HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_HEX_Brennan_Residence_Variation_070821PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Department of Planning I Building I Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A. SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: Project Name: Applicant/Owner! Address: File Number: Project Description: Project Location: August21,2007 Brennan Residence Variances Jerry Brennan 3405 Lake Washington Blvd N Renton, WA 98056 LUA-07-069, V-H, V-A, SME Project Manager: Jill K. Ding The applicant has requested two variances: (1) from RMC Section 4-3-090L.14.b of the Shoreline Master Program in order to reduce the required 25 foot setback from the water's edge to a minimum of 17 feet; and (2) from RMC 4-2-110A in order to reduce the required front yard setback from 15 feet to 2 feet. Variance approval would result in the construction of a 2,175 square foot 2-story single family residence on an 8,517 square foot vacant site. The subject property is located within the Urban Shoreline Environment. 3411 Lake Washington Blvd N City orRentanEI.B/P.W._/lepai _____ _ Eraliminacy_Rsporl to the Hearing.£xamin.eJ:_ ____ _ BRENNAN RESIDENCE VARIANCES LUA-07-069, V-H, V-A, SME August 21, 2007 Page 2 of 8 B. EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1: Project file ("yellow file") containing the application, reports, staff comments, and other material pertinent to the review of the project C. 1_ 2, 3, 4_ Exhibit 2: Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Exhibit 9: Site Plan Basement Floor Plan (dated 1/20/2007) First Floor Plan (dated 1/20/2007) Second Floor Plan (dated 1/20/2007) South Elevation (dated 1/20/2007) East Elevation (dated 1/20/2007) North and West Elevations (dated 1/20/2007) Zoning Map Sheet C4 west 1h ( dated 2/28/2007) GENERAL INFORMATION: Owner of Record: Jerry Brennan Zoning Designation: Residential -8 DU / Acre (R-8) Comerehensive Plan: Land Use Designation Residential Single Family Existing Site Use: Vacant 5. Neighborhood Characteristics: 6. 7. 8. North: East: South: West: Access: Site Area: Project Data: Existing Building Area: New Building Area: Total Building Area: Brennan HEXRPT.DOC Kennydale Beach Park; Burlington Northern Railroad right -of -way, Lake Washington Boulevard North, and single family residential; single family residential; Lake Washington via private access drive from Lake Washington Boulevard North 8.517 square feet area NIA. 2,175 s.f. 2,175 s.f. comments City of rlenton Department of Planning I Building I Public vvorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REv1Ew1NG DEPARTMENT: R,, ,:-u :Svr, COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 7, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA0?-069, v-A.'v-H, S~E DATE CIRCULATED: JULY 24, 2007 ,., ,c,., ·· ,, ,i ,.,...,, APPLICANT: Jerry Brennan PROJECT MANAGER: Jill Dina PROJECT TITLE: Brennan Residence Variances PLAN REVIEW: Jan Illian .i l Ii ';, SITE AREA: 8,517 sauare feet BUILDING AREA fnrossl: 2,125 sauare f""'t1·i Ui ii ,., I': ·r, LOCATION: 3411 LakeWashinaton Blvd N WORK ORDER NO: 77776 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Shoreline Variance, Setback Variance, and Shoreline Exemption for the construction of a 2,125 square foot single family residence with a 1,075 square foot building footprint The project site totals 8,517 square feet and is located along the shoreline of Lake Washington. The proposal would result in a reduction of the 25-foot required Shoreline setback down to a minimum of 19 feet and a reduction of the 5-foot side yard setback down to a minimum of 2 feet A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable Mo,e Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housino Air Aesthetics Water Liaht!Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Uri!ities Animals Transportation Environmental Health Public Services Energy! Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet B. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS Fred Kaufman -Fwd: Brennan Access Ease nt Records From: To: Date: Subject: Jill K. Ding Senior Planner City of Renton Jill Ding Kaufman, Fred 8/27/2007 7:17:01 AM Fwd: Brennan Access Easement Records 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 jding@ci.renton.wa.us Ph: (425) 430-7219 Fx: (425) 430-7300 >» "Brennan, Jerry'' <jerry.brennan@boeing.com> 08/24/2007 3:41 PM »> Jill, Thank you again for your help in Tuesday's hearing, very interesting process. Would you please forward this email on to Fred Kaufman. Mr. Kaufman, Please find the enclosed Access Easements recording records per you request, if you have any other further questions I would be happy to assist you. Easement from Burlington RR for the 30' Crossing over the tracks: King County Record number 19990628001966 Easement across south lot to north 2 lots: King County Record number 19990628001967 Easement across middle lot to north ( 3411 Brennan proposed residence LAU07-069): King County Record number 19990628001968 Here is a link to King County records, I would send you the .PDF but they are big files, just accept the King County disclaimer, hit search records and insert the Instrument number from above. http:i/ Thanks Jerry Brennan jerry. bren nan@boeing.com 425-965-9418 Page 1 Fred Kaufman -Re: Fwd: Brennan Access E From: To: Fred Kaufman Jill Ding ,ent Records Subject: Re: Fwd: Brennan Access Easement Records All correspondence with this office regarding pending land use applications must be part of the public record. Your email and this response will be placed in the official file. Please refrain from replying to this email as that would generate another series of printouts and replies. »> Jill Ding 08/27/07 7:17 AM»> Jill K. Ding Senior Planner City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 jding@ci.rentonwa.us Ph: (425)430-7219 Fx: (425) 430-7300 »> "Brennan, Jerry" <ierry.brennan@boeing.com> 08/24/2007 3:41 PM »> Jill, Thank you again for your help in Tuesday's hearing, very interesting process. Would you please forward this email on to Fred Kaufman. Mr. Kaufman, Please find the enclosed Access Easements recording records per you request, if you have any other further questions I would be happy to assist you. Easement from Burlington RR for the 30' Crossing over the tracks: King County Record number 19990628001966 Easement across south lot to north 2 lots: King County Record number 19990628001967 Easement across middle lot to north ( 3411 Brennan proposed residence LAU07-069): King County Record number 19990628001968 Here is a link to King County records, I would send you the .PDF but they are big files, just accept the King County disclaimer, hit search records and insert the Instrument number from above. http:l/ Thanks Jerry Brennan jerry.brennan@boeing.com 425-965-9418 Page 1 City nton Department of Planning I Building I Pu Vorks ENVIRONMENTAL & DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW SHEET REVIEWING DEPARTMENT: COMMENTS DUE: AUGUST 7, 2007 APPLICATION NO: LUA0?-069, V-A, V-H, SME DATE CIRCULATED: APPLICANT: Jer Brennan PROJECT MANAGE PROJECT TITLE: Brennan Residence Variances SITE AREA: 8,517 s uare feet BUILDING AREA uare feet LOCATION: 3411 Lake Washington Blvd N WORK ORDER NO: 77776 SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL: The applicant is requesting a Shoreline Variance, Setback Variance, and Shoreline Exemption for the construction of a 2,125 square foot single family residence with a 1,075 square foot building footprint. The project site totals 8,517 square feet and is located along the shoreline of Lake Washington. The proposal would result in a reduction of the 25-foot required Shoreline setback down to a minimum of 19 feet and a reduction of the 5-foot side yard setback down to a minimum of 2 feet. A. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (e.g. Non-Code) COMMENTS Element of the Probable Probable More Element of the Probable Probable More Environment Minor Major Information Environment Minor Major Information Impacts Impacts Necessary Impacts Impacts Necessary Earth Housina Air Aesthetics Water Liqht/Glare Plants Recreation Land/Shoreline Use Utilities Animals Transoortation Environmental Health Public Services -Energy/ Historic/Cultural Natural Resources Preservation Airport Environment 10,000 Feet 14,000 Feet 8. POLICY-RELATED COMMENTS C. CODE-RELATED COMMENTS We have reviewed this application with particular attention to those areas in which we have expertise and have identified areas of probable impact or areas where addition in mation is needed properly assess this proposal. lo -7-6 7 Signature of Director Date