vehicles and convenient for tenant use. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Garbage, recycling collection, and utility areas shall be enclosed, consistent with RMC 4-4-090, Refuse and Recyclables Standards, and RMC 4-4-095, Screening and Storage Height/Location Limitations. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: In addition to standard enclosure requirements, garbage, recycling collection, and utility areas shall be enclosed on all sides, including the roof and screened around their perimeter by a wall or fence and have self -closing doors. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Service enclosure fences should be made of masonry, ornamental metal or wood, or some combination of the three (3). ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply ii. Parkin and Vehicular Access Intent: To provide safe, convenient access [to the Urban Center;] incorporate various modes of transportation, including public mass transit, in order to reduce traffic volumes and other impacts from vehicles; ensure sufficient parking is provided, while encouraging creativity in reducing the impacts of parking areas; allow an active pedestrian environment by maintaining contiguous street frontages, without parking lot siting along sidewalks and building facades; minimize the visual impact of parking lots; and use access streets and parking to maintain an urban edge to the district. a.) Location of Parking: Minimum Standard: No surface parking shall be located between a building and the front property line or the building and side property line on the street side of a corner lot. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Attached personal parking garages at -grade should be individualized and not enclose more than two cars per enclosed space. Such garages should be architecturally integrated into the whole development. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply City of Renton Community and Economic Deve nt Department eliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUAQS-028, SA-H, CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATEJune 3, 2008 Page 15 of 22 Minimum Standard: Large multi-user parking garages are discouraged in this lower density district and, if provided, should be located below grade whenever possible. ❑ Standard Met L Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply b.) Location of Parking: Minimum Standard: Parking lots and garages shall be accessed from alleys when available. Standard Met 7 Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Garage entryways and/or driveways accessible only from a street should not impede pedestrian circulation along the sidewalk. ✓ Standard Met L Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Curb cuts should be minimized whenever possible through the use of shared driveways. ✓ Standard Met I Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply in. Pedestrian Environment. Intent: To enhance the urban character of development in the Urban Center and the Center Village by creating pedestrian networks and by providing strong links from streets and drives to building entrances; make the pedestrian environment safer and more convenient, comfortable, and pleasant to walk between businesses, on sidewalks, to and from access points, and through parking lots; and promote the use of multi -modal and public transportation systems in order to reduce other vehicular traffic. a_) Pedestrian Circulation: Minimum Standard: Mid -block connections are desirable where a strong linkage between uses can be established. Standard Met - Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply iv. Landscaping/Recreation Areas:'Common Open Space Intent: To provide visual relief in areas of expansive paving or structures; define logical areas of pedestrian and vehicular circulation; and add to the aesthetic enjoyment of the area by the community. To have areas suitable for both passive and active recreation by residents, workers, and visitors; provide these areas in sufficient amounts and in convenient locations; and provide the opportunity for community gathering in places centrally located and designed to encourage such activity. a.) Landscaping: Minimum Standard: All pervious areas shall be landscaped. ✓ Standard Met 1 Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Street trees are required and shall be located between the curb edge and building as determined by the City of Renton. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met L Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: The proposed landscaping shall be consistent with the design intent and program of the building, site and use. ✓ Standard Met i Not Met L. Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: The landscape plan shall demonstrate how the proposed landscaping, through the use of plant material and nonvegetative elements, reinforces the architecture or concept of the development. ✓ Standard Met D Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply City of Renton Community and Economic I ment Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028 SA-H, CU-A ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 1008 Page 16 of 11 Minimum Standard: Regular maintenance shall be provided to ensure that plant materials are kept healthy, and that dead or dying plant materials are replaced. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Surface parking areas shall be screened by landscaping in order to reduce views of parked cars from streets (see RMC 4-4-080F7, Landscape Requirements). Such landscaping shall be at least ten feet (10') in width as measured from the sidewalk (see illustration, subsection H3b of this Section). ✓ Standard Met F1 Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Underground, automatic irrigation systems are required in all landscape areas. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Underground, automatic irrigation systems are required in all landscape areas. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Landscaping should be provided that appropriately provides either screening of unwanted views or focuses attention to preferred views. ❑ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Use of low maintenance, drought -resistant landscape material is encouraged. