HomeMy WebLinkAboutSR_HEX_Mt._Olivet_Power_Generation_Facilities_060926PUBLIC HEARING City of Renton Dep a rtment of Pla nning I Building I Public Works PRELIMINARY REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER A . SUMMARY AND PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Public Hearing Date: September 26, 2006 Project Name: Owner/Applicant! Contact: File Number: Project Descr iption: Proje ct Location: Mt. Olivet Power Generation Facilities Tom Malphrus City of Renton 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 LUA-06-083, SA-H , V-H , SME , Planner: ECF Jill K. Ding , Senior Planner Th e app li can t is request ing Site Pl an approval, Varia nce approval , and Environmental (SEPA) Rev iew for the constr uct ion of a 1,216 sq uare foot power generator bu il d ing to house one sta tio nary and one mobil e d iesel powered generator on a Residentia l Mu lt i-Family (RM -F ) zoned property. T he subjec t p roperty totals 165,092 square feet in area . An existing 3 million ga llon water reservoir and a booster pump stat ion are located on the subject property. The p roposed generators would provide emergency power to the existing booster pump station and we ll s 1, 2, and 3 when commercial power to these facilities is interrupted. The proposed power generator building wou ld requi r e a 5-foot deep cut into a protected slope area. A critical areas variance has been requested to a lter a protected slope. 250 Bronson Way NE City of Renton PIBIPW Department MT. OLIVET POWER GENERATION FACILITIES Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-06-083, SA-H, V-H, SME, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: Sep/ember 26, 2006 Page 2 of B B. EXHIBITS The following exhibits are entered into the record: Exhibit No. 1: Yellow file containing: application, proof of posting and publication, environmental review and other documentation pertinent to this request. Exhibit No. 2: Neighborhood Map. Exhibit No. 3: Site Plan (dated June 16, 2006). Exhibit No. 4: Preliminary Landscape Plan (dated June 20, 2006). Exhibit No. 5 Building Elevations (dated June 15, 2006). Exhibit No. 6: Floor Plan (dated October 17, 2005). Exhibit No. 7: Zoning Map Sheet F4 east Y, (dated 2/16/06). C. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. Owner of Record: Zoning Designation: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation: Existing Site Use: 5. Neighborhood Characteristics 6. 7. 8. North: East: South: West: Access: Site Area: Project Data: Existing Building Area: New Building Area: Total Building Area: City of Renton, 1055 S Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057 Residential Multi-Family (Public) (RM-F (P)) Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) Water reservoir Group Health Cooperative -zoned Commercial Office (CO) Multi-Family Residential -zoned Residential Multi-Family (RM-F) Single Family Residential -zoned Residential -8 dwelling units per acre (R-8) Group Health Cooperative -zoned Commercial Office (CO) Bronson Way NE 165,092 sq. ft. (3.8 acres) Area 10,684 sq. ft. 1,216 sq. ft. 11,864 sq. ft. comments N/A N/A N/A D. HISTORICAUBACKGROUND: Action Zoning Comprehensive Plan Annexation Land Use File No. N/A N/A N/A Ordinance No. 5100 5099 1212 E. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT REGULA T/ONS: 1. Chapter 2 Land Use Districts Section 4-2-020: Purpose and Intent of Zoning Districts Section 4-2-070: Zoning Use Table Section 4-2-11 O.F: Residential Development Standards HEX RPT06-083.doc Date 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 4/20/1945 City of Renton PIBIPW Department MT. OLIVET POWER GENERATION FACILITIES Preliminary Report. to the Hearing Examiner LUA-06-083, SA-H, V-H, SME, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: September 26, 2006 2. Chapter 3 Environmental Regulations and Special Districts 3. Chapter 4 Property Development Standards Section 4-4-030: Development Guidelines and Regulations -General Section 4-4-070: Landscaping Regulations Section 4-4-080: Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations Section 4-4-090: Refuse and Recyclables Standards 4. Chapter 6 Streets and Utility Standards 5. Chapter 9 Procedures and Review Criteria Section 4-9-200: Site Plan Review Section 4-9-2506: Variance Review Criteria 6. Chapter 11 Definitions F. APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1. Land Use Element 2. Environmental Element G. DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/BACKGROUND Page 3 ofB The reservoir and booster pump station sit on a level area of the site that appears to have been terraced into a previously existing slope. The east side of the site slopes upward with slopes in the 25 percent to 40 percent slope range. The west and south edges of the site slope downward with slopes in the 25 percent to 40 percent range. The layout of the proposed building will require a maximum 5-foot deep cut into the slope on the east side of the site. A retaining wall will be constructed to support this cut. A security fence will be constructed to enclose the reservoir, booster pump station and proposed building. The generators will be exercised once a month for approximately 30 