HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract AGREEMENT WITH VIKRAM MADAN FOR DESIGN AND USE OF ARTWORK THIS AGREEMENT, dated March 27, 2020, is by and between the City of Renton (“CITY”), a Washington municipal corporation, and Vikram Madan (“ARTIST”). CITY and ARTIST are referred to collectively in this Agreement as the “Parties.” Once fully executed by the Parties, this Agreement is effective as of the last date signed by both parties. 1. Background: CITY and ARTIST mutually wish to contract for CITY’s use of artwork to be designed by ARTIST to be reproduced on vinyl wraps and displayed on CITY utility boxes . 2. Scope and Time for Performance: ARTIST agrees to submit artwork as specified in Exhibit “A,” “Scope of Work,” which is attached and incorporated herein Such artwork is hereinafter referred to as “ARTWORK.” ARTIST agrees to submit ARTWORK to CITY no later than April 15, 2020. 3. ARTIST’s Grants and Representations: A. Delivery of ARTWORK to CITY constitutes ARTIST’s certification that (1) ARTWORK is the original work of ARTIST; (2) ARTIST owns all rights to ARTWORK; and (3) if ARTWORK contains recognizable images of particular persons, ARTIST has obtained legally appropriate releases. B. CITY may alter or crop ARTWORK as needed for fabrication or installation. C. CITY may display ARTWORK at a location selected by CITY for any term of years, at the sole discretion of CITY, provided that ARTIST is recognized as the artist on ARTWORK. CITY may relocate, remove, or destroy ARTWORK at CITY’s discretion, due to wear, damage, or other for any other reason. D. ARTIST grants to CITY a non-exclusive non-commercial license to graphically and electronically reproduce ARTWORK, while on display, for any and all future publicity endeavors conducted by CITY, provided that any such reproduction is credited to ARTIST by name. CITY may use the ARTIST’s photograph, other likeness, or biography in connection with the use of ARTWORK. 4. Compensation: PAGE 2 OF 4 A. Amount. Total compensation to ARTIST for ARTWORK provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed $500, plus any applicable state and local sales taxes. Compensation shall be paid based upon Services actually performed according to the rate(s) or amounts specified in Exhibit A. Other than as specified, ARTIST relinquishes the right to any financial proceeds in association with CITY’s use or reproductions of ARTWORK. C. Method of Payment. Upon completion of ARTWORK, ARTIST shall submit a voucher or invoice in a form specified by CITY. Payment shall be made by CITY within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt and approval by the appropriate CITY representative of the voucher or invoice. CITY may withhold payment for work that does not meet the requirements of this Agreement. Any payments received by ARTIST will be non- refundable. 5. Record Maintenance: ARTIST shall maintain accounts and records, which properly reflect all work provided in the performance of this Agreement and retain such records for as long as may be required by applicable Washington State records retention laws, but in any event no less than six years after the termination of this Agreement. ARTIST agrees to provide timely and complete access to and copies of any records related to this Agreement as required by CITY to audit expenditures and charges and/or to comply with the Washington State Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW). ARTIST shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless CITY for all costs, including attorneys’ fees, attendant to any claim or litigation related to a request made under the Washington State Public Records Act for which ARTIST has responsive records and for which ARTIST has withheld records or information contained therein, or not provided them to CITY in a timely manner. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 6. Independent Contractor Relationship: ARTIST is retained by CITY only for the purposes and to the extent set forth in this Agreement. The nature of the relationship between ARTIST and CITY shall be that of an independent contractor, not employee. 7. Hold Harmless: ARTIST shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless CITY, its officers, agents, employees, and assigns, from and against any and all damages, claims, suits, and/or actions arising from any copyright or trademark infringement, or any negligent act, negligent activity, or omission of ARTIST or any employee or agents of ARTIST in and during the performance of this Agreement. 8. Discrimination Prohibited: Except to the extent permitted by a bona fide occupational qualification, ARTIST agrees as follows: ARTIST, and ARTIST’s agents, employees, representatives, and volunteers with regard to ARTWORK performed or to be performed under this Agreement, shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, PAGE 3 OF 4 religion, nationality, creed, marital status, sexual orientation or pre ference, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), honorably discharged veteran or military status, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment, in employment or application for employment, the administration of the delivery of ARTWORK or any other benefits under this Agreement, or procurement of materials or supplies. 