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Choice of materials should reflect the level of maintenance that will be available, ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Window boxes, containers for plantings, hanging baskets, or other planting feature elements should be made of weather -resistant materials that can be reasonably maintained. ❑ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Landscaping should be used to screen parking lots from adjacent or neighboring properties. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Front yards should be visible from the street and visually contribute to the streetscape. 0 Standard Met ❑ Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply b.) Recreation Areas and Common Open Space: Minimum Standard: Attached housing developments shall provide a minimum area of private usable open space equal to one hundred fifty (150) square feet per unit of which one hundred (100) square feet are contiguous. Such space may include porches, balconies, yards, and decks. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply v. Building Architectural Design Intent: To encourage building design that is unique and urban in character, comfortable on a human scale, and uses appropriate building materials that are suitable for the Pacific Northwest climate. To discourage franchise retail architecture. City of Renton Commun4 and Economic Devc ent Deparirnew eliminaryReport to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028, SA -Hy CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 17 of 22 a.) Building Character and Massing Minimum Standard: All building facades shall include modulation or articulation at intervals of no more than twenty feet (20')_ ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Building facades should be modulated and/or articulated with architectural elements to reduce the apparent size of new buildings, break up long blank walls, add visual interest, and enhance the character of the neighborhood. ✓ Standard Met I Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Articulation, modulation, and their intervals should create a sense of scale important to residential buildings. ✓ Standard Met Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: A variety of modulations and articulations should be employed to add visual interest and to reduce the bulk and scale of large projects. ✓ Standard Met l:_ Not Met U Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Building modulations should be a minimum of two feet (T) in depth and four feet (T) in width. ✓ Standard Met C Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply b.) Ground -Level Details: Minimum Standard: Untreated blank walls visible from public streets, sidewalks or interior pedestrian pathways are prohibited. ✓ Standard Met I_I Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: '4'4'lie re blank walls are required or unavoidable, blank walls shall be treated. ❑ Standard Met I ; Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Provide Duman -scaled elements such as a lighting fixture, trellis, or other landscape feature along the facade's ground floor. ✓ Standard Met Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: l icades on designated pedestrian -oriented streets shall have at least seventy five percent (75%) of the linear frontage of the ground floor facade (as measured on a true elevation facing the designated pedestrian -oriented street) comprised of transparent %windows and/or doors. ✓ Standard Met I Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Use of material variations such as colors, brick, shingles, stucco, and horizontal wood siding is encouraged_ ✓ Standard Met-i Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply c.) Building Roof Lines: Minimum Standard: Buildings containing predominantly residential uses should have pitched roofs with a minimum slope of one to four (1:4). Such roofs should have dormers or intersecting roof forms that break up the massiveness of a continuous, uninterrupted sloping roof. ✓ Standard Met I-- Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Roof colors should be dark. ✓ Standard Met Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply City of Renton Community and Economic D ment Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner S UNSE T HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATEJune 3, 2008 -T Page 18 of 22 d.) Building Materials: Minimum Standard: All sides of buildings visible from a street, pathway, parking area, or open space shall be finished on all sides with the same building materials, detailing, and color scheme, or if different, with materials of the same quality_ ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Materials, individually or in combination, shall have an attractive texture, pattern, and quality of detailing for all visible facades. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Materials shall be durable, high quality, and reasonably maintained. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Building materials should be attractive, durable, and consistent with more traditional urban development. Appropriate examples would include brick, integrally colored concrete masonry, pre -finished metal, stone, steel, glass, and cast -in -place concrete. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Concrete walls should be enhanced by texturing, reveals, snap -tie patterns, coloring with a concrete coating or admixture, or by incorporating embossed or sculpted surfaces, mosaics, or artwork. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Concrete block walls should be enhanced with integral color, textured blocks and colored mortar, decorative bond pattern and/or incorporate other masonry materials. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply Minimum Standard: Stucco and similar troweled finishes should be used in combination with other more highly textured finishes or accents. They should not be used at the base of buildings between the finished floor elevation and four feet (4') above. ❑ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ✓ Does Not Apply Minimum. Standard: Use of material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding or patterns, or textural changes is. encouraged. ✓ Standard Met ❑ Not Met ❑ Does Not Apply 6. Consistency with Conditional Use Permit Criteria A Conditional Use Permit is required in order to permit the construction of attached residential units developed as part of a same building mixed -use project within the CA zone and to increase the height from 50 feet to 55 feet and 4-inches. Section 4-9-030.G lists 11 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Conditional Use application. These include the following: 1. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code & Other Ordinances: The proposed use shall be compatible with the general purpose, goals, objectives and standards of the Comprehensive Plan, the zoning regulations and any other plan, program, map or ordinance of the City of Renton. a.) Comprehensive Plan See previous discussion above under Site Plan Criteria. City of Renton Community and Economic Deti ent Department retiminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE L UA08-01$� SA-H, CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 19 of 22 b.) Zoning Code The proposed mixed-usc project is located within the Commercial Arterial (CA) zoning designation. The purpose of the Commercial Arterial Zone (CA) is to evolve from "strip commercial" linear business districts to business areas characterized by enhanced site planning, incorporating efficient parking lot design, coordinated access, amenities and boulevard treatment. The proposed mixed use development would be permitted in the CA zone subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit, c.) Development Standards See previous discussion above under Site Plan Criteria. 2. CominuniV Need: There shall be a community need far the proposed use at the proposed location. In the determination of community need, the Hearing Examiner shall consider the following /actors, among all other relevant information: a.) The proposed location shall not result in either the detrimental overeoncentration of a particular use within the City or within the immediate area of the proposed use. The proposed mixed use (multi family residential and commercial) development is intended to serve the surrounding community by providing additional housing and commercial opportunities_ Attached units are permitted as a conditional use in the CA zone, Nearby residential projects have continued to be successful ventures, therefore the proposal would not result in an over concentration of residential units. b_) That the proposed location is suited for the proposed use. Commercial space is an outright permitted use in the CA zone. Attached units are permitted as a conditional use in the CA zone. 3. Effect on Adjacent Properties: The proposed use at the proposed location shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property. The following site requirements shall be required: a.) Lot Coverage: Lot coverage shall conform to the requirements of'zone in which the proposed use is to be located. See discussion above under the Site Plan Review criteria. h.) Yards: Yards shall conform to the requirements of the zone in which the proposed use is to be located. See discussion above under the Site Plan Review criteria. c.) Height. Building and structure heights shall conform to the requirements of'the zone in which the proposed use, is to be located. Spires, bell towers, public utility antennas or similar structure may exceed the height requirement upon approval of a variance. Building freights should be related to surrounding used in order to allow optimal sunlight and ventilation, and minimal obstruction of views from adjacent structures. The proposed building would exceed the height requirements of the CA zone_ The CA zone establishes a maximum building height of 50 feet for development located within this zone but may be increased to 60 with a conditional use permit. The proposed structure has been designed with a maximum height of 55 feet and 4 inches, which exceeds the maximum height permitted in the CA zone therefore an approval of a conditional use permit is required. City of Renton Community and Economic D tent Department 'reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHL4NDS MIXED USE LUA08-018 SA-H CUA ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATEJune 3, 2008 Page 10 of 11 The applicant would like to surpass the height limit to accommodate the elevator shaft and stair tower for the building. An additional 5 feet and 4 inches are needed in order to accommodate the stair tower on the southern facade and the elevator for the building results in a height of 52 feet. No other portion of the building exceeds the 50-foot height limit. The stairwell and elevator shaft contribute to the variation of roof heights and forms that are used to break down the scale of the building. 4. Compatibility: The proposed use shall be compatible with the residential scale and character of the neighborhood. The subject property is located within a predominantly commercial area with one abutting single family residence on the west side of the property. There are established multi family developments in close proximity. Based on existing uses within the surrounding area, staff considers the proposal for the mixed use building that contains attached residential units to be compatible with the neighborhood. The subject site is surrounded on all sides by low rise development. The proposed mixed use building would be the tallest structure in the immediate vicinity. However, it is anticipated that the immediate areas to the west, east, and south are zoned CA and likely to change as incremental redevelopment occurs. Staff considers the proposed height for the mixed use building to be compatible with the neighborhood. 5. Parking: Parking under the building structure should be encouraged. Lot coverage may be increased to as much as seventy five percent (7591o) of the lot coverage requirement of' the zone in which the proposed use is located if all parking is provided underground or within the structure. A total of 58 parking stalls are proposed, 21 of which would be located within a surface parking lot. The remaining 37 stalls would be located on the first floor of the building in structured parking. The structured parking would be accessed through 21 residential garage doors located on the east and west facades of the building. The applicant requested a modification from parking standards, in order to specify 10 of the required 47 parking spaces for the residential portion of the development for guest parking that may be permitted as surface parking spaces and to permit the 1 I spaces required for the commercial use as surface spaces. The Development Services Director approved the modification on July 25, 2007. See further discussion above under Site Plan Review criteria. 