minutes each, otherwise the generators will sit idle and will only operate during a power outage. Two conduits in parallel, will serve the Wells 1, 2, and 3 building from the Mt. Olivet site. These conduits will carry power and communications conductors between the two sites. These conduits are currently installed but recent inspection found that several sections need replacement, including the section under Maple Valley Highway, the section in the northwest corner of Cedar River Park, a section of the power conduit in the southwest corner of Cedar River Park, and a section of the communications conduit in the southeast corner of Liberty Park. In order to avoid open cutting Maple Valley Highway, the section under Maple Valley Highway will be replaced by pipe bursting the existing conduits and pulling the new conduits under the h·ighway. This section is approximately 140 feet in length. The section in the northwest corner of Cedar River Park will be replaced by open cutting within the park. This section is approximately 220 feet in length. The section in the southwest corner of Cedar River Park will be replaced by open cutting between the two existing utility vaults. This section is approximately 40 feet in length. The section in the southeast corner of Liberty Park will be replaced by open cutting along an existing pathway. This section is approximately 100 feet in length. Portions of the conduit replacement are located within 200 feet of the Cedar River, which is a Shoreline of the State. A Shoreline Exemption for the work was approved September 15, 2006. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Pursuant to the City of Renton's Environmental Ordinance and SEPA (RCW 43.21 C, 1971 as amended), on August 21, 2006 the Environmental Review Committee issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the project. A 14-day appeal period commenced on August 28, 2006 and ended on September 11, 2006. No appeals of the threshold determination were filed. HEX RPT06-083.doc City of Renton P/8/PW Department Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-06-083, SA-H, V-H, SME, ECF MT. OLIVET POWER GENERATION FACILITIES PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: September 26, 2006 Page 4 of 8 3. ERG MITIGATION MEASURES NIA 4. STAFF REVIEW COMMENTS Representatives from various city departments have reviewed the application materials to identify and address site plan issues from the proposed development. These comments are contained in the official file, and the essence of the comments has been incorporated into the appropriate sections of this report and the Departmental Recommendation at the end of the report. 5. CONSISTENCY WITH SITE PLAN APPROVAL CRITERIA As per RMC 4-9-200.E, "The Reviewing Official shall review and act upon site plans based upon comprehensive planning considerations and the following criteria. These criteria are objectives of good site plans to be aimed for in development within the City of Renton. However, strict compliance with any one or more particular criterion may not be necessary or reasonable. These criteria also provide a frame of reference for the applicant in developing a site, but are not intended to be inflexible standards or to discourage creativity and innovation. The site plan review criteria include, but are not limited to, the following: {A) CONFORMANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ITS ELEMENTS & POLICIES The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation for the project property is Residential Multi- family (RM-F). The multi-family residential land use designation is intended to encourage a range of multi-family living environments that provide shelter for a wide variety of people in differing living situations, from all income levels, and in all stages of life. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are applicable to the proposal: Utilities Element Policy LU-79. Guide and modify development of essential public facilities to meet Comprehensive Plan policies and to mitigate impacts and costs to the City. The proposed facility has been located in a manner such that the least possible impacts to the protected slope would occur. In addition the proposed location would allow for the future construction of a second water reservoir on the subject site. Objective LU-S: Site and design municipal facilities to provide the most efficient and convenient service for people while minimizing adverse impacts on surrounding uses. The proposed facility would be located on the existing water reservoir site: it is not anticipated to have any adverse impacts on the surrounding properties and uses. Environmental Element Policy EN-71. Allow land alteration only for approved development proposals or approved mitigation efforts that will not create unnecessary erosion, undermine the support of nearby land, or unnecessarily scar the landscape. A geotechnical report and a drainage report have been submitted and indicate that the proposed alteration to the protected slope area can be accomplished without creating unnecessary erosion or undermining the remaining slope. Policy EN-76. Design, locate, and construct utility systems in a manner which will