9. Other Provisions: A. Sole and Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties and any representations or understandings, whether oral or written, not incorporated are excluded. B. Amendment and Modification. This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in writing, duly executed by both Parties. C. Successors and Assigns. Neither CITY nor ARTIST shall assign, transfer or encumber any rights, duties or interests accruing from this Agreement without the written consent of the other. D. Conflicts. In the event of any inconsistencies between ARTIST proposals or ARTIST- prepared exhibits and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. E. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue. This Agreement shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Stat e of Washington and the City of Renton. Any lawsuit or legal action brought by any party to enforce or interpret this Agreement or any of its terms or covenants shall be brought in the King County Superior Court for the State of Washington at the Maleng Regional Justice Center in Kent, King County, Washington, or its replacement or successor. F. Counterparts. The Parties may execute this Agreement in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have voluntarily entered into this Agreement as of the date last signed by the Parties below. [SIGNATURES FOLLOW ON THE NEXT PAGE.] EXHIBIT A Area Utility Box Art Project Scope of Work Project Description: The project is a partnership between the City of Renton and visual artist Vikram Madan. The artist will create artistic designs to be printed on vinyl wrap and hung on a utility box located at 1512 Kirkland Ave. Deliverables:  One set of digital designs in a format consistent with the TrafficWrapz specifications (attached). Timeline: Phase One: Madan will provide three designs for the residents at 1512 Kirkland Ave to consider and select for the box located in front of the townhomes. Madan will format the design selected by the residents to meet the art specifications outlined by TrafficWrapz to fit the size and shape of the utility box submit to the City of Renton via a cloud-based folder such as Dropbox or Google Drive for review by April 15, 2020. Phase Two: The City will deliver the artwork to the contractor to carry out the fabrication and installation of the vinyl wraps. Madan is expected to work directly with the installation contractor, if necessary, to ensure the design is accurately translated to fit the size of the utility boxes. Utility Box location: 1512 Kirkland Ave ARTWORK SPECIFICATIONS Welcome to TrafficWrapz. We are excited to work with you to implement pictures, artwork and paintings onto ordinary objects like walls, utility cabinets, traffic cabinets and more. It’s important to provide artwork with the highest resolution possible and size it close to the object that the art will be going on. Acceptable File Formats For Printing: Vector Files: BEST RESULTS, OUR RECOMMENDATION EPS (Encapsulated Post Script), PSD (Adobe Photoshop), AI (Adobe Illustrator), PDF (Adobe PDF), TIFF (High Resolution TIFF), EPS (CS4 or lower), AI (CS4 or lower), PDF If submitting these files be sure all fonts are converted to outlines or curves. Vector files can be submitted at any size proportionate to the final print size. Raster Files/Images: PSD (CS4 or lower), JPEG, TIFF, PDF. Raster files should be submitted using the following guidelines. -Full Scale at 100dpi -50% Scale at 200dpi or higher -25% Scale at 300dpi or higher -10% Scale at 600dpi or higher Color Specifications: Artwork supplied artwork is printed directly from the files received unless instructed otherwise. Please Provide Pantone(R) information if applicable. Test color prints are available at anytime and the first test print is free, additional is $25 each. Overview: Please follow the above guidelines when submitting artwork. Anytime throughout the process you can contact one of TrafficWrapz art department personnel to help change, manipulate and understand how to provide artwork to have the best results. FAQ’s – Next page Frequently Asked Questions: Q: What size should the artwork be provided for traffic cabinets? A: It depends on what look you are trying to achieve. Some artists / designers provide multiple pieces of artwork and leave it up to our designers to best fit the art on the traffic cabinets. If you know the size of the object you are applying the art to, always make the image 3-4 inches larger. Below are a few suggestions: Entire wraps / panoramic look: For normal traffic cabinets, provide an image that is 70” x 150”. This will give us the size necessary to craft a wrap around the traffic cabinet that is continuous. Image examples: Provided art: Executed art on cabinets Multiple artwork look: For traffic cabinets, provide multiple images that are at least 70” x 50” wide. If all the images are not that big or different sizes, That’s ok. Just provide the highest resolution possible. Image examples: Provided art: (many files) Executed art on cabinets When we implement your designs, you may have some of the edges of the artwork lost due to cropping. Make sure you keep the main focal point of the artwork away from the edges. If you are not sure about the size of the object your art is going on, Contact a TrafficWrapz agent and they may have measurements of the cabinets you are designing for.