HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 1Basic Agreement Supplement #1 Total Direct Salary Cost 9,160$ 9,160$ Overhead (Including Payroll Additives)17,333$ 17,333$ Direct Non-Salary Costs 738$ 97,265$ 98,003$ Fixed Fee 2,748$ 2,748$ Total 29,979$ 97,265$ 127,244$ Exhibit "A" City of Renton Williams Ave. S. & Wells Ave. S. Conversion Project Summary of Payments 1 Exhibit “A-1” Scope of Services Wells Ave S & Williams Ave S Conversion Project – Community Outreach Planning and Phase 1 Subconsultant Enviroissues will provide the following services: BACKGROUND The City of Renton will start construction in Spring 2020 on a project to convert Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S from one-way to two-way operations. The project also enhances pedestrian and bicyclist facilitations and improves traffic operations and circulation in Downtown. Improvements include adding raised intersections with bulb outs, lighting, street furniture, streetscape, bike racks, signage, wayfinding and converting Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S to two-way traffic operations. This project is one of the strategies identified in the City Center Community Plan. The project enhances downtown Renton as a destination area, while improving circulation, reducing traffic speeds and enhancing pedestrian safety. A feasibility study, including a Downtown Circulation Traffic Analysis for the conversion to two‐way operations was completed. The project is funded through local, state and federal dollars, with a 2016 grant supporting the project’s final design and construction. Some outreach and stakeholder engagement activities have been conducted by the City during the community planning process, and two open house events and engagement with the Chamber of Commerce and North Renton neighborhood have taken place specific to the project. ASSUMPTIONS: · Construction is expected to start in mid- to late-April 2020, beginning with Phase 1 focused on utility work. · The duration of this task order is assumed to be April 2, 2020 through July 31, 2020. · This will include pre-construction planning activities for the full project, support for Phase 1 construction communications and preliminary outreach for Phase 2 activities. TASKS AND DELIVERABLES This scope includes the following major tasks: · Task 1: Project Management and Team/Contractor Coordination · Task 2: Outreach Materials · Task 3: Meetings, Briefings and Events · Task 4: Communications and Outreach Tracking and Documentation Task 1: Project Management and Team/Contractor Coordination Task includes all administrative and management activities, including maintaining the Subconsultant scope of work, schedule, budget, and deliverables; managing risk, change and quality; and communicating with the City of Renton. Activities include: · Public outreach planning meetings: Up to sixteen (16) coordination meetings with City of Renton and key construction management and/or contractor personnel. Meetings occur approximately weekly. Assumes twelve (12) meetings are completed via Remote online participation with in- person attendance for up to four (4) meetings. 2 · Weekly construction meetings: Up to sixteen (16) construction meetings with the contractor, City of Renton and key construction management personnel. Meetings occur approximately weekly. Assumes twelve (12) meetings are completed via Remote online participation with in-person attendance for up to four (4) meetings. · Review of relevant background materials provided by the City and windshield tour. · Monthly progress reports: Monthly reports that include accomplishments in previous period, activities next period, changes in scope/schedule/budget, issues, and action items. Monthly invoice shall be separated at the task level. · Management and oversight of all work products including adherence to scope, schedule, budget, and quality. Task 2: Outreach Planning & Materials Task includes comprehensive outreach planning and all public-facing outreach materials, including online, print, and creative outreach materials. EnviroIssues will integrate the City of Renton’s style branding and equitable outreach principles into materials development (e.g., multilingual materials, Braille materials). Activities include: · Construction Engagement & Communications Plan (CECP): Development of a plan to detail proposed engagement and communications goals for the entire project, including: goals, tools and tactics, methods for engaging with people who have been historically underrepresented, proposed schedule of outreach activities, key messages, and identification of risks and opportunities. · Fact sheet: Up to two updates to project fact sheet (ahead of construction and part way through Phase 1). Fact sheet is a concise, visually engaging handout to share the latest status of the project design, schedule, and public input and contact opportunities. · Project mailing: Design and develop one project-area mailings to share construction plans and phasing and information about an online open house. Postage, printing, and mail house costs will be covered directly by the City of Renton. · Contact card for contractor: Up to one (1) updated contact card that includes email and daytime hotline number for the contractor and other field personnel to hand out to the public as needed. · PowerPoint: Develop one PowerPoint presentation template that explains construction phasing with one update part-way through Phase 1 construction, plus minor customizations for individual briefings. · Media strategy: Assumes City of Renton is responsible for media strategy, including serving as media spokesperson. · Project website updates: Provide updated content for up to three updates of the project page, such as news, photos, documents and graphics, as well as updates on public feedback and outreach efforts. Web content will be submitted to City for review, approval and posting. · Project emails: Plan and produce up to eight (8) project milestone email updates to share construction planning information, updates at key milestones and to encourage public participation. · Online open house: Develop content and produce one (1) online open house to expand public information about what to expect during construction; includes one (1) major revision to the online open house during Phase 1/ahead of Phase 2. · Display advertisements: Design and develop up to two (2) display advertisements promoting the online open house and patronage of small businesses during initial construction phase. · Corridor construction signage: Design of up to two (2) unique signs that can be displayed along the corridor to share information about construction. City of Renton will cover the cost of printing and purchasing signs. · Construction flyers: Up to four (4) construction alert flyers notifying businesses and/or residents of construction plans and impacts. These will be shared via email and/or through up to two (2) in person flyering events should the COVID-19 health and safety guidelines shift in future months. 