preserve the integrity of the existing land forms, drainage ways, and natural systems. The proposed emergency power generators would provide emergency power to the Mt. Olivet booster pump station when commercial power is interrupted. A geotechnical report and a drainage report have been submitted and propose recommendations for constructing the structure on the protected slope area while minimizing the impacts to the slope to the maximum extent. HEX RPT06-083.doc City of Renton P/8/PW Department MT. OLIVET POWER GENERA T/ON FACILITIES PUBLIC HEARING DATE: September 26, 2006 (B) CONFORMANCE WITH LAND USE REGULATIONS Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-06-083, SA-H, V-H, SME, ECF Page 5 of 8 The subject site is zoned Residential Multi-Family (RM-F). The RM-F zone allows for the development of both infill parcels in existing multi-family districts with compatible projects and other multi-family development. The RM-F zone allows small utilities as permitted uses. Development Standards Lot Dimensions -There are no minimum requirements for lot size. The minimum lot width required within the RM-F zone is 50 feet and the minimum lot depth required is 65 feet. The subject site is 3.8 acres in area with a lot width of 220 feet and a lot depth of 420 feet, which complies with these requirements. Building Lot Coverage -The maximum building lot coverage allowed is 35 percent of the total lot area. The overall total of the building footprints after the addition of the proposed 1,216 square foot building would be 11,864 square feet. This generates a total building coverage of 7 percent (11,864 sq. ft. / 165,092 total site sq. ft. = 7 percent), which is below the maximum lot coverage permitted. Setbacks I Landscaping -The required setbacks are as follows, the minimum front and side yard along a street setbacks are 20 ft., the minimum interior side yard setback is 12 ft., and the minimum rear yard setback is 15 ft. The proposed building would maintain a front yard setback of 98 feet, a side yard setback of 82 feet from the northern property line, a side yard setback of in excess of 100 feet from the southern property line and a rear yard setback of 40 feet. The site is currently landscaped with lawn areas. As a result of the project, a 10-foot landscaped strip would be installed along the northern portion of the front building fa9ade and the area between the building and the slope would be landscaped along the northeastern building fa9ade. The proposed landscaping would include 3 Vine Maples, 7 Shore Pines, 21 Evergreen Huckleberry, 20 Sword Ferns, 4 Red Flowering Currents, 3 Serviceberry, 13 Snowberry, 147 Coastal Strawberry, and 31 Dull Oregon Grape. Staff has reviewed the proposed landscape plan and the proposed landscaping appears to comply with the City's landscaping requirements. A detailed landscape plan is required to be submitted with the building permit application. Building Height -The RM-F zone allows a maximum building height of 3 stories and 35 feet. The height of the proposed structures would be 1 story and 24 feet, which is less than the maximum height permitted. Screening -The submitted site plan indicates that there would be no rooftop equipment or refuse and recyclable deposit areas to screen. Parking, Loading, and Driveway Regulations -The applicant has indicated that the existing surface parking lot is more than adequate to accommodate the anticipated 2 vehicle trips per week that the project would generate. Staff concurs that additional parking would not be required for the proposed project. Driveways -The proposed site plan indicates that the proposed structure would utilize and existing driveway off of Bronson Way NE, which currently provides access to the existing parking lot. (C) MITIGATION OF IMPACTS TO SURROUNDING PROPERTIES AND USE The subject site is located within the Residential Multi-Family (Public) (RM-F(P)) zoning designation and is bordered on the north and west by Group Health Medical Center, on the east by multi-family residential development, and on the south by single family residential development. The proposal is not anticipated to adversely affect the surrounding properties as the proposed building would be located on the site where the existing water reservoir and pump station are located. In addition, the applicant has indicated that the generators would be exercised once a month for 30 minutes, otherwise the generators will sit idle and only start during a power outage. The generators would be enclosed within insulated enclosures, which are designed to limit their operating volume to 75dB or lower at the site property line. In addition, the single family HEX RPT06-083.doc City of Renton PIBIPW Department MT. OLIVET POWER GENERATION FACILITIES PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: September 26. 