HomeMy WebLinkAboutERC Addendum 14-000933Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Review CRY ortej Page 1 of 4 August 14,2014� €'Jr ADDENDUM TO ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON=SIGNIFICANCE (DNS-M) = MITIGATED Pursuant to WAC 197-11-600(4)(c) and WAC 197-11-625 Addendum to the 2°d and Main Mixed Use Apartments (LUA07-139) as Addended by the City of Renton Determination of Non-Sienificance - Mitigated (DNSWI Date of Addendum: August 18, 2014 Date of Original Issuance of SEPA Threshold Determination: March 17, 2008 Proponent: Cosmos Development Co. Project Number: LUA14-000933, CU-H, SA-H, MOD Project Name: Renton Heritage Apartments Proposal /Purpose of Addendum: The applicant is requesting Hearing Examiner Site Plan Review, Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit and a modification for the construction of a 5-story mixed -use building containing 101 residential units and 3,553 square feet of commercial space. In 2008 the applicant received Hearing Examiner Site Plan, Conditional Use Permit, and parking modification approvals along with Environmental Review for the construction of a 101 unit mixed use building (LUA07-139). However, the Hearing Examiner Site Plan, Conditional Use Permit expired in 2010. The applicant is now proposing to maintain much of the original proposal in order to eliminate the need for additional Environmental Review. The mixed -use structure would have an average height of 64 feet. The vacant 29,500 square foot site is located within the Center Downtown (CD) zoning classification on the southwest corner of S 2nd St and Main Ave S. Primary vehicular access to the site would be provided via two entry points from an existing alley, along the western side of the property, which is proposed to be widened. A total of 101 parking spaces would be provided within and under the structure. A refuse and recycle modification, from RMC 4-4-090, is being requested in order to eliminate the number of required deposit and collection points. The site is located on Zone 1 of the Aquifer Protection Area and within a Seismic Hazard Area. There appears to be no other critical areas located on site. The applicant has indicated that the revised proposal includes the same number of units, height, access, public art commitment and orientation as the expired proposal. The differences Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Review , 7 Page 2of45�w � ` SV August 14, 2014 ` ``-W" ' '� J�UV4w NI between the proposed and expired site plans include a reduction in parking stalls and different architectural detailing. Additionally, vehicular access is now proposed to be limited to the alley only with no vehicular access to Main Ave S. Pursuant to the City of Remon's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21C, 1971 as amended) on March 17, 2008 the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) issued a Determination of Non -Significance — Mitigated (DNS-M) for the project. The DNS-M included seven mitigation measures: 1. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations delineated in the Geotechnical Engineering Study, dated July 18, 2007, prepared by Geotech Consultants, 2. Erosion Control shall be installed and maintained during construction in accordance with the State Department of Ecology Erosion and Sediment Control Requirements as delineated in the 2005 Storm Water Management Manual. 3. A Parks Mitigation Fee of $354.50 for each multi -family unit and shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. The project includes 101 multi -family units and the fee is estimated to $35,804.50. 4. Work shall immediately cease and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted should any archaeological artifacts be discovered during earthwork activities. 5. A Transportation Mitigation Fee of $75.00 for each new trip attributed to the development shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. The project is expected to generate 1,042 new daily trips and the fee is estimated to be $75,150. 6. A Fire Mitigation Fee of $388.00 for each multi -family unit and $0.52 per square foot of commercial space shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. The project includes 101 multi -family units and 9,344 square feet of commercial area and the fee is estimated to be $44,047.88. 7. An avigation easement shall be provided and notification shall be provided to each tenant through individual lease agreements. A 14 day appeal period commenced on March 24, 2008 and ended on April 7, 2008. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. The proposal will not change the analysis or impacts in the original SEPA Review. However, since the time of issuance the City has implemented a new Impact Fee ordinance which Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Review R t Page 3of4 gy�aY �f €' 1` N August 14, 2014 woo' supersedes the mitigation measures for Parks, Transportation, and Fire mitigation fees. Additionally, the applicant has elected to comply with the 2009 storm water manual and has. Therefore, applicable mitigation measures to be retained include Mitigation Measures #1, #4 and #7. The City of Renton is hereby issuing a SEPA Addendum pursuant to "MC 197-11-600 with the retention of Mitigation Measures #1, #4 and #7. This Addendum is appropriate because it contains only minor information not included in the original Determination and there no environmental impacts related to inclusion of the new information. Location: 207-219 Main Ave S Lead Agency: City of Renton, Department of Community &Economic Development Review Process: Addendum to previously issued Determination of Non -Significance - Mitigated (DNS-M) Additional Information: If you would like additional information, please contact Rocale Timmons, Senior Planner, City of Renton Planning Division, Department of Community & Economic Development at (425) 430-7219, There is no comment period for this Addendum, dated August 18, 2014 issued by the City of Renton Environmental Review Committee. m Addendum to Environmental (SEPA) Review Mirr at .y Page 4 of 4 _ u.�arrpWM.rM * F SitE August 14, 2014 w ENVIRONMENTAL nCV IEW COMMITTEE SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimm� an, A mi'strator f ` Date Public Works DepaXment L- 4 231t y Terry Higashiyama, Administrator Community Services Department t Mark Peterson, Administrator Fire & Emergency Services Department C.E: Chip" Vincent, Administrator Department of Community & Economic Development Date