3 Task 3: Meetings, Briefings and Events Task includes all meetings, briefings and events during construction phase 1 and in preparation for phase 2, including both informal and formal outreach methods needed to reach the Wells & Williams project corridor. Activities include: · Individual property owner/tenant outreach in project area: o Development of impacts matrix to identify key design elements and construction impacts for each parcel. o Development of parcel-specific letters outlining project benefits and impacts pertinent for each property. Postage, printing, and mail house costs will be covered directly by the City of Renton. o Conducting a complete round of outreach to corridor business and residents (up to 60 direct calls) to build relationships, share construction resources and information and collect input on a pre-construction survey. These visits will be conducted via phone and email given COVID-19 guidelines. The City will provide a contact list from past outreach and the Chamber outreach list. Information collected in the survey process will be shared with the City/construction management team to inform schedule planning and in-field support needed to best accommodate construction and individual property/tenant needs. · Briefings: Develop briefing plan and schedule and support up to 10 briefings. Monthly briefings with the Chamber of commerce and other business and property owners, community groups, media and elected officials, and other stakeholders. Includes scheduling, providing A/V support as needed, attending and tracking action items and public input. Assumes a combination of remote and in-person participation. · Open houses: Given the current COVID-19 guidelines, it is not expected an in person open house will be the best or safest way to engage people, instead an online open house will be hosted, and direct information mailed to the community. At this conclusion of the online open house period, public input will be summarized and shared on the project website. Task 4: Communications and Outreach Tracking and Documentation Activities include: · Maintain a log of all public contact regarding the project, noting comments received and responses provided. The log shall also track all commitments made to stakeholders by the City. This log is meant to track all communications forms (i.e., emails, phone calls, one-on-one outreach, briefings, meetings, workshops, open houses, etc.) Assume up to 200 communications. · Staff construction hotline staffed daily during business hours. Assumes twenty-five (25) calls during this phase. · Track construction issues: Maintain a tracking document of construction issues and their status. This document will help ensure property owners and community concerns are being addressed and new construction information is adequately communicated. Budget assumes bi-weekly updates. · Draft responses to public comments and inquiries for City review, respond to inquiries directly as appropriate based on discussion with City. Develop a response protocol to accompany this process. Up to fifty (50) responses during this period. · Develop and coordinate review of key messages (one original and up to 2 updates) for project communications. Includes development of speaking points that address the priorities of various communities, concerns and interests. · Develop and maintain an internal Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list. This will be a living document that will be revised as needed throughout the life of the project; budget assumes monthly updates. Consultant Fee Determination Summary Project: Williams & Wells Client: City of Renton Consultant: Perteet, Inc. SUBCONSULTANTS Cost Markup Amount Enviroissues $88,423.00 1.10 $97,265.30 Total Subconsultants $97,265.30 CONTRACT TOTAL $97,265 Prepared By : Rahmi Kutsal, PE Date:April 2, 2020 Exhibit "D" Page 1 Subconsultant Fee Determination Summary Project: Williams & Wells Client: City of Renton/Perteet, Inc. Subconsultant: Enviroissues, Inc. DIRECT SALARY RATES Classification Hours Rate Amount Outreach Staff 1 128 $30.00 $3,840.00 Outreach Staff 2 214 $31.00 $6,634.00 A-2 245 $36.00 $8,820.00 A-3 102 $46.00 $4,692.00 Digital A-3 13 $52.00 $676.00 Graphic Designer 43 $42.00 $1,806.00 Principal 23 $70.00 $1,610.00 SA 2 $60.00 $120.00 Digital A-2 6 $42.00 $252.00 Total Direct Salary Costs $28,450.00 Overhead @ 160.37%$45,625.27 (DSC x OH) Fixed Fee @ 30.00%$8,535.00 (DSC x Fee) Total Labor Costs $82,610.27 REIMBURSABLES Expenses Cost Markup Amount Miscellaneous Expenses $5,813.00 1.00 $5,813.00 Total Expenses $5,813.00 CONTRACT TOTAL $88,423 Prepared By : Enviroissues Date:April 2, 2020 Exhibit "E" Page 1 Agency: City of Renton Date: 04/08/2020 Factor Weight (.17 to .35) Value Degree of Risk 0.3 7.5 Relative Difficulty of Work 0.3 6 Size of Job 0.35 5.25 Period of Performance 0.35 5.25 Assistance by the State 0.25 3.75 Sub‐Consulting 0.17 1.7 29.45 25 20 15 15 15 10 Federal Project No.:  REN‐40 Independent Calculation For Consultant Fee Rate Project Name: Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S   (Public Outreach) Prepared By: KRW Weighted Guidelines Agency: City of Renton Date: 04/08/2020 Factor Weight (.17 to .35) Value Degree of Risk 0.3 7.5 Relative Difficulty of Work 0.3 6 Size of Job 0.35 5.25 Period of Performance 0.35 5.25 Assistance by the State 0.25 3.75 Sub‐Consulting 0.17 1.7 29.45 10 Federal Project No.:  REN‐40 Independent Calculation For Consultant Fee Rate Project Name: Williams Ave S and Wells Ave S Conversion Project  (CM) Prepared By: KRW Weighted Guidelines 25 20 15 15 15