2006 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-06-083, SA-H, V-H, SME, ECF Page 6of8 residential developments are further separated from the site by NE 3'd Street, which is an arterial street and the multi family development is located above the site at the top of the protected slope. It is anticipated that the noise impacts to these surrounding properties would be minimal. Construction activities would result in some noise, dust and traffic impacts on surrounding properties. The applicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan outlining mitigation measures to be employed for minimizing dust, noise and traffic impacts during construction. Potential short-term noise and traffic impacts would result from the initial construction of the project. Existing code provisions that limit construction work hours, and the applicant's construction mitigation plan, which indicates proposed work hours from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, would mitigate these impacts. (D) MITIGATION OF IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN TO THE SITE The proposed structure would be located on the northeastern portion of the subject site to leave adequate area for the future construction of a second water reservoir on the site. The structure would comply with all of the required front, side, and rear yard setback requirements. In addition, adequate parking will be provided on-site. Potential erosion impacts that could occur during project construction would be adequately mitigated by City Code requirements for approval of a Temporary Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (TESCP) and a Construction Mitigation Plan prior to issuance of Construction Permits. (E) CONSERVATION OF AREA-WIDE PROPERTY VALUES The proposed power generation facilities are not expected to decrease property values in the vicinity of the site as the proposed facility would be located the existing water reservoir site. (F) SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY OF VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION The vehicles accessing the site are anticipated to utilize the existing surface parking lot. No pedestrians would access the project site. Construction truck hauling hours are limited to between 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. under the Development Guidelines Ordinance in order to avoid conflicts with peak hour traffic. The Traffic Planning Section will review construction-related impacts prior to issuing final construction permits. (G) PROVISION OF ADEQUATE LIGHT AND AIR The proposed buildings are designed appropriately to allow adequate light and air circulation to the buildings and the site. The design of the building will not result in excessive shading of the property. In addition, there is ample area surrounding the building to provide for normal airflow. The City of Renton Development Standards regulates exterior onsite lighting, including security lighting. Compliance with these regulations (RMC 4-4-075) ensures that all building lights are directed onto the building or the ground and cannot trespass beyond the property lines. Staff does not anticipate that exterior lighting would impact the surrounding buildings and the adjacent uses provided code requirements are met. (H) MITIGATION OF NOISE, ODORS AND OTHER HARMFUL OR UNHEALTHY CONDITIONS It is anticipated that the most significant noise, odor and other potentially harmful impacts would occur during the construction phase of the project. The applicant has submitted a Construction Mitigation Plan that provides measures to reduce construction impacts such as noise, control of dust, traffic controls, etc. The proposed development would not generate any harmful or unhealthy conditions. The applicant has indicated that the generators would be exercised once a month for 30 minutes, otherwise the generators will sit idle and only start during a power outage. It is anticipated that the noise impacts to these surrounding properties would be minimal. HEX RPT06-083.doc City of Renton P!BIPW Department MT. OLIVET POWER GENERA T/ON FACILITIES PUBLIC HEARING DA TE: September 26. 2006 Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-06-083, SA-H, V-H, SME, ECF Page 7 of 8 (I) AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED USE Fire Department, Police and Parks staff have indicated existing facilities are adequate to accommodate the subject proposal, subject to the applicant's payment of the necessary impact fees. Water service and other utilities are available and would be extended and or relocated as necessary to the structures as required by City code. (J) PREVENTION OF NEIGHBORHOOD DETERIORATION AND BLIGHT The proposal would result in the construction of a facility, which would house emergency power generators and would not result in neighborhood deterioration and blight. 6. CONSISTENCY WITH VARIANCE CRITERIA: The Hearing Examiner shall have authority to grant a variance upon making a determination, in writing, that the conditions specified below have been found to exist. Section 4-9-250B.10 lists 10 criteria that the Hearing Examiner is asked to consider, along with all other relevant information, in making a decision on a Variance application. These include the following: 1. Public policies have been evaluated and it has been determined by the Department Administrator that the public's health, safety, and welfare is best served; The proposed variance is requested to alter a protected slope for the construction of a building, which would house emergency power generators. The generators would provide emergency power to the Mt. Olivet Booster Pump Station and Wells 1, 2, & 3 when commercial power to these facilities is interrupted. These facilities are key components in the City of Renton's drinking water supply system. With emergency power, these facilities will be able to operate and provide water for fire fighting and commercial, industrial, and domestic consumption during local or regional power outages caused by storms, earthquakes, fire, accidents, terrorist acts or other incidents. 2. Each facility must conform to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and with any adopted public programs and policies; See discussion above for compliance with the Comprehensive Land Use policies. 3. Each facility must serve established, identified public needs; The facility is designed to provide emergency power to drinking water wells and a water booster pump station so that they may continue to operate during power outages, providing water for fire fighting and commercial, industrial, and residential potable water consumption. The need for back up power supplies for these facilities is identified in City of Renton Water System Plan, February 2006. 4. No practical alternative exists to meet the needs; The proposed generator building is located to allow for the construction of a second water reservoir on the Mt. Olivet Reservoir site. The current reservoir at the Mt. Olivet Reservoir site was constructed in 1954 and is nearing the end of its useful life. The Water Utility plans to build a second reservoir at the Mt. Olivet Reservoir site to replace or supplement the original reservoir, depending on demand forecasts. In order to ensure continuity of water supply service during construction of the new reservoir, the Water Utility plans to build the new reservoir before taking the current reservoir out of service for demolition or rebuilding. The location of the proposed facility is designed to provide space at the Mt. Olivet reservoir site for the existing water reservoir, the existing booster pump station, a new water reservoir and the proposed facility. This will allow the Water Utility to fulfill its primary function as a potable water supplier to the citizens of the City of Renton. 5. The proposed action takes affirmative and appropriate measures to minimize and compensate for unavoidable impacts; A retaining wall has been designed to prevent slope failure where the slope will be cut to accommodate the facility. A structural engineer designed the retaining wall for the facility. The structural engineer based the design on the information provided by the Engineering Geology Report prepared for the facility. There HEX RPT06-083.doc City of Renton P/BIPW Department MT. OLIVET POWER GENERATION FACILITIES Preliminary Report to the Hearing Examiner LUA-06-083, SA-H, V-H, SME, ECF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: September 26. 2006 Page 8 of 8 is no foreseeable impact to surrounding properties as a result of the small cut into the toe of the steep slope required for the construction of the facility. The facility will be located a distance of approximately 70 feet from the nearest adjacent properties, which are located to the north and east of the facility. There are no known utilities or structures located on the steep slope above the proposed facility. 6. The proposed activity results in no net loss of regulated wetland or stream/lake area, value, or function in the drainage basin where the wetland, stream or lake is located; The activity would result in no net loss of regulated wetland or stream/lakes area, value, or function. 7. The proposed activities will not jeopardize the continued existence of endangered, threatened or sensitive species as listed by the Federal government or the State; The proposal would not jeopardize any endangered, threatened or sensitive species. 8. That the proposed activities will not cause significant degradation of groundwater or surface water quality; The proposal would not significantly degrade ground or surface water quality. 9. The approval as determined by the Hearing Examiner is a minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose; and The proposed 5-foot cut into the protected slope area is the minimum variance necessary that would allow for the construction of the proposed 1,216 square foot building and allow for the future construction of a water reservoir onsite. 1 O. The proposed variance is based on consideration of the best available science as described in WAC 365-195-905; or where there is an absence of valid scientific information, the steps in RMC 4- 9-250F are followed. The Engineering Geology Report was prepared in accordance with best available science and this report was used by the structural engineer to design a retaining wall to stabilize the steep slope. H. RECOMMENDA T/ON: Staff recommends approval of the Mt. Olivet Power Generation Facilities, Project File No. LUA-06- 083, SA-H, V-H, SME, ECF. EXPIRATION PERIODS: Site Plan Approvals (SA): Two (2) years from the final approval (signature) date. HEX RPT06-083.doc \. \ I • \ \ / / / \, \ // / -< ___,,-f, . ' ;:c--- ////_.,,,/ / //~/- _/. :11! -~