6. Traffic: Traffic and circulation patterns of vehicles and pedestrians relating to the proposed use and surrounding area shall be reviewed far potential effects on, and to ensure safe movement in, the surrounding area. Staff has reviewed the circulation patterns of potential vehicles and pedestrians. See further discussion above under Site Plan Review criteria regarding pedestrian and vehicular circulation. 7. Noise, Glare: Potential noise, light and glare impacts shall be evaluated based on the location of the proposed use on the lot and the location of on -site parking areas, outdoor recreational areas and refuse storage areas. It is anticipated that the most significant noise impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project. The applicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan that provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise, control of dust, traffic controls, etc. In addition, the project will be required to comply with the City's noise ordinance regarding construction hours. City of Renton Community and Economic Dei ent Deparinrenr reliminary Report to the Nearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE LUA08-028, SA-H, CU-A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 21 of 22 The refuse and recyclable deposit areas for the mixed -use building would be located near the southern property line, behind the proposed building_ The proposed refuse and recyclable deposit area is proposed to be screened by a 15-foot 4-inch enclosure and screening details were submitted with the Iand use application. There would be noise impacts from traffic and activities that are normally associated with an increase in residential population. These noise impacts, however, would be comparable to noises from existing residential development adjacent to the property across NE Sunset Blvd, 8. Landscaping: Landscaping shall be provided in all arc°as not occupied by buildings or paving. The Hearing Examiner may require additional landscaping to buffer adjacent properties from potentially adverse effects of the proposed ?isc. See discussion above under Site flan Review criteria regarding landscaping. 9. Accessory Uses: Accessory uses to conditional uses such as day schools, auditoriums used for social and sport activities, health centers, convents, preschool facilities, convalescent homes and others of a similar nature shall be considered to be separate uses and shall be subject to the provisions of the use district in which they arc located. There are no accessory uses included with the proposal. 10. Conversion: No existing building or structure shall he converted to a conditional use unless such building or structure complies, or is browhi into compliance, with the provisions of this Chapter. There is no building conversion included with the proposal. 11. Public Improvements: The proposed use and location shall be adequately served by and not impose an undue burden on any public improvements, facilities, utilities and services. Approval of a conditional use permit may be conditioner) upon the provision and/or guarantee by the applicant of necessary public improvements, facilities, utilities 4110 01-.cervices. See discussion above under Site .Plan Review criteria regarding public improvements. L RECOMMENDA PIONS: Staff recommends approval of the Sunset Highlands Mixed -Use Building, Project File No. LUA08-028, SA-H, CU-H, ECF subject to the following conditions: 1. The restrictive covenants, imposed as part of the rezone of the property from Residence 3 (R-3) to Office Park (O-P) in 1986, shall he removed prior to the issuance of building permit 2. A detailed landscape plan prepared by a landscape architect registered in the State of Washington, a certified nurseryman, or other similarly qualified professional and an irrigation plan shall be submitted by the applicant and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to issuance of hrrilding permit. 3. The applicant shall construct a 6-foot high wood fence along the length of the west property line with a gate for the pedestrian comiection to provide privacy to the property to the north until such time the property is redeveloped with a commercial use. The fence shall be erected prior to final occupancy. City of Renton Community and Economic De ent Department reliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner SUNSET HIGHLANDS MIXED USE _. _ L UA08-028 SA H, CU_ A, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE June 3, 2008 Page 22 of 22 4. The applicant shall have the restrictive covenant, imposed as part of the Anton A. Altoff Short Plat in 1979, removed prior to the issuance of building permit. 5. A restrictive covenant shall be recorded to assign tandem parking spaces to the exclusive use of specific dwelling units. Enforcement of tandem parking spaces shall be provided by the property owner, property manager, or homeowners' association as appropriate. The restrictive covenant shall be recorded prior to the issuance of building permit_ 6. The applicant shall submit a revised site plan depicting two additional standard parking spaces designated for commercial use. The revised site plan should be submitted to and approved by the Current Planning Project Manager prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant shall submit a materials board subject to the approval of the Current Planning Project Manager at the time of building permit review. 8. The applicant shall provide a lighting plan that will provide lighting to adequately provide for public safety without casting excessive glare on adjacent properties at the time of building permit review. EXPIRATION PERIODS: The Site Plan Approval and Conditional Use Permits will expire two (2) years from the date of approval. An extension may be requested pursuant to RMC section 4-7-080.M. Lo 0 i� EXHIBIT 2 6I ATLAS OF SEATTLE --� KROLL MAP COMPANY, INC., SEATTLE '.'."".''""`�. w« � `�` •,~�� xcii....... 10 SCALE-IiN.•too FT. cofmw PAOLL MAP CoMp.mY,lµC M�00'6^^"�^^�`-^^�'-'"�"'�hr� g,..,, 